Simple fritter recipe on Prostokvash. Pancakes on Prostokvash: Recipes

How to prepare a recipe for frogs on a prostowstroke without yeast - a complete description of cooking so that the dish is very tasty and original.

Very simple recipe for lush fritters on Prostokvash. Keep the recipe in the bookmarks not to lose. After all, these gentle, lush fritters will probably like you and your loved ones.

1. Mix the prostropsy, eggs, salt, sugar. Stir. Then add the soda (you can not hated). The dough for fritters will be covered with bubbles (see photo).

We add flour, gradually, preferably sifted. The dough should be thick enough to stood a spoon for a few seconds or slowly leaked (see the video below ⬇). It is difficult to say the exact amount of flour, since the procurement is different by fatty and thickness.

3. Next, pancakes on the procurest fry also like ordinary pancakes. I put out the heated frying pan with vegetable oil (pay attention, the dough is such a dense that they do not "pour the dough to the pan", namely "lay out"). Cover the lid. Fry on medium fire.

When it becomes clear that the edges are twisted, and the dough from above it baked a little, pancakes can be turned over. Fry pancakes on the prostowstone on the other hand.

Bon Appetit!

And the prostitute is very simple. You need to put milk for a day in a warm place.

Fritters on Prostokvash

Fritters, or as we still can't call them pancakes - a delicious product, simple, but satisfying, it does not matter, they are sweet or salty, with jam or meat, love them all, especially in the morning for fragrant coffee or rich tea. The most magnificent and beautiful fritters on Prostokvash.But not only the dough gentle and lush makes this ingredient, it is still incredibly useful, especially for digestion. And what to say about the fact that pancakes from Prostokvashi - a dish is not costly occupying a little time, the households are always delight. But you need to be able to cook them correctly, you just need to know several non-intricate secrets, and a plate with pynes and a variety of additives and fillings will decorate your breakfast.

The benefits of fritters on Prostokvash

Such a product as a prokobokavasha allows you to cope with many ailments of the digestive tract. It is saturated with vitamins, in features such as B, C, A, RR. Also, the composition of the prokobivashi includes the necessary human organism of amino acids. Especially this product is useful for those who want to lose weight and restore the normal metabolism, as the nice-calorie and low-carb food. So even if you cook fritters on Prostokvashwithout the use of a large amount of sugar, the weight gain will not happen.

Prostokvash is useful for lifting immunity, it saturates the body with useful vitamins, the product is particularly useful in the intestinal dysbacteriosis, gastritis, it establishes the metabolism, and also removes toxins from the body. The dairy product strengthens the bone and nervous, as well as the heart and vascular system. Thanks to calcium, Prostokvasha strengthens his teeth and nails, makes the skin younger.

Secrets of cooking fritters on Prostokvash

  • The most important secret of the puffs of pancakes - Prostokvasha. Do not need yeast and baking powder. Neither on kefir, sour cream, milk or yogurt will not work such fritters. So when cooking fritters on Prostokvash,no need to add any yeast affecting the height of pancakes. Just need to mix 1 cup of prokovashchi. With 200 grams of flour, sugar, egg and a pinch of soda, as well as add any filling or seasoning in the dough. Fritters with fruit, dried fruits, as well as salty fillings, such as cheese and greens, are particularly tasty.
  • In order for the pancakes to procreos, it is lush, but satisfying, you need to knead the dough of perfect consistency. Fritters may not turn out if the mixture turned out to be liquid. See that it resembled the fatty sour cream, approximately like a biscuit.
  • When preparing a dish, be sure to use good high-quality flour, snow-white. After all, the growth of pancakes is happening and due to flour. It must be sifted directly to the dough, and it is better to do it several times. So you are saturated with oxygen product, which turns pancakes into light, breathable and just melting pancakes.
  • As for Prostokvashi. Here, as our grandmothers and mothers did, the product should be taking sour. Even a bit of the black dairy product, it will not stand out in the pancakes, it will raise them above, the dough will become more tender, lush, but it does not lose his son.
  • If you are not a fan of fried food, then fritters on Prostokvashnot your dish. Replace margarine, butter creamy, sunflower is impossible. It is in a well-hot and heated vegetable oil, it lies the secret of the delicious fritters on the procurest and their soft, but crisp, beautiful gold barrels. Before pouring a spoon, the dough on the pan, the oil must be heated so that the sides of the pancake immediately grab. The quantity should be sufficient so that the dough is slightly plunged into the liquid. Be sure to take the oil without smell, so as not to spoil the taste of the pan. If you want your pancakes to be diet, use the oven, there is a lot of oil, as if you were prepared in a frying pan.
  • Serve fritters on Prostokvashwith sour cream, and if sugar do not put on them, you can pour and condensed milk. Delicious pancakes, if you add grated cheese into the dough, chopped greens, mushrooms, minced meat. Sweet pancakes on Prostokowash make with stuck apples, pears, however, they make dough darker, prune, dried, raisins.


  • prostokvash - 400 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • salt;
  • soda - 1 chain. the spoon;
  • lemon acid - 0.3 chain. spoons;
  • vanillin.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Exit - 18 pieces.

Although the pancakes refer to the category of simple and non-spare dishes, but many mistresses are very loved for the simplicity and speed of cooking. In the prescribed prescription, you will learn a few secrets of cooking soft and lush pancakes.

How to cook fritters on Prostokvash - Recipe with Photo Step

First you need to check whether all the necessary products are available. You can buy in the store in the store, but you can prepare yourself. Vegetable oil needs to be refined.

On home sources, pancakes are especially tasty. For its preparation, 400 ml of milk must be heated to about 30 degrees, add 2 table to it. Spoons are sour cream, well stirred and leave overnight in warm place. After 10-12 hours you will get a delicious and fresh one.

Having this main ingredient, you can start cooking the dough panship on our prostrip. It must be pouring into a deep bowl, knock the eggs there, pour sugar, pinch salt and vanillin. Then everything is pretty stirred by a whisk.

Gradually pour out sifted flour, put soda and stir all to a homogeneous consistency.

Magnificent pancakes on Prostokvashch will turn out if at the very end of the preparation of the test add lemon acid into it, diluted with 0.5 table. Spoons of boiled water. Mix well and give test to stand 5-7 minutes. You will see how bubbles will begin to appear in it.

In the meantime, it is necessary to pour a few sunflower oil on the pan and warm it well. Then, dialing the dough with a tablespoon, put the first batch of pan in the frying pan. So that they are even more fluffy, immediately after the pancakes have posted on the pan, it is necessary to pour the test to everyone even gradually (about 0.5 table spoons).

Fry pancakes is better under the lid, on medium heat. As soon as the bottom side becomes light brown, turn the pancakes to the other side. Then, tooling and on the other hand, lay out on the dish. It can be displayed with a napkin, so that excess fat has absorbed. You can serve pancakes with sour cream, honey or jam. The recipe for pancakes on Prostokvasche is ready!

We wish everyone a pleasant appetite!

Lush fritters on yeast


  • flour - 3 glasses;
  • prostokvash - 500 ml;
  • yeast dry - 3 chain. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 table. spoons;
  • salt;
  • vanilla sugar or cinnamon;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.

Prostokvasha need to warm a bit (no more than 30 degrees). Add sugar, salt and dry yeast to it. Stir everything well. In a separate tank, the wrencher beat the eggs and then add them to the prostope. Stir everything again.

Sambee flour and gradually pour it out, kneading the dough. Thoroughly stir all the rockets formed by a whisk or a mixer. After that, the dough should be covered with a towel and put at least half an hour in a warm place. If problems arose with this, you can simply heat a sufficient amount of water and pour it into a large bowl or a pelvis where to put the tank with the test.

After such manipulations, yeast will begin to act and bubbles will appear on the test, and it will increase in size. This means that the pan can be placed on fire, pour oil into it and start frying pancakes.

Before posting the next batch of oldes in the pan, you need to pour about 1 table to it. Spoon refined oil. Fry pancakes on both sides to a rush.

Bon Appetit!

Fritters on Prostokvash without eggs


  • prostokvash - 2 glasses;
  • flour - 2 glasses;
  • soda - 1 chain. spoon without a slide;
  • sugar - 2-3 table. spoons;
  • refined vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • salt to taste.

As in the previous recipe, it is necessary to warm up a little. After that, it is necessary to add salt to it, sugar and mix everything. Gradually pour flour (necessarily sifted), and at the very end - soda. It is thoroughly stirred to form a homogeneous mass. Bake pancakes on a preheated frying pan, on a small fire, roasting them from two sides.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe Fully on Prostokwash without soda


  • prostokvash - 200 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 220 g;
  • sugar - 3 table. spoons;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil refined - 50 ml;

Prostokvasha deliver in advance from the refrigerator or he warm up a little on the stove.

Beat eggs with a mixer before the formation of a thick foam. Then gradually plug sugar, salt and continue whipping to form a lush mass.

Slowly pour our procure and beat until the mass of the mass does not increase significantly. After that, we can gradually pour flour.

Lay out pancakes with a spoon-heated frying pan. Fry them to ruddy color.

Bon Appetit!

I recommend to cook lush pancakes on the procurest, the best recipe of which I described for you today. I know that many mistresses sometimes stay in search of the recipe for perfect pancakes - soft, lush and air. To confess, I, too, did not suit the result of my attempts on this field, while I did not find the recipe for grandfathers in my mother's notebook.

For me, at one time, he became just a wand-grinding - it would seem, nothing special, standard set of products used, but if you follow all the advice and do everything correctly, the result is above all silence.

Preparing grandmother's pancakes always only on Prostokwash, and I, planning for the first time to experience this new recipe for myself, mentally delighted, because in my refrigerator there is almost always this milk product.

So, making sure that everything you need is at hand, I began to proceed to the process, on the one hand, anticipating a delicious dinner, and on the other hand, I still fear that the lush pancakes will again remain only in dreams.

Well, as I said, Babushkin did not let the recipe - neither then nor in all subsequent times. I really hope that it will be perfect for you. So I look forward to all the grandmother's secrets.


Related products for the preparation of grandmother's edge:

  • pollitone Bank Prostokvashi
  • 1 chicken egg
  • a pinch of salt
  • couple of tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 400 g of wheat flour (top grade)
  • sunflower oil (for lubricating frying pan)

How to prepare lush pancakes on Prostokvash: Step by step recipe with photos

  1. To begin with, we mix the amount of flour and teaspoon of soda you need, a couple of times I ask her. To confess, with such a reception of adding soda, I encountered for the first time, because it is usually added directly to the milk product for the reaction. But he did not retreat from the recipe and did that way.
  2. Next, we pour our prokokvash to a deep bowl, in which we will knead the dough. It is necessary to make it in advance, since it must be room temperature.
  3. Add salt in a bowl with an acidic acid, sugar (it is already determined by itself) and break the egg.
  4. Now the easiest to armonize the mixer, in order to transform all this in a homogeneous mass or thoroughly mix everything with a whin.
  5. It remains only to pour a mixture of flour and soda to the resulting mass, and then mix everything well.
  6. It is necessary to do it very actively and diligently, because we will not mix the dough more. I understand that this is the main secret of the preparation of lush grandmother pancakes ...
  7. Already a thoroughly mixed dough, we now leave alone by half an hour - during this time small bubbles should appear on its surface. It is their education that testifies that the most time to put a favorite frying pan on fire.
  8. When it warms it well, a silicone brush with a pretty lubricant with a frying pan with sunflower oil. Now we return to the test - we must remember all the time that it is no longer impossible to mix it. A tablespoon is very gently gaining the dough, keeping all the bubbles, and lay it out on the pan.
  9. Well, on this, perhaps, all the wisdom ends - the lush fritters are growing on our eyes in front of the eyes, we turn them over and admire the beautiful crust and an unprecedented height (I say that this is the best recipe!).
  10. I still really like the fact that such absolutely not absorb excess oil and are incredibly delicious ... Well, still ... they are babushkina!
  11. Here is such a slide of beauty and tastiness I got!

Step-by-step refisters on kefir (lush without yeast): classic, with oatmeal, pumpkin, pieces of apples

Option 1: Classic pancakes on kefir (lush without yeast)

Fritters are frying in a classic way in a frying pan in oil, the size can be done at its discretion, someone more like big layers, someone loves miniature balls. Most often, the foddes correspond to one spoon of the test.


  • two eggs;
  • 0.25 l kefir;
  • 0.18 kg of flour;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 0.1 liters of oil (fat, can be mixed);
  • 10 g soda.

Step-by-step recipe for classic lush fuddles on kefir without yeast

Eggs for oldes Send to a bowl, add sugar with salt, beat a minute with a wedge.

Kefir for a cold test is better not to take, slightly heating. Add a pinch of salt to it, pour out soda, well stir. After the soda rushes, fill to the eggs. Stir all together a whisk.

Purplify prescription flour. Ate suddenly kefir liquid, can leave a little more product than indicated in the list of ingredients. Stir the dough to uniformity. We bring to the consistency of thick sour cream. When set, the mass is not a spoon, the mass should slowly flush the thick jet. Leave for ten minutes.

Pour oil into a frying pan, put on the stove. We make fire slightly above average, heating. Check the readiness of the fat can be a dough drop. If, when you get into the oil, it will begin to quickly bubble and move, you can proceed.

Pancakes are laid out on a suspension pan with a tablespoon. It is necessary to immediately give to the tozechkins rounded shape, you can oval so that they come neat.

After the layers are fastened on the one hand, and on top there will be minor funnels, turn over. As soon as the second side prepares, remove pancakes from the frying pan, lay out the following portions of the test.

No need to add more sugar to the dough than indicated in the recipe. In this case, it will be frightened very quickly and burn, pancakes can remain raw inside. It is better to use sweet additives when feeding: honey, condensed milk, jam, cream.

Option 2: Quick Recipe Fully on Kefir (lush without yeast)

Wonderful way of kneading dough for fouls in two minutes. Another ten minutes will need to fry. As a result, less than a quarter of an hour you can cook a wonderful breakfast or afternooner for the whole family.


  • a glass of kefir;
  • spoon sugar;
  • 0.2 h. L. salts;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1.3 cups of flour;
  • butter.

How to quickly cook fritters on kefir without yeast

To smash the eggs in the bowl, fall asleep with a salt with sugar. Add kefir. Immerse a mixer, beat all this one minute.

Flush a flour with soda, beat a lot of fouls for another minute by a mixer. Dough is ready!

Put a frying pan on the stove. If you use a vessel with a large diameter, then you can fry all the pancakes twice. Pour the oil, the layer thickness should be equal to half a centimeter, heating.

We lay out the spoon of ordinary fritters, fry on both sides to ruddy color. Put on a plate. You can apply napkins or disposable paper towels, which absorb surplus oil.

In order for the pancakes to be very fatty and calories, they need to fry in well-preheated oil. If the dough lay out is not enough hot fat, then it will absorb it, it will turn out to be tastefully, the pomp.

Option 3: Oat fritters on kefir lush without yeast

Recipes of olds in kefir, lush and without yeast, but with oatmeal. Wonderful recipe for useful and not quite ordinary dishes. If there is no finished flour, then you can grind flakes. But then it is necessary to sift so that the large particles of oatmeal do not fall. After kneading the test, it is better to give a little to stand.


  • 0.1 l kefir;
  • 0.1 kg of shallow oatmeal flour;
  • 5 g soda;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • some salt, oil.

How to cook

Beat egg with sugar and salt. No need to seek lush foam, just bring the mass until uniformity.

Kefir mix with soda. We are waiting for a few seconds. As soon as the reaction stops, mixing with previously prepared eggs.

Add oatmeal, knead the dough. Standing to the side so that it stands a little. You can use a piece of wheat, corn, rice or buckwheat flour.

Fifteen minutes to put a frying pan on the stove, add refined oil, warm up, but not to the cheek.

Dough with oatmeal thoroughly stir, climb the spoon and lay out in a preheated fat. Fry pancakes on both sides. Oatmeal baking can also be supplied with sour cream, jam or condensed milk.

Dietary pancakes are preparing exactly also for this recipe, but it is advisable for frying to use a frying pan with a non-stick coating. It is the oil that significantly increases the calorie content of the dishes. If confuses the presence of sugar, then instead you can add honey, use other substitutes.

Option 4: Fritters on kefir lush without yeast (with an apple)

The recipes of the simplest apple pancakes that are prepared without yeast, turns ruddy and fragrant. Apples can be used absolutely any at your discretion. There are recipes based on mashed potatoes, but there are exactly pieces of fruit, no pre-heat treatment is needed. If there is no kefir or not enough, you can dilute the product with sour cream, milk, iphery.


  • 400 ml kefir;
  • 170 g of apple;
  • 1.5 tbsp. flour (wheat);
  • 10 g of the ripper (or 6 g of soda);
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 0.3 lemon.

Step-by-step recipe

Clean the apple, cut it with small cubes of 0.5 centimeters. Pour from above juice from the third part of the lemon, leave for impregnation. You can additionally pour cinnamon powder.

In a bowl for kneading dough on pancakes, send eggs, sugar, save and beat a little. Pour kefir. If the product is cold, then heat, but carefully follow, he should not curl with cottage cheese. Stir all together.

Flush the flour and the ripter, which is optionally replaced by food soda, it is not necessary to extinguish anything in any case, there is enough lactic acid. To knead the thick, stretching behind the spoonful of the dough.

Fall asleep in the dough previously prepared pieces of apples in lemon juice, stir again, you can start frying fry.

Lay out a spoonful dough with apples on a frying pan, slightly moving from above, so that the thickness is uniform. Fry on both sides. Prepare pancakes until the dough end. Periodically pour oil in the pan, since its amount will decrease.

Similarly, you can also prepare magnificent rooks with the addition of raisins. But it is desirable to wash it well first and soak in water for juiciness. Do not add to large quantities, 80-90 grams are enough for this test.

Option 5: Pumpkin fritters on kefir lush without yeast "My Sun"

Recipes of bright, yellow jeep. For the kneading test, the pumpkin will need, more precisely, the puree from the meakty. You can cook it specifically for the recipe or take the ready-made product. By this principle, you can cook fritters not only from pumpkin. The dough can be kneaded with apple, pear, banana and any other puree.


  • 160 g pumpkins;
  • 0.15 l kefir;
  • 0.25 kg of flour;
  • package of the ripper;
  • 1.5 sugar spoons;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • two eggs.

How to cook

Purified pumpkin flesh cut into pieces, pour into a saucepan, add a couple of water spoons. Cook under the lid until soft. Cool and crush. You can roll or punch a blender.

To knead the usual dough for chops: kefir mix with eggs and sugar, shake up to homogeneity, save. Only then introduce a pumpkin puree, and after that a ripper with flour. We achieve the depletion of sour cream. It may take less flour if the puree is thick.

Preheat in a frying oil oil. To pancakes come in lush and soft, pour a layer around a centimeter.

Spoon lay out pumpkin fritters. Fry in the usual way on both sides, you do not need to cover the frying pan.

Any pancakes will be tastier with the addition of fragrant ingredients: vanilla, zest, cinnamon. If you like the rich taste of spices, then you can pour a bit of ginger into the dough, add a chopped carnation, a pinch of saffron. Vanilla and cinnamon can be used to put up finished pans, in this embodiment, it is better to first mix fragrant additives with sugar powder.

Option 6. Recipe Fully on Kefir lush without yeast

Perhaps any hostess dreams to learn the stove lush and soft pancakes. And to prepare exactly these, it is necessary to master some simple rules and the subtleties of frying or baking a dessert. It can help this classic recipe, where the dish includes a minimum amount of ingredients. In the future, the recipe can be changed, focusing on its taste preferences.


  • kefir 1 and 3.5% fat (degreased not suitable) - 550 ml;
  • two eggs;
  • 6 hood flour;
  • food soda - 25 grams;
  • dough dough - half of tea spoons;
  • 20 grams of salts and sugar;
  • frying oil - 250 ml.

Step-by-step edge recipe on kefir lush without yeast

In a large capacity, dissolve soda in a little warm kefir.

In a clean dishes, take the eggs, work at low speed for a few minutes.

Eggs enter in kefir, stir spoon.

Pass sugar, baking powder, salt, flour pre-sifted, well stir up to a thick mass. Be sure to add a baking powder and soda, so the pancakes will turn out more lush.

Heat the frying pan, pour the oil, slightly warm, and lay the dough with a large spoon in the form of small tokens, roast first on one side 1 minute, then on the other time. During the laid out of the frying on the pan, it is not necessary to mix the dough often, otherwise the pancakes will fall and will not be fluttered.

Put on paper napkins to absorb excess oil.

Spread on the plates, pour sour cream or some jam.

Do not put sugar more specified so that the pancakes do not burn. If you want dessert to be sweetered, spinning ready-made products with condensed milk or honey. You can also sprinkle with sugar powders and nut crumbs.

Option 7. Quick Recipe Folds on Kefir lush without yeast and eggs

If there are no eggs at home, it does not matter. There is a wonderful and fast recipe for air pans in kefir without this product, they are obtained as tasty and lush.


  • fresh kefir - two 200 gram glasses;
  • flour - about 300 grams;
  • sand-sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • food soda - spoon;
  • salt;
  • oil for frying - 180 ml.

How to quickly cook fritters on kefir lush without yeast

Heat kefir in the microwave, pour into a deep cup and dissolve sugar and salt in it.

Gently enter into a kefir mass a couple of times sifted through a sieve flour, stirrate the table bun.

Add soda and quickly stir.

Put the resulting mass on a slightly laugh in a pretty warm frying pan into the oil, fry on both sides about five minutes.

Place the finished pancakes on the dish, next to a separate package, put sour cream or any jam.

It is very important not to overdo it with lean oil. It must be poured so much that the pancakes are half immersed, but did not float in it.

Option 8. Fritters on kefir lush without yeast with apples

Another recipe for cutting edge. They differ from the rest of the unusual sour-sweet taste and indescribable aroma of apples. Fans of diverse baking with fruit fillings will be delighted with such a delicacy, the taste of the dessert will appreciate the little kids.


  • 2-3 cups of flour;
  • sour apples - 2 pieces;
  • one and a half or two cups of 1% kefir;
  • food soda - a quarter of a tablespoon;
  • 15 grams of salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.

Step-by-step recipe

In a small cup, break the egg, pour salt, sugar and sweat to the lush mass.

Add kefir, mixed in advance with food soda, take a couple of minutes again.

Practice in the egg-kefir mass of flour with continuous whipping.

Beat about five minutes to a thick consistency. Be sure to make the dough, so pancakes will still be more lure.

Drive apples, wipe dry with a towel and shredt on any grater, add to the dough, stir.

Razing the pan, lay the dough in the form of caskets, fry until golden, turning out from the sides to another.

Feeding, put on the dish, next to the package with cream.

Apples are permissible to replace with pieces of bananas or any dried fruits. Dried fruits before bookmarking the dough must be soak and cut.

Option 9. Dietary pancakes on kefir lush without yeast in the oven

No less delicious, soft and air are fritted on kefir baked in the oven. And thanks to the incoming degreased kefir, they are less calorie and useful. Ideal for the diet of small children and people who follow their weight.


  • pshllo.

Step-by-step recipe

  • bridic flour - 4 handles;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2.5 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 15 g salts;
  • degreased kefir - two cups;

First, seek flour, mix it with food soda.

Spread the egg into the clean cup, pour sugar and beat, pour the kefir preheated to the room temperature, mix thoroughly.

With a whipping whipping, pour flour.

Stir to a delicate delicate consistency. If the flour becomes a little, then praise a little more. Be sure to bring the dough to the consistency, like a thick sour cream.

The roasting baking sheet lubricate the oil and put the dough with a lane with small pellets.

Place in the hot oven for a few minutes.

Remove pancakes in a bowl. Next, set the creaman with a low-fat sour cream.

Similarly, you can bake pancakes on our prostrip, milk.

Option 10. Fritters on kefir lush without yeast with green onions

An excellent version of lush fanishings on kefir without yeast, it is impossible to tear away from them. They are so magnificent, satisfying and juicy that they do not make them in their daily list of delicious, original dishes are simply impossible. And if you still have a beautifully decorate with greens, they will fully become an excellent festive snack.


  • six hood flour;
  • fat kefir - 250 ml;
  • 6 peons of green onions;
  • testicle;
  • 5 g salts;
  • food soda - 25 g;
  • 130 ml oil for frying.

How to cook

Green onions rinse, wipe off with a clean cloth, grind and pour suitable size into a bowl.

Pour kefir 5%, mix.

Spice the egg, pour out the soda, take the kitchen wedge.

Pass sifted flour, mix the spoon.

In the preheated oil, lay on the dining room of the dough on pancakes, and fry on a small fire, turning from the side to the side.

Lay out pancakes on small plates of four pieces for a portion, there are one tablespoon of sour cream.

Optionally, together with a bow, you can add chopped greenery of parsley and dill into the dough, a little fresh basil and cilantro, and for a greater fragrance, pour any spices or dried olive herbs.

Option 11. Cauccany pancakes on kefir lush without yeast

No less lush turns out pancakes on kefir with zucchini. It is important that they are preparing almost instantly and really just. And the aroma of garlic causes a serious appetite. Great start of the day: satisfying and tasty.


  • 2 small zucchini;
  • five garlic teeth;
  • a couple of eggs;
  • 130 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 180 g of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • food soda - 25 g;
  • 2 outer heads;
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • 5 sprigs parsley.

Step-by-step recipe

Purified zucchini sideways and grind in the meat grinder. If the zucchini is young, then seeds can not remove.

Analicistine in the meat grinder Grind peeled bulbs and garlic.

All mix in one mass.

Fresh dill rinse and grind.

I recommend to cook lush pancakes on the procurest, the best recipe of which I described for you today. I know that many mistresses sometimes stay in search of the recipe for perfect pancakes - soft, lush and air. To confess, I, too, did not suit the result of my attempts on this field, while I did not find the recipe for grandfathers in my mother's notebook.

For me, at one time, he became just a wand-grinding - it would seem, nothing special, standard set of products used, but if you follow all the advice and do everything correctly, the result is above all silence.

Preparing grandmother's pancakes always only on Prostokwash, and I, planning for the first time to experience this new recipe for myself, mentally delighted, because in my refrigerator there is almost always this milk product.

So, making sure that everything you need is at hand, I began to proceed to the process, on the one hand, anticipating a delicious dinner, and on the other hand, I still fear that the lush pancakes will again remain only in dreams.

Well, as I said, Babushkin did not let the recipe - neither then nor in all subsequent times. I really hope that it will be perfect for you. So I look forward to all the grandmother's secrets.


Related products for the preparation of grandmother's edge:

  • pollitone Bank Prostokvashi
  • 1 chicken egg
  • a pinch of salt
  • couple of tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tsp. soda
  • 400 g of wheat flour (top grade)
  • sunflower oil (for lubricating frying pan)

How to prepare lush pancakes on Prostokvash: Step by step recipe with photos

  1. To begin with, we mix the amount of flour and teaspoon of soda you need, a couple of times I ask her. To confess, with such a reception of adding soda, I encountered for the first time, because it is usually added directly to the milk product for the reaction. But he did not retreat from the recipe and did that way.
  2. Next, we pour our prokokvash to a deep bowl, in which we will knead the dough. It is necessary to make it in advance, since it must be room temperature.
  3. Add salt in a bowl with an acidic acid, sugar (it is already determined by itself) and break the egg.
  4. Now the easiest to armonize the mixer, in order to transform all this in a homogeneous mass or thoroughly mix everything with a whin.
  5. It remains only to pour a mixture of flour and soda to the resulting mass, and then mix everything well.
  6. It is necessary to do it very actively and diligently, because we will not mix the dough more. I understand that this is the main secret of the preparation of lush grandmother pancakes ...
  7. Already a thoroughly mixed dough, we now leave alone by half an hour - during this time small bubbles should appear on its surface. It is their education that testifies that the most time to put a favorite frying pan on fire.
  8. When it warms it well, a silicone brush with a pretty lubricant with a frying pan with sunflower oil. Now we return to the test - we must remember all the time that it is no longer impossible to mix it. A tablespoon is very gently gaining the dough, keeping all the bubbles, and lay it out on the pan.
  9. Well, on this, perhaps, all the wisdom ends - the lush fritters are growing on our eyes in front of the eyes, we turn them over and admire the beautiful crust and an unprecedented height (I say that this is the best recipe!).
  10. I still really like the fact that such absolutely not absorb excess oil and are incredibly delicious ... Well, still ... they are babushkina!
  11. Here is such a slide of beauty and tastiness I got!
  • prostokvash - 400 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • salt;
  • soda - 1 chain. the spoon;
  • lemon acid - 0.3 chain. spoons;
  • vanillin.


  1. Although the pancakes refer to the category of simple and non-spare dishes, but many mistresses are very loved for the simplicity and speed of cooking. In the prescribed prescription, you will learn a few secrets of cooking soft and lush pancakes.
  2. First you need to check whether all the necessary products are available. You can buy in the store in the store, but you can prepare yourself. Vegetable oil needs to be refined.
  3. On home sources, pancakes are especially tasty. For its preparation, 400 ml of milk must be heated to about 30 degrees, add 2 table to it. Spoons are sour cream, well stirred and leave overnight in warm place. After 10-12 hours you will get a delicious and fresh one.
  4. Having this main ingredient, you can start cooking the dough panship on our prostrip. It must be pouring into a deep bowl, knock the eggs there, pour sugar, pinch salt and vanillin. Then everything is pretty stirred by a whisk.
  5. Gradually pour out sifted flour, put soda and stir all to a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Magnificent pancakes on Prostokvashch will turn out if at the very end of the preparation of the test add lemon acid into it, diluted with 0.5 table. Spoons of boiled water. Mix well and give test to stand 5-7 minutes. You will see how bubbles will begin to appear in it.
  7. In the meantime, it is necessary to pour a few sunflower oil on the pan and warm it well. Then, dialing the dough with a tablespoon, put the first batch of pan in the frying pan. So that they are even more fluffy, immediately after the pancakes have posted on the pan, it is necessary to pour the test to everyone even gradually (about 0.5 table spoons).
  8. Fry pancakes is better under the lid, on medium heat. As soon as the bottom side becomes light brown, turn the pancakes to the other side. Then, tooling and on the other hand, lay out on the dish. It can be displayed with a napkin, so that excess fat has absorbed. You can serve pancakes with sour cream, honey or jam. The recipe for pancakes on Prostokvasche is ready!

We wish everyone a pleasant appetite!


  • flour - 3 glasses;
  • prostokvash - 500 ml;
  • yeast dry - 3 chain. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 table. spoons;
  • salt;
  • vanilla sugar or cinnamon;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.


  1. Prostokvasha need to warm a bit (no more than 30 degrees). Add sugar, salt and dry yeast to it. Stir everything well. In a separate tank, the wrencher beat the eggs and then add them to the prostope. Stir everything again.
  2. Sambee flour and gradually pour it out, kneading the dough. Thoroughly stir all the rockets formed by a whisk or a mixer. After that, the dough should be covered with a towel and put at least half an hour in a warm place. If problems arose with this, you can simply heat a sufficient amount of water and pour it into a large bowl or a pelvis where to put the tank with the test.
  3. After such manipulations, yeast will begin to act and bubbles will appear on the test, and it will increase in size. This means that the pan can be placed on fire, pour oil into it and start frying pancakes.
  4. Before posting the next batch of oldes in the pan, you need to pour about 1 table to it. Spoon refined oil. Fry pancakes on both sides to a rush.

Fritters on Prostokvash without eggs


  • prostokvash - 2 glasses;
  • flour - 2 glasses;
  • soda - 1 chain. spoon without a slide;
  • sugar - 2-3 table. spoons;
  • refined vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • salt to taste.


  1. As in the previous recipe, it is necessary to warm up a little. After that, it is necessary to add salt to it, sugar and mix everything.
  2. Gradually pour flour (necessarily sifted), and at the very end - soda. It is thoroughly stirred to form a homogeneous mass.
  3. Bake pancakes on a preheated frying pan, on a small fire, roasting them from two sides.

Text: Anna Praksina

Gentle and lush pancakes on Prostokwash diversify any everyday morning. Arrange an unscheduled holiday your home.

How to cook pancakes on prostrost?

Fritters on Prostokvash It turns out very lush. They can act as a dessert (if you add sugar or vanilla in the dough and add pancakes with jam, honey or condensed milk, as well as snacks (if you bake them with meat, mushrooms, bacon, and others. Singing filling). Than Sprinking The more flour will be needed on the dough for the pan.

For pancakes on our prostromasses protected well, fry them on a cast-iron pan or in a frying pan with a non-stick coating. Pour the dough into the pan only after it warms well. The finished pancakes on the prostorosha can be put on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Recipes Folds on Prostokvash

Fritters on Prostokvash.

Ingredients: 200-250g Flour, 400 ml of Prostokvashi, 1 Egg, ¼ch.l. Soda, pinch of salt, 3st.L. Sugar, vegetable oil.

Cooking: Squake flour, add soda, salt, sugar, whipped egg fork, mix, fry pancakes on a preheated vegetable oil on both sides.

Apple Fritters on Prostokvash.

Ingredients: 5T.L. Flour, 500ml Prostokovashchi, 2 eggs, salt, sugar in the dough to taste and for sprinkles, 1st. vegetable oil for dough along with oil for roasting, 5-7 apples, 2-3st. Sugar for sprinkles.

Cooking: Beat the eggs, add prostrip, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, knead the lush, but not completely thick dough. Pour pancakes on a lubricated oil frying pan, lay on top of apples on top, turn the pancakes with the bottom layer up, and apples down and twisted. Remove the finished pancakes from the frying pan, sprinkle with sugar.

Fritters on Prostokvasche with Sausage Stuffley.

Ingredients: 250g Prostokvashi, 1 Egg, ½ch.l. Soda, pinch of salt, ½ch.l. Sugar, a few mugs boiled sausage, flour (to the desired dough consistency), vegetable oil, 150g sour cream.

Cooking: Pour the rustle in a bowl, add the soda, mix well, leave for 2-3 minutes, add an egg, salt, sugar, mix, gradually add sifted flour to 2st.L., while the dough does not consistency with liquid sour cream. Leave the dough half an hour. Cut the sausage with circles. Pour vegetable oil in the pan, warm up, lay out the dough with a tablespoon on the pan, put the sausage circles from above, to pour out a little more dough on top, so lay out all the pancakes, fry them on both sides.

Fritters on Prostokvash without eggs.

Ingredients: 500ml Prostokvashi, 3-4st. Sugar, 2 cups of flour, ½ch.l. Salt, 1h.l. soda.

Cooking: Squake the flour, warm the prostropriety, add sugar, salt, flour into it, add soda, mix again. Bake pancakes on vegetable oil.

Serve pancakes on coarse or cold, with suitable sauces and stuffing.

I want to show you how I am preparing a lush pancakes on our prostrip. This is the best recipe with a photo that will show step by step, how to do everything. Quite a few dexterous movements. The dough is preparing in two bills, it insisters a few minutes, and then wonderful pancakes are too fried. Fritters are not only fast baking, but also welcome dessert. I usually ask me: "What about dessert?". And I immediately serve them to the table with a plate with lots of hot chunks. You can cook fritters at least every day. Conveniently cooking them on Prostokvash. When milk is cheerful from you, it will stand a couple of days on the window, then you can fry pancakes. When the milk is shelf life to an end, and you do not plan to drink it, then get it in the room, it will turn into an excellent one, from which excellent baking will turn out. The taste is not compared with anything, so they love them so much. On Sunday, I often prepare pancakes that produce an indescribable effect. The whole family is instantly runs to the table and everyone pours tea to enjoy tasty pancakes with heat, with heat.

Required products:
- 1 cup of prokobvashi,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 1 pinch of salt,
- 150 grams of sugar,
- 1 chain. l. soda,
- 1.5 full flour cup,
- Vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Eggs broke into a bowl, pour sugar there and begin to beat the wedge.

Pour the procure in the dough and mix.

Pour a teaspoon of soda and leave the dough for 10-15 minutes so that the soda is activated.

Now ship flour into a bowl to knead the root dough.

Beat the dough with a wedense, pour a slight salt. Give the test to relax minutes 10. I noticed that the dough for the pancake should always stand up, then the pancakes will be lush and more delicious. But with pancakes, on the contrary. Pancakes need to bake immediately after cooking the test.

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan so that it covered the entire surface and a couple of millimeters up. Pour a spoonful pancakes into a frying pan, fry on both sides under the covered lid.

Hot pancakes on the prostitutes to file to the table together with hot tea. Bon Appetite!
But it's being prepared