The period of the Board of Nicholas 2. Nicholas II: outstanding achievements and victories

The main dates of the life and reign of Emperor Nicholas II

May 20 (perfumes day) -the Baptism of the Grand Duke in the Church of the Grand Central Tsarskoil Palace.

1877 - The appointment of General G. G. Danilovich by the teacher of the Grand Duke.

2nd of March- Nikolay Alexandrovich was declared the heir to the throne with the assignment of the title "Cesarevich" and the appointment of the Cossack troops ataman.

July- Visit Cesarevich, along with the Father, Emperor Alexander III, Moscow.

1883, May -cesarevich's participation in the coronation celebrations of the Father, Emperor Alexander III.

1884, May 6- The ceremony of the age of age, adoption by Nikolai Aleksandrovich the oath and entry into the actual service.

1888, June - August- command of His Majesty Life Guard of the Transfiguration Regiment.

17 October -the collapse of the royal train, in which the Emperor Alexander III was located and the members of his family, including Zesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich, near the Bil Station of the Kursk Kharkov-Azov Railway.

1889, January -the first acquaintance on the court ball in St. Petersburg with the future wife, Princess Hessian Alice. the 6th of May -cesarevich was appointed Flegene Adjutant, a member of the State Council and the Committee of Ministers.

October 23 - 1891, August 4 -nikolay Alexandrovich's participation in a round-the-world journey.

1891, March 17- Highest rescript Zesarevich for the discovery of the Ussuri plot of a solid Siberian railway.

April 29 (May 11) -attempt on Cesarevich, perfect in the Japanese city of Sanzo Tsuda police officer.

November 17 -Nikolay Alexandrovich was appointed Chairman of a special committee to help areas in need of localities affected by an irreservation.

1892, April - August- His service in the 1st Majesty Battery of the Guards Contino Artillery Brigade.

1893, January 2- Zesarevich was appointed commander of the 1st battalion of the Labigguardi Transobrazhensky regiment.

January 14.- Cesarevich was appointed Chairman of the Committee of the Siberian Railway (he was published until December 15, 1905).

the 5th of March- The highest rescript Cesarevich for the chairmanship in a special committee to help areas in need of localities affected by an embarrassment.

June July -a visit to the UK, meeting with the bride.

July -celebrations associated with the marriage of sister Cesarevich - Xenia Alexandrovna and the Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich.

September -the aggravation of the disease of Emperor Alexander III, moving the royal family to Livadia.

The 20th of October -the end of Emperor Alexander III, entry into the throne of the emperor Nikolai I.

October 21- bringing to the oath to the new emperor of the first chins of the courtyard; Miropomanazing of the imperor's bride and the adoption of her "Blaghetious Great Prince Alexander Fedorovna."

7 november -the funeral of Emperor Alexander III in the Petropavlovsk Cathedral of the Petropavlovsk Fortress.

1895, January 17 -nikolai II speech pronounced in the Nikolaev Hall of the Winter Palace in response to the loyal address prepared by Tver Zemstvo. Application for the continuity of the political course.

August 24-26 -the first meeting of Nicholas II as an emperor of All-Russian with the German Emperor Wilhelm II. September 23-27 -official visit to Nikolai II and Alexander Fedorovna France. (Since the World Exhibition of 1867, after the establishment of the republic, Paris was not visited.)

April 15-16 -official visit to St. Petersburg Emperor Austro-Hungary Franz Joseph. Conclusion of an agreement on maintaining an existing situation in the Balkans.

August 29 -decree, initiated in Russia the reform of the golden cash circulation.

1898, August -speech by Nicholas II with an initiative facing the governments of states accredited under the Russian court, with a proposal of the convening of the conference and discussion on it to "put the limit of growth of arms" and "Protect" the universal world.

1899, February 3 -signing Nicholas II Manifesto on Finland and publication of "basic provisions on drawing up, considering and publishing the laws issued for the Empire with the inclusion of the Grand Duch of Finland."

May 18.- The beginning of the work of the "peaceful" conference in the Hague, initiated by Nicholas P. At the conference, issues of restriction of weapons and ensuring lasting peace were discussed; Representatives of 26 countries took part in her work.

June 28 -the death of the heir to the throne, the younger brother Nicholas II Cesarevich Georgy Alexandrovich.

July August -participation of Russian troops in the suppression of the "Boxing uprising" in China. Russia's occupation of all Manchuria - from the border of the empire to the Liaodong Peninsula.

End of October - November -emperor's disease (abdominal typhoid).

July- Marriage of the sister King Olga Nikolaevna and Prince P. A. Oldenburg (marriage was terminated in September 1916).

September 20 -meeting and acquaintance of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna with the Lyon Magnetizer of Philip Pilip-Vasho, who later became the "friend of the kings."

1903, February 26- Manifesto "On presenters to the improvement of state order."

July 17-20 -nicholas II participation and some other members of the House of Romanovs in celebrations on the occasion of the canonization of the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky.

1904, January 27- Attack by Japanese destroyers of the Russian squadron, which was standing at the external Ride of Port Arthur; The beginning of the Russian-Japanese war.

June 3 -the murder of the Governor General of the Grand Duchy of Finland N. I. Bobykov.

July 30 -the birth of the son, the heir to the throne of Cesarevich and the Grand Duke Alexei Nikolayevich.

25-th of August- the appointment of Prince P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky Minister of Internal Affairs; An attempt to establish "trust" relations with society.

12 December -signing by Nikolai II Decree "On the presenters to the improvement of state order".

1905, January 6- The highest way out to Jordan (made on the Neva opposite the Jordanian entrance of the Winter Palace), during which one of the batteries "Saluteoval" king a combat card.

January 19- Reception in the tsarist village Nikolai II deputation of working capital and suburban factories and factories. From its own funds to help members of families killed and wounded on January 9, king was allocated 50 thousand rubles.

18th of Febuary- Nikolai II reskipte in the name of the Interior Minister A. G. Bulygin on the development of measures to attract the population to the discussion of legislative assumptions. Spring -the growth of agrarian riots in a number of central provinces of the Empire.

June 14-24 -the uprising on the battleship of the Black Sea Fleet "Prince Potemkin-Tavrichetic".

July 10-11 -date of emperors Nikolai II and Wilhelm II in Finnish Schkers (on Bjork Ray). The signing of the Bjork Treaty, according to which the parties should have supported each other in the event of an attack on them in Europe. Disavowed soon after signing by Nicholas II as inappropriate in the interests of France's Allied Russia.

July 18-26- Peterhof meetings under the chairmanship of Nicholas II and dedicated to the development of the State Duma project.

August 6 -the signing of a manifesto on the establishment of the State Duma ("Boyloginskaya Duma").

August 23 -the conclusion of the portsmouth treatise, which put the end of the Russian-Japanese war. The price of the world was: the loss of Russia of the southern part of Sakhalin Island, the concession of Japan, the lease of the Liaodong Peninsula with the fortresses of Port Arthur and Far, recognition of Japanese interests in Korea and the payment of Japan's monetary amounts for the Russian prisoners of war.

17 October -the signing of the manifesto "On the improvement of state order". The beginning of the new era - the era of the "Duma monarchy".

Nov. 1- Acquaintance Nikolai II and Alexandra Fedorovna with Siberian Wanderer Gregory Rasputin.

5, 7, December 11 -A special meeting chaired by the king on the discussion of the new electoral law.

December 9-19 -armed uprising in Moscow. 12 December- Publication of the royal decree with changes in the provisions on elections to the State Duma.

December 23 -reception by Nikolai II deputation of the Union of Russian People and acceptance for himself and for the heir of membership icons in the SRN.

1906, March 8 - December 15- the work of the pre-fee presence of the Orthodox Russian Church.

April 22 -instead of S. Yu. Witte, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers appointed I. L. Goremykin.

April 23 -approval of the new edition of the "Basic State Laws" of the Russian Empire, who arranged the existence of the autocratic power together with the State Duma.

April 27 -the beginning of the work of the First State Duma; Speech by Nicholas II to the deputies in the St. George Throne Hall of the Winter Palace.

July 8 -the resignation of I. L. Goremykina and the appointment of P. A. Stalypina Chairman of the Council of Ministers.

12th of August -attempt at P. A. Stolypin (the explosion of the ministerial cottage at the pharmaceutical island of St. Petersburg).

November 9- the signing of the decree on the allocation of peasants from the community to obtain land in personal property; The beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform.

25th of April- Nicholas II refusal to convene "in the near future" the Local Cathedral of the Orthodox Russian Church.

June 3- Manifesto on the dissolution of the Duma and the introduction of a new electoral law; The final suppression of the first Russian revolution.

August 18- signing in St. Petersburg Convention with Great Britain for Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet. The actual inclusion of Russia into the Entente.

June 26-27- the participation of the king in the celebrations dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Poltava battle; His meetings "With the simple people."

July August -trips Nikolai II to France and to England. Presence on marine parades; Meetings with the English king Edward VII.

October- Meeting with the Italian king Viktor Emmanuel III in Rakconiji (residence of the Italian kings near Turin).

1911, September 1 -attempt at the Chairman of the Council of Ministers P. A. Stolypin in Kiev.

1912, May- The participation of Nicholas II in the opening of the monument to Emperor Alexander III in Moscow in front of the Church of Christ the Savior.

June -meeting Nicholas II with Wilhelm II in the Baltic Port.

August 25-26 -nicholas II participation in celebrations dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Borodino battle.

October -tsearevich's disease Alexei Nikolayevich.

October 30- The secret wedding of the brother of the king, the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich and N. S. Brazoy.

May 9-11 -meetings with the German Emperor Wilhelm II and the English king Georg V in Berlin.

May- Journey Nikolai II and Alexandra Fedorovna in Russia.

September 29 -the death of Oleg Konstantinovich received at the front of the injury of the prince of Imperial blood.

August 4 - September 2- East Prussian operation of the Russian army, ending for her with complete defeat.

September 15 - October 26- Warsaw-Ivangorodskaya operation, ending with Russian troops.

October 29 - November 12 -Lodz operation that did not allow the German troops to get a strategic advantage on the Eastern Front.

October -the beginning of the successful fighting of Russian troops against Turkey.

May - August- The retreat of Russian troops from the previously captured Galicia, as well as from Poland and Lithuania, loss of part of the territories of Latvia and Belarus.

June July -the resignation of "unpopular ministers": Military - General V. A. Sukhomlinova, Interior N. A. Maksakova, Justice I. G. Scheglovitov and Ober-Prosecutor of the Holy Synod V. K. Sabler.

August 23- Acceptance of Nikolai II duties of the Supreme Commander and the appointment of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich by the governor in the Caucasus.

August- Creating a progressive block in the State Duma.

October- Acceptance of Nikolai II of the Order of St. George IV degree.

May 22 - July 31 -the offensive of Russian troops on the south-western front, Brousilov breakthrough.

Summer autumn- uprising in Central Asia.

November 26 and 30 -the strengthening of the "opposition of His Majesty": For the first time in the history of Russia, the State Council and the Congress of the Unified Nobility joined the requirement of the State Duma deputies to eliminate the influence of "dark irresponsible forces" and create a government, ready to rely on the majority in both chambers.

December 27 - 1917, February 28- Prince N. D. Golitsyn - Chairman of the Council of Ministers. The time of "Ministerial Czechards".

November 5- Wedding of the sister of King Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna and Headquarters Rothmistra N. A. Kulikovsky.

21 December- The presence of Nicholas II and Alexandra Fedorovna at the funeral of Grigory Rasputin in the royal village.

28th of February- adoption by the Temporary Committee of the State Duma of the final decision on the need to renounce the king in favor of the heir to the throne in the regen of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich; the beginning of the arrests of the royal ministers; Departure of Nicholas II from bet to Petrograd.

2nd of March -unsuccessful attempts of the king to find a compromise with the State Duma; obtaining telegrams from front commander; The signing of the manifesto on the renunciation of the throne for himself and for Cesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich in favor of the brother - the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich.

March, 6 - adoption by the temporary government (under pressure from the executive committee of the Petrogradsky Council of Workers and Soldiers)) Decisions on the arrest of Nicholas II.

March 9 - July 31- The stay of Nicholas II with the family under arrest in the Alexander Palace of the Tsarist village.

April 30 -translation to a new place - in the Ekaterinburg House of Special Forces ("House of Ipatiev").

On the night of July 16th on July 17- Murder of Nicholas II, Alexandra Fedorovna, their children and servants in the Yekaterinburg home of special purpose.

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Nicholas II - the last Russian emperor. It was on him a three-year-old history of the Board of Russia by the house of Romanov. He was the eldest son of the Imperial Four of Alexander III and Mary Fedorovna Romanov.

After the tragic death of the grandfather - Alexander II, Nikolay Alexandrovich officially became the heir of the Russian throne. As a child, he was distinguished by great religiosity. Close-like Nikolai noted that the future emperor, "the soul is clean as a crystal, and the hot all loving."

He himself loved to go to church and pray. I really liked him to light and place the candles in front of the images. Cesarevich was very carefully followed by the process and as candles are burning, it was tushed and, tried to do it so that the grinding as little as possible smoke.

The service of Nikolai loved to sing church chorus, knew a lot of prayers, and possessed certain musical skills. Future Russian emperor, grew up a thoughtful and shy boy. At the same time, he was always persistent and firm in their views and beliefs.

Despite the childhood years, then Nicholas II was inherent in self-control. It happened that during games with boys, some misunderstandings arose. So that in a rustling of anger is not talking too much, Nicholas II just went to his room and took the book. Having calmed down, he returned to the buddies and to the game, and so, as if nothing had happened before that.

Alexander III paid a lot of attention to the formation of the Son. Nicholas II studied various sciences for a long time. Of particular importance was given a military business. Nikolay Alexandrovich was more than once at military fees, then he served in the Preobrazhensky regiment.

Military case was a great passion of Nicholas II. Alexander III as the Son grown, he took him to meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Empire. Nikolai felt greater responsibility.

A sense of responsibility for the country, forced Nikolai hard to learn. The future emperor did not part with the book, as well as mastered a complex of political and economic, legal and military sciences.

Soon Nikolai Alexandrovich went on a world journey. In 1891, he visited Japan, where I visited Therakuto monk. The monk predicted: - "The danger hovers over your head, but death will retreat, and the cane will be stronger than the sword. And the cane shines brilliantly ... "

After some time, attempts at Nicholas II took place in Kyoto. The Japanese fanatic hit the heir to the Russian throne of the saber on his head, the blade slid, and Nikolai was separated only by the dissection. Georgy immediately (the Greek Prince, who traveled with Nikolai) hit the Japanese his cane. The emperor was saved. The prophecy of Teracuta came true, the cane also shone. Alexander III asked her for time at George, and soon he returned it to him, but already in the golden edging with diamonds ...

In 1891, the Russian Empire was crumbling. Nicholas II stood at the head of the Committee on the collection of donations for starving. He saw the Human Mountain, and without tired worked to help his people.

In the spring of 1894, Nicholas II received the blessing of his parents for marriage with Alice Hessen - Darmstadskaya (future empress Alexander Fedorovna Romanova). The arrival of Alice to Russia coincided with Alexander III's disease. Soon the emperor died. During the illness, Nikolai did not move away from his father. Alice adopted Orthodoxy, and was identified by Alexander Fedorovna. Then the rite of marriage of Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanova and Alexandra Fedorovna, who took place in the Church of the Winter Palace was held.

Nicholas II was married to the kingdom on May 14, 1896. After the wedding there was a tragedy on the Khodynsky field, where thousands of Muscovites came. A grand crushing happened, many people died, many were injured. In history, this event was included in the title - "Bloody Sunday".

One of the first cases of Nicholas II on the throne was to appeal to all the leading powers of the world. The Russian king, offered to reduce the weapons and create an arbitration court, in order to avoid major conflicts. The Conference was convened in the Hague, on which the general principle of resolving international conflicts was adopted.

Once, the emperor asked the head of the gendarmes when the revolution is born. The main gendarme replied that if you produce 50 thousand executions, then you can forget about the revolution. Nikolai Alexandrovich was shocked by such a statement, and with horror it is rejected. This testifies to His humanity, that only truly Christian motives were engaged in his life.

During the years of the reign of Nicholas II, about four thousand people were on the board. The executions were subjected to criminals who committed particularly serious crimes - murders, robbery. His hands did not have a draw of blood. These criminals are punishable law, the same as punishable criminals in the entire civilized world.

Nicholas II often applied humanity to revolutionary. There was a case when the student's bride sentenced to death due to revolutionary activities was submitted to Nikolay Alexandrovich's adjutant for the pardon of the groom, due to the fact that he was sick with tuberculosis and will still die. Execution of the sentence was scheduled the next day ...

The adjutant had to show great courage, asking for a sovereign from the bedroom. After hearing, Nicholas II ordered to suspend the actions of the sentence. Adjutant Emperor praised for courage, and for helping the sovereign to make a good deed. Nikolay Alexandrovich not only pardoned the student, but also sent him to personal money to be treated in the Crimea.

I will give another example of the humanity of Nicholas II. One Jewish did not have the right to enter the capital of the Empire. In St. Petersburg, she lived a sick son. Then she turned to the sovereign, and he satisfied her request. "There can be no such law that would not allow the mother to come to the sick son," said Nikolai Alexandrovich.

The last Russian emperor was a true Christian. He was inherent in meekness, modesty, simplicity, kindness ... These of his qualities were perceived as a weakness of character. What was far from right away.

Under Nicolae II, the Russian empire developed dynamically. Over the years of his reign, several vital reforms were conducted. Witte's monetary reform made a ruble leading world currency. The agrarian reform of Stolypin promised to delay the revolution for a long time, and was generally very progressive.

Also, at Nikolae, Alexandrovich Romanov in Russia appeared the State Duma, however, of course, this measure was forced. The economic and industrial development of the country under Nicolae II occurred by sevenmal steps. He very checked to state affairs. He himself constantly worked with all the papers, and did not have the secretary. Even printing on envelopes, the sovereign imposed himself personally.

Nikolay Alexandrovich was an exemplary family man - the father of four daughters and one son. Great Princess: Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia Souls did not care in her father. Special relations in Nicholas II were with Tsarevich Alexei. The emperor took him to the military sights, and during the First World War, took with him in the bet.

Nicholas II was born on the day of the memory of the Holy Multi-Straded Job. Nikolay Alexandrovich himself repeatedly said that he was destined to suffer all his life, like Iowa. So it came out. The emperor had the opportunity to survive the revolutions, the war with Japan, the first world, the heir's disease - Tsarevich Alexey, the death of loyal - civil servants from the hands of terrorists - revolutionaries.

Nicholas, together with his family, graduated from His family in the basement of the Ipatiev House, in Yekaterinburg. Nicholas II family was brutally killed by Bolsheviks 07/17/1918. In the post-Soviet time, the members of the imperial family were counted for the face of the Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Nikolay The second is the last Russian emperor, who became a story as the most weakweight king. According to historians, the management of the country for the monarch was a "heavy curb", but this did not prevent him from making a mortgage in the industrial and economic development of Russia, despite the fact that in the country during the reign of Nicholas II, a revolutionary movement was actively increasing, and the foreign policy situation was complicated. . In modern history, the Russian emperor is mentioned by the epithets "Nikolai Bloody" and "Nikolai Martyr", as the assessments of the activities and the nature of the king are ambiguous and contradictory.

Nikolai II was born on May 18, 1868 in the royal village of the Russian Empire in the imperial family. For his parents, and he became the eldest son and the only heir to the throne, which from the earliest years taught the future cause of his whole life. The Englishman Karl His was engaged in the upbringing of the future king from birth, who trained young Nikolay Alexandrovich freely in English.

The childhood of the heir to the royal throne took place in the walls of the Gatchina Palace under the clear leadership of his father Alexander III, who brought up his children in a traditional religious spirit - he allowed them to play and stir into the measure, but at the same time did not allow the manifestation of laziness in their studies, preserving all the thoughts of sons about The future throne.

At the 8th age, Nikolai second began to receive a general education at home. His training was conducted within the framework of the general gemnasic course, but the future king did not show a special zerry and desire for study. His passion was a military business - already in 5 years he became the chief of the Life Guard of the reserve infantry regiment and gladly mastered military geography, legal state and strategy. Lectures at the future monarch read the best scientists with world names, who were personally picked up for the son of Tsar Alexander III and his wife Maria Fedorovna.

Especially the heir succeeded in the study of foreign languages, so in addition to English, he owned French, German and Danish languages. After eight years, the general gymnasium program, Nicholas, began to teach the necessary higher sciences for the future statesman, part of the Economic Department of the Legal University.

In 1884, at the achievement of the majority, Nicholas II brought the oath in the Winter Palace, after which he entered the actual military service, and in three years he began to regular military service, for which he was awarded the title of Colonel. Completely moving away to the military case, the future king easily adapted to the inconveniences of army life and transferred the service in the army.

The first acquaintance with state affairs at the heir to the throne took place in 1889. Then he began to attend the meetings of the State Council and the Cabinet of Ministers, in which the father introduced him to the case and shared experiences how to manage the country. In the same period, Alexander III made numerous journeys with her son, which began from the Oil East. Over the next 9 months, they traveled Greece, India, Egypt, Japan and China by the sea, and then throughout Siberia, they returned to the Russian capital.

Climbing to the throne

In 1894, after the death of Alexander III, Nikolai, the second joined the throne and solemnly promised to guard the autocracy also firmly and steadily as his late parent. The coronation of the last Russian emperor took place in 1896 in Moscow. These solemn events were marked by the tragic events on the Khodynsky field, where during the distribution of royal gifts there were mass riots, picking up life thousands of citizens.

Because of the massive crush, the monarch who came to power wanted to even cancel the evening ball on the occasion of his climb on the throne, but later decided that the Khodyan catastrophe is a real misfortune, but it is not worth overshadowing the holiday of coronation. These events, the educated society perceived as a challenge, which was the bookmark of the foundation into the creation of a liberation movement in Russia from the king dictator.

Against the background of this, the emperor in the country introduced a tough internal policy, according to which any dissent among the people was pursued. In the first few years of the reign of Nikolai second in Russia, a population census was conducted, and a monetary reform was carried out, which established the Golden Standard of the ruble. Golden ruble Nicholas II was equated to 0.77 grams of pure gold and was half a "harder" brand, but twice the "easier" dollar at the rate of international currencies.

In the same period, "Stolypin" agricultural reforms were held in Russia, factory legislation was introduced, several laws on the mandatory insurance of workers and universal primary education were adopted, as well as the tax fee from the landowners of Polish origin and canceled the penalties, such as a reference to Siberia.

In the Russian Empire, large-scale industrialization was held during Nicholas, the rates of agricultural production were increased, coal and oil production started. At the same time, thanks to the last Russian emperor, more than 70 thousand kilometers of the railway were built in Russia.

Board and renunciation

The reign of Nikolai second in the second stage passed during the aggravation of the internal political life of Russia and a rather complex foreign policy situation. At the same time, he in the first place was the Far Eastern direction. The main obstacle to the Russian monarch to predominance in the Far East was Japan, which, without warning in 1904, attacked Russian escardu in the port city of Port Arthur and due to the inaction of the Russian leadership, defeated the Russian army.

As a result of the failure of the Russian-Japanese war in the country began to rapidly develop a revolutionary situation, and Russia had to give Japan southern part of Sakhalin and the rights to the Liaodan Peninsula. It was after this that the Russian emperor lost authority in the intelligent and ruling circles of the country, who accused the king in defeat and connections with the unofficial "advisor" of the monarch, but those who were considered a charlatan and a fraudster, who had a complete impact over Nikolai second.

The first world war of 1914 was the turning point in the biography of Nicholas II. Then the emperor was trying to avoid the bloody slaughter with all the forces on the advice of Rasputin, but Germany went to Russia to Russia, which was forced to defend themselves. In 1915, the monarch took over the military command of the Russian army and personally went to the front, inspecting the military units. At the same time, he made a number of fatal military mistakes, which led to the collapse of the Dynasty of the Romanov and the Russian Empire.

The war aggravated the internal problems of the country, all military failures surrounded by Nicholas of the second assigned to him. Then in the government of the country began "treason nest", but despite this, the emperor, together with England and France, developed a plan for the general onset of Russia, which was to end the military confrontation by the country to the summer of 1917.

Nikolai's plans were not destined to come true - at the end of February 1917, mass uprisings against the royal dynasty and the current government began in Petrograd, which he initially intended to stop the power methods. But the military did not obey the orders of the king, and the members of the Sweet Monarch persuaded him to renounce him from the throne, which allegedly helps to suppress unrest. After several days of painful reflections, Nicholas II decided to renounce the throne in favor of his brother, Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, who refused to take the crown, which meant the end of the Romanov dynasty.

Shot of Nicholas II and his family

After signing the king of the manifesto on renunciation, the provisional government of Russia issued an order for the arrest of the royal family and its approximate. Then many have betrayed the emperor and escaped, so only the units of loved ones from his environment agreed to divide the tragic fate of the monarch, who, together with the king, were sent to Tobolsk, from where, allegedly, the Nicholas family should have been shipped to the United States.

After the October Revolution and coming to power, the Bolsheviks, led by the royal family, transported to Yekaterinburg and concluded in the "House of Special Forces". Then the Bolsheviks began to enter the plan of the lawsuit over the monarch, but the civil war did not allow their intention.

Because of this, in the upper echelons of Soviet power, it was decided to shoot the king and his family. On the night of July 16, July 17, 1918, the family of the last Russian emperor was shot in a semi-basement room of the house, in which Nicholas II was imprisoned. The king, his wife and children, as well as several of his approximal, brought to the basement under the pretext of evacuation and were shot without explanation, after which the victims were taken outside the city, their bodies burned with Kerosene, and after buried in Earth.

Personal life and royal family

The personal life of Nicholas of the Second, unlike many other Russian monarchs, was the standard of the highest family virtue. In 1889, during the visit of the German princess Alice Hesse Darmstadt to Russia, Zesarevich Nikolay Alexandrovich paid special attention to the girl and asked the father of blessing to marry her. But parents did not agree with the choice of the heir, so the son refused to son. It did not stop Nikolai II, who did not lose hope of marriage with Alice. They were helped by the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, the sister of the German princess, having made a secret correspondence with the young in love.

After 5 years, Zesarevich Nikolai again persistently asked the consent of his father to marriage with the German princess. Alexander III in view of a sharply deteriorating health allowed the Son to marry Alice, which after the world-building became. In November 1894, a wedding of Nikolai Second and Alexandra took place in the Winter Palace, and in 1896, the spouses accepted coronation and officially became rulers of the country.

In marriage, Alexandra Fedorovna and Nikolai II were born - 4 daughters (Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia) and the only heir to Alexei, who had a serious hereditary disease - hemophilia associated with blood coagulation process. Tsearevich's disease Alexei Nikolayevich forced the royal family to get acquainted with Gregory Rasputin widely known at that time, who helped the Tsarist Heir to fight the attacks of the disease, which allowed him to acquire a huge impact on Alexander Fedorovna and Emperor Nicholas Second.

Historians report that the family for the last Russian emperor was the most important sense of life. He always spent most of the time in a family circle, did not like his secular pleasures, especially cherished his peace, habits, health and well-being of relatives. At the same time, the emperor was not alien to the worldly passion - he was glad to hunt, participated in riding competitions, rode ice skating and played hockey with Azart.

Emperor Nicholas II and his family

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Romanov, the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Mary Fedorovna, who became the name of Nicholas II by the last emperor of Russia, was born 6 (18) May 1868 in the royal village - a country tsarist residence near St. Petersburg.

From the early years, Nikolai experienced a craving for the military business: he knew the traditions of the officer and military charters thoroughly, in relation to the soldiers felt herself a patron of a mentor and did not hurt them to communicate with them, patiently endured the inconvenience of Army Budy on camp fees and maneuvers.

Immediately after birth, he was enrolled in the lists of several Guards regiments. His first military rank is an ensign - he received at seven years, twelve was produced in the companions, after four years he became a guarantor.

The last emperor of Russia Nicholas II

In July 1887, Nikolay began regular military service in the Preobrazhensky regiment and was produced in headquarters, in 1891 he received the rank of captain, and in a year - Colonel.

Hard times powers

The emperor Nikolai became at the age of 26, October 20, 1894, he accepted the crown in Moscow under the name of Nicholas II. His Board had to for the period of a sharp aggravation of the political struggle in the country, as well as the foreign policy situation: the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905, bloody Sunday, the revolution of 1905-1907 in Russia, the First World War, the February Revolution of 1917.

During the reign, Nikolai Russia turned into an agrarian-industrial country, the city was growing, railways, industrial enterprises were built. Nikolai has supported the decisions aimed at the economic and social modernization of the country: the introduction of the Golden Circuit of the ruble, the Stolypin agrarian reform, the laws on the insurance of workers, universal primary education, violence.

In 1906, the State Duma established by the Tsarist Manifesto on October 17, 1905 began to work. For the first time in the domestic history, the emperor began to rule in the presence of a representative body elected from the population. Russia gradually began to transform into a constitutional monarchy. However, despite this, the emperor still had enormous powerful functions: he had the right to issue laws (in the form of decrees), to appoint the Prime Minister and ministers accountable only to him, to identify the course of foreign policy. He was the head of the army, the court and the earthly patron of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Empress Alexander Fedorovna (nee princess Alice Hesse Darmstadt) was for the king not only his wife, but also a friend, the adviser. Habits, ideas and cultural interests of spouses largely coincided. They married on November 14, 1894. They had five children: Olga (1895 birth), Tatiana (1897), Maria (1899), Anastasia (1901), Alexey (1904).

The drama of the royal family was Alexei's son's disease - hemophilia. As already mentioned, this incurable disease led to the appearance in the royal house "healer" Grigory Rasputin, who repeatedly helped Alexey to overcome her attacks.

The turning point in the fate of Nikolai was 1914 - the beginning of the First World War. The king did not want war and until the very last moment I tried to avoid a bloody collision. However, on July 19 (August 1), 1914, Germany declared war of Russia.

In August 1915, in the period of military failure, Nikolai accepted the military command and now I only occasionally in the capital, spent most of the time at the rate of the Supreme Commander in Mogilev.

War aggravated the internal problems of the country. At the king and his entourage began to place the main responsibility for military failures and the protracted military campaign. Approval was spread that in the government "the treason nest".

Renunciation, arrest, execution

At the end of February 1917, the unrest began in Petrograd, which, without meeting serious counteraction by the authorities, in a few days, turned into mass performances against the government and the dynasty. Initially, the king intended to restore order in Petrograd by force, but when it turned out the scale of the riots, refused this thought, fearing the big bloodshed. Some high-ranking military ranks, members of the imperial suite and politicians convinced the king in the fact that the change of the country requires a change of government that it is necessary to renounce it from the throne. On March 2, 1917, in Pskov, in the salon-car of the imperial train, after painful thinking, Nikolai signed an act of renunciation, having passed the power to his brother to the great prince Mikhail Alexandrovich, but he did not accept the crown.

March 9, Nikolay and the royal family were arrested. The first five months they were protected in the royal village, in August 1917 they were sent to Tobolsk. Six months after the victory of the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks were transferred to Romanovs to Ekaterinburg. On the night of July 17, 1918, in the center of Yekaterinburg, in the basement of the House of Engineer of the Ipatiev, the royal family was shouting without trial.

The decision on the execution of the former Emperor of Russia and his family accepted by the UralsPolkom - on his own initiative, but from the actual "blessing" of the Central Soviet authorities (including Lenin and Sverdlov). In addition to Nicholas II, his wife, four daughters and son Alexei, as well as Dr. Botkin and servants - Cook, Maid and Uncle Alexei (only 11 people) were shot.

He led the execution commandant "Special Purpose House" Yakov Yurovsky. At about midnight, July 16, 1918, he instructed Dr. Botkin to bypass the sleeping members of the royal family, wake them up and ask to get dressed. When Nikolai II appeared in the corridor, the commandant explained that the White Army comes to Ekaterinburg and to protect the king and his relatives from the artillery shelling, everyone is transferred to the basement. By convoy, they were taken to the angular semi-base room with a size of 6x5 meters. Nikolai asked permission to take two chairs to the basement - for himself and his wife. Sick Son Emperor carried on his hands himself.

As soon as they entered the basement, how a shot team appeared after them. Yurovsky solemnly said:

"Nikolai Aleksandrovich! Your relatives tried to save you, but they did not have to. And we are forced to shoot you yourself ... "

He began to read the papers of the UralsPolom. Nikolay II did not understand what it was about, briefly asked: "What?"

But here came the weapons raised, and everything became clear.

"The Queen and daughter Olga tried to set themselves with a congestion," recalls one of the guards, "but did not have time. Shots rang out ... the king could not stand the only bullet Nagana, with force fell back. The remaining ten people fell. On the lying there were a few more shots ...

... The electric light covered the smoke. Shooting stopped. The doors of the room were opened so that the smoke was dissipated. Brought stretchers, began to remove the corpses. When they put one of the daughters on the stretcher, she cried and closed her face with her hand. Others were also alive. It was impossible to shoot with the opened doors, the shots could be heard on the street. Ermakov took me a rifle with a bayonet and didolol all who turned out to be alive. "

To the hour of the night on July 17, 1918, everything was over. The corpses carried out of the basement and immersed in a pre-driving truck.

The fate of the remains

According to the official version, the body of Nicholas II, as well as the body of the members of his family and the approximents poured with sulfuric acid and buried in a secret place. Since then, contradictory information continues to enter the future fate of the August.

So, emigrated in 1919 and residing in Paris writer Zinaida Shakhovskaya in an interview with the Soviet journalist said: "I know where the remains of the royal family were taken away, but I don't know where they are now ... Sokolov, having gathered these remains in several boxes, transferred them General Zhanneu, who was the head of the French Mission and the Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Parts in Siberia. Jannend brought them with him to China, and then to Paris, where he handed over these boxes to the Council of Russian ambassadors, which was created in emigration. It also included royal ambassadors, and ambassadors already appointed by the Provisional Government ...

Initially, these remains were kept in the estate of Mikhail Nikolayevich Girs, appointed by the ambassador to Italy. Then, when Girsu had to sell the estate, Maclakov was transferred, who put them in a safe of one of the French banks. When the Germans occupied Paris, they demanded that Maclakova, threatening to him, pass the remains on the grounds that the bank of Alexander was the German princess. He did not want, resisted, but was old and dismissed and gave relics, which, apparently, were taken to Germany. Perhaps they were from the Hessen descendants Alexandra, who buried them in some secret place ... "

But the writer helium Ryabov argues that the royal remains abroad were not exported. According to him, he found the exact burial place of Nicholas II near Yekaterinburg, and on June 1, 1979, along with the assistants illegally learned from the land remains of the royal family. Two skulls of Ryabov took to Moscow to expertise (at that time the writer was close to the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs). However, none of the experts dared to engage in the study of the remains of Romanov, and the writer had to return the skull in the grave unidentified in the same year. In 1989, Ryabov volunteered to help the Specialist of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the RSFSR Sergey Abramov. In the photographs and castlers of the skulls, he suggested that all buried in the open ripple grave are members of one family. Two skulls belong to the fourteen-sixteen feet (children of Tsar Alexey and Anastasia), one - a person of 40-60 years old, with traces from strikes with a sharp subject (Nicholas II hit the head of some fanatic police officer (Nikolai II during a visit to Japan).

In 1991, the local authorities of Yekaterinburg, on their own initiative, held another autopsy of the alleged burial of the imperial family. A year later, experts confirmed that the remains found belong to Romanov. In 1998, these remains in the presence of President Yeltsin were solemnly buried in the Petropavlovsk fortress in St. Petersburg.

However, on this epic with the royal remains did not end. For more than ten years, the controversy of the authenticity of officially buried remains has not ceased among scientists and researchers, the dispensing results of their numerous anatomical and genetic examinations are discussed. There are reports of new finds of the remains, allegedly owned by members of the royal family or their approximate.

Versions of salvation members of the royal family

However, from time to time about the fate of the king and his family, sensational statements are made: that no one has been shot of them, and they all saved, or that some of the king's children were saved, etc.

So, according to one of the versions, Tsarevich Alexey died in 1979 and was buried in St. Petersburg. And his sister Anastasia lived until 1971 and buried under Kazan.

Only recently a psychiatrist Dalila Kaufman decided to open a secret that tormented her about forty years. After the war, she worked in Petrozavodsk psychiatric hospital. In January 1949, there was a prisoner in a state of acute psychosis. Filipp Grigorievich Semenov turned out to be a man of broader erudition, intelligent, excellently brought up with several languages. Soon a forty-five-year-old patient admitted that he was the son of Emperor Nicholas II and the heir to the throne.

Initially, doctors responded usual: paranoid syndrome with Majesti Mania. But the more they communicated with Philippe Grigorievich, than attentively analyzed his bitter story, the more doubts were overcome: paranoids do not lead themselves. Semenov did not grow hard, did not insist on his own, did not enter into disputes. He did not strive to stay in the hospital and with the help of an exotic biography to facilitate his life.

Hospital consultant in those years was the Leningrad Professor Samuel Ilich Handelevich. He perfectly understood in all the subtleties of the life of the royal court. Handelevich arranged a strange patient a real exam: "chased" him on the shakers of the Winter Palace and County Residences, checked the dates of the tosenitism. For Semenov, this information was ashorid, he answered instantly and for sure. Handelevich conducted a personal inspection of the patient and studied the story of his illness. He noted the cryptorchism (uncomplication of one egg) and hematuria (the presence in the urine of red blood cells) - the frequent consequence of hemophilia, which, as is known, suffered in childhood Cesarevich.

Finally, the external similarity of Philip G. Grigorievich with Romanovs simply rushed into the eyes. Especially he looked like not on the "father" - Nicholas II, but on "Prapraded" Nikolai I.

But the mysterious patient himself spoke about himself.

During the shooting, the Chekist bullet hit him into the buttock (at the appropriate place he had a scar), he fell unconscious, and woke up in an unfamiliar basement, where some kind of man was keen. A few months later, he transported Cesarevich to Petrograd, settled in the mansion on a millionth street in the house of the architect Alexander Pomerantsev and gave him the name Vladimir Irin. But the heir to the throne escaped and signed up by a volunteer in the Red Army. He studied in the Balaclava School of Red Commanders, then he commanded a cavalry squadron in the first equestrian army of Budenny. Participated in battles with Wrangel, thundered Basmachi in Central Asia. For the manifested courage, the commander of the Red Cavalry, Voroshilov handed the Irina diploma.

But the person who saved him in 1918, found Irina and began to blackmail. I had to assign the name of Philip G. Grigorievich Semenov - a deceased wife's relative. After graduating from the Plekhanovsky Institute, he became an economist, travelers went to construction, constantly changing registration. But the fraudster again launched his sacrifice and forced him to give him stateless money, for which Semenov received 10 years of camps.

In the late 90s, on the initiative of the English newspaper Daily Express, his eldest son Yuri passed blood for genetic examination. Conducted it in an Aldermast laboratory (England) specialist in genetic research Dr. Peter Gil. Compare DNA "Grandson" Nikolai II Yuri Filippovich Semenov and English Prince Philip - Romanov's relative through the English Queen Victoria. Of the three tests, two coincided, and the third turned out to be neutral ...

As for Princess Anastasia, it allegedly also miraculously survived after the execution of the royal family. The history of her salvation and subsequent fate is even more amazing (and more tragic). And she is obliged to life ... his executioners.

First of all, the Austrian prisoners of war Freedom (near the relative of the future president of the Communist Czechoslovakia of Ludwig Freedom) and the Commander of the Chairman of the Ekaterinburg Emergency Investigation Commission Valentina Sakharov (the nephew of the Kolchakov General), who took the girl to the apartment of the guardian house Ivan Glezchev, unrequited in love with the seventeen-year-old Princess.

Having come to themselves, Anastasia hid at first in Perm, then in a village near the city of Glazov. It was in these places that it was seen and identified some locals who then gave the testimony of the Investigation Commission. Four confirmed the investigation: it was a royal daughter. Once, the girl came across the Red Army patrol with Perm, her brutally beaten and brought to the premises of a local CC. During her doctor, he learned the daughter of the emperor. That is why on the second day he was reported that the patient died, and even showed her grave.

In fact, she helped to run this time. But in 1920, when Kolchak lost power over Irkutsk, in this city the girl was detained and sentenced to the highest punishment. True, then the execution was replaced by 20 years of conclusion alone.

Prisons, camps and references were replaced by rare lumens for short freedom. In 1929, in Yalta, it was summoned to the GPU and charged: gives himself to the royal daughter. Anastasia - By that time, by the purchased and hand-held filled passport, Nadezhda Vladimirovna Ivanova-Vasilyeva - the charges did not recognize and, oddly enough, was released. However, not long.

Using another respite, Anastasia appealed to the Swedish embassy, \u200b\u200bseeking to find Freillina Anna Cutput in Scandinavia and received her address. And wrote. And even got from the amazed cutoff answer with a request to send a photo.

... and the photo did - in profile and face. And at the Unbian Prisoner, the Serbian Prisoner, "Schizophrenia" was diagnosed.

The place of the last imprisonment of Anastasia Nikolaevna is the Sviyazh Psychiatric Colony near Kazan. The grave is irrevocably lost by anyone - she lost and the posthumous right to establish the truth.

Was Ivanova-Vasilyeva Anastasia Romanova? It is unlikely that now it will be possible to prove it. But two indirect evidence still remained.

Already after the death of his unfortunate, her models remembered: she said that during the shooting, women sat, and men stood. Much later, it became known that in the ill-fated basement traces from the bullets and are located: some - to poured, others - at the chest level stood. There were no publications on this topic.

She also told that the cousin of Nicholas II British king Georg V received from Kolchak Floor Board from a shot basement. To read about this detail "Nadezhda Vladimirovna" could not. She could only remember her.

And yet: experts compatible halves of persons Princess Anastasia and Hope Ivanova-Vasilyeva. It turned out one face.

Of course, Ivanova-Vasilyeva was just one of those who called themselves wonderfully saved Anastasia. The three most famous impostors are Anna Anderson, Evgenia Smith and Natalia Belhodze.

Anna Anderson (Anastasia Tchaikovskaya), according to the generally accepted version, in reality was the pool, the former working one of the factories in Berlin. Nevertheless, her fictional story was based on feature films and even the cartoon "Anastasia", and Anderson itself and the events of her life were always an object of universal interest. She died on February 4, 1984 in the United States. A posthumous analysis of DNA gave a negative answer: "Not that".

Evgenia Smith is an American artist, author of the book "Anastasia. Autobiography of the Russian Great Princess. " In her, she herself called himself a daughter of Nicholas II. In fact, Smith (Smetisko) was born in 1899 at Bukovina (Ukraine). From the examination of DNA proposed in 1995, it categorically refused. Two years later, she died in New York.

Another contender-Anastasia not so long ago - in 1995 - became the centenary Natalia Petrovna Belodze. She also wrote a book called "I - Anastasia Romanova" and underwent two dozens of examinations - including the handwriting and the form of the ears. But evidence of identity in this case was found even less than in the first two.

There is another one, at first glance, a completely incredible version: neither Nikolai II, nor his family was shot, while the whole female half of the royal family was taken to Germany.

This is what Journalist Vladimir Sychev, who works in Paris, tells about it.

In November 1983, he was sent to Venice, the summit of the heads of state and governments. There, the Italian colleague showed him the newspaper La Repubblica with a message that a certain nun died in a very old age, the sister of Pascaline, who occupied an important post with Pope Xii, who was at the Vatican throne from 1939 to 1958.

This sister Pascaline, who earned the honorary nickname of the "Iron Lady" of the Vatican, before his death called the notary with two witnesses and in their presence, I was given the information that she did not want to carry into the grave: one of the daughters of the last Russian king Nicholas II - Olga - was not Shot by Bolsheviks on the night from July 16 to July 17, 1918, and lived a long life and was buried in the cemetery in the village of Marcotte in the north of Italy.

After the Sychev Summit with a friend-Italian friend, who was him and a driver, and the translator, went to this village. They found a cemetery and this grave on the stove was written in German: "Olga Nikolaevna, the eldest daughter of the Russian king Nikolai Romanova," and the dates of life: "1895-1976".

The cemetery watchman and his wife confirmed that they, like all villagers, perfectly remembered Olga Nikolaevna, knew who she was, and were confident that Russian Great Princess was under the protection of the Vatican.

This strange find is extremely interested in a journalist, and he decided to figure out in all the circumstances of the execution. And in general, was the shot?

As a result, Sychev came to the conclusion that there was no execution. On the night of July 16, July 17, all the Bolsheviks and them, sympathetically left the railway to Perm. Outlou in Yekaterinburg was discussed by leaflets with a message that the royal family from the city was taken away - as happened in reality. Soon the city took white. Naturally, the Investigation Commission was formed in the case of the disappearance of the sovereign Nikolai II, Empress, Cesarevich and Grand Duzhon, "which did not find any convincing traces of execution.

In 1919, the investigator in 1919 spoke in an interview with one American newspaper: "I don't think everything was executed here - and the king, and his family. In my opinion, the Empress, Tsarevich and the Grand Princesses were executed in the house of Ipatiev. " Such a conclusion did not suit the Admiral Kolchak, who by the time the "Supreme Ruler of Russia" had already proclaimed himself. And the truth is why the "Supreme" is some emperor? Kolchak ordered to assemble the second investigative brigade, and she came to the point that in September 1918, the empress and the Grand Princessed were kept in Perm.

Only the third investigator, Nikolai Sokolov (he led the case from February to May 1919), turned out to be defiant and issued an on-Mount of a well-known conclusion that the whole family was shot, the corpses are dismembered and burned in the fires. "The part does not respond to the action - wrote Sokolov, - collapsed with sulfuric acid."

What remains were, in this case, buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral? As you know, soon after the start of the restructuring on the piglet log under Yekaterinburg, some skeletons were found. In 1998, they were solemnly reburied in the generic tomb of Romanov, after these numerous genetic examinations. And the guarantor of the authenticity of the royal remains was the secular power of Russia represented by President Boris Yeltsin. About whose remains, there are no other opinions so far.

But back in the times of the Civil War. According to Vladimir Sychev, in Perm, the royal family was divided. The path of women was lying in Germany, the men - Nikolai Romanova himself and Tsarevich Alexey - left in Russia. Father and son kept for a long time under Serpukhov on the former dacha of the merchant Konshin. Later in the NKVD reports, this place was known as "Object No. 17". Most likely, Tsarevich died in 1920 from hemophilia. Regarding the fate of the last Russian emperor there are no information. However, it is known that in the 1930s "Object No. 17" was visited twice with Stalin. Does this mean that in those years Nicholas II was still alive?

To understand why the XXI century events are possible from the point of view of the human point of view of the XXI century, and find out who they needed, will have to come back in 1918. As is known, on March 3 in Brest-Litovsk between Soviet Russia on the one hand and Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, a peace treaty was concluded. Russia lost Poland, Finland, Baltic States and part of Belarus. But not because of this, Lenin called the Brest world "humiliating" and "sick." By the way, the full text of the contract has not yet been published in the East or in the West. Most likely, precisely because of the secret conditions available in it. Probably, the Kaiser, who was a relative of the Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, demanded to convey Germans of all women of the royal family. The Bolsheviks agreed: the girls did not have rights to the Russian throne and, therefore, they could not threaten to threaten. Men were left in hostages - to ensure that the German army does not fall east further than spelled out in a peace treaty.

What was then? How was the fate of women exported to the West? Was therecing their silence with a prerequisite for their immunity? Unfortunately, there are more questions here than answers (1; 9, 2006, No. 24, p. 20, 2007, No. 36, p. 13 and No. 37, p. 13; 12, p. 481-482, 674-675 ).

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Part Two Emperor Nicholas II and His August Mother Chapter First Wedding Emperor Nicholas II and German Princess Alice Hessian 14 (26) November 1894, on the birthday of Empress Maria Fedorovna, 25 days after the death of Emperor Alexander III in the Church

From the book of the head of the state of the Russian. Outstanding rulers about which the whole country should know Author Lubchenkov Yuri Nikolaevich

Chapter XI Emperor Nicholas II 1Kak and his father, Emperor Alexander III, Emperor Nicholas II was not intended for reign. The slender line of continuity from the Father to the Elder Son was violated by the premature death of the eldest son of Emperor Alexander II,

From the book of the author

Emperor Nicholas II (1868-1918) My love, it lacks you, so lacking that it is impossible and express! The first meeting of the future emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanova with Princess Alice Hessen took place in 1884, and a few years later he makes her

From the book of the author

Emperor Nicholas II - Wife Alexander Fedorovna (November 18, 1914) My beloved Sunny, Dushka-wife. I read your letter and almost dispersed ... This time I managed to take myself in my hands at the time of parting, but it was heavy ... My love, scary you

From the book of the author

Emperor Nicholas I Pavlovich 1796-1855 The third Son of Emperor Paul I and Empress Mary Fedorovna. Born on June 25, 1796 in the Tsarskoye Selo. The general supervision of his upbring was instructed by General M.I. Lamsdorf. The person is harsh, cruel and to extremely hot-tempered, Lamsorf is not

From the book of the author

Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich 1868-1918 Son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Mary Fedorovna. Born May 1868 in the Tsarskoye Selo.Gazets on October 21, 1894 published a manifesto about the eorde on the throne of Emperor Nicholas II. The young king was immediately surrounded

Nikolai 2nd (May 18, 1868 - July 17, 1918) - the last Russian emperor, the son of Alexander 3rd. He received a brilliant education (he studied history, literature, economics, jurisprudence, military case, perfectly mastered the three languages: French, German, English) and early ascended for the throne (at the age of 26) due to the death of his father.

Such a brief biography of Nicholas 2nd history of his family. On November 14, 1894, the German princess Alisa Hessian (Alexander Fedorovna) became the wife of Nicholas 2nd. Soon they had the first daughter of Olga (November 3, 1895). In total, there were five children in the royal family. One day was born daughters: Tatiana (May 29, 1897), Maria (June 14, 1899) and Anastasia (June 5, 1901). Everyone expected the heir who had to take the throne after his father. On August 12, 1904, Nikolai was born a long-awaited son, called him Alexei. At a three-year-old, doctors found a serious hereditary disease - hemophilia (non-blank blood). Nevertheless, he was the only heir and prepared for the Board.

On May 26, 1896, the coronation of Nicholas of the 2nd and his spouse took place. On holidays, a terrible event occurred, the name of the hatch, as a result of which 1282 people died in a pressure.

During the reign of Nikolai 2nd in Russia, a rapid economic rise was observed. The agricultural sector intensified - the country became the main exporter of agricultural products in Europe, a steady gold currency was introduced. Industry developed actively: the city was grew, enterprises, railways were built. Nikolai 2nd was a reformer, for the workers, he introduced a normalized day, provided them with insurance, conducted the reform of the army and fleet. The emperor supported the development of culture and science in Russia.

But, despite significant improvements, folk unrest took place in the country. In January 1905, there was an incentive to which it became. As a result, on October 17, 1905, he was adopted. It spoke about civil liberties. A parliament was created, which included the State Duma and the State Council. 3 (16) June 1907 held the third-June coup, which changed the rules of elections in the Duma.

In 1914, it began, as a result of which condition inside the country worsened. Failures in battles undermined the authority of King Nicholas 2nd. In February 1917, in Petrograd rose an uprising that has reached the grand scale. March 2, 1917, fearing the mass bloodshed, Nikolai 2nd signed an act of renunciation from the throne.

On March 9, 1917, the Provisional Government arrested all and sent to the royal village. In August, they were transported to Tobolsk, and in April 1918 - in the last destination - Ekaterinburg. On the night of July 16, July 17, Romanovs were taken to the basement, read the death sentence and were executed. After a thorough investigation, it was determined that anyone from the royal family could have been saved.