Year of creating a computer game Tetris. Who and when invented Tetris

Of course, you know that the most popular computer game in the world was invented by the Soviet programmer. But do you know that Tetris almost destroyed trade relations between the United Kingdom and the USSR? We started the story of Tetris! So that you knew. And proud!

It was 1985. The Commissioning Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences empty after another labor day. Only from one cabinet falls into a dark corridor of the strip of light. There, the newest computer "Electronics-60" sits a 29-year-old programmer Alexey Papitzov and, without looking, trying to glue a bull in a complete ashtray.

On the black screen in front of it the green rows of the program code on Pascal. His task is to create artificial intelligence. But, honestly, he has been scored for a party for a week. Alexey just plays Tetris. The first time in the history of mankind.

It all started with the fact that he dragged the puzzle "Pentamino" on which Moscow 80s went crazy (there need to collect figures of five squares in the box). Alexey decided to digitize it. Soon the figures lost one square, and the finished rows began to "burn", causing a feeling of unexplained satisfaction from the player.

That the most "pentamino"

After a year, Tetris arrived in the entire Soviet space. Friends, they told Pasytov: "Imagine, got a computer from Bulgaria, zero hard drive, and only one program hangs out: Your game!"

And now the moment came when in the Hungarian Institute of Cybernetics Problems Tetris saw the first capitalist - Englishman Robert Stein. During an excursion at the Institute, Robert stopped behind his laboratory assistant and twenty minutes later what he buys it. "What?" - surprised Hungarians. "This brilliant game!" - exclaimed the Englishman. Honest Hungarians admitted that they got to free, she had long been walking on institutions. It seems that they came up with Russians at the Academy of Sciences. "Mosko? NOU problems! " - Robert smiled frivolously.

When leaving London, the Stein immediately telegraphs in the Russian Academy of Sciences. For the rights to Tetris, it offers Russian 10,000 dollars and 75% of the profits that will receive from sales as an intermediary. The answer comes in a month and a half (Pasietova had to run to translate the ill-fated telex with a familiar word and achieve the authorization from the authorization to answer "more positively").

Having studied the wording of Moscow, the Stein decided that he had a contract in his pocket. Tetris begin to prepare for launch in the largest British company Mirrorsoft and in Spectrum Holobyte in the United States (Robert's earliest has already managed to infect them with Tetris). However, when the Stein arrived in Moscow, he realized that it was hurried about "knowing the problems".

An Englishman half a day is waiting for an audience at Elorg, which was responsible for selling the goods of the Soviet programmers. And the oak doors open. Through the long table, Stein reports that the Soviet side underestimated the potential for the scientific development of the overseas guest. Moscow requires more money. Carnating, Robert leaves for nothing.

The head of Nintendo from America Miner Arakawa saw Tetris at the presentation of the slot machine, which released his main competitor - Atari Games. Opening with the tongue, Mr. Arakawa Silo smiled at rivals and plunged into dreams about how nicely this game would look at the Game Boy pocket console, which was just in development. Chitro pursuer, Mr. Arakawa decided to consult with his lawyers, whether Game Boy is a separate product to which the rights of the inventor of Tetris can be redeeming. By the way, who is he? A real hunt begins for PJing.

In February 1989, three hunters were at once in Moscow. Henk Rogers arrived, Arakava man. The second was the head of Mirrorsoft Kevin Maxwell, the son of the influential owner of the newspaper Mirror Robert Maxwell. Kevin is tired of waiting for the final and complete transfer of rights to Tetris and decided to figure it out in everything. The third flew by Robert Stein himself, who was scared by Nintendo and Mirrorsoft head and prayed only to get out of this situation.

"Electronics-60" on which Tetris is written

But Roberta did not have to rest from Russian hospitality for a long time. In the summer of 1987, a telex from London is received in Elorge again. The meaning of it is approximately as follows: it is all the propagation, it is impossible to redeem Tetris also for slot machines? There is nothing surprising: the owners of personal computers in 1987 were much smaller than loafers who were stuck in the gaming halls. At the same time, Mirrorsoft is confident that the Russians will easily sign with Stein any contract: a new hit can be launched at least on washing machines. So the British, without thinking, transfer the rights to the release of the Tetris automaton by Atari Games, and in the US, his presentation passes with Pompe.

Scrolling the genius of Russian programmers, a tenth telex to Moscow. In "Elorga" finally decide to deal with this confusing business. Nikolai Belikova is appointed responsible. This strict functioner first carefully examines the contract with Stein, and it covers the righteous communist anger: for six months it did not receive a cue in the contract, and the contract does not even provide a fine for the delay in payments!

Tetris plot

Tetris fans in the United States welcomed each other code phrase: "KGB looks after you!" They were sure that the game is a secret weapon, designed in Soviet laboratories for destabilizing American offices.

In 1994, the joke was quoted in the film "Police Academy - 7: Mission in Moscow": Russian scoundrel Konstantin Cranalha creates a game that wakes up any computer to which it is installed. The game cannot resist no one, and the villain almost conquers peace.

Henk Rogers considered himself a citizen of the world. He adored to come to a new country, settle in random hotels, turn his friends in the bars to feel his own in a week. Having learned someone else's culture, Henk easily established personal relationships with business partners and bought the best at the best price.

M. S. Gorbachev almost changed the fate of Tetris

Psychologists note that avid players in Tetris begin to see the familiar outlines of the figures in a dream and reveal. They hardly struggle with the desire to put a bedside table in a niche on the closet and especially carefully laid purchases in the trunk of the machine. This effect was sparkled in one of the "Simpsons" series when Homer very quickly sticks the boxes and even children to the rear seat.

For almost half a year in the usual socialist pace grew by the pile of paper on Tetris on the table of Nikolai Belikov. And suddenly foreign partners seemed to be whisching.

Henk Rogers, penetrated into the USSR to smoke Tetris

On February 21, Robert Stein is heard in Belikov's office. He says that he arrived in Moscow for personal negotiations and asks to appoint a meeting the next day. Just a couple of hours, the phone is ringing again, and again the faceless voice of the translator reports that with the "Mr. Belikov" he has the honor to say Kevin Maxwell, the head of Mirrorsoft. Kevin would wish to discuss one strand - a program called Tetris. He was scheduled the day after Stein.

After lunch, a frightened secretary looks into the office of Belikova and reports that a crazy foreigner burst into the receptionive, who shouts the word "Tetris". The word turned out to be a magical password: if Belikov did not hear him in the morning, I would never get Henk from the street into the office of the Soviet official!

You should pay tribute to Belikov himself. The largest capitalists were subsequently admired by the Face of this Communist who did not know the laws of Western business.

In Russia, Game Boy is known in the form of a Chinese fake

After listening to Rogers, Belikov realized that in the West not only a computer tetris was walking, the rights to which were so unsuccessful sold by Stein. The world is cut into this game on automata and with the help of special telepoxts! Belikov explains Henk, who lost the gift of speech from happiness, that Mirrorsoft has no right to most of their products and these rights are sold. The next day, the official meets Shtyina Ice Silence.

After prolonged apologies, Belikov announces that the transfer of rights to slot machines can be signed only with the application to the first contract. In this document, Belikov appoints huge penalties for the delay in payments (many times more generally accepted in such cases). Stein begins to bargain. Belikov frowns, but goes on concessions.

The Englishman with relief signs a contract without noticing the trick of the official. In the first contract, the word "computer" is not defined, so that they can be considered any item having a processor, including a telecase and Sasha. In the second variant of the contract Belikov clarifies what PC is. Elorga has the right to all other types of tetris, which can be re-soldered!

Maxwell-senior communication almost helped ... Maxwell junior get the right to play

When the head of Mirrorsoft Kevin Maxwell came to the Cabinet of Belikov, in his hands, the official was some trumps. By a quiet voice, making impressive pauses, Belikov said that Mirrorsoft without any permission produces slot machines and television consoles with the Soviet program - this is a real resistant! Kevin submractfully apologizes, scolding Shatnya and finally suggests to buy these rights so that there are no problems.

All this, Belikov with an impenetrable person answers that Mirrorsoft Nonodynok: Recently, Elorgua received the same offer from Nintendo. Kevin leaves the Cabinet in the cold sweat. He just put millions of dollars to the production of consoles. If the circulation is necessary to throw, its company is bankrupt.

But Kevin has a trump card in the sleeve. He calls the Almighty Father, and he connects his long-standing ties with the Russian party tip. A month later, Belikov comes a telex from London, which it is reported that the question of his depths against trade cooperation between the USSR and the United Kingdom will be considered during the official visit of Gorbachev to London.

Big and small

The biggest The party in Tetris was played in 1995 in the city of Delft, the Netherlands. A group of students wrote a computer program that managed the inclusion of light in a 15-storey building in the city center. Worst of all that evening, visitors to coffee shops that went outside and saw it there!
The smallestin the world, Tetris built the same Dutch. This time, employees of the department of physics of complex systems in Amsterdam University were separated. They constructed a special luminous trap, which can move microscopic glass particles (0.001 mm) in size under a microscope. And everything is just to make the figurines from the particles, to steal from the microscope and do your favorite game. Now we finally made sure that the Dutch - people without complexes!

The fate of Belikov hung in the hairs. The bosses advised him to go to London, fall into the legs, give Maxwell Tetris and ask for forgiveness. However, the official makes an incredibly bold bet. For 500,000 dollars (and several cents with each console), it sells the rest of the rights to Tetris Mirrorsoft. Was there a desire to pump Gorbachev, who in 1989 he rapidly lost power? Or a decisive role was played by Pains, which became the "personal contact" of Henka Rogers (they met in the hallways "Elorga", and the programmer brought a lost foreigner into the same evening, drove to Cognac and spoke up with him a whole night about the game)? After a few months, Belikov, who was waiting for loud dismissal, receives an invitation to America. The head of Nintendo Minor Arakawa calls the Russian partner to celebrate the case won in court about pirate television consoles and the ruin of the main competitors - Atari Games. In the open top car, they chase on San Francisco, listen to the radio at full volume, and from the face of the official, the suspicious expression is gradually disappeared, which was so characteristic of Soviet people.

Arakawa was not in vain in Euphoria. Video Games and Game Boy turned out to be the most advantageous incarnation of Tetris. According to the most modest calculations, Nintendo received 2 billion dollars for them. The share of "Elorga" from this wealth accounted for about 10 million. Moreover, after the collapse of the USSR and the closure of state "Elorga", Belikov was informed instantly: he founded a private company with the same name and continued to receive royalties.

Mirrorsoft could not survive the destruction of millions of illegal consoles. Soon after the Moscow failure, Kevin Maxwell disappeared from the gaming business. Henk Rogers in addition to unforgettable experiences from traveling to Russia received the rights to Tetris for the Japanese market (his own game business was in Japan).

And what am the enjoyment itself? At first, he resembles a typical Russian beggar, Ivanushka-fool, who caught the magic pike, and could not make a desire.

And the desire to come true. There are many talented game designers in the world, some of them are very rich people, but none can write three magical words on the box with their new game: "From the creator of Tetris."

Photo: AP, Corbis, Reuters, East News

In the 1990-2000 years in the CIS countries, including in Kazakhstan, BRICK GAMES gaming consoles were popular. Small rectangular devices of different colors with characteristic of rounded angles in the people called "Tetris" - by the most popular game, for which this console was bought.

On June 6, 2019, Tetris turned 35 years old. The site tells why this is not just a game, but a whole cultural phenomenon that has become a symbol of childhood for several generations.

Who and how to do with "Tetris"

"Tetris" is a puzzle game that was invented and developed by the Soviet programmer Alexey Papitzov from the Computational Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Pains wrote a game in programming languagePascal She was released for "electronics-60" - series of microelectronic computing machines of Soviet production.

Alexey Papitsov, Creator "Tetris" / Photos from

The name "Tetris" is derived from two words, "Tetramino" and "Tennis".

Tetramino - geometric shapes formed from 4 squares, which are different in different sides: these are the same figures that fall in the game. Puzzles based on such figures existed long before the appearance of Tetris, they were the basis of the idea for the game. In the USSR, since the 1960s, Pentamino was popular: puzzles made of figures formed by a compound 5 squares: they were dedicated to a permanent heading in the scientific and popular magazine "Science and Life", and in stores sold plastic sets of figures (they were deficient and buy They were considered good luck).

Such a set of plastic figures Pentamino, along with other classic puzzles, used Alexey Penchites for running his ideas: In the USSR Academy of Sciences, he worked on artificial intelligence and speech recognition.Pains tried to automate Pentamino laying, but then the power of the equipment was not enough to process the rotation of pentamino. Then the programmer decided to remove one square - turned tetramino.

Experiments led to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe game "Tetris": the incident figures can be rotated and put in different fields of the field, from which the filled rows disappear. On June 6, 1984, Pasytov released the game that became famous worldwide. The USSR, in which "Tetris appeared," does not exist, but the game is popular until now.

How did Tetris spread throughout the world?

In 1985, sixteen years old Vadim Gerasimov rewrote Tetris on Turbo Pascal, thus adapting the game for IBM PC - the first mass personal computer. Two years later, he also added some details to the game.

This contributed to the global spread of the game.

Vadim Gerasimov, the second creator of "Tetris" / photos from the site

A few months after the exit "Tetris", Robert Stein found out about him - the importer of Software from Hungary. Stein came to Moscow to negotiate with Pasyov's on the release license. Pasytov gave him "Tetris", and Stein decided that the game could be freely published. He sold the right to Tetris company Mirrorsoft and her "daughter" Spectrum Holobyte, but when Stein arrived again to negotiate a deal to Moscow, he was refused to sell rights on the proposed conditions.

Robert Stein / Photo from

While Stein tried to negotiate, Mirrorsoft and Spectrum Holobyte released their version of Tetris. Unlike the original version of Pasytnova, the new "Tetris" there was a sound and was significantly improved graphics, and the developers added to her "Russian color": for example, Yuri Gagarin and other characters appeared in the background screamer of the game.

The game became recognizable and distributed as a sensational novelty - the first game due to the "iron curtain" of the USSR.

Robert Stein never managed to agree with the heads of "electrophechnics", his positions were especially staggered after the world recognized the real author of the game: CBS journalists took an interview with Pasytnov. Next, the struggle for the right to produce a popular puzzle for different devices has reached serious revolutions, which also rooted interest in Tetris.

Mirrorsoft and Spectrum Holobyte sold the right as sublicenzia to their version of Tetris to develop a game for Consoles Bullet-Proof Software (with distribution in the Japanese market) and Atari Games (for Japan and US markets). Nintendo develops a Game Boy - a pocket game console.

"If you want to sell Game Boy with small boys, then promote" Mario ". If you want to sell Game Boy to everyone - Run" Tetris ", -said Managing the company Hank Rogers, President Bullet-Proof Software.

Game Game Boy Console from Nintendo / Photos from

Henk Rogers tried to contact the stein to solve the issue with licensing the game, but did not receive a response. Then he decided to fly to Moscow, where Staine and Kevin Maxwell also moved - the son of Mediamignat Robert Maxwell, who belonged to Mirrorsoft and Spectrum Holobyte.

It began this confrontation for the right to issue the game. between several companies.

Rogers from Bullet-Proof Software first met with representatives of "electrophechnics", he was familiar with the enjoyment and joining the development of Vladimir Pokhilko. The Russians concluded a contract with Rogers, now his company could develop versions of "Tetris" for pocket devices. He demonstrated the version of Tetris for the Famicom - the game console from Nintendo. The voltage between the Bullet-Proof Software, which is developing games for Nintendo, and Atari Games. Rogers bought the rights to Tetris for the Japanese market not only as sublicenzia at Mirrorsoft and Spectrum Holobyte, but also at Tengen - ATARI Games divisions spreading "Tetris" for consoles in Japan.But Atari Games did not buy anything: they made a special chip, allowing to bypass the protective mechanisms of Nintendo, which made it possible to create cartridges for this gaming system firms without a Nintendo license. The conflict between the companies led to a long trial, which lasted until 1993.

Alexey Pasitov, Hank Rogers and President Nintendo Mr. Yamauti / Photos from

When Kevin Maxwell arrived in Moscow, he was shown a cartridge with Tetris for Famicom, where the manufacturer was Mirrorsoft - the game was made on sublicent of the company. Kevin was not aware of the affairs of the company Father, so he stated that this was a fake, and left Moscow.

After only 5 years of the rights to the "Tetris" version for different computers, several companies are stated, among which are Atari and Nintendo. Electricity equipment distributes rights: Atari get the rights to the versions for slot machines, and Nintendo is on game consoles and portable gaming systems. The Atari unit ignores the agreement and releases the game called Tietiis, for the Nintendo NES console, for which Nintendo serves it to the court and wins.

Released without a TETYIIS license from Tengen, ATARI GAMES units / Photos from MagicJournal.Ru

In 1989, in Moscow again discussed the rights to the game. The representative of "Electricity equipment" reported that the company on the side of Nintendo. Robert Maxwell, the head of Mirrorsoft, who sold ATARI's rights, tried to turn the situation. He involved considerable resources: the newspaper concern Mirror Newspaper Group in England and Macmillan Publishing House in the United States, a bond at the government level. From Moscow, Magnate came a letter sent by Mikhail Gorbachev personally, in which it was reported that "no need to worry about the Japanese company." But Nintendo's persuasion along with the support of Rogers themselves enveloped the enclosure, and the "electric junction" did not give way to the power structures. The Atari division by the court decision was banned from producing and selling Tetris, and Nintendo released the Game Boy Console with the game.

Game Boy Console came with the game "Tetris" included / photos from the site Wikimedia Commons

Nintendo receives high profits from sales "Tetris", and the enclosure remains with anything until 1996: this year the initial license expires, and only after that he gets the first small deductions from sales. But good relations with Rogers go to him: In the same year, they together create the company The Tetris Company LLC and Blue Planet Software. They register Tetris as a trademark, and now companies get licensed license from them.

Pasytov moved to the United States and got a job in Microsoft, where under his leadership released a set of Pandora's Box puzzles. In the company he worked until 2005, but not directly programming.

"Tetris" - the best puzzle game

Portal of Gadgets and Technologies Engadgetwrites That all sold more than 170 million copies of the game "Tetris" for almost all game and computer platforms, which can only be submitted. According to their data, only the constantly developing Minecraft sold more.

In 2014, the game turned 30 years old, and in honor of this in Philadelphia at Philly Tech Week Gamesainersplayed In the biggest "Tetris" - it was distrounded by a 29-storey building. Hank Rogers, Chapter The Tetris Company,stated In the interview, that the number of paid downloads games for mobile phones exceeded 425 million.

"Tetris" on the wall of a 29-storey building in Philadelphia / Photos from

"Tetris" is used as an easter (for example, it can be found in the Emacs text editor (opens after pressing ESC + X and enter Tetris commands) and the μTorrent program client ("Help" - "About the Program" program, then press the "T" key) . An American journalist Dan Acherman wrote about the game Book "Tetris Effect". In the game in Tetris, international tournaments are held, and the game itself even decided to be shielded in the form of an epic thriller.

But Tetris became not just a popular game. In 2007, he was considered one of the 10 most important computer games and was taken to preserve the largest library of the world - the library of the US Congress.

Psychologists even called a phenomenon in honor of the game when a person pays so much attention and time of some kind of activity, which begins to see the images characteristic of this activity in a dream, in thoughts, as well as in the real world. The first effect or "Tetris syndrome" was first wrote in 1994 in the Wired magazine in the article "This Is Your Brain On Tetris". People, long games in "Tetris"Sees the characteristic falling blocks in a dream or periodically thought about the compact alignment of forms in the real world, noticed "empty places" among boxes in the supermarket or in buildings arrays on the street. In 1996, in the publication Philadelphia City Paper, for the first time called the phenomenon "Tetris Effect", and this term subsequently passed.

In Tetris played and continue to play different generations, he was and remains a popular puzzle on a variety of devices. Hank Rogers.said : "If the screen can be displayed, Tetris should work on this device. And the Pasytov itself will work in 2015noted What would like to adapt the game for platforms of virtual reality.

We do not know whether another such puzzle game will appear, not losing popularity for so long. But the "Tetris" has been adapted for 35 years under all the emerging technologies, and (in any case, for now) there is no reason to believe that the game it will ever stop successful.

All conflicts have a cumulative effect. In addition, with time, the details are forgotten, only sensations remain: betrayal, distrust, dissatisfaction, sadness, loneliness.

Learning to discuss everything, even the smallest misunderstandings, immediately after they occurred, - in a relaxed atmosphere, without screaming and insults.

2. talk if anger and irritation have not yet been easy

As we have said, you need to give you time to cool. Talking about the time occurred is normal. If the emotions will take the top over you, there is a risk only to aggravate the situation and translate the quarrel to a new level (even more complex, of course).

3. Trying to bring sex conflict

A very cunning way that looks beautiful only in the movies, and in reality makes only worse. Firstly, this method leaves the problem in the previous point, the resentment of the partner does not disappear, and the inaccessibility will eat your relationship for a long time. And secondly, sex subsequently risks to become a less pleasant occupation that causes associations with quarrels, resentment and negative emotions.

4. To engage in "Method of Accounts"

About the phrase "I agree, I was wrong, but also you ..." you need to forget once and for all.

Specify the disadvantages of the partner, and at the same time list everything that brings (or brought) discomfort for a long time to look better on her background, - an extremely bad reception.

You can and even need to express our discontent, but on time. It is worth learning to discuss problems in everyday life as they occur, without conflict and in polite uniform. Now there is no time to remember past resentments.

5. Glancing yourself (long and painful)

Recognize that it was not right - yes, to drive and think only about it - no. Internal flour can play a joke with you.

First, the feeling may arise that you are already enough "pronounced", so you don't even need to apologize (there is really no).

Secondly, during the torment, anger and irritation can flared up with a new force, and the conflict will resume.

Thirdly, it often happens that the offender is so upset because of his incontinence, which is already a partner to comfort it: "Well, I will forgive you, nothing terrible."

In fact, this situation is a manipulation in pure form. Of course, it is pleasant for the aggressor itself, but has devastating power for the relationship. Agree, to receive consolation and compensation must still have a victim (and in this case it is not you).


Great way to make up - Cook a spouse Romantic dinner and say about how hard you love, ask for forgiveness

If a quarrel happened in your family and the only thing that is now on the mind - "I want to make up", then you should choose a way that will be successful in your particular case.

  1. Correct act. If the wife has a positive effect on surprises, then you can invite musicians who will give a small concert right in front of your windows. In the night sky you can run fireworks on her honor.
  2. Arrange the spouse a romantic dinner on which you will present your apologies. If you can prepare it with your own hands - you will please even more your favorite.
  3. It is possible to find the path to reconciliation, finally, fulfilling what the wife has been asking for a long time. For example, make repairs that have long promised. Or buy a multicooker, which she dreamed about so long.
  4. If the wife loves toys, you can come to put up with a big teddy bear. I would definitely melted at the sight of such a gift.

If the spouse does not speak

If the wife does not want to listen to anything and does not speak, send a courier with a big bouquet of flowers and a note with apologies and words about love

Let's look at ways how to make up with your beloved wife, if she is silent and does not come to contact.

  1. You can write a letter. It will be especially pleasant to get a romantic message that contains a poem, winged phrases. No need to think about writing, so that the wife was exactly able to forgive. Just pass your feelings, ask for forgiveness, you can list the reasons why you love it so much. Do not skimp on compliments, on sincere words.
  2. You can ask for forgiveness using SMS or write a message on a social network. The main thing is that the correct words were chosen and be sure to be farewell.
  3. Some men connect children. So you can ask for a child, so that he approached and asked mom to forgive his father.
  4. You can order a bouquet of colors, without forgetting to attach a note there with the words of love and a request for forgiveness. Let the courier deliver them to where the wife will be - home or to work.

Path of reconciliation

It is necessary to restore the relationship after a quarrel only when you calm down, and you can clearly think.

Step 1 - do not rush to put up

Each person needs a different amount of time to "come to yourself" after the conflict. While your opponent on a platoon is useless to try to discuss with him the cause of a quarrel. Even if you recognize your wrongness, and he will agree with this, the raging emotions will take the top, and the conflict will exacerbate with a new force. To prevent it, wait until "glow passions" falls, and then calmly inform the native person that you want to talk. If the conflict was serious, then reconciliation is better transferred from the house to a public place. In this case, the change in the situation will benefit.

Step 2 - Do not insist on your right

Do not dwell on the details of the conflict, do not find out who is right who is to blame. From your point of view, you will always be right, even if it is not. Try to focus on understanding the feelings of who quarreled. Close offended just like you, and also thinks he is right.

Step 3 - Put yourself in place of another person

Trying to reconcile after a quarrel, let the opponent that you understand his feelings, and in his place would feel the same. Focus on his insult. Do not be afraid to admit out loud that you are to blame for your loved ones. Try to start reconciliation with the phrase: "Sorry, that upset you." During the conversation, try not to use the Union "But". It can destroy all your initiative.

Step 4 - Do not be offended by the native person for his reaction

Sometimes it happens that you apologized to him for your words or a deed, which caused the conflict, and he answered that you really did a bad thing. Such a partner reaction can cause outrage from you and provoke a new quarrel. Take yourself in your hands, breathe deeply and nod your head in response. The main goal of reconciliation is to take responsibility for the fact that, because of you, another person felt bad.

Know when you need to silend

Men do not like when they are interrupted. Sometimes it is better to listen to a man and do, as he wants, because he is the head of the family. If you do not reckon with him, you will not have a family.

Do not criticize your beloved at relatives, friends, acquaintances. It hurts in pride and brings a couple to parting. Even if you have complaints about your husband, express them personally and calmly tone.

Learn to forgive his mistakes

Ideal people do not happen. If you sincerely want to establish relationships with your husband, you have to understand it and forgive for misses, misunderstandings. When you treat your spouse with understanding, see reciprocity and on his part.

Remember that constantly reclamation of his mistakes, you do not give him an incentive to become better. Instead, you give it away from yourself and destroy the family.

Do not rush with conclusions

Often women are disappointed in the satellite and think that it is better to break the relationship. Hurry to make a decision not worth it. Not the fact that the next marriage will be better. Perhaps it will not be at all.

Do not require immediate decisions

If marriage on the verge of destruction, do not shift all the responsibility for the relationship on the spouse. Do not rush it with decision making. It is likely that he wants to leave the family where it is easier. Then he will repent, but the relationship will be destroyed. Give yourself and your spouse to calm down and understand how to live on.

Do not deny reality

If there are problems in a pair, do not try to run away from them or silenced. Better look at the difficulties in the face and decide to deal with them. Think how good it will be if you hand your hand overcome all disagreements.

Sometimes trouble only strengthen the marriage, so you should not be afraid of them. If you want to understand how to establish relationships in the family, remember why you are together, how strong is your love. Realize that obstacles to you, if you overcome them together.

If I was to blame

If you understand that you yourself are to blame for conflict, you will have to change tactics. To start the situation on samonek is unacceptable, otherwise even a small quarrel can lead to a divide in the family. Mutual reproaches and resentment accumulate, so over time the conflict will be allowed more and more difficult.

Romantic evening with the transition to erotic continuation

The signal to reconciliation on your part will be the preparation of a delicious dinner with a romantic subtext. Children for the sake of such a moment you can take to the grandmother. Write an SMS with a hint that you are very expected when your favorite will come back from work. Before his arrival, put yourself in order and dress up. Include unobtrusive music that you both love. Light candles to create an atmosphere of romance and tenderness.

This is a proven method, how to calm down after a quarrel that will not leave a man indifferent. He will be glad that you decided to leave the conflict behind, and will forget about your offense. You will spend a great evening together, which will benefit further relationship.

A pleasant surprise

If you do not know how to make up with her husband after a major quarrel, present him a gift that he will make him. It is not necessary that the present is expensive

It is important that he causes positive emotions. It can be a T-shirt with the logo of his favorite computer game or tickets to the concert group that he likes

Let the spouse understand that you are ready to make up, he is not sensible to you. It will be better if in addition to the gift you apologize so that there is no trace from the unpleasant sediment after the quarrel.

You hurt him strongly

If you hit my man very much, forget about pride. In this case, it is necessary to know exactly how to make up my husband, if even it does not come to contact

It is important not easy here to apologize, but also explain that you realized the mistake, knighted with him because of the nervous tension and you will not allow it to continue. Explain that you consider it the best man, and all what is happening is the temporary difficulties that you can easily allow together

You can ask your spouse that he does not suit him in your behavior. Then he will come to contact and tell you how I would like to see you. If a woman is to blame, she must be ready to calmly take criticism from his side. Tell me, he will listen to his wishes and try to move them into life. Delicious dinner and women's affection will be a good addition to apology.

Husband long wanted to part with you

If it came to the divorce, and the quarrel seemed to your spouse with a good reason to break the relationship, return love would be more difficult. Remember how the man behaved in the last days. Perhaps he allowed himself to sleep at home, showed coldness and irritation towards you. All this gives reason to think, is the cause of your quarrel another woman.

There is an effective way, as you can make up my husband after a strong quarrel. When the spouse intends to divorce, talk to him. Although there is a little chance to keep it, they still have. Give a promise that you will listen to the requirements of the spouse and try to become an ideal woman for him.

I do not stand the stick in apologies. If the husband is openly laughing at you or neglect refers to attempts to talk, release it. Perhaps it is time for you to think about relationships separately from each other or discover yourself for new love.

How to make up with her husband after a strong quarrel

There is no marital couple, whom disagreements, scandals and quarrels would be bypass. But the wife is on and has wisdom to understand that strong emotions can offend, and forgiveness needs to be asked for peace in the house.

It would be correct to avoid the situation when each of the spouses is waiting for the initiative to put up from the other. In order to correctly make up my husband, my wife needs to be able to admit your mistakes and talk about them.

Woman should be able to admit his guilt and get rid of the eternal desire to be right. Stereotypes, pride, excessive discontent and aggression create conflict situations and quarrels.

Tips how to make yourself with her husband if he does not come to contact

Even if the spouse is very offended and does not want to talk, the problem can be solved by his wife, having decided to apologize to the first.

Follow the advice of the psychologist, how to easily avoid a protracted quarrel and quickly make up my husband:

Apologies are given some personalities very difficult, nevertheless, these are productive words, sometimes it is enough to say even them (subject to sincerity) and recognize their guilt or error.

Remember the romance, put a note into a folder with documents, write an SMS, bake a cake with the inscription "Let's live together", women's fantasy has no limit.

Do not be silent. The conversation for souls is worth weighing, he either completely solve your grinding, either pull out those pitfalls that are better forget about. But in any case, the problem must be said. Your partner is not a telepath, respectively, all your thoughts, experiences and desires need to voiced. But be the most tactful.

Give the quarrel to cool, do not take solutions "on a hot hand", do not make sustainable solutions and do not give in to the offense and all kinds of emotions.

How to make up my husband if it came to the divorce

Divorce as an extreme measure of resolution of contradictions in marriage - may be an error if both hurried with extremes.

Life is full of hard problems and in the family: inattention to each other, misunderstanding, treason, a large quarrel, financial factor, etc. These reasons may aggravate the shaky position of married relations, but should not be an obstacle if the wife herself wants to keep marriage

These reasons may aggravate the shaky position of married relations, but should not be an obstacle if the wife herself wants to keep marriage.

  • Take a conscious decision to keep marriage.
  • Try to find and your guilt in the occurring household difficulties.
  • Believe with the maximum proportion of respect for the desires of the partner.
  • Ask for help from someone close.
  • Find out the true cause of the conflict. Very often, the quarrels between the spouses occur due to the living trifles. However, sometimes other, significant, problems are hidden behind these trifles. For example, his wife jealines her husband to his work colleague, but does not speak directly, but it makes peace because he scattered socks in the bedroom. Naturally, in this situation, the true cause of the conflict is not socks, but jealousy. Therefore, try to get to the essence of your conflict and think about how to solve it. If you hide the cause of grinding with your husband even from yourself, your quarrels will never stop and with time to return good relationships will be more difficult.
  • Do not go to insults. No matter how evils are offended by the spouse, never go to insults. Remember that any quarrel is temporary. You will make up, but sharp words will remain in memory and will imperceptibly worsen your relationship. In addition, mutual insults will not help solve the conflict, but only give you away from reconciliation, so you are worthy of even in an enjoyment of anger.
  • Learn to apologize. Some women never first come to reconciliation, even if they understand that they themselves are to blame. Their pride does not allow them to recognize their guilt and apologize. It is wrong, because the husband is the closest person for you, so there is nothing humering to approach him and ask for forgiveness.
  • Give a man cool. Do not attempt to make my husband when it is in a state of strong emotional excitement. Wait until the man calms down and only then go to him with a conversation and attempts to establish relationships. Or maybe you do not have to do anything - the husband will cool and he wants to talk. Often there are situations when, after a quarrel, the husband will not sleep at home, and the next morning returns and first goes to reconciliation. Some men who are in anger can even remove the wedding ring to show their wife how they are offended. All this is the manifestation of emotions.
  • Make my husband is pleasant. If you have already apologized, but the final reconciliation has not yet happened, try to draw the spouse with something. For example, cook it a delicious dinner or make a gift. By this you will show a man that they are ready to try for him and your relationship. I realized this, the man is easier for the insult. However, this method is appropriate only if the preliminary conversation has already taken place between you, but the husband has not forgiven you. If he does not want to talk to you at all, then such methods will not help.
  • Never threaten a divorce. Some women love to manipulate her husband in such a way and with every quarrel threatened to be divorced. If you really value your family, never make a conversation about divorce, because at one fine moment the spouse can answer your deposits and the point will really reach the divorce.
  • Do not pull into a quarrel of other people. The conflict between husband and wife is a question that concerns only their two. Do not ask someone else to pick you up, for example, mom, mother-in-law, children or girlfriend. This man can only pour it out. The ideal option is generally no one to talk about what you were crushed with my spouse.

Reconciliation in the photo

For the ritual it will take a photo on which a person is depicted one, green cloth (tablecloth, shawl) and a candle bought in the church. Ship the table, on the tablecloth, put in the middle of the image of a person with whom you wish to quickly make up. Light a candle, take her right hand and, looking at the photo, drive over it against the movement of the clock arrows. During manipulations, read the words of the conspiracy nine times:

After that, leave a candle near the photo. When she is a fruit, the remaining grinding wrap together with the photo in the green tablecloth. Put in such a place so that no one accidentally find.


In order not to bring the case to scandals, psychologists give advice, how to avoid quarrels in the relationship:

  • communicate: talk to each other every day so that there are not unexplored stains on the map of your relationship;
  • conduct leisure together: go beyond the city, go to the movies, attend the exhibitions, make a common circle of friends - no strength will remain on a quarrel;
  • learn each other, ask questions about what someone likes and on the contrary - to do it throughout life;
  • feel free to show love to each other, do gifts more often and speak compliments;
  • be honest, even if the truth is unpleasant;
  • when you have become a serious problem, it is better to seek help to a third party (the optimal option is to a psychologist).

Step-by-step instructions for all

To establish relationships after a quarrel, you need to build a right line of behavior. If you immediately notice yourself as you need, you can generally completely spoil. Psychologists advise to make a few steps towards reconciliation.

Step 1. Do not run away

Even after a serious quarrel, do not run from a person, at least at least you can literally hate him. Maximum that is allowed to do is go to another room. Otherwise, care can be regarded as a point in relationships.

Step 2. Calm down after quarrel

Methods, how to calm down, mass. For example, drink water or perform some uncomplicated breathing exercises. Or open the window and breathe full of fresh air.

Step 3. Ask for forgiveness

Excuse me for blaming that the opponent was wrong misunderstood, they were inadequately behaved, offended. There is always enough for forgiveness. Just do it need sincerely. And after, regardless of the answer, smile.

Step 4. Dispensaries

Only after that it will be appropriate to go if you live not together (but I have previously explained that you really need it), or to take care of the house (offering assistance to the opponent). Do not return to the topic of a quarrel. Hold the pause from a few hours to 3 days to calm down and objectively assess the situation.

Step 5. Restore a good relationship

At this stage, it is time to draw the person with whom a quarrel happened, especially if you are guilty. The ways of reconciliation will be discussed below.

Step 6. Decide the problem to the end

After reconciliation frankly, but calmly talk and discuss the cornerstone, which caused a quarrel. Try to find a compromise, go for concessions. The voice must be soft, calm the interlocutor, think in advance your arguments in order to not offend him inadstand. And most importantly - keep yourself in your hands. If you feel that conflict flashes again, stop the discussion and take a pause again.

Many miss the last item, afraid to return to the sick topic so that the new scandal does not flaunt around. This error then leaves sideways: the problem, together with the remaining offense, does not disappear anywhere, but increasing, like a snowball. And next time she can destroy relationships. Therefore, in a timely manner, solve all the difficulties due to which conflict situations with loved ones occur.

Tetris By right, you can call the game to which children and adults play. A simple, at first glance, a puzzle fascinates from the first minute, and it is almost impossible to break away from sorting unpaired figures. Everything is played in Tetris, but the story of his appearance few people know.

The uniqueness of Tetris is that in this game there is no plot, nor characters, no plot or decoration. All that is, is the figures consisting of four blocks, for this, in fact, Tetris and got its name (tetra - four translated from the Greek language). In the late 1980s - early 1990s, Tetris acquired world fame. This game is released for all imaginable devices - for the prefixes of Nintendo and computers, if desired, the game can be installed on modern mobile phones.

Tetris was invented by the Russian computer engineer Alexei Pasitov, when he worked at the Academy of Sciences in Moscow. To test the new software on the computer, electronics 60, it came up with a program that became the tetris prototype. Initially, the combination made up of four letters appeared on the screen, but they quickly filled the screen, and the engineer understood that, filling the row completely, they should disappear.

Gradually, Tetris became the game that we used to see today. Talking about the concept of the game Edition The Guardian, Alexey Pazitnov admitted: "There was no account in the game and difficulty levels. But I started playing and could no longer stop. " The engineer showed the game code to his friends, among whom was Vadim Gerasimov, who adapted it to AUM.

The game instantly became popular. In just two years, she flew off the entire Soviet Union, they also began to speak in the West. There were written versions for Commodore 64 and Apple II. The first commercial company, which became interested in the release of the game, became the British company Andromeda. It is now difficult to understand how the British managed, without having copyright to the game, sell her company Spectrum Holobyte, which has already released a paid version of the game. The release of the game had the effect of a broken bomb: Users wouldingly bought the game, and the company "owner" has fallen further to sell an imaginary license. Abroad, many businessmen have already been fledged on this game, and Alexei Pasytov did not receive a penny.

Pains could not get a patent for the game, as he created her by working at the Academy of Sciences. He6 transferred the right to the game for 10 years of the USSR. The organization of Elorg was created, which became the copyright holder of the state license for Tetris. The license decorated by the law was bought by Nintendo giant. True, Pasytnov This again did not bring benefits.

Alexey Pazitnov was able to return the rights to the game only 12 years after her invention. He became a co-founder of Tetris in 1996. Finally, he began to receive fees due to him, and already in 2005 began to cooperate with Microsoft.

Tetris has been working so far, now the engineers have the opportunity to defend their copyrights on legal basis. When Apple launched the TRIS game in 2009, Alexey Pacitov sent a complaint on behalf of his company. And after all, he finally had full right. After all, it was he who created the game Tetris, in the title of which the Greek root of "Tetra" combines and the name of the favorite game of Alexey - Tennis.

Tetris is such a popular game that it seems soon she will conquer the real world. Confirm this can be seen in!

", Which consist of four squares.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

  • 1 / 5

    The random figures tetramino fall from above to a rectangular glass of 10 width and a height of 20 cells. In flight, the player can turn the figure 90 ° and move it horizontally. You can also "drop" a figure, that is, to accelerate its fall, when it has already been solved, where the figure should fall. The figure flies until it snaps into another figure or the bottom of the glass. If the horizontal range of 10 cells was filled with a horizontal range, it disappears, all that above it is lowered by one cell. Additionally, a figurine is shown, which will follow after the current is a hint that allows the player to plan actions. The pace of the game gradually increases. The game ends when a new figure cannot fit into a glass. The player receives glasses for each completed row, so its task is to fill out the ranks, without filling the glass itself (vertically) as long as possible, so that you can get as much points as possible.

    Accrual of glasses

    Accrual of glasses in different versions of Tetris is quite diverse. Points can be accrued for removable lines, for discarded figures, for the transition to a new speed and the like.

    When points for lines, the number of points usually depends on how many lines are removed at a time. For example, in Chinese "tetris", popular in the CIS in the 1990s, the accrual of glasses was usually like this: 1 line - 100 points, 2 lines - 300 points, 3 lines - 700 points, 4 lines (i.e., make tetris) - 1500 points. That is, the more lines are removed at a time, the greater the ratio of the amount of points to the number of lines. Curiously, that tetris In many versions of the game, the action is also called, after which 4 lines disappear. This can be done only in one way - to reset the "stick" (the figure in which all cells are located on one line) in the "mine" of width 1 and depth of at least 4.

    When the points are charged for discarded figures, the height on which the figure stopped was taken into account (for example, the lower, the better), the distance that the figure flown after the "dropping" (acceleration of the fall). Although usually the priority are the lines, and a relatively small number of points is charged for the figurines.


    Interest in Figures domino, trimino, tetramino and pentamino In the USSR, it emerged thanks to the book S. V. Golomb "Polyminino" (Mir Publishing House, 1975). In particular, Pentamino was so popular that in the "science and life" since the 1960s, there was a permanent section on the preparation of figures from Pentamino set, and plastic pentamino sets were sometimes sold in stores.

    "Tetris" was first written by Alexey Pasytnov in June 1984 on the computer electronics-60. Working in the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Pasytnov was engaged in problems of artificial intelligence and speech recognition, and for running the ideas used puzzles, including classical pentamino. Pasytov tried to automate the laying of pentamino into the specified figures. However, the computing capacities of the then equipment for rotation of Pentamino lacked, had to be debugged on Tetramino, which determined the name of the game. In those experiments, the basic idea of \u200b\u200b"Tetris" was born - so that the figures were falling, and the filled rows disappeared.

    The game quickly spread in Moscow and then around the world. A few months later, the game learned the importer of Software from Hungary - Robert Stein. Stein went to Moscow, where he met with Alexei Pasytnov, and agreed on a license for the release of the game. For some unknown for the stein, the reason for the entertainment gave him Tetris. Robert Stein immediately decided that the game could be free to publish.

    Stein sold the right to Tetris by Mirrorsoft (and its subsurient company Spectrum Holobyte) owned by British media magnate Robert Maxwell. Stein arrived to negotiate the purchase of rights in real right holders a few months after the conclusion of the transaction. Russians refused to sell the stein of the right to Tetris on its conditions. Meanwhile, the two companies Maxwell - British Mirrorsoft and American Spectrum Holobyte - produce your version of Tetris. The game appears high-quality schedules and sound, as well as the "Russian coloring" - in the background screensavers of the program, Yuri Gagarin, Matias Rust, shortly before that, who has become the landing of his sports aircraft on Red Square, and other character incomes. Sensation is born in front - the first game due to the "iron curtain".

    It is possible that no one has learned about Pasytinov, if it would not be the defense of CBS journalists who submitted to the world of the real author of the popular game. After the interview with the Pasynaya position of the stein, the stein was shaken, their trips to Moscow and unsuccessful attempts to agree with the Soviet organizations did not advertise.

    While Stein spends the time on the persons of the heads of "Electricity", Spectrum Holobyte and Mirrorsoft on the conditions of sub-licensee sell the rights to develop the Cantilever versions of Tetris, respectively, by Bullet-Proof Software and Atari Games. At the same time, the first gets the ability to develop programs only for systems sold in the Japanese market. The conditions of the second is much more profitable - its "area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility" includes Japan and the United States.

    Rogers tries to explain the nature of his relationship with Spectrum Holobyte, Mirrorsoft and Tengen - the Atari Games division engaged in the development of console games. He had to acquire the rights to his Japanese Tetris also at Tengen. And, in turn, having a license to develop programs for Nintendo Entertainment System, made a special chip that allows you to bypass Nintendo's protective mechanisms and create cartridges for this game system not by Nintendo licensees. Contradictions between Nintendo and Atari (with Atari Games and Tengen) are so deep that almost no one doubts the long judicial opposition of these firms. The proceedings between Nintendo and Atari continued until 1993.

    Kevin Maxwell arrives in the electrophite equipment and there it will demonstrate the cartridge with Tetris for Famicom. Being completely ignorant about the actions of the company, founded by his father, Kevin initially refuses to believe his interlocutors. However, an inscription is clearly visible on the cartridge - Mirrorsoft. The younger Maxwell remains nothing but to declare that it is likely to fake.

    However, on June 29, 2010, in an interview with the journalists of one of the Gamer portals, Alexey Pasitov said that the last ten years he worked on the multiplayer regime for his brainchild. But the most interesting thing is that he has not finished yet.

    He said that the main problem lies in the dynamics of Tetris. At the last levels, all your attention is focused on the game, any careless movement and you will lose. So you just have no time to watch what other gamers do. [ style]

    Implementation and options

    The game is implemented almost on all modern computers, including PDAs, mobile phones, game video applications, televisions (as an additional feature), a variety of pocket gaming devices. There are options for the game for all any common OS, as well as for Java. There is a port even for an oscilloscope. It is difficult if it is possible to call such a computing platform where this game would not be.

    Perhaps the highest popularity was acquired by the sale of Tetris for the Game Boy gaming console and the video attachment of NES (and its numerous clones).

    In many implementations, the glass is not initially empty. There are implementations (for example, free gravytris for Microsoft Windows) with more realistic gravity rules: for example, when the horizontal series is disappeared, the blocks that are above it are connected to the connected areas and each area falls until it passes to the block; This can lead to the filling of new rows and new drops, and so on.

    There are also versions of the game in which the game is not on the glasses, but on the opening of the hidden image. To facilitate the game there are options without complex S- and Z-shaped figures and without increasing the speed of the game.

    In addition, Tetcolor is a very popular variety of Tetris, written in 1991 by Sergey Sotnikov (Tula), where the lines (horizontal, vertical and diagonal) disappear, collected from one color. Similar to her ACID DROP developed by the programmer Dennis M. Kisx.

    There is a more complex version of the Pentix game ("Pentix"), which uses all the figures from 1x1 to pentamino (18 pentamino, 7 Tetris figures, and 4 figures from a smaller number of cells).

    There is also an implementation of the game where the elements of the figures are triangles - Crazy Tetris from Astatix \u200b\u200bSoftware, Amazing Tetris.

    One of the latest examples is the Dwice game developed in 2006 by the inventor of Tetris, Alexei Pazitnov.

    Tetris is also embedded as an Easter egg to the Emacs text editor (opens after pressing ESC + X and enter TETRIS commands).

    In addition, Tetris is built into the μTorrent client. To do this, you need to open "Help" - "On the Program" and press the T.

    Phystris - Tetris with realistic physical behavior of blocks of figures. In the game you can change the game mode, the number of cubes of figures (4.5 or more), music and background. The game was developed by Peter Petrov in 2009.


    • The most famous melody associated in the West with Tetris is the Russian song "Corobeinists" ("Oh, full of my battlefield ..."). For this melody, many Western musical groups and performers made remixes and their arrangements, stepping exactly that this melody is from the famous Tetris. Although there are a lot of DJs who have made a remix melody, denoting "Tetris Remix", but not posted in albums. In the German group Scooter at the end of 2007 (the composition is called Whistling Dave, "Whistling Dave") This melody is dispersed throughout the track. An indication of Tetris is a characteristic computer voice at the end of the composition, talking "Game Over". There is also a remix from the popular singer and composer Basshunter. This melody, for example, is used as part of a musical track to the Tetris version called Tetris-2, written in 1990 on the ZX-Spectrum computer. It sounds alternately with the melody of the International, smoothly moving into each other. At the end of 2015, the British comedy music group PIG WITH THE FACE OF A BOY released a video clip called "A Complete History of The Soviet Union Through The Eyes of a Humble Worker, Arranged to the Melody of Tetris" on his song of the same name. In the song, the chorus repeats the tetris melody, and in the video clip there are scenes with falling figures from the game.
    • In some versions of one of the melodies, Ivan Larionova is "Kalinka".

    Theoretical problems

    Typically, the player loses due to the fact that it cannot cope with a too fast pace of the game, or because this implementation responds to the keys too slowly compared to the accelerating pace of the fall of the figures, as a result of which the player can no longer attach a sufficient number of shifts to figurine.

    An article was published, the author of which proves that even if the player responds instantly and always took the right decisions, then in this case he would eventually lose. The problem is S- and Z-shaped figures. A sufficient large number of S-figures will make the player leave a hole in the lower right corner. A sufficiently large number of Z-figures after that will force the player to leave the hole in the left corner of the next row, without filling out the previous hole. If, after this, quite a lot of S-figures fall again, there are quite a lot of z-figures, and so many times will be filled (with holes around the edges) the entire field, and for the next feature, the place will not remain. If the random number generator is ideal and produces a discrete uniform distribution, any (including such) a combination sooner or later falls.

    However, the average time, through which such a combination will fall, is huge and exceeds the existence of the universe. However, it is possible that there is some other, more difficult to prove the reason why the perfect player should lose much earlier than the above-mentioned border.

    Some tasks arising from the player during the game are