Unusual Chinese culture. Design work "Chinese cuisine" Chinese cuisine presentation in English

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Chinese cuisine is one of the most exotic and diverse kitchens in the world. The worldwide fame of the Chinese national cuisine brought its diversity and the firm conviction of China's best chefs that there can be almost everything, just need to be able to prepare it correctly. In China, they say: "Inedible no, there are bad chefs." Habitual products for us with careful cooking acquire a new taste.

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The Chinese are preparing very quickly, taking advantage of five ways to cooking foods: products are filled and extinguished, fry until half-prepared or readiness, roast, less often boil. The main taste prevailing in this national kitchen, sour-sweet. China is practically not used dairy products. The recipe of almost all dishes includes many spicy herbs (and in a certain set and ratio), most of which are both drugs. It is not surprising that in the antiquity of the profession of cook, Lekary and Pharmacists usually combined. In Chinese cuisine there is a common feature - this combination would seem absolutely different products to prepare national dishes.

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The Chinese have breakfast early, mostly rice decoction, in which other products have been added. Lunch in China falls for 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Most of the Chinese employees eat on a lunch break in nearby cafes and restaurants. They dine in China on European standards are also early enough - to seven in the evening. The usual first dishes are served at the end of the meal, after cold and hot snacks.

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The most common flour products in Chinese cuisine - pampushki, noodles and dumplings. Food on the New Year's table has a special meaning. The name of traditional Chinese dumplings is consonant with the word "change". The Chinese hieroglyph "shrimp" is similar to the human laugh, so this dish is considered suitable for the holiday. Long rice noodles symbolizes longevity, and fish is abundance.

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In the south of the country, rice replaces bread, and in the north, together with rice, flour products, such as pampels and cakes, use. Wrapped rice without salt and served in the glasses usually to cold and hot snacks, broths and salted vegetables.

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For ducks in China, almost a reverent attitude. Chinese ducks differ from European. They have a very fleshy back, wide muscular breast and thick legs. In addition, the ducks are fed in a special, grain and ginger. Prepare ducks, as a rule, entirely. Duck meat has a pleasant sweet-stuck taste, and it is low-fat. Dishes from ducks - one of the most beloved among the Chinese, they are even the virtue of verse.

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Any meal in China begins with a green savory tea. Such tea drinking for the Chinese is a kind of ritual and is called "Gunfu-Cha".

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In China, it is believed that food people are given by the sky, as a result of which the Chinese are not familiar with the concept of "snack". Food is always regarded as the moment of admission to the culture of the nation. Dishes for meals are selected so that liquid and soft eats are dominated among them. The meal begins with folding on the components. First drink green tea, without sugar and milk. Eating the Chinese, not in a hurry and gradually enjoying the process. The guest in a sign of special attention, the highest care and respect, it is customary to put a treat with his chopsticks in Pial. Then go to the rice, which is eating, mixing the top layer in the pile with the sauce. In conclusion, the meal is served broth and tea again, but some oil add to it. It is the composition and order that is considered the most favorable for digestion.

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From time immemorial in China, it is customary with chopsticks. First, it is convenient: the wanderer did not need to carry cutlery with him, because the sticks were easily cut out of any tree. Secondly, it is useful: chopsticks can not be seized more than you can ship.

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The first Chinese sticks were made of bamboo and in appearance resembled nippers. Later they became separate and they reached our time. Now Chinese sticks are made from a wide variety of materials: bones, metal, plastics and wood.

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In appearance, Chinese sticks can be a pyramidal form, flat, with thick or fine ends, and their cross-section can be square, oval, round or with rounded corners. Disassemble disposable and reusable Chinese sticks. Reusable Chinese sticks paint and lacquer, they are decorated with ornaments, inlaid with a mother of pearl and metal ...

China National Kitchen Good
known all over the world, it is very
Ancient kitchen, which is their roots
It is still in the era of Neolithic.
China is a huge country, so in
every region has its own
National Kitchen Conditioned
climatic features
geographical position, history
and traditions of the relevant

There are so-called eight
Species of Chinese cuisine:
1, Cantonese 广东
2, Anhuji 徽徽
3, Fujianskaya 福建
4, Hunanskaya 湖南
5, Jiangsuchka 江苏
6, Shandong 山东
7, Sichuan 四川
8, Zhejiang 浙江

Acute and oily
Fat fresh
重油 新鲜
Salted 重 盐

Oil I.
Cantonese: Sweet, famous
With your gentle and crispy
dishes 甜 以 柔软 爽脆 的 菜闻

Soft I.
Fresh 柔软 鲜
fragrant, sweet and
Fresh 香 味甘 而 鲜

Ho, today I want to imagine
Two famous
Traditional dishes:
1. "Peking Duck" - one of
most famous dishes
Chinese cuisine.
2. Yunnan Cross Bridge
Rice noodles
"Gozzyamysian" - most
Famous dish in my

"Peking Duck"

It is a sulfur sulfur, C
detached skin by injection under
The skin of the air baked in a special
Furnaces on firewood from a cherry tree.
The preparation and frying process takes
About two days. When feeding a carcass on the table
Ducks are cut by 80-120 thin slices,
Each necessarily with a piece of skins.
Meat and slicer of ducks that should be
crispy, fine and low-fat, served with
Mandarine Pancakes, Young
onion, outcropped in the form of brushes, and
sauces: sweet burdock sauce or
Sauce "Hoisin". Additionally, can
Be enabled other separate
Components, such as cucumbers cut
straw. Eat duck, wrapping pieces
Meat with a skirt in pancakes,
pre-accelated sauce when
Assistance onion brushes.

Yunnan Crossbars Bridge Rice
Noodle "Goziaomysian

yunnan province

Rice noodles (Gozzyamyan) - Krenci bridge Rice noodles:
This is a traditional province dish
Yunnan, which is based on
Rice noodles.
1: cups of pre-cooked noodles;
2: Big cup of fat very hot
chicken (meat) broth;
3: Cups with sliced \u200b\u200bpork, liver and
Chicken, chicken fresh

Dinner is only necessary to lower
meat, vegetables and noodles in broth and you can
Get back.

And why noodles called cross bribes
Rice noodles?
In the old scientist
put in prison, which was on
Island in the middle of the lake.
Every day his wife passed to the island by
Bridge and brought him food.
But no matter how hard she tried, the food cooled
faster than she managed to walk to place
Conclusion of a husband.
Wise woman found a way out of the situation:
She noticed that fat chicken broth
cools much slower than others
Then she began to bring them separately, but on
Place lay out in broth.

1. Introduction

China is a country of large distances, colossal differences. The nature and life of people of this multinational state is extremely diverse. And prepare everywhere, naturally, in different ways.

Kitchen development of a huge China has no millennium. It includes many different techniques that are used only in this country. As the Chinese say, "a good cook goes to move, everything except the moon and reflection in the water", and that is why this kitchen attracted my attention and became the theme of this course work.

Chinese culinary art has developed at least 3,000 years ago and since then has changed very little. A modern man whines the extreme antiquity and the archaic of this kitchen itself, and its techniques that require large spending time and labor seem to be "Chinese ceremonies", that is, something completely unnecessary. However, only China's Culinary Axes connoisseurs can prepare dishes really in Chinese so that they have a true national taste and color. After all, the Chinese culinary exotic is not so much in the amazing products, as in the peculiarities of their preparation: exceptional care and jewelry accuracy in the processing of raw materials. In addition, the Chinese had rarely had to eat, since the mouths were always more than food. Therefore, China's cooking is focused on economical preparation and omnivores. In China, everyone that runs, flies, crawls and swims. "There is no bad food - there are bad chefs!" - Here is the commandment of Chinese cuisine.

In the year before last, television saw the transfer of the festive ceremony about the conduct of the All-China exhibition, which took place in the open air on the central square of the city.

As part of this exhibition, the Interregional Championship of the People's Republic of China on cooking was held. The exhibition took place in the city of Chenda is the center of Sichuan Province.

Sichuan is called the gastronomic and culinary meccia of China; The kitchen of this province, where more than twenty nationalities and nationalities live, organically swam not few ethnic cuisines, creating a rich cooking with a bright palette of dishes. Known traditions of hospitality and hospitality of this province. Also there is one of the most prestigious and well-known Institute of Cooking.

Before carrying out, the tribunes for guests were constructed. During the holiday, a colorful demonstration of culinary masterpieces of the best chefs and masters of China was held simultaneously with the concerts of creative singing and dance groups that replaced each other. The youth was dressed in national costumes of different nationalities of China. The music thundered, the gigantic red dragons wriggled (without them in China, not one holiday). The festive procession completed the sparkling fireworks.

The main purpose of the course work is a deep study of the features and technologies of cooking dishes of Chinese cuisine, as well as the preparation of technological maps, technological schemes, calculation cards and the calculation of energy value for all dishes. Develop an integrated making skills in Chinese cuisine.

2. Features of Chinese cuisine

Chinese cuisine is widely known all over the world with its diversity and sophistication. Highlighting the high art of Chinese chefs, often leads such a saying: "There are no inedible things. There are bad cooks. " Indeed, in China, more than 2 thousand different plants are used in food (for comparison - in Europe and America, together being taken into eating 2 times less), as well as more than 400 types of fauna, including many species of reptiles, amphibians and insects.

Another feature of Chinese cuisine is its local and national diversity. It has more than a dozen local kitchens, differing not only by the set of products and their taste, but also the technology of cooking dishes. Four largest cuisine are considered the most famous: Guangzhou (Cantonese), Sichuan, Shandong and Anhui.

The characteristic features of Chinese cuisine include taste contrast, which is achieved by the use of seasonings and spices, an unusual combination of sweet, salty, sour and sharp, peculiar cooking technology. The cooking process itself takes a little time, but it is preceded by a long preliminary preparation of products and their thorough seed. Five cooking methods are used: the products are filled and extinguished, slightly attached, fry until semi-prepared or readiness, roasted.

Vegetable fats (beanova, soy, cotton, peanut butter) are used in cooking, there are no dairy products, creamy and fuel oil, margarine, solid cheeses. This does not concern the kitchens of Mongolian, Tibetan and Turkic peoples.

Most dishes are prepared in boiling vegetable oil in a kotlifier deep frying pan with a hemispherical bottom.

To the main meal (Zhushi), the Chinese include cereal and flour dishes. This is, first of all, Pampushka Manotou, Jiaojse dumplings, Baozze's steam pies, Huntun ears, various cakes and dishes from Martyao noodles. Delmeni, depending on the cooking method, there are boiled in water (Shui Jiaoceza), large steam (PJSC Jiaocene), fried (Gote Jiaocez). Meat in mince put in small quantities. Significant part of the filling - greens, abrade, cabbage, zucchini, onions. Similar stuffing is stuffed with Baocet. Often garlic is served to dumplings and Baocet, and as seasonings - vinegar and soy sauce.

From the crust is most appreciated. Chinese bread do not use. Baked white bread eaten like cookies.

The Chinese food includes many legumes: soybean oil, soy milk, soy cottage cheese and others. Scented crops are an important source of protein in the Chinese food. They partly compensate for the limited consumption of meat. Many Chinese dishes are in their composition mushrooms.

Vegetables are rarely eaten in raw form, it is not customary to do and salads. Most often, raw vegetables are slightly covered or roasting, it more corresponds to Chinese taste habits and contributes to the destruction of microbes.

It should be said about the Chinese samovar intended for the preparation of meat dishes. The most famous - Shuan-Jan-Zhou. A frozen lamb is served onto the table, sliced \u200b\u200bby very thin plates, and cabbage leaves. Chopsticks take a piece of meat, lowered in boiling water, and as soon as the meat was welded, and this happens very quickly, then it is taken out, macating in spices and eaten. Also boil and cabbage.

One of the most famous Chinese dishes is the Beijing Duck. From one carcass, approximately 120 pieces are obtained. On the table put sliced \u200b\u200bmeat, thin pancakes, thick sweet bean sauce and pieces of onions. Hands take one pancake, put it on the palm of the left hand, fool sticks into the sauce and smear damn. Then they put on the pancake onion and meat, two hands turn it into the tube, the ends bend and eat like a pie.

The Chinese are extremely appreciated by fish. One of the most famous and delicious Chinese fish dishes is a fish in the sour-sweet sauce (dancing Yu). On the sides of the body of the fish make transverse cuts and roasted it in boiling oil. Fish acquires such a soft, which is eaten entirely with bones.

Important components of Chinese cuisine: trepanga, shrimp, crabs, octopuses, jellyfish, Caracatians, various mollusks, oysters, seashells, edible algae. Especially common shrimp. It is used in food frog meat. It is called "field chicken" - Tianze.

Traditional drink in China - tea is usually served before meals. After a meal, unlike the Russians, tea does not use tea in China. Very popular among the Chinese and beer, it replaces strong alcoholic drinks, which are used in moderate and even small doses.

In China, many different restaurants, canteens and eateries. Each restaurant specializes usually on any Chinese cuisine. The table is served so that each sitting has a plate, a small peeled with a porcelain spoon and sticks. Alcohol usually spill waiters. Also put glasses for beer or water.

In the house, the owner of the table is touched first to snacks. He takes a snack chopstick and puts first first, and then the second guest and only then for himself. Some dishes he puts a spoon. After that, the owner rotates a tray clockwise so that the rest is convenient to take snacks.

If you are visiting the table, then you need to show restraint. By tradition, the guest must eat and drink little. At least if the plate and a glass of guest is empty, it means that he is missing.

If you are the owner, then you need to follow the guest's plate to be not empty, and a glass and a glass to fill immediately, and not to expect as accepted in Russia, the next toast.

In China, usually eat with the help of Kuyzze - couples of sticks. Sticks during meals are put on a special stand or next to a plate. In no case can not stick sticks vertically in the dish, for example, in the pile with rice, as it resembles the memorial candles.

Being at the table, follow the owners behave, follow their example, so as not to get to come. Do not be shy to contact the knowledgeable neighbors for explaining about the name of the dishes and how there are them.

The centuries-old hunger and the malnutrition of the nation today replaced with food abundance. But the traditions and rules worked out for difficult century live today, although we are modified as the welfare of the people. National Chinese traditions and rules of food, behavior at the desk by the observation guest will be able to tell a lot about the owners and will help to understand the National Spirit.

3. Cooking technology Chinese cuisine

3.1 Cold dishes and snacks

8 g of pork sala
50 g of purified shrimp
1.5g. Sololi.
10g. corn flour
1 egg protein
White pepper
40g. White bread without crust
30 g of sesame grains
120g. vegetable oil.
Mix fat, shrimp, salt, corn flour and egg squirrel. Season with white pepper. Squeeze the garbage sliced \u200b\u200bminced meat and sprinkle with a thick layer of sesame grains from above. Put the sesame to the mince and cut each slice of 4 triangles.

Heat the oil in the frying pan "Wok" before the appearance of the haze, slightly reduce the fire and carefully lower the triangles with the smeared side down. Forex for 2-3 minutes to golden color. Consider on absorbent kitchen paper. Serve hot.

Exit: 100g.

Pepper vegetable salad

Cabbage Belococcal 180g.

carrots 40g.

pepper pod red dried,

ginger 1g.

pepper scented 7g.

oil sesame 20g.

sugar 10g.

The white cabbage is cut with checkers, raw carrots - circles or straw, red podpper - squares. The prepared cabbage is boiled together with carrots until half-welded, and then fold off, carefully pressed water, fill with salt, sugar, bite and stirred. In a strongly heated sesame oil, fragrant peppers are laid, it is heated not more than half-minute and removed; In the same oil, the oil is put on the red pepper and immediately (after 1-2 seconds) remove the frying pan from the fire, and the oil together with red pods pour into refueling vegetables, stirred and cooled

Exit: 175g.

Sweet Cucumber Salad

Cucumbers 91g.

Sand Sand 5g.

Vinegar wine 10g.

Ginger 15g.

Sesame. oil 10g.

Dissolve sugar in wine vinegar so that the syrup is "syrup." Prepare, finely cut cucumbers. Sprinkle with ginger, sprinkling "syrup" from vinegar. Mix.

Exit: 100g.

Radish salad with carrots

Radishes 46g.

Carrots 51g.

Onion 12g.

Oil rustled. 10g.

Sugar - Sand 5g.

Raw radishes and carrots, clean and cut into straw, flush with salt. Leave for 5 -7 min. Add finely chopped onion, sugar and vegetable oil. Mix.

Exit: 100g.

Tomato salad

Fresh tomatoes 150g.

Sugar sand 30g.

Tomatoes are cut with 3 mm thick circles, put a slide into a salad bowl and sprinkled with sugar.
Exit: 150g.

Radish Salad with Luc

Radish 90g.

onions green 10g.

oil sesame 20g.

The radish is cut with straw, mixed with chopped green onions, add salt and sesame oil. Ready salad put into a salad bowl. Sometimes a hot liquid rice porridge (Damich Zhou) is served separately, which is boiled in the usual way.

Exit: 100g.

3.2 Soups

Mutton soup with cucumbers

Sweet Sweet Soup

30g. dried winter mushrooms

25g. thinly chopped Sichuan canned vegetables;
25g. thinly sliced \u200b\u200bchinese marinated green vegetables;
18g. Slice of fresh ginger root;
250g. water;

5g. rice wine or dry sherry;
30g. light soy sauce;
100g. Tofu (Soy Curd);
10g. corn flour (starch) divorced in water;
8g. Sesame oil.

Sweep the mushrooms, break the legs, squeeze all the liquid from them and put it finely.

In the medium sized pan mix all the ingredients, except for corn flour and sesame oil, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Pour the corn flour diluted with water and cook on slow heat, stirring until it thickens, then add sesame oil.

Output: 500g.

Chinese chicken broth

Beef soup with asparagus

250g. Chinese chicken broth;
8g. rice wine or dry sherry;
4g. sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
40g. divorced corn flour (starch);
155 g Very subtle sliced \u200b\u200bfillet steak;
Ground white pepper;
120 g of a large disturbed canned asparagus (without liquid);
2 slightly whipped egg squirrels.

Boil the chicken broth, rice wine and salt in a large saucepan. Reduce fire to weak boil and pour, stirring, corn flour. Bring to a boil, stirring, and boil until it thickens. Reduce fire to weak boil.

Save the steak, add rice wine and pepper. Put asparagus and steak into the broth and cook for 10 minutes. Breaking up to strong boiling and pour two egg whites with a thin jet.

Output: 500g .

Eggs soup

105g. pork

50g. vegetable oil

220g. Spinach

1g. Ground red pepper

15g. Soy Sauce.

Prepared pork cut into thin slices. Spinach rinse and chop finely. Buck eggs. Put vegetable oil in a pan, fry crushed onions, and then lay out pork and fry 2 minutes. Bring water to boil, omitted to fasten pork, then spinach and after 1-2 minutes whipped eggs, bring to a boil and peck for 1-2 minutes. Before serving to the table, put in soup a little sodium gluconate.

Output: 500g.

3.3 Fish dishes technology

Fish, fried in sour sweet sauce

Fish 200 g

starch 20g.

egg 1/4 pcs

salo Pork 30g.

soy sauce 5g.

vodka 10g.

onion 10g.

onions green 10g.

ginger 10g.

sugar 20g.

vinegar 10g.

broth 20g.

Pike perch fillet is cut by strokes, wetted in a mixture of protein and starch, diluted with cold water (1: 1), fry in deep breath and fold. At the same time they boil a mixture of vodka, vinegar, starch, diluted with cold water (1: 2), not refilled broth, salt, sugar, finely chopped ginger, repusted and green onions, sliced \u200b\u200bby slices. The prepared mixture is poured into a frying pan with fat and boil up to thickening, continuously stirring. Fish and, shaking frying pan, stirred fish with sauce, after which melted swine fat

Exit: 260g.

Kambala in Chinese

· Kambala 179g

· Soy sprouts 60g

· Mushrooms 50g

· Leek 80g

· Sand 15g

· Soy sauce 20g

Clear fish, rinse, salute, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Fry to ruddy crust in oil. In a separate saucepan, smear soybean sprouts, mushrooms, onions, apple vinegar 1 tbsp. l. In another dish, cook sauce: turn the sand into a burnt sugar. Then add sauce to vegetables, pour the soy sauce. We put fish on the dish, lay out vegetables and water allocated sauce. Serve with boiled potatoes.

Output: 280g.

Cool-sweet carp "Black Chrysanthemum"

· Carp fillets 112g

· Salt 2 g

· Vinegar 10 ml

· Tomato sauce (Chinese ketchup) 50 ml

· Sugar 40 g

· Starch 60 g

· Dissolved starch in water 35 ml

· Broth 40 g

· Sesame oil 10 ml

· Pork fat 50g

· Red Fastened Wine 5ml

· Garlic 2g

Put the fillet on the cutting board of the skin down and apply diagonal cuts without damaging the skin. There should be 20 pieces. On each piece to apply the grid of cuts and pour the mixture of wine, salt and starch. Then remove the extra starch from pieces. Mix in a bowl of vinegar, sugar, tomato sauce, broth and starch solution. Put the pan on a strong fire. Melt pork fat. Preheat fat almost to boil and put fish into it. Fry in deep fryer (melted pork fat) to brown, and then lay out on the dish. Almost all fat merge from the frying pan and put on fire. In the remaining fat, fry garlic. Add a mixture of seasonings and sesame oil. Pour into fish and serve on the table.

Output: 240g

Cabbage with shrimps

cabbage Belococcal 233g

fresh-frozen shrimps 100g

fat pig 25g

greens of parsley 4g

Cabbage Cut straws. Shrimps rinse, remove the shell and dry. Compressed shrimp slightly fry in fat, then put the cabbage, fry, stirring, until readiness, salt. Serve a hot dish by placing greens.

Output: 280g

3.4 Technology of cooking meat dishes

3g. rice wine or dry sherry

60g. Corn flour (starch)

125g. sliced \u200b\u200bpork cubes

120g. Peanut butter

45g. Green Luke.

25g. finely chopped canned bamboo sprouts

40g. finely chopped green sweet pepper (without seeds)

1g. Sea salt

20g. garlic

2g. Sesame oil.
For sauce:
15g brown sugar

8g. vegetable oil

10g. malt vinegar

15g. corn flour

sea \u200b\u200bsalt

white pepper.

Mix salt, rice wine and egg. Slope into this mixture pieces of meat, and then cut them in corn flour. Heat in the frying pan "wok" peanut butter before the appearance of the haze and fry the pork for 5 minutes to the crispy crust. Shivovka pull the pork and dried on paper.

Drain the oil from the frying pan, leaving 2 tablespoons. Put vegetables and garlic and roast 3 minutes. Then add pork and prevent well. To prepare sauce, mix all the ingredients, heat on a moderate heat for 4 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the pork sauce and hold a little on the fire. Before serving on the table sprinkle in sesame oil.

Exit: 320 .

Stew meat "DongPo"

160g. Pork meat (rib)

120g table weathered wine

55g bean sauce

50g on Luke

15g ginger

20 g of sugar sand

Pork cut into cubes and put in a roasting (best - ceramic). Pour meat with table weathered wine, bean sauce, add some water. Then put sugar sand, chopped onion, ginger. Tightly close the roasting. When the sauce in the rookery boils, stew on very slow heat for an hour.

Output: 280

Lamb skewer in Chinese

Pork meatballs with garlic

Pork 180g

starch 20g

salo Pork 30g

soy sauce 5g

onion 10g

garlic 10g

broth 20g

A starch is poured into the gridden on a meat grid with a shallow grid, the starch is pre-diluted with cold water (1: 1), soy sauce and vodka, stirred thoroughly and cut into the puffs on the balls (meatballs). Fry the meatballs in the fryer before the formation of a brown crust and leaving. To the same frying pan, leaving a little fat on it, put onions, garlic and, repeatedly shaking, slightly roasted, and then with continuous stirring, poured a pre-prepared mixture of an inaccurate chicken broth, soy sauce, vodka, infusion of ginger, salt, vinegar And starch, diluted in cold water (1: 2). The mixture is heated until thickening, the meatballs are put on the pan, stirred, shaking, and melted swine fat.

Exit: 260g

3.5 Poultry Cooking Technology

Peking Duck

148g duck
10g honey;
30g dark soy sauce;
10g sesame oil;
red food dye (optional);
40g water.
for pancakes :
120g wheat flour;
50g boiling water;
20g cold water;
25g. sesame oil;
10G sauce "Hoisin";
40g green onions;
50g chopped with long thin chopsticks.

Duck prepared for use in a colander over the sink and twice scold with boiling water. Hold overnight in the refrigerator. Then place the duck on the grille over the opposition. Make sure the cervical opening is closed. Mix honey, soy sauce, sesame oil and dye and spread the duck with this sauce, leaving for 1 hour. Heat the oven to 200 C. Pour the water into the remaining sauce and fill it through the hole in the abdomen in the duck. Close the hole using wooden sticks for sandwiches or squeeze the thread. Fry the duck 1.5 hours, while the released juice does not become transparent. Remove the duck out of the oven and hold in a warm place for 10 minutes before cutting. Meanwhile, prepare pancakes. Put flour into a bowl, gradually pour hot water and stir well.

Mix the dough on the surface, sprinkled, until it becomes homogeneous. Cover the wet towel and leave for 15 minutes. Divide the dough into two parts, roll out each half in the form of a long strip with a diameter of 5 cm and cut into pieces of 2.5 cm long. Make each piece flat. Lightly lubricate on sesame oil and put on top of each other with the smelted sides. Roll out from each pair of a circle with a diameter of 15 cm. Put them on a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating and fry for 20-30 seconds before bubbles appear, then turn over and cook another 10-15 seconds. Remove from the frying pan and carefully separate pancakes from each other. Put in a warm place by carrying parchment paper. Serve cut duck on a heated dish with pancakes. As a side dish, use Hoisin sauce, green onions and cucumbers.

Exit: 320

Chicken legs FRI

Chicken 300g

salo Pork 30g

starch 30g

egg 1/4 pcs

soy sauce 5g

The legs of the chicken or chicken cut off 1-2 cm below the knee joint and cleaned the bones. Then the legs are wetted in the mixture of starch, eggs, soy sauce and sugar, fry in deep breath before the formation of a golden crust, fold and put on a plate. Paper squeezes wear bones.

Exit: 320g.

Boar dumplings

For dough:

wheat flour 70g

for minced meat:

pork 120g

paste soy 10g

cabbage 40G.

onion green 10g

soy sauce 30g

sesame oil 5g

ginger 10g

salo Pork 10g

Cold water is poured into the sifted flour, mix rather steep dough and leave it for 20-30 minutes. Then roll the dough into the smooth thickening harness with a diameter of 1-2 cm and cut into small pieces (10g). Each piece is rolled out in the form of a circular cake, puffed onto it, edges pressed. Finished dumplings are placed in a row on trays, sprinkled with flour, and stored in a cold place. The minced meat is prepared: the pork pulp passes through a meat grid with a shallow grid, mixed with soy sauce, sesame oil, soy pasta, freshly finely chopped cabbage, crushed ginger, green onions and salt. Delmeni is boiled in water. Separately serves soy sauce, vinegar, fastened mustard and slices of crude garlic.

Exit: 350g .

Chicken fragrant

Chicken 210g

salo Pork 30g

ginger 10g

onion 10g

petrushka 10g

starch 10g

carnation 0.04g

cinnamon 0.3g

badyan 5g

pepper fragrant 0.04g

The boiled chicken is entirely frying in deep breath before the formation of a crust, put into the clay dishes, add large ginger and onions, carnation, cinnamon, badyan, pepper, parsley, dill, salt, pour an inaccurate chicken broth and boil a couple to readiness. Prepare Sauce: Broth, remaining after cooking chicken, flickering, poured into the pan, bring to a boil, remove foam and, shaking the frying pan, pour starch, diluted with cold water (1: 2). The chicken carcaste laid on the dish and water the sauce.

3.6 Cooking Technology Eggs

Marinated eggs

onion 10g

soy sauce 30 (25 served separately)

petrushka 10g

badyan 5g

pepper fragrant 0.04g

cinnamon 0.4g

carnation 0.04g

Chicken or duck eggs are boiled 10-12 minutes, lowered in cold water, cleaned from the shell, stick in several places and boil 10-15 minutes again in water with the addition of soy sauce, vodka, badyana, fragrant pepper, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, Parsley, dill. Eggs are cut by slices and placed fan on a plate.

Exit: 150g

Scrambled eggs "Dansong"

soy sauce 30g

vegetable oil 50g

Good snack to blame. Take the eggs, split into a bowl, add salt, water, sugar, soy sauce, a little dry herbs. They knocked all this with chopsticks so that there is a homogeneous mass. Then, with the help of the cooks, poured into a roasting with hot oil. Fry about 1 minute. Then the oil is pressed, and the dishes are ready.

Exit: 100g

Boiled eggs

tea aromatic 10g

Eggs boiled screwed, cleaned from the shell and stick. Cold water is poured into the pan, aromatic tea, salt and sugar, liquid are adjusted to a boil, and then put eggs and keep on weak heat until they get light yellow color. After that, the eggs are removed, cooled and stored in a cold place. When feeding the eggs are cut by slices.

Exit: 100g.

3.7 Sweet Sweet Technology

Beijing apples
200g apple
35 g of wheat flour;
15g eggs
50g water.

For syrup:
10g vegetable oil;
40g brown sugar;
30g gold syrup;
10g water;.

In a big bowl, knead the steep dough from the water, flour and eggs. Clean the peel and cut apples, removing the core. Dolk every slicker in the dough and fry in a fryer 3 minutes before grazing. Shivovka get apples, put them on the paper and let it dry. To prepare syrup, heat the oil, water and sugar in a small pan, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Welcome on slow heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour golden syrup and boil another 5-10 minutes before viscous state. Dog fire to a minimum. Dry each apple slice first in syrup, and then for a few seconds in cold water. Put on the dish and immediately serve on the table.

Exit: 220g

Fried pies

  • For test (60 g):
  • Wheat flour 30% 50 g
  • Pork Salo 40 g
  • Sesame oil 10 g
  • Water 10 g
  • For minced meat (80 g):
  • 1 option
  • Sugar powder 50 g
  • Pork Salo 20 g
  • Flour 10 g
  • Option 2
  • Peas or beans 20 g
  • Sugar 30 g
  • Pork Salo 10 g

Of the two-thirds of the sifted flour, knead the dough on the melted swine fat and divide on the balls for 20 g. In the remaining flour, pour sesame oil, boil the dough, knead the dough and divide on the balls for 10 g. The cutting board is slightly lubricating in sesame oil. 10-gram balls Press the palm to come with a tortillas. Put 20-gram balls on these pellets and take the edges of the cakes so that the balls are inside. After that, double pieces of dough press the palm to the board, roll out in the form of narrow strips and roll up the tubes. Roll and roll the dough with tubes twice, after which the tubes are cut in half (across) and press each half to press the chalkboard and roll out on small round cakes. Put minced stuffing on one cake, cover with another cake, cover edges and figure. Fry fryer patties until readiness, throw back, cut into four parts. Farsh (1 option): pour melted fat into the sugar powder, add flour and knead the formation of homogeneous mass. Puffs (2 options): cook peas or beans until soft, skip through a meat grinder, add sugar sand, boil to thickening, pour melted fat, mix and cool and cool.

Exit: 100 g

Puffs puffs with sesame seed

  • For dough:
  • Wheat flour 30% 65 g
  • Water 20 g
  • Pork Salo 20 g
  • Sugar 10 g
  • Sesame seed 25 g
  • For minced meat:
  • 1 option
  • Inner Pork Salo 30 g
  • Onion green 12 g
  • Option 2
  • Sugar powder 25 g
  • Pork Salo 10 g
  • Flour 5 g
  • 3 option
  • Jam or jam 40 g

From half of the sifted flour to knead the steep dough on the melted fat. Of the remaining flour, replace the less cool dough on the water. Prepared to roll out the dough in the form of squares, and the square of the dough on the water should be greater. For a larger square, put a smaller square and minimize the converter (as for the puff). Then the dough roll out with a flat layer, re-fold the converter and roll out. The resulting layer roll over the roll, roll into a flat harness and cut into pieces of 50 g. Every piece is separated in the form of a cake, put in the middle of the minced meat, connect the edges and roll out again in the form of cakes. Prepared tortillas to moisten on one side with sugar syrup and immerse in sesame seed. Put the seed pellets up on a dry leaf (baking sheet) and bake in the oven. Mince (1 option): Inner pork fat and green onions finely cut, salt and mix thoroughly. Puffs (2 options): Pour melted pork fat in the sugar powder, add flour and mix thoroughly before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

Exit: 120 g


  • Wheat flour 30% 35 g
  • Yeast 10 g
  • Water 15 g
  • Soda 5 g

Dilute in warm yeast, pour sainted flour and replace the dough. Keeseo harness to wander 1.5-2 hours. During this time, as the dough increases in the volume, once or twice. After that, it is added to the dough to add, diluted with water, flour is added and the dough is mixed again. The finished dough is cut into pieces of 50 g and roll, giving the shape of the balls, and leave for a while they reached. Pampushki lay in sieve and boiled steam.

Exit: 50 g

Apples in Caramel

  • Apples 143 g (or pineapples 133 g, or bananas 167 g)
  • Sugar 50 g
  • Egg (protein) ѕ pcs.
  • Wheat flour 30 g
  • Pork Salo 30 g
  • Sesame seeds 25 g

Clear apples from the skin, remove the core and cut into large slices. In the sifted flour, pour cold water, egg protein and thoroughly stirred until the formation of a homogeneous mass of the thickness of sour cream. Slices of apples immerse in the prepared dough and fry in deep fryer before the formation of a pale crust. To a strongly heated frying pan with a small amount of fat to put sugar and, by continuously stirring a wand, heated until sugar caramelizes. Fryer fried slices of apples put on the pan and shaking, mix with caramel mass. Then, continuing to shake, sprinkle sesame seed.

Exit: 150 g

Jasmine tea

· 2g jasmine tea

· 200g boiled water

Pass tea into a heated brewing kettle. Fill boiling water and leave it for 4 minutes. Mix and run through cups.

Output: 200

4. Conclusion

The easiest and most pleasant way of admission to the culture of another people lies through his kitchen. You may not know the name of the last president or the prime minister of a particular country, but it can be great for you, what dish is the cuisine of her people. And even if some associations are just stereotypes, they allow you to understand the people of this country better than any other sides of her culture.

I would like to note that, despite the differences, due to the geographical decrease, their own historical development, traditions, religious rites and, finally, the division of society on social layers, the culinary culture of one or another state often has a number of general traits with culinary traditions or a neighbor country, Or the state or the people, under the influence of which it was located over the centuries.

In the course of the course work, I got acquainted with traditions, lifestyles, climatic conditions in China. He studied the range of cold dishes and snacks, soups, dishes from fish, meat, poultry, as well as sweet dishes and drinks.

I learned how to make menus, technological maps, technological schemes.

And also acquired skills to calculate the energy value of dishes and the calculation of the ultimate price of dishes.

Name Output Price
1. Red tea 1/200 1500
2. Eggplant salad with garlic 1/150 6060
3. Shrimp in Fried Test 1/80 16280
1. Green tea 1/200 1350
2. Mushrooms salad with vegetables 1/150 41660
3. Peking Duck 1/75 15300
4. Pancakes to the duck in Peking 1/25 560
5. carrot soup soup 1/500 3840
6. Zucchini pellets 1/130 4500
1. Jasmine tea 1/200 1850
2. Salad from radish with carrots 1/150 3860
3. Pork in sweet and sweet sauce 1/150 6060
4. Fried beans pods 1/150 3100
5. Sweet patties 1/150 920

China's national cuisine is well known all over the world. This is a very ancient cuisine, which has its roots leaves yet in the era of Neolith. It strikes not only the unusual taste of dishes, but also unusual for Europeans, preparation methods. One of the main rules of Chinese cooks - "There is no bad products, there are bad chefs." It is worth noting that dishes in this country are submitted in the opposite order from the adopted European traditions. First drink tea, then cold snacks are served, then hot second dishes are followed, rice and, at the very end, soup. Another interesting feature is in addition to the five well-known tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, sharp), in China, there are three more - the fragrant (dish, cooked on all canons and Chinese traditions must have a special, unique fragrance), fresh ( For the Chinese, it is bread and rice) and a golden taste (the taste of kumquat - a dwarf orange, a family of citrus, which strengthens health and, even shoots a hanging syndrome). Therefore, national cuisine is a special aesthetic and historical plast of Chinese culture.

China is a huge country, therefore, in each region there is its own national cuisine, due to climatic features, geographical position, history and traditions of the respective region. In China, more than ten regional cuisines are distinguished, but the most famous and popular - peking, Shanghai, Cantonese and Sichuan. Consider closer each of these cuisines.

Beijing cuisine is also called imperial or northern. The basis of the Beijing cuisine is rice, which is served as an independent dish and as an additive for fish, vegetables and meats. Also, much attention is paid here to dishes from pork, birds and lamb. Here are just some of them:

  • « peking Duck"- on the preparation of this dish leaves more than 24 hours.
  • "The poor chicken" - chicken stuffed with champignons, onions, herbs and cabbage. Then it is wrapped in the leaves of the lotus, they are wrapped with clay and fry in the oven.
  • « pork in sweet and sour sauce« .
  • « chinese samovar"- a complex dish consisting of many components (beefs, lambs, shrimps, fish, vegetables, vermicelli).
  • « dandelion Salad ".
  • « chinese dumplings"- with stuffing from meat and vegetables.

Shanghai cuisine - or Eastern, based on the culinary traditions of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Here, many spices and rice vodka love to add meat. Also, often use fish and seafood. You will definitely offer such dishes as:

  • « shanghaisk Duck«.
  • Tofu is the famous soy pie stuffed with fish.
  • « shaggy (hairy) freshwater crab. "
  • « cabbage soup with pork. "
  • "Soup-noodles with mushrooms."
  • "Squids in garlic sauce."
  • "Eel in fault with garlic."
  • "Fried noodle with shrimps".

Cantonese cuisine - Or southern kitchen, is famous for unusual ways to cook dishes. Sophistication, this kitchen, is widely known outside the country. The most interesting ingredients, Cantonese dishes are meat of dogs, snakes, turtles and, even cats. Also, "Dimsama" are popular - light snacks. Be sure to taste:

  • « daikon pies"- Daekon pies (unusual to taste rootpod).
  • "Lomaygai" is a kind of dimes.
  • "Jiaocezi" - Chinese dumplings roasted on a split oil.
  • « rice Rice Noodles« .
  • « fish cooked for a couple« .
  • "Dim Sum" - a pair of dumplings, which are served in bamboo baskets.
  • « soup from shark fins. "
  • "Rice in Cantonian« .

Sichuan cuisine - Known with sharp and spicy dishes, for the preparation of which they use a lot of seasonings, red peppers, garlic, sesame, coriander, anise, dill, ginseng ... the main ways of cooking, in this kitchen, smoked and steam processing are considered. It is worth trying such masterpieces of Sichuan cuisine as:

  • « sichuan Stew Pork« .
  • "Little Tofu" is a vegetarian dish of soy.
  • "Gongbao chicken" is fried chicken fillet, with sharp pepper and peanuts.
  • "Tribute tribute Ball" - Sichuan noodles.
  • « duck baked in green tea leaves« .
  • « chinese dumplings"- for the preparation of which there are more than 200 types of fillings.
  • « royal shrimps with garlic« .
  • "Dowfu" is a special type of cheese from Sumy soy.

In addition, I would like to note that, National Kitchen of China , Easually replete with highly exotic dishes. Fans of unusual and gourmets can enjoy the following dishes:

  • « broth, with meatballs, from fins Shark« .
  • "Shark fins" - a couple, stew with ham, in brown sauce, with chicken and mushrooms, with egg omelet ...
  • "Shark lips" - stew with sprouts bamboo, soy sauce, ham, pork lard and rice vodka.
  • "Shark lips « - with chicken fillet and trepangs.
  • « soup, soup nests« .
  • « fried bear palms« .
  • "Tesha Kaluga" - the dried stomach of large fish, stewed with chicken or ham.
  • « broth, with Caracatia and Trepangami. "
  • "Salad of shrimp, cucumbers and starch jelly."
  • "Sea scallop, with chicken".
  • "Muscle of the sea scallop, with omelet and ham."
  • "Omelet, with carak Caracatar."
  • "Roasted squids, with bamboo sprouts."
  • "Jellyfish salad, with shrimps."
  • "Salad from duck languages."
  • "Broth from frog fillets."
  • "Pigeons, with green peas".

I would like to say that China's national cuisine has more than 20 thousand dishes, but some specialists and experts believe that this figure is strongly understated.

Not bypassed, Chinese cuisine, lovers to enjoy desserts. First of all, these are seasonal fruits, which in China have a huge amount. In addition, you must taste:

  • "Tanyuan" - sweet rice balls cooked for a couple.
  • "Yuebine" is a round or square baking, with a filling of sweet beans or lotus.
  • « sweet soup from Guilondao Turtle« .
  • « rod and ficus jelly« .
  • Hongguigo - Sweet rice cakes.
  • « pudding from Tapioki. "
  • "Rice Cake."
  • "Chinese Sugar Wool".
  • "Ice chips with sweet syrup« .
  • "Niangao" - Chinese rice cookies.
  • « chinese ice cream« .

From non-alcoholic beverages, in China's national cuisine, green tea is most popular, which drink very hot and without sugar. Chinese tea ceremony called "Gunfu-Cha « , the complexity of the ritual, competes with the famous Japanese. Also, the Chinese drink milk, mineral water, fruit juices.
From alcoholic beverages worth trying rice vodka, rice beer ("Sin" and "Qingdao « ), rice wine ("Miceju « ), yellow wine ( « Those Jia Fan "," Shaosynsk« ) And Bayju - white filtered wine, fortress up to 60 degrees.
Welcome, in hospitable China and all nice appetite!