Georgian noodles soup. Georgian Soups - Chihirt, Shremada, Tatarukhni

Almost all the dishes of Georgian national cuisine loved in many countries of the world. The most famous steel such as Khachapuri, Tapack chicken, chakhochiba and amazing first Harcho dish. But not only with the soup Kharcho, the kitchen of Georgia is famous, there are no less interesting soups, which are not refused by fans of contrast of acute and spicy flavors.

Georgian Soup - General Preparation Principles

Harcho became famous for the whole world of Georgian soup. Traditionally prepare it on tclapie from beef meat with the addition of rice, walnuts. Sometimes the tclapi is replaced with tkemali or tomatoes with lemon juice. Today, Kharcho recipes have become more diverse, and not only beef, but also other types of meat, as well as additional ingredients, sauces and spices are used to prepare this first dish.

Soup chihirtama It differs significantly from Kharcho, but, nevertheless, it is also very tasty and interesting. This first dish is prepared on egg-based meat from poultry or lamb. In the soup there are such spices like mint and saffron, but there is no favorite residents of Georgia Spice - Khmeli-Sunnels.

Bozzart Also prepare mainly of the bird or lamb. The composition of the soup, in addition to meat, includes ingredients such as onions and tomatoes. Kinky dish gives lemon or pomegranate juice.

Hashi - This is a very fat broth based on beef legs, stomach and others, it would seem, little appetizing beef parts, but the soup is so tasty and fragrant that it is simply impossible to resist the plates. Prepared soup for a very long time, but the result is all the effort and time spent on the dish.

Unlike many other Soups of Georgia, shremanda Preparing without meat, vegetables and croup. This is the first Marty-based dish with the addition of eggs and flour refueling.

Mazony - This is the most popular Georgian milk product, reminding its consistency thick caramel cream. Maconi made from different types of milk. It is not only added to various dishes, but also eat just like that. Good, properly cooked Maconi, if you turn over the jar in which this fermented milk product is not flowing.

Also in almost all the dishes of Georgian cuisine are present orekhi - Hazelnuk, flask, almonds, beech nuts, but basically use walnuts. They are put not only in baking and cold snacks, but also sauces, soups, hot second dishes.

Well, of course, spicesThe inhabitants of Georgia are used to prepare soups and dishes are of great importance. Without them, Georgian cuisine would not be so interesting and complete. Most often used tarragon, cings, sometimes, charker, basil, mint, green onions. They are mainly fresh, and not dried spices to give a dish of a brighter spicy flavor.

Turning dishes gives sharp chili peppers, garlic. The common view is that all Georgian soups and other dishes are very sharp - erroneous. The burning ingredients are used as an additional, not the main component of the dish. In addition, the burning is weakened by the components often used in dishes - nuts and mazoni.

1. Georgian Chicter Soup


Five eggs;

60 ml of lemon juice;

20 ml of olive oil;

100 grams of corn flour;

10 grams of coriander and cinnamon;

Fresh mint leaves.

Cooking method:

1. From thoroughly washed chicken booze saturated broth.

2. To take out the chicken, separate the bones from meat, to remove the skin. Cut into medium sized pieces.

3. Cooked broth strain in two containers. Two thirds in the first container, one third part in the second.

4. In the first thickening flour, and in the second put the eggs whipped eggs and lemon juice, mixed with olive oil.

5. To pour the mixture of chicken broth and corn flour into the saucepan, then mass of eggs.

6. To bring the chigirt to boil, salt and pepper, turn off the fire.

7. Put several pieces of meat into portion plates, pour fragrant broth, fill in cinnamon and coriander, decorate mint leaves.

2. Georgian soup from Maconi "Shremanda"


A liter of milk;

Martsoni kilogram;

Cream oil;

Three egg yolks;

Six middle bulbs;

Estragon leaves;

Cooking method:

The whole onion cleaned and finely cut.

Share in the scenery, put the butter in the same way, stew to transparency. Be sure to constantly stir the ingredients so that nothing has burned. The smell of Gary rupts the taste of dishes.

In another saucepan, to thoroughly mix Maconi with milk. There should be no single lump, the mass should be homogeneous.

Pour Maconi to the scene to the bow, salt. Stirring, bringing the soup to a boil. Tomber on the very quiet fire ten minutes.

Remove the fire shrinkage when Shremanda will cool down, enter yolks.

Ready Georgian soup Sprinkle with fresh greens in the desired amount. The more the greens will be, the brighter and the soup will come out.

3. Georgian soup "Harcho"


Shelf beef clipping;

50 grams of rice;


30 ml of vegetable oil;

60 grams of tkemali;

50 grams of tomato puree;

Three slices of garlic;

Fresh kinza;

Chile chest;

1.3 liters of water;

10 grams of acute adjika;

Black pepper;


Hammer Carnation;

Cooking method:

1. Cut with beef clipping with small pieces, boil until readiness.

2. Little cubes, mix with black pepper.

3. Finely chop garlic and cilantro, mix.

4. Rice rinse.

5. Passing the first onion on the vegetable oil until soft, add tomato paste, to withstand on a quiet fire, stirring, about five more minutes.

6. To boiling broth with ready-made meat, lay a cereal passable in bow taut, salt.

7. As soon as Rice is ready to enter Adzhika, garlic, mixed with herbs, chopped with thin rings.

8. Add cinnamon, carnation, hops-Sunnels and Tkemali sauce.

9. Before serving, the Georgian soup is five to another five minutes.

4. The thick Georgian soup "Harcho in Megrelski"


Kilogram of steam veal;

120-150 grams of purified nuts;

Three mid-bulbs;

Big beam kinse;

250 grams of Megrelo Adzhika;

30 grams of tomato paste;

Saffron, salt, hops-Sunnels, black pepper, coriander;

100 ml of dry white wine;

50 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

Veal can be replaced with beef, then the time of cooking meat will increase approximately an hour.

1. Rinse meat and cut into cubes in three or four centimeters.

2. Fry on cream oil to gold for five minutes.

3. Add crushed bow, 100 ml of water, wine, salt and pepper. Stew after boiling 30 minutes.

4. Nuts chop in mortar. Of course, you can speed up the process and grind them into the meat grinder, but it is the nuts crushed into the mortar that retain all its oilyness and, accordingly, aroma and taste.

5. In the finished meat, pour nuts, finely chopped kinse, coriander, saffron, hops-Sunnels.

6. Add Adzhik and tomato paste.

7. Stew all the components of the thick Georgian soup for another twenty-thirty.

5. Georgian Soup "Burartum of Chicken"


Three tomatoes;

Bunch of kinse;

Bunch of parsley;

Several twigs of dill;

Half juice of lemon;


Salt pepper;

Mint leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Put into a saucepan chicken, chopped by portion slices, pour into a small amount of water - enough and half a cup, can be slightly larger. Stew until the meat is ready.

2. Chicken to remove, and the juice merge into a small frying pan.

3. Stewed on a selected chicken juice finely chopped onions before transparency.

4. Mix onions with chicken, pour a couple of water liters, boil for ten minutes.

5. Add crushed greenery, all spices to taste, tomorrow for a few minutes.

6. Serve Georgian boaartum soup, decides with mint leaves.

6. Georgian Soup "Hashi"


Kilogram of beef scars;

Sheet of beef legs;

200 grams of white bread;

Salt pepper;

200 ml of milk;

Cooking method:

1. Beef legs first fall, then rinse thoroughly. Scars clean.

2. Soak the meat ingredients for the night in cold water in different tanks.

3. In the morning again, everything is pretty rinsed, scars cut into small pieces.

4. Share meat separately in the old saucepans, pour water.

5. Bring to a boil, merge water, pour a new one.

6. Cook to complete readiness, for scars will be required at least eight hours, for beef legs - six. The broth in which the stomach was cooked, should acquire a dairy-white color.

7. To take out the leg, mix both broth together with the slices of the beef scar in one pot, put to boil on a slow fire.

8. Cut bread into pieces, pour milk.

9. As soon as the broth in the pan evaporates half, add softening bread.

10. Pour some boiling water, the meat must be completely covered with liquid, set the quietest fire, tomorrow the soup is about one and a half hours.

11. Before serving, the halie is sprinkled with salt and pepper, refuel with chopped garlic.

7. Georgian Solyanka Soup


Shepherd beef;

Glass of dry red wine;

Three bulbs;

20 grams of flour;

50 grams of butter cream;

Shelter tomatoes;


Three slices of garlic;

Two Bulgarian peppers;



Cooking method:

Cut the beef, lay out in a casserole with butter, slightly fry.

Five minutes later, choking onions and peppers, lay them out to meat, pour all the wine.

Blanched tomatoes cut into small pieces. Add them to the ingredients in the scenery.

There is a pinch garlic and chilled chili.

Stew about one and a half hours. Meat should become soft and gentle, and tomatoes should thunder to the state of a thick mashed potature.

To the finished Georgian Soldenka add chopped greenery to taste and lemons cut by slices.

8. Georgian Soup "Tatariac"


Kilogram of fatty beef;

Four carrots;

Two onions onions;

Three or four celery stems;

Several parsley roots;


Greens of dill and parsley;

Chile pepper pod.

Cooking method:

The soup is preparing approximately two hours.

1. Lay out the sliced \u200b\u200bbeef in a saucepan, pour three liters of water.

2. After boiling, removing the foam, the broth should be salted.

3. Thirty minutes of cooking add to the soup washed roots parsley.

4. After an hour, the carrots and passioned onions are cut into the circles.

5. After a half hours of celery cut into cubes.

6. For ten to fifteen minutes before readiness, throw a bay leaf and chili pepper into the soup.

7. Serve, sprinkled with chopped garlic and greens.

In fact, cook Georgian soup is not so difficult, the main thing is to purchase the components necessary for the dish and to clearly follow the instructions. Diverse your diet by entering the amazing Georgian dishes in the owl. Bon Appetit.

Georgian soup "Harcho" is necessarily prepared with meat, usually with beef. Also put walnuts and rice nuts. This dish has an acidic-spicy taste and a recognizable smell.

Another kind of soup "hashi" is boiled from pork. This soup is more like a broth, since it is not eaten, but drink. He is especially good after hangover.

In general, Georgian soups are quite satisfying, and in them most often there is no vegetable roasted. But, as in any kitchen in the world, there are also interesting variations in the manufacture of one or another soup.

It is necessary to comply with the proportions, otherwise, instead of soup after cooling, porridge may turn out.

How to cook Georgian soup - 15 varieties

The most famous Soup of Georgia. To bring the dish to the original, it needs to be added to it.


  • Paprika
  • Tomato - 3-4 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Beef - 370 g
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Water - 2200 ml
  • Pepper
  • Fig - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Basil
  • Celery - 1 stem
  • Khmeli-Sunneli


Meat with a bulb, celery, send salt to the cooking container, pour water and put on fire. Let boil. Cook 1-1.5 hours. Decoction to strain. Preheat the frying pan, add oil and put meat. Fry for 5 minutes, then add 5 tbsp. l. Broth and stew 10 minutes under the lid. With tomato, remove the skirt, cut and add to the meat. Cook for another 10 minutes. Garlic skip across garlic. Add the contents of the frying pan into the broth, let go boil and cook for 5 minutes. Add rice and cook for another 10 minutes. For 3 minutes to add spices and garlic.

So that the decoction turned out to be transparent, you need to shoot a foam.

Garlic is put in any liquid dish last. So his taste will be pronounced.


  • Pork - 180 g
  • Rice - 45 g
  • Walnuts - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tsp.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Hvel-Sunnels - 1 tsp.
  • Lachy oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Coriander
  • Carrots - Half


Rice rinse and pour with water for 30 minutes.

Vegetables clean, pour meat with water, add chopped onions, carrots, greens and put on fire. Cook for 30 minutes. Vegetables from dishes, meat cut into pieces. Add rice to broth. Salt. Cooked vegetables lay out in the pan, add tomato paste, oil, fry. With tomato, remove the skin, cut into pieces and add to the roaster. Grind nuts and send to soup. There you also add a roaster, Khmeli-Sunneli. Cook another 10 minutes. After shutdown, add chopped garlic and greens.

To quickly remove the skin with tomatoes, you need to quote them with boiling water.

The first dish should draw at least 10 minutes under the closed lid after turning off.


  • Onions - 1 head
  • Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • Fig - 2 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Tomato Pasta - ½ banks
  • Kinza
  • Khmeli-Sunneli
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Pepper black hammer


Meat boil in salted water. Rice rinse. Ready meat get out of the broth, and put in it. Grinding onions fry in a frying pan. There is also a tomato paste and 3-4 tbsp. l. Broth. Meat cut into pieces and send to rice. The contents of the frying pan pour into the pan and continue to cook. Garlic crushing, rinse and cut the greens. Add them as well as spices in soup. Boil.

In order for the dish easier, chicken meat is used instead of beef or lamb.


  • Poultry meat (fillet) - 4 pcs.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Greens
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Flour - 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sunflower oil


Water put on fire, and rinse meat. Send it to the water. Onions cut and fry on oil. Stay it in a plate, PA on the oil residue to fry flour before changing the color. Finished fillet stretch out of the pan, and put flour into the broth. All quickly mix and remove from the fire. Eggs to beat and add a little broth to them from the pan. Stir and mix add to the pan. Put it on fire and bring to a boil. Cut meat and add to the saucepan. Green cut. Add to salt spices. Before serving soup decorate greens.

With the Georgian "Harcho" translates as "beef soup", but the meat world is so rich that the variations of this dish with different types of meat appeared in cooking.


  • Kinza - 15 g
  • Tomato Puree - 30 g
  • Fig - 35 g
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Hammer Cinnamon - 1 g
  • Water - 1000 ml
  • Tkemali - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Chile Pepper - 5 g
  • Baranya Breast - 280 g
  • Hvel-Sunneli - 1 g
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Pepper black ground - 1 g
  • Carnation - 1 g
  • Adzhika - 10 g


Mutton chop and booze. Onions crush and mix with pepper. Tomato mashed potatoes in vegetable oil. Greens and garlic cut and mix. In the broth put onions, tomato puree, washed rice. 5 minutes before the end of cooking add tkemali, greens with garlic, chilled chili pepper rings, Khmeli-Sunnels, Cinnamon, Carnation, Adzhika.

Beans makes soup back, therefore it needs to be added to such a dish.

Instead of tomato paste, you can use ketchup or fresh tomatoes.


  • Chicken breast - 200 g
  • Tomato paste - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Red Canned Bean - 1 Bank
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


Cut meat into pieces and put it in a frying pan on a preheated vegetable oil. Finger 5 minutes. Pan with water to send to fire and spill. Pepper wash, clean and cut straw. Carrots crush on the grater. Put vegetables in the pan. There is also a tomato paste, beans. Sleet everything and stew 10 minutes under the lid. Pour the contents of the frying pan in the pan and let boil.

The absence of vegetables is characteristic of Georgian soups. They are replaced with yolks with lemon juice.


  • Chicken - 1 pc.
  • Corn flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken egg - 5 pcs.
  • Coriander - 2 h.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - 2 h. L.
  • Mint - 2 h.


Cook the broth, pour it into 2 tanks, cool a little. One piece of flour and stir. Buck eggs. Lemon juice to mix with olive oil, add to the second part. There and eggs. In the pan, first first with flour, then the second part with the eggs. Salt. Posted by coronara, mint, cinnamon.

Decorate the solicito with sliced \u200b\u200brings with olives.

Serve to the table Soleanka is needed with the pita.


  • Onions - 3 Heads
  • Red pepper
  • Salt - ½ tsp.
  • Cumin seeds - ½ tsp.
  • Ground red pepper - ½ h.
  • Beef fillet - 430 g
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Young dill - 3 beams
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Red dry wine - 1 tbsp.


Cut and fry meat. Add salt, red ground pepper, bow rings and frying with meat for 5 minutes. Insert the pasta and wine paste. Under the lid to stew 1-1.5 hours. 15 minutes before graduation, add red pepper, cumin and greens. At the end add crushed garlic.

Such soup is sufficient sufficient, therefore you can eat it without bread.


  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. L.
  • Water - 3 l
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • .Sol - 70 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Meat minced meat - 300 g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Pepper black ground - 2 g
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Egg chicken - 1 pc.
  • Rice - ¼ cup
  • Parsley - 1 beam


To mince add crushed bow and egg, salt and pepper, rice. Stir and make meatballs.

Ground carrots and bow fry. Add tomato without skin. Swipe for 4 minutes. To put a saucepan with water, salt and boil the water. Add chopped vegetables into it. Put the meatballs and cook for 10 minutes. Cut potatoes and also send to water. Boil, cover with a lid and cook until readiness. When meatballs will pop up, add a roaster and peak 3 minutes.

To eat soup with sour cream and greens.

So that the soup is thick, it is put on a fried flour and eggs.


  • Chicken - 1200 g
  • Egg - 5 pcs.
  • Bow - 200 g
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Kinza
  • Vegetable oil
  • Pepper


Chickens cut into 4 parts and send to boot in 3 liters of water. Salt. Then separate from the bones, and the broth strain. Leek grind and fry in oil. Fly to fry flour. Cool it and add a glass of broth, mass stir and send to a saucepan. Add onions and cook for 7 minutes. Beat the eggs and pour them into the soup, constantly interfering with it. Salt and remove from the fire. Serve with lemon juice and cilantro.

Due to the plums, the soup acquires a recognizable and incomparable taste and aroma.


  • Meat - 420 g
  • Garlic - 3 pcs.
  • Rice - ½ cup
  • Black peas pepper
  • Plum - 60 g
  • Kinza
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Parsley
  • Tomato - 100 g
  • Dill


Meat cut, put in a saucepan, pour water, put on gas. Foam shoot.

After 2 hours add finely chopped onions, garlic, plums, rice, salt, pepper and cook for another 30 minutes.

Tomato to fry on the oil, and 10 minutes before the end of adding to the soup.

Eat with finely chopped cilantro, parsley or dill.

It is known that the plum sauce is considered the basis of the national dish. But it is not always possible to cook it. Therefore, it is replaced by tomatoes or pomegranate juice.


  • Beef - 1 kg
  • Onion Red - 1 pc.
  • Onions white - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Kinza - 1 beam
  • Fig - ½ tbsp.
  • Garlic
  • Red sharp pepper
  • Spice
  • Tomato - 1 pc.


Rinse meat, chop, fry on oil in a pan. To shift in a saucepan, pour water and cook .. a foam is regularly removed. White onions cut into half rings and fry on the oil until goldenness. There is also a tomato paste, a little broth and swipe. The contents of the frying pan send to the pan when the meat is welded. Rice rinse and also put in broth. Mix everything.

Dolk cut the tomato and add to the soup. Kinse's stalks are crushed with garlic and lay out in separate dishes. There is a salt and red sharp pepper. All crushed blender. The mixture is added to the saucepan. Soup salt. When feeding the soup to sprinkle with chopped red bow and cilantro.

Soup is so called because after you eat it, the smell of garlic is very audible.


  • White bread - 200 g
  • Milk
  • Garlic
  • Beef leg - ½ kg
  • Pepper black hammer


Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and cook for 6 hours.

Cut white bread, pour milk into a plate and soak it off. Throw it into a saucepan, mix and cook for another half an hour. Soup will be white. Pour boiling water into the pan so that the liquid covered the meat. Bring to a boil and cook on low heat without salt another hour. Separately file to the hash saline, pepper and garlic.

Such soup is served hot and cold.


  • Maconi - 3 tbsp.
  • Water boiled and cold - 2 tbsp.
  • Onions - 5 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Greens


Marty Mix with water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook up to 10 minutes. Salt, remove from the heat, cool a little. Onions cut and fry on oil. Eggs beat for a fork and stirring, add to soup. Greens crushed and also add to the saucepan.

This dish is served with a huge amount of greenery in chilled or hot.


  • Dill - 2 beams
  • Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • Parsley - 2 beams
  • Prostokvash - 2.5 kg
  • Nut - 1 cup
  • Water - 3 tbsp.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Estragon - 1 beam
  • Kinza - 2 beams
  • Green Bow - 1 Bunch
  • Rice - 100 g


Nut soak for 8 hours, then boil. Chose china. Add water and eggs to Prostokvasha, put on fire. Pour rice and cook before its readiness. Add nuts, garlic and greens. Salt, mix and remove from the fire. Let break for 5 minutes.

Georgian soup has its own feature. They are almost deprived of vegetable thickness. But according to the consistency, much more densely ordinary soups. This is achieved mainly due to the introduction of egg yolk yolks or whole eggs into soups. So that the eggs are not coagulated when heated, they are pre-mixed with any acidic medium (natural acidic fruit juice, acid milk - Marty or with vinegar). Especially often used as an acidic medium a thickened and dried puree puree tchemali, called "Tklapy". The acidic medium is practiced in soups where there are no eggs, but where there are quite a lot of fats and meat. This enlisters and diversifies the taste of soups, and also significantly increases their digestibility.


The most famous Georgian soup, known all over the world. There is more than a dozen of its varieties, but common for them is that Harcho - beef soup with rice and walnuts on a special acid base - Tklapy (thickened with a plum puree tkemali).

The combination of the soft, gentle flavor of the beef broth and the neutral taste of rice with the unaware of the natural acid of tclapi, spicy greens of refueling and slightly astringent flavor of nuts creates a characteristic taste and smell of soup-harcho.

In summer, Tclapi Georgians replace fresh plums of tchemali or allych. In the absence of Tclapi, you can add tomatoes or lemon juice to Harcho. And the main point: the greenery in Kharcho should be a lot. It is laid three times in the cooking process: first, together with rice, then with tomatoes or plums and, finally, - after removing Harcho from the fire, it is filled with a crowded garlic, cilantroy and basilica (you can also add celery and dill greens).


Chicken soup with the addition of roasted onions, whipped eggs and flour. This soup is much more dense than Harcho, but it does not have vegetable and cereal gas stations. Chichirts necessarily put mint and saffron, as well as cilantro, celery, parsley and basil. Thanks to the selection of spices, the fragrance of chihirts differs from other Georgian soups. Since this soup is rather fat, a little wine vinegar is added to it.


This is a very fat and saturated broth, boiled from beef legs and stomach (scar and schuch). Separately feeding garlic and dried pita. Also in Hashi you can add milk (it turns out a very interesting taste). The halie is very nutritious, as it contains a large amount of soluble proteins and extractive substances.

Hashi is cooked for a very long time (sometimes all night). It is boiled without salt, not allowing strong boiling until the meat is separated from the bones, and the scars will not become completely soft.

According to the tradition of Hashi eaten in the morning, before breakfast or for breakfast. The plate is put finely chuckled garlic, they fall asleep with a large number of spiced greenery (parsley, celery and necessarily - kinza). Lavash and spicy herbs are served to Hashi - Basil and Estragon. Often with the hashi consumed a chance.

Georgians, and especially at the Highlanders, still there is a belief that this brewing soup is not only a source of health, power and longevity, but an effective medicine from the hangover.


By tradition, this dish is prepared in May - June from the meat of the lamb. But it can also be prepared from veal. The composition of the chuckup is: young meat, green Tkemali (Alycha), Tarkhun, Kinza, dill, parsley, onions, sharp green pepper, garlic and white wine. Tarkhun gives a fragrance dish, and the Tkemali acid, exacerbated by white wine, makes a chakapulyabsolically low-fat dish.

Georgians say that this dish is preparing on the principle "folded and forgotten." That is, all products are placed in a saucepan, put on fire and leave without attention and interference until the moment of readiness. And the chakapuli is preparing about 1-1.5 hours.


This is a very saturated and delicious beef broth. He is prepared from oily beef (sternoth, firefight, Chelysheko, steering wheel). Served by Tatariacs, sprinkled by the greenery of parsley, dill and crowded garlic.

Soup from Mazoni.

Martsoni is very popular in Georgia and in general in the Caucasus a thick dairy product. According to the consistency, it looks like a prokob. Before the revolution, one Georgian firm even supplied Maconi to Paris. Maconi makes from different types of milk. The most exotic Maconi bluish color is buffalo milk. Marty is added to the dough, soups, and most often eat just like that. In Georgia, Mazony is customary to buy from Mazonchikov who sell it outside in glass jars. To understand, well, or Marty, you need to turn over the bank upside down: if Mazong does not flow, then - good.

The composition of the soup from Maconi is this: Maconi, milk, fried on the butter onion, rice, a little flour, egg yolks, greens and salt.

Ovech (Okroshka)

Maconi is diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 water. Then put there peeled and sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers, green onions, greens (kinza, dill), salt, sugar and put on the cold. When applying for a table in Oduch (Okroshka) is put as small pieces of boiled beef. You can also prepare Oduch without meat, replacing it with vegetables.


This vegetarian soup (without vegetables and cereals) thickened with flour refueling, very popular in summer. He gives a feeling of coolness and restores the strength on hot days. Schaelamanda is prepared on a lactic acid, fruit-sour and nut-green-based basis (Shremanda from Kizyl, Dogwood + Walnuts, from Tklapy, from Martsoni, from Martsoni with rice). The soup on a lactic acid base is filled with eggs.


This is a berry soup, which is preparing mainly based on the crisp. In the cooking process, cucumbers, onions, garlic, greens, walnuts and a variety of spices are added in the soup, which gives this dish a rather not ordinary taste. Finished soup is fed to the table warm or chilled.

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Entering the Russian Empire, Georgia was able to actively develop trade relations with St. Petersburg and Moscow. Arriving to the capital, merchants brought not only their products, but also their traditions. National Hinkali began to open, in which Georgian cuisine was presented, the recipes of the proposed yoke were called the business card of this country. Unusual cuisine found fans among all segments of the population.

Conquered great fame in their homeland, Georgian dishes accounted for connoisseurs of Russia. Today, national restaurants are in the most distant European countries. Fresh vegetable salads, delicious hot hashi and of course fragrant Mrtsadi became very popular worldwide.

Branded meat and can be found both in the menu of the smallest cafes and in the restaurants of the high kitchen. Chefs specializing in Georgian cuisine are in demand all over the world.

An amazing fact, but most of them in the kitchen are rarely prepared strictly observing the recipe. The process of cooking eggplants in Georgian more like a fascinating journey through the flavors of herbs, tastes just collected vegetables and nuts.

The talent of the cook is to guess the guest's mood and choose the most appropriate attraction for culinary travel to the Kitchen of Georgia. The recipes of Georgian dishes were greatly influenced by the customs and construction of rustic life in various fields of the country. Eastern areas use more fatty and satisfying products.

Recipes of Georgian Bread

Here, Georgian wheat pellets made of yeast dough, baked in huge, cylindrical species, clay jugs were widespread. At the bottom of the vessel, the glowing coals are laid out, which gives heat, and small circles from the dough are plusing on the walls. As cakes are readily taken out and served hot to the table. Bread in Georgia has several names - Madauri, "Kutknani", "Fuck" and "Grandfather".

In the traditions of Georgian cuisine of Western regions, a recipe for bread made of corn flour is more popular. The dough is roasted on special frying grounds from heat-resistant clay, called "Keti". Damn, roasted in this way, is called Mucdi or "Ivishtar"If beans and cheese are used in addition to flour.

There are msidi, adding Imeretic cheese or Suluguni. In the villages of Georgia, bordering Abkhazia, served to meat "Gom". This is a thick cornpap, cooked on water without salt and seasonings. Gomi remotely reminds Ukrainian Mamalygu. Before feeding, it is mixed with Suluguni or Bazhe.

Soups in Georgian cuisine, recipes

The first in Georgian cuisine is mandatory. Spicy soups excite appetite and contribute to the assimilation of the rest. The first in Georgia is preparing for very diverse recipes and is served both cold and hot.

The basis for the first dishes are beef, bird, lamb, fish, mushrooms and vegetables, sometimes milk and kvass. Broths almost do not contain vegetable thickness peculiar to Russian meal. According to the consistency, they are much denser and weld. To give births often use dried pushed Alych, called "TKLAPI".

Each good owner should be able to prepare a chihirt - a thick Georgian chicken soup. By recipe, cooking technology is quite complex and unusual. Pre-flour is mixed with a small amount of cooled fluid in a glass so that the lumps are not formed, and further poured back to boiling broth.

And the introduction of eggs is accompanied by the obligatory addition of lemon juice, pomegranate or vinegar. Acid is needed both for taste and for preventing the folding of egg whit in gray flakes.

In many recipes, the juice of lemon or grenade is recommended to be used to impart ease ingredients containing a considerable amount of fats. And almost at the end there are all sorts of spices: mint, saffron, kinza, dill, parsley, charker, basil, red pepper, etc.

All these efforts are worth. Those honestly: properly cooked chihirt collects at the table of all households and their neighbors who came to the mounted smell. Chichirts praised A. Duma during a trip to the Caucasus.

Georgian cuisine, recipes of the most famous soups

The most famous Soup of Georgia, which has received international popularity, of course, Harcho Soup from beef. In Georgian cuisine, Kharcho's recipes as a family value, in every genus are unique and transmitted from generation to generation.

Common for all Kharcho recipes is that it is always assumed to be broth from veal with rice, garlic and tclapi, giving kissing. Connection of melting, velvet beef beam, fresh rice, sour-sweet tclapi, saturated herbs and drinking sharpness, give the recognizable fragrance and taste of Harcho.

In the summer, instead of Tklapy, the cookies of Georgia add fresh plum or alley. All products in Kharcho are easily replaced. Alychi puree can be replaced with pomegranate juice, grapes or lemon. Basil and Kinza successfully can replace the celery and dill greens.

The main thing in the recipe is that herbs should be excess. Green is customary to add three times. At the beginning, the grass lay along with rice, hereinafter - with alcohol or plums, and finally the third time - after Harcho's readiness, at the same time adding fresh crushed garlic.

Hasi is very popular - broth strongly flavored with fresh garlic. It is said that he trays the strength and longevity of the mountains. Hashi is boiled from beef tacit without salt, not letting boil. For transparency, it is recommended to remove the foam during the cooking process or strain several times.

Bouilloma should be tomitted on slow heat should be about 6-8 hours until the meat is free to separate the bones. It is very saturated and nutritious, contains a lot of easily protein and useful trace elements. Georgia has a legend that Hashi is not only a source of health, but also a very effective means of hanging syndrome.

Georgian cuisine, meat recipes

The recipes of Georgian cuisine allow the use of meat almost any variety. All methods of thermal processing are used to prepare meat dishes: boiling, root, quenching, baking, etc.

Ancient Georgian giving tells about a fantastic recipe "Meat on Spit"Visually showing the tolerance of Georgian cuisine to any meat. Inside the whole adult bull, the calf's carcass was laid, in which a lamb was placed, the lamb stacked Guses, a goose - duck, chicken lay. Free cavities were filled with seasonings, spices, garlic filling and nuts. A giant meat roll roasts on a spit on hot coals in the yard for a day.

The top of the meat of the bull was greatly charred and was not suitable for food. But inside, an incredibly juicy meat is preserved on the fineness of taste and aroma is not comparable to any other. Today, a dish, made by such a recipe, is almost impossible to try. Meat fried on a spit is considered the most exquisite delicacy in this wonderful country.

The most popular are beef, lamb and poultry, especially in the villages of Georgia in the west and in the seaside regions. Locals prefer the Bird saziva. To prepare saziva on the Georgian recipe take a chicken or turkey.

Chopped with large slices, it is boiled and poured acutely filling with nuts and scented greens. In the oven, the bird must reach again before 20 minutes on low heat in order to be so impregnated with sauce.

The most famous meat kushan in all of the Transcaucasus is a kebab. Specialists argue that the word "barbecue" Comes from connecting two words of the Turkic language: "Shish" - peak, spear and "face" - for on. In Turkish, Bulgarian, ancient Scythian, languages \u200b\u200bthere are similar roots.

In Georgian, he is called Mrtsadi. It is impossible to determine exactly the age of the word and the first recipes for cooking kebabs. More ancient people in prehistoric times have mastered the technology of roasting meat on a spit.

The general popularity of kebab is provided due to the simplicity, speed and efficiency of frying. The finely chopped lamb can be performed well, having a small amount of coal. Methods of cooking more than can be represented.

The main ingredient is meat, but there are vegetarian types of kebabs. For juiciness, the meat in front of hot marinate. Georgian cooks for marinade use red wine, pepper, thyme, and onions. As a supplement or side dishes, roasted onions, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, mushrooms and apples.

In Georgian cuisine, meat until recently was considered festive. The use of meat dishes was not welcomed every day. Only for large celebrations, weddings or anniversaries, a kebab, chinki, sazivi, etc. are served to the table.

Vegetable dishes of Georgian cuisine, recipes

By virtue of a wide variety, vegetable dishes occupy no last place in Georgian cuisine. The climate in Georgia allows you to grow many types of vegetables. The abundance of meat dishes in a national dinner requires a balance of a large number of vegetables and herbs.

In the sources of the 10th century, references to growing in the region of various vegetables are often found. Starting from the 15th century, beans brought by Columbus from America becomes beloved and revered food.

Tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, asparagus, etc. are widely used in Georgian dishes. Together with vegetables, much attention is paid to wild herbs - Malva, Johnhold, Net. Beets, cauliflower, celery are going to move.

In Georgia, nine local cabbage varieties are grown. It is preparing shine, boiled with meat and potatoes, used to prepare a filling in Hincali and Tolma. Dozens of culinary masterpieces are prepared from eggplants that fry, bake, extinguish with the addition of all-related spices and herbs.

There are always garlic on the tables of Georgia, which is used equally a lot in mountainous areas, and in the plains. Few meat or gravy do without garlic. One of the mainstreams is greens. Not every kitchen of the world can boast a variety of greenery, which is served on the table with beams with unwatted tomatoes and cucumbers. The main herbs in Georgian cuisine are Kinza, Dill, Cheremusha, Mint, Salad, Basil, Charber, Tarkhun.

For cooking dozen species "Lobio" In Georgian cuisine, when picking and salty, one main product, beans or eggplants are connected to numerous soils and seasonings. In the case when the main product is changing, and herbs and gravings are saved, the continued result is called "Mkali" or "Boorary".

The methods of cooking Lobio set, but almost for all the main ingredients are beans. Pellets with filling from beans called "Lobiani".

Cheeses in Georgia

Many varieties of cheese is one of the features of Georgian cuisine. Cheeseing by the masters of Georgia has been successfully mastered for a long time. Among the gourmets in the go, brine cheeses prepared with the help of a jug or a burdyuk. The quality of cheese cooked in Burdyuk is higher, but requires great effort. Burdyuk must predend to clean well so that the unpleasant smell and bitterness is not transferred to cheese.

Each region of Georgia can boast of their special recipe for cheese: Suluguni, Imereti, Chanakh, Coban, and of course, the well-known Brynza. The use of cheeses in Georgian tradition is significantly different from Europe's traditions. If European cheeses are customary to serve as a snack or dessert, then the cheeses are used to prepare the main dishes. Cheeses are soaked, boiled, roasted, smoky, baked in the dough.

Sauces of Georgia

Sauce recipe for any cook - the subject of pride and the secret of many dishes. In all culinary world, Georgia sauce is known:

  • tkemali;
  • narsharab;
  • sacebeli.

Tkemali is cooked from plums, the narrust is obtained from the thickened pomegranate juice, szebeli is prepared from Barbaris and tomatoes. Georgian sauces are sufficiently liquid, but at the same time, the tremali or msidi is an independent dish, satisfying enough and useful.

Chihirt is a very tasty thick soup, which is preparing on a chicken or mutton broth, Georgian dish. This soup is interesting because there is no vegetable thick in it in it, the broth is thickened with flour and an acidic egg mixture. A characteristic taste is given greens and spicy seasonings. A chihirt is preparing easily and simply, if desired, everyone can prepare this wonderful and unusual soup.

Ingredients: (for 4 servings)

  • 500-600 g of any chicken meat on the bone
  • 3 middle bulbs (100 g)
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 large eggs or 3 small
  • 2 tbsp. l. Wine vinegar or lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 25-30 g of Kinsea Green
  • 1/3 h. L. Ground coriander
  • 1/3 h. L. Saffron or turmeric
  • salt pepper
  • cream or vegetable oil
  • 1.5 liters of water

How to cook chihirt:

I must say that I am preparing a chichirt, slightly retreat from the original recipe. For example, cook a delicious chicken broth with bow and carrots, as for ordinary chicken soup. Instead of the expensive saffron, I use turmeric, in addition, add spices, which are not in the recipe, but I love them - Curry, Khmeli-Sunnels and garlic. And the soup flavor is obtained by Mmm ... very tasty!

So, proceed. The chicken (along with the fat) flood 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and carefully remove the foam. Then add a whole purified bulb, a purified carrot, salt (1 tsp. Salts with a small slide) and on a small fire can be prepared until readiness. In the broth, you can still throw a few peas peppers for taste.

While the broth is brewed, roasting onions. The remaining two bulbs (approximately 200 g) cut into small cubes and directly on the table, we collapse them in 1 tbsp. l. Flour with a small hill.

Calculate in a pan 50-70 g of butter (can be replaced by 3-4 tbsp. Vegetable). Fry the bow with flour to a light golden color, often stirring so that the bow freshed uniformly.

I scatter over onion the second spoonful flour with a slide more.

We interfere until the flour connects completely with the bow. Then add two little ones of broth from the pan and let the minutes of two minutes we give on a small fire.

By this time, the chicken was already welded. We take it out of the pan and give a little cool. Lukovitsa and carrots from the broth are throwing away, they have already done your kind things.)))

Mixed half a cup of chicken broth and also set back to the side of cooling.

In chicken broth, add saffron or turmeric and coriander. Additionally, I quit the pinch of curry and seasoning on the basis of Khmeli-Sunnel. On a small fire, we give a short broth for a minute of three.

We add onions from the frying pan and let it boil for another three minutes.

After that, briefly remove the saucepan from the fire.
At that time, while the broth was cooked with spices and onions, we disassemble the cooled chicken into small pieces.

Then whipped with a wedge or fork of eggs, add 6% wine vinegar or lemon juice and half a cup of broth, which we left. Mix well to uniformity.

Vinegar or lemon juice is added so that the eggs do not curl into flakes when we pour them into the soup.

Egg mixture with a thin flowing pour into broth, all the time stirring intensively. Add chicken meat, finely chopped cilantro and chopped clove of garlic. If you do not like kinza, replace it with dill or parsley and a pinch of dried mint.

The saucepan is again put on the stove and bring to a boil on a small fire, but you do not allow boiling. As soon as the soup begins to throw, immediately remove it from the fire.

Chihirt of chicken is ready. Serve it with fresh pita. Very tasty add fragrant fresh-mounted black pepper.

Bon Appetit!