The battle of psychics with vitmano. Wit Mano - finalist of the "Battle of psychics"

Veet Mano is a psychic, a follower of the famous mystic of the twentieth century Osho, known for his innovative methods of restoring people.

Wit was born in America (Michigan), where he lived for 21 years.

In 1978, he left his homeland and went to India, where he embarked on a spiritual path, as a personal student of Osho (Bhagwan Sri Rajneesh). There he chose the path of a sannyasin - he renounced material life and focused on the spiritual. Osho gave him the name "Mano" which means "Truth". He was next to the guru until his death on January 19, 1990. From Osho, he also received the honorific title "Swami", which means "self-controlled" or "free from feelings."

Swami Wit Mano worked and meditated in all three Osho communes (Pune one, Pune two and Rajneeshpuram in America).

Wit Mano is a recognized expert in meditation practices. At present, Wit Mano manages several projects at the International Meditation Center in the Indian town of Pune, where thousands of people from all over the planet come together every year in search of spiritual harmony.

Wit Mano received a pedagogical education. She is certified as a therapist and specialist in Corintegration and Rebalancing massages. Conducts therapy groups.

Wit Mano leads groups around the world - Israel, Argentina, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia.

In Russia, he has been organizing numerous groups and summer camps since 1998.

Married (wife from Russia). Currently lives in Russia.

Books (1)

My name is Wit Mano...

Vit Mano resembles Santa Claus - not only because of his beard and kindness.

Wherever he appears, miracles happen: incurable diseases are suddenly cured, depression disappears forever, a life that seemed to be going downhill regains meaning, and failures turn into successes. In this book, Wit Mano shares the secret behind his magical results.

The first part is an autobiography. Mano speaks openly about the difficult childhood years, about the free time of youth, about the spiritual life in India, about the tragedies in the family, which became a turning point in his life. He explains how all these events affected his psychic gift and healing abilities.

In the second part of the book you will find methods developed by Wit Mano that help him cure almost any disease - be it cancer, anorexia, depression or any other problem. Mano considers meditation to be a universal means for achieving emotional balance, and in his book he gives special techniques for relaxing the mind and releasing emotions.

Reader Comments

Alexey/ 01/21/2018 The book had a very strong influence on me, very deep thoughts, but at the same time it is read in one breath and with interest.

Nicholas/ 10/22/2017 "The mirror-like structure of the Universe" just characterizes the speculation of loners who got lost among the mirrors.

os/ 10/23/2016 so what...would you look at Ramana when he went to the mountains....maybe a person does not have the opportunity and money and desire to do this, maybe he has depression or something else, and so the most ordinary person.

Elena/ 10/17/2016 Margarita, why so much anger and envy towards Wit Mano. I saw him personally for 2 days and he was cleanly dressed, clothes ironed, nails trimmed neatly. He does not talk about his personal life, because people like you will not give life to his wife. In general, I have no idea how Wit Mano can withstand so much dirt from such embittered people as you. You know how you differ with him, he would still hug you in this situation and give you his warmth. You would still at least go to the training and talk, maybe it will become easier for you. We usually see in others what we see in ourselves.

Irina/ 8.09.2016 Mano radiates boundless love, kindness and light. A person who sees only the outer tinsel is very limited. Unfortunately, these are the majority, because there is a lot of evil and violence in the world.

Natalia/ 06/28/2016 Good afternoon! It's fun to read your review Margarita! Are you worried about whether he is married ... about restlessness and not well-groomed ... I saw him at his training: an adequate person; in clean clothes, clean hands and feet. There was no loneliness next to him. After communicating with him, there was no desire to give up one's own life, on the contrary, the acquired state of harmony is a resource to live even more actively and happily!

Anna Tarkovskaya/ 1.02.2015 Everyone sees what he sees. See where you are alone. Nobody has canceled the mirror-like structure of the Universe.

margarita/ 29.10.2014 Good afternoon!
It's funny to read in the annotation that Wit Mano is married to a Russian woman, because in the book that has just been published, he did not say a word about meeting with his beloved, or about starting a family (I probably forgot). There is no clear affirmative answer to the question about marital status in any of the interviews.
When you see him in person, in a wrinkled shirt, barefoot, but without a pedicure (of course there is no manicure), in faded trousers, so restless, unkempt. A compassionate sincere Russian woman, if there is, cherishes and cherishes, feeds, waters and takes care of.
This “swami” exudes such loneliness that one involuntarily thinks that visiting all kinds of magicians, psychics, pepsigura is a refusal to live one’s own life. It would be wrong to go there for advice, not there for help.

Wit Mano is very different from most other psychics and clairvoyants. He sees the root of all problems, first of all, in people's lives, and not in otherworldly influence, which still does not prevent him from giving relief from problems to those who seek help.

In the article:

Wit Mano - biography of a psychic

From the biography of Wit Mano it is known that his real name is Glen, but he does not want to disclose his last name for unknown reasons. The future guru of spiritual practices was born in 1957 in the USA, in Michigan. His family was large and very poor. By American standards, the family of the clairvoyant was considered dysfunctional. He was the youngest child and constantly suffered from a lack of attention from his parents.

At the age of 16, Glen enrolled in the school sports section for long-distance running. At this time, right in training, he unconsciously began meditate. At that time, a high school student did not yet know what exactly he was doing. However, he later realized that the feeling of contact with his body was the result not only of sports training, but also of unconscious spiritual practice. Running became the first practice for the future guru and helped him understand what inner discipline is.

Glen also did not have a good relationship with his older brothers, they constantly mocked him. The only relative with whom he struck up a friendship was his older sister Ann. However, even she turned her back on her little brother after she started using drugs. Drug addiction led Ann to death at the age of 25. After her death, Glen realized that nothing was holding him back in his home, and the time had come to live separately from his not too prosperous family.

Leaving home was the cause of a rather difficult period of life. For the most part, it took place on the street, because Glen became a real homeless person. He got into the company of hippies, used drugs several times. For several years of his life, the future finalist of the "Battle of Psychics" Wit Mano lived with the Indians on the reservation. After that, he moved to Alaska.

It was in Alaska that he met a girl who "infected" him with her passion - Indian spiritual practices. She invited Glen to go with him to India and meet Guru Osho. At the time of the trip he was 21 years old. The trip greatly influenced the young man and his fate. He decided to abandon the material component of life and delve into the study of spiritual practices. It is known that he lived and worked in another community in America - Rajneeshpuram.

After some time, the future clairvoyant became the personal student of the master, with whom he stayed for a long time. From him he got his name - Wit Mano. "Mano" is translated as "truth". After achieving some success in meditation practices, he received the title of Swami. Mano spent more than 20 years in the community where his mentor taught. Only after this time he was given the right to teach other people. The psychic's mentor died on January 19, 1990, and all the time until the death of his teacher, his student was next to him.

In the 90s, the newly minted Swami began to create schools of meditation and other spiritual practices. They are found all over the world and are well known. The main school is located in India, in the city of Pune. In 1998, Mano opened his first school in Russia. All the schools he opened exist to this day and even enjoy considerable popularity.

After opening a school in Russia, Wit Mano married a Russian girl and stayed in Russia. However, he does not speak Russian.

Wit Mano at the "Battle of Psychics"

In 2012, psychic Wit Mano became one of the finalists of a mystical project known to almost every TV viewer. He participated in the 13th season of the "Battle of Psychics" and took third place. The main rivals of the master of spiritual practices were, and the winner of the 13th season of the project.

At the time of participation in the Battle of Psychics, Wit Mano did not know Russian and used the services of an interpreter, just like Marilyn Kerro during his first participation in the project. He does not plan to teach him now. All lectures, webinars and receptions are also conducted only in English, with the help of translators. Most viewers, crew members and even other participants in the show remember Osho's student as an exceptionally good-natured and positive person. Many thought that he did not look like a psychic, however, at the same time, Wit Mano's abilities are amazing.

Mano positioned himself as a master of meditation and spiritual practices, as well as a student of the master Osho from India. His main goal on the project was, according to him, bringing good to people, and not winning a TV show. The meditation master did not use any magical objects and did not try to create an image for himself with the help of objects that create a mystical atmosphere.

However, already on the “Mr. X” test, Wit managed to impress even skeptics when he absolutely accurately described the person sitting in front of him. Many people remember that when he was asked to name the cause of the troubles of different people, the psychic named quite mundane reasons. Unlike other magicians, Mano is not used to writing off all the troubles for a variety of damage and crowns of celibacy.

His rational explanations reassured many people who turned to the "Battle of Psychics" for help. But there were also people in whom such a position caused real indignation. Among the other participants in the project, Mano's opinion was not popular, he was condemned. It also happened that the rivals of the psychic spoke directly about his lack of any abilities. Friendship, like many other psychics, Mano did not start with his colleagues and even brought any communication to naught.

Osho's disciple saw no ghosts, no dead people in mirrors, no signs of corruption. However, with more "real" problems, he dealt with perfectly. So, for example, the clairvoyant coped well with the test with a gangster group. He unmistakably identified the killer of a man and his role in this group.

Wit Mano - seminars

Wit Mano in seminars

As part of the educational seminars, Mano traveled almost the whole world. His lectures and practical classes are very popular. They are known among those interested in the paranormal and the abilities of people around the world.

Wit Mano seminars are held both in Russia and the CIS countries, and, for example, in India. This is where most of the psychic Wit Mano's retreats in 2016 will be. The exact schedule of all its events can be found on the official website of Wit Mano. In order to get to one of them, you need to call the organizers or the manager of the clairvoyant at the specified phone number. You can also contact via email.

Wit conducts seminars on the topic of meditation, teaches people who want to achieve a lot in author's esoteric practices. A lot of the lecture is devoted to the topic of true love and emotional freedom. The clairvoyant is sure that the topic of emotions, as well as their management, should occupy an important part in the life of every person.

Webinars with a well-known psychic, which are devoted, for the most part, to human health, are very popular. On his official website, he pays considerable attention to articles on this topic. Anyone can go to it and find useful information for themselves. Mano is happy to share the information he has.

Vit Mano fans come across scammers. As a rule, they spread information about psychic events that do exist, but with their phones. You should not agree to remotely send an advance payment for an entrance ticket, you need to purchase it in more secure ways, for example, at the event itself, after booking it in advance.

In addition to seminars and trips to courses in other countries with Mano, you can sign up for individual sessions. The psychic takes on issues such as addiction (tobacco, alcohol, drugs and other types), eating disorders (anorexia, obesity), back and neck problems, emotional troubles and disorders, as well as counseling for couples and families.

The book Wit Mano is not well known. It contains only 22 pages. The author of this book talks about his worldview and life path, and also answers some questions that he hears especially often. It's called "My name is Mano".

In general, Wit Mano has a very ambiguous reputation, however, it is worth remembering that very often people simply do not want to believe that the reason for their failures lies in themselves, and not in someone else's influence.

In contact with

The man who hugs the whole world

Radiant and sunny Wit Mano gained immense popularity in Russia as a psychic in 2012, when he took part and became a finalist of the 13th season of the TV project “Battle of Psychics”.

He was very different from the other members in that he does not believe in ghosts and magic, does not perform mysterious rituals, and does not use any magical items. But he is able to look into the most hidden corners of a person’s soul, to know his very essence and heal. Heal with warmth and hugs...

Veet Mano was born on March 24, 1956 in the USA (Ferndale, Michigan, USA). His parents named him Glen. He was the youngest child of 4 children. There was no harmony between the parents in the family, and they soon divorced, the children stayed with their father. The smallest Glen had a hard time, his older brothers and sister offended him. The boy spent a lot of time outside the house, lived with friends in nature in a tent. He was often left to himself. At school, he did not do homework, he began to earn money on his own early. This gave him freedom and taught him to be responsible.

Since childhood, Mano was very fond of wildlife and felt part of it. He often went with friends on bicycles to the lake, worked in the garden or just ran for a long, long time. These activities inspired him and helped him escape from the home atmosphere. In high school, he was a member of a sports team, ran long distances and often became a champion. Unlike his peers, he did not drink alcohol at all, because he did not see the point in it. Traveled extensively in America. He remembers his youth as a time of freedom.

At university, Mano studied ecology and continued to run. Studying was easy for him because it was interesting to him. He consciously wanted to take care of the environment. Therefore, I was happy to work in the US national parks. At the same time, he was engaged in inner work, searching for himself and his path. At this time, he met different people who became teachers for him, read books. For some time he lived among different tribes of Indians. They gave it a new name, Chewassa, which means "very high clouds in the sky". Carlos Castaneda became an interesting adventure for him. Osho unfolded a new world for him - the world of love and harmony.

Osho Meditations Awaken Consciousness

Mano first became acquainted with meditation at the university, and his first experiences only made him sleepy. At the end of the 70s. a friend advised him to go to Rajneesh (), and he began to read his books. And finally, in 1978, he went to India to personally meet Osho. During the three months that he spent next to the guru, he went through many trainings on releasing negative emotions, on working with the body and breathing, several therapeutic meditation programs, such concepts as “unconscious mind” and “dynamic meditation” were opened for him. Mano was able to reveal the tremendous power of love in himself, which changed his future life. He chose the path of a sannyasin, renounced the material life and concentrated on the spiritual. Osho gave him a new name - Wit Mano (Wit - "above, beyond, beyond" and Mano - "mind, mind") and the honorary title of Swami, which means "self-controlled" or "free from feelings."

Together with a new name, new habits and new abilities came into his life. So, he recalls that since childhood he was very fond of sweets, and after the ceremony this desire left, ceased to dominate him. He completely abandoned traditional eating habits and has been a vegetarian for over 35 years.

“When you dive inside yourself, and into life itself, this is an amazing feeling. It is both growth, and joy, and adventure, and a challenge to yourself.”

Osho had a strong energy. And the people who were next to him felt it, felt happy. It was a very exciting experience to see thousands of happy people around who learned to live and work, bringing love into every moment of their lives. The world of Osho's transformation, the practice of meditation and awareness - led to a colossal growth of Wit Mano. And development does not stop. He comes to Pune as a volunteer: paints buildings, repairs roofs, gives massage therapy, develops programs, conducts individual sessions and does whatever is required, each time awakening the energy of life around.

During the time of inner work, Mano noticed that he had new feelings, unusual experiences. In emergency situations, it was as if special forces arose, he mobilized and always found a way out, a new solution. Once it helped to avoid the sad consequences of meeting a bear in Alaska by a bear. He foresaw dangers and changed circumstances to prevent them. I quickly found the things I needed.

“I have been lucky in this life! I am very happy that I live in the world of Osho meditation - and for me it means to have a lot of energy. People ask why I don't get tired, how I have so much energy. But when we love what we do, when we bring meditation into our lives, of course we will have a lot of energy! We always get this result by practicing Osho Active Meditations.”

Seminars Wit Mano

Now Wit Mano's life consists of constant moving and flights. He has visited many corners of the Earth, and he is welcomed and welcomed everywhere. Each Mano seminar is a mixture of pain and joy, when a person comes face to face with his negative experiences of anger, anger, sadness, irritation, grief, resentment, hatred, and with the help of meditation is freed from them. In their place come joy, happiness and love. Mano notes how different people live in different countries, how different their cultures, their perceptions can be, but in his classes people are equally transformed. There is more awareness in their lives, the body and soul are healed, relationships become clearer, they feel a lot of creative energy inside.

“One of the most important requests of modern people is emotional balance: how to learn to recognize and express your emotions, reconcile conflicting feelings, not accumulate stress, act more accurately and efficiently at work, at home and in all life situations that challenge us daily?

There are many recipes, but I really like the story about the father of the great Russian mystic. Shortly before his death, he asked his son to make him one promise: when he gets really angry or offended by someone, let him wait 24 hours before answering. The point is that during these hours the situation will have time to be “processed” in the soul and will not provoke a hasty or inappropriate reaction, which a person will later bitterly regret. This wisdom has helped me many times in different situations - after all, in life we ​​so often blindly vent emotions on each other, which causes deep harm to relationships with people around us.

In this case, not only the mental, but also the physical condition of a person suffers. One is closely related to the other. I remember Osho saying that many of the problems of our physical body begin at the level of the energy or psychic inner body. My experience confirms the correctness of his words. For 30 years I have studied and practiced a number of healing techniques. One of them is deep work with the body and relieving tension from the back and neck. Many people come with both recent and longstanding problems. I can help them by working through and removing blocks, congestion, pain or stiffness in the back ”(from an interview for ITOGI magazine, No. 52 of December 22, 2008).

The idea to visit Russia first came to Mano back in 1980, when he was working in Alaska. But back then it wasn't easy. The next meeting with the Russians took place in the ashram of Osho, who considered Russia to be special in the matter of human evolution and loved Russian literature. So in India he made many Russian friends. And in 1999, at the turn of two centuries, Wit Mano first came to Russia to conduct his seminars here. He held his first international seminar in St. Petersburg, then there were Perm, Krasnoyarsk. Mano likes our nature and our people, so lately he has been spending a lot of time in Russia. After participating in the “Battle of Psychics”, the number of people wishing to get into his trainings increased significantly.

Wit Mano- American, born in America (Michigan), where he lived for 21 years.

In 1978, he left his homeland and went to India, where he embarked on a spiritual path, as a personal student. Osho(Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh). There he chose the path sannyasin- abandoned the material life and focused on the spiritual. Osho gave him a name "Mano", which means "True". He was next to the guru until his death on January 19, 1990. From Osho he also received an honorary title "With you", which means "self-possessed" or "free of feelings".

Swami Wit Mano worked and meditated in all three Osho communes (Pune one, Pune two and Rajneeshpuram in America).

Wit Mano recognized expert in meditation practices. At present, Wit Mano manages several projects at the International Meditation Center in the Indian town of Pune, where thousands of people from all over the planet come annually in search of spiritual harmony.

Wit Mano received a pedagogical education. She is certified as a therapist and specialist in Corintegration and Rebalancing massages. Conducts therapy groups.

Wit Mano leads groups around the world - Israel, Argentina, China, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, etc.

In Russia, he has been organizing numerous groups and summer camps since 1998. And also Wit Mano gives individual sessions.

Wit Mano leads:

  • "Neum" - meditative therapy,
  • "Born Again"
  • "mystical rose"
  • respiratory group,
  • Training for Osho therapists,
  • Trainings for consultants,
  • Holistic integration trainings,
  • Meditative intensives, where there is a lot of work with the body and the release of emotions and feelings.

In his groups, the emphasis is on opening energy, releasing various emotions and eliminating blocks and clamps in the body, using breathing, Raihian pulsations and Osho meditations. The focus of his groups quickly allows participants to get a taste of their true energy, heal the body, and bring awareness to themselves and their lives. Also in his groups a lot of attention is paid to relations between people, especially men and women, special exercises allow participants to clarify their understanding of their difficulties and problems in various issues. His groups are distinguished by the extraordinary spontaneity and intensity of the participants living every moment.

Wit Mano is a man with a huge heart and great strength, an energy whirlwind! It is no coincidence that Osho Centers were opened with his participation in many cities of Russia. Energy, lightness and depth at the same time are qualities characteristic of his seminars. Every year, Mano holds monthly meditation camps in the Crimea and other parts of Russia.

In 2012, Wit Mano gained immense popularity in Russia as a psychic, participant and finalist of the TV show "Battle of Psychics. Season 13"!

So the popular television project TNT wrote about him

Psychic Wit Mano, a follower of the famous mystic of the twentieth century Osho, is known for his innovative methods of restoring people. Many years of meditation enlightened the mind of the psychic and allowed him to acquire unusual abilities to see. Married (wife from Russia). Currently lives in Russia.

Organizes summer camps and seminars for people who want to find peace in their souls and harmony with the outside world. Gives people warmth and spiritual healing. Attracts attention with his radiant smile and energy full of goodness and light.

Mano speaks with the souls of the dead in some dialect known only to him. At first glance, there is nothing unusual about it. Mano does not use magic rings, staves, or roe deer legs. According to Sergei Safronov, the absence of paraphernalia from a psychic is a good sign, because "All these gadgets (mouthpieces, raincoats, rosaries) are nothing more than entourage."

He was born in a large family which was considered unfavorable. He was the youngest child and, according to Wit Mano, never felt loved by his parents. His only loving soul was his older sister, who tragically died at a young age. He left for India at the age of 21, where the psychic joined the commune of the famous guru and mystic Osho, becoming a missionary. Wit Mano is an adherent of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh religion. Becoming a sannyasin, Wit Mano renounced material life, turning himself into a spiritual one. The psychic is married. Currently he lives in Russia, but he is in no hurry to learn Russian, he uses the services of an interpreter.

At the "Battle of Psychics" Wit Mano was remembered by everyone for his kind smile and magical warmth emanating from him to those around him. Giving his positive energy to people, he healed their spiritual wounds. On one of the tests, having worked with a girl with anorexia, the psychic returned her faith in healing. Accurately described the events taking place many years before our days. Helped people get rid of their fears. He gave others kindness and bright energy, hope for the best.

For twenty years Wit Mano conducts seminars all over the world, helping to find the harmony of body and soul. Participants who have passed the seminar quickly understand their inner world, find a common language with others, and receive spiritual healing. Wit Mano also actively conducts his groups in Russia. He organizes summer camps, where his fans and people who want to understand their problems gather. In his classes, he teaches how to find peace of mind, achieve self-realization and find the path to self-knowledge. For many people Wit Mano has become a spiritual guru. His smile is impossible to resist. His warm and bright energy can charge with love and faith in the life of the most desperate person, which proved to us many trials, which Vit Mano passed with ease and a positive attitude.

Copied from the site ""

Good day everyone) This is my first post, and I would like to warn you that it would be inappropriate and pointless to argue about esotericism, faith, atheism, etc. I thought that for many people involved in self-development and various practices (especially since it has become very fashionable and popular now), this would be very useful information.
I, being a very mundane and logical person by nature, nevertheless discovered this topic for myself. I read a lot of different literature on philosophy and alternative medicine, psychosomatics. About various therapeutic physical exercises, including yoga and breathing practices. And I came to the conclusion that indeed a lot of this makes sense and practical application with real results.

And so I wanted to check and look from the inside at the world of OSHO dynamic meditations, and at Wit Mano himself - his immediate spiritual heir. He created a rather pleasant impression of himself in various programs, and the reviews seem to be good.
I hesitated for a while, but interest took over and I went.

I communicated via SMS and sometimes calls with the translator and student of Mano - Usha, she is engaged in meditation in Moscow time when he is not there. I was sent a place and time where to come to him for an individual session.
It was a rented apartment in the center of Moscow. In the kitchen and in the hall there were CDs on Osho meditations and books, as well as some vitamins for women and some other vitamins .. In general, for sale ... Mano treated his back like a chiropractor to some girl, me they said to wait. Then he told me to go to him. I speak and understand English quite well, so we managed without an interpreter. To be honest, the atmosphere there was somehow not very favorable.
After 10 minutes of simple breathing practices, we started talking. I said that this and that worries me this and that, that I do different things that are useful and eat right. like what he will tell me and advise, feel (and suddenly) according to my health. He said - eat more correctly, do not eat gluten, fried, sweet, salty, red meat, flour.
Well, ok, I already know how to eat, another question is that I don’t follow it very clearly and perfectly. He says, well, it’s not good to goof off, but observe it and everything will be chiki-farts ... Well, okay, thanks, I will now be more attentive to the diet. Questions about why others do not comply with it and they are all right - there was an answer "well, they have a stronger body" ... Then he said that I have suppressed anger inside (hehe, and who does not have it), and says take it hit the pillow and scream. Well, ok) to have fun so to the fullest. I mean, I'm screaming, and I myself think - kapets there, the neighbors are probably in shock from this whole action. She screamed, then he finally hugged me and that's it. EVERYTHING, gentlemen))
Honestly - I really saw the light after that) I saw the light - that I will not go or go to anyone else))) I know everything myself and everything is written in the literature. Well, I calmed down that I didn’t miss anything else in my life.

Then I went for a walk around Moscow - fortunately the weather was super, which is rare for this city)

Then I found out that all the same, the neighbors called our brave policemen in order to calm the "sectarians" disturbing the people's peace))) But the situation seemed to be resolved normally and the adventures continued.
Being a little frightened by this situation, I came to White Clouds - this is a center where they conduct meditations and much more, they let me into the hall where Mano conducts seminars and webinars, and I sat there and watched from the inside. Well, everything was calm and normal.
Here are some of the books and CDs they distribute. there about meditation, respectively.
Then a lot of people came for meditation. Mano caught me and quickly adjusted my spine - as I complained about him while everyone was seated. People are adequate, nice of different ages and genders. The atmosphere is good and positive. Everyone sat in a semicircle on the pillows and listened to the wise word of Mano. He talked about quite ordinary things. That people inside have anger and resentment for the past, parents, etc., and that because of this they have all the troubles in their lives. And again, in order to get rid of all the troubles, you need to engage in dynamic meditations and throw out your negativity in them and eat right. and everyone will be happy!) And periodically showed and we did all meditations together. Well, if anyone is interested, look at what Osho meditation is, the Internet is full of information. In fact - scream, cowardly, dance, then freeze. and more hugs. In general, from the outside it looks like a typical sect)) Chesslovo, I perfectly understand those people who are afraid of this and consider it something sectarian and so on. But what a sect is is a loose concept. Nothing destructive is happening there. people behave adequately and without fanaticism. Psychotherapists come to such seminars... And in general, in classical psychotherapy, I have no doubt, there are similar techniques for venting anger, just without the admixture of spiritual and energy elements.
Personally, I liked the feeling of unity with many people. That everyone was open and not ashamed of themselves, innocent hugs and look into each other's eyes, sincere smiles - it's sweet and really energizes. And also screaming at the top of your lungs with a bunch of people is also cool, you rarely do this.
My conclusion is this:
I did not go in vain - I found out what I wanted, I saw, I understood. I realized that everything is the same everywhere, and that there is no point in climbing somewhere, looking for something, infiltrating something or leaving. I realized that everything is easier than it seems. That no one has yet come up with anything new, and all the truths have long been spelled out - you take it and read it. You can say that this is obvious)) Well, then there is no point in studying at school - after all, nature is obvious) nevertheless, in order to reach something with the mind and feeling, some knowledge and life lessons are needed, this was one of them
Dynamic meditations are good and useful in their own way, for people who are really very squeezed internally, who lack courage, and are prone to fear and despondency - it’s even very useful to yell into the pillow, jolt and get mad in the air - and not at your closest relatives, because otherwise this negativity will affect the nerves and health. It’s more fun to do this in a group than at home, but it’s still useful for yourself.
Eating right, not drinking and not smoking - everyone already knows what is good.
So everything is in the hands of the people themselves and it is not necessary to lay any responsibility on the type of cool and wise uncles, they all say it right - but deep down we all know this anyway.
The main thing is not to be lazy, not to be afraid to give love to your family and friends. Forgive insults - and everything will be ok)