Veronica key herbaceous plants for open ground. Perennial flowers veronica: features of growing in the open field

A long flowering period of spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences, resistance to drought and low temperatures, unpretentiousness to soils and the absence of diseases - this is not the whole list of advantages of perennial grass.

For information on how to grow veronica spiky on your site, read this article. A video master class and a photo gallery will help you better understand the topic.

Veronica spiky, plant features

Veronica spiky is a perennial herbaceous plant intended for cultivation in open ground.

  • This perennial represents the genus Veronica from the Plantain family.
  • There are several more options for the names of this type of veronica - spiky veronica, spikelet veronica.
  • Unpretentious culture has become widespread throughout the world: both in warm countries and in regions with a cold climate. Moreover, the plant tolerates wintering in central Russia painlessly, without special shelters.
  • In the wild, Veronica spiky can often be found in open forest glades or edges, steppe expanses, and even in the mountains. The plant prefers open, sunny areas.
  • The rhizome of a perennial crop is thin, superficial, located horizontally to the ground level. Due to this, Veronica easily adapts and grows even on rocky ground.
  • Strong, unbranched and slightly pubescent stems reach a height of 15 to 80 cm.
  • The upper and lower leaves are significantly different from each other. Upper - sessile, entire, with a sharp apex; the lower ones are petiolate, rounded. The length of the leaf blade varies from 1.5 to 9 cm.
  • The inflorescence of Veronica is represented by a dense single brush, located on the top of the peduncle in the form of a spikelet. Flowers on densely pubescent pedicels are practically sessile. The color of the corolla is often blue or blue, less often - pink, white, purple.

  • The flowering of Veronica spiky begins in the first decade of summer and lasts about a month and a half.
  • The fruit of a perennial is a two-lobed box, with smooth, elongated seeds.
  • Undemanding to the type of soil, sun-loving veronica perfectly tolerates both a slight drought and waterlogging.
  • Veronica spiky flower is a beautiful ornamental plant used to decorate a variety of landscapes. In addition, the culture is widely known in folk medicine.

Variety and Veronica spiky

Currently, breeders have bred many varieties of Veronica spiky, differing in flower color and other morphological features. Consider the most famous varieties.

  • Veronica spiky "Rotfuks".

Low-growing variety, reaches a height of no more than 45 cm. The bushes are lush, compact. The stems are strong, straight, densely leafy with shiny green leaves. Veronica blooms in the middle of summer and blooms for about 1-1.5 months. The flowers of the perennial are small, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences, of a bright pink color. Culture prefers sunny areas, with loose and drained soil. The variety is widely used in landscape design.

  • Veronica spiky "Heidekind".

A low-growing plant, about 30-40 cm high, forms compact bushes. A few straight shoots, covered with oblong, matte-gray leaves. Inflorescences of crimson flowers are dense, spike-shaped. Flowering begins in mid-June and lasts more than a month. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging, prefers open, well-lit areas with loose soil. Used as a showy ornamental plant.

  • Veronica spiky "Alba".

Strong straight shoots of undersized (30-50 cm) perennials end with spicate inflorescences. A characteristic feature of the variety is numerous snow-white flowers, densely collected in an ear. Leaves oblong, green. Blooms from the second half of June to early August. The variety is sun-loving, not picky about fertility.

  • Veronica spiked blue.

Few strong stems reach a height of about 60 cm. The variety is drought-resistant and unpretentious. Blue flowers are collected in dense apical inflorescences. Flowering is plentiful, begins in June and lasts 30-40 days. In landscape design it is used as single or group plantings.

  • Veronica spiky "Isikl".

The variety forms single or few strong shoots. The inflorescence is formed by white flowers. Plant height 45-60 cm. Foliage is ovoid, green. Flowering is long (up to 1.5 months), begins in the second half of June. Grows well in full sun and well-drained soils.

Reproduction of Veronica spiky

It is possible to grow a perennial herbaceous plant, veronica spiky, on your site without difficulty, knowing the main methods of its reproduction.

The plant propagates by seeds, cuttings and division of the bush. If this spectacular perennial grows with familiar flower growers, it is easy to propagate it in any convenient way and plant it on your site. If this is not possible, you can buy seeds or seedlings of the plant in specialized stores or nurseries.

Seed method of propagation of Veronica spiky

  • Veronica spiky gives a certain self-seeding, so it is better to collect seeds in an organized manner, excluding uncontrolled crops.
  • In order not to miss the seed ripening phase, it is necessary to monitor the formation and maturation of fruit boxes immediately after flowering.
  • After the boxes have turned yellow and dried up, they are torn off and dried a little in a dry, dark place.
  • Dry boxes are threshed, the seeds are cleaned and stored in a paper bag. Naturally, high-quality storage of seed material implies the absence of moisture and light.
  • Plants grown from seeds do not bloom immediately, but at least in the second year after sowing.
  • Reproduction of Veronica spiky from seeds does not guarantee the preservation of varietal characteristics of parental individuals.

Vegetative propagation methods of Veronicmas spiky

Flower growers practice propagating veronica using cuttings or simply dividing a plant bush. With such methods of reproduction, all varietal characteristics are preserved.

  • The division of the bush is the most common method of reproduction, it is especially successful when transplanting and rejuvenating a perennial, which is carried out every 5-6 years. If it is necessary to separate part of the plant without waiting a few years, you can do this earlier. The division procedure is carried out in spring (before foliage appears) or autumn (after flowering). To do this, first, all above-ground shoots are cut off, then the plant is dug up and divided into parts. Each viable part must have at least three root shoots. If the delenki are weak, it is better to first root them in the soil substrate, with the addition of peat and sand, and only then plant them in open ground. Digging up a plant is not difficult, given the surface occurrence of the roots. In addition, this method of reproduction provides faster survival and adaptation of the plant in a new place.
  • For propagation by cuttings, cut the apical young shoots (10 cm long), cut off their top and lower them into the water. Prepared cuttings for rooting are placed in a loose substrate of perlite and peat with sand. After successful rooting, the cuttings are planted in open ground. Veronica bushes can be cut from spring to early autumn. From the second half of autumn, it is no longer worth harvesting cuttings, as they will not have time to take root by winter. In summer, the planted cuttings need to be given more attention: the shoots are shaded (you can cover them with a film), provide regular watering, ventilation and gradual adaptation to the light.

Growing Veronica spiky

Veronica spiky is an absolutely unpretentious plant, it propagates easily and grows rapidly on the site. The main condition for the successful cultivation of perennials is the right choice of a place for planting and the fulfillment of certain agrotechnical requirements.

  • When choosing a landing site, given the light-loving culture, choose an open and sunny area. Light partial shade is also possible.
  • Veronica can grow in almost any soil, light and loose loam is preferable. One of the main conditions is good soil drainage and the absence of moisture stagnation in the area. As a drainage, you can use ordinary gravel. Soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction is the best option for a plant.
  • A drought tolerant plant, Veronica tolerates short drought better than excessive moisture. Excess or constant stagnation of moisture can be detrimental to the culture.
  • Hardy and hardy plant resistant even to trampling. If you step on the Veronica bushes, they quickly recover and raise the leaves.

Sowing seeds of Veronica spiky

  • Veronica seeds are sown in open ground in the second half of autumn, when the soil is not too cold and frost has not yet set in. The depth of seed placement in grooves or pits is small, about 5 mm. The approximate interval between seeds is 30 cm. As they grow, the next year, the seedlings are planted, leaving a larger interval (50 cm).
  • You can sow Veronica seeds in early spring in boxes for seedlings. In this case, preliminary stratification (hardening) of the seed material will be required. To do this, the seeds are laid out on a moist soil mixture (peat and soil), sprinkled with earth and covered with a film with holes. The container is placed in a cold place (refrigerator, cellar) for 3 weeks. After low temperatures, the seed container is placed in a warm and bright place. After 2 weeks, the first seedlings appear. Seedling care is usual: watering, light, airing and heat (about 15 0 C).
  • In any case, seedlings will bloom only in the second year of life.

Planting Veronica spiky

  • When planting seedlings of Veronica in open ground, leave a distance between plants of about 50 cm, taking into account future growth and branching of the bushes.
  • Planting seedlings in a flower bed is carried out in the spring in a previously prepared soil (fertilizer, drainage, loosening).
  • Holes or grooves are dug shallow, according to the size of the root system of seedlings.
  • The landing site is shed with water and the plants are planted in the ground.

Not capricious Veronica is convenient because it requires minimal care and attention, practically does not get sick and does not need top dressing and winter shelter.

  • Watering is carried out as needed, without stagnant moisture. It is especially important to moisten the soil before the flowering period and at the stage of seedling germination. The rest of the time, watering is moderate, not frequent. Veronica perfectly tolerates short-term drought.
  • Mulching the soil around the plant will allow you to maintain a moderate, moist microclimate of the soil longer without additional watering. In addition, a layer of mulch prevents the growth of weeds in the flower bed.

  • Veronica spiky is resistant to diseases and pests. Only in rainy weather or excessive humidity, it can become infected with powdery mildew, blotch or rust. If characteristic signs appear on the leaves (spots, plaque), the entire plant is treated with a fungicidal agent (for example, Fundazol). If an aphid appeared on the plant, the perennial should be treated with an insecticidal agent (Tanrek, Aktara).
  • With sufficiently fertile soil, the culture does not need additional feeding. With poor soils, it is better to apply mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • If the varieties of Veronica spiky are tall enough, it is necessary to tie the plant to a support.
  • After flowering, the aerial part is cut off so that new green shoots with foliage appear. With this technique, you can save an attractive decorative appearance of the bush until the fall. Before wintering, the bush is cut again, leaving 3-5 cm. To prevent infection of the plant with pathogenic bacteria, faded inflorescences should also be constantly cut off.
  • Every 5 years, you need to rejuvenate the veronica bush, dividing it into several parts. Delenki will be able to actively develop and grow "with renewed vigor".
  • For the winter, the plant does not need to be covered with anything, it perfectly tolerates low temperatures, and even harsh Russian winters.

The use of Veronica spiky

  • A beautiful landscape plant, Veronica spiky is widely used for decorating flower beds, landscaping park areas, ponds, decorating mixborders or rockeries. Slender erect shoots of Veronica with compact spike-shaped inflorescences are an ideal backdrop for undersized or ground cover plants. The flower stalks of the plant are used for cutting, they are stored in a bouquet for a long time. In planting, Veronica spiky goes well with carnations, geraniums, stonecrops, saxifrage, mountaineer.

  • In addition to its decorative value, Veronica spiky is a well-known medicine. It is used as a wound healing, detoxifying (with snake bites) remedy. Decoctions of herbs are used in the treatment of influenza, bronchitis, respiratory diseases. Outwardly, an infusion of herbs is used for various skin diseases, abscesses, fungal diseases, abrasions and cuts. This is due to the anti-inflammatory, analgesic, healing and antibacterial properties of the flower. Before using any folk remedies, including those with the participation of Veronica spiky, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
  • Veronica spiky is a valuable honey crop that attracts bees.

Thus, Veronica spiky is a spectacular ornamental herbaceous plant, characterized by high unpretentiousness and endurance.

  • The perennial is a drought-resistant and cold-resistant plant. These valuable qualities make it possible to grow it even in climatic conditions unfavorable for other plants.
  • Veronica spiky is easily propagated by seeds or vegetative parts of the plant. Young seedlings or delenki quickly adapt to environmental conditions and easily take root.
  • Plant care is practically not required, it is enough to carry out some agrotechnical measures.
  • Subject to the basic rules of planting and care, Veronica spiky will delight others with its magnificent appearance for a long time.

Veronica spiky, photo

Video: "How to grow veronica spiky"

Charming and delicate flowers of Veronica are able to decorate any flower bed or flowerbed, ennoble the orchard. The many shades of its petals range from sky blue to deep blue. Veronica is a plant that does not require much effort and time to grow. Almost all garden forms are natural species, very resistant to cold and with good survival rates. So why not try them on your site?

Rod Veronica: description

This genus is the most numerous (about 500 species) among the Plantain family. Among them are annual and perennial herbaceous plants, less often shrubs, which are common in all parts of the world, but mainly in the temperate and cold regions of Eurasia. Representatives of the genus are widely distributed in our country.

Any veronica is a plant (photo attached) with characteristic generic characteristics. The first of these are small flowers with two stamens, which are collected in paniculate, spike-shaped or umbellate inflorescences (sessile or on a long peduncle). The second is thick rhizomes, shortened or branched, or many thin roots. Among the numerous representatives there are excellent honey plants, medicinal plants, as well as decorative ones. It is the latter that we will pay more attention to.

It should be noted that Veronica is a plant, although it does not have outstanding external characteristics, but it is beautiful in its simplicity. Small flowers can rise above the flower bed collected in a slender spike or almost spread with a soft “pillow”, braiding everything around. We invite you to learn about the main types of veronica introduced into the culture.

Veronica Armenian

A low plant (7-10 cm) of bright green color, forming a dense and dense turf. Stems ascending or procumbent, woody at the base. Leaves 08-1.2 cm long, pinnately dissected at the base into thin and twisting lobes, are also decorative. The corolla of the flower is pale blue or with a lilac hue with a rich aroma. A pink variety has been bred. Armenian veronica is a very drought-resistant, unpretentious plant, which is why it is popular with flower growers when decorating lawns, alpine slides, and terraces. Flowering begins in mid-summer. The species is very sensitive to soil. Only rocky substrates with an alkaline environment and a small amount of river sand or fertilized clay are acceptable.

Veronica Austrian

Perennial plant with high erect stems from 30 to 70 cm, small leaves and star-shaped bright blue flowers collected in a brush. Flowering is long, begins from May-June. It is drought-resistant, decorative, widely used for decoration of rock gardens, rockeries, in group and single plantings. The natural habitat is steppes and forest-steppes, mountain meadows and rocky hills. The soil prefers well-drained, sandy.

Veronica big

A species widely distributed in the natural environment: the entire European part of Russia, the Caucasus, Western Siberia, the Mediterranean, Central Asia. It grows in sparse forest plantations, meadows and fields. This Veronica is a plant (photo above) with an impressive garden history. It has been introduced into culture since 1596. The species is characterized by the formation of dense bushes, from which flower stalks emerge on a long stem (up to 30 cm) with asterisks of flowers of a blue hue of varying degrees of saturation. A very unpretentious plant, characterized by high winter hardiness (does not require shelter) and drought resistance. It grows well on any garden soil, prefers sunny places and moisture-loving. Use it in group and single plantings, it is suitable for cutting into bouquets. Various varieties have been bred, differing in the size of the bush, color, and leaf color. In particular, True Blue is a tall veronica (blue). The plant (photo attached) has inflorescences up to 10 cm long, the flowering period is a month, from the end of May. An unusual variety Miffy Blue grows into a spectacular bush with variegated decorative leaves and large pale blue inflorescences.

Veronica gentian

In its natural environment, it grows in the southern and middle regions of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, in Asia Minor. This is a herbaceous plant that forms beautiful cushion-shaped bushes up to 45 cm high. The leaves are collected in a rosette, dark green, leathery. Inflorescence on a high shoot (30-70 cm), loose, many-flowered. The color of the corolla is pale blue, often towards white with clear blue streaks. The flowers are large, reaching a diameter of 1 cm. Flowering begins in June and lasts for a month, but the bush retains its decorative effect until frost. Gentian speedwell is a plant introduced into the culture of horticulture since 1784, during which time many varieties have been bred. Among them are Variegata with leaves bordered with a white stripe, Tissington White with almost white flowers, etc. Veronica is absolutely unpretentious, moisture-loving, but drought-resistant, shade-tolerant, but prefers well-lit places, shelter for the winter is not required.

Veronica spikelet

One of the most decorative species with a large number of bred varieties. Plant up to 40 cm tall with few single stems. Especially beautiful are the apical racemose dense inflorescences of saturated blue, blue, purple hues, less often white. The species has been introduced into culture since 1570. Flowering is long from mid-summer, gives a lot of seeds, propagates well by self-sowing. Any garden soil is suitable for its cultivation. Spikelet veronica is a winter-hardy, drought-resistant, light- and moisture-loving plant. Looks especially good in single plantings. Example varieties: Romiley Purple (intense purple), Barcarolle (pink), Heidekind (raspberry pink), Rotfishs (cream), White Icicle (white, pictured).

Veronica small

Highly ornamental species, demanding on growing conditions. It is subendemic and grows in nature only on volcanic soils. Forms dense cushions with dark green leaves, completely strewn with small blue flowers of a pure shade and with a delicate aroma. In garden conditions, reproduction is possible only by dividing the rhizome. Veronica small requires nutritious soil, but in the complete absence of organic matter, constant moderate moisture and good lighting (sunny places) are needed.

Veronica officinalis plant

This species has several advantages at once - decorative and useful. The plant is perennial, with creeping stems that root at the nodes. It grows quickly - up to 20 cm per season, so it can be used as a ground cover species. The flowers are collected in small brushes, pale lilac. Flowering is long from June to September. Mainly used as an ornamental leafy plant. Resistant to trampling, drought, frost, shade-tolerant, competitive. A high degree of overgrowth should be considered when choosing a planting site. In folk medicine, Veronica officinalis is used mainly as an expectorant for bronchial asthma, bronchitis in the form of infusions, decoctions, tea.

Growing features

Veronica is a plant (description - above), or rather a whole genus with numerous representatives, with an unpretentious character. The only exceptions are some varieties. Care is absolutely simple. The plant is undemanding to soils, light factor, neighborhood with other species. If you decide to grow it in your flower beds, then you should pay attention to a few key points.

  • When preparing the substrate for planting, pay attention to the variety you are planting, and, depending on this, supplement it with the necessary components, for example, for hair and gravel - crushed stone.
  • A high degree of drought tolerance does not mean that you do not need to water. On the contrary, most species prefer moderate moisture.
  • Cut off faded inflorescences, so you keep the decorative look of the bush longer and, possibly, achieve re-blooming.

Perhaps, many have met this flower in a meadow or forest clearing. Veronica plant is quite cute, has inflorescences of bluish or blue hues. Due to the fact that certain species are often found in nature, they cannot be found in garden plots.

Characteristics and description of the plant Veronica

It is considered a fairly well-known plant, varieties of which can be seen in different parts of the world. This is explained by unpretentiousness, its resistance to a dry period, which makes it possible to survive in many climatic zones.

perennial plant Veronica

The flower does not impose special requirements on the soil composition, it feels equally comfortable on sand, clay and even marsh soil. At first, the plant was considered an ornament of mountains and forests, a little later it began to be used as decorative flowers.

As soon as Veronica became a cultivated plant, it was taken as the basis for breeding new varieties used in horticulture. The flower has been known to humanity for a long time, as it is considered a plant with medicinal properties.

The most beautiful type of flower - Veronica Bolshaya. This is a perennial that forms thick shoots, the height of which reaches fifty, and sometimes seventy centimeters. Leaves are placed oppositely on them, resembling testicles with their jagged shapes.

Veronica Big

A sparsely planted plant with its shoots forms darkish bushes resembling domes. With the end of spring and until the middle of the summer season, the top of such a bush turns bright blue.. This blooms a large number of flowers, the diameter of which does not exceed one and a half centimeters. Due to the beautiful appearance of the inflorescences, it is often called Royal Veronica.

The most famous varieties

From the huge number of popular types of flower, the following plants can be distinguished:


Veronica officinalis

It grows in wooded areas. Distinctive features are undersized stems, creeping carpet. They have pale green leaves and purple inflorescences.


Veronica Branchy

The main habitat is mountainous terrain. It looks like low thickets covered with inflorescences of blue and pink shades.. This variety is demanding for care. It is difficult to tolerate drought, in winter it can freeze.


Veronika Dubravnaya

It is found on the territory of Siberia, the mountains of the Caucasus, in European countries. Perennial plant of low growth, forms jagged leaves that remain green in the winter season. Veronica oakwood blooms in blue, blue and even pink shades.


Veronica Small

The look is very unique. Its distinguishing features are short stature, small leaves, inflorescences of lilac and blue hues.. This variety is quite whimsical, only experienced gardeners are engaged in its cultivation;


Veronica Woody

Perennial of low growth. Forms creeping stems covered with numerous foliage. In winter, without snow cover, it can freeze slightly.

Landing and care

Although the flower is unpretentious, it needs moderate watering. Too much moisture can cause it to die. Flower care is not difficult, any soil is suitable for planting.

Feels most comfortable at temperatures from 14 to 20 degrees Celsius.

A considerable number of varieties are known that can grow well in the dry season. Most plants need water in the spring, before flowering begins.. By the time the first inflorescences open, watering must be stopped.

Pruning is carried out after the flower has faded. This measure will be an excellent stimulant for the formation of young foliage.

Veronica reproduces in several ways:

  • division of rhizomes;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Growing such a flower, gardeners prefer the appropriate option.

Veronica is usually propagated in three known ways: seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings.

Sowing is carried out in autumn. But it is possible to sow in the spring, if the seed fund is previously stratified.

Cuttings are recommended to be carried out in the summer. By this time, young stems are preparing. They are then placed in soil or water to allow roots to form. After that, the seedlings are allowed to be transferred to open ground.

The division of the rhizome is the most popular way of breeding veronica. The fact is that it does not imply costs, and the survival rate is high. This type of breeding is recommended in spring or autumn.

To begin with, the stems are removed, the bush is dug up. The roots are cut with a knife or spatula.

Divide the bush into equal parts so that there are at least three shoots on the first root. After completing the procedure, it is necessary to immediately land in the ground.

Useful qualities

The medicinal properties of the plant have been known since ancient times. Veronica has long been used as a remedy for various diseases.

Of particular value are the tops of the stems with leaves and inflorescences.. Harvesting is carried out with the onset of summer, when the peak of flowering is observed. Drying time must be reduced to a minimum, for which a temperature regime of forty degrees is created. This allows you to reduce losses, preserve the shade of colors. If everything is done correctly, then Veronica will retain healing properties for two years.

Besides, used as an ornamental plant to beautify the garden.

Veronica is grown today in any type of soil composition. But the plant feels best on loamy soil. He needs a sufficient amount of light, although shady areas are suitable for breeding.

A plant resistant to harsh winters, veronica is grown both for ornamental purposes and for the preparation of medicinal decoctions. In total, more than 500 species are known for garden planting. In nature, there is no such diversity, but there are also quite a few wild species. There are perennial, annual and shrub species, each of which is diluted with varietal diversity.

Despite its belonging to the plantain family, the appearance is very different from the main representative - plantain. Veronica is common in temperate zones, found in the foothills of Altai, in the forests of Siberia and the Urals. Its spikelets adorn meadows around the world, and gardeners love it for its unpretentious care and ability to get along with other plants.

Features of Veronica's agricultural technology: cultivation and care

Veronica is loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, lack of special techniques, variety of species and varieties. If a veronica is chosen as a resident of a flower bed, then you should remember the basic rules for any perennial plant.

Important requirements that cannot be bypassed:

  • The sunny side of the site, where the light will be present from morning to evening. Shady and semi-shady zones will not give those decorative properties that are declared by the breeders.
  • Pay attention to watering: each species requires a certain amount of water. When breeding Veronica, you need to get acquainted not only with the decorative value, but also with the conditions of care. Herbaceous creeping species do not tolerate drought, they die without water, flowering stops. Upright tall species can easily endure drought and heat.
  • Liquid organic fertilizers act as a top dressing during the period of budding and flowering. In nature and wild breeding, it does well without additional feeding. Soil nutrients are sufficient for growth and flowering. Flowerbeds with depleted soil can be fed with organic matter: humus, manure, infusion of nettle and burdock.
  • Tall bushes need a garter. A thin stem cannot withstand the pressure of the wind, which can not only tilt down, depriving it of an aesthetic appearance, but also break it. Suitable rods, picket fence, willow branches.
  • In the autumn, after the end of flowering, the ground part is cut off, the roots are additionally covered with humus, peat, dry foliage, spruce branches, creating a pillow that will protect against abnormally low temperatures.

Veronica breeding methods

For breeding Veronica, 3 methods are used:

germinated seed of veronica photo

  • seminal;
  • division of the bush;
  • cuttings.

Despite the troublesomeness of the seed method, it is used when they want to get a healthy independent bush with pure varietal characteristics. This is also an opportunity to improve planting material and increase its quantity quite cheaply.

Seeds are sown directly into the ground in autumn or spring, Veronica is grown on the windowsill in seedlings.

Densely sprouted seedlings are thinned out, creating gaps between the bushes from 20 to 50 cm, depending on the type. Tall plants need more space to grow.

How to grow seedlings of Veronica at home

Veronica plant growing from seeds for seedlings photo

In February, Veronica seeds are moistened and kept in the refrigerator in a wet cloth wrapped in a bag for about a month.

  • We take out the seeds that have been stratified in the refrigerator to plant in March.
  • We fill containers or cups with nutrient soil.
  • Veronica seeds, albeit small, but allow you to sow them one at a time, so do not be lazy and place one seed in a cup or 5 cm apart in a container.
  • Sprinkle with a thin layer of earth, moisten.
  • Cover with foil until sprouts appear.
  • When shoots appear, we remove the shelter, place the seedlings on a bright windowsill.
  • Watering is carried out as the soil dries up, there must be holes in the container for excess water to drain.
  • When the seedlings have 8-10 true leaves, they can be planted in the ground.

Veronica's seedlings are ready for planting photo

Before planting, seedlings are hardened, accustoming them to air and sun. This should be done one to two weeks before the planned landing, gradually increasing the time spent on the street to a full day.

Autumn planting seeds in open ground subjects the seeds to stratification (cold test).

spring sowing requires artificially created conditions of exposure to cold for 1-2 months. After that, the seeds are immersed in the ground, no deeper than 2 cm, so that germination is not difficult.

The division of the bush considered a quick and convenient way of reproduction. Peduncles will be in the first year of planting. Choose the largest bush, separate several sprouts with a shovel or garden knife. After moving to a new place, the bushes are covered for successful adaptation. After ten days, the covering material is removed, giving the bushes independent growth. Usually the procedure is carried out before flowering, in spring, or after - in early autumn.

Propagation of Veronica by cuttings photo

Reproduction by cuttings passes by cutting off a 10 cm long shoot from a healthy bush. They are allowed to germinate in water, after which they are planted in a permanent place.

How to propagate Veronica cuttings photo

You can hold the cuttings for several hours in a root solution and place them in nutrient soil for germination. But in this case, it is imperative to create greenhouse conditions by closing the cuttings with a plastic bag before rooting.

We propagate Veronica cuttings photo

The procedure is performed in August, then the sprout will have time to take root and gain a foothold in the ground before winter. The following year, the bush will please with excellent flowering.

The beauty of Veronica, its species diversity will appeal to any gardener.

Pest protection

Veronica landing and care photo Veronica surculosa

Due to its natural hardiness, Veronica is rarely affected by infections. Waterlogged soil, a shady area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden can provoke the appearance of downy mildew (gray bloom on the leaves). For processing, a fungicidal solution is prepared from the preparations Fitosporin, Alirin-B, Gamair.

From the ring spot virus, the elimination of the diseased plant, the treatment of the flower bed with nematocides will help. The carriers of the virus are nematodes that live in the soil. Yellow, twisted foliage is a sign of soil damage by nematodes, and plants are ring spot.

Among insect pests, caterpillars that eat leaves and young shoots are most often found. Warming up the soil, timely weeding, and a break in watering will save them from them. Less common are scoops, moths, long-whiskered moths, from which treatment with insecticidal preparations will help.

Description of the plant Veronica veronica, origin

Veronica spiky red fox photo

Veronica is difficult to confuse with other plants due to the combination of signs of nettle, plantain and bluebells. If you look at the flowerbed with Veronica from afar, it does not differ in brightness, but resembles a solid carpet. Therefore, when creating a garden decor, not one plant is used, but several at once, diluting the green mass with bright spots.
root system. Each type of veronica has its own differences in the type of rhizomes:

  • filiform with a superficial location;
  • thick with shallow germination;
  • thin mesh, occupying a large underground area.

perennial bushes have a solid root that withstands winter low temperatures.

annual species differ in more delicate roots: filiform and superficial.

stems. Veronica has a long, dense, cylindrical stem. Some species have an upright ground part, others have a creeping part. Depending on the location of the stems, the plant represents its decorative value. A strong weave of fibers allows you to withstand weight loads while walking a person or animals. It will not work to break off or tear off part of the bush, only using a tool.

Leaves. Outwardly, the leaf plate resembles nettle: oval with a carved edge, have small hairs. Unlike nettle leaves no burns, behaves friendly. The color scheme of the green mass is mostly bright green, although there are gray specimens. The leaves are arranged alternately or oppositely on the stem, rarely in whorls.

Flowers. The natural color is deep blue, in garden culture you can find white, blue, lilac, purple shades. The inflorescence is a spikelet with a dense arrangement of small flowers on it, bell-shaped with a carved edge. They bloom alternately from the bottom up, so the flowering is long. The lower ones form boxes with seeds, while the upper ones continue their flowering.

For its creeping appearance, the people call grass snake or Veronica grass. In fiction, you can find the name "goat face" or "blue". Some species are similar to forget-me-nots, so this name was also assigned to Veronica.

All horticultural varieties are produced from a wild-growing species. The combination of decorative properties and natural hardiness made the species the most numerous in the plantain family.

Types and varieties of Veronica with descriptions and photos

The prevalence throughout the globe has made it possible to adapt to any natural and climatic conditions. Some species were named after the place of growth, and varietal names are more like a description of external features. The remoteness of the places of cultivation of veronica gives an explanation for such significant species differences. There are low and tall plants, with a long erect stem or short up to 30 cm, shrubby with a strong stem or herbaceous filamentous stems.

Veronica Armenian Veronica armena

Veronica Armenian Veronica armena photo

With its blue flowers, it is more reminiscent of forget-me-nots, the same open five-leaf inflorescences. Mountain slopes and a sharp change in temperature have left their mark on the appearance of Veronica. The plant is undersized, creeping, green mass fills the entire space of the flower bed. Needle-shaped leaves create the image of a fluffy carpet, where blue flowers glow from above in a bright pattern.

Armenian veronica grows up to 10 cm. This size allows you to withstand the wind, the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe leaf plate does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, protects it from fading in the sun. A large variety of varieties allows you to choose colors.

Caucasian Veronica Veronica caucasica

Veronica Caucasian Veronica caucasica photo

The leaves and stem are rich green in color, the lower part of the plant is darker than the upper. The leaves are small, elongated with serrations along the edge. They are located in the sinuses in several pieces, evenly dispersed along the stem. The flowers are pastel in color, mostly lilac or lilac with subtle purple streaks. Rocky soil is well suited for growing, so the flower can be used in the design of alpine slides.

Caucasian Veronica in landscape design photo

Low dimensions are resistant to windy weather. Creeping strong stem quickly recovers after crushing, resistant to trampling. Does not tolerate chernozem soil, this is taken into account when preparing a flower bed.

Veronica large or broad-leaved Veronica teucrium

Veronica big wide variety Royal blu blue Veronica teucrium Royal Blue

A plant up to 70 cm high with an erect stem, covered with small hairs. In the wild, it is found in the fields of Siberia, the Middle Urals, Western Europe, and the Mediterranean. Likes fertile soils, resistant to weather instability.

The root system is strong, creeping, withstands low winter temperatures. The leaves are bilateral in appearance: smooth above, covered with hairs below, as on the stem. Flowers are collected in a panicle, located on top of the stem. The color scheme is presented in blue, pink, purple shades.
The most famous varieties:

  • "True Blue" up to 60 cm high with a flowering period of 30 days;
  • "Shirley Blue" under favorable conditions reaches 50 cm, blooms in May until mid-June, then used as a green background for annuals.

Gentian Veronica Veronica gentianoides

Veronica gentian white variety Veronica gentianoides ‘Tissington White’ photo

A low growing plant with a long flowering period. It begins to bloom in early summer, and finishes flowering by the end of summer, under favorable conditions continues to bloom until mid-September. Flowers white, lined with blue stripes. From a distance, it acquires a bluish tint; on close examination, distinct blue streaks are visible. The main leaf mass is located at the base of the bush, adjacent small leaves are arranged in pairs along the stem. The color is silvery-green, along the edge of the leaf is framed by a light border.

The flower does not tolerate waterlogged soil, more often it is planted in a flower bed in a single version, without a companion. Looks advantageous on a sandy or pebble base.

Veronica woody Veronica surculosa

Veronica woody variety Veronica surculosa ‘Waterperry Blue’ photo

A plant with a strong creeping stem that becomes stiff after winter. It likes well-drained soils, is not afraid of low temperatures, but in harsh climates it is better to shelter from freezing.

Perennial, whose flowers bloom in early July and delight with their beauty until mid-September. The color of the petals is from rich pink to purple, there are varieties with bright and pastel colors.

Crimean Veronica Veronica taurica

Crimean Veronica Veronica taurica photo

Its bright blue flowers on a dark green background are visible from afar. Therefore, it is planted in a rocky background. Many gardeners prefer to plant the Crimean veronica along the edge of the flower bed, decorate borders and paths. Prefers a mild climate without temperature fluctuations, therefore, in regions with a changeable climate, it is better to grow as an annual.

Veronica filiform Veronica filiformis

Veronica as filiform Veronica filiformis photo

Refers to the spring primrose, which blooms at the end of April and blooms before the onset of heat, until about mid-May. It is best to grow with a companion when the foliage acts as a backdrop for the vibrant hues of the annuals. It goes well with asters, annual dahlias, gerberas, better than undersized varieties.

During the flowering period, the soft green carpet is covered with light blue flowers, some of which may bloom until the end of spring. It is advisable to remove faded buds to maintain a neat appearance.

Veronica gray-haired Veronica incana

Veronica gray-haired or gray-haired Veronica incana photo

The most unusual among Veronica. Its silvery leaves and stem will dilute the color scheme of the garden, add dynamics. Intense blue flowers are collected in a tall panicle at the top. Blooms from July to late summer.

Veronica pedunculate Veronica peduncularis

Veronica peduncular variety Veronica peduncularis ‘Georgia Blue’ photo

Herbaceous perennial plant blooms with blue four-petal flowers, the middle of which is yellow. From a distance they resemble forget-me-nots or violets. The bush is tall, up to 70 cm, blooming profusely.

Veronica longifolia Veronica longifolia

Veronica longifolia Veronica longifolia photo

The species is characterized by tall bushes, up to 1.5 m, with a thin long stem, branching from above into several flowering panicles. The inflorescences themselves are tall, flowering begins from the bottom, reaching the top by September. Shades range from lilac to bluish and blue. More suitable for growing with wildflowers, large plantations, wild lawn decoration.

Veronica officinalis Veronica officinalis

Veronica officinalis Veronica officinalis photo

A common perennial in the regions of central Russia and East Asia. It is noticeable due to its soft lilac or blue flowers and soft green leaves collected in bunches.

Veronica officinalis and long-leaved have not only decorative value, but also medicinal properties. They are used as anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, choleretic agent. Decoctions and drinks are prepared one-component and as part of fees.

Veronica ordinary enhances blood circulation, restores cognitive functions: improves memory, concentrates attention.

Veronica hybrid - a luxurious garden decoration

Veronica hybrid Atomic Mix Veronica photo

Veronica is an excellent ornamental plant that can be grown in open ground, both for the purpose of decorating a garden plot and for medicinal purposes. Although Veronica belongs to the plantain family, it bears little resemblance to plantain: a delicate, neat plant can become a worthy decorative element in any flower bed. Further, about the features of growing Veronica in the open field: planting, care, the best varieties (photos and instructions are attached).

Veronica flower: plant description, characteristics of the main varieties

Veronica is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial. The plant is represented by a wide variety of varieties and varieties, each of which differs in height, external characteristics, including the color and shape of leaves, flowers, and even rhizomes (the roots are both thin and long, and quite powerful and at the same time short, even filiform).

Among the people, the plant is known by other names, including "forget-me-not", "snake grass", etc. The stems of the plant are straight, or in some cases creeping in height from a few centimeters to 1.5 m. The shape of the leaves is diverse, the color in most cases is green, sometimes - an unusual light gray.

The openwork flowers of the plant are presented in a rich range of shades: in blue (natural color), white, pink, etc. They are collected in small spicate or paniculate inflorescences. The duration of the flowering period of Veronica depends on the characteristics of a particular variety.

Advice. If you want to achieve the longest flowering period of Veronica in your garden, you need to optimally combine the cultivation of several varieties of Veronica that differ in flowering time.

The species diversity of the plant makes it possible to choose the best option for both home and outdoor cultivation. The following varieties can be distinguished in particular:

  • Medicinal. Perennial ground-blooded plant with small pale green leaves and neat decorative flowers of lilac, pink and blue hues.

medicinal veronica

  • Long-leaved. A powerful tall plant (one of the tallest in the Veronica genus). The inflorescences of the plant are quite long, with a spectacular light purple color. It has a long flowering period: throughout the summer until the beginning of autumn. It is incredibly popular among gardeners not only due to its decorative, but also medicinal properties, in particular, the variety is an excellent antiseptic.

long leaf veronica

  • Caucasian. The leaves of the plant are dissected, painted in a bright green color. The flowers are distinguished by an unusual lilac color and thin purple stripes.

caucasian veronica

  • Gentian. A low-growing plant with thin stems, which bear delicate white flowers, the petals of which are covered with small blue stripes.

Gentian Veronica

  • Woody. It is a small creeping plant with greenish-gray leaves and pink flowers.

woody veronica

  • Crimean. Dwarf variety (only 20 cm high) with small light green leaves and blue flowers.

Crimean veronica

  • Gray-haired. Unusual undersized variety with bluish leaves and bright blue inflorescences.

gray-haired veronica

Plant propagation

The process of propagation of Veronica is carried out in 3 ways: by seeds, cuttings, or by dividing the bush. The seed method is considered quite troublesome, but this is the best option for those who want to get a healthy bush with full-fledged varieties. Seeds can either be sown directly into the ground in the fall, or planted in the spring prepared seedlings.

If you plan to sow seedlings, you should start preparing planting material ahead of time. At the end of winter, the seeds must be wrapped in damp gauze and placed in the refrigerator for 25-30 days.

Add nutrient soil to the container, and then place the seeds not very deep in the ground. It is advisable to place them one by one in a separate pot or at a distance of about 5-7 cm from each other in a large container. Seeds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and moisten it.

Be sure to cover all containers with transparent film and place them in heat. When the sprouts sprout enough (height is about 8 cm), you can land in open ground. Do not forget to harden the seedlings some time before, periodically exposing them to fresh air.

Mature plants are easily propagated by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is an easy way to achieve flower stalks in the first year after planting. It is important to choose the right sprouts. The bush should be the most tall and absolutely healthy. Separate a few sprouts and plant them in the ground. Be sure to cover them with special material. After 10-12 days, remove it and continue growing the plant as usual.

Propagation by cuttings will allow you to successfully grow Veronica from a small shoot about 10 cm long. For a while, you should place it in water so that the cutting germinates, after which you can land in open ground.

Planting a plant in open ground

The plant is considered quite unpretentious to growing conditions, therefore, when choosing a suitable site for growing veronica in open ground, it is not necessary to make a strict selection: the plant will suit heavy clay soil, loose sandstone, and swampy soil.

Advice. Although Veronica is a picky plant, it is very sensitive to the amount of sunlight, so the place for planting the crop must be chosen exclusively sunny (in extreme cases, partial shade is suitable, but it will be much more difficult to achieve dense beautiful flowering).

Planting a young plant or seeds must be carried out in moist and well-loosened soil previously enriched with nutrient organic matter.

The subtleties of plant care

The veronica plant is quite easy to grow: even a beginner can grow a healthy strong flower in the open field. Further about what measures for the care of garden plants Veronica needs.

Veronica is rarely affected by pests

Watering and fertilizing regimen

First of all, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in the area where the plant is grown: in no case should it dry out (dry soil is practically death for Veronica). During the period of drought, the plant should be watered very generously: do not allow the soil to dry out. When the first branches appear on the plant, watering should be stopped, and after the flowering of the latter, the tops of the veronica should be pruned.

Advice. To slow down the process of soil moisture loss and control the growth of weeds, you can periodically acidify the soil: the plant will only be happy about this (Veronica loves acidic or slightly acidic soil).

As for fertilizers, Veronica certainly needs them, but top dressing should not be too frequent: it is enough to apply fertilizer under each bush of the plant with the onset of the growing season, and continue top dressing only at the end of spring. If you live in a region where winters are quite severe, it is advisable to also apply potash fertilizers in the middle of the summer period: this will help the plants withstand the cold.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that various insects always curl around the plant, attracted by its fragrant pollen (bees, butterflies, etc.), veronica is resistant to this kind of “encroachment”.

The plant is slightly susceptible to various diseases and pests. An exception can be considered only some fungal diseases like powdery mildew and gray rot. You can get rid of these diseases with the help of either chemicals, such as Oxyhom or blue vitriol, or biological analogues that will be completely safe for animals and humans.

Sometimes aphids can visit Veronica growing in the garden. If there is not too much of it, you don’t have to worry: the plant is able to cope with the pest insect on its own.

Veronica in landscape design

The combination of Veronica with other plants

Veronica is often used as an excellent group plant that can be used as one of the main decorative elements in alpine slides, flower beds and mixborders. The main purpose of using veronica in landscape design is to give the garden plot ease and lightness. Veronica is suitable for growing near borders, where not every plant can survive.

An excellent combination of plants in the garden will be with buzulnik, bergenia, etc. By the way, even such a simple combination as veronica and chamomile will create harmony in any part of the garden.

Advice. If you're willing to take a risk for a spectacular garden view, try contrasting combinations like veronica and rose. As a result, you will get a winning composition in which each of the elements will be beautifully emphasized by the others.

That's all the subtleties that must be considered when growing veronica in the open field. Good luck!

Landing Veronica: video

Veronica is an excellent ornamental plant that can be grown in open ground, both for the purpose of decorating a garden plot and for medicinal purposes. Although Veronica belongs to the plantain family, it bears little resemblance to plantain: a delicate, neat plant can become a worthy decorative element in any flower bed. Further, about the features of growing Veronica in the open field: planting, care, the best varieties (photos and instructions are attached).

Veronica is a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial. The plant is represented by a wide variety of varieties and varieties, each of which differs in height, external characteristics, including the color and shape of leaves, flowers, and even rhizomes (the roots are both thin and long, and quite powerful and at the same time short, even filiform).

Among the people, the plant is known by other names, including "forget-me-not", "snake grass", etc. The stems of the plant are straight, or in some cases creeping in height from a few centimeters to 1.5 m. The shape of the leaves is diverse, the color in most cases is green, sometimes - an unusual light gray.

The openwork flowers of the plant are presented in a rich range of shades: in blue (natural color), white, pink, etc. They are collected in small spicate or paniculate inflorescences. The duration of the flowering period of Veronica depends on the characteristics of a particular variety.

Advice. If you want to achieve the longest flowering period of Veronica in your garden, you need to optimally combine the cultivation of several varieties of Veronica that differ in flowering time.

The species diversity of the plant makes it possible to choose the best option for both home and outdoor cultivation. The following varieties can be distinguished in particular:

  • Medicinal. Perennial ground-blooded plant with small pale green leaves and neat decorative flowers of lilac, pink and blue hues.

medicinal veronica
  • Long-leaved. A powerful tall plant (one of the tallest in the Veronica genus). The inflorescences of the plant are quite long, with a spectacular light purple color. It has a long flowering period: throughout the summer until the beginning of autumn. It is incredibly popular among gardeners not only due to its decorative, but also medicinal properties, in particular, the variety is an excellent antiseptic.

long leaf veronica
  • Caucasian. The leaves of the plant are dissected, painted in a bright green color. The flowers are distinguished by an unusual lilac color and thin purple stripes.

caucasian veronica
  • Gentian. A low-growing plant with thin stems, which bear delicate white flowers, the petals of which are covered with small blue stripes.

Gentian Veronica
  • Woody. It is a small creeping plant with greenish-gray leaves and pink flowers.

woody veronica
  • Crimean. Dwarf variety (only 20 cm high) with small light green leaves and blue flowers.

Crimean veronica
  • Gray-haired. Unusual undersized variety with bluish leaves and bright blue inflorescences.

gray-haired veronica

Plant propagation

The process of propagation of Veronica is carried out in 3 ways: by seeds, cuttings, or by dividing the bush. The seed method is considered quite troublesome, but this is the best option for those who want to get a healthy bush with full-fledged varieties. Seeds can either be sown directly into the ground in the fall, or planted in the spring prepared seedlings.

If you plan to sow seedlings, you should start preparing planting material ahead of time. At the end of winter, the seeds must be wrapped in damp gauze and placed in the refrigerator for 25-30 days.

Add nutrient soil to the container, and then place the seeds not very deep in the ground. It is advisable to place them one by one in a separate pot or at a distance of about 5-7 cm from each other in a large container. Seeds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and moisten it.

Be sure to cover all containers with transparent film and place them in heat. When the sprouts sprout enough (height is about 8 cm), you can land in open ground. Do not forget to harden the seedlings some time before, periodically exposing them to fresh air.

Mature plants are easily propagated by dividing the bush

Dividing the bush is an easy way to achieve flower stalks in the first year after planting. It is important to choose the right sprouts. The bush should be the most tall and absolutely healthy. Separate a few sprouts and plant them in the ground. Be sure to cover them with special material. After 10-12 days, remove it and continue growing the plant as usual.

Propagation by cuttings will allow you to successfully grow Veronica from a small shoot about 10 cm long. For a while, you should place it in water so that the cutting germinates, after which you can land in open ground.

Planting a plant in open ground

The plant is considered quite unpretentious to growing conditions, therefore, when choosing a suitable site for growing veronica in open ground, it is not necessary to make a strict selection: the plant will suit heavy clay soil, loose sandstone, and swampy soil.

Advice. Although Veronica is a picky plant, it is very sensitive to the amount of sunlight, so the place for planting the crop must be chosen exclusively sunny (in extreme cases, partial shade is suitable, but it will be much more difficult to achieve dense beautiful flowering).

Planting a young plant or seeds must be carried out in moist and well-loosened soil previously enriched with nutrient organic matter.

The subtleties of plant care

The veronica plant is quite easy to grow: even a beginner can grow a healthy strong flower in the open field. Further about what measures for the care of garden plants Veronica needs.

Veronica is rarely affected by pests

Watering and fertilizing regimen

First of all, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil in the area where the plant is grown: in no case should it dry out (dry soil is practically death for Veronica). During the period of drought, the plant should be watered very generously: do not allow the soil to dry out. When the first branches appear on the plant, watering should be stopped, and after the flowering of the latter, the tops of the veronica should be pruned.

Advice. To slow down the process of soil moisture loss and control the growth of weeds, you can periodically acidify the soil: the plant will only be happy about this (Veronica loves acidic or slightly acidic soil).

As for fertilizers, Veronica certainly needs them, but top dressing should not be too frequent: it is enough to apply fertilizer under each bush of the plant with the onset of the growing season, and continue top dressing only at the end of spring. If you live in a region where winters are quite severe, it is advisable to also apply potash fertilizers in the middle of the summer period: this will help the plants withstand the cold.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that various insects always curl around the plant, attracted by its fragrant pollen (bees, butterflies, etc.), veronica is resistant to this kind of “encroachment”.

The plant is slightly susceptible to various diseases and pests. An exception can be considered only some fungal diseases like powdery mildew and gray rot. You can get rid of these diseases with the help of either chemicals, such as Oxyhom or blue vitriol, or biological analogues that will be completely safe for animals and humans.

Sometimes aphids can visit Veronica growing in the garden. If there is not too much of it, you don’t have to worry: the plant is able to cope with the pest insect on its own.

Veronica in landscape design

The combination of Veronica with other plants

Veronica is often used as an excellent group plant, which can be used as one of the main decorative elements in alpine slides, flower beds and mixborders. The main purpose of using veronica in landscape design is to give the garden plot ease and lightness. Veronica is suitable for growing near borders, where not every plant can survive.

An excellent combination of plants in the garden will be with buzulnik, bergenia, etc. By the way, even such a simple combination as veronica and chamomile will create harmony in any part of the garden.

Advice. If you're willing to take a risk for a spectacular garden view, try contrasting combinations like veronica and rose. As a result, you will get a winning composition in which each of the elements will be beautifully emphasized by the others.

That's all the subtleties that must be considered when growing veronica in the open field. Good luck!

Landing Veronica: video

Veronica longifolia: decoration and medicine

Veronica longifolia is a representative of a large family of plantains. In the wild, it grows in wetlands and near shrubs. In the steppes - near the banks of streams and canals. The plant attracts gardeners with its unpretentiousness. In addition, it is used for medical purposes.


The lower small petals of Veronica grow together, thus forming a tube. The inflorescences below are fluffy, they can be in the form of spikelets or brushes. The color can be blue, blue, sometimes even pink or white. Veronica's root is long and creeping.

Source: Depositphotos

Veronica longifolia - unpretentious care garden flower

Popular types:

  • Big. The height of the species is slightly more than 0.5 cm. The flowers are bright blue, collected in brushes.
  • Gentian. Veronica of this variety has very few leaves and flowers are pale blue or white.
  • Dubravnaya. A perennial plant reaches a height of 40 cm. There are two rows of small hairs on the stem. The leaves have a rounded shape, reach a length of 3 cm. The flowers on the plant are bright blue and large. The roots are thin and creeping.
  • Kolosovaya. It has single stems, flowers are purple and white. The plant blooms for a month and a half.
  • Medicinal. A perennial herb that blooms all summer. Flowers blue or pink.
  • Filiform. Perennial very small grass - plant height 5 cm. It begins to bloom in April and ends in June. It has thin stems and light green rounded leaves. Flowers are usually light blue or white. Gardeners use this species to create a "carpet".
  • Field. An annual plant 30 cm high. Flowering begins in May - June. Small flowers of a blue or white shade, collected in fluffy brushes.

Almost all perennial species are resistant to low temperatures and calmly survive the winter. But some types of Veronica still need to be covered with spruce branches for the winter. This includes Veronica branched.

Planting and breeding methods

The flower is unpretentious and undemanding to the soil. But it is better to plant the plant on light, with a neutral level of acidity, the soil. Although all types of Veronica love moisture, they can also endure a short drought. The main thing to consider when planting Veronica is lighting. She loves a lot of light, but is not afraid of light partial shade.

Source: Depositphotos

A site with strong shading is not suitable for planting a plant.

Propagation with seeds. You need to sow the seeds in the fall, they will bloom only after a couple of years. If you want to plant in the spring, then you need to stratify the seeds:

  1. Pour drainage and substrate into the pot.
  2. Gently spread the seeds on the surface and sprinkle with earth.
  3. Do not pour water on them - just spray with a spray bottle.
  4. Make holes in the bag and cover the pot with it.
  5. Keep three weeks in a cool room or refrigerator.
  6. Then rearrange for a couple of weeks in a warm and lit place.

Propagation of cuttings. This is the most convenient way. To do this, choose only young branches. Put them in water, and in about two weeks they will have a root system. After that, plant the young plant in the soil in your area.

Reproduction by dividing the bush. In this way, propagate veronica in early spring. Divide the shoots with a developed root system and plant them in different holes.

plant care

Veronica does not tolerate a drop in temperature - signs of development of powdery mildew immediately appear on its foliage.

Remember the main rules for care:

  • In too hot weather, water the plant regularly and abundantly.
  • Cut off the shoots when all the buds wither. After that, an active growth of shoots will begin. It turns out that in this way you rejuvenate the plant.

Veronica blooms and develops well, despite the conditions and degree of care for her. But, when you choose a place for her, remember that the flower has a fragrant smell. So there will be a lot of bees.

The use of veronica in medicine

When the plant begins to bloom, pick off the stems and dry. Then pour boiling water over the grass and leave for a couple of hours. For one teaspoon of Veronica, use a glass of boiling water. This infusion helps to get rid of cough and shortness of breath. Also, if you have a sore throat or laryngitis, drink the infusion four times a day and gargle.

Also, Veronica's infusion on alcohol can cure skin and nail fungus. To do this, smear the affected areas with medicine in the morning and evening, and soon you will forget about the fungus. It is better to store the tincture in the refrigerator.

Veronica longifolia contains choleretic properties and substances that promote wound healing

Make a powder from fresh veronica flowers and leaves - it is good for sweaty feet and diaper rash. You can also cure lichen by making poultices with this powder.

Landscape designers love Veronica longifolia, not only because it is an unpretentious plant. She also decorates the garden with her blue flowers and looks great in flower beds, rockeries and alpine slides. Gardeners also plant Veronica because it can be used in medicine.

Veronica is a plant that is valued not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for the fact that it contains a large amount of useful substances.

Veronica belongs to the Plantain family. About five hundred species of this plant are known. Grown as a perennial or annual. You can also find a semi-shrub. It is widely found in various countries around the world, especially in regions with a cool climate.

Today Veronica is also known by other popular names. In everyday life, it is most often called a snake, snake grass, Verenikov grass, goat's face, cyanosis, consumables, borage, forget-me-not, paleika and many others.

Veronica refers to ground cover plants. Therefore, it is often planted in flower beds together with other brighter flowers.

The roots of a plant, depending on its species, are thin and long, or vice versa, thick and short; in some representatives of the genus, the root system has a filamentous structure.

The aerial part is represented by straight or creeping stems, the height of which can be from two centimeters to one and a half meters. The leaves on the stem are opposite or alternate, there are specimens with leaves arranged in whorls. The shape of the leaves is quite diverse, but very beautiful, they are painted green, less often gray.

Delicate openwork flowers are painted in blue (natural tone), white, pink, blue, purple hue (obtained through the painstaking work of breeders). Small flowers are collected in inflorescences, which can be in the form of a spikelet, umbrella or panicle. The flowering period is long and depends on the variety that grows in the garden. A skillful combination of which will delight the eye with bright colors throughout the spring-autumn period.

Caring for Veronica is elementary simple. The Veronica plant is so unpretentious and hardy that it even fully recovers after trampling.

Description of popular species and varieties

The species diversity of the Veronica plant allowed breeders to adapt it for cultivation in a cultivated form in the garden and suburban areas, as well as to obtain a number of new varieties that surprise even more with their external data, but at the same time fully retained their medicinal qualities. Below is a description of the most popular species that are actively grown in open ground:

  • Armenian Veronica is a perennial with a dissected leaf shape, blue flowers and a height of up to ten centimeters;

  • Veronica Caucasian - also has dissected leaves, but the shade of flowers is more interesting. Lilac petals cover thin purple stripes;

  • Veronica large - represented by rather large specimens with single stems and flowers collected in inflorescences of white, pink or blue;

  • Gentian Veronica is a low-growing plant whose flowers bloom in early summer and bloom until autumn. Petals are painted white with blue stripes;

  • Veronica woody has creeping stems of small size with gray-green leaves and pink flowers;

  • Veronica Crimean grows up to twenty centimeters in height and has juicy green leaves and blue flowers that bloom from the first days of summer;

  • Veronica filiform refers to spring flowers. She dissolves her inflorescence in mid-spring;

  • Veronica gray is characterized by an unusual decorative appearance, as its leaves have a bluish tint, which is complemented by beautiful bright blue flowers;

  • Veronica peduncle blooms with beautiful blue-blue inflorescences;

  • Veronica longifolia is one of the tallest representatives of this genus. The height of its stems reaches one and a half meters. The inflorescences have a beautiful shape and a beautiful purple hue. One of the advantages of the plant is the flowering period. Long-leaved blooms all summer and the first half of September;

  • Veronica officinalis or common, refers to perennial plants. Veronica officinalis is a ground cover plant with soft green leaves and light purple flowers, which can also have blue and pink hues.

All of the listed types of Veronica are also represented by a large number of decorative forms and varieties that are used to decorate gardens and parks.

We also note that Veronica long-leaved and ordinary is especially popular with gardeners, since these perennials, in addition to their beautiful appearance, have a huge range of healing properties.

Veronica longifolia is a natural antiseptic. It has high anti-inflammatory, wound healing, hemostatic, choleretic and antispasmodic properties. In folk medicine, Veronica longifolia is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, powder from leaves and flowers. I use this herb for many ailments. In addition, Veronica longifolia is a good honey plant. Its varieties Blauriesen and Schneeriesen look great in group plantings in the garden and city parks.

Veronica vulgaris is a perennial herb that also has a lot of healing properties. This herb in alternative medicine is used for memory loss, diseases of the digestive system and urinary system. It is used as a medicine for women's diseases, inflammatory processes and colds. Also known recipes for the use of veronica in the treatment of cancerous tumors of the stomach.

But, let us once again remind you that any self-treatment can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, before making a diagnosis and prescribing herbal treatment on your own, it is still worth getting professional advice from a specialist. After all, many herbs have individual intolerance and can be categorically contraindicated for use.

Cultivation and care

Veronica refers to absolutely unpretentious plants. Caring for her does not require much time or special efforts. Of course, cultivation has some of its own characteristics, which we will briefly consider now.

Veronica belongs to the sun-loving species, of course it will grow and develop in partial shade, but the decorative qualities will be lost. The flowers of the plant will be small and inconspicuous, and for some species they may be absent altogether. Therefore, landing should be carried out in an area where there will be enough sun. Under such conditions, the plants will not only fully develop their decorative qualities, but also retain their healing properties.

Caring for Veronica should include proper watering. The fact is that not all types of plants can tolerate drought well, some need moist soil for normal growth and development. Mountain views can do without long-term watering. Veronica ordinary, gentian, filiform, prostrate, long-leaved varieties need timely watering. But this should be done only after the topsoil has completely dried, no more than once every three weeks.

Perhaps the safe cultivation of Veronica in household plots and garden beds and without additional dressings. Since the plant is unpretentious, it has enough natural reserves of nutrients in the soil. In the case when the planting of decorative flowers was carried out in soil of low quality, then every two years it is recommended to add organic matter (fertilize the soil with cow manure or humus). This is best done in early spring.

Plant care must necessarily include care for the stems. Tall species need a garter, otherwise growing up to one and a half meters, straight stems begin to collapse on the sides, which does not add decorativeness to the shrubs. You also need to periodically remove faded inflorescences that spoil the appearance, new ones will appear in their place.

Many varieties of Veronica perfectly tolerate a decrease in air temperature to minus twenty-nine degrees and do not die. If your region has more severe winters or you have planted a more capricious species, then you need to cover the roots with peat or humus for the winter. Such care will not only protect the plant from the cold, but will also serve as additional feeding.

Growing Veronica is not difficult. The grass has good immunity and rarely suffers from diseases and pests.

What you can meet is downy mildew. When it is detected, flower beds should be treated with fungicidal preparations.

Veronica can also get the ring spot virus.

Among pests, caterpillars, scoops, moths, long-whiskered moths are most common. You can get rid of them with the help of insecticidal preparations.

Rarely, but even so, there are also nematodes that affect the root system. They are destroyed by special preparations of directed action, which are applied directly to the soil.

Reproduction methods

Self-cultivation of beautiful Veronica is unlikely to do without the desire to get more copies in your area. Make it simple. Veronica reproduces well in the following ways:

  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Most often, gardeners use the simplest way - this is the division of the bush. It allows you to get a 100% result at no extra cost. This procedure can be carried out at any warm time of the year, but it is preferable to choose early spring or late autumn, when Veronica does not bloom. Bushes are dug out of the ground and carefully divided into parts so that each part has a growing point. Then the delenki are planted in wet peat or sand for rooting and covered with a film or glass, if it is a group planting under a greenhouse, or with a glass jar, each planted part of the root. After ten to twelve days, the jars or film are removed. The first push was given and during this time the root went through the first adaptation and began to actively develop.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out in the summer. To do this, choose healthy stems and cut shoots up to ten centimeters long from them. Cuttings should be without tops and inflorescences. They are planted for rooting in boxes with wet sand or peat at an angle of seventy degrees to a depth of two centimeters, and then covered with glass. Cuttings should be regularly aired and watered periodically. The glass is removed when the first young leaves appear. Plant in open ground in the spring, when the soil has warmed up and the threat of night frost has passed.

Growing veronica from seeds is also perhaps the most uncomplicated process and therefore often used by gardeners.

There are two landing methods:

  • spring;
  • autumn.

Veronica seeds need preliminary stratification. If you plan to sow them in the fall, then they will go through this procedure in a natural way, after lying in the ground for the winter. And in the spring they will delight with friendly shoots.

Spring planting of seeds should be preceded by their forced stratification. To do this, they must be placed in the sand and kept for a month or even two at a temperature not exceeding five degrees. And only after that they are planted in the ground to a depth of no more than two centimeters, after watering and fertilizing the soil with humus. Top planting is recommended to be mulched with peat or humus.

Among such a huge number of species and varieties of Veronica, there are individual specimens about the reproduction of which is hardly worth thinking about. The fact is that some representatives of the genus have a high ability to germinate and can even compete with weeds in this. Any part of the stem of such a plant, falling into the soil, begins to actively take root and develop beautifully while maintaining maternal qualities.

Today, due to the high decorative characteristics of Veronica, it is actively used in landscape design, since the grass is a good honey plant, its breeding is welcomed by beekeepers. To all this, the high medicinal value of the plant is added.