Photos about bread in the wartime year. Research work the topic "Great Word-Bread"

Front-like bread 1941-1943.

In 1941, the originist was located near the Verkhovaya Volga. Under the steep bank of the river smoked the earthy kitchens, Sunrot was located. Here, in the first months of war, earth were created (they were mainly installed in the ground) bakery furnaces. These furnaces were three species: ordinary soil; stunned in thick layer of clay; Lined with bricks. They were baked formal and subsidence.

Where it was possible, the ovens were made of clay or bricks. Bread of front-line Moscow baked on bakeries and in stationary bakeries.

The veterans of Moscow battles were told how in a ravine, the foreman distributed with soldiers with hot bread, which brought to the boat (like Sani, only without polish), harboring dogs. The foreman was in a hurry, green, blue, purple tracer rockets swept over the ravine. Mines rushed nearby. Soldiers, at the "ambulance" attempted bread and picking it with tea, prepared for a re-attack ...

Member of the Rzhevskaya Operation V.A. Sukhustavsky recalled: "After the fierce fighting, our part in the spring of 1942 was taken to the village of Kapkovo. Although this village was in removal from battles, but the food case was laid weakly. For food, we welded soup, and rustic women brought to him Rzhevsky bread, baked from potatoes and bran. From this day, we had relief. "

How did Rzhevsky bread prepared? Potatoes were cooked, purified, passed through a meat grinder. They laid out the mass on the board, grapped, cooled. Branted, salt, quickly knead the dough and placed it into the lubricated shapes that put in the oven.

Bread "Stalingrad"

In the Great Patriotic War, bread was valued on a par with martial weapons. He was missing. There were few rye flour, and barley flour was widely used when baking bread for the fighters of the Stalingrad Front.

Especially tasty with the use of barley flour was obtained bread varieties prepared on Zakvask. So, the rye bread, which consisted of 30% of barley flour, was almost not inferior in quality purely rzhan.

Preparation of loose bread flour with an admixture of barley substantial changes in the technological process did not require. The dough with the addition of barley flour was somewhat more dense and rushed longer.

"Blocade" bread

In July-September 1941, the fascist troops came to the outskirts of Leningrad and Ladoga Lake, taking a multi-million city in the blockade ring.

Despite the suffering, the rear showed the wonders of courage, courage, love for the debris. Blocade Leningrad was no exception. To ensure the soldiers and the population of the city on the bakeries, the production of bread from poor reserves was organized, and when they were over, the flour began to deliver to Leningrad on the "Road of Life".

A.N. Yukhnevich - the oldest worker of the Leningrad bakery - told in Moscow school №128 at the lesson of bread on the composition of the blockade loaf: 10-12% - this is a rye wobbly flour, the rest - cake, meal, flour-cake, flour with equipment and floors, blood cellulose , needles. Exactly 125 g is a daily rate of holy black blockade bread.

Bread temporarily occupied areas

The local population of occupied territories survived and starged, it is impossible to hear and read without tears. All foods in humans took the fascists, hid in Germany. Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian mother suffered from themselves, but even more - seeing the torment of their children, hungry and sick relatives, wounded soldiers.

What they lived, that ate - outside the understanding of the current generations. Each living blade, a twig with grains, husks from frozen vegetables, garbage and cleaning - everything went into business. And often even the smallest was obtained by the price of human life.

In hospitals on the territories occupied by the Germans, the wounded soldiers were given two spoons of millet porridges per day (bread was not). Cooked the "grout" from flour - a soup in the form of a jel. Soup from pea or barley for hungry people was a holiday. But the most important thing - people lost their usual and especially for them dear bread.

There are no measures for these deprivation, and the memory of them should live in the edification of descendants.

"Bread" of fascist concentration camps

From the memories of the former participant in the anti-fascist resistance, the disabled person of the group D.I. Ivanishcheva from Novozybkov Bryansk region: "The Bread of War cannot leave any person indifferent to anyone, especially who experienced terrible deprivation during the war - hunger, cold, bullying.

I had the will of Fate had to pass many Hitler's camps and concentration camps. We are concluded by concentration camps, know the price of bread and bow to him. So I decided to tell something about bread for prisoners of war. The fact is that the Nazis baked for Russian prisoners of war special bread on a special recipe.

He was called "Austen-Brod" and was approved by the Imperial Ministry of Food Supplies in Rehehe (Germany) on December 21, 1941 "only for Russians".

Here is his recipe:

  • sugar beet schopling - 40%,
  • bran - 30%,
  • wood sawdust - 20%,
  • cellulosic flour from leaves or straw - 10%.

In many concentration camps, prisoners of war were not given such "bread."

In one of the warm days of August, he cooked me "Kulesh," as he expressed "according to the 1943 recipe" - exactly such a hearted dish (for very many soldiers - the last in their lives) fed tank crews in the early morning before one of the greatest tank battles II World War - "Battle of Kursk Arc" ...

And here is the recipe:

-Bere 500-600 grams of breasts on the bones.
-Cut meat, and bones throwing to boil 15 minutes into water (approximately 1.5 - 2 liters).
- Alive in boiling water millet (250 -300 grams) and cook until readiness.
-Bye 3-4 potatoes, cutting it with large cubes and throw in a saucepan
- On the frying pan, fry the meat part of the sternum with 3-4 finely chopped heads of the replied onion, and add to the pan, cook for another 2-3 minutes. It turns out that thick soup, or liquid porridge. Delicious and satisfying dish ...
Of course, in order to list all the dishes of wartime, there is not enough newspaper column, so today I will tell only about the most significant gastronomic phenomena of that great era.
My memories of the Great Patriotic War (as in most representatives of the modern generation that did not make wartime) are based on the stories of the older generation. The culinary component of the war is not an exception.

"Washing porridge with garlic"

For porridge, it is necessary for millet, water, vegetable oil, onions, garlic and salt. On 3 glasses of water, we take 1 cup of cereals.
Pour water in a pan, raw camp and put on fire. Frozen on the vegetable oil onions. As soon as water in a saucepan boils, we pour our roaster and salt porridge there. It is for another 5 minutes, and in the meantime we clean and finely cut several garlic teeth. Now you need to remove the saucepan from the fire, add to porridge garlic, mix, close the pan with a lid and wrap in a "fur coat": let it sprinkle. Such porridge is fine, soft, fragrant.

"Rear Solyanka"

Writes Vladimir Uvarov from Ussuriysk, - "This dish often prepared in the past time of the war and my grandmother is now dead in the hungry post-war years. In cast iron, it laid equal amounts of sauerkraut and peeled, sliced \u200b\u200bpotato slices. Then grandmother poured water so that it covers the cabbage and potato mixture.
After that, cast iron put on fire - stew. And in 5 minutes before readiness, you need to add a lavetled bow, a pair of laurel leaves, to peep into pig-iron, pair of laurel leaves, it is necessary to spit. When everything is ready, you need to cover with a towel and give it to remove from half an hour.
Such a dish, I am sure everyone will like everyone. Babushkin Recipe We often used both in diet times and ate this "Solunka" with pleasure - albeit not in the cast-iron, and in the ordinary saucepan she was stealing "

"Macaroni" Baltic "fleet with meat"

According to a neighbor-Frontovik-paratrooper in the country (a combat man! In their right mind, in his 90 km, 3 km per day runs, bathes in any weather) This recipe was actively used in the festive menu (on the occasion of successful battles or fleet victories) on The ships of the Baltic Fleet during the II World War II:
In the same proportion, take pasta and meat (preferably in ribs), onion (about a third of the weight of meat and pasta)
-Myaso boiled up to readiness and cuts cubes (broth fashionable to use per soup)
-Makarons boiled up to readiness
-Luk allowed in a frying pan to "golden" color
-Myaso, lay onions and pasta mix, lay out on a baking sheet (you can add a bit of broth) and put in the oven for 10-20 minutes at 210-220 degrees.

"Carrot tea"

The purified carrot was rubbed on the grater, dried and delivered (I think dried) on the oven in the oven with Chaga, after which they were poured with boiling water. From carrot, tea got sweetish, and Chaga gave a special taste and a pleasant dark color.

Blocade Leningrad salads

In the blockaded Leningrad there were prescription brochures and practical benefits that helped people survive in the departed city: "Use of vegetables from the trees of garden plants and its workpiece", "Herbal substitutes of tea and coffee", "Prepare from wild spring plants, flour products, soups and salads from wild spring plants " etc.
Many such editions created by the Leningrad Botanical Institute were told not only about how to prepare certain herbs, but and where they are better to collect them. I will give a couple of recipes of that time.
Salad Salad. For the preparation of salad, 100 grams of sorrel in a wooden cup, pour 1-1.5 teaspoon salt, pour 0.5-1 spoon of vegetable oil or 3 tablespoons of soy kefir, then stir.
Dandelion leaves salad. Collect 100 grams of fresh green dandelion leaves, take 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, if there is, add 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil and 2 teaspoons of sugar sand.

Bread War

One of the most important factors to help, protect their homeland, on a par with a weapon, bread remains - Meryo life. A bright confirmation of this is the Great Patriotic War.
Many years have passed and there will be many more, new books about the war will be written, but, returning to this topic, the descendants will definitely ask the eternal question: why did Russia resist the edge of the abyss and won? What helped her to come to the Great Victory?

Considerable merit in this people who provided our soldiers, warriors, residents of occupied and blockade food areas, primarily bread and breadcrumbs.
Despite the colossal difficulties, the country in 1941-1945. Provided the army and workers of the rear of bread, sometimes solving the most complex tasks associated with the lack of raw materials and production facilities.
For baking bread, production facilities were usually used and bakeries, which were centrally highlighted flour and salt. Orders of military units were performed on priority, especially since the bread was baked a little, and the power was usually free.
However, exceptions happened.
So, in 1941, the local resources focused on the Rzhevian direction are lacking, and the coverage of bread from the rear was difficult. To solve the problem of the Intensductant services, they proposed to take advantage of the old experience of creating outdoor heat stoves from affordable materials - clay and bricks.
For the device of the furnace, clay soil was needed with an admixture of sand and a platform with a slope or a caculion depth of 70 mm. Such a furnace was usually built in 8 hours, then 8-10 hours was dried, after which it was ready to bake up to 240 kg of bread for 5 revolutions.

Front-like bread 1941-1943.

In 1941, the originist was located near the Verkhovaya Volga. Under the steep bank of the river smoked the earthy kitchens, Sunrot was located. Here, in the first months of war, earth were created (they were mainly installed in the ground) bakery furnaces. These furnaces were three species: ordinary soil; stunned in thick layer of clay; Lined with bricks. They were baked formal and subsidence.
Where it was possible, the ovens were made of clay or bricks. Bread of front-line Moscow baked on bakeries and in stationary bakeries.

The veterans of Moscow battles were told how in a ravine, the foreman distributed with soldiers with hot bread, which brought to the boat (like Sani, only without polish), harboring dogs. The foreman was in a hurry, green, blue, purple tracer rockets swept over the ravine. Mines rushed nearby. Soldiers, at the "ambulance" attempted bread and picking it with tea, prepared for a re-attack ...
Member of the Rzhevskaya Operation V.A. Sukhustavsky recalled: "After the fierce fighting, our part in the spring of 1942 was taken to the village of Kapkovo. Although this village was in removal from battles, but the food case was laid weakly. For food, we welded soup, and rustic women brought to him Rzhevsky bread, baked from potatoes and bran. From this day, we had relief. "
How did Rzhevsky bread prepared? Potatoes were cooked, purified, passed through a meat grinder. They laid out the mass on the board, grapped, cooled. Branted, salt, quickly knead the dough and placed it into the lubricated shapes that put in the oven.

Bread "Stalingrad"

In the Great Patriotic War, bread was valued on a par with martial weapons. He was missing. There were few rye flour, and barley flour was widely used when baking bread for the fighters of the Stalingrad Front.
Especially tasty with the use of barley flour was obtained bread varieties prepared on Zakvask. So, the rye bread, which consisted of 30% of barley flour, was almost not inferior in quality purely rzhan.
Preparation of loose bread flour with an admixture of barley substantial changes in the technological process did not require. The dough with the addition of barley flour was somewhat more dense and rushed longer.

"Blocade" bread

In July-September 1941, the fascist troops came to the outskirts of Leningrad and Ladoga Lake, taking a multi-million city in the blockade ring.
Despite the suffering, the rear showed the wonders of courage, courage, love for the debris. Blocade Leningrad was no exception. To ensure the soldiers and the population of the city on the bakeries, the production of bread from poor reserves was organized, and when they were over, the flour began to deliver to Leningrad on the "Road of Life".

A.N. Yukhnevich - the oldest worker of the Leningrad bakery - told in Moscow school №128 at the lesson of bread on the composition of the blockade loaf: 10-12% - this is a rye wobbly flour, the rest - cake, meal, flour-cake, flour with equipment and floors, blood cellulose , needles. Exactly 125 g is a daily rate of holy black blockade bread.

Bread temporarily occupied areas

The local population of occupied territories survived and starged, it is impossible to hear and read without tears. All foods in humans took the fascists, hid in Germany. Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian mother suffered from themselves, but even more - seeing the torment of their children, hungry and sick relatives, wounded soldiers.
What they lived, that ate - outside the understanding of the current generations. Each living blade, a twig with grains, husks from frozen vegetables, garbage and cleaning - everything went into business. And often even the smallest was obtained by the price of human life.
In hospitals on the territories occupied by the Germans, the wounded soldiers were given two spoons of millet porridges per day (bread was not). Cooked the "grout" from flour - a soup in the form of a jel. Soup from pea or barley for hungry people was a holiday. But the most important thing - people lost their usual and especially for them dear bread.
There are no measures for these deprivation, and the memory of them should live in the edification of descendants.

"Bread" of fascist concentration camps

From the memories of the former participant in the anti-fascist resistance, the disabled person of the group D.I. Ivanishcheva from Novozybkov Bryansk region: "The Bread of War cannot leave any person indifferent to anyone, especially who experienced terrible deprivation during the war - hunger, cold, bullying.
I had the will of Fate had to pass many Hitler's camps and concentration camps. We are concluded by concentration camps, know the price of bread and bow to him. So I decided to tell something about bread for prisoners of war. The fact is that the Nazis baked for Russian prisoners of war special bread on a special recipe.
He was called "Austen-Brod" and was approved by the Imperial Ministry of Food Supplies in Rehehe (Germany) on December 21, 1941 "only for Russians".

Here is his recipe:
Sugar beet schopling - 40%,
Bran - 30%,
Wood sawdust - 20%,
Cellulosic flour from leaves or straw - 10%.
In many concentration camps, prisoners of war were not given such "bread."

Rear and front bread

On the instructions of the government, the production of bread for the population was established in the conditions of a huge shortage of raw materials. The Moscow Technological Institute of the Food Industry has developed a recipe for working bread, which special orders, orders, instructions were communicated to the heads of catering. Under conditions of insufficient facilities, potatoes and other additives were widely used when baking bread.
Front-line bread often baked in the open sky. The soldier of the Miner's division of Donbass I. Sergeev said: "I will tell about the battle bakery. Bread was 80% of the total power of the fighter. Somehow it was necessary to give bread shelves for four hours. They drove to the pad, cleared deep snow and immediately, among the snowdrifts, the furnace was folded on the court. They flooded, dried it and baked bread. "

Dried sprawling vobla

My grandmother told me how they ate dried wobble. For us, this is a fish intended for beer. And the grandmother said that Woble (she was called for some reason), they also issued on cards. She was sooo porched and sooo salted.
I put the fish without cleaning in a saucepan, poured boiling water, closed with a lid. The fish was supposed to stand until a complete cooling. (Probably, it is better to do from the evening, but it's not enough patience.) Then potato was cooked, got fish, sprawled, soft and no longer salty. Brushed and spruce with potatoes. I tried. Grandma somehow made time. You know, really delicious!

Pea soup.

From the evening they poured peas in the boiler with water. Sometimes peas were poured along with a pearl cereal. The next day, peas shouted into military-field kitchen and cooked. While peas was cooked, the onions and carrots were pierced in the saucepan on the fat. If there was no possibility to do the roaster, lay down so. As pea prepared, potatoes were added, then the groker was laid and the stew was laid.

"Makalovka" option number 1 (perfect)

Frozen stew was very finely cut or crumbled, onion fry in the pan (if you can add carrots), after which there was a stew, some water, brought to a boil. Food like this: meat and "gusters" were divided by the number of consumers, and in turns in turn Makali pieces of bread, so the dish is so called.

Option 2.

They took fat or raw fat, added to the fried onion (as in the first recipe), diluted with water, brought to a boil. Kushal also as with 1 option.
The recipe for the first option is familiar to me (I tried for a variety in campaigns), but his name and the fact that he was invented during the war (most likely before) I did not occur to my head.
Nikolai Pavlovich noted that by the end of the war, it was better to feed on the front and referring to the front, although it was empty "that was empty, then thick," from his words - it happened that for several days I did not drive the food, especially on time or protracted fights, and Then handed out the lads laid over the past days.

Children of war

War was cruel, bloody. Mount has come to every home and every family. Fathers leaving the front, brothers, and the children remained alone, is divided by the memories of A.S. Vidina. - "In the first days of the war they had enough for food. And then, together with the mother, they walked spikes, rotten potatoes, to somehow feed. And the boys were mostly stood from the machines. They did not get the machine to the handle and substituted the boxes. 24 hours a day did shells. Sometimes and spent the night on these boxes. "
The children of the war very quickly induced and began to help not only parents, but also the front. Women who remained without husbands, all did everything for the front: knitted mittens, sewed underwear. Do not lag behind them and children. They sent parcels in which their drawings were invested, talking about peaceful life, paper, pencils. And when the soldier received such a parcel from the children, he cried ... But it inspired him: the soldiers with double energy walked into battle, to hit the fascists who took the childhood in the attack.

Former headlamp of school №2 V.S. Bolotsky told how they were evacuated at the beginning of the war. In the first echelon, she did not get with her parents. Later everyone learned that he was bombed. With the second echelon, the family was evacuated in Udmurtia "The life of evacuated children was very and very hard.
If the locals still had something else, then we ate pellets with sawdresses, "said Valentina Sergeevna. She told how the favorite dish of the children of the War was: in boiling water, they launched a grateful delicate raw potatoes. This was such a yummy! "
And once again about the soldiers' caress, food and dreams .... Memories of veterans of the Great Patriotic War:
"When I came on July 15, 1941 in the regiment, then our cook, Uncle Vanya, behind a table shot from the board, in the forest, fed me with a whole kitteer of buckwheat cereal with Salom. Did not eat anything delicious
"In war, I always dreamed about the fact that we are very much black bread: then it was always lacking. And two more desires were: to warm up (in the soldier's sinelka near the gun there was always noise) yes sleep "
V.Shshdin, Chairman of the Board of Veterans of the Second World War:
"From front cuisine will forever remain the most delicious two dishes: buckwheat porridge with stew and pasta in the fleet."
The main holiday of modern Russia is nearing. For a generation that knows the Great Patriotic War Only on the films, it is associated more with guns and shells. I want to remember the main weapon of our victory.
During the war, when the hunger was as accustomed as death and an unrealistic dream of a dream, and the most insignificant thing in today's presentation could serve a piece of bread, a glass of barley flour or, for example, a chicken egg, food very often became equivalent Human life and appreciated on a par with martial weapons ...

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Bread and war.
(Documentary poetic composition)


  • expand knowledge about the events of the Second World War, the meaning of bread during the war,
  • to learn the recipes for wartime bread
  • promote the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe difficulties that Soviet people have experienced during the war
  • education of the careful attitude to bread.
  • call an emotional response to the heard information
  • empathy to people who survived the tragedy of the Second World War
  • development of expressive reading of poems.

(In the depths of the scene slowly lights a lack of light) (slide 1) (a photo or slide of the recipe is demonstrated on the screen, under the key of the metronome, the master read it) (Slide 2)

Lead 1.

"Pickle-top soup with flour:
Trousers-190 brace;
Luk-5 g., Sol-5 g.;
Spices-5 g.;
Fat-0.03 g.

Lead 2. This recipe from the book "Use in food trees of garden plants and its billet in the GOB". Published in 1942 in Leningrad. I apply it was 1 ruble. When the book was signed in print, Blocade Leningrad reached bread (flour-3 g), sown before the war. But in this spring of 1942, the paharai, who sowed post-war bread, did not sow nothing, "they went to the front, beat the land on which they used to live and raised grain. And put the heads of scum on this land, black, fertile, not plowed plows, but shells.

Reader 1.

Mills Tanks warm bread,
And burned like a candle, hut.
There were villages. Do not forget forever
Squeal dying carts
How the girl was lying without legs,
How did not grow on earth roads.
But when on the greedy enemy
Ribs and meadows
Even horizon risen,
Tree and then shot in the next
At night, partisani bushes
And took off, like chips, bridges.
Walked with grazers grandfathers and fathers,
Bullets were served dead
And, cosmatic, like clouds,
Wishland went century.
Walked soldiers beat and kill,
How we went to piss before.
Death appeared not in height,
And in the peasant ancient simplicity
The one that hurts like a mother
The one we do not avail.
Hardened the heart in the earth,
And the soldiers went, and walked, and went,
There was a dark ore from the Urals,
Walked, romdy, iron herds,
Fucking Smolensk region alarming boron,
Fucking a thin serrated ax,
They walked empty dull fields,
Large Russian land went. (Slide 3)

Lead 1.Saying 1941 The German command understood that the blitzkrieg-plan of a lightning war-failed that the war acquires a protracted character. And to stand the protracted war, it was necessary to feed her soldiers, maintain his army. That is why the robbery of the population in the lands engaged in the fascists.

Lead 2.Guitler's plans included foods with foreign land. On the marriages captured by him, as if thistle, grew to the German gendarmes, and they all took away their forces from the peasants of cattle, bread, bird, in the peasants. But the fascist force was not limited to the supply of the army only at the expense of the robbery. Several thousand collective farms and state farms were broken in the occupied territories of our country, were selected, 7 million horses were grieved in Germany, 17 million goals of cattle, 20 million pigs, 27 million sheep and goats. The fascist army sent hundreds of thousands of echelons with stupid goods to Germany. (Slide 4).

Lead 1. For fascist Germany, millions of human lives were worth nothing. But the glabber understood that human, and the material resources of Germany are limited. Therefore, in Berlin suddenly they spoke about the inadmissibility of "risk the life of a German soldier" when taking Moscow and Leningrad. Bursting the Blitzkrieg strategy, they saw salvation in the starvation strategy. Multiple hysterical cries of Hitler followed, which blocked Leningrad "Himself himself and, like a ripe fetus, falls to our hands."

Lead 2. Dooming to the painful slow death as many people who have become alive, demoralize, disassemble them, to deprive them to resist, awaken animals instincts, take Leningrad with bare hands, and turn the prisoners into slaves, ready for the Balant bowl for everything ... That's what is the fascist Hunger strategy. And the fascists of this tool were used, striving to break the will of people to resistance and strengthen their rear.

Reader 2.

... and flew flyers from the sky
On the thresholds of frozen apartments:
"There will be bread. Do you want bread? .. "
"There will be a world. You do not dream of the world? "
Children, crying, bread asked.
There is no terrible torture.
And they did not go to the wall of the city.
Without water, without heat, without light.
The day looks like a black night.
Maybe in the world and no strength
So that all this is overcome?
Dyrasi - and said:
- Our children will see the light!
But the gate they did not open.
The knees did not get up, no!
Wise whether in order
Our city is good in soldier? ..
Peter built it on the swamp,
But you can't find a stronger ground. (Slide 5)

Lead 1.. September 8, 1941 over the city closed the ring blockade in length in 900 days and nights. In the ring of the blockade of Leningrad turned out to be 2 million 887 thousand people. (Slide 6.7)

Lead 2.. In connection with the drying stocks, the flour continued to decline the rates of bread. From November 20, 1941, the crucifixes are reduced for the fifth time: the workers began to receive 250 g. Bread, and non-working (employees, dependents, children) - 125. Breads per day. Tiny, almost weightless slice.

One hundred twenty five blockade grams
With fire and blood in half ... (Slide 8)

Lead 2. A sharp hunger made itself felt more stronger, young and old, men, women, children died. People weakened their hands and legs, the wrong body, the neck gradually approached the heart, and an end was attacked. The death of people overtook people everywhere: the man fell on the street and did not rise, in the apartment - went to bed and flooded forever. Often, life broke away from the machine.

Reader 3.

On sled cocoon straight,
Cannon, lucky
Mother, gluable, in felt boots,
And the blizzard sweaters.
Stakyonka climbs in line,
Out, barefacing:
"My daughter also has
Skoronene yesterday.
God knocked, and fame to the Lord,
Lush them and us.
I myself will soon decay
With these from a hundred grams. "
It is difficult to distale to the cemetery,
How to be with the grave?
I still could bring
Will it be able to burrow?
And not be able to grate into fraternal
Frequently like firewood,
In labor, Leningrad,
Jumping barely.
And rushing through the snow boots, -
It became dark.
Skorong is difficult, my little,
It is easier to die. (Slide 9.10)

Lead 2. It was hard to bury: transport did not work. Fucking, covered with snow stand tram. Along the prospectuses of the fancy threads hung the wires shrouded in the endless streets, between the snowdrifts, straining the last forces, people pulled the sosales on which the dead were. Deadly buried without coffins wrapped up or blanket, and later simple in clothes, in which a person died. Often, having gone out of his strength, people left the dead halfway. Later, these corpses were selected cars and exported to the outskirts of the city, to a huge wasteland next to the old Piscares road. So the famous Piskarevsky cemetery was formed, where 470 thousand Leningraders were buried. (Slide 11)

Lead 1. Only for the first blockade winter hunger hunger in Leningrad 252 thousand people. The loss of loved ones reflected acute pain in the hearts of living, but the big mortality did not give rise to despair and panic in the city. Leningraders died, but how? They remained heroes to the last breath, their death called on the living towards the persistent struggle. From the small to the old, everyone was hunger, but they worked and lived with hope for the celebration of victory. This feeling raised the blacksmith, engineer, accountant, scientist for heroic cases. The same feeling was guided by artists when they sang, played, entertaining hungry and tired people, although they themselves had a legged legs and spisled his head. In the intermission, the most weakened was the faint of the condition, but the will won: they got up and continued to play.

Reader 4.

Piano girl.
Arrows of dismentered hours
How trams still have become.
But calmly, under Nabat Gudkov,
The girl plays on the piano.
She has a pigtail behind her back.
Dolls sat on the sofa in the sofa.
Bomb, you hear? In the housing head ...
Fucking the floor ... Smokilka suddenly extinct.
Someone cried out. Stew like sand
Crushed under the foot. Where are the matches?
The girl taught her lesson,
In the dark playing the habit.
So I have not sang Mendelssohn,
As now in the alarm. And the whole house was
Unexpected music shocked
In a terrible hour of breaking a close bomb.
And the next morning, in the queue
I stood under the window.
You play you alive, child.
Be patient a little more.
Mendelssohn remained wintering.
Like hope, music is immortal.
Steel arrows. The city is surrounded.
To their big kilometers.
Bread, like a gingerbread, eaten along the way.
Landlog in an ice base.
.. But, as before, exactly from nine
The girl plays on the piano. (Slide 12, 13).

Lead 2.. Children in the besieged city ... look at the starving children (and in the city there were about 400 thousand) and feel their complete helplessness before you can't help you, - there is nothing awful for mothers. The children were waiting for bread. And where to take it? Mothers gave everything that they could have had, just to exchange their belongings on bread cards. Parents, depriving themselves a piece of bread, supported weak children's sillans, thereby harmful to their health. In order not to freeze children, women with pretty difficulties got the firewood, carefully spending each fully. And if the firewood ended, there was furniture, parquet and even books. From the nearest reservoirs, we dragged the water, they were tested on the sled, they were washed in ice water linen and cleaned clothes with weak fire smokers, scant products were distributed by day, and during the day-hour.

Reader 5..

I go in the dark, along the funnels,
Spotlights tap the sky.
Passersby. Crying a child
And asks Mother Bread.
And the mother was awaited to Noshi
And jits in snowdrifts and pits
- Don't cry, getting up, my good, -
And something mirkets grams.
I do not see their faces in the darkness
Overheard the mountain blindly
But to the heart moved closer
Siege in which I live. (Slide 14)

Lead 1. Everything went into the move to support people's strengths. A dish of yeast dough was often the only dish during the day. From the Mebra, the skins of young calves found on the leather factories, cooked a jelly. The smell of such a jelly was extremely unpleasant, but who paid attention to it? Hunger blunted all the feelings. On the mills for many years, flour dust has grown on the walls. It was collected, processed and used as an admixture of bread. Shake and knocked out every bag in which there was once flour. Outdowns and chips from bags sieved and immediately sent to the Bakery (Slide 15)

Lead 2. In November 1941, difficulties begin in the work of one of Leningrad's bakeries, which did not receive due to the blockade of the city. The question arose about the replacers of flour. From impurities it was necessary to use d 10-15 varieties of such substitutes: cake, soy flour, barley flour (waste). Some cakes were up to 6 varieties. The wallpaper dust and others also used. When the reserves and these impurities were dried, then the question arose about the use of flour as substitutes ... cellulose. Lab workers have made a lot of experienced work on the best use of this flour substitute.

Reader 6.

I remember bread. He was also a sticky -
Rye flour was rude grinding.
But the faces of the smiles broke out,
When Buanka was put on the table.
Military bread. He was suitable to the sachams,
Oblocked, it would be not bad with Quian.
He elm in his teeth, stuck to the guys.
His we died the tongue.
He was sour, because he was with bran!
I will not charge what was from the Swan.
And all the palms with greedy lips
I choked after meals.
I am invariably with acute interest
And with the heart fading watched
Behind the formidable, cold-blooded choporesis,
He cut bread! He shared bread!
I enlighted them, straight and honest,
He is a rust of rude, powerfully, without clauses,
Burned crust, as in the corner of wood,
Differed almost to elbow.
On him, the jacket of the skewer
He was greatly delighted with work.
He cut bread, tired not knowing
Persons without wiping the sleeve! (Slide 16).

Lead 2. But in December 1941, 1942, the Ice "Life Road" on the ice of the Lake Lake and Leningrad arrives in Leningrad, a full-fledged rye and wheat flour arrives. (Video "Road of Life") By March 1942, there was already an opportunity to bake full-fledged rye bread, even with the use of wheat flour. (Slide 17)

Lead 1.. In the spring of 1942, Spring- time, when the peasant was long-stayed with a care for the future, went to span the ground and sow bread. The last 1941 of bread did not bring a lot: and without that scarce yields thugged the war. And the country should live must eat. And so that the "soup from the top" did not cross out "flour -3" to the soldering of blockade bread, besides straw, cake, sawdust, was at least one grind wheat grain, so that the children go to school, workers - to the machine And soldiers-in battle, it was necessary to plow someone and sow, bone and thoroughly. It was necessary to anyone to sit for the broken, not necessary to the front of the tractor and lead them along the field. To drag on yourself, on your stomach to drag them in a pash. But who?

Lead 2. In the villages and villages, men were not - they fought on the front. Only old men, women and children remained. Elderly women tractor was terrible. Children is great. But the girls were gathered for 16-17 years old, who were stronger, and went to study at tractor driver. In winter, we went to learn, the spring was already plowed. And before Pahota, they still prepared their stz (tractor brand of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant). With metal wheels on spikes, without cabs, without start-ups and starters, these tractors demanded care and the forces by no means a female machine, but ruins. But there were no other tractors. The half-turn on it will not reach it how to fall off something, turn off, bounce. But the war went. It is necessary to feed the homeland. It is necessary to defend from enemies. And the girls were a lot of strength given to such a poke.

Lead 1. . (on the photo of the melody, I, Frenkel "Russian Field") . Go to Pat - I will say. Oil into their eyes, and in the mouth, and in the face. Hands on elbow in corn and burn bubbles. Washed as kerosene, hand rubbed the earth ... Ai fell asleep in Brozde, when they plowed at night. Dark, nothing is visible. One tractor driver comes with a lantern, another goes to her light. And terribly both, because Wolves are collected by flicks. Yes, it was difficult to understand, whether the tractor driver falls from fatigue, whether the nipple with a lantern, having lost their strength, will fall under the tractor.

Lead 2. Mowed directly. The drum was often so clogged by all garbage, which was not enough to clean it. Yes, and the combines were mainly on the tractor thrust. When the combines threatened, then women and trailers are harvested and dragged tall. Heavy that say the bread of war.

(He sounds the beginning of the song "Bread All Head") (Slide 18-19)

Lead 1.. We will never be able to feel the horrors of those soldiers. As all passed, we were not witnessing or participants.

Lead 2.. We do not remember the swirling and rust fields, the fresh taste of brick dust on the ruins of our cities and villages, the smell of death is not symbolic, but real. We will not be able to remember this and re-survive, because it was not with us.

Lead 1. But we must remember them!

Lead 2. And we remember them! (Slide 20)

Municipal general educational institution "Winskaya Secondary school"

Leader: Pedagogian psychologist MOU "Winskaya School"

from. Winskoye, 2010.

Introduction 3.

The history of the origin of bread. four

Bread War .. 7

Research results. 10

Conclusions. eleven

Application. 13


Every day, all people on the globe eating bread. Without it, neither breakfast, nor lunch, nor dinner. Buns, cortiers, rams, batton, cookies - all this bread.

And there were years when people were starving, and not every day saw bread. So it was during the Great Patriotic War. Though this war has long ended, but all his life people who survived those terrible hungry war years will remember how this bread got it. We decided to find out what was the bread of war, from which he was baked, what value he had during the war.

We believe that the topic chosen by us is very relevant, especially today, since this year our country celebrates 65 years from the day of victory in the Second World War. All people of our country should remember the war years, the price of bread at the time. We must remember and take care of people who survived the war. Knowing it, we will appreciate what we seem usual now: peace and bread.

In front of yourself we put target: Expansion of their knowledge of bread during the war today.

We put forward hypothesis: Military bread differed from modern bread.

To achieve the goal and checking the hypothesis, we allocated the following tasks :

1. Learn about the methods of cooking bread in the years.

2. Find a recipe for military bread.

3. Learn about cooking methods today.

4. Try bake bread by recipe for wartime.

5. Compare Military Bread and Bread Nowadays.

In our work, we used the following methods:

1. Study of sources of information on the research topic.

In medieval Europe, bread served not only the basis of food, but also part of the table setting. With a standard serving, slices of furious bread were placed on a table with a size of approximately 15 cm for 10 cm, which served as plates, and could be absorbed by moisture. After eating, these pieces of bread, who performed the role of plates, eaten, gave the poor or fed the dogs. Only in the XV century, such people for food began to make a tree and stopped using bread "plates".

Currently, most often, the bread structure includes:

Cereal flour;

Various spices.

Thanks to the variation of these components, bread has a different taste and texture.

Flour It is made of grades, grinding to powdered state. It is from flour depends on the main structure of baked bread. The most common flour rye, barley, corn and others, but wheat flour, sprinkling on special technology, is most often used for cooking bread. As part of flour in bread, starch and proteins fall.

Water or any other liquid is used to form a dough flour. The volume of the necessary fluid varies depending on the recipe, but the roughly accepted for yeasting bread is an approximate ratio of 1 volume of fluid to 3 parts of flour. In addition to water, other liquids can be used, including dairy products, fruit juices and beer. As part of each of these liquids into bread, as with water, additional sweeteners, fats and components of the spawn are falling.

Yeast - traditional break for the dough. To prepare the dough and fermentation of alcoholic beverages, the same strain of yeast is used.

There are two most common method for creating a "light" bread. First, you can use a baking powder or flour for the fast-filled dough, which includes a baking powder. Secondly, it is possible to use an acid ingredient, such as a stuff, and add food soda. The result of the reaction of acid and soda will be a gaseous substance.

Many varieties of bread are fried on fungal yeast. Yeast cause fermentation of carbohydrates in flour and sugar, and carbon dioxide is released. Most manufacturers and bakeries use bakery yeast for their test.

Any method of baking bread is followed by the same template. Water is mixed with flour, salt and baking powder. Then additives are added: spices, herbs, fats, grains, fruit, etc. mixed test is given to rise, then give the shape and bake in the oven.

Bread War

I remember bread, military, bitter.

He is all almost from the swan.

In it in each crust, in each crumb

There was a bitter taste of human trouble.

Bread. He was during the war not only by the main food product, but also to the measure of life, the most important political issue of the country. If the defeat happened on the Bread Front, then this meant undermining the potential power of the country. Therefore, the Soviet government managed in extreme conditions to organize baking bread for the front. Even when the earth burned under his feet.

Many years have passed and there will be many more, new books about the war will be written, but, returning to this topic, the descendants will definitely ask the eternal question: why did Russia resist the edge of the abyss and won? What helped her to come to the Great Victory?

Considerable merit in this people who provided our soldiers, warriors, residents of occupied and blockade food areas, primarily bread and breadcrumbs.

Despite the colossal difficulties, the country in 1941-1945. Provided the army and workers of the rear of bread, sometimes solving the most complex tasks associated with the lack of raw materials and production facilities.

For baking bread, production facilities were usually used and bakeries, which were centrally highlighted flour and salt. Orders of military units were performed on priority, especially since the bread was baked a little, and the power was usually free.

It often happened that to deliver bread to the right place was simply not possible. And then, right on the ground the soldiers themselves baked bread in the furnaces made from the primary materials.

So, in 1941, the local resources focused on the Rzhevian direction are lacking, and the coverage of bread from the rear was difficult. To solve the problem of the Intensductant services, they proposed to take advantage of the old experience of creating outdoor heat stoves from affordable materials - clay and bricks. For the device of the furnace, clay soil was needed with an admixture of sand and a platform with a slope or a caculion depth of 70 mm. Such a furnace was usually built in 8 hours, then 8-10 hours was dried, after which it was ready to bake up to 240 kg of bread for 5 revolutions.

This year, the originist is not far from the top of the Volga. Under the steep bank of the river smoked the earthy kitchens, Sunrot was located. Here, in the first months of war, earth bakery furnaces were created. These furnaces were three species: ordinary soil; stunned in thick layer of clay; Lined with bricks. They were baked formal and subsidence.

Where it was possible, the ovens were made of clay or bricks.

Food was not enough everywhere, and bread was prepared from what was found: frozen vegetables, bran, drunk stumps, Swan, hay, straw, woody bark, mykkin, etc. There have been cases when they had to find in the flaming city of the burnt wheat grain. This grain was first soaked in the water at about the night, and in the morning it was twisted on the meat grinder and received "raw pancakes". This flour was mixed with potato knee, added salt, artillery solidol and baked pancakes.

Why was it so difficult with flour?

The fascists did not accidentally attacked our homeland in forty-first at the end of June, when all the bread fields were gaining strength. The first blow was applied precisely on bread. Wheat and rji fields burned. In addition, in the years of occupation, the Germans with policemen went through the courtyards and chose all the bread, even the dumping grain hungry.

Bread in those days baked without salt - it was not. To fresh food got used to painfully.

At different points of our country, in the war years, bread prepared in different recipes.

Rzhevsky bread

Potatoes were cooked, purified, passed through a meat grinder. They laid out the mass on the board, grapped, cooled. Branted, salt, quickly knead the dough and placed it into the lubricated shapes that put in the oven.

Bread "Stalingrad"

During the years of rye flour, there were few, and when baking bread for the fighters of the Stalingrad front, barley flour was widely used.

Especially tasty with the use of barley flour was obtained bread varieties prepared on Zakvask. So, the rye bread, which consisted of 30% of barley flour, was almost not inferior in quality purely rzhan.

Preparation of loose bread flour with an admixture of barley substantial changes in the technological process did not require. The dough with the addition of barley flour was somewhat more dense and rushed longer.

"Bread" of fascist concentration camps "

Bread of war can not leave indifferent any person, especially someone who experienced terrible deprivation during the war - hunger, cold, bullying. Many wilts of fate had to go through the Hitler's concentration camps. And who was there, to this day, he remembers the bread that was fed prisoners. The fact is that the Nazis baked for Russian prisoners of war special bread on a special recipe.

He was called "Austen-Brod" and was approved by the Imperial Ministry of Food Supplies in Rehehe (Germany) on December 21, 1941 "only for Russians".

Here is his recipe: Sugar beet schopling - 40%, bran - 30%, wood sawdust - 20%, cellulose flour from leaves or straw - 10%.

"Blocade" bread

In July-September 1941, the fascist troops came to the outskirts of Leningrad and Ladoga Lake, taking a multi-million city in the blockade ring. In blockade days between bread and life stood a sign of equality.

Despite the suffering, the rear showed the wonders of courage, courage, love for the debris. Blocade Leningrad was no exception. To ensure the soldiers and the population of the city on the bakeries, the production of bread from poor reserves was organized, and when they were over, the flour began to deliver to Leningrad on the "Road of Life".

The blockade loaves included: 10-12% - this is a rye wobbly flour, the rest - cake, meal, flour cleaners from equipment and floor, chuck, food, nutritional, needles. Exactly 125 g is a daily rate of holy black blockade bread.

Research results.

Having studied the material about all sorts of recipes for cooking in the war years, we decided to prepare bread in several recipes and see what it would turn out.

Corn cake (application Figure 1)

Corn flour - 200 g.

Wallpaper glue - 100g.

Water - 100 g.

Bread from oats and luzi barley (Appendix Figure 2)

OVES - 4 tbsp. l.

Luzga barley - 2 st l.

Water 100 g

Rye bread (application Figure 3)

Rye - 200 g

Wood sawdust - 100 g

Water - 100 g.

Perhaps the bread in the war was not quite like that, as we got from us, since we baked it in the oven, and not in the clay stove, as it most often happened at the time.

After we have prepared bread on these recipes, we gave to try it to our relatives and friends. They tried him and left their feedback:

I have not tried anything more garde.

I knew that the bread in the war was not like now, but I did not think that he could be so.

I became scary as soon as I thought that such bread had to have, even though, not to mention a week or year.

Let anyone else have to have such bread.

This bread is not at all like the one that we are now.


As a result of our study, we came to the following conclusions:

1. During the Great Patriotic War, bread was great value.

2. Recipes and methods of cooking bread in the war years are different today.

3. The taste of military bread differ from modern bread.

In the process of working on the chosen topic, we have reached the goal and confirmed the hypotheses put forward by us that military bread differed from modern bread.

Information sources

1. "Our bread." Leningrad, Children's Literature, 1985

2. Wikipedia.

3. Stories, residents of the village of Uinskoye.


Picture 1. Corn leeping

Figure 2. Bread from oats and luzi barley

Figure 3. Rye bread

Bread on the table

Since ancient times and all nations have the greatest holiness. His presence contributed to the appearance of songs and the Dum, continued to pedigree, and, on the contrary, when he disappeared, the trouble came.
The ancestors not only rewarded the deserved praise of Rya-Kormillya, but also recognized her eternal merit in the fate of mankind. In grain, in this little tight thumps of matter so much invested vital wisdom, good and faith in immortality that his mystery and still seems to us magical. We are all from him, from bread. And in that and

We ourselves, each of us - the child of their parents, their people and bread.
Since a long time, parents have learned their children to protect her bread. Even with Mother's milk, the rules of leaning attitude towards the Holy Saints were assisted.
People who came with a clean heart, a good mission or good news, on our land always met with bread salt. Karable blessed young, without the row could not go to a new home, the child was born - they also walked with bread.
Let us give the same honor to those who raised him, the hands who gave fragrant, similar to the sun, Karavai. We will remove the hats in front of him, decounded that I was extremely on our table, so as not to worry, because, as the folk mouth, when the bread cries the souls.

You and your bread

"Bread is the whole head," they say so with us. Bread swear as the name of the mother, the Motherland. Because bread is life, he is eternal as a mother, like a homeland.
A man grows bread. And the bread grows man. Raises and checks it on maturity and courage. And it is also forever as the world. Bread can not be replaced with nothing. Old people love to talk; "Bread is holy." Apparently, because the years were on their fate, when there was the word "bread", but there was no bread itself. And also, apparently, so that we, going out into the world, once and forever penetrated trepid to the hands, which were raised and baked this high and soft bread. He can teach us all to respect the work and a peaceful cloudless sky above his head.
Bread is the wealth of our country. And it needs to be preserved and respect. It's so nice to see on your table high, fragrant loaf. In a good family, bread will never deal. But there are people who do not respect bread, throw it when he is an outreast. They do not respect that the long way that bread passed, before getting to the table, the hard work, which is invested by him, the person himself. Therefore, take care of bread - measure our pupil and spirituality.


He comes daily to us - ruddy, warm, fragrant, incomparable. And also has many names - a ram, a bun, a bar, a rogali, a loaf, Kalach, Easter, a cake. And yet bread.

If there is no bread on the table - it's not enough about it. The most important thing. Because bread is that wealth, welfare. People affectionately and respectfully talk about it: Bread - Bath, bread - the breadwinner, bread - everything head. Since ancient times, our people most of all appreciated bread, salt, honor.

Bread accompanies us all my life - from birth to deep old age. All nations he has holy. Bread was shouted, in his honor they made up the hymns, they met the most expensive guests. Bread is invaluable. Neither work, nor death, nor life, no wedding - nothing in the world does without bread. He is the most delicious, it is more expensive than gold, pressing and holy bread from our field.

And to plow the field, also need bread. And to break the enemy. To defeat and stand. Everywhere bread, bread, bread. And without him there is no joy, no holiday, nor life itself.

Humanity knows the terrible years without bread, when the whole villages and cities, whole terrain and countries died, so that not a single war and a single army did not dream of such devastation.

Know the price of bread, be able to save it, to be overwhelmed and caring owners - these are the main questions of the Company. That is why the question about bread remains our main. This is what he is - bread. His Majesty Bread. So let's treat him always with honor and respect. Do not regret give a hunk bread hungry. Bread in the world - most importantly, he is life. And maybe someone from my peers will become a confectioner or a baker and will give people a bread: as you eat karavai, you eat delicious kalachi, - do not forget to avoid bagel for it!