The story of the emergence of the expression beat the fruit. The value of the phraseologist "beat egglush

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Publication date: 11/14/2017

Each of us at least once in life heard the expression " beat eggs. In modern conversational speech, this phrase means a meaningless time, idleness.

The expression "it is not to beat you." Means, literally - "This is not idle."

Naturally, idleness is far from the initial value of phraseologism, only over time the phrase has gained a figurative meaning. But then how was her initial meaning? And in general, what is a bitching, to whom and why it took her beat? - Let's try to figure it out.

In the large encyclopedic dictionary, the definition of this word is given:

Bablush - Wood stump (mainly aspen or birch), processed to highlight various items (cups, spoons and other wooden utensils).


The origin of phraseologism

According to the most common version, the expression originated during the times when the kitchen utensils and dishes in Russia were made of wood, one of the stages of the manufacture of wooden spoons was like a beating of the Baklush, which was the splitting of wooden lanes, Churbanov on the baked, as well as their sinking .

This work was considered simple and therefore usually performed her apprentice or even a child. Regular use of expression gave rise to a figurative meaning. Initially, in the figurative sense of the phrase meant the fulfillment of very simple work, and later, and it began to mean idleness.

There is also a version that phraseologism has occurred thanks to the nightly guard, which, when around the territories, was knocked out with wooden stumps and beasts. Their work also did not imagine much work, the peasants and the working class considered such work very easy, hence the parallel between the features of the night guard and idleness.

In addition, other assumptions about the origin of phraseologicalism are found in the literature.

So for one of them, the Bablus is a shock musical instrument in the form of a metal plate, playing at which it is quite simple, and therefore, perhaps a parallel between the idleness and the game on this tool was held.

According to another version, the biscuits are called frozen puddles, and the beating of the Embolus is when children beat him in the puddles for fun. Perhaps, this version is most associated with idleness, but most scientists are inclined to the fact that the phraseological "beat egglush" originated from the process of manufacturing wooden kitchen utensils.

Currently, the expression "beat the egglush" idiom, or phraseologism. If someone does nothing, idle, he is told: "Enough to beat the bumps!" This expression means idleness, idle time and laziness. It is in this sense that this combination of words is used by people for several centuries. And about a person engaged in nonsense, instead of working, chooses the occupation easier or leans from the case, you can say: "He hits the bumps."

This combination of words has several synonyms - for example, lazy, idle or loot. However, in a conversation or in artistic, speech expressiveness often use this expression. And immediately becomes clear what attitude to what is happening what is happening.

What meant the word "Bablushi" in antiquity

The word "Bablushi" was quite common. It meant wooden small chocks, slightly on the one hand. From these items made dishes (most often spoons) and other home-based utensils. In those days, the tree was in Russia the most common material, almost every one mastered from it for home.

Is the expression "beat egglush" used in the old days?

The widespread expression "beat egglush" was used not so long ago. The word "Baklush" on Russia was known to everyone, and therefore it was used with many in other words.

There are several different versions of the origin of the expression. The most believable is the version of the night guardians who managed the protected area, knocking into wooden chocks, the beater, which was called the binds. This lesson was simple, it did not require special skills and qualifications, it was necessary to simply the presence of a guard at work. That is why when a person is not busy anything, it is idle at work, they say that he hits the bumps.

Another version argues that this expression comes from the name of any small reservoir, which is in the Volga region. Fish, hitting in the time of flooding in such a lake, in winter chips from the lack of oxygen. If you break the ice, it can jumped itself. Therefore, in large frosts, you can safely catch a lot of fish. The process of such a simple locals is called "beat egglush".

But most often there is another explanation of the meaning of this combination of words. Many scientists are inclined to believe that the turnover "beat Baklushi" had previously indicated the manufacture of blanks for wooden spoons and dishware. It is an easy lesson that does not require special skills and knowledge. With such a business, even a 10-year-old child did easily. Often, people laughed at such difficulty, and therefore the expression has passed into the modern language in this meaning.

As in the old days, the process of beating Baklush

Nevertheless, this work was not so simple that it could be considered idleness. Of course, to split a log on a few chocks, you don't need a special mind. But it was also necessary to clean the log from the bark, the growths, hill, rounded it on the one hand.

Everything else, it was important to choose a specific tree (usually used a lipa or aspen), from which the most convenient cut wooden spoons. Yes, and the process of manufacture of the baked eggs did not end up at all. Cooked chock then drove a special toll, making a deepening for a spoon.

The word "Baklusha" and puts in a dead end who heard for the first time phraseologism - "beat Baklushi". What is this mysterious bitching and why are it beaten? Let's try to deal with this together. According to the dictionary and the all-knowing Wikipedia - the bumps in the old days were called chiochka from deciduous wood, from which wooden spoons were cut out. However, the bumps went like blanks and for other crafts - bowls, bowls, toys.

On the meaning of the expression "beat egglush"

We were engaged in the beat of the egglush of the apprentice, this work was considered a trifling, for beginners. From here and actually the value of the phraseologyism is occurring - to beat the bumps - to do something simple and not very important or simply not to do any work. However, such a value of phraseological acquisitions acquired over the years: in fact, the bumps were not easy to beat. The billet was to be opened even and have certain dimensions. If the workpiece has no workpiece, or with their manufacture, a significant amount of material was ruled - the novice was left without lunch and dinner. Such a lesson taught care to work and the quality of its execution.

Another version of the origin of the phrase says that the backed was called thin ice on the puddles, which likes to break the boys. The occupation is a trivial, most often - from nothing to do and therefore this phraseologist means - to do something useless. In a word, the expression beat the bumps can be designated how to idle. That's actually all that can be told about the history of origin and the value of the winged phrase. So if you are told that you beat the bumps - it is worth thinking, and whether you're useful you are doing at the moment?

0 Many of us love to use various "beautiful" in our everyday speech, that is, phraseologisms, proverbs and winged phrases. However, in our time there are not so many people who would know the meaning and origin of such expressions. On the site Website We will try to reveal all the most detailed discussed concepts so that you can shine in the company of friends with your knowledge. Today we decided to talk about a rather funny idiome, it Bill Bablushi, the value of the phraseologism you will learn a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you a couple more other intelligent news on the subject of phraseologism. For example, who said going to death greet you; What does Elephant mean in the dishwasher; Author of times about the temper; Which means seven feet under the keel, etc.
So, will continue what does bumps mean?

Beat eggs - Means to idle, do nothing, spend time in idleness

Synonym for expression beat eggs: to drive a balt, saccha, ox chasing, consider raven, to fool a fool.


Who works a lot, and does not hurt the bumps, like some, it does not have to miss.

Well, what are you going to beat the bumps all summer, or get a job?

Baklush- This is a small blob of wood, from which they will subsequently produce various products, starting with figurines, and ending with spoons and cups

Although usually baclismsit was customary to call ordinary lamps, they were obtained during the cut of sawdust trees. True, not all wood came to create blanks. Usually used types of wood like aspen, birch, cedar. By the way, out of the latter there were excellent figurines, and if they were still thoroughly polished, then the figures were obtained simply on the sight. Simple dishes were made of softer varieties (linden, aspen, birch), since such baked eggs were quite easily treated. Now you learned the meaning of the Billushi word.

There are several versions of the origin of this expression:

First version. In order to start the manufacture of useful products from a tree, first was usually reserved by the Embolus. To this end, it was necessary to work with their axes, splitting with small chumbachk. The size of these most billets varied depending on the size of the future product. After the required number of egglush was "mined", proceeded to their light surface treatment. Since this process did not require qualified labor, a restless worker could involve this work, or a child at all. From here, we can conclude that the expression beat the bumps originally meant some light, and not particularly responsible work. It is this option that is considered to be generally accepted, and most of the historians and eggs are adhered to it.

Second version. In those distant times, when there were no TVs and computers, the kids did not have anything, how to disappear from the morning to night in the courtyards, playing different active games. After the first frosts, when the puddles were covered with the first glacier, the babies were enough, and they went to break their thin "shell". This simple pastime began to call the "beat the bumps", implying under this split ice. For children, this game really liked, and they spent the clock every winter, behind this simple occupation. Therefore, when they spoke, "go beat the bumps," they meant to engage in an interesting business, but not work.

Third version. This version is again about the game, but this time more complicated than hammering a stick over a frozen pool. The meaning of this game was to build some kind of figures from Baklush in the form of houses, stairs, etc. After that, the children took a strong stick, went out to a decent distance, and tried to break these designs. Today, such a game has been preserved, although it is somewhat transformed, and it is called "towns". In the West, it was also also popular with this game, and then a bowling was happened. The meaning is to bring down a big bowl to a row of kegli. After reading the meaning of this version, we can conclude that beat the bumps means to spend time with interest devoting it to fun, but not work.

Fourth version. In those days, when the cities were full of robbery, the police were packed at night along the streets of the chair in a beater, scaring the criminal element. These objects of intimidation, otherwise called cormorants or courses. So, the guards of the rule of law beat all night in these simple wooden "Tools" without cleaning their eyes. Since the work of the night guard does not require special qualifications, voltages of strength or some certain skills, then beat the bumps meant just attend work. From here, we can conclude that in this case it means to beat the bumps to work, but not much to strain.

From the above, you can conclude that beat baklushivalue

The phrase "beat eggs" in the old days meant the manufacture of blanks for wooden spoons and other different dishes.

The main material for the manufacture of home utensils was a tree, so beating the baked as the process was widespread very wide. It was believed that the occupation is not difficult and supernatural skills and knowledge does not require. Like, with this case, any ten-year-old child will cope.

This work was considered frivolous and often fought over it, so in the present time this phraseological proportion passed precisely under such a context: beat Baklushi - to idle. How did the bumps beating? But this work was not the lungs to consider it idleness. The log split into a few chocks. Tell me - nothing special. Then the log was cleaned from the bark, all sorts of growths and a horn, then it was necessary to make it round on one side. The desired tree was carefully chosen (mostly linden and aspen), which was suitable for cutting spoons best. So where does the word "beat"? Further, in the cooked chocks, they made a deepening for spoons with a special trench, that is, drove. That's all it was called "beat the bumps." Teenagers and children easily cope with such work and made pieces of 100-150 egglush per day.