Recipes of laundry muffins. Simple recipe for laundry muffins with photos Lean Muffins from Cocoa

Recipes Muffins

Simple dietary recipes, laundry muffins with banana, orange. Lean cherry, apple, carrot muffins, juicy and beautiful muffins with berries.

50 min

228.5 Kcal

5/5 (1)

When you stick to some diet or keep the post, then your diet is a bit limited. But this is not a reason to deny yourself in small delicious joys, and the word "lean" does not mean "tasteless". There are many interchangeable products. And when preparing some dishes, you can do without any ingredients.
I will prove it to you, having prompted the recipes for which dietary muffins are very easily prepared, and you will be happy to drink a cup of coffee or tea with them.

Lean banana Muffins

Capacity for dough, bunch, blender, molds for muffins, baking sheet.

List of ingredients:

Since the dough on the Madfin is preparing quickly, then heat the first thing the oven to 180 °. Treat and measure everything you need immediately so that it is at hand.

  1. Banana crush for a fork or make a banana puree in a blender.
  2. Pour water into the tank water and dissolve sugar in it. It can be replaced by fructose or other sugar substitute.
  3. We sift in a container with water flour and redeemed soda.
  4. We mix the dough without lumps.
  5. Purchase butter. Stir again.
  6. At the end, add puree from Banana and bring to uniformity.
  7. Molds, if necessary, lubricate or stagged with paper tartlets.
  8. Fill the molds on a 3/4 banana test and put them on the baking sheet.
  9. Preparing Muffins about 35 minutes.
Similarly, you can cook.

Lean carrot Muffins

List of ingredients:

  • 80 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 6 tbsp. sugar usual;
  • 240 g of flour;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tsp. soda redeemed;
  • 100 ml of carrot or water juice.

Kitchen appliances and equipment: Capacity for the dough, whisk, grater, molds for muffins, paper tartlets, baking sheets.
Number: 8-10 pieces.
Cooking will take: 50 minutes.

  1. Heat oven to 180 °.
  2. Purified carrot riveted on the shallow side of the grater.
  3. Sugar we carry immediately in the tank for the dough with vegetable oil.
  4. We pour juice or water, as well as redeemed soda and mix.

    Using carrot juice Muffin will be more saturated taste and beautiful, ruddy color.

  5. Syll of flour and mix to a viscous and homogeneous state.
  6. At the end of the mixing, we introduce carrots in the dough.
  7. We drag the molds with paper tartlets or lubricate oil.
  8. Fill their dough more than half, and put on a baking sheet.
  9. We send a bail with blanks for 35 minutes in the oven.
  10. Top readiness or sprinkle. If necessary, then add.
  11. Take out of the molds and cool.

Lean Muffins with Berries

List of ingredients:

  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 5 tbsp. sugar usual;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • paul Art. starch;
  • paul Art. berries;
  • 1 tsp. soda redeemed;
  • 100 ml of water.

Kitchen appliances and equipment: Capacity for dough, whisk, mobs for muffins, baking sheet.
Number: 8-10 pieces.
Cooking will take: 50 minutes.

  1. Turn on the stove 180 °.
  2. We stir in a comfortable ass. Oil and sugar.
  3. Add redeemed soda and water. Mix.
  4. Syll of flour and, mixing until homogeneous, we get the dough.
  5. Call berries in Starchmale.
  6. We shift them into the dough and gently mix.
  7. We drag the molds with paper tartlets and on the third fill in the berry dough.
  8. Bastard with molds put on middle position.
  9. We bake 40 minutes and check the readiness with a spitting or match.
  10. Take out and cool.

Lean orange Muffins

List of ingredients:

  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oils;
  • 6 tbsp. sugar usual;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 tsp. soda redeemed;
  • 15 tbsp. Wheat flour;
  • 80 ml of water.

Number: 8-10 pieces.
Cooking will take: 50 minutes.

  1. Mix oil with sugar.
  2. We add water to them, soda and stir.
  3. We skip through the meat grinder orange or crushing in a blender.
  4. Put the orange mass into the container to the rest of the products and mix.
  5. Syll of flour and knead the viscous dough.
  6. Shopping molds with tartlets, fill their test.
  7. At 180 °, we prepare the post maffins with an orange approximately 45 minutes.
  8. Toothpick or match check availability.

Long Muffins with Apples

  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp.;
  • ordinary sugar 4 tbsp.;
  • flour 10 tbsp.;
  • apple 1-2 pieces;
  • soda redeemed 1 tsp;
  • water 100 ml;
  • cinnamon.

Kitchen appliances and equipment: Capacity for dough, bunch, blender, mobs for Madfins, baking sheet.
Number: 8-10 pieces.
Cooking will take: 50 minutes.

  1. Sugar with vegetable oil and add a redeemed soda.
  2. Purchase water and mix.
  3. Connect with flour. It turns out a viscous mass.
  4. Cut the apple with small cubes and stirred with the dough.
  5. Fill the molds and 30 minutes we bake apple muffins at 180 ° until readiness.

Calorie: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

Will you fast? However, it does not matter, regardless of your power mode in the current period of time, I insist that you taste these cupcakes. I insist very and very intrusive: the dough comes out soft, wet, very fragrant and pleasant to taste.

Yes, and the recipe for Madfins is flawless. In my understanding, lean pastries should not take away a lot of strength and time - during this period, all the extra resources need to be sent to themselves, in prayer, in trying to become cleaner, better, kinder. In this regard, the Muffin data is just perfect: everything that is required of you is to measure the necessary components (three minutes of time), mix them (minute) and decompose according to the molds (two more). To brew tea while the cakes are basked in the oven, and after half an hour you can already treat and treat it - in my opinion, it is impossible to come up with anything easier.

The composition of products for laundry muffins is absolutely budget. I would say, anti-crisis - what can be more accessible pairs of glasses of flour, sugar and any juice? Is there apple? Excellent, Muffins on apple juice are very fragrant, with light sourness. Are there an apricot? Wonderful, baking will be unpatched "to give" by Kuragia. Pineapple syrup? Oh, I recommend slightly reduce the amount of sugar, this fluid itself is rather sweet. Cherry juice? Not bad, it gives the test characteristic dark shade. Orange? Oh, what fragrance broke into the kitchen! In general, an incredibly economical homemade baking option.

I will tell you a secret, once instead of juice, I took compote - it turned out just as great and tasty. I assume that you can try and with tightly boiled tea, however, until I did, I have it in the plans - maybe you will venture?

And the last - for those who desperately look for the taste of soda in all recipes. Yes, he probably is (I do not feel), but the friend has repeatedly told that the question is solved very simply: you should not have Madfins, which only got out of the oven. Wait cooling - and the outsider will die, leaving you the aroma of homemade baking, warm family evenings and affectionate childhood.

Ingredients for lean Madfins:
- 2 cups of flour;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1 cup of juice;
- 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- 1 tsp. soda;
- 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice (vinegar);
- Berries, raisins, nuts and any other additives according to your taste.

How to cook with photo step by step

First of all sifting the flour. Speaking frankly, I almost never do it, I just remember the necessary amount - and everything, however, always and everywhere they write that it is necessary to sift, so I also write. And even asked this time - ah, what a beautiful slide came out! Maybe it is for that for this and it is worth getting a sieve? Stories about enrichment by air are not clear to me - with further mixing products, all the same will leave the air. Lumps? Where in the matched flour lumps? It was relevant during the times of our grandmothers, when all sorts of mixtures were sold under the guise of flour, which was on the factories. In general, I do not know why, but the first stage in the recipe of laid muffins sift the flour.

By the way, do you already plan an Easter menu? Be sure to turn on it.

We add sugar. If there is a sugar powder (and if not sorry for money), we take the powder, it will completely dissolve in cold juice, sugar can partially stay with grains. However, it never embarrassed me, so I take the budget sugar and I do not pay attention to anything else.

Butter. Once I ... Forgot to add butter in this dough. And you know, Madfins turned out! Moreover, the error is not particularly and reflected on taste. Of course, with oil better (softer, gentle), however, and without it - quite nothing.

A glass of juice. Anyone, remember? I took my home apple this time - and, of course, it turned out incredibly fragrant, yet homemade juices differ in this regard from industrial.

Soda. We smear in one place, pour lemon juice on top of it (vinegar). It can be replaced by a baking powder, however, I am very clearly "I hear" in the baking just his taste, so I wonder the grandmother's agent. I advise you to do the way you are accustomed.

Mix. Mixer? Yes, a few simple movements with a spoon - and everything is ready. Do not think to get the whites, then they still have to wash them! Everything is much simpler - however, just as it should be in the case of a laundry muffin.

Get the mold for cupcakes. I have an old special tray, which in the photos looks terrible, but he opened me so many times that I simply have no moral right, so sorry for a few sloppy look, he is clean, just elderly.
If you do not have such a combat comrade, conventional portion molds are suitable. Metal, silicone - in general, what you are accustomed to.
Standard tin shapes need to be well lubricated with oil, and then sprinkle with flour. I absolutely do not like this process, I use special paper liners that can be bought in any supermarket.

Unlock the dough on 2/3 of the molds. Rather, lay out equally on 12 muffins - from this test it turns out exactly the amount.

Forgot to say about additives. I have a perverted taste, I like "clean" Madfins. Maximum - a little berries, and then not in the test (I do not like when they "flow" and give extra "wet"), and on top of it - in the oven they have time to become a little bit, becoming land, more pleasant. If you prefer another option, add "stuffing" after the basic ingredients of the test are mixed. Additionally, you can decorate the top of the Madfins - sprinkled with the same "goodies" that you hide and inside the test. It is very tasty with a chocolate crumb (however, wouldn't chocolate be delicious?), It turns out great with a slightly fried nuts (they are better to choke them into smaller pieces). Berries, dried fruits, candied fruits, poppy, coke chips - by and large, the variety of additives is limited only by your fantasy. Well, and personal flavors.

That's all, the period of active actions passed, you can hide the muffins in the heated oven. Temperature - 200 degrees, seasoning time - about 20 minutes. Check the readiness of the test in the usual way (wooden wand, toothpick, skewers for kebabs should leave the muffins dry), however, prepared 2-3 batch batch, willingness will be able to determine the eye.

Have a nice lean appetite and delicious laundry muffins!

Well, just in case - detailed instructions -

Prepare a lean cupcake in 5 minutes is simple - without eggs, butter and dairy products. The cupcake is not only a lean, but also low-calorie, more useful and absolutely hypoallergenic, which allows you to include it in a lean, childish, dietary daily menu.

The process of cooking a lean chocolate cupcox differs significantly from recipes using eggs and milk. As a rule, the recipes of muffins are constructed in such a way that during the preparation of the cupca minimize the formation of gluten - protein, which makes a sweet pastry less gentle.

When we cook lean pastries, it is necessary to remember that it is formed if the flour is connected to the liquid, so in most recipes, dry ingredients are added directly into fat (i.e. oil), and then the whole mass is mixed with liquid or liquid First mixed with oil, and after it is connected to flour. When using both of these methods, flour is covered with fat, and thus the barrier is created between it and the liquid, which minimizes the amount of gluten.

In the recipe for lean cupcake, we need to achieve a completely opposite effect. It is necessary gluten here, since it acts as a binder for the test, because a lean cupcake - without eggs and milk; Other ingredients that will "hold" the dough, simply not in the recipe.

Therefore, during the preparation of the test for a lean cupca, it is necessary to pour oil and vinegar directly into bulk ingredients, and then pour everything with water to moisturize the flour, and mix the mass. Vinegar is also the key ingredient; He not only extinguishes soda, but also stimulates the further formation of gluten.

Testman advises. The chocolate cupcake on the water is preparing very quickly, literally in 5 minutes, but if you are in a hurry and you want to reduce its cooking time even more, you can mix all the ingredients right in the form for baking.

This is a basic recipe, it is easy to diversify and cook, for example, a lean tea cup or lean coffee cupcake, replacing the water in a tea or coffee recipe, respectively, or add orange, apple or any other fruit juice.

Lean chocolate cupcake

5 min to prepare

40 min on cooking

210 kcal per 100 g

How to make a lean cupcake - a recipe for lean chocolate cupcake with cocoa without eggs at home.

Prepare delicious lean pastries without butter on a simple recipe for 5 minutes on an ambulance hand.


  • wheat flour - 1.5 glasses;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - 1 tsp;
  • sugar sand - 1 cup;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - Half Ch.L.;
  • vinegar table - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. + for lubrication;
  • water is 1 cup.


  1. In a large bowl, pour flour, cocoa, vanillin, sugar, soda and salt. Mix.
  2. In mixed to uniformity, dry ingredients make two recesses: one smaller, more more.
  3. To a smaller depression, pour vinegar, to the greater - vegetable oil.
  4. Top poured with water and mix the dough to a homogeneous state.
  5. Round shape for baking with a diameter of 22-24 cm lubricate oil and overflow the dough into it.
  6. We bake in a preheated to 180 o with an oven on the medium lattice for 35-40 minutes. Readiness to check the toothpick or wooden wand.
  7. We take out the finished pie, we leave in-shape until complete cooling.
  • Ready dessert before serving is best sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • To taste, some of the wheat flour is easy to replace on whole grain - take the first and a glass of the second one. However, such a baking will be less sweet, so in this case, adjust the amount of sugar in the recipe to your liking.
  • Instead of cocoa, chocolate chocolate is also used in the recipe - for this number of ingredients, it is enough to add 90-100 g after kneading the test. Be careful to the composition of chocolate: make sure that it is lean, without butter and milk.
  • If you want to bake a large dessert in a rectangular counter-dimension of 20 × 30 cm, increase the amount of ingredients by two times.

Last Muffins are a great way to arrange a small "belly holiday", without having surveated against the strict rules of the Great Post. Let this time given to us for curbing passions (and curd not least), support its determination sometimes it is so important! And with small appetizing cupcakes without oil, eggs and milk, but with a gentle filling and a golden crust to do it quite not difficult.

What is Muffins?

Recipes of lean Maffins, like Muffins generally appeared in England. It was there, on the shores of a misty Albion, a servant, carrying away from the tables of the Lords to the kitchen of the remnants of different tacities, invented to pour them with a dough and bake the portion buns "on three bite" - cute, extremely simple in preparation and very appetizing.

Maphhin's ordinary cupcakes differed in size, other composition and structure of the test, the method of kneading and calorie. And the presence of a filling that could be any: sweet, vegetable, fruit ... even meat or fish! But today we, of course, will be interested in extremely postal fillers. About them and will be speech.

What are the startings not exist!

Chocolate Muffins

Chocolate is not in vain called the source of endorphins, hormones of happiness. In early spring, when bodily and mental strength are depleted by three months of the cold and blizzard, it is time for him. To cook the sweetness "With the charge of a good mood," you will need:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • water - 180 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml;
  • basin - 2 h.

And what a wonderful fragrance will be given your baking!


1. I ask for flour with cocoa.
2. Add sugar and baking powder.
3. Follow warm water with vegetable oil and knead the dough. The easiest way to do this with the help of a mixer, thin flowing podding liquid products in a bowl with flour in the process of mixing.
4. Lubricate with sunflower oil and fill out the test.
5. Bake the muffins in the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Video: How to cook lean delicacy with chocolate aroma

Recipe for lean chocolate muffins from


A good mood is important, but also forgotten about vitamins. They will provide a pumpkin, capable of practically no loss to maintain useful substances under its rigid glossy crust.

You will need:

  • the pulp of baked in the oven pumpkin - 200 g;
  • flour - 350 g;
  • sugar - 150-200 g;
  • water or soy milk - 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 h.;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 h.;
  • ground ginger - 0.5 h.;
  • cardamon - 0.5 h.
  • vanilla to taste;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.25 h. l.

Madfin dough is denser than at cupcakes, but less calorie

Idea: If you do not like a solar vegetable too much, replace the pumpkin puree with a couple of surpired bananas, pre-silent their fork in Kashitsa, and - Voila! - Lean banana Madfins are waiting for their consumers.


1. Add sugar, salt, soda and spices in a sifted flour.
2. Pumpkin puree sweat with oil and water or soy milk.
3. Connect the pumpkin mass with spices and sugar flour, mix thoroughly.
4. Molds Lubricate with vegetable oil, fill in the dough ...
5. ... and send an oven to preheated to 200 degrees. After 15-20 minutes, the treat will be ready.

Video: Dessert with slices of the sun

Want to see how fast Pumpkin Muffins are preparing? Contact Life On F Sunny Side, they know exactly what it is done!


There is not always pumpkin at hand, but orange carrots will be found almost in any kitchen. And it became, you can always cook soft, gentle and juicy lean carrot muffins.

You will need:

  • carrot - 150-200 g;
  • flour - 350-400 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • raisins - 50-100 g;
  • nuts - 50-100g.

Bright dessert will remind the summer sun


1. Nuts are disturbed.
2. Carrot Stitted on a fine grater.
3. Raisin turn the boiling water and dry on a paper napkin.
4. Connect vegetable oil with sugar and water.
5. Add carrots, raisins, nuts.
6. Sycoda extinguishes lemon juice and enter in flour together with cinnamon.
7. Connecting both masses - fruit and vegetable and flour - knead the dough.
8. Put the molds into the float oil lubricated and baked in a heated to 180 degrees oven 20-30 minutes.

Video: Beach with carrots

And you can follow the process of cooking delicious carrot muffins Muffins, while looking at the video from the Aleceptine Recipes Channel:


What kind of dessert without berries? We offer Add to appetizing mini-buns currants! Easy sourness hidden in a dense dough will satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated gourmets, and vitamins, in abundance occurring in a dark berry, will support immunity.

You will need:

  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • barley flour - 150 g;
  • sugar - 100 g (if possible, take the cane);
  • currant - 150-200 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • water - 220 ml;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 1 tsp.

Juicy delicacy will like children and adults


1. I ask for flour with soda.
2. Banana Frost in a puree with a fork.
3. Clean the apple from the peel and seeds, soda on a fine grater and connect with a banana puree.
4. Add water, acidified with lemon juice, sugar, flour with soda.
5. Pour the oil and knead the dough.
6. Last but, intervene currant berries.
7. Molds for Madfins Lubricate vegetable oil.
8. Lay out the prepared dough and bake for 20-30 minutes. Do not forget to preheat the oven to 180 degrees!

Video: Berry Muffins

How to cook berry cupcakes in miniature, tells the video from Easy Cook:


Chocolate, banana and pumpkin is rather dessert. But do not underestimate the possibilities of small muffins! At the event, they will serve you with a full snack, especially if it is satisfying and delicious Muffins with mushrooms.

You will need:

  • flour - 240 g;
  • mushrooms - 150 g;
  • onions - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • water - 220 ml;
  • bustyer - 1 tsp;
  • greens;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Full breakfast or tight dinner ready


1. If you use fresh mushrooms, pre-scold them, canned can immediately cut into cubes.
2. Bulk the bulbs, cut and pass in vegetable oil.
3. Pour sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms in the pan, spray, pepper. Exercise a couple of minutes, then remove from the stove and cool down.
4. Greens, fresh or frozen, finely disturb. You should have about 1-2 art. l.
5. Connect flour with a pinch of salt and a baking powder, and then mix with mushrooms and greens. Pour cold water, knead the dough.
6. Molds. Lubricate with vegetable oil, fill the test and send to heated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Video: Muffins with mushrooms for satisfying snack

A visual master class from the leading channel "Come visit":

Of course, this is not all the options for cooking Madfins suitable for food in the post. Simple snack bars "Breads" leave the hostess the richest field of selection of stuffs. List the Internet, look for recipes of laundry muffins with photos and video prompts and experiment, how much soul will wish. Why not add oatmeal, linen flour or semolina to dough? Do not use for filling jam? Do not let the taste of loaf with helping coffee or lemon zest? The limit for a raised fantasy is simply not. Barely for business, and homemade will definitely tell you "Thank you", and to hold out until the end of the post, without letting the slack, will become much easier.

Recipes of cupcakes with simple step-by-step photos of instructions

lenten Muffins Recipe


30 minutes

300 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Muffins are small and appetizing "cupcakes", which won in our country a steady popularity mainly due to the propagated fast food restaurants. Many adore these small snacks, preferring to their other desserts. However, Madfins are usually not recommended to eat on weight loss, they are rather calories and may cause a set of extra kilograms. What to do if you can't live without delicate muffinchiks, but do not want to gain weight? My answer: Prepare air dietary muffins, a great recipe for me somehow suggested a girlfriend. It is difficult to believe, but these babes can quickly and just bake without eggs and milk products, but this is exactly what! Today we will look at three options for lightweight maffins: banana, carrot and berry.

Long Muffins: Recipe with Banana

Kitchen tools

To cook the Madfins as quickly as possible, I recommend to prepare the necessary kitchen appliances and dishes:

  • molds for cupcakes or muffins (preferably metal, but can use silicone);
  • several tablespoons and forks;
  • measuring cup or kitchen scales;
  • towels;
  • chopping board;
  • a sharp long knife.

Also prepare food processoror mixerTo make perfectly mix some components.

You need

Muffins are a gentle and delicate product, when they prepare it is better to carefully treat the selection of components.

  • Wheat flour for muffins must certainly be the highest grade and the maximum small grinding, it is also necessary to sift it through fine sieve before use.
  • Bananas are better to use surpired, very sweet and fleshy. Green bananas would be bad in the oven and will unpleasantly stand out in the mass of the pulp of cupcakes.

  1. Bananas smear for a fork or grind with a kitchen combine.

  2. After that, we snatch sugar sand and in addition to carry out both components with each other.

  3. Then we pour sunflower oil into a lot, mix a little.
  4. Soda Gasim vinegar directly to a bowl with a blank, connect the ingredients with each other.
  5. We send wheat flour into a bowl and spent it in the dough well.

  6. Mobility for Madfins are missing with a small amount of sunflower oil.

  7. Spill dough in forms, filling them completely, to the edges.

  8. We place the form in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  9. Withstand the product in the oven for approximately forty minutes, readiness to check the toothpick.

  10. We take out the muffins on the air and sprinkled with their sugar powder.

Last Muffins with Banana: Video

In the video below, you can see how to properly prepare wonderful gentle banana muffins.

Lean banana cupcakes. VEGAN BANANA MUFFINS.

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2015-01-25T12: 30: 00.000Z

Lean Muffins: a recipe with carrots

  • Time for preparing: from 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 9 – 11.

Kitchen tools

In order to reduce the time that will be needed to make delicious Madfins, you need to choose the following instruments and dishes:

  • several spacious bowls of 300 ml;
  • molds for muffins;
  • towels;
  • kitchen scales or dimensional cup;
  • spoons tea and dining rooms;
  • small grater and knife.

In addition, when preparing these products, it is necessary to use blenderor food processor.

You need

How to choose the ingredients

Air carrot muffins will be a real gift for those who love sweet and light meals. To cook them correctly, select high-quality products.

  • Orefs before use is better to rolling on a dry pan and only then crushed in a coffee grinder or kitchen combine.
  • Orange juice is recommended to squeeze himself, from fresh ingredients. You can also choose the highest quality and fresh product in the store without dyes.

Sequence of cooking

Lenten Muffins with carrots: video

The proposed video in the details reveals all the secrets of cooking perfect carrot muffins.

Perfect carrot cupcake / recipe from passbar / release 212

Dima Derzish channel

Carrot cupcake today. Perfect carrot cupcake. Yes.

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2015-09-14T15: 00: 00.000z

Last Muffins: Recipe with Berries

  • Time for preparing: from 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 12 – 14.

Kitchen tools

In order not to stand for a long time in the kitchen, prepare in advance the kitchen appliances and the tools that you may need during baking Muffins:

  • molds for cupcakes or muffins (you can take ordinary iron);
  • bowls (two to three pieces) spacious capacity from 400 ml;
  • cutlery and tea spoons;
  • towels cotton;
  • kitchen scales or a conventional measuring cup;
  • cutting board and a whisk.

Also keep ready blenderor food processorwith special nozzles to be able to prepare perfect dough.

You need

How to choose the ingredients

Berry Madfins may not work if you used in the process of their preparation of unsuitable components.

  • Almond milk should be fresh, cooked from a natural almond. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase it, try soy or milk from cashew instead.
  • Lemon and its juice can be easily replaced by orange, but the grapefruit is better not to use - the products will turn out a bit bitter.

Sequence of cooking

  1. In a large bowl, laying wheat flour,

    Add sugar to it.

  2. Mix, pour salt, baking powder and lemon zest.

  3. We whip a bit, add almond milk and sunflower oil.

  4. Thoroughly mix, we pour lemon juice and interfere with it in the dough.

  5. Separately, cylinder worn with flour and then add it to the ground.

  6. Gently stirrel to connect the berries with the workpiece.

  7. We lay out the dough on the molds, we put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

  8. Withstand Muffins in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Lenten Muffins with berries: video

Below in the video, you can consider the full process of cooking test and baking magnificent berry muffins in detail.

Lean cupcakes with blueberries

Preparing lean cupcakes. Blueberries can be replaced by any other berries / nuts.
Ingredients (for 6 muffins):
- 120 grams of flour (of which 1 st l flour - for berries)
- 100 grams of sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1 h l burst
- Cedar 1/2 Lemon
- 90 ml of almond milk
- 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- 2 st l lemon juice
- About 75 grams of blueberries
1. Mix all the ingredients except blueberry.
2. Blueberries to cut into flour (1 st l), then shifted into the main mass and gently mix.
3. Fill paper molds for Madfins on 3/4, gently shake / twisted to evenly distribute the mass.
4. Bake in a heated to 200 ° C oven for about 25 minutes (until the top will be twisted).
Bon Appetit!

2017-04-17t15: 52: 42.000z

How can you diversify the standard recipe

Banana Muffins

  • For the taste of products to be more rich, you can add some vanilla sugar, ground cardamom or crushed cinnamon to the recipe.

Carrot Muffins

  • With carrots, the pickled and grated pumpkin is perfectly combined on the shallow grater. Just add no more than one tablespoon of this component to the dough and you will see that the recipe will only benefit from it.

Berry Muffins

  • Just excellent wary Methfins with cherry are obtained, try to take it instead of blueberries. It is also allowed to use fresh raspberries, strawberry and lingers.
  • The dough for any kind of muffins should be a consistency in thick homemade sour cream, since more elastic and dense base can cause excessive sedimentation of finished products.