Lemongrass yellow. Chinese Lemongrass, Medical Properties and Contraindications

The benefits and harm of the Chinese lemongrass are an important question for those who love unusual foods in the kitchen and in a home first-aid kit. To figure out what properties is a lemongrass, you need to get acquainted with its composition and features.

What looks like and where the lemongrass grows

The lemongrass is called a liano-like plant growing in the territory of Eastern and Southeast Asia. The plant is found in Japan, China and Korea, and in Russia there is growing in the Far East, Kurilla and Sakhalin.

The Chinese lemongrass can reach a sufficiently long length - up to 15 m. They are covered with elliptic dark green leaves. The main value in the Chinese plant is its fruits - juicy red berries, which appear on shoots long tight brushes.

At first glance it seems that Liana, and berries have nothing to do with lemons. The question arises - where does the name come from? The answer is very simple - berries, leaves and stalks of the plant make a distinct lemon smell.

Chemical composition of the Chinese lemongrass

The berries of the Chinese plant are quite small. And, nevertheless, they have the mass of the valuable and necessary organisms of substances. Namely:

  • vitamins C and E;
  • vitamin RR;
  • antioxidants are lignanes, important at the same time for the prevention of cancer and reduction of cholesterol;
  • mineral components of iron, potassium, barium, calcium, iodine and zinc;
  • substances selenium, manganese and magnesium;
  • organic acids - for example, wine, apple and;
  • fat and essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins and tanning substances.

Also, the benefits of Far Eastern lemongrass for the body are expressed in high fiber in fresh and dried fruits.

Nutritional value and calorie of lemongrass

Fats Berries of the Chinese Plant do not contain at all. But 19 g in them carbohydrates occupy, and the proportion of proteins accounts for about 10 g. The calorie content of the berries is very low - only 120 kcal per 100 g of the product.

What is the Chinese lemongrass

The benefit of a Chinese lemongrass for the human body is large enough. With constant use of berries:

  • struggling with overwork and replenish energy reserves;
  • copble with muscle pain;
  • increase the level of immune resistance and strengthen the nervous system;
  • contribute to rapid deliverance from unnecessary fat deposits;
  • lower glucose in the blood and level pressure;
  • strengthen the vascular walls and thereby protect the heart from ailments;
  • activate brain activity and beneficially reflected on a hormonal background;
  • help in the treatment of gastric disorders and colds.

In addition, the beneficial properties of the berry of the lemongrass prevent the development of avitaminosis and anemia. The plant helps to extend the total life expectancy, since it strengthens all the important systems of the body.

For women

The benefits and harm of the Chinese lemongrass for the body of women are expressed in the fact that the properties of the plant eliminate poor well-being and mood swings during the climax period. Use it useful during menstruation and simply during periods of intense mental and psychological loads.

The benefit of a lemongrass for women is also that properties have a beneficial effect on female beauty - based on plants are preparing a lot of efficient home care products.

For men

In the berries of the plant contains a lot of phenolic compounds and biologically active components that extend the youth of the male organism. The benefits and harm of the Far Eastern Lemongrass manifests itself primarily in relation to the hormonal background of men - the properties of the product increase the libido and potency protect against impotence.

The benefits of a lemongrass for men are also expressed in the fact that berries prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the prostate and improve the quality of genetic material.

At what age, the lemongrass can be given to children

Useful components in the berries of the plant will have a positive effect on the children's body, but only in competent use. For the first time to offer a child Chinese lemongrass after 12 years, until that time the properties of the product will affect health rather harm.

In addition, the first dosages of berries in order to avoid harm should be very small - several fruits.

Attention! Since the Chinese lemongrass refers to potentially dangerous and allergenic products capable of harming the body, you must consult with the doctor before entering berries in the children's diet.

Is it possible lemongrass during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The benefits and harm of the health lemongrass are expressed in a sufficiently strong toning effect. During pregnancy, this property of berries becomes rather dangerous, besides, their use often provokes a contraction of the uterus. For these reasons, women in the position better abandon the use of the product.

The same applies to the lactation period. The properties of substances in the composition of the Chinese lemongrass can harm the health of the infants.

Indications for the use of Chinese lemongrass

The properties of lemongrass are used to normalize well-being with a wide range of negligence. Indications for the use of berries of this plant will be:

  • anemia, avitaminosis and common decay of forces;
  • bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • liver disease, kidney and stomach;
  • problems in the sexual sphere in women and men;
  • skin defaults - inflammation and irritation;
  • incixation of the body.

Often, lemon berries are used in preventive purposes during strong physical and mental loads.

Application of Chinese lemongrass in folk medicine

Chinese lemongrass is used to create a variety of drugs. At home, it is cooked from it mainly useful drinks whose properties quickly help with poor well-being.

Juice of Lemongnik

When decaying forces, poor mood and irritability benefits the juice of lemongrass. Make it extremely simple.

  1. The fruits of the plant must be carefully cleansed from the flowers and twigs, rinse and pour out into the enameled container, and then how to throw it.
  2. The separated juice is parted into sterile banks and for 15 minutes sterilize, that is, heated to about 75 ° C for a couple.

Cooling juice is sealed and stored in the refrigerator. Usually use it together with tea, adding 1 teaspoon of the drink to the cup.

Broth of lemongnik

The fruits of lemongrass are used to prepare a useful beam. Need:

  • fill in a saucep 1 large spoonful of fresh or dried berries;
  • pour water, and then boil within a few minutes;
  • remove from the stove and insist under the lid for a couple of hours.

The cooled decoction is filtered, if desired, natural honey or sugar add to it and drink every day to 1 large spoon. The properties of the beam helps well with the increase in blood sugar, they cope with disorders of digestion and failures in the work of the nervous system.

Important! Use the decoction is useful in symptoms of oxygen, the drink satures the body with vitamins and quickly improves well-being.

Infusion of Lemongnik

The benefits and harm of the berry of the lemongrass are manifested in the healing nasty. To create it, you need to pour a cool boiling water as a large spoonful of berries, close the capacitance with a lid and insist the medicine for 10 hours.

Drink infusion daily in small quantities, not more than 1 large spoon. The healing properties of the lemongrass show themselves with a weakened immunite and the decline of the forces, with a lack of vitamins and a small blood.

Tincture of seeds and fruit of lemongrass

A useful alcoholic tincture is prepared from the medicinal plant, the seeds of the lemongrass and its fruits are used in it. The seed recipe looks like this:

  • 2 teaspoons of plant seeds fall asleep in a small glass vessel;
  • poured with raw materials with vodka or clean alcohol;
  • tightly plug the vessel with a plug and remove into a darkened place for 2 weeks.

The tank with tincture is needed daily to sneak for a better distribution of beneficial substances. When the medicine is fully prepared, it will be needed to move. The tincture of berries is prepared in the same way.

Use the medicine should be used with excessive physical and emotional overloads, when depressed and decay forces. The benefits and harm of the tincture of seeds of the lemongrass depends on the dosage, they drink it only 20-30 drops before meals, no more than three times a day. At the same time, the overall course of treatment should not exceed 25 days, otherwise the home medicine will bring harm.

Attention! Instructions for use for tincture of lemongrass seeds read - for minor medicine is strictly prohibited. Adults should not exceed these dosages, otherwise the alcohol in the composition of the drug will harm the body.

Tea from berries and leaves of lemongrass

Based on the Chinese lemongrass, fragrant and useful tea are often prepared, and not only the fruits are used in recipes, but also the benefit of lemongrase leaves.

  1. A teaspoon of finely chopped dry leaves need to pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insstruct tea about 10 minutes, then at the request of adding honey or sugar to it.
  3. Drink the same as an ordinary tea drink.

Instead of leaves, you can use plants berries - all parts of the Chinese lemongrass have a positive effect on health. The benefits and harm of tea from the lemongrass are determined by the amount of beverage - it is recommended to use a maximum of a couple of cups per day. The properties of the healing beverage are well tone, serve as a cold prevention. The benefits of the leaves of the Chinese lemongrass are expressed in the fact that the drink disinfects the oral cavity and reduces the risk of caries.

Syrup from lemongrass

For lovers of sweet to the taste of healing drugs, home medicine offers a delicious and useful medicine - syrup from the Chinese lemongrass berries. Make it like this:

  • berries are thoroughly washed, wrapped in a tightly folded gauze and squeeze juice;
  • the liquid is drained into the pan, and then fall asleep with sugar, and 1.5 kg of sugar sand should be accounted for 1 liter of juice;
  • the mixture is heated until sugar is dissolved entirely, and then removed from the stove and overflow into the glass vessel.

The cold syrup takes 1 large spoon three times a day, along with food or immediately after it. Syrup is especially indicated for use under reduced pressure and poisoning, with drowsiness and reduced libido, with infections. You need to use everything for a month, after that make a break.

Tablets Lemongnik

Some drugs based on the Chinese lemongrass can be purchased at the pharmacy. This list includes not only tincture and syrups, the agent is also implemented in a tablet form.

The pills of the Chinese lemongrass are very convenient for use - when used, it is easy to choose a dosage, you can take them without unnecessary difficulties on the road. Useful medicine will be with a tendency to heart disease and with weak immunite, pills drink to strengthen vessels, deceleration of aging and for the general tone of the body.

Limondnik seed oil

Another drug that can be bought at the pharmacy is a useful oil prepared on the basis of seeds of the Chinese plant. It is implemented in the form of capsules intended for use twice or three times a day immediately after eating.

The properties of oil in medicinal capsules effectively increase the tone and performance, relieve inflammation and help with digestive disorders. The useful agent speeds up the healing processes of the wound and abrasion, strengthens the protective systems of the body. In particular, the useful oil is recommended for receiving for those whose work is associated with overheating or supercooling, with radiation effect or disadvantage of oxygen.

Powder from lemongrass

The treatment with a Chinese lemongrass is carried out using a powder. To prepare such a tool, you need:

  • pour water and for several hours to insist the Chinese plants berries;
  • separate the flesh and extract seeds;
  • fully dry them in the oven and grind into fine powder.

Take such a means literally on a pinch, in an amount of 0.5-1 g twice a day. The powder benefits in the treatment of liver ailments, with the decline of forces and with gastritis with increased acidity.

Using a Chinese lemongrass in cosmetology

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of lemongrass are important, including in home cosmetology. Based on the plant makes useful products to care for beauty.


The most famous plant-based basis is a cleansing lotion. For cooking 2 large spoons of berries are poured with vodka and for the week they keep in a cool and shaded place. Then the means is filtering and added to it 1 large spoonful of glycerol.

So that the lotion does not harm, it is diluted with clean water in the proportion of 1 to 3, and then the face and neck are wiped daily. The tool helps to normalize the fattyness of the skin and get rid of acne.

Rinse for hair

For hair care, useful properties of lemongrass leaves. Fresh leaflets, twigs and fruits in the amount of 1 large spoons are chosen, fall asleep into the thermos, poured boiling water and insist 3 hours.

Then the useful remedy is cooled and filtered so that after each wash wash, the hair is rinsed by healing infant. With regular use, the infusion of curls are strengthened and cease to fall out.

Chinese lemongrass in cooking

It is mainly practiced by a Chinese lemongrass at home, however, this plant is often used in cooking.

  1. Plant berries juice is added to fruit wines to give them an unusual taste and aroma.
  2. Based on fresh juice and berries, compotes and syrups, frost and kissel are prepared.
  3. The pulp is often found in the candy fillings, sweet jams and jam make it from it.
  4. The Chinese lemongrass meets in the composition of the marmalands, in a stuffing for baking, in dairy and curd desserts.

The benefits and harm of the jam from the berry of the lemongrass are practically the same as the medical agents based on the plant. Recommendful desserts are recommended for strengthening immunity and increasing the total tone of the body.

Harm Chinese Lemongrass and Side Effects

Despite the benefit of the grass of the lemongrass, the valuable properties of the plant can damage. When excessive use of medicines or desserts, side effects are developing:

  • tachycardia and headache;
  • hypertension and insomnia;
  • increased gastric secretion.

Also on the background of an overdose by the Chinese plant can occur allergic rash.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass

In some states, drink drinks and sweet dishes with a Chinese plant is strictly prohibited regardless of the dosage. Contraindications to the reception serve:

  • severe heart diseases and liver pathologies;
  • frequent migraines and hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders;
  • epilepsy and acute infectious diseases.

A Chinese lemongrass can cause individual allergies, so when you first get acquainted with a plant, it is necessary to use it in minimal dosages.

When and how to collect the fruits of the lemongrass

The Chinese plants are massively ripening in September, at this time and need to collect raw materials for blanks. On one brush, it is usually contained no less than 20 useful berries, or even more, so you can dial them in sufficiently large volumes.

You need to tear off the branches only completely harsh, red fruits, you can return a little later when they raise ripeness. Perfect weather for collecting is considered the first half of dry and sunny day. It is very important to choose an environmentally friendly area for the preparation of fruits - the properties of berries who have time to imagine chemical waste will bring health not benefit, but only harm.

Tip! Since in the fresh form of the Chinese plant berries are not stored, the time for collecting should be chosen in such a way as to be able to immediately take up further processing of raw materials.

How to dry lemon berries

For long-term storage of the berry of the Chinese plant, it is customary to dry. Proper processing is as follows:

  • the collected raw materials for 3 days are laid out outdoors, away from sunlight;
  • after that, the fruits are placed in the oven preheated to 60 ° C and kept in it for several hours until the pulp will lose the residues of the liquid.

The dried fruits are placed in paper bags or linen bags and remove storage in a dark dry place. Useful properties The drug raw materials remains for 2 years.


The benefits and harm of the Chinese lemongrass depend on the right dosages - drugs and teas should be taken in small volumes. With competent use, the plant will help get rid of the symptoms of many ailments and generally strengthen the body.

Therapeutic properties and contraindications of the Chinese lemongrass were open to the 15th centuries ago. His healing force was discovered by chance, and on tonic qualities the plant is in second place after ginseng. In China, there are many legends and belief related to this Liana. From the Chinese language, its name is literally translated as a "berry of five tastes". Why is that? Because in the plant, indeed, 5 tastes were collected according to Chinese tradition. The pulp is sour, seeds - bitter and sharp, fruit peel - sweet, and the cooked medicine is salty. The Russian title "Lemongrass" reflects another distinctive feature of this plant - its pleasant lemon fragrance emanating from fruits, young shoots, leaves.

Features of chinese lemongrass

In Russia in the first half of the XIX century, the well-known botanist N. S. Turchaninov was engaged in the study of this plant, then at the end of the XIX century, Liana was described by Botanist V. L. Komarov. He was interested not only by biological features, but also the benefits of a lemongrass. The scientist lived among the Far Eastern Nanians, recorded stories about wonderful healings, studied the features of treatment with fruits and leaves of Liana. However, clinical trials of this medicinal plant began to spend only during the Great Patriotic War. It is known that the plant was given to the wounded soldiers in hospitals for speedy recovery.


In the wild, Liana is growing in Korea, China, Japan. Also well carries out in the Far East, so it received another name - the lemongrass Far Eastern. This is the same kind of plant. It can be seen on the island of Sakhalin, in the Amur region, on the Kuril Islands, the coast of the Tatar Strait. Liana grows in coniferous (for the most part - in cedar) and broad forest. Loves the valleys of mountain rivers, edges, plugged, cutting down. You will not meet her in the floodplains, on flooded soils. The plant can be seen on the elevation (not higher than 600 m). Refers to light-loving plants, although it is withstanding a long dimming. Usually grows by groups, creating thick thickets over time.

In other regions of Russia, the lemongrass cultivate as a decorative plant in botanical stations. Experienced gardeners grow it not only for beauty, but also for therapeutic purposes. In addition, the plant belongs to good honey.

Botanical description

What does a chinese lemongrass look like? This is a robust perennial liana, which can reach a height of 15 m and above. In the northern regions, frost-resistant subspecies rise up to 4 m. Liana wures the spiral of the high trunks of trees nearby. Its main stems are dark brown, rough, diameter up to 2 cm. Young shoots are smooth, with a crust of yellowish color. The leaves in the lemongrass have an elliptical shape, reach a maximum length of 10 cm and a width of 5 cm. It is easy to learn the plant in beautiful, bright red fruits assembled in the brush with a length of up to 10 cm.

What is Krymsky lemongrass

The Limonon Limonon Plant and the Crimean Lemongrass have nothing to do. Crimean's lemongrass is called Zheleznev Krymskaya, or Tatar-tea, shepherd tea. This is a herbaceous plant with light yellow flowers. When brewing, the grass acquires a pronounced lemon taste and smell (hence the name). It is found only in Crimea and also refers to medicinal plants. Apply as a height, anti-inflammatory and tonic. Decorations and shells strengthen immunity, local residents drink them to prevent respiratory diseases.

Chemical composition

Useful substances are contained in different parts of the plant - in fruits, leaves, stems, young shoots, kore. In lemongrass, many organic acids and vitamins of group B, vitamin C, fiber, trace elements. Most of all fatty oil and toning substances are found in plant seeds, and in the crust and leaves - many essential oils.

Healing action

What are the healing properties of the chinese lemongrass?

  • Toning and contemporary. Celebrations based on lemongrass stimulate nervous activity, heart and respiratory system. This is due to the substance called "Schizandrin", which excites the CNS.
  • Immunostimulatory. The substances contained in the plant strengthen the immune system. Tinstures and decoctions are useful to drink in the cold season for the prevention of ARVI, influenza, colds.
  • Psychostimulatory. This medicinal plant restores not only physical strength, but also strengthens the mental resources of the body, increases mental performance and memory, relieves fatigue, apathy and drowsiness.
  • Adaptogenic. It helps to adapt the body in difficult environments - highlands, in a cold or hot climate. Like ginseng, and Eleutherococcus, this plant strengthens physical forces during the period of large loads, he is recommended to athletes, climbers, tourists, military, people of physically difficult and dangerous professions.
  • Improves metabolism. The plant contains biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. The lemongrass reduces blood sugar levels, improves blood circulation.
  • Lemongrass increases or lowers pressure? In some trailies they write about the regulatory function of the lemimple, that is, it levels blood pressure: when it is necessary - it increases, and if necessary, lowers, expanding the peripheral vessels. In other sources, it is mentioned that berries drink under reduced pressure, and seeds - with elevated. In third editions they write that the lemongrass drink only under reduced pressure. But it is necessary to rely on the medical point of view. In the instructions for the use of lemongrian, it is indicated that the drug increases blood pressure and is effective in asthenic syndrome, that is, with the decline of strength and reduced pressure.

In the manual, the secretory function of the lemongrass is rarely mentioned. It can be used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular, with reduced acidity gastritis), to normalize digestion, improve the intestine motorcycle.


What diseases, symptoms and conditions are included in the list of indications for the use of a Chinese lemongrass?

  • Asthenia and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Neurosis.
  • Weak stress resistance.
  • Heavy physical work.
  • Psycho-emotional loads.
  • Violations of sexual function in men on nervous soil.
  • Vegeta dystonia.
  • Prevention of viral respiratory diseases.
  • Reducing visual acuity.

Also, the phytopreparation is prescribed in complex therapy to restore the body after severe diseases.


Chinese lemongrass contraindications:

  • any infections in the acute period;
  • chronic liver diseases, kidneys, hearts;
  • mental disorders;
  • nervous excitement, insomnia;
  • congenital pathology of the CNS;
  • epilepsy, convulsions;
  • card and brain injuries, increased intracranial pressure;
  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance, allergic reaction.

Attention should be paid to the drug interaction of the plant with other drugs. It is not recommended to take together with such medicines:

  • analeptics;
  • stimulants of the nervous system (here also includes ginseng and eleutherococcus vegetable preparations);
  • neuroleptics;
  • sleeping pills;
  • tranquilizers.

Alcohol, coffee, strong tea during the course of therapy are also contraindicated. The lemongrass can bring harm to health, reinforcing the effect of other drugs, or, on the contrary, can slow down their therapeutic effect.

Side effects during the intake of the phytopreparation can be manifested by such symptoms: an allergic reaction with a rash, swelling, itching, rapid heartbeat, headache, insomnia, an increase in blood pressure. If these manifestations are found, you need to stop taking medication and consult a doctor. The chinese lemongrass is a powerful nervous system stimulator. Therefore, he is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing women, children under 12 years old. Elderly people should also take a drug with caution.

Limondure Chinese in pharmacology and traditional medicine

The widespread use of the chinese lemongrass in pharmacology and traditional medicine once again confirms the drug value of this plant. What forms of release of this plant raw materials are found in pharmacology? What drugs from it can be prepared at home?

Dosage forms of release

  • Pills. As part of the drug - the extract of lemongrass fruit and flavonoid complex "Terra-Plant". Tablets are recommended as a soft toning. Thanks to flavonoids, this phytopreparation normalizes heart rhythm, blood pressure, strengthens the walls of the capillaries, stimulates the work of the adrenal cortex. Tablets are produced by 500 and 900 mg, they need to be dissolved in order to be more effectively the vegetable extract. Permissible norm - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts no more than 4 weeks.

  • Syrup
    . In addition to the lemongrass of Chinese, in the preparation of the extract of rosehip and vitamin C. This adaptogenic agent can be taken once a day in such a dosage: for treatment - 30 ml (2 tbsp. Spoons), for prevention - 15 ml (1 tbsp. Spoon). The course of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks, prophylactically syrup can be drinking no more than 4 times a year. The phytopreparation is produced in 150 ml bottles, it can be stored for 2 years.
  • Powder The Chinese have found an effective method of processing and use of lemongrass fruit - they make powder and export to Europe. This medicinal raw material can be ordered in China. Not recommended to acquire large amounts of raw materials, because in this form it loses the healing properties faster. Powder can be taken in a dry form, but you can brew and drink in the form of decoctions.

  • Tincture
    . This is the most common dosage form that can be bought in a Russian pharmacy without a recipe. This drug is made from a 95% alcohol based on a lemongrass seed. There are forms of release at 25 and 50 ml. The tincture is often prescribed with complex therapy of asthenic syndrome. The medicine acts quickly - after 30-40 minutes you can feel the tide of strength and cheerfulness, the motor activity, efficiency and the mood is improved. The drug acts within 4-6 hours. Permissible single dose for adults - 25 drops. Tincture can drink 2 or 3 times a day for 25 days. Read more about the chinese lemongrass tincture.
  • Fruits. Dried liana berries can be bought at the pharmacy. How to brew fruit? Of these, you can prepare aquatic infusions, teas, decoctions, syrups, compotes. Also from dry fruits make alcohol tinctures.
  • Butter. Chinese lemongrass essential oil is used in cosmetology and aromatherapy, often used as massage oil in a complex with other oils. The drug is well moisturizes, regenerates, pulls the skin, has anti-aging properties. Also, the oil is added to creams, lotions, soap.
  • Phitchy. In addition to the lemongrass, the fruits of rosehip and the rhizome of a tea room are included. This drug is called "lemongrass with herbs." There is another phytopreparation called "Blueberry-Mix", which includes: the fruits of blueberries, rosehip, lemongrass, black rowan, as well as the petals of the Sudanese rose. How to brew and accept violed? One tea bag is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist 15 minutes. On the ½ cup drink in the morning and at lunch.

The intake of the phytopreparation in any dosage form should be under the control of the doctor. A decision on a re-course of therapy, a doctor also receives changes in the dosage. It is not recommended to drink the drug in the afternoon, otherwise problems can arise with sleep and the excitation of the nervous system.

How to cook at home

The use of lemon berries at home is the most diverse. Berries can not only be treated, but also comes. On the wisdom of using this plant in cooking, of course, the inhabitants of the Far East know best. From the fruit of a lemongrass here make teas, compotes, kisins, jam, juice, homemade wine. In the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territory, for example, an industrial method produce a lemongrass juice, which is then used in pharmacology. And in the confectionery industry, they use filling for candies from the pulp of berries.

Cooking ins

  1. Fill 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry berries of a lemongrass glass boiling water.
  2. Perform 1 hour.
  3. Perfect.

This water infusion can be taken on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

  1. Take 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry chinese lemongrass fruit.
  2. Pour 10 tbsp. Spoons of vodka (alcohol 40%).
  3. Insist for 7 days in a warm place.

Take a tincture of 30 (maximum dose) drops 2 or 3 times a day and drove with water. The course of treatment lasts a month.

Preparation of bravery

  1. One teaspoon of dry lemongrass pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Hold on a water bath for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Insist 20 minutes, strain.

A decoction can be drunk on a tablespoon 2-3 times a day. Store in a cold place no more than a day.

Recipe compote from lemongrass

  1. Wash and clean the fruits of fresh lemongrass fruits.
  2. Lay in 0.5 liter banks.
  3. Fill with boiling syrup prepared from sugar and water (1: 1).
  4. Pasteurize in the oven at a temperature of 90 ° C 10-15 minutes.
  5. Close the jars hermetically.

In compote, despite the heat treatment, the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon of dried skes, bark, lemongrass leaves.
  2. Put 1 teaspoon of green tea.
  3. Fill a liter of boiling water.
  4. Insist no more than 5 minutes.

You can drink throughout the day by adding honey to tea. This is a good tool for the prevention of ARVI.

In the seeds of the Chinese lemongrass, there are most of the most useful stimulants. Therefore, it is seeds for the preparation of concentrated tinctures and decoctions, and for a softer action, berries, stalks and leaves of liana can be brewed.

The beneficial properties of the Chinese lemongrass are well studied in pharmacology and traditional medicine. The plant primarily valuable by toning, adaptogenic effect. From this medicinal raw materials are preparing tinctures, teas, syrups, decoctions, compotes. Due to the powerful stimulating effect, the lemongrass should be taken only on the prescription of the doctor.

Billets from lemongrass.

Compote from lemongrass.

Mature lemon berries are separated from the brush, wash, laid into banks and fill with syrup prepared at the rate of 350 g of sugar per liter of water. Banks put on a water bath: Lithing - for 15 minutes, half-liter - for 10 minutes. A. Sidorova Bryansk

Source - Website canning, blanks for the winter:
Collection and harvesting of the chinese lemongrass. Berries are collected during their full ripening (September-October). Fruit collection should be carried out very carefully, since damaged lianas stop fruit. Therefore, lemongrass brushes are best cut off with a sharp knife.

The collected crops of the lemongrass should be laid in the baskets, barrels or enameled dishes, and in no case - in galvanized buckets, because from the juice of lemongrass they begin to oxidize.

After collecting berries, recycled during the day. There are two ways to harvesting a Chinese litter berry:

The first workpiece method: Berries for 2-3 days are dry in the shade, under the canopies. The berries are then separated from the color and peel in the oven at a temperature of about 60 degrees.

The method of the second workpiece: Berries are pressed on screw or hydraulic presses. After completing the fermentation, they are washed on the sieve under the jet of water from the peel and the pulp. Seeds are removed and dried on caloric dryers with ventilation. The fruits of the Chinese lemongrass are dried first at 35-40 degrees on grilles in heat dryers, then peel at 60-70 degrees.

The lemongrass leaves are collected in the phase of dissolve (for obtaining flavonoids) or in the leaf phase (to produce mucus). The corte of the stems are harvested during the period of fruiting.

Lemongrass Chinese - recipes of traditional medicine

Chinese lemongrass juice.

Freshly collected lemon berries wash, squeeze. Juice Pour into pasteurized floor-liter banks, pasteurize 10-15 minutes, then hermetically closed. To raise the life tone, improving the performance you need to add such juice into tea (teaspoon per glass).

Tea from leaves and shoots of the chinese lemongrass.

Dried leaves and young chinese leaves are brewed as tea (about 10g raw materials for a portion).

Infusion of dried chinese lemongrass fruit.

The dried fruits of the Chinese lemongrass are boiled for 10 minutes in a closed enameled dishes, after which they insist, filter through the gauze and add sugar to taste. On 1 tablespoon of dry berries take 1 cup of water. In addition, if desired, you can add the dried fruit of the Chinese lemongrass in ordinary tea.

Chinese lemongrass applied with:

Common decline in power
To increase physical and mental endurance
reduced arterial pressure
bronchitis, bronchial asthma
Diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys
Sexual weakness

How to dry the fruits.

Slightly rolling fruits need to be sorted, remove impurities and fruits, spread the thin layer and dry in the oven at a temperature not higher than 60-70 ° C (otherwise they are black). The dried fruits should be solid, large-scale, irregular shape, dark red or almost black, possess spicy, bitter-sour, slightly annoying taste and poor smell. Dry solid juicy fruits at room temperature is ineffective, as they are covered with mold.

How to dry leaves and young shoots.

The optimal period of the billet of leaves and young shoots is the beginning of August. They should be chopped by a secateur to 2-3cm, decompose the thin layer and dry in the shade with natural ventilation, stirring regularly. Store in paper bags.

Basically, lemongrass are used for drying.

From the juice of the lemongrass, you can make kvass, syrups, jeslets, jam, marmalade, etc. Processing products acquire a good color and have the aroma and taste of fresh lemon.

Frozen lemongrass

The prepared lemon berries frozen on the plates of the scatter, and then spend in plastic or cardboard boxes (as an option, in polyethylene packages). Store the product in the freezer.

Jam from Lemongnik

Clean lemon berries are treated with steam, and then sorted through fine sieve. The resulting puree is placed in the enameled pelvis, sugar (1: 1) are added and boiled with constant stirring to the density. The finished jam is unfolded into sterilized banks and shapport (as an option, closed the neck jars with parchment paper and tie with a twine).

Jam from Lemongnik

The jam is almost also, but apple juice (100 ml per 1 kg puree) is introduced into the composition and the amount of sugar increases in half (per kilogram of berries is required 1.5 kg of sugar). The rest of the cooking technology remains the same.

Compote from lemongrass

The lemongrass of sugar - 400 g of water - 1 liters of lemongrass are separated from the brush, washed thoroughly, put in sterilized banks and poured hot syrup. Semi-lubricular compote banks warm at 80 ° C for 10 minutes or sterilized in boiling water exactly 3 minutes.

Juice from Lemongnik

Vintage withstand a couple of days, waiting for the softening of berries. After that, they wash them and with the help of manual juicer press juice (the seeds are better not to crush, as they have a resinous taste). Juice is mixed with sugar in the proportion of 1: 2, it is waited for a complete dissolution of sweet grains, overflowing into bottles of dark glass and tightly silent. Store the finished product in the cold.

Wine from Lemongnik

From the sebage left after the preparation of juice, they make wine (alone from crushed fruits extracted seeds). Schirts are poured with cold water and give to stand 2-3 days. Sushlo is drained, diluted with water and sugar (to taste). The guilt gives over, closing the water shutter, and then drain from the sediment

Limonnaya seed tincture

The seeds that remained after the preparation are washed from the remnants of the pulp, crushed and poured with alcohol. After a couple of weeks, the product is ready for use (it is drinking with small doses, no more than 30 drops).

Syrup from lemongrass

The lemon berries wash, pour into the glass jar and are peatmented with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. After 7-10 days, the saturated syrup is drained, filtered, poured over sterilized bottles and sent to a cold place for storage.

Marmalade from Lemongnik

Juice of lemongrass - 1 l Pectin - 3 tbsp. Sugar - 2-3 tbsp. Pectin is bred in heated juice and give to stand around at half an hour. Separately boil syrup using the specified amount of sugar and 150 ml of juice. In the hot syrup, the pectic mixture is poured, adjusted to a boil and boil with constant stirring to the density. Ready marmalade is shifted into sterilized jars and closed. The billet and cultivation of the lemongrass may seem to the process of troublesome, but it is not quite so. Liana, rising on the support, occupies a minimum of space, but at the same time provides maximum benefit, decorating the garden and giving valuable medicinal raw materials. .

The lemongrass is a widespread liano, with which the clusters of a red berry will be banned. Interestingly, the length of the stem of the wild plant can reach 12 meters. As for external signs, the berries are not at all similar to all known lemons. However, when rubbing a sheet between fingers, you will feel the light fragrance of the tropics.

The composition of Lemongnik

Lemongrass refers to the lowest calorie berries. Per 100 grams. Fruits have only 10-12 kcal., It all depends on the degree of maturity of raw materials. With all this out of 100 gr. 1 gr. Squirrels and 1.8 gr. - Carbohydrates.

The lemongrass is devoid of fats, but it has a lot of ascorbic acid, nicotine acid, tocopherol, phytoestrogen.

Of the most valuable minerals it is worth allocating iodine, zinc, potassium, selenium, iron, barium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. As part of extremely many lemon, apple, wine acids.

The benefits of Lemongnik

The lemongrass is widely used in many areas due to its healing qualities that we will talk below.

For nervous system

  1. Fruits are used inside in fresh, dried or parenchy form for the treatment of a psycho-emotional human environment. Berries improve the mood, give calm, relax.
  2. Lemongrass is recommended for receiving categories of persons who are often subjected to depressive disorders, stress and other negative factors.
  3. In systematic reception, sleep is improved, nightmares disappear, the body is toned, a person acquires harmony with him. Hence the likelihood of nervas and disruptions decreases.
  4. The chinese lemongrass is especially good for men, because representatives of the strong half of humanity are more often subjected to nervous drops.
  5. Due to emotional depletion and mental fatigue, a person cannot focus on major things. In this case, it is recommended to drink decoction from lemongrass and viburnum.

For heart muscle

  1. Berries have a positive impact on the heart. It's not for nothing in vain to improve the work of the main muscle doctors prescribe medical preparations in which the lemongrass is included.
  2. Fruits protect the heart from the negative impact of chemotherapy aimed at treating cancer. Chinese lemongrass takes radionuclides, binding their effect on the body.
  3. Due to its antioxidant properties, the fruits should be taken to the categories of individuals who have a tendency to develop heart diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.).

For brain

  1. Due to the stimulation of brain neurons, all mental processes increase. The person comes to the goal faster, because it becomes easier to concentrate.
  2. With the systematic reception of the lemongrass, the likelihood of the development of senile dementia is reduced. The product is responsible for a clear mind, the plant restores the mental health of a person.

For hormonal background

  1. Chinese lemongrass supports the balance of hormones in the blood. It improves the activities of the adrenal glands and the endocrine system.
  2. The product is rich in phytoestrogens, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the body during the period of menopause and the menstrual cycle in women.

For liver

  1. The Chinese lemongrass restores the liver cells, frees the inner organ from toxic substances and other poisonous compounds, contributes to the discharge of bile.
  2. In the seeds of plants there are fat-soluble compounds that protect the liver from ethyl alcohol. This quality is indispensable for men adjacent to a glass.
  3. When the lemongrass is turned on, the liver work is facilitated in the casual menu. The impact on it is reduced by medication, industrial solvents.
  4. Lemongrass is often used as an additional means from treating hepatitis C. There are many proven cases in which the plant helped patients to cure.

For respiratory tract

  1. The plant showed itself in the fight against the ailments of the respiratory tract. The tool helps to recover during asthma, inflammation of the lungs and long cough.
  2. The lemongrass also suppresses excess sweating, increases immunity, perfectly protects the body from seasonal colds and influenza.
  3. Provided positive effects of a plant with a painful menstrual cycle, a strong stomach disorder.
  4. The composition has a positive effect on the stimulation of the uterus, strengthening its walls. In ancient times, the characteristics revealed the unique property of the lemimple, the latter is considered a strong aphrodisiac.
  5. Regular product consumption is positively affected by the composition of the blood, softens the course of diabetes.

For skin

  1. Berries plants are saturated with potassium, selenium and iodine. Many manufacturers of cosmetic products make funds with lemongrass extract.
  2. Plant-based formulations are in demand in cosmetology. Serum and creams show an excellent result with regular use. Skin cover is noticeably improved, decomposition disappears, races and similar problems.
  3. Regular reception of the plant will significantly improve the condition of the dermis, it helps and rejuvenates it. Lemongrass contributes to the fastest tissue regeneration after damage.

For the body as a whole

  1. Lemongrass has a stimulating effect. He gives the body energy, refreshes, helps to recover after severe mental or physical work.
  2. Special attention to the lemongrass deserves due to its ability to increase concentration, improve memory and vision. In the latter case, experts advise to eat lemongrass to people with fallen eyes and those who work much at the computer.
  3. Seeds of plants are used for the production of drug-based drugs aimed at combating strong fatigue (mental, physical), drowsiness, poor mood, apathy.

  1. To cope with depression, it is recommended to consume no more than 5 berries per day or drink a tincture 2 times a day. If you do not adhere to practical recommendations, you can significantly harm the body.
  2. When moving the product, the nervous system seriously suffers, its activities are disturbed, serious pathologies are developing. As a result, severe pains in the chest, insomnia, depression appear, the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. If you apply a lemongrass exclusively in culinary purposes, you do not threaten serious consequences. The only thing that is recommended is to refrain the fair sex during pregnancy and lactation from the platter.
  4. The consumption of lemongrass is prohibited when heartburn, epilepsy, ulcers and elevated intracranial pressure. In some cases, when eating the product, the development of tachycardia, increased blood pressure, allergies, migraine and insomnia were observed.
  5. If you first tried a lemongrass and you had something from the above, stop receiving immediately. If necessary, consult medical attention. Failure to comply with recommendations can lead to sad consequences.
  6. In the first use of drugs and cosmetics based on lemongrass, consult your doctor. Make sure there are no contraindications and allergic reactions.

Rules for collecting and consuming

  1. If you decide to assemble a lemongrass yourself, the procedure should be carried out in an environmentally friendly area. Suitable time for manipulation is considered September. Consider, the weather should be dry and sunny.
  2. It is worth knowing that the collection of berries is carried out in several stages. Fruits gradually gradually, so do not rush to tear offend instances. Remember, the lemongrass is not stored in a fresh form, after collecting it needs to be recycled immediately.
  3. As a rule, berries are dried, so the product will be able to be stored for a long time. Fruits are subjected to handling outdoors (2-3 days). You can leisure the lemongrass in the oven. You can also twist berries through a blender and combine with sugar. Keep raw materials in glass containers.

One lemongrass brush focuses 20-45 fruits, it is quite enough for cooking brazers, lotions or tinctures. From here, people are interested in benefit and harm to lemongrass. Before use, be sure to explore the main aspects.

Video: What is the helpful

How did the tincture of the lemongrass apply in the homeland of the plant - in China? Since ancient times, he was treated not only insomnia, depletion and overwork of the body, but also disorders of digestion, poor eyesight, shortness of breath, respiratory diseases. Today in all instructions for the drug indicates its main pharmacological effect - toning and adaptogenic. What other healing properties do this phytopreparation possesses? What are the conditions for its safe application?

Description of the pharmacy tincture of lemongrass and special instructions

Despite the limited area of \u200b\u200bgrowing this plant (China, Korea, Japan, the Far East), the tincture is not considered a deficient medicine. Its freely can be bought at the pharmacy. Yes, and it is worth this phytopreparation cheaply.

Composition and form of release

The tincture of the seed of the lemongrass is considered a stronger drug than the tincture of a lemongrass. In the seeds of this plant, a large amount of schizandrina is a substance that stimulates the work of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory systems. There is a schisandrin and in the fruits of the lemongrass, but in a smaller volume.

  • For the preparation of tincture of fruits: Use crushed lemongrass berries and 95% alcohol. The drug is produced in volume 15, 25, 50, 100 ml.
  • For cooking tincture from seeds: Seeds are used (1 ml contains 0.2 g of seeds) and 95% alcohol.

The tincture is a yellow liquid. When stored, oily drops may appear, the precipitate.

pharmachologic effect

The phytopreparation refers to the pharmacological group of tonic and adaptogenic drugs. What are the useful properties of the Chinese lemongrass? The plant relates to biostimulants. It contains such healing substances:

  • organic fatty acids and steroids;
  • lounge compounds (Schizandrin, Shizaterin, Gomizins and others);
  • sugar, pectins, tannins;
  • coloring substances, sterols, tocopherols;
  • oily oil;
  • vitamins E and C;
  • trace elements;
  • essential oil (most in the crust);
  • resin.

How does the plant affect the human body?

  • Enhances conditional reflexes.
  • Stimulates reflex excitability, a vegan system.
  • Improves motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Enhances the photosensitivity and the floral sensitivity of the retina.
  • Activates metabolism.
  • Strengthens the immune system and stimulates immunobiological reactions.
  • Increases the content of glycogen (energy reserve) in the muscles.
  • Reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in muscles during physical exertion.
  • Stimulates the work of smooth muscles.
  • Stimulates breathing.
  • Expands vessels.
  • Increases blood hemoglobin.
  • Lowering blood chlorides and blood sugar.
  • Regenerates and restores the affected skin and mucosa.

Also proved the antioxidant activity of the lemongrass. With it, it is removed from the body toxins, heavy metals, free radicals are neutralized, vessels are cleaned, cholesterol is reduced.


Under what diagnoses and symptoms is the extract of lemongrass?

  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Neurasthenia.
  • Reactive depression.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Stresses and fast fatigue.
  • Reduced physical and mental performance.
  • Hypotension.
  • Inxication and period of recovery after severe diseases.
  • Cold prevention, ORVI.

The modern instruction on the use of the lemongrass tincture includes a far from the full list of readings. This indicates the main pharmacological effect - stimulating and general connoistent. How else do this phytopreparation apply, for example, in Korea, China and Japan, in the Far East?

  • In the Far East. Lemongrase leaves, which contain 5 times more vitamin C than fruits, are used to prevent cygrounds during periodontal disease. Of them prepare teas and decoctions. Tea from leaves here drink not only for cheerfulness, but also in diseases of the cardiovascular system. The tincture of fruits and seeds of Far Eastern peoples drink as an expectorant and an anti-allergy agent, as well as in the inflammation of the kidneys.
  • In Chinese, Korean and Japanese traditional medicine. Lemongrass treat infertility, diseases of seven-way ducts in men, excessive sweating, anemia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, blood-forming diseases and thyroid glands, urinary incontinence. It is also prescribed in complex therapy during leukemia.


It is impossible to neglect the contraindications specified in the instructions for use. With any chronic diseases need a mandatory advice of the doctor. Stimulating drugs can exacerbate inflammatory, sluggish processes in the body. What is included in the list of contraindications?

  • Acute form of infections of any nature - viral, fungal, bacterial.
  • Hypertension.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver.
  • Violations and pathology of the CNS.
  • Epileptic seizures and cramps of any origin.
  • Heart injuries.
  • Strong nervous excitement with insomnia.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Allergic reaction.

A controversial question arises: the tincture still lowers or increases pressure? In medical instructions for drugs from the lemongrass, hypertension refers to the first contraindications. However, in Chinese folk medicine and in some herbalists there is another information: the lemongrass regulates blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure. Depending on the dosage, it can raise it or lower it. It is also believed that the tincture of seeds is shown in hypertension, and a tincture of fruits - under hypotension.

Dosage and reception conditions

How to take a tincture? Dosage and course are appointed by a doctor. The instructions indicate universal, approximate doses that may vary depending on the disease, age, treatment and course duration.

  • Dosage. Reception of medications start with small doses to make sure there is no allergic reaction. Prevention is prescribed 15 drops 1-2 times a day. When treating dose can double, the medicine can be drunk 3 times a day.
  • Course. The tincture is accepted for 3-4 weeks. Then there is a break, if necessary, the doctor assigns a returent course.
  • Reception conditions. Recommended to take drops 3-4 hours after meals or before eating half an hour. To dilute a binding, burning taste of medication, it is bred by water.

Reception of the drug in the afternoon (especially in the evening) can lead to insomnia, nervous excitation. With two-time intake, the phytopreparation is drunk in the morning after waking up and at lunch. On average, the medicine begins to act 40 minutes after the reception. Therapeutic effect is saved from 4 to 6 hours.

Medicinal interaction

The tincture of the lemongrass cannot be taken in complex therapy with other stimulants of the nervous system. These include:

  • analeptics;
  • psychostimulants;
  • spinal cord stimulants;
  • brain cortex stimulants;
  • adaptogens;
  • nootropic drugs.

The Chinese lemongrass extract enhances the effect of stimulating and adaptogenic preparations of both synthetic and vegetable origin. In relation to sedative drugs, the tincture tincture is an antagonist and inhibits the effect of the sleeping pill. Also, the lemongrass is not compatible with any neuroleptics that depress the nervous system and weakening psychomotor excitement.


Reviews about the tincture of lemongrass are mostly positive. Many celebrate its sharp, astringent, tart taste and rather fast action - after 30 minutes there is a tide of energy. The invigorating effect of the lemongrass is not a myth, but it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. There are also people who do not feel any effects of tincture.

  • Application in athletes. Lemongrass, like Ramiolo, Ginseng, Eleutherokokk, Aralia, are often accepted in bodybuilding. Sometimes these drugs drink in the complex, but to overdose them easily, especially at elevated pressure. Athletes recommend checking the action of the lemongrass with small doses and do not engage in amateuries, do not drink teaspoon tincture. Her effect is felt quickly. This is a natural and powerful "dope", which is officially resolved by the Anti-Doping Code. Some athletes manage to drink lemongrass before competitions are exormably large doses, which is dangerous to health.
  • Application with physical overloads, people working in a night shift. The tincture stimulates the CNS and, indeed, helps relieve drowsiness and fatigue when working in a night shift or severe physical work. But it should take it on the recommendation of the doctor, not all the time, but by the course. It is impossible to put the nervous system for biostimulants, it can lead to insomnia, chronic fatigue, nervous and even mental disorders. There is such a medical term as a "drug abolition syndrome". A sharp cessation of the reception of the lemongrass after a long course can go to the oppression of the CNS.
  • Application in older people. Bostimulators often recommend elderly people. Far Eastern lemongrass tincture increases physical activity, improves memory and mental activity. But the dosage of this phytopreparation in the elderly should be preventive. There are complaints about excessive vigor and rapid heartbeat in older patients. Older people must take a medicine under the strict control of the doctor.
  • Dilution in water. It is strictly forbidden to breed the drug in coffee or strong tea (there are also such tips). These drinks will stimulate the nervous system. Drops are recommended in a small volume of water, you can take them together with juice or compote, but it is better to brew water.

Side effects after receiving the tincture of the lemongrass are possible in individual intolerance, overdose, long-lasting course. Symptoms may appear: rapid heartbeat, increase blood pressure, strong nervous excitement, insomnia, headache, allergic reaction. In case of overdose, disorders may occur from digestion - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In the case of side effects, the drug must be canceled and consult a doctor.

How to cook lemongrass at home

In addition to tinctures, a pharmacy can be purchased dry fruits of the lemongrass or powder. From this raw material can be prepared independently brave, teas, infusions, alcohol tinctures. How to brew lemongrass to keep his healing properties?


The decoction compared with the pharmaceutical alcohol tincture contains fewer substances stimulating the nervous system. Therefore, it is permissible to increase its dosage. The decoction can be prepared both from the fruits and other parts of the plant - stems, leaves, bark. Residents of the Far East prepare this healing drink from fresh lemongrass.


  1. Take one teaspoon of dry raw materials of the lemongrass.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Put on a water bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Insist half an hour.

The fluid decoction is powered by an empty stomach of 3 tbsp. Spoons 3 times a day.


Infusion, in contrast to the tinctures, prepare on water brave. It should not be kept more than a day.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. Spoon of lemongrass berries (dry or fresh).
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2-3 hours.

You can drink 4 times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons. Infusion, like decoction, take not only inside, but also externally. They are recommended to wipe the face with oily porous skin. It is also a good antiseptic for processing wounds, inflammation on the skin and mucous membranes.


Chinese lemongrass tea in the Far East is drunk for the prevention of influenza, colds, ORVI, with physical and mental overwork. Tea is preparing not only from berries, but also from leaves, stalks and plant bark. Phytquia with a lemongrass can be purchased at the pharmacy. This may be a "lemongrass with herbs" (with a richness and a kopecknik tea), "Blueberry-Mix" (with blueberries, lemongrass, rose robber, black rowan rowan, Sudanese rose), Altai No. 16 Phytotechnia (with lemongrass seeds, chamomile, atrochem , currant leaves, Root Levzey).

Cooking tea on the recipe of Far Eastern Hunters

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of crushed dry (fresh) lemongrass leaves.
  2. Pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Brew as ordinary tea for 3-5 minutes.

You can drink such tea on a whole glass. Do not recommend wandering leaves in the thermos, because the fragrance and pleasant lemon taste of the drink is lost.

Features of application in women, men and children

Sometimes there are opposite glances and opinions regarding the use of the drug in patients of different sexes and age. This is explained by the eastern traditions and the Western approach. In Eastern traditional medicine there are such nuances that Western medicine or does not recognize at all, or misses.

  • For women . Pregnancy and lactation period are the main contraindications to the use of women. The plant stimulates a smooth muscles, can lead the uterus in tone and provoke premature births, in the early terms - miscarriage. However, in Korean folk medicine, you can meet the opposite opinion: the lemongrass is prescribed to stimulate the generic activity and give it to drink a woman at certain intervals during the birth.
  • For men . The tincture of the lemongrass is effective in diseases of the seed-to -merous ducts, premature ejaculation, male infertility. This is a natural aphrodisiac, which stimulates sexual activity. Most often, with chronic insufficiency of adrenal operations, disorders arise in the sexual sphere in men. Impotence, which arose against the background of stresses and overwork, is successfully treated with a lemongrass. The east is recommended to receive powder for a long course.
  • For kids . Children under 12 years old are contraindicated reception of the tincture of the lemongrass. After 12 years, treatment is carried out under the control of the doctor. Stimulation of the unstable nervous system of a child and a teenager can lead to excessive excitation, insomnia, hyperactivity, so these age limitations are installed. In Eastern countries, age limits are others - here any adaptogens are prohibited by children under 16. It is believed that the impact on the energy of life ("qi") in children's and adolescence is harmful to the body.

What to rest in the treatment of a tincture of lemongrass? Opinion of oriental healers, online reviews, own intuition? Unfortunately, in our mental environment, the doctor and his reputation in solving this important issue is far from the first place.

A tincture of a Chinese lemongrass is a strong toning and adaptogenic drug. It is accepted only by appointing a doctor. The airlessness of the nervous system biostimulants can lead to a number of side effects, complications, dependence on the drug. The dosage and course of therapy must be strictly observed.