Drugs for toothache. Form of preparations

Taking medication during toothache helps relieve pain syndrome, but this temporary solution, facilitating the general condition.

Sometimes toothache is accompanied accompanying symptoms: inflammation of the gums or cheeks, fever, malaise.

Not always It is possible to quickly visit the dentist's office. In such cases, painkillers help, because if possible reduce intensity pain sensations, there is no point in enduring pain.

List of the best and strongest painkillers for toothache

Before make a choice an effective drug for toothache, it is worth noting that painkillers are produced in different form:

  • Tablets- easy to use and quite effective. They are fast affect the epicenter of pain and within a few hours alleviate discomfort.
  • Powder- enough gentle on the stomach with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects.
  • Toothpaste- an effective remedy if the cause of pain in the teeth lies not in caries, a in hypersensitivity enamel. Paste for sensitive teeth does not imply a separate application algorithm, just brush your teeth at least twice a day and the result will not keep you waiting.
  • Gel- renders local anesthetic effect and relieve pain for a long time.

Important! Painkillers are given temporary relief but do not replace dental treatment.

Drug names

List of strong and effective painkillers:

The list of drugs is much wider. Some medicines are removed sharp pain, others - pain weak intensity and some drugs relieve pain moderate intensity.

How to drink the drug Ketanov

Ketanov performed well among ordinary consumers. It is specially designed for quick impact and relief of even severe pain. Of course, before taking any medicine, it is advisable consult with a specialist, but if this is not possible, then it is necessary to responsibly comply with allowable dosage drugs.

Ketanov - one of the strongest painkillers, used even in the postoperative period. You can not abuse this medicine to avoid addiction. Instructions for use and dosage enough simple and understandable:

  • at medium intensity pain for adults to take 1 tablet (10 mg) every 12 hours, children 0.5 tablets;
  • at acute pain syndrome adults - 1 tablet (10 mg) every 6 hours, children 0.5 tablets also every 6 hours, of necessity.

Attention! Taking medication requires careful familiarization with the instruction.

Daily dose of the drug should not exceed 90 mg for adults and 60 mg for the older generation over 65 years old).

Photo 1. Ketanov is available in the form of film-coated tablets, each containing 10 mg of ketorolac tromethamine.

Nurofen for severe toothache

The active ingredient in Nurofen is ibuprofen. He provides painkillers anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect by blocking the production of certain enzymes. As well as in some modifications Nurofen (for example, Nurofen Plus or Nurofen Plus N) contains a strong substance - codeine, which is also involved in the process of pain relief.

Medication is only taken after reading the instructions. For a milder effect on the stomach, tablets are best taken. during or after meal.

  • for adults and children over 12 years old, with pain of moderate intensity, the optimal dosage: 1 tablet (200 mg) 3-4 times a day; with acute pain, to accelerate the effect, adults can increase the dosage to 2 tablets (400 mg) 3 times a day;
  • children 6 to 12 years old, with body weight over 20 kg, let's accept 1 tablet (200 mg) 3-4 times a day.

Recommended daily allowance for adults - 1200 mg (6 tablets), and for children - 800 mg (4 tablets). The interval between taking the medicine is at least 6 hours. Nurofen is recommended to be taken for a short time and if for 2-3 days improvements not identified, worth immediately contact a specialist.

How to anesthetize with Analgin

This drug more than a decade saves those who suffer from pain syndrome. This is a popular remedy that is found in almost every first aid kit.

Analgin is effective in the fight against toothache. But it is better to know in what cases it can be accepted, and which ones are better to apply to other drugs.

The active substance of Analgin - methimizole sodium. It has an acidic structure and adversely affects the enamel. In case of damage to the enamel or small caries, it is better don't put the pill on the tooth, because in a fairly short period of time the drug will further increase the area of ​​​​damage, as if "eating through" the enamel. But if a filling falls out or a piece of tooth breaks off, Analgin will help reduce discomfort.

Due to the extensive list of contraindications and side effects, this pain reliever not recommended for long-term use. Daily rate of Analgin - maximum 4 tablets with severe pain. The effect of the tablets occurs approximately in 30 minutes and does not last long. drug injections more efficient and fast acting.

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Tablets Nise

Nise is a popular pain reliever that can be purchased without a prescription for quite low price that attracts consumers.

Nimesulide- the active substance in the drug Nise, it helps to reduce and relieve pain. Most effective drug for pain weak and medium intensity, sharp dulls too, but results are not always perfect. Sometimes with acute pain, aching sensation remains constantly.

Adults and children, with body weight over 40 kg allowed to use medication 1 tablet twice a day. If the pain returns quickly, you can reduce the time between taking the drug, but the daily dose should not exceed 4 tablets.

Nise tablets are dispersible and ordinary. Both are accepted after meal.

Ordinary ones are simply washed down with water, and dispersible dissolve in a teaspoon of water and are taken orally as a solution. The duration of the course of taking the medicine - no more than 10 days.

Contraindications and side effects

Any medications have an effect on the body person, including and negative. Organs are the first to be hit. gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver and nervous system. As a rule, side effects occur when non-compliance treatment regimens and misuse drugs.

Taking painkillers needed, But at the same time pretty dangerous.


  • individual intolerance components;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • peptic ulcer gastrointestinal tract;
  • renal, hepatic or cardiac failure;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hematopoietic disorder;
  • childhood.

Reference! Contraindications are indicated in the instructions to any drug.

Enamel, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, granuloma, cyst and some other diseases. Sometimes it appears as a result of inflammation of the sinuses or the action of cold air. If you can’t immediately go to the dentist, tablets for toothache will provide temporary help. In order to harm the body as little as possible, with a mild syndrome, weak painkillers are used. If it is unbearable, strong toothache drugs are needed.

List of toothache pills

The generally recognized tablets used for toothache are as follows:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Analgin" / "Andipal-Neo" / "Pentalgin" / "Bral" / "Tempalgin" / "Sedalgin" / "Baralgin";
  • "Dexalgin";
  • Spazmalgon;
  • "Nurofen" / "Ibuklin" / "Ibuprofen";
  • "Nise" / "Nimesil" / "Actasulide" / "Nimesulide";
  • "Ketanov" / "Ketorolac" / "Ketorol" / "Ketolong";
  • "Morphine" / "Fentanyl" / "Promedon".

Note! Long-term use of painkillers can seriously harm your health. It is dangerous, first of all, for the kidneys, blood vessels, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Pain of low intensity

In this case, it is better to do with ordinary Paracetamol. This is the most inexpensive and harmless drug designed to relieve pain of low intensity. With prolonged use, the drug becomes less effective. Paracetamol is part of many anti-cold drugs (Panadol, Milistan, Anaferon, etc.). If the sensations are more pronounced, Analgin will help. This medicine has many analogues with the same active ingredient: "Baralgin", "Andipal", "Tempalgin", "Bral" and others.

These tablets and their analogues are well absorbed and reach high concentrations in the blood. A drug called "Pentalgin" copes even with severe toothache, when other similar pills do not help. This is due to the fact that it contains anti-inflammatory substances, antispasmodic, narcotic analgesic and caffeine.

Note! "Analgin", "Paracetamol" and similar drugs should not be taken on an empty stomach and for more than three days in a row. These tablets should not be taken with caffeinated drinks due to possible liver damage.

Sharp, shooting pains

With sharp and intense twitches in the tooth, a potent drug will help. A popular strong pain reliever for toothache is Ketanov (the active ingredient is ketorolac). It is available in ampoules and tablets. The drug inhibits the action of enzymes that cause inflammation and pain, without causing dependence and without affecting the functioning of the nervous system. Analogues - Ketorol, Ketorolac, Ketolong. The action of the tablet begins in half an hour, and the injection - in an hour.

A strong pain reliever for toothache is also represented by Nise, Nimesil, Nimesulide, Aktasulide tablets. The name of the active substance of the listed drugs is nimesulide. "Nise" is available in the form of painkiller suspensions and tablets that dissolve in the mouth and quickly help with toothache. They are prescribed even for children from 2 years. "Nimesil" is sold only in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension. "Nimesulide" - in tablets and granules. "Actasulide" is available in the following dosage forms: conventional and dispersible tablets, granules for suspension, suspension.

Aching toothache

What painkillers are best taken for aching toothache? She is overcome with the help of a tandem of a conventional anesthetic and an antispasmodic: Papaverine, No-shpa. The latter are designed to cope with muscle spasms, so by themselves they are not good drugs for toothache. But if you drink them together with analgesics, then the desired effect is likely to be achieved. When inflammation spreads to soft tissues, Spazmalgon can be the best remedy for toothache. It contains a substance that is the basis of "Analgin", as well as an effective antispasmodic. A similar composition of the drug "Bral", which is often used for toothache.

Unbearable pain

When the usual analgesics do not help, it is worth resorting to narcotic drugs for toothache, intended exclusively for adults. But they should be taken with caution, given the impact on consciousness and possible dependence. Popular drugs containing narcotic substances are: Morphine, Fentanyl and Promedol.

Unlike other pain relievers, these powerful drugs do not interfere with enzymes. They block the nerve impulse from the diseased tooth to the brain. Such drugs cannot be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription, and therefore they are rarely used. This is available to those who, after the treatment of other diseases, have a tablet or ampoule of such a drug left.

Traditional medicines for toothache

Note! When choosing an analgesic drug, you need to carefully consider the side effects, and then compare the risks. For a child, you can buy children's "Nurofen", "Panadol" or a similar remedy.


Not a single homeopathic remedy can replace strong painkillers for toothache, but such a drug can bring some relief, although not instantaneous. In this case, it is important to make the right choice, given the etiology of the pain syndrome.

The list of homeopathic remedies for toothache looks like this:

  • "Aconite" - will help relieve pain in the mouth, which appeared as a result of a cold.
  • "Coffea" is a homeopathic pain reliever that helps with toothache that has arisen on the background of stress.
  • "Arnica" is a herbal preparation effective for injuries.
  • "Nuksmoshata" - homeopathic painkillers effective for toothache caused by hypothermia or dampness.

To alleviate suffering at home before going to the dentist, a special preparation from the first-aid kit will help most quickly and reliably. Opponents of such medicines who are in poor health or afraid of harming themselves, as well as those who have limited access to medicines, can use other methods to anesthetize an aching tooth.

To achieve pain relief for toothache, it is necessary to clean the mouth of food debris and rinse it with warm water. Then you can try rinsing the tooth with a soda solution, sage decoction or cranberry juice. Or apply cotton wool soaked in volokardin, valerian or special tooth drops to it. Instead of taking a toothache pill, you can try sprinkling a few drops of eucalyptus, clove, chamomile, or any other essential oil on the problem tooth. Another option is to add chopped onion or garlic, or a pinch of salt.

In the days when analgesics did not yet exist, people were saved in many other ways. Some of them are firmly entrenched among the people and are actively used to this day. Consider what painkillers for toothache are popularly considered the best and strongest.

  • garlic bandage. According to many who have tested its effect on themselves, this is the best medicine for toothache. It is necessary to grind two or three cloves of garlic and wrap them in a handkerchief or gauze (the juice should not flow out). After that, you need to fasten the garlic bandage to the wrist of the hand from which the tooth hurts. After 15-20 minutes, the pain will subside. This tool saves with mild and severe toothache.
  • Garlic compress. A piece of garlic is applied to the inflamed area. You should not keep it for a long time, otherwise a mucosal burn will appear.
  • Lard slice. A small piece of well-salted lard should be applied to the gum. The mild pain will go away.
  • Ear massage. You should actively massage the ear located on the side of the diseased tooth, starting from its upper part and descending to the lobe. So you can avoid looking for an answer to the question - which medicine is better to choose for severe toothache?
  • Ice. It is necessary to forcefully drive an ice cube in the palm of your left hand if the diseased tooth is on the right, and vice versa. Focus on the area between the index finger and thumb.
  • onion cutting. This is a well-known, but not the most effective remedy for moderate toothache, but it can help to some extent. You need to cut onions to cry. As a result, as scientists say, the pressure in the gums decreases and the symptom subsides.
  • Rinsing with decoctions of herbs. It should be repeated often. Chamomile, sage, plantain, oregano, calendula and lemon balm have an analgesic effect for toothache.
  • adoption of a horizontal position of the body;
  • warming up a diseased tooth;
  • jaw movements.

What to do if a woman has a toothache when she cannot immediately get to the dentist? Or, for example, does it peck too painfully? Doctors disagree on which painkillers for toothache to prescribe to pregnant women. But on some points they agreed.

Dentists consider Paracetamol to be the best painkillers for toothache. Nurofen is considered relatively safe, but only up to 30 weeks, since oligohydramnios may develop further. In some cases, a long-known effective remedy for toothache in the form of tablets is prescribed - Aspirin, but not in the very early weeks. It is especially important for women "in position" to choose the right medicines and not to delay going to the dentist.

Not allowed during pregnancy

During gestation and lactation, taking painkillers for toothache is best avoided. In the instructions attached to them, this is usually indicated. If you still can’t go to the doctor, and folk remedies don’t get rid of the torment, you can take Paracetamol or, if necessary, resort to the help of one of the most powerful painkillers for toothache.

Important! During pregnancy, the use of drugs containing narcotic substances is unacceptable. They are considered the most powerful painkillers for toothache, but also the most unsafe in relation to the embryo.

During pregnancy, taking medications is acceptable in the most extreme cases, when other options do not help or are not available. Even the best pain reliever in the treatment of toothache, if taken repeatedly, can lead to extremely negative consequences for the mother and fetus. Doctors are not able to accurately predict the development of events in such a situation, but they can accurately predict the unfavorable outcome.

How to quickly relieve a toothache without pills?

Going on a long trip or hike, you need to imagine all the possible situations that may arise. Dental disease cannot be ruled out. In this case, you should buy the best of the weak and strong painkillers for toothache. At home, such funds will also not be superfluous. What will instantly relieve a painful symptom if there is no analgesic used for toothache? Already after 10-20 minutes, the analgesic effect of such drugs is felt:

  • Essential oils- apply directly to the tooth or through a piece of cotton.
  • garlic bandage- put on the wrist from the side of the diseased tooth.
  • Massage- you need to intensively rub either the ear or the palm - the junction of the index and thumb.
  • Salt solution with iodine- such a rinse will be a good remedy for toothache when soft tissues in the mouth are captured.
  • Cold compress- apply on the cheek from the problem side.
  • Vodka- rinsing for two or three minutes may relieve the condition.

Note! If the condition is accompanied by severe swelling of the gums and cheeks, fever or bleeding, you should never wait. Even the best analgesic pills do not address the root of the problem. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Today there is no shortage of effective painkillers to help with toothache. However, it is important not to abuse the opportunity provided to easily and quickly get rid of the painful syndrome. We must not forget that each of these funds has a long list of contraindications and side effects.

Useful video: the best painkillers for toothache

Tooth decay provokes severe pain that is difficult to bear, which requires the use of strong medications. They can also help with problems associated with the formation of cysts, granulomas and other severe periodontal diseases. It is worth using drugs taking into account the age of the patient and the severity of the pain syndrome. You should also pay attention to contraindications and special instructions when using the selected painkiller. This will avoid exacerbation of chronic diseases, will not cause serious side effects and will not provoke an overdose.

The best medicines for toothache

The main substances in this medication are paracetamol and vitamin C. This combination allows you to enhance the effect of exposure and make it longer. Taking Grippostad is required taking into account the weight of the patient, including in adulthood.

Patient weightsingle doseRecommended daily amountMaximum daily dose of paracetamol
40-50 kg1 sachet3 sachets2 g
50-65 kg1 sachet4 sachets3 g
Over 651 sachet4 sachets4 g

It is recommended that the patient maintain a 6-hour interval between doses and not exceed therapeutically safe doses. When using more than 4 sachets of the drug, unwanted kidney problems may develop.


Refers to powerful medicines that can eliminate the discomfort associated even with cysts in the dental canal. The dosage is determined based on the degree of anxiety of the disease. With minor discomfort, you can drink half the tablet up to 6 times in 24 hours, while maintaining an interval of four hours between doses. With severe pain, you need to take a whole tablet every six hours. For patients with impaired renal function, more than two tablets of Dexalgin should not be taken.


Considered the best medicine for this type of pain, the drug is produced in India. The effectiveness of these tablets is determined by the presence of ketorolac in the composition, which has a noticeable systemic effect. Do not take more than two tablets in one day. At the same time, most experts agree that Ketanov should be taken only once. As soon as acute pain is blocked, it is better to switch to maintenance therapy using more gentle painkillers. The drug described causes side effects with almost every use, which can be associated with intestinal problems, severe fatigue and inhibition of kidney function. Because of this, even minimal therapeutic doses of this drug should not be given to children and pregnant women.

Trigan D tab. #10

The composition of the drug includes dicyclomine and paracetamol. With a combined interaction, it has a good analgesic effect and reduces the temperature if it appears due to inflammation. To stabilize the condition, taking into account the damage to the dental tissue and symptoms, you can drink no more than two doses at a time. The number of daily doses is 2-4, it is strictly forbidden to give the patient more than eight doses of Trigan D in one day.


A combination group medication, which includes dicycloverine and an antipyretic component. Since Dolospa, even with a minimal excess of the amount, can provoke itching, urticaria and pain in the epigastric region, it is required to carefully prescribe the number of tablets. During the day, it is allowed to drink one tablet up to three times. If the pain is severe, you need to drink two tablets at once.


This medication can be taken only in severe conditions, when the pain syndrome is associated with a serious lesion of the dental canals and cysts. It is required to take Meloxicam only once, the dose is 15 mg of the active ingredient. It is important that the treatment is one-time.


The rapid analgesic effect of the drug is provided by the substance ketorolac. It is required to take Ketocam according to two schemes, taking into account the effectiveness of the tablets and the strength of the pain. You can take 10 mg every 4-6 hours or 20 mg up to four times a day. If the patient has a body weight of less than 50 kg or is over 65 years of age, the Ketocam dose of 60 mg should not be exceeded.


The main components of this drug are bendazole and metamizole sodium. The composition also includes papaverine, which relaxes the muscles. This can cause some problems with bowel movements, so the drug should not be used for constipation. The dose of Andipal is 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. The maximum number of tablets in 24 hours is 6. With moderate pain, you should not drink more than three doses of Andipal per day.

Attention! The described non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be combined with each other. It is forbidden to do this even taking into account the fact that they contain different active substances. The combination increases the risk of overdose and unforeseen side effects.

Video: Pills for toothache

The best medicines for patients under 12

Traumeel S

The tool belongs to the homeopathic and in its composition has only herbal ingredients that perfectly complement each other and provoke an instant analgesic effect. Traumeel C is great for swelling, gum itching and pain. It is allowed to apply the drug only on the gums no more than three times a day. If the dental cavity of the tooth is severely damaged, a small amount of Traumeel C can be carefully placed into the pulp.


The drug is available in the form of a gel, which has a systemic effect, eliminating the activity of bacteria, reducing pain, reducing the severity of the inflammatory process. The special structure of the gel allows it to stay on the mucosa for a long time, which provides a lasting result for 3 hours. The dosage of the drug is 5 mm 2-3 times a day.

Cefekon D candles

You can prescribe this medicine from 3 months. Available in dosages of 50, 100 and 250 mg of the analgesic component. The average dosage of the main component is calculated based on the formula 10-15 mg of Cefecon D per kilogram. Put suppositories no more than three times in 5-8 hours. With great care, Cefecon D is taken with a low level of hemoglobin.

Attention! In childhood, it is recommended to use only sparing gels and ointments, as well as syrups with antipyretic and analgesic effects. They have a general stimulating effect on the body and do not allow inflammation to develop.

The best medicines during pregnancy


Officially, the instruction does not recommend taking this medication at any period of bearing a child due to its effect on the excretory system. But with a strong pain syndrome, it is allowed to take half a tablet immediately after a meal. Tempalgin can be taken in this amount three times during the day, the interval between applications cannot be less than 4 hours.


This medicinal gel is prescribed to children during teething. You can use this tool during pregnancy, while doing it in any of the trimesters of pregnancy. You can apply Calgel when carrying a baby up to three times a day. At the same time, 0.5-1 cm of the active substance is applied to the gum. Before using the gel, rinse your mouth thoroughly and brush your teeth so that the active substance can penetrate as deep as possible into the tissues of the affected tooth.


It is allowed to use the medication in any of the trimesters of pregnancy. It is desirable that a single dosage does not exceed 40 mg of the active ingredient, with acute pain, you can drink 80 mg. The maximum amount of Drotaverine is 240 mg, while between doses it is necessary to maintain a time interval of 4-8 hours between uses. In the first trimester, you should not drink more than 120 mg of medication.

Attention! During pregnancy, with the appearance of toothache, women need to focus on safe folk remedies. Soda, salt or herbal rinses are great. In the third trimester, women may be faced with the fact that taking painkillers can provoke preterm labor or, on the contrary, reduce uterine contractions.

Video: Pregnancy and pain medication

Medicines for kidney problems


Among the ingredients of the drug, acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and an antipyretic component stand out. It is allowed to take Askofen from the age of 15, the dosage does not require any adjustment at any age. For the need to stop the painful syndrome, you need to take two tablets at once. Usually this is enough to remove discomfort for the whole day. If this fails, you can take two more doses of Askofen. During the day, you can not take more than four doses of the active substance.


If the patient does not have kidney failure of any degree, you can take this drug without any problems. It is recommended to drink Cofitsil-plus only with milk drinks or mineral alkaline water, this will enhance the effect of the medication and will not adversely affect the gastrointestinal mucosa. The average dose of Cofitsil-plus is equal to one tablet no more than four times a day. With severe pain, you can drink the drug two tablets 2 times.


This medication can also be taken for any kidney disease, but only if they are not provoked by their insufficiency. You can take this medicine with or after food. The dosage of the medication is one pill every 6 hours, if necessary, the interval can be reduced to 4 hours. It is forbidden to drink more than six Excedrin tablets in one day. In case of impaired functioning of the renal system, it is better to reduce the daily dose of the substance to 4.

Attention! The medicines described and the doses given are suitable for patients with kidney problems. But with simultaneous pathologies of the kidneys and liver, the dose of any active substance, even with moderate pain, can only be selected by a dentist or therapist.

Video: Painkillers for toothache

It is not enough to use good medicines to relieve toothache. It is also required to comply with general measures to prevent pain due to the development of dental disease.

  1. Don't forget to brush your teeth, even when you're feeling the most discomfort. Just clean the sore spot with softer and more accurate movements. Reluctance to touch the tooth can eventually lead to even more severe pain.
  2. You should move more and be less horizontal. In the supine state, blood circulation in the periodontal tissues increases several times, which significantly increases the pressure in them. This eventually leads to severe pain.
  3. Do not use warm compresses. They also cause increased blood flow to the gums, which causes increased pressure and increased inflammation.
  4. After eating, rinse your mouth several times, remove food from the interdental spaces. Even a small piece of food inside a carious cavity or next to a tooth can cause increased discomfort.
  5. Do not chew on the sore spot, even after taking a painkiller that has proven to be effective. Until the tooth is cured, the likelihood of recurrence of pain is very high.

Attention! Such measures will enhance the effect of active substances. At the same time, it will be possible to slightly restrain the spread of bacteria and caries. It is especially important to observe these measures if fistulas and abscesses are observed.

If, when using any of the described means, the patient begins to show unwanted side effects, the drug should be stopped immediately and, if possible, symptomatic treatment should be carried out. If side symptoms do not disappear or subside after 1-2 days, you should also seek medical help to avoid the need for urgent hospitalization.

A tooth can hurt at the most inopportune moment: a minute before an interview, during work hours, at a resort, at night, or in the middle of a romantic date. It is unbearable to endure such “enchanting” sensations, and not everyone can go to the dentist on the same day and hour. The only way out is to relieve a toothache with a pill with a strong analgesic effect and complete the work begun. And then visit the dental clinic.

pain medications

If the tooth aches slightly, you can try to eliminate the unpleasant sensation without medication. For example, by rinsing with soda solution. The process of its preparation is simple: pour a cup of warm water (36-40 ° C), pour half a teaspoon of baking soda into it, the same amount of salt and mix thoroughly. Rinse your mouth every 2-3 hours. Before the procedure, it is advisable to brush your teeth to get rid of food debris and prevent the re-proliferation of bacteria.

From inexpensive, but effective tablets for toothache, you can buy paracetamol, analgin or aspirin. The result from them will last no more than three hours. But this will be enough to endure until going to the dentist.

Attention! Before taking any medicines, read the instructions for their use. Better yet, consult your doctor.

Paracetamol is used to suppress acute pain and reduce body temperature, which often rises against the background of tooth decay and nerve inflammation. It is harmful to the kidneys, so it is better to take the minimum allowable dose at first, even when the toothache is very severe. And if the action is insufficient, then drink another one.

In 2020, in every pharmacy you can find more modern and safe drugs based on paracetamol. They are called like this:

  • Perfalgan.
  • Panadol.
  • Efferalgan.
  • Cefekon.

All the tablets from the list do an excellent job with toothache, but they must be used carefully: an adult is allowed to drink no more than 2 g of paracetamol per day, and 1 at a time.

Paracetamol-based drugs are well tolerated by a person in combination therapy, when you need to drink both an anti-inflammatory and a toothache remedy. However, when combining them, it is desirable to select only non-steroidal components.

The active substance is metamizole sodium. The analgesic relieves mild to moderate pain, lowers the temperature, and also has a slight anti-inflammatory effect. Not suitable for long term use.

Analgin should not be taken longer than 24 hours, as this is fraught with side effects. Among them:

  • allergic reaction;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • violation of the functional activity of the kidneys;
  • changes in the blood and staining of urine in a scarlet color.

The drug is contraindicated in people with diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, intolerance to NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As well as pregnant women and children under 10 years of age.

Attention! Analgin is banned in almost all countries of the world, since it has a pronounced depressing effect on the eyes and heart. To avoid possible complications from taking it, you should strictly adhere to the instructions and dosages.

Acetylsalicylic acid has analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory properties. But it has the weakest analgesic power. For example, Ketanov tablets relieve toothache 350 times more effectively.

Despite the fact that aspirin is a weak pain reliever, it can help someone. The effect of taking the same drugs varies greatly from person to person. It depends on the clinical situation, the state of health and the characteristics of the body. Therefore, all recommendations for choosing the best drug are indirect. Everyone must find "their" cure.

What helps with acute pain

From a very sharp toothache, only strong remedies will help. These include Ibuklin, Ketanov, Nurofen, Nise, Nimika and other drugs whose main function is to relieve pain.

If severe pain overtook at night, and analgesics do not help out, call an ambulance. Doctors will give an injection that will work quickly and, most importantly, help you fall asleep. But resort to this measure should be only in an emergency. In the morning you need to go to the dentist to get rid of the torment forever.

Injections are hundreds of times more effective than pills. But they should be done by a specialist who understands dosages and has practical experience. If injected incorrectly, you can experience serious side effects ranging from dizziness to difficulty breathing. Therefore, with an independent fight against toothache, it is better to give preference to tablets.

Able to anesthetize, relieve fever and inflammation. It has a minimum number of side effects. The main active substances of the drug are ibufen and paracetamol. They quickly stop the pain and do not provoke complications. The maximum daily allowance for an adult is 4 tablets.

One of the best medicines for toothache. It is highly effective due to ketorolac, a substance that has a pronounced systemic effect and is sold as an independent pain reliever. On the basis of ketorolac, other drugs are also produced. They are called like this:

  • Ketorol.
  • Ketonort.
  • Kredofarm.

According to the instructions, the maximum allowable daily dose of Ketanov is 2 tablets. But many experts recommend taking the medicine only once. And as soon as severe toothache is stopped, switch to a more gentle therapy.

Note! Ketanov causes side effects after almost every dose. They may be associated with intestinal disorders, severe fatigue, and impaired renal function. Due to the harmful effects on the body, medicine should not be given to children, pregnant and lactating women.

One of the best painkillers, copes even with severe toothache. The active substance is nimesulide. It helps relieve inflammation, swelling and swelling of the gums. It is recommended to take two tablets a day - one in the morning, the second at bedtime. The maximum allowable daily dosage is 200 mg.

The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and children. May cause side effects such as abdominal pain, rash, nausea, vomiting, clouding of consciousness.

Tablets not only help with toothache, but also relieve inflammation of the gum tissue. The tool is very effective, since its main component is ibuprofen. However, you need to take the medicine carefully: observing a single dosage and daily intake, which should not exceed 1.2 grams of the active substance.

The drug is contraindicated in the presence of:

  • pathologies of the kidneys and / or liver;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • hypertension.


An anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug based on nimesulide, actively used against toothache. Eliminates the syndrome within 30 minutes. The maximum allowable daily dose is 4 tablets.

Nimica should be consumed in between meals. The drug is strictly contraindicated in aspirin asthma and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, even if the disease is in the chronic stage.

Note! Tablets "Nimika" can not be taken for more than three days, as they can cause serious adverse reactions: large-scale skin rash, stomach pain, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, fluid retention in the body, systemic edema.

Pain medications

If the tooth hurts like it is not strong, but its whining does not stop for a moment, you can take an anesthetic medication, for example, analgin, along with an antispasmodic: Papaverine, Drotaverine, No-shpa. By themselves, antispasmodics do not give a result, but in combination with analgesics, such tablets relieve toothache quickly and for a long time.

The most powerful drugs

Ketanov, Ketorolac and Ketorol - these are the names of the most powerful medicines for toothache. They are often prescribed to patients who have survived a major operation and need high-quality pain relief. Often, dentists recommend taking these funds after tooth extraction. They help relieve the pain that occurs when the anesthesia wears off.

The active substance of the strongest drugs - ketorolac. The pain should be removed 10 minutes after taking it, the effect will last up to 8 hours.

There are many contraindications for such drugs:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • sepsis;
  • aspirin asthma;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • hemorrhage;
  • ulcers;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • polyps on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

There are also a lot of side effects: from abdominal pain to the development of stomach ulcers or hearing loss. Therefore, you can take a tablet based on Ketorolac only for a very good reason.

To buy Ketanov, Ketorolac or Ketorol, you need to get a prescription from a doctor. Among over-the-counter drugs, Grippostad and Dexalgin are good for toothache.

homeopathic remedies

Toothache can also be relieved with the help of homeopathic tablets. Their list is long and varied. But not every drug will be effective in one way or another. The choice of the right one depends on the reason that led to the exacerbation of pain:

  • if the pain was provoked by a banal cold, Aconite will help relieve it;
  • severe emotional stress - Coffee;
  • injuries or blows in the jaw area - Arnica;
  • hypothermia - Nuksmoshata;
  • a combination of such factors as a sedentary lifestyle, abuse of alcohol and strong coffee, colds and nervous tension - Nuksvomika.

Preparations for pregnant women

During pregnancy, the use of any medication should be agreed with the doctor, and toothache pills are no exception. The list of safe, according to dentists, drugs is short:

Instead of taking medication, you can resort to rinsing the mouth. A solution of soda and salt, decoctions of chamomile, tea tree or sage are excellent painkillers for mild toothache.

Preparations for children

When a tooth aches in a child, it is better not to use medicines. If you can’t get an appointment with a dentist, you can call the clinic’s registry, call an ambulance, or ask the pharmacist for advice. But in no case do not self-medicate.

Most often, babies behave restlessly when they are teething. For such situations, special gels, suspensions and ointments are produced. To calm the baby, you can give him Ibuprofen, Nise or Nurofen - liquid suspensions intended for children from six months. They have a quick effect, cope with inflammation and reduce body temperature.

In addition to suspensions, there are the following painkillers with which you can relieve a toothache in a child:

  • Calgel, Bebident and other children's gels seem to freeze the diseased tooth, which contributes to rapid pain relief.
  • Traumeel C is a homeopathic remedy that consists only of herbal ingredients. Copes with puffiness, reduces inflammation and anesthetizes.
  • Holisal. Prevents the growth of bacteria, relieves pain. Due to its structure, the gel is firmly held on the mucosa, which provides the most stable result, which lasts over three hours.

If your child has baby teeth, try to take him to the doctor as soon as possible.. Primary caries is treated easier and faster than running. In addition, it can affect the rudiments of permanent incisors and molars.

Caring for an aching tooth

It is not enough to take good medicines for toothache, you must also take preventive measures that will prevent its recurrence:

And remember: not a single remedy for toothache, even the best, will save you from caries, periodontal disease or another reason that caused discomfort. You can drink painkillers in packs, but going to the dentist is inevitable. And the sooner the tooth is treated, the lower the risk of its removal.

A toothache can take a person by surprise. Its causes can be very different - from an elementary stuck piece of food to serious inflammatory processes. Many people have a bad toothache, pills do not help - only a dentist can tell what to do in this case.
Traditional medicine, rectal suppositories help. But with the help of such methods, only unpleasant symptoms are removed, the main cause is not eliminated.

Important! From a medical point of view, even elementary caries can cause meningitis, sinusitis, and many other serious pathologies, so discomfort cannot be ignored. You should visit a specialist, find out the cause of discomfort in order to prevent complications, the development of irreversible consequences.

To the question of how to anesthetize a tooth at home, if it hurts a lot, I answer, you need to do the following procedure:

  • if discomfort caught a person while eating, you should stop eating, brush your teeth thoroughly, remove food debris with a thread;
  • after taking pain medication;
  • rinse the mouth with soda solution (add a teaspoon of soda to 150 ml of boiled warm water);
  • rinse the mouth with saline solution (100 ml of warm boiled water, 1 tsp of salt, preferably iodized);
  • if there are no medicines at hand, apply a cotton swab moistened with valocordin.

Rinsing solutions should be warm, because cold water can enter the nerve through possible microcracks. This will only increase the discomfort.
To achieve the desired result, you need to rinse for at least 5 minutes.
Salt, it is necessary to alternate after 30 seconds. Rinse your mouth often. After the procedure, do not drink water for 15-20 minutes.

Important! Sometimes neither pills nor folk remedies help. In addition, a person begins to feel a constant pulsation. The cheek may enlarge. These are signs of an inflammatory process. With such symptoms, it is better to visit the dentist immediately. These symptoms can be a sign of gum injury, caries, hypersensitivity due to thin enamel, gingivitis, pulpitis, periodontitis. Each of these pathologies causes serious complications.

Cold or heating pad

Many resources have information that ice or a heating pad should be applied to relieve unpleasant symptoms. You can't do this.
If a person develops inflammation, then the heating pad only contributes to its strengthening. After all, in fact, inflammation is the reproduction of a harmful infection.
In a warm environment, it multiplies much more intensively.
As for ice, the question cannot be answered unambiguously. It can cause increased pain, because it will irritate an exposed nerve or thin enamel.
But the alternative is to apply cold to the ear or temple area. The pain will actually decrease a little. But if you apply something cold to your forehead or earlobe, then there will be no trace of discomfort.