Clane creature. Gleyanian

Golem. (Dr.-Heb. "Komok", "Neotovoe", "Neo-Orified") - a symbol of inadvertent man, biorobot.

According to Jewish folk legends, the Gully Giant is livenily magical means. Embodied utopia about creating a robot. Kabbalistry developed practical prescriptions for the manufacture of the golem. According to these recommendations, he was excited from red clay, height from a 10-year-old child, and revived either by the name of God or the word "truth" written in his forehead. Golem has no soul, and he is not able to speak. According to legend, Alberta managed to make the Golem, but he was destroyed by the Foma Aquinas, who saw the challenge to God in his creation. Another creator of the so-called "Prague Golem" was Rabbi Lyv (XVI - beginning. XVII century). His golem has repeatedly defended Prague ghetto from the pogroms.

Without possessing spiritual qualities, the golem in excess is endowed with physical abilities. He is growing rapidly, reaching the giant sizes and inhuman power. The golems were played by servants. In particular, they served Jewish families on Saturday, when the commandment of Judaism categorically prohibited any work.

In the literature of the anti-Semitic sense, the idea is that Golev in Judaism symbolized Goev. In the Middle Ages, the play of the Yudophobian content of "Gallem" was popular. When the Jewish wise men made a biorobot, having fallen into it to fight anti-Semitism, he suddenly thrown on them. In fact, Jewish mystics in the XVI century. Strongly banned all sorts of experiments on the creation of the golem. Golem is an ontological antipode of Adam. In the XX century The image of the golem has become popular thanks to the Austrian writer Gustavu Maryryna.

SEM: Majorink Golem. Walpurgis Night. M., 1990.

Definitions, Values \u200b\u200bof the Word in other dictionaries:

General psychology. Vocabulary. Ed. A.V. Petrovsky

Golem - in historical psychology, the legendary embodiment of alienated human capabilities, artificial person, created allegedly in medieval Prague. The metaphor of the city was repeatedly used in modern psychological science when discussing the mutual influence of cybernetics and ...

Large Dictionary of Esoteric Terms - Editorial D.M. Stepanov A.M.

(Heb.), Founded from red clay Creation, in which life was breathed through magic. It serves her owner, fulfilling his will. Glaz are attached to the outlines of a person. Life enters him when the name of God is pronounced above him, and the word "Emeth" is written on his forehead. Revil ...

Encyclopedia "Religion"

Golem (letters. From Hebrew - "Neo-Orified Body", "Doodle") - in Judaism - a human-like being created by the magic act. The word "G." It is found in the Bible (see; see also tanya) only once - in Psaltiri (see praise) and indicates a shapeless embryo ...

Black magic and inexplicable mysticism has long attracted people. They took their attention, as well as precious time. In this way, the mysterious Prague is valid for tourists.

Guests of the city greedily listen to stories about the strange events of the past centuries, considering the objects of historical heritage with interest. But the larger delight on their faces can be seen when narrated or local in Prague medieval legend about the golem.

Despite the fact that this city has an innumerable meeting of the myths and the legend of an explicit favorite is a story about an unusual creature.

According to the legend, "Neulyovek" created the Jewish scientist Yehuda Ben Betzalel (about 1525-1609). In everyday life, he was known as Rabbi Lion (Magaral). He was a truly wise thinker of that time; His advice more than ever helped find a way out of difficult situations. Therefore, as a sign of respect and eternal memory after the death of Jewish Rabbi, it was forbidden to someone to hold his former chair on the right side.

2009 was marked by the four-year anniversary of the Magaral, the symbol of Prague Middle Ages. The restoration of the tombstones of the whole family of Rabbi Leva, which became the most visited objects of necropolitan tourism in Prague.

Naturally, the rabbi monument is more revered by religious pilgrims. They believe that Magaral still can save them from the wrong deeds. Therefore, pilgrims, do not hesitate, trailet their messages with desires for the tombstone of rabbi, and after to fix the effect - bring a conspiracted candle. Such a slightly strange honment once again emphasizes that the memory of the rabbi still lives in the hearts of people! This means that Prague is perceived as their second house where their father lives, a mentor ...

You can talk about the merits of the Magaral before the people; But why listen when you can see all your eyes?! It was for this that the exhibition was created in () . Its main exhibits are among their first published works of the philosopher Lev, among which and the story of the golem.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an artificial creature firmly "settled" in the heads of the scholars of the Middle Ages. Therefore, it is very not surprising that this topic constantly flooded in urban discussions. Some scientists even advanced ideas, describing them in their treatises. Here, for example, the Alchemist Paracels deciphered in detail the "biochemical" process of creating his homuncule. In his own work, De Generatione Rerum Naturalium, the doctor argued that if the male seed is placed in a tightly closed glass container, pre-lowered to horse manure, then signs of the nascent life will be. But only after forty days, after complete decomposition, a colorless human form without body will grow in the tank. Then, for forty weeks, it will need to be fueled by particles from human blood, at a temperature close to the temperature of the mother body. The result of such a complex sequence will be the emergence of a miniature human child. It is not known whether this concept was actually tested until the world exists in the world. There is only one Colera Creator and his Rabbi Lion's name.

Golem (Gomunkul) is a magical combination of four stones of the world, fundamental elements, i.e. Merge water, fire, land and air. That is how Rabbi answered the questions of his assistants about the materials for his "future son".

The solid sheath of the Golem body was created from clay, and for its revival the remaining elements (water, air, fire) were used. Under them were meant the Rabbi himself and his assistants who pronounced magic formulas.

There is another version of the inspiration of life in the golem: in his mouth and forehead Rabbi invested parchment with Prayer Shma Israel. And after the vestments of the homuncule in the robes, he became like a thirty-year-old man.

The mystical flow of Kabbalah notes the great role of "Shma" in the revival of the creature. Since their representatives believe that only the correct combination of letters in the designation of B-ha is able to create a human being.

Goals of creation

When the usual people are not enough of their physical strength or intellect, then there is a unanimous desire - it is to ask for help from gods, scientists, magicians, so that they create someone who decides their problems.

Golem was not the only one who was artificially created. Back in ancient times, rumors about Pandora, created by the grace of the gods; The Great Titan "Prometheus" tried to "propagate" people with the help of clay pieces, of which their predecessors were previously created, etc.

The reasons to revive the golem were most likely a socio-political orientation. Since Rabbi welcomed its creatures with the words that fully transferred its main goal of creating. He said to Gola that now "he is the protection of the Jewish people." And from that day, the golem devotedly served his rabbi, and of course, his state.

Process of creation

One night, the Magaral woke a mysterious voice, which persistently demanded to create a defender of the Jewish people from the oppression. Despite the fact that during the time of Rudolph II, Jews in Prague, did not feel special oppressions in the sixteenth century, but the royal conspirators wanted to deprive the city of calm. Therefore, one who can save Prague from traitors was needed.

The golem had no human emotions, he was alien to a sense of compassion to others. He was a faithful fighter for his people. And his endless power has repeatedly helped in everyday life and rabbi itself.

Golem never complained about fatigue, he just did not feel her. And in order to somehow save his energy, every Friday rabbi pulled out "Shma" from the head of the golem.

But in the life of everything comes an end, here and the adventures of the golem among the Jewish people were over. A nerasoropic servant is tired of rabbi, so he decided to plant him forever.

Magaral forever pulled out "Shma" from the mouth of the golem and with the help of his students carefully hid him in the attic of the Prague Staronian Synagogue.

And as if they did not try, curious reporters under the leadership of Egon Erwin Kishis to find a soulless creature, everything was in vain.

The story of the infinite abilities of the golem, and the extent of their use forever became an example of human negligence towards its creatures.

Source inspiration

Unfortunately, as far as was not beautiful, the legend about the mystical monster, the reality of that time was very different from her. And the freedom of the Prague Jew presented not a clay defender, but an enlightened emperor. Even an exciting topic about the creation of the golem belongs not to rabbi. In the ancient Jewish legends, such episodes have already met.

However, it absolutely does not affect popularity. legends about rabbi and golem. In addition, it is constantly embodied in works of literature, visual arts, movies.

Judit Rosenbergova, Gustav Mairink, Jorge Borges, is the authors who managed to revive the golem in their literary masterpieces, and Paul Vegener and Martin Frich - directors who showed a mystical creature in televisers.

The man is so arranged that God always wanted to be like - also to become a creator, the creator. In principle, it is probably laid in the very nature of a person, for it is said that God created us in the image and similarity. In the sacred books of the Bible type, the Koran about This is very detailed.

For example, in the 32nd Sura, the "manob" says that Allah created Adam from clay: "He is the one who knows the intimate and explicit, great, merciful, who made wonderful things that created, and created the first time a man from clay "(32: 6-7).

Apparently, therefore, the person and sought the whole road to create a similar way, in addition to the natural path - reproduction. In a later version, this Pinocchio (in the Russian version - Pinocchio), in an even later - all sorts of human-like robots, creating a person from test tubes, cloning, etc. But here we did not invent anything new, because the creation of an artificial person from the earth, clay is found in the anthropogonic myths of many nations, for example, Egyptian, Sumero-Akkadsky; In particular, there is an Akkada legend about the creation of people from clay statuettes, and they were created by couples, and life in them was universe through umbilical cord - practically, as it believes in nature. This is also said in other sources. But all of them are simply unrealistic, so we will dwell on one representative from the ancient myths - the golem.

Golem - Character of Jewish mythology. A man from an inanimate matter - clay, livenily by Kabbalists with the help of secret knowledge, is everything for the same analogy with Adam, whom God created from clay.

The word "golem" comes from the word on the old Hebrew "gel", denoting "untreated, raw material", or just "clay". Root-Glm is found in the tanne in the word on the old Hebrew "Gali" denoting "my untreated form". Then, in the old Yiddish, the word "Goyle" acquired the figurative meaning of "Istukan", "stupid and bad man", "Bolon", swinging and in modern Hebrew.

Jewish myths found their unexpected continuation in a very common, in Prague, a Jewish folk legend about an artificial person, created from clay for the performance of different "black" works, difficult instructions that are important for the Jewish community, and, mainly, to prevent bloody naval through Timely interference and exposure. Further on the legend of the golem, fulfilling its task, turns into dust. Creating the Golem Folk Legend attributes to the famous Talmudist and Kabbalist - the main rabbi of Prague Maharal Yekhede Ben Betzaleel or Rabbi Levu (Labe), a person, by the way, is quite real, born at the beginning of the XVI century. This legend refers to the beginning of the XVII century. She was outlined in the novel "Golev" Gustav Mairink.

Other golems, created by popular legend by different authoritative rabbis, innovators of religious thought are known. It is also considered to be a golem that is reborn to a new life every thirty-three years.

Later the topic of the golem was often used in poetry, and in fiction, and in theatrical plays, and in the cinema, and even in computer games. One of the very first films is the 1920 film "Golem: how he came to the world." It shone the then stars Paul Vegener and Lida Salmonova.

But how was it created - according to the legend of the old Prague? The case was in the distant 1580 year. Jews, as you know, settled in Prague - in the so-called The Jewish city (at that time Josefov), lived quietly, did not interfere with anyone, on the contrary - only helped. Among them were jewelers, Lekari, Roshchists (bankers) and representatives of other useful professions. However, periodically the church arranged the persecution on them, but everything somehow calmed down. And here is one priest named Tadeush, an enemy of the Jews, once again tried to break peace and consent and provoke new superstitious accusations against the Jews. Rabbi Lev proposed then to Prague Cardinal to organize a scientific spiritual controversy. Questions were the greatest interest, whether the Jews are used when celebrating Pearha (Easter) the blood of Christians and whether the Jews are guilty of the crucifixions of Jesus Christ. Rabbi Lev convincingly proved that according to the Talmuda, the use of any blood, including animals, the Jews are strictly prohibited. On the question of the fault of the Jews in the death of Christ Rabbi Lev stated that Christ died on the cross in order to redeem the sins of mankind. It happened with the help of Jews, because God decided so. Christians, on the contrary, should be grateful to the Jews, because otherwise Christianity could not arise.

Then Rabbi Leo in a dream asked God Yakhves the question of how to start the struggle with an evil enemy. And God sent him a response, distinctly decomposed by alphabetically: ATA BRA Golem Dewuk Hachomer Wrtigzar Zedim Chewel Torfe Jisrael, which meant "Cold Golens and destroy the Father, devouring Jews."

Rabbist Lion, being a very strong Kabbalist, interpreted the "sent" a combination of words so that he can, with the help of him open, the number of letters to create from the ground - clay - a living being. He called his son-in-law Yitzhak Ben Simeon and his student, Levi Jacob Ben Haiim Sasson, and told him the secret about the possibility of creating a golem, but explained that one would not cope: "I demand your help because you need four elements for his creation: you need , Itzhak, you will be the elements of fire, you, Jacob - the element of water, I myself - the elements of air, we will create together from the fourth element - the Earth - Golem. " He explained in detail to them that for a start, it is necessary to get sanctification and clean up, in order to prepare for the great deal of creation of an artificial person, and taught them how to do it. (How it was necessary to "be sanctified" and "clean" - it does not have the history of direct relationship.)

When two "volunteers" passed all the rituals and were ready, the fateful "day of X" was completed, which was also calculated using Kabbalistic knowledge. The work took place at the light of the torch and reading the psalms. All three of the man's shape together were together and put face up. Then they became at his feet to watch him right in the face. Rabbi Leo ordered Itzhac seven times around the clay body right left, taking it to a pre-sacred word from the book Sefer Ecir, with which you can revive the golem. Yitzhak walked around and uttered cherished words. After that, the clay body became flame-red. Itzhak, as we remember, personified the element of fire.

Then Rabbi Lion ordered and Levia Jacob to bypass the body to the right left also seven times, saying and to him defined for his element of the word. When he completed his task, the fiery red color disappeared, and water flowed in the clay body; Hair made out of the skin, and nails began to grow on the fingers and legs. Jacob, thus, executed his destination, performing the elements of water.

Here Rabbi Leo himself went around the clay body, put him in his mouth written on the parchment Shem (Kabbalistic combination of the letters of God's name) and, putting to the east and west, the south and north, all three simultaneously uttered the words: "and blown in his face his breath of life And he became a man soul to an anima. " So thanks to the three elements (fire, water and air) the fourth element - the Earth - came to life. Golem opened his eyes.

Seeing this, Rabbi Leo told him: "Get up to my feet!" Golem stood. Then the clothes of Shames were put on him, and soon he looked like a normal person. Only the gift of speech did not take him. But later it turned out that so even better. At dawn, all four went home.

So far, Rabbi Lev decided to enlighten his brainchild, who he and why came to this light, and said: "Know that we have done you from the land of the land. Your task is to defend the Jews from persecution, you will call Joseph, and you will spend the night In the rabbinate. You, Joseph, must obey my orders, where and whenever I sent you - at least to fire and water; you should obey my orders, if I order you to jump from the roof and if I send you to the bottom of the sea. " Josef nodded his head as a sign of consent. Rabbi Lev brought "Joseph" home and said home that he met a mute stranger on the street, and since he fell sorry for him, he took him in the rabbinate servants. However, at home he forbade the use of golem for personal needs.

Seven years have passed. All these years, "Joseph" performed all the orders of Rabbi Lev, performed well. Further in the legend there is a fallen torus. It happened that on the day of reconciliation in 1587 in the Staronian Synagogue, where Rabbi Lion prayed, the head of the community dropped Torah, putting it into a box after the afternoon reading. The event aroused among all the participants of the community of the community of the most advanced horror, since from time immemorial, such a case was considered almost the most bad omen. Rabbi Lion was also excited and immediately ordered to all those present the next day to start fasting. On Monday, he asked in a dream by God, what sin is the cause of this bad event. This time God did not give him a clear answer, "dictating" only certain letters that Rabbi Lev could not interpret. Then he recorded them on a piece of paper and gave him to Gola, entrusted to finding from them the answer to him.

Golem, looking at the piece of paper, immediately took one prayer room from the bookcase, opened it and showed that chapter that on the day of humility was read from the Torah. The letters shown in the Rabbi Levu, were a reduced record of the commandment "Do not wish your wife's neighbor."

Seeing this, Rabbi Leo realized that the head of the community was dropped by Torah, so the Torah and slipped out of his hands. He called the head of the community to himself and confestedly told him about words from sleep. He crying, admitted to his sin, which is really a lover of a married woman, and asked Rabbi to appoint him repentance. But Rabbi Lev went even further, terminating the marriage of the wrong wife and her husband by terminating under the laws of Moses.

Next, the golem performed a lot of other orders, but once came into rage. It happened on the eve of Shabbat. Rabbi Lion introduced the custom to give Gweel on Fridays after lunching a kind of day plan for a Saturday day, because he wanted to communicate with him only as a last resort. As a rule, Rabbi Leo told him not to do anything else to Shabbat, except to stand at the post and be careful. But in one of the Fridays Rabbi Lion forgot after lunch to give him his plan for tomorrow.

So the golem first remained without a task. Barely friday came to the outcome and everything was preparing for Shabbat (Shabbat in the Jews starts not in the morning of Saturday, but from the evening of Friday), the golem began to run, as if mad, in the Jewish quarter, beat and twist everything around, and nothing could resist his Mighty devastating force - so he scared him and scared the fact that he had forgotten about him and he had no lesson. Seeing the riot of golem, people ran with a cry: "Joseph went crazy!" Immediately there was a terrible panic, and soon the news about it came to the Staronian synagogue, where Rabbi lion prayed. He ran out and, without seeing his golem, still shouted towards the street: "Joseph, stop!"

And then people saw that the golem immediately stopped as the inspected, overcoming the power of his rage. Rabbi Levu reported, where he stands for Golem, Rabbi approached him and whispered on his ear: "Go home and go to bed." And the golem listened to him as a child. Then Rabbi Leo returned to the synagogue and ordered to sing again a song for Shabbat. The excited Rabbi asked all the witnesses to report anything about this history by the authorities, since it was very afraid of the closure of the synagogue for a blasphemous experiment on creating an artificial person. From this Friday, it never happened that he forget to give a naked task the next day, knowing that he was able to devastate all Prague, if he was not calmed on time.

After that, the golel behaved, everything was still successfully defended the Jews, if there was no need for this, but for some time and the community was no longer threatened by a malicious slander - Emperor Rudolf II promised that the attacks of Christians would no longer be at the Jews - and The existence of the assistant has become superfluous.

Then Rabbi Lion called to himself Andzhaka and Jacob and told them: "Now the golem has become superfluous, since we no longer have to fear evil accusations. Therefore, we have to destroy it." Everything had to happen secretly. It was at the beginning of 1593.

On the appointed day Rabbi Lev ordered himself to him so that he did not spend the night in Rabbinate this time, and he moved his bed on the attic of the Staronian synagogue and spent there. At two o'clock in the morning, Itzhak and Jacob came to Rabbi, and he asked them whether the dead, i.e. Not alive, how, in theory, is a golem, be as other dead, the subject of pollution. It was a very important question, since otherwise the priest could not participate in the destruction of the golem, but Rabbi Leo decided that this question should be answered negatively. In other words, if the Galer was originally not-alive, then the sin of murder will not be on the priest.

Having come to this decision, all three rose with a servant on the attic of the synagogues and began to destroy the golem. They did everything exactly against the opposite compared to that night, when a person was created from clay, i.e. If they stood on the night of the creation at the legs of the golem, opposite his head, now they began to go to his head and looked at their feet. Kabbalistic words were also read on the contrary.

After all the procedures, golem again became just a lump of clay. Rabbi Lion later called servo, Abraham Khaima, and ordered him to undress his goolem to the shirt. He ordered clothes unnoticed. The frozen golem was then covered with old robes and remnants of books stored in the Jewish custom in the attic of the synagogue.

In the morning in the Jewish quarter, people said that Joseph had disappeared from the city at night. The truth knew only a few people. Rabbi Lev ordered to declare in all synagogues and prayer houses about strict ban on the attic of the Staronian synagogue.

This is such a legend ... For a while about it, I was somewhat pushed, but again they spoke again at the end of the 18th century, when the Polish Rabbi Elia from Helma put forward his version of what happened in Prague and allegedly created his goolem.

It is true that Prague Golem has never been able to destroy that a clay man continues to walk along the streets of the Jewish quarter of Prague and scare passersby. That he was supposedly seen, and more than once. But this is accurately related to the legends of the mysterious city of Prague, and more modern.

And here it is time to move from the legends to reality. If you analyze legends and historical data, then three facts are revealed that are definitely not fiction. The first of them is the suspension of the Friday service of Rabbi Lev, to stop the delicency of some kind of Josef. The second is a request to parishioners (or dedicated to history) not to inform the authorities about some experiment. And the third - a ban on the entrance to the attic of the Staronian synagogue. The ban really existed, and even disassembled the external staircase so that some kinda do not penetrate there. Before the door on the attic at an altitude of 10 m used to be a platform for which a wooden staircase was led.

it was evidenced by the holes in the beam wall wall. Later they were closed. In the XVIII century, the main rabbi of Prague Ezehiel Landau (1713-1793) visited the attic of the synagogue - putting a portable staircase to the wall. Before climbing up, the rabbi passed the strict rite of purification, fasted and prayed. Then in the prayer closure and with the straps of the thethilim on the head entered the mysterious attic of the synagogue, while his students were expected to below. However, at the top, he spent only a few minutes, and when he returned, trembled. What he saw in the attic, did not say anyone. "Let no one else dare go there upstairs and does not distort the peace of the golem!" - updated rabbi strict ban on the attic.

Today there are no remains of the head of the staronic synagogue in the attic. But this does not mean that they were not there. On one beam above the door, the date 1883 is cut out, which says that there was someone who could remove the remains in the attic. By the way, the entrance to the attic synagogue is prohibited today. For what reason? If due to the legend of the golem, then this prohibition proves that this is not a legend!

Another confirmation of the reality of the golem can be the repetition of the 92nd Psalm during worship in the Staronian Synagogue. This tradition may be a reminder of the long suspension of the Rabbi sermon due to the debord of the golem. There is no such tradition in any other synagogue.

The secret of the attic of the synagogue and legends about the golem very much interested in the Czech researcher and writer Ivan Markel, who was engaged in this issue about thirty years. In 1984, he achieved permission to climb the attic of the synagogue, searched the whole attic with the radar, listened to the walls, but nothing naturally did not find anything.

By the way, for the entire twentieth century Markel was the second who was allowed into the attic. The first was writing a journalist of Jewish origin in German Ervin Kish (1885-1948), also passionate about the legend of the golem. He visited the attic in the 20s. He had a friend, too, a Jew, no less enthusized with this topic. With him, Kish met in 1915. He served in the Austro-Hungarian troops and rewritten some parts of the manuscript. In the book, which he bought in the Polish city of Premisell, the fate of the golem, an ancient clay robot is described. She was written immediately after the death of Rabbi Lev. From the text it follows that the body of the golem probably did not remain in the attic of the marriage synagogue. It may well be, it is temporarily hidden in one of the parts of the current Josefova.

Markel believes that the traces of the Golem body can lead in several different places in Prague. To better figure out in all this story, he studied the book, which in 1909 released the Polish Jew Rabbi South Rosenberg. This book is the first detailed story about the life of Rabbi Lev and Possible Golem. Rosenberg claimed that he translated the initial Jewish text - "Miracles of Maharala", written by Isak Kaitz, a student and son-in-law Rabbi Lev. According to this, the essay of the golem actually revived with the help of Shem, which correspond to other versions of this story. It is possible that his friend told his friend precisely about the book that served as the basis of the work of Isak Kats.

Markel in his studies relied on the Articles of Egon Erwin Kish, in particular, on the article on Sunday annex to the Pruger Tagblatt newspaper from 12.9.1920. In it, Kish writes that the most efficient will be associated with the disappearance of the head of the Rabbi Leva Abraham Khaima, who participated in the destruction of the body. Probably, hahim with their relatives secretly transported the heads to the underground room of Prague Pinkasy synagogue. A few days later, he moves him to another basement on the former Gypsy street - to the house, which then partly belonged to the Prague Jew Ashera Balbirera. From there, Asher Balbirer transported the body into a partially abandoned Jewish cemetery at a television tower on a thousand, on the former Hill Holes Sibenicni VRCH, now Fibihova Street.

Didn't you stay there and so on? Is this fiction? The origin of the translation of the bag is impossible to trace, and in his manuscript there are several historical inaccuracies, the truth is not very important, and who is insured against inaccuracies, especially since we are talking about the events of five hundred years ago. The most important from the inaccuracies is that the Jewish cemetery for the deaths of the epidemic at that time did not yet exist, it appeared later than ninety years. But it might be another cemetery?

The second track leads to the old Jewish cemetery in Josefov. Trail is very believable. The fact is that in Prague archives there was a record that in 1883, a repair was carried out in the synagogue, which also replaced the rotten beams in the attic (here, from where the number 1883 on the beam) and on the outside they mounted a temporary staircase made of metal brackets. The attic was cleared, and the things discovered are lowered down and buried on the old Jewish cemetery. What these were things, no one knows, and archival records bypass this moment by silence: things, and that's it. Together with the subjects, the body of the Golem could also bear.

If we assume that the members of the Jewish community in 1883 found among the sacred books and the prayer vessels of human bones (or something incomprehensible - like a figure of clay), then the find would have been hidden or secretly buried in the cemetery, because at that time wave rose again Anti-Semitism, and the Jews were again accused of the ritual use of the blood of Christians.

By the way, about the rendered and surpassed things: what such is the need to bury the old trash of four hundred years ago and remains of books? And it is in the cemetery?! Was it no easier to squeeze it?

Next, the story makes an unexpected turn, which no one expected. In 1999, Indonesian Teddy Suunardi, who studies the right in Karlov University, appeals to Ivan Markel. He contributes to the investigation an amazing turn. Indonesian, whose mother of Czech, since childhood is visited by strange dreams and visions with an unfamiliar old square with a column or other unknown places that resemble the streets of some old European city. He sketches these places and is terribly surprised when the mother recognizes the Old Town Square in his drawings!

Indonesian later identifies his dreams and with other Prague places, primarily with the old Prague Jewish city as he was in front of an extensive restructuring at the end of the XIX century. The young man got into Prague only to study, as a child, his mother did not temper there, and he did not see these places even in the photos. But the Indonesian student knows such details about the old Prague, which only experts on its history can know. The chairman of the club "For the Old Prague" doctor of the philosophy of Katrjan Bechkova checked his memory, showing him old photos of different places of the Jewish city before restructuring. Teddy tried to answer that where. The results were amazing - about 80 percent of clear hits!

Psychics, connected to research, found out that Sunardi in a dream talks with long-dead people, among which the Prague Rabbi Yakub Schmeyles (1570-1634). He informed the student in one of the dreams that the body of the golem lies in Prague Josefov in the house where a person dies in sixty days. The calculated date was accounted for July 31, 1999, when death really visited the house number 849/6 on Prague Street at Merciful. In the basement of this house, Markel was then looking for a swapped golem, and again with a radar. The search was not crowned with success, but the Czech researcher came to a shocking relationship: this house is located a few meters from the former Gypsy street, which is mentioned by the handuscript of Kish!

Or the body of the golem (the human skeleton, the clay figure or the remains of the mysterious mechanism - the same version also took place, because Rabbi Lion was known for his wisdom, extensive knowledge of natural and secret sciences. He could, for example, to build an artificial mechanism. Although it seems less plausible But this version can not be completely eliminated) buried elsewhere and lies somewhere near this Prague street and is waiting for his discoverer?

The legend of the golem is one of the oldest and most famous urban legends of Prague. Today in the Czech capital you can find a lot of souvenirs depicting this clay giant, and local guides will be happy to spend you on the streets of Josefov Quarter and show the most interesting sights, somehow connected with your head.

The legend takes its beginning in the XVI century. At that time, the big Jewish community of Prague too often began to persecute and pogroms. There were terrible rumors around the city that the Jews are killing babies during their holidays and the traditional cakes are soaked with blood. Moreover, cases were known when particularly intolerable citizens of Prague specifically vowed the corpses of infants to the streets of the Jewish quarter, and then accused of residents in the deed crime.
When the number of pogroms and false units began to make a threatening character, the Supreme Rabbi Prague - Liv Ben Betzalel decided to resort to at least. He ventured to hold an ancient Kabbalistic ritual and with the help of magic to create a powerful defender for his units.

The magic ritual Betzalel spent at night, on the shore of Vltava, in the presence of two closest helpers. At first, a large human-like figure was molded from a wet clay, then Rabbi and his assistants slowly went around the underlying figure, and in the conclusion of Rabbi invested in his mouth with a goem - a sheet of parchment with an ancient Jewish spell, giving life to any inanimate subject.
After the ritual was over, the clay giant rose to his feet and obediently went to the city after his creator.

Defender and destroyer

From ordinary people, Golem was distinguished by a giant growth, brown skin and extraordinary silence, he could not talk, because he had a parchment in his mouth. In the afternoon, the giant helped his wife's rabbi on the housework, and at night he wandered through the streets of the Jewish quarter, protecting the peace of his inhabitants. Sometimes the golem performed special assignments of the owner, for example, I wanted escaped from the community of versuaders.
Residents of other areas of the city quickly learned that the Jews had a powerful defender. It cannot be said that rumors about the golem went to the Jews for the benefit, but fear was stronger than hate, and the attacks on their homes gradually stopped.

The golem diligently performed his duties during the week, and on Friday evening Betzalel, usually took out his mouth, Shem and the giant froze until the morning Monday. It was necessary to do it, since the Spirit enclosed in the clay shell could try to break out into the sacred Saturday, when, according to Jewish laws, any creature should have gained freedom.

But one day, Betzalel, occupied by some urgent business, forgotten to remove the golem from his mouth on time. Spirit, reviving the clay Istukan, rebelled, to the giant himself, Mounty, began to twist everything that came across on his way. The victims of the swollen monster became a few random passers-by and it was that it came across the frightened Jews to decide on an illegal act - they broke into the synagogue and demanded from rabbi to immediately interrupt worship and calm their ward. Betherl at that time read the 92nd Psalm, and, interrupting reading, immediately hurried to help his flock.

He managed to get a cunning to get to the raging giant and snatch the cherished parchment from his mouth. After the golem was immobilized, Rabbi, as if nothing had happened, returned to the synagogue and again read the 92nd Psalm, from which he was distracted.
After the end of the service, Betzalel decided not to tempt fate anymore, and hid the clay grass in the middle of a variety of trash in the attic of the synagogue. So that no one else has a desire to revive the golem, the rabbi strictly banned anyone to enter the attic. For loyalty, the staircase leading upstairs was even disassembled.

It is said that in the XVIII century, Rabbi Ezihiel Landau still decided to penetrate the locked attack and look at the golem. Before climbing there, he passed the complex rite of purification. Only after long-term preparations, in a prayer journey, the rabbi climbed into the attic on the panel stairs. Pupils, curiously waiting for him at the bottom showed that their teacher stayed in the attic just a few minutes, and when he descended, it was pale as chalk and trembled. With his impressions from what he saw, he did not share with anyone, but immediately repeated the order of the Betzalel, the commandments, so that no one even tried to penetrate the attic and to disturb the peace of the golem.
It would seem here a legend and the end. But she continued her life, and over time he overtook new details.

Legend alive

In 1920, hesing the order of the two distinguished rabbis of the past, one straightened journalist named Ergon Ervin Kish. In secretly penetrating the captain of the Staronian synagogue, this is exactly what it is now called, a reporter, to his great regret, did not find anything except for old trash and century-old dust.
After that, the press unfolded a rapid debate that the legend of the golem was just an old fairy tale, and scientists in vain offered their own rational versions of its appearance. However, in support of the fact that the golem is not a myth, another legend is persistent among residents of the Czech capital, which completely explains the absence of traces of the clay giant in the attic of the synagogue.

It is said that one day the roof was tested in the synagogue, and a roofer was called for its repair. Lata hole, he inadvertently looked through her at that very attic, where he saw the clay figure of the golem. Everything was nothing, but the wizard's wife turned out to be a descendant of Betzalel and in her family, as a relic, stored the same shem. I have not been able to cope with the temptation, the roofer decided to try to revive the clay Istukan. Before you put a magic parchment in my mouth, a man spurned his head with an iron hoop, but forgot about the most important thing - to give a giant task. Unmanaged golem began to finish evil. After the Giant strangled seven in any other passers-by and almost burned to the head of the famous Golden Street, a dazzling white dove suddenly descended from the sky. The bird cleverly pulled out the mouth of the Golem Shem, and flew away in an unknown direction. Having lost his life-giving power to the Golem, and the sudden rain began to completely blurry the clay from which he was made. Because I didn't find anything in the attic a bold sensation hunter.

This is how the instructive story about the wise clergyman, his magical brainchild and good intentions ended. By the way, golem, all the same, helped the Jewish community of Prague. Pogroms stopped, and a little later, Emperor Rudolf II stricter forbade his citizens to subjected to the persecution of Jews living in the Czech capital. In memory of the rabbi of Betzalel and his pacifier in the service in the Staronian synagogue, they still read the 92nd Psalm twice.
Liv Ben Betzalel himself died in old age and was buried on one of Prague's cemeteries. On his gravestone, the inscription is knocked out that it is here that the very creator of the golem is. And they also say that if you leave a note on the tomb of the rabbi with a desire - it will surely come true. True, it is worth a pretty thought, because even the most good desires, embodied in life, can bring not only happiness, but also big troubles.

And in Prague, they still believe that every 33 years old, on the streets of Josefov Quarter, you can find a huge human-like creature from clay, which suddenly appears and disappears right in front of passersby.