Women during the Chechen war. Executioner Sashka Ardyshev tortured Russian soldiers so that even militants shuddered

The exact number of prisoners of war captured by militants during both Chechen campaigns, perhaps, no one will name now - according to the joint grouping of federal forces, there were up to 2 thousand people captured, missing and deserters during these two wars. Human rights organizations cite other figures, upwards.

Why were they captured

The usual perception of prisoners in a war situation as deprived of the opportunity to resist (wounded, surrounded by superior enemy forces), in relation to the Chechen campaigns, is false. In most cases, our servicemen were captured due to indiscretion and inexperience: they went “on their own”, for vodka or drugs, or lost their vigilance for another reason.

Boys often fought in the First Chechen War, having no idea where they ended up, not knowing the mentality of bandits and their accomplices. They were unprepared for the many-sided danger that lay in wait for them at every corner. Not to mention the lack of combat experience - both in mountainous areas and in urban areas. Many times in Chechnya, fighters were captured precisely because of their unpreparedness for a clash in a particular situation.

Why were prisoners needed?

In practical terms, they were used for two purposes: ransom or exchange. For ransom, they were often purposefully captured - they caught or lured careless soldiers - at checkpoints, in the dispositions of troops ... Information about who and how much can pay for whom was quickly found out - Chechen diasporas are in any large Russian city. As a rule, they demanded about 2 million non-denominated rubles per head (data from 1995).

The prisoners were resold to other gangs or to Chechens whose relatives were under investigation or in custody. It was a very common and highly profitable business - the relatives of the captives sold their apartments and cars, in general, everything that was of value in order to rescue their sons. There were cases when the mothers themselves, who came to Chechnya to save captured children, were also captured.

The commercial component almost always came to the fore - if the militants knew that they could get a good deal from the prisoner's relatives for his rescue, they used it. The prisoners could be exchanged for the corpses of dead militants, especially if they were field commanders.

They say that during the First Chechen War, it happened that the command of the Russian armed forces gave the militants an ultimatum: do not release the prisoners, we will wipe the village into dust. And this threat worked - the captured servicemen were released.

Calls for surrender

The history of the Chechen war is a terrible mixture of various components and fatal circumstances. And one of the main ones was betrayal - first of all, the military personnel themselves, often thoughtlessly sent to the slaughter. Representatives of many organizations acted in Chechnya, each of which pursued its own interests. Captured Russian servicemen more than once became a bargaining chip in this game.

During the New Year's storming of Grozny (1994-1995), Sergei Kovalev, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, persuaded the fighters to surrender. General G. Troshev and deputy battalion commander of the 131st motorized rifle brigade Alexander Petrenko later noted in their memoirs what “guaranteed” “benefits” went to the prisoners in this battle - the prisoners were brutally tortured and killed.

Torture and torment

In most cases, according to the recollections of the surviving captives, they were treated worse than the most negligent peasant with his cattle - they were fed terribly, constantly mocked and beaten. Executions of prisoners in such mountain death camps were commonplace. Many died of hunger and torment. A large number of videos have been posted on the Internet about what the militants did to captured servicemen. Even a person with a strong psyche will not be able to watch all this without a shudder.

Terrible stories about the war, about its terrible everyday manifestations, appear in society in influxes, as if by order. The war in Chechnya has long been taken for granted.

The gulf between well-fed Moscow and the mountains where blood is shed is not just great. She is huge. There is nothing to say about the West at all. Foreigners who come to Russia, as if to another planet, are far from reality, like aliens to the Earth.

No one really remembers the thousands of Russian-speaking residents of Chechnya who have disappeared without a trace since the early 1990s. Entire villages were removed from their places in one night and left for the Stavropol Territory. The fugitives are still lucky. Chaos was happening in the North Caucasus. Violence, murder and brutal torture became the norm under Dudayev. The predecessors of the paranoid president of Ichkeria did not influence the situation. Why? They just couldn't and didn't want to. Cruelty, unbridled and wild, spilled over into the first Chechen campaign in the form of mass abuse of captured Russian soldiers and officers. Nothing new has happened in the current campaign - the militants (by the way, it’s rather strange that they began to call ordinary criminal bandits that way) still cut, rape and show cut-out body parts of the military in front of the cameras.

Where did this cruelty to the Caucasus come from? According to one version, the Mujahideen called up from Afghanistan, who managed to practice during the war in their homeland, set an example for the Chechen fighters. It was in Afghanistan that they did something unimaginable with captured Soviet soldiers: they took scalps, cut open their stomachs and stuffed scatterings of shells into them, put their heads on the roads, and mined the dead. Natural cruelty, which the British in the last century explained as barbarism and ignorance, caused a backlash. But the Soviet military was far from inventive torture of wild Mujahideen.

But not everything is so simple. Even during the period of Chechen resettlement in Kazakhstan and Siberia, terrible rumors circulated in the Caucasus about the bloodthirstiness of the abreks who had gone to the mountains. Anatoly Pristavkin, a witness of the resettlement, wrote a whole book "A golden cloud spent the night" ... Revenge and blood, passed down from generation to generation - that's what dominated in Chechnya.

Protracted fighting in Chechnya led to inexplicable brutality, killing for the sake of killing. And here "partisans" and "rebels" both local and newcomers do not lose the "palm" in any way. During the capture of the Dudayev Palace in Grozny in 1995, officers from the Marine Corps said that they saw the crucified and decapitated corpses of our soldiers in the windows of the palace. Four years ago, as if ashamed and not saying anything, late in the evening one of the television programs showed a story about military doctors in the liberated Grozny. A tired medical officer, pointing to the bodies of the soldiers who were captured, talked about a terrible thing. Russian boys, who became soldiers according to the constitution, were raped at the moment of their death throes.

Soldier Yevgeny Rodionov was beheaded only because he refused to take off his pectoral cross. I met the mother of a soldier looking for his son during the ceasefire in September 1996 in Grozny. She searched for her son for months and met with almost all the field commanders. The militants simply lied to the woman and did not even show the grave ... The details of the soldier's death were found out much later. According to the latest data, the Russian Orthodox Church is preparing for the canonization of Yevgeny Rodionov.

Last September in Dagestan, in the village of Tukhchar, local Chechens handed over five soldiers and one officer to militants who were trying to get out of the encirclement. All six Wahhabis were executed by cutting their throats. The blood of the captives was poured into a glass jar.

Storming Grozny in December last year, our military again faced barbarism. During the fighting in the suburbs of the Chechen capital Pervomaiskaya, the bodies of three soldiers of one of the units of the Ministry of Defense were crucified on an oil rig. Directly in Grozny, one of the units of the Sofrino brigade of internal troops was cut off from the main forces. Four soldiers were considered missing. Their headless bodies were found in one of the wells.

The correspondent of "Ytra", who visited the area of ​​"Minutka" square at the end of January, became aware of the details of yet another execution. The militants took a wounded soldier prisoner, gouged out his eyes, quartered his body and threw him on the street. A few days later, the reconnaissance group carried the body of a colleague from the area of ​​high-rise buildings. There are many such examples. By the way, the facts of mockery of the military and executions for the most part remain unpunished. The case of the detention of field commander Temirbulatov, nicknamed "Tractor Driver", who personally shot soldiers, can be considered an exception.

In some newspapers, such examples were considered fiction and propaganda of the Russian side. Even information about snipers in the ranks of the militants was considered by other journalists as rumors, which are more than enough in the war. For example, in one of the issues of Novaya Gazeta, they expertly discussed the "myths" associated with "white tights". But "myths" in reality turn into professional shots at soldiers and officers.

The other day, one of the mercenaries, who fought in Chechnya on the side of the militants, spoke to journalists. The Jordanian Al-Khayat spoke about the morals that reign in the detachment of the field commander (a Chechen, not an Arab) Ruslan (Khamzat) Gelaev. Countryman Khattab admitted that he had witnessed the executions of Russian captured soldiers more than once. So, in Grozny, Gelayev's militants cut out the heart of one of the prisoners. According to Al-Khayat, he miraculously managed to escape from the village of Komsomolskoye and surrendered to the military near Urus-Martan.

According to the Jordanian, mercenaries from Afghanistan, Turkey and Jordan remain subordinate to Khattab. As you know, the Black Arab is considered one of the most bloodthirsty field commanders. His handwriting - personal participation in the executions and torture of prisoners. According to the captive Jordanian, most of the Arabs in Khattab's gangs came to Chechnya for the promised money. But mercenaries, they say, are being deceived. True, in fact it turns out that both gullible and deceived Arabs practice atrocities against Russian soldiers. By the way, the contradictions between Chechen fighters and mercenaries have recently become open. Both sides do not miss the opportunity to reproach each other for cruelty, although in reality both of them are not much different from each other.

When the war becomes something like a hobby (and the vast majority of militants from the detachments of irreconcilable field commanders will never lay down their arms and will fight to the end), then the death of the enemy for a professional warrior becomes the only meaning of life. Butchers are fighting against Russian soldiers. What kind of amnesties can we talk about? Any "peaceful" initiatives coming from the militants can be regarded as a way to continue the war and the killings. So far, only a few have been answered for thousands of crimes. When will the majority answer? The life of those who pull the trigger is not worth a penny. Moreover, Russia should not forgive the bloodthirsty "commanders". Otherwise, the place of the killers will be taken by their successors.


Oleg Petrovsky

Now many Chechen officials are agitating that peace will come when the Chechens are trusted. But the problem is not whether to trust the Chechens - the Russian people have always been very trusting, but how they will use this trust. Those who, by the will of fate, regularly communicated with "hot Chechen guys" not at the official level, but at the everyday level, know: these guys are not simple! They can assure you of the most friendly disposition and call you “brother,” while at the same time holding a knife in your bosom and waiting for you to turn your back on them.

It is also striking that so far almost no one has spoken honestly about how young and zealous Chechen guys, back in Soviet times, before all the recent wars, in which they now blame Russia, treated the Russians, or, it would be more correct to say, did not with their own, non-Chechen women, when they happened to “get it” before them. One cannot offend one's own, because one can answer for this with one's life, but strangers - easily.

I came across a letter written 15 years ago by a girl who faced similar treatment. Then she tried to publish this letter in the Moscow press, but she was refused in all the editorial offices where she applied, arguing that the publication of such a letter could offend the national feelings of the Chechens.

Only now, when the press has become less afraid of “offending national feelings,” has it become possible to publish this cry of the soul. Here he is.

“I am a native Muscovite. I study at one of the Moscow universities. A year and a half ago, a story happened to me that I can only now tell without hysterics. And I think I should tell her.

My friend, who studied at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, invited me to visit her hostel, where she lives (it is called DAS - the house of graduate students and interns). I've been there before. Usually it was not difficult to get to the hostel, but this time the watchman categorically did not want to let me through, demanding to leave the document. I gave her my student ID and went up to my friend's room - I'll call her Nadya. Then we went with her to the hostel cafe on the ground floor, where we ordered coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

Some time later, an old acquaintance of Caucasian appearance, Nadine, sat down with us. Nadia introduced me to him, and he invited us to move from the cafe to his room - chat in a relaxed atmosphere, watch videos, drink some wine.

I immediately refused, explaining that it was not too early, and soon it would be time to go home. To which Ruslan - so heaped up the guy - objected: why go home if you can stay overnight here, in a friend's room? Like, real life in a hostel begins at night; Is it really not interesting for a Moscow girl to find out how nonresident students live? After all, this is a very distinctive world of its own ...

I was really interested. Which is what I told him. Adding that it was still impossible to stay, however, because the watchman took the student's card and strictly warned that I had to pick it up before 11 pm, otherwise she would hand it over somewhere.

What problems? Ruslan said. - I'll buy your student card in no time!

And left. While he was gone, I expressed my concerns to my friend: is it dangerous to go into the room of an unfamiliar Caucasian man? But Nadia reassured me, saying that Ruslan is a Chechen only by his father, whom he does not even remember, lives with his mother and in general he is also a Muscovite.

Why does he live in a hostel then? I was surprised.

Yes, he quarreled with his mother and decided to settle here, - Nadia explained to me. - Agreed with the local administration. - And then she added: - It's easy here. In Moscow State University dormitories, in general, the green light is given to Chechens, even if they are not students at all. Just because the head of all university dorms is a Chechen, and they have their own clan laws...

Then Ruslan returned, brought my student card. And we, having bought food in a cafe, went to visit him (if you can call visiting a dorm room that way). The decisive argument in favor of this visit for me was, perhaps, the fact that the guy looked attractive and not arrogant. Naturally, communication was supposed to be exclusively platonic.

On the way, we called my mother from a payphone, and Nadya assured her that everything would be fine, let her not worry. Mom reluctantly allowed me to stay.

Having seated us in his room, Ruslan ran for champagne, put on some kind of video film - not pornography, but a normal movie, some kind of American action movie. He said that later we would go to another room to visit his friends from the course, where a large cheerful company of guys and girls was supposed to be. I was a home girl, I rarely managed to be in a "big noisy company", so this prospect seduced me.

When it was already close to midnight, there was a knock on the door. Ruslan opened it without question, and three young men entered the room. A tense situation immediately arose.

These are the local Chechens, - Nadya told me in a whisper. - They have some common affairs with Ruslan.

However, those who entered sat down in a businesslike way and were in no hurry to talk about business. But they began to throw unambiguous glances at me and my friend. I felt uneasy, and I turned to Ruslan:

You know, we might as well go. You must be having a serious conversation here. All in all, thanks for the evening.

Ruslan wanted to answer something, but then the smallest of those who came (although by age he, apparently, was the oldest) loudly interrupted him:

Well, what are you, girls, what serious conversations can be when you are here! We will simply join your company - sit, drink, talk about life.

It's time for the girls. They were about to leave, - Ruslan somehow not very confidently objected.

Come on, let them sit with us for a while, we won't offend them, - the little one said amiably.

One of the guests called Ruslan to talk in the corridor, and the little one continued to have a friendly conversation with us. After some time, the "guest" returned with two more friends, the owner was not with them. Nadia and I again tried to leave, although by this moment it became obvious that we would not be able to do it so easily ...

Then the little one closed the front door, put the keys in his pocket and simply said:

Let's go to the bathroom, girl. And I don’t advise you to resist, otherwise I’ll quickly spoil my face. ”

I was frightened and panicked about what to do. And he continued:

What are you, stupid, hard of hearing? I can correct your hearing! For example, I will cut off the ear.

He pulled a knife out of his pocket and pressed the button. The blade popped out with a metallic sound. He played with the knife for a minute and put it back in his pocket with the words:

Well, shall we go?

No matter how disgusting I was, I decided that I would rather endure a few minutes of sex than I would later suffer all my life with a disfigured face. And went to the bathroom.

There I made one last attempt to awaken humanity in this aggressive creature, even whose name I did not know, urging me and Nadezhda to be released.

Better keep your mouth busy with something else, - he interrupted me and unbuttoned his trousers.

Having received satisfaction, the sexual aggressor seems to have kindled a little. At least his expression became softer.

You have no desire to join your girlfriend? - he asked.

In what sense? I asked.

The fact that four insatiable stallions will fuck her all night. But I'm better, right? Well, am I better? he insisted.

What, do I have a choice? I asked doomedly.

You're right, you have no choice. You will come with me to my house. Unless, of course, you want to make you and your girlfriend feel really bad.

Naturally, I didn't want to. She left the bathroom and, trying not to look in the direction of the bed, on which something disgusting was happening, went to the front door.

Close behind us, - my escort gave a parting instruction to his own.

At the exit from the hostel, seeing the watchman and the phone next to her, I decided to take advantage of this, as it seemed to me, a chance to save.

I need to call home! - I said loudly, rushing to the phone.

But before she even had time to grab the phone, she felt a strong blow to the back of her head and fell to the concrete floor.

Completely drugged. She doesn't even have a home. A bum and a prostitute, - I heard the voice of my tormentor.

Where are you taking her? the watchman asked timidly.

To the police. She tried to ransack my room and molested my friends. Get up bitch, let's go! Fast!

He grabbed me by the collar and, jerking me up from the floor, tore my jacket.

You should take it easy, - the watchman murmured. – Why so much?

I gave my grandmother a pleading look as the little animal was dragging me out into the street.

What, you idiot, don't want to live? Better not rip! he commented on my attempt at release.

And then I thought: it’s better to just endure this horror. Unless, of course, I don’t care, in the end, they don’t stab me.

The animal hailed a taxi, told the driver in a whisper the destination, pushed me into the back seat, climbed in beside me, and off we went.

Rest, dear, you are tired, - he said in a sugary voice, grabbing my head and poking my face into his knees.

So I lay there, not seeing the way. And he - and this was a completely unbearable mockery - stroked my hair all the way. If I tried to raise my head, I dug my finger into my neck somewhere in the region of the solar artery.

The house we stopped at was very ordinary. There was no number on the door of the apartment.

Opening the door with his key, he pushed me into the hallway and then entered himself, loudly informing someone:

Who wants a woman? Receive guests!

My brothers live here. Be kind to them.

There were seven brothers. And compared to them, the one who dragged me here seemed just a dwarf. Or, rather, a jackal currying favor with tigers to please them. They were burly men with muscular figures and the kind of faces that professional killers probably have when they're off duty. They sat on the beds, of which there were as many as five in the room, watching TV and drinking wine. And I also smelled some sweetish smell unknown to me then. Looking at this “meeting”, through the agony of a headache, I realized that I was very, very, very unlucky.

From the first glance at me exhausted, they apparently all decided that I was an ordinary cheap prostitute. They greeted me, if I may say so, kindly: they sat me in a chair, offered me a drink and smoke "weed". When I refused, one of the “tigers”, looking at me incredulously, asked the “jackal”:

Where did you take it?

In the hostel, - he answered cheerfully.

I am a Muscovite, I have a father and mother, - I could not stand it, desperately looking for protection.

The "Jackal" immediately began to fussily explain something to his "brothers" in a language I did not understand. "Tiger" also spoke Chechen, but it was clear from his voice and facial expression that he was dissatisfied. Then the others joined them, and their conversation turned into an argument. And I could only look at them and silently pray to God that this dispute would end successfully for me.

When the altercation was over, several "tigers" began to go to bed, and one of them, the youngest, led me to another room. There were only two beds in this small room. He dragged the mattresses from them to the floor, placed them on the floor along with the linen, invited me to sit down, sat down next to me and began to talk to me in an ingratiating voice. I automatically answered, but I was thinking about something completely different - my head was completely occupied with fear.

Finally, he ordered me to undress - and another nightmare session began. No, he did not mock me openly and even provided some freedom of action, but this did not make me feel better. My whole body ached, my head ached and I was terribly sleepy. I realized that if they started walking me with their feet now, it would not change much for me. I really wanted to lose consciousness - at least for a while, and I also regretted that I did not smoke what they offered there. Because the most terrible thing was how my clear mind perceived every detail absolutely clearly. And time went by so slowly!

When the “tiger” “loosened” several times, he left, and I began to dress. But then a “jackal” jumped into the room, grabbed my clothes and, shouting for fidelity, ran out the door. And immediately the next contender for my body appeared.

This is, of course, a good proverb: "If you are raped, relax and try to have fun." I forced myself to relax, as far as it was possible in such a situation, when you were trembling with fear, but with pleasure it was really bad. Worse than bad.

After the second "tiger" the "jackal" came running again. This time he began to undress himself, and I was completely discouraged. Perhaps I would prefer to be raped by another of the "tigers". At least they didn’t mock me so maliciously, stealthily - they didn’t pull my hair, didn’t try to break my fingers, didn’t pinch me to convulsions all over my body. "Jackal" did it all, and with great pleasure. But he brought with him a cigarette stuffed with “weed”, and demanded that I smoke with him. This time I did not refuse, and it was useless.

But as a result, I didn’t have any dope in my head, it only became even more nauseous. And with an equally clear head, I endured the third and most excruciating session of using my body. And only when the little “shavchenka” got tired of scolding the helpless victim, he left me alone, even allowed me to dress lightly and sent me to the kitchen to wash the dishes, promising to break my hands if I break something.

The largest of the local "brothers" was sitting in the kitchen - a red-haired Chechen, so lazy and sedate. While I was washing the dishes with trembling hands, he talked to me and even offered some condolences. He said that I really got into a “not very pleasant” situation. But when the sink and furniture around were freed from numerous plates and cups, he suggested that I go back to that small room from which I had left an hour ago.

Listen, - I turned to him, again trying to alleviate my plight. - You are such a solid man. Are you going to take advantage of the woman that your… subordinates just had?

I didn't mean to. But now, looking at you, I felt like it, - he answered and added affectionately: - Our baby completely intimidated you, right? Well, nothing, relax. I won't hurt you the way he does.

Ah, what a good uncle!

I was already prepared for the fact that after all these entertainments they would simply kill me. But they let me go. And the "baby" took me in a taxi, again pressing my head to his knees, and dropped me off next to the hostel.

I went to a friend’s house to at least somehow put myself in order, and then return home to my parents. Nadia lay in her room, even more tormented than I, with a bruised face. Later it turned out that her rapists, in addition to disgust for men for life, “gave” her also venous diseases, moreover, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis and pubic lice at once.

After this, Nadia could no longer stay in the hostel. Unlike the Chechens who raped her, they still lived there happily and, until she left, they terrorized her: meeting somewhere in the hall, they called her a prostitute and “infectious”. Apparently, between themselves, they decided that it was she who infected them. So, naturally, it was more convenient for them - they did not have to look for the guilty among their own. Only Ruslan, who provoked this story, apologized to Nadia and conveyed his apologies to me through her, but that didn't make it any easier.

Nadezhda took the documents from the university and left for her hometown. There she had an abortion and was treated for a long time ...

And I, it turns out, got off only with a fright. Which I now have, apparently, for the rest of my life. When I see a man of Caucasian appearance, I start to beat. It especially hurts at the sight of Chechens - I can distinguish them from other Caucasians, as they say, with the naked eye. But it would be better - armed ... "

Probably, this letter could not be commented on, but after the ellipsis, I want to put an end to it. Although I'm not sure if it will work.

Has the situation changed since the time referred to in the letter? Don't know. There is evidence that "hot Chechen guys" are still not averse to "profit" from Russian girls. Moreover, now they have an excuse: they say, if Russian men are at war with us, we have the right to treat their women the way they treated the women of enemies in the days of the barbarians - as with disenfranchised prey.

And here the question is this: will people who believe that everyone is obliged to them and everyone is to blame for them stop raping our women if this war suddenly ends? Or will they continue to do this with great passion, and we will remain silent so as not to offend their "national feelings"?

On the site of the Tukhcharskaya tragedy, known in journalism as the “Tukhcharskaya Golgotha ​​of the Russian outpost”, now “there is a solid wooden cross, erected by riot police from Sergiev Posad. At its base there are stones stacked in a hill, symbolizing Golgotha, withered flowers lie on them. On one of the stones, a slightly bent, extinguished candle, a symbol of memory, stands forlornly. And the icon of the Savior with the prayer "For the forgiveness of forgotten sins" is also attached to the cross. Forgive us, Lord, that we still do not know what kind of place this is ... six servicemen of the Internal Troops of Russia were executed here. Seven more then miraculously managed to escape.


They - twelve soldiers and one officer of the Kalachevsky brigade - were thrown to the border village of Tukhchar to reinforce the local policemen. There were rumors that the Chechens were about to cross the river, strike at the rear of the Kadar group. The senior lieutenant tried not to think about it. He had an order and he had to follow it.

They occupied a height of 444.3 on the very border, dug full-length trenches and a caponier for infantry fighting vehicles. Below - the roofs of Tukhchar, a Muslim cemetery and a checkpoint. Behind a small river is the Chechen village of Ishkhoyurt. They say it's a robber's nest. And another one, the Galaites, hid in the south behind a ridge of hills. You can expect a blow from both sides. The position is like the edge of a sword, at the very front. You can hold on to a height, only the flanks are unsecured. 18 cops with machine guns and a violent motley militia - not the most reliable cover.

On the morning of September 5, Tashkin was woken up by a sentinel: “Comrade senior lieutenant, it seems like there are ...“ spirits ”. Tashkin immediately became serious. He ordered: “Raise the boys, only without noise!”

From the explanatory note of Private Andrei Padyakov:

On the hill that was opposite us, in the Chechen Republic, first four, then about 20 more militants appeared. Then our senior lieutenant Tashkin ordered the sniper to open fire to kill ... I clearly saw how, after the sniper shot, one militant fell ... Then they opened massive fire on us from machine guns and grenade launchers ... Then the militia surrendered their positions, and the militants went around the village and took us into ring. We noticed how about 30 militants ran across the village behind us.”

The militants did not go where they were expected. They crossed the river south of height 444 and went deep into the territory of Dagestan. Several bursts were enough to disperse the militias. Meanwhile, the second group - also twenty or twenty-five people - attacked a police checkpoint near the outskirts of Tukhchar. This detachment was headed by a certain Umar Karpinsky, the leader of the Karpinsky jamaat (a district in the city of Grozny), who personally reported to Abdul-Malik Mezhidov, the commander of the Sharia Guard. . At the same time, the first group attacked the height from the rear. From this side, the caponier of the BMP had no protection, and the lieutenant ordered the driver-mechanic to bring the car to the ridge and maneuver.

"Vysota", we are under attack! shouted Tashkin, pressing a headset to his ear, “They are attacking with superior forces!” What?! I ask for fire support! But "Vysota" was occupied by Lipetsk riot police and demanded to hold on. Tashkin cursed and jumped off the armor. “What the f… hold on?! Four horns per brother…”***

The denouement was drawing near. A minute later, a cumulative grenade that flew in from nowhere broke the side of the "box". The gunner, along with the tower, was thrown about ten meters; the driver died instantly.

Tashkin glanced at his watch. It was 7:30 am. Half an hour of battle - and he had already lost his main trump card: a 30-mm BMP machine gun, which kept the "Czechs" at a respectful distance. In addition, and the connection was covered, the ammunition was running out. We must leave while we can. Five minutes later it will be too late.

Picking up the shell-shocked and badly burned gunner Aleskey Polagaev, the soldiers rushed down to the second checkpoint. The wounded man was dragged on his shoulders by his friend Ruslan Shindin, then Alexei woke up and ran himself. Seeing the soldiers running towards them, the police covered them with fire from the checkpoint. After a brief skirmish, there was a lull. Some time later, local residents came to the post and reported that the militants had given half an hour to leave Tukhchar. The villagers took civilian clothes with them to the post - this was the only chance for salvation for policemen and soldiers. The senior lieutenant did not agree to leave the checkpoint, and then the policemen, as one of the soldiers later said, “got into a fight with him.”****

The force argument was convincing. In the crowd of local residents, the defenders of the checkpoint reached the village and began to hide - some in basements and attics, and some in corn thickets.

Tukhchar resident Gurum Dzhaparova says: He came - only the shooting subsided. Yes, how did you come? I went out into the yard - I look, it is standing, staggering, holding on to the gate. He was covered in blood and badly burned - no hair, no ears, the skin burst on his face. Chest, shoulder, arm - everything is cut with fragments. I'll take him to the house. Fighters, I say, all around. You should go to yours. Will you come like this? She sent her eldest Ramadan, he is 9 years old, for a doctor ... His clothes are covered in blood, burnt. Grandma Atikat and I cut it off, rather into a bag and threw it into a ravine. Somehow washed. Our rural doctor Hassan came, took out the fragments, smeared the wounds. He also made an injection - diphenhydramine, or what? He began to fall asleep from the injection. I put it with the children in the room.

Half an hour later, on the orders of Umar, the militants began to “wool” the village - a hunt for soldiers and policemen began. Tashkin, four soldiers and a Dagestani policeman hid in a shed. The barn was surrounded. They dragged cans of gasoline, doused the walls. "Surrender, or we'll burn you alive!" In response, silence. The fighters looked at each other. “Who is your senior there? Make up your mind, commander! Why die in vain? We don't need your lives - we'll feed you, then exchange them for our own! Give up!"

The soldiers and the policeman believed and left. And only when police lieutenant Akhmed Davdiev was cut by a machine-gun burst, they realized that they had been cruelly deceived. “But we have prepared something else for you!” Chechens laughed.

From the testimony of the defendant Tamerlan Khasaev:

Umar ordered to check all the buildings. We dispersed and two people began to go around the house. I was an ordinary soldier and followed orders, especially a new person among them, not everyone trusted me. And as I understand it, the operation was prepared in advance and clearly organized. I learned by radio that a soldier had been found in the shed. We were told by radio the order to gather at the police post outside the village of Tukhchar. When everyone gathered, those 6 soldiers were already there.”

The burnt gunner was betrayed by one of the locals. Gurum Dzhaparova tried to defend him - it was useless. He left, surrounded by a dozen bearded guys - to his death.

What happened next was meticulously recorded on camera by the cameraman of the militants. Umar, apparently, decided to "educate wolf cubs." In the battle near Tukhchar, his company lost four, each of the dead found relatives and friends, they were indebted to blood. "You took our blood - we'll take yours!" Umar told the prisoners. The soldiers were taken to the outskirts. Four bloodlines cut the throats of an officer and three soldiers in turn. Another escaped, tried to escape - he was shot from a machine gun. Umar killed the sixth person personally.

Only the next morning, the head of the administration of the village, Magomed-Sultan Hasanov, received permission from the militants to take away the bodies. On a school truck, the corpses of senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin and privates Vladimir Kaufman, Alexei Lipatov, Boris Erdneev, Alexei Polagaev and Konstantin Anisimov were delivered to the Gerzelsky checkpoint. The rest managed to sit out. Some local residents were taken to the Gerzelsky bridge the very next morning. On the way, they learned about the execution of their colleagues. Alexei Ivanov, after spending two days in the attic, left the village when Russian aircraft began to bomb him. Fyodor Chernavin sat in the basement for five whole days - the owner of the house helped him get out to his people.

The story doesn't end there. In a few days, a recording of the murder of soldiers of the 22nd brigade will be shown on Grozny television. Then, already in 2000, it will fall into the hands of investigators. Based on the materials of the videotape, a criminal case will be initiated against 9 people. Of these, justice will overtake only two. Tamerlan Khasaev will receive a life sentence, Islam Mukaev - 25 years. Material taken from the forum "BRATISHKA" http://phorum.bratishka.ru/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=7406&start=350

About the same events from the press:

"I just approached him with a knife"

In the Ingush regional center of Sleptsovsk, employees of the Urus-Martan and Sunzha district police departments detained Islam Mukaev, suspected of involvement in the brutal execution of six Russian servicemen in the Dagestan village of Tukhchar in September 1999, when Basayev's gang occupied several villages in the Novolaksky district of Dagestan. A video cassette was confiscated from Mukaev, confirming the fact of his involvement in the massacre, as well as weapons and ammunition. Now law enforcement officers are checking the detainee for his possible involvement in other crimes, since it is known that he was a member of illegal armed groups. Before Mukaev's arrest, the only participant in the execution who fell into the hands of justice was Tamerlan Khasaev, who was sentenced in October 2002 to life imprisonment.

Hunting for soldiers

In the early morning of September 5, 1999, the Basayev detachments invaded the territory of the Novolaksky district. Emir Umar was responsible for the Tukhchar direction. The road to the Chechen village of Galayty, leading from Tukhchar, was guarded by a checkpoint where Dagestani policemen served. On the hill, they were covered by an infantry fighting vehicle and 13 soldiers of a brigade of internal troops sent to strengthen the checkpoint from the neighboring village of Duchi. But the militants entered the village from the rear, and, having captured the village police department after a short battle, they began to fire at the hill. An infantry fighting vehicle buried in the ground caused considerable damage to the attackers, but when the encirclement began to shrink, senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin ordered the infantry fighting vehicles to be driven out of the trench and open fire across the river at the car that brought the militants. The ten-minute hitch proved fatal for the soldiers. A shot from a grenade launcher demolished the tower. The gunner died on the spot, and the driver Alexei Polagaev was shell-shocked. Tashkin ordered the rest to retreat to a checkpoint located a few hundred meters away. Polagaev, who lost consciousness, was initially carried on his shoulders by his colleague Ruslan Shindin; then Aleksey, who received a through wound to the head, woke up and ran on his own. Seeing the soldiers running towards them, the police covered them with fire from the checkpoint. After a brief skirmish, there was a lull. Some time later, local residents came to the post and reported that the militants had given half an hour for the soldiers to leave Tukhchar. The villagers took civilian clothes with them - this was the only chance for salvation for policemen and soldiers. The senior lieutenant refused to leave, and then the policemen, as one of the soldiers later said, “climbed into a fight with him.” The force argument proved to be more persuasive. In the crowd of local residents, the defenders of the checkpoint reached the village and began to hide - some in basements and attics, and some in corn thickets. Half an hour later, the militants, on the orders of Umar, began cleaning up the village. Now it is difficult to establish whether the locals betrayed the military or whether the reconnaissance of the militants worked, but six soldiers fell into the hands of bandits.

‘Your son died due to the negligence of our officers’

By order of Umar, the prisoners were taken to a clearing next to the checkpoint. What happened next was meticulously recorded on camera by the cameraman of the militants. The four executioners appointed by Umar carried out the order in turn, cutting the throats of an officer and four soldiers. Umar dealt with the sixth victim personally. Only Tamerlan Khasaev 'blundered'. Having slashed the victim with a blade, he straightened up over the wounded soldier - he felt uneasy at the sight of blood, and he handed the knife to another militant. The bleeding soldier broke free and ran. One of the militants began to shoot after him with a pistol, but the bullets missed. And only when the fugitive, stumbling, fell into the pit, he was finished off in cold blood from a machine gun.

The next morning, the head of the village administration, Magomed-Sultan Gasanov, received permission from the militants to take the bodies. On a school truck, the corpses of senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin and privates Vladimir Kaufman, Alexei Lipatov, Boris Erdneev, Alexei Polagaev and Konstantin Anisimov were delivered to the Gerzelsky checkpoint. The rest of the soldiers of military unit 3642 managed to sit out in their shelters until the bandits left.

At the end of September, six zinc coffins were lowered into the ground in different parts of Russia - in Krasnodar and Novosibirsk, in Altai and Kalmykia, in the Tomsk region and in the Orenburg region. Parents for a long time did not know the terrible details of the death of their sons. The father of one of the soldiers, having learned the terrible truth, asked to be entered in the death certificate of his son with a mean wording - ‘gunshot wound’. Otherwise, he explained, the wife would not survive this.

Someone, having learned about the death of his son from television news, protected himself from the details - the heart would not withstand the exorbitant load. Someone tried to get to the bottom of the truth and searched the country for his son's colleagues. For Sergei Mikhailovich Polagaev, it was important to know that his son did not flinch in battle. He learned about how everything really happened from a letter from Ruslan Shindin: ‘Your son died not because of cowardice, but because of the negligence of our officers. The company commander came to us three times, but never brought ammunition. He brought only night binoculars with dead batteries. And we were defending there, each had 4 stores…’

Hostage Executioner

Tamerlan Khasaev was the first of the thugs to fall into the hands of law enforcement agencies. Sentenced to eight and a half years for kidnapping in December 2001, he was serving a term in a strict regime colony in the Kirov region, when the investigation, thanks to a videotape seized during a special operation in Chechnya, managed to establish that he was one of those who participated in the massacre on the outskirts of Tukhchar.

Khasaev ended up in the Basayev detachment in early September 1999 - one of his friends seduced him with the opportunity to get captured weapons on a campaign against Dagestan, which could then be sold at a profit. So Khasaev ended up in the gang of Emir Umar, who was subordinate to the notorious commander of the ‘Islamic Special Purpose Regiment’ Abdulmalik Mezhidov, Shamil Basaev’s deputy…

In February 2002, Khasaev was transferred to the Makhachkala pre-trial detention center and shown a recording of the execution. He did not retract. Moreover, the case already contained testimonies from residents of Tukhchar, who confidently identified Khasaev from a photograph sent from the colony. (The militants did not particularly hide, and the execution itself was visible even from the windows of houses on the edge of the village). Khasaev stood out among the militants dressed in camouflage with a white T-shirt.

The Khasaev trial took place in the Supreme Court of Dagestan in October 2002. He pleaded guilty only partially: ‘I admit participation in illegal armed formations, weapons and invasion. But I did not cut the soldier ... I just approached him with a knife. So far, two have been killed. When I saw this picture, I refused to cut, gave the knife to another.

‘They started first,’ Khasaev said of the battle in Tukhchar. - The BMP opened fire, and Umar ordered the grenade launchers to take up positions. And when I said that there was no such agreement, he assigned three militants to me. Since then, I myself have been held hostage by them.

For participation in an armed rebellion, the militant received 15 years, for the theft of weapons - 10, for participation in an illegal armed formation and illegal possession of weapons - five. For the encroachment on the life of a serviceman, Khasaev, according to the court, deserved the death penalty, however, in connection with the moratorium on its use, an alternative measure of punishment was chosen - life imprisonment.

Seven other participants in the execution in Tukhchar, including four of its direct perpetrators, are still on the wanted list. True, as Arsen Israilov, an investigator for especially important cases of the Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus, who investigated the Khasaev case, told a GAZETA correspondent, Islam Mukaev was not on this list until recently: “In the near future, the investigation will find out what specific crimes he was involved in. And if his participation in the execution in Tukhchar is confirmed, he may become our ‘client’ and be transferred to the Makhachkala pre-trial detention center.


And this is about one of the guys brutally murdered by Chechen thugs in September 1999 in Tukhchar.

"Cargo - 200" arrived on the Kizner land. In the battles for the liberation of Dagestan from bandit formations, a native of the village of Ishek of the Zvezda collective farm and a graduate of our school Alexei Ivanovich Paranin died. Alexei was born on January 25, 1980. Graduated from Verkhnetyzhminsk basic school. He was a very inquisitive, lively, courageous boy. Then he studied at the Mozhginsky GPTU No. 12, where he received the profession of a bricklayer. True, he did not have time to work, he was drafted into the army. He served in the North Caucasus for more than a year. And now - the Dagestan war. Went through several fights. On the night of September 5-6, the infantry fighting vehicle, on which Alexey served as a gunner, was transferred to the Lipetsk OMON, and guarded a checkpoint near the village of Novolakskoye. The militants who attacked at night set fire to the BMP. The soldiers left the car and fought, but it was too unequal. All the wounded were brutally finished off. We all mourn the death of Alexei. Words of consolation are hard to find. On November 26, 2007, a memorial plaque was installed on the school building. The opening of the memorial plaque was attended by Alexei's mother, Lyudmila Alekseevna, and representatives from the youth department from the district. Now we are starting to make an album about him, there is a stand at the school dedicated to Alexei. In addition to Alexei, four other students of our school participated in the Chechen campaign: Kadrov Eduard, Ivanov Alexander, Anisimov Alexei and Kiselev Alexei, who was awarded the Order of Courage. It is very scary and bitter when young guys die. The Paranin family had three children, but the son was the only one. Ivan Alekseevich, Alexei's father, works as a tractor driver on the Zvezda collective farm, his mother, Lyudmila Alekseevna, is a school worker.

We mourn with you over the death of Alexei. Words of consolation are hard to find. http://kiznrono.udmedu.ru/content/view/21/21/

April, 2009 The third trial on the case of the execution of six Russian servicemen in the village of Tukhchar in the Novolaksky district in September 1999 was completed in the Supreme Court of Dagestan. One of the participants in the execution, 35-year-old Arbi Dandaev, who, according to the court, personally cut the throat of senior lieutenant Vasily Tashkin, was found guilty and sentenced to life imprisonment in a special regime colony.

Former member of the national security service of Ichkeria, Arbi Dandaev, according to the investigation, took part in the attack of the gangs of Shamil Basaev and Khattab on Dagestan in 1999. In early September, he joined a detachment led by Emir Umar Karpinsky, who on September 5 of the same year invaded the territory of the Novolaksky district of the republic. From the Chechen village of Galayty, the militants went to the Dagestan village of Tukhchar - the road was guarded by a checkpoint where Dagestani policemen were serving. On the hill, they were covered by an infantry fighting vehicle and 13 soldiers from the brigade of internal troops. But the militants entered the village from the rear and, having captured the village police department after a short battle, began to fire at the hill. An infantry fighting vehicle buried in the ground inflicted considerable damage on the attackers, but when the encirclement began to shrink, Senior Lieutenant Vasily Tashkin ordered the armored vehicle to be driven out of the trench and open fire across the river at the car that brought the militants. A ten-minute hitch turned out to be fatal for the soldiers: a shot from a grenade launcher near the infantry fighting vehicle demolished the tower. The gunner died on the spot, and the driver Alexei Polagaev was shell-shocked. The surviving defenders of the checkpoint reached the village and began to hide - some in basements and attics, and some in corn thickets. Half an hour later, on the orders of Emir Umar, the militants began to search the village, and five servicemen who hid in the basement of one of the houses had to surrender after a short firefight - a grenade launcher shot sounded in response to a machine gun burst. After some time, Aleksey Polagaev joined the captives - the militants "figured out" him in one of the neighboring houses, where the hostess hid him.

By order of Emir Umar, the prisoners were taken to a clearing next to the checkpoint. What happened next was meticulously recorded on camera by the cameraman of the militants. Four executioners appointed by the commander of the militants in turn carried out the order, cutting the throats of an officer and three soldiers (one of the soldiers tried to escape, but he was shot dead). Emir Umar dealt with the sixth victim personally.

Arbi Dandaev was hiding from justice for more than eight years, but on April 3, 2008, Chechen policemen detained him in Grozny. He was charged with participation in a stable criminal group (gang) and its attacks, an armed rebellion in order to change the territorial integrity of Russia, as well as an encroachment on the lives of law enforcement officers and illegal arms trafficking.

According to the materials of the investigation, the militant Dandaev turned himself in, confessed to the crimes committed and confirmed his testimony when he was taken to the place of execution. In the Supreme Court of Dagestan, however, he pleaded not guilty, saying that the appearance took place under duress, and refused to testify. Nevertheless, the court recognized his previous testimony as admissible and reliable, since they were given with the participation of a lawyer and no complaints were received from him about the investigation. The court examined the video recording of the execution, and although it was difficult to recognize the defendant Dandaev in the bearded executioner, the court took into account that the recording of Arbi's name was clearly audible. Residents of the village of Tukhchar were also interrogated. One of them recognized the defendant Dandaev, but the court reacted critically to his words, given the advanced age of the witness and the confusion in his testimony.

Speaking in the debate, lawyers Konstantin Sukhachev and Konstantin Mudunov asked the court to either resume the judicial investigation by conducting expert examinations and calling new witnesses, or to acquit the defendant. The accused Dandaev, in his last word, stated that he knew who led the execution, this man is free, and he can give his last name if the court resumes the investigation. The judicial investigation was resumed, but only in order to interrogate the defendant.

As a result, the examined evidence did not leave the court in doubt that the defendant Dandaev was guilty. Meanwhile, the defense believes that the court hastened and did not investigate many important circumstances for the case. For example, he did not interrogate Islan Mukaev, already convicted in 2005, a participant in the execution in Tukhchar (another of the executioners, Tamerlan Khasaev, was sentenced to life imprisonment in October 2002 and died soon after in the colony). “Practically all petitions significant for the defense were rejected by the court,” lawyer Konstantin Mudunov told Kommersant. “So, we repeatedly insisted on a second psychological and psychiatric examination, since the first was carried out using a falsified outpatient card. The court rejected this request. He was not sufficiently objective, and we will appeal the verdict.”

According to the relatives of the defendant, Arbi Dandaev developed mental disorders in 1995, after Russian servicemen wounded his younger brother Alvi in ​​Grozny, and some time later the corpse of a boy was returned from a military hospital, whose internal organs were removed (relatives attribute this to with the trade in human organs that flourished in Chechnya in those years). As the defense stated during the debate, their father Khamzat Dandaev achieved the initiation of a criminal case on this fact, but it is not being investigated. According to lawyers, the case against Arbi Dandaev was opened to prevent his father from punishing those responsible for the death of his youngest son. These arguments were reflected in the verdict, but the court considered that the defendant was sane, and that the case had long been initiated into the death of his brother and had nothing to do with the case under consideration.

As a result, the court reclassified two articles relating to weapons and participation in a gang. According to Judge Shikhali Magomedov, the defendant Dandaev acquired weapons alone, and not as part of a group, and participated in illegal armed formations, and not in a gang. However, these two articles did not affect the verdict, since the statute of limitations had expired on them. And here is Art. 279 "Armed rebellion" and Art. 317 "Encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer" was pulled for 25 years and life imprisonment. At the same time, the court took into account both mitigating circumstances (the presence of young children and confession), and aggravating ones (the onset of grave consequences and the particular cruelty with which the crime was committed). Thus, despite the fact that the state prosecutor asked for only 22 years, the court sentenced the defendant Dandaev to life imprisonment. In addition, the court satisfied the civil claims of the parents of the four dead servicemen for moral damages, the amounts for which ranged from 200 thousand to 2 million rubles. Photo of one of the thugs at the time of the trial.

This is a photo of the deceased at the hands of Arbi Dandaev Art. Lieutenant Vasily Tashkin

Lipatov Alexey Anatolievich

Kaufman Vladimir Egorovich

Polagaev Alexey Sergeevich

Erdneev Boris Ozinovich (a few seconds before death)

Of the known participants in the massacre of captured Russian soldiers and an officer, three are in the hands of justice, two of them are rumored to have died behind bars, others are said to have died during subsequent clashes, and someone is hiding in France.

Additionally, according to the events in Tukhchar, it is known that no one was in a hurry to help Vasily Tashkin's detachment on that terrible day, not the next one, and not even the next! Although the main battalion was only a few kilometers away from Tukhchar. Betrayal? Negligence? Deliberate collusion with militants? Much later, aviation flew into the village and bombed it ... And here, as a summary of this tragedy and, in general, about the fate of many, many Russian guys in the shameful war unleashed by the Kremlin clique and subsidized by some figures from Moscow and directly by the fugitive Mr. A.B. Berezovsky (there are his public confessions on the Internet that he personally financed Basayev).

Fortress children of war

The film includes the famous video of cutting off the heads of our fighters in Chechnya - details in this article. Official reports are always stingy and often lie. So on September 5 and 8 last year, judging by the press releases of law enforcement agencies, ordinary battles were going on in Dagestan. Everything's under control. As usual, casualties were reported casually. They are minimal - a few wounded and killed. In fact, just in these days, entire platoons and assault groups lost their lives. But on the evening of September 12, the news instantly spread through many agencies: the 22nd brigade of internal troops occupied the village of Karamakhi. General Gennady Troshev noted the subordinates of Colonel Vladimir Kersky. So we learned about another Caucasian victory for Russia. It's time to get rewards. "Behind the scenes" the main thing remained - how, at what terrible cost, yesterday's boys survived in lead hell. However, for the soldiers it was one of many episodes of bloody work in which they remain alive by chance. Three months later, the fighters of the brigade were again thrown into the thick of it. They attacked the ruins of a cannery in Grozny.

Karamakhinsky blues

September 8, 1999. I will remember this day for the rest of my life, because it was then that I saw death.

The command post above the village of Kadar was busy. Some generals I counted a dozen. Artillerymen scurried around, receiving target designations. Officers on duty chased the journalists away from the camouflage net, behind which radios crackled and telephone operators yelled.

... "Rooks" emerged from behind the clouds. In tiny dots, the bombs slide down and after a few seconds turn into pillars of black smoke. An officer from the press service explains to journalists that aviation is working with precision on enemy firing points. With a direct hit from a bomb, the house cracks like a walnut.

The generals have repeatedly stated that the operation in Dagestan is strikingly different from the previous Chechen campaign. There is definitely a difference. Every war is different from its bad sisters. But there are analogies. They don't just catch the eye, they scream. One such example is the "jewelry" work of aviation. Pilots and gunners, as in the last war, work not only against the enemy. Soldiers are dying from their own raids.

When a unit of the 22nd brigade was preparing for the next assault, about twenty soldiers gathered in a circle at the foot of Volchya Mountain, waiting for the command to go forward. The bomb flew in, hitting exactly in the midst of people, and ... did not explode. A whole platoon was then born in shirts. One soldier's ankle was cut off by a cursed bomb, like a guillotine. The guy, who became crippled in a split second, was sent to the hospital.

Too many soldiers and officers know about such examples. Too many - in order to understand: popular prints of victorious pictures and reality are different, like the sun and the moon. At a time when the troops were desperately storming Karamakhi, in the Novolaksky district of Dagestan, a special forces detachment was thrown to the border heights. During the attack, the “allies” messed up something - fire support helicopters began to work in height. As a result, having lost dozens of killed and wounded soldiers, the detachment withdrew. The officers threatened to deal with those who fired at their own ...

Today, the Federal Security Service reported that as a result of an operation in the Shatoi region of Chechnya, a special group of the FSB seized a huge video archive. The militants scrupulously recorded all their actions on film. Preparing this material for broadcast, we tried to reduce all the scenes of violence captured

militants, to a minimum, however, we do not recommend watching this material for people with weak nerves and children.

This is only a small part of the video cassettes seized by the FSB special forces in one of the villages of the Shatoi region of Chechnya. There are 400 cassettes in total: 150 from the archive of an unknown Chechen television studio and 250 from the personal archive of Aslan Maskhadov. 1200 hours of video footage: torture and execution of Russian soldiers, interrogations with prejudice, attacks on columns of federal forces. This is a view from the inside, through the eyes of militants.

We have deliberately declined to comment on what you are about to see. It is impossible to comment on this. The films speak for themselves. We will supplement with words what from a certain moment cannot be watched, neither for ethical nor for moral reasons: after seeing the excerpts, you will understand why.

Footage from three years ago: this execution went around the television screens around the world. Execution of the judgment of the Sharia court. After Sharia security investigation. Public shooting. This is just what hit the screens.

And now let's go back: This man is the accused. The investigator asks him a series of questions. What he is accused of is unknown, we show the system itself. The interrogation system that foreign mercenaries brought with them.

Personnel: interrogation with special predilection.

Everything is captured on camera. Detailed. The investigation did not last long. The same cassette. By the dates on the screen you can see: from the investigation to the verdict exactly 10 days. The verdict is a public execution.

Frames: execution. Autumn 1999. It is impossible to say exactly where the action takes place. According to some signs, this is near the village of Tukhchar in Dagestan. Under the feet of the militants are 6 soldiers of the federal forces. In a few minutes everyone will be killed: the murder weapon is in the hands of this bearded man in camouflage. Only one tries to escape. They chase and shoot.

Frames: resists, runs away, catch up, shots are heard.

For us, these shots are medieval savagery. But for those who kill Russian soldiers, this is a routine, everyday life. For 2 Chechen companies, this has become the rule of law for them. The Russian investigation and trial will not be so cruel. The maximum that threatens executioners is life imprisonment. The court can sentence a sadist, a murderer and a war criminal to death. But in the Russian Federation there is a moratorium on its implementation, this was one of the main conditions for Russia's admission to the Council of Europe.