Chronological Table Evtushenko. Evgeny Yevtushenko: Unknown Facts about the famous poet

Material from the Encyclopedia of the Highiazg Foundation

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Born on July 18, 1933 in Siberia at the station of the Irkutsk region, in the family of geologists, the mother - Zinaida Yevtushenko (he is nominated by the mother) later became the singer.

Children's years Evgenia Evtushenko passed in the Irkutsk region. At the end of July 1944, he and Mother went to Moscow, where he studied and visited the poetic studio of the pioneers at home.

Printed started at 16 years old. The first publications of poems in the newspaper "Soviet Sport" dated 1949

In 1951-1954 Evtushenko studied in the literary institute. A.M. Gorky. In 1954, he was excluded from the Institute (for the support of Roman Vladimir Dudintsev, "not bread united") and no longer studied anywhere, extracting other knowledge, including free possession of several foreign languages, independently.


The first book of Evgenia Yevtushenko - "Scouts of the Coming" was published in 1952, in the same year he became the youngest member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

In the 1950s, Evtushenko publishes a whole series of poetic collections: "Third snow" (1955), "Enthusiast Highways" (1956), "Promise" 1957) and others.

In the 1960s Evgeny Yevtushenko, along with Andrei Voznesensky, Bagla Ahmadulina, Robert Christmas and other writers - "Sixties", collected crowds for reading his poems at the Polytechnic Museum. To this period include his poem "and others" (1956), "Best of Generation" (1957), "Apple" (1960); "Hand wave", "tenderness" (1962); "There are white snow" (1969) and others.

In the 1970s. They are written by the poems "Snow in Tokyo" (1974), "Northern Support" (1977).

In the second half of the 1980s. Evtushenko acted a lot with journalistic articles. Written later works were disappointed in the results of perestroika processes (KN. "Late Tears", 1995; Poem "Thirteen", 1996).

In 1989, Evtushenko was elected by the People's Deputy of the USSR from the Kharkov-Dzerzhinsky Territorial District No. 520 of the Kharkiv region of the Ukrainian SSR.

In 1991, he was invited to the University of Tulza (USA, Oklahoma) to teach Russian poetry.

Poems 1990s. They entered the collections "Last Attempt" (1990), "My Emigration" and "Belarusian Bronovka" (1991), "No years" (1993), "Golden Mystery" (1994) and others, in the books of the new century - "Between Lubyanka and Polytechnic" (2000), "I will break through the twenty-first century ..." (2001), "There is no city between the city and the city" (2002), etc.

As the prose of Yevgeny Evtushenko showed himself in the pel-harbor posts (1967) and Ardabiol (1981), novels "berry places" (1982), "Do not die before death (Russian fairy tale)" (1993), "Autobiography" ( 1963, Franz. Ed.) And the book of memories "Wolf Passport" (1998), as well as in several stories and a number of essay and journalistic books.

In 1979, Evtushenko starred in the role of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in the film Sava Kulish "take-off". In 1983, he put the film "Kindergarten" in his own scenario, in which he made as director, and as an actor. In the same trice as a scenario, director, actor spoke in the film "Stalin Funeral" (1990).

Evtushenko is the author of the drains and scenic compositions ("on this quiet street" on the "fourth mesh", "Whether Russian wars want", "Civilian Twilight" on the "Kazan University", "View", "Corrida", etc.). He is also the author of the play of performances, some of which became the events of the cultural life of Moscow: "Bratskaya HPP" in the Moscow Drama Theater on M. Bronnaya (1967), "under the skin of the statue of freedom" in the theater on Taganka (1972), "Thank you forever ... "In the Moscow Drama Theater. M.N.ERMOLOV (2002).

Several musical works were created on poet poetry, ranging from "Babiy Yar" and chapters from the Bratsk HPP, inspired by Dmitry Shostakovich on the thirteenth symphony and a symphonic poem for the choir and the "execution of Stepan Razin" orchestra, and ending with popular songs "River runs, in Fog melts ... "," Whether Russian wars want "," Waltz about Walla "," and snow falls, falls ... "," Your traces "," Thank you for the silence "," do not rush "," God "and others .

The works of Evgenia Evtushenko are translated into more than seventy languages, they have been published in many countries of the world, and the total number of items is practically not accurately accountable.

In 2008, his book "All Evtushenko" was published, which included all his poems from the first children's poems and to the poems of recent years.

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Evtushenko was the secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

The poet lives and works in Moscow. He teaches Russian poetry in American universities in its own textbook ("Anthology of Russian poetry").

Membership in Academy and Scientific Societies

He is an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts, an honorary member of the Elegant Arts Academy in Malaga, a valid member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences, Honoris Causa Honor Professor at the University of New School in New York and Royal College in Queens.


He was awarded orders and medals of the USSR, the honorary medal of the Soviet Foundation of the World, the American Medal of Freedom for Human Rights Protection, a special acquaintance for the merit of the Yale University (1999).

In 1993, a wide resonance had a refusal to receive the Order of Friendship in protest against war in Chechnya.

Winner of the Award of the Academy of Russian Television "TEFFI" for the best educational program "The poet in Russia is more than the poet" (1998).

Winner of the USSR State Prize (1984, for the Poem "Mom and Neutron Bomb").

Awarded the International Prize "Chitta Di Marineo", awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of culture (1995).

The US literary award was announced by the poet of the House-Museum of Walt Whitman 1999 (the award was awarded since 1989, it was received only by American poets, Yevtushenko - the first foreign poet that received this award).

For literary achievements in November 2002, Evgenia Yevtushenko awarded an international award Aquila (Italy). In December of the same year, he was awarded the Gold Medal of Lumiera for an outstanding contribution to the culture of the twentieth century and the popularization of Russian cinema.

In May 2003, Evtushenko was awarded the public order "Living Legend" (Ukraine) and the Order of Peter Great, in July 2003 - Georgian "Order of Honor". An honorary sign of the founder of the Center for the Rehabilitation of Children in Russia (2003) is marked.

In 2004, he was awarded the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" III degree.

The laureate of the International Literary Prize "Greenzan Cavur" in the nomination "The most readable poet" (2005).

Honorary Citizen of the city of Winter (1992), and in the United States - New Orleans, Atlanta, Oklahoma, Tulsa, Wisconsin.

In 1994, a small planet of the Solar System was named after the poet, open on May 6, 1978 in the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (4234 EVTIUSHENKO, diameter 12 km, the minimum distance from the Earth is 247 million km).

In 2006, Evgeny Yevtushenko was awarded prestigious literary premiums: the Eudzhienio Montal Award (Italy), the Classical Bulgarian Literature Award (Bulgaria). In early July 2006, President Romania presented the Higher State Order of the country for outstanding cultural merit.

In the same 2006, awarded the "Honorary Order" of the Russian-Armenian University.

Evtushenko and Armenia

Evgeny Alexandrovich translated Parira Seva, Gevorg Emina, Davoyan's warm-up, ovansa shiraza, Maro Marcaryan, AMO Sagyina, Silva Kaputichyan, edited the collections of translations of Armenian poetry into Russian.

With many poets, he tied up not only work, but also strong friendship. He always admired Armenian culture, interested history ... "I am happy that I am again on this long-suffering land," Evtushenko repeated.

The poet is proud of the title "Honorary Member of the Armenian Community of Lebanon."

Awarded the medal "For literary merit", as well as the "Honorary Order" of the Russian-Armenian University.

In Charentsavane

Speech with music alternated - only one did not say his speech at the opening in Charentsavan - became a monument of Charents. And, probably, the ravine run and sad, which became a draw, carousel, listed by the snow, watched the platform for speeches. Carousel, slightly outsider. Having sewer, next to her fir boys straight with his palms late snow. They wanted to push, twice, sit at the clouds on the wing. Slightly pushed their fingers of the carousel, which came up to the ground. Carousel wanted scope. Our life is that time and leaps are a great scene, then the fee, then the routine carousel. Who - throws the knees, who cannot be climbed from his knees. Who lives following the example of a chance: Above all carousels and scenes. Blood for blood, massacre for a massacre is the story of this land. But there are no flowers above the earth where there are poets in the ground. Everything in me - from Gomer, Katulla, everything in Armenia is also mine. Without the Armenian great culture of mankind could not be. Dai, Charents, to rely on you to see the biblical dawn. Without Armenia, there is no charenza. Without a chance of Armenia there is no.

] July 18 - Born in the city of Nizhneudinsk Irkutsk Region. Mother - Zinaida Yermolaevna Evtushenko (1910-2002). Father - Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus (1910-1976). Both - geologists. Soon the child was transported to the station Winter, to relatives of his mother was a tubinin.

1933 - Moving to the House of Grandfather, Rudolf Alexandrovich Gangnus, at the address: Moscow, Fourth Meshanskaya, d. 17, apt. 2, in Marina Grove.

1937 - The first poem "I woke up early ..."

1940 - Study at Moscow School No. 254.

1941 , Autumn - evacuation in the winter. Mother, who became a singer, goes with concerts to the front.

1944 - Grandmother Maria Baikovskaya varies his grandson's father's surname to the mother.
The end of July is the return with the mother in Moscow; To simplify entry into the capital, the year of birth of the son is changed in the 1933rd.

1945 - Learn at the School "Necrievable" No. 607.
Spring - Mother returns from the front. The birth of a sister Elena.

1948 - visits the literary consultation of the publishing house "Young Guard".
Autumn - excluded from school. Leaving to work in the geological exploration party of the Father in Kazakhstan.

1949 , June 2 - the first publication: the poem "Two Sports" in the Soviet Sport newspaper.
October 9 - the first mention of the name of Evgeny Yevtushenko as a poet in the review of the poems sent to the editorial office of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper.

1950 - Active publications in newspapers.
Autumn - present on reading B. Pasternak to the translation of the "Faust" Goethe in the central office of writers. The first meeting with Ya. Mozaleakov.

1952 , April - the first book of poems "Scouts of the Coming" (Publishing House "Soviet Writer").
August - receipt (without maturity certificate) in the literary institute. A.M. Gorky. Beginning of friendship with V. Sokolov, R. Christmas, V. Morozov, Yu. Kazakov, M. Roshchin, M. Tarasov. Entry into the Union of Writers of the USSR.

1953 , summer is a trip to Siberia (Winter, Irkutsk); an attempt to publish in Irkutsk a collection of poems; participation in the conference on the work of Mayakovsky; Getting started on the poem "Winter Station".
Autumn - acquaintance with Bella Ahmadulina.

1955 - Marriage on Bell Akhmadulina.
Book of lyrics "Third Snow" (Publisher "Soviet Writer").

1956 , Summer-Autumn - the release of the book of poems "Highway of enthusiasts" (Publishing House "Moskovsky Worker"); Trips to Georgia and Abkhazia. Completion and publication of the poem "Winter Station" (Magazine "October", No. 10).

1957 , March 8 - a performance at the meeting of writers dedicated to the discussion of the novel V. Dudintsev "not bread together."
May is excluded from the Literary Institute.
June-July is a trip to the Far East and to Siberia.

1958 June-July is the second trip to the Far East and to Siberia. The poem "Where are you from?".
The end of October is a refusal to participate in the condemnation of B. Pasternak due to the publication of the novel "Dr. Zhivago" abroad.

1959 - The first prose: the story "Fourth Meshchanskaya"; The poem "loneliness".
May 3 - a personal acquaintance with B. Pasternak; Patual autograph of the Senior Poet on the book "My Sister is life."

1960 - The first visit to the United States as part of the Delegation of Soviet Writers. Beginning of Friendship with Albert Todd, Professor of Slavistiki Queens College (New York).
The poem "Fence" (Junior magazine, No. 12) - B. Pasternak's memory with a mystified dedication of the "Memory of V. Lugovsky".

1961 , August - a visit to the Babi Yar in the society Anatoly Kuznetsova.
September 19 - Publication in the "Literary Gazeta" poem "Babij Yar".
Stay in Cuba, work on filmcenerement and film "I - Cuba". Communication with Fidel Castro and Che Gvero. Acquaintance with Yuri Gagarin.
Song written "Do Russian wars want? .." with composer E. Kolmanovsky; Executed M. Bernes.

1962 - Getting started with DM. Shostakovich over the thirteenth symphony on the verses of Evg. Evtushenko.
Summer is the book of "Hand Watch" ("Young Guard" publishing house): the first 100 thousandth edition.
In the publishing house "Folk Und Welt" (GDR) comes out of the first foreign book of Evg. Evtushenko "With me, this is what is happening."
July-August - VII World Festival of Youth and Students in Helsinki. Pooh "snotty fascism".

1964 , July is the second trip to the north with Y. Cossack. New northern poems ("long screams", "mosquitoes on Lysin smear ..." and others).

1965 , April - Publication of "Bratskaya HPP" in the journal "Youth" and nominate the poem for the competition of the Lenin Prize.
Summer is a trip to Italy. Italian poems. The troubles about the return of I. Brodsky from the reference.

1966 , March 5 - the death of Anna Akhmatova. Poeming her memory.
March is a trip to Australia with successful performances.
June - Evtushenko visiting I. Brodsky and V. Aksenov.

1967 , April-June is the poem "Borrida".
May is the story "Pirly Harbor" in the journal "Youth".
Summer is an expedition on the river Lena on the carbasy "Mikeshkin" led by Leonid Schinkarev. Lensky cycle.
Autumn - setting in the theater on a small armored play "Bratskaya HPP".

1968 Spring is a big trip in Latin America (12 countries). David Sicairos writes a portrait of Eudoshenko.
June 6 - the murder of Robert Kennedy. The poem "Freedom to kill". Visiting together with I. Brodsky and E. Rhine American embassy as a sign of condolences.
August 22 - sends a protest telegram in the name of L.I. Brezhnev (and A.N. Kosygin) in connection with the introduction of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia.
August 23 - the poem "Tanks go through Prague."

1969 , February 10 - becomes a tenant tenant on a boiler embankment.
March - Gets the Order of the Hall Sign.
The book of favorites "go White snow ..." (Goslitisdat). The poem "Silver Bor".
EVG. Evtushenko and V. Aksenov are derived from the editorial board of the journal "Youth".

1970 - The struggle with officials for the performance "under the skin of the Statue of Freedom" ("Protest - weapons of unarmed") in the theater on Taganka.
April - the poem "Come to me on the grave ...".
End of summer - a trip to Siberia.

1972 , January - stay in Vietnam.
Spring - an attack on Evtushenko's offspring of Bandera During performance at the Stadium in the city of San Poland (Minnesota). In the United States comes the poet's monograph poet "Stolen Apples". American poems ("Grand Canyon", "Wolf House", etc.). Luggage arrest (books) at customs on return from America.
May is a meeting with I. Brodsky in the House of Evtushenko.
Summer is the decision of the Moscow Writer Organization on the exception of B. Okudzhava. Evtushenko's troubles in his defense.

1973 February-May is the poem "in full growth."
June is a trip to Japan, Philippines and Hawaii. Pooh "Tokyo".

1974 , The beginning of the year is the poem "Snow in Tokyo."
March-April - a business trip to Naberezhnye Chelny. The poem "Kamaz begins."

1975 - The release of the two-volume one "Selected Works" (Publisher "Fiction").
August-December - Poem "Prosek".

1976 , the beginning of the year is the poem "Ivanovo Sitz."
December 28 - Konina Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus, father of the poet.

1977 June - the poem "Northern Support" in the journal "Youth". Trip by Kolyma. Beginning of friendship with V. Tumanov.
November 16 - in the "Literary Gazeta" published review of Evtushenko for the first book O. Chukhontsev "Of the three notebooks".

1978 , January 8 -pallization of the article "For the great case of love" to the 100th anniversary of the death of N.A. Nekrasov in Komsomolskaya Pravda.
Poem "Pigeon in Santiago" in the "New World" (No. 11).

1979 - Beginning of professional photo sessions.
The first exhibitions photographs Evtushenko.
Summer - the film "Takeoff" gets a silver prize at the Ninth International Film Festival in Moscow.

1980 - Publication of the lead "Ardabiol" in the journal "Youth" (No. 3).
May - evening dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Olga Bergoltz. The poem "The victory is not a girl ...".

1981 , The beginning of the year is going to Italy to receive the Fredzhen Prize. Award the award to them. Galaktion Tabidze.
The output of books is "Ardabiol"; "Berry places"; "Point of Support" (literary and journalistic work).
The East Siberian Newsreel Studio releases a poet from Winter Station.

1982 , January - the first public reading of the poem "Mom and Neutron Bomb" in the concert hall. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Poem "Mom and Neutron Bomb" in the magazine "New World" (No. 7). Work on the movie "Kindergarten".

1983 - awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner.
July 18 - a concert in the Olympic sports complex (12 thousand spectators).

1984 April - a trip to Latin America. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Fuku!". The yield of the first volume of the three-volume "collection of works" (Publisher "Artistic Literature").
Simba Academy Prize (Italy).

1986 - Film rental "Kindergarten" in New York and Paris.

1987 - the book "Tomorrow's Wind" (Publishing House "Pravda").

1989 - In the US, the photo album of Evg. Evtushenko in co-authorship with Boyed Norton "Divided Gemini. Alaska and Siberia "(Viking Publishing House).
The establishment of the Memorial Society: Co-Chairs - A. Adamovich, Yu. Afanasyev, Evg. Evtushenko, A. Sakharov.

1991 August 19-21 - the August revolution. Speech on the balcony of the White House with the poem "August 19".

1992 July 18 - the poem "No years", written at the station Winter. Celebration of the 60th anniversary in Irkutsk.
Evtushenko becomes an honorary citizen of winter.

1995 - the exit of the anthology of the "Strafs of the Century" (Minsk - Moscow, Polyfakt publishing house).

1996 Maja is completed Thirteen Poem (started in October 1993).

2001 July 22 - a trip to Siberia: Station Winter, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Angarsk. Siberian International Poetry Festival.
Opening of the House-Museum of Evg. Evtushenko in winter.

2002 , January 11 - the concent of Zinaida Yermolaevna Evtushenko, the mother of the poet.
November - International Award Aquila (Italy). Hospitalized in Tuls (USA). Cycle poems.

2007 , January 16 - Evening in the Big Hall of the Central House of Writers. The output of the one-room "All Evtushenko: Poems and Poems 1937-2007" (Publishing House "Word / Slovo"); Reissued in 2010.
June - "Zigzag Tour with reading poems on the earth's ball - in the USA, Guatemala, Salvador, Venezuela, where he acted in Russian, and in Spanish, and then in Novosibirsk Academgorodok, in Petrozavodsk, Sartavale, in Surgut, Khanty-Mansiysk."

2009 , March - one-room "All Evtushenko" wins in the nomination "Poetry" at the competition "Book of the Year" for 2008.

2010 June - awarding the State Prize of Russia.
July 17 - the discovery of the Museum-Gallery, transferred by Yevgeny Yevtushenko as a gift to the state.

2013 , April 24-25 - the premiere of the play "No years" by verses of Evg. Evtushenko in the formulation of V. Stakhova in the theater on Taganka.
July 18 - 80th anniversary of the poet: Receives congratulations from V. V. Putin, D. A. Medvedev and Patriarch Kirill. The exit of the first volume of the anthology fivetom can "The poet in Russia is more than the poet. Ten centuries of Russian poetry "(Publisher" Russkiy Mіr "), books" Happiness and payback "(Publishing house" Eksmo ") and" One hundred poems "(publishing house" Progress-Pleiad ").
November 26 - declared a laureate of the special nomination "For the honor and dignity" in the framework of the Big Book Prize.

2017 April 1 - died at the 85th year of life surrounded by relatives in the medical center Hillcrest in Tuls (Oklahoma, USA).

Evgeny Aleksandrovich Evtushenko (at birth - Gangnus). Born on July 18, 1932 in the winter of the Irkutsk Region - died on April 1, 2017 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. Soviet and Russian poet.

Evgeny Yevtushenko was born on July 18, 1932 in the winter of the Irkutsk region. According to other data - in Nizhneudinsk.

Father - geologist and amateur poet Alexander Rudolfovich Gangnus (by origin - the Baltic German) (1910-1976).

Mother - Zinaida Yermolaevna Yevtushenko (1910-2002), geologist, actress, honored cultural worker of the RSFSR.

In 1944, upon returning from the evacuation from the Winter station to Moscow, the mother changed the surname of the Son to his maiden. When issuing documents for changing the surname, a bug was deliberately made in the date of birth: they recorded 1933, so as not to receive the pass, which was supposed to have in 12 years.

Began to be printed in 1949, the first poem was published in the Soviet Sport newspaper.

From 1952 to 1957 he studied in the literary institute. M. Gorky. An "disciplinary recovery" is excluded, as well as for the support of the novel Dudintsev "not bread together."

In 1952, the first book of poems "Scouts of the Coming" comes out, "afterwards the author rated it as a youthful and immature.

In 1952, became the youngest member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, bypassing the stage of the candidate for the members of the joint venture.

"I was taken to a literary institute without a certificate of maturity and almost simultaneously in the Union of Writers, in both cases it is sufficient for my book. But I knew her the price. And I wanted to write differently, "he told.

In the 1950s, which were the time of poetic boom, R. Christmas, E. Evtushenko, was released into the arena of a huge popularity. The performances of these authors were collected by huge stadiums, and the poetry of the "thaw" period soon began to call the pop.

In subsequent years, several collections are typing, which acquire more popularity: "Third snow" (1955), "Enthusiasts Highway" (1956), "Promise" (1957), "Verses of different years" (1959), "Apple" (1960) , "Tenderness" (1962), "Hands" (1962).

One of the symbols thawed steel in a large audience of the Polytechnic Museum, in which, together with Robert Christmas, Bella Ahmadulina, Bulat Okudzhava and other poets of the 1960s wave also took part Evtushenko.

Its works are distinguished by a wide range of moods and genre variety. The first lines from the pathos entry into the poem "Bratskaya HPP" (1965): "The poet in Russia is more than the poet," the manifesto of the creativity of the Evtushenko himself and the winged phrase, which sustainably entered the offense. The poet is not alien to the subtle and intimate lyrics: the poem "happened at the feet of the dog" (1955). In the poem "Northern Support" (1977), it makes a true ODE beer. Several poems and cycles of poems are devoted to foreign and anti-war topics: "under the skin of the statue of freedom", "Corrida", "Italian cycle", "Pigeon in Santiago", "Mom and neutron bomb".

Evtushenko's excessive success contributed to the simplicity and availability of his poems, as well as scandals, often rising criticism around his name.

The literary style and manner of Yevtushenko gave an extensive field of activity for criticism. He was often reproached to the Slavsov, Patus Rhetoric and Hidden Self-Assumption.

"Self-leveling cannot find the form of a calm, confident self-confidence, can not be an expression of an authentic personality. Ambitions are exceptionally great and long ago surpassed the scale of dating. The genre turns out to be violently polemic in every word, in every statement, and the main thing - the speaker cannot stop for a minute; Having joined the dispute with time and the world, he is forced to continuously manifest, "wrote Literary critic Nikolai Smooth about his poem" Fu! ".

Having calculated on the publicist effect, Evtushenko, he elected the topic of actual policies of the party, for example, "Stalin's heirs" ("True", 10/21/1962) or "Bratskaya HPP" (1965). Or addressed their critical public (for example, Babij Yar, 1961, or "poaching ballad", 1965).

In 1962, in the newspaper "True" published a widely famous poem "The heirs of Stalin" dedicated to the removal from the Mausoleum of the Body Stalin. Large resonance caused other works of Babij Yar (1961), "Esenin's Letter" (1965), "Tanks go through Prague" (1968). Despite such a frank call to the then power, the poet continued to be printed, ride across the country and abroad. Evgeny Yevtushenko is printed in the "Youth" journals in opposition in the Soviet times (also entered the editorial board of this magazine), "New World", "Banner".

In 1963, was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

08.23.1968 Two days after entering tanks in the Czech Republic, a protest wrote a poem: "Tanks go through Prague" (1968).

His speeches in support of Soviet dissidents of Brodsky, Solzhenitsyn, Daniel became famous. Despite this, Joseph Brodsky disliked Evtushenko (according to Sergey Dovlatov, his winged phrase "If Evtushenko vs. Kolkhoz, then I am for") and sharply criticized the election of Eudoshenko with an honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Literature in 1987.

In an interview with 1972, published in October 2013, the Nobel Prize winner was extremely negative about Evtushenko as a poet and man: "Evtushenko? You know - it's not so simple. He, of course, the poet is very bad. And the man he is still the worst. This is such a huge factory for reproducing itself. According to the reproduction of himself ... he has poems that, in general, you can even remember, love, they can like. I do not like it just at all this level. That is mainly. The main one ... The Spirit does not like it. Just - Merzit. "

Fame received scenic speeches by Evtushenko: he successfully reads his own works. I released several disks and audiobooks in our own version: "berry places", "Pigeon in Santiago" and others.

From 1986 to 1991 was the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR. From December 1991 - Secretary of the Board of the Commonwealth of Writing Unions. Since 1989 - Co-Chairman of the Writer Association "April". Since 1988, a member of the Memorial Society.

On May 14, 1989, with a huge margin, gaining 19 times more votes than the nearest candidate, was elected by the People's Deputy of the USSR from the Dzerzhinsky territorial constituency of the city of Kharkov and was until the end of the existence of the USSR.

In 1990, he became the co-chairman of the All-Union Association of Writers in support of Perestroika "April".

In 1991, concluding a contract with the American University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, left with his family to teach in the United States, where he lives at the present time.

In 2007, the premiere of the rock opera "Olympic" was held at the Olympic Sport Complex "While Snow", created on the verses of Yevgeny Yevtushenko composer Gleb MEM.

Some sources are attributed to P.A. Sudopolova Statement that E. A. Evtushenko collaborated with the KGB, fulfilling the role of an "agent of influence". However, in the memoirs of the Sudplatov itself, this is described as the recommendation of the wife of Sudplatov, in the past of the intelligence officers who applied to it for the consultation of the KGB officers regarding Evtushenko: "To establish friendly confidential contacts with him, in no case do not recruit it as an informant."

On July 18, 2010, Evtushenko opened a Museum-Gallery Museum in Moscow Region, timed this event for his birthday. The museum presents a personal collection of paintings donated by Evtushenko famous artists - Chagall, Picasso. There are the rarest painting of Ernsta, one of the hedgeons of surrealism. The museum works in a building specifically built next to the gift of the poet.

Evgeny Evtushenko's growth: 177 centimeters.

Personal life Evgenia Evtushenko:

Evgeny Yevtushenko 4 times was officially married.

First wife -, poetess. We were married since 1954.

The second wife is Galina Semenovna Sokol-Luconin. In marriage since 1961.

The third wife is Gen Batler, Ireland, his passionate fan. We were married since 1978. The sons of Alexander and Anton were born in marriage.

Fourth wife - Maria Vladimirovna Novikova (1962). In marriage since 1987. The couple were born sons of Eugene and Dmitry.

The disease and death of Evgenia Yevtushenko

In 2013, the poet suffered a complex operation. In the US, in the clinic of the city of Tulsa (Oklahoma), 81-year-old Evgenia Aleksandrovich amputated the right leg. Evtushenko's leg problems began in 1997. He was worn out an ankle joint, and he put titanium. The first time everything went well, but then the poet began to torment unbearable pain - it turned out, the titanium joint in the leg did not fit. Ultimately, the situation came so far that the doctors had to amputate the limb.

On December 14, 2014, during the tour in Rostov-on-Don, Yevgeny Yevtushenko was hospitalized due to a sharp deterioration in the state of health. Next, the poet was transferred to the Burdenko Neurosurgery of Neurosurgery, and then to the Central Clinical Hospital for the Office of the Presidential Affairs in Moscow. Then the poet fell into the hospital after looking out of the bathroom, slipped and broke his head. In addition, the press appeared in the press, the fact that the hospitalization of EUTUSHENKO was directly related to suspicion of acute heart failure and a fracture of temporal bone.

In August 2015, in Moscow, the doctors of the central clinical military hospital named after P. V. Mandryka conducted an operation on the heart of Eudoshenko. To eliminate problems with the heart rhythm, the poet during the operation introduced a pacemaker.

On March 31, 2017, the poet was hospitalized in serious condition. "Evgeny Aleksandrovich was hospitalized in serious condition, I can not say about the details yet. I can only say that this is not a planned survey," said Maria Novikov's spouse.

According to relatives and loved ones,. "He had cancer in an irreversible form. After studying the tests, the doctors gave him three months of life, but he lived less than a month," Mikhail Morgulis said a close friend of family. This diagnosis was put by American doctors about six years ago. At the same time, the poet was made operation and part of the kidney was removed. A month before death, the physicians diagnosed the fourth, the last stage of cancer.

"He left quietly enough, painlessly. I kept his hand for about an hour before his death. He knew that she was loved," said the son of the writer Eugene.

The poet left a will, in which he expressed the desire to be buried on the Peredelkinsky cemetery next to Boris Pasternak.

On April 10, in the church of St. Blessed Prince Igor Chernigov in Peredelkino passed. The funeral officer made a former head of the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the abbot of the church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University, publicist and literary critic Vladimir Vigilansky.

Evgenia Evtushenko's poems:

1953-1956 - "Winter Station"
1961 - "Babi Yar"
1965 - "Bratskaya HPP"
1965 - "Pushkin Pass"
1967 - "Corrida"
1968 - "Under the Skin of Freedom Statue"
1970 - "Kazan University"
1971 - "Where are you from?"
1974 - "Snow in Tokyo"
1976 - "Ivanovo Sitz"
1977 - "Northern Support"
1974-1978 - "Pigeon in Santiago"
1980 - "Employment"
1982 - "Mom and Neutron Bomb"
1984 - "Far relative"
1985 - "Fu!"
1996 - "Thirteen"
1996-2000 - "In full growth"
1975-2000 - "Prosek"
2011 - "Dora Franco"

Evgenia Evtushenko's novels:

1982 - "Berry Places"
1993 - "Do not die before death"

Collections of poems Evgenia Yevtushenko:

1952 - "Scouts of the Coming";
1955 - "Third Snow";
1956 - "Highway of enthusiasts";
1957 - "Promise";
1959 - "Onion and Lira";
1959 - "Poems of different years";
1960 - "Apple";
1962 - "Hands";
1962 - "Tenderness";
1965 - "Bratskaya HPP";
1966 - "Boat Communication";
1966 - "Pitch";
1966 - "With me, what happens";
1967 - "Poems and the poem" Bratskaya HPP "";
1967 - "Poems";
1969 - "There are white snow";
1971 - "I Siberian Breed";
1971 - "Kazan University";
1972 - "Singing Dam";
1972 - "Road number 1";
1973 - "Intimate Lyrics";
1973 - "The poet in Russia is more than the poet";
1975 - "Father's hearing";
1976 - "Thank you";
1977 - "In full growth";
1977 - "Prose";
1978 - "Morning people";
1978 - "oath of a donkey";
1978 - "Compromis Comcrossovich";
1979 - "Heavier Earth";
1980 - "explosion welding";
1981 - "Poems";
1982 - "Two pairs of skis";
1983 - "Mom and Neutron Bomb" and other poems ";
1983 - "Where I come from";
1985 - "Almost finally";
1986 - "Polyvinki";
1987 - "Tomorrow Wind";
1987 - "Poems";
1988 - "Last Attempt";
1989 - "1989";
1989 - "Citizens, Listen to Me";
1989 - "Favorite, sleep";
1990 - "Green Wicket";
1990 - "Last Attempt";
1990 - "Belarusian Krovinda";
1990 - "Poems and Poems";
1993 - "No years: Love Lyrics";
1994 - My Golden Mystery;
1995 - "My Same";
1995 - "Recent Tears";
1997 - "Slow Love";
1997 - "Invulsice";
1999 - "stolen apples";
2001 - "I will break in the XXI century ...";
2007 - "Window goes into white trees";
2007 - "Anthem of Russia";
2008 - "Poems of the XXI century";
2009 - "My Footbalia";
2011 - "You can still save";
2012 - "Happiness and Discharge";
2013 - "I do not know how to say goodbye"

Songs Evgenia Evtushenko:

"But nevertheless, there is something in our people" (Al. Kareline) - executes NAT. Moskvin;
"And the snow falls" (Ponomarenko) - Sp. Claudia Shulzhenko;
"And the snow falls" (D. Tukhmanov) - Sp. Muslim Magomaev;
"Grandma" (Al. Kareline) - Span. M. Zadornov and NAT. Moskvin;
"Ballad of friendship" (E. Wildov);
"Ballada about the fishing village of Ayu" (Yu. Saulsky) - Sp. A. Gradsky;
"All the forces even attaching" (A. Pugacheva) - Span. Alla Pugacheva;
"You love me" (N. Martynov) - Span. Victor Krivonos;
"The eyes of love" ("There is always a female hand") (Brandon Stone) - Span. Brandon Stone;
"The eyes of love" ("There is always a female hand") (Mikael Tariverdiev) - Span. Galina Besedina;
"Give God" (Raymond Pauls) - Span. A. Malinin;
"Dolphins" (Y. Saulsky) - Sp. VIA "Watercolors";
"Children - Village" (Dialogue Group) - Span. Kim Breitburg (c. "Dialogue");
"Envy" (V. Makhlyankin) - Sp. Valentin Nikulin;
"Inquiry" (I. Talkov) - Span. Igor Talkov; (Dialogue group) - Span. Kim Breitburg (c. "Dialogue");
"Spell" (I. Luenok) - Sp. Victor Voyachich;
"Spell" (E. Gorovets) - Sp. Emil Gorovets;
"Whether the clover field" (E. Wildets) - isp. Eduard Hil, Lyudmila Gurchenko;
"As a hollow spit" (V. Makhlyankin) - Span. Valentin Nikulin;
"Kiosk Revocociation" (Dialogue Group) - Span. Kim Breitburg (c. "Dialogue");
"When the bells call" (V. Pleshak) - Span. Eduard Hil;
"When your face got down" (Brandon Stone);
"When a man of forty years" (I. Nikolaev) - Span. Alexander Kalyanov;
"When a person comes to Russia" (Al. Karelin) - Span. Nat. Moskvin;
"When a person has betrayed a person" (E. Wildets) - Span. Gennady Trofimov;
"Something I understood this in life" (E. Gorovets) - Span. Emil Gorovets;
"Bell" (Al. Kareline) - Span. Nat. Moskvin;
"Wallet" (Brandon Stone);
"Favorite, sleep" (D. Tukhmanov) - Sp. Valery Ozodis, Leonid Berger (VIA "Funny guys"), A. Gradsky;
"Love is the child of the planet" (D. Tukhmanov) - Sp. VIA "Merry guys";
"There are no people in the world no" (V. Makhlyankin) - Span. Shaft. Nikulin;
"Metamorphosis" (Al. Karelin) - Sp. M. Zadornov and NAT. Moskvin;
"Our difficult Soviet man" (A. Babajanyan) - Sp. Georg Uz, Muslim Magomayev;
"Do not be afraid" (E. Wildets) - Span. Gennady Trofimov;
"Do not hurry" (A. Babajanyan) - Sp. Muslim Magomayev, Anna Herman;
"No years" (Sergey Nikitin);
"Remensified I" (S. Nikitin, P. I. Tchaikovsky);
"Nachi" (Y. Saulsky) - Sp. Zaur Tutov, A. Gradsky;
"Russian songs" (Al. Kareline) - Span. Nat. Moskvin;
"My song" (E. Wildov) - Sp. Gene. Trophim;
"Plach on my brother" (S. Nikitin);
"Plach for a communal apartment" (Louise Khmelnitsky) - Sp. Gelena Velikanova, Joseph Kobzon;
"Under the creaking, weaving, Ivah (" How your favorite make a happy ")" (Movsesyan) - Sp. George Movsesyan, Joseph Kobzon;
"Let me hope" (A. Babajanyan) - Sp. Vladimir Popkov;
"Recognition" (Y. Saulsky) - Span. Sofia Rotaru, Ksenia Georgiadi;
"Princess on the pea" (Al. Kareline) - Span. Nat. Moskvin;
"Easy Bulance Song" (Al. Kareline) - Span. Nat. Moskvin;
"Professor" (Dialogue Group) - Span. Kim Breitburg (c. "Dialogue");
"Baby" (Al. Karelin) - Span. M. Zadornov and NAT. Moskvin;
"Motherland" (B. Terentyev) - Span. VIA "Blue Bird";
"Spring" (Al. Kareline) - Sp. Nat. Moskvin;
"Romance" (E. Gorovets) - Sp. Emil Gorovets;
"Fresh smell of Lip" (I. Nikolaev) - Sp. A. Kalyanov;
"Save and save" (E. Wildov) - Span. Valentina Tolkunova;
"Old friend" (I. Nikolaev) - Sp. A. Kalyanov;
"Your traces" (Arno Babajanyan) - Sp. Lud. Zykina, Sofia Rotaru;
"Til" (A. Petrov) - Span. Ed. Hil;
"You are leaving like a train" (M. Tariverdiev) - Sp. VIA "Singing guitars";
"By the sea" (B. Emelyanov) - Sp. Vakhtang Kikabidze;
"Favorite" (V. Makhlyankin) - Span. Shaft. Nikulin;
"The church must be hungry" (Al. Kareline) - Span. Nat. Moskvin;
"Cherto Wheel" (Arno Babajanyan) - Span. Muslim Magomaev;
"What knows love about love" (A. Espay) - Sp. Lyudmila Gurchenko;
"I am a citizen of the Soviet Union" (D. Tukhmanov) - Sp. Muslim Magomaev;
"I love you more nature" (R. Pauls) - Sp. Irina Dubtsova;
"I sobbed you" (V. Makhlyankin) - Span. Shaft. Nikulin;
"I want to bring" (E. Wildov) - Span. Gennady Trofimov;
"River runs" - Span. Lud. Zykina, Lyudmila Senchina, Maria Pakhomenko;
"Waltz about Walla" - Span. Claudia Shulzhenko, Maya Kristalinskaya;
"Long Wires" - Span. Lev Leshchenko;
"There are white snow" - Span. Gelena Velikanova, V. Troin;
"Sooner or later" - Span. V. Troin;
"My homeland" is - Span. Lud. Zykina;
"Ancient Tango" - Span. WIT. Markov, Joseph Kobzon;
"Comrade Guitar" - Span. Claudia Shulzhenko;
"The killers go on the ground" - Span. Arthur Eisen, Mark Bernes, an Aleksandrov ensemble;
"Do Russian wars want?" (Dedicated to Mark Bernes) - Span. Yuri Glyaev, Mark Bernes, Vad. Ruslana

Evgenia Yevtushenko filmography:


1965 - "Zapasya Ilyich" (Evtushenko appears in the documentary insert about the evening of poetry in the Polytechnic Museum)
1979 - "takes" - K. E. Tsiolkovsky
1983 - "Kindergarten" - chess player
1990 - "Stalin Funeral" - Sculptor


1983 - "Kindergarten"
1990 - "Stalin's Funeral"


1964 - "I - Cuba" (with Enrique Pineda Barnet)
1990 - "Stalin's Funeral"


1961 - "Career Dima Gorina." Song "And the snow goes" (Andrei Eszpai) - Span. Maya Kristalinskaya. Also, the song was performed by Zhanna Aguzarova, Angelica Varum;
1975 - "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam!", Director Eldar Ryazanov. Song "With me, this is what happens ..." (Michael Tariverdiev - Performed by S. Nikitin);
1977 - "Service Roman", director Eldar Ryazanov. Song "We are in the stuffed trams chatting ..." Andrei Petrov;
1977-1978 - songs from the series "And this is all about him" (according to the novel of Vile Lipatova). Music E. Krylatova: "Olchova" - Span. Gennady Trofimov, Eduard Hil;
"Do not be afraid" - Š. A. Kavalerov;
"Steps" - Span. Gene. Trophim;
1981 - In the sky "Night Witches." Song "When you sing songs on Earth ..." (E.Krylatov) - Span. Elena Kambourova.

    Poet, Kinoszenarist, film director; Co-Chairman of the Writer Association "April", Secretary of the Board of the Commonwealth of Writing Unions; Born on July 18, 1933 at Art. Winter in the Irkutsk region; He graduated from the literary institute. A. M. ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    - (r. 18.7.1933, Art. Winter Irkutsk Region), Russian Soviet poet. He studied in the literary institute. M. Gorky (1951-54). The first collection of poems is "Scouts of the Coming" (1952), then the collections of the "Highway of enthusiasts" (1956) came out, "Promise" ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (r. 1933) Russian poet. In lyrics, the sharp production of complex moral and historical issues (poems of the heirs of Stalin Babij Yar), the problems of morality, citizenship, international politics. Collections of Enthusiasts Highway (1956), intimate ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (r. July 18, 1933, the city of Winter, Irkutsk region), Russian poet and writer. The movie acts as a screenwriter, actor, director; Winner of the USSR State Prize (1984, for the Poem "Mom and Neutron Bomb"). He studied at the Literary Institute named ... ... Encyclopedia of cinema

    - (r. 1933), Russian poet. In the lyrics, the optimism of "thawing" years, an open civil position, a sense of personal involvement in history, the complexity of the spiritual world of the contemporary, freed from many ideological dogmas, a combination of journalistic ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Evtushenko Evgeny Aleksandrovich - (r. 1933), Russian Soviet poet. Poles "Station" Winter "" (1956), "Bratskaya HPP" (1965), "Pushkin Pass" (1966), "Corrida" (1967), "under the skin of the Statue of Freedom", "Kazan University" (both - 1970) , "Snow in Tokyo" (1975), ... ... Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Evgeny Yevtushenko Evgeny Yevtushenko. Poem and poems. M.: Young Guard, 1990 (20th Century: Poet and Time) Birth name: Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus Date of birth: July 18, 1932 (76 years) Place of birth: Nizhneudinsk ... Wikipedia

    Evgeny Yevtushenko Evgeny Yevtushenko. Poem and poems. M.: Young Guard, 1990 (20th Century: Poet and Time) Birth name: Evgeny Aleksandrovich Gangnus Date of birth: July 18, 1932 (76 years) Place of birth: Nizhneudinsk ... Wikipedia

    Evgeny Aleksandrovich Evtushenko - Poet, Prosisaic, Filmasterist, film director Evgeny Yevtushenko (real last name Gangnus) was born on July 18, 1933 (in different sources the year of birth varies: then 1932, then 1933 y) in Siberia at the station Winter Irkutsk region, in the family of geologists, ... ... Encyclopedia Newsmakers


  • Evgeny Yevtushenko. All poems, Evtushenko Evgeny Aleksandrovich. We present to your attention the collection of Evgeny Yevtushenko all the poems. ISBN: 978-5-906339-95-9 ...
  • Evtushenko E. A. Tom 3, Evtushenko Evgeny Aleksandrovich. E. A. Evtushenko's Work Assembly represents the work of an outstanding poet and writer in its entirety, summarizes all the best that he did for his life: love and civilian lyrics, ...

Once visiting Balla Ahmadulina, Vasily Shukshin began to make fun of Evtushenko: they say what he is - Siberian, who grew up at the winter station, wears a bow tie, as the last Pijon! .. Eugene did not knock, answered the tone: "Doesn't you Kizz co-rigs are not a guonstone? .. "Capture ended with the fact that the poet agreed to remove the" butterfly ", provided that the writer would remove his Kirzachi. The result of this story was the poem "Tie butterfly ..."

All his life, Yevtushenko was dressed unusually, giving preference to the jackets, shirts and ties with colorful, brightly motley. By explaining Yevgeny Alexandrovich, such a addiction came from the Siberian childhood of military years - as opposition to black maternity numbers with numbers on the backs, in which the sulfuric arrestants who went to the endless columns to the camps for prisoners, and the dust-earthly sinels accompanying their incomes ...

2. At the station Winter Irkutsk region June 18, 1932 was born a future poet

From his father, he has Latvian, German and Belarusian roots, from Mother - Polish and Ukrainian. Father Alexander Gangnus worked as a hydrogeologist, its development was used in the construction of a brotherly hydroelectric station. Mother Zinaida Yermolaevna in the second profession - actress. Without accustomed in the geological exploration institute, she entered the music school. MM Ippolitova-Ivanova, after the end of which became the soloist of the Moscow Theater. K.S. Stanislavsky.

In 1944, Eugene's parents divorced - the Father had another woman, but his chat with his son did not stop. Being a poet-amateur itself, he gave a teenager brilliant literary education.

3. At the very beginning of the war, parents sent 9-year-old Zhenya in evacuation to grandmothers

I got a boy in the Irkutsk region one. The road took four and a half months. I drove, as you have to, mainly on the roofs of trains, tosing a strap to the ventilation hatch. More than once fell under bombing. However, the most terrible test was hunger. On the crust of bread and a mug of boiling water earned reading poems on the opponents. At one of the stops in the Urals, I went to the bazaar, where the aunts were traded by freshly brewed potatoes. Walking aroma, picked up one potato and began to sniff. Noticing this, the merchant attacked the hungry boy and began to beat. Broke the ribs. Salzing from furious speculators miracle - the streets beat off ...

Evtushenko Yevgeny and Mother Zinaho Yermolayevaya (1993). Photo: Nikolay Malyshev / Tass

4. "I stopped drinking vodka in 19 years"

In the Abkhaz village of Gulipsh, where Evtushenko had his own home, he was considered a noble winery. At one time there were rumors about the addiction of the poet to alcohol. False. "I stopped drinking vodka in 19 years. - told the poet. - And he drank it from 12 years ... "This is when he worked at the war in the factory during the war, produced grenades. In the gaming Siberia, drinking even to children - so that they did not freeze ... Evtushenko developed his philosophy in terms of consumption of alcohol. He believed that you can drink only in cases where the mood is good. Because this process enhances exactly the state in which a person is currently located - be it depression or joy ...

5. The first poems of the future poet composed at 5 years:

"Why is such a fortune, why breathe with difficulty?

Because the aunt puddle became a thick uncle Ice ... "

Since childhood, he began to make its own rhyme dictionary, which, as presented the boy, did not exist in poetry. They were gained about 10 thousand. Alas, over the years, the notebook with these entries was lost ...

The verses of Evtushenko are written songs that have long become folk: "River runs, in the fog melts ...", "Whether Russian wars want", "Waltz about Walla", "Damnier Wheel", "And the snow is ...", "Your traces", "Do not rush," Give God ... "

In addition to Russian, Evgeny Yevtushenko freely owned four languages: English, French, Italian and Spanish.

6. In 1991, Evgeny Aleksandrovich went with his family to America

He taught at the University of Tulsa Oklahoma and in Queens College in New York Russian poetry, Russian cinema.

By the way, the diploma of higher education Evgeny Alexandrovich received only in 2001. The fact is that shortly before the end of the literary institute. A. M. Gorky, Evtushenko's fifth year student received disciplinary recovers for public support for the officially condemned novel Dudintsev "not by bread united", after which it was excluded from the university.

Petrozavodsk. Evgeny Yevtushenko's poet with the wife of Maria and Sons (Seven-year-old Dima and five-year-old Zhenya) visiting the mother-in-law of Ghana Nikolaevna Novikova. (1994). Stock Foto Semyon Mayster / Tass

7. In 1963, the poet was nominated for the Nobel Prize for the Poem "Babij Yar"

In the USSR, for the same poems that raised the theme of the Holocaust, the tabooed in the USSR, he was charged with antipatriotism. The miracle published in the "literary newspaper", it made the effect of a broken bomb. All instances of that issue were instantly open. But the scandal flared up seriously. And the Glavred "Literters" Valery Kosolapov, who decided to publish, soon lost his position ... impressed by the "Babiy Yar", Dmitry Shostakovich, composed his famous 13th symphony. Which, being executed once, was immediately removed from the repertoire ...

8. Evtushenko officially married four times

Bella Ahmadulin became the first legitimate wife. They lived together for only three years, and all this time the husband was desperately jealous of his beautiful wife to her countless fans. The stormy quarrels of the spouses were replaced by no less turbulent reconciliation ... Passionate love ended in connection with Bella's pregnancy - the young poet was not ready for the emergence of a child and forced his wife to make an abortion. For which afterwards, bitterly repenting, vinyl all the subsequent life.

With Voznesensky and Akhmadulina (1984). Photo: Global Look Press

With the second wife, Galina Sokol-Luconina Evgeny married for 17 years. They were familiar long before the divorce with Ahmadullina, but they agreed only after both of their marriage were shuffled along the seams. After seven years of marriage, the spouses took from the orphanage and adopted the baby - the boy Petya (1967), whose godfather was Galina Volchek. He became an artist.

According to the stories of loved ones, the marriage collapsed due to the numerous novels of Eugene on the side. After the divorce, the husband and his wife retained friendly relations. And the Father's adoptive son never left his attention: I paid his education in America, provided an apartment ... However, Peter, especially after the death of the mother, an alcohol addiction arose. Two years ago, he died from a sudden stop of the heart in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent half a year due to the mental illness.

For the third time, Evtushenko married Irish Jan Batler. She worked in the Soviet Publishing, engaged in translations of Russian literature and was a straded fan of the poet ... This marriage union, who lasted eight years, presented Evtushenko two sons: Alexander (1979) and Anton (1981). Both were born and live in London. The firstborn works as a journalist at the Air Force. The second son is a disabled. Anton was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease.

Evgeny Yevtushenko with wife Jan Butler Moscow (January 22, 1979). Photo: East News

From 1987, until the last day, Yevgeny Alexandrovich was connected with Maria Novikova (in marriage - Evtushenko). By age, they were divided by 30 years. Meets when Evtushenko made a divorce with Jan. It so happened that the young Masha, a graduate of the Medchildren, went to the legendary poet to ask the autograph for Mom. Five months later, they got married.

I have not been able to get a job in America for a medical specialty, Maria received another education - philological, and dedicated to teaching activities. Teaches students in college Russian language and literature.

In this married union, Yevgeny Yevtushenko also born two sons: Eugene (1989) and Dmitry (1990). Both are written poems and translated father's poetry into English. Senior is engaged in political scientists. The younger is a computer, plans to become a philologist.

9. Next to Evtushenko to the latter were relatives ... 39_014

Death began to sneak up to the poet for a long time. In 2013, in connection with the developing inflammatory process, Yevtushenko was amputated by a foot. Hardly recovered after the transferred operation, the poet flew to Russia and gave more than 40 concerts in the country ...

A year and a half ago, he was hospitalized in Moscow with a diagnosis of arrhythmia. To eliminate the problems associated with cardiac rhythm, he was installed a pacemaker ...

This year, a big festival was preparing for the anniversary of the poet: in addition to the anniversary evenings in different halls of Moscow, Evtushenko planned to go to the touring tour of the cities of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

According to TASS, two days before hospitalization in a telephone conversation with a general contractor of solemn events by Sergei Vinnikov, Evgeny Alexandrovich appealed to him with two requests. First, it was a wish to be buried in Russia - in the writing village Peredelkino, not far from the grave of Boris Pasternak. And yet, admitting that he was in extremely serious condition, said: "I apologize ... that I have failed very much. But ... I ask you about the projects planned by us - the evening in the large hall of the conservatory and the performance in the Kremlin Palace, and without me. Promise me it. I will die with a calm soul ... "

Next to the poet in the last hours were his sons of Eugene and Dmitry, and their mother Maria Vladimirovna, now the widow of Evgenia Alexandrovich ...