Putting on the candle and feather to call. A strong conspiracy "To love the favorite" read right

Read a special conspiracy over the nasal handkerchief, which will bring the face three times before entering the courtroom. Conspiracy sounds as follows:

I will stand, blessing
I'll go, cross,
From the doors to the door, from the gate to the gate.
I will come out in a pure field,
In this clean field are
Reloins iron, boulat gates.
I will become, the slave of God (name),
Between iron constipation,
Bulat's gates
And on his head I will put the pot of the crown,
Let's put a bright month.
On this bright month to put
Red Sun,
On it on the red sun
No one
Neither to warm up and disappear.
And so on the slave of God (name)
No one could
Neither to warm up or disappear:
Neither king tsarevichi nor Korolei Korolei,
Neither peace courts nor earthly trilons.
And nor the whole world is glorious
Could neither warm up or disappear
On the slave of God (name).
Would they be in front of me
Like leaf before grass
And below the low water, the washed grass.
Heaven - key, land - lock.
Chur my words.

Conspiracy to mitigate cruel hearts

If you have to communicate with people, from which your well-being depends, but they are angry with one reason or another, then you should seek such a conspiracy three times in a row:

Jesus Christ, stand up to help me.
I'm going to the hubby, sit there
Kings with kings, panya with pans,
All the authorities need me, dumb like walls.
Take plates, I take a knife from under the heart,
His enemies throat.
My top, my truth, my victory.
On all sides turn
And you, my enemies, I'm not afraid. Amen.

Conspiracy on wealth

If you see a lot of good that you like, or a large amount of money that you can only dream about, folding the fig and read a special plot - all wealth will go to you. Corporate words are as follows:

You are not a fig, and I have full boxes,
And I'm full of crust and barns,
House of good, walves with money,
Zlata with silver.
I am prince and merchant, I am happiness a crown. Amen.

Conspiracy on wealth and good luck

You all will be accompanied by luck and success if you dig up on any thursday from your home and throw a coin into it, a small surmock and cockroacan and all this will jump, saying:

How fast soap is washed
So quickly would miss my bad luck.
How many thin hostess cockroaches
So many I would have good luck and money.
Conspiracy for good luck, I'm buried lucky,
Raw earth fall asleep. Amen.

Soon word (for the fulfillment of desire)

If during the year you have ever seen how the star falls and managed to say soon, then go to the street for the new year, look at the sky and make a desire - it will definitely be fulfilled.

Soon word - I know.

How to regain a happy share

With the help of damage, you can take away not only health, but also a happy share. Thank God that there is a special rite to help read the unfortunate from the troubles and misfortunes.

Pour into the bottle of black cow's milk, hide her on her chest and go to church. There we will suck out, then put nine candles and go back home without looking back and not talking to anyone on the way. Put milk on an empty table, burn the candle next to it. Squeeze the floors everywhere. During the rite, do not get distracted by either a knock on the door, nor on calls by phone - nothing should interfere with you.

Sometimes it is unbearable to sit and wait for some gesture to your address from the guy you like. In this situation, conspiracies will be helped, which are read with the goal so that your favorite will necessarily call. They can even affect if the guy has no phone number, but in such circumstances, of course, the chances will be less.

Be careful in reading a conspiracy, read thoughtfully, with the right installation. The accuracy of the reproduction of the conspiracy depends its effectiveness. Make it all exactly in the instructions below, and you will definitely work out.

This article presents the strongest and not complex in reproduction of conspiracy to get a favorite. Although the phone calls did not enter our lives, however, the conspiracies are strong enough and work in the way they are waiting for them.

Simple plots that make a man call

Before reading magical words, visualization should be given. At the same time, it is clearly and tangible represent your cute with the phone in your hand, draw on how it is dressed, as it looks like. I need to wish with all my heart so that he call you. Thinking about it, the conspiracy is pronounced:

"My beloved, (name), why don't I call me and you are not talking to me? I'm a statute girl, fit, for everyone and all good, and for you - loved one. Your phone is, I will soon call. My voice will respond, your heart will scare from happiness faster. Amen".

Examples of conspiracy

It is not necessary to utter words loudly, but you need to believe in them with all my heart. Your energy and strength of your thoughts will make their job, and the guy will definitely call.

Conspiracy on visualization

There is another conspiracy based on visualization. They enjoy at the beginning of the development of relations. If you met a young man once, and there is no continuation of relationships and no, you can use this conspiracy to call the guy. The conspiracy below should read 9 times:

"My dear (name) who meets me once, why are you silent for so long, don't write, don't call and you do not speak with me? Take your phone your phone yes dial my number! Your soul (name) joy will be filled when my voice in the tube you hear! "

When these words will be read, it is necessary to think exclusively about the guy, whose voice you crave to hear in the handset. You need to represent how it takes the phone and dials your number. To strengthen the effect of visualization, it is better to take some thing that belongs to him, or at least what was in his hands. Understand whether your appeal to magic worked in the event that in the near future you will hear the call.

Call in relations

If you have excellent relationships that are overshadowed only by the inattention on his side and the minimum number of calls, you can use the plot to call the right person. The lack of telephone conversations young people do not perceive so tragic like girls. The guy can be clogged at all and do not even think about how the girl suffers without talking to him. If you have been waiting for a call for a long time and unsuccessfully, you can fix the situation by reading the following lines:

"Strong, strongly, firmly, firmly spoken by a slave of God (name) for a quick call. I dare from others and urge to come to my senses. Let his thoughts from all renewed, and the hands will reach the phone. Let him misunderstand with him, and he will return live. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

This plot is not just aimed at making a person to call, he also protects him from all possible dangers. During his reading, it should be represented as a man calls you, to mentally remove all obstacles from him. In these words, you must invest all your emotions and be repeated several times. Then the result will not have to wait long.

Restoration of relationships

How to return former relationships
Sometimes the call is needed not to establish relationships, but in order to restore them, return the lost, make it up.

  • In this case, you need a rather strong ritual capable of making serious changes. To make such a ritual it will take a photo.
  • Moreover, the more fresh it will be, the better.
  • In order for a loved one to defeat the insult and his anger, you should carefully prepare for reading a conspiracy to call him.

A prepared photo is installed on the shelf, candles from the church (2 pieces) are placed near her, there is a mobile phone and a sheet with their phone number.

Candles light up, look at the photo, remembering the wonderful time spent together. Next read a plot:

"(Name), remember our joy, remember happiness! Remember how I was desired for you! After all, I am happiness, joy and love! Hearing take away, my number type, happiness our return! "

Words are repeated 6 times. Then the snapshot hide, and in the flame of the candles burn the sheet with the written phone, the ashes carefully assemble and thrown into the open window to the wind.

Strong rituals to call

The rituals given here are much more powerful affect the target.

  1. A man must stop doing any other affairs until he talks to you by phone.
  2. And this is quite a strong influence on fate.
  3. So such actions can end unpredictable and lead to unexpected consequences.

But they are ideal for those girls who do not intend to wait and urgently want to hear the voice of a loved one.

Very effective conspiracies

First, you can try to spend a strong registered challenge, in most cases it is enough to call a dear person. Cooking a large red candle, you need to do on a clean white sheet of paper. Inscription black paste. It must be the full name of the person. The next sheet is ignited from the flame of the candle and read these words:

"The body and soul burn on fire until you call me!"

The text is repeated 3 times. It is necessary to make it faster than the leaflet with the inscription will completely burn.

If the above method does not work, you can use black pepper. First, you need to correctly count the peas. They should be as much as you lived in the light of your cute. Makers are thrown on a hot frying pan, which is pre-pouring a slightly lean oil. As soon as the pephers are warm, they will bounce on the surface of the frying pan. At the same time it is necessary to say like this:

"How this pepper jumps yes, so let them (the name) turns, until I call!"

The absence of a call after this conspiracy so that the guy opens, talks about how he is bad and hurts at the moment and he just can not get together forces. So before carrying out such a ritual, you need to think carefully, but is it worth doing so that your husband or just a favorite experienced suffering?


Simple conspiracy

First, turn on the memory at full power and restore the image of your loved one or husband before your eyes, as if he is in front of you. Remember all the small details: the expression of the face, the light in the eyes, posture. Then nine times you need to read the following words out loud.

The goal is to conspire the guy to call. It is necessary to re-wake the feelings in a man who will lead to the fact that he will soon want to call and do something pleasant.

Corpress on a call with a candle and photography

If you have a photo of your beloved man, it makes it easier. When there is a picture of a husband before your eyes - it frees the resource.

No need to diligently hold the visual image in memory. Take a photo in your left hand, and in the right - church candle, which you need to light.

  • Another part of the conspiracy is to open the window or the window.
  • First, the lack of obstacles in the form of a wall or a closed door contributes to the establishment of an invisible energy relationship between a woman and a man.
  • Secondly, it is a strong impulse of the air from the window that should pay off the flames of the candle - so that this plot has affected, it is not recommended to quench the candle.

Corpress on a call with a photo and ribbon

The beautiful ritual for which you will need to choose an exquisite red ribbon. The tape is a symbol of your feelings and ties with the desired man. Therefore, go to her selection consciously, do not take the first one that will fall. It is important that you like it.

  1. This time you have to go to bed after midnight.
  2. Take a photo of your loved one and tie her red ribbon to your phone.
  3. Think about how imperceptibly, but irreversibly between you and your chosen one is installed fine invisible connection and the cycle of energy is activated.

Then put the phone with a photo under the pillow, next to you and start reading the conspiracy itself. After a conspiracy, close your eyes right away and try to sleep hard.

Conspiracy to call the one who needs

You need a photo of your loved one, as well as a blank sheet of paper. On the sheet, write your phone number and attach a photo so that the face coincides with the inscription. After that, immediately read the plot.

In the morning, remove the photo from the leaf and burn. Ash breed in the wind. The ritual is aimed at making a loved one to postpone his affairs and remember about you. Also, this conspiracy can help if you have been married for a long time, and the husband is busy all the time - after the rite, he realizes that he again wants romance. Whatever happens in your personal life - get ready for a quick date.

Some more important comments on conspiracies

What do you need to know? Main features:

  • Do not do anything just for curiosity. Use magic only when fully confident in your strong desire, the need to make a selected person with your own.
  • Do not tell anyone. The smaller the girlfriends learns about the conspiracy after reading it - the better. Ideally - no one should know. What you made a ritual for the guy to call you is your personal secret.
  • You need to read a conspiracy with a sincere heart.

Phone call is always not an end in itself. It is only a sign that we are interested in this person, he is interested in us and is experiencing a strong desire to meet. What will happen in reality on a date depends on us again. Will it be possible to capture attention (and with him and the heart) of our chosen one, will he become a beloved person, and in the future - husband? All this in the hands of the girl.


Rituals using additional attributes

On any item that was in your hands in your chosen or chosen:

"Fall, pray, and rising, harvesting. Under the ground worms, and above the ground beasts. Sun and the moon climbed, and I am alone. So let the Lord blesses me, and in my case helps. Key. Lock. Language".

On phones associated with a red thread (your phone and the device of the chosen one or chosen, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which is left at yourself, and to put the other to beloved):

"I call the bell to me. Lovely voice hear every hour I want, every day. Let as asterisks in the sky, like a river in a clik, he needs in me. Let the sparkle fly away between the phones, and the eternal stuck. May it be so!".

On your phone:

"Slave of God (chosen name), you do not eat, do not drink, and you will find peace when I call me about yourself."

For anyone part of the chosen, so that he calls for half an hour:

"(Name), you are interested in me, you are pleasant to me, but why not call me, you do not speak with me? I am a faithful, pleasant, unusual, pretty, for you kind, you are interesting. Take the phone, my (your name) number type. My voice will respond in the tube, and your heart is joying. "

On the photo to call the one who loves:

"My Sokol is clear, my long-awaited, my beautiful! As it was well remembered to me, I heart, heartily abuse. My number is remembered quickly, the date is more likely to appoint! ".

On the napkin or handkerchief with a diagonal nodules, which kept in the hands of the chosen one (read solely on the growing moon, during the ritual it is necessary to look at the sky):

"The knot tied on the handkerchief, your name, my favorite, faded. Only to me your heart seeks, and my face will love you. In the morning the phone take and my number type. "

On the phone (on your device you need to dial the number of your favorite and say words):

"Call - for you want to hear me. Call - For you want to see me. Call - For you want to love me. Call - For you can not live without me. "

Strong conspiracy

If contact with a person has occurred relatively recently, or there was only a familiarity, then the conspiracy to the call must be read by other rules. In order for the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and make a stronger ritual. In those situations where communication takes place regularly, simple impact methods can be applied (on your own phone or object).

An example of a ritual:

the table must be covered with bright red cloth
In the middle of the table, you must put the red candle in the candlestick or on the saucer
Before you need to put the phone (screen up)
Looking at the phone, you need not only to remember the face of a person, but most realistic to present the upcoming dialogue (words should be literally "hearing")
After such actions, conspiracy words are read three times:

Voice beloved yes cute, I want to hear you. He hearted my heart, and I got sang in the soul. Dial urgently my number (phone number), because it is important for me! "

Gypsy ritual

For the rite you will need a glass filled with two-thirds red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. From the ring and threads need to make a pendulum, light the candle.

  • Having uttered his name to wait for the ring to hit the wall of the glade as many times as the letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped).
  • Similar actions are held with the name of the chosen or chosen.
  • The ring on the thread must be omitted in wine and wait for the combustion of the candle or swelling its flame.

After the rite, the wine needs to drink and mentally submit a long-awaited dialogue.

How to read conspiracies correctly?

Conspiracies to call a specific person read at any time. For a ritual, you can use your own energy forces or apply some attributes. Get a photo of a guy or a girl is now much easier.

You can use, for example, social networks. If a person is interested in the meeting, you can prepare in advance for the conspiracy, giving him to hold the sheet of paper (even the usual napkin is suitable). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the rite. In the absence of confidence in their forces, the result may not justify expectations.

Rules for reading conspiracy on the call:

during the rite it is necessary to maximize the features of the face of a man or a woman who reads a plot

when performing a ritual atmosphere around should be the most favorable and calm (there should be no children nor animals, no other objects that can distract from the rite)

  1. if there is an item that kept chosen or chosen, then when reading the necessary words you need to keep it in one hand, and in another - a lit church candle
  2. you can not use a conspiracy for mercenary purposes (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
  3. if there is no candle, then the conspiracy is recommended after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows the face during the ritual)

conspiracy about the call refers to love magic, so it's too often to use it on different people (negative consequences may arise)

it is recommended to read a plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame will go out)
If a mobile phone is used in the ritual, then during reading a conspiracy, you need to represent the numbers of your favorite or beloved, music that is on the call, and also try to mentally reproduce the voice of a person

selling words should be as confidently as possible and clearly (knocking, improper pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
Simple conspiracies

Without using additional attributes

  1. you can read at any time of the day, repeating the words 3 or 9 times in a row
    If there is no photo or subject, which kept chosen, then when reading a conspiracy in hand, you need to keep your cell phone
  2. when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind the right person, does not affect his feelings, so the upcoming telephone conversation can be almost any subject (working moments, discussing any situation, etc.)
  3. Despite the fact that conspiracies are considered to be one of the safest, and the ritual will not be difficult even in the absence of experience, weak rites are difficult to call.

With the help of such spells, you can remind yourself of even a person whom you have not seen and have not heard for many years. The only condition for success is the presence of your phone number or chosen.


Love spell so that your favorite guy opens - is it possible?

Here, for example, the first stage of your communication is a telephone conversation. Many he comes in itself. In the case when a man does not want to dial your number, it is worth a love spell so that the guy opens.

This is not a complete departure of the personality, but just running the program directed to one action in its field. The call is not a turn of all the life of one hundred eighty degrees, so you will not have to answer for it.

And after the conversation, a date may happen, then - the second and so on. The bell can serve as the beginning of a natural novel. We just need to "help" the client - inspire a desire to dial the number. How to do it? Yes, it is not difficult, given the fact that these cherished figures have it.

Examples of love airstrot so the guy called

1st ritual so that the guy opens
Take your phone in the evening. On a small leaflet with a red felt-tip pen, write its number. Attach to your device. Say the spell:

"Swallow flies to the south to find out what a cute friend wants! Returns home, says he is with me! You fly, Beauty! Let (name) will not cope with longing! You still need you, yes deeply sadness! Without my voice, he will not be asleep! Let him disturb his phone ringing in dreams! And talk to me, let him dream! "

Machine Put under the pillow and stacked sleep. Make sure what images will throw the subconsciousness at night. If the impression of sleep is pleasant - will soon call. When gloomy images come, it means that a person thinks bad about you! This is an alarming sign. It is better to abandon your plan. If he did not dream - repeat the ritual on the second night.

2nd ritual so the guy opens

Sit in front of the mirror. Take the photo of whom you want to shock. It is necessary to reinforce your imagination. It is necessary to dress in red.

  1. If there is no fully scarlet dresses (suit), then throw a piece of red fabric.
  2. Need a background. On the sides of the mirror burn red candles.
  3. It is necessary to arrange the phone so that it falls into the field of your vision.
  4. Focus, imagine your visa. It is necessary to create its image "dense".

That is, practically feel His presence next to you. Projeate this imaginary "clone" in the mirror. When you achieve such a condition that you will seem that the guy is sitting next to your reflection in the mirror, imagine that your foreheads bind the wire. People easier imagine cord or rope. Do as it is more convenient for you. It is only necessary to create a link from your forehead in it.

Now imagine the situation when he just needs to be contacted you. The essence depends on your relationship and imagination. Tell him what was able to come up with. For example, it is imperative to contact you to find out information about common acquaintances. Pass? What is the answer? You will feel it. Only at first it will be so unfortunate that it will be necessary to repeat the procedure to recognize that it broads your victim.

  • As soon as catch the opposite effect, turn the look at your tube and "send" energy into it. If you could not feel anything, then just look at your phone and tell me out loud: call!
  • That's all. If you do everything right, then hear the call signal in the near future.
  • If something failed, you can repeat at any time. This spell so that the guy opens can be performed at any convenient time.
  • Experts advise him to spend it in the evening, realizing that in silence and comfortably semitis are easier to focus easier.

Love spell so that the guy opens, even if it does not have your number

I must say, despite the fact that the effectiveness of such a ritual is not too large, but, in the extreme case, you can try. Note that you have to make a maximum effort to turn the situation to your side. It is advisable to "organize" the real string that will connect you. That is, use common acquaintances, social networks or other.

If there is no real relational between you, then the effectiveness of the ritual will be questionable.

  • Here there is a way out: find its account on social networks and knock your friends, write a message or send a gift.
  • If there is no desire to log in, then do it incognito.
  • It does not matter whether it will understand that it is you.
  • It is necessary to achieve such a situation so that this person pays attention to your energy.

The ritual is held on the wind. If there is no possibility to go to the mountains or to another place where the hurricane is raging, then turn on the fan. Just create a stream more powerful. Direct it in an open window. Stand in the stream. Create a thinking, the essence of which: your feeling at the moment when the guy calls you. That is, it is tedious to imagine that you are talking to him. What are your feelings, thoughts, feelings and so on? Detail everything, right up to a smile on the face. Ready? Read the spell out loud, right into the stream:

"I urge the strength! Come, dreams of embody! Send my wishes, transfer my aspirations! To the strength of the wind I appeal! I carry my order, inspire his hour! Let the slave (name) suffer from the desolator languishing! I order! Give! So that the slave (name) of thoughts did not calm down, did not stop until then until he would receive the words of my gifts! Amen!"

When read, your feelings mentally "let" in the created channel. This is an exercise for imagination. You imagine that the wave goes on the social network or through common acquaintances, another suitable way. If you do everything right, then answer all calls. Write will necessarily. Just keep in mind that the object may simply be mistaken by the number. Should not be lost here!


Strength and magic of conspiracy so that the guy opens

What depends the force of conspiracy

Conspiracy to call cute, refers to the most harmless ways of impact on the desires and senses of man. Despite the fact that in this conspiracy, elements of the attitude are most often used, their strength is directed only to certain actions of a person who are forced to think about the feelings for the girl.

It is quite clear that if a young man calls a girl, then it interests him and at the subconscious level, a young man arises exactly such a picture that without attracting magic makes it feel a little in the soul and decide on relationships.

The power of the love spell on the call of a young man completely does not oblige him. Conspiracy does not force a young person to change himself, to act radically or even influence the fate of other people. He will simply take the handset and call, and what can be negative in a simple call. In addition, in the hands of each girl to translate the conversation in the right direction, so that the next time the young man wanted to call on his own request.

Types of conspiracies on the call of your beloved

Conspiracy to call a person does not require any complex rituals. Sometimes it is enough just to talk words on the phone so that a long-awaited call was heard.

The word power is obvious and what we think often come true, so in your desires it is necessary to be very careful.

If after the previous meeting with a young man there was some kind of item, such as a lighter or a handkerchief, a pen or even a personal object of the girl, whom he concerned, then you can hold a plot for this subject.

You can also hold a conspiracy to the phone number of a young man who just need to write to the leaflet and read a conspiracy on it. To conduct a conspiracy on the subject, it is necessary to take into hand and read the following words over the subject:

"My dear, (the name of a young man), why not call, do not write,
Why don't you talk to me?
I am beautiful, I am pleasant, the best and pretty,
For you, I am kind and most interesting.
Take your phone soon and the number of my type
And when you hear my voice, then in your heart there will be peace, in the soul - joy, and in the body - sweetness. "

After these words, some memories associated with a girl should emerge from the desired men, and after a short period of time he will type her phone number.

The easiest conspiracy so that the man will call, is carried out on the handkerchief made of cotton or linen fabric. At the tip, the scarf must be tied up the nodule and speak it 3 times:

"The handkerchief knot tied, and with him and his desire tied. Help me the highest strength, help the young man (name) remember me, seize, my phone number to dial. I knocked the handkerchief, you told your desire. Soon everything will come true, my phone will wake up, from the call of the long-awaited, voices in the sweet tube. "

Wearing a handkerchief with you until the young man is called, then it must be burned.


Ritual if you know the phone number

Take the thing to which he touched, or his photo, or write on a sheet of paper the number of his phone. At night, show what was chosen to perform a ritual moon. And say this plot to the spell:

"As the moon looks at me, like a night whirling on the Belo Day,
So you are the slave of God (the name of the guy) longing for me, run to me.
I am a beauty, the moon is lit, I am fitting, your thoughts are placed.
Both the breeze in foliage and the voice of my live in you.
Frequently run, we will bring our speech.
How to hear my mother's voice, so the heart hits a love longing! "

They told the plot and go to bed, putting the thing to which they told under the pillow. If everything is done correctly, the next day the call will necessarily be. The main thing, the ritual must be carried out convinced, without experiencing the shadows of doubt. Then everything will definitely work out. Your thoughts are sent to the guy. He will remember you and will experience the desire to call you.

Conspiracy to the phone, if no numbers

If you do not have a phone number or a guy's thing, and so that he calls you really want to use the following conspiracy. Take your mobile phone. Imagine that situation when he calls you. You can visualize his photo on the phone screen, you can - the music of the call, you can - your feelings. And if it turns out, it's better all at once. So it will be much more efficient. Now looking for the phone seven times in a row read this plot:

"My beloved (name) you miss, you want, that phone you look - jealous! You're offended, you sneaked, turned away from the phone! Favorite mine (name), you're a phone in your hands, Favorite (your name) Call! How my voice in the tube will sound, so your heart will challenge! Love in your body rides how my voice will come back! Favorite my (name) Call! Our hearts are connected! Amen!"

After reading the plot seven times, save the visualization of your conversation for a while. So the connection between your energy bodies will be stronger. If everything is done correctly within three days the guy has to call you.

Conspiracy on a guy's call that does not know your number

This plot is used if you met a guy, you liked it, but there was no continuation of the acquaintance. In order not to suffer and not suffer in the unknown, you can do a small magic ritual to remind the guy about your existence.

  1. Usually, even if he did not ask for your mobile number, the call will certainly follow. (All within reason if he has the opportunity to know your phone number from common acquaintances!)

    Stand in front of a large mirror. You must see yourself to the belt. Reflection should not occupy the entire surface of the mirror.

  2. Pretty look into your image and think that it could attract his attention (face, eyes, lips, and more).
  3. Now imagine that your guardian angel is behind the right shoulder, and the guy liked the left.
  4. Read nine times in a row plot, trying not to lose images in reflection:

"Anyone (name) is lost, in the deaf forest dull! My Angel, you go beyond the mountains in the forest, or Fleight in Heaven! Let the servant of God (name) there will be! With a news to me will turn! My Angel, do not leave! Slave of God (name) To bring me! Amen!"

After reading, you need a mirror to cover with a scarf for a while that the energy is preserved. If the guy knows the number of your phone, after a conspiracy, he will call necessarily. And if there is no opportunity to find it, it will try to meet with you in the place where you met. So go to the meeting with your fate exactly where the acquaintance happened!

Conspiracy so that the guy opens and apologize

And if you are in a quarrel with a guy, and want him to call the first, then you can use another conspiracy. You can, of course, the very first go for reconciliation without resorting to magic. It's even better.

  • So you will look and wiser and feminine. But this is not always possible.
  • It happens that circumstances are not clear to you and you cannot understand what is happening. Then you can contact the magical forces for assistance.
  • Perhaps a small push on your part will retain strong relationships that will lead you both to happiness.

For ritual used photos of a loved one. It is necessary to carefully look at his face at his face and imagine that he is currently talking to you. Then take a piece of paper, write on it the number of his phone. Sheets with the number do trust so that only numbers remain on it (the edge should be as small as possible). Put the sheet with the number to the photo (it must depict a mobile phone). Read the following words three times:

"As a stork flies south, as the fish in the ocean is floating,
How can't the earth without sun,
So you (name) without me (the name) is not sleeping, do not eat, according to my thank you.
Like a nightwash in a grove rubbed, sings songs, love calls,
So you (name) on my speech (name) you miss, you remember me heart!
As you hear in the tube my answer, so that the trail will spread the trail. Amen!"

Speak, representing how he is already gaining your number. You can even represent that music, which usually means his call, sounds from the speakers of your phone. Visualization should be very convincing. Now roll a piece of paper with his phone number to a small ball and tie it to your mobile thread (or yellow, white, green). The color of the thread will depend on the desired relationship.

  • Red - Fast Love,
  • yellow - Romance,
  • green - friendship,
  • white - marriage offer.

Wear a ball tied to the phone until it calls. Waiting will not have long! Then the piece of paper is to burn so that it does not get into other people's hands. This is a magical binding, which can be used to destroy your relationship.

The second conspiracy on the call when parting

This conspiracy is used in case of separation. When you broke up "forever", and you want to save the relationship, if the very first step does not work, but I really want to continue pleasant communication, then use such a conspiracy:

"Ravens flew, we ran away to the sides! Birds flew away - let the favorite (name) return! Holy Maria, help! Love our save and saved! Slave of God (Name) The servant of God (name) Let the news say. Holy Maria! Send him to his flight! Let him not fall and does not suffer, and my number is speedy recipe. Amen!"

You need to read five times in a row, presented well with a former guy. There is one indispensable condition, you must stop angry and offended by him. What is done - it is done, then you need to go without anger and negative. Remember all the good things that there was between you, and read a plot. Favorite guy will certainly call you! If the conspiracy for some reason did not affect there are other stronger conspiracies for reconciliation. Use them.

Consider a trigger in detail to call read at home - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual did not have negative consequences.

Conspiracy to call or wrote

If your favorite man or guy stopped entering and calling does not write and in every possible way to meet you will help you a strong conspiracy so that the right person urgently called you, but this plot acts very quickly. This conspiracy needs to be read to make her beloved call, write or come to the person called him. This ritual will be able to catch up to the longing on cute and make him not just remember your existence, but also to call you or come to your meeting. Conspiracy for the call will make someone you need to remember about you and immediately call the phone. To independently make a trouble-free rite for a reminder of yourself, go in your house to the opened window and read the words of a strong conspiracy to call the one who loves and read the conspiracy so that the guy opens right now you need 9 times:

Bring my threshold.

Love spell on a young man to call

I think many had the situation, the guy invited a date, you met and everything seems to be wonderful and you liked it. At the end he took the phone and. disappeared, not a call not sms. Using a spell on a young man to call, you can open your way to happiness. This plot does not guarantee unlimited and endless love on his part and your eternal family happiness. But he will make the guy finally remember about you and gain your number, will strengthen his desire to meet you again. Conspiracy so that the guy opens, can be made as follows. Take a photo of a guy and a piece of paper on which you write your phone number. Put this piece on the photo inscription down so that the phone number is opposite the guy's head, and say three times such a spell:

Falcon is my clear, long-awaited mine, beautiful!

As we were well remembered, the heart and soul are demanding for me.

My number is more likely remember, I invite me on a date!

Leave a photo and leaflet in this position for the whole night. In the morning, remove the sheet with the phone number from the photo and google. When he burns, open the window and entee ash. If you made a rite correctly and with great desire, soon you need to wait for the call.

Love spell on a young man to call

If you do not have the photo you need a guy, you can use another conspiracy so that the guy opens. It is convenient for its simplicity, as it can pronounce, at any time of the day and anywhere. To achieve a call from a guy, you need to say a spell:

The city in the land of Russian lies, in that city the house is worth.

In the house, Tom kind well done is gained.

Good well done (name) is called.

One (name) misses, does not know happiness.

He will take the phone in his hand Yes, my number will pick up.

I'll call me on a date, happiness will find the long-awaited.

The situation is complicated by what is commonly used after short-term acquaintance and, therefore, it is usually not at hand neither portrait of a guy nor things belonging to him. However, it is not so scary. Any thing will come down to which he touched, for example, paper, handle, lighter or mobile phone. If he did not touch anything, but left his phone number, then this room will come down to write on a piece of paper. Holding this item in your hand, remember your meeting and his eyes. At the same time, it is necessary to prone nine times:

My falcon, (his name), why not write,

do not call, you do not say with me?

I'm faithful, I am pleasant, I am unusual, I am pretty,

for you kind, interesting for you.

The phone will soon take and my number type.

your heart is joying.

If you pronounce a conspiracy correctly and convinced, "the victim" should remember you and get bored. He will have a desire to hear your voice again and appoint a new meeting. And then it's about you!

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    How to make a love spell so that the beloved person called

    Methods of magical love spells on a photo of a person a lot. If in the old days, they were set on nominal icons, and was also in the go to the uniform view and visualization of the image of a person when making a rite, today the work of magicians simplifies the presence of such a wonderful thing as a photo. You can use not only traditional photos, but also digital format on the screen. A light love of men by photography on the phone is simple and accessible, just for beginners standing at the very beginning of the magic path.

    Such love rituals are not real spell in the full sense. These are lovers running on the mental power of the artist, as a quick fulfillment of desire, so that the guy opens, is not a spell, but a challenge. Here, in my, Magician Sergey Artgroma, a good example of how you can hang a guy who likes, using his photo in a digital format.

    Simple home love guy via photo on phone

    To look at the photo of who you want to be perished, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

    Rites, similar to this independent spell of a guy on the phone, as a rule, are triggered (if they work), on the personal power of the magician. The result can manifest itself both as a light dull, and as a love area, well, and as a magic challenge, including.

    What is the essence of the title call?

    Under the influence of forces - any, in the witchcraft practices there are many of them, they are different, have different nature and the nature of the manifestation, the necessary person is to the Contractor personally, or in other ways it comes to contact. So, the fact that on the Internet is customary to call a strong by a spell on the bell A loved one is actually a magical challenge ritual. And now let's see what kind of love rites are, and how to make them yourself.

    So that a favorite person called - a spell or a magic challenge?

    Like methods to shock a beloved guy, there are challenges of different types. These magical rituals can be safely divided into demonic, cemetery, white, neutral, spontaneous. Make them to the main effective attitude of your favorite guy, and can also do after it. Depending on which type of love spell, the artist chooses to a man. So, for a love ritual with meal, you first need to call, so that the person came. If the magical effect is selected at a distance, for example, a love spell by phone number, and under the terms of the rite there is no reservation - not to see a favorite guy, and no other way to communicate with him a certain number of days, then a magical challenge to make a man doing after the main thing in the Koldovsky complex ritual.

    The probitive ritual for the challenge is not tied to the moon (unless the concrete lunar phase is indicated in the rite), and therefore it is possible to read a guy's call on any lunar phase to any lunar phase, when an objective need arises in this. Ideally, it is necessary that the called beloved person appears to the performer personally. but letter in social networks, sms or phone call It can be considered as a positive result of the attitude of the challenge of the former guy. If the lover does not want contact, and he is forced to this magical ways, he most likely will go along the simplest path.

    Well, and, of course, as always, much depends on the strength of those who make a challenge. To the guy opens, you need to choose a challenge of a spell that you will read at home and make it effectively.

    Magic challenge guy so that he soon called - the thing is useful in promotional practices.

    However, it is necessary to understand that simply from the love calls made on a man little sense. It is necessary to inhabit a magic spell on love, which will make a man perform what is required of it. It does not have to be over strong love spell made by photoBut this program should form the concept of the behavior of a beloved person, in respect of which a comprehensive magical work is conducted. However, think that the challenge only causes the former guy to appear, too incorrect. The probassive effect Magic love spells have - the guy comes to the performer, because it seems to him that without this person he does not do. Work a love plot to a guy call may in the morning, a few days later, or in an hour. It all depends on the specific situation, and people's compatibility. Whatever it was, and the loving clouds are observed in all victims of the Witchcraft conspiracy on the challenge of a man to a loving woman.

    Strong spell a challenge to make a man call or appeared personally

    This spell a challenge made on your own that the beloved guy will soon call on the phone or came to the girl. Make on the moon of decreasing, the impact on the lover goes through the power of black magic. The purpose of this homely ritual for love is that the man quickly called after a quarrel and parting. In order to make this spell on the phone, you need to cook:

    If, as in this case, you want witchcraft to cause a man, the mirror must be square or a rectangular shape. When they affect the woman, the mirrors take without angles - round or oval.

    Photo of a beloved guy set up vertically. On both sides of the photo to put and light black candles. In front of the photo put the mirror. It should also reflect the photos, and candles. I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I note, is curious that the reviews of people practicing black magic rites who did a guy's spell on a call on the phone give an understanding that the lover does not simply be in touch in any available way, he is personally.

    Putting all this design, take the knife into the right hand, and read the spell 9 times so that the guy opens:

    A knife is slightly pricking reflection in the mirror 19 times. Each time you read the words of a love conspiracy:

    After that, the magic knife put on the mirror with the edge against the photo of the beloved guy. On the knife, on the mirror to pour salt. Then the photo of the face caused to put on the salt, uttering the words of the strongest love spell on the husband's call:

    Leave all overnight. To remove it in the morning, pour salt at the crossroads. Go, back without looking around.

    The witchcred rite can be carried out after a strong attitude to read in order to call an awesome husband, or appeared. This witch call is very strong, but I, Magic, Sergei Artgrom want to note that the effectiveness of any rite of love magic is always individual. It all depends on the will and resistance to the victim of the conspiracy, and on the connection of the Mage practitioner with forces.

    Independent simple spell on the phone - Walking to your loved voice

    You can shock your favorite guy, talking to him by phone. Phone in this case - an intermediary, a link between you and a guy who likes. The phone transmits all the shades of the voice and emotions of a person who speaks with you. Therefore, using a mobile phone, you can make an effective spell at a distance, affecting the lover's energy centers and her husband. There are many varieties of such bindings, but they look like love spells by phone number, as very simple, affordable even beginners things.

    To make a light love spell on love, you need to call a man and pronounce words about love, set it up for a romantic wave. Ask a man's question, and when he will answer you, listening to him, read the plot three times:

    An independent spell on the phone at home can be done in a different way. Call a man and in the process of conversation, in exhale mentally pronounce "love you", and in the breath say: "do you love me".

    Conspiracy to call the one who loves: purpose and features of use

    Phones firmly entrenched in our lives. They connect close people, allow you to hear your native voice, even if its owner is at the other end of the Earth. By the will of fate, a random phone call can put the beginning of a new relationship or, on the contrary, finally destroy existing ones. It is not surprising that the phone is able to become a key attribute of the MagicHP Ritual - for example, a conspiracy designed to call a favorite guy or a man.

    When should I use a plot?

    Conspiracy to call the one who loves, helps to inspire the beloved thoughts about the one who said these magical words, causes his wishes to hear her voice. But in this case, all the same feelings of a young man and glowing to the commission of a phone call are not natural - they appear as a result of the influence provided by the ritual.

    Therefore, the conspiracy on the call from the beloved - the rite is not at all as innocent and the careless, which seems at first glance. No magical interaction cannot be regarded as a joke, including conspiracies of this nature. Nevertheless, the conspiracy to call the one who loves is considered one of the least dangerous love rites. He does not impose strong feelings, does not cause an insurmountable attraction to the performer.

    You can use such a plot in various kinds of situations when it is simply necessary that your favorite person score your room. The most common examples of use:

    • after the first date, if the young man liked did not hurry with a call;
    • after a major quarrel when you need to make a loved one;
    • after parting, when it fails to forget the guy and you want to restore the former relationship;
    • when I just want to hear a favorite voice, and the courage to dial the number of the most lacking, etc.

    Each girl will have their own reasons for applying conspiracy on a phone call from just a faithful or beloved guy. And the lower the effective magical words and their accompanying rituals are given. Each girl can cope with them, regardless of whether it has practical experience in the use of witchcraft or not.

    What conspiracies can be read in order for a loved one to call?

    Conspiracy for beginners to call loved or beloved

    It can be used after the first date or quarrel. This is one of the safest rituals. The use of a conspiracy on the call of your beloved person needs to be started with visualization: the image of cute, its features, to focus on it as much as possible, to focus on him and in his desire. And then pronounce a plot:

    "My favorite, (Guy's name), why don't you call me, why don't you say with me? After all, I am a fitting girl yes Static, for everyone and everything is pleasant, for you, my love. Phone You take your own and rather call me. My voice will respond, your heart will be happy to be happy. Amen".

    To the conspiracy gave the desired result, you must certainly believe it.

    Simple conspiracy on the phone to call the guy

    Take your phone into your left hand, up the screen. Hand endow the screen of the phone and read 9 times:

    "Let him remember the slave of God (guy's name) me, slave God (His name), let it quickly call me. As the plants without a sun can not, so without me he will not be able to. To wish will be my voice to hear and see my image. Only one will wish me and wait for me to wait. As I said, so be. "

    About this conspiracy say that often the guy is calling immediately after reading.

    Strong conspiracy to call a beloved person

    With the help of a conspiracy of an interesting young man or a man, you can make not only call, but also write or even come to you. You need to read words 9 times at the opened window (preferably, by heart) - the call from the beloved will not make himself wait. Text:

    "Call me, (own name) , you, (guy's name) , To my porch. Angels-guidebooks to you (guy's name) , I put it: one - front, other - rear, two - on the sides. You, angels, cute (the name of the guy) is given, the thoughts of it will appeal to me, I carry his legs to me, bring it to my threshold. Remembering me, come back I'm not in a dream. Amen (3 times) ”.

    Call and requests to meet from her beloved after the use of this conspiracy can be waited at the same evening - magic words are characterized by a very fast action.

    Another strong conspiracy for a message from a man:

    Conspiracy on a phone call from a man (for reconciliation)

    This conspiracy can be used if you quarreled with your loved ones and want to make up, or parted at all, but want to resume relationships with him. To carry out the ritual, first buy in the church 2 candles, get the most fresh photo of his beloved And place it in the frame.

    The ritual begins with memories and visualization. Remember the best and most pleasant moments that were in your relationship, imagine what they happen now, right at the moment. Then put a photo of your beloved on the table, and on the sides of it - lit candles. Persically look at the features of your native face and clear, say with confident tone:

    "Happy days with you appreciate and remember, my dear. Let you remember all this: how you can not do without me. My only thing I, let your shower flying to me. Call and talk, our senses are Sunday. Amen!"

    Be sure to configure yourself to a positive result of conspiracy and do not doubt it, and very soon you will hear the voice of your beloved.

    Conspiracy to call or wrote

    Conspiracy to call or wrote

    If your favorite man or guy stopped entering and calling does not write and in every possible way to meet you will help you a strong conspiracy so that the right person urgently called you, but this plot acts very quickly. This conspiracy needs to be read to make your beloved call, write or come To the person called him. This ritual will be able catch a melancholy And make him not just remember your existence, but also to call you or come to your meeting. Conspiracy for the call will make someone you need to remember about you and immediately call the phone. To do it yourself trouble-free rite for reminder , go in your home to the opened window and read the words of a strong conspiracy to call the one who loves and read the conspiracy so that the guy opens right now needs 9 times:

    I urge me (your name) you (the name of the man) Already to my porch.

    I put you (the name of the man) guidebook angels,

    Two on the sides, one in front, another behind,

    Cute (the name of the man) you will lead to me

    Thoughts (the name of the man) to (their name) will appear

    Legs (name of a man) to (their name) carry,

    Bring my threshold.

    I remember about, I'm not backing me in a dream.

    • "I needed that a dear husband urgently called me, and he was in the fatherland and very busy. I myself read a conspiracy so that a person called and after 10 minutes a call rang on the phone. Cute man gently talked to me on the phone and all that I wanted to hear from him, I heard. "
    • "The conspiracy to call the right person very urgently helped me in the moments of despair and was able to force the man who loves me and I really need it quickly contacted me on the phone and called himself. Now our relationship has been established and we again with my husband, that's how this strong conspiracy helped me. "
    • "If you want someone to make urgently call you a strong conspiracy so that the right person immediately called the subsidence as it is impossible. I have never believed in such a magic before, but the fate has happened so that one day I had to try myself and read this plot. What was my surprise when the phone rang and it turned out that he had called who I just read the conspiracy words. This is a miracle and conspiracy really acting. "

    Action of the conspiracy to return and the permission is very strong and starts immediately after it. Wherever a loved one, even in another city, he will have a strong desire to see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all the ways are good and the result depends on the choice of weapons. And if the beloved person went to the rival? Here the best weapon is to read a strong conspiracy on the return of your loved one, this method is very strong and faithful to which the beloved person will not be able to resist him. This vintage conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel of her husband with his wife who had left of the house

    There is a good white conspiracy to marriage by reading which you can quickly and successfully marry. You need to read this plot for Easter and make it can any woman or a girl who has no groom or he is so much determined that it does not make an offer to get married. This conspiracy will make your narrowed quickly marry the one who has read the words of an Easter conspiracy on the Easter week for a quick and successful marriage - read on

    Conspiracies for love that can be read independently can be done both during the day and at night. At night, the strongest love plot needs to be read in full moon, this time is considered to be the most suitable for the magical rites of love magic. If you need to quickly shit a person to yourself and read a strong conspiracy on love for him, you can hold a rite for eternal love using his photo and church candle of red color making everything alone. Another very good and quick plot for love is made with candles and needles and refers to black magic. As you can see conspiracies for love that you need to read a lot of candles. You can read them

    Conspiracy in the cemetery made to love is committed for life. You can read a love plot in the cemetery land as day with white light and black at night at the light of the moon. All strong conspiracies for love that you need to read in the cemetery is called a cemetery love spell on eternal love and refers to black magic. To independently make a love rite in the cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy need to be a very bold man and a lot to love that for whom you are willing to spend a ritual rite. Conspiracy to open the great secret of black wedding and you will know the best love plots that should be read in the cemetery. Choosing and executed

    Many are interested in how to independently make a conspiracy on love by photograph of a loved one. By itself, this is a very light love rite with reading the words of the magic conspiracy of the strong sense of love in humans. Conspiracy on love can be independently reading both at home and choosing a faster black conspiracy on love using the photo and spend a love ritual in the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photo of a traveled person, his presence when you will read a conspiracy for love, not required. Know that the love conspiracy spent on the photo will not be removed by it only once in his life. To

    This magic rite of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and successfully get married you only need to fulfill a simple rite with reading a love conspiracy to a meeting with your loved one. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, the fate will send you your narrowed to whom the fate is destined to become your husband. For the rite, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home seven times under running water rinse this stone reading a special conspiracy on

    In order for each he himself first wanted to make up and apologized for the quarrel, I need to look at him to read a conspiracy plot. In fact, immediately after reading, a friend will strongly want to return to his friendship and will feel the feeling of guilt for a quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is:

    This white conspiracy will help to quickly make up with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him who were to a quarrel. Read the conspiracy to reconciliation is needed in the church before the icon of the Mother of God. Very soon after the rite, you will make up and you will no longer quarrel in every trifles constantly finding the compromises that you will arrange. Put her a candle and bowing to read a white plot - prayer to make up with you need

    If there were quarrels with her husband in your family and you had a feeling that it changes, fix this situation and restore a happy family life will help this strong conspiracy on her husband from his betray. Immediately after reading a conspiracy from betrayal, her husband would love only his wife experiencing the endless feeling of love and happiness next to her. Conspiracy is read on bread that husband must eat with any food. Before sitting at the table, read this plot over the piece of bread. As soon as the husband will eat conspiracted from the change of bread, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and friendly

    From 7 to 12 March, the cheese week is the same carnival. Conspiracies on the passenger week that you need to read on your loved one that his love for you has become even stronger. After reading this love plot of the carnival, a guy or a man fell in love so much in love with you that soon it will definitely make a proposal to play a wedding and you will successfully marry a loved one for whom Most recently read a love spell. The probimum conspiracy is read on the carnival pancake which you need to treat the person of which you decided to be awesome. Here are the words of the conspiracy that you need

    January 19 On the Baptism of the Lord, it is customary to read a strong love plot for the love of the one who you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with the spell, but it is so strong that the man on whom the white bachership conspiracy read very much will love his second half and will forever love and keep her loyalty. Many who spent this magic rite on the night of baptism and spoke to the bright and strong love of his chosen one already live together in love and harmony for many years, not quarreling and without changing each other. Light a church candle holding her in his left hand right pour into a transparent glass of a sip of holy water. Not releasing the candle take the glass into the right hand and

    Conspiracy to love read in pure Thursday will forever wander to her beloved person. In love magic there are many conspiracies for love that needs to be read on their own, many of them act for any distance from the troubled forcing it to return to your favorite after a quarrel, but the strongest conspiracies are those that you need to read on large church holidays, such as a conspiracy for love in Clean Thursday about which plots for today and tell. Love conspiracy on clean Thursday you need to read on the water, but not a simple from under the tap, but on the sacred in the church, there you need to buy 1 candle that bring home for a magical rite for love a day

    To read yourself from longing for your beloved person with whom you broke up will help this light white conspiracy frees from love longing and strong sadness on a beloved and giving peace of mind for a person with whom they broke up. Three times in a row, read the words of the conspiracy from the love longing of sadness and sadness over food or drink that you need to sit down and drink in dinner, after which go to bed. In the morning I woke up with you completely get rid of the feeling of love and attachment to your former love in this way once and for all having saved yourself from love longing. Conspire words from longing and sadness that you need to read eating and drink

    To establish relationships and make up with the loved man after a quarrel (husband, wife, relatives, a friend or friend.) In the old days they read this strong conspiracy to reconciliation. Very often, after reading this conspiracy, the man on which the magical impact was directed, the first is aware of his guilt and looking for a reason to quickly reconcile. For this, in the evening, how it becomes darker, you need to go outside and walking away from the bright light. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of the first star and looking at her three times in a row to read the conspiracy forcing a person first to reconcile after

    After a quarrel with his beloved spouse, a conspiracy to reconcile the spouses who need to read immediately after the scandal and not looking at any circumstances, the spouses will quickly come to any circumstances. A conspiracy that will help to incline a person to reconciliation can both a wife and husband, as well as their parents who are experiencing their children for the happiness. This is a white plot of the prayer of Holy Irina who will help to reconcile spouses and keep peace and love in the family after a strong scandal. Consipient words need to read in front of the holy icon

In a situation where your favorite girl does not come together for a long time, it turned out, probably every man. So what to do: call yourself or sit back, expecting a lover suddenly thinks to call?

In fact, there is a more elegant method - reading conspiracy on the call of belovedAfter the utterance of which all the thoughts of the girl will be directed at you and long wait for a telephone conversation with her.

Simple conspiracies

The first simple plot read in front of the mirror,
On the surface of which the lover number is displayed with a finger:

"Black Raven Golubushka is looking for his own, misses her, she does not bother, and she brings her grains-gives it. So you fly, Vorona, to the cute of mine (name), in the hearts for me for me, the sadness of the sadness, the telephone in the handle is her tender you bring. Let it suffer greatly, it is missing for me and misses, but the number is recruiting. How the call will be heard - renting a closed marrow from it. So there is, so it will be. Amen".

Now you need cover the mirror surface An opaque cloth and not to remove it while the beloved will not call.

If you know how to concentrate and have a good imagination, then you can die Non-flat ritual:

  • go outside, looking for a deserted place;
  • raise hands and face to the sky;
  • pronounce nine times: "The sky is omnipotent, help me, slave (name), Feet.

Let my beloved slave of God (name) comes bored for me, stupid. Let the phone be in the handle take, my number will pick up, the conversation will behave. Let it suffer and falls, twisted and burns. But as My number will pick up So all her longing will leave. How my voice will hear - so full of breasts breathe. Amen".

To direct the thoughts of the girl solely on your person, read three times such a text:

"I hope to go to God, I pray,
as soon as I get up - I immediately stick.
Under the Black Earth, the worms crawl,
and above the animals live.
Above their only sunshine clearly, moon,
yes, I am alone.
I'll think about your beloved
about her beloved, beautiful,
watch hear her
immediately she will pick up my number.
Unimportant to us distance
in the soul - love suffering.
To dispel to dispel in the dust,
holds a cute phone in hands.
My number is now dialing
neither mig i do not forget.

On the candle

This rite will require a certain preparation - you should pre-purchase a red candle and print photo of belovedwhere she is in full growth and clearly visible her eyes (glasses on the face should not be).

Then the candle is installed on the table, lights up with matches, the photo is placed behind it. During a conspiracy, you should cut the flame of a burning candle with scissors, interrupting on the word "amine".

Reading conspiracy by heart12 times in a row:

"I cut, comparting, all obstacles and obstacles,
barriers and other interferences that do not give your beloved to contact me.

Let her, (name), do not drink and does not eat, my voice sounds mentally.
Velu I dial her number as soon as
strive to me, hurry, never talk to me.
Like the wax of the candle red melts from the fire dried,
so you, (name), From a statement of mine Mightly do not hide, do not hide.
May help me the highest strength. Amen".

On buttons

On any piece of fabric it is necessary sew 12 buttons Trying so that the threads are located in the form of a cross. For each of the buttons, the text is spent:

"My Lord, my God, help me and hind me.
Oh, rejupping Food, respond,
let the slave (name) misses me
from longing and mages of food does not know
not eat and does not drink until the phone takes and my roomdoes not get.
Eliminate, Feofan, all obstacles,
let our conversation award.
Do not delay it to anyone nor the ranks are high
nor Luda is simple, nor the hell himself.

The activity of the rite is practically a lightning room - a favorite girl will call or appear personally for 12 hours.

On the photo

The uniqueness of such a statement is that he does not just provoke a girl for a call, and also convinces her in delicate feelingsto you, that is, a conspiracy with a small effect of the inherent. They can be used if you want a favorite to call you after the quarrel happened.

Conspire words should be spoke three times, after which wear a photo Near the heart:
"Sad, dresses and empty,
you, (name), without me.
You did not disappear feelings
i will add fire to them.
You are getting, you grieve,
we miss the day and night.
My voicein phone
can help you.
My number dial you,
talk to me,
words their cherished
mostly saying.
I'm waiting for a call at night,
and days, and in Zarava.
You, (name), honey,
i love all the stronger.

On the candle from the church

To make this call on a phone call from your favorite person, follows buy church candle of red color. A ritual for the arriving moon is performed, the words are read by heart, the procedure is not violated. So:

  • new, bought specifically for the needle ritual, the name of the beloved is scratched on the candle;
  • at the same time, you can imagine how it misses, feels, takes a telephone tube;
  • then the needle is completely stuck to the bottom of the candle;
  • a candle is installed in a reflexion, set on fire;
  • severate pronounced Corporate words:"I am not a candle with a red needle a new one pierced, I heart and my soul my beloved (name) pierced. Now I will not miss one. Call me, Favorite! Words and matters I am Mr. As the candle burns-burns, the needle is split and the feelings (the name of the beloved) to displeps me, get sick. My number let (name) picks up, he wants to hear me. Amen".

On the thing

If you have a personal beloved thing, then the conspiracy on her phone call will be quite simple - it's enough to say certain words on the thing and soon you can talk with your beloved Moreover, the conversation initiative will come from it.

The consultation is: "What, love, don't write, do not call? I know you, like me, be sad. Take the phone rather and type my number, I will hear you glad, know - I am worthy of you. The love of our stringyour calls do not dry me. As I said, so it will be all. According to my speeches, let him happen. "

On the note

"Forgive me, our Lord! Sorry, mother of the Virgin! Sorry and bless, the desire to execute. I want to hear me the ringing bell before dawn, but here the temples of God and monasteries here. Let him call (name), my beloved. Let a voice be happy to please me. Lord forgive me! Suffering love You do not accept. Amen".

For phone

To carry out this ritual, nothing, except for your own telephone, where you can display a photo of your favorite. The ritual is carried out by placing the phone between palmsand a clear idea that he will call now.

At this time, we must mentally speak: "Remember me, suffer, miss (name). To me hurry, you will most like (name). "

How to say the words 21 times, bring the tube to the ear and imagine that you are already talking to cute. As a rule, it helps such a conspiracy during the day - your sweetheart will necessarily communicate this time.

You can also talk to a mobile phone such words that will help to make me With a long-term quarrel:

"So that you do, where I would be
the number now you scored mine.
I am, I suffer without you,
i suffer very silently loving.
(Name), call me as soon as
i can't so many days without you.
Voice I want to hear your same hour
Call, dear, I'm right now.

The simplest conspiracy is pronounced lying in bedbefore bedtime - during his reading, it should be clearly represented as a beloved call you:

"The desire is the hour performed,
It is filled with the power of God.
I wish I clean and honestly
Call, my bride.
How to give a trill call,
my longing will disappear.
Call, Favorite, Call!
God, my assists! "

On the handkerchief

For ritual, you need a new nasal handkerchief made of natural fabric. It is necessary on it tie 3 nodes Separating for each of them three times:

"One handkerchief, three nodes, go to my longing to my beloved, pass to her. Let her number get to me, quickly comes to me. I want to hear her, talk to her, I can't live without it. As the handkerchief is tied, so I with (name) is connected. Alternatively, the eternal, the times endless. Yes, it will be so so! "

Related handkerchiefs carry with them to the execution of the intended. How the mounted one will happen - burn things in a deserted place, and the ashes are dispelled from it in the wind.

Everyone wants to be happy. But not everyone knows how to correctly read a plot for happiness so that it came to your life. Share the most effective ways.

Psychologists and esoterics believe that in order to become happy, it is not enough to make all sorts of efforts. The correct attitude is also needed - positive thinking, faith in the best and lack of negative emotions.

Conspiracies for happiness are a kind of affirmation, repeating which you can attract happiness in your life. But reading the magic text may not be enough. To the ritual accurately affect, it is necessary to follow such advice:

  1. Get rid of negative emotions. Harmony, anger, envy, hatred poison your life and kill the chances of becoming happy. These emotions need to give out and get rid of them. Sorry, criticize smaller and argue, learn how to treat any situations positively.
  2. Learn to be happy yourself. If your happiness depends on something or someone, you will never get happy. If you feel good, only if you have a favorite person, money, when you lose them, goes away and happiness. You need to be able to be happy and filled with energy even alone. This will help your favorite case, hobbies, hobbies, saturated pastime. Surround yourself like-minded people.
  3. An important role is played by the environment. If your friends and relatives are often angry, complain about life, gossip and behave unworthy, communication with them is better to reduce to a minimum. Enjoy yourself with successful and happy people who are for you an example and can teach positive thinking.
  4. Conspiracies need to read in a calm and relaxed state. But at the same time you must be most concentrated on what you want to get. While reading a conspiracy for happiness, imagine that you are already happy, and good luck will come, and dreams will start come true.

Strong magic conspiracies

With three keys

In order to make this magic ritual, you will need three keys. It is important that they opened different locks. It does not matter new ones, just purchased keys or previously used.

Read the plot to the full moon or on the growing moon. During this period, the lunar energy is most favorable to attract happiness to life.

At midnight, stand up by the window, take the keys in one hand, and to another - a long thread. Concentrate and imagine what you want to get. Some time draw in the imagination of the image of your future happy life.

Then hang the keys to the thread, take it into the node and read the text of the conspiracy:

Text need to pronounce three times. After making the rite hang the key ligament over the headboard. Within a month, your life will begin to change for the better.

Important: You can not use the keys that you picked out on the street. There is a slight chance that they have already been used in magical purposes, so they can harm.

Conspiracy "12 apostles"

This conspiracy is read in the church, so it is only suitable for believing people. Atheists read such text can not be - it not only does not work, but can harm.

You can perform a ritual on any day, regardless of the phases of the moon.

You need to come to church in the morning, put candles to each of the twelve apostles. After that, you must come home and read the following words:

Read the sacred words three times. In order for the conspiracy to act, try to refrain from negative emotions, do not focus, do not use alcoholic beverages for forty days. It is desirable to observe a strict post during this period.

With two mirrors

You can use mirrors to make a magical rite. The mirror has long been considered the subject endowed with strong magical properties. Therefore, they enhance the effect of any conspiracy.

You will need a church candle and two small mirrors. The rite is held at midnight, on the night from Saturday to Sunday.

Slaps burn and put in front of you. Mirrors will place this way: one should stand behind you, the second is ahead, so that you see the reflection of yourself and the flame of the candle.

Concentrate, looking at the light of the candle, and clearly utter the following words:

The text must be pronounced three times without making a pause and not stuffing. It is better to memorize it in advance so that everything goes smoothly. After completing the rite, wait until the candle is completely fruit and go out. Wax must be collected and hide in a secluded place.

Conspiracy accurately affects if the next morning, after the ritual, visit the church and put the candle of the Virgin. Gradually, you will feel happy.

At dawn

This is the most powerful version of the conspiracy for happiness. It helps even in the most hopeless situations when it seems that the hopes for happiness no longer left.

Pronounce cherished words, just waking up, on an empty stomach. After reading a conspiracy, you can drink a glass of water, and breakfast allowed after two hours. If you are daily, without a single pass to read this plot, despondency and depression will pass, and happiness is imperceptible and quietly will go into your life.

Important: The effectiveness of magical rituals directly depends on how much you believe in the magical strength of conspiracies. If you are skeptical, do not even try it - it will not help.