Who are people scanners and how to get everything at once. Why for innovation need people scanners scanners and divers test

The concept of the scanner first introduced Barbara Cher, if I'm not mistaken in 1994, writing the book "Dreaming Not Harmful", then a more modern edition "I refuse to choose" was published. In simple language, the scanner or multipotential is a person with a lot of hobbies and interests, which can not be engaged in one thing for a long time, because it begins to feel limited.

I assume that among people who are called multilateral and people with a large number of interests - there are a large number of scanners.

Want to clarify whether you relate to them? Enough to answer 3 simple questions!

1. Do you often have new hobbies?

2. Do you quickly catch the essence of new beginnings?

3. Do you quickly lose interest in the new when it comes to routine?

If all three questions you answered yes - Congratulations, you are a scanner!

Most likely you have listened for many years to negative expressions of others like:

- Defend what you want

- When you finally choose a profession

- Enough to take for new things and throw them halfway

- You are constantly sprayed, etc.

As a result, a sense of inferiority arose that something is wrong with you. The people around you have chosen a profession for a long time, have achieved certain results and merit in it, and you still dare :) something like that!)

BUT! If you are a man - the scanner should not be desirable, there are a number of advantages that, within one article, do not fit exactly therefore I think that you have to make a separate blog, where we will communicate with you and share the scanner experience!)

The first thing you need to do is to read this book.

By the way, it is in my electronic format, write a comment below and I will send it to you;)

Some of the advantages of scanners:

  • Generation of ideas
  • Ability to quickly learn
  • The ability to quickly adapt

Let us turn to the concept multipotencyal. Who is a multipotential? The same scanner, just a little differently named, for the first time he was mentioned by Emily Vapnik on TEDX speech in 2015

After my post in Instagram, messages periodically come to send a book, or someone tries to teach life and says that I am notorormal, but I think it is normal;))

Of those who read the book, many find themselves and sadly say that they are sad from the fact that they will most likely not find a matter of life and are unlikely to bring something large in this world!

Guys If you think the same, remember these people: Goethe, Mikhail Lomonosov, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and others.

Leonardo da Vinci

The first cause of laying is perfectionism. But this problem is much deeper than it seems. On the one hand, Perfectionists always positive themselves as people who are accustomed to doing everything brilliantly. But actually the reason in the other. If you look at any perfectionist, then you will find a secret or explicit criticism for him.

Perfectionists become those people who are afraid of critics. As a rule, these are the children on which big expectations were hung. In order to cope with perfectionism, you need to understand who drove you into the expectation of approval. And deal with it.

2. Blurred List

Very "scanners" make up such a list of cases on the current week, which cannot be done even for the entire year. They include all things that concern their lives. Even if this case is a trip to the restroom or combing hair.

Our brain is quite difficult to deceive. And if in front of him there is a task, for example, "lose weight by 10 kilograms for 1 day", then he knows that it is impossible and it is hardly possible to expect some enthusiasm.

When the list is too big, it can mean and a subconscious desire to prove to yourself that it is not possible to do all this. In this case, you better cross things out, while your brain does not believe in the reality of these things.

It still happens that you have conceived one project, but too huge. Everything else, for example, for this project, you need to get several degrees' scientists, take a bank loan by 40 million, and not at all at all about three years. At the same time, you will have to simultaneously engage in promotion, advertising, creating a product and plus to the entire painting walls alone.

In this case, it is better to ask yourself: "What exactly do I like in this project most? How to pull out the core and make it from it, but at the same time do not die from not paid credit and lack of sleep? ".

Most likely, if you follow the core and make it, then it will satisfy you.

4. You feel guilty

Sometimes the "scanners" arises a real sense of guilt when they are trying to engage in all classes at once. They want to explore marketing, learn to play banjo, write a book on project management, and still lead your culinary show. It seems to them that we must certainly focus on something one, because this is how everyone "normal" people do.

No, you only do "Divers" - those people who can focus on one passion. And your holy duty is to do everything that your soul lies. If the soul asks for marketing, banjo, culinary show and salsa, then you need to give her!

5. Do you think the problem is in you

Sometimes you do not want to start, because it seems to you that you lack determination and discipline. You think like this: "If you could choose one thing and move in one direction, he would have changed everything! I, apparently, not enough exposure and willpower to choose something one. "

Perhaps you even go to all sorts of trainings for the development of leadership qualities in the hope of getting an answer to your question: "Where is my fifth element that will allow me to find my only purpose?".

All these "hysteries" will not lead anything good. You can torment yourself indefinitely and to no avail. Write down on a sticker such words of the Indian monk-hermit of Kirpal Velandi: "Every time you condemn yourself, you break your heart."

6. You do not know where to start

When you look at your list of hobbies, your eyes scatter around. You are looking for a tip that will help you make a choice. The truth is that there is no difference what exactly to start. The order of affairs does not matter. Choose yourself any task and start. Start with the easiest, or heavy. Choose the longest or fastest, most attractive or the one that will have to try. It does not matter where to start. After all, you are still going to do it all.

From childhood, they praised the ability and good memory, but scolded for the lack of perfection? You have passed several classes in life and the mind do not attach, what to stop on? Once the American psychologist Barbara Cher introduced the concept of "scanner" and "diver." So she offered to distinguish between two types of people prone to "scatter" with their talents. The behavior of scanners and divers appearance seems to be the characters and causes of their throwing - completely opposite.

Determine diver you or scanner , It is important because it depends on what work and lifestyle you should find to feel happy and finally stop "scattering" - or, on the contrary, start doing it consciously and with pleasure.

Lena knows English perfectly. Once she began to learn French yet, but abandoned due to lack of time. She is studying at a psychologist, and in parallel, it is interested in needlework, programming and breeding of different varieties of violets. Parents look at his daughter's enthusiasm with some excitement: the girl is undoubtedly talented - but is it not time for her to decide? This is a portrait of a typical scanner.

The scanner may have in stock. Author's translation of beloved (quite probably unfinished), several published articles on various topics embroidered with beads bag or tree figurines, as well as experience in the tourism business and a computer company. If the scanner is moving, he already probably tried several sports, from fitness to riding. If he loves, he has already tried to study and threw his heels of a wide variety. And the main thing - almost everywhere they say: "Keep, stay, you have to this ability!" But something drives the scanner further ...

Diver, on the contrary, is happy when he can improve the years in his favorite business. But, unfortunately, some divers are not confident. One day the failure, they can refuse to call and sort out various surface hobbies as scanners. Just at the same time feel unhappy, even if they assure everyone in the opposite. For the "deep digging" diver to give part of the life of any lesson and many years to understand that it was not "his" business - a real tragedy. In fear of such a perspective, he subconsciously avoids his beloved affairs, preferring inadvertent supportings and low positions, or years sits on the spot, where he is frankly boring. Therefore, the "unfortunate diver" the place of work often looks like non-serious, unworthy of such a capable person. He is as if afraid to seriously devote himself to anything.

Pasha was going to enter Biofak MSU. But in the tenth grade, a favorite teacher of biology, practically Pashin Kumir, looking at his work, stretched out: "Young man, I'm afraid, you will fall on the biological ... I didn't think about any other options?" To the joy of parents, who also skeptically treated the career of a scientist, Pasha entered the economic. But the career was not set: at 25 he works as a manager's assistant and changes work every 6-8 months. The story of Pasha is a sad example of the "unfortunate" diver, which was shot down from the way to his vocation.

In fact, by 25-30, the diver usually had already groped one or a couple of classes that like him most. But, being a man with fragile self-esteem, the total failure fears. Perhaps this fear was inspired by the senior or not too wise teachers in childhood. And therefore, the "unfortunate" diver does everything to walk around and about "the case of his life", so to him and not starting.

Such people need to be finally allowed to be happy and do what the soul is. It is clear that in the described case of a young man are waiting for difficulties - it's not so easy to start from scratch at 25 years. But perhaps he will be able to find a compromise version like work by the manager in a company producing, for example, products for aquaries, or in the medical center.

There is another subspecies of divers - People with brilliant abilities who do not like or afraid to learn. Such characters simply do not find their own way, because they always stop at the first failures. The guitar game is thrown as soon as the need to teach Solfeggio, and chess ceases to interest such divers as soon as they begin to systematically lose a more trained opponent. Often, such a form is still formed at school, when a gifted child is studying for it too easy for him, you're used to grab everything on the fly, and does not go on time through the period of effort, does not learn to overcome difficulties. Parents or teachers "capture" him, giving rise to confidence that real success comes only - with fanframes and immediately. And if you are stuck on some place - it means it is better to quit. From the lack of praise and success, this type of diver is a dive, difficulties plunge it in longing. And then he recalls the magic agent - a new lesson, which will certainly be easy at the beginning.

Daiver-dragonfly fluttering from one classes to another will help only systematic efforts. He needs to admit that, continuing this game in "No, not mine," he will not achieve significant success (and they are actually needed by self-esteem of the diver). Pull the feeling of powerlessness and continue. The truly interesting lessons require labor, sometimes stubborn, and its results cannot always be brilliant. But the favorite thing is worth it!

And what to do scanners? Sometimes it is also difficult for them in life. Close to take a variety of their interests for superficiality, the bosses are considered non-serious: who will pay a workbook, fighting with the incompatible records? .. And the main scanner: how to have everything that you like? According to psychologists, the problem of scanners is also in the fact that they do not believe in "tomorrow". Scanner seems to have only "today", and in this "short moment between past and future" you need to accommodate all your favorite things. They have a feeling of trafficking, lack of time and disappointment.

Scanner must calm down: In fact, life is pretty long. Psychologists recommend joking scanners Exercise "Ten Lives". If you had 10 lives, how would you spend them? If "not enough" lives, increase their number up to 15 or 20 - how much will be required. Take a pen and sheet of paper and describe these 10 (or how much you have conceived) Lives: who are you, what do you do, how and where do you live? Check if this lifestyle really, are these classes - what would you like to do with all my soul? In the details, imagine yourself in one or another, activity, place: What is your day, what people do you surround you, will you receive pleasure from such a lifetime? Then write all the desires that sustain the check with this exercise. Read the list and mark: What would you like to do during this year? And what could be done after that? What is the case you can take half an hour a day, or maybe at two evenings a week? And what do you want to do only occasionally, for the mood?

Salvation of scanners - in classification and some ordering their diverse interests. It is also important to determine how seriously you would like to do in one business. Perhaps you should be left every day or evening a week under one of your activities, and large "paint" for half a year. Draw yourself a color calendar, in which various colors will be marked by the zones of your interests. This calms the scanners - they are clearly convinced how many will be able to have time for a limited period of time.

Specify: Do you want to master the art of photography in full or just learn to make beautiful portraits of friends and bring successful pictures from vacation? And how important you are important to play guitar - at home downtown or rock band, which can perform in clubs? Both, in principle, maybe you only need to clarify your desires. Young scanners should think about the profession or mode of operation, which will allow them to change areas of activity without prejudice to income. Perhaps they will fit the profession of analyst, journalist, translator or cultureologist, allowing every time to dive into a new environment. Find for the scanner is a freelance lifestyle that allows you to make a living at once in several types of activities and distribute your time.

Guys, we put the soul in the site. So
what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Life-coach and famous Speaker Barbara Cher divides people on 2 types - divers (those who like to study the topic in detail) and scanners (those who need only gradually). In his book, which became a bestseller, she tells how to act in one and others to achieve the desired.

website I figured out what the difference between scanners and divers, and found out what to do topics and others to maximize its potential.


Diverslike to explore a specific topic in detail. They prefer to dive into the unknown depths and do not calm down until all pebbles touch and do not see all the fish. Divers - potential careerists, because they like being masters of their business and they always crave to reach. They are really kaifu, learning more and more details and expanding their knowledge in the topic chosen.

You are a diver if:

  • You like to study the topic from the crust to the crust ... and a little more.
  • You could have been doing the same thing all my life.
  • You need more skills in your field of activity. Much more!
  • You would like people to consider you a good specialist.
  • Do several things at the same time? Eupy Lord!
  • It often seems to you that you still have not studied the topic to the end.
  • Long-term goals are not frightened.
  • You are often afraid to take for something new, as you think that you do not have sufficient skills for this.

How to realize yourself if you diver?

At the beginning of our way, divers often suffer, fearing to be mistaken and choose not what they really need. At this moment diver easy can be confused with a scanner.

The idea that they did not study the topic of interest and did not brought it to a logical end, pursues divers as a piece of bread from our childhood.

  • Change your vision. Treat failures as an additional development stimulus. Only continuing to do something until we learn about this, you can develop confidence.
  • Try to find out the reason why you are throwing started what exactly stops you. After that, write down the sequence of your feelings. As soon as you write all the stages (from sunbathing the idea to the moment when you want to throw everything), you will understand that this is just one of the points on the way to your completed business. It just needs to be overcome.
  • Remember that you must constantly return to work, because the best medicine for a diver is to do something while it does not turn into a real master of his case.


Scanners - These are personalities that do not stop on something one, they are in love with life and constantly "scan" everything around themselves in search of interesting things. "The more - the better" - here is the motto of scanners.

Scanners are radically opposed to divers and often in an attempt to fit into the generally accepted standards of our world they feel unhappy.

  • Yesterday it seemed to you that it could not be better than this, and today it is already wildly infuriated.
  • Both the Shvets, and the Reaper, and on the Dudge, the playment is about you.
  • You get bored when you understand how it works.
  • Periodically, you fall into the despondency, because "everyone around found their calling, besides me."
  • You work on low-paid work (or on several at once), because you can't decide what you are interested in more.
  • Your interests are constantly changing.
  • You constantly throw the started.
  • It is difficult for you to deal with something one for a long time, the so-called rodovukha kills you.
  • You are productive only when you have several lessons at the same time.

How to realize yourself if you scanner?

Most of all the scanners interfere with what they believe that they have not enough time. Therefore, they are always in eternal rush, afraid to miss something. This feeling in the soul of the scanner is bordered by hysteria, so he believes that every precious and such a fleeting minute of his life should beat the fountain of emotions and impressions. That is why it is very important that the scanner realize that his time is more than enough And that this time is enough for all his interests.

You can perform such an exercise.

  • Imagine that you are not one person, and 10 (or more). Write on a sheet of paper, what would be done by each of these people (musician, poet, businessman, husband / wife, etc.).
  • Sort your "10 lives", answering the following questions:
  1. Which of 10 lives can I dedicate next year?
  2. What the next life can you live when I implement in the first life?
  3. What of the entire list can I do every day for 20 minutes (or less)?
  4. What matters from the entire list can do on weekends?
  5. What can I do from time to time?
  • Make a quick plan for 3 years. Specify when and what you would like to do.
  • Write a plan of your life. He must be at your home in a prominent place to, looking at him, you clearly understood that, for example, the next 3 months you dedicate yourself to music, and the next six months - business.

Naturally, your list will be adjusted, you will add, for example, master classes, meetings with friends or family holidays. But the overall integrity of the picture and the feeling that all your favorite things will plenty of time will allow you to not jump from place to place, do not distract and seek big results.

And who are you like a scanner or diver?

So, you are a born "scanner" - a person who enjoy the diversity around us. Often, people-scanners feel that time rushes past, and they have not reached anything else. Did not become a professional in anything. It seems, without five minutes, an expert in one sphere, and here it begins to interest the other. People who have fewer talents, and opportunities, advanced far forward, and the "scanner" is everything at the start.

If this is so - you just do not yet realize that being a "scanner" is a worthy calling. This is talent and the key to a good life.

"Scanners" want to try everything. They with the same enthusiasm study the structure of the flower and the theory of music. They love to travel and are interested in politics. For the "scanners", the Universe is a treasury where millions of works of art are stored, and it is unlikely to have enough life to see them all.

Since specialization and determination are appreciated in our culture, we think too often that the "scanners" are people who simply do not want to work and scatter in trifles. This stereotype.

Get everything and immediately

Often the only problem of "scanners" is to find a job where you can use their specific talent. Tests on vocational guidance are usually useless for "scanners". It is necessary time and ingenuity to find a niche for them - work that will contain all their numerous interests. But the results are worth.

Scanners can be poets, creators of documentaries, travelers, beautiful sellers, good managers and teachers. And even combine several of these roles at the same time.

Get everything successively

Scanners are often distracted, in particular, because they are terribly hurry. But hurry has nowhere, because:

  • time is greater than it seems;
  • hurry is unproductive;
  • "Fever time" spoils life. This is a kind of hysteria, because of which everyone believes that it is necessary to deal with something important for the future every minute. Do not give in to her. There is time. And it is just enough for it to understand himself and find his calling (or several vocations at the same time).

There is much more time than you imagine. You will get everything if you are calm and consistent.

Several exercises for typical "scanners"

1. Ten lives

If you had 10 lives, how would you dispose of them? Take a pencil, a sheet of paper and write, what would you do in each of these lives. If you have more than 10 professions in your head, please! Do not limit yourself in anything. And now let's look at this list. It may look like this: the poet, a musician, a successful entrepreneur, a Chinese scientist, a cook in a high-kitchen restaurant, traveler, gardener, husband and father, journalist, leading talk show.

Excellent! It is not necessary to choose one profession. Very soon you will find a way to live every of these lives.

2. Available time

Quickly answer the following questions about each of your lives. Do not think too long. Write down the first thing that comes to mind. (You can use the same life several times.)

What life would you give 2016? What life will live the second? What can you do every day at 20 (or less) minutes? And what - on weekends? What can you do from time to time?

Having answered these questions, you will get a more realistic idea of \u200b\u200bhow people are engaged in different things if they are "rebirth people" similar to you. Maybe you stop thinking in the framework of "or - or": "How can I abandon everything and devote myself to poetry, and learn Chinese, and play a violin, so that there is still time left for business and travel? Yes, and still learn how to prepare high kitchen dishes and enjoy gardening? "

Here's how: do not devote yourself to poetry. Just write poems.

Write one line before bedtime, and suddenly you unexpectedly wake up very early with the desire to write more. If the poem is captured, set aside everything else. And in a few days you finish it. And then, perhaps you will not want to write poems for another month. When will you take the lessons of playing the violin? What about the next summer?

The meaning is that everything is possible to have time to make a schedule.

If you want to start a business, but also to see the world, you can combine it or translate consistently: now business, then travel.

3. Make a quick-balanceable three-year plan

Many "scanners" seems to be very little time and if you do not do something right now, then in the future it will not be time. Relax: time is enough for all your numerous "life." You have more time than you believe.

In order to calm down, you need to create a rapid plan for three years. Once you understand that you can conquer new lives step by step, you calm down.

4. Draw a map of your life

Look at your past. Probably, the map of your life may look like this: In 2008, you took up the mountaineering, in 2009, you were in a fiber of antiques, in 2010 you began to play a violin, in 2011 settled on the radio and so on. Some year you went to the movies constantly, and then did not go for two years at all? You know, perhaps, this is the most correct way to live. You need to learn to respect the wisdom of our natural instincts, because they allow you to fine-fit everything you need.

If you understand that you still have a "scanner", do not do anything to change yourself. Do not think that you have to break yourself to the requests of this world. Better think about how to arrange a life to enter your numerous talents in it.