Maksakova's reaction to her daughter's act. Why Lyudmila Maksakova hated her son-in-law

Relatives say that after the wedding of her daughter, the actress stopped communicating with her. And, apparently, there were reasons.

The reaction of actress Lyudmila Maksakova to the murder of her son-in-law surprised the Russians. As Dni.Ru wrote, immediately after the death of Denis Voronenkov in the center of Kyiv, she said: “Well, thank God to you. And what else to do with him? , he would have been shot for treason a long time ago!"

Later, her close friend Stas Sadalsky spoke sharply about the deceased: “Our common opinion with Lyudmila Maksakova is that Voronenkov is still lucky. We said it with one voice. Everything could have been much worse - I would have been sitting in the mines. "Being a traitor is, to put it mildly, very bad. And also involving your wife and son in your criminal fate ... This is a monstrous situation for the family."

The actor told Komsomolskaya Pravda that his daughter does not communicate with Lyudmila: “She doesn’t need a mother. She never asks Lyudmila for advice. I’m not sure that she will ask for help now. Masha independently makes a career and builds her life. For three years she (Lyudmila Maksakova. - Approx. ed.) did not communicate with her daughter. The daughter did not obey anyone - neither father nor mother. "

During a recent teleconference between Lyudmila Maksakova and her daughter, the host of the program "Live" Boris Korchevnikov tried to find out from the fugitive what her parents told her when she left. "Maria Maksakova eludes. Borya is persistent. Masha is still silent in the communist-cinema traditions. And I know what Lyudmila Vasilyevna said to Maria Petrovna:" What a fool you are! You don’t give a damn about me, at least have pity on your father!” Sadalsky commented on that issue in his microblog.

The indignation of the prima of the Evgeny Vakhtangov Theater is understandable. Her daughter shone on the best stages, soloed at the Mariinsky Theater, worked as a teacher at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, and hosted television programs. The news that deputy Denis Voronenkov became her husband has been exaggerated in the media for a long time. In a word, in our country, Maria Maksakova was treated kindly and loved until she fled from Moscow to Kyiv with her husband, who fell under investigation. And in Ukraine, they began to throw mud at Russia.

Probably, the actress believed that it was Voronenkov who dragged her daughter into this ugly story. According to Sadalsky, she generally dreamed that Maria would marry pianist Denis Matsuev, with whom she had an affair. “But it turned out the way it happened. Lyudmila loves her grandchildren, in this situation she regrets only her grandchildren,” Stas concluded.

Maria Maksakova, who fled to Ukraine after her husband Denis Voronenkov, became the star guest of the next issue of the program "Live". However, the opera diva did not appear at all in Boris Korchevnikov's studio, but communicated with the public through a teleconference. The program began with the fact that Maria showed her youngest son Ivan, and then, releasing him, began to communicate with the audience.


However, the conversation didn't really work out. Throughout the release, Korchevnikov and the public tried to get a specific answer from Maksakova, why she exchanged Russia for Ukraine and how her relatives reacted to such an act of the artist. However, Mary did not answer. Needless to say, a tub of negativity poured out on the artist: shouts and raised voices accompanied "Live" throughout its entire length.

However, a close friend of the mother of Maria Maksakova, actor Stanislav Sadalsky, unexpectedly clarified the situation. He was not in the studio, but watched the program on TV. The artist reflected his commentary on the scandalous release on social networks. "👁RTR is now broadcasting "Live" Borya Korchevnikov asks what your mother told you when you left for Kyiv, Maria Maksakova shirks. Borya is persistent ... Masha is still silent in communist-cinema traditions .... but I know what Lyudmila Vasilievna said to Maria Petrovna! - what a fool you are, you spit on me, at least have pity on your father, "Sadalsky wrote on his Instagram page.

Numerous Internet users spoke negatively about Maksakova. Viewers who watched the show with the singer on YouTube literally scolded the artist. "What a senseless tin it is", "stupid woman, strangers will use her and spit her out", "What can I say ..? This daughter-granddaughter bared her INSIDE. Beauty made. And from her education there is little use when there is no dust and rot inside . Lies are never beautiful", "Maria! Do you really not understand what you have done? "I just left ..." No, dear! You were elected by the PEOPLE to the main body of power in the country! And accepting this burden, you were obliged to realize that you are a statesman! And now you are pretending to be a simple person, a simple woman! It is DIFFERENT to listen to you!!! Either you are very cunning, or just a FOOL!!!

Recall that the scandal around Maria Maksakova flared up after the artist left Russia after her husband Denis Voronenkov. The singer's wife was put on the federal wanted list, since in 2014 a criminal case was opened against Voronenkov under the articles "Fraud" and "Organization of falsification of the unified state register of legal entities." According to investigators, he participated in fraud with a mansion in the center of Moscow.

News of show business. Revelations of the stars

Lyudmila Maksakova: Mother is not responsible for her daughter

Lyudmila Maksakova: Mother is not responsible for her daughter

The scandal associated with the relocation of the spouses and ex-deputies Denis Voronenkov and Maria Maksakova to Ukraine hit the family of the opera diva painfully, bringing a lot of worries to her parents.

Theater actress. Vakhtangov Lyudmila Maksakova is all on her nerves. After it became known that daughter Maria was actually , her phone does not stop day or night.

"What do I have to do with it? You know, there is a very short cut, sexual by the way. Would you like to go on an erotic journey?” - the people's artist is rude in her hearts to journalists who want to take a comment from her about what happened. She has nothing more to say.

You can understand a 76-year-old woman - the mother's heart now does not know peace, there are enough experiences. As, however, and all her family life. There were practically no quiet periods for Lyudmila Maksakova. In Soviet times, she was ridiculed for marrying a foreigner, which was almost equivalent to betraying her homeland. Then the grown children delivered a lot of grief.

What were the unpleasant rumors about Maria's first husband, about whom the opera diva herself preferred not to spread, even gave her last name to his children!

The daughter's second marriage also added gray hair to Lyudmila Maksakova: they did not have time to get married, as Maria's husband Denis Voronenkov was accused of fraud. Masha, already pregnant, lost her twins from worries.

Son Lyudmila Vasilievna was also not too pleased - a few years ago, Maxim received a criminal sentence for embezzlement of budget funds. Mother upholstered thresholds, wrote letters, but she could not justify her son.

And as soon as everything calmed down, the actress suffered a new blow - the hasty departure of her son-in-law and daughter to Ukraine, followed by their anti-Russian statements.

Maria Maksakova has already been expelled from the United Russia party, fired from Gnesinka, where she taught. Most likely, the Mariinsky Theater will also refuse to cooperate with the scandalous soloist.

Maria's singing career is under serious threat. And it's not at all clear what will happen next. Masha, having received a residence permit in Ukraine, is not going to return to Moscow. Thinks it's dangerous. However, she took only her infant son with her, and left the older children from her first marriage - 12-year-old Ilya and 6-year-old Lyudmila - in Russia with her father. And, of course, to my grandmother, who now has a lot of trouble.

“I would feel sorry for the parents and children!” - Kirill Krok, director of the Vakhtangov Theater, where her mother serves, wrote on Maria's page on the social network. Colleagues know how hard it is now for Lyudmila Vasilievna. And how Maria's father suffers - Peter Igenbergs, a man of advanced years.

Parents are no longer responsible for their daughter, of course. Masha has long been cut off from the umbilical cord, she has her own head on her shoulders, - says Stanislav Sadalsky, who is close friends with the Maksakov family. - But her father is very worried, just crazy about this situation. He is seriously ill, he feels bad, and all this is not good for him ...

Olga Lesina.



Maria Maksakova, who fled to Ukraine after her husband Denis Voronenkov, became the star guest of the next issue of the program "Live". However, the opera diva did not appear at all in Boris Korchevnikov's studio, but communicated with the public through a teleconference. The program began with the fact that Maria showed her youngest son Ivan, and then, releasing him, began to communicate with the audience.

However, the conversation didn't really work out. Throughout the release, Korchevnikov and the public tried to get a specific answer from Maksakova, why she exchanged Russia for Ukraine and how her relatives reacted to such an act of the artist. However, Mary did not answer. Needless to say, a tub of negativity poured out on the artist: shouts and raised voices accompanied "Live" throughout its entire length.

However, a close friend of the mother of Maria Maksakova, actor Stanislav Sadalsky, unexpectedly clarified the situation. He was not in the studio, but watched the program on TV. The artist reflected his commentary on the scandalous issue on social networks. "Live is now on RTR" Borya Korchevnikov asks what your mother told you when you left for Kyiv, Maria Maksakova evades. Borya is persistent ... Masha is still silent in communist-cinema traditions .... but I know that said Lyudmila Vasilyevna, Maria Petrovna! - What a fool you are, you spit on me, at least have pity on your father, "Sadalsky wrote on his Instagram page.

Numerous Internet users spoke negatively about Maksakova. Viewers who watched the show with the singer on YouTube literally scolded the artist. "What a senseless tin it is", "stupid woman, strangers will use her and spit her out", "What can I say ..? This daughter-granddaughter bared her INSIDE. Beauty made. And from her education there is little use when there is no dust and rot inside . Lies are never beautiful", "Maria! Do you really not understand what you have done? "I just left ..." No, dear! You were elected by the PEOPLE to the main body of power in the country! And accepting this burden, you were obliged to realize that you are a statesman! And now you are pretending to be a simple person, a simple woman! It is DISPOSING to listen to you!!! Either you are very cunning, or just a FOOL!!!" - the audience spoke out with anger towards Maksakova.

Recall that the scandal around Maria Maksakova flared up after the artist left Russia after her husband Denis Voronenkov. The singer's wife was put on the federal wanted list, since in 2014 a criminal case was opened against Voronenkov under the articles "Fraud" and "Organization of falsification of the unified state register of legal entities." According to investigators, he participated in fraud with a mansion in the center of Moscow.

The artist does not go into her pocket for a word. And he can put it in place so that it doesn’t seem a little.

Theater actress named after Evg. Vakhtanogov Lyudmila Maksakova is famous for her difficult character. And with a sharp tongue. Everyone remembers her memorable arrival on the Evening Urgant program. In the hands of the actress was a volume of Pushkin.
- Lyudmila Vasilievna, you came to us with a book, because you think it will be boring? - Ivan Urgant began the conversation.
- Not. Since I didn’t have any great merit, except for the one that I voiced the cartoon, I came with a book to give nobility to our undertaking.
- I saw "Eugene Onegin", where you play brilliantly ...
- I have been playing brilliantly for fifty years, only now they noticed. It hurts! I don't know what our today's program will bring me.
- They will bring me - they will let me into the Vakhtangov Theater without a queue.
“Yeah, where do I go?”
The fans also remember the program “Alone with Everyone”, where Maksakova came for an interview with Yulia Menshova. The host all the time persuaded the guest to talk on personal topics - about her father, about her daughter, about her husband. And the actress was ready to talk only about high art. “I will continue my thought,” Menshova began. “And you have it. Can you introduce me to at least one? Maksakova immediately retorted. “Can I ask you about my daughter Masha?” - the host made another attempt. “Call her yourself,” Maksakova snapped.
The result was the most scandalous release for the entire existence of the program on the air. Maksakova was sure that he would not go on the air, but in the end, the ratings of the program went off scale. The indignant spectators, not embarrassed in expressions, commented on what they saw: “It seemed to me that Maksakova was now biting Menshova. Hamila and snapped at every word. Apparently something personal, or before shooting the helmet fell under the tail”, “Disgusting rude boorish. And my daughter is the same. Warped from plastic and from my own anger”, “I’m shocked. It seems to me that Maksakova has always been like that. Her tuned deputy daughter is unpleasant and arrogant - I noticed this before. And oranges will not be born from aspens, as you know.
And only the actor Stanislav Sadalsky, taking the side of his colleague, wrote in his LiveJournal: “The impudent Yulek Menshova received an amazing blow from the divine Lyudmila Maksakova in her program.”
After the scandalous flight of Maria Maksakova with her husband to Ukraine, journalists again appreciated the ability of Lyudmila Maksakova to attach an interlocutor. Reporters, as previously reported by Dni.Ru, called the actress to ask her opinion. KP quotes that memorable conversation:
– What do you need? - the People's Artist of Russia answered us rather rudely.

- We are trying to find your daughter Maria Maksakova ...
– And what do I have to do with it?.. You know, there is a very short way, by the way, sexual.
- That is…
– Would you like to go on an erotic journey?
- Why so rude?
- It's not rude. I'm taking you on an erotic journey. Look for a man or woman who will satisfy you ...