P. Oorlov. The history of Russian literature of the XVIII century

(Eastern Tale)

Kaib was one of the eastern sovereign; The name was filled with the Universe. "Thank you," someone said to him from his verse, "the fame of your would be like the Sun, if it did not go." Kaiba liked good comparisons; And for this, complaining him to the eun, made a caretaker over his seraral. The riches of Caibov were inexhaustible; His palace, he says the historian, was acquainted with a thousand Yashmov pillars, for koi the capitals were emerald, Corinthian Order, and Clean Cast Gold Candles; This palace was made of black Marmor, and his walls were so smoothly outlawed that the best schgoligi looked at them as in the mirror. The windows were the proportions of the newest Italian architecture, a little more of how the city gates are made, and in every window it was only one glass, but which were so hard that the thrusting husbands of this time were not able to quit them their forehead. The lid was made of silver, but so purely worked out that often in clear days the whole city ran to the palace, thinking that he was burning, when her alarm was produced one shine. Note a kind reader that all this tells Kaibov historian.

The inner splendor of the palace was struck by anyone who there was neither: shells blinded gold, pearls and stones, which were more than orthographic mistakes in our new writers. The experts attracted the art shilaring in all the decorations of the palace: there were veils from an impenetrable tower, which was the thicker of all four parts Conduct citizenintertwined together; There shined a carving, trimmed with such a cleanliness that no author wanted to see the best cleanliness on the binding of his writings; Many rooms were decorated with painting, fooling eyesight, and need to give the fairness of Kaibu, that although he did not let scientists of people in the palace, but the images did not make the last decoration of his walls. True, his poems were poor, but his immeasurable generosity was awarded the great lack of their lack: Caib ordered to draw them in a rich dress and put in the best rooms of their palace of their image, for he was looking for in every way to encourage sciences; And genuinely, there was no poems in the Caiban possession, which would not have envied his portrait.

In another place, the historian continues, they were visible from the precious feathers of the chucks, made with such a taste that how much the court ladies were trying to imitate them in the motley of their clothes, but often they saw the annoyance that they were admired on the beautiful chucks more than them. In other places, funny monkeys, which were shifted with such a pleasant thing that the sortiest courtes were set for honor to adopter, and often, on the weakness of human, the fictions of the monkeys were given for their own, why there was a great feud among the then monkeys and courtes By the history of thirty-six volumes in the sheet published a local academy. There, on the magnificent pedestals, the busts were shone, busts, who were not inferior to their high scripts.

The inner rooms are removed by carpets as rare beauty and prices that the greatest kings, the contemporaries of Caibov, came to play Smel's contemporaries and ordered historian stations to record it among the greatest feats. His mirrors were although they were on the twelve Arshin in length, from clean steel, but not so much worshiped by rare in their magnitude, as in the property given to them by someone's sorceress: Sia mirrors had a gift to show things a thousand times more beautiful than they are. The old man saw himself in them with a young handsome, the wrong coquette - a fifteen-year-old girl, the freak - coming, and the rampant is dexterous. With all those, CAIB never looked at them, but he kept for some of his courtesy, and even to to-to-to-like, seeing how the disgusting faces in front of the Siemi mirrors argue about their beauty and give the quarrels that Kaib admired. Thousands of parrots spoke in his cells of sustainable verses; Many of the hot parrots were more eloquent to the then academics, although the Academy of Caabova was revered by the first in the world because in any academy did not have such a rich set of bald heads, like him, and all of them were fluent about the faces, and sometimes they wrote very clearly to buddies letters. With all those many people inferior to the eloquence of parrots, from which many Kaib, loving a scholarship, made members of the Academy just for the fact that they could speak cleanly what was invented by another. Well, to abundance, Caibov, the courtyard exceeded all the eastern courtyards, and the last spoonful of Caibov ate tastier than the Homer of the kings. Calendar Kaibov Yard was composed of one holidays, and weekdays were less frequent than Names Kasyanov.

He was filled with the first beautiful beauties in the world, from which there was not a single older seventeen years. How many factories are neither trying to come up to perfection in the preparation of the Rumen, but the best blunders would seem wild in comparison with the natural blush of his last sultan. The girls did not spoil his charms with excessive chemicals; They did not faint from spiders and cockroaches, in order to place a pleasant way. When I found a thoughtfulness, so ordinary to seventeen-year-old Japanese age, they did not take it cleaner to have the best complexion. The magnificent stables were filled with rare horses, who were more than our ships and obedient to his first viziers. His glaciers quit under the severity of delicious wines. The gods themselves, they say, with pleasure they got drunk in his cellars, and preferred wine from his nectar, who had shown them since the poetmen began to pour it to their heroes as carelessly as women were poured.

All light, looking at Caiba, read it happy; Typographic workers got out, publishing pretty books about his bliss. When the poems of today's time wanted to describe the celebrations of the gods and paradise merry, it was not otherwise proceeded, how to get the case through some eunuch to suffer between musicians to see the court splendor and seraral holidays; However, and, despite the descriptions of their divine pearts, they often smelled with a grinding straw, on which they are composed. All the light shouted that Kaib is happy, and only Kaib knew that it was not true; But he did not speak anyone, afraid, so that he did not consider him an ungrateful contrament of fate blessings, which he was always worried. He often read the descriptions of his happiness in his poems and laughed their emulsioned imagination; Or sometimes he envied for what he was not the same blind as they, to see themselves only with a happy side. Be that as it may, and Kaib was not so happy, how much they shouted about him; In his heart, he remained some emptiness, which could not be added to the surrounding items. The courtiers, women, monkeys, parrots - nothing entertained him: he watched all this from his high throne; Sometimes smiled at the races of monkeys or on the curl of the courtiers, but in these smiles it was seen regrets, rather than pleasure.

The whole courtyard was noticed that he was thoughtful, but no one could figure out how to reclaim him; and Ober-jester of his courtyard, who was jisite all the Italian operas together, and desperately saw that his highest ruler had not given him on the nose for two months; All this was noticed and concluded that he was not in such a big power at the courtyard, as he was in two months, when, to the annoyance of his envious, he received pins twenty in the ass, on the same click on the nose and showed everyone Boca of their signs of Caibov to her mercy.

But what was the reason for the Caibian boredom? That's what no one knew, and that everything is wonderful, then it was not known himself. He felt that he was lacking something, but could not know what was this deficiency; It seemed to him that he was alone in the whole universe, or, even closer, as if a foreigner was between millions of people, they were lent, who could not intelligence him or help him bored.

At first he thought that she had a reason for love wishes, and rushed to look for happiness in Serala; But the most modest girls seemed to him by the coquettes, who, wishing to please him, were looking for only their benefits; True, any of them wanted to be thrown by the Sultan's handkerchief, but often more in order to make his jogbook, rather than to make it happy. The desire to like it was mixed in all his hearts with the desire of a chaser or with ambiguousness; He noticed on the repetition that all the greetings, all the affairs were learned by heart and in the month of Seraral so he was bored with him that he stopped at him to look and concluded that not from this side should look for happiness.

Caibus decided then that most likely spoil sadness his new victories; Opened - and suddenly the army, a numerous ancient, Xerxes, and not inferior to the courage to the Greks, who died during thermopilah was ready and moved to collect laurels. The war caught fire, - the field of fame for heroes was opened and for the poetics; Posochetors of small disaster conceived the preparation of the Pyramids of OD, hoping for the first case to sell them for a good price. Many wives of the heads of the Heroes admired in advance in front of the mirrors, how mourning to them, and told the science of falling into firmware to enjoy it when they bring to them about the death of their husbands; The merchants elevated the price of black matter; Epitaphi writers have become impregnable.

The first two victories won by the Caibian troops led him to admiration; The third news of the victory listened to it indifferent; Finally, he walked already to yawn, listening to such news, and decided to give light a rest. The troops returned, burdened with glorus and springs, and Caibov Zewnota did not decrease, and he did not envy him without envy, that he had a more fun of his pleasure, describing his abundance, rather than him, His taste.

At one night, surprising in an ingredible boredom, Kaib grumbled on his magnificent down jackets, and sleep, as if not daring to enter the royal bedroom, forced to snore in the near room of his servants. Suddenly he saw that his favorite cat was chasing the mouse. She tried in every way to dodge him. So exactly often the manobyl wishes to dodge his judge from a gift; But he speaks into vain, he speaks with him about bad weather and about the good, about old times and about the present, at least he spoke with him about the eppedoclastic shoes, brought together and skillfully bow to the fact that he was needed by money. The same happened at the mouse with a cat: trying to deceive him, she rushed in different directions, looking for salvation on all corners ... and suddenly jumped to Sultan on the bed. What kind of beauty lost when he is a great case, so as not to rush from the bed with the string, do not lift the soda, do not squander all the light, if you can finally not fall two times, three faint? But Kaib was displeasted: he was not afraid of mice, spiders, cockroaches and with joy of the poor mouse took under his patronage; Moreover, it has read, for he loved the scholarships, and Thousand one night I knew myself by heart; He read that in such cases great miracles are made, as beautiful Shehherazad - this inimitable historian of his ancestors - testifies; And Kaib believed fairy tales more than the alcohol, so that they were deceiving incomparably more pleasant.

The case and truly ended the miracle: less than in a minute, the driven mouse turned into a beautiful woman, what nonsense! - Says a kind of my reader, I ask not to divide: In the Caiba, there was such a fashion in miracles, as now on the aglinsky hats, and the house in which it did not happen in at least two miracles, was also ridiculous as the house now where they do not play cards.

"Kaib," the converted woman told him, "you saved my life; It should, so that I secured yours: good deed creates gratitude. Ask me from me what you want, and I will fulfill your desire for a minute, at least it is chiro on the wealth of the whole world. "

"Genuine Fairy! - cried surprised Kaib, - I do not have the need for treasures; They are so great that how many viziers do not rob to me, but the damage in them is just as little ones, as the damage in the Ezopov River, which the greedy dogs wanted to drink; And I hope that my dogs also crammed before, rather than they will get the sea of \u200b\u200bmy treasures; From this you can conclude, I need to wish them more? However, as invaluable, our mughi worsens his beard, but if I wanted to seduce the honest old senior, I would have to buy it all over her thoroughly, Nimalo not upset of my wealth. I also have a shortage of beauties; Nature did not offend me, and my glance has not yet found any disputes in love - I like so much likely to like! However, my condition is so brilliance, which is still seventy years later there will be no Venus at my yard, which would not want to have to have His Adonis; And although nature will contradict them, but imagination, of course, will win it. Maybe I wished glory; But my poems, although they are sleeping outdoors themselves, but they set so many temples of the fame that if it were possible to make them together on Earth, then the city of Island Beijing would be gone from them. So you see that I have no shortage of anything. I yawning with all that, and on this one I guess that I lack something, but what it is, that the scientists from my subjects cannot guess. "

"Kaib," the wizard told him, "your desire will turn out: I know what you need to your bliss. It will be written on this Persnet (with seven she filed a ring to him). Tomorrow in the morning start your work; Be heard to leave him. How soon succeeds to grind it, it will not be a person on earth, which could be compared with you with bliss. I'm sorry and remember that I am always ready for help you; How soon I will be needed for some advice, then you have a whole volume of one of the street builders of glory: barely read, you will find one storm, as the impurity will find you; In this time I will be me to be and give the necessary instructions. Sorry, sovereign! " - repeated the wizard and disappeared into the moment.

Kaib, wrinkled to the wall, climbed, leaving until the morning research business; He is even a wonderful and curious sex! "He didn't even look, which is written on Persdot.

Another day he found carved these words on it: "They don't have a honey and looking for a person who would be called your enemy, not knowing that you loved, and who would be called your friend, not knowing what he hates. The one in which you will see this contradiction, one can heal you from your zea. " Here is quite huge for Pans inscription! - Speaking a critic ... Can she fit on Persdne? This is an incredibility! " - I am very sorry when the light now has so spoiled, which does not believe fairy tales; However, imagine, my gracious sovereign, such a ring, on which all this inscription fit, and criticism will disappear. "But where to take such a hand that would be at the time of this ring?" - Again me again. ABOUT! Who knows Goliath and Atlanta, he will believe that on their perverseas it was possible to rest more than on the tombstones of the people of the present centuries.

"The Melosive Sovereign! Said Kaibi Jester, seeing this inscription, "This is a clear meal of my enemies explicitly." - "Why do you think that?" - asked him Kaib. "The Lord of Orthodox! - The jester continued, - you are advised to be treated from boredom and do not prescribe me a medicine: is it not explicitly to humiliate my san and strength? As if my sacred position - Mix Your Majesty - I didn't mean anything! " - "Do not be afraid," Calif answered, - Nobody is as well as you, as you, as soon as you are jumping; So, my grace to you are unshakable. " - "Another word, sovereign, shouted the jesked, kissing him; - time devouring everything, maybe I deprive my abilities to serve your Majesty, and I will lose my ease; Fearing that my enemies then did not enthusiastically, I took the courtyard in advance. " - "Empty, empty! - cried Kaib, "Can't you find things with my yard?" Watching the turtle by that time. " The jester once again kissed the floor of his clothes, and Kaib, without saying the true incident of his ridge, shouted actually engage in his company.

The next day, Kaib convened his sofa to think more thoroughly about his important enterprise. Notice to notice that Caiba did not start anything without the consent of his sofa; But as he was peaceful, then, to avoid disputes, I started my speech: "Lord! I want that something; Whoever has an objection on this, he can declare him freely: he will get a minute for five hundred blows of the oxid cow on his heels, and after we consider his voice. " In such a good preface, he supported the perfect consent between him and the Council and attached his views such a chance that the most intelligent sofas were surprised by their wisdom. And for that, although sometimes he endured the chairs with a tight head, but could not tolerate those who had the soles. "Such people," he used to say, "they always think that they are smarter than others and they are not suitable for me. I needed viziers who would mind, without the consent of their heels, did not start anything. " Now, the kind reader, we can continue our story.

Kaib presented that he needed to leave the city of secret months to eight or more; that his calm depends on this, and in effect, the well-being of a whole state; that in this time can not manage any affairs; that you most need to hide his journey from the people and, in effect, do not stop any affairs; What finally, he always relies on their reasoning.

The sofa was divided into two sides; Some spoke from the courtesy that the Calif is needed by the state and that it cannot do without its high work so long, others said, from courtesy that he can fulfill his enterprise and that the state will not lose anything if he leaves for several months. Kaib gave them the will to argue and meanwhile engaged in the future for his journey. Finally, the novel by noise, said: "Lord! I want so much. " Vizyri of the first opinion, remember that they have heels, agreed with the sights of the last opinion. The journey was defined.

"My friends! - said Calif - I am grateful to your convocation; And although no Calif people for the Word do not get so much a salary like me; Although no sultan contains such a number of people's useful states, with an important position to pronounce purely so; But you are so diligently performing your honorable title that I am more willing to exist money on you than on the best Arab horses and Chinese dolls. From this you can conclude how nice to always see my intelligent people at the courtyard, for the wisdom advice are useful for the state as much as bootal bodies are useful to the bark. "

Sensitive Viziers were touched to tears to praise, and Kaib, smiling, continued: "So, when you agree, then nothing will stop my journey; But I still need a prudentive advice: I already said that my departure should hide from the people and what you need not to leave public affairs; And I still did not invent any way to Some; And if it was not hoping for your wit, it would be desperate to agree these two things. So, kind of viziers, please advise me, who is what you think? To the same, who is the best suggesting the opinion in these important circumstances, I promise to give a complete collection of Arab fairy tales in a rich Safian binding and the translation of the Confucius written in a sheet, on such solid paper from which you can make excellent volatile snakes. " Vizier all saw the conversion of Confucius, there were hunters to lower the snakes and no less loved Arab fairy tales. The rich promise of Generous Caiba ignited their imagination, and they all went to the voices.

The first was Dursan, a man of large advantages: the main thing was that the beard was delivered to his knees and the importance was like Boonchuk. Califa himself, although he did not have a big beard, but he knew that such ospanic beards attach importance to the sofa, and that was why Dursan was sublined as his beard crossed; And when, finally, she took out to the belt, then he made him in his sofa. Dursan, on his part, was not careless: seeing that destiny appointed him to serve the Fatherland Beard, he walked for her more than a gardener behind the cucumbers, Ido the last hairs kept. However, he did a lot of important services to Fatherland: when there was a holiday at the courtyard, then he dressed a lot of all women; And when Calif had insomnia, then he told him fairy tales. This, the famous husband began in this way:

"The great owner of the ocean, an unproductive lord of famous and unknown land and the legal heir of all monarchies that will be open! For such a petty verbal creature, like me, you are already great walking that you burn to her think; But with which I can compare my bliss when you, the Great Monarch, let me explain before you thoughts and, more than more, require my advice! But can the sun be borrowed from the ground? No, the great owner of Orthodox! Like, I am not born to not think, nor say before you, below to know what you think! Your head is also incomprehensible as the sacred coran; And my head before you, the same thing that I sit on; Both we are happy with your generosity, and to lick your dust of your feet is the sacred and most important my position, you awarded the weak abilities. Great already and then my happiness, when you use me instead of a sea tube, to declare our commands to declare. "

"It's all true, kind of Dursan," Calif answered, "I am glad, seeing that you remember your rights ... But sometimes the philosopher sees a dust with a dust whose neglect; Then, peering, it will know that this dusting moves; Finally, looking further, the creature learns in it and finds that it is not enough insect, but it can bring him good. We, Califa, are obliged to you, people, such justice. Often, looking at you, reptiles, we doubt whether you can think; But, considering further, we find that you are sometimes convenient to argue; And although it is indisputable that your brain can not be the same kindness, as the brain of descendants of the Great Magomet, elected to manage the universe, with all the topics and your reasoning can sometimes eat with use: and they are pretty fair, but in comparison with the reasoning of mobiles So, under our look, you can really think you think. So, kind of viziers, tell me your opinions. Do not be afraid if it's foolishly thinking: I know you are people; Nature did not create you by Kalifami. " After such a modest speech, Kaib addressed Dursan to hear it.

"When the owner of the Earth commands me to announce my opinions," Dursan said, "that will be the will of him by his law, I will say in our mouth that I feel in heart. So, the sovereign, there are no big obstacles or hide your travel from the people nor continue public affairs. For the first, you need to immediately issue the commandment so that your subjects falling on the ground to land when they are going to pass, and, under the fear of the death penalty, would be afraid to lick you. If the Lord of Orthodox will stay, then I take it to compose this command, in which I will prove it how unforgivable to know in the face of the owner of the fideline light and how much insult to his sacred parties, if the features are impressed with the dirty brain of commoner; How much, on the contrary, saving on the ground, bolding with a nose in the dirt when the Great Lord of the Seas and Sushi passes. Then, the sovereign, in order to teach your subjects to this, you can make a few trips around the city, and it is worth only to hang the first dozen curious, in order to raise your gifters to the sacred lips to your holy to the holy. After this you can calmly go. We, wearing a magnificent doll, will tie it to your riding horse and carry every day around the city, arising from the people that it is you yourself ... all fall into the NIC; And he will be a great magician who will catch up with a back of the difference between the doll and your Holy Sacred. Sie can we continue to your return. If you have such majestic mustes to the doll, what are you surprising the universe and exceed all the monarchs, then the mystery will still be incomprehensible. Well, before the reign of cases, you can, before the return of your own, entrust them to those who most trust; And there would be no more excessive if it would choose your choice, in such an important case, fell on a person worthy, with a postal beard, Ceie's length would be a measure of his deepness and experience. For, the great sovereign, the unreasonable hearts look at a long beard as a good certificate, this nature. Such a person let the name of yours makes business and gives commands, koi all the good glory falls at you, and none of the people will not notify your absence. " After this, Dursan was silent and began to smooth out his long beard.

"You have a rather ardent imagination," said Calif, "and if I were more proud, then you would use your advice; But, kind of Dursan, I do not like my peoples to roll on the mud during my departures. I am more pleasant when my subjects are presented to each other through a friend to watch me and after arguing, from which substance I created; I am very nice to hear how some say that I will all pour out of silver, others that I fidge from gold; What I am for a thousand miles see Blokh as free, as if she was on my nose, and that I can eat as much on the day how much the whole army a week, without fear of nimore burden in the stomach. Such beautiful reasoning and conclusions are amused me, and it is a pity to take away from the people the freedom to look at me when he looks at me with such success and laughs me sometimes before tears with his guess. No, no, invent another remedy; And this is so severe that I will never use it for my Muzulmanm to love it. "

Then Osshid, the first on Dursan; Smoothed on both sides of his mustache, dissolved his mouth and began ... But, the kind reader, let me introduce you and with this Vizier. The speech is stronger if the speaker is known to us.

Oslashid still in three hundred years before his birth was designed to play not last before in the sofa, for he was from the descendants of Magomet, and White Chalma, which was put on him at birth, gave him the right to big degrees and honors. True, that his head does not know how she fell into White Chalm, giving the right to such benefits, and the soul does not know him how she fell into the head, having the right to White Chalm; But Oskashid was the faithful Muzulmanine: he, without examining his rights, tried only to use them and kept the warm faith that the fate had his calculations to wear white Chalmu on him and to make the winner of great treasures. Do not intervene into her kinds, he put the rule to live his treasures as a true Muslim. Oskashid had a wonderful seral, many eunuhov, even more Christian slave, who diligently served for the fact that they do not accept his law and cannot understand what he himself never understood. He was divided as people may not believe that in an ordinary sleeve it is possible to hide the moon, which in diameter has no more than 473 German miles, and said that for the right Muzulmanina it is very easy to imagine, as one night I will drive more than how much cannonic core Maybe I'm from all the speed, fly out 500,000 years old and have to have to leave for all the historical remarks to leisure all the historical comments. In short, Oskashid believed everything with surprisingly ability, and it was his first dignity at the courtyard, which forced many other flaws in it. This worthy Vizier began his speech:

"The true descendant of the Great Prophet, a brilliant caliph, which bonds in a straight line from the enlightener of the Universe, Magomet, for I undoubtedly believe that, since his wives, the wives of all the ancestors were as true as they promise to the paradise Guria, and that your pedigree The tree is not crushed by the same wife of your predecessors; And therefore, the right of yours to command us as sacred as the right of Magomet himself, for the slavery, the whole world has been created. The Lord of Orthodox, having the power to associate and resolve the hands and thoughts, the power of an undeniable, which, with the help of the blessing of the Prophet, is supported by 500,000 armed Muzulman, honored with happiness to cut the throat to someone who hews to find you right to translate them; The owner of the Samovolastic Great Bull, on the horns of which your extensive possessions are crumbling, - Great Calif! Call to listen to the opinions of the last of your slaves! How many primes the Council of Dursan, but, it seems to me, there is no need to make such large rites with the people, but especially when your humans recognize them with harsh. Total better, Great Calif, go to the way as much as possible; But with the very road to the goal, declare with his subjects that you, loving our capital, did not intend to get away from it. And then, although the whole city will see that you are removing, but your slaves, of course, will believe you more than their eyes, and they will be firmly sure that you are here, whereas you will be able to make your presence another half of the globe. Moreover, departure, you can say that you will pass around the city every week, and you can appoint a day in which after we can drive through the streets to the head of your horse. Although you will not be on it, but your slaves will agree to rather believe that they all suddenly darken than to think that you are not myself, the highest your own, you sit on the horse, which the posture they are happier from all the feeling of creatures, so that she wears On himself the greatest in the light of Califa. As for business, you can also say that all things that will be solved at such time will be directly considered and resolved to you. In a word, you can conclude that every kind of criminal who in this time will dare, believing five of his feelings, to wonder in your words. Such a speech, the greatest caliph, will produce miracles, and the departure of your whole state will remain secret. "

"The method is pretty invented," Calif answered, "but he is good for mine only Muzulman, and above foreigners, I don't think that I made a similar action, and that even more annoying, can disclose that I am a caliph over the blind peoples, and it will bring it little I am honored. No, my friends, I want my subjects to believe sometimes with your eyes or should I endure the greatest work to tell every thing that he sees and what feels. Fold out any other tool: I love so much of my subjects, that I sorry to do suddenly useless several millions of eyes. So, the kind of Dursan and the honorable weakens, you will not receive Arab fairy tales from me in Safyann binding and you will not have fun to lower the servers from Confucian translation. Let's see, kind of robble, whether your fiction will be happier. "

Robble did not have a long beard, nor happily be born in Belaya Chalme; He was the Son of Chebotar, who at one time shook the taste of a whole city. Robble, to see from the infancy of the hard work of the Father, he decided to shine in the world completely, I just fool and looking for ways, as if with time to integrate the people who had a father shovel with such success. For this, he joined the order service. Robble was a smart; He immediately understood the system of his title and began to tear with some, in order to transmit others. With such an excellent rule, it was not long suggested in the lower ranks and immediately made Kadium. At this place, he walked the place to deploy all his abilities and enjoy everything catching, I knew him. He immediately understood the difficult science to embrace the gentleman who wanted to be removed; crying those misfortunes, which he himself was a reason; By the way, I could not see those for those who never see; To attribute to the virtues, in whom saw some vices. I knew when you need to bow to the ground and when to the belt, I knew how to climb into my judicial pillow by the way; But what is more important, I knew by the way to hurt and by the way to give. With such brilliant dating, he shed his way to the sofa and climbed into the seasons. Caliph respected the abilities ... Robble became one of the most famous people supplied in ways to implant the poor and consecrated important advantage to get a lot from the hands of the Sultan himself. Robble so started my speech:

"The legitimate heir of all the estates, an indisputable ruler of hearts and mentals, the lord of the elements and the cause of all the former and the future of the future of human kind! I'm sorry that I dare to move to my language in the presence of a sacred person. I would never jerk with you and think if it was not this in fulfilling the Supreme Whaw, which manages all my feelings and deeds, like solar movement controls the movement of the shade. It seems to me that the best way to hold in secret travel is to make prohibition to speak, in any way there is no, about your high person and even pronounce the sacred name, under the fear of depriving the abdomen and estates. Making this command, you can calmly go to your way; And although the number of your slaves will guess that you are not here, but, by virtue of prohibition, talking about you, they will not refuse to inform their guesses to anyone, below to extend their curiosity further. It is known that silence is the only way to snoring the chairs; That is not the best tool - impose it to the languages \u200b\u200bof chatty narratives and surveyors, whom two or three exemplary punishments can be asseved that the language of them is given only in order for, with his help, it was easier to swallow food. "

Califa was not satisfied and simply: he himself, loving speaking, knew how a seriously honest person, although he would lose this excellent exercise for two hours; Moreover, although he could hope to take men, but where did he think, take so much strength to learn to say women? Califa was a premotold: he knew that there was a law on the holding of the talkativeness of women, there is the same thing that to give the law to hold the tide and the popularity of the marine. He also demanded advice from the lowest chairs that fill the sofa, but they did not listen, not expecting anything good from them. Califa was a calculated: ordinary sage sled between ten fools; Smart people compared with candles that a moderate number produces a pleasant light, and too much can cause a fire; And he often used to say that he, to preserve good order, fools at least so much as smart people need. This is the reason that the sofa of Califs was made by them.

All of them went to the voices: notice it should be that they walked their advice to their advocate, although they often could see that they were not needed for anything; But the more stupid head, the generous to the advice. Finally, Calif came out of the sofa with an overwhelmist of his vise, he was not pleased with any voice, he retired his internal panels and hoped in solitude to find what he could not find in crowded.

The first thing came to his eyes in his room was a book given to him by a magician. Although Kaib never consulted with books, because they are mostly written not by Kalifami, but, remember that an important property is attributed to this book - to sleep, he took her in his hands, in the hope of seeing his own patronage in a dream. Califa deployed - sees Odea Vizier, recently hung for bribes ... His virtues were with such an enthusiasm, that Califa shouted to be afraid if he hung Him. It attracted him to an important reasoning: how much should the Great Califer be careful in awarding and in punishments ... "Fairy, he grunted quietly," Fairy, of course, I gave me this book: she promised me with her nice sleep, and this book, On the contrary, it gives me a reason for important reasoning, decent to my saline and useful to my people ... "But the caliph did not notice that he had already dreamed, pronouncing the last words ... And indeed, he plunged into a deep sleep and forgot his award, punishment, Hanging Vizier, poem and his book that he released to his knees.

Barely fell asleep, barely sweaty assembly of heavy poems, burdened his hands in a minute, crawled with his knees on a rich carpet, as a patronage fairy appeared in a dream. She was charming, like ... like what you only a nice, kind reader ... Surround, you can compare it with your ruble; If you are the author, then imagine that it was so beautiful as your poems; or imagine that it is beautiful as your mistress - if you read it on the eve of your wedding; If the other day, I confess that my comparison is not good anywhere.

"Kaib," she said Califu, "I invented the way to hide your journey from the people and from your viziers. Waking up, go from your palace, not to nobody speaking a word. I prepared a doll and gave her such abilities that she, before returning your place, will replace your place with success. So Once Apollo on the Trojan Brahi replaced Enea forged under his appearance statue; And meanwhile, as Eney was resting at home, the statue of the brave struck with the Greeks; Although Homer does not say anything, but I know exactly that then many glorious things are attributed to Enai himself, to which he, in his sentence, never contradicted. The same accurately intends to do with you. Go and try only to fulfill the will of the oracle; I'll take it on myself. Believe me: No soul knows how pretty submenu, I am a statue of ivory, which in your absence makes a lot of glorious affairs; All of them will multiply in the people of gratitude to you. I'm sorry, caliph, stepping not a medium, there is a decent breath with myself for a while, and you will see what I would never see any visual tube with a high throne, but finally you will find awards promised to you oracle " Fairy disappeared.

As a poor poem, seeing in a dream that his writings suddenly diverged four embosses and that he was molded with gold, wakes up, and although he does not see anything around him, except for his huge manuscripts and broken chairs and a table, but, relying on a dream, fills with hope, Lads a candle and, without going with bed, chasing the pegasus on white paper, which covers his tracks, so Kaib, waking up, consoles that in a dream he invented more than in reality, and, hoping for a promise of a wizard, whispering his clothes , it dresses as modestly as the watchman of the academic library, takes a few small money ... how much he believed the magic, but he knew that there were many such cases, where and the most severe whale of cash could not be replaced; Then leaves a magnificent palace and starts a search prescribed to him oracle.

It was at night; The weather was rather loud; Rain lily so strongly that, it seemed, it was threatened to wash off to the bottom of all the houses; Lightning, as if the mobby, the blister occasionally showed only the Great Califer that he was knee-deep in the mud and from everywhere surrounded puddles as England by the ocean; Thunder stunned him with his gustful blows. Then the caliph was settled for the first time, he is so self-liberally owner of the elements, as the Viziri said him. Wanting to hide from no longer weather, he was looking for, with lightning light, some hut; Soon, passing further, I saw the fire aside and went straight to him, hoping at the owner to raise the permission to dry out the dress.

Califa comes to the hut, cut the door, sees a large room; In one corner there is a bed, in another chair, which, relying on the wall of the shield, stood rather proudly on the other two legs; On the floor sketched several old books and a decent supply of white paper; No wonder Califa guess that the author lives here. He always wondered to talk with people of this kind; Although before the radiance of his Sana did not allow him to humiliate himself to such an extent, but now he could not not rejoice, I was forgotten by that convenient case ... I was forgotten, describing the room, mention the most important device: lying on the bed; With great importance, she considered old manuscripts and, it seemed, with a painted half of the pen in her hand, determined the fate of the whole world.

"The gracious sovereign," began Kaib, "I just came to this city and I don't know anyone in it, will you allow the Wanderer to use hospitality?". - "Very happy to the dear guest! And if, not offending you, you can make a conclusion on a modest of your dress, then let me ask if you are not a scientist? " - "Yes, it's true that I read books."

"Read? .. According to your refined Kaftan, I thought you were writing them. But the better. I wrote now ORA Orsshidu and I would like to know your opinion. " - "BUT! Do you write OD? " - "Yes, this is the safest craft, but not always profitable. I recently wrote ORD to one nobleman; He admired her and promised me to pay generously; But, as a noble person, forgetting this word, died as another day. After that, I wrote ORD to another visiting; This was no less satisfied, promised to award me, and would surely, did not deceive, but he was hanging on the third day for bribes. " - "How did you write the ODU and a recently hanging visitor? I read it ... "

"Admit that it is not enough. Now I am writing Ode Okashidu, the enemy of hanged Vizier. It can be said that it is difficult for me: there is no mind or virtue in this good person; Such people are terribly difficult deals for lyrical poetry. I, not caustic, I will say that I am more writing for glory than for money; Proof - I get worse for OD, rather than for broken windows that sometimes buy from me. With all that I will not leave the lyrical poems. "

"I am amazing the ability of your praise those in which you, according to your recognition, quite a little you find the reasons for the praise." - "ABOUT! It is nothing, believe me that it is a bellish: we give our imagination will in praise with the only condition so that after any name can be inserted. Oda - like a silk stocking, which everyone tries to stretch to his leg. It has a completely different advantage, rather than satire. If I want to write a satire to whom from the sightings, then it should be commonly traffic on the vice, which he is more susceptible; But here it is forced to come into the easiestness of it to find out that it's up to OD, then there is a completely different order: you can score as much as you like, to bring anyone; And there is no vizier who would not accept the description of all possible advantages with its high part. "

"But if the light knows that your description is false that your heroes are empty bubbles, inflated by you?" - "What about the need? Aristotle has nowhere to be very famous that the actions and heroes should be described not as they are, but what should be, - and we imitate this prudent rule in our oodas, otherwise the ODD turned into Paskvili here; So, you see how much you need to read the rules of the ancients. "

"I always thought that the poetmen proceed to the gifts, inflamed by the virtues and perfections of their heroes." - "How were you mistaken: they are inflamed with one imagination and choose the first who will fall as an artist chooses a piece of Marmor; The coarse and imperfect fragile, the more fame and art give it a gentle look. " - "Ah! - said, sighing, Calif, - How few people should be proud of such praises that often blind them! "

"They will fool them away," the poem answered; "If they attributed praise not to their advantages, but the occasion and our need to decorate someone them, then would not be so proud. Would you like, I will tell you this case a short fable that soon intends to shift in poems?

The glorious painter, captivated by the new thought, thought to write to Venus, pulled a piece of the canvas and fulfilled his intention with great success; The picture was precious and eventually became the decoration of the tags of the Swordless Emperor. Many spectators glanced to watch it. The canvas, whom was written by Venus, thought that it was the cause of all delights noted in the audience. Spider, spreading networks on it for flies, brought him out of delusion. "You are in vain are proud, the canvas," he said, "if I didn't draw it to a glorious artist to cover you with brilliant paints, then you would have extended for a long time, it was consumed on the otrech of the dishes."

The poets are doing the same with people, and the latter the same have the reason to be proud of how the hand drawn canvas, who thought the painter tried to glorify her when he took care only about his name. When I read Homer, then I confess, instead of surprising his heroes, I am surprised at him, and I look at them, as for people whom the Great this husband made a view of his fame; So, it is not clear whether you can see ... You are dense, you need peace! Do you want anything to dine? "

"Would you like; I confess that I was very hungry. " "It's a pity that you didn't come to me earlier only five minutes: we would have rushed fine. At least what you are swept about: on mattresses or down jacket? " - "On the down jackets," said, sighing, caliph.

"Lower these pins of printed papers," the poem answered, pointing to the angle, - go to them; If they are not so soft, like down jackets, at least thicker than the down jacket in the world. My friends spend the night with me calmer than the caliph ours on the best down jackets. "

Kaib lay, put a stop of paper in his head and climbed in a minute so hard that he seduced the poetman to follow himself.

The next day, CAIB gathered in the road.

"You certainly want to wake?" - asked his poem.

"It's true. And although there are no two days, as I started my journey, but I liked it so much that, maybe, I use it for several years to see things that, sitting at home, I saw through tenth eyes. "

"You will not see anything new. Where there are people, there will always be free to find virtues and vices; Where there is money, there will find luxury and stale, wealth and poverty; In the cities you will see indifference to the unfortunate of the near, in the villages of compassion and hospitality, because a rural resident, imitating nature, is learning from her to be militant, and a city resident, chasing happiness, learns from him to be blind and unfair. " After this, they broke up, and Kaib continued his way.

He went on a big road, wanting to see the rural inhabitants with impatience. For a long time, reading idylls and ancogged, he wanted to admire the golden age of reigning in the villages; It has long wanted to witness the tenderness of the shepherds and shepherds. Loving his spread, always read in idylls with admiration, which bliss they lead life, and often used to say: "If I was not a caliph, I would like to be a shepherd."

He was far from his capital, as one day he saw the flock scattered over the field. - "Great Magomet! - he cried, - I found what I was looking for! " - And he descended from the road to the field of looking for a happy mortal, who enjoys at his herd the golden age. Califa was looking for a stream, knowing that the shepherd was also a pure source, as a flap of happiness front noble; And indeed, the last few next, he saw a blurred creation on the banks, tanned from the sun, noticed by mud. Calif was settled, whether this person is; But, according to bare feet and on the beard, it was unprofilated soon. The view of him was as much stupid, how much the device is poor.

"Tell me, my friend," Calif asked him, - where is the happy shepherd of this herd? " "This is me," the creation answered and at the same time swollen in the stream a stale crust of bread in the stream, so that it was easier to warm it. "You are a shepherd! - cried with the surprise of Caib - Oh! You must play the swirl perfectly. " - "May be; But, hungry, not a hunter I am to the songs. " - "At least you have a shepherd; Love consoles you in your poor condition. But I'm a day, what's your shepherd not with you? " "She went to the city with firewood and with the last smoke, so that, to sell them, it was what to dress and not frozen in winter from cold matineens." - "But therefore, your life is not very pleasant?" - "ABOUT! Who is a hunter to die with hunger and freeze from the journey, he can burst from envy, looking at us. " "I confess that I believed a lot of eclogs and idylls," said Calif. - Fairy! Your words come true: I see what I would never suspect. The poetman said the truth that the poets would come out with people as painters with canvas. But such a naughty canvas, "he continued, looking at the shepherd, - such a unwitting canvas sharply ... it is, right, godless! ABOUT! Now I give myself the Word myself that I will never tell about the description of my poems to judge the happiness of my kind Muzulman. " And the caliph went further.

Once he was on the evening, he was on the big road, and although it was already beginning to try out, but no city was visible away. It confused him. "The wizard is joking with me," he said himself, "she seems to want, so that I, like the calender, constituted on big roads. For more than three months, I am still awake, but the shadows have no happiness promised to me with a fuel; And what else is annoying, today it should not sleep in the field. I believe, of course, that the Prophet loves his descendant; But tell the truth: the bear from the forest is closer to me, rather than a magometer from the seventh sky. " Such thoughts were outraged by Caiba: the ruler of the seas and sushi was not afraid to be hit by a hungry wolf.

At the very time, he was engaged in such tempting reasoning, he met a peasant him. "My friend, far from the city?" - He asked him Calif. "Eight hours; By the morning you can be there. " - "But there is no where to spend the night, will I get a village on the way?" - "Nor yard; And if you want, then, the past, you can roll along the path right and the forest, through the old cemetery, pass to the villages where you can find the night. "

Last a little, and really Kaib saw the pathway laid into the forest; He went on it and a quarter of an hour got into a small platform decorated with broken tombs. Caibi had no time to curious: the fear and the approaching night were argued by his yield further; As suddenly, the site, he saw that the path was divided by on-two. "Oh my God! - Caib crishes, - according to which I should ITTi? Well, if I choose the most difficult and long, then you just really, that I should sleep on earth, without protecting the animals; But if I turn around - and the city is still eight o'clock! .. It's terrible! No, "he continued, the cemetery with his eyes," no, I better agree to spend the night here, "and then, seeing a high tombstone, he decided to choose him his night. Kaib went closer to the stone and saw the words carved on it:

"Whoever you are, do not close; Zirate with awe's reverence, under which my dust rests, and know that I ... (the name was so ironed by time that Caib could not disassemble anywhere) ... The winner of the Universe, which the name threatens and will thunder in all ends of the earth: my weapon conquered I have a lot of paratows, won 729 victories and did not have a battle, there would be less than 15,000 enemies on whom there were less than 15,000 enemies. This light leaves my son and his descendants into the legitimate legacy. I am satisfied with the dying that I founded my tribe a solid and non-omitted heritage, the treasures are inexhaustible, the glory of the immortal, and the fear of my name is so great that there will be no mortal that would dare to touch up my tombstone. "

"What a wonderful inscription! - said Kaib and scored with great labor on stone. "It's precisely safe here," he grumbled quietly, "this stone and high and impregnable for animals ... I just walked to know whose tomb. It is terrible that such glorious names are erased with tombstones! How can I rely on the story, for I firmly believe that thousands of glorious people who pones the same famous affairs, as the current owner, are not made in history only for the fact that their gravestones were fruited and comfortably blurred rain. What is your beautiful lesson for me! ABOUT! Of course, I will choose for my tombstone the Stone catch up and handy that my glory will be longer than my owner's glory. " Then he took out Kaib from his pocket bread and a piece of cheese; In a minute he sent a hiking dinner. "How little needs for a person! - Calif said, - For the day, two pounds of bread and the three Arsshina of the Earth on the bed at life and by death! I would like to know why, in four months before Sim, the whole universe seemed to me for me, and now this stone is very spacious for me? And the word "mine", for which the right cost me, maybe 300,000 good Muzulman, - the word does not admire me now! Oh, pride, how terrible you reward! During his lifetime, you are hated, they despise or forget about death. Oh! Maybe I will eventually serve as a wanderer who, who does not look at my proud inscription, calmly sleeps on the one, for whom the ancestors did not bother him without horror. "

Kaib fell asleep. Suddenly he sees that the stone is moving away and the majestic shadow of a certain ancient hero comes from under it.

His growth towered Dotolo, the Doc in a quiet summer, a thin smoke can rise. What the color of the cloud surrounding the moon was the pale his face. His eyes were like the Sun, when, during its order, it sinks into thick fogs and, changing, is covered with a bloody color. The chapter his covered a huge helmet, which seemed to be able to oppose thunderstorms. His hand buried the shield emitting a dull light, similar to what the water publishes at night, reflecting the dead rays of pale stars. The caliph immediately guessed that he was from among those famous Persons, which are called the winners of peoples and on the globe with great success replace them with the World Flood. He was silent and expected to be further.

"Kaib! - She told him a vision, "you know in front of the shadow of that dust resting under the sim stone. The inscription about my affairs, carved on the stone, is valid: I won the whole world; Nothing boldly arm against me, except for my conscience, which one could have tormented who tormented the universe. Under the death of my sky, my memory was destroyed in humans, and Dotol was convicted of me, I will not have a reason for the reason although one good deed business. 20,000 years already the tomb is here, and at all this time I was not a reason for any good deed. My memory has not yet eclipsed, Dotol was excited by the followers, as much harmful light, as I myself was harmful. My memory died; But my followers also had their imitators, and all the disasters opposed after that land, I had a reason for giving the first example of love. Finally, the sky elected you to be my delightful: you, making the last humiliation of my pride, my gravestone made my night. My tall stone saved you from predatory animals, we would certainly be at seminal wild forest - and now the first benefit that took place from me at 20,000 from me.

The tomb and inscription on it inspired you prudent reflections; Your heart is convenient to use them, and these reflections in Tol great Califa, what are you, will be the reason for the happiness of millions of people, which is the good, who also happened from me. Fate performed the measure of his justice: at this day my torments ended. The sky, allowing me, allowed me to bring you gratitude; allowed for me that I confirmed to you the truth of the inscription, the ban is only to tell your name, convicted to eternal oblivion on the face of the Earth; allowed it to also tell you that you are close to the thing for which you travel; Happiness expects you. But, Califa, do not corrupt the ball of his heart - do not forget that you have ever seen. Remember that love is punishable by excessive humiliation; Remember that the right of your authority consists only in making people happy, - this right give you heaven; The right to learn unhappiness you kidnap the hell. " Yearen this, the shadow began to change and disappear, like a dull cloud dull, when the moon is removed from it and, waving along the azurea sky, becomes invisible to the eyes of mortals.

The next morning Califa woke up early and, having a strange dream, continued his way on one of two paths. He walked on three hours and finally went on a beautiful meadow, through which the road was lying to a small hut. Kaib admired the location and, examining the surroundings, was surprised in nature, as suddenly, turning to the right, saw a beautiful fourteen-year-old girl. She sought something in the grass with the Great Diligence; Beautiful eyes of her irrigated were tears, - a sign, as expensive she appreciated the lost thing. Kaib approached Pey; She did not notice him; He did not descend an eye from her: every dam, all movement, all her step ignited blood in it. Kaib possessed many women, he sometimes felt strong desires, but now the first time he learned what love was.

"A foreigner," the beauties told him, seeing him, "did you find here a portrait?" Oh! If you have you, so return Roxane what is more expensive to her life. " "No, beautiful Roxana," Calif answered, "the fate did not want to reward me to be useful ..." - Calif would continue his courtesies, but his beautiful stranger, without listening to the portrait from him. Calif, not to say a word more, he began to fool in the grass. It was necessary to watch the greatest califa, which, almost crawling, was looking for in the grass, maybe some kind of toys in order to please the fourteen-year-old child. He was so happy that in a minute found a loss. "Roxana! Roxan! portrait!" - He shouted, showing her portrait.

She was already far from him, as he heard this voice, rushed to him out of all his strength. Joy, hurried and impatience made the fact that she was confused in the grass and would have fallen if I did not support her Caib. What a pleasant burden he felt when Roxana's breasts touched his breasts! What a heat spilled in all his veins, when an innocent Roxana, holding away from the fall, wrapped it with her own hands, and he, his supporting light and thin mill, felt a strong trembling her heart. "Take, beautiful Roxana, this portrait," Kaib spoke to her, "and sometimes remember this day that returned to you the precious loss, and I always deprived of liberty." Roxana did not say anything, but the adorable blush, who decorated her face, spoke more than it would rather say. "A stranger," she said to Kaibu, "to visit our hut and the doser, so that I show my father to my father who returned me to my mother's lost me."

They entered the house, and Caib saw a honorable elder reading a book. Roxana told him an adventure, and the old man did not know how to thank Kaiba. He was asked to stay with them for a day, - you can guess that he did not refuse; This is not enough: to stay share, he pretended to be sick and had the pleasure of seeing how Roxano regretted him and how she tried to give him facilities ... Can love to hide a long time? Both they found out that they are loved mutually; The old man saw their passion: he rinsed the many ways for this case, but he felt like they were fruitless; And Kaib himself, who, with admiration, saw how beautiful Roxana was sensitive to morals and as a gentle heart, it would be respected by a virtue, - Kaib himself would not want to now listen to morals with an anti-love. The old man, loving her daughter and confusing the kind, modesty in Prudence of Caiba, decided to dissuade him from hunting to travel and multiply his family.

Roxan asked him gently to preferred a calm life and love her - wish to wander. "Oh! Hasan, "she said it once," if you knew you, as you love me, I would never leave our hut for the most magnificent palaces in the world ... I love you as much as I hate our Caiba. " - "What do I hear? - cried Calif, - You hate Caiba! " - "Yes, yes, I hate him as much as you love, Hasan! He is the cause of our misfortunes; My father was Kadium in one rich city; He performed with all his title; Once, judging by the nurse of one connoisseur with a poor artisan, he decided that he demanded justice, in favor of the latter. Charging searched for meal; He had a noble rhodium at the court; My father was slander; He has been treated to take away from him, ruin to the foundation of his house and deprive life. He managed to escape, picking me on his hands. My mother, not going through this misfortune, died on the third month after our relocation here, and we stayed to make life here in poverty and in oblivion of all the world. "

"Oracle, you turned! - cried the calip. "Roxana, you hate me! .." - "What did you do with you, Hasan?" - interrupted embarrassed Roxana, - not a thousand times I said to you that you are more expensive to my life. Oh! In the whole world I hate alone Caiba. " - "Caiba! Caiba! You love him, Roxan, and you will be erected by your love for the Vynyhih degree of bliss! " - "My dear Hasan went crazy! Said Roksan's quiet, - notify the father to notify. " She rushed to her father: "Battyushka! Batty! - She screamed, "Help! The poor, our Hasan risen in the mind, "and the tears were configured in her eyes. She rushed to help him, but it was already too late: Hasan disappeared, leaving their hut.

The old man regretted him, and Roxana was repeated. "Sky! - said the old man, - didn't you make sure you drive me? I missed slanders, I lost the merits, estates, lost my wife and got into the desert. I have already started to get used to my unfortunately, already urban pomp has been impaired indifferent, the rural state began to captivate me, as suddenly the fate sends a wanderer to me; He pertures a solitary life, becomes kind to me, becomes soul of my daughter, is done for us necessary and then runs away, remaining tears and crushing. "

Roxan and her father thus spent their smashing days, as suddenly saw a huge retinue driving into their deserts. "We died! - cried his father, - our refuge is recognized! Saving a kind daughter! .. "Roxana fainted. The old man better wanted to die than, leave her. Meanwhile, the head of the suite comes to him and gives it the paper. "Oh, Sky! Will it not sleep? - shines the old man, - Do you believe my eyes? My honor is coming back, the dignity of the Vizier is given; I demand a yard! " - Meanwhile, Roxana came to his senses and listened to the surprise of speech of his father. She was glad, seeing him happy, for the memory of Hasan poisoned her joy; Without him, she saw one misfortune in bliss itself.

They gathered on the road, came to the capital. The command gave to imagine the father and daughter of Califu in the inner rooms. They are injected. They fall on her knees; Roxana does not dare to build an eye on a monarch, and he gladly sees her sadness, knowing the reason for Oyoy and knowing how easy it can stop her.

"Elementary old man! He said to an important voice, "I'm sorry that, blinded by my sights, I got silent against you: I got sick against the most virtue. But my blessings I hope to cite my injustice, I hope that you will forgive me. But you, Roxan, - he continued in a gentle voice, - will you forgive me and whether the hated Kaib will be so happy as the favorite Hasan was happy? "

Here only Roxan and her father in the Grand Califa recognized the wanderer Hasan. Roxana could not say a word: fear, admiration, joy, love shared her heart. Suddenly appeared in a magnificent fairy haul.

"Kaib! - she said, taking Roxane for his hand and stern to him, - that's what disadvantaged to your happiness; Here is the subject of your journey and the gift sending you by the sky for your virtues. Quality to respect his jewel, able to use what you saw in your journey - and you will not be any need for magic in magic. Sorry!" With this, she took she he had a fascinated collection of OD and disappeared.

Califa elevated Roxana to his throne, and the spouses of Seia were so true and so much loved each other that in the current century would so much would have become crazy and put on them with their fingers.

The story "Kaib" and was the parody use of the genre form of the traditional literary and political utopia - Eastern Story. Compositionally the story decays into two parts: the first contains the characteristic of Caiba as an enlightened monarch, in the second, the stately fantastic motive of the monarch's travel in its own country is incognito, hoped from Arab fairy tales about Garun Al Rashid; And during this journey, seeing his own eyes the life of his subjects, Kaib is getting rid of his delusions and becomes the perfect ruler. And in both parts, the systematic discredit of sustainable literary techniques for creating an ideal ruler is obvious.

In the eyes of Russian enlighteners an integral property of the perfect monarch was the patronage of sciences and arts. CAIB patronizes sciences and arts to their special way:

<...> It is necessary to give justice to Kaibu, which though he did not let scientists in the palace, but the images did not make the last decoration to his walls. True, his poems were poor, but his immeasurable generosity was awarded the great lack of their lack: Caib ordered to draw them in a rich dress and put in the best rooms of their palace of their image, for he was looking for in every way to encourage sciences; And it was not true in Caibic possessions, not a single verse, who would not have envied his portrait (I; 368-369).

Ideally, the Institute of Constitutional Monarchy implies the division of the legislative and executive authorities between the monarch and the elected representative body, or at least the presence of such a deliberative body during the monarch. Caiba has the State Council - a sofa, and between Caaba and sofa suders (Dursan, Oskashide and robilee, the advantages of which is a long beard, a head intended for wearing White Chalms, and the ability to "dream from one, in order to transmit others" - I; 382 ) The perfect consent reigns, achieved very easier:

Notice to notice that Caiba did not start anything without the consent of his sofa; But as he was peacefully, then, to avoid disputes, I started my speech so: "I want the Lord, who has an objection on this, he can declare him freely: he will get a minute for five hundred blows to the heavenly And after we look at his voice "(1.375).

the discrepancy between the meaning of the epithets "Great", "wise", "scientist", "immensely generous" and real actions of Caiba, which are determined by these epithets, becomes the strongest means of discrediting the image of an enlightened monarch, which it seems, but is not in fact the Hero of Eastern Store. It is not difficult to notice that in intonational relation mnimo is an innocent positive manner of denial is very close to the cubedy of the "Grandfather of Krylov" - a fastened narrative mask of the late creativity of the writer.

The second compositional part of the story develops a conditional fabulous story of the wanderings of Caiba in his kingdom. There is all the traditional motifs of the Arab magic fairy tale: the transformation of the mouse into the beautiful fairy, the magic ring with the prophecy on the conditions under which its owner will be happy. All these reinforced reminders of the fabulousness of the changes occurring with CAIBLE are put forward to the first substantive plan to negone the problem of the conventionality of sustainable literary forms and their inconsistency of the form of material life.

Systematic discredit of the idea of \u200b\u200ban enlightened monarch is accompanied by an equally systematic parody of traditional literary genres, dealing with perfect reality: ODDs as the form of incarnation of the ideal of existential, and idylls as a form of incarnation of the household ideal:

If I want to write to Satira's sights, then<… > Forced to come into the easiestness to find out; What is up to OD, then there is a completely different order: you can score as much as you like, bring them anyone;<...> Aristotle has nowhere to be very famous that the actions and heroes should not be described not as they are, but what should be, - and we imitate this prudent rule in our oodas, otherwise it would have turned into Paskvili< > (I, 387) For a long time, reading idylls and ancogged, he wanted [Kaib] to admire the golden age of reigning in the villages; I have long wanted to witness the tenderness of the shepherds and shepherds< > Califa was looking for a stream, knowing that the shepherd was also a pure source, as a flap of happiness front noble; And indeed, the last few later saw on the banks of the river blurred creation, tanned from the sun, noticed by mud (I, 389).

If a person has everything, then he has no happiness. And for this happiness, he will go in search. Take the test and understand - happiness is not in its presence of a person, but that happiness is available to others. Such a man of Krylova became the eastern ruler of Kaib, who lived without sadness and did not know that he was happiness. He did not pay attention to the needs of the subjects, as did not seek to understand people at all. Instead of fashioning deserved approval, he richly decorated with the jewels of their image. There was no people in the state, who would not envy the gifted by the grace of the ruler statues and portraits. One joy was found in the residents of Caiba, when they looked into the mirrors curves and the dignity inherent in them was aware of a brief moment.

Country will not be ignored. Kaiba was required to find a visor during his absence. And whatever he does not find, it will not be better for people. Everything in the role of the ruler is experiencing the burden of power, seeking her to fit. With a capable of Vizir, the figure of the ruler is necessarily like a doll, which they see and consider responsible for what is happening, whereas in the shadow there is a non-notice of a true ruler. In the case of Caiba, this situation was forced. He went in search of happiness and did not have to rule. He never designed to the Duma of the people.

In the way, Kaib Warrior Antiquity, whose grave for a long time visited them admiring. Caib will understand how ephemeral power. The once terrible ruler after death will be oblivioned. A virtuous ruler will be subject to it, and much more. The reader should not be reported in order to not disturb the fabulousness of the story of the story. Attitude towards the subject - an overly thin topic for conversation. The Eastern worldview insists on the need for the ruler to be benefactor, while the rare ruler sought to the same. And for some reason, for some reason, those who have hurt, forgetting everyone else, on the contrary, starting doubting the need for good deeds. But it means to encourage the independence of the authorities from the needs of her people.

Not knowing anything of this, trusting the warrior, Kaib will understand the need to do others happy to achieve his own happiness. Finally, he will be convinced of the correctness of his opinion when fate will reduce him with a girl dissatisfied with the state ruler policy. In an effort to please her, Kaib will once again come to an understanding of happiness for everyone who fresseled in former beliefs. It is worth accepting the position of Krylov, no one could not be as the final history of the edge: how one passion is replaced by another, so conviction - another conviction. Let it diverge with what is happening in reality.

Kaib will find happiness. He will become a virtuous ruler. Mirror curves disappear: people need to see the truth, even bitter. Decent will be rewarded and without tired will begin to praise Caiba for his wisdom and understanding of human needs. All this was written by the poets of the medieval East, which represented the rulers of the past only by virtuous and careless states. The reader knows, every kind ruler rarely lived to old age, being killed by displeased fellow citizens.

It remains to dream and believe in the possibility of the existence of an ideal society, which does not seem to be possible. The rulers may think about happiness for the people, can make people happy, build happiness and people in the first place among priorities, but there will be no happiness, because there will be those who will be against it, understanding something else. Was it worth going Kaiba in search of what he had no idea?

Additional Tags: Wings Kaib Critica, Analysis, Reviews, Review, Book, Ivan Krylov Analysis, Review, Book, Content

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The story "Kaib" and was the parody use of the genre form of the traditional literary and political utopia - Eastern Story. Compositionally the story decays into two parts: the first contains the characteristic of Caiba as an enlightened monarch, in the second, the stately fantastic motive of the monarch's travel in its own country is incognito, hoped from Arab fairy tales about Garun Al Rashid; And during this journey, seeing his own eyes the life of his subjects, Kaib is getting rid of his delusions and becomes the perfect ruler. And in both parts, the systematic discredit of sustainable literary techniques for creating an ideal ruler is obvious.

In the eyes of Russian enlighteners an integral property of the perfect monarch was the patronage of sciences and arts. CAIB patronizes sciences and arts to their special way:

<...> It is necessary to give justice to Kaibu, which though he did not let scientists in the palace, but the images did not make the last decoration to his walls. True, his poems were poor, but his immeasurable generosity was awarded the great lack of their lack: Caib ordered to draw them in a rich dress and put in the best rooms of their palace of their image, for he was looking for in every way to encourage sciences; And it was not true in Caibic possessions, not a single verse, who would not have envied his portrait (I; 368-369).

Ideally, the Institute of Constitutional Monarchy implies the division of the legislative and executive authorities between the monarch and the elected representative body, or at least the presence of such a deliberative body during the monarch. Caiba has the State Council - a sofa, and between Caaba and sofa suders (Dursan, Oskashide and robilee, the advantages of which is a long beard, a head intended for wearing White Chalms, and the ability to "dream from one, in order to transmit others" - I; 382 ) The perfect consent reigns, achieved very easier:

Notice to notice that Caiba did not start anything without the consent of his sofa; But as he was peacefully, then, to avoid disputes, I started my speech so: "I want the Lord, who has an objection on this, he can declare him freely: he will get a minute for five hundred blows to the heavenly And after we look at his voice "(1.375).

the discrepancy between the meaning of the epithets "Great", "wise", "scientist", "immensely generous" and real actions of Caiba, which are determined by these epithets, becomes the strongest means of discrediting the image of an enlightened monarch, which it seems, but is not in fact the Hero of Eastern Store. It is not difficult to notice that in intonational relation mnimo is an innocent positive manner of denial is very close to the cubedy of the "Grandfather of Krylov" - a fastened narrative mask of the late creativity of the writer.

The second compositional part of the story develops a conditional fabulous story of the wanderings of Caiba in his kingdom. There is all the traditional motifs of the Arab magic fairy tale: the transformation of the mouse into the beautiful fairy, the magic ring with the prophecy on the conditions under which its owner will be happy. All these reinforced reminders of the fabulousness of the changes occurring with CAIBLE are put forward to the first substantive plan to negone the problem of the conventionality of sustainable literary forms and their inconsistency of the form of material life.

Systematic discredit of the idea of \u200b\u200ban enlightened monarch is accompanied by an equally systematic parody of traditional literary genres, dealing with perfect reality: ODDs as the form of incarnation of the ideal of existential, and idylls as a form of incarnation of the household ideal:

If I want to write to Satira's sights, then<.. > Forced to come into the easiestness to find out; What is up to OD, then there is a completely different order: you can score as much as you like, bring them anyone;<...> Aristotle has nowhere to be very famous that the actions and heroes should not be described not as they are, but what should be, - and we imitate this prudent rule in our oodas, otherwise it would have turned into Paskvili< > (I, 387) For a long time, reading idylls and ancogged, he wanted [Kaib] to admire the golden age of reigning in the villages; I have long wanted to witness the tenderness of the shepherds and shepherds< > Califa was looking for a stream, knowing that the shepherd was also a pure source, as a flap of happiness front noble; And indeed, the last few later saw on the banks of the river blurred creation, tanned from the sun, noticed by mud (I, 389).

Eastern Tale Krylova "Kaib"

"Sofa", and many other features of the "local" flavor. But the nature of despotism in all countries is the same, which makes it possible to author, under the guise of the nameless "Eastern" state, depict the despotic system in Russia. The main tool supporting despotic order is fear. And therefore, Caib, by making a sofa, usually added: "... who has an objection on this, he can declare him freely: he will receive five hundred blows of the woven living on his heels, and after we consider his voice " There were no wishing.

"Kaib was calculating," the wings point, "as usual one sage he sled between ten fools; Smart people, he compared with candles, which moderate number produces a pleasant light, and too large can cause a fire. " In the sofa of Caiba, the honorable place is occupied by cunning and stupid velmes with colorful names of Dursan, Olochid and robble.

A miserable existence of art in the despotic state. It is forced to lie and embellish reality. The poet, with whom Caib met at the time of his wander, reports that he writes ODD and bribers and casnocrads, just to pay well for them. "ODA, - admitted a poem, - like a silk stocking, which everyone tries to stretch out on his leg"

In extensive and flattering speeches, addressed to Kaiba, the wings finely parudes the style of comal words. Following one and commendask words, he rines idylls whose authors portrayed the life of peasants in the most rainbow paints. Reading them, Kaib often envied the serene fate of the shepherds and shepherds. But when he met the true, and not a book shepherd and saw a dirty, hungry, dressed in the rag of the creature, he gave himself a word to never judge the fate of the subjects for the works of the poetic.

Dorson, Olshid and robilee speeches are filled with a deep neglect of the people. So, Olshid advises Kaiba in sight of everyone from the city and at the same time say what remains in the capital. He is confident that no one doubts the rightness of this ad, as the subjects must believe the sovereign's words more than their own eyes.

"Spasskaya Polyst" from the "Travel" of Radishchev, where the autocratic ruler is also depicted, and its raised connoisseur, and the powerful people. In both works, an important place occupies an "insight" of the sovereign, helping him to see the world around him in his true form. The direct influence on the story of the Krill Book of Radishchev, who released just three years before the magazine "Spectator" was not excluded. But the accusatory pathos in each of the works is varied. Radishcheva's narration is distinguished by angry, pathetic intonations. The wings in full compliance with their satirical talent uses other artistic means. His glory hides under the cover of praise, as a result of which irony acts, i.e., hidden mockery over the ugly nepols of the despotic state.

In addition to "Caiba" in the "Spectator", "commemorative speech in memory of my grandfather, spent by his friend in the presence of his buddies for the Punzha's cup, was printed. In this case, the object of satire is not a despotic board, but the morals of destroyers. The originality of the work is that satire is clothed in the form of panecirik. Such a technique enriches it with more subtle ironic intonations and, at the same time, gives the author the opportunity to parody one of the leading genres of classic prose - commendant word: "Caverny listeners! This day, it takes exactly a year, as the dogs of the whole world have lost their best to his friend, and the local district of the most intelligent landowner; A year ago, to this exactly the day with faintness chasing behind the hare, he curled in the ditch and divided the mortal bowl with the gloa of his horse right in fraternity ... Who of them should regret? Who more praise? ". According to its content, the "commemable speech" of Krylova is genetically connected with Satyric journalism N. I. Novikov.