Script for mother's anniversary in verse. Mom's Anniversary Game “Magic hat that reads minds”

On mother's anniversary, children want to surprise her with something, give her a real holiday and act as hosts themselves. Even if you have no experience in holding such events, you should not be upset. We offer a scenario for celebrating a mother’s 60th birthday, where the daughter acts as the host. Exciting games, quizzes, tasks, and surprises will appeal to all participants of the holiday.

Preparing for the anniversary

For the holiday to work, you need to


  1. Call relatives and ask them to tell about funny incidents that happened to the heroine of the holiday.
  2. Make a slideshow“From birth to 60th birthday” (the life path of the hero of the day).
  3. Give all relatives the task: choose beautiful sincere congratulations and a musical background for them.
  4. Arrange a surprise from grandchildren in the form of the film “Grandma’s Anniversary.” To create it, you should go around with a camera to friends and relatives with the question “We are preparing a holiday for grandma. What can you tell her, wish her?” The resulting video material is edited together with pieces of cartoons, so that the result is a funny and at the same time touching film.
  5. Ask the youngest members of the clan draw pictures for grandma.
  6. Make 6 large stars out of cardboard for the “star track”(you can cover them with shiny paper), a lot of small stars, a model of a rocket (2 pieces), a crown, and decorate a chair-throne.
  7. Draw on a large sheet of white paper there is a tree without leaves.

Hall decoration:

The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, posters with congratulations or wall newspapers dedicated to the hero of the day, drawings drawn for the grandmother by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the center of the hall there is a chair for the birthday girl, decorated in the form of a throne.

How to decorate a holiday with balloons - 13 ideas for different events Balloons always create the feeling of a real holiday. And even if we are no longer children, bright birthday balloons are still relevant. How to create a festive atmosphere with balloons - interesting ideas in this review.

Progress of the event

From the door in the center of the hall a “Star Path” is laid out. The guests stand on either side of her. The hero of the day enters the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music and stops in front of the first star.


Make way, dear guests, make way,
And smile joyfully!

After all, he enters the hall, without a doubt,
The one whose birthday is today!

Presenter addresses mom:

Mommy, you always warm us with your affection, and life seems to us a fairy tale. And I want to extend this fairy tale. Therefore, we suggest that you slowly walk along the star path, where in each star there is a riddle that you have to guess.

First riddle:

What does every woman dream of receiving from the hands of a man? Diamonds don't count (answer - flowers). After the correct answer is given, the husband (or son) enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers and hands them to the birthday girl.

Second riddle:

To remember this beautiful moment, we will do now (answer – photograph). A group photo is taken with the birthday girl.

Third riddle:

Whose kiss is sweeter than honey? (Answer: beloved man). The husband comes up and kisses the hero of the day.

Fourth riddle:

For the hero of the occasion, at such moments, guests should give (answer: applause). The guests loudly applaud the birthday girl.

Fifth riddle:

You can’t do without surprises on this day, and in honor of these solemn moments, it’s time to hear a festive... (answer - fireworks). The guests clap firecrackers.

Sixth riddle:

For whom of those present in the hall has the “finest hour” come? (The answer is for the hero of the day). A cardboard crown on a beautiful pillow is brought into the hall.

Presenter: The birthday girl passed the test with dignity, we present her with the crown and offer her to take a place on the throne at the festive table (to the song “Queen,” the daughter puts a crown on her mother’s head and leads her to the throne).

The presenter invites everyone to fill their glasses.

Presenter: Let's raise our first toast to the most the best woman in the world - my mother. Let's drink while standing and shout loudly “Congratulations!”

After everyone has had a drink and a little snack, the “Best in the World” order is brought into the hall.

Presenter: Dear guests! Everyone knows that our mother has many virtues. She is beautiful, smart, cooks deliciously, crochets amazing things. (list the talents of the birthday girl). She is also a wonderful mother and caring grandmother.

Mommy! We adore you
And a well-deserved reward
At this festive moment we present!

A story about the life path of the birthday girl

Presenter: Sometimes you want to replay life, like a film, many years ago. Today we have such an opportunity. I invite you to take a tour into the past of my beloved mother.


Quiz “Close People”

Presenter: The closest people who know the birthday girl well gathered in this hall. Therefore, dear guests, it will not be difficult for you to answer the quiz questions. For each correct answer - a chip (cardboard star). Who will collect greatest number stars, he will become the winner and receive a surprise prize.

Quiz questions (selected in accordance with the birthday girl’s biography, hobbies, preferences) can be as follows:

  • What hairstyle did the birthday girl like to wear as a child?
  • Name the birthday girl's signature dish.
  • Is mom afraid of spiders?
  • What did the hero of the day call her little sister when she was little?
  • Where did the birthday girl meet her future husband?
  • Biggest lottery win?
  • What sport did she play in her youth?
  • Weight of the biggest tomato mom grew?
  • What hobby does the hero of the day have?
  • What talisman does mom have?

Game "On the way to the stars"

The presenter talks about the beauty of the starry sky, draws attention to the fact that the hostess of the celebration today shines like a star and amazes everyone with her beauty. Then he invites guests to take a flight to the stars.

The presenter gives the guests, sitting on opposite sides of the table, a model of the rocket, and tells the rules: at the signal, you need to look out the window, say “Happy Anniversary!”, take a star from the saucer and pass the rocket to your neighbor. The neighbor does the same actions. The rockets must fly around all the guests and fall into the hands of the birthday girl. While the rockets are in flight, each of those sitting at the table must have time to write a wish for the birthday girl on the star.

After the flight is completed, everyone gets up from the table and makes a circle in the center of the hall, and the birthday girl stands in its center. The presenter offers to arrange a shower of wishes. At the signal, everyone throws the stars up, and the hero of the day catches them. Wishes on the stars caught by the birthday girl will definitely come true.

Mashenka from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (the granddaughter of the hero of the day dressed as Mashenka) appears in the hall. She congratulates the birthday girl on her birthday and says that she came to cheer up the guests because she wants everyone to smile at the holiday, and offers to complete surprise tasks that are in her basket.

Game "Basket with surprises"

To the music, guests pass the basket around. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the basket in his hands takes out a candy wrapper with the task from it and completes it.

Task options:

  • Show how a young deer gallops.
  • Grunt the song “Happy Birthday to you.”
  • Gather a brigade and dance a lambada.
  • Take 2 guests from the circle and dance the dance of the little swans.
  • Crow like a rooster.
  • Climb onto a chair and recite a poem.
  • Name 10 words starting with the letter D.
  • Kiss the birthday girl.
  • Hug the neighbor on the left.
  • Remove something from the neighbor on the right.
  • Shout loudly “Congratulations on your anniversary!”

After the game, Mashenka invites everyone to dance.

Dance break.

Game "Get to know your child"

Rules of the game: The birthday girl is blindfolded and among the guests they are asked to find their child by only one part of the body, for example, by the ears. When the mother finds her child, she should hug him and say: “I love you.” If the choice is made correctly, then the answer will be: “And I love you, mom.”

Game "Magic hat that reads minds"

The presenter shows the hat and says that it is magical and can read minds. As soon as it touches the head, the person’s thoughts will immediately become audible to everyone. The presenter approaches the mother and puts a hat on her head. At this time, the assistant turns on music prepared in advance.

When preparing for the game, you should select a piece of music for each guest that corresponds to his desires, character or condition.

For example:

  • I want to get married, I want to get married...
  • I raise my glass to drink to your health...
  • I got drunk and drunk...
  • Tired toys are sleeping…
  • And do you love me? - Yeah...
  • Grandmother next to grandfather...
  • In every little child, both boy and girl...
  • On Louboutins...
  • If you are with me, I can breathe. If you are with me, my soul lives.

The presenter reports that the grandchildren have prepared a surprise for their grandmother and invites them to watch video film “Grandma’s Anniversary.”

After watching the film, he asks guests to once again congratulate their mother on her anniversary and create a memorable gift for her all together - an anniversary wish tree.

Creating an anniversary wish tree

Guests need to dip their finger into one of the different colored finger paints on the table and leave their fingerprint on a tree branch.

After this, wipe your finger with a napkin and write your short wish to the birthday girl, consisting of literally 1-2 words, next to the imprint-leaf with a pen (or a thin marker).

After all the guests take part in the ritual, an ordinary tree without leaves will turn into a beautiful congratulatory tree. It can be framed and hung on the wall.

Such a wonderful gift, created by the guests of the holiday, will become a bright reminder of the anniversary.

"Light" dance

The lights in the hall are turned off, lit sparklers are handed out to the guests, with which they are invited to dance the final festive dance. After some time, a birthday cake with candles is brought into the hall, and the birthday girl is invited to blow them out and make a wish.

Everyone shouts together: Happy anniversary!

Guests are invited to take a seat at the “sweet” table.

The idea of ​​this event is to organize an unforgettable holiday for mom in honor of her birthday - 60th anniversary.
This scenario is suitable for those who want to organize a birthday celebration for their mother. If you want to show her how much you love her, then we will tell you what you need to do for this. The holiday implies a luxurious feast, a large number of flowers, a gift and congratulations in poetic form.
Initially, you should make a list of your mother’s closest people. On the evening of the celebration, they all must come. Invitations for anniversary celebrations can be made in the form of cards in your mother's favorite color. Inside the invitation you should indicate the date and location of the holiday, and also write “Our” Full name. “Moms” is the most..”, and which one exactly, each invitee will write in his own hand.
The holiday for your mother will begin in the morning - when she wakes up. To do this, you should make a holiday garland with cards attached to it in advance. Various wishes and congratulations should be written in the cards. You can start with the banal “I love you, mom” and ending with various kinds of poetic versions of congratulations. Eg,
Mommy, dear, I congratulate you!
Love, health, for long years I wish you with all my heart.
Never overshadowed by problems and troubles,
May she always be happy and forget all her worries.
The garland you made should be hung discreetly in mom's room while she sleeps. When your mother wakes up, the garland will be hanging in front of her. Such a surprise can cheer her up for the whole day.
If we talk about choosing a gift, then it should be approached with great responsibility. The gift should show your mother how much you love her. For example, you can give a huge bouquet of her favorite flowers. One that would fit in her hands when eaten. Surely your mother has not received such a gift for a long time. Of course, you should also add a gift to the flowers, which can remind you of your love for her.
The banquet should have a luxurious table. First of all, you should focus on those dishes that your mother loves. What kind of dishes will be on the table is up to you to decide, since who, if not you, knows the taste preferences of your dearest person. To make the table look even better, you should arrange everything according to all the serving rules. It is worth saying that if the banquet takes place in a cafe or restaurant, the staff will arrange all the cutlery and dishes correctly. Name plates should also be placed on the table so that the invited person knows in advance where he is sitting.
The entire anniversary celebration according to the scenario “Mom’s 60th Anniversary” will be done with the goal of showing the hero of the day how dear she is and how much she is valued, loved and respected. For this purpose, during the holiday various kinds of competitions will be held and congratulations will be said in poetic form.
After all the guests are gathered at the festive table, the host announces:
- “Since (the patronymic name of the hero of the day) is the best, various poems and congratulations will be read in honor of her birthday. And now, the floor is given to the son/daughter/both (you need to choose) dear hero of the day.”

Next, the son or daughter of the hero of the day says congratulations in poetic form. If there are several children, then it will be great if the congratulations are read in one voice. The poem itself:
Mom, is this really true?
And today is your anniversary?
Why aren't you happy then?
Don’t regret bright smiles
Be the most joyful today!
Shine above us like a star!
Happy anniversary, dear mother!
Be like this today and always!
After the congratulations have passed, a competition is held called “Dedicated to the Birthday Girl.”
- “And now there will be a competition. In this competition, all guests are divided into several groups. Each group makes its own wall newspaper, on which it writes congratulations in honor of the birthday girl.”
After the wall newspapers are made, the hero of the day must choose the best wall newspaper.
- “Well done to everyone - they tried their best. However, we have a group of winners who receive a symbolic gift for their love for (the patronymic name of the hero of the day).”
Next is a short break. The guests sit down at the festive table. Several people in a row say a toast. After that, the next competition.
“All guests were sent invitations in which they had to write how they described the hero of the day. The next competition is called “the very best”. Each guest takes turns reading out what he wrote. In parallel with this, the hero of the day must write down the characterizing word that the guest said.”
After each guest has read what he wrote in the invitation, the host takes a piece of paper from the hero of the day and counts the number of words that were repeated. For example, “the kindest” - 3 people, “the most beautiful” - 2 people, “the smartest” - 2 people, and so on. As a result, the presenter will have the top characteristics of your mother. The presenter conducts a mini-entertainment called “Characteristics of the hero of the day”
- “Everything has been calculated, now I know what kind of hero of the day she really is. 3 people consider her kind, 2 people consider her the most beautiful, and 2 people also consider her the smartest.”
After the competition, guests should be given a rest. You can turn on the music and have a dance. It’s also nice if each guest tells a funny story from your mother’s life. After this, Irina Allegrova’s song “Mama” is turned on and the presenter says:
- “Now beloved children must invite their mother to dance. However, guests should not be bored either. You need to form a round dance around (the middle name of the hero of the day) and her daughter/son/children (select the one you need).”
All guests form a round dance around the hero of the day and her child (children). After the song is over, the disco begins. It is worth saying that the songs should be selected in such a way that the hero of the day loves them very much. That is, modern hits should not be included. It would be most correct that the songs of her youth be played at the celebration. However, in this situation, it all depends on the preferences of the birthday girl herself. If a person loves modern music, then why not turn it on.
After the guests have danced, the feast continues. Toasts continue, telling funny stories about the life of the hero of the day, and so on.
At the end of the festive event, you bring out a huge and beautiful cake, on which the congratulations “Happy Anniversary!” are written. It will be great if the cake is baked directly by the birthday girl’s children. It is worth saying that 60 candles may not fit into a cake. That is why you should buy a candle with the number 60. Let the hero of the day make a wish and blow out the candle.


Today we are celebrating Mom's birthday.
I warmly welcome the assembled guests,
And I’m happy to celebrate Mom’s anniversary!
(Blow up firecrackers or balloons)

Now we will compose poems together for the birthday girl.
I will start, and you will answer in unison!

If everything is ready,
If guests are expected in the house,
This means it's coming
The best holiday... anniversary!

If more often congratulations
The word asks “pour”
So what's going on here?
We answer... anniversary!

So what should you do, brothers?
Hero of the Day, answer!
Why doubt it?
It's clear... Pour it up!

To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.

1. Presenter:
Dear Mom!
Accept in the prime of life
Our warm, warm greetings,
And, without hiding our feelings,
We will raise our cups for you!

2.Congratulations from my husband
And now we are waiting for all the words
From dear, dear,
From someone who has been around for years
With whom adversity is not terrible.
Behind him, like behind a stone wall,
This is... THE NAME OF THE ANNIVERSARY dear husband!

The floor is given to the dearest and to a loved one- to dad.
After the words of the father. Presenter:

These wishes, in my opinion, are wonderful.
And you need to drink for this. Do you agree with me?
Pour intoxicating wine into glasses,
For... let's drink to the bottom!

3. Toasts from guests
We will continue to congratulate the birthday girl,
I think everyone is ready to make a toast.

The host says the words after the toasts from the guests:

So that the birthday girl is always overwhelmed with feelings,
I want us to raise our glasses now!

Gifts, cards and congratulations
It puts me in a great mood.
So that we can extend the holiday,
The glasses need to be filled.

This holiday is a birthday,
Just a glorious anniversary
So that the fun continues,
I’ll tell everyone, “Pour it!”

Let the wine sparkle in the glasses,
It congratulates mom on her anniversary.

After congratulations from the sisters

We continue our festive banquet,
We invite the birthday girl and her guests to the dance.
After the dance break

Because everyone has been so lucky in the future, we’ll now pour a hundred grams of everything.

I suggest you play the game. It’s called “Degree of Sobriety (table)”
It's very simple and fun game. I name various words, and you all, in unison, quickly and without thinking, name the diminutive form of this word. For example:

Mommy mommy
Daddy - Daddy
Bulb lamp
goat goat
rose rose
Vodka water

Of course, “water” is correct. So, it looks like our guests are experiencing “increased dehydration.” I'll have to drink!

After the next toasts, the games continue (Live buttons. Turnip)

Live buttons

(“Press” the TV button. The “TV presenter” appears.)

Announcer-presenter: Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! The program “Oh, yes I am!” is on air, in which anyone can become a participant, including you. I invite the most daring and risky three women and three men to the studio.

(They leave.)

Speaker-presenter: Dear participants! I ask you to be divided into pairs. Women will act as players, men as buttons. I explain the rules of the game: the host asks a question to all players at the same time. The participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button”, which will immediately “produce” its musical signal, and only after that can answer. I ask you to confer in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: “meow-meow”, “peak-peak”, etc.

(Men “buttons” should wear berets on their heads.)

1. How many letters are in the word "anniversary"?
2. State the date of birth of the birthday girl.
3. What are the names of the children of the hero of the occasion?
4. Which city is the birthplace of the hero of the day?
5. How many floors are there in the house where the birthday girl lives?
6. What are the names of the birthday girl’s granddaughters?
7. In what month did the birthday girl get married?
8. What is the name of the hero of the day’s husband?

Announcer: This was the last question. It's time to take stock. The best expert was...

The prize is an encyclopedia book for the most omniscient guests.

Sketch game Turnip

Seven players-characters from the fairy tale Repka take part. The presenter distributes roles.

1. The 1st player will be a turnip. When the leader says the word "turnip", the player must say "Oba-na".
2. The 2nd player will be the grandfather. When the presenter says the word "grandfather", the player must say "Look."
3. The 3rd player will be the grandma. When the leader says the word "grandmother", the player must say "Oh-oh."
4. The 4th player will be the granddaughter. When the leader says the word "granddaughter", the player must say "I'm not ready yet."
5. The 5th player will be the Bug. When the leader says the word "Bug", the player must say "Woof-woof".
6. The 6th player will be the cat. When the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say "Meow-meow".
7. The 7th player will be the mouse. When the presenter says the word "mouse", the player must say "Pee-pee".

The game begins, the presenter tells a fairy tale, and the players voice it.

"Grandfather planted a turnip (2nd player: "Look at you") (1st player: "Both-on"). The turnip grew big - very big. Grandfather came to pull the turnip, he pulled and pulled, but couldn't pull it out. Grandfather called grandmother Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip, they pull and pull, they can’t pull it out...

Taking out the cake.

And now, guests, attention!
Show your efforts
And give your applause
In honor of this wonderful moment.
(A soundtrack sounds. A cake with candles is brought out. The guests applaud.)

Dear birthday girl!
Feel free to cut the anniversary cake
And treat your guests to tea with a smile.
(Music. Tea drinking.)

End of the evening

Today is a very important day for the birthday girl. After all, every big event is a real high point that determines our future life.

So, the hostess of the celebration,
Your finest hour is already coming.
Now you are in the role of a deity
And the whole room wants to listen to you.

(Response from the hostess.)