Nikonov Vyacheslav Biography Family. Dean of the Faculty of Public Administration

Russian political and statesman gained fame thanks to participation in popular television talk shows. Vyacheslav Nikonov is now distinguished by consistent support for the official position on all key issues of international and domestic politics. He is very proud of his famous grandfather -

early years

Vyacheslav Nikonov was born on July 5, 1956 in the Soviet capital, in the family of responsible Soviet scientists. Both parents were doctors of historical sciences. Father, Alexey Nikonov, after serving in the NKVD bodies, taught in MGIMO (had the title of professor), then he was engaged in science in IMEMO, he worked as the editor of the communist magazine. Mom, Svetlana Molotova, was the only daughter of high-ranking party and statesmen - Vyacheslav Molotov and Polina Pearl (at birth: Pearl Solomonovna Karpovskaya). By education historian.

Secondary education Vyacheslav received in a Moscow specialized school for gifted children. Training in an elite educational institution (special school number 1) has provided ample opportunities to continue education and future career. From childhood, Vyacheslav Nikonov distradized and good behavior. School teachers often put it as an example, and he equally easily cope with humanitarian and natural sciences.

University years

Probably, a young man who grew up in the family of two highly qualified historians was not too difficult to decide on the profession. Moreover, in Soviet times, in addition to prestigiousness, the historical faculty of an elite university gave an almost direct ticket to power. In 1973, Vyacheslav Nikonov entered Moscow State University, where he was specialized at the Department of New and the latest history. Already at that time he hoped to make a career in the field of public administration.

During the years of study, he entered the party that was quite common at the faculty, because teachers were preparing teachers of the CPSU history. Nikonov was a convinced and active communist, which appreciated his fellow students, choosing the secretary of the Committee of the WRCSM. In addition to the main subjects, over the years of study, I learned English and French at the level of free ownership. In 1977, he took part in the third season of the television intellectual game "What? Where? When?", Which in those years was one of the most popular gears of Soviet television. At the same time, as he recalled himself, it was completely accidental to the command of the experts. He remembered the first experience of speeches on television, but he was not interested in developing in this direction.

First managerial experience

After graduating from the university in 1978, the young and promising specialist left to work in their native department. Over the years of work in Moscow State University, he became one of the leading Soviet Americanists, defending first Ph.D., and then the doctoral dissertation on the history of the Republican Party of the United States. Gradually moved along the career ladder, first taking the position of the younger, and then a senior researcher. In 1988, he was elected secretary of the parcoma of the Native Faculty, the election position gave the "green light" to the tops of the Soviet nomenclature.

A year later, Vyacheslav Nikonov worked already in the central office of the Communist Party as an instructor. The young party functioner coped well with difficult work, and soon he was appointed the head of the Sector of the CPSU Central Committee. The rapid growth in the Soviet hierarchy, of course, promoted outstanding personal qualities, but not least the relevant origin was played. In addition, a relatively young Secretary General tried to update the party frames.

At the footsteps of the Father

With the beginning of the restructuring translated into the office of the President of the Soviet Union, as Vyacheslav Nikonov himself later said, he was part of the Gorbachev team. In the new hierarchy, he still quickly moved through a career ladder, working as an adviser, then assistant to the presidential office. In 1991, when suppressing the coup, he had to become understood by Arrest of the Vice-President of the USSR Gennady Yanayev.

In 1991, as a person with a flawless reputation and origin, he was invited to work in state security bodies. Moreover, at the high position of Assistant Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Bakatina. In the same year, a scandal associated with the betrayal of state interests broke out when the US leadership was transferred to the United States of the location of listening devices in the American embassy. Vyacheslav Nikonov advanced to such a decision. In those years, he adhered to liberal views, maintaining the reform of the power structures and actually contributing to the collapse of the country.

For the first time in the Duma

In 1992, he long worked in the political council of the Interregional Exchange Union. The following year was first elected to the State Duma on the list of the Russian Unity party and the consent headed by Sergey Shahram. The parliament has been issuing international security and arms control. The grandson of Molotova Vyacheslav Alekseevich Nikonov adequately continued the family traditions by entering the elite, the governing country.

In 1995, he was investigating the causes of the crisis situation and actual independence in the Chechen Republic as Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission. Next year, as Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Committee, he participated in the pre-election campaign to support the presidential candidate Boris Yeltsin.


All subsequent years in the biographies of Vyacheslav Nikonov were the time of further gaining political weight. He entered the Committee on Budget and Taxes, since 2011 it is headed by the Committee on the Education of the State Duma.

Since 2007, he has been working in the Russian World Foundation, created for the popularization of Russian culture and language. Appointed President of Russia Putin V.V. Photo Vyacheslav Nikonov from various events constantly appears in the leading publications of the country. He is an active participant in the political talk show on Russian television, and since 2018, along with the American political scientist, Dmitry Sikims leads the transfer of the "big game" on the first channel.

Great ancestor

As an exemplary grandson, Vyacheslav Alekseevich Nikonov is practically an official biographer of his grandfather Vyacheslav Molotov. Always with warmth talks about him, considering the sample of the patriot and the statesman. Two books wrote two books about the life of the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

In 2016, at the Victory Day, he was held with a portrait of his grandfather in Nizhny Novgorod in the procession of the "immortal regiment". As he himself clarified, he passed in Colon with a portrait of Molotov, because during the war he worked as Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for the Defense of the USSR, was also a member of the Supreme Command Commission of the USSR. For him, this is a very personal holiday. In childhood, he recalls, in the family, the Victory Day has always been celebrated with grandfather Vyacheslav Mikhailovich. After all, Molotov declared the country about the beginning of that terrible war, said, including on June 22, 1941: "Our business, the enemy will be broken and the victory will be behind us!".

personal information

The personal life of the grandson of Molotov Vyacheslav Nikonov passed quite violently, if you can say so about a person who was married three times. For the first time he married his student years. It was a simple housewife, in the specialty economist, native from Poltava. Alexey's son was born in 1979 for the next year after graduating from the Father of the University. Now he is an American citizen who works as an adviser to the President of the Foundation "Politics". From the second marriage politics two sons. About the personal life of Vyacheslav Nikonov of this period is known little.

Now he is married to Nina Mikhailovna Nikonova, the peer of the eldest son. The spouse is engaged in business, is a deputy from "United Russia" in the Smolensk Regional Duma. In 2012, the Son's Son was born from the married couple.

Politician owns English and French. In his free time, he likes to read, especially books on history, philosophy and political science. During his studies at the university, he was engaged in the middle distances.

November 8 was 15 years since the death of one of the leaders of the former Soviet state Vyacheslav Molotov

The 63rd birthday of the Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Vyacheslav Molotov in 1953 coincided with Stalin's funerals. The ninth of March, going down from the stands of the Mausoleum, Nikita Khrushchev, at that time the secretary of the Central Committee and the first secretary of the MK WCP (b), and Georgy Malenkov - also still secretary of the Central Committee and the Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, congratulated the birthday name. And on March 5, to the question of Beria: "What do you give?" - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich briefly replied: "Return Polina!"

After seeing the next day, Molotov's wife Polina Pearl on Lubyanka - she was translated here in connection with the "Doctors' Business" from the Kustanai Links, "Beria welcomed the woman with an exclamation:" The heroine! .. "Soon the pearl was free.

"If you need a party, we are divided," said Polina Pearl, dissolving the marriage with Molotov

The family drama of Molotovna only confirms the folk wisdom: the government is given by God in punishment. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, one of the creators of the Pravda newspaper and the heads of the Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldiers Deputies, later the Chairman of the Council of Scuba and the Council of Labor and Defense, on June 22, 1941, the appeal to the people graduated from the words that were trained: "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours!" But he could not save his spouse in 1949. True, two months before the arrest of Polina Semenovna descended a divorce with him, saying: "If you need a party, we are divided," and moved to live to brother and sister, together with which she was arrested.

From the file "Facts": Pearl Semenovna Karpovskaya (Polina Pearl party nickname) was born in 1896 at the station of the Guliaipol district of the current Dnipropetrovsk region. At the age of 23, becoming a member of the RCP (b), headed by the department of the Zaporizhia Glove of the Party. In connection with the onset of Denikin, the partner was evacuated to Kiev, from where the Central Committee of the CP (b) would send it as a political worker in the 9th Army, stationed in the Darnitsa station. Saved from the onset of the White Guards, Polina Semenovna through Kiev and Zaporizhia fled to Kharkov, where she was given documents in the name of Polina Pearl. In 1921, there was a delegate of the International Women's Congress, held in Moscow, which met the secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Molotov and soon became his wife.

Polina Pearl was accused of a Zionist plot, in particular in imperial views on Crimea, friendship with Israeli Prime Minister Golde Meir and the director of the Moscow Jewish Theater Solomon Mikhoels. The nearest relatives witnessed her correspondence with his brother Karp, emigrated to America, and former employees took the soul, accusing the ex-boss in the despotism and deception of the state. The arrested sentenced to five years of reference - still in the divine in those times! .. In the denunciation of prison informants, it took place under the "Object N 12" sector.

And Vyacheslav Molotov at this time with a ten-minute introductory speech, repeatedly interrupted by applause, opened the last Stalinist CVP (b) - XIX. After a year, the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Deputy Chairman of the Sovin of the USSR was awarded the fourth Order of Lenin (he was first awarded to the 50th anniversary, two more - in 1943 and 1945) - for outstanding achievements to the Communist Party and the Soviet people.

Molotov was not present in any interrogation or a full-time bet with his wife, because in its questionnaire "marital status" was "lonely". How to know, perhaps this record saved the life of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich himself and their daughters Svetlana. But it was not the last test for the Molotovsk family

With the grandson of Molotov - President of the Polita Foundation, Dr. Historical Sciences Vyacheslav Nikonov, we talk immediately after his arrival from a business trip. Due to the flight delay, the interview time had to shorten, since Vyacheslav Alekseevich was in a hurry to the Russian newspaper to discuss the US anti-terrorist operation against the Taliban. Conversation we continued on the road to the editor in his service "Volga".

In the car Vyacheslav Alekseevich, conveniently attached the road sacrifice on his knees, suddenly quickly "read" a thick bundle of Russian newspapers. It turned out that the political scientist is only interested in the first second stripes.

"Of course, the grandfather felt some kind of guilt in front of her grandmother"

Your grandmother was born in Ukraine. Do you have any related relationships with our country?

Relatives in Ukraine do not have left - all moved to Moscow before my birth. Many died during repression: sister, brother grandmother and the rest.

True, my first wife is Poltavaka and my father-in-law live in Poltava, where I used to be almost every year. Now that our son arrives from America to the holidays, he necessarily visits the grandfather with his grandmother.

Have you remembered with you Polina Semenovna about the years spent in the link?

She is never. On this topic in conversations with a grandmother or grandfather, there was a taboo.

What was Vyacheslav Mikhailovich in a relationship with his wife?

Touching. They never quarreled, constantly stuck, went to walk together. The grandfather always loved to walk, so I preferred to Moscow apartment on the street Granovsky, where the apartment of my parents, the State History on the Lenin Mountains was on the same landing. This mansion after my birth a family of Molotov worked was only a year. In 1957, on the June Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU Molotova, Malenkov, Kaganovich and Shepilov-joined them announced the enemies of the party, ascribing them to the creation of an anti-party group.

Therefore, with the Lenin Mountains, we moved first on the summer cottage in the holiday home "Youth" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then in Zhukovka. Here Vyacheslav Mikhailovich spent most of the time, since his Moscow strings turned into crowded processions. And the crowds of curious did not like him nor the authorities.

Of course, the grandfather felt some kind of guilty, although I would not blame him for 1949. What, actually, he could then do? Vyacheslav Mikhailovich saved her and her herself, and her daughter, thus giving a chance to be born grandchildren. For this, I do not have the slightest right, no desire to condemn the grandfather! Moreover, I have reason to thank it not only for being the father of my mother, but also for salvation in the literal sense of my life. At a three-year-old, resting on the State Draft in Mukholat, I fell off the bridge in the sea and began to sink. The grandfather accompanied me was diving and pulled me out of the water

When years later, it turned out that Polina Semenovna had serious health problems (doctors were diagnosed with cancer), she was put in the central clinical hospital. Imagine, in 1970, my grandfather was 80 years old, and to get to the CCB from Zhukovka, he got up every morning at seven in the morning, had breakfast and went to the train. I drove up to the filley, replanted in the subway and went to the station "Youth", then by bus to the hospital. I was sitting until the evening near the grandmother, and then the hour and a half was driving back. And so every day for six months! When she died, her grandfather was, of course, very bad.

"Khrushchev in our family was perceived as a kind of pea scarecrow"

The Stalinist repression personally did not touch the Molotov, why did he hit the Khrushchev thaw in opal? The names of the enemies of the party was not allowed to mention until the prohibition of the CPSU. Judging by Ukraine to Radyantscom Encyclopedic Sloven, the publications, such party leaders, like Molotov, Malenkov, Kaganovich, simply did not exist.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich survived largely due to the fact that he was an outstanding conspirator. The agents of the royal guard only at the first search of 19-year-old Molotov found some compromising. And in the future, with numerous arrests, he did not find anything! During the period of February bourgeois revolution, from all members of the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks party, only three remained three, including Vyacheslav Molotov. The rest were arrested either abroad.

All his life, grandfather was a fairly cautious man. After all, the fate of Bukharin, Kameneva, Zinoviev largely determined the fact that they chatted too much and led the active antistaline correspondence. Then these documents were pulled out at the Plenums of the Central Committee ... Naturally, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich did not do anything like that, since he understood that he was constantly under control: anyone could be sent to him for organizing provocations, and the phones always listened to him.

The 1957 opal was preceded by the dissatisfaction of the majority of members of the Politburo of Khrushchev. He was presented by a large list of claims, starting from virgin, division of the Commands of the Party to rural and industrial, the domain of corn, breaking relations with China and so on. At the Politburo meeting, it was decided to appoint Khrushchev Minister of Agriculture and Returning to Collegiate Guidelines, but Nikita Sergeevich said that this should be approved to the Central Committee. And since his supporters in the Central Committee turned out to be more, dissatisfied with the Politburo declared an anti-party group.

Since what time did you start feeling your relationship with Molotov?

Literally from five years. The teachers in the children's sanatorium asked me as a grandfather of the case, and in my seven years - it was already the 1963th - they were interested in what kind of relationship with Khrushchev is now. I do not remember what was then answered, but since childhood I watched the attitude of adult family members to the Security Council. When we were going with the TV with the TV and Nikita Sergeevich appeared on the screen, it caused all the attacks of laughter. And grandfather, and my parents commented on his unsuccessful words, expressions, behavior. In short, Khrushchev was perceived as a kind of stuffed pea.

On the one hand, it helped me in life - I used to know many things before. And on the other, it certainly disturbed, starting with the fact that the family was constantly under the hood, being a neurope, and ending with the impossibility of a career for my parents, sisters and me. I still remember how all the teachers of the historic faculty of Moscow State University necessarily asked me an additional question about the anti-party group.

"The Molotov's huge library was taken to the cellars of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and there ... flooded!"

What did the whole Molotov engaged in pensions: wrote memoirs, hunted, went fishing?

I can't say that the grandfather had a permanent hobby, but at one time he hunted and went fishing. In retired, the main thing was, of course, reading. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich followed the newest fiction and read all the fat journals: "New World", "Friendship of Peoples", "Foreign Literature" ... In addition, I wrote out "issues of economics", "Philosophy Issues" and other social and political magazines, not Speaking about the newspapers "True", Izvestia

There were talk about the fact that Molotov had already written by memoirs, and someone alleged them even saw. He did not write memories, explaining this in several circumstances, for him quite important. First, neither Lenin nor Stalin wrote memoirs. Secondly, he was sure that no one would never printed them. Thirdly, did not like to work "on the table", I had to send somewhere. Fourthly, there was no access to the documents.

For our requests for memoirs joked: "It was good to sit in the bath, smoking at the same time a cigar and holding his documents in his hands, put into stenographer thick memoirs. I have no access to any documents or stenographer ... "

All memories are written on the basis of a personal archive. In the Russian state archive of socio-political history (the former Central Party Archive), the Molotov Personal Foundation has 1600 cases, but the grandfather himself did not have access to it. Part of the fund is closed so far. As for the home archive, it was not cleaned more than once, and in 1957 all the documents of the grandfather were seized. It completely disappeared his huge library, which was taken to the cellars of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and were flooded there. The second stripper was held after the death of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich in 1986 - everything was taken away from the cottages, including even New Year's postcards and family photos. Although the times were already the others, the instructions remained the same. I managed to partially save only documents from the urban apartment.

A few years ago, the book Felix Chueva "140 conversations with Molotov" was published in Russia. Does she contradict the foregoing of a certain closedness of Vyacheslav Mikhailovich?

Felix Chuev, really liked her grandfather. It was one of the few Stalinist poets who never changed their point of view and did not fit the time. But "140 conversations ..." - a purely pirate edition. You see, the book turned out very funny: no matter how Molotov's answers to Chiyev's questions. But the questions were asked for a walk, at the dinner table! .. And the grandfather as a serious and knowledgeable person of Chiev did not perceive - the same was a poet, not a historian. It was just light fucked

Anyone, giving an interview, should clearly express his thoughts. If we had a friendly talking to you somewhere in a cafe, something carelessly discussing, it would be a completely different interview.

In the preface the author of the book wrote: "Molotov knew that it would be printed." But he did not know - convinced! - For she was confident that his memories would never publish his memories. Many times I tried to host my grandfather to the dictation of memoirs, and once it was even possible - when he was for 80 ... I specially bought a cassette tape recorder "Spring" and dragged into his office. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich 20 minutes told about how in 1919 he traveled to the ship as Lenin accompanied them at the station. And all

So I have a dual attitude to Chuye's book. On the one hand, this is a very ugly story, and on the other hand, thank God that some not survived in my memory fragments of the life of Molotov are fixed. But thanks for this to express some kind of - Chuev died.

"The grandfather had a rare ability to organize his time, life. It was a rock "

House Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was a soft man?

I can not say that he was a soft man, rather tough. For grandfather, communication was played an important role, but he had not so much interesting interlocutors. It is unlikely that they talked to political themes with her daughter. With the son-in-law, my father - yes! - I talked for hours. When I grew, joined them.

The grandfather had a rare ability to organize his time, life, constantly put some goals in front of him, although there were disagreements with him about the latter. This is natural, a person is 66 years older ... And in general it was a rock, the last person from the Lenin cohort, deeply convinced of his own rightness, without a drop of doubt that his knowledge is truth in the last instance. Workaholic worked for 18 hours a day.

Maybe one of the components of such performance was the strict routine of the day set by the polynaya seed?

Indeed, the grandmother did everything strictly on schedule, but the grandfather followed the grandfather. Everyone sat down to dinner exactly at 13. 30. When in the summer we lived at the cottage, I had to throw all our affairs on the river, sit on the bike and rush for lunch. Otherwise, grandfather could dig for undisciplining.

Have you often received such reprimands?

Happened. In most cases, for lateness and bad appetite. It was believed to eat all the portion, and since I could not stand the manna porridge and pea soup, then you know

True, in the house of Molotov, only fish dishes were served on Tuesdays and Thursdays?

Every day the order was alone. In the morning, the grandfather had always eating prunes, cottage cheese with a black currant and porridge with milk. Saw coffee or tea with milk.

As I said, dinner began in the half. On the table there was always a herring - always! In a rare case, she was replaced by another fish type. Mandatory salad, more often from beet. Grandfather loved dairy soups very much, such as homemade noodles with hot milk. Could be soup, ear, soup, borsch with finely chopped garlic. On the second, the fish was often fished in Polish or Bef Stroganov with potatoes, porridge. For a meal, grandfather drank a 20-gram glass of brandy or red wine. He ended in a glass of grained milk, which was prepared at home - in the oven. After that, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich went to rest, in spite of the guests, nor for the holiday, and returned only after the hour of sleep.

Dinelied in seven evenings by any second dish. At the initial order at the end of dinner, tea was fed with milk, and before bedtime - kefir.

"The first toast Molotov for the festive table was always:" For the unknown Supreme Commander "

Was there a housekeeper in the family?

Was always. Grandmother, of course, led her, driving with terrible force. The table in the living room was necessarily served, so the servant was supposed to know that the napkin should be put only, and not otherwise. The last housekeeper, Tanya, worked at the grandfather for more than 20 years and she could not say how to. Tanya knew all the best that he wants. When grandmothers did not, her niece Sarah Mikhailovna helped the farm.

Do you keep the grandfather, scheduled for the routine of the day?

Only in its first part: wake up and going to work. Then starts full

How did the holidays celebrate the holidays in the house of Molotov?

It is clear that the biggest holiday was the Victory Day. On holidays, a mass of the people came to the cottage, a fairly serious range of dishes was served on the table. Up to the feast, all guests, chatting, walked through the forest. During the festive table, the grandfather necessarily raised the glass "For the Unknown Supreme Commander." The second obligatory toast "For the health of all those present!"

I would like to hear the explanation from your mouth, why Molotov, the first deputy chairman of the SNK, and not Stalin, acted with appeal to the people on June 22, 1941.

Who nice to report bad news

What thing is the most often reminded of Vyacheslav Mikhailovic?

His paper, notes. Recently, I look very often in them. I am writing about my grandfather book.

Vyacheslav Nikonov is a Russian politician and a public figure, which is known not only due to their own achievements, but also because of the biography of the eminent ancestor. The fact is that Vyacheslav Alekseevich is the grandson, the famous revolutionary, politics, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR and the People's Commissar. It is noteworthy that Nikonov's interests are not limited to politics: a man is engaged in science, reads lectures and even writes books.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Nikonov was born on July 5, 1956 in Moscow. Boy's mother, daughter Vyacheslav Molotov, was a doctor of historical sciences. The father of Vyacheslav - Alexey Nikonov also possessed the same scientific regulations. Perhaps therefore, a boy who has grown in the family of parents-historians, also began to be interested in the science and events of the past.

The position of the Father, Professor MGIMO, made it possible to arrange a little Vyacheslav in Specialschool No. 1, where gifted children studied. He studied Nikonov with pleasure, the boy praised the teacher. Vyacheslav himself, from an early age, preferred to humanitarian sciences.

It is not surprising that in 1973, by entering Moscow State University, Vyacheslav Nikonov chose the historical faculty. Five years later, the young man had already become a graduate historian and, as a promising specialist, remained working at his native department.

Some time later, Nikonov had already become the secretary of the party committee of the Native Faculty. In parallel, the young man studied foreign languages \u200b\u200b- English and French, which was repeatedly useful in his career.

In 1977, Vyacheslav Nikonov, while still a student, took part in the game "What? Where? When?". Later, Vyacheslav Alekseevich confessed in an interview that she accidentally came to the ether of this transmission. The experience turned out to be interesting, however, the Nikonov's intellectual casino frequenter never became.


Party work, which Vyacheslav Nikonov began at the university, taught a young man to justice, and also allowed to earn an impeccable reputation. Therefore, after a while, Vyacheslav Alekseevich received the position of head of the Communist Party. From this point on, the political career Nikonov began.

In 1990, Vyacheslav Nikonov joined the team of the President, and already in 1991 he became an assistant Vadim Bakatin, Chairman of the KGB. Vyacheslav Alekseevich himself admits that new responsibilities were not sophisticated: serious training in the field of country's history, as well as the experienced experience of party work, has affected.

Later, Vyacheslav Nikonov again changed the activity of the activity, joining the Interregional Exchange Union. And another year later, in 1993, Vyacheslav Alekseevich presented his own candidate for elections to deputies of the country's State Duma. Policy managed to score the necessary number of votes, Nikonov received a cherished chair in the State Duma.

At that time, the politician was represented by the party "Russian Unity and Consent." It is noteworthy that deputies did not affect the scientific work of Vyacheslav Nikonov: the historian was still preparing lectures and scientific articles.

In 2011, Vyacheslav Alekseevich joined the work of the Committee on Budget and Tax Policy, in parallel to the Deputy Chair in the Duma from United Russia. In 2013, politician received a new appointment, becoming the head of the Committee on Education and Science, and three years later Vyacheslav Nikonov was headed by the United Russia branch in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Vyacheslav Nikonov showed himself and as a competent political scientist: an impressive bibliography on the account of the man. Nikonov wrote a number of books dedicated to the milestones through which the Russian state was held. In his texts, Vyacheslav Alekseevich argues about the revolution of 1917, about its similarities with late time events. Also Nikonov took part in a number of programs on the radio "Echo of Moscow", where he answered questions about political events in Russia.

In 2017, the ideological confrontation between Vyacheslav Nikonov and the American political scientist took place. On the ether of the "Fight" program, Nikonov and Cohen discussed various vision of world politics issues. The program rose a conversation about Ukraine, the latest events in the world.

Personal life

In the personal life of Vyacheslav Nikonov, as in a political career, there was a lot of change. With the first wife, Vyacheslav Alekseevich met, while still a student. Olga Mikhailovna gave Vyacheslav Nikonov Perennez - Son Alexei. Unfortunately, the relationship with the first wife soon went to a dead end, and the spouses divorced. Alexey, like his father, became a politician, together with Nikonov-seniors, is engaged in the Policy Foundation. It is also known that the eldest son Vyacheslav Nikonova is a US citizen.

Relationships with the second chief of Vyacheslav Alekseevich also ended soon, in the second marriage, the men were born two children - the sons of Mikhail and Dmitry. The politician remained alone, and after a while he married the third time. Vyacheslav Alekseevich's wife - Nina Nikonov - understands and supports the spouse. A woman is also not alien to politics and occupies a deputy post in Smolensk, representing the party "United Russia".

In 2018, Vyacheslav Nikonov participated in the TV show "Mokhnikov and Umnitsa", which leads, and to the question of children admitted that he has four children, younger of which are 5 years old.

Vyacheslav Nikonov now

Now Vyacheslav Nikonov is still participating in the work of the State Duma. In the summer of 2018, the photo policy reappeared on the pages of news publications. This time, the last bill was becoming the reasons prepared by Vyacheslav Alekseevich - "the draft law on the study of native languages."

"The choice of language of education, a native language from among the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation and state languages, the republics of the Russian Federation should be carried out on a voluntary basis by studying, parents or legal representatives of minors students on the basis of personal statements," Nikonov said at the next meeting of the working group.

Vyacheslav Nikonov in 2018

Vyacheslav Alekseevich Nikonov. Born on June 5, 1956 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian historian, writer, political analyst, state and politician. Deputy of the State Duma I, VI, VII convocations. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1989). Grandson V.M. Molotova.

Father - Alexey Dmitrievich Nikonov (1917-1992), former employee of the NKVD, Professor MGIMO, Employee IMEMO, Communist magazine editor, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

The Russian point of view in the program "Big Game" represents Vyacheslav Nikonov. He himself said about the project: "This is a program about the most important thing about your fate and your future. Two great powers are at the lowest point of relations for many decades. And if now the dialogue is impossible at the table of diplomatic negotiations, then it is possible here, behind this table. "

Vyacheslav Nikonov in the Program Posner

Growth of Vyacheslav Nikonova: 178 centimeters.

Personal life Vyacheslav Nikonova:

Three times was married.

The first wife is Olga Mikhailovna Nikonov, a native of Poltava, by education economist. I got acquainted while studying in Moscow State University. In 1979, Alexey's son was born in 1979, he is a US citizen, adviser to the President of the Policy Foundation.

Two sons were born in the second marriage - Dmitry (1989) and Mikhail (1992).

The third wife is Nina Mikhailovna Nikonova (1979), entrepreneur, deputy of the Smolensk Regional Duma from United Russia. In 2012, a seam was born a couple.

Bibliography Vyacheslav Nikonova:

1984 - from Eisenhuer to Nixon: From the history of the Republican Party of the United States
1987 - Iran-Contrace Scam
1988 - Republicans: from Nixon to Reagan
1994 - Conservative Manifesto: Political Philosophy Press
1999 - Epoch Changes: Russia 90s of the conservative
2002 - Russia in the global policy of the XXI century
2003 - Modern Russian policy: lecture course
2005 - Politics in modern Russia: course of lectures
2005 - Russia in modern politics: course of lectures
2005 - Molotov. Youth
2006 - Russian policy: lecture course
2006 - Policy code
2011 - Russia's wreck. 1917 year
2014 - Russian Matrix
2015 - the modern world and its origins
2015 - Civilization code. What is waiting for Russia in the world of the future?

Awards and titles Vyacheslav Nikonova:

The medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree (June 12, 2013) - for a great contribution to the development of Russian parliamentarism and active legislative activities;
Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation (March 11, 1997) - for the active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of 1997;
Gold Medal of Yerevan State University (2009, Armenia);
Award of the European Russian Alliance (2009) - for active work to support compatriots living abroad;
Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree (Russian Orthodox Church, June 6, 2016);
Honorary Professor of the Pridnestrovsky State University. T. G. Shevchenko.

Nails would do from these people ...

The grandson of the former chairman of the USSR Council, man No. 2 after Stalin Vyacheslav Molotov Political analyst Vyacheslav Nikonov: "The grandfather admitted that in the 37th firewood, but everything connected with the Gulag was a small episode against the background of the five-year plan. In addition, he believed that many were repressed deservedly "

24 years ago, on November 8, 1986, in the 97th year of life, the largest politician of the twentieth century, faithful Leninist and Yarny Stalinist Vyacheslav Molotov died

"For all his life, Molotov was arrested six times, and he lived in anticipation of arrest"

Vyacheslav Alekseevich, you are not only the grandson of one of the leaders of the former USSR, but also the head of the Russian World Foundation, which popularizes Russian and culture abroad. When you are in the road, we meet people, they probably ask questions about your grandfather Vyacheslav Molotov, and I think, not always comfortable. Are you responsible for detached or do these persisions still scratch the soul?

When I go through the Russian World Foundation, I do not have to answer uncomfortable questions. For some reason, I'm interested in other people in my own. They want to know that I think about the events occurring in the world.

Croc is accepted. And yet today, on the eve of the 93rd anniversary of the October Revolution, which shook the world, I would like to talk about a person who did this revolution, and then for many years was the second person in the Soviet state. After all, besides you, truthfully tell about Molotov today. Have you been close to my grandfather?

He is 66 years old older than me. We are from absolutely different generations. Grandfather was born under Alexander III, brought up under Nicolae II, and I - with Khrushchev.

- Which character fucking got you from him?

Probably stubbornness. He was a very principled person.

- You were 30 years old when Vyacheslav Mikhailovich did not. What did you not have time to ask him?

I do not think that there are such things: we talked for a long time. At least at 25, I was already a candidate of historical sciences, and we communicated at a professional level. The word "politics" I heard much earlier than my peers, in this world rotated throughout his life. Of course, my interest in politics, history is largely from grandfather, but also from parents, too, both were doctors of historical sciences.

- Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was probably a categorical interlocutor. Did you dare to argue with him?

Of course. And what's wrong in different views and in disputes? On the contrary, it is interesting. My grandfather, of course, I didn't like my liberty, and I was delivered to me that I misunderstand the principles of Marxism-Leninism.

From the diary of Felix Chiev "One hundred and forty conversations with Molotov."

« F. h.: - Were there any doubts from Stalin himself in 1937, which went over, moved?

V. M.: - How was it not? Not only doubts. The chief of state security was shot.

F. h.: - And did it make him Stalin's scapegoer, so that everything is to fall apart?

V. M.: - Simplified. So consider those who poorly understand the position of the country at the time. Of course, the requirements proceeded from Stalin, of course, moved, but I believe that all this is permissible for the sake of the main one: just to keep power! ".

Do you think he was tormented by memories of the past, in which the number of repressed was calculated by millions?

- (Without hesitation). Not! The grandfather admitted that the firewood was then planted, but for everything that happened in the 37th, it was not to follow. The reprints were engaged in special services, and people like my grandfather, they worked for 18-20 hours a day, led the country. For them, everything related to the Gulag, in my opinion, was a small episode against the background of the five-year plan, preparation for war with Germany. He, of course, regretted what happened, but he had no time to delve into these questions.

- But then, after the resignation in the 57th, time has already appeared ...

Grandfather believed that many were repressed deservedly. Understand, he was from the category of people who passed through prisons, links, civil war. Then because the victims were much more. The civilian killed 15 million people, including from hunger and disease.

War is a folk disaster, repression - betrayal on their own ... and whether the figures are it, if everyone who got into this meat grinder, their own, separate, broken fate?

Which in the winter of the 49th, when they arrested his wife and your grandmother Polina Semenovna, narrowed to the family tragedy ...

Grandfather understood that this is part of a political game, leading to him. He also lived in anticipation of the arrest, although ... I think it's bothering with this foreboding. For all his life, Molotov was arrested six times, he spent many years in all the main prisons of the Russian Empire, as well as in the Siberian reference. So the arrest would not be a surprise for him.

- So it's one thing - to expect violence from opponents, another thing - from their ...

In politics too difficult to determine where opponents, and where their own.

"The divorce of grandmother and grandfather gave the only opportunity to survive - there were no other options"

Shortly before the arrest, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich and Polina Semenovna broke up and drove. Something broke in their relationship?

Divorce gave the only opportunity to survive, the chance to be born to me and my sisters - there were no other options. The grandfather turned out to be in an obvious opaire, even the documents did not appear on him, although he was still listed by the Deputy Prime Minister.

When the work was headed to the grandmother, they had to make a divorce. She moved to her sister, about which Soon Gorky regretted. And her sister, and brother, and nephews were also arrested. Before the liberation, he lived only Polina Semenovna and her nephew. What happened to the rest, I do not know - there are no documents about their fate.

From Felix Chuye's diary.

« V. M.: - She sat for more than a year in prison (in fact, from January to March1953 - approx. Ed.) And there was more than three years in the link. Beria at the meetings of the Politburo, passing by me, said, or rather, whispered in my ear: "Polina alive!" She was sitting in a prison on Lubyanka, and I did not know.

F. h.: - Did you continue to remain the second person in the state?

V. M.: - Formally - yes. But only for the press, for public opinion ... it came to liberty on the second day after Stalin's funeral. She did not even know that Stalin died, and his first question was: "How is Stalin?" - Rumors came about his illness. I met her in the Beria's office, where he invited me. I did not have time to approach her, like Beria, ahead of me, rushed to her: "Heroine!".

- Polina Semenovna had about four years in conclusion. She could send a news relative?

No, it was impossible. Grandmother was in a single conclusion in the Kazakhstan steppe. There is no soul around. 100 kilometers - the only structure in which she lived. Occasionally it was brought to her products. True, in the 53rd Polina Semenovna transferred to Moscow, interrogated the topic of Molotov - obviously, a large process was preparing.

- Really and torture applied to it?

- (Long silence). In any case, when the grandmother was released from prison, she took for several months to learn how to walk.

Do you think if Polina Pearl was not a close friend of Hope Allyluve, she would escape repression?

Allyluweeva died in the 31st, and the grandmother was arrested after 18 years. There are no links between these events.

- Polina Semenovna believed to the version of the suicide of Wisen Stalin?

Believed. With the hope of Allyluve, they spread apart from the hour before the tragedy. That was really very upset after the next scandal with Stalin.

From Felix Chuye's diary.

« F. h.:- What imagine alleeva? They say not quite normal was.

V. M.: - ... nerves and so on - yes, but it is impossible to be abnormal. The act of her bad, what to say there. ... jealousy, of course. In my opinion, completely unreasonable. The hairdresser was to whom he went to shave. The spouse was unhappy with this. Very jealous man ... We had a big company after November 7, 1932, at the apartment Voroshilov. Stalin scalded a chick of bread and in his eyes everyone threw this ball to his wife Egorov. I saw it, but did not pay attention. As if it would play the role ...

From this evening she went along with my wife, Polina Semenovna. They walked around the Kremlin. It was late at night, and she complained to my wife, that she didn't like it, it didn't like it ... About this hairdresser ... Why did he flirt so much ... And it was just like that, a little drank, joke. Nothing special, but it worked on it ... She was very jealous of him. Gypsy blood. That night she shot himself. Polina Semenovna condemned her act, said: "Nadia was not right. She left him in such a difficult period! ".

... They launched that he killed her. I have never seen him crying. And then, in the coffin of Allyluyeva, I see how he had tears rolled ... And he said so sadly: "Not Uvergeg." I heard it and I remembered it: "I did not save" ... in general, Stalin was beautiful. Women should have been carried away by him. He was successful.

F. h.: - They say that Stalin married the daughter of Kaganovich?

V. M.: - This is from the White Guard newspapers. No, it's nonsense, of course, obvious nonsense. Explicit, obvious nonsense. "

"Grandfather considered Stalin the greatest politician, and the grandmother was the same opinion"

And what kind of grandmother remember? Judging by various memories, she was a woman authoritarian warehouse. Is it true that on her background Stalin considered the Molotov's molotov?

- (Laughed). No, this Stalin was slightly accuracy compared to him! Grandfather was absolute flint. Well, a grandmother ... she really was powerful, strong, with pre-revolutionary prison quarrel. In addition, she survived four years of Stalin's reference. Of course, these were tough people, but at the same time spiritual and kind. She never got drunk, providing iron regime and order in the house. I tried to bring up my mom that the business was very difficult - the daughter was noticed.

Chet Molotov, often seen on Arbat - they walked, holding hands. Passers-by with mieutenment looked after a touching pair ...

They loved very much, even adored each other. Recently, in the archive, I found their correspondence of the Second World War, as well as letters that Vyacheslav Mikhailovich wrote from San Francisco, where the conference of foreign ministers was held in the 45th. This is a gentle correspondence! They were different people: he is a promstery, in it - internal aristocracy, always carefully combed, dressed in the last fashion. The grandfather did not pay attention to these details.

- That is, the status of the second lady state of Polina Semenovna corresponded to completely?

She was not only the second lady, but also the first in the history of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union a woman-minister. He held the post of People's Commissar of the USSR Fisheries, was the head of the head at the addict of an easy industry.

From the twentieth of the parcel, on which Stalin's crimes spoke aloud, 14 years have passed before the death of Polina. In the kitchen, did they have frank conversations?

They spoke everywhere completely open. And frankly admired Stalin. Every year on the Victory Day, a toast was proclaimed for the Supreme Commander, whose name was not called: Everything was already understood, about whom. The grandfather was confident that without Stalin, no victory could not be. He considered him the greatest politician, and his grandmother had an opinion.

From Felix Chuye's diary.

"I fell great happiness," Molotov said at the table in front of the guests (on the day of opening the tombstone on the grave Polina Pearl. - Aut.) - that she was my wife. And beautiful, and smart, and most importantly - a real Bolshevik, a real Soviet man.

For her, life was awesome due to the fact that she was my wife. She suffered in difficult times, but everything understood and not only did not scold Stalin, but she did not want to listen when he was scolded, for the one who delays Stalin will overcome the element alien to our people. "

According to the fault of Stalin, your mother could generally be aspired. Is Svetlana Vyacheslavovna also divided the views of parents?

Mom in the 57th for a while left without work, and then for many years she worked as a researcher at the Institute of Universal History, engaged in the UK policy and Germany between two wars - the First World War and World War II. But modern political discussions did not interest her, although, I repeat, we had a very frank house, and I heard political conversations from the moment he became aware of himself.

- You have changed that Svetlana to upbringing with difficulty. What does it mean?

This means that Mom was a freedom-loving girl and was very in a hurry to persuade from under the parent wing. She grew up in the Golden Cage, and as soon as she had such an opportunity, escaped from the Kremlin and married married. Her first husband became Vladimir Ilyushin, a pilot test, the hero of the Soviet Union, the son of the famous aircraft designer Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin. By the way, Recently, Vladimir died.

Stalin's daughter in his memoirs is no envy talking about Molotov as a very loving and caring father. Two Svetlana - Stalin and Molotov - at the same time were in the same hospital. But if Molotov visited the daughter, then Stalin never came to his ...

Yes, my grandfather trembled very gently to his wife and to his daughter. Although they were delivered for all opportunistic moods. As, however, I.

The materials about your family mentioned the girl named Sonya, the daughter of the Kremlin's cleaner, which Molotov supposedly oversalled ...

Sonya was really brought up in the house of Molotov, but she was not worthwhile. At that time, it was in the order of things to take on the upbringing of children. All his wage Polina Semenovna listed on the maintenance of one of the orphanages, the Santa's salary was partially leaving for the same goals. As for Sony, they didn't only grow together with her mother, but they were friends and then all their lives. My older sister of Larisa continued this tradition - she took a girl from a simple family.

"Stalin said about Krupskaya:" Sleeping with Lenin - does not mean to understand Leninism "

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich was a member of the most significant events of the twentieth century, lived a long life, but the memoirs did not leave. Why?

The most serious argument for him was that neither Lenin, nor Stalin memoirov wrote. In addition, he did not have access to documents. "Good," said, "Churchill: Lies in the bath, all the documents at hand, and puts his memoirs." Yes, and did not want to write to the basket, realizing that the memories would not be published. And yet: he understood very well that the family could have problems if his memoirs publish. Although it seemed to me that I had already almost persuaded him, even specifically I bought a tape recorder, but after the first record he stopped it.

From Felix Chuye's diary.

« F. h.: - Who was more severe - Lenin or Stalin?

V. M.: - Of course Lenin. Strict was. In some things stricter Stalin. Read his notes Dzerzhinsky. He often resorted to the most extreme measures when it was necessary. The Tambov uprising ordered the suppress, burn everything. I was just on the discussion. He would not endure any opposition, if there was such an opportunity. I remember how he reproached Stalin in softness and liberalism. "What is our dictatorship? We have a sour power, and not a dictatorship! ..

In the last period, Lenin was very close to Stalin, and Lenin's apartment was perhaps only he. Stalin submitted a statement about the release of the Secretary General several times, but his requests were rejected every time the CC of the Party. There was a struggle, and it was necessary that Stalin remains in this post.

The fact that Lenin wrote about the rudeness of Stalin was not without the influence of Krupskaya. She disliked Stalin for the fact that he was quite configured with her cost. Stalin conducted a decision of the Secretariat, so as not to let Lenin Zinoviev and Kamenev, since the doctors were banned. They complained to Krupskaya. That was outraged, said Stalin, and Stalin answered her: "CC decided, and doctors believe that Lenin could not be visited." "But Lenin himself wants it!". - "If the Central Committee decides, then we can not allow you" ... Stalin was annoyed: "What should I walk in front of it on the hind legs? Sleeping with Lenin - does not mean to understand in Leninism! "... Stalin said something like this:" Well, because of what she uses the same need for Lenin, I must also appreciate it and recognize, How are Lenin? ". Too rude ...

In February 1923, Lenin became very bad, and he asked Stalin to bring him poison. Stalin promised, but did not bring. Then he said that, probably, Lenin was offended by him for it. "As you wish, I can't do it," said Stalin. This question was discussed at the Politburo. "

Shortly before the beginning of World War II, Vyacheslav Molotov, at that time the USSR Foreign Minister had a long, although not a fruitful conversation with Hitler ...

It was in November 1940, when Hitler, as is known, has already made a decision on the attack on the Soviet Union. The main task of these negotiations was to clarify German's intentions and clarify a number of questions: about the status of Romania and about German activity in it, that Germany is going to do in Scandinavian countries.

Hitler, for his part, suggested a wide program that, as he believed, could be interested in the Soviet Union, - the program of the world section between the USSR and Germany, including the English colonies, India. This is such a German-Soviet world management alliance aimed primarily against the Anglo Saxon countries and America.

Naturally, Hitler insisted that the Anglo-Saxon world would be defeated that he was almost smashed. Interestingly, the English bombardment of Berlin began at the time of negotiations, and everyone had to go down to the bomb shelter. The grandfather was not confused and very elegantly noticed: the weakness of Great Britain has to speak during the bombing of the capital of Germany. Upon completion of this meeting, as established by documenting, Hitler gave an order to prepare for war with Russia.

- What is the impression on Vyacheslav Mikhailovich produced Hitler?

Molotov knew all the leading politicians of the twentieth century. Hitler did not differ from them inadequacy, and in the negotiations did not show it.

"The question of the restoration of his grandfather in the party was to solve Andropov, who was his student"

- Which of world politicians respect Molotov especially respected?

Churchill. But first of all, of course, Stalin.

If you believe the official biography, Vyacheslav Molotova, who occupied the leading posts in the USSR government, were over the shoulders of only three courses of Polytech ... Did he felt the lack of education?

Behind the shoulders of Molotova had a real school. He was expelled from the third course of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute for revolutionary activities, but in 1917 he recovered.

It was unlikely that grandfather felt a lack of education - he still listened to the lectures of Tugan-Baranovsky. I do not think that someone from the leaders of any country could compare with him by the number of read books, giving knowledge in various industries. And he read the literature on duty. To give "good" or "non-worker", the then Soviet leadership for certain reasons had to be studied absolutely everything. Having retired, the grandfather subscribed to all the literary magazines without exception and read them from the crust to crust, including "foreign literature", "New World", "Moscow", "October".

At the same time, with the resignation of Molotov, it was excluded from the CPSU and for many years requested to restore. He did believed that the Communist Party of those years was worthy of striving in her ranks, or he simply disappeared to stay not to work?

The grandfather devoted his whole life to the Communist Party all his life and believed that, recovering, you can fight for changing the state course, which he criticized and in the time of Khrushchev, and after. He wrote very sharp letters to Khrushchev - from Mongolia, where there was an ambassador, from Vienna, where

The IAEA led the Soviet representative office. Khrushchev is tired of it, and he excluded Molotov from the party, after which the grandfather sent a petition for the recovery in the party to each congress.

Nevertheless, neither Khrushchev nor Brezhnev nor Andropov did not listen to these appeals. Only Chernenko, becoming the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU, satisfied the request of the famous Bolshevik ...

This question should solve exactly Andropov, who was a student of his grandfather and whom Molotov protigerated all his life. But Chernenko showed attention to her grandfather.

Soon after the resignation of Molotov Khrushchev and himself was retired. Two prominent political figures, who, beyond the authorities, should seem to find a common language and maintain relationships ...

Yes, there was no relationship between them. Not only that Khrushchev, his grandfather fired, so also the Soviet politics was not there. But Gorbachev, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, liked, but the grandfather had no longer found much that happening in it in the country - died in the 86th.

- There were such people who, after the resignation, could he call and request?

Household issues solved more grandmother - as the oldest member of the party and a person who suffered from repression, she had privileges. But grandfather just the privileges of all were deprived. To the Kremlin Hospital, for example, it was attached as a member of the family of the old Bolshevik Pearl.

- The Irony of Fate. By the way, grandfather with a grandmother managed to accumulate something for her life?

When Grandfather died, there were 500 rubles on his savings record.

From Felix Chuye's diary.

« F. h.:"What immediately rushed into the eyes - modest, accurate and thrifty. I watched nothing to disappear, so that the light, for example, I did not burn in other rooms. Things wore a long time - in this cap, in the same coat he is still on government pictures. "

« V. M.:"Who can get the raincoat? Simple, but decent raincoat? It is desirable not very dark, not very light. I looked, I have something - quite inconvenient to walk. You tell me where you can buy where to get? I think in the store, because I do not assume to America to go, even in Finland. Our brother is quite oburocracted, in due time everyone gave us when needed. "

"He had no feeling that he lost somewhere"

After the wife did not become, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich lived alone for many years. Who cared for him and caught his life?

Babushkina Niece of Sarah Mikhailovna and Domrabota Tatyana Afanasyevna. It was his main "state". Plus, of course, we are all. All the remaining years he lived in the country.

- did the guests, did they communicate with the former comrades?

Grandfather was a hosppulent man, but he took not everyone. More often communicated with Kaganovich, less often - with Malenkov. Previously, when she still lived in Moscow, on Granovsky Street, supported neighboring relations with Marshals Budenny, Konon, Tymoshenko, Voroshilov, Zhukov - although they were not easy with George Konstantinovich. The current politicians, even those whom he conducted in life, did not communicate with the grandfather - in particular, Gromyko.

In honor of Molotov, several cities were once called - Perm, the current Severodvinsk, his native Nolinsk. The name of Molotova was also a Gorky Automobile Plant, and "Artek", and the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, but in 1957, when the opal began, all these objects were renamed. And what happened to the Molotov Museum home in Nolinsk?

In the same 57th it was closed, the exhibits were thrown into the street. The house in which grandfather was held, was in a terrible state, even without a roof. I bought it to restore the museum. Although it is difficult to call him a museum - only one room is settled under the exposition.

Nolinsk is connected with another famous name - in this city, one of the most popular film actors of Soviet times, Boris Chirkov, who had a nephew, grew up in this city. Do they communicate?

Boris Petrovich was visiting our guest. The grandfather always perceived him as the younger - in a different way and could not be, because Vyacheslav Mikhailovich knew him by the boy, because he relate to him condescending.

- Even when Chirkov became a famous artist?

And what do you think? Molotov is still more famous than chirkov.

Shortly before the departure from the life of Molotov said in an interview: "I have a happy old age, I dream to live up to 100 years." From a person overthrown from the pedestal, it is surprising to hear ...

Grandfather never felt crowded or defeated. This is a man who was standing at the origins of the revolution of the 17th year, who passed through political prisons and references, who headed the country for more than 20 years. He had no feeling that he lost somewhere.

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