Stolypin train. New Blog Oleg Lourier

As the arrestants say - if you did not go to the "Stolypin" - you did not see any lifestyle, and if I went to you - there is nothing to be afraid in this life. According to the design, the car itself differs from the usual, the same coupe, only without windows and with dorn doors with locks, windows only from the corridor, in the carriage itself from "amenities" - only shelves, naturally, without mattresses, one toilet On the entire car, to get into which is very problematic, so during the whole path it is better to limit yourself in food and drink. Going to the stage, the tags are empty plastic bottlesTo protect the need right in the chamber - in the toilet at the convoy will not survey.

In one "coupe" on the papers should ride no more than 7 prisoners, but, as a rule, they are pounded by 12 people, the car one, and the prisoners are going to a lot of concluded on the stage, here and "DUSW" Cameras are not looking at tightness and inconvenience and go Several hundred people are sleeping in turn, there are from the case of incident in the toilet, they will not feed in the way, only boiling water, when sending to the stage, they give out Suplek, plus what the tsekam is collected in the chamber of the cameramen, and they are sent to the path. It is necessary to take into account that the road takes a lot more time than the usual, "civilian" train, as the car trailer, it is constantly put in sumps, whatever the day calls the day with ordinary passengers, moves mostly at night, does not cling to branded and fast trains may stand on the ways and wait for a passing train for a few days. And the path that in ordinary life is overcome during the day - two, in the "Stolypin" can take up to two weeks or more.

Alternatively, these all inconveniences that accompany the alaries on the stage to the place of serving the punishment, there is another "incatch" to punishment - this is the unknown of the end point of the route throughout the stage. That is, the ance said with things to enter the stage - and where they will be lucky, to which colony it will only know on the arrival, it remains only to navigate the way, listening to radio stations at stations and stations, trying to build a route on the names of cities and settlements and calculate In the direction of the approximate end address. Conversional throughout the route to questions about the end point are silent as partisans. Only in a rare case, as an exception, someone from the convoy can tell where the "Stolypin" can be sent, but it is not a fact that the convoy will tell the truth, may simply dismiss so that they would not be bored with ingrowns.

Previously, the entire stage was accompanied by constant beatings of prisoners, a Vologda convoy known for the whole of Russia, but at present, camcorders are installed in the "Stolypins", and the convoy behaves in calm until "screaming", they will not beat as before, just for cooling Whatever life honey does not seem.

Stolypin took a number of measures that encouraged the resettlement of peasants from the European part of the country into the unknown regions of Siberia and the Far East. The mass resettlement, conceived by the government, was part of the agricultural reform conducted by Stolypin. About three million peasants starred from the spaced places and went east to get used to the land.

For the transport of numerous immigrants, following Siberia and the Far East, in 1908 the most ordinary commercial wagons were adapted. Since the initiator of the mass resettlement was P.A. Stolypin, these advanced wagons began to call "Stolypinsky". The mass production of the wagons of the Stolypinsky type was in 1910.

Such a car, of course, did not provide the possibilities of a comfortable journey, but could accommodate immigrants with their unaccompanious property. In the rear of the cargo cars, special compartments were equipped, where cattle and agricultural equipment could be transported. There were few amenities, however, the peasants who were familiar to life in harsh conditions did not consider moving in the Stolypinsky car with something terrible. Moreover, travel to the new place of residence was free.

When the wave of immigrants began to fade, the "Stolypin wagons" began to be widely used to transport the prisoners - trendy and prisoners.

Further history of the "Stolypin Wagon"

After establishing the power of the Soviets, the name "Stolypin car" became nominal. In the wagons of this design, the repressed persons were transported in a mass order. Features of such wagons and all the "charms" of the transportation of prisoners in the colors described Alexander Solzhenitsyn in one of his novels "Gulag Archipelago".

The "Stolypinsky car" in its later execution in size resembled a regular car. Only inside it was divided into compartments with special partitions, one part of which was closed with lattices.

Cameras were located on one side of the car, another part occupied the corridor, where from time to time the convoy was stuck, following the behavior of prisoners.

Modern "traps" - wagons for the transportation of prisoners - externally almost no differ from postal or luggage cars. The only difference is that the inner design of the premises is adapted for specific purposes. A vehicle device intended for transportation of prisoners provides minimal comfort for prisoners and accompanying their staff, as well as reliable protection against shoots.

"Stolypinsky ties." The newspaper "True" exposes the myths about the "reformer" -Thewitel.

Oleg Cherchets, Doctor of Economics

This figure entered the story not only by the "Stolypinsky tie", but also failed economic "reform". The last week was noted by the unrestrained praise of the royal premiere of Petra Stolypin, the anniversary of which it comes from the day.

He especially learned the chief state television channel "Russia 1", which devoted to this figure a few plots, where the most important supporters of the current regime headed by N. Mikhalkov developed the greatest activity. And if about the origin of the expression "Stolypinsky tie", which the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation of Zyuganov, "Singers of Stolypin", was repeatedly reminded about the leader of the Russian Federation, apparently, it was not very convenient, then "economic achievements "This figure was extruded in might and.

At the same time, there were separate, clearly reserved from the context, the tendentiously selected statements of contemporaries, of which it followed that the Russian Empire thanks to Stolypin in his premiership became almost the most powerful economic power of the world! Here you and the "Correction" industrial growth, and those who are mutated from the transfer to the transmission that, as a result, Siberia has strengthened so much that it began to export the creamy oil at a cost greater than gold ... in a word, fantasy, and only! Let's stop the inflation of the next "bubble" forever and forever and look at these fantastic conclusions with real numbers and facts in your hands.

So, that in history is called the Stolypin agrarian reform, it began at the end of 1906 and, although it would be formally continued after the death of the author's reform itself in 1911, until the February Revolution of 1917, in fact, of course, ceased with the beginning of the first World War. Therefore, we will consider 1913 at the same time as the peak of the "reform". We will not stop on the details of the tsarist government themselves led by P. Stolypin Measure - they are well known with school benches. Here and promoting the allocation of wealthy peasants from the rural community with its land shares in separate farms, and stimulating the resettlement of the broken peasants to Siberia to master the local lands, and the like. We are now interested in the main thing: what was the result of all these measures in the conditions of Tsarist Russia?

Initially - one shared figure. Of the more than two and a half million translated from the central provinces of Russia to Siberia of the peasants until 1917, almost 20 percent came back: the poor - even with some state aid - there was nothing to raise new lands. And this, by the way, another good lesson with modern "reformers" - spiritual like-minded people of Gaidar and Chubais, for 20 years already worn as a spell, about the "magical strength" of private property to Earth. With bare hands, or even with one horse, hundreds of hectares of the Earth do not raise, and no "Host's feeling" advanced technique and agronomy will not replace!

Well, those who still arrived in Siberia, really really committed some "revolution" in the agriculture of Russia? Let's see what data provides us with official statistics Russian Empire For 1913 - the very "prosperous" pre-war year, whose indicators can be considered the best in the history of Tsarist Russia

So, the country's average yield of arable land in terms of the country - the main measure of the weight of the then time - was on rye: in Russia - 56 pounds, in Austria-Hungary - 92 Pone, in Germany - 127 pounds, in Belgium - 147 pounds . A similar yield of wheat amounted to: in Russia - 55 pounds, in Austria-Hungary - 89 pounds, in Germany - 157 pounds, in Belgium - 167 pounds from decade.
It turns out, not so weighty was the "Siberian" contribution to the case of a yield in the Tsarist Russia ...

If the yield, despite all the efforts of the royal "reformers," looked, to put it mildly, very mediocre, then the following indicators characterizing productivity will be completely natural (in terms of Russian rubles) of the dairy cow in the same 1913. So, in Russia, it was 28 rubles from the head, while in the USA - 94 rubles (that is, 3.36 times higher than in Russia), and in Switzerland - so at all 150 rubles with cow's head (that is, 5.46 times higher than in Russia). So what kind of "superiority" of Russia agriculture in Stolypin (or thanks to Stolypin) can we talk?! So how many of the same oil could be made compared to advanced states with such productivity?

There may be a challdorm question: how then to be with the notorious export of oil from Siberia, how do you like to trump the defenders of Stolypin? Well, firstly, you can take out of the country as you like - there would be a desire. Is it, for example, today, the highest leaders of Russia do not boast on every corner about the growth of grain exports? Do we once again heard the other day in the State Duma? This is despite the fact that grains are increasingly lacking for its own cattle, and therefore the meat has to be taken out of the world: well, if from Belarus, but from Australia and South Africa too ...

What kind of "industrial breakthrough" and "mastering the East" can speak if Russia rapidly reduced railway construction? If in 1896-1901 (the time of completion of the Transsib's construction) in Russia was built on average for the year of 3100 worst railway canvas, then in 1902-1903 - already in 1902 versts, and in 1908-1913 (just the time of the board of Stolypin and Immediately after it) - just 719 wool. The reason is a catastrophic lack of money that no Stolypin could overcome, and foreign loans for such construction were given only under government guarantees. By the way, they largely contributed to Russia's retracting into criminal first world WarThe 4 million lives worth our country. After all, the loans guaranteed by the Government of Parisian and London financial grief should be returned, and with percentages, and there was nothing to return! Except, a clear case, soldier's lives ... And the war killed ...

And this is the innovations of Stolypin: "Stolypin wagons" ... Yes, yes, these are the same cars that Stalin used the destination for these Morra reformists, which they are so tearfully told so far. And how bits you are a simple chase to slaughter in Siberia in the same cars from 1906 to 1917 - inclusive - does this normlelek mean? That you, ept, do not remember?! And, Mikhalkov? You smear chib lately Not in the case. You need to ride in such a trailer already to Susman (not far from Magadan).

But the "Stolypinsky car" and "Stolypinsky tie" and the "Stolypinsky tie" were more well known to the general public, and recently - also the fact that he was a great mountain reformer, eating!

On September 18 (in a new style), 1911, Premier Stolypin died, wounded by the Bogrov's student in the Kiev theater four days earlier - oddly enough, the day before his death, it seems, it became better ... (according to some sources the cause of death was not the second bullet. (The first hit his hand), and the Order - it was he, deformed by a shot, ripped the premiere liver).

So it turns out that not a "breakthrough" provided the "reformer" -daster of his country, and something else is opposite ... And it is not surprising that already in the second year of the "Stolypin reform" the country of all-Russian hunger, during which there are more than 20 provinces, and in In 1911-1912, the next, even stronger famine literally hit Russia, which had already covered 60 provinces. Then 30 million people were on the verge of hungry death. About these, as, however, and many other similar facts oh, how they do not like to remember Mr. Mikhalkov and Co! But it is in them - the sentence of history by the author of the Stolypin Tie.
And here Kirdyk came to the reformer Stolypin, it is a pity that there was no Chubais and Gaidar there, it's a pity that it was born late. Also Yavlinsky asks for a trunk, a gynecologist of shock therapy. Gad. Creeping. Dry wrapping.

In the wagons for prisoners instead of the usual coupe - cameras with grilles. © / press service of the Public Supervisory Commission on Chelyabinsk region

People sentenced to imprisonment are often transported to the place of serving the sentence in special wagons.
Representatives of the Public Supervisory Commission for the Chelyabinsk Region told the conditions in "prisons on wheels".

Without pillows

"Stolypinsky" wagon or prison on wheels is a regular jewelry car, only instead of the door there is a grid, and there are only the windows from the corridor. There is a round clock around the clock.
Wall in the chamber is deaf.
In the car, two types of cameras are small and large. In the first only three seats, and in the second seven. A partition is lowered between the "shokles" of the second level, thereby creating another sleeping place.

Instead of the door of the coupe in the trap - grilles. Photo: Press Service of the Public Supervisory Commission for Chelyabinsk Region

Theoretically, the camera can be "populated" seven prisoners, but it happens so that 12 people go in such a cell. Two sleeps on the topmost shelves, plus on the second tier three people, and below seven people sit on two shelves. Then change - sleep in turn. By the limit in such a car can drive 70 prisoners.

And of course, no mattresses, pillows and bed linen. Naked wooden shelves. And so throughout the path of the next step. No package and distribution of food. The convicts and the integrated are powered by the fact that they will give them at the point of sending - galley, soluble soups, cereals and tea.

The convoy distributes only boiling water that can be diluted. On the road, no one for the zekov prepares food, as there is no cooks in the Stolypinsky car, nor food distributors.

As the head of the Convocation Department in the Chelyabinsk Region says, Vyacheslav Pershin, six cars are now listed in his department, two of which are new generation and sharply different from Stolypinsky. Although four others, too, do not resemble those "Heavers", in which they were taken into custody in Soviet times.

"Of course, complaints are constantly coming to us that there are no mattresses, linen and other benefits of civilization, but all this by law. People are not going to the resort to the sea, but at the place of imprisonment, and they all had violated the law, "says Vyacheslav Pershin.

Only the conductors and the Personnel of Karaul can use the benefits of civilization. By the way, the conductors in Specvagons are gaining from Russian Railways employees who have passed a special check in the relevant authorities. They have everything in the workplaces - the stove on which you can cook food, refrigerator, microwave, sleeping place with linen and shower. No in the trap only the TV. According to the instructions, it is not necessary.

In the workplace of convoirs and conductors there is everything you need. Photo: Press Service of the Public Supervisory Commission for Chelyabinsk Region

"But the Karaulu is allowed to listen to the radio. Personal composition should be aware of all the events that occur in the country and in the world. ", - Notes Vyacheslav Pershin.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke in Specvagon, although many people manage to do it. I did not notice the convoy - carried. But read books and play chess is not rebored. True, in the car fiction No, as well as chess. Get books and games prisoners from their Baulov.

At night, the light in the chambers are turned off, give people to sleep, but in the corridor it burns around the clock. The convoy, accompanied by the assistant chief of the guard, can at any time go into the chamber and catching up the walls - do not prepare the shoots of escape? Do not only enter the chamber to women.

"Look under your feet!"

Loading prisoners occurs on the convention management area, which adjoins the railway station. The reception process is simple.

"I am the head of the convoy and bring to the attention of the rule. When screaming the surname, I answer "I", on the team go out with things and immediately squatted. Things ahead of themselves, hands on the back of the head, - warns the head of Karaula. - Watch only down! Call your patronymic name, year of birth, article. When moving, watch only under your feet! In case of attempting to the flight, the convoy shoots without warning! ".

Even if the accompanying prisoner is over the rank and position, the chief of the guard is all the same, the head of Karaul. With him all demand.

During the loading into the car, the enclosed by small rods move to prison on wheels.
On both sides, a convoy with shepherds, which are squeezed by flaws. Before the wagon, the Zeki again sit down. Bag with things, and you can take up to 50 kilograms, put ahead. Hands behind your head, eyes in the ground. Then the most important thing begins - the acceptance of prisoners.

"As a rule, at a time you can take to 12 people and everyone in the first two cameras," says Vyacheslav Pershin. - Then everyone is sorted in accordance with the mode of serving the sentence and floor. Woman even if she is alone, rides in a separate chamber. Juvenile too ".

Sorting is already during the movement of the composition. The criminals convicted on a special regime are going separately from those who have appointed to sit in the colonies of a strict regime, and the general regime is separated from the sentence sentenced to the colony.
For prisoners, patients with tuberculosis are intended separate cameras.

Two years in the way

Prisoners often do not know where they go. Some manage to learn the direction in advance in the administration of the SIZO or the colony, others are trying to guess.

"Ask the convoy, in which direction they go, and the convoy is forbidden to talk to the special protector," says Vyacheslav Pershin. - So you have to calculate the path of following the voice speaker in the dynamics at intermediate stations..

There was such a prisoner in the Chelyabinsk region, which two years of conclusion spent in the "Stolypinsky" wagons. During his arrest, he had no documents with himself, and he could have thrown out when detention. After the investigation and the court sent him to "North". However, the colonies refused to take a person without a name. So he rode in Russia stage, only occasionally resting in the chambers of insulators, until he was taken in a colony near the Arctic Ocean.

Passed check

There is a car conjunction in the conjunction of 37 years. This option is exactly from those "Stolypinsky".
Toilet, tambour and even the stove resemble distant Soviet years.
Periodically, they are repaired, but they "roll", according to the boss, in front of their eyes.
But the brackets of the new generation meet all European requirements for the content of prisoners.

There are all that is required for transportation of prisoners in new traps. Photo: Press Service of the Public Supervisory Commission for Chelyabinsk Region

During the audit, members of the Public Supervisory Commission did not find disorders in the premises of the Specvagon. Cleanliness and order, which attached to the wagon wagon, surprises and calms down. There is no comments, it means that they will not be in prisoners.

"Next time we promised to invite when the Specialkinger's loading would be, we will see everything with your own eyes: both loading, and acceptance, and" Shmon ", - Chairman of Ong Vasily Katan said.

The trap ("Stolypinsky" car, the car for transportation of specialkontinger) - a special car for transportation of trendy and condemned.
In 1908, ordinary commercial wagons were adapted to transport migrants from European Russia to Siberia. According to the initiator of this mass relocation, Minister of Tsarist Russia Stolypin, such cars began to be called "Stolypinsky". When the resettlement campaign went to the decline, the "Stolypin wagons" began to use for the transport of condemned.

We thank the press service of ONK in the Chelyabinsk region for the material provided.

One of the most interesting exhibits seemed to me for the carriage of prisoners. In my life, step by railway I observed more than once, but I didn't have to go in such a car. It is good that in the capital of Western Siberia, a free person has the opportunity to look at one eye into the prison world.

1. Outside, such a car is like a luggage. He also has little windows, and they are with grilles.


3. One half of the wagon inside is not much different from the usual coupe.

4. Here I drove a convoy.

5. Under the table - a safe for "personal cases" and other documents.

6. Explorer equipment.

7. Normal car samovar.

8. The furnace on which the food for the convoy was preparing. The prisoner was given a dry paja and boiling water.

9. The second half of the car is intended for prisoners. Here I decided to quote the "Butyrka Blog". The words of a blogger who was in prison and drove many times in such cars, I allocated in italics.

Now convicts are transported in Stolypin wagons under content modes - in different coupe. Since I was the only one with the "Colonia-settlement" mode, I drove alone in the coupe. "Stolypin" is a regular jiggle car converted to the transport of prisoners. In it, 9 coupe separated from the corridor metal lattice. The door in the coupe, also lattice, closes on a new castle outside. The window opening in the coupe was tightly embedded with metal panels. So the light penetrates the coupe only from the corridor through small matte windows.

Of the nine coupe 6 large - that is, usual, with three bedroom shelves along each wall, and another shelf unfolding between the second level, it forms it for the ceiling sitting at the first level. And three more coupes are tees, that is, truncated by the usual coupe with three shelves. There is another coupe that, unlike ours, is separated from the corridor not with a grill, but the same metal panels as the window in the coupe. Thus, darkness always reigns in this compartment. This coupe is used exclusively for the transport of convicts to a life-long deprivation period.

Two papers are pasted on the walls of the coupe: one is called "forbidden", the second is "responsibilities for convention". The last document, in my opinion, it would be necessary to call "rights and duties", but no one clarifies the right to be conformed - some duties. In this document, by the way, there is one curious point: "The conclusion in the toilet of convicts and persons contained in custody is carried out one. When driving along the corridor hands hold behind the back. "

The conclusion in the toilet is naturally carried out only during the train movement, and the car is not a luxury class, so it shares it decently. If you follow this rule is unquestionable, then it is not possible to bring all the convoable to the right place to be healthy. Therefore, of course, it all depends on the convoy: as a rule, it is not necessary to fulfill this norm. Question: Why is she needed then?

... I opened the dry bundles issued to me. Its content for the year with a small significant change has occurred for the better. First, the porridge, which put in it, can really eat. Secondly, the cookie also became edible, in the previous soldering about it it was easy to break his teeth. Thirdly, began to put normal tea.

What would be there to put it there - so it is wet wipes. The fact is that neither in one "Stolypin" from those on which I was driving - and I did a lot of them, - there was no water in the sink in the toilet. Accordingly, the hands are impossible to wash. And in the car sometimes you have to spend two-three days. It turns out complete antisanitary.

Here either water should appear in the washbasin or wet wipes in a dry soldering. And the second is preferable, since it is with a guarantee that will get to everyone. In the meantime, everyone who goes or is going to ride the stage, advice: take wet wipes with you.