Oleander flower Description. Oleander poisonous or not? Poisonous properties of oleander

Oleander is a decorative long-term shrub that belongs to the sidewall family. Many different legends are connected with the oleandra. According to one of them, the ancient warriors prepared on the long and smooth rods of this plant dinner, and none of them woke up. A poisonous plant oleander can often be found in housing and public institutions. This vegetation blooms beautifully, so it becomes a unique decoration of any interior. Few people know that all parts of this flower are poisonous, and this property is preserved even in dried raw materials.

Plant Characteristics

Oleander ordinary can look like a tree, up to 4 meters high, but most often these are large bushes, whose shoots go from the root itself. This is an evergreen plant, at that time, when it does not bloom, resembles a young ventiy pig. The bark on the shoots were widespread, brown or dark olive color.

Room oleander can reach a height of 2 meters. Such a large room flower requires a big shirt, not a flower pot. This plant grows quickly enough, and with proper trimming, in a short time, the magnificent bush begins to bloom, glad to the household and guests.

The plants have large leaves of a dark green color, with the help of cuffs are fixed on the stems by group of 3 pcs. Oleander is white, yellow and even red, but the most frequent coloring pink. The smell of the flower is very pleasant and unusual.

The oleander is considered a very poisonous plant, absolutely in all parts of this flower there are poisoning substances - glycosides, oleandrine and andneryin.

Room oleander lives no more than 15 years, but with a constant transplantation and rejuvenation of the plant, the period of life can be significantly increased.

In what cases is the poisoning of oleander

Poisoning this beautiful indoor flower often occur in ignorance. So you can suffer in such cases:

  • with random use of parts of the plant. Often it happens with children of younger age, which, because of natural curiosity, everything is drawn in the mouth;
  • with improper leaving for the plant. If the juice got into the hands, and then the man took his hands in his mouth or took food with dirty hands.

In addition, all the symptoms of intoxication can manifest itself in the event that the globe stands in a small room and the plants already have flowers. Short smell can lead to a headache resistant, confusion and impairment of vision.

It is worth remembering that strong poisoning may even be if they see just a couple of oleander leaves.

Signs of poisoning

A poisonous flower of oleander in case of accidental use inside causes such symptoms of body intoxication:

  1. Man worries strong nausea, which almost always ends with abundant vomit.
  2. The heartbeat slows down and the person appears shortness of breath.
  3. Consciousness of the victim is confused, sometimes there is nonsense.
  4. Vision and hearing significantly deteriorate.

Especially serious poisoning of this type flow in young childrenwho have a weak immunity and the digestive organs and the nervous system are still formed.

If a person who ate part of the oleander becomes worse with every minute, it is necessary to urgently cause a doctor.

First aid

To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to quickly provide the first assistance that is provided by this algorithm:

  • Wash the stomach. For this purpose, it is better to use boiled, cold water into which the activated carbon powder or potassium permanganate is added. The procedure is performed as long as the water from the stomach does not become clean.
  • The patient gives any adsorbents.
  • Before the arrival of the doctor, the victim gives a lot of drink and monitor its condition.

People who are inclined to allergic reactions may be swelling, so they immediately give antiforms.

The victim is desirable in any case show the doctor, as it may arise later complications. If a child has been poisoned and the doctor insists on his hospitalization, it should not refuse, the baby must be constantly under the control of health workers.

If the juice hit the skin or mucous membranes, they are washed with a large volume of running water.

You should not wash the stomach to children younger at home, it can lead to strong dehydration.

Useful properties of the plant

To the question is a poisonous oleander or not, you can give an accurate answer that the plant is poisonous. However, despite the strong toxicity, the vegetable raw materials of the oleander is used to prepare the medicinal preparations of the heart group to which the cornerein and nonnioline belong.

In addition, the oleander has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, in the room where the ride with a flower is located, the number of pathogens, especially intestinal sticks and staphylococci is significantly reduced.

Oleander is a flower with a strong energy, so it is desirable to put in the cabinets of large companies where important issues are solved.

How to prevent poisoning

To prevent oleander poisoning, it is worth sticking to simple rules:

  1. It is not advisable to put this flower in children's rooms, as well as in the place available for young children..
  2. It is necessary to care for poisonous vegetation in gloves, after trimming or transplanting a flower necessarily wash your hands with soap under running water.
  3. You should not put a football with this plant in small rooms where there is no proper ventilation.

Oleander will undoubtedly become an ornament of any home, but at the same time do not forget that the plant is very poisonous and can greatly harm health. If you comply with all the rules for care, the oleander will delight the eyes and bring aesthetic pleasure.

Oleander (lat. Nerium) - Large evergreen shrub family Cutric (Apocynaceae).

Oleander It has branched brown-colored stalks covered with rounded lentils. Leaves 10-15 cm long and up to 3 cm wide, opposite or in a flutter of 3 or 4, lanceal or linear lancing, one-eyed or unclear, on short stiffs, naked, leathery, with a light median vest.

Blossom - in the summer (June-July). Flowers oleander are bright, large, five-point, are located in the ultimate shirts of inflorescences. There are color variations - the most common white and pink flowers are most common, it is less common to red and yellow. During the flowering of oleander at the ends of young shoots, large flowers appear, collected in dense, well-visible inflorescences. Currently, many varieties of oleander are derived with flowers of various shapes, for example, with terry petals.

Fruits - multiferous leaflets.

Extensive strip of dry and semi-dry subtropics from Morocco and Portugal in the West to southern China in the East. In the wild, Oleander (Nerium Oleander) is widespread in the subtropical regions of the planet, and also often takes the channel of drying rivers (screams, Wadi). In Russia and the CIS countries, it is grown in the southern coast of Crimea, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in the Transcaucasia, the southern regions of Central Asia. In more northern regions, it is found only at room culture. Oleander drought-resistant, but heat-seeking, although it takes the winter short-term decrease in temperature to -10 ° C. Ideally grows in the conditions of the Mediterranean climate. All types of oleander are decorative, and therefore are grown in greenhouses and more northern territories under the condition of wintering indoors.

In culture most common orium Oleander (Nerium Oleander). In Russia, it is grown on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in other areas there is only in room culture. As a room culture oleander has a long history. Already at the beginning of the 17th century. They were decorated at home. It has many garden forms, characterized by terrain and a variety of color flowers. The plant is well adapted to room conditions, requires a bright sun. When buying a plant may look like compact bushes, but very quickly grow and can be achieved in a height of 2 m.

Rod oleander or NERIUM (Nerium) There are from 3 to 10 species according to various sources. Rod got his name from the Greek word "NERION" - Wet, raw is due to the fact that the oleander although it loves a hot climate and grows in dry places, but needs an active influx of soil (underground) waters. The species name consists of two words: "Oleo" - Pakhuki I. "Andros" - One of the Greek Islands, where it was bodied by Neret. The generic name of the oleander is possible due to the name of the nineteen nymphs and means that it grows by the water.

Types of oleander

. Synonyms: Indian oleander (nerium indicum) , Oleander Soul (Nerium Odorum) . Wild-growing oleander can be found throughout the Mediterranean, in Algeria, Andalusia, Italy. In Italy, wild oleander over the shores are located.

This is one of the most ancient decorative plants. It was bred in the gardens of ancient Greece and Rome, it is depicted in bouquets and garlands on frescoes.

Evergreen large abundant branching shrub with extensive branches, reaching 3-4 meters of height. Shortochetic leaves linearlylant-trailers, opposite or mutual (3 pieces), 10-15 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide, slightly leathery, the upper side is green, lower - light green. At the time of flowering, bushes with narrow, like willow, leaves are abundantly covered with lush tassels of inflorescences from numerous large, beautiful painted flowers with fragrant aroma. In the natural shape of flowers pink or red with a simple spinolesale wedge. Flowers from June to October.

In culture, garden forms of the species are usually grown with larger (up to 6 cm in diameter), often terry flowers of white, pink, salmon, less often yellow, sometimes motley, double color.

Some varieties of oleander ordinary:


"Petit Salmon"


"Hardy Red"

Lighting. For normal development and flowering, oleander is needed very bright, sunny place with a constant influx of fresh air.

Good grows on southern windows. When growing on the windows of the northern orientation, leaves can be reset from lack of lighting, so you can create additional lighting of daylight lamps.

In the summer, you can endure on an open air (balcony, veranda or garden) and keep on a sunny, well-ventilated place, but precipitation should be protected.

In the garden, the oleander will be better posted at the southern wall. If you do not have the ability to place the plants in the open air during the summer period, then the room should be regularly ventilated.

In winter, bright lighting is also necessary. You can create additional lighting, using for this daylight lamp, placing them over the plant at a distance of 60-70 cm, for at least 8 hours a day. In the autumn-winter period, it is also necessary to ventilate the room, but drafts should be avoided.

With a lack of illumination, the oleander resets the foliage. If you purchased oleander and it was contained at low light, then to more light it should be accepted gradually.

Temperature. In the spring-summer period (especially during flowering), the plant prefers a sufficiently high air temperature (20-27 ° C) with a constant influx of fresh air. In the fall, the temperature smoothly down to 18-15 ° C. In winter, the oleander is kept in cool well-lit places at a temperature of 8-15 ° C, from mid-March it is preferably not lower than 15 ° C. At higher temperatures, mandatory air ventilation is required.

Watering. Oleander from spring to autumn watered abundantly, immediately after the upper layer of the substrate will dry. In hot and sunny days during watering, water can be left in the pallet. Also in hot time, the pots put in pallets with water and the water will always be in them. But if cloudy and cool water from the pallet is poured. Watering produce soft well-well-standing and warm water (2-3 ° with the warmer temperature in the room where the plant is worth).

In the autumn-winter period, the plant is watered moderately, depending on the temperature of the content, following the earth, and did not start the roots. Water after two or three days, after the top layer gets up. Oleander is sensitive to the drying of the earth coma.

In spraying In the spring-summer period, the plant does not need. On hot days, it is best for oleander if a pot with a plant you put in the pallet with water. In winter, it is still desirable to spray the plant with water room temperature. With dry air they can dry the tips of the leaves.

Fertilizer. The plant reacts well to feeding in the spring-summer period with liquid organic and mineral fertilizers (alternating) weekly or every time in two weeks. Fucking should be carried out in cloudy, non-jarous days and after half an hour after watering the plant.

Bloom. The pomp of the flowering of oleander depends on its trimming. Pruning is made after flowering, shortening the branches half or even more, because the flowers are formed at the ends of annual shoots that are well growing after short trimming. Cropped branches can be used on cuttings that are well rooted.

In blooming copies of vegetative shoots that appear under flower kidneys should be pulled out, otherwise they will interfere with them to develop. The reason that it does not bloom is mainly in the absence of trimming or in a weak trim, as well as in insufficient illumination, disadvantage of nutrition and moisture.

Transfer. Replanted as the roots of the Earth Koma are braided. The best time for transplantation is the end of May - the beginning of June. Young transplanted as needed - every year, adults every 2-3 years. When transplanting, old roots are shortening, it is possible to slightly reduce the earthen com (for better flowering plants). When the plant reaches large sizes and the transplantation will be impossible, you can do the transshipment or replacement of the upper part of the soil to a new one, not disturbed the plant. Cuts of the roots are sprinkled with poured charcoal.

The soil during transplantation takes predominantly sublinous, pH about 6. It is possible to use a heavy mixture of 2 parts of the delicate earth and 1 part of the leaf land, humidia, peat and sand, with adding horny chips. It is necessary to take care of a good drainage.

Reproduction. We define oleander seeds (rarely), cuttings or air chains.

In reproduction by seeds It must be remembered that the Oleander seeds are quickly losing germination, so they must be sung soon after ripening. In addition, the appearance of seed shoots is not at the same time. Before planting in the soil, you can pre-dock for 30-40 minutes in a solution of manganese, or in a systemic or biological fungicide. Then they soak for several hours in warm water with a zircon solution. The substrate for sowing seeds is made up of vermiculite, sand and charcoal. Seeds are sown in a wet substrate, without embelling in the ground, and sprinkle slightly. The tanks are installed in a warm place with a temperature of 32-35 ° C, shoots appear within 7-10 days. At a lower temperature of 21-25 ° C, the time of the appearance of germs increases and there is a danger of planting seeds. After the seeds proceed, they need to highlight the lamp of daylight. It is necessary to maintain the necessary humidity and temperature (not lower than 18 ° C) air, regularly ventilated. After the first pair of leaves, young plants gradually teach to the conditions of the adult plant. When the seedlings appears the second pair of leaves, they are diverting into a suitable pot. It is better to multiply oleander vegetatively, since the seed reproduction takes place of parental signs.

Spank cuttings In spring or autumn. The cuttings are cut with a length of 10-15 cm, then it needs to be treated with charcoal and drown. Root cuttings in perlite, crushed clay, sand mixture with charcoal. Clean sand is poured around the root neck or lurks pieces of wood coal, which protects the base of the stem from the posting. Support the temperature of 18-20 ° C and good lighting. It is necessary to monitor that the substrate is not very overwhelmed, as it threatens at the rearness of the cuttings. You can also root the cuttings in a vessel with water, after throwing pieces of wood coal in it, which prevents dropping.

Roots on cuttings under favorable conditions appear approximately three to four weeks. After the cuttings are rooted, they are planted into land from equal parts of the turf, peat and humus with the addition of sand.

For reproduction, you can also use air chains , rooted in wet sand or in a glass tube, in which water poured. The lower end of the tube is tightly closed with a plug of two halves, in which the oleander branch is pressed. The branch is smeared with wax, so that water does not flow through the tube through the tube. For the formation of roots on the branch, two circular nurses make and remove the cortex ring of 2-3 mm wide. After the formation of the roots, the tanks are cut off from the uterine plant and transplanted into the pots for rooting.


All parts of the oleander contain poisonous juice, it contains a number of cardiac glycosides (oleandrine, cornererin, etc.), so when working with a plant - transplant or trimming - caution should be taken. And in the house where there are children, it is better not to start it. Especially poisonous juice for poultry. When trimming it is necessary to take care of the eyes, the lips, so that the oleandra juice does not fall on them. After a plant care, you should well wash your hands with soap. Long sitting near the blooming oleander or sleeping in a room where it blooms can not be poisoned by the smell of his colors, or at least get a strong headache. All of this you need to warn children.

Poisonons are not only stems and leaves, but also flowers and fruits, so you need to carefully follow that the children do not take them in the mouth. The use of plant parts leads to a stomach disorder, vomiting, pain in the abdomen, dizziness, heart rate disorders, expansion of pupils and respiratory stop. It is impossible to allow the juice of the plant to fall into wounds.

Healing properties oleander

Oleander leaves contain heart glycosides. Therefore, they are collected and used to prepare preparations for the treatment of acute and chronic blood circulation insufficiency II and III degree, especially with vices of a mitral valve with flickering arrhythmia.

Possible difficulties

With a lack of light in the summer do not bloom.

With a lack of light in the autumn-winter period resets leaves.

Scooter blossom Old oleander bushes occurs due to lack of nutrition and light, weak irrigation and lack of trimming.


Tags: oleander, flower oleander, oleander photo, oleander care, oleandra, oleander ordinary, indian oleander, nerium oleander, oleander indian, nerium indicum, oleander fragrant, nerium odorum, wild oleander, oleander plant, oleander breeding, oleander poisonous, indoor plants oleander, Oleander Growing, Oleander Care



Family - Cutric - Aroschasesea

People's name - Laurelosis, Leandr, Niform, Polokhovets, scarecrow, kingchik.

Used parts - leaves.

Pharmacy name - Oleander leaves - Oleandri Folium (Earlier: Folia Oleandri).

Botanical description

Oleander ordinary is an evergreen multi-tightweight high beautiful shrub or tree with a height of 5th with branching large branches of brownish color covered with rounded lentils. The leaves are numerous, pointed, leathery, lanceathoid, dark green, length up to 14 cm, with a highly developed average vein, from which side moves parallel, at the base sheet is narrowed into the pet. There are leaves in the mutters of 3, less often 4, the edge of the sheet will be taken. Very thick leather leaf protects their inner tissue from above and bottom from drought. On the bottom of the skin there are pits covered with white hairs, which protect them from heat and dry wind, thanks to which the evaporation and plant decreases and the plant can withstand long-term dry winds - sirocco.

Large, pink or white (less often red and yellowish) are assembled at the ends of the branches in the shield inflorescences. The funnelized crown with flakes and five bent petals comes out of a five-liter cup of flower. An extended, low-length leaflet, similar to a pod, contains numerous seeds with a horsepower tank at the tip. Flowers oleander from June to September. Fruits - multifamous leaflets reaching lengths up to 10 cm, ripen in October - November. Seeds have cherish khokholki.

Oleander is more famous as a decorative plant. His homeland is the Mediterranean, he grows on the Black Sea coast, in Asia and South America, the oleander does not tolerate cold winters.

Collection and harvesting

The leaves are collected in October-November (after completing the growth of shoots - October - November) or early (before the start of active growth - April). The leaves are dried in thermal dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

Active substances

Numerous heart glycosides, the most important of them - oleandrin, as well as flavonglycosides.

Use in homeopathy

Most homeopathic preparations are made of freshly spent leaves. In homeopathy, the oleander is used primarily as a heart rate - with inflammation (myocardium) and rebirth of the heart muscle with edema and

Oleander is a kind of shrub from the Cutric Family. The flower is highlighted in its interesting dark shoots, gaining burgundy scaly levgers. Foliage in a plant, oleander about 15 cm long and about three width. In the form of leaves, linearly - oblong, smooth, fleshy. In the center of the sheet passes in the center.

The flowering of Oleander passes in the summer. Inflorescences of a bright shade, large size. Flowers are five-lines and are located at the ends of the shoots, representing the shields. Claims have a yellow, pink, white and red.

The birthplace of this plant is Portugal. In nature, often occurs in the Crimea.

Varieties and species

In a wild form meets in Italy and Algeria. It grows volume near reservoirs. In height, this species reaches four meters. Leaves on short legs, linear, elongated, about 15 cm long and about two centimeters in width. The top of the sheet of saturated is green, and the inner side of a light-rude shade.

When flowering begins, the shrub is covered with abundant major inflorescences, publishing a pleasant fragrance. Color in vivo this species or pink or reddish shade. Blossom for a long time all summer season, including autumn.

Unpretentious in care. Often grown in office space. Height can reach up to 2 meters. But it is possible to generate the necessary height and shape of the plant using trimming. Flowering long-lasting starting from summer to frost. Inflorescences have a pleasant fragrance.

This is a green shrub with oblong leaves like Willow. The shape of the bush is neat, compact. During flowering, the entire bush is covered with terry inflorescences of a gentle pink shade.

Loves good lighting. If he does not support such conditions, he will refuse to bloom and stop in growth. The optimal temperature for it is, where 20 degrees. In the summer, it needs fresh air. And in the winter time, oleander home enters the rest of the rest. He needs to provide dark conditions where he will score the whole foliage.

It has a bright bloom, flowers in shape resemble bells. Seeds at the plant are similar to the seed of chestnut. Inflorescences throws out in the form of brushes. The shade of them is gentle - peach. Duration of flowering All summer season and autumn. A surprising property of oleander from one seed can grow several plants.

Therefore, all manipulations conducted with a flower must be produced in gloves. It contains poison oleanin. And at the end of any work with it, wash your hands with soap. If there are small children in the house, then from the cultivation of Oleander you better abandon. Either leave the plant at an altitude not available for children.

Oleander care at home

Lighting Plant requires full and ventilation too. Prefers southern face. In the summer it is better to endure on the loggia. In winter, the plant needs additional lighting with a lamp, otherwise it will reset all the leaves.

The temperature in the warm season is optimal to 27 degrees. And in the winter it should be slightly reduced to 15 degrees, but not less, and not a sharp drop.

Moisturizing The plant does not require constant, only in sultry summer weather should spray the plant. In winter, it is necessary to periodically spray the plant, otherwise in the winter, when the heating season begins, the plant has the likelihood of drying the tips of the leaves.

Watering prefers a permanent, just not to overcoat. The driver for moisturia is needed soft, warm and day well. In the cold season, the plant moisturize every three days. But it is worth paying attention to the land is not acidic and the root system did not rot.

In leaving and growing such a plant as a oleander is needed fertilizer. Suitable for this complex fertilizer for indoor plants. Feed in the season of vegetation every 14 days. It is necessary to do it in the evening after watering.

The plant requires trimming and forming a bush to the form you prefer. Crop oleander at home is not difficult. The plant must be cut more than half. Since buds appear only on new shoots. Those branches that cut off can be multiplied.

Soil and transplant

The maintenance of the soil should include a leafy land, hardening, humid, peatlar and sand, all in equal parts.

Home flower oleander transplant requires as needed. As soon as the roots fall the earthen com, the olendra is needed by a transplant.

A favorable period for transplant is considered the second half of spring. During the transplant, it is necessary to trim the roots, it is necessary for abundant flowering. An adult individual who has reached the five-year-old age it is necessary to replace part of the soil, annually. Cut roots must be sprinkled in flour with wood coal.

The plant can be multiplied by pavement and seeds.

Reproduction of plants oleander cuttings

The hauling can also be made of springtime and autumn. It is necessary to cut the cutlets about 15 cm in length, with a well-formed bush and having several kidneys.

Cutting place is treated with interbound charcoal and dried slightly. After the cuttings, it is necessary to put in a prepared mixture of charcoal and sand. Supporting the temperature for rooting about 21 degrees.

Without forgetting to ensure that the soil is not undergoing moisture. With proper manipulation manipulations, the roots begin to appear in about a month. After rooting and the adaptation period, the plant is transplanted into the prepared container with the soil.

Oleander from home seeds

Seeds need to be planted immediately after ripening, since their shelf life is small. But before sowing, they must be soaked in a manganese solution for one hour. After manganese, it is necessary to process the growth stimulant. Then drop into the ground from sand and fine charcoal, slightly sprinkled with the earth.

After that, cover the film and put in a well-lit place with a temperature of about 30 degrees. The first shoots begin in a week and a half. Seedlings need to spray, and when a pair of leaflets appears, you need to transplant in separate containers.

Diseases and pests

Diseases at Oleander at home can, be provoked due to improper care. Also, the plant is exposed to fungal diseases and bacterial. To do this, you need to remove the diseased leaves.

  • From pests, the plant is striking a web tick, a wave and torment Cherver . To combat pests, it is necessary to process insecticides.
  • Oleander resets the leaves what to do - Usually this happens when the plant lacks lighting in the cold season. It is necessary to provide plants additional artificial lighting.
  • Why the oleander dries and fall leaves - This is due to the lack of light and cutting the soil.
  • Why does not bloom oleander at home - The reason may be weak poor lighting, irregular cropping and lack of fertilizer.

Oleander - the beauty of this plant is indisputable: as if terry roses touched a tender tree. Poets, writers, artists for centuries challenge the magnificence of bright colors:

Gold Cold Moon,
The smell of oleander and levka.
Be good to wander among peace
Blue and affectionate country ...
S. Yesenin

And botany are withdrawn all new and new, even more spectacular, oleander varieties.

But can beauty be given in vain? This is one of the most poisonous plants on Earth. And, before you buy a beautiful oleander in a flower store, it is worth a closer look at him ...

Dangerous and attractive

So let's find out what bad and how good is oleander, where you should not grow this luxurious shrub, and where it will be to the place.


  • As mentioned above, Oleander is poisonous, and his poison can be deadly dangerous. That is why it is categorically not recommended to place oleander in children's and medical institutions, as well as in those houses where there are small children and animals. The poison is contained in all parts of the plant!

[!] Because of Oleander, Alexander Macedon's army suffered huge losses during the conquest of the Crimea. The soldier rolled meat on the rods of the plant and ate him. Food, having soaked with the Julander juice, became deadly.

  • It is not necessary to start a shrub and inexperienced flowerflowers: with careless work with a plant, there is a risk to choose. All manipulations: trimming, transplanting, chipping, and the like, it is necessary to produce only in gloves, avoiding juice from entering the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Since the room oleander can reach quite impressive sizes (up to one and a half or more height), it is advisable to place it with high ceilings;
  • In addition, the plant has a very intense, albeit pleasant, smell. Therefore, it is extremely not recommended to grow it in bedrooms and relaxation rooms.

As you can see, Oleander is coming far from all lover of indoor plants, however, this magnificent handsome has positive qualities:

  • Despite its poisonousness, oleander - phytoncidoactive. This means that the plant can absorb harmful substances and purify the atmosphere. The air of the room in which the oleander grows, will always be clean and fresh;
  • Those who believe in the energy of plants believe that Oleander has the ability to dispel the bad thoughts of man and gives strength and vigor to its owner. Next to this plant there is no place to be a bad mood, Handre, negative emotions. It is believed to even that oleander contributes to getting rid of bad habits: tobacco dependence and alcoholism. And if you put a oleander in the office, the staff efficiency will increase significantly.

This is such an ambiguous, this southern handsome man.

For those who have accepted a firm decision to grow oleander, several recommendations and advice.

Description, view and varieties of oleander

Oleander (lat. Nerium) is a spreading shrub with narrow, long leaves of a dense structure of a rich green color. Most of all oleander is valued for flowering. Flowers are large and bright, painted, depending on the variety, in red, white, pink or yellow.

The origin of the name is definitely not known. According to one of the theories, the plant is called the Olea Latin Word (Oliva), on the other is the combination of two Greek words.

Motherland oleander is the island of Greece, Turkey, Southern Europe. Now oleander is grown in almost all subtropical regions, it can be seen in Russia on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In vivo, a beautiful-waving shrub prefers to settle on the banks of rivers, including drying, or near other reservoirs.

In the Botanical systematics, the oleander belongs to the family of the same name, which is monotype. This means that there is only one type of oleander ordinary (lat. Nerium Oleander). However, despite this, breeders brought a large number of a wide variety of varieties, which are usually painting and the form of flowers.

Light pink:

  • "KEWPIE" (KIVPI) - five-pack flowers of gentle cream-pink color;
  • "Double Peach" (Double Pic) - Light Coral Machrowing Flowers;
  • Martha Hanna Henslee (Martha Hanna Hensley) - light pink flowers with darker streaks and a wavy edge.


Bright pink:

  • "Antoine" (Anthony) - pink petals with a pointed tip and purple-red veins;
  • General Pershing (General Pershing) - a terry rich-colored flower, some petals are decorated with a white pattern;
  • "Italia" (Italy) - petals, with twisted edges, bright red-pink color.

A. "Antoine", O. "General Pershing", O. "ITALIA"
  • "Hardy White" (Hardy White) - simple five-point coil flowers;
  • "Sister Agnes" (Sisters of Agnes) - Snow-white petals with a wavy edge;
  • Album Plenum (Album Plenum) - large white terry flowers with a light yellow middle.

O. "Hardy White", O. "Sister Agnes", Oh. Album Plenum


  • "Sherrie Allen Turner" (Sherry Allen Turner) - gentle carrot petals with a darker darkening center;
  • "Angiolo Pucci" (Angelo Pucci) - elegant flowers of pale yellow-orange color with a bright orange hearter;
  • Mrs Roeding (Mrs. Roeading) - lush terry flowers of homogeneous light salmon.

O. "Sherrie Allen Turner", O. "Angiolo Pucci", O. "Mrs Roeding"
  • "BLUE BLANC RED D" (BLO Blank Red di) - reddish-pink petals with a bright white pattern along the central vein;
  • "Cherry Ripe" (Sherry Rip) - simple five-point amarantic flowers with a white pestle;
  • "RUBIS" (Rubis) - dense-terry uniformly painted red flowers.

Oh. "Blue Blanc Red D", O. "Cherry Ripe", O. "Rubis"
  • "Maria Gambetta" (Maria Gambetta) - elongated narrow lemon color petals with a darker darkening center;
  • "Luteum Plenum" (LUTUM Plenum) - delicate white-yellow terry flowers;
  • "Mathilde Ferrier" (Matilda Ferry) - Petals with corrugated edges and a sharp tip of light saffron-yellow color.

O. "Maria Gambetta", O. "Luteum Plenum", O. "Mathilde Ferrier"

This is only a small part of the collection of oleander varieties. In fact, their much more and every year new and new ones appear.

Growing oleander and care for it at home

Oleander can not be attributed to too capricious home plants, but there is still its subtlety to care for the southern flower. This is the organization of the rest period, and the correct trimming, and the unmistakable watering. But first things first.

Temperature and resting period

In nature, the oleander is growing in regions with a subtropical climate: hot summer and cool (5-10 ° C) Winter. That is why the changeability of the seasons is important for oleander, and the task of the flower plant is to organize this cycle.

In summer, the plant can be kept at room temperature 23-27 ° C. In the autumn, as it is in nature, the temperature should be understood. In winter, the rest period comes, so the optimal range at this time is 10-12 ° C. The minimum temperature in which the Southern Guest will be able to overreim - 5 ° C.

How to organize all this in the conditions of an urban apartment or house in moderate latitudes of Russia? We, as a rule, warm summer, so in July-August, oleander can be taken out on fresh air, and in the fall, when it grows it, to put into a closed cool room and, during the winter, leave oleander there. This winter room can be a glazed loggia or a veranda of the house, hall or the lobby of the office. In the most extreme case, the plant can be left for wintering and in a warm room, but the flowering of such oleander will be much less lush.

Watering, air humidity and lighting

Just as the temperature, the frequency and the intensity of watering differ depending on the time of year. In addition, you should not forget that in nature olendra prefer places with a high level of groundwater, and therefore at home the moisture should be enough.

Summer watering oleander must be abundant: it is necessary to water immediately after the upper layer of the substrate will slightly dry out. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced. In the winter months, the shrub is required enough moisture, the frequency of watering at this time is 1-2 times a week.

So that the roots of the plant are not overcooked, it takes water temperature for watering. It is also important to pre-arrange water - the excessive content of calcium salts in tap water can harm the tender olendra.

High air humidity is a sufficiently serious parameter for the cultivation of oleander. Maintain the necessary moisture will help the pallet with wet pebbles or frequent spraying of the leaves of the plant.

In hot subtropics, on the homeland of the south guest, the sun shines almost all year round. Growing oleander at home, you need to provide the plant with the same intensive insolation. The best location will be the windows of South, Southeast and South-Western orientation. Moreover, the bright sunlight is required in summer, and in winter.

[!] Because of the lack of light, indoor oleander often loses decorativeness - pulls out, bald, scarily blooms.

If there are no southern windows in the apartment, you can additionally highlight the plant by phytolampa.

Unlike many other plants, the oleander is not afraid of drafts and ventilation, moreover - fresh air is vital for a flowering shrub.


In order for the oleander in blooming and busted, once a year must be trimmed.

Regarding the terms of the pruning of the opinion of Russian flower flowers, divided. Some argue that strut shrub is needed in early spring, before the awakening of the plant. Others speak of the autumn trimming, carried out before the rest period. Right and those, and others - the whole case in the conditions of wintering oleander. If the shrub spends the winter in the warm room, the best time for the formation of the crown is February-March. Otherwise, the plant will begin to actively grow. If the oleander winter in a cool room, you can cut it in the fall.

For the formation of a shrub of the branch of the oleander is cut half or one third. Subsequently, the cropped shoots begin to branch well, and color-bearing kidneys are formed at their ends. Therefore, the larger the Oleander of the young branches, the more lush there will be bloom.

[!] During trimming, be sure to use rubber gloves, and after the procedure all tools thoroughly wash. Cut shoots dispose so that animals and children do not get to them.

Soil, transplant and feeding

For the landing of oleander, the nutrient is best suitable and at the same time enough water and breathable soil with low acidity. You can use the purchased universal substrate by adding a little sand into it, and you can cook yourself by yourself, taking two parts of the turf and one part of the leaf land, peat and sand.

The transplant is carried out once a year for young plants and once every two or three years for more adult specimens. The best time for the oleander transplant is the early spring, before the active rising shrub. As an alternative to a full-fledged transplant, you can do by more gentle ways: transshipment or updating the top layer of soil. To avoid the lower reinclosure of the roots, do not forget about a sufficient drainage layer - at least a quarter of the entire volume of dishes.

[!] For. So that the oleander is bluntfully bloom, always plan it in a fairly close capacity (1-2 cm more ground coma). If the volume of land is too large, the rapid growth of the green mass to the damage to flowering will begin.

The best feeder for oleander - fertilizer for beautiful plants, such as Bona Forte "for decorative-blooming", Pokon "for flowering plants" and the like. And the optimal time is feeding - from the beginning of the spring until mid-summer. In the fall and winter, during the rest period, the oleander does not fertilize.

Reproduction of oleander

The oleander can be multiplied by several ways:

  • cuttings
  • seeds
  • air chains.

Consider the simplest and most popular of them.

The reproduction of oleander cuttingsPerhaps the most elementary method available to both beginners and experienced flowers.

For rooting, a middle cutter is cut (the tops, unresolved too gentle and have more chances to die) with several kidneys. Then the stalk is approximately an hour is placed in water, after which it is dry and planted for 10-15 minutes. Optimum soil for planting a cutlery is a mixture of peat and sand, besides, it is not forbidden to use and vermiculite. The growth of the roots can be accelerated by macuing escape before landing in the root formation stimulator.

The dishes with a landed cutter need to be covered with a transparent film, a can or plastic bottle and transfer to a warm and bright place. Approximately once a day, the plant must be aircraft, as well as, from time to time, water.

Reproduction of seeds - more complex way. The fact is that the germination of oleander seeds is not too high, and not all seeds germinate.

For the landing, as a rule, they take several minutes at once, necessarily fresh seeds. Before landing them, they are soaked in warm water or water solution with growth regulators. The seeds are then folded on the surface of the peat-sand mixture and the same substrate sprinkle on top. It is impossible to plunge the seeds strongly - they will not go.

Capacity with seeds move to a very warm and bright place, the soil is slightly moistened and waiting for the first germs. Usually, the oleander seeds give the first sprouts in two or three weeks after disembarking. When shoots are quite fixed and the second pair of full-fledged leaves will appear, seedlings can be searched into a regular substrate, and further care for them as an adult plant.

Reproduction by air chains - Too time-consuming and complex method, suitable only for the most experienced flower flowers.

Pests, diseases and cultivation problems

In addition to common diseases of plants caused by improper departure (various rot, spottedness, burns), there is a disease inherent only by oleander - oleander cancer. The reason for the ailment is phytopathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas Savastanoi PV. Nerii, and its main symptom is ugly dark growths at all parts of the oleander. With the development of oleandrase cancer, patients with flowers and leaves are usually falling, the affected branches break, as a result, the plant may die.

Today, drugs that completely destroy Pseudomonas do not exist. And only preventive measures can prevent this formidable disease:

  • tool processing after trimming,
  • timely removal of contaminated flowers, leaves and shoots.

Oleandra falls out the leaves. Almost all, even evergreen, plants once every three or four years update green cover. If the leaf fall is observed in an adult oleander, it is not necessary to worry about - this is a natural process. After some time, new young leaves will grow. When the leaves resets the young plant, it is a symptom of lack of lighting. What to do: Move shrubs in a more illuminated place.

Save the tips of the leaves. Probable reason - Sunmented air. What to do: Increase air humidity in the methods in the ways.

Leaves and shoots lose the tour, becoming sluggish, the leaf plate turns yellow. Most likely. The plant struck the root rot. What to do: take out oleander from the pot, carefully examine the roots. If there are rotten areas, cut the root to a healthy tissue, completely change the substrate and transplant.

Oleander does not bloom. This problem may occur due to several factors: too warm wintering, lack of lighting and moisture, incorrect pruning or its absence. What to do: completely eliminate all the above circumstances.

Dark needles on young shoots. This feature of the structure of oleander, which inexperienced flower is sometimes confused with pest insects.

Once, in distant times on one southern island, a volcano woke up. The sky darkened from the ash, the hot lava flowed through the streets of the city, and the stones fell from the sky, killing all the living. Neither people nor animals could escape - their path was blocking a big lake. And then the son of the Gods, Oleander, decided to help the unfortunate people. He drank the lake and freed the road. People were saved, and Oleander died under Looy, no power to move. In honor of the fool of the brave young man, a wonderful shrub growing on the shores of deep lakes ...

(2 estimates, Average: 5.00 out of 5)