Fishe fat respects the flavors as an aroma. Flaws for fishing: review and reviews

A lot of people are fond of fishing, with each one pursues their goal: hobby, leisure, sports, food mining. Regardless of that, amateur or sports interest drives fishermen, everyone wish to get trophies more, and more larger. To achieve a better result in fishing, people learned to apply many additional methods. From ultra-modern gear to special dust. And the most advanced fishermen use the latest substances containing fish pheromones.

Support in the place of fishing is a very successful and long-known method, carried out both before and in the process of catching. Now, when those who want to get a good catch, more than the fish, put the harmonious food (porridge, bread) is not always effective. At least they need to add flavoring or aromatic components to which cold-blooded inhabitants react.

The joint long-term work of chemists, biologists, ichthyologists and other scientists led to the production of special substances lining the fish, which are successfully used in all kinds of fishing.

Reference! Attractants for fishing are funds consisting of a mixture of various components that make fishing fish, acting on its taste and olfactory organs.

The chemical composition of attractants is very diverse, they include inorganic, organic elements and their connections. These funds are fully or partially soluble in water and it is in it that they have their own action. Conditionally attractants can be divided into traditional and synthetic (based on pheromones).

Traditional attractants

Various foods have always been used in fishing, they do not need to specifically acquire, most often most of them are present in any kitchen. It is worth using means having a specific taste and smell:

  1. Food, such as:
  • vanillin and similar confectionery spices;

Photo 1. Cinnamon and Vanilla are the most common fragrances of bait.

  1. Some medical drugs have an action similar to the above-mentioned products - Corvalol, Skipidar, Camfora, Star Balza.
  2. Hoods from dung worms.
  3. Mixtures based on animal blood.
  4. Fishermen confirms the effect of kerosene in the same direction.

Photo 3. Corvalol also has long been used in fishing.

These products have a different purpose, different from the lining of fish individuals. Their action is not proven by scientists or research, but at the same time they have long and effectively apply fishing. Traditional attractants are defined by the experience of our ancestors.

Pheromone-based baits

Modern scientific research in the field of fishing almost two decades began to use as bait of Pheromones as bait. The effectiveness of these funds is proved and patented in 2001. Their action is directed to natural fish receptors.

It has long been known that these silent creatures communicate with each other by the exchange of specific signals that are supplied with the help of pheromones. As human hormones are synthesized, so fish produces certain pheromones in various situations. Thanks to them, fish individuals are knocked in flocks, multiply, feed - exist. It is worth noting that the olfactory abilities of these water inhabitants are developed more than in dogs.

Reference! Pheromones used for fishing are biologically active substances, synthetic origin, identical to natural pheromones, which are highlighted by fish.

A perennial study of the life of fish allowed scientists to artificially synthesize substances that attract their attention. But it happens that one interest of the aquatic inhabitants is not enough. Everyone had cases when the fish walks around, but does not peck. Thus, a modern bait with pheromones is aimed at:

  • to attract attention;
  • hunger stimulation;
  • stoy reflex.

Pheromones stimulating hunger represent the most modern group. These artificially synthesized substances are identical to natural, which are produced in the body of hungry. They contribute to strengthening the natural feeling of hunger among fish that encourages immediately searching for any food. Thus, the fish is not easy swallow bait, it is actively looking for any kinds of food.

Attention! Due to the use of pheromones for fish, it is achieved by its involvement, contribute to good Klev due to hunger, as well as the accumulation of a large number of individuals in the place of fishing, thanks to their assembly in flocks.

Attractants with pheromones for different kinds of fish

Different fish populations prefer certain feed and react more actively to the smells special for them. This is due to the nature of the habitat of fish, climatic conditions, reservoir, natural feed. The less related kinds of fish, the more different tastes they have. Stripping from it, manufacturers create bait aimed at attracting certain populations.

These bait consist of components with a specific taste, the smell of particular fish species. More often this feed elements with which it is already familiar. But with the inclusion of chemicals that affect fish, for example, acids:

  • glycinic;
  • dairy;
  • glutaman and similar.

Propylene-glycol substances also attract the attention of fish. The action of attractants is directed not only to the taste preferences of fish, but also to instincts. Therefore, significantly higher than the effectiveness of bait using pheromones that attract the attention of a particular fish. So, attractants were developed for catching crucian, pike, catfish, pike perch, carp, bream and others. There are universal attractants for predatory or peaceful fish.

Predatory fish more often produces food, relying mainly for vision. Therefore, it is incorporated by bait and well swallows the bait of soft type (polymer, silicone), but due to interest, they often spare them. Here, the possibility of impregnation of a soft bait of attractant containing pheromones and other attractive components comes to the rescue.

Formation shape form

Podcorms using Pheromones are widely produced by well-known manufacturers who are engaged in developments and closely cooperate with chemists, biologists, ompologists. Small firms also produce bait, but their technologies are more based on traditional food additives or animal hoods.

Such fishing pheromones can be made with their own hands. The most interesting components for fish, which are often at hand, are considered above. It remains only to explore the information about the preferences of certain species that the potential catch is calculated. And then it is necessary to just cook the desired mixture.

Podromon bait is implemented in various types:

  • gels;
  • dry mixes;
  • solutions;
  • sprays.

It is worth stopping your choice, on the form most convenient for specific fishing.

Rules for using bait with pheromones

Depending on the form of the release and concentration of the active substance, bait is used in pure form (spray, gel) or diluted in the instructions of the amount of water or feed. For example, the known attractant ultrabsite is produced in ampoules of 5 ml. According to the instructions, this concentrate is allowed to dilute 0.5 liters. water. In order to avoid recalculation of the means, you can dial the required amount using a medical syringe, and then dissolve in the appropriate volume of the liquid. But the ampoule is encouraged to be seen either to sew fishing plasticine to save the properties of the active elements.

Pheromone concentrate can be:

  • process the bait, tackle;
  • fetch
  • to throw into water (some attractants are produced in special water-soluble polyethylene packages, ready for immersion in the whole).

Manufacturers claim that pheromone bait does not always effectively apply with other flavored means. Such a complex of substances can attract fish, but with the same success and scare away.

Pheromone attractants are effective in any period of the year, regardless of whether the negative or plus temperature on the street. It is worth considering that the components quickly lose their outdoor activity, less than half an hour. In the time, as in the aquatic environment, they affect fish receptors for 7 to 9 hours. The attractants are completely decomposed in the aquatic environment for half a day, without having a negative effect on the water, as well as the vital activity of fish.

If you want to learn how to fish, you should start with the choice of fashion caustic, that is, you need to understand what tackle you are most suitable and like, based on the place of fishing and your fishing preferences. There are different ways of fishing, they depend on the gear applications.

Here are the main, so to speak, sports methods fishing: bottom, float and spinning methods of fishing. There are other methods of catching, for example, circles, rewind, rubber band and even a network, but it's not all good, so we will only talk about the bottom, float and spinning methods.

Considerable fishermen who only became on the fisheries pathway, we advise you to buy enough simple and inexpensive fishing rods, and if you break them in inexperience, it will not be so sorry, but if the budget allows you to take something and satisfied, but in a hurry Do not, fog in fishing experience and knowledge, and well study at least one way of catching, which is most likely the usual float fishing rod, can be even without using the coil. Such a method, though the easiest, but not every reservoir can approach it. So choose the way catching with the mind.

Float view of fishing.

This method of fishing is one of the simplest, so for the development of novice fisherman is very good. The float fishing rod is very simple, which means it is easy to use. Film tackle You can catch quite a lot of fish species, but it has its own limitations.

The float tackle is most often used on standing water - in ponds, lakes, reservoirs and in rivers with a low flow. According to the results of fishing, the float method of fishing is still not inferior to other fishing methods, although it all depends on the terms of fishing. Having the necessary snap-in fishing rod can be caught crucia, roach, perch, bream, sazana, bleak, and other types of fish.

Such versatility and simplicity of the float fishing rod makes a float method of fishing very common: she is caught newcomers, and real fisher veterans. The main disadvantages of the float method can be attributed bad wind resistance, that is, waves and wind strongly affect the slope of the float. Another minus there is a distance of fishing, which is very inferior to the bottom method of catching, such as feeder.

A photo of a small carp caught on the float fishing rod.

Fishing on spinning

The method of catching spinning is used on water bodies with running and standing water - in ponds, lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams and seas. Spinning is intended mainly for predatory fish: pike perch, perch, pussy, bar and even Soma. For fishing spinning, you will need a short rod, coil, fishing line or cord, load, brilliantly, wobblers, twisters and other fishing bait.

The essence of the spinning method is as follows: Fisherman with the help of spinning rod and coil throws a bait, which mimics the movement of the fish. Waving the fishing line on the spool spool, the bait seduces the predatory fish and grabs it, thereby clinging to the hook. The spinning method of fishing is very movable, and the fisherman is constantly in motion that distinguishes this method from all the others.

Bottom type of fishing

The bottom method of fishing is a tackle, which consists of rods, coils, fishing rods, hooks, cargo and bait. The bottom view of fishing is so called, because they have to catch the fish directly from the bottom. The bottom fishing rods are feeder and ordinary. An ordinary classical donka is a relatively old tackle, unlike the modern feeder. Usually they put heavy cargo, which provides far cast. In this way, fish from the shores, motionless boats, and flowing water bodies.

Stuffed pike

And in the menu of fashionable restaurants, and in the kitchen, any hostess is undoubtedly there is a fish. Why? The answer is simple: baked carp, trout on the grill, salmon for a couple, washing in the batter, fish cutlets, pike baked in the oven - all this is not only divinely tasty, but also very nutly and useful. From freshwater fish that are best suited for cooking and, as a result, you will delight you with juicy and rich taste, you can highlight, carp, crucian, sazana and bream. But, of course, the real queen in the fish kitchen is pike.

Despite the fact that the meat of the pike is a bit bobes, due to the content of a very low percent of fats, the cheek meat is considered dietary. In addition, this fish is truly a specific smell and taste - trying, you no longer confuse it with anything. And this is not fiction, for example, in Tsarist Russia, and even in the England of the last century, the pike dishes were valued very high, and provided that the proper preparation was considered a special delicacy. Earlier, we described the recipes for the preparation of the ear of the pike, and in this article we will tell about several recipes stuffed pike.

Pike stuffing methods

There are several ways to fit the pike. Incredibly effectively and appetizingly looks on the dish. Fish. The preparation of such a culinary masterpiece requires a certain skill, because in this case, in this case, the skirt is needed without damage to pull the "stocking" from the head to the tail.

If there is no desire to demonstrate the "highest pilot machine", then you can cook stuffed steaks - cut the pike with a transverse burst and a narrow knife to cut meat from them with bones, leaving a thin layer of pulp on the skin. Then weighing the stuffing fill the rings from the skins, aligning the cuts with a knife.

The easiest way is to just roll out the pike and fill her abdomen in advance with a cooked stuffing, and then sew the edges of threads or bore them with toothpicks.

Stuffed pike painting

Stuffed pike happens baked in foil, salt, thermal car, boiled in fragrant broth, stew in the "acidified" medium or in fir-fat bird, and just cooked for a couple.

Pike meat slightly dry. Therefore, when cooking in the oven, the carcass is often lubricated with mayonnaise, and slides are added to the filling. To prevent natural juices better, the pike wrap in a foil or a bakery package. Prepare fish at high temperatures 40-50 minutes. Readiness is checked with toothpick - a transparent alone should go to the puncture site, and not a turbid liquid.

The boiled stuffed pike is preparing in a gooseman or a saucepan. Vegetables are placed on the bottom (onions by half rings, beets and carrots with circles), a little onion husks for golden color, ridge and fish loss for welded. This mass is placed stuffed carcass or portion slices, watering with sunflower oil, and then poured with boiling water in such a way that the water is only slightly covered with fish. Boiled on the smallest fire about 1.5 hours. The lid should be tightly closed. Boiled pike is consumed in a cold form.

The extinguishing technology is not much different from the cooking process of stuffed fish. In this case, the dishes with a thick bottom will be required, and you need to fill with boiling water for only one third.

Than stuffing pike

Usually the pulp pike after removal of the bone remains not enough to fill the skins, so in the filling mix a variety of ingredients: bread crumbs, vegetables, prunes, mushrooms, cereals, nuts, other fish, greens, etc. Classic mince includes a membered bread, onions, eggs, greens, salt and pepper. The European version consists of all sorts of spices, crab sticks, lemon and rice cereals. In the Russian version, mushrooms and buckwheat with onions are used more often.

Stuffed pike - step by step recipe with photos

In fact, there are a lot of ways to prepare this freshwater fish, as they say, there would be a pike - the recipes will be found. It is good in baked, but also well suitable for cooking, grilled cooking, pair or in a slow cooker. In addition, from this fish, excellent pies and piers are obtained, pike cutlets are real delicacy, and the lover of experiment can even try to prepare a schochny mousse or pudding.

But today we will talk about one of the most delicious for pike methods of cooking - stuffing. It is believed that stuffed pike is a traditional Jewish dish, in fact it is not quite so. Excellent recipes stuffed pike existed in ancient Russia, so this dish is most likely symbiosis of cultures and culinary traditions.

Preparation of products for cooking extruded pike

So, for the preparation of a classic pike, stuffed with vegetables, we need, in fact, the pike pike itself. This is approximately 1.5-2 kilos. In fact, it all depends on the number of portions. The pike mentioned above is enough for 6-8 people. In addition, you need a bow. Here, most importantly, do not bother. Some cooks even claim that it is worth using almost as many onions as fillets. But I propose the optimal option - stops on 2-3 major bulbs. We will also need 3 slices of dry baton or bread, 1 chicken egg, 2 carrots, as well as 3 small beets. In addition, Pike loves all sorts of seasonings and spices, therefore, in addition to standard salt, sugar and pepper, bow to oregano, basil, root of parsley, celery root, carnation, fragrant pepper and handful of onion husk.

Cutting pikes for stuffing

To begin with, the fish must be cleaned. This is a simple, but very dirty process that should not be carried out in the kitchen. It is best to do it on the shore, immediately after fishing, or on the balcony, by easing the floor with a newspaper. Then prepare, actually, the fish itself. Scroll to the pussy head with a sharp knife and remove your eyes, gills and insides out of it. All the complexity is that the insides of the pike need to be removed, without plowing the belly. In no case do not damage the belly, otherwise the mince just falls out, and you will spoil all the dish.

Then you need to remove the skin from the fish as if you remove the stocking with your feet. Gently, not to damage the skin itself using kitchen scissors and a sharp knife. To do this, cut a circle under the skin of the fillet and paint the skin millimeter per millimeter, reaching the tail fin, gently cut or break the spine.

After that, the remnants of meat from the skin and bones are swasted, fold it into a separate container. Since the skin of the pike is very dense, it should not be difficult. Thus, you should have a whitewash leather, as well as separately bones and a plate with meat.

Cooking minced

Now proceed to cooking. Onions clean, ruby \u200b\u200band fry on sunflower oil a few minutes to a characteristic golden color. Surround bread is soaked in milk, you can also use water - it already depends on personal sympathies. Then we skip the fish meat twice through the meat grinder. Here, by the way, there is a very important point - after you pass the meat for the first time - disassemble the meat grinder and clean it from the accumulated stones. As we have already spoken, the buying meat is very bony and it is necessary to take into account. Small bones in cooking softened, but large can bring a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Skipping meat through the meat grinder for the second time, we miss a little softening white bread. Before this, it needs to be pretty squeezed, getting rid of extra liquid. And then mix meat, bread and roasted bow together. We add a raw egg to this mixture, and then season it with salt, pepper and a little - 1 teaspoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of crude cold water. Now this stuffing must be very thoroughly mixed or even even knead your hands.

The resulting mixture is stirred by our promotion skin and head if we are going to serve it. It is not necessary to crawl too much filling, otherwise the skin will crack, but at the same time, if you regret the fillings, the skin saves. Gold mediterrane is important here. After pouching the pike, pour the skin in 2-3 places toothpick.

After that, take a big saucepan. It is best that her diameter corresponds to the length of the pike. If you do not have this, you can neatly roll the fish with a ring. On the bottom of the pans we put onion husks and the remaining bones. From above covered with large chopped carrots and beets. Vegetables should be exactly so much to close the bottom of the pan. Add a bay leaf, finely cut dry or fresh roots of parsley and celery and put on top of our pike along with your head. After that, we leave the whole thing in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Preparation of dishes and feeding to the table stuffed pike

Having delivered a saucepan after that, add a teaspoon of salt, the floor of sugar spoons, fragrant pepper and carnation. Now neatly pour our fish with boiling water so as to cover it with a liquid completely, and put the cooking. By bringing the dish to a boil, we make very small lights and leave the pike to languish approximately an hour.

After that, you need to drain the liquid and put the pike to the suitable dish, pre-cutting it into pieces corresponding to the portions. You can decorate all this business with vegetables that were preparing together with fish, as well as olives and a little mayonnaise. Having done all this, you need to give the pike cool, because this dish is customary to serve cold.

Useful video - how to quickly clean fish from scales

Fish cleaning with a fillet knife

Purification of fish boiling water

Pike stuffed baked in the oven

However, the pike is not necessarily cooking. No less tasty pike, stuffed and baked in the oven. To do this, you need to stock up with a pike of all the same size - 1.5-2 kilos. Stuffing a smaller fish just does not make sense - a lot of work, but little result. In addition, we need an egg, melted cheese, spoon of mankey, 1-2 bulbs, 2-3 pieces of white bread or bault, 50 ml cream of 10% juicy, greens, lemon and mayonnaise. Use foil and parchment for baking.

Cutting fish and minced meat

Fish preparation process is identical to the previous one. The main thing here is accuracy and attention; We clean the fish, get rid of the internally, separate the fillet and remove the skin.

Then the head, the skin and meat should be selected separately to get rid of the characteristic river smell. To do this, we use pepper, salt and lemon, we all fold into the vacuum container and leave approximately 2 hours in the refrigerator.

Now, in fact, the stage of the filling. White bread crumbs soaked in cream. Then grind your cheek meat with a meat grinder or blender. Before that, you need to make sure that you get rid of all major bones in meat and it is really ready to use. We add a raw egg, a croup, squeezed ball bread, sliced \u200b\u200bonion, finely chopped greens and fuel all this with salt, herbs and pepper to taste. Then grind all this into a homogeneous mixture and with the help of a spoon we rub the melted cheese.

Baking stuffed pike in the oven

We lay out on the table foil in 2 or even better than 3 layers, and extinged it with a parchment sheet from above. It is necessary so that the fish does not stick to foil. Then stuffing our fish with a spoon or hands. By the way, so that the minced meat does not stick to the hands, dry them into cold water. Fully filling in the skin of the stuffing, we insert the head there and failed our church mayonnaise from the head to the tail. Then we firmly wrap the fish and foil and put in the oven, heated by 180 degrees. Pike stuffed, baked in foil, is preparing approximately an hour. If the fish is bigger than, you can bake a little longer.

Feed to the table of baked stuffed pike

Taking the pike from the oven, let it cool completely, but only then expand the parchment and foil. You can even remove the fish into the fridge for several hours or even for a day, and then print it, decorate and file to the table. Very good before serving sprinkle pike with lemon juice, and for decoration use lettuce leaves and mayonnaise or sour cream sauce with horseradish.

Useful video - how to part fish on fillet without bones

Baked stuffed pike, photo

Baked stuffed pike, video

Stuffed pike in Jewish

We have already talked about the fact that the stuffed pike consider to be a national Jewish dish. Therefore, it would be a real sin not to offer you an ancient recipe for cooking this dish. So, stuffed with a pike - a Jewish recipe.

Preparation of products for cooking pike in Jewish

The dish includes a fish, a few slices of white bread (depending on the size of the fish and the amount of minced you need, on fish weighing 1.5 kilo, you will need 3 pieces of bread), raw egg, 50 grams of butter, a quarter cup of milk, 2 bulbs, 6 Laurel leaves, as well as salt and pepper.

The main difference from the recipes described above is that to prepare the pike stuffed in Jewish use fish, sliced \u200b\u200bwith slices, and served on the table together with bones. This dictated specific training of fish. Therefore, by pissed fish, we cut off your head, we deliver from the gills and fins, as well as all the internals. For this purpose, a very sharp knife is usually used, which needs to be carefully covered inside the belly along the wall side and cut off the insides. The intestines will fall out. Then we pull out the caviar together with the film attached to the spine, we clean this very film, and I will add to the caviar and milk to mince.

Cutting fish for cooking pike in Jewish

We separate the fish into pieces with a thickness of 5-7 centimeters and from each piece with the help of a knife we \u200b\u200buse meat so as not to break the skin and do not separate it from the bones. Thus, you must have fish rings from leather, spine and ribs with three holes - two small ones from the spine and one large where there were before inside.

Cooking minced pike in Jewish

For filling, soak bread in milk. Then we scroll into fish meat several times, bread and finely chopped onions through the meat grinder to get rid of the bones and get a real mince. We add butter, egg and season all this salt and pepper. After that, the resulting mass must be thoroughly beat.

Preparation of dishes and feeding to the pike pike in Jewish

After that, we take a large saucepan, the bottom of which we assimilate the cut carrot, beet and another bulb. There we put the head and tail. After that, stitching our fish, filling all three holes minced and gently fold pieces over vegetables. If the pike was big, and slices turned out too much, alternating in a saucepan of vegetables and stuffed fish. From above on the last layer of fish again we fold vegetables and pour it all with salted water with a laurel sheet. Water should be exactly so much so that it is a couple of millimeters covered the top layer of vegetables.

We put the saucepan on fire and wait until the water boils. After that, we reduce the fire to a minimum and leave our pike on a small fire for an hour and a half. When the fish is ready, turn off the fire and leave it to cool down with the broth. Only cold fish can be strain and get from the pan. Subsequently, the broth that remains you can use for the preparation of the side dish. Usually with stuffed pike serves boiled potatoes, and the fish itself is decorated with lemon slices.

Cooking stuffed pike in a slow cooker

With the help of modern technologies, you can not only prepare the dish easier, but also much faster. To make sure that, I suggest you a simple, but the original recipe cooking. As a result, it turns out a gentle pike, stuffed with rice and prunes.

Preparing pike and minced

We clean the pike as we have learned: cut off your head, remove your eyes, gills and insides. Thus, we have a carcass with a spine and ribs. Then we rub it with a mixture of salt, pepper and a variety of herbs, abundantly lubricate the fish mayonnaise and leave in a cold place to marinate for 2 hours.

During this time, we cook a filling. Rice boil until half-welded, mix it with finely chopped prunes. There, add onions and carrots, led them before passing. All components of the fillings are mixed and stuffing the pickled fish.

For cooking, select the "Baking" mode in your multicooker, lubricate the capacitance with butter and put the pike there. If the container is small, you can fold the fish with a ring. Such a tasty is prepared for only 1 hour, in fact, until the mode is completed.

Pike stuffed with mushrooms

If you love mushrooms, then I will share with you another simple recipe, as a result of which you will get a delicious stuffed pike.

For him, you will need a small pike - approximately a half kilogram, 250 grams of mushrooms - best of all champignons, jar olives, 2 raw chicken eggs, 2 medium carrots, 2 small bulbs, bread and milk for soaking, and, of course, oil for frying and Spices for taste.

I clean the fish from the husk, cut off the head, remove the gills, eyes, cut out the insides with the skins and clean them, separating the bones from meat.

We clean, cut on halves or bed (depending on the size) mushrooms and roast them on olive oil, add seasonings, salt and pepper.

Similarly, we clean and cut carrots with small cubes, tip it a bit together with a loaf on creamy oil. Until that time, until the onion acquires a characteristic golden color.

After that, we pass through the meat grinder to the cheek meat and bread, before it is a good clumsy in milk. Add eggs there, greens, 10 grams of sunflower oil, seasoning - mix. And then mushrooms, carrot with onions and chopped olives. Everyone is mixed again, add some lemon juice and stuffing this mixture our pike.

By the way, before baking you can deceive the pike mayonnaise or whipped egg, creating a kind of purple. We lay out the fish on the bastard and leave it in the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes. Pike ready

Pike stuffed with rice


Fresh pike - 1kg

Rice - 100 g

Onions - 1 big head

Carrot - 1 pc.

Mayonnaise or yolk (for lubrication)

Salt, pepper (to taste)

Cranberry berries, greens, mayonnaise, lemon (for decoration).

We take fishing, weighing 1000-1200 g (for baking the most optimal weight), we clean from scales, my, but not wound.

With a big knife in a circle, cut off your head. I pull out all the insides with your head.

We tighten the skin, starting with the head. It is more convenient to do it with a thumb, pushing it between the skin and flesh.

Well, if the meat fibers remain on the removed "stocking" - so more reliable and tastier. Very gently acting near the fins. Reaching the tail, cut it off with the ridge. Hole from the tail sew thread.

Separate the pulp pike from bones.

We skip the pike fillet through a small grid of the meat grinder.

In the salted water boil rice. Enjoy.

Fry onions and carrots.

We mix the fish mass with rice and roaster. Solim and Pepper.

Not very tight, but evenly fill our pike minced.

We put the foil onto the foil sheet, apply your head, lubricate mayonnaise or yolk. Now you can fully complete the carcass, leaving a small air layer between the foil and riding the fish. Before sending to the oven, foil in several places pierce the toothpick.

Keep pike in the oven for about an hour at 180 degree temperatures, after which you need to deploy a foil from above and send the fish again to the golden crust (about 30 minutes).

Let the pike cool, and then turn on the fantasy and decorate it to your taste and color.

How to decorate stuffed pike when feeding to the table

Such a special dish, as stuffed pike, implies the appropriate design. Fish is laid out on a large oblong plate of porcelain or melchior. An ideal decoration for any fish dish is considered lemon - thin yellow circles not only look perfectly outwardly, but also add the smell of fish, give her a spicy taste. In the design of the dish also use sprigs of greenery, rings of onions, olives, cranberries, red currants, lettuce leaves, carrots. Along the carcas, sometimes cherry tomatoes and cucumbers sliced \u200b\u200bwith circles. The pike back is covered with a pattern, squeezing the mayonnaise from the confectionery syringe. In particularly solemn cases, the pike is poured with liquid gelatin, to give her an appetizing gloss.

Making the dish, it is important to observe the measure - additional "accessories" should not clutter the plate, because the main character on it should still be stuffed with a pike.

Super Nazivka

Fish bait. Leave the jar with worshipers stand on the shelf of the fishing store and go on the reservoir to look for the larvae of the drivers. On them you will catch more.

There was a time when in the fishing store around the angle did not bargained with maidens and boys, ready-made test and vanilla potatoes. Then fishermen had to fish, only relying on their knowledge about the processes occurring in nature.

In the time, the observations of the fisherman on the reservoir are climbing on the bottom of the houses, which were glued from the grave, wreckage of seashells or pieces of wood. These houses looked like quiver for arrows and hid the wrong gray-brown larvae, which in the form of houses were called "quiver of flies" (Trichoptera, in Russian - swirls).

They turned out to be a very good bait for trouts, smoking, perch, lines and all white fish: from cautious chloating to the doodle bream. Since then, without mentioning the larvae of the drivers (called Sprock also), no fishing book should not be submitted as catchy bait.

Morning does not always start, as in the study manual on fishing. Yelatsy already once again refuse to take a beam of mad

Especially early in the spring (when it was impossible to get worms or maiden because of the cold), the ceremony was considered to be out of position and a wonderful means of achieving success. Only the year-round availability of the sold standard baits, such as flames, crawls and dung worms, put an end to the era of the drivers.

Stretching a hand to the shelf of the fishing store behind the bait it turned out to be easier than to stick it into ice water. The larva "from the quiver" is currently experiencing the second birth. "Back to the streams", and even with saving money - this is now such a motto. As at home without much difficulty, you will find out the ardent from this - fast.

Since many tricks of older lovers were dictated by the lack of money, some fishermen with a little experience now also remember this. But remember - only half a case, because there are questions immediately arise: where and how to collect the drivers, how to plant it and where is more advisable to catch it on him? Ask your grandfather or learn our pictures.

A look at the small plain stream shows why the forals do not cause interest among the fish: everywhere is full of feed. Creek larvae cracked crowds on concrete dam

But so just catch this desired bait. Sacre for catching Daphnia with a rectangular frame slowly spend on concrete. Now these small insects will not be able to leave

Skach is full, and in almost all houses live larvae. It only happens in spring and early summer

The larvae in the houses are stored in a cold place, in air and without water. Those of them that will immediately be put on the hook, get out of the houses, and unused after fishing are released on the will

So get the larva from the shell. The house is about 5 mm in front of 5 mm ...

... Then slightly pressed on the back end of the house - and the head of the larva appears!

The head is careful, but tightly kept with big and index fingers ...

... then the larvae slowly pull out of the house

If you want to offer a specially tight piece of fish, then at the same time put two or three larvae on the hook

But the catch is all the single larva, planted for the chest on the hook of thin wire

The second approach: after the wraths did not work, the bait of the season on the hook. Will the fish be better caught on the ceremony? Primka supported by a light float drifting far ahead. When catching in a narrow calm stream, you need to avoid everything that might be a shallow standing fish

The first success when catching with a sensitive float in fine water bodies for the larva. When the underwater part of the float is painted in a nonsense green, it does not scare even cautious chub

Even with a careful bite the soft larva "worn". After each bite it should be replaced

Fish more and more greedily grab the swirl. Critical view confirms: this roach has been separated as it should be

With the help of a miracle bait finally managed to catch over-cautious Yelets

In one place, the stream expands to a particularly promising pit. Here our bait slowly falls into the center of twist

This trick immediately reacts a real fighter - om. Now he seeks to escape from the whirlpool created by him and reach the saving thickets of Elodea

However, too late! The strongest inhabitant of the stream after a short, stubborn resistance was defeated

In the afternoon I had to descend downstream after other lovers of the drivers

Regardless of the reasons for fishing (sports interest, leisure or hobby), always fisherman aims to capture a large number of fish, and better - large. All fishermen achieve the goal in different ways and ways, one of the most promising directions are Fish Pheromones. This is a peculiar activator of Kleva, attracting the attention of fish with a large water area. Any bait for fish becomes more interesting and more attractive.

How to lure fish to the place of fishing

It is difficult to surprise anyone new recipes for bait, there are a great set and all of them are relatively effective. You can continue to use bait based on traditional recipes, but their effectiveness is not always equally good. Even the use of fragrances used in most recipes does not radically change the overall picture. Aromatic, taste additives still give misses, and often the fisherman remains without a catch.

After using bait with pheromones, there is a great strengthening of Kleva. Pisces are confidently taking a bait and swallow from a large water area. The listed effects were the achievement of perennial studies of biologists, ichthyologists and specialists in the sphere of synthesis of various chemicals. Podromon-based bait shows good results in all directions of fishing.

Attractants are active substances that affect taste receptors and smell that attract the attention of fish is stronger than natural bait components. The composition uses both natural ingredients and synthetic substances.

The most advanced fishermen use substances containing fish pheromones

Types of Pheromones for Fishing

Attractants are natural, which is easy to make at home, as well as synthetic substances. Synthesized Pheromones have to acquire exclusively in stores, and natural substances are almost in each kitchen.

The strings are used with a sharp, strong smell and pleasant taste (according to the "opinion" of fish).

Among the most commonly used natural pheromones are distributed recipes with:

  • spices;
  • vanilla;
  • honey;
  • garlic;
  • oils of dill, anise, sunflower.

Fish pheromones are an activator of Kleva, which in addition to ordinary products may include common medical substances: Star Balsam, Skipidar, Corvalol. Specific recipes of attractants were developed with the addition of hoods of null worms or an extract of an animal blood. Dry blood with fishing pheromones effectively attracts fish from long distances, as the smell of blood is spread over hundreds of meters. Some fishermen use kerosene, scientists have established the effectiveness of this additive.

Attractants are funds that consist of a mixture of various components that attract fish to the place of fishing

Synthetic bait with pheromones

The bait with fishing pheromones appeared due to expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe behavior of the fish and the structure of its senses. During the development, scientists were involved in various scientific areas, according to the assurances of numerous fishermen - the result is worth it.

Synthesized fishing pheromones do not just attract fish, because for the success of fishing it is not enough. All effective fishing methods imply not only attracting attention, but also increase fish activity against bait.

Fish bait with pheromones at the same time provide 3 key influences:

  • put the fish to the pricing place;
  • enhance the feeling of hunger, even the full fish greedily captures the bait;
  • provocate fish to get into the flocks and make them take action.

Advanced developments are able to cause a feeling of hunger among fish, previously achieved such an effect. The specified action was made possible by the opening of the method of synthesis of substances produced in the body of hungry individuals. The synthetic ingredients fully correspond to natural analogues. Having delivered a pheromon bait to the place of fishing, the victim experiences a sharp need to look for food, it leads to an attack of bait on hook.

The hungry individuals most of the species of fish tend to get into the flock when they feel hungry. Fisherman is easier to get a good catch in one place, it is often possible to obtain 10-20 medium or 3-7 major individuals from one place with constant, uninterrupted blanks.

The composition of the attractant is very diverse

Formon-based bait

The modern market is replete with various carving activators, dozens of manufacturers are represented here. There are variants of a liquid and tableted form, but their action is completely identical, the only difference lies in different ways to add. The easiest option to get a big catch is to purchase attractants. Some fishermen consider it unjustified costs and make felonons for fishing with their own hands.

If it is planned to produce pheromones for fishing at home, it is important to correctly understand the composition of such funds. Need to use:

  • vegetable oils;
  • flavors, they mimic smells of fruit or other feed;
  • all sorts of squeezes;
  • amino acids;
  • spices;
  • the components of the animal nature of origin, their type is chosen taking into account the type of fish on which the hunt is planned to be discovered.

There is still insufficient data to determine the composition of the pheromones, as a significant role is played by the consistency:

  • in the form of fluid. Funds have a strong smell, they are often treated with wobblers, glitters and other silicone, foam bait. Ideally, 0.5-0.7 g of attractants are used on the wobbler weighing 10 g, the proportion acts almost always;
  • dry options. They are dried or sprinkled. It is possible to add to water without additional ingredients, although it is better to make the bait.

In practice, the manufacture of Pheromon bait depends on the type of fish, which is planned to catch.

Cannabis seeds: Excellent bait and bait

On Carp and other carp fish often use the following recipe:

  1. We prepare the grains of corn, they also protrude the basis of the mixture. We choose small and not too young grains.
  2. Speak the grains of corn into the container, where then we pour water. The bait insist in water for 3-5 days.
  3. Install the mixture on fire, after boiling, we cook it for 1 hour. During the boiling of homemade attractants, it is stamped with a mixture. Ultimately, a homogeneous mixture should turn out.
  4. Remove the unfinished mixture from the fire and leave before cooling. After purchasing room temperature, we introduce sugar and honey, Karpov like sweet tastes and smells.

For the hunting of crucia, it is better to use the following prescription bait with fishing pheromones:

  1. We select a glass jar with a capacity of 1 liters and fall asleep in it 50 g of the barley, the remaining place is poured with boiling water. Watch the jar into a blanket or a warm towel to preserve heat inside. Instead of banks we can use thermos.
  2. We insist the means of 3-4 hours, for the specified period of time, the grain will swell. It is important to achieve the softness of the cereals, but to prevent the rigging and uniformity of the consistency.
  3. In the mixture we introduce any flavoring agent: vanillin, anise, garlic, reed roots, cocoa, seeds of dill, etc.

What pheromones to use for a certain species of fish

Pheromones for Kleva fish have different compositions depending on the natural preferences of production. Separate types of fish react well to sweet flavors, while others - prefer animal odors exclusively. The taste preferences affect the climatic features of the place, the type of reservoir, the presence and type of feed. In relatively related fish, tastes are approximately similar, but the more differences between the species, the more significant the difference in nutrition.

Different types of fish prefer certain products and actively react to the smells for them

There are universal pheromones, they are aimed at attracting a large number of species of fish, but when hunting for certain extraction is better to use specialized attractants.

The narrow-controlled pheromones are more efficiently attracted to prey and rarely provoke interest among trifles, it reduces the amount of no integument.

Attractants are best shown, with the smells of which the fish came across the reservoir.

Additionally, acids that awaken appetite are included:

  • dairy;
  • glycinic;
  • glutamine, etc.

Good results show propylene glycol components that are capable of attracting fish. Their action is aimed at attracting mining, taking into account the natural instincts of a particular type of fish. The effectiveness of targeted pheromones is 30% higher than universal analogs. Today in the assortment of stores there are attractants for pike, carp, pike perch, catfish, etc.

Universal options are divided into just two groups:

  • for predators. Their instincts are aimed at orientation. In order to interest fish, dyes are made to the pheromones. For processing artificial bait, colorless liquids with a mild taste are used to prevent the bait emissions after the sample;
  • for peaceful fish. It reacts better to smells of plant origin. Visual bait characteristics have less importance.

How to use bait with pheromones

The bait with fishing pheromones is suitable for almost all fishing conditions, but some differences in use exist.

In what conditions it is better to use attractants:

  • fishing in winter. In the cold season, the fish is especially passive, it is quite difficult to attract her attention. Pheromones in winter quickly spread and awaken hunger even in low-active mining;
  • unstable weather conditions. During the time of the weather difference, the fish lies at the bottom or goes to his holes, the fisherman often remains without a catch. With the help of an activator of Klava, an increase in fish activity occurs;
  • purpose reservoir fishermen. Because of the abundance of competitors, mining makes rare bowels and no longer exists interest to standard bait. Aromatic components awaken interest;
  • adverse weather conditions. In the heat, rain and similar weather, fish goes to the lower water horizons, only pheromones are capable of attracting them;
  • fish satiety. In reservoirs with an abundance of food, mining becomes elective, it is difficult to catch it.

The method of using attractants depends on the form of the composition. Pheromones in the form of gels and sprays are ready-made substances ready for use. Concentrates require pre-dilution in water.

To prepare bait you need:
1. Large pan in Duet with colander.
2. Large plastic bowls.
3. Set of wooden spoons and blades.
4. Measuring glasses and spoons for adding liquid ingredients.
5. Ribs. Packages.

On the shelves of the bait you need heels of chicken eggs. Break them into a flame, stir up to a homogeneous mass. Pull the sweetener, flavoring and other lubricating ingredients. Oddly, the fruit smells are very suitable for this. Dry part of the bait (flour and salt) is added to a mixture of eggs and various additives. Suck slowly, stir the spoon. In the end This mix is \u200b\u200bmixed with your hands. Mass should be homogeneous. So that the mixture did not stick to the hands, treat them with vegetable oil.

The first version of the fish bait (for the lake) From the resulting mass rolling the sausages with a thickness of up to 3 cm. We divide them onto the pieces in the balls. Now they are ready for cooking. Boil the water, put the balls into the prepared colander, lower it into the pan slowly, so as not to shed boiling water. Round form is important for standing water: lake or pond. Protect the bait from bream will help long boiling - the bait becomes tough. After cooking, place the colander in the sink, so that the glass is excess water. Then put on the rag and let it be completely cool, about 2 hours. All they are ready. Spread over packages, be sure to date and mark the flavor, and store the refrigerator in the freezer.

Second version of bait (for running water) If your fishing will take place on the river, then there is no need to make bait with spherical. For accelerated preparation, you can simply cut the sausages, and you can roll up to 1 cm. And cook entirely. Approximately 1 minute. When cool, just chop the sausage into small parts. From half a kilogram of the test, about a thousand portions of bait is formed.

Third option (for the coastline of the reservoir) The output will be hundreds of cubes of different and size and in terms of density, ideal for licorice dust along the coastline of the river. So, after kneading the test formulate it in the form of a brick. Watch the film as much as possible, you need to achieve the output of all air or almost everything. Then let go in a saucepan with boiling water for one hour. "Brick" may not dive completely, so that the load does not interfere on top. After boiling on a small fire, remove it and clean the finished mixture from the film. Let be cooled. After cooled, cut it into cubes, but do not forget that the upper layers will be floating. Separate them and store in a separate package.

Of course, you can use the bait in the fresh form, that is, not to carry out thermal processing. So it is easier for her to reveal all its flavor properties of the mixture, the signal for fish will be stronger. Significant minus is that such a bait attracts weeline fish, they rude it faster than the noble carp notice. But the raw mixture is impossible to throw over long distances. And therefore it is necessary to fry in deep fryer.

Simple tips at the end of the article:
- Do not use sharp bait;
- If you are interested in tobacco, wash until the smell is completely disappeared.
- Do not forget about other sudden smells (soap, diest (gasoline), shaving cream, etc.);
- Thoroughly approach the purity of the used dishes, since it produces a noble medium for breeding bacteria.
- Ensure that the thermally processed bait cooled completely, otherwise it will be ruled under the influence of ice.
- Remember, the main enemy of cooked bait - moisture during storage. By adding rice in the package, you significantly reduce the water content.
- With long-term storage, use a preservative.

So, we considered the question of how at home prepare a bait for fish. Apply only such a lure that according to the article is most suitable for different reservoirs. Then you will provide a good coolie and a wonderful catch.

What only the tricks do not go fishermen to return home not with empty hands! Use various devices, it turns out, there are flavors for fishing. These funds are not at all in order to beat off the smell of a fisherman, screking fish. They are used to attract it and activate Klevel. To do this, you need to know what kind of smells like some kind of fish.

Types of attractants

Experienced fishermen prepare some quantity and flavors add already to it. The main thing is not to put more than it is necessary, otherwise the effect will turn out the opposite. Fishing flavors are used at any time of the year. The main thing is that the bait slowly descended into the water so that the smell spread to a considerable distance. If you apply the flavoring in the form of a paste, it will stick to the bait and serve as a guarantee of its slow lowering. Syrups envelop tackle and bait, sticky and indelible, and therefore ensuring the stability of the flavor. You can also use liquid attractants or sprays.

Natural flavors for fishing

Nowadays you can buy in the store. It consists of fragile substances, lubricating fish and exciting her appetite. Those who wish to save money prepare flavors for fishing independently. For this, first of all it is necessary to know which odors are most attractive to fish. And they love shades of camphor, ethereal, rotten, flower, mint, sharp and musky. Therefore, fishermen often use essential oils: lavender, anise, mint and others. Also use herbal extracts, which are added only a few drops into bait. For some types of fish, fragrances can be completely unexpected, such as cheese, dill, melon, nuts and strawberries, chocolate or vanilla. It is difficult to explain what they attract fish, because in their natural habitat, these smells are not found. Also prepare flavors for fishing, finely cutting pieces of fish, leeches, coastal insects, offal, dung worms and May zhukov. You can also add to the bait of dried duffs, a moth, shrimp, larvae.

Do it yourself

To prepare the flavor at home, you need to pre-cook sugar syrup. It is thick and sticky, so it is perfect for processing bait, thanks to an enveloping property. In addition, in the water, he will not be able to dissolve quickly, thus extended the effects of fragrance on fish. Sugar syrup can serve as a basis for the preparation of a variety of dips. To do this, you just need to add the necessary fragrance to it. There is nothing complicated in the preparation of syrup. Just bring to boil 300 gr. Sugar and a glass of water, and then cool. If you need to add an additional fragrance, then they do it while it is still hot. For preparation of vanilla, 1 vanillin bag is put on 1 liter of syrup, cocoa or grated chocolate are added in the proportion of 150 gr. On 1 liter, the spices are grinding into the powder and add as much as needed to achieve the necessary concentration of the bulk substance. Then cook all this together for a few minutes. Such syrup can be stored for a long time, but as a result, it is still crying and will become unsuitable for use. Special benefits before purchased homemade flavors do not have. So why create a difficulty? It is better to go to the store and purchase a ready-made activator of Kleva.

Hungry Fish

To peck on your bait, it should be hunger. If her appetite is not particularly good, it can be stimulated, for example, applying Fishhungry. This activator can be added to any natural bait, process artificial, as well as dilute in water, in which then dip the stuff. The package contains 5 ampoules. One ampoule is designed for 2-2.5 kg of bait or 0.5 liters of water. Suitable for use in all types of water bodies and at any time of the year. This activator is suitable for all kinds of fish. It consists of concentrated essential oils and synthesized pheromones. Under the influence of the drug appetite from fish rises, they strive for the place where the activator is located, and actively eat all edible, which appears on their path, including bait.

Reviews Fishermen.

Thus, the number of bumps increases. How do fishermen speak about this miracle? In fact, opinions were divided, and serious disputes aroused around him. Some strive to turn into a praise activator, finding a lot of flaws in it, not even once using. Others, on the contrary, lay out photos with a lot of catch, expressing thanks to Fishhungary. Probably the most reasonable advice - apply this activator itself. Its cost is small, much more fisherman gives for his tackle and bait. If it does not work out to catch a lot of fish with its help, then you can definitely be sure that it is a fake.

Dices for fishing

There are different forms of release of flavors. It is very convenient to use sprays for fishing. With their help it is easy to handle tackles and bait. Differences from other flavors, except that they are in the spray cans, they do not. You can choose any spray, depending on which fish you are going to catch. Usually manufacturers produce several aromas categories: meat, floral, spicy, caramel and others. When choosing, it is necessary to rely on your own knowledge, as well as the experience of other fishermen, which suggests, for example, that Anisa oil is great for catching bream. But here no one can give guarantees. Spray, worked by one fisherman in summer on the lake, can not help to help another winter on the river. There are products of both Russian and foreign manufacturers in stores.

Fast and efficient

In France, Sensas spray-flavor is produced. Small vials of 75 ml contain liquid intended for each type of fish separately. Each of them is designed their own smell. Flavoringors for carp, crucian and other large fish smell like roach and bream will like an earthen worm, Usachu will bend on the fragrance of cheese. But there is a universal version - Sensas Bombix Brasem. It is suitable for many types of sprays of this manufacturer fishermen respond positively. But they advise experiment with smells. There were cases when the aroma intended for one kind of fish stimulated the other one.

Long-term effect

Judging by the reviews of buyers, the sprays of domestic production are not lagging behind foreign. For example, the company SILVER BREAM, represents the diples that our fishermen are satisfied. They note the stability of these flavors, and therefore the efficiency of their use. The choice shows 20 flavors. Among them are honey, anise, banana, vanilla, shrimp and spices, cannabis and strawberries. They are suitable for both artificial and natural bait. The manufacturer recommends processing a few hours before the start of fishing to enhance the efficiency of the spray.

More often better

The company "100 Poklevok" also produces sustainable sprays on an oil-based basis. Small bottles with sprayers have information on their label not only about which aroma contains, but also for fishing which fish it is suitable. Among the smells represented by this company, you can find nuts, strawberries, garlic, banana, fried grasshopper, roasted onions and others. And also rarely found from other manufacturers fragrance for bream "pepper mix". But it is better not to chase behind the originality, but choosing the smell, focusing on your own experience.

international experience

An experienced fisherman knows which flavors need for crucian. This also knows the Polish manufacturer Traper. In his ruler, sprays are fragrances suitable not only to this fish, but also to other species. In the light-proof plastic bottles with a sprayer there is 50 ml of the bulk substance. There are hemp flavors, Coriander, Anis, garlic. Fisherman can apply them in its pure form and make a composition, focusing on preferences of fish in a particular reservoir. Also available smells compounded by the manufacturer and suitable for a specific form: "Bream", "Karas", "Okun", "roach". Trager products are popular in different countries and everywhere finds a positive response in the soul of a fisherman.

Pour or pour

Not very convenient in use, but, according to some fishermen, more natural attractants are dry flavors. These fish activators need to be added to bait 1-2 weeks before fishing. Indeed, not very convenient. In addition, this does not leave space for maneuver, that is, using such flavors, the fisherman will not be able to navigate and change the fragrance, depending on the behavior of fish. Liquid attractants faster give their fragrance bait. But their stability depends on what basis they are made. Alcohols, of course, evaporate faster than essential oils. Release attractants and gel.

Gels also apply

For example, Mega Strike Unuversa in tube weighing 57 grams has quite positive feedback. Most of all it is suitable for catching predators. The composition is classified by the manufacturer. It is only known that proteins and amino acids are included in it. The gel is easily applied, steady. It has a natural taste and smell. Gel "Pike" of domestic production is actively soluble in water, spreading an attractive fragrance. Suitable for use in standing water or reservoirs with a weak flow. Scheduled, applied with a thin layer. Most of all is suitable for fishing freshwater predators, especially Shchech. Having excited food and lick fish and awakens their appetite.

Science and Fishing

This gel, like other types of attractants, is the scientific development of scientists of the Cytology Institute and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences of Novosibirsk and NPP LLC "Micros". Natural composition allows you to position them as based on these products lie an animal exhaust. The main component is arachidonic acid with natural fish smell. She actually act on predatory fish: pike, pike perch, perch and others. In addition, these funds contain trace elements, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega - 3, 6, steroid hormones, amino acids. Interest is also a dry attractant designed in the same place. "Albumin" produce from plasma of blood, saturating it with protein and amino acids. Actively spreads its fragrance when adding to the bait. In the people, she got the name "Dry Blood". Produce it with a fractional drying method. Sterility is achieved by treating ultraviolet rays. For better efficiency, it is necessary to add a powder with a volume of 5-10% of the total amount of bait. Catch with its help not only predators, but also carp, roach, crucian.

Only you

Some manufacturers prefer to produce products that are suitable for fishing only one species of fish. This includes the firm from the UK Dynamite Baits. She lays bait for carp and is considered the largest in Europe. According to the manufacturer, attractants for this fish should be liquid. They are so confident in the efficiency of their products that they sell vials with a spacious liquid with a volume of 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 liter, assuming that the fisherman will remain satisfied and want to buy more. So why do you need small volumes?