Children's dairy kitchen in Russia: norms and rules. Children's dairy kitchen in Russia: norms and rules to someone laid dairy kitchen

Dairy kitchen - social state support of the population by free issuance of children's food. Application to receive additional nutrition can both mother and legitimate representatives of the child. However, not all parents are beneficial. Often this is due to the lack of time and the reluctance to collect the kip documents. However, for many families, this benefit is good support, so the possible abolition of dairy cuisine in 2017 can deprive particularly needy categories of Russians of a significant help.

What is supposed to be pregnant and nursing mothers

Currently, local government authorities independently establish, in what order to issue free baby food and in what provisions. Also, the regions independently establish a list of persons who have the right to receive dairy products. As a rule, this list is as follows:

  • pregnant women;
  • children under 6 months;
  • kids up to one year, located on combination or artificial nutrition;
  • children up to three years;
  • children up to seven years from large families;
  • disabled children up to 15 years.

So, what is included in the diet of dairy kitchen and what is supposed to be pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as their children:

In order to receive dairy kitchen products, parents of a child or his legal representatives must submit the conclusion of a childhood doctor and other documents required in the local government authority:

  • statement;
  • parental passport or legal representative;
  • child birth certificate;
  • polis Oms;
  • certificate of child registration at the place of residence;
  • the remaining documents confirming the right to receive benefits. This may be a certificate of disability, the presence of a chronic disease or a certificate of assigning the status of a large family. You can also submit a family income certificate.

Pregnant women get a referral of women's consultation from their doctor. Important! Material products are issued according to the recipe, so it must be updated. The recipe is extended only during the child's admission by a doctor.

Not in all regions of the mother can get products in kind. In some, social benefits are replaced with cash payments, and some municipalities use special cards with which mother buy children's goods or mixtures.

Will dairy cuisine cancel from January 1, 2017 in Russia

At the moment, it is not impossible to say that from January 1, 2017 will cancel the dairy kitchen in the country, but also to close the eyes to such a probability is also impossible. Some regions have already abandoned the issuance of benefits in kind, replacing it with cash payments.

Thus, the latest news transmit that the government addresses the following possible options: complete monetization of benefits and transfer of authority to pharmaceutical institutions.

The first option is already applied in some municipalities. However, this is not a guarantee that the child will receive the necessary meals. It is possible that the received cash parents will spend on completely different purposes. Most likely, the adoption of this option will be accompanied by various requirements that protect the rights of the child.

The second option is the transfer of authority to special institutions, more real than the first. First, if parents can receive baby food in pharmacies, then they do not have to rush to the appointed time in the dairy kitchen. Secondly, it will significantly unload medical workers. At the moment this option is more preferable.

Of course, not every mother needs social support and take advantage of the services of dairy kitchen. This is usually due to the banal reluctance to collect the necessary documents and the lack of time. And those women who actually need support will always find time to provide their child with additional quality food. This social measure is relevant for pregnant women whose maternity payments cannot boast a large size.

There were a lot of rumors around dairy cuisines - they discussed their possible closure in 2019, wondered whether the old standards would cancel, and what will be a list of products for nursing mothers, pregnant women and moms.

There were stubborn rumors about the abolition of dairy cuisines, but they will not be in Moscow and the Moscow region - too exaggerated information. Dairy kitchens do not close, jobs workers will not eliminate, from January 1 of this year, the Department of Health left the kitchen mode in the same form. That is, this year the abolition will definitely not take place, but what will happen next - time will show.

Moreover, the assortment of kitchens in 2019 will be expanded. Addresses of kitchens, schedule, opening hours remain the same.

Dairy kitchen, addresses, Moscow: Where are the kitchens

Each district of Moscow has its dairy kitchen, which usually is usually at the children's clinic. To tell the address of the kitchen can a plot pediatrician, he can give more detailed information, advise you to appeal to the dairy kitchen.

To find the desired dairy kitchen in the capital, enter the name of the administrative districle, and the clinic to which you belong to. Most milk-disposable points work on schedule daily, but there are kitchens that do not function at the weekend.

What is given on dairy kitchen in Moscow (video)

Opening hours of dairy kitchen in Moscow: everyone has one mode

No, there is no single regime for all dairy kitchens.

The most common opening hours:

  • 06.30 to 12.00;
  • 06.30 to 10.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.00;
  • 06.30 to 11.30.

In any case, if you come from 7 to 10 am, almost any dairy kitchen works at this time.

But before you go, or consult a pediatrician, make sure you feel about the category, who should be serviced at dairy kitchen.

Today, nutrition in dairy kitchens get:

  • Pregnant women (from 12 weeks, registered);
  • Nursing mothers (half a year after childbirth);
  • Children from 0 to 3 years;
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under the age of 7 years (but only from large families);
  • Children under 15 years old with diseases in chronic form.

To obtain the necessary free products, parents turn to a pediatrician, which gives a special conclusion.

What is given in the dairy kitchen in Moscow: issuing standards

For pregnant women in accessibility juice and milk, for nursing mothers - also milk and juice, but in other quantities.

Children up to two months receive only a dairy mixture, children 3-4 months can get a fruit. Juice and fruit. The same puree, kids 5 months + to this get porridge and vegetable puree. From 7 months, children also relieves cottage cheese and canned meat and vegetable meat.

For children from 9 months to the proposed list of products, Kefir also relies. From 1 year, children receive specialized baby milk. Children's disabled and children up to 15 years old with chronic diseases can get milk in dairy kitchen.

Read more about issuing standards - in the table.

Milk Kitchen Norms: Moscow 2019 - Table

Category What gives Volume rate (month) Gram in packaging How to issue
0-3 months. Adapted liquid mol. mixture 4800 200 Once a week
Adapted dry mole. mixture 700 500 Once a week
4 months Similar to + fruit. Juice, fruit. mashed puree 1 l per month
5 months. Similar to line 3-4 months, plus 400 g dry porridge (once a month), vegetable. Puree 1920 g (once a month).
6 months Dry mole. The mixture is 350 g;

Liquid mol. The mixture is 2400 g;

Vegetable. mashed potatoes - 1920 g;

Fruit. mashed potatoes - 1000g;

Fruit. juice - 1200 g;

Dry porridge - 400 g

once a month (everything except liquid adapt. Mixtures)
7-8 months + To all of the previous children's cottage cheese - 600 g, meat-ras. Puree - 300 g, meat. Puree- 560 g (once a month except cottage cheese and liquid mixture)
9-12 months. + Children's kefir - 2000 g Cottage cheese, kefir, liquid mixture - once a week, more - once a month
1-2 years Children. Milk - 2400 (200 g);

Children. kefir - 2400 (200 g);

Children. cottage cheese - 600 g (50 g);

The fruit. puree - 800 g (100 g);

The fruit. Juice - 2000 (200 g).

1 month
2-3 years + increases by 400 g juice, but decreases by 400 g of milk
Up to 7 years old milk

Once a month

Up to 15 years
Disabled children
Pregnant Milk 6000 1000 1 month
The juice 2640 330 1 month
Nursing mother Milk 8000 1000 1 month
The juice 3300 330 1 month

Milk Cuisine Norms in the Moscow Region: Are there any differences

The right to receive products in dairy kitchen has citizens living in the Moscow region, which is registered at the place of registration in health facilities.

Eating is supplied:

  • Children aged 0-2 years, 11 months., 29 days;
  • Pregnant women (on the period not earlier than 12 weeks that are registered);
  • Nursing mothers (6 months after the birth of a child);
  • Disabled children;
  • Children under 7 years old (only from large families);
  • Children under 15 years old with chronic. diseases.

The product list will be the same. To get food, you need to write a statement (sample), addressed to the head of the medical institution, bring the necessary documents. Usually it is a passport page with a photo, a passport page indicating the registration, and the child's birth certificate (only photocopy).

In conclusion, the doctor will indicate a set of products, and this recipe is provided in the dairy kitchen.

Sets of dairy kitchen, Moscow: what gives

The main innovation 2018 is now children's milk. The kitchen provides products in sets, that is, you get ready-made sets in the corrugation.

Sets are formed so that the child gets a variety of full nutrition for its age. For example, now for vegetable puree its requirements, it is regulated by the content of each vegetable in the power supply. And before you could give banks of one taste.

An example of one corrugation:

  • Two types of dry porridge (multislak and rice);
  • Fruit juice;
  • Vegetable puree;
  • Fruit puree;
  • Meat-rod. puree;
  • Meat puree;
  • Cottwoman;
  • Milk;
  • Kefirchik.

What is given on dairy kitchen (video)

It can be said that since 2019, food at dairy kitchen for preferential categories has become more diverse. Now the set appeared several names of porridge, juices and mashed potatoes. The list of products depends on the age of the child.

In general, in 2019, the operation of dairy kitchens was improved and most categories of children increased the norms of issuing - more kefir, juice and fruit puree. So feel free to recognize in your clinic, whether such help is put to you, make up documents and get free meals.

Around the dairy kitchen walks a lot of woven. They said that it could be closed in 2017, but this did not happen. It remains to understand only with what rules are valid, and what should be a list of products for kids, nursing mothers and women in position.

Who laid dairy kitchen sets in Moscow

Before you get advice from a pediatrician, you should make sure that you feel about the category of people who must be provided with dairy kitchen. At this time, citizens who can take advantage of this support are considered:

  • children aged 0-3 years;
  • disabled children;
  • children up to 15 years of age, if there are chronic diseases;
  • pregnant women who are registered, whose pregnancy period is from 12 weeks;
  • children from large families whose age does not exceed 7 years;
  • nursing women - have not passed half a year after the birth of a child.

To get products, you should come to the pediatrician. He will give a special conclusion.

What is laid on dairy kitchen in Moscow and the Moscow region in 2018

Nursing mothers take juice in the kitchen, milk, pregnant women - a similar list of products in another volume. Children who have not reached the age of 2 months receive a mixture of milk. If the child is 3-4 months old, additionally give it a fruit puree or juice. Children, which turned 5 months, the presented vegetable puree, porridge, relies with the presented products. Upon reaching 7 months of age, the child receives more canned vegetable or meat origin, cottage cheese.

When the child turned 9 months, in addition to the specified product list, it can count on kefir. One-year-old children receive special baby milk, as well as children with disabilities who have not reached 15 years.

Dairy kitchen in Moscow for children by months

To find out in more detail, which relies with children in the dairy kitchen for months, the table will tell. We suggest you familiarize yourself with it.

Age of the child

ProductsNorma for 30 daysGram in Tara.The frequency of issuing
0-3 monthsBlend dry milk700 g500 Once every 7 days
Liquid mix4800 g200 Once every 7 days
4 monthsPresented above Products, Fruit Mashed, Juice1 L.Once every 7 days
5 monthsThe same, as well as a vegetable puree, dry porridgeVegetable puree - 1.92 kg, porridge - 400 gPackaging can be different1 time in 30 days
6 monthsPorridge, juice, puree fruit, dry, liquid mixtures of milk, vegetable pureePorridge - 0.4 kg, dry mix of milk - 350 g, fruit juice- 1, 2 kg, liquid mixture - 2.4 kg, fruit puree - 1 kg, puree from vegetables - 1.92 kgPackaging can be different.Once every 30 days, with the exception of the liquid mixture
7-8 monthsThe above products, puree meat, cottage cheese, vegetable pureeCurd - 600 g, meat puree - 560 g, vegetable puree - 300 gTimes in 30 days
9-12 monthsThe same products, kefir2 kgContainers can be differentTimes in 30 days
1-2 yearsFruit juice, milk, fruit puree, kefir, cottage cheeseFruit juice - 2 kg, milk - 2.4 kg, puree - 0.8 kg, kefir - 2.4 kg, cottage cheese - 0.6 kgJuice - 200 g, milk - 200 g, puree - 100 g, kefir - 200 g, cottage cheese - 50 gJuice, puree, milk - every 30 days, cottage cheese and kefir - every 7 days
2-3 yearsMilk decrease by 0.4 kg, juice increases by 0.4 kgMilk - 2 kg, juice - 2400 gPackaging can be different.

Once a month

Children up to 7 years of age get milk: 1800 children under 15 years old - milk: 1 kg.

What gives dairy kitchen to nursing mothers and pregnant women

Nursing women and pregnant women also give foods from the kitchen. Women standing in 30 days should receive juice - 2.64 kg, milk - 6 kg. Nursing take - juice: 3300 g, milk - 8000

To take products, you should bring 2 copies of the passport and filled with a pediatrician blank. After that, the application is drawn up, then the recipe for the milk for a month is given. It is necessary to extend it every month.

Milk is issued 2.5%, juice, as a rule, Fruto Nanny - an apple or an apple with a pear. Nursing mothers get milk Agush, specially intended for nursing women - 2.5%. Milk milk "Milk!" May be issued. It is also 2.5%. Juice - Agush or Fruto Nanny.

Addresses and mode of dairy kitchen in Moscow

There is no common schedule for the work of all the kitchens. but it is possible to tell about the widespread hours of work:

  • from 6.30 to 11.00;
  • until 12.00;
  • up to 10.00;
  • until 11.30.

It turns out that it is best to come from 7.00 and about 10.00. Positions are located mostly near the polyclinic. The address will prompt a pediatrician. Many kitchens are open every day, but there are those closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Milk food manufacturers in 2018

By decision of the Department of Health, it was decided to conclude a contract for the supply of goods for the kitchen with Wimm-Bill-Dann. The contract was signed for 3 years. The presented decision was made because the company is cost-effective and in demand for a long time.

In addition, it is supposed to continue cooperation with the Fruto Nanny brand, under which mashed potatoes and juices are produced. This product is high quality and is realized at a low price. That is why Moscow authorities decided to sign a long-term contract with the supplier.

What documents are needed for receiving a set of dairy kitchen in Moscow

To get the right to products, you should compile a statement by a medical institution, where the baby is observed. Pregnant women write a statement to a consultation doctor, where they consist. In addition, some documents have to be shown.

Consider the recipe design stages:

  1. First, you should find out whether the service is provided in your settlement.
  2. Then it is worth contacting the pediatrician, the recipe is issued to the 25th, monthly;
  3. After issuing a recipe, contact an issue point, according to the place of residence. Give foods to continue 10 days from the date of social support.

From documents need to be present:

  • photocopy of passport;
  • certificate of birth of the baby, a certificate of registration in consultation, if support is trying to get a pregnant woman;
  • help about the place where the baby is registered;
  • policy.

Certificates confirming the families of the family may be required, a certificate of mother and father's salary for 3 months, documents speaking about the presence of disability at the kid. After the doctor gives a recipe, they are attached to the kitchen point until 20-25 of each month.

About the possibility of nutrition in dairy kitchen without registration

To obtain products, the baby should be registered on registration in the medical institution. To issue milk, you need to be either prescribed in Moscow or mo, or be attached to the Moscow clinic. In two places, it is impossible to be attached to therapeutic institution. Without compliance with the presented nuances, it is not worth counting on the provision of assistance.

Features and differences between dairy kitchen in Moscow and Moscow region

Not all families where children are brought up with kitchen services. It depends on which solutions were accepted by the authorities at the local level. Previously, kits with milk were provided only in the capital. Now they are also available for the Moscow region.

Most issues of issue are valid from 6.30 am and until 12.00. There are also such kitchens that operate from 11.00 and up to 8 pm. Polyclinic items are open until the medical institution is open.

In 2018, kits include dry and liquid mixtures, milk, kefir, curds, juices, puree. They are issued on the recommendations of pediatricians and approved standards. Receive the recipe must have parents or representatives of the child.

So, social support for families with children and women awaiting a child, in the capital and the area continue to be provided. At the moment there are several product items. The state does everything so that the kids aged from 0 and to 3 years have received products in the required quantity if their parents need it. Safety and quality of goods are controlled by special services. Terms of implementation are executed, according to regulations.

"Material cuisine" is called a measure of state social support, designed for families with young children and pregnant women. Unfortunately, not everyone knows about her and not everyone who is supposed to use. And who is put on the law of dairy kitchen? What children can use this free, high-quality, delicious and useful diet? How can you become the owner of such a right? Let's try to figure out.

Table of contents:

For whom is children's dairy kitchen?

In different Russian regions, a circle of persons who are legally laid dairy kitchen may differ. And significantly. However, there are basic categories that the free state diet is allowed everywhere:

  • small (up to 1 year) Children, if they are "artificials" or are on, so-called "combined" feeding;
  • kids aged from year to 3 years;
  • kids up to 7 years old if they are from large families;
  • disabled children up to 15 years.

Also right to "milk" can be provided with pregnant women + nursing moms before reaching their kids of 6 months of age.

If a small child stayed without parental care, legitimate representatives can realize his right to dairy cuisine.

The basis for the preparation of special training in dairy kitchen is a medical conclusion-direction. And the norms of issuing food are determined by local governments. There also define the procedure for documenting this right, as well as choose the organization that will be issued.

To find out who laid dairy cuisine in 2019 in each of the Russian regions, you can, if you familiarize yourself with the relevant local regulatory documents. Or cope with a Pediatric Pediatrician (for pregnant women - at the observing doctor).

Milk Cooking Norms from January 1, 2019

Local governments today determine not only the categories of citizens who are laid by dairy kitchen, but also the issues of vacation products on it
. So in the regions the norms operating from January 1, 2019 were determined.

To date, these norms depend on the age of feeding children. If we are talking about women, then the issuance standards determines the fact that the lady is pregnant or is a nursing mother.

The "Standard Menu" of the kids up to a year includes porridge, dry, as well as liquid milk mixtures, puree and juices fruit and vegetable.

The kids from the year to three years will receive milk, kefir and cottage cheese, as well as fruit puree.

Children are 7-15 years old who rightly use dairy kitchen, only milk can get there.

But pregnant and lactating women, in addition to milk, are also provided with vitaminized juices.

How to get up on the dairy kitchen?

The procedure for producing dairy cuisine directly depends on who is allowed to obtain a special purpose:

  1. Pregnant women should contact that female consultation, where they are registered. There, the corresponding direction gives the observing doctor.
  2. Nursing moms. Specials are also drawn up by the observant physician. But this is a child pediatrician in a children's clinic at the place of residence.
  3. In the same place - the pediatrician - the conclusions - directions on the "milk" for all "children's" categories are issued.

However, in order to issue the right to nutrition of dairy kitchen, a little one appeal to the desired doctor. You must also provide the required package of documents.

Documents for dairy kitchen for 2019

To obtain the right to dairy cuisine, it will be necessary to write and submit an appropriate application addressed to the head of the medical institution in which the applicant is drawn. They may be a legitimate representative of the child (parent, guardian), a pregnant or nursing woman.

The application is already applied documents for dairy cuisine of 2019, including:

  • certificate of family composition confirming the recording of a child at his place of residence;
  • passport of the legal representative of the kid (or women, which is prescribed food for pregnancy or breastfeeding);
  • other papers that confirm the right to special (let's say, a certificate that the family is recognized as many families, or documents about the disability of the child, or the conclusion of the presence of a chronic disease, etc.).

It should be remembered that the products in the dairy kitchen are issued by recipes in need of regular extension. Therefore, you must not forget to see the doctor every time when the recipe for food in the dairy kitchen ends the validity period.

The legislative framework

In accordance with the norms of the Federal Law No. 323-FZ "On the basics of the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" (clause 4 of article 39), the norms of issuing therapeutic nutrition are approved by an authorized federal executive authority. In Russia, such a measure of social support belongs to the regional.

So, for example, in St. Petersburg There is no dairy kitchen, instead there are children's cards, allowing parents to choose themselves and acquire the necessary minimum food for children.

IN Moscow The norms of issuing dairy products are governed by the Regulations on the provision of free food products of individual categories of children and women, residents of Moscow (approved by the order of the Government of Moscow dated 04/06/2016 No. 292).

In accordance with the Decree of the Administration of the Magnitogorsk of the Chelyabinsk Region dated 19.07.2012 No. 9319-P "On approval of the quality of the provision of municipal services for organizing children's nutrition in the first years of life and older" To obtain free baby food, the family should be listed in social protection bodies as poor.

IN Rostov region In accordance with the norms of the regional law of 10/22/2004 No. 165-° C "On the social support of childhood in the Rostov region", the benefits of which they can acquire children's nutrition are paid to poor families.

IN Republic of Bashkortostan The right to dairy diet has children up to 3 years from poor families who are on artificial or mixed feeding (Decree of the Government of RB No. 1 dated January 12, 2007).

Probably, only the Soviet people are known to represent the dairy kitchen and how large its influence on the development of our person is. True, recently began to walk rumors that next year she stops their action. Let's figure out closer with what kind of dairy kitchen in 2017 is so good and why it can actually be canceled.

What is a dairy kitchen?

Under the name "Dairy Cuisine", the organization lies, the main task of which is the collection and delivery of dairy products for newly minted citizens of the Russian Federation. If you return to the past, you can say with confidence that the marked organization exists for a long time, while accumulating over the entire history of its development over the entire time. Our grandmothers remember how in the post-war time, many parents were issued milk for newborns and young children by age until 2 years. Despite the relatively difficult times, more than 28 such cuisines operated on the territory of the capital. A few decades later the popularity of such enterprises became an inactive
b2, losing its original popularity. Due to most of the institutions I had to close.

Exactly 9 years ago, the Russian authorities decided to return to the draft law on dairy kitchen, or rather, approved the decision to restore dairy organizations in the capital. In the same year, Moscow was filled with 120 dairy enterprises. By the way, according to this law, all kids age up to 3 years have a complete right to receive such dairy products like milk, cottage cheese and kefir.

Liquidation of dairy kitchen

Not so long ago, Russia began to roam rumors that in 2017 it would be possible to say goodbye to dairy cuisine forever. So will such organizations cancel, or is it another fiction of the media?

By itself, the fact of cancellation of such enterprises cannot please anyone. Of course, such assistance of the state is considered rather meager against the background of other additional payments or social benefits, but still every child is sooner or later
You need baby food. Believe me, this is not one family helped save funds over long months.

Unfortunately, the measure regarding the abolition of dairy kitchen and the truth exists, and most likely everything is happening in 2017. According to government representatives, such a decision is considered forced and very necessary, because then funds from the treasury of the Russian Federation will be used for more rational things.

Immediately it is worth noting that not all products of dairy kitchen will immediately disappear. Just in 2017, there should be a large-scale and very serious inventory, after which it will be simply impossible to find the items of dairy cuisine even in Moscow.

Difficulties in the development of dairy kitchen

In order for all organizations under the slogan "Dairy kitchen" for a long time and normally exist, they need to overcome a whole list of tangible problems and difficulties. It is about them today and declare officials of the State Duma.

What of all the problems can be called the most weighty?

  1. Most children's products completed certificates. They all urgently need to extend, and this is still a number of difficulties and very high costs from each hotel point.
  2. Any organization of dairy kitchen must comply with the parameters and requirements of the Customs Union. By the way, the list of all these requirements is very large. For example, in each point of issuing the modern technique should be used, and the very state of the institutions requires increased attention. Also, each of the points you need to have state registration. Honestly, this is a completely different story that has its own problems, standards and requirements.

Why do many parents refuse milk cuisine?

If you take into account the statistics for 2015 and 2016, not all parents agree to take advantage of the help of existing and operating stations of dairy kitchen. According to some of them, most of the issuance points of dairy products need urgent modernization, as well as the state-provided assistance. Among the whole list of the most typical causes of refusal, it is worth highlighting a few most common.

  1. Milk cuisine points are too far from home, and to get to them, it is necessary to spend more time, effort and money than just go to the nearest store.
  2. Do not at this time leave a little baby.

At the moment, the Russian government wants to try to replace in 2017 the issuance of dairy products by accrualing additional funds for the purchase of the same products. By the way, in many regions of Russia, the next year has not been the next year. True, from the existing practice, a similar solution has a whole division of nonlineid minuses. For example, the amount of payments not always in all regions will be the same: when the mother of the kids of the Leningrad region will be able to receive 700 rubles, then for residents of the Yaroslavl region "Dachshka" will decrease to 200 rubles.

As a result, it turns out that if the government wants to close all the current items of dairy kitchen in 2017, then before this it is necessary to correctly adjust the financial assistance process. The whole thing is that these payments are identical throughout the country.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that most likely the usual dairy kitchen in 2017 will nevertheless close. First of all, a similar solution is beneficial for all regional officials. It is sad that they are unlikely to take the problems of the Little Russians themselves. But why is it going on, you ask? Everything is very simple: the functioning of dairy cuisine implies global costs for renting premises and pay salaries to all employees. And the kitchen content itself is not cheap. It is much easy to simplify, and not to establish, and simply transfer to all moms a small amount for the same products.