People's councils conspiracies. Ancient folk omens and conspiracies

Conspiracies came to us from our Ancestors. In the dark, they were preserved in many Slavic clans. Many conspiracies that are now being printed by popular publishing houses were taken from the Slavs and redone two thousand years ago with the replacement of many words. It was possible to find out the conspiracies in the old form, studying ethnography and clarifying them in the genera of some Old Believers and Rodnovers.

Conspiracy for health

Perun! Listen to those who call you! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! Health, bread and Family, my children (names ...) give, bring thunder! Rule over everyone! More from Rodno! Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracies from diseases

* Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in sickness, cleanse the womb, in the child of a person (name), in every creature, in old and young, You are God's Delight! Purifying by fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

* Father you, Semargl-Firebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! As you burn and burn in the field of grass-ants, thickets and slums, the raw oak has underground roots, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, and slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

* Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight. Dawn-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and lay down from me (the name is spoken) and take away the accursed power from me, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

* I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there is a white-combustible stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the white wing of the swan. As the white wing bounced back, so bounce, jump, recoil from (name) native flames, fevers and fevers - Khripush, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant. Vetreya. Trouble, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Puffy, Yellow, Nemea, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapush. From a wild head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart, From the wind, come, go into the wind, come from the water, go to the water, come from the forest, go to the forest.
From century to century.

* The mermaid walked along a forest path, scratched a tender leg, and from that wound, yes, not blood-ore, but from that wound, yes, pure water. Yes, the water is pure, that flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, on that island and on that Buyan, on that Buyan, yes, a mound is high. On the mound that stone-alatyr lies in full breadth. Do not lift it, do not roll it up while the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under that stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Healing ritual to get rid of ailments

Since ancient times, the Mother Goddess Cheese Earth was considered the best helper to man, the best healer. Salting (clockwise) a protective circle with a diameter of 1.5 m was laid out of the pebbles; a small Altar was installed inside it, the performer of the ritual entered the protective circle and greeted the Goddess with his hands raised up. Two candles and incense were installed on the altar and set on fire with the help of fire obtained by friction (you can use matches), near the altar, on the left and right, two bowls with spring water were placed. And they began a conversation with the Goddess about their health. Then the bowl on the left was taken, brought to the forehead, and the performer of the ritual asked Mother Earth Cheese to bless her. Then the same thing was repeated with the right bowl. Then it was necessary to thank the Goddess, and at the end of the ritual, pour the water charged with the energy of the earth into other containers and drink it when you feel unwell. Also, water can be rubbed with eczema, burns and pain in the joints.

Healing ritual with marvelous stones

Mothers collect a ladle of water from a stream, river or lake, pour it over a stone. And then collect the water in a separate container. This water is revered as holy, then they pour it over - they sanctify the Vedic ancient knowledge of babies. After that, the kids are dressed in new clothes, and the old ones are left by the stone. During the ritual, the following conspiracy is pronounced:

I will become, (name), blessed, I will go to the blue river. On the blue river steep mountain lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr. As the icy water rolled down from the body of the white, so recoil, jump away from (the name is spoken), birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Khripusha, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant, Windy, Confused, Zyabukha, Shaking, Fire, Plump, Yellow, Nemey, Deaf , Karkusha, Looking, Khrapusha. From a violent little head with clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart. I came from the wind, go to the wind, I came from the water, go to the water, I came from the forest - go to the forest. From now to the century.

The wound is covered with a hand and read conspiracy to stop bleeding:

On the sea on Okiyana, on the island of Buyan, there is a white flammable alatyr stone. On that stone-alatyr sits a beautiful girl, a seamstress - a craftswoman, holds a damask needle, yellow ore, sews up bloody wounds. I speak (name) from a cut. Bulat, leave me alone, and you, blood, stop flowing. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Appeal to call for the help of the Guardian Leg:

The Wanderer Lies down, my Light Guardian, given to me by the Patron-Kin for protection, I ask you diligently: You enlighten me today and save me from all evil, guide me to a good deed and direct me to the righteous path, may all my deeds be for the Glory of Svarog and Kind of Heavenly. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracy for warriors:

In the name of Light, in the name of Rod, in the name of his strength! Perun sends goodness to those who called her. Strength and glory, firmness and rage, give us Perun in battle. Thunder manifested, be inspired, reveal your will. In the name of God Grey-haired Svarog, give strength to the warrior. Son and brother, friend and howl, reveal your will. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracy before collecting medicinal herbs:

Goy you are the damp earth, mother to us dear! Thou hast given birth to all, brought up, brought up, and endowed with land. For the sake of us, you gave birth to your children Potion. Polgoy drive away the demon and in illnesses break. They took from themselves to snatch various supplies, for the sake of land, hollow on the stomach. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For health:

Empress, Makosh Mother, mother of heaven, Mother of God. You, mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, without aunts and cry! Give health to children (names) great and small. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For healthy offspring:

Mother Rozhanitsa, Sort sister, hear our verbs, accept our bloodless, necessary gifts, grant healthy offspring to all our clans. So that our eternal family thread will never be interrupted. We sing great glory for you and call you to our mansions. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracy for happiness:

Oh, mother Lada, mother Swa (heavenly) pure! Do not leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace on us, as if we honor and glorify you Now and forever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be! Until the end of time, while the Yarilo sun shines on us.

Conspiracy for a good life:

Veles God-patron! Svargm the guardian of the yard! And we glorify you all kindly, for you are our intercessor and support. And do not leave us unattended and protect our fat flocks from the pestilence, and fill our granaries with good, that we may be one with you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Ritual for getting rid of resentment and sorrow:

E If your life is filled with sorrows and resentments, then step into the deep forest, find a lonely place there in the thicket. Dig a hole in the ground (30 cm in diameter), bend over it and shout out all your grievances, fears, despairs into it, shout about them until tears come out of your eyes and you feel empty, exhausted. Then dig a hole, and immediately leave without looking back home. Remember, you should never, under any circumstances, come back here.

It is also useful to slander all your sorrows and pains on the water. Only it should be running water: a river, a stream, even from a tap - open the water and slander.

Ritual for a good life:

In a previously plowed furrow in the ground, they put grain and poured beer, saying, facing east: “Mother Cheese Earth! Get rid of all the unclean vermin from love spells, turnover and dashing deeds.

Turning to the west: “Mother Cheese Earth! Swallow up the impure force into the abyss seething into flammable tar.

Turning to the south: "Mother Cheese Earth Satisfy the midday winds with bad weather, calm the loose sands with a blizzard"

To the north they turned like this: “Mother Earth cheese! Calm down the midnight winds with clouds, hold back the frosts with blizzards.

After each appeal, beer was poured into the furrow. Then the sorcerer covered the earth with his hands and whispered: “Mother Cheese earth, tell me, tell the whole truth, show it to (name)” and predicted the future of man. Saying goodbye to the Goddess of the earth, they collected it in a bag and kept her small handful as a talisman.

Conspiracies for water and fire to remove damage, the evil eye from a child or adult

Prayer conspiracies are very old, preserved in the clans of the Old Believers and have come down to us in the form in which I place them.

1. Take water from a spring, scoop it down the river and return back from the spring without talking to anyone. Then at home read on the water. Drink half a glass, pour the rest on your head.

On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is a tower yard,

In this tower stands the Mother of God,

She reads a dove book, she herself says:

From the sorcerer from the sorceress, from the godwife, from the godwife,

From the envious, from the hater, from the envious, from the hater,

From a bad hour, from a bad eye, from a girl’s, from a youth, from a night, midnight, from a day, noon, from an hour, half an hour, from gray eye, from the yellow eye, from the black eye, which this man sh at tit and s at shield

He didn’t flatter you dashingly, didn’t do evil, take out all the ailments from the whole white body and from the violent head.

And if you don’t stop joking and drying this person, I’ll go pray to the family, I’ll bow to the Sun, I’ll bow to God, I’ll turn to Perun, I’ll turn to the Roof, they will send terrible clouds on you, beat you with thunders, burn you with lightning, through the ashes through the Mother of cheese they will pierce the earth .

Oh, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, could you save God, help us from every unclean spirit, from a dashing eye, from a bad hour to dissuade.

2. Conditions for water are the same as in paragraph 1.

Mother water is clean, your keys are fast, in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy Mother, you are the dawn-Zaryanitsa, the dawn is the Red Maiden, the dawn of Maremyan, from the gray eye, from the white eye, from the brown eye, from the black eye, from the muzhik sorcerer, from grandmothers are witches, from a simple-haired girl, from an unclean spirit, from a strong whirlwind, from a bathhouse, from a water, from a forest. GOY!

3. Also on water. Drink a sip of the charmed water, then the hair is wetted 3 times and sprinkled on the chest and back of the person being charmed.

I will become (the name of the one who speaks water), having blessed, having prayed to the family, I will leave the hut through the doors, out of the gate into the open field, into the green oak forest. In the green oak forest there is a white birch with 12 roots, you don’t keep any lessons, or prizes, or sorrows, illnesses, or fears, commotion, or wind fractures on me, from a kindred relative, from fair-haired, from blond, from black, black , from two-toothed, from three-toothed, from two-toothed, from three-toothed. Be my words strong and sculpting, stronger and more mellow than sturgeon glue. GOY! GLORY!

4. Purification by fire.

Father, you are the king of fire. You are the king of all kings. Be merciful, as you are hot and ardent, as you burn and burn in the open field of grass, ants, thickets and oak forests near the raw oak roots, so do I pray, I repent those ka.

Father tsar, burn the fire, all kinds of sorrows and ailments, fears and turmoil fell from the grandson of God, fell around, cleansed And sickness! GOY!

Conspiracy-amulet from damage:

If there is damage, then first we remove it, and then we read the amulet.

1 variant of the amulet. You can’t get around the ocean-sea, you can’t turn off the white Alatyr-stone, child of God, (name), don’t condemn, don’t dishonor either the sorcerer or the sorceress.

Option 2.You can also read it every morning so that there is protection for the whole day. You can read the same conspiracy on your protective belt, ochelie.

It's a clear morning.The red sun is coming down

Illuminates the light golden wheel

Clear morning, red sun

Happiness for a long time, light up, protect and save


Pure sister

In the miraculous lake she washed with a beating key she locked

She ordered to live healthy, forget the illness of the disease

Water young lady, cold sister

Illuminate with good health, protect and save

Wind daring brother well done

By will Illuminate the soul protect and save

Fire light king

you burn, take away what you find in the past,

Evil, black bad,

Opali around, do not let the disease

Everything is bad, yes unkind

Fire father, fire light king

From a crooked look, from fierce anger,

Protect and save from black envy. dense forest,

ber forest,

give me peace,

Open your memory, open your heart

Let the great power enter, the immeasurable power,

Protect and preserve, become a guiding star.

Conspiracy for women in labor:

Trisvetla Rozhana mother! Do not let our Family become impoverished, sanctify the womb of all our wives and brides, with your grace-filled power. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For insomnia:

You need to put a treat on your brownie in the master's corner (right opposite from the door), cookies, sweets and say: "Knock-knock, chok-chok, brownie, brownie, turn to another barrel" - in a couple of minutes the body will relax and you will have a good sleep .

If there is no thing in the house:

Put a treat on the brownie and say "Brownie, play and give it back." If after three times they did not find it, then this thing is not in the house.

To protect the house:

“Hey grandfather, don’t fall asleep, deal with the thief in your own way, walk around the yard on patrol, keep everything properly.” And put a treat on the brownie. You can safely go about your business.

Treatment of a pediatric hernia:

Stroke the sore spot in a clockwise circular motion and say “The hernia gnaws (name), you are one - I am two, you are two - I am three, you are 3 - I am 4, you are 4 - I am 5, you are 5 - I am 6, you are 6 - I'm 7, you're 7, and I'll eat you completely. And so three times. Spend 5 days on the full moon. Two days before and two days after the full moon.

To open or clear a path:

“Buoy - Tour Ariy, I think about the hara, I lament about the hara. Dun on that path press Zhinev "

Hex for water:

The pain of the twig from someone else's box, where it came from, went there. The one who sent you misses you. I conjure you, I send you back, over the blue rivers, over the high mountains, where conspiracies will not find you. Return to the sender, who did not know grief. Stay with him and don't come back." The charmed water is drunk 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Take living water, not boiled and not stagnant.

Meningitis Treatment (even at the last stage): An oak barrel is taken, a sennik (hay) is steamed there and the patient is bathed in this steam.

Gangrene treatment: They take fresh pork liver and put it on a sore spot, gangrene is gone.

Live Aid Belt it is done like this: on a white cloth they write the words of the conspiracy “Where he came from - he left there” Or"Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Ognebozhich! Sleep the pain-sickness, cleanse the womb, the child of the people (name), every creature, the old and the young, You are God's Delight! Purifying the fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may it perish We glorify you, we call you to us, now and forever and from circle to circle! "The written is applied to the naked body and worn. After 28-29 days, they tear and remove (do not cut). The belt is better from linen.

Conspiracy for food for health and strength

The conspiracy is intended to ensure that the food is tasty, useful and filled with health and strength. Read in the morning while cooking so that no one hears:

Father Svarog and Mother Lada created heaven and earth and the whole universe: water, dry land, mountains, wilderness, grain, and bread. Dear Gods, let me create, feed your grandchildren. Give them health, strength, so that they eat and drink, glorify the Gods. Give me, Father, and me to be glorified by a righteous deed. Glory to the Gods and Ancestors!

Conspiracy from fear

Velese, help, Mother Lada, Native Guardian Gods will protect, To help me and my child drive out the evil spirit, give joy to me and my child, keep the whole world, all the light, joy and glory! Come out fright! Get out the fright! Come out, come out, evil spirit! Whether they pour or slander - do not allow it, Svarozhe. Svarozhichi, whip, chop, drive away from the world, from Dazhgod's grandson (name), from granddaughters, from great-granddaughters, from my child, from my herd, from the whole world in the wide world! I drive out evil: from the head, from under the head. There is no rage in the head, no deafness, dumbness, blindness, no hearing, no knowing. I expel from the womb, from the heart, from under the heart, from the lungs, from under the lungs, from the livers, from under the livers, from the stomach, from under the stomach, from the intestines, from under the intestines, from the spleen, from under spleen, from the kidneys, from under the kidneys, from times, from under times, from any disease I expel trash: from hands, from shoulders, from under shoulders, from elbows, from under elbows, from palm, from under palm , from the fingers, from under the fingers, from the nails, from under the nails. Do not know paralysis, get bread and salt with your own hands. From the sides, from under the sides, from the knees, from under the knees, from the thighs, from under the thighs, from the stretches, from under the stretches, from the bones, from the bones, from the heels, from under the heels, from the soles , from under the soles, from the neck, from under the neck, from the lower back, from under the lower back to drive away tetanus, not to know seventy-seven diseases, not to hear twenty-four winds with deadly lapels, to have glory and health, a clean bed, like God's Svarog, mother Lada to have. To lie - not to lie, not to know the disease!

Universal conspiracy for all diseases

Come out, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases from a person: from bones, from veins, from joints, from blood, from the neck. Go where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm, where the voice of God does not set, where the temples of the Family do not stand, where the fires of Svarog do not burn. There you keep your will, pour sand, wave reeds, Do not occupy the world, twist stumps, break, sprinkle leaves, become hollows, pull out roots, and the World will not have and know grief. Disappear, perish, move away from the World, and take my conspiracy to Holy Rule! A week with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and Saturday itself - evil spirits and disease perish. In a week, the Sun rises - evil spirits and all diseases recede! Holy Ancestors, God's Warriors, Perun's children, help me, evil spirits, all sorts of illnesses, pour dashing alien beliefs into wax (fire)! Come out, evil eye, fright, whirlwind, whirlwind, draft, draft, wind, wind, wind, lunatic, paralysis. From scrap, from shchem, from gloom. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of illnesses, all illnesses into the wax (into the fire) enter. From fire, from the sword, from the invasion of the Holy Fiery Spirit. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. From the head, from the ears, from the piercing of the ears. From the spine, from the neck, from the brain, from the blood, from the uterus, from Bladder! Come out, dark spirits, dashing foreign faith and all sorts of diseases. Come out: conceived, enchanted, sleepy, done, sent. From hunting, from work, come out cat, dog, bullock, chicken, sheep, girlish, valiant. Come down, dark spirits and all sorts of diseases. All dark spirits and all sorts of diseases enter the wax (fire). And stay there forever! Glory to Svarog!

Folk rites and conspiracies are ancient witchcraft rituals that have been used by our ancestors for many centuries.

Russian magic covered all spheres of human life, with its help people solved their heart problems, attracted financial well-being and good luck, built protection from spiritual and physical evil, and treated a variety of diseases.

A huge number of such conspiracies are of interest not only to specialists in the field of witchcraft, but also to other professionals who study folklore, for example, ethnographers.

Conspiracies for healing

Rituals that should help a person get rid of various diseases can be called the most powerful and important.

There are both universal rituals that contribute to the overall healing and restoration of the body, and narrowly focused ones that can withstand only one disease.

In the Russian magical tradition there is a huge number of conspiracies and rituals for the healing of children. These rituals were used not only by village sorcerers and sorcerers, every mother knew them by heart.

In rituals for the health of children, it is very important to correctly read the words of the conspiracy, since all the power of such magic lies precisely in words. The performer must be firmly convinced of the power of the ritual used and believe that it will bring relief to the patient.

It is important to remember that any rite against the disease must be carried out only with a positive, benevolent attitude. You should not have any negative thoughts and feelings. Only a person with a pure heart and soul can cure a child.

Ancient ritual for blood loss

This magical ritual is performed in order to stop heavy bleeding. To perform the ceremony, the magician must pinch the wound on himself or another person with his fingers, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Strong the earth, fight the turf, and calm down the blood of the servant of God (name). As the earth falls asleep and smoothes its wounds, so may the wound of the servant of God (name) heal. May it be so. Amen".

Ancient conspiracy from a serious illness

This powerful magical rite will help heal a person even from the most serious diseases. For healing, you need to read a special conspiracy prayer, standing at the head of a sick person with the Three-handed icon. Words are read daily in the morning and in the evening:

"Preferring Holy Mother of God Virgin Mary, I fall down and bow before you, before the icon of the saint. Remembering your glorified miracle, how you healed the truncated right hand of the Monk John of Damascus, a miracle that was revealed to people from your icon. The sign is still visible on the icon to this day, it is depicted in the image of a third hand. Help me, Three-Handed, help heal God's servant (name) with your hand. Hear me, Holy Mother of God, do not deprive me of your help. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Icon of the Mother of God Three-Handed

Folk ritual from drunkenness

Drunkenness in Russia was not always such a serious problem as it is today. But the more the Russian people fell into the fetters of slavery, called serfdom, the more the state and the church tried to fool the people, the more they drank in our country, drank from hopelessness. When such a problem appeared, many folk conspiracies appeared to combat drunkenness. To get rid of this disease loved one you need to read over him intoxicated and sleeping words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. May hops and wine depart from the servant of God (name), the craving will go to distant forests, to dark forests, to wide fields, to fast rivers. It will disappear where people do not walk, where horses do not go, where wild animals do not roam, and where birds do not fly in the sky. He will leave to attack from the servant of God (name) and will not return. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rituals for prosperity and well-being

Man at all times wanted not to experience financial problems.

It was very difficult for a simple Russian person to get financial well-being for the house, so many magical rituals appeared aimed at attracting wealth.

Monetary rituals can vary greatly among themselves. Some rituals were aimed at successful trade, such rituals were performed when a person went with goods to the fair.

Money rituals have always been relevant, but in our time there are enough skeptics who do not believe in special Forces

Others, universal conspiracies, were supposed to attract money to the family by any means, under the influence of such rites a person could find money right on the ground.

Folk rite for a rich life

To perform this magical ritual, you need to buy 12 ripe apples. After the transaction, do not take change from the seller, so prepare small bills in advance.

On the first day, you need to give every second apple to a beggar on the street, and bring the six remaining fruits home. On the second day, you also need to distribute half of the remaining apples. The remaining three fruits must be taken to the church on the third day, put them on the memorial table and say the words of the money conspiracy: “I remember my poverty for the rest, remember the poverty of the servant of God (name) for the rest. Wealth and money will be with me from now on. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To bring big money to the family

To conduct this ceremony, you will need five church white candles. Set them on a table covered with a light tablecloth, light them, cross yourself three times and read the words of the conspiracy:

“My hope and support, Jesus Christ. The Blessed Virgin Mary is my support. They walked across the sky, carrying sacks of money, those sacks opened, and money fell from heaven. I, the servant of God (name), walked the earth, found that money, collected that money, carried it home, lit the candles, and distributed the money to the family. As the candles burn out, so the money will come to my house. Forever and ever, Amen."

Christian egregore helps his adherents very well

Now wait for the candles to burn out completely, collect all the wax from them, roll it into one ball and put it in your wallet. In the coming days, you should notice the beginning of an improvement in your financial condition.

Strong spell for money

Russian conspiracies for wealth are very effective. With their help, you can significantly and quickly replenish your financial condition, most importantly, competently carry out all the necessary actions.

This magical rite must be performed on an even day of the month, on the full moon. Go to church with a coin, which should only have an even denomination. Consecrate the coin and go with it to the forest in the evening. Find a large aspen in the forest, dig a shallow hole next to it, put a coin there, cover it with earth, stand on top and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Holy Mother of God Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, bless the servant of God (name). May the Lord be with my soot, may it grow as a sprout, may it be harvested. As a mouse does not gnaw iron money, as a worm does not exude it, so let no one squander my money. Money will come to me once, but it will never leave. May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Instead of the forest, you can go to the park

After that, you need to pour clean water on the place where you buried the coin, turn around and, without looking back, leave the forest. The rite should begin to operate two weeks after reading the plot.

Conspiracies for love

Love was of the strongest importance for our ancestors, therefore, hundreds of special magical rituals have survived to this day, designed to help in matters of the heart.

It is noteworthy that many of these rites are intended for use by men, so we can safely say that in ancient times, love magic was not an exclusively female occupation.

Powerful ritual for love

Place three new candles on a light tablecloth. Light the candles and read the words of the conspiracy:

“Lord, my God, I trust in You and I pray to You. Create a high wall, and a deep pit, and an impenetrable fence. Create an impenetrable longing, three fathoms deep. Create immeasurable height, and immeasurable longing. Close, Lord, the barriers, block the fences, so that the Servant of God (name) comes to me, so that he does not go to another. And if he decides to leave, all the longing that was only created by God will pass to him. Close the fences, Lord, take the keys for yourself, help me, God's servant (name). Until the castle of the Lord God is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will love me. May it be so. Amen".

To attract a girl

To attract the attention, and then the love of the girl, read every time in a whisper when you see her words: “The Lord God created a woman for man. I love this woman, I attract her, I attract her. There will be a servant of God (name) mine. Amen".

Basic rules of witchcraft

Witchcraft has always inspired people with fear and awe. The ability of a person to cause material or physical damage to someone, to heal or exterminate someone, to communicate with spirits and representatives of the animal world has always been something beyond understanding for ordinary people.
During the Middle Ages, many people believed in witchcraft. They believed and feared any of its manifestations. Even the slightest suspicion that a person is associated with witchcraft practices was severely punished by the church, because it was believed that the sorcerers made a deal with evil spirits.

Witchcraft is balance. Any witchcraft actions and rituals create energy. Sometimes, especially at the beginning of training, our lives suddenly begin to swing like a pendulum, creating problems that we had no idea about before. When you cast witchcraft, you are telling the universe that you are ready to find balance in your life. But in order to find balance, your life and habits must change.

Often teenagers say that they no longer want to practice witchcraft, because something is happening to them that they did not want at all. They think that if they give up witchcraft, then life will return to normal. Nothing like this. Life will change anyway, and possibly for the worse.

Basic rules of witchcraft

Your life, from birth to death, is made up of cycles of change. If the situation does not change, then life turns into a stagnant swamp. Stagnation is tantamount to death. Change is a vital part of our being. Sorcerers learn to respect change and strive for balance.

Basic rules of witchcraft

  • Any witchcraft must be part of a spiritual plan.
  • Any witchcraft needs the participation of the spirit.
  • Turn to divination tools before embarking on any witchcraft actions.
  • Remember that every action you take creates consequences that affect your life and the lives of others.

witchcraft rules

  1. "Do whatever you want, but don't hurt anyone."
  2. "Everything you do comes back to you threefold."
  3. "Witchcraft should not be contrary to the free will of other people."
  4. "Watch your thoughts and words."
  5. "Always have a backup plan."
  6. “Everything that is created in the witch world is manifested in real world". While you are studying, perform all witchcraft operations in a magic circle or in a sacred space.
  7. "Stay away from alcohol and drugs."
  8. "Never threaten or frighten people with your sorcery."
  9. "Strive for balance and respect change."

Prejudice at all times was enough in any field of activity. Nevertheless, the facts remain facts: even in modern times, spells and rituals help to find harmony in relationships, get rid of illness, attract good luck, and not just attack with the intent to harm. You need to know that the sorcerer does not just turn the stream in the right direction, you have to pay for everything. The fee can be different, depending on what forces the practitioner works with, what his personal energy costs are and how difficult the work is in its essence.

Unfortunately, despite the development of science and technology, as well as the development of humanity as a whole, dark influences on humans continue to exist, therefore modern man you need to know the symptoms of damage and the evil eye and ways to protect against attacks with malicious intent. Such an impact can bring a lot of problems to you and your loved ones, in some cases even very skeptical people agree that it can be difficult to give a rational explanation for certain negative manifestations in personal life.

However, there must be a measure and conscious thinking everywhere. Do not immediately look suspiciously at people if you have a loss, illness, a breakup in a relationship, or trouble at work. No one promised us an easy and pleasant life, many situations are given to us for experience or for development, and in such cases it is simply useless to carry out cleansing procedures or try to correct the situation. In addition, you should know that our energy field resembles the immune system and is able to cleanse itself. With a mild negative impact, the resulting gaps in the field can be tightened without special treatment.

In Russia, a conspiracy is often called whispering or slander. Usually it is not sung or read, but whispered. Conspiracies can be built in the form of a request or a threat.

Russian conspiracies - with these words, the imagination draws a mysterious and scary picture: a hut on the edge of the village, a gray-haired and shaggy old woman brews an odorous drug in a cauldron, and a black cat watches her, squinting her eyes ...

Familiar literary images arise from childhood. Here are Pushkin's "Through the forests, across the seas, the sorcerer carries the hero ...

Dear readers, a bright and beautiful holiday Easter. In the current 2013 Easter falls on May 5th.

I would like to bring to your attention a short article about magic conspiracies and prayers that need to be applied just on these pre-holiday and holiday days.

Use the power of folk magic to attract prosperity, remove the negative: the evil eye or damage, protect yourself from diseases and enemies, and also offer prayers to God for healing.

So, first I would like to introduce you to...

Conspiracies from laziness and apathy are effective and very easy way escape from inaction, gain strength and energy of life for new beginnings and victories.

It can definitely be said that negative emotions debilitate, prevent a person from being successful and achieving their goals. They impede and slow down the achievement of the goal, forcing you to constantly back up or stagnate in one place. Special conspiracies will help to cope with laziness and apathy.

Conspiracies from laziness

Laziness is considered a strong egregore. She...

Conspiracies for all occasions, do they exist and why are they so important?

Around us there are many different dangers that a person may not even be aware of. Every day we encounter completely different people. Some of them become our friends, others our comrades-in-arms.

There are those who walk the edge of our lives and don't even leave a trace. But there is one more category - envious and malefactors. These people can be our neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues, they can even pretend to be...

Conspiracy from enemies - The best way protect your energy field

Conspiracies from enemies have been used from time immemorial, because no matter how good a person is, there will always be those who envy him, wish evil, want to destroy his happiness.

Conspiracies from enemies are used in white magic different peoples. Their main goal is to protect people and strengthen them. energy field.

Conspiracy from enemies: what does it protect from

When a person wishes evil even the one who has the minimum ...

A conspiracy for success, like many other narrowly focused conspiracies, is a fairly effective way to attract good luck and minimize your risks with the help of magic. The ancient methods of magic, passed down from generation to generation, are able to harmonize your present and make your future desirable.

The achievement of the set goal often depends not only on external, visible circumstances, but also on the energy field that exists as the central figure of the intended enterprise...

Conspiracies for money have been popular at all times. You can speak not only coins and banknotes, but also piggy banks, so that they attract monetary energy.

Piggy banks are needed not only to put coins from change into them.

These items are able to attract the energy of well-being into the house. Monetary energy goes up with every coin put in, and this process can be “accelerated” using time-tested conspiracies.

Which piggy bank will attract financial luck ...

Conspiracies are one of the most common ways to achieve your goals in love, business and other areas of life. If you have a photo of a man, then with it you can make him fall in love with you.

You can attract luck in love with the most different ways. The main thing is to believe that the man who is destined for you by fate will definitely be with you.

How to prepare for a photography conspiracy

You will need a photo, but it must meet certain requirements.

Conspiracies and spells are the oldest layer of folk culture and are directly, like a fairy tale, connected with magic.

With the help of incantation formulas, our ancestors hoped to enlist the support of the elemental forces of nature and their rulers, God and Christian saints, to prevent or stop unwanted phenomena, to cause or accelerate favorable changes. But if a prayer can be “heard” or “not heard”, then a correctly pronounced spell, according to a deep universal conviction, has an unfailing effect on the heavenly forces and the forces of nature, on weapons and diseases (more precisely, on creatures personifying illnesses), on plants and animals and, of course, for people of all ages, ranks and ranks - from sorcerers, "bosses and bosses" to a newborn baby or a "red maiden" who fell in love with a guy.

The first group of conspiracies are "medical" - and universal ("from all diseases", "from pain"), and directed against specific ailments (from blood poisoning, from snake bite). A separate group is made up of conspiracies designed to ensure the health of a newborn baby (“from the navel”), save the child from insomnia, protect from childhood illnesses. Special attention deserves "overbaking the child."

The second group includes economic conspiracies and amulets, designed to ensure a good harvest of grain and vegetables, the offspring of livestock, good luck in hunting, fishing, trade, security in the forest, in a foreign land, in war.

The third group of conspiracies is aimed at resolving public and personal relations between people, where “drying” and “drying” - love spells are of particular interest.

Most of the conspiracies are aimed at the benefit of man, therefore their texts contain prayer formulas, the names of Christian characters (Holy Trinity, Mother of God, heroes of biblical tales). But there are also harmful spells and adjoining "drying" and "drying" ("love spells"). love plots). In them, they turn to evil spirits for help ("I call to myself nine devils, nine demons ..."), to pagan gods and, of course, they do not use prayer words and expressions.

Those who owned the conspiracy word can also be divided into several groups. The first, largest group is those who know how to stop bleeding, know conspiracies from the most common diseases, the necessary amulets. And the further we moved away from traditional culture, the fewer such people became. In the recent past, such people were in almost every family, and such a level of mastery of the magic word and action was considered common.

The second group is "whisperers" (healers), who serve not only their family members and close relatives, but also all fellow villagers; sometimes residents of neighboring villages turned to them for help. Their knowledge is not limited to healing, economic and universal spells; often they are turned to for protection from evil spirits in order to weaken or neutralize evil spells. In their practice, they widely use medicinal herbs and other traditional medicine.

The third category includes sorcerers, whose capabilities and magical power are considered almost limitless. Popular rumor ascribes to them the ability to work real miracles. Here is how the Old Believers of Lithuania tell about it: “It was enough for the sorcerer to walk around the cart with goods - and their owners quickly sold everything on the market. Another sorcerer offered the narrator’s father to temporarily turn him into a dog so that he could run away to Lithuania and return back to Russia, where his family had evacuated during World War I. Frustrated that they were not invited to the wedding, the sorcerers stopped the wedding drive - not only horses, but also cars, punished thieves by turning them into rats or using spells to prevent them from leaving the place crimes."

In conspiracies, the word is transmitted not only and not even so much through the ears. The words of the conspiracy are usually slandered on some object (for gingerbread, for bread, for salt, for drinking, and much more), which becomes their carrier to their destination. A conspiracy read in the presence of a person is usually incomprehensible to him, since he is usually “whispered” so that no one hears anything, but at the same time the word necessarily enters the patient’s body. A special word requires a special way. Very indicative here is the custom that has been held in Russia for several centuries to receive a name for a newborn and a prayer “in a hat” from a priest. The priest pronounced the name and recited a prayer to the father or godparent who came “for the name” in a hat, which they tried to put on their heads without delay and bring the “contents” safely. Then the hat was shaken out over the newborn or put on his head so that the words of the priest would surely reach the one to whom they were intended. When transferring the word, it was necessary to say: “The threshold was crossed - the words were carried.” If a river or a stream came across along the way, then it was also necessary to say: “I crossed the river - I transferred the words.” In the same way, prayers were delivered for the sick from distant villages. These acts were strongly condemned by ecclesiastical authorities, but continued well into the twentieth century.

Conspiracies, according to the vast majority of researchers, are the most archaic component of traditional Slavic culture. The practice of using conspiracies has its roots in ancient times and in more or less lesser degree preserved to this day.

The bulk of the texts of conspiracies were recorded in the 18th - 20th centuries. A fragment of a charm text on a birch-bark script from Novgorod dating back to the 14th-15th centuries is known. There are also several texts relating to the 15th-16th centuries. The written text of the most ancient conspiracy now known to researchers refers to XII century. It was also found on a birch bark scroll during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that conspiracies existed long before written fixation. Based on this, a number of researchers believe that on the basis of incantation texts it is possible not only to judge the mythological ideas of our ancestors, but also to use incantations as one of the tools in the reconstruction of an integral mythological system: “... ancient Indian and European incantations, belonging to a single ancient tradition, reflect highly archaic "mythopoetic" ideas and allow us to raise the question of reconstructing at least fragments of the common Indo-European text"

The use of conspiracies is typical not only for Slavic traditional culture, but also for almost all archaic cultures. How high the importance attached to conspiracies among the ancient Aryans can be judged by the fact that the Vedic corpus includes, along with the Rigveda (the Veda of hymns), the Yajurveda (the Veda of sacrificial formulas) and the Samaveda ( “leading tunes”) also “Atharvaveda” - “leading atharvans” or, literally, “leading conspiracies”. It includes conspiracies mainly of an everyday, domestic nature. For example, against a house fire:

It's a drain for the waters

Housing for the sea.

In the middle of the pond our house -

Turn (your) faces!

Or for the growth of barley:

where we call you

Hearing god-barley,

Rise up there like the sky!

Be inexhaustible like the ocean!

Conspiracies are also widely represented in the traditional culture of the closest neighbors of the Slavs - the Balts. An excerpt from a Lithuanian healing spell:

Holy Land,

Earth, earth, earth!

Snake, snake, snake

Give back health (name)

Month, month, month,

Bright heavenly goddess,

Give him a (full) circle, health to me,

Give him completeness - the kingdom of Perkunas to me!

Conspiracies are also known to the German-Scandinavian traditional culture. Here, for example, is a conspiracy from dislocation:

Fol and Wotan rode in the forest.

Then the mare Baldr's leg was dislocated.

Then Sintgunt conjured her, Sunnah is her sister,

Then Freya conjured her, Fola her sister,

Then Wotan conjured her as well as he could

And from the dislocation of the bone, and from the dislocation of the blood,

And from a dislocation of the joint:

Bone to bone, blood to blood

Joint to joint yes stick

Note that many researchers point out that some of the mythological songs of the Elder Edda also have pronounced features of a purely charm text (or are "grown" from a charm text). For example, the "Speech of Sigrdriva" has these lines:

Be safe, day! Be safe, sons of the day!

Stay safe, night with your sister!

With non-angry eyes look at us here

And give victory to those who sit

Unharmed aces, unharmed asiny,

May the multi-useful earth be unharmed!

In the Celtic epic, texts have also been preserved that have distinct features of a conspiracy:

I conjure Irish land

Washed by the abundant sea,

Abundant are the great mountains,

Mighty forests are great..

So, a conspiracy is a characteristic component of any archaic culture. At the same time, speaking specifically about Slavic folklore, it should be noted that many texts of conspiracies are filled with Christian characters and Christian terminology, and this fact alarms and even frightens non-professionals who begin to get acquainted with traditional Slavic culture. In addition, a certain number of incantations recorded by ethnographers are, in fact, the product of largely Christian thinking and do not carry any practical elements of traditional (or, more precisely, mythological) thinking. In this connection, the question arises: how to distinguish an authentic conspiracy from a later one? To do this, first of all, you need to know the basic principles of building traditional conspiracies. One of them is that most authentic conspiracies are based on the "Law of Similarity" or "Law of the big in the small". Its essence boils down to the fact that everything in this world has its own similarity - the earthly world is a "reflection" of the Heavenly world and vice versa, a person ("microcosm") is similar to the Universe ("macrocosm") in its structure. Accordingly, all incantatory texts built on this law and having lines of a comparative and comparative nature can rightly be considered traditional even if they use external Christian terminology. An example of such a conspiracy:

On Mother Mezhovka

Water runs and rolls

And in a hurry

From the servant of God (name) will roll down

Liquid-bridki prize-winning lessons,

thin skinny,

Evil yawning..

Here we clearly see that the process of getting rid of diseases is likened to the flow (or rather, “leakage”) of water, that is, in this case, the conspiracy formula: “as water flows, so let the disease flow away” is based precisely on the mythological “law of similarity”; therefore, the basis of this conspiracy with good reason can be recognized as ancient.

Less problems with the classification of a plot arise if, along with fundamental mythological ideas, it also contains specific mythological images. Like, for example, in this case:

On the blue sea-okiyane

On the island of Buyan

An oak tree stands upside down

A beautiful girl sits on an oak tree.

This is not a red girl -

The Mother of God Theotokos herself.

She sews and embroiders

sews sick wounds,

pulls the thread from north to east

This thread is breaking

At the slave (name), hot blood subsides

By this hour

For this time

For this holy minute!

Such traditional mythological images as "Buyan Island" (sacred Center of the World), "Oak uprooted" (World Tree) irrefutably testify to the ancient pre-Christian basis of the conspiracy.

As mentioned above, from conspiracy texts you can get information about the mythological ideas of our ancestors, their views on the world order, and much more. For example, the idea of ​​the sacred Center of the World (Buyan Island) or the First Matter (Alatyr-Stone) has been preserved in a more or less unchanged form solely thanks to conspiracies.

In relation to Christianity, it would not be superfluous to note that the very fact of using conspiracies as such contradicts the Christian worldview, which is extremely negative about any magical practices. In Christian sources, we can repeatedly come across angry words addressed to people practicing Voloshba: “I’ll lie in dreams, I’ll put the cat out, into lessons, in divination, in cursing and nauzy wear (…) who has forgotten God…”. The following passage from a church document specifically denounces the treatment with the help of Voloshba: “To this, another is like wine: weakness, weakness, to lie and learn, with charms, without need to bring and without the verb, shake to create (drive away) ... Damn it is. (...) The Lord does not say cunning spells and nauzes, neither in strech, nor in climb, nor in Czech lie, then the filth is evil "

By the way, such a position of the church by no means eradicated the use of various magical means among the people.

In the letter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, dating back to 1648 (that is, hundreds of years after the baptism of Russia), there are, in particular, the following lines: sick and over babies are doing all kinds of demonic sorcery and are excommunicated from the rule of law by Orthodox peasants ”This fact, along with many others cited above, also serves as indirect evidence of the originality, authenticity of such a phenomenon as conspiracies in general for Slavic culture, as well as the strangeness of this phenomenon for Christian culture.

Some features of charm texts: rhythm

From a religious and magical point of view, a conspiracy is part of verbal (speech, verbal) magical practices. Some of the incantations have a purely everyday, “mundane-practical” purpose, and this is their difference from praises, koloslavs or ritual songs, mostly related to ritual magic and pursuing, if you like, more spiritually lofty goals. At the same time, conspiracies are known that are used for non-domestic purposes, namely, in the course of ritual (ritual) actions - both rituals and holidays.

One of the characteristic features of the plot is its special rhythmic organization. The presence of rhythm in the texts of incantations brings them closer to poetic genres, however, in this case, rhythm plays not an aesthetic (as in poetry), but a purely practical role: “Unlike the song and epic genres of folklore (...) in incantations, the rhythmic organization is not so much aesthetic , how much pragmatically conditioned reception, this essential tool any "suggestive" text, providing the magical power of a conspiracy and acting together with other methods directly related to the strategy and tactics used in conspiracies to influence the state of things in the world "

The idea of ​​rhythm, which is one of the foundations of the Universe, is the most ancient and characteristic of almost any traditional culture, since rhythm, from the point of view of mythological thinking, is perceived as a visual form of the ordering of the Universe - the change of seasons, the change of time of day, the change of various periods in a person's life - in everything this sees a certain rhythm - the Natural Rhythm of the Universe. Further, following one of the foundations of mythological thinking already mentioned here, namely the "Law of Similarity" - Natural rhythms must be repeated at all levels - from the Divine to the human. Therefore, from the point of view of mythological thinking, various techniques of interaction with the Spirits of Nature, Ancestors and Gods, in particular, verbal appeals to Them are possible only in a rhythmic form, which is the text of both praises and incantations. This fact is confirmed by numerous researchers of this topic: “a conspiracy is a traditional rhythmically organized formula, which a person considered a magical means to achieve various practical goals. The conspiracy was credited with the unconditional power of coercive influence on people and nature, primarily due to the fact that it is rhythmically organized in a special way. ”That is why the vast majority of spiritual texts of antiquity have a rhythmic form - from texts in the Sumerian temples or the ancient Aryan Rigveda to the Scandinavian Elder Edda ".

Among the people, there are a number of beliefs and prescriptions regarding the use of conspiracies - starting with the preservation and transmission of their texts and ending with the actual application. For example, there is a belief that the texts of conspiracies cannot be passed on to older people - from this they can lose their magical power. Therefore, the keepers of conspiracies ("knowledgeable people", "enchanters", etc.) passed them on mainly to those who in the future had to continue the practice of using conspiracies.

The conspiracy is pronounced in a special manner - in a deliberately changed voice (louder or quieter than usual, whispering, muttering, etc.) and is accompanied by an increase or, on the contrary, slowing down of breathing, depending on the purpose of the conspiracy and the personal practical experience of the person reading the conspiracy.

Often, the pronunciation of the text of the conspiracy (verbal part) is accompanied by certain actions (actional part) using certain items(real part). The trinity of these components is also based on the "Law of Similarity" - the spoken words are "fixed" by the subject-effective component. Such, for example, is the binding of rags or threads symbolizing the fates (or rather, the Threads of Fates) of two people, which must be connected (when reading love spells), burning or releasing any objects through the water, symbolizing what a person needs to get rid of (when reading healing spells), etc. In a number of conspiracies, spatial orientation is also important - as a rule, healing and protective conspiracies are pronounced facing east. In some cases, this is indicated in the text of the conspiracy itself:

I will become (name)

I'll go out of the hut through the doors,

From the yard - gate

In an open field

To the east side

Conspiracies associated with inducing damage and curses (the so-called "dark conspiracies") are pronounced facing west:

I will become (name)

I'll go down the path

wolf hole

I'll be on Sunset face

On the sunrise ridge

Conspiracies related to a specific situation, such as stopping bleeding, are spoken directly to the object - in this case, the wound. Healing conspiracies, as well as conspiracies to remove damage, are also slandered by turning to the patient, but so that the speaker is facing east.

The course of the conspiracy action largely repeats the structure of the large Kologodny Rite, now adopted among the followers of traditional pre-Christian culture. This also manifests the organic Unity of the Big and the Small, the manifestation of the Will of the Gods at all levels of the Universe. In fact, the conspiracy and the actions accompanying its reading are a small Rite.

List of used and cited literature:

Agapkina T.A. East Slavic healing incantations in comparative coverage. Plot and image of the world. 2010

Anthropology of culture. Issue. 3. 2005

V-conspiracies. Annotated bibliographic index. 2011

Velmezova E.V. Czech healing conspiracy. Abstract cand. diss. 1999

Gunchik I. Ukrainian magical-sacred folklore. 2011

Efimenko P.S. MFF Arkhangelsk province

Efimenko P.S. Sat. Little Russian spells. 1874

Efimenko P.S. Ghouls (Kievskaya Starina)

Zavyalova M.V. Balto-Slavic incantation text linguistic analysis and model of the world. 2006

Conspiracy text. Genesis and structure. 2005

The concept of movement in language and culture. 1996

Maykov L.N. Great Russian spells

Poznansky N. Conspiracies. 1917

Romanov E.R. Belarusian collection. Issue. 5. Conspiracies, apocrypha, spiritual verses. 1891

Russian charms from handwritten sources of the 17th - first half of the 19th centuries. 2010

Russian conspiracies of Karelia. 2000

Text. Semantics and structure. 1983

Ukrainian spells. 1993-

Ethnolinguistic and ethnocultural history of Eastern Europe. 1995

Yudin A.V. Onomasticon of Russian conspiracies. 1997

1) From nightmares: If a person is tormented by nightmares, you need to bring thistle grass and put it under the bed with the words: "Just as no one counts your needles, so let the servant of God (name) not know nightmare dreams. Amen." 2) get rid of headaches possible in a matter of minutes. Lean your forehead against the door frame, and then against the window pane, while saying:
"Come out, pain, here,
Never go back.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

3) If bad luck haunts you, find a knot in the forest that resembles a slingshot, from which children like to shoot paper balls. Stick the slingshot into the ground so that there are two ends at the bottom and one at the top, and say:
“Until the second grows to one,
Sadness-trouble will not come to me again.

4) If the legs and face swell, you should drink "jelly" from flax 5 times a day for 10 days. To prepare, take 5 teaspoons of flax seeds, pour four glasses of water and simmer for 15 minutes. Let it brew for one hour and strain the seeds. Add to taste in each glass when drinking. lemon juice and drink hot. When using this remedy, a lot of stagnant water comes out of a person, the stomach subsides and swelling on the legs and face disappears.

5) The best helpers for a diseased liver- wild rose, St. John's wort, corn stigmas, horsetail and immortelle. If you have liver problems, these herbs should always be on hand.

6) Conspiracy for luck. Read this conspiracy on the full moon on an even number of an even day and month:
» Jesus Christ walked,
He carried gold in his hands.
Who will catch his shadow
He will never lose anything.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

7) In the place where you want to win the case, say like this:
"How does a baby not know himself
No name, no estate,
So I would not have known emptiness in this matter. Amen."

8. Would you like a person not to come to you? Wash the floor after him with the words:
“I don’t wash the dirt,
And I drive out the slave (name).
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

9) That person who has a secret desire and with all his heart he wants it to come true, he must go to the forest on the night of Ivan Kupala (July 7) and there find a dry aspen that would be taller than a person. Standing facing east, you need to raise the ax and say loudly, loudly:

» Forest Spirit,
Leshy honest,
In your name and for you
I cut this tree
And you, forest spirit,
Grandfather goblin honest, I ask: fulfill for me (name the desire).

10) One who has no happiness in life let him pick up the morning dew, speak it and drink it. Conspiracy:
"Morning dew,
Lord's tear
Take everything off me
Superficial, small and large.
And who did bad to me,
That would have interrupted my conspiracy.
God help me!
God bless!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.