Method "Renilate Selenki" - Cyber125.

Vladimir Yakovlev, the founder of the "merchant", who left in Israel: the "rotten herbal" method. I wonder if I disclose the state secret now? After all, I remember well this tutorial with a blue lubricated stamp of specialists and notebooks for abstracts with numbered pages, for loyalty, stitched through thick waxed thread. Top secret. I studied at Zhurfak MSU, we had a military department.

In the setting of secrecy, we were taught to combat special project - art sow discord in the ranks of the enemy using disinformation and manipulation of consciousness. Scary, we share the case. No kidding. Combat, or "black", propaganda allows any distortion of real facts to solve propaganda tasks. This is an effective weapon used with the sole purpose of the enemy's brain embroidery. Method "Renilate Selenki". The "Inverted Pyramid" method. The "Big Lie" method. The principle "40 to 60". The "absolute obviousness" method. All these methods and techniques you also know. Just do not realize it. How do you think.

We were taught to use the techniques of combat special cooperation against the soldiers of the opponent's army. Today they are used against the civilian population of our own country. For two years, reading Russian newspapers or browsing television shows, I note with interest that people coordinating in Russia the challenge and interpretation of news clearly studied on the same textbook, at the same vigorous colonel or his colleagues. For example, the "rotten herbal" method. Works like this. False accusation is selected. It is important that it is as dirty and scandalous as possible. It works well, for example, small theft, or, let's say, the plant's crust, or murder, is preferably from greed. The goal of "rotten sledging" is not at all to prove to prove. And in making a wide, public discussion of it ... injustice and unjustiness. The human psyche is arranged so that as soon as the accusation becomes the subject of public discussion, its "supporters" and "opponents", "experts" and "experts", delicate "defenders" arise inevitably arise. But regardless of his views, all participants in the discussion again and again pronounce the name of the accused in a bundle with a dirty and scandalous accusation, thus rubbing all the more "rotten herbal of herring" in his "clothes" until finally this "smell" does not begin to follow him everywhere . And the question "killed-stole-seduced or still not" becomes the main thing when mentioning his name. Or, for example, the "40 to 60" method, invented by Khlebels. It lies in the creation of media, which are 60 percent of their information in the interests of the enemy. But, thus earning his trust, the remaining 40 percent is used for extremely efficient, thanks to this confidence, disinformation. During World War II, there was a radio station that the anti-fascist world listened. It was believed that she was British. And only after the war it turned out that in fact it was a radio station Goebbels, who worked on the "40 to 60" principle developed by it. The "Big Lie" method is very effective, which is a little similar to the "roting herring", but actually works otherwise. Its essence is to offer the audience as a global and terrible lies with the maximum degree of confidence that it is almost impossible to believe that you can lie about such. The trick here is that the correctly arranged and well-invented "big lie" causes a deep emotional injury from a listener or a viewer, which will then for a long time determines his views contrary to any arguments of logic and reason. False descriptions of cruel bullying of children or women work in this sense. Suppose a message about a crucified child due to a deep emotional injury that it causes, for a long time will determine the views of this human information, no matter how many people would try to convince, using ordinary logical arguments. But I especially read our vigorous colonel Method "Absolute Evidence", which gives although not quick, but but a reliable result.

Instead of proving something, you are supplied to what you want to convince the audience, as something obvious, of course, of course, and therefore, unconditionally supported by the prevailing majority of the population.

Despite its external simplicity, this method is incredibly effective, since the human psyche automatically reacts to the opinion of the majority, seeking to join it.

It is only important to remember that most must necessarily be predominant, and its support is absolute and unconditional. Otherwise, the effect of the attachment does not occur.

However, if these conditions are observed, the number of supporters of the "position of the majority" begins gradually, but it is correct to grow, and over time increases in geometric progression - mainly due to representatives of low social layers that are most susceptible to the "effect of attachment". One of the classical ways to support the "absolute obviousness" method is, for example, the publication of the results of various kinds of sociological surveys, demonstrating the absolute public unity by a particular issue. The techniques "black" propaganda, of course, do not require these reports to have at least some kind of reality.

I can continue. We taught us actually for a whole year, and the list of methods is quite large. It is important, however, not this. But what. The methods of "black" propaganda affect the audience at the level of deep psychological mechanisms in such a way that the consequences of this impact cannot be removed by conventional logical arguments. The "big lie" reaches this effect with the help of emotional injury. The evidence method is through the "effect effect". "Rye Selenk" - by introducing into the consciousness of the Audience of the direct association between the object of attack and dirty, scandalous accusation.

Simply put, combat special propaganda turns a person to a zombie, which not only actively supports the installation introduced into its consciousness, but also aggressively opposes those who adhere to other views or trying to convince him, using logical arguments. Otherwise, actually, and can not. All methods of combat special cooperation unites a single goal. It is to weaken the enemy's army by entering into its ranks of the inner retail, mutual hatred and distrust of each other.

And today these methods are applied against us themselves. And the result to which they lead is exactly the one to achieve which they were created. Only mutual hatred and inner retail arise not in the army of the enemy, but in our homes and families.

Just go outside and see how the country has changed over the past three years. It seems to me that against our own population, combat special cooperation works even more efficiently than against the opponent's soldier.

Probably because, in contrast to the enemy's soldier, the peaceful population cannot protect himself. "

CHAPTER FOUNDATURE TIME TIME TREATMENT OF THE Declarasta, every future nomad-exproprianator will be required, the first step, to overcome a difficult moral barrier, created in his head with a launcher's Moses commandments "Do not kill" and "do not". " These commandments from childhood are driven into the heads of the herd of clerical service digesters and teachers teachers. The second w ...

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Shop low prices with a very loud name "Victory"

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In Stalingrad (Volgograd), a vengeful pensioner on GAZ-21 rammed 12 elite SUVs officials

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It began where it started from a week ago. He began to name, and she was answered. Synu taught on other people's calls not to answer, well, it's funny as in a joke. - How are you married? "Yes, as in childhood, do not come with others Do not talk to the uncle. I took the phone, and this from the head of the village and I explained to me that your wife had the right now every year and now is a passport and fear ...

Laughter and horror. / TSrX3ywM / ICz5S / AVPZ8TF / jnDIR3kgc / jc-n / tzpurgGPhqE / UiiM / gXK_ICj / kTeIVfhuLe / JSs7 / GdhcJbuD / lpGts / u6-8H-y4 / GzjPl25 / hAQiv9QB9r / zjVn7_f / rlch / 8c5rh_XaxA31r # DSD already closed the creaking door, in ...

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Why didn't Putin do it?

Reflections on the topic that Putin should have done, what did, and what did not have time, I personally liked. They cause serious drilling from our favorite oppositionists, and in this game you can call for a long time. So this time, as usual, no one has become very fooling with logic, but immediately went sketches after my post: "Why can't Putin so in Russia?". ...

Saturday: Financing Industrialization in the USSR. Where they took money

In December 1925, on the XIV Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the issue of industrialization was considered. It was discussed about the need to transform the USSR from the country, importing machinery and equipment, into a country producing them. The legislative course on industrialization was fixed after a year and a half. The country was supposed to increase industrial in a short time ...

I wonder if I disclose the state secret now? After all, I remember well this tutorial with a blue lubricated stamp of specialists and notebooks for abstracts with numbered pages, for loyalty, stitched through thick waxed thread.

Top secret.

I studied at Zhurfak MSU, we had a military department. In the setting of secrecy, we were taught to combat special project - art sow discord in the ranks of the enemy using disinformation and manipulation of consciousness.

Scary, we share the case. No kidding.

Combat, or "black", propaganda allows any distortion of real facts to solve propaganda tasks. This is an effective weapon used with the sole purpose of the enemy's brain embroidery.

Method "Renilate Selenki". The "Inverted Pyramid" method. The "Big Lie" method. The principle "40 to 60". The "absolute obviousness" method.

All these methods and techniques you also know. Just do not realize it. How do you think.

We were taught to use the techniques of combat special cooperation against the soldiers of the opponent's army. Today they are used against the civilian population of our own country. For two years, reading Russian newspapers or browsing television shows, I note with interest that people coordinating in Russia the challenge and interpretation of news clearly studied on the same textbook, at the same vigorous colonel or his colleagues.

For example, the "rotten herbal" method. Works like this. False accusation is selected. It is important that it is as dirty and scandalous as possible. It works well, for example, small theft, or, let's say, the plant's crust, or murder, is preferably from greed.

The goal of "rotten sledging" is not at all to prove to prove. And in making a wide, public discussion of it ... injustice and unjustiness.

The human psyche is arranged so that as soon as the accusation becomes the subject of public discussion, its "supporters" and "opponents", "experts" and "experts", delicate "defenders" arise inevitably arise.

But regardless of his views, all participants in the discussion again and again pronounce the name of the accused in a bundle with a dirty and scandalous accusation, thus rubbing all the more "rotten herbal of herring" in his "clothes" until finally this "smell" does not begin to follow him everywhere . And the question "killed-stole-seduced or still not" becomes the main thing when mentioning his name.

Or, for example, the "40 to 60" method, invented by Khlebels. It lies in the creation of media, which are 60 percent of their information in the interests of the enemy. But, thus earning his trust, the remaining 40 percent is used for extremely efficient, thanks to this confidence, disinformation. During World War II, there was a radio station that the anti-fascist world listened. It was believed that she was British. And only after the war it turned out that in fact it was a radio station Goebbels, who worked on the "40 to 60" principle developed by it.

The "Big Lie" method is very effective, which is a little similar to the "roting herring", but actually works otherwise. Its essence is to offer the audience as a global and terrible lies with the maximum degree of confidence that it is almost impossible to believe that you can lie about such.

False descriptions of cruel bullying of children or women work in this sense.

Suppose a message about a crucified child due to a deep emotional injury that it causes, for a long time will determine the views of this human information, no matter how many people would try to convince, using ordinary logical arguments.

But the "Absolute Evidence" method, which gives not fast, but not fastened, is particularly read.

Instead of proving something, you are supplied to what you want to convince the audience, as something obvious, of course, of course, and therefore unconditionally supported by the prevailing majority of the population.

Despite its external simplicity, this method is incredibly effective, since the human psyche automatically reacts to the opinion of the majority, seeking to join it.

It is only important to remember that most must necessarily be predominant, and its support is absolute and unconditional - otherwise the connection effect does not occur.

However, if these conditions are observed, the number of supporters of the "position of the majority" begins gradually, but it is correct to grow, and over time increases already in geometric progression - mainly due to representatives of low social layers, which are most susceptible to the "accession effect". One of the classical ways to support the "absolute obviousness" method is, for example, the publication of the results of various kinds of sociological surveys, which demonstrate the absolute public unity on this or that matter. Methods of "black" propaganda, of course, do not require these reports to have at least some kind of reality.

I can continue. We taught us actually for a whole year, and the list of methods is quite large. It is important, however, not this. But what. The methods of "black" propaganda affect the audience at the level of deep psychological mechanisms in such a way that the consequences of this impact cannot be removed by conventional logical arguments. The "big lie" reaches this effect with the help of emotional injury. The evidence method is through the "effect effect". "Gnila herring" - by introducing into the consciousness of the direct association's audience between the attack object and dirty, scandalous accusation.

Simply put, combat special propaganda turns a person to a zombie, which not only actively supports the installation introduced into its consciousness, but also aggressively opposes those who adhere to other views or trying to convince him, using logical arguments. Otherwise, actually, and can not. All methods of combat special cooperation unites a single goal. It is to weaken the enemy's army by entering into its ranks of the inner retail, mutual hatred and distrust of each other.

And today these methods are applied against us themselves. And the result to which they lead is exactly the one to achieve which they have been created. Only mutual hatred and inner retail arise not in the army of the enemy, but in our homes and families.

Just go outside and see how the country has changed over the past three years. It seems to me that against our own population, combat special cooperation works even more efficiently than against the opponent's soldier.

Probably because, in contrast to the enemy's soldier, the peaceful population cannot protect himself.

Naive people believe that informational functions are the most important function of journalism. But the information is the goods. The most important function of the product is to be sold, and at a price more expensive than production costs. For cheap news production, they are best inventing.

"... and, God for you, do not read the lunch of Soviet newspapers.
- um ... but there are no others ...
- Here are no and do not read! "

M. Bulgakov. "Dog's heart"

The rights was, Mikhail Afanasyevich, oh, how rights. This once journalism was engaged in collecting and analyzing the actual information, reported readers about the events and trends of modern life.

Only when it was most likely no one knows. Maybe in ancient Rome? It was then possible to ask a question to Cicero: "The Great Caesar ordered to ask you, and did you not get married in the world?"

And it was not by chance that Mark Twain wrote:

"We often remember with regret that Napoleon shot in the magazine editor, but missed and killed the publisher. Yet, we appreciate his good intent. "

Probably, he had grounds for such statements.

Not that I regret the absence of such opportunities at the present democratic time. No, I regret at all about the other, about the inconspicuous dying of journalism, sinking in the sea of \u200b\u200bcommodity-money relations.

Naive people believe that informational functions are the most important function of journalism. They proceed from the need to inform citizens of the country. And how otherwise they determine their position in socially important issues?

But the information is the goods. The most important function of the product is to be sold, and at a price more expensive than production costs.

From here two consequences:

Information must be obtained
- It is necessary to sell what is in demand.

For cheap news production, they are best inventing.

For example, by such a template:

"According to the information of an informed source (Mossad, SIS, CIA, the KGB - the need to leave), which reported on the terms of anonymity, Israel plans to blow up the Asuan dam in the near future, and the" Arab rebels "specifically provokes them to" neutralizing "them, disassemble them to the authorities, For which the secret special service is organized, the budget of which is replenished with funds illegally received by Sarah Netanya from putting in the point of reception of glass containers of government bottles. "

"Two informed sources in (St. Petersburg, Tambov, Uryupinsk - need to leave), argue that the republican candidate Trump paid bribes and participated in sexual acts, but the key witnesses are silent and obtaining evidence difficult."

Where does this information come from?

Uh-uh ... Your question has nothing like an attempt on democracy, breaking "the right to maintain the confidentiality of the source of information."

Well, naturally, it is for sale that attracts the attention of readers, viewers and listeners. And this is, first of all, information on shocking scandals, emergencies, criminal disassembly, the life of "stars" - who is with whom that, where and when, etc. Sexual scandals are very well sold, even if this alleged information does not withstand minimal criticism.

As a result, in modern conditions, when turning journalistic information to the product, it clearly experiences the aberration process.

But there are factors and second order. They are created by the interests of the media owners, they firmly hold the so-called "fourth power" in their hands.

The term "fourth power" is quite old. He introduced him to the turnover of Edmund Berk, which almost 300 years ago said that "three power in the British parliament, but there are reporters in the gallery there, fourth power More important than they are all. " This is not a speech figure or a witty statement; This is a real fact, both three hundred years ago, and today, reflecting the enormous impact of the media on society.

The media affect public opinion, change the state of mass consciousness, making it often imperceptibly, opening the brain of the reader, like a canning can and changing presentations and ideas there.

For what?

For the best realization of the objectives of the subjects of social interests. It may be the desire to blame the existing authority or demonize the opposition. And maybe just to send the interests of the masses in the safe side, leading from real problems:

"Freedom of Angela Devis!", Or "Hands away from the Arab countries!" Well, you remember.

Or, for example, a discussion about the deceased Tu-154 can be transferred to the moral qualities of the secular lioness of the Mountains of God. This topic is where as safer discussion on the eternal Russian issues: "Who is to blame" (in the death of 92 people) and "what to do". Only begin to wonder who is to blame for and what to do with them ... There is a bit such a discussion. No, let it be better to discuss the ladies mighty intelligence.

Turned journalism into the fourth power, so what?

But what: journalism is the fourth power then and only when it is not the same. She becomes an ideology tool, and, as an ideological tool begins to serve interesting, creating a given type of consciousness (paintings of the outside world) and self-consciousness (its place in it).

Well, you do not need to depress the reader (listener, viewer)! He will understand "where we have."

Will understand. Anyone. Someday. Or will not understand. Information today is limitless in volume and very contradictory content. It is extremely difficult, if possible, in principle, distinguish the truth from the hypothesis or frank lies. And here the poor female consumer begins to develop quite obvious signs of atrophing of consciousness, and widespread technologies of manipulation by public consciousness beat off the person in general, all the desire to attempts to any analysis. And the process of massive foliation begins to gain momentum.

And here, journalism quietly and quietly climbs into propaganda, and the journalist becomes a fighter of an invisible front.

Propaganda - This is the spread of views, facts, arguments and other information, for the formation of public opinion in order to be pursued by propagandists.

And if the facts prevent targets?

Essential for facts, there are other, freshly baked, intentionally distorted, but creating a given effect.

For the first time, the power of the preconditions thought about the nature and strength of propaganda during the First World War. The theory of "magical bullet" was called quite naive theories of that time.

Before his eyes there was an example of a huge impact of military propaganda, who managed to raise the millionth masses of the people to war, the goals and objectives of which did not understand even the heads of state.

By the end of the 1930s, many (if not most) American leaders were convinced that democracy would not survive if you solve the free distribution of extremist propaganda. But the prohibition would mean a substantial limitation of the most important principle of Western democracy - freedom of communication. Propaganda theorists sought to understand and resolve this dilemma.

Democratic romance believed that society could be taught to resist propaganda. Uslessly taking advantage of false and deception for their purposes of belief, propaganda destroyed the essence of democracy itself.

It was necessary to oppose something.

There was an idea that if people teach critically evaluate propaganda messages, they could distinguish these messages, determine which to be taken, and which reject as dishonest and false.

Romance thought that democracy could be saved through the enlightenment of the people. But optimism gradually disappeared. Practice showed that throwing false, people do not want populist statements, they dream of a dream of gold.

They answered romance:

Lord! If the holy truth is
The world of the road does not know how -
Honor madman who will have
Humanity Sleep Golden!

Madmen who the "Golden's Sleep" have always been sufficient. Some knew how to attack better, some worse, but today, in the conditions of modern social and media networks, the technology "Trooping" is well worked out. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain how the man of the Russian depth can hate "Pindos", never seeing them, as the Israelite can push the patient to the sick apartment and aroused from the "duck" that Sarah Netanyahu attaches money for the bottles surrendered, and the tramp ... That, of course, on Putin's hook.

Kitchen combat special projectaganda

Combat special propaganda, quite effective weapon, works with the sole purpose of the enemy's eyebreaker. And for this, any distortion of real facts is allowed for the sake of solving propaganda tasks.

The technology is known to be quite wide. Here are just some of the techniques:

  • The "Inverted Pyramid" method
  • The principle "40 to 60"
  • Method "Big Lie"
  • The "absolute obviousness" method
  • et Cetera ...

Who is interested in this topic, for sure, aware of these methods. But again and again these methods are triggered by making their own business.

Directly on the list and go.


The essence of the method is quite simple. It is necessary to put forward against the "object" the maximum dirty and scandalous charge. It is not necessary to prove it. The task is only to bring public discussion. With a completely any accusation there will be his supporters and opponents who will begin to give all new and new arguments for and against. The name of the "object" again and again sounds in a bundle with a dirty accusation, until, finally, the smell of "rotten herds" does not begin to associate with his name. "The spoons were then found, but the precipitate remained."

For those who do not know, "Case 2000" investigates the accusations of Nathania in illegal transactions with the owner of the media concern "Union Ahronot" Noni Moses. The article describes the words of Eitan Cable, who said that "in fact, I have no idea about the conflict between these two, and the whole story smells badly." Just a classic method.

The "Inverted Pyramid" method

This method is an important addition to the "Renilate Selenk" method.

The figure shows the method of an inverted pyramid. An inverted pyramid is simply a special method, presenting information in the text. First gives a catchy heading affecting the propaganda object. It is desirable such as in the "rotten sled" so that the scandal associated, for example, is immediately viewed, with an allegedly unclean and completely unnecessary transaction (in this case, for the purchase of submarines in Germany).

Will the "object" be deliberate to the next tier of the pyramid, it is not known, but there is probability. In this tier there is negative information. The opinion is formed.

The least is likely to read the third tier. It is quite possible to give something positive.

"The police have two cassettes, which recorded two meetings of the head of the Netanyahu government and the owner of the edition of the" Union Ahronot "of Moses."

Yeah, thinks "object", so he caught, the stitch is in the gun.

"... It became known that Assistant Netanyahu recorded this conversation at the request of the prime minister, who wanted to documented blackmail from Moshada. And it was Netanya who handed this record to investigators to prove their innocence. "

The method of "inverted pyramid" smoothly flows into the brainchild of Goebbels:

The principle "40 to 60"

It consists in an information stream in which truthful information is 60 percent. Moreover, these 60% must be absolutely reliable, "object" in them should be brought immediately "with all their hearts and with all their souls", and then 40 percent of lies, for which everything is done, will be swallowed without criticism.

Example:the blog on the radio station "Echo Moscow" a well-known Russian journalist and human rights activist Zoya Lightova reports that Russian students began to officially scare life in Israel.

For this, it is enough truthful information about the duty of service in the army, an elevated level of terrorist threat in the region, the likely threat of military conflicts, tough competition in the labor market ... In principle, it is known to everyone.

It is less known that in such a dangerous Israel of police in terms of per capita, three times less than in Russia, and the chance to be killed less than in Russia five times. Well, why talk about it. According to the luminous information, the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Science prescribes: the leaders of universities should be convinced students to stay at home, since in Russia - "wide career opportunities in the Russian Federation experiencing a lack of personnel for the implementation of large-scale projects for the development of high-tech sectors of the economy"

Method "Big Lie"

A very effective method of "big lies" is opposite to 40 to 60 principle, it works in principle otherwise.

The method is formulated by Hitler in the "Mein Kampf" book. His essence is that the lie should be so "huge" so that no one believes in the fact that "someone had a courage to disfigure validity so shameless."

Here it is not necessary to go far for example.

Politiko responded quickly by the message that Ioffe for her rough comments was dismissed, having fallen at the same time that she simply moved to work in another publication. Now her place of work The Atlantic.

The Atlantic - Magazine Serious, founded in 1857. To leave without reaction such work "journalist" (fighter of the invisible front) he could not and made a "tough" statement, noting that

"Julia Ioffe made a mistake today on Twitter that she regrets that and publicly apologized. We are confident that when she joins The Atlantic next month, it will adhere to our standards. "

Yoffe was born in Moscow, her family emigrated to the United States in 1990. The family substantiated his movement by the fact that "they were saved from anti-Semitism in the USSR", pursued because of their "Jewish origin."

Such a followation of Julia Joffe methods set forth in MEIN KAMPF, first seems to be strange, but ... there is nothing strange in this world.

The "absolute obviousness" method

This method is thinner, but when used by use, it gives a fairly reliable result.

Why prove, justify. Leave these troubles. "Object" must be reported to what is necessary, as apparent, for granted and therefore, unconditionally supported by the prevailing majority of the population. And the unit loves to lean against the majority, she is stronger with him, protected, with most somehow calmer, and "the people are always right, even when is wrong."

It is only important to remember that most must necessarily be predominant, and its support is absolute and unconditional - otherwise the connection effect does not occur. But if the method is used correctly, the number of supporters of the "position of the majority" begins gradually, but it is correct to grow, and over time it increases in geometric progression - mainly due to representatives of low social layers, which are most susceptible to the "effect of attachment".

One of the classical ways to support the "absolute obviousness" method is, for example, the publication of the results of various kinds of sociological surveys, which demonstrate the absolute public unity on this or that matter.

Methods of "black" propaganda, of course, do not require these reports to have at least some kind of reality.

Example: The Late organization published an alternative report on poverty, where he reported that in Israel, a million children starve. If you calculate the age of up to 14 years old children, then they are 2,66,926 in Israel, and almost every second child and teenager starve. The "Late" can be understood, the more starving, the more budget they have, but understand the joined, if only they are not the "fighters of the invisible front", difficult.


Many tried to teach separating information from propaganda. I do not count on achieve what I did not work out about more knowledgeable people, but if I can awaken interest in the topic, I will consider my task done.

And finally, homework. Try to see by looking at the headers of the electronic publications being viewed by you, to determine which methods of "braft" use the propagandists. Well, for example, such a title: "The future head of the Pentagon refused to recognize Jerusalem the capital of Israel Edmund Burk ().


Vladimir Yakovlev, founder and owner of the Publishing House "Kommersant", the first chandeller of the same name, who now live in Israel, spoke about five methods used by Russian propagandists. According to Vladimir Yakovleva, Russian propaganda has now picked up five methods: "Absolute obviousness", "60 to 40", "big lie", "inverted pyramid" and "Rye Selenk".

I wonder if I disclose the state secret now? After all, I remember well this tutorial with a blue lubricated stamp of specialists and notebooks for abstracts with numbered pages, for loyalty, stitched through thick waxed thread.

Top secret.

I studied at Zhurfak MSU, we had a military department. In the setting of secrecy, we were taught to combat special project - art sow discord in the ranks of the enemy using disinformation and manipulation of consciousness.

Scary, we share the case. No kidding.

Combat, or "black", propaganda allows any distortion of real facts to solve propaganda tasks. This is an effective weapon used with the sole purpose of the enemy's brain embroidery.

Method "Renilate Selenki". The "Inverted Pyramid" method. The "Big Lie" method. The principle "40 to 60". The "absolute obviousness" method.

All these methods and techniques you also know. Just do not realize it. How do you think.

Machinery combat special cooperation is used against peaceful Russian citizens

We were taught to use the techniques of combat special cooperation against the soldiers of the opponent's army. Today they are used against the civilian population of our own country. For two years, reading Russian newspapers or browsing television shows, I note with interest that people coordinating in Russia the challenge and interpretation of news clearly studied on the same textbook, at the same vigorous colonel or his colleagues.

For example mETHOD "REDUL 'SELLES". Works like this. False accusation is selected. It is important that it is as dirty and scandalous as possible. It works well, for example, small theft, or, let's say, the plant's crust, or murder, is preferably from greed.

The goal of "rotten sledging" is not at all to prove to prove. And in making a wide, public discussion of it ... injustice and unjustiness.

The human psyche is arranged so that as soon as the accusation becomes the subject of public discussion, its "supporters" and "opponents", "experts" and "experts", delicate "defenders" arise inevitably arise.

But regardless of his views, all participants in the discussion again and again pronounce the name of the accused in a bundle with a dirty and scandalous accusation, thus rubbing all the more "rotten herbal of herring" in his "clothes" until finally this "smell" does not begin to follow him everywhere . And the question "killed-stole-seduced or still not" becomes the main thing when mentioning his name.

Or, for example, method "40 to 60"invented by Gebbels. It lies in the creation of media, which are 60 percent of their information in the interests of the enemy. But, thus earning his trust, the remaining 40 percent is used for extremely efficient, thanks to this confidence, disinformation. During World War II, there was a radio station that the anti-fascist world listened. It was believed that she was British. And only after the war it turned out that in fact it was a radio station Goebbels, who worked on the "40 to 60" principle developed by it.

The "Big Lie" method is very effective.

Very effective method "Big Lie"which is a little similar to the "rotten herring", but actually works otherwise. Its essence is to offer the audience as a global and terrible lies with the maximum degree of confidence that it is almost impossible to believe that you can lie about such.

The trick here is that the correctly arranged and well-invented "big lie" causes a deep emotional injury from a listener or a viewer, which will then for a long time determines his views contrary to any arguments of logic and reason.

False descriptions of cruel bullying of children or women work in this sense.

Suppose a message about a crucified child due to a deep emotional injury that it causes, for a long time will determine the views of this human information, no matter how many people would try to convince, using ordinary logical arguments.

But especially read our cheerful colonel the "absolute obviousness" method, although not fast, but but a reliable result.

Instead of proving something, you are supplied to what you want to convince the audience, as something obvious, of course, of course, and therefore unconditionally supported by the prevailing majority of the population.

Despite its external simplicity, this method is incredibly effective, since the human psyche automatically reacts to the opinion of the majority, seeking to join it.

It is only important to remember that most must necessarily be predominant, and its support is absolute and unconditional - otherwise the connection effect does not occur.

However, if these conditions are observed, the number of supporters of the "position of the majority" begins gradually, but it is correct to grow, and over time increases already in geometric progression - mainly due to representatives of low social layers, which are most susceptible to the "accession effect". One of the classical ways to support the "absolute obviousness" method is, for example, the publication of the results of various kinds of sociological surveys, which demonstrate the absolute public unity on this or that matter. Methods of "black" propaganda, of course, do not require these reports to have at least some kind of reality.

Methods "black" propaganda affect the audience at the level of deep psychological mechanisms

I can continue. We taught us actually for a whole year, and the list of methods is quite large. It is important, however, not this. But what. Methods "black" propaganda Influence the audience at the level of deep psychological mechanisms in such a way that the consequences of this impact cannot be removed by conventional logical arguments. The "big lie" reaches this effect with the help of emotional injury. The evidence method is through the "effect effect". "Gnila herring" - by introducing into the consciousness of the direct association's audience between the attack object and dirty, scandalous accusation.

Simply put, combat special propaganda turns a person to a zombie, which not only actively supports the installation introduced into its consciousness, but also aggressively opposes those who adhere to other views or trying to convince him, using logical arguments. Otherwise, actually, and can not. All methods of combat special cooperation unites a single goal. It is to weaken the enemy's army by entering into its ranks of the inner retail, mutual hatred and distrust of each other.

And today these methods are applied against us themselves. And the result to which they lead is exactly the one to achieve which they have been created. Only mutual hatred and inner retail arise not in the army of the enemy, but in our homes and families.

Just go outside and see how the country has changed over the past three years. It seems to me that against our own population, combat special cooperation works even more efficiently than against the opponent's soldier.

Probably because, in contrast to the enemy's soldier, the peaceful population cannot protect himself.

See also: