Artistic gymnastics for the elderly in a calm pace. Medical physical education Morning charging for 70 year olds

Cygun exercises are designed for people of any age that do not have special physical training as prevention of diseases and for the recovery of the entire organism as a whole. The gymnastics of qigong is known with deep antiquity, there is no exhausting physical exercise in it, all the exercises are simple, easy and give quick results. The daily 15-20-minute exercise complex can be performed as morning gymnastics.

In ancient times, Qigong was a unique method of cure from all diseases, it was believed that the exercises inhale a new life in a person, clarify consciousness and illuminate thoughts.

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Zigong gymnastics was and remains popular with Chinese monks and rulers. Properly chosen complex of different exercises helps to solve various problems, whether it is a problem with the back, with overweight, the disease of the joints or something else.

In essence, the zigong gymnastics is special exercises in combination with deep breathing belly, in other words, breathing the diaphragm. The purpose of the exercises is not only to improve the physical condition, but also change to the better consciousness and behavior, lead to the harmony of the body and the Spirit.

Zigong gymnastics is actively used to treat depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as rehabilitation therapy after transferring operations. People suffering from excess weight, the zigong exercise complex helps to eliminate the feeling of hunger and in combination with a diet gives just a stunning effect.

As a basis of exercises, the so-called small dose system is taken when the entire complex is performed within 15-20 minutes, but daily. Such a system allows not to overwear during classes, but at the same time get a quick and noticeable result.

Preparatory exercises

All cigoon exercises are performed in a state of relaxation, so it is very important to learn to relax. To do this, you need to find a quiet place where no one will distract, stand straight, connecting the legs together. Hands freely descend along the body, eyes closed.

We must try to fully relax and do not think about anything.

The correct position, calm breathing and complete relaxation are already capable of ensuring the correct circulation of energy and a powerful wellness effect.

The following actions will help to fully relax:

  1. The shoulders and head relax, while it is felt as the muscles of the face relax.
  2. Relaxed chest and front of the hull, breathing calm and natural.
  3. Relax muscles and hands, up to fingertips.
  4. Relaxed legs, the stress gradually goes through the feet feet.
  5. After the body relaxed, all thoughts should be thrown out of the head and try not to think about anything.

Usually, relaxation takes no more than two minutes, but everyone spends so much time as it takes, be it 30 seconds or 30 minutes.

Qigong Breathing

According to Qigong specialists, in respiration, a person uses less than a third of its lungs. The respiratory gymnastics of qigong expands the capabilities of the respiratory system, saturating blood oxygen, thereby improving the blood circulation, contributing to the maintenance of excellent physical form and clear positive thinking.

People who regularly perform the wellness complex of Cigong exercises are able to give a worthy repulsive to rheues and colds - the main friends of the tired organism suffering from mad rhythm, poor ecology and chronic fatigue.

The main aspects of the respiratory system are as follows:

  • deep breathing "belly";
  • the correct position of the body, in which the upper part of the body is always straight;
  • breathing only through the nose.

Since most people are accustomed to breathing breasts, the first time the abdomen can be given with difficulty. The following actions will be able to help this:

  1. Get straight, relax, legs together, one palm falls on the belly of about 5 cm below the navel, the second falls from above. Roth singed, thoughts and heart clean, the whole negative left.
  2. Smooth continuous movement of the hand is pressed on the stomach, pressing lasts about 4 seconds, while pressing is exhaled. In this position should be staying for two seconds, then the abdomen go into four accounts, it returns to its original position, in the time of vacationing is inhaling.

The whole process of inhalation and exhalation should take no more than 10 seconds. You should start with 10 breaths in one workout, gradually increasing the amount of breathing. It should be remembered that during pressing on the stomach you can not inhale. Breath delay time - no more than two seconds. Smooth inhale is performed through the nose, smooth exhalation - through the mouth.


In order to quickly achieve a wellness effect, you need to perform a 20-minute exercise complex daily. Performing exercises should be sequentially loaded all muscle groups, moving from legs to the head and back.

In order to balance the energy in the upper and lower part of the body, it is necessary to work out all parts of the body with equal intensity.

  1. The starting position is to get straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, the look directed straight. On the breath climb on the socks, they rolling into heels on the exhalation. Movement is performed on straight legs, the knees are not bend, the amplitude is increasing gradually. 10 repeats are performed.
  2. The following exercise helps improve movement coordination. On the breath climbing the socks and fall on the side parts of the stop to the left, they are driving on the heels and get into the right. The circle is repeated 5 times in each direction.
  3. The legs together, make the semi-head, hands on the knees, on the exhalation of the knees are elegted, their hands are pushing back. Exercise is repeated 10 times, each time the squat must be deeper.
  4. On the breath squat, the hands on the knees, describe the knees of the semicircle to the right, on the exhale the circular motion continues to the same side. Repeated on each side 5 times, with each time increasing the amplitude of movements and making squats as deep as possible.
  5. On the breath, we raise the leg bent in the knee and pull it up to the body, I lower it. The same with the other foot, everything should be 10 repetitions.
  6. On the breath tighten the leg bent in the knee to the chest and take her to the side, on the exhale the leg again and down. For balance, you can be a little bend the support leg. With the second leg, we repeat the exercise, only 10 repetitions, 5 for each leg.
  7. Hands raise up, palm behind your head, but do not clutch them in the "Castle", but simply put each other, elbows are maximized back. A slow circular movement of the thighs, half anteen on the breath, half an exhale. The same thing in the other side, 5 times left and right.
  8. Source position - back straight, legs on the width of the shoulders. On the inhalation of the back as much as possible, the back is removed forward, I will get back on the exhalation back, the elbows and shoulders are also discharged back.
  9. In the breath, the shoulders are maximized forward, and without removing the stresses, they are translated up. On the exhalation, the shoulders are removed back and then drop down. Exercise is performed in the opposite direction, only 10 repetitions.
  10. On the breath of the head leans to the right, the output returns to its original position. We make 10 repetitions in each direction.
  11. The shoulders rise up, the head throws back. In this position, the head rotates to the right and left, 10 times in each direction.
  12. Completed complex with a circular rotation of the head to the right and left.

This 20 minute exercise complex will help to cope with stagnant phenomena in the body, get rid of pain in the joints and muscles. Be healthy!

Psychological technologies for managing the condition of man Kuznetsova Alla Spartakovna

3.3.2. Complexes of fitting gymnastics

Exercises of this class contribute to the increase in the level of training and removal of voltage in the muscles of the skeletal muscles, preservation of flexibility in the joints, eliminate stagnant phenomena in blood vessels, prevent salts deposition.

During classes, it is necessary to follow the breath: inhale is usually done during physical stress, exhale - when relaxing.

Toning exercise

1. Stand up in the "Heron" pose (to start a foot of one foot for the knee of another), the hands in the castle raise up, close the eyes. Stand 15 - 20 seconds. The same - on the other leg.

Exercises for the spine

2. Stand straight, legs together. Run into the belt, stretch forward hands. Strike forward, knees not bend, look in front of you (inhale). Straighten up (exhale).

3. Stand up, legs together. Hands raise up, four times stretch up (inhale). Left forward, hands relax, make mahu hands back (exhale). Straighten up (breathing).

4. Take into the hands of a gymnastic stick. Right position - legs on the width of shoulders, stick horizontally behind the head. Bend forward, pull out your hands up and make two spring tilt. Streamed up, stick behind your head.

Exercises for shoulder belts and breast muscles

5. Stand straight, legs together. Rise on socks, legs slightly bent in the knees. Strain the muscles of the body and make cotton behind the back (exhale). Go to the full foot (inhale).

6. Stand up, sick legs. Lightly lean forward, socks slightly bend. Make mahu hands forward and backward (right hand forward, left - back, and vice versa). With each hand change to make spring squats.

7. Source position - legs on the width of the shoulders, hands on the sides. Bend hands in elbows and rotate forearms in the frontal plane.

8. Source position is the same. Not bending hands in the elbows, make rotation with hands in the sagthyl plane in the same way.

9. Source position - legs on the width of shoulders, hands to the shoulders. Rotate bent in elbow hands.

Exercises for pelvic belt

10. Source position - legs on the width of the shoulders, hands behind your head. Rotation of the pelvis in both directions.

11. Source position - legs on the width of shoulders, hands on the waist. Rotation housing.

12. Sit straight, rely on the back of the chair. Tighten your legs, then pull them out sharply. Lower legs on the floor.

13. Source position is the same. Tighten your legs to yourself and do: a) alternate rotation of your legs ("bike") from yourself, to yourself, b) synchronous rotation with two legs.

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There are so many ways to stay in good physical form and be in a tone. One of them is overall exercises to help develop strength, endurance and improve the overall state of human well-being.

Outdoor exercises differ from other simplicity of performance and the fact that you will not need dumbbells and other sports equipment. All exercises are performed with their own weight and often include aerobic programs. Because of this, these exercises are similar to gymnastic.

Permanent exercise, such as ordinary squats and push-ups that are considered the basis of overall exercises are able to develop a common physical form, skeletal muscles, body tone and a cardiovascular system. The increase in the pulse develops and improves heart health, which significantly reduces the risk of the disease of the cordial vascular system.

Outdoor exercises: These are the basic balanced and very effective exercises give your body coordination, endurance, flexibility and energy. Certain exercises are intended for certain muscle groups, for example, push-ups develop breast muscles and the legs of the belly muscles. But there are such exercises that develop all muscle groups.

As in any workouts, you should not overload your body, performing exercises Do not forget to rest at least 3 minutes between each approach. Start from five repetitions and with the time strengthening of the muscles, add the number of repetitions. If you have introduced new exercises to your workout, then it is still necessary to start it with more familiar to you and only then go to new ones. Holding to such a technique you will make muscle development more balanced.

Examples of general array exercises

Lifting the legs: Lie on the back, put your hands under the buttocks and start lifting your legs at a height of at least 15 cm. And slowly lower them.

Jumping: Stand up with the legs switched together, jump and push the legs to the sides and connect them when landing. What would a little complicate exercise while jumping do cotton with hands over your head.

Rotate the knees: Stand up the legs together, put on your knees and make circular movements with your knees clockwise and then counterclockwise for 1 min.

Rotate the thighs: stand up, legs on the width of the shoulders, put the hands on the hips and make circular movements clockwise and then counterclockwise.

Hands with hands: Stand straight, hands up on the sides and make circular movements first in front, and then in the opposite direction.

Squats: Stand straight legs on the width of the shoulders and start squats to the parallels of the legs with the floor (or to a direct corner in the knees, not lower). What to complicate the exercises can lift one leg and while squatting it in front of it, the hands are on the sides for the best equilibrium.

Hello, dear readers! The famous doctor is the mother of the famous Dr. Myasnikova, who is 90 years old, has developed an affordable physical exercise program for the "golden age" people. Simple gymnastics for the elderly fascinated most of the population of solid age.

Movement is life

In understanding many move, it means to extinguish yourself with workouts, running. But it's not at all! The fact is that our body does not matter how we will force him to move, it is important to be in motion.

The simplest movement is walking. It is necessary to heat up more with legs, neglecting the trip on trolleybus or riding on the elevator. Try every day for an hour, and even better spend on walking at least 2 hours.

The famous mother itself is cleaned by home, and the floors she wash their hands, erases, too, manually, without using a washing machine. It can often be seen as she walks down the street and in the rain and snow.

Why is it so useful to walk on foot? When you walk the muscles are excellent load, which include all the systems and organs of our body. When moving, the body temperature increases slightly, which contributes to an increase in blood flux, which means that cells are supplying with oxygen, and the exchange processes are better, the immunity increases.

Following these processes occurs:

  • the revival of the whole organism;
  • improvement of the lungs, brain, nervous system;
  • restoration and multiplication of forces;
  • improvement of gas exchange in tissues and lungs;
  • filling the body;
  • relief from voltage, stress;
  • relaxation of neck, muscles, spine;
  • improving overall well-being.

In addition, the heart and vessels are strengthened, prevention of atherosclerosis. This assistance is provided by the body that many do not give values.

If we remember that on the sole is available, affecting which you strengthen all the systems of the body, improve the activity of the intestine, do not give bile to the bustle bubble, then you immediately want to walk in the fresh air. And in the summer there is also barefoot! In addition, walking helps to reduce the weight by burning calories, which is very important in solid age.

In motion from the morning

To make the body wake up, you have to do in the morning:

  • First exercise - squeezing.
  • Next should stretch your legs, and socks pull on yourself. In such a posture, it is necessary to measure the seconds for 5-6 seconds.
  • Then stretching the socks, call again for 5-6 seconds.
  • Lift in turns of legs and hands.
  • Make a bridge on the bed, delay for 5-6 seconds.

Such morning gymnastics will help to wake up the body. Even after the stroke, the simplest movements must be performed. As research shows, the physical activity "interferes" of the loss of memory, but to preserve the clarity of the mind - helps.

What happens in the brain, if after the stroke does not make a light gymnastics? When the circulatory disorder in the brain will occur the formation of a pathological focus, in the core of which are dead nervous cells. Cells around this nucleus are also losing their activity, are in the inverted state.

Therefore, the earlier the patient will begin to perform therapeutic gymnastics, the faster the nerve cells will begin to "rebuild", to assume the duties of dead cells. In the end, they fill their passivity.

Complex exercises for cheerfulness and health

All movements must be done with joy, if at the moment there is no strength, then postpone the training.

So, you are ready for training! In the morning, ventilate the room, tune in to a good mood, do not rush, breathe exactly. If you are very tired, then a little rest, we do not need records!

Simple complex

  • Lower the head down forward, rotate the neck to the right and left, like a pendulum.

  • Making turns head first to the left, then to the right shoulder. Then stretch to the left, then to the right shoulder.

  • Slowly rotate your head 4 times in each direction.
  • Put the palms on the shoulders, make circular movements back and forth 6 times in each direction.

  • Hand stretch to the sides. Bend in the elbows, making rotations 6 times in each direction.

  • Inhalation, hands to dilute to the sides, leaning forward in exhale.

The second part of the complex

Complex for hip joint

  • Sit on the rug, the legs are widely diluted. Inhalation, hands dilute to the sides. Then reach the sock right, then the left legs, touch the floor in the middle of the legs.

  • The legs together, on the breath of the hands of dilute, stretch to the socks.

  • Straighten one leg, bend the second to bend in the knee. Inhalation, hands to dilute, stretch to a straight leg. Change legs.

  • Sitting on the floor, knees bend, go down to the right, head goes to the left. Repeat the other way.

  • Sitting on the floor, knees bend. Raise left leg up, tearing down the thigh. Without lowering the leg, pull it right, then again up and omit. Repeat with the right foot.

Finally, do not be afraid to perform this gymnastics for the elderly. You will soon see that this complex is not complicated, but effective. The most important thing is to increase the load gradually in order not to overload the body.

The book of Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Myasnikova - Mother of the famous Dr. Alexander Myasnikova - I like the elderly readers with revelations from the author's personal life and practical advice. Today - recommendations for motor activity from an 88-year-old woman doctor.

Movement - life. So, to constantly be alive, you need to constantly move. When it comes to moving, traditional exercises come to mind. But it is not necessarily! The fact is that for our body it does not matter whether its movements are physical education or not.

For example, it is better to go somewhere on foot, and not to go on transport. Or walk on the stairs, and not ride on the elevator. Or just walk more often. Or more often to engage in any physical activity, even though it's just more often in the apartment. Therefore, I still have my hands with my hands and erase with my hands, and not in a typewriter. If you need to climb up, I put two stools and climb. Crupes, banks, bottles - everything I need, I'll have it myself, without resorting to anyone.

It is very useful to walk on foot - at any age and at any distance. But in time to go for at least an hour per day. I still go to two hours a day. I take a bag on the wheels and go on a trip to the area - then I will go to the store, then in the pharmacy, then on the mail, then I just go. By the way, I go and in winter, and in the summer. In any weather!

Why is it so important walking? When walking, a good load on the muscles, which activate the work of all organs and systems of the body are given. When driving, the body temperature begins to increase, which improves the bloodstream and blood supply to all organs, the exchange processes are better undergoing, protective forces are increasing - immunity. Thus, due to the movement, vitality is increased.

In addition, there is an improvement in gas exchange in lungs and tissues, so the body is filled with energy, which improves the overall health of the person. By using many muscles when walking, stress and tension are removed, which is localized in such parts of the body, like the neck, back, loin and other spine sections. Therefore, after you pass, you will have a feeling of lightness and relaxation. Walking, like any movement, has a variety of positive effects:

  • strengthens the cardiovascular system and warns atherosclerosis: due to movements, when walking, the blood circulation of important life centers is improved, the energy is increasing, which strengthens the vessels, and also trains the heart, since the heart is, in essence, the same muscle;
  • removes chronic fatigue syndrome: when walking, emotional tension takes place, and due to the enhanced circulation of pure and fresh air in the lungs, the respiratory, nervous system and brain and brain improvement occurs in particular;
  • improves intestinal motorcycles and activates digestion: there are so-called active points on the foot (projections of internal organs), which when walking are involved and involve the digestive organs. In addition, because of muscle contractions there are efforts that do not allow bile in the bustling bubble, and the digested food is more actively moving in the intestine, it all helps in the fight against constipation.

Gymnastics: 2 sets of exercises

When they ask me, it is possible to walk a lot of elderly, doing exercises, I answer: "Yes!". In the morning I woke up - stretch! Pull your legs, direct the socks on yourself and hold in such a tension of the foot for a few seconds. Then pull the socks forward and hold the move again.

Lift in turns of legs and hands. Then it is very helpful to make a bridge in bed. Focus on the feet and hands, raise the body as much as possible. Rose - and delay for a few seconds. If suddenly you fall - not scary! You will fall in your own bed!

Today, studies are constantly being conducted, the results of which prove that moderate gymnastics in old age not only has a beneficial effect on physical health, but also supports memory, retains a clear mind and, in the end, allows a person to feel part of society at any age.

Even people after severe diseases, such as, for example, need easy physical activity. The fact is that brain circulation disorder leads to the formation of a pathological focus in the brain. The core of the focus constitute the dead nerve cells, and the cells near it are in a state of reduced activity or complete braking. Timely adopted therapeutic measures can return them activity. Therefore, the patient should be started to engage in medical gymnastics. Physical training stimulates the ability of nerve cells to "reregize" and to a certain extent to take over the responsibilities of the dead, compensate for their inaction.

I bring to your attention a set of exercises, which will help to feel vigorous and young. But the main thing is to remember that the exercises must be fulfilled with pleasure. And if there is no strength, unhealthy, then you should not do this day.

Performing exercises, do not hurry, breathe exactly. Rest between exercises. If you are tired - sit or even lie. But not for long!

Try to do exercises in the morning, in a well-ventilated room and, of course, on an empty stomach.

Exercise complex for all

  1. We knew the neck: I put my head forward, rotate the neck to the right and left like a pendulum.

  1. We make turns head to the left shoulder and right. Then we stretch to the left shoulder and to the right.

  1. We make rotation head, 4 times in each direction.

  1. We put your hands on the shoulders and make circular rotations back and forth 6 times in each direction.

  1. Hands stretched to the sides. Bend your hands in the elbows and perform rotation. 6 times in each direction.

  1. They inspired, spread their hands and leaving forward in exhale. Then we return to the starting position, begging in the back with breeding hands.

  1. Semi-graduates, or plie. Heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt. We make semi-workdes, knees wept to the sides.

  1. Making full squats with circular rotations of hands.

5 most useful exercises for the elderly or weakened women and health of the hip joint

  1. Sit down on the rug, we break your legs as wide as possible. They breathed, spread their hands, stretched to his right foot, then - to the left foot and in the middle of the legs.

  1. The legs covered, breathed, spread their hands and stretched to both legs.

  1. One leg was straightened, the second bent in the knee. They breathed, spread their hands and stretch to a straight leg. Making an exercise on both legs.

  1. Sit on the floor, the knees bent, lowered to the right, the head stretches to the left. We repeat on the other side.

  1. Sit on the floor, knees bent. Raise my left leg up, at the same time we tear down the thigh. Without lowering the leg down, I pull it right, then again up and omit. We repeat the same with the right foot.

The most important thing in physical training is the gradual extension of loads. That is, do not break. But do not be afraid! Many begin to panic: what if I do myself worse? Well what are you! The movement extends life, and does not cut! Therefore, the gymnastics can be done absolutely! At any age and with any disease.