Medicinal plant milk thistle: description, properties, benefits and harms, use, indications, contraindications, recipes. Milk thistle: medicinal properties and contraindications - how to take Using milk thistle

Since ancient times in Rome, Germany and Greece, milk thistle has been used for poisoning and for the treatment of the liver. Since 1968 preparations with milk thistle have been produced in large quantities. And what and how does milk thistle treat?

Amazing properties of milk thistle.

Budyak, frog, milk thistle, Maryina thorn, sharp-variegated, tartar - these are the names of one plant, which is classified as a weed. This prickly plant, due to its useful and healing properties, has earned popular recognition.

The name "Milk Thistle" has its origin in legend. The Virgin Mary, traveling from Egypt to Palestine, breastfed the baby Jesus near the thickets of burdock. A few drops of her milk fell on the leaves, creating the characteristic white spots.

This legend may also be the source of the traditional indication that milk thistle promotes lactation. Such a legend makes sense because it shows how much importance was previously given to this plant.

Silymarin, found in relatively high amounts in thistle seeds, has hepatoprotective effects. It prevents the penetration of toxins into liver cells by binding to cell membrane proteins and thereby stabilizes the membrane. In addition, silymarin increases the regenerative capacity of cells and stimulates the formation of new liver cells.

Because of all these effects, silymarin may improve the survival of patients with chronic liver disease. In case of poisoning, silibinin displaces poisons during infusion therapy and reactivates protein synthesis in the liver. Thanks to this infusion therapy, the number of fatal intoxications from tuberous fungi was reduced.

The healing properties of the oil are well suited for those people who suffer from excess weight or lives in ecologically polluted areas. Using, you can strengthen the body and do prevention against the appearance of cancer cells.

Milk thistle is used with benefits for hair, skin, nails, for weight loss and in cooking. Just use it regularly. It turned out a huge bouquet of useful properties of milk thistle. What else does milk thistle treat?

In the past, thistle seeds have been used medicinally for inflammation of the biliary tract, diseases of the spleen and liver, jaundice, gallstone disease, chronic cough, hemorrhoids, and colitis with constipation.

Today, milk thistle is used in many pharmaceutical preparations for preventive purposes and treatment of the liver as the main substance taken from the seeds. The names of these main drugs are Silibor, Gepabene, Hepatinol and Karsil.

Thistle seeds and preparations with milk thistle are used for cholelithiasis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis, cholangitis, poisoning with poisons and alcoholic beverages that disrupt liver function and various diseases liver.

And many other diseases help to cure milk thistle: chronic gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, colitis, ulcers, dyskinesia, constipation and stones in the biliary tract and bladder.

Milk thistle is used in gynecology and helps treat erosions, colpitis, atrophic vaginitis and other diseases. Women of premenopausal age and those who experience difficulties and pain in the premenstrual period are recommended to use milk thistle oil.

Plant oil eliminates many ENT ailments. It helps with stomatitis, gingivitis, rhinitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. Wounds, trophic ulcers, burns, bedsores, diaper rash, psoriasis, eczema, lichen and acne, if smeared with thistle oil, they will heal quickly. For allergies, use the oil of this plant.

And how does milk thistle treat and what healthy recipes with milk thistle, you will find out below by reading this article to the end.

Based on experience in the treatment of the liver, it is better to use milk thistle seeds ground to about the size of a grain. In this form, the seeds give the greatest effect. In this form, the fragments contain the maximum amount of the active substance contained in the hard shell of milk thistle (silymarin), so that the regeneration of liver cells is most intense.

Milk Thistle Seed Extract also contains active connection: flavonolignans, which can protect liver cells from toxins. When liver cells are damaged, milk thistle can stimulate protein synthesis, which helps the liver repair damage and generate new cells.

The seed extract protects the liver from many common toxins, including alcohol, pesticides, metal poisoning, pollution, and all sorts of drugs. It has been used for over 2,000 years for medicinal purposes, and its use as a detoxifier and liver treatment is well supported by research.

Milk thistle seed extract is an excellent tonic for those under stress. It is also beneficial for people who consume alcohol, drugs, anabolic steroids, and prescription drugs. In addition, any person living in a heavily polluted environment may benefit from milk thistle seed extract supplements.

High temperatures and improper preparation destroy active ingredients, antioxidants and vitamins. Therefore, it is generally recommended to consume milk thistle without heat treatment.

When grinding thistle seeds, it is important that they do not come into contact with metal and are not exposed to temperatures above 40 ° C. At this and higher temperatures, the active substance silymarin becomes useless.

To preserve the healing properties of seeds, it is not recommended to use conventional grinders, for example, for coffee or cereals.

Use milk thistle as follows: 1 tsp. (3-4 g) 4 times a day for 30-45 minutes. before meals. Chew slowly, mix with saliva for faster distribution of active ingredients and digestion, and swallow. Then drink a sufficient amount of water (about 150 ml per 1 tsp of meal).

In this form, milk thistle also has the secondary effect of gently cleansing (exfoliating) the intestinal walls, which helps cleanse digestive system. At the very beginning of treatment (the first 10 days) it is very useful to double the dose for regeneration in the liver.

In what form is milk thistle most effective?

There are many ready-made preparations of milk thistle seeds on the market, which can be obtained in the form of capsules, dragees, tablets or drops. The important ingredients of the silymarin mixture are insoluble in water.

Milk thistle preparations are also recommended for the treatment of liver toxicity and to support the treatment of inflammatory chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis.

Any preparation of tea from seeds is not suitable for liver supportive treatment. In this case, the concentration of active ingredients will be too low to be effective.

Temperatures above 40°C are used in the preparation of tea. Milk thistle tea prepared in this way contains almost no silymarin. From this it is clear that milk thistle seed tea is not suitable for the regeneration of liver cells. However, this low concentration is sufficient to reduce functional digestive problems such as flatulence or bloating.

The active ingredient silymarin is found in the husk of thistle seeds. However, this shell is too difficult to destroy. When cold pressing seeds for oil, we will not achieve such a high concentration of silymarin as in freshly ground thistle seeds.

During liver regeneration, the effect is low when using thistle oil. With milk thistle oil, we recommend preparing vegetable salads, which you should include in your diet during treatment and liver regeneration.

It is better to use milk thistle 100% in its natural form. The transformation of herbs such as milk thistle into tablets, capsules or granules is not a natural process. This is a synthetic preparation that contains not only silymarin, but also many other chemicals, preservatives, etc.

The amount of silymarin under the influence of alcohol as the main ingredient of the tincture is significantly reduced. The use of milk thistle in the form of various tinctures, solutions or alcoholic extracts is not recommended. Milk thistle heals without supplements.

Dosage of milk thistle.

Weed seed powder for prevention should be taken 1 time per day, 1 tsp. (2-4 g, equivalent to a daily dose of 200 to 400 milligrams of silymarin) preferably 45 minutes before a meal. Thus milk thistle does not mix with other foods in the stomach and its active ingredients can be optimally absorbed.

Milk thistle can also be taken on an empty stomach. Then you should drink enough water (about 150-200 ml per 1 tsp). At the beginning of treatment, the dose should be doubled in order to stimulate intensive regeneration processes in the liver. To obtain the appropriate effect, it is recommended to maintain the intake for a longer period of time.

Pharmaceutical commercial preparations of milk thistle are most effective at daily doses of 200 to 420 milligrams of silymarin. They guarantee a constant content of the active ingredient for a longer period of time, in addition, such preparations can be accurately dosed.

Pharmaceutical milk thistle preparations should always be taken exactly and dosed as directed in the leaflet or on the advice of a healthcare practitioner. Adequate fluid intake is especially important.

The average daily dose is 12-15 g of milk thistle seeds. The average daily dose of thistle preparations should be 200-400 mg of silibinin.

For severe liver stress, you should resort to drugs with a higher dose. The initial dose is 400 mg of silymarin per day and may be reduced to 200 mg per day after 2 weeks. Better to swallow capsules.

What does milk thistle treat? Medical prescriptions.

For correct use plants in the form of a medicine you need to learn recipes with milk thistle. For the best effect, all medicinal products with milk thistle are recommended to be taken within 30 minutes. before the meal. Milk thistle treatment should be done for 1-1.5 months. Plant remedies for prevention should be taken at least 2 times a year. Milk thistle heals effectively.

Milk thistle heals and protects the liver from harmful effects medicines, bad ecology, alcohol and well removes bile.

with medical and preventive purposes use almost everything that is in milk thistle: leaves, stems, roots and seeds. From milk thistle for the treatment of the liver and for other medicinal purposes, meal, powder, butter, decoctions, infusions, tinctures, tea are prepared.

If you have frequent complaints about headache, poor health, restless sleep, frequent colds, dry and dull skin, poor circulation and poor bowel function, then your body is not properly cleansed of waste.

A wide range of medicinal properties of the frog will allow complex therapy and cure: hepatitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal diseases, hypertension, pancreatic diseases, ischemia, varicose veins, inflammation of the heart muscle and blood vessels, hemorrhoids and gynecological diseases.

Milk thistle treats many other diseases. However, we must be careful that the application temperature of milk thistle products remains below 40°C.

Do not treat liver disease on your own. Liver diseases are not suitable for self-treatment, but should be treated as soon as possible with appropriate medical attention.

Pain in the liver, persistent indigestion, and yellowing of the skin or eyes are warning signs. And then you need to seek urgent advice.

Even with increased alcohol consumption, unprotected sex with frequently changing partners, or frequent stays abroad, regular monitoring of liver function is recommended.

Here are some healing recipes with milk thistle for the treatment of diseases. Milk thistle treats and removes many organ pathologies.

Milk thistle heals the liver. Our recipes.

To obtain a powder from weed seeds, you need to grind them in a grinder or in a coffee grinder. For poisoning and liver ailments 1 tsp. powder or meal should be taken 4-5 times a day for half an hour before taking edible products. The powder can be washed down with warm drinking water.

This treatment takes about 2 months. Then you need to take a break for a couple of weeks and the course can be repeated if necessary. Cirrhosis of the liver can be cured by eating about 1 kg of milk thistle seeds.

To make butter at home, grind dry thistle seeds and pour them with any vegetable oil in the share of powder to oil 1:2. Insist in a dark room for 3 weeks and strain.

You can prepare oil according to 2 recipes: 0.5 l. sunflower (olive) oil mix well with 5 tsp. seeds and cook in a water bath. Strain.

Oil for the treatment of the liver, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day for half an hour before taking useful products. You can also use meal with oil for 1 tsp. The duration of treatment is at least 1 month.

For a pleasant taste, you can mix 100 g of milk thistle meal or powder with 100 g of honey in the absence of diabetes. The course and dose of treatment are the same as without honey.

To prepare a decoction of thistle seeds, mix 30 g of powder with 0.5 liters of water and cook on a slow flame until 1/2 of the volume of water boils away. Drink a decoction of 1 tbsp. hourly for 3 weeks. After that, break for 2 weeks and repeat the steps. They drink a decoction for cirrhosis, hepatitis and other liver diseases.

To make a decoction of the roots and leaves, you need 2 tbsp. crushed roots and leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water and insist all night. Use this decoction to remove toxins and protect the liver from damage, with alcohol addiction. Take a decoction for these purposes should be as follows: 3/4 cup daily 3 times.

You can make an infusion of milk thistle seed powder in a thermos: add 2 tbsp. powder in a thermos and pour 1/2 liter of boiling water. Infuse for half a day, strain and drink 100-130 ml daily 3-4 times.

The results clearly show that mice become more stress tolerant with increasing doses of silibinin. With this effect, the likelihood of depression decreases.

For the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies and to strengthen the body, take weed oil 1 tsp. 3 times a day after taking healthy foods.

A two-month use of a herbal remedy will strengthen the heart muscle and increase overall immunity. Instead of taking oil internally, add oil to cereals, salads, sauces, and flour products.

With inflammation of the oral cavity.

First, disinfect your mouth with a special spray or rinse. Do applications about eight times. This will relieve inflammation of the gums, stop their bleeding and eliminate swelling. The toothache may subside.

For diseases of the colon, rectum and constipation.

The oil can help with the formation of cracks in the rectum, ulcers in the intestines and hemorrhoids. Before applying the oil, first make a general cleansing enema. Then, using a pear, 30 ml of oil should be injected into the rectum. Carry out the procedure daily.

For chronic constipation: 1 tbsp. mix meal with 100 g of kefir or natural yogurt and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Consume daily for 1 month. If you add to this remedy a drink of 2 liters of useful drinking water per day, then remove toxins from the body and cleanse the intestinal tract.

L treatment of gynecological diseases.

Heal the body by taking thistle oil, in the presence of bacteria and inflammation. It is used by gynecologists to treat vaginitis.

Thistle oil paired with oil tea tree will help in the prevention and treatment of cervical erosion, in inflammatory processes in the vagina and in the formation of scars.

Thistle oil helps to maintain the normal course of childbirth and pregnancy, reproductive function and slows down the aging of the body.

Milk thistle oil will help fight men who have problems with the genitourinary system, prostatitis, adenoma and urethritis. Due to the high content of vitamin E in the oil, it helps the genitourinary system to work efficiently.

For the treatment of female diseases: combine 100 ml of milk thistle oil with 3 ml of tea tree essential oil. Inject no more than 3 ml of the mixture of oils into the vagina. The treatment cycle is 21 days.

Instead of injection, you can insert tampons into the vagina, soaking them with the same mixture. It is recommended to do this before bed. In the morning, tamponate in a new way.

Trophic ulcers, diseases of the joints and purulent wounds.

Traditional medicine uses powdered milk thistle seeds to sprinkle on leg ulcers. To treat these ulcers, you can also make envelopes with milk thistle tea. Milk thistle heals quickly.

To heal wounds, you can apply a compress of milk thistle leaves. Cut the thorns from the leaves, rinse and grind to a pulp. Put the mixture on the wound and bandage it. Abrasions, cuts and scratches will pass quickly.

You can prepare and take this tincture: 4 tbsp. seeds and 500 ml of alcohol leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Dilute 25 drops of tincture in 100 ml of water and drink before meals. The course is to relief.


Milk thistle is used in intensive care for tuberous fungus poisoning (fly agaric, pale grebe, etc.) due to the presence of silymarin.

Every 3 hours, consume 1 tsp. meal in case of poisoning. Use seed powder 5 times a day, 1 tbsp. to relieve symptoms of poisoning at regular intervals. You can take a decoction of milk thistle. Treatment lasts until the complete elimination of signs of poisoning.

Milk thistle flour can be used during chemotherapy, when being treated for cancer: 1 dessert spoon daily 4 times at the same time. Reception 20 - 25 days.

Application for ENT diseases and in dentistry.

A mixture of milk thistle and tea tree oils will help with inflammation of the tonsils, if they are regularly lubricated with such a mixture. Thistle oil effectively helps with diseases of the nasopharynx and ears. If you warm the oil a little in a water bath, you will get drops for instillation into the nose. You can add 1 drop of tea tree oil to 10 drops of milk thistle oil.

When rhinitis appears and the nasopharynx swells, then use the mixture in an equal amount of milk thistle and melaleuca oils. Apply 3 p. 1 drop per day in each nostril. When there is no melaleuca oil, 2 drops of thistle oil can be instilled into the nostril (each).

Weed oil is also used to treat stomatitis, periodontitis and periodontal disease. It is good for healing wounds after surgery. For effective treatment first, the oral cavity is treated with a disinfectant solution, and then tampons with oil are applied to the wounds.

Prevention and treatment of cancer.

The oil is recommended for those people who are undergoing chemotherapy for oncological diseases. It is also effective as an adjuvant in the fight against cancer in hormonal imbalances. Vitamin E, which is abundant in oil, helps in the prevention of cancer.

Studies in mice show that milk thistle can even slow down lung cancer. Silymarin also has a therapeutic effect on tumors of the pituitary gland, cancer of the breast, prostate, skin, colon, pancreas and kidneys.

In combination with other phytochemicals, there was also a positive effect on leukemia. The effect of the treatment of malignant diseases is partly preventive, partly therapeutic. Preclinical studies with silibinin show that this substance is able to inhibit the process of migration and invasion of metastatic cancer cells.

Although silymarin cannot replace other cancer treatments, it contributes to its successful treatment. Administration of silymarin and other phytomedical agents for the treatment of cancer can be easily accomplished. Milk thistle cures cancer without side effects.

Use to combat allergic reactions.

Histamines in the body contribute to the formation of migraines and various allergic reactions. Frog oil helps in the fight against histamines. But it is not medicine with these ailments, but is used as an additional drug. Consult your doctor.

Application for the fight against drug and alcohol addiction.

Alcohol negatively affects the liver. Milk thistle oil reduces the damage caused by alcohol and toxic substances in the liver. To effectively and quickly remove toxins from the body, you need to drink 10-15 drops of thistle oil every day.

After quitting drugs and smoking, the oil will also help to remove harmful toxins and reduce the impact on the cardiovascular system of toxic substances.

Treatment of arthritis and sciatica.

Milk thistle treats arthritis and sciatica. For treatment, use a decoction of thistle roots according to this recipe: enamel saucepan 1 sl. roots pour 250 ml hot water, tightly cover the pan with a lid and leave it to boil slowly for 20 minutes. Strain the decoction hot. Add boiling water to the resulting broth, bringing the volume to 250 ml.

Take three times daily for 1 s.l. If you rinse your mouth with this decoction, you can remove toothache. Taking the decoction orally helps to cure convulsions and urinary retention.

Diabetes and varicose veins.

The minerals and trace elements of the oil sharply and colorfully stimulate the production of insulin. Therefore, for the prevention of diabetes, it is recommended to use it.

Studies show that if you take a standard milk thistle extract (200 mg 3 times daily for 3 months), you can reduce blood sugar, triglycerides and cholesterol.

An earlier study also showed positive results in patients with diabetes and cirrhosis of the liver. Milk thistle treats diabetes and reduces insulin resistance.

You can use powder from freshly ground seeds in the amount of 1 dessert spoon (4 times daily) before meals. Duration of admission - 30 days, 2 weeks break and repeat again.

Making tea with milk thistle.

You can make a healthy tea from milk thistle. Milk thistle tea helps against migraines, indigestion, hepatitis and is good for the liver.

To achieve a hepatoprotective effect, own production of tea is not suitable. When taking tea preparations, only a small part of silymarin gets into the tea, so the dose for the hepatoprotective effect is not reached. Here standardized tea preparations with a fixed content of silymarin are preferred.

For fever reduction, specially prepared tea can be useful: 1-2 tsp. powder should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water or add cold water and bring it to a boil. Wait 10-30 minutes and then strain. Can be passed through a mesh filter.

Drink tea hot and in small sips for more than six weeks. Dose: 1 cup of this tea 3 times before meals for 30 minutes. If desired, you can add to the teas not a large number of peppermint. The taste of tea can be updated by adding 5% fennel fruit. Avoid using honey or sugar as a sweetener. It is also recommended to take this tea for varicose veins.

You can make tea according to this recipe: add 250 ml of hot water to 1 teaspoon of milk thistle, let stand for 20 minutes and strain. Drink tea for digestion and appetite stimulation in small sips in the morning on an empty stomach, otherwise 30 minutes before meals.

You can also mix equal parts of milk thistle powder with dried peppermint leaves or fennel to improve flavor and increase potency. This medicine must be done for the sake of your liver every spring and autumn!

Herbal tea with milk thistle can be bought at any pharmacy. It is packaged in sachets and drink it 3-4 times every day. To prepare tea, pour one bag with a glass of boiling water and wait 10 minutes.

Preparation of milk thistle juice.

To prepare milk thistle juice, grind 3-5 fresh leaves and squeeze the juice. It is necessary to take 1 sl. on an empty stomach in the morning to normalize metabolism and improve bowel activity.

You can preserve milk thistle juice. To do this, at the moment the flower arrow appears, cut off large leaves and squeeze out the juice. Preserve juice according to this principle: for 1 liter of juice, you need to take 50 ml of alcohol. Store the remedy carefully in the refrigerator. It is good to drink it for weight loss in the morning, 1 tbsp. (on an empty stomach). Milk thistle also heals in liquid form.

The benefits of milk thistle meal.

Powder from seeds (flour, urbech) and meal are completely different means. Meal is a by-product (secondary waste) after the re-extraction of oil from cake during the extraction process using high temperatures and organic solvents (nefras).

The cake is obtained after cold pressing the seeds and extracting the oil. But oil still remains in the cake, and after extraction, meal is obtained from it. Fat in the meal remains up to 3%, and in homemade powder from seeds, the oil content is higher.

You can imagine how many chemicals end up in milk thistle products after refining the oil and making the meal. So it is best to prepare a medicinal powder from your seeds and use it yourself.

Soybean, sunflower, hemp, cottonseed, rapeseed, mustard meals are valued and often used in the food and pharmaceutical industries and for animal feed due to their high protein content.

Shrot is a cheap milk thistle product. It can be used for prevention and treatment. When using meal, you can protect the liver, remove toxic and allergenic substances in a timely manner and reduce the risk of dermatitis, gastritis, psoriasis, depression, stroke, vascular inflammation, varicose veins and ischemia.

How to take milk thistle meal ?

For prevention on an empty stomach, chew 1 tsp daily. meal, drink 2 glasses of water, kefir or juice for 20-40 day courses. Repeat the course no more than 4 times a year. It is recommended to eat 1 tsp. meal before a plentiful feast. Do the same the next day. This will help your liver.

When using meal, bile is actively produced, and you are treating diseases of the ducts and gallbladder. It also creates a shield against bacteria and viruses.

Milk thistle meal can be used after chemotherapy, poisoning and for weight loss. In case of poisoning, take meal 1 tbsp. 5 times daily. At the same time, it is advised to drink plenty of water with it.

At hangover syndrome make yourself this tincture: 1 tbsp. stir in 200 ml of warm water. Infuse for 30 minutes and take on the chest.

For medicinal purposes and for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, take 1 tsp meal. three times daily half an hour before a meal, drinking a decent amount of water for 40 days. After 2 weeks - break and repeat the cycle. According to this scheme, the liver, gallbladder and kidneys are treated.

Schrot can be seasoned with homemade cakes, salads, sandwiches and added to juices. You can prepare such a fruit cocktail with meal: soak the meal overnight, add lemon juice, any berries in the morning and beat in a blender. Daily dose of meal: no more than 100 mg. Food, if you use meal, cannot be heated.

The quality of meal in capsules may be lower than in the package. Meal is sometimes included in food supplements as an auxiliary and main ingredient.

Schrot is good for coughing: pour half a tsp. meal with half a glass of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, add 1 tbsp. honey in the absence of diabetes and take every 3 hours. Milk thistle treats in the form of meal.

Natural medicinal herbs can help you lose weight. Medicinal plants can act on several different levels and therefore also have a decisive effect on the body and mind. Milk thistle helps in weight loss when taken regularly.

Milk thistle can be successfully used for weight loss. For these tasks, seed powder, oil-based products, meal, decoction, syrup, extracts, infusions and tinctures are used. 1 course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. Cycle of courses - 2 times a year.

For weight loss, you can take thistle powder before meals 4 r. 1 tsp daily with warm water. It is possible to lose weight in 100 ml of warm water, stir 1 tbsp. meal or flour and take 2-3 times daily.

Add thistle seed flour to pastries and cereals, stick to proper nutrition and exercise. The daily intake is 20 g. It is advised to take 1 tsp thistle extract. before meals or one extract capsule daily.

There is such a recipe for weight loss: 1-2 s.l. mix the meal with a glass of kefir and drink at night. Reduce fats and carbohydrates and remove the feeling of hunger.

The fatty acids in milk thistle help to make your metabolism efficient. Regular intake of milk thistle oil stimulates the removal of toxins from the body. Observe moderation when using oil, since 100 g of milk thistle oil contains about 900 kcal and the use of a large amount of oil can interfere with the fight against weight loss.

It is advised to take oil in 2 options: 1 tsp. daily and three times half an hour before meals or add to cereals and salads. The oil can be taken with water. Norm: 25 g per day.

A good way to lose weight is infusion, herbal tea and alcohol tincture from milk thistle. All thistle products are advised to be used for weight loss in combination with diet, exercise and sports.

Contraindications and side effects of milk thistle.

There are few contraindications to the use of milk thistle. It is not advised to take it to children under 3 years old (oil can be used externally) and people with intolerance. It is not recommended to use milk thistle for stones in the kidneys and bile ducts, so as not to cause the movement of stones.

Before treatment, do an ultrasound and find out if you have stones. The choleretic effect of milk thistle powder and meal is less pronounced.

Sometimes thistles can cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic to asters, chamomile, yarrow, etc. Hypersensitivity reactions such as skin rash are very rare.

Undesirable effects after using milk thistle may appear in the digestive area (eg, mild laxative effect, nausea, diarrhea).

Milk thistle may interact with certain medications such as antidepressants, antihypertensives, chemotherapy drugs, and aspirin.

Although breastfeeding women are traditionally advised to stimulate milk production, some authors believe that due to the lack of complete toxicological studies in breastfeeding pregnant women should avoid consuming milk thistle.

However, there is no medical evidence of adverse effects. Pregnant women who participated in clinical trials did not report any problems.

Sometimes the cause of side effects is not the milk thistle product, but an overdose of the medicine. It is always important to correctly follow the recommendations for taking thistle remedies and not self-medicate at home. Milk thistle heals reliably, and there are almost no side effects.


No matter how healthy you are, your liver can always get a little clogged. Milk Thistle heals and protects this working organ so that it can continue to do its important work properly.

Whatever recipe you choose with milk thistle you choose, if you have chronic diseases, consult a specialist or doctor about the use of hot-and-white as a medicine.

Protect and heal your liver with milk thistle and stay healthy!

Milk thistle, also often referred to as tatarnik, is a very popular herb. This grass with inexpressive lilac-colored flowers and whitish leaves often grows near roads, in the garden, in clearings, near water bodies. The plant is mistaken for a banal weed and mercilessly dealt with it. But it is worth remembering that unique medicinal properties milk thistle helps to significantly improve health and normalize well-being.

The unique composition of the product

The most ordinary and unremarkable milk thistle seeds have a unique composition. They contain a wide range of valuable trace elements, vitamins, useful acids. Also, silymarin is included in the composition of the tartar, which is a whole group of flavonolignans. The substance is focused on the normalization of the functioning of the liver and its restoration.

By the way, it is the medicinal properties of milk thistle for the liver that are the most valuable. useful plant has various effects on this organ:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antioxidant;
  3. restoring;
  4. protective;
  5. antiallergic.

The value of milk thistle for liver health

Silybin, contained in grass seeds, allows the production of a special enzyme. It effectively counteracts the destruction of the liver by free radicals. With the help of this plant, toxins and slags are efficiently removed from the body.. Plus, it relieves inflammatory processes, also silymarin, which is part of the tartar, blocks the negative effects of alcohols, poisons, antibiotics on the body.

Another milk thistle root, like other parts of the plant, helps to restore the membranes of old and damaged cells. The plant activates the process of the emergence of new "elements" of this type. This kind of thistle perfectly cleanses the liver cells. Thanks to this unique ability, the medicinal herb significantly reduces the severity of allergic reactions.

But it is worth noting that not only silymarin, which is maximally concentrated in the fruits of the plant, has a positive effect on the human body. The amazing healing properties of milk thistle are also due to the high content of fatty acids, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, valuable macro- and microelements retinol, vitamins D, B and K.

The combination of all these components has a beneficial effect primarily on the functioning of the liver. If milk thistle in capsules or other forms is taken in courses, then the risk of fatty liver is significantly reduced. The medicinal plant stabilizes and normalizes all metabolic processes that take place in this important organ. It helps to block the development and progression of pathologies. By means of preparations based on tatarnik, the degree of self-purification of the liver is significantly increased.

The benefits of the plant for the skin, gallbladder and other systems

By the way, the medicinal properties of milk thistle tablets have a beneficial effect on the functioning of other body systems. The course of taking drugs produced on the basis of this medicinal plant helps to normalize the functioning of the gallbladder. Tatarnik facilitates and increases the outflow of bile.

Still infusions created from the seeds of this representative of the world of flora help well in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis, and colds.

Plus, milk thistle oil and its decoction are effectively used in dermatological practice. Such natural remedies contribute to a productive fight against:

  • eczema;
  • acne
  • vitiligo;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis;
  • burns;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • baldness;
  • trophic ulcers.

A decoction of this variety of thistle can be taken even during pregnancy. Unique natural remedy perfectly helps to normalize the condition with early toxicosis, which is the most severe. Plus, in the framework of traditional medicine, medicinal formulations obtained on the basis of the tartar are good in treating the pathology of the spleen and pancreas. The unique milk thistle powder helps to provide the necessary assistance in osteochondrosis, cholecystitis, and salt deposition.

A wide range of beneficial properties of milk thistle

It is impossible not to make a reservation that the benefits of the Tatar man are manifested in the treatment of diseases associated with disorders and problems in functioning. of cardio-vascular system. Medicines obtained by pharmacists based on this variety of thistle will become an effective prevention of heart attacks and strokes. But the plant will benefit if you drink the appropriate funds systematically.

Milk thistle will alleviate the condition of patients with obesity, diabetes, jaundice, acquired immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, varicose veins.

In oncology, the Tatar is also used. The unique feature of this medicinal plant is that it (in the form of tinctures and decoctions) helps to alleviate the condition of those who have undergone radiation therapy, chemotherapy or have been exposed to radioactive irradiation.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that ground milk thistle, like in any other form, contains histamine, tryptophan, tyramine and a series of flavonoids. Also in the composition of the Tatar there is chlorophyll. Its unique feature is that the substance has a rejuvenating effect on the human body. Plus, this natural component favors all recovery processes in the human body. Aging is also slowed down by carotenoids, which are part of the product.

Another unique feature of this plant "healer" is that it significantly minimizes the harm of nervous overload, which contribute to the accumulation of bad substances in the human body. But agrimony and milk thistle also help well with inflammation of the spleen, cholelithiasis, inflammation bile ducts, hemorrhoids.

Help in cleansing the body and losing weight

Sprouted milk thistle is very useful, which perfectly cleanses the blood of toxins. The list of useful properties of the plant can be continued with wound healing properties, promoting tissue renewal and regeneration, and helping to restore the walls of blood vessels. Also, the natural product effectively removes stones and sand from the kidneys, solves all kinds of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and regulates the level of sugar in the blood. It normalizes this figure.

Plus valuable milk thistle sprouts are an excellent tool for weight loss. If you constantly take this product, then losing weight is not difficult. The thing is that a natural remedy perfectly frees the body of toxins and toxins, which just prevent you from losing extra pounds.

The value of milk thistle honey

Milk thistle honey deserves special attention, which has a lot of useful properties. This natural product, created on the basis of this variety of thistle, is enriched with a large amount of chromium, zinc, manganese, iodine, potassium, and calcium. It contains many mineral and valuable organic substances. All of them together make this natural sweetness very useful. Milk thistle honey is a salvation for the liver.

Such a product is recommended to be included in your daily diet for people who like to eat fast food, fatty and too spicy foods, refuse proper nutrition, abuse alcohol and dry food. Honey based on tartar increases the protective properties of the liver and optimizes the recovery of the gallbladder at the cellular level.

What is useful for the body milk thistle meal?

The medicinal properties of milk thistle meal, which is essentially a powder, are no less diverse. The product is based on the spotted variety of the plant and is often used to strengthen the immune system. It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and significantly improves appetite, especially in situations where it is absent against the background of nervous shocks and stress.

Milk thistle meal is also an excellent tool in the fight against skin imperfections. The powder is often used in cosmetic purposes because it is quite difficult to come up with a more effective natural skin cleanser. The product can be used to create homemade face masks. The tool will help remove toxins from the upper layers of the epidermis and saturate the tissues with oxygen. The product eliminates acne, pimples and post-acne.

Our liver is a complex natural filter located in our body. It is she who processes all the toxins and slags and successfully brings them out. However, in certain cases, the activity of this body can be severely disrupted, which can be fraught with various rather sad consequences, up to the threat of death. Treatment of the liver is carried out with the help of many drugs, but they always include hepatoprotectors. These substances protect the living cells of this organ from destruction and improve their activity. And you can buy them not only in a pharmacy, some plants, including milk thistle, have the same properties. But this culture has other useful properties. About how milk thistle herb is useful for a person, about its use, useful properties, treatment with it, I will tell further.

Useful qualities

This herb has another very common name, namely milk thistle. Its main active component is considered to be such a highly effective substance as silymarin. In addition, this culture contains a lot of trace elements, including zinc, selenium and copper. It contains all known fat-soluble vitamins and saturates our body with quercetin. Milk thistle is a good source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and flavolignans. It is often used as an integral part in the manufacture of various food additives of complex type.

It is believed that milk thistle can help a person if chronic bleach poisoning has happened to him. It can help to cope with fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis, especially if they were caused by alcohol intoxication, or toxins, drugs and radiation exposure.

Experts advise using milk thistle to eliminate food poisoning, as well as to correct the chronic form of intoxication of the body, both alcoholic and narcotic and chemical substances. This plant can help with toxicosis that has developed in pregnant women, it is also used to combat acquired immunodeficiency and AIDS. Such a medicinal herb makes life easier for patients with diabetes, helps eliminate obesity, helps to cope with decreased vision and effectively reduces the likelihood of developing various heart and vascular ailments. It was determined that milk thistle can be used to eliminate varicose veins, prevent heart attacks, strokes, etc.

Most often, this medicinal plant is used to achieve a cleansing effect for liver problems, as well as damage from toxins and radiation. In addition, milk thistle copes well with the negative effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

It is believed that milk thistle is quite effective in eliminating poisoning even with pale grebe, which is one of the most dangerous mushrooms.

Based on it, medicines such as Karsil, Silibor, Legalon are prepared, however, many experts say that the use of the herb itself in its pure form will be more effective and at the same time cheap.

Application for treatment

To cleanse the body of various toxic elements, it is worth using a decoction of this herb, taking it along with the underground part - the roots. A couple of tablespoons of peeled and crushed raw materials must be brewed with half a liter of boiling water and insisted overnight. Consume a third cup of this infusion three times a day.

Most often, in order to achieve a stable therapeutic effect, it is recommended to use the fruits of this plant, they are used to prepare meal (powder), as well as for oil. Such elements are most effective, but the foliage and roots are also characterized by a high healing potential. The green part can be used for squeezing juice, and it is customary to boil the roots.

So milk thistle juice perfectly copes with constipation and colitis, it also has a diuretic, diaphoretic and choleretic effect. A decoction of the roots is most often advised to be used to eliminate gastric catarrhs, it also corrects diarrhea, treats sciatica, convulsions and urinary retention.

The powder from the seeds of the plant is usually taken to lower blood sugar levels, and this remedy also remarkably cleanses the body in general and the liver in particular. Schrot is also used to treat varicose veins.

A teaspoon of the dried powder should be consumed three times a day, about half an hour before a meal, with some water. It must be put in the mouth, slightly moistened with liquid and swallowed. The duration of such therapy can reach forty days, then it is worth taking a break for two weeks. Reception can be continued until complete recovery, but the course of treatment should be discussed with the doctor.

Milk thistle oil can be used externally - to eliminate psoriasis, vitiligo, acne and baldness. Such a substance promotes rapid healing of wounds and prevents the formation of scars. The oil is also taken orally, injected into the vaginal cavity and into the rectum, in which case it helps to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures, various gynecological ailments, varicose veins, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

For the treatment of liver diseases, you can prepare a decoction of seeds, for this, thirty grams of such raw materials must be ground into powder and boiled over low heat in half a liter of water so that the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Consume a tablespoon at intervals of an hour.

All treatment options for milk thistle should be discussed with your doctor first.

Milk thistle is familiar to almost everyone and everyone - these lilac flowers on thin stems with whitish leaves grow along roads, and in clearings near water bodies, and in the garden. Many simply remove this weed, without thinking that it is he who can give a person health and harmony!

Traditional healers say a lot of good things about the benefits of milk thistle, but the importance and necessity of using this plant in the treatment of the liver is recognized by official medicine. The composition of many medicines includes seeds and oils of milk thistle, although in traditional medicine For the preparation of medicinal products, both flowers and leaves of the plant are used.

The seeds of the plant in question contain a whole range of useful substances: flavonoids, vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, minerals. And the silymarin contained in them makes milk thistle an excellent hepatoprotective agent.

What are the benefits of milk thistle for the liver:

In addition to the fact that milk thistle is actively used for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, quite a lot of useful properties of this plant can be distinguished. These include:

  1. The use of milk thistle in the form of a decoction can alleviate the condition of pregnant women with powerful early toxicosis.
  2. If there is a history of diseases associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system, then for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks, the plant in question should be consumed in courses.
  3. How to use milk thistle medicinal plant it will also be appropriate for acquired immunodeficiency, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver.
  4. Drinking a decoction or tincture of milk thistle will also be recommended for those who have recently undergone a course of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or have been exposed to radioactive radiation.
  5. Use medicines based on milk thistle, as well as funds from the category of "traditional medicine", will needed help and with pathology of the pancreas and spleen, salt deposits, osteochondrosis.
  6. Milk thistle is also actively used in dermatological practice - it will become an effective drug for burns, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers, eczema.
  7. Fresh juice is prepared from milk thistle (from leaves and stems) - it is used in folk medicine to treat protracted, and official medicine recognizes the beneficial properties of milk thistle juice in the treatment of colitis.
  8. Infusions from the seeds of the plant in question and decoctions can and should be used for pharyngitis, catarrhal origin, with periodontal disease.

When the seeds of the plant in question are pressed, the result of such a process will be the formation of not only oil, but also meal. Meal is a powdered substance that is rich in fiber. It is this substance that is considered the best option for the treatment of intestinal diseases, the meal cleanses it, stimulates normal functioning, and normalizes the microflora.

Milk thistle seed flour is simply a powder made from the seeds, prepared without pre-pressing the oil. Flour is usually used to restore liver function - if you mix flour with the oil of the plant in question, you get an excellent tool for restoring liver cells - so active healing properties cannot "boast" even the most popular, modern drugs of the pharmacological industry.

Note:for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases, the benefits of milk thistle meal are very high, but there will be no harm to the body at all - you can safely use it daily and for a long time. The only limitation is that meal cannot be taken in any form by pregnant women and children under 12 years of age. If a person has a diagnosed cholelithiasis, then a consultation with the attending physician will be required.

In addition to the fact that meal actively helps to solve problems with the functionality of the liver, it will be useful to take it for joint pain, migraine, heart disease, hemorrhoids, high cholesterol, diseases of the spleen. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of milk thistle meal with food - this will be enough to normalize the functioning of organs and systems.

Often, flour from the seeds of the plant in question is used in cooking - it is added to salads, cereals, pastries, but keep in mind that the product should not contain more than 20% milk thistle flour. Some people use flour at all to make a drink! And all this use will be beneficial for the body, only with existing chronic pathologies it is better to consult with specialists.

Who and how to use milk thistle

In order for the plant in question to really have a health benefit, you need to understand and know in what cases and in what form milk thistle should be used. There are the following recommendations from experts:

  1. If there is excess body weight, then drinking a decoction of milk thistle seeds and adding flour of this plant to food will help normalize lipid metabolism, remove harmful / toxic substances from the body, cleanse the intestinal tract and normalize its work. All this will lead to a natural loss of extra pounds.
  2. In diabetes, it is very important to consume fiber - it prevents spikes in blood sugar. A huge amount of fiber is found in milk thistle seed meal, so diabetics need to use it. By the way, the meal contains both minerals and vitamins that are involved in the production of insulin.
  3. A decoction of milk thistle seeds, flour from them helps to restore the body after stress and stimulates the production of breast milk. It is not surprising that both the decoction and the oil from the seeds of the plant in question are recommended for use by women in the postpartum period for speedy recovery and during breastfeeding.
  4. Douching with a decoction of milk thistle will help to cure vaginitis faster, alleviate the condition of a woman with cervical erosion and colpitis. In the vagina with these diseases, you can also enter tampons soaked in oil from the seeds of the plant in question.

In general, it is believed that milk thistle should be consumed by absolutely all people:

  • alleviate the condition of alcohol poisoning;
  • help to get a person out of a binge;
  • is part of the complex therapy for drug addiction;
  • contributes to an easier passage of the rehabilitation period;
  • quickly restores the body after chemotherapy and radiation;
  • increases immunity and serves as a prevention of various diseases (this is especially important for residents of large cities).

Milk thistle recipes

For the competent use of the plant in question as a medicine, you need to know the recipes for the preparation of medicinal products.

For weight loss

You can dissolve 1 tablespoon of meal in 100 ml of warm water and take 2-3 times a day. Milk thistle seed flour can be added to cereals or pastries, but you will definitely need to adhere to proper nutrition and exercise at least in minimal “doses”.

Another useful tip for using milk thistle for weight loss is to put 1-2 tablespoons of meal on a glass of kefir, drink this mixture at night. Thus, the feeling of hunger will be satisfied, and no fats / carbohydrates will enter the body.

Chronic constipation and intoxication

In 100 g of natural yogurt or kefir, dissolve 1 tablespoon of meal and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. You need to use this remedy every day for a month. If you add 2 liters of clean boiled water per day to this recommendation, then toxins will be actively removed from the body, the intestinal tract will be cleansed.

Varicose veins and high blood sugar (but not yet diabetes)

It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons of milk thistle seeds, grind them into flour (with a blender or coffee grinder) and consume 1 dessert spoon 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of use is 30 days, then a break is made for 2 weeks and everything is repeated with another monthly course.

To improve liver function and alcohol dependence

You need to take 1 tablespoon of the seeds of the plant in question and pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, strain and consume in small sips of 50 ml 20 minutes before meals. It is necessary to drink all the amount of the drug received per day, and the first portion should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, and the last one - just before bedtime.

Joint diseases, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds

You need to prepare a tincture of 4 tablespoons of milk thistle seeds and 500 ml of alcohol, insist for 2 weeks. Then the agent is taken in 25 drops, diluted in 100 ml of water, before meals. The course of treatment is unlimited - until the condition is relieved.

Liver disease

Every day you need to use 1 teaspoon of flour from the seeds of the plant in question 4-5 times. The course of admission is 40 days, then a break is made for 15 days and everything is repeated again. In general, this way you can be treated for six months - as a rule, this period is enough to normalize and stabilize the liver.


Every 3 hours, you need to consume 1 teaspoon of meal until the symptoms of poisoning disappear.

Note:Whatever recipe is chosen, in the presence of chronic diseases in the body, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the advisability of using milk thistle as a medicine.

Milk thistle - harm and contraindications

It is necessary to use / use milk thistle-based products with extreme caution in the following patients:

  • with diagnosed cholelithiasis - treatment should be carried out only under the supervision of a physician;
  • with disturbed heart rhythm;
  • with bronchial asthma - milk thistle can provoke an attack of suffocation;
  • With increased level calcium in the body.

Often, individual intolerance to the plant in question is also detected - in this case, any of its use will be prohibited.

Note:if milk thistle has not been used before, then during the first few uses, a person may notice pain in the anatomical location of the liver - this is considered the norm. If, after 2-3 days of treatment with the plant in question, pain and discomfort have not disappeared, then you need to interrupt the course and seek the advice of a specialist.

The beneficial properties of a plant such as milk thistle, or milk thistle, have been known since ancient times. The Greeks and Egyptians were the first to know about them. In order for the plant to show its beneficial properties, you just need to choose the right recipe.

The milk thistle herb, whose medicinal properties are very high, contains more than 400 different components that can help the body. If it so happened that there is no preparation from milk thistle in the first-aid kit, then you should definitely buy it. This will help improve your health in the winter.

Why is milk thistle herb so useful? Its properties and application will be described in this article.

Medicinal properties of the herb

Thanks to such a substance as silymarin, milk thistle herb, the medicinal properties of which we will consider in the article, provides a complete recovery of liver cells. The substance protects this vital human organ from negative impact toxins. In addition to the liver, milk thistle is able to repair damaged vessel walls. All this contributes to its composition. The plant contains substances such as:

  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • vitamin complex.

What else is milk thistle herb good for? Its properties and application will be described in more detail below.

By adding milk thistle to your diet, you can provide good support to your body. After all, it is used to prevent aging, it stabilizes the metabolism and improves digestion, and also normalizes the outflow of bile. Some substances of the plant will be useful for women in the treatment of vaginitis and erosions. It is worth noting the variety of useful properties of milk thistle, because it can be used to heal wounds, with bruises and abrasions.

During poisoning or slagging of the body, milk thistle grass will help cleanse it of toxins with toxins. Its properties and application, photos are presented to the attention of the reader in the article.

Also for women who dream of losing weight without harming their body, milk thistle will be really effective.

Why is milk thistle popular?

For the treatment of diseases associated with the biliary tract and liver, milk thistle is used to make medicines for these ailments. If you use the plant exclusively in its pure form, then it will reveal all its positive qualities. They make products for the treatment of skin diseases, normalization of the intestines, elimination of constipation and removal of alcohol from the blood.

The medicinal properties of milk thistle herb help to start a strong natural process of removing toxins and toxins from the body. It is very common to find vegetarians who use the seeds and oil of the plant to cleanse the cells of the body. Using seeds, you can improve the functioning of the urinary tract, strengthen the reproductive system, as well as calm the nerves and normalize the psycho-emotional state of a person.

Very often milk thistle herb, its properties and application are well known to people who work in hazardous industries, because the plant helps to neutralize most poisons and chemicals.

In the first three months of pregnancy, women are allowed to use remedies based on this plant to eliminate signs of toxicosis. It also helps to heal the skin, relieves acne and rashes. Milk thistle will be very useful at the first sign of hair loss.

Milk thistle herb: its properties and use for weight loss

To get rid of extra pounds, it is not necessary to go on a diet. Tinctures, decoctions and oils of the plant can quickly and without harm to health help in losing weight. The course of treatment should be at least a month. One tablespoon of oil should be consumed twice a day before meals. If you follow these instructions, the result will appear very quickly. In the event that in the first days of taking any effect does not appear, you should not be upset and stop taking it. At first, the body will need to get used to and cleanse itself, so that later weight loss will begin. A feature of this recipe is that it has no side effects, and the result can please.

Milk Thistle Weight Loss Reviews

Is milk thistle herb really effective, its properties and use for weight loss? Feedback from a large number of people on the forums and various sites is positive. They say that it is really possible to get rid of excess weight with this herb. Many began to use this plant to get rid of any health problem, while they could lose 5-6 kg in one month. If you believe the reviews, then milk thistle really helps in losing weight and does not leave any side effects when consumed in the right doses.

Milk thistle herb: application

Very often, decoctions are prepared from this plant. To feel the result when using milk thistle in the treatment of various diseases, you should use:

  • plant oil;
  • alcohol tincture;
  • seed powder - meal.

Diseases of the liver and gallbladder, gastritis, obesity and cholecystitis - all this can eliminate a decoction prepared on the basis of milk thistle.

decoction recipe

To make a decoction, you need:

  • seeds - 30 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.

Seeds should be crushed, and then pour boiling water. After that, the mixture must be boiled in a water bath until the contents of the container are reduced by 2 times. Now you need to strain the broth with gauze, it is advisable to fold it into 3 layers. The course of treatment is two months. You need to take a decoction of 1 tablespoon every hour. After the course, you need to take a break for two weeks and you can repeat the treatment.

A decoction of the root

To make a healing decoction of milk thistle root, you need:

  • root - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 0.2 l.

First you need to chop the root. The resulting powder is poured with boiling water and infused for half an hour, then it should be carefully squeezed and filtered, and then diluted with boiling water. Take one tablespoon three times a day. It is effective in treating sciatica, diarrhea, toothache or cramps.


To make tea you need:

  • milk thistle seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • 0.2 l of boiling water.

Seeds are filled with water and infused for 15 minutes. After that, be sure to strain. Should be taken twice a day. In order to make the aroma and taste of tea more attractive, you can add a little mint or lemon balm leaves to it. Thanks to this drink, you can cope with colds, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


To prepare medicinal oil from this plant, you need:

  • olive oil - 500 ml;
  • 5 teaspoons of milk thistle seeds.

Seeds are poured with oil, and then boiled in a water bath. Once prepared, strain the mixture and take one teaspoon three times daily before each meal. The result will be very effective medicine, which will be a bit like sea buckthorn oil. Its main purpose is to heal wounds on the body. Also, the oil will be effective to remove extra pounds.

Milk thistle herb: contraindications

Is milk thistle herb useful in all cases, its properties and application? Contraindications, as with every drug or product, are also available. Milk thistle should not be consumed if a person suffers from kidney problems or appendicitis. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should control the dosage of the medicine made from this plant. There are serious contraindications for children under 12 years of age.

Given that milk thistle, its properties and uses are mostly positive reviews, it, like other medicinal plants, has its limitations, and some precautions must be taken when using it.

Since the thistle is medicinal plant, then in no case can you assign it to yourself. The plant contains a large amount of phosphorus and potassium. People who have asthma, cardiovascular disease should not use this plant. In no case should milk thistle be taken by people with various mental illnesses. Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult a specialist. The doctor will prescribe some tests, the results of which will show whether milk thistle can be taken or not. If you ignore such a warning, then there is every chance of harming your health.

Milk thistle herb, its beneficial properties and use in children

Will milk thistle herb, its properties and use for children be useful? According to most experts, those under the age of 12 should not take milk thistle. However, this conclusion applies only to ingestion, but not outwardly. If the child has burns or other wounds, then you can use an ointment based on this plant. Since it will not cause a burning sensation, it will be an excellent remedy for treatment. For internal use, it is better to choose another medicine and consult a doctor.


Vegetable oils have beneficial properties for hair, milk thistle is no exception. This plant contains vitamins C and E. They help strengthen the roots, moisturize the scalp, prevent hair loss, accelerate hair growth and add shine. For hair care, there are milk thistle products for internal and external use. Each of these tools is effective. Also milk thistle oil can be combined with egg yolk, honey or flax. With the help of such balms, you can provide high-quality hair care.


Milk thistle oil can be used not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for home care behind the body. It is able to moisturize the skin of the hands and face, provide high-quality care for nails and hair. Based on it, many anti-aging masks are made. Since the oil contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, it can be used not only as masks, but also inside. You should drink one teaspoon three times a day.

What is good for the skin?

Milk thistle is good for skin care. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antibacterial agent. For many years, this plant has been the main ingredient in complex therapy.

Since liver dysfunction is the main cause of dermatological diseases, milk thistle becomes the number one medicine. After all, she is able to eliminate the problems associated with this body.


It is worth noting that each part of this plant has only useful properties. But the seeds are the most valuable. Most of the nutrients are concentrated in these small grains. The seeds can be used to make medicines or in their natural form. Collection starts in August and ends in October. During this period, the seeds are fully ripe.

Milk thistle herb (its properties and uses were described in the article) is good for the body, but you should not self-medicate. Be healthy!