Problems of finding your calling. Problems of searching for your vocation Problem of the man's call arguments

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Every person has what he is born, in other words, everyone has some kind of talent. Of course, people have many talents, not all of which will be revealed. But one special talent that leads a person all his life, everyone has .... Not always people, choosing the matter of all their lives, listen to the heart. There are many foreign factors that knock us off the way. But your favorite thing will never leave the person. It goes next to, highlighting the life of its owner. The main thing is that a person does not reject that so expensive his soul. Because such people themselves encourage themselves on misfortune, no one can replace anything, the feeling and inner strength, which a person is able to find, engaged in his favorite business ....

Yes, what is the calling? Many people think that the calling is a tendency to some matter. The tendency to the case that a person performs unusually talented. For me, the calling is the state of the soul. That condition when a person chooses his profession, guided by the heart. Only then a person can commit great, remaining forever in the memory of mankind. Only then a person becomes truly happy ... ..

The calling is determined by the following components:

  • Talent and abilities - This is what a person has a natural predisposition. The more you had opportunities for comprehensive development in childhood, the more likely you revealed our basic talents. The system is arranged in such a way that with age we have less and less opportunities for development: we are given a fixed term for searching yourself, and then we are moving into the cycle of study and work. If you did not have time to reveal your talents earlier, you have to spend the strength and time now. Each person has a set of abilities, but the problem is that not everyone knows about his talents and not all talents can be turned into a favorite business.
  • Interests and hobbies - That's what a person likes to do most. As a rule, our hobbies are closely related to talents and abilities: we love to do exactly what we do, but it turns out better exactly because we train more and more in an interesting business for us. Gradually, we become in an interesting case noticeably better than others and love to do it more and more. But it happens differently: we do something that does not have natural predisposition, but we train so much that we develop our abilities and competencies in this area.
  • Skills, knowledge and skills - This education, work experience, personality characteristics of a person - in a word, everything that can be used in operation in the relevant area to achieve the result. If you went to the university on the first specialty and work on the unloved job, your knowledge, skills and skills are not related to the vocation. At the same time, you can know and be able to make enough enough in interesting areas for you, and there is worth looking for a vocation.
  • What is claimed by the market - These are currently topical theme, specialty and field of activity. If you followed the tips of the parents, then, most likely, chose a popular popular specialty, however, if it is not close to you, you have hardly achieved success in it. There are exceptions: people seek success in uninteresting areas, but feel unhappy. As a rule, in almost every sphere there are ways to monetize talents, it is worth only to ask such a goal.

The intersection of two or three circles is not able to give a result sufficient to find the vocation, and only the scope of the intersection of all four circles is a combination of natural abilities, interest, knowledge and skills, as well as the possibility of commercial realization of your activity - will ensure success. It is not necessary to become the best as a specialist in its sphere: you can create a unique market yourself, where you have no competitors yet, and succeed on it.

How to find a call?

Since success lies at the intersection of the four components of the calling, the development within each of them is the key to achieve the result.

1. Remove talents and abilities

To find your calling, first of all it is necessary to determine what talents and abilities you possess. What can you do for this?

  • Remember what you most liked to do in childhood, for which you were praised and in what area you felt the most confident;
  • Think how you preferred to spend your free time in studentship;
  • Find out friends and acquaintances why they communicate with you and what, from their point of view, your main advantages.

Carefully treat everything, which you remember and what your loved ones say: it is possible that it is in trifles that the key to your vocation. Analyze the information received and determine your strengths from the point of view of natural talents. If you have problems at this stage, you may have no opportunity to identify them in childhood, and you need to start developing now.

2. Determine the circle of interest

Talents and interests often intersect, after all, people like to do exactly what they do well. However, it happens differently: a person has no outstanding abilities to anything, but due to the fact that it is enthusiastically developing in some sphere, its ability is growing. How to determine the circle of interest? Answer the following questions.

  • What classes do you prefer to pay free time?
  • What topics do you prefer to read literature?
  • If your financial issues were solved, how would you spend your free time after the first euphoria of idleness and idleness will pass?
  • What do you like to buy and are ready to choose in the stores for hours?
  • What are you dreaming about?
  • What are the 10 goals achieved, would your life be in vain?

Record the results and tribute to talented and the abilities that were recorded at the previous stage. Try the most unexpected and different combinations. Have you always differed in innate taste and love children? - Think over the opening of a children's clothing store. You have a good school work, you love fiction and can't live without a line? - Think about writing your own book, etc.

3. Get skills, knowledge and skills

Excellent if you studied at the university on the same specialty on which you work, and feel that this is your vocation. But it happens not so often. If you revealed your main talent and determined interest, but do not have enough deep knowledge and skills, you are unlikely to succeed. Determine what education and work experience is needed in an interesting area and make a plan that will allow you to become a real professional in your field.

4. Determine the market needs

In the modern world there is no clear division into professions and specialty, as it was once. Each profession has a lot of faces, and for gaining a vocation you need to meet the needs of the market, otherwise your work, even if talented, will not be in demand. Within the framework of identified abilities and interests, having the necessary knowledge and skills, determine what you can meet the needs of the market.

If you find a balance between all four elements - talent, interests, knowledge and market - you can find your calling and become much happier.

In Roman V.A. Cavelin is especially vital to the issue of choosing a future profession for Sani Grigoriev and his friend Valka Zhukov. Valentine is a boy who is fondant, it is constantly attracted by more and more new areas of knowledge. But in the end, chooses biology and becomes a professor. Sanya is a long time to choose. While still a dumb, he repeatedly listened to a letter telling about the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. In adolescence, he comes to his thought that on the aircraft to reach the North Pole is much simpler than on dog wagons. And it solves his fate. He dedicates all his main goal - to become a pilot. Considering themselves to be low, he is engaged in sports, tirelessly trains, it is preparing to answer all questions on the aircraft. As a result, he becomes a pilot and reaches his goal. So the dream of childhood becomes the meaning of all life.

2. L.N. Tolstoy "adolescence"

The hero of the autobiographical story Nicholya Hirt on the threshold of growing up before choosing the future of the whole life. Gifted by the rich spiritual world, he dreams of becoming a useful and socially significant person. He imagines himself "a great man who opens up new truths for the good of all mankind, and with the proud consciousness of its dignity." The protagonist is preparing for admission to the mathematical faculty, only because "that words: sinuses, tangents, differentials, integrals, etc., extremely like me." Subsequently, life will show that the choice made in this way is incorrect. Book L.N. Tolstoy convinces us to resemble the choice of life more responsibly.

3. MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"

Life is a long way that you want to go with responsibility for every day. Sometimes there are sudden changes in the life path, after which a person understands that the main thing is to come. So happened to the master. He lived most of his life, working in one of the Moscow museums. He was a historian by education and engaged in translations, as he knew five languages. Once, having won big money, he decided to devote himself to his beloved lesson: writing a novel about Pontius Pilate. Another hero of Roman Ivan Homeless - a writer, even the poet, tied to Griboedov, selling his inflated works by Berliozu, using all the benefits of massolite. But the meeting with Woland, the death of Berlioz, and then acquaintance with the master changed the life of Ivan, he became a historian, he stopped writing his talent poems and dedicated his life to science: he became an employee of the Institute of History and Philosophy, Professor - Ivan Nikolayevich Ponyrev. It is worried about the full moon monthly, but he knows what no one knows. Bulgakov makes it clear that the choice of profession is a complex and not always unequivocal.

After reading dozens of texts to prepare for the exam in the Russian language, we found many problems that repeat quite often. In this selection, we are talking about the profession and the vocation of a person - issues that are especially important for young people. To each of them we picked up the appropriate arguments from the literature.

  1. The importance of choosing a suitable profession showed Y. Herman in the novel "The case you serve". Vladimir Ustimenko became a doctor, because for him this vocation. That is why he tried to learn well (and not because of a red diploma and an increased scholarship), went to distant places and to the front, where no awards do not get, but people need help. For the sake of other Ustimno forgot about himself, because for him the profession of the doctor is an infinite service. These are precisely such people and move their sphere of activity, even sometimes they are boring those who do not serve the cause, but serving for their own interests (like Zhenya Stepanov, classmate Vladimir).
  2. Sanya Grigoriev from Roman V. Kaverin "Two Captain" Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a pilot, but his life path was extremely difficult: he lost his parents, he was a unworpher, studied at school-commune. From such an institution, it was difficult to get into the flight school, but Sanya was preparing stubbornly: he was his health, he read about the polar expeditions (it was in this field that Grigoriev wanted to work) and studied the structure of the aircraft. During the training, the hero was not only able to achieve the goal, but also found an expedition missing many years ago.

Influence of profession on man

  1. Dmitry Startseva, Hero of the story A.P. Chekhov "Ionch", sucking the routine, medical practice for him becomes a gravily duty, and he sees the hero in patients who do not suffer from people, and regular customers. Professional deformation and degradation is a frequent phenomenon among doctors, because few people are able to forget their lives to help others, and not enough for all compassion. With light hand. A.P. Chekhov's name "Ionch" has become a nominal, meaning the crank, morally still person, who does not matter, except for personal peace.
  2. Master from Romana MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", I lived most of my life not as I wanted. And the work was unloved, and the life companion is random. And when the Master had the opportunity to leave a caught place of work and go like a case, he wrote a brilliant novel and met his beloved woman - Margarita. And let it be a hero and suffered in the real world, it was worth the fact that after stormy adventures would be given eternal peace alone with a beloved. The correctly chosen profession changes the life of a person for the better and fills her harmony.

The consequences of the right and improper choice

  1. A bad teacher not only does not give knowledge, but also can break the children's psyche. Not such a teacher was Lydia Mikhailovna, the heroine of the story B. Rasputin "French Lessons". She not only dealt with his subject with the lagging student in his free time for free, but also helped him with money. Moreover, the boy just did not accept the help, and the teacher had to play with him in the "Prienna" for money. For this lesson Lydia Mikhailovna and paid, she had to leave school. But the young hero remembered her feat for life.
  2. Feldsher Kuryatin Is. story A.P. Chekhov "Surgery" Industrally chose his profession not because of the desire to help people. Disaclers of Voloshars regretted many times that he came to pull the tooth into that fateful day. Kuryatin said imprombly, as the tooth removed from the landlord, it needs a talent that he, of course, is. In fact, it turns out that the breaking of the tooth for the paramedic - an unbearable task. He wrote his patient, but only broke the tooth. Non-profesionalism can significantly harm others.
  3. Error choosing a profession

    1. Ivan homeless, hero roman M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", Works by the poet in the massate, but this profession is clearly not his: verses are obtained by bad and short-sighted. And why write, if there is no talent, there is no feeling of taste (because the hero was engaged in his "creativity", without understanding his media). Meeting with Satan, finding in a madhouse, masters stories changed Ivan's worldview: he decided not to write bad poems, but to become a historian.
    2. Nicholya Hirtienev in the story L.N. Tolstoy "Defense" He chooses a profession completely mindlessly: he was preparing for admission to the mathematical faculty just because he liked complex and incomprehensible terms. The hero considers himself a great man who will decorate any scope of activity. However, even the most versatile personality as a profession chooses one industry, in which the most stronger is to help and her work, and to her.
    3. Landmarks in the definition of calling

      1. Dr. Jansen from the autobiographical story B. Vasilyeva "We fly my horses" Chose a profession so that she was a vocation. That is why the doctor was holy for all residents of the city: he gave all his help to people. The main character also appeared thanks to Jansen, because the doctor advised the mother to give birth, contrary to all contraindications. The death of Jansen was tragic: he saved children from the sewage and suffocated. He died, but he remembered all the inhabitants of the city after many years.
      2. Alexander Vasilyevich Maltsev from the book A. Platonova "In the beautiful and violent world" Chose a profession for life, he is a master of his business. The hero worked as a driver and knew the way so well that he could ride closed eyes. And literally: Alexander Vasilyevich lost sight of the outbreak of lightning, but continued to go, as the picture of his route remained forever in his head. Maltsev's vision was restored, and he fell on trial for an almost happening an accident (a counterwork appeared on the way, and this was not in the memory of the driver), but his assistant Konstantin was able to prove the innocence of the hero.
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Philosophical view of the global problems of modernity

E. A. Vanagkova

On the calling of man

The article substantiates the relevance of studying the problem of the human calling, various philosophical and religious ideas about the vocation are analyzed, which contributes to the revision of modern views on human self-determination, processing of pedagogical and psychological approaches to the choice of human life.

The problem of calling is a philosophical problem with a long history, which was studied in various religious and philosophical traditions; Mentioning about the problem of man's calling, we meet in Christian texts, as well as in the works of such philosophers, like V. Frank, M. Weber, F. Nietzsche, K. G. Yung, M. Heidegger, N. Berdyaev, M. K. Magarkadashvili etc. The problem of the vocation is relevant for a person at every stage, therefore there are many dining interpretations of the concept of calling that do not describe this phenomenon properly and not revealing its essence. At the same time, studying the problem of the vocation can largely contribute to the revision of modern views on the self-determination of a person, will help recycle pedagogical and psychological approaches to the choice of a person's own path to each of the yoke of life * Orming a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe call of man-MTO ( .! Z. ° lit. Improve the system of assistance to people in difficult

situations' especially related to the problems of self-determination, career guidance, personal and spiritual development

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the uniqueness of this person. Such an experience is directed to the future and may not have support and recognition from other people, on the contrary, often a person has to act contrary to their opinion and defend its right to follow the vocation. In our opinion, not enough attention is paid to the interpretation of the vocation as a phenomenon of realization by man itself. Thus, in understanding the vocation, the "middle link" is excluded between the vocation-purpose and implemented recognition - the process of incarnation by the person of its ideas, the process of hard work and overcoming numerous obstacles, without which even the strongest experience of the vocation is deprived of meaning.

To form a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe call, we turned to the existing interpretations of the concept of "calling" and based on their analysis tried to formulate their own definition.

The most primitive understanding of the vocation is associated with a mythological worldview, for which the articulated, pre-exchange idea of \u200b\u200bthe phenomena of the surrounding world. Information in the form of an image is specific and evaluated. Consequently, the calling in the context of mythological worldview performs in the form of a certain image, positive or negative. A typical example is the shamanic "communication with spirits", good or evil, which help or interfere with the decision1. "Spirit" or "Demon" can have different bleits depending on the characteristics of the culture of the Company in which a person lives, and his personal experience: it can be the "spirit" of a totem animal, ancestor or another assistant, with whom a person identifies his inner voice . However, mythological worldview is not necessarily inherent only in traditional society: in case of insufficient awareness in any sphere and modern person, it is inclined to the figurative perception of phenomena belonging to the part of reality, which is enveloped by the secret. Therefore, the images of imaginable "helpers", in which our contemporaries believe: a happy star, guardian angel, etc.

Another type of worldview is religious - also dictates its rules of perception of reality. With regard to a person's calling, a categorical position belongs to Catholicism and Protestantism: each person is intended for a certain place in the world and human society, and to achieve the "kingdom of heaven" it is necessary to fulfill its duty. The debt includes both the profession and other duties that a person receives the right of birth; Therefore, there is no need to listen to the inner voice - this voice, if he calls for a change in the existing order of things, goes "from the evil." In the Catholic tradition, there was an understanding of the vocation as serving the rule of the Lord and the desire to achieve Divine grace2.

The believer can achieve the kingdom of God by ascetic, the harm of the flesh and the fulfillment of the prescribed church of actions. The "social call" of the Catholics is a place occupied by a Christian in public. The way believing his duties prescribed to him God predetermined the birth of a person in a particular class must be taken into account on a terrible court. The adoption of his "social call" gives a man happiness3.

Thus, the calling in Catholicism is understood as a predestination that extends to all areas of life. The man of sintered and is not able to distinguish good from evil, so he should always rely on the will of God, which means the unquestioning fulfillment of all the prescriptions of the Church.

A similar understanding of the calling is present in the teaching of Jean Calvin: the vocation is the way God established by God, explaining the differences between the estates and their lifestyle. The person is obliged to "read his place and the situation as if appointing to the post God, so as not to ride and not change the promenade that in the other direction of the direction of his life path." In the vocation of Calvin sees a means of achieving harmony between different sides of life, which must be taken as an immutable rule.

An understanding of the calling is found in the Orthodox tradition. Vasily Great depicts the life of the devotee as a way to restore the image of God in his original purity in the man: "So [brothers], we will return to the original grace, which we made themselves through sin, and again decorate themselves in the image of God, insensitly likes the Creator," - he writes. A Christian of Righteous Life and Active Mercy is developing in the soul of God 5.

In Orthodoxy, the believer tends to approach the holy in life, and not just to posthumous salvation. Therefore, the limit of improvement in the Orthodox sermation is considered not subject to the entire individual being of a Christian with total control of the mind and tough, outside of the given behavior standards, but holiness that does not exceed the natural abilities of a person ("remaining people who become gods by grace"), enlightenment of the soul and body, human burness.

According to Orthodox authors, the fishe of God prepared to each person not a place in a social hierarchy, a certain professional, family and other position, but with a spiritual mission, the place and nature of participation in the construction of the Church of Christ on Earth. For this, God distributed individual spiritual gifts to people who are common and should be used for the common benefit. "In order for anyone who only to take from [God], another gift to this helped, the other served, about building the body of the church tried, for the perfection of all believers she worked" 6. The larger the gift receives a person, the bigger it is responsible.

Thus, the orthodox concept of the calling is to realize the gift of God's man in the process of creative activities for the benefit of man and the world as a whole.

The Orthodox Understanding of "Dara" is very closely intertwined with some philosophical glances. In essence, philosophy and is the third type of worldview, which is based on the study of causal relationships between phenomena and the rational knowledge of peace and man. However, the definitions of the vocation of a person within the framework of philosophy are still very contradictory and ^ resemble the definitions of the elephant, which gave the blind sages in a certain parable. But, entertaining these definitions into a single system and synthesizing into a whole, you can make very useful conclusions.

Determine what is a vocation. The most common definition of the vocation gives K. Jaspers, who believes that the vocation can be seen in any task. Hegel believed that the vocation is part of everything created by people. It is a restriction of its activities of some particular sphere, turning it into it. "His", mastered by them. It specifies this opinion by M. Weber - in his understanding, the calling is identical to the choice of profession, in particular, scientific activities. And although such an understanding of too utilitarian and narrowly, we can not dissolve from it: indeed, the choice of profession is a very important step towards

implementing your calling. However, the most significant opinion is the opinion of X. Ortega-I-Gasset, who believes that the vocation is the exercise of himself 10. It is impossible to disagree that the biological, psychological, social and spiritual uniqueness of each person requires a unique way of exercising in the activities of their unique "I". Each of the listed components of human uniqueness is potentially changeable, and each change entails entering the "zero point" and the need to subsequently select a new way to implement itself.

About how the calling appears, wrote M. K. Magamdashvili: a man, speaking of his vocation, meaning "other imaginary world, at the point of which some event can accomplish" 11. To a certain extent, this event is accomplished by the will of a person (as if with his consent), but more - it takes place in itself, as the excitement comes, the "state of life". Imaginary place, a point in which a person is experiencing a calling is called the "presence point" or "zero point" 12. In it, a person is experiencing his own helplessness, striking before something unknown, but extremely important to him. And this helplessness entails the emergence of the need for something, not yet clear, but vital.

Thus, a person begins to feel the calling when it turns out outside the usual world, that is, if there are some changes either in the outside world, or in the man itself - after all, changing, the person begins to perceive the usual things otherwise. Most often, a child is in such a situation: continuously growing out of itself, he intersects it in the "zero point" and is experiencing a feeling of vocation, unconscious, but exciting.

The most important is the question of how the vocation is implemented. Folk wisdom says: "There is no holy place." According to M. K. Magardashvili, if the motivation caused by the vocation has not completed the action of a person, the presence point is filled with illusions, misconceptions, that is, evil13. Therefore, it is important to understand what kind of actions contribute to implementing yourself. N. A. Berdyaev believes that there are two ways to implement the vocation: Askise as a refund to the origins of spirituality through world overcoming, and creativity as a sacrificial step into a new, previously not existing world for the sake of universal good14. K. G. Yung also allocates two main features of a person: to join someone else's "Convention" and dissolve in it, growing other people's ideas (and lose their calling), or live according to their destination, creatively realizing their uniqueness15. Both philosophers emphasize that the path of creativity is the path of loneliness and heroism, which requires huge courage.

However, a natural question arises: why only the path of limiting individualization is recognized as appropriate by the vocation of a person? In the understanding of the calling, which seems to us the most appropriate submission of a person as integrity, the desire to implement their own uniqueness does not necessarily be able to contradict the desire to implement themselves as a member of society, otherwise its existence would be meaningless. Moreover, the ultimate goal of any creativity, according to the same N. A. Berdyaev, is a common benefit. That is why the calling for some people can and should be the preservation of the other (or them themselves, but at another life stage!) Good. V.N. Shilov in the 80s of the 20th century, considering the calling as an axiological function of personality expressing it

socially historical nature, stated that the unity of the fate of the people and the fate of the individual, formulated in the life program, is the essence of the vocation of man1. Following V. Frankl, who believes that the vocation is identical to the choice of the global goal, the most responsible human aspirations and its values17, he believes that the vocation is a strategic life goal, the unity of the desired and due, which lies in the center of the inner world, "tagging"

all the main aspirations of the person.

Thus, it is possible to distinguish the following essential characteristics of the vocation: This is a directed process of implementing a person himself, which has the beginning in the so-called "point of presence", that is, at the moment when a person is in a new, subjectively changed world. The calling is implemented in the process of human activity to change itself in accordance with the knowledge that opened him, and as a result, a person acquires the recognition of society (depending on the compliance of human activity, the needs of society, recognition may be positive or negative). The calling is not identical to individual purpose, since the idea of \u200b\u200bthe destination is contrary to the understanding of a person as integrity: the purpose is a person's function in a narrow area, predetermined by him for the performance of the highest strength, while the vocation is independent, voluntary listening to a person and following in any of possible spheres of his life.

However, it remains not to the end of a clear role of the vocation of a person and humanity as a whole; The problem of generalizing contradictory theoretical data and the compilation of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe vocation as a process of exercising by man himself is relevant. It is also necessary to study the ratio of vocation with similar concepts (life path, life program, self-determination, fate). The solution of these tasks, as well as the study of the problem of calling in the structure of the human structure, our further research will be devoted.


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See: Korzo, M. A. The image of a person in the preaching of the XVII century: Monogr. / M. A. Korzo: Mosk. Form fund. - M., 1992. - P. 20.

6 is there. P. 67.

See;:, Yas11ers' K * Nietzsche and Christianity / K. Yaspers; per. with it. T. Y. Boroday. -M.: Medium, 1994. - P. 24.

See: Kagan, L. N. Social maturity of the person / L. N. Kagan // Twenty lectures on philosophy: studies. Handbook / A. V. Gribakin, Yu. G. Ershov, V. E. Kemerov, et al. ~ Ekaterinburg: Bank Cult, information, 2001. - from 341

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10 O ^.: Ortega-I-Gasset, X. In search of Goethe / X. Ortega-I-Gasset // Selected Works / X. Ortega-I-Gasset; per. With Span ; Ed. A. M. Rutkevich. - M.: The whole world, 2000. - 704 p.

11 Mamardashvili, M. K. On the vocation and point of presence (from the course "Lectures on Marsele Prousta") / M. K. Magarkashvili // Congativeness of thought. About the philosopher Merab Markdashvili. -M.: JSC Edition. Group "Progress" - "Culture", 1994.-s. 93-124.

12 is there. P. 96.

13 See: ibid. P. 95.

14 See: Berdyaev, N. A. Self-knowledge / N. A. Berdyaev. M.: Eksmo, 2003. 621 p.

15 See: Jung, K. G. On the formation of a person / K. G. Yung // Psychology of the personality: Reader: in 2 tons. - Samara: Bakhrah, 1999. - T. 1. - S. 137.

16 See: Kagan, L. N. Social maturity of the person / L. N. Kagan // Twenty lectures on philosophy: studies. Handbook / A. V. Grybakin, Yu. G. Ershov, V. E. Kemerov and D R. - Ekaterinburg: Cultural Information Bank, 2001. - P. 341.

See: Frankl, V. On the uniqueness of man / V. Frank // Man in search of sense: Sat. / lane from English And it. ; Ed. L. Ya. Gozman, D. A. Leontiev. - M.: Progress, 1990. - 368 p.

18 See: Kagan, L. N. Social maturity of the person / L. N. Kagan // Twenty lectures on philosophy: studies. Manual / A. V. Grybakin, Yu. G. Ershov, V. E. Kemerov, etc. - Ekaterinburg: Bank of Cultural Information, 2001. - P. 341.