Nikola Summer - customs, traditions and folk signs of the holiday. Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikola Summer) Signs and superstitions for May 22

May 22 is the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the people this holiday is called Nikola Summer.

Saint Nicholas in the Orthodox calendar of holidays is given two days of commemoration - December 19 and May 22. (Nikola Winter and Nikola Summer). If in December believers commemorate the day of the death of the Wonderworker, then the May day of commemoration is associated with the transfer of his relics.

There is a legend that explains why church calendar Saint Nicholas is allotted two whole days of commemoration. St. Kasyan and Nikolai the Wonderworker were walking, they saw a man who was trying to pull a cart out of the mud. Kasyan passed by - he did not want to get dirty, and Nikolai helped the peasant. God found out about this and gave Nicholas two holidays a year.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered and beloved saints in the Orthodox world. Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker had a special power. It is customary for him to pray for help, intercession, marriage, and good luck on the road.

Saint Nicholas during his lifetime was known for his miracles and good deeds. Despite being revered by the people, he remained modest and meek and served God all his life. A large number of temples around the world have been built in his name. His icons exude a miraculous myrrh, and prayers addressed to him have a result.

Signs, traditions and customs on Nikola Summer

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker has always been considered the closest saint to God. As you know, prayers on this day have great power.
  • Starting from Nikola Summer on May 22, horses were harvested, as well as the planting of potatoes and buckwheat. On this day sheep were sheared.
  • On this day, young girls who wanted to get married turned to St. Nicholas the Pleasant, since he is also considered the patron saint of lovers.
  • Rain on Nikola Summer - fortunately and a rich harvest. They said about this day: "Great is the mercy of God, if it rains on Nikolin's day."
  • If frogs croak on Nikola, then the harvest will be good.
  • Predletye (from May 22 to June 10) began from St. Nicholas Day. At this time there could be rain and thunderstorms. good sign damp weather was considered at this time - "Rain in May raises bread."

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

A wise person only cares about doing the will of God, and thinks in the depths of his soul this way: if You wish, Lord, that I still live, then I will live as You command, I will dispose of the freedom that You have given me in everything that belongs to me.

But if You don't need me anymore, then let it be Your way. I have so far lived on earth solely to serve You; if You send me death, then I will leave the world, obeying You, as a listener, understanding the orders and prohibitions of my master. As long as I remain on earth, I want to be what You want me to be. (Epictetus)

vernacular name: St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas, Nikola spring, Nikola spring, Nikola warm, Nikolin day, Nikolshchina, Nikola, Nikola herbal, Nikolai herbal, herbal day.

Traditions for May 22

This is one of the most revered saints. It is believed that Nikola the Wonderworker is the intercessor and patron of the Russian people. “There is no champion for the peasant against Nikola”, “Nikola saves the sea, Nikola lifts the cart for the peasant,” they say. Both Nikolas - both winter (December 19) and spring - set the weather. They say that "Spring Nikola - with warmth, winter Nikola - with frost", "Nikola would come - but it will be warm." He was the protector of sailors and travelers.

The weather was noted that day. If the morning turned out to be wet and foggy, then one should wash oneself with dew: this promised health to a person, and a rich harvest to the earth. It is believed that by this day the oats should already be sown. They said: “Nikolsky’s oats are neither master’s nor horse”, that is, they were sown late, and there would be no sense from him. On Nikola of the spring, the grooms drove the horses into the field and served a prayer service. Then they rode devilry she didn’t have time to ride before, because if she starts to ride, according to her “black” nature, at night, then the horse will ride to death. If they noticed that on this day the horse was shuddering, they immediately exclaimed: “Shoo, evil spirits!”

Horses were driven out from Nikola Veshny at night. Single guys gathered, they, along with the horses, were escorted to the field by the whole village, and in the evening girls came to the meadows - and the fun began with songs and round dances. Previously, Nikola Veshny was celebrated as the boy's entry into adulthood, and supervision from the elders was not supposed to be on this day.

Signs for May 22

Nikolskaya week with the wind - they burn the fields.

Autumn Nikola will drive the horse into the yard, and spring Nikola will fatten the horse.

Egory with a burden, and Nikola with a cart.

Nikola spring with warmth.

Be strong before Nikola, but do not grieve with Nikola.

Nikolin's day would pass, otherwise it would be warm.

Settle the gorodba after Nikolin's day.

You can't swim until spring Nikola.

Do not brag about St. George's day of sowing, but brag about Nikolin with grass.

Great mercy to the peasant on Nikolin's day, when the field will pour rain - there will be a good harvest.

Characteristics of a man named Heraclius

The name of the day is Heraclius. This is the Orthodox form of the ancient Greek name Hercules, which means "glory of Hera." This person can achieve a lot in any professional field, because he is amazingly energetic. He is able to move mountains to achieve his goal. But as far as family life, here the strength and assertiveness of Heraclius can harm him. Because of his stubbornness, intransigence, he often conflicts with his beloved, which he later regrets, besides, he does not like to apologize, so not everyone gets along with such a person. The name Heraclius promises its owner invincible willpower, stubbornness and energy. He will never promise something that he certainly cannot deliver. This man is obligatory, demands the same from others. He does not like to conduct empty conversations, although he is an excellent interlocutor and narrator. His speech is always logical and concrete. Heraclius, who was born in May, usually has daughters in whom he does not have a soul. In the house, all household chores fall on the shoulders of the wife, and for Heraclius, the main thing is his work. People with this name can be found among journalists, surgeons, artists, actors, programmers.

In the folk calendar, the date May 22 is Nikola Veshny, spring, summer, warm, herbal, Nikolin's day. Signs on Nikola (May 22) will tell you what the harvest will be this year. Orthodox Church This day marks the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the city of Mira to the city of Bari.

The saint was born in the III century in the colony of Patara (Greece), from childhood he was very religious, excelled in the study of the Holy Scriptures. During the day he did not leave the temple, but at night he read books and prayed. Nicholas distributed the property received after the death of his parents to those in need, and devoted his life to serving God.

The saint and wonderworker lived in the Malaysian city of Mira, where he was buried around the year 345. Seven centuries later, Muslims attacked the city and destroyed it. In order to protect the relics of St. Nicholas from desecration, they were transported to the city of Bari, located in southern Italy. In 1087, the inhabitants of the city placed the relics of the saint in a specially built temple, where they are today, attracting believers from all over the world.

May 22: traditions and customs of the day

The holiday of Nikola Veshny is an important agrarian date. Many signs, proverbs and sayings are associated with this day. Many ritual actions and agricultural affairs are timed to coincide with it. Many texts relating to the day of warm St. Nicholas contain a comparison of either two St. Nicholas dates (and May 22), or two big spring holidays -) and St. Nicholas Day.

The people looked forward to this day with great impatience. He was called Nikola vernal (spring), warm, herbal. From this date, they waited for the onset of real heat and the growth of grasses.

Before Nikola, be strong, at least loosen up, but live with Nikola - do not grieve.

Nikola would come, but it would be warm.

Knowing from experience that the warmth of spring is changeable and can be replaced by bad weather at any moment, they said:

Before Nikola, do not shear sheep, not this buckwheat.

Praise the winter after Nikolin's day.

In the northern regions, it was believed that there could be 12 more frosty matinees from Nikola, which could stretch right up to). If the weather remained cold that day, they relied on: Nikola poisons, and the Trinity rules.

Grass begins to grow well from Nikola. For the peasants, this was not only gratifying and beautiful, but also very important, because it became possible to transfer horses and cattle to pasture, and to significantly enrich their diet with greenery. Therefore, the topic of Nikolskaya grass is widely represented in signs and sayings:

There are two Nikolas in a year: one is herbal, the other is frosty.

Egory with warmth, and Nikola with food.

Egory with water, Nikola with grass.

Do not brag about Egory's sowing, but brag about Nikola with grass.

In the old days, especially respectful of the land, ready for the growth of grasses. Therefore, it was forbidden to beat her with a stick.

The rain that began that day was considered a real blessing, which is so necessary for the growing grass, already sown with spring crops, for good soil moisture for sowing other crops.

God's mercy is great if it rains on St. Nicholas of the Veshny.

If it rains on Nikolin's day, then the summer will not be dry and bread will be born.

Therefore, if there was no rain that day, then they prayed to Nikolai Ugodnik, asking him to have mercy and give long-awaited moisture to the spring land.

In some places from that day they began to sow wheat and oats. Where the early sowing of spring crops had already taken place, Nikola Teploe had a medium sowing. In preparation for sowing, they relied not so much on the calendar date, but on the state of nature. For example, it was believed that it was impossible to sow wheat until the leaf unfolded on the oak or until the bird cherry blossomed. But if the birch is "spread", it's time to sow. Also, farmers began to sow wheat when the bare foot could endure the cold in the plowed furrow.

There was another interesting saying dedicated to this day: “ St. Yegori stocks cows, Nikola horses. She points out that from St. George's Day (May 6), the first grass appears and grazing of cows begins, and from St. Nicholas Day - horses. The horses are moving to pasture. In general, spring Nikola is considered the patron saint of horses. On the day of his memory, a prayer service with water blessing was ordered to give animals health and protect them from wild animals. From Nikolsky Day, they began to drive horses to the “night”, tying copper bells to them, by the sound of which one could easily find a village herd. Cattle breeders turned to the saint, asking: “ Nicholas the Wonderworker, look after our cattle”, and each cow and horse was called by name.

From each village, single guys were chosen as grooms, and then the whole world saw them off. Pies with porridge were baked especially for them and presents were prepared. After a plentiful treat, the grooms went to the meadows, where they had fun all night. By the light of the fires, they celebrated their simple feast: they brought vodka, snacks, fried eggs, and after sunset the girls joined them. The youth had fun, sang songs and danced round dances until the morning. For this reason, Nikola Veshny in Russia has traditionally been considered a men's holiday.

In connection with the transfer of cattle to pasture, from that day on, meadows were “ordered”, i.e. branches and twigs were stuck into the ground at the borders. Thus, they marked places where it was forbidden to graze animals.

After Nikolin's day, build a gorodba.

On May 22, they finished planting potatoes, which in the old days were valued no less than bread. On this day, the peasants laid out crosses from twigs or chips near the house, burned alder branches near the porch to protect the dwelling and its inhabitants from snakes.

In religious consciousness, Nikolai Ugodnik is directly connected with the water element. He is the patron saint of sailors, fishermen and all sailors on the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. This is connected with episodes from the life of the saint, which tells about the salvation of people drowning or caught in a storm by Nicholas the Wonderworker. There are many conspiracies and prayers in which they turn to the saint with a request to save and save "on the waters." As before, so today, on any ship, the image of St. Nicholas is mandatory.

The folk calendar reflected this connection in its own way. It was believed that before the spring of Nikola, hemp should not be wetted, and the wetted one should be pulled out so that later the drowned man would not have to be pulled out. Until that day, they did not swim.

May 22: signs and beliefs

  1. Rain on Nikola Veshny - to a good harvest.
  2. If the frogs croak on Nikola, then the oats will be good.
  3. Before St. Nicholas, do not shear the sheep, do not this buckwheat, do not swim in the reservoirs.
  4. A dream from May 21 to May 22 will come true for people born on this day. A dream seen on the afternoon of May 22 will come true in 5 years, when you have already forgotten about it.

Video: May 22 - "Nikola Veshny"

Today is a special day on the calendar church holidays May: Feast of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In the people this holiday is called Nikolay Summer. While everyone is preparing for the Trinity-2018, studying the traditions and main prohibitions, as well as the prayers of the holiday, we have at least important information about another religious holiday.

May 22 - the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. People have long believed that he takes care of and helps all wanderers, those who are far from home, and, of course, children. Therefore, the feast of the saint is celebrated 2 times a year: in winter, December 19 - St. Nicholas Day, and in summer - May 22. The spring holiday has many names: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Nikola summer, Nikola spring, Nikola with warmth, Grass Day, merciful Nikola, sea.

Traditions and signs on St. Nicholas May 22

On May 22, people have always looked at nature to predict the future, and also spent the day in a special way.

On the holiday of summer Nicholas, everyone tried to dress in new festive clothes in order to respect Nicholas the Pleasant. They knew that this saint was closest to the Lord and could fulfill people's requests.

On this religious holiday, you can work: around the house, around the house, in the garden and in the garden. Therefore, the hostesses on this day tried to put things in order in the house, since the saint does not like disorder.

If it rains on Nicholas, there will be a good harvest.

Morning dew on Nicholas is considered healing, they try to wash themselves with it for beauty and health, to walk barefoot on the grass.

It has long been believed that St. Nicholas patronizes lovers, so the newlyweds and those who were going to play the wedding asked for protection and help from the saint.

What not to do on Nicholas the Wonderworker: bans on Nicholas the Wonderworker on May 22

But also on the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on May 22, some prohibitions work that all believers need to know.

You can’t refuse Nikolai to anyone who asks you for help, otherwise the family will endure poverty and disaster for 7 years for refusing to help those in need.
By the day of St. Nicholas, you cannot keep a debt, otherwise there will be no financial luck all year. It is better to pay off debts before the holiday.

On this day, it was forbidden to pick up scissors.

It is also impossible not to get a haircut on Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Now you know the interesting points about the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Spend the day with family or existential reflection.

Nicholas Day in 2017: date, signs, customs, traditions The Day of Saint Nicholas of Summer is one of the most revered holidays in the Christian Church. The celebration is timed to coincide with the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas to the city of Bari, located in Italy. In Orthodoxy, Nicholas the Wonderworker is considered the patron of children, couples in love, soldiers, merchants, merchants. In addition, the Saint is also the protector of people who have been undeservedly punished.

Every year this holiday is celebrated on one day - 22nd of May according to the new style (May 9 according to the Julian calendar). The name "Nikola Summer" is the most common. However, the celebration has many other names: Nikola, Nikola Veshny, Nikola Saint, Summer day, Saint Nicholas, Nikola with warmth, Herbal day, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Warm day.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the intercessor of all the persecuted and offended, the helper of the poor, as well as the patron saint of sailors and the protector of the family hearth. It is known that the saint more than once came to the aid of those in distress on the water, calming storms with the power of prayer.

As for family happiness, a whole story from the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker is connected with it. One ruined city dweller decided to improve his business by giving his daughter to a rich groom. But, as usual, the rich man's relatives were against an unequal marriage. Upon learning of this, Saint Nicholas helped to arrange for the girl: he secretly threw a purse of gold out the window and provided the bride with a good dowry.

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker occupied a special place in the life of the Orthodox, so many customs and rituals are associated with the holiday in his honor. What, according to tradition, should be done on this day?

Traditions on the feast of Nikola the Summer

To avoid misfortunes throughout the year, ritual dinners are held on May 22 in honor of the Wonderworker: you must feed the poor, cripples, vagrants. Only after that a big dinner for relatives is “organized”.

Since Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron and protector of couples in love, young girls at dawn on May 22 prayed to the Saint that he would grant them a meeting with their soulmate. Unmarried girls asked Nikolai to send them a good husband, generous, handsome, hardworking, brave, kind.

Saint Nicholas also patronizes animals, including sheep and horses. By the day of St. Nicholas the Summer, fresh grass in the fields had already grown enough. Therefore, on the night of May 22, all owners of horses and sheep drove their cattle into the fields. Animals frolicked all night, ran, nibbling grass. So that the horses and sheep would not run away, shepherds were assigned to them - young and physically strong men.

In the evening, before the start of the pasture of animals, a special dinner was prepared for the shepherds, consisting of their porridge and pies. Then bonfires were kindled around the perimeter of the large field. Few of the villagers went to bed early, because everyone wanted to watch the pasture of animals. Even small children were allowed to walk until midnight that day. A little later, when the villagers dispersed to their huts, girls, unmarried residents of the village, joined the shepherds. Then the real festivities began with dancing, songs and fun games. It was believed that on this night, boys and girls entered adulthood, so older relatives did not particularly control "hot young hearts."

In order for the harvest to be rich and the land to be fertile, at dawn people went out into the fields and gardens, stood facing the rising sun and performed a special ceremony. They read prayers addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to protect their lands, for generous gifts, for a well-fed existence.

Nicholas Day is an important date in the agricultural calendar (the saint is a kind of "heir" of the pagan god Veles, the patron saint of agriculture and domestic animals). Therefore, this day is most favorable for spring crops: it is believed that there will be no more frosts that are detrimental to plantings, and the harvest will go uphill. Also, it is on May 22 that cucumbers can already be planted. Interesting to know. If it rains on Nikola, then the harvest will be rich and will please all the owners.

It is believed that dew, as well as water from springs and wells acquires life-giving power and if you wash yourself or drink it, then you will not get sick all year.

To increase wealth, on the day of St. Nicholas you need bring a candle home from church, take out the wick, set it on fire from both sides, quickly pronounce the words-spells and put out the wick.

The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen.

The wick must be put in a wallet or where you keep money.

How to behave correctly and what to do on the holiday of St. Nicholas of Summer?

In order for happiness to smile throughout the year, May 22 must be spent in prayers and caring for the family, home, and cattle. It is desirable that all household members, young and old, be busy with useful things.

In the morning and evening, it is advisable to pray to Nicholas Veshny and the Lord. You can ask God and the Saint for everything you need. If your prayers are sincere, and you really deserve what you ask for, you will definitely be rewarded.

On this day, you need to start sowing some crops. As a rule, buckwheat and potatoes were planted. It was believed that after the day of Nikola the Summer, it was pointless to engage in their landing. Firstly, there will be no decent harvest, and secondly, crops will not have time to spoil.

In the morning, after going to church and prayers, it is advisable to go to the bathhouse, take a good bath and change into clean or even new underwear. Outerwear should also be washed and ironed. In the process of bathing, you can read a prayer.

From the very morning, the housewives began to clean up the house, backyard territory, non-residential outbuildings where cattle were kept. Animals were intensively fed various delicacies. Artiodactyls and ruminants were grazed, the rest of the pets were walked.

Unmarried girls and unmarried guys changed into beautiful outfits after the bath. The guys put on shirts embroidered with gold, wide light-colored linen trousers, tied with satin belts. The girls dressed up in long sundresses, and multi-colored scarves were tied on their heads or wreaths with ribbons were put on.

After working in the field and having fun, all family members were supposed to gather around the table to enjoy a festive dinner. There are no special recommendations regarding the dishes on the table. They ate everything that God sent. Usually it was an unpretentious food: milk, pancakes, chicken eggs, cheese, porridge, boiled potatoes, lard and all kinds of dishes prepared from the listed products.

What can not be done on Nikola Summer?

On May 22, it was not worth it to be sad, to indulge in memories of past negative events, to be lazy. The only thing that should be abandoned regarding housework is knitting and sewing.

It is undesirable to use scissors and other piercing and cutting objects (kitchen utensils and garden tools do not count).

It was believed that if a person refuses to help the one who turned to him, he and his family will feel the need and fail for 7 years in a row. Remember, helping the poor, orphans and all those who ask is one of the life rules that St. Nicholas always adhered to during his lifetime.

It is undesirable to refuse anything (of course, within reasonable limits) to children. Nikolai Ugodnik is their patron, so all the kids need to make gifts. It is not necessary to buy something expensive, let it be simple gifts, such as souvenirs, toys, or their favorite treats. By tradition, gifts were always placed under the pillow for children or hidden in socks, which were then hung on a rope above the stove (fireplace).

It is inappropriate to indulge in violent revelry. Dancing until you drop, strong alcohol intoxication and loud chants are unacceptable. It is also not welcome to clarify personal relationships, and even more so quarrels, scandals, fights. Swearing on May 22 means incurring failure.

Nikola Summer is a holiday loved by many, especially kids. This is a celebration dedicated to the end of spring and the beginning of the summer season. It is important to spend this holiday correctly so that St. Nicholas fulfills all your desires, becomes a patron and reliable protector for you and your family!