Stalker old story walkthrough.

This modification is an attempt to create that very atmospheric stalker, but not with rainy weather and increased weapon damage, but with gameplay. The main plot in any stalker is interesting, but the decisive role is also played by "additional tasks" in this modification, it is not to bring a trunk, etc., but such quests, which themselves are already a small plot.


1. New plot. It includes elements of the old, but most of the plot is Alex Ros's idea.

1. Scar leads scientists through the Marshes. An outburst burst out, the Scar falls into the hands of the ChNovtsev. It immediately becomes clear that he will die, no salvation. This is the first surprise that is not in the game, the main character will die at the end of the plot and there is no chance of salvation! All that moves him is, on the one hand, banal revenge (there is nothing in the world older than this emotion), and on the other hand, he wants to stop the scum who killed him, and does not want anyone else to be killed. Here is such a tie and motivation.

2. ChNovtsy say that they will help to figure out what triggered the emissions, they say they themselves do not know what the matter is. To begin with, you should go to the scientists and find out if they received any unusual data after the release, they enter all the emissions into the database.

3. We run to the scientists and find out that the data is strange, they say the emission was different from all previous ones because it had a direction, that is, its force was directed to a specific point, and not just a discharge of energy in different directions as usual. And what to do, we ask scientists? How do we know, scientists answer. Try to find out from the military suddenly they recorded something through their channels.

4. We run to Sidorovich. He says that he can buy information from the military, but only if Scar helps him free Khaletsky from the hands of the crazed loners. There is no swag in sight, on the contrary, it is necessary to rescue the poor soldier from captivity. How? It turns out Khaletsky was doing business with neutrals and threw them (not Sidorovich at all), so they are trying to find out where the reptile was sniffing good. Sobsno we free Khaletsky by secretly giving him a pistol (part of this scene remained in the ChN and it lends itself to complete restoration, I have already tried it). In general, Khaletsky was released, Sidorovich receives data from the military, that is, satellite images with a full picture of energy surges a few days before the Big Ejection.

5. We run to the Swamps to Lebedev. He and Kalanchi look at this disgrace and ... and does not say anything, just asks, but could Shram hit the road again to Sidorovich and ask if stalkers have recently come to him with unusual requests. We ask, why? That man is to blame for everything? Lebedev says that it doesn't look like a man, more like an entire expedition. Oh how!

6. Sidor tells us that the stalker was here recently, ordered all kinds of fancy electronics from the Big Earth, the nickname of that stalker was Blues (no Fang, we are confused, we think that right now we will go to the Strelka group). Where did this Bluff go? How where, we are told, back to their svobodovtsy in the Dark Valley.

7. We leave for the Dark Valley. There is some kind of incomprehensible mess, someone purposefully knocks down the Svoboda people on the sly on their own territory. Where is the Blues, we ask? We are told that if you can help to find out who and how penetrates the protected area and knocks down ours, then we will tell you. We quickly find out that the mercenaries are attacking the Svoboda people and they move along the sewer tunnels under the valley. We are told obana! I know where the only entrance to the sewer is, that's where the Blues disappeared, they probably banged him. With grief we go to the sewers to look for the corpse of Spleen, in order to get at least some information.

8. In the sewers, it turns out that Kandra, at gunpoint, was closed up as a mechanic of mercenaries, closed up forcibly, such as either fix it, or a bullet in the forehead. In general, we free the Blues, we bring down the mercenaries and the Blues are our companion in life. Khandra explains to us that there was an order for one strange device and was ordered by a certain long-time resident Sanya.

9. We come to Agroprom, where the debt workers are sitting, they do not ask for anything and stupidly report that the dude has disappeared in the Agroprom dungeons. What to do, we are breaking into the dungeon to search the corpse.

10. In the dungeons we find a dude who has locked himself in some kind of kennel, but cannot get out (there is this door in the CHN, it opens only with a shot, I even slapped another quest on its basis) and for three weeks now he has been eating what he has in his backpack took, like on a dead dude. In general, this is our Sanya, one more companion in life will be. These Blues and Sanek are the second two dudes behind Scar on the cover of the disc. Sanyok says that he was stupidly climbing into the dungeons on debt matters, as the authorities ordered, but the equipment was ordered by one dude and the meeting place was at their Military Warehouses. Is always. Mole often carried out orders for them. (Only here we clearly understand that here it is the Strelka group and now it will be Fang in the Military Warehouses right now, but not everything is as simple as it seems).

11. Lebedev tells us that he knows about a group of dudes who periodically gather at the Military Warehouses. So who are you Lebedev, we ask involuntarily? It's none of your business, we are told, the main thing is that such meetings at the Military Warehouses at the group take place every three days. Until the next meeting is just one day (a place for the player to chat in free flight).

12. What is happening in the Military Warehouses? Not murder as you might expect. We really meet Fang and point the barrel at him, saying who are they and why the equipment? He tells us about Strelka, about the breakthrough to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and about the expedition of NATO scientists who helped break through. So, what is next? Further on Fang, someone wets from a rifle from afar and tries to overwhelm us. Who is this? Ghost! The point is that he saw his comrade with someone unknown at gunpoint and decided to shmalnu. But he missed! Fang was killed by the Ghost and lied to Strelka about being soaked by a couple of bandits with a dude with a scar on his face. Here is such an unexpected turn in the character of our beloved Ghost hero. It turns out that he accidentally soaked his best friend Fang ... oh how ...

13. We remember that in the Dark Valley we came across in passing the moron Journalist, who dreamed of some kind of incomprehensible foreign expedition. In the Dark Valley, the Journalist explains to us that all the roads are known only to the Forester, but it is not clear how to find him. Here Lebedev teleports us, they say we know this, hangs out in the Red Forest.

14. We leave for the Red Forest (there were no Yantar and Sakharov in the script). There we are told that your bastards have gone through the Radar. This is where we return to the plot of the game. How to get the Scorcher? Through Limansk ... well, in general, just like in ChN, and now we are helping to rescue mercenaries from ... from this as her ... well, the spatial anomaly is shorter. The only thing according to the scenario was that the compass was not easily mined, but in the mines under the Red Forest. But these are trifles, this is purely for the game, it does not affect the plot.

15. Mercenaries are needed just to lower the bridge to Limansk. No bandits and gunfights. But here's a little twist. We are saving not just mercenaries, but mercenaries with NATO survivors, who were either thrown or something by the Shooter, I don’t know. In general, we find ourselves in Limansk. An empty city. In general, there is no one, there are continuous anomalies everywhere, a step to the left, a step to the right and a kick. Plus various scary monsters such as chimera and controller. In general, an absolutely empty city where no one goes, since there are no artifacts here, and beyond Limansky there is a Hospital, which is kept by the Monoliths and there is no way to get around them.

16. We enter the Hospital with CHN and NATO members in full force. Then we break through the Pripyat Dungeons, there are also solid monoliths, no mutants at all. We leave for the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

17. At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, a shooter runs away from us. An ejection occurs, which wets almost everyone (including the ChNovtsy), except for literally a few NATOmen who have especially sophisticated overalls. We run after the Shooter to the Generators ... and that's it. We have a little skirmish there. We injure the Arrow, and we ourselves die. We do not die from wounds or something like that, but precisely because of emissions, such as the body has passed. That is, a really tragic ending. The last thing we see is that the wounded Archer is captured by some true O-Sosnanovtsy, whom no one saw in TC. These are not scientists at all, but some kind of former prisoners (here, to be honest, I didn’t get the hang of it, for the first time I hear about prisoners, but Levitsky told me so). That's all...

I have no details at all. For example, I have no idea how Sanya and Blues end up on the Generators along with Scar. I have no idea why NATO members ended up without Arrow, what happened between them. And I have no idea what is happening on the Generators, where these incomprehensible prisoners come out from. Here. And it's not a secret, I stupidly knocked on a dude two years ago and just asked how it was ...

2. Additional quests in the Swamps

1. "Trebukha".
The bandits occupy a safe passage to the Cordon (Mechanic Yard, Northern Khutor). It is possible to pay for a pass for a very large amount, which is obviously inaccessible to the player at the beginning of the game. An alternative is given with the completion of the task of the leader of the bandits, Glazasty (a model of a face with a bandage, or a more terrible one with a sewn-up eye socket). During one of the last skirmishes with the Clear Sky detachment, a bandit named Trebukha, a henchman of the Eyed One, was killed. The coordinates of the cache are stored on his PDA, where the second part of the looted swag is hidden. It is necessary to find a place at the base of the Clear Sky where the CPC of the killed bandits are kept and to snatch the CPC Trebukhi among them. Deliver the PDA to Trebuhi Glazastom and get a free pass to the Cordon.

Technical features: on the basis of Clear Sky there are several inventories, each of them contains different items, including various PDAs (write a description of the hacked PDAs). Trebukhi's PDA is on the table in Lebedev's office. You can get it only at night, when Lebedev is not in the office. If you try to get the PDA in the daytime, Clear Sky becomes enemies and the player is shot at the base.

2. "Big-eyed".
The bandits occupy a safe passage to the Cordon (Mechanic Yard, Northern Khutor). Lebedev explains to the player that there are two passes to the Cordon. The first is located behind Yuzhny Khutor and leads under the military checkpoint. There is an alternative with the destruction of the bandits guarding the safe passage to the Cordon beyond the Northern Khutor. It is necessary to destroy the leader of the bandits Glazasty and bring Lebedev his PDA, which stores information about the cache where the bandits keep the loot. Most of the items belonged to the fighters of the Clear Sky, and much more may come in handy.

Technical features: the player is given additional weapons and armor protection in case of consent to the task.

3. "Swamp Thing".
The leader of the Clear Sky detachment at Fisherman's Farm suggests checking a distant checkpoint, from where no information has been received for a long time. On the spot, we find the bodies of the dead fighters of the Clear Sky, the task is activated to examine the bodies for useful information. The last body is on the tower. We rise to the tower, examine the body and find a PDA with information about the attack of a swamp creature at the checkpoint (write a description of the PDA with the history of a badly wounded soldier who hid on the tower). We go downstairs and face a mutant. We kill the swamp creature and report everything to the leader of the Clear Sky detachment at the Fisherman's Farm.

Technical features: a restrictor is created at the top of the tower, getting into which, we activate the appearance of the swamp creature. Additionally, the scheme of knocking out the swamp creature weapon from the player's hands is applied here.

4. "Old Church".
The leader of the Clear Sky Squad at the Observation Tower offers to deal with the problem. Clear Sky want to arrange a transshipment base in the Old Church, but a crazy stalker lives there, shooting all stalkers within sight. "How he got there and what he eats is unknown." It is necessary either to come to an agreement with the stalker in some way, or to kill. On the spot, the player encounters a sniper on the top floor (a model of a face with a stretched bloodsucker skin). If the player manages to go up to the upper floor and talk to the stalker, then it turns out that the stalker needs the skins of bloodsuckers. The player must go to the Boat Station and clear the lair. Bring some bloodsucker skins (standard bloodsucker jaw model). The madman moves to the Boat Station.

Technical features: prescribe a condition for spawning bloodsuckers at the Boat Station in case the player has time to clear the lair earlier. Prescribe a condition for the murder of a madman at a boat station after a while and the return of the bloodsuckers. Prescribe a condition for one hundred percent murder of a player on the way to the Old Church in the daytime. At night, the standard hit probability and reduced hit points apply.

5. "Burnt Farm".
The point is inhabited by fiery poltergeists. During the day, the mutants are in a completely invisible state, at night the standard visual is activated and the lair can be cleared.

Technical features: to place explosive objects on the territory of the farm.

6. "Transmission Line".
The remains of the helicopter are located in the very center of the anomalous electric field, it is impossible to get close to them without high-class armor protection, that is, the player will be able to inspect the remains only after returning to the Swamps from the late part of the passage. The body of a soldier with a PDA with information is placed next to the helicopter. After taking the PDA, the task is activated to search for the missing military unit in Limansk (see page 12 "The Lost Unit").

7. "Ruins of the Village".
A crow's nest is placed on top of the water tower. When the crows enter the smart terrain restrictor, they attack the player in a group.

8. "Embankment".
The point is inhabited by snorks from Agroprom. There are several bodies of dead stalkers not far from the camp. In one of them, you can find a PDA with information about the current psi-installation in the Agroprom Dungeons, pointing the player to the storyline with the disconnection of the psi-installation in the Dungeons.

One of the best mods for the second part "Stalker - Clear Sky". The mod tells an alternative story of the mercenary Scar, who is surprisingly connected with the mysterious power of the emissions. We are presented with a new storyline with numerous gameplay fixes. The mod is extremely stable, which is confirmed by the rave reviews from the players. We strongly recommend this mod for downloading and passing! Feelings after passing the mod are the same as after passing the original parts of "Stalker".

Distinctive features of the "Old Story" mod:

  • We are waiting for a new plot, the game includes all the game locations of the previous parts.
  • The optional combat arena is available where you can fight enemies, does not affect the passage of the main game.
  • The war of groups has reached a new level, absolute freedom of action for NPCs.
  • New heroes and characters, as well as well-known old friends from the previous series of the game.
  • Newly modeled and drawn characters for key quests.
  • Weather effects have been radically changed, post-effects and graphics have been improved.
  • In the game you will find many new weapons and armor with unique upgrades.
  • Game locations have been fixed for the better, unnecessary ones have been thrown away, many small fixes for better gameplay.

You can download the "Old Story" mod (version using a direct link from the Yandex-disk.

The final patch for any version of the "Old Story" mod (version, fixes many bugs, is installed over the mod with the replacement of files.

For unpacking use WinRar, the mod is installed on the original game "" version 1.5.10, which you can also download from our site.

In conclusion, we present a video with an overview and an initial walkthrough of the mod:

Year of issue: 2014
Genre: Action
Developer: Gsc game world
Publisher: Starley, Chriotmao
Edition type: Repack
Game version: 1.5.10
Mod version:
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: Sewn System requirements:
- Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8
- Processor: Intel® Core ™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
- RAM: 3 GB
- Video card: 512 Mb - 1024 Mb / nVIDIA® GeForce ™ / ATI Radeon®
- Sound Card: Sound device compatible with DirectX® 9.0s
- Free space on hard disk: 8 GB Description:
The action takes place in 2011. Five years have passed since the second disaster, which overshadowed the events of April 1986. The zone is prone to frequent emissions, which displace anomalous fields and open roads to previously inaccessible places. Clans are fighting for key positions and new territories. Stalkers die, but new ones immediately come. Scientific expeditions from the "West" come to the zone, which seek to unravel the strange mystery of this zone.

The game takes place one year before the events described in the game "S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl". One year before the most successful campaign of the Strelka and his group to the center of the zone. We recognize him and his group from new perspectives - looking at him through the eyes of a mercenary named Scar, who literally dies after each release. What will Scar be able to unravel? With whom will the unstable "Zone" bring him together? All this you can find out by passing the Old Story mod. Peculiarities

1. A new plot covering all the locations of the original, as well as the dungeons of Pripyat and the Generators. New start of the game.
2. Personal Arena, which is a closed polygon with different types of tests, is launched from the menu, does not affect the game.
3. New system of war factions, giving complete freedom of action of the NPC.
4. New, as well as famous for PM and RF characters with their own history.
5. New models for almost all key characters.
6. Changed the original weather as well as shaders that optimize the game in Static and Improved full lighting. The textures of the game are also tidied up.
7. Added unique weapons and costumes, as well as some old ones have got new modified upgrades.
8. Most of the location has undergone edits, objects have been removed and added, bugs have been corrected in order to correspond to them from the PM.
9. Less significant fixes and improvements.

Repack features:
The game:
»Based on the GSC Game World license.
»Nothing is cut / nothing is recoded.
"Game version: 1.5.10.
"Mod version:
»Installing additional software (DirectX, Visual C ++).