The image of a lyrical heroine in poetry A.A.Akhmatova. What feeling the appeal of the poet to Russia poem a poem

This poem A. A. Bloka is an appeal to Russia, imbued with patriotism, a deep, sincere feeling of love for his homeland. The lyrical hero sees the beauty and greatness of Russia in everything: in the "paint spokes", forests and fields, in excellent features and even in the "gray flavors" and "wind songs" that remind him of the first love. Although the country appears in front of him, with a "long-term" in the songs of a yammer, but the lyrical hero believes in the bright future of the dear heart of the Motherland.

Thus, patriotism, love for Russia and devotion to it are the main feelings that the poem of A. A. Bloka "Russia" is imbued.

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I taught women to talk.

A. Akhmatova.

A.A. Ahmatova is one of the great poets of Russia. She, "Of course, the most characteristic heroine of his time, manifested in the infinite diversity of women's fate." According to A. Kollodte, Akhmatova created a "whole book of the female soul." Larisa Reisner wrote: "She poured all my contradictions in art, which there were no exit so many years ... as I am grateful to her ..."

Yes, indeed, Akhmatova "poured in art" a complex history of female character. And not only the nature of the turning point. In the lyrical heroine, Akhmatova almost every woman guess himself, his attitude towards everything that is close and expensive in this world.

Here it is confessed in the alert-tender love for Pushkin and in the fact that the second love of her love was:

Lovers to all mine

I brought happiness.

Alone and now alive

In your girlfriend loved

And bronze became another

On the area is harvested.

In general, the image of a woman - the heroine of Akhmatov lyrics can be attributed to any person. With extraordinary concreteness of experiences, this is a person of a specific fate and biography, and a carrier of an infinite set of biographies and destinies:

I'm with a mulosis put pinds,

With Padderitsa Herod dance,

Smoke to fly away from the fire Didona,

So that with Jeanne on the fire again.

Lord! You see, I'm tired

Surrend, and die, and live.

Poems Akhmatova - "Many" (this is exactly how she entitled one of them), because her heroine:

I am a reflection of your face.

Because with all the variety of life phenomena, with all the unusual characteristics of characters and situations, the heroine of Akhmatova carry most importantly, the most important thing in life is love.

Love is the most exciting topic of Akhmatova. It is the same different as its lyrical heroine. The element of the female soul finds its expression in love. "Great Earth Love" is the driving principle of Akhmatov lyrics, the essence of its lyrical heroine. In this state, the world is seen again, an unusual one opens in the usual:

After all, the stars were larger,

After all, they smelled otherwise herbs.

Therefore, every recognition is like pain, like a shower cry:

There are always so many requests!

Divided request does not happen.

The heroine of the Ahmatov lyrics is "sick" with love. But love is not only happiness, rather, on the contrary, it is suffering, painful misunderstanding, separation. Love in Akhmatova is almost always "restless." Therefore, there are so many poetess of poems - a kind of lyrical novel with an unexpected end ("The city has grilled", "New Year's ballad").

The love of Akhmatova is a closed and "egoistic" passion, this is "love - fun", but most of all, of course, "great earthly love" - \u200b\u200bAltubov, love for people and people. And it is expressed, above all, in love for native land, to his homeland, to Russia:

He said: "Come here,

Leave your edge deaf and sinful,

Leave Russia forever ... "

But the Akhmatov heroine "hands closed his hearing", because

Not with those I who threw the land

On the enemies is touched.

I do not get them rude,

I will not give my songs.

Love for the Motherland is not the subject of analysis, some painful reflections and doubts. This is a love-homeland, love-fate (there was a love-passion, love-separation and a lot, a lot of other love), but in world-up-minding and worldview of the heroine, this love is forever. Love for the Motherland is love for the native language. This interpretation is very unusual, therefore it sounds like spell and promise:

Not scary under the bullets are dead to lie down,

Do not be bitterly stayless, -

And we will keep you, Russian speech,

Great Russian Word.

And therefore, the image of a lyrical heroine in verses dedicated to the Motherland, the "military" verses becomes physically tangible. This is no longer a strain, wounded, a vulnerable lady, this is a courageous woman, her character - flint, monolith, so many poetess poems sound and perceived as an oath:

We swear to children, swear graves,

What no one will come to conquer us!

The heroine of Akhmatov lyrics is difficult not to identify with the poets itself. From the "funny sinner", the "Tsarsko Selica" and the young elegant lady of Akhmatov, together with his heroine (or heroines), will grow, turning "into the first poetess of his native land, with a voice strong and mature, tornly caller. She began to seek defenseless and suffering, formidable an evil, ferociousness. " This amazingly accurate characteristic gave the Ahmatova patriarch of the literature of Russian abroad Boris Zaitsev.

And if the heroine of Ahmatov poetry was early realized her life as fate, then Ahmatov-poet early and responsibly perceived and realized her creative - poetic - mission. Apparently, hence the poems - self-depot, therefore such a demand for each word, to each poetic line. It is why it is so sincere, its lines penetrately and shrill:

Dark wine bowl

Served my goddess of sadness.

But the poems of Akhmatova, the image of her lyrical heroine, so different and so close, so amazingly penetrated, so touches the soul of each reader, regardless of whether a man is or a woman, no matter what power in the country, what time outside the window ...

C3. The traditions of what popular genre in the XVIII century continues. Derzhanin, creating this poem? (Justify your position.)

C4. Which of the Russian poets developed in their work the topic of "poetic immortality" and what motifs bring their works with the poem of G. Derzhavina "Monument"?

Pushkin (1799-1837)

C3. How do various poetic agents help express the idea of \u200b\u200bthis poem?

C4. What is the feature of the winsted lyrics of Pushkin and who from Russian poets reveals the topic of freedom in their lyrics?

C3. How does the mood of the lyrical hero change over the poem?

C4. What is the similarity and distinction of landscape lyrics A.S. Pushkin and poems of nature created by subsequent poets?

C3. What does the lyrical hero of the poem, calling for the poet "not to go to the love of folk"?

C4. Which of the Russian lyrics addressed the topic of the high appointment of the poet and what are their works consonant with Pushkin poem "poet"?

C3. How in poem A. S. Pushkin transferred the idea of \u200b\u200b"pricelessness" of genuine friendship?

C4. Which of the Russian writers addressed in their work to the topic of friendship and which brings them closer to the work with the poem A. S. Pushkin?

Tyutchev (1803-1873)

C3. How do various poetic techniques help the author "pass the feelings that swept the lyrical hero?

C4. What is the feature of the image of a person's feelings in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev and what Russian poets can be called his followers?

C3. For what purpose in the last stubborn poem are the ancient Greek mythological characters?

C4. What are the main topics of poetry F.I. Tyutchev and traditions of whom from Russian poets, he continues, revealing these topics?

C3. Is it possible to attribute the above poem to the philosophical lyrics? Justify your point of view.

C4. What are the features of the image of nature in lyrics F.I. Tyutchev and Lyrics Whom of the preceding and subsequent poets is close to Tyutchev?

C4. In poems of which Russian poets, you can find a continuation of the tradition of lyrics F.I. Tyutchev and what they relate to the poem "are in the lightness of the autumn evenings ..."?

C3. What, in your opinion, reflects the lyrical hero of the poem of F. I. Tyutchev?

C4. In the work of which Russian poets there is a topic of sympathy, humanism and what motives bring them with the poem "We are not given to predict ..."?

Lermontov (1814-1841)

C3. How does the composition of the poem and the visual means help the author express the main poetic thought?

C4. What is the originality of the lyrical hero of Lermontov and who from Russian poets can be called his creative successor?

C3. What problems were reflected in the poem?

C4. What are the main motifs lyrics M.Yu. Lermontov and what Russian poets can be called the successors of his traditions?


C3. What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem of M.Yu. Lermontov "Prayer" (Agregate your answer)?

C4. Match the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Prayer" with other poems known to you. What, in your opinion, their resemblance, and what is the difference?

C3. What feelings are filled with a poem of Lermontov "Prayer" (about your answer argue)?

C4. In which works of Russian classical literature, the appeal to God contributed to the "rebirth" of heroes, and as their experiences relate to the feelings of the lyrical hero of the poem of M.Yu. Lermontov "Prayer"?

C3. What is the thematic affiliation of the poem of Lermontov "Prayer" (argue your answer)?

C4. In which works of Russian classical literature Heroes, wanting to find peace of mind, resort to prayer, and how their feelings relate to the experiences of the lyrical hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Prayer"?

C3. What is the lyrical heroine in the poem of Lermontov "from under the mysterious cold half mask ..." (your answer is argued)?

C4. In which works of Russian lyrical poetry, the author draws an image of an ideal lover, and how these images correspond to the heroine of the poem of M.Yu. Lermontov "From under the mysterious cold half mask ..."?

C3. Describe the lyrical hero of this poem.

C4. What is the value of the image of the road, the path in this poem and in what works of the literature of the XIX century the motive of the road plays a leading role?

C3. What causes the sad tonality of the Lermontov "monologue"?

C4. Which of the Russian poets addressed the topic of personality and era and what their works are comparable to the submitted poem M. Yu. Lermontov?

Fet (1820-1892)

Shone night. Moon was full of garden

C4. What are the features of the poetic decision of the topic of love fetom and in which poems of Russian poets meet the same features?

C3. How do various poetic techniques help the author to transfer the master's leading mood?

C4. What is the features of the poetic solution to the topic of love feta and in which poems of Russian poets meet the same features?

C3. What feelings and emotions are experiencing a lyrical hero of the poem A. A. Feta "Is this morning, this joy ..."?

C4. What, in your opinion, the features of the syntactic construction of the poem A. A. Feta "is the morning, this joy ..." and in what works of Russian lyrics poetic syntax is an important artistic agent?

C3. What a thematic variety of lyrics can be attributed to the given poem A. A. Feta and why?

C4. Which of the Russian poets addressed their lyrics to similar motives and what are their works consonant with a poem A. A. Feta?

Nekrasov (1821-1877)

Yesterday, hour in the sixth

C3. What images of the creativity of N. Nekrasov became the embodiment of the author's came?

C4. Following A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol N.A. Nekrasov in their works appeals to the topic of St. Petersburg. As Pictures Petersburg N.A. Nekrasov?

C3. What features of the epic are inherent in the poem "Who lives well in Russia"? (Describe in 2-3 words.)

C4. ON THE. Nekrasov in their works appeals to the topic of St. Petersburg. As Pictures Petersburg N.A. Nekrasov? Who else from Russian poets and writers addressed in their work to St. Petersburg?

C3. What do you think is the drama of the sound of a love topic in this poem?

C4. Which of the Russian poets is close to Nekrasov in the image of a complex relationship between a man and a woman?

Bunin (1870-1953)

C3. Describe the lyrical hero of the poem.

C4. What is the originality of the Buninsky landscape and the tradition of which of the preceding poets, does he embody in his lyrics?

Block (1880-1921)


C3. What gives the central image of the poem artistic brightness and depth?

C4. In which works of Russian poets recreated the image of Russia and what their similarity and difference with the poem A.A. Block?

C3. What is the inconsistency of the poet's relation to Russia?

C4. What works of Russian poets are close to the bloc feeling of Russia? (Argument your answer)

C3. What is the meaning of the identification of Russia with the image of a woman ("My Rus! My wife!") In Lyric A.A. Block?

C4. Tell us about the main and favorite techniques that I used A. Block in your works. Who else from the poets used the same techniques in their works?

C3. What is the meaning of the identification of Russia with the image of a woman ("My Rus! My wife!") In Lyric A.A. Block?

C4. Theme of the Motherland. Her evolution in the work of A. Blok. What other poets of the Silver Age saming also their homeland?

C3. In which artistic images are embodied the ideas of the poet of love?

C4. What feelings are filled with a poem "in the restaurant" and what is it consonant with a love lyrics of other Russian poets?

C3. What images help the reader understand the experiences of the lyrical hero of the poem "The wind brought from afar ..."?

C4. As in poems, A. A. Blokok eats the mental state of the poet and the state of the surrounding world and what brings his poem with the works of other Russian poets?

C3. How did the poem's ring composition helped the poet to show the drama of love?

C4. In which works of Russian poets depicts the drama of unspecified love and what these works can be compared with the poem A. A. Bloka?

C3. What gives reason to attribute the posted poem A. A. Blok to the philosophical lyrics?

C4. Which of the Russian poets addressed the topic of Russian history and what are their works are losses with the given poem A. A. Bloka?

A.K. Tolstoy (1882-1945)

C3. Why does the poet use the form of a message to express his idea?

C4. The creativity of which Russian poets of the XIX century is close to the poetry A.K. Tolstoy and what exactly does their community manifest?

Akhmatova (1889-1966)

C3. Why a poem, which refers to love, A.A. Ahmatova calls "verses about St. Petersburg"?

C4. In the work of which Russian poets, love is not a momentary feeling, but towers over time and space and what their works can be compared with the poem of Akhmatova?


C3. Describe the change in the state of the lyrical hero of the poem.

C4. Traditions of whom of the preceding poets found an embodiment in Lyrics A. Akhmatova, the sacred topic of the poet and poetry?

C3. What is the inner appearance of lyrical heroine in the poem A. A. Akhmatova "... I was a voice. He called comfortable ..."

C4. Which of the Russian poets addressed their work to the patriotic topic and which brings them closer to the work with the poem A. A. Akhmatova?

Pasternak (1890-1960)

C3. What mood is the image of the July Pore in the poem B.L. Pasternak?

C4. The tradition of which Russian poets continues to Pasternak, depicting natural phenomena with human speech. Justify your answer, indicating the authors and names of poems.

C3. What sees B.L. Pasternak tragedy lyrical hero poem "Hamlet"?

C4. In the work of which Russian poets the theme of the confrontation of the poet and the Company receives a interpretation similar to the interpretation by B.L. Pasternak, given in this poem?

C3. What is the point in put the poet in the final lines of poem?

C4. Which of the Russian poets addressed the topic of creativity and what their works are consonant with the poem B. L. Pasternak?

C3. What feelings are experiencing a lyrical hero of the poem B. Pasternak "Snow goes ..."?

C4. In poems of what poets there is an image of a fleeting time and what brings them closer to the work with the poem B. Pasternak?

Tsvetaeva (1892-1941)

C3. How do you understand the meaning of the final stanza poem?

C4. Which of the Russian poets addressed the topic of the Motherland and what their works are consonant with the poem of M. I. Tsvetaeva?

Mayakovsky (1893-1930)

C3. As the name of the poem V.V. Mayakovsky "proseted" relate to his problematics?

C4. In which works of Russian literature depicts the life and morals of officialhood and what these works can be compared with the poem of V.V. Mayakovsky "Provered"?

Liteli! Instead of writing

C3. How do various poetic techniques help create an image of the lyrical hero of this poem?

C4. What was the innovation of lyrics V. Mayakovsky and the tradition of which of the preceding poets were reflected in his work?

C3. Describe the lyrical character of this poem and lyrics of Mayakovsky as a whole.

C4. What is the main innovation of lyrics V. Mayakovsky and the tradition of which of the preceding poets was reflected in his work?


C3. How do various poetic techniques help the author to transfer the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Listen!"?

C4. In what works of the domestic lyrics sounds "Star" topic and what it is close to the subject of the poem of V.V. Mayakovsky "Listen!"?

C3. Read the poem of V. Mayakovsky "Listen." Give your interpretation and assessment of the work.

C4. How do you understand the words of V. Mayakovsky, who realized himself with an artist, "revolution mobilized and designed"? Who else from the poets began the twentieth century felt the same way?

One of the techniques - the transfer of deep senses, penetration into the inner world of loving heroine, focus on single household details. In the poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..." The convulsive movements of the lyrical heroine are transmitted, trying to keep love and beloved ("We will die"). Its tense state is opposed to a calm phrase (we will pay attention to the "calmly and crook") "not stand in the wind", which negates the perception of the feelings of the heroine her beloved and thereby strengthens the tragity of the love situation. "Seruogrozzy King" is one of the most popular poems of Akhmatova about the love, transmitting the drama of feelings, a female longing for his beloved, sadness from loss, tenderness to "seruginosa" daughter. In this poem, the poetess appeals to spoken speech, almost aphorist. Researchers note that this is a language of thought. Through events and details, the lyrical plot of the poem is revealed, a gentle feeling, longing, jealousy, love, sadness, that is, the state of the female heart is revealed. There is in it and the lyrical climax of "my daughter I now wake up, / in gray eyes I will take it." The result of the poem: "No on the ground of your king."

These poems, according to the expression of the famous literary critic V. M. Zhirmunsky, as it were written with the installation for a prosecical story, sometimes interrupted by individual emotional exclamations. And in this we see the psychologist of poetry, in particular the love poetry of Akhmatova.

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