Where Gattarov. Chelyabinsk region did not suffer from computer virus "Wanna Cry"

On economic development, information technology and communication.

Biography RuslanGattarov

Born on January 9, 1977 in the village of Biajash Kunashak district of the Chelyabinsk region.

In 1999 he graduated from the specialty "Car and Tractor Building".

In 2002 - graduate school of South Ural state University. Candidate of biological sciences.

During training at the university and graduate school, he worked as a Vice-Chairman, chairman of the trade university of students of the South Ural State University.

After graduating from graduate school, the Department of Valeology and Ecology worked as a senior teacher of the Department of Theory and Methods physical culture And Sport SUURSU.

From 2003 to 2010 - Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports, Acting Head of the Department, Head of Sports Improvement Department, Assistant Rector of South Ural State University.

Since May 2010, he entered the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. He worked in the Committee on Education and Science, Culture and Information Policy, the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Legal and Judicial Affairs, the development of civil society - in which he was elected by his deputy.

On February 11, 2014, he stopped the authority of the senator ahead of time and was appointed deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

Social activities Ruslana Gattarov

In 2005 - Head of the Chelyabinsk Regional Headquarters of the "Young Guard of United Russia" (MER).

December 25, 2005 elected from the party "United Russia"a deputy of the 4th convocation of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, headed the Committee on Youth, Culture and Sports.

On June 24, 2008, on the III Congress of the SOO "Young Guard of United Russia" elected Chairman of the Political Council.

2009 - 2010 Chairman of the Coordination Council "Young Guard of United Russia".

Powers Ruslan Gattarova

Provides interaction and permanent connection between the governor of the Chelyabinsk region and the executive authorities of the region with federal government agencies.

Presents the interests of the Chelyabinsk region and the development of business relations with business entities, international organizations and representative offices of foreign countries.

Coordinates the implementation of the international and foreign economic relations of the Chelyabinsk region, the development of international and interregional cooperation, social partnership, state support for the development of entrepreneurship in the Chelyabinsk region.

Provides the development and implementation of the strategy of the socio-economic development of the Chelyabinsk region, support for investment processes, the implementation of innovative, high-tech and high-tech projects in the Chelyabinsk region. Interacts with industrial enterprises, organizations, associations and associations. Provides monitoring the implementation of the state defense order by enterprises of the defense and industrial complex of the Chelyabinsk region.

Coordinates the implementation public Policy In the region in the development of the information society in the Chelyabinsk region.

Also oversees the activities of the Permanent Mission of the Chelyabinsk Region under the Government Russian Federation.


The governor of the Chelyabinsk region will go to the Chinese city of Harbin

"The third is the actual visit of the official delegation of the Chelyabinsk region in Harbin and the meeting of the governor of the Chelyabinsk region and the leader of the province of Heilongjiang," Ruslan Gattarov explained. - The purpose of this event will be the formulation of new tasks in the framework of further cooperation, increasing joint turnover "

Chelyabinsk region did not suffer from computer virus "Wanna Cry"

Vice-Governor Ruslan Gattarov said that the hacker attack went around the world by the Southern Urals side. According to the information of the Kaspersky Lab, attempts to "attack" the Wanna Cry virus were recorded in 74 countries, their total exceeded 45 thousand. Computers of telecommunication companies and power departments were injured in Russia.

As Ruslan Gattar explained, on most computers, which the Regional Ministry of Information Technologies is engaged in the April Update from Microsoft, where the error was corrected, which took advantage of hackers.

The Council of Court stopped Gattarov's authority ahead of time

Today, the Council of the Federation early ceased the authority of the senator from the Chelyabinsk region Ruslana Gattarov. The corresponding decision was intended due to its transition to another job. Earlier, Gattarov reported that Boris Dubrovsky was invited to the governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, Boris Dubrovsky, was invited to the position of vice-governor of the region. The ex-senator has already begun a new job.
link; http://www.rbcdaily.ru/ politics / 562949990594692

R.Gattarov was appointed deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

02/12/2014, Chelyabinsk 12:45:52 Ex-Senator Ruslan Gatar was appointed deputy governor of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Dubrovsky. This is reported by the press service of the governor.
Link "http://www.rbc.ru/ rbcfreenews / 20140212124552. shtml.

Senator Gattarov suspected FSIN in the purchase of tablets at an inflated price

Ruslan Gattarov found two suspicious competition for the purchase by Rospotrebnadzor

Gattarov against Twitter: the first results of the discussion

State Duma deputies began to fight SMS spam

The Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council under the law, the head of the Commission for the Development of the Information Society Ruslan Gattar, contributed to the Parliament, which is intended to defeat SMS-spam. The document has three basic methods with which they will fight spam.
Link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/media/ 562949990001283

Roskomnadzor refused to Senator Gattarov in sanctions against Apple and Twitter

The Council prepared a draft law on combating mass mailing lines SMS

The draft law on combating mass mailing lines of SMS-messages was prepared by the Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society, the Chairman of the Commission Ruslan Gattarov said. To develop a draft law in the Commission analyzed foreign experience in protection against spam.
Link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/media/ 562949989545562

Senator Gattar: "Google representatives removed our concern about the personal correspondence of citizens"

In the Federation Council, under the leadership of Senator Ruslan Gattarov, the first meeting of the Working Group was held to verify compliance with the constitutional rights of Russians to privacy, personal and family secret in the field of personal data. The work was attended by Google UK on cooperation with state authorities in the field of personal data protection Stephen McCartney, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications, General Prosecutor's Office and Roskomnadzor.
Read more: http://internet.cnews.ru/news/ 2013 / 09/30 / Senator_Gattarov_ predstaviteli_google_snyali_ nashu_ozabochennost_po_povodu_ lichnoy_perepiski_grazhdan_ 544716

Facebook can lose the "million dollars" for drug advertising

The head of the Commission on the Information Policy of the Federation Council Ruslan Gattar intends to contact the leadership of the State Company in the coming days about the placement of advertising smoking mixtures on Facebook. The announcement of the sale of "legal drugs" Russian users of the social network began to notice from the evening of Sunday. However, representatives of Facebook in Russia, referring to a technical error, were able to solve the problem only for the afternoon on Monday. According to Senator Gattarov, such a slowness should not be with the leadership of the social network. Personally, he will "be satisfied" if Facebook is fined to "several million dollars".
Link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/media/ 562949988920393

RBC 09/17/2013, Moscow 10:00:01 Head of the Temporary Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society Senator Ruslan Gattarov asks to test the social network Facebook for the subject of "open advertising of narcotic substances." He sent the appropriate request to the Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN). About this R.Gattarov told reporters.
Link: http: //www.rbc.ru/ rbcfreenews / 20130917100001. shtml

Senator Gattarov offers to update the Ministry of Health

R.Gattarov called on V.Skvortsov to cancel the auction for the contract on the site of the Ministry of Health.

RBC 09/11/2013, Moscow 09:21:29 Senator Ruslan Gattarov sent a letter to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronik Skvortsova, in which he called on it to cancel the auction for the right to conclude a state contract for the development and commissioning of the new official website of the Ministry of Health or revise the initial price contract. The Senator himself told RBC himself.
Link http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130911092129.shtml

Ruslan Gattarov offered to make a stateship to protect against cybergroms

R.Gattarov asks to check Apple Privacy Policy.

RBC 09/10/2013, Moscow 11:20:07 Head of the Provisional Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society, Senator Ruslan Gattarov asks for an inspection of the "Apple Privacy Policy" for violations of Russian and international legislation in the protection of personal rights of citizens. He reported on this RBC.
Link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130910112007.Shtml

Senator asked the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation to check Apple

According to RBC himself, R. Gattarov, the corresponding appeals were sent to them today against the Prosecutor General of Yuri Seagulls, the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications of Alexander Zharova, as well as the Commissioner for the Protection of the Consultative Committee under the Protection Convention Personal data subjects with their automated processing of Eva Curate Kirchmeyer.
Read fully: http://top.rbc.ru/economics/ 10/09 / 2013/875695.Shtml

Tax asked to check Facebook in Russia

The head of the Council of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society Ruslan Gattar repose itself on Facebook. This time, he asked the head of the Federal Tax Service of Mikhail Mishoustin to check whether the company does not violate Russian tax legislation.
Link: http://www.rbcdaily.ru/ society / 562949988772782

Senator R. Gattars intends to re-raise the topic of Facebook violations.

RBC 03.09.2013, Moscow 10:16:01 The head of the Provisional Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society Ruslan Gattar intended in early October in the framework of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) again raise the topic of violations of legal norms from Facebook, if within a month the company It does not finalize their documents in such a way that they fully correspond to European and Russian legislation. He told reporters about it.
Link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130903101601.Shtml

Senator Gattarov announced the failure of the Ministry of Education and Science in secure Internet school

Senator R.Gattarov asks for three departments check twitter.

RBC 08/29/2013, Moscow 11:20:03 The head of the Provisional Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society Ruslan Gattar will send requests concerning the American service of Twitter microblogging. Senator told RBC about this.
Link: http: //www.rbc.ru/ rbcfreenews / 20130829112003. shtml.

Senator R.Gattarov hopes that Facebook will change its user agreement.

08.22.2013, Moscow 14:49:32 Head of the Provisional Commission of the Federation Council (SF) for the development of the information society Ruslan Gattarov expects that Facebook will change its user agreement. He told about this on August 22 at a meeting with the Director of Communications with Facebook State Authorities by Tomas Kristhensin. The meeting was held in the SF in closed mode.
Link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20130822144932.shtml

Facebook Guide will tell in the SF to protect user data

The head of the Council of the Federation Council to investigate the facts of Data Data Ruslan Gattarov August 22 will meet with the Director of Communications with the State Communication Bodies Facebook Inc. Thomas Maroup Kristensen, during the conversation parties intend to discuss the confidentiality of the company's user data.
Link: http://news.rambler.ru/ 20650447 /

Senator Gattarov tries to cancel the 560 million contract of the Ministry of Health with MTS

FAS will check the mega-tender of the Ministry of Health

Palenimate dissertation of Senator Gattarov

Holding the search for plagiarism in the dissertations of officials, restless bloggers did the box of Pandora, no matter how banal this metaphor. In the "new", for example, anenthene, as a local meteorite, a proposal from Chelyabinsk is to look for intellectual theft in the candidate former leader of the "Young Guard" United Russia, "but now a member of the Council of the Federation Ruslan Gattarov. Surprise to such a proposal is not necessary. The deputy of Vladimir Burmatov's countryman of Gattar deputies, Vladimir Burmatov, was already caught in the plagiarism. And in August 2010, bloggers accused Burmatov and Gattarov in the staged, on camera, steaming fires in the Ryazan region. How not only heroism could be not to suspect that Lipova could be the dissertation?
Link: http://www.compromat.ru/page_ 33098.htm

Gattarov predicted an increase in the financing of Russian opposition America

Coming out of the Russian-American Working Group on Civil Society, the United States will strengthen the pressure on Russia and increase the opposition financing.
Link: http://www.Vedomosti.ru/ Politics / NEWS / 8450551 / Gattarov_predskazal_ uvelichenie_finansirovaniya_ rossijskoj

RBC Daily: The state provides tax benefits for small manufacturers of software.

11/07/2012, Moscow 10:14:58 The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications (Ministry of Communications) of the Russian Federation decided to support domestic manufacturers of IT services. As the RBC Daily newspaper writes today, in the project of the main activities of the government until 2018.
Link: http: //www.rbc.ru/ rbcfreenews / 20121107101458. shtml

The organizers of the "Russian Marsha" complained about the Prosecutor General's Office and SC on Senator Gattarov

The organizers of the Russian Marsh are asked the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigation Committee to check the statements of Senator Ruslan Gattarov, who opposed the campaign of nationalists in the center of Moscow on November 4, reports "Echo of Moscow" on Thursday.
Link: http://www.Vedomosti.ru/ Politics / NEWS / 5644171 / Organizatory_russkogo_mvrsha_ pozhalovalis_v_genprokuaturu_ i

Senator R.Gattarov urged to ban "Russian March" in the center of Moscow

Senator Ruslan Gattarov, representing the Chelyabinsk Region in the Council, appealed to the Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin with a call to ban the march of nationalists in the center of Moscow, scheduled for November 4th.
Read fully: http://top.rbc.ru/politics/31/ 10 / 2012/822846.shtml

RBC Daily: The developers of software can leave tax breaks.

RBC 10/19/2012, Moscow 10:43:35 Member of the Federation Council Ruslan Gattar intends to consolidate for Russian software manufacturers (software) a preferential rate of insurance premiums (14% instead of 30%). As the RBC Daily newspaper writes today, the corresponding amendments to the Tax Code are now preparing interdepartmental working group Council Federation.
Link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20121019104335.Shtml

Senator: The law on personal data needs changes.

RBC 18.10.2012, Moscow 16:55:30 The Federation Council believes that the law on personal data needs changes. This opinion was expressed at a press conference organized by RBC, Senator Ruslan Gatars.
Link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20121018165530.shtml

Senator: In the future, the runet will be regulated by the state.

10/18/2012, Moscow 17:37:40 The Council of the Federation believes that the Russian segment of the Internet will be in one time to be regulated by the state in one degree or another. "In all countries where the share of Internet users exceeds 30%, this field begins to regulate," Senator Ruslan Gattarov said at the Internet press conference, organized by RBC.
Link: http://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/ 20121018173740.shtml

Senator Gattarov asks the Prosecutor General to check the peer of white and navalny

The Prosecutor General's Office was asked to check the correspondence A.Navalny and N. Bel

Senator from the Chelyabinsk region Ruslan Gattarov sent a request to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Seagull, in which he asked to test the correspondence of the blogger Alexei Navalny and Governor of the Kirov region Nikita White, published on the Internet.
Read fully: http://top.rbc.ru/politics/03/ 07 / 2012/657945.shtml

Senator Ruslan Gattarov on fire extinguishing in the Ryazan region did not dinner neither gloves nor a shovel

The very senator of Gattarov was offended by bloggers for revealed by the scaffold with photos from fires. It was offended so much that in his tweet tipped: trains drazer.t, and EP and MG extinguish fires! And August 10 took his best friend Burmatova and went to the Ryazan region to show how to stew fires.

Ruslan Usmanovich Gattarov (born January 9, 1977, Biashash, Chelyabinsk region, USSR) - russian politician, Chairman of the Political and Coordination Council of the Siberian Unitary Enterprise of the United Russia (2008-2010), Senator of the Federation Council from the Chelyabinsk Region (2010-2014), Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region (since 2014).


Ruslan Gattarov was born in the village of Biai Kunashaksky district of the Chelyabinsk region, until 1994 he studied at the Kuiaasha secondary school, parallel to weightlifting at the Atlant Sports Club. Then he entered the Auto Tractor Faculty of South Ural State University. From the second course began working in the student trade union committee, after a while, becoming the Deputy Chairman. In parallel, trained under the guidance Alexandra Vityazev And he played for the faculty, university and an area in weightlifting competitions.

In 1999, after graduation at the university, in the specialty "Cars and tractor buildings", entered the graduate school. In 2002, under the leadership of the scientific director, the head of the department "Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports", Alexander Isaev defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of biological science on the topic "Changes in hemodynamics and metabolic indicators of the students' blood system under the influence of classes exercise with recreational orientation. " In 2003, he was appointed director of just created athlete-sports club, and then in 2005 he headed the newly open department of sports improvement.

Political activity

In 2005, the head of the Chelyabinsk Regional Staff of the Young Guard of United Russia (MER).

On December 25, 2005, from the party, the United Russia was elected a deputy of the 4th convocation of the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, headed the Committee on Youth, Culture and Sports.

On June 24, 2008, on the III Congress of the SOO "Young Guard of United Russia" elected Chairman of the Political Council.

2009 - 2010 Chairman of the Coordination Council "Young Guard of United Russia"

On May 26, 2010, the Senator of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation was elected executive power The Chelyabinsk Region was part of the Committee for Education and Science, Culture and Information Policy, members of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation, legal and judicial issues, the development of civil society - in which he was elected by his deputy. On February 11, 2014, he stopped the authority of the senator ahead of time.

On February 12, 2014, he was appointed Deputy Governor on the Representative Office of the Chelyabinsk Region with and. about. Governor Boris Dubrovsky

InitiativesLoud events and scandals

Forest fire extinguishing

On August 10, 2010, a reportage of the forest fire activists in the Ryazan Region appeared on the MGER website. This report commented on a blogger with nickname piligrim_67When paying attention to clean clothes, shoes and shovel of Gattarov, as well as his colleagues. According to satellite photographs, to the nearest fire from the place where the pictures were made approximately 5 kilometers, to the nearest burnt sector of the forest - near a kilometer. Gattarov himself claims that they grumbled on the ground on earth, and covered the place of the place from where he was smoke. They sent them the Ryazan Regional Headquarters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, forbidding them to go to the "big fire".

According to reporters of the newspaper Vedomosti, the deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vladislav Surkov, and, allegedly, the departure of Gattarov from the leadership of the MERE was connected with this. Gattarov himself refutes this information, referring to the fact that a political decision was made to leave only 28 years in the political council of movement.

The site of the Ministry of Health of Russia

In August 2013, Senator Gattarov made a criticism of the Competition announced by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to create a new office site. According to Gattarov, the price of 25 million rubles was overstated several times. For comparison, Gattarov led the competition for the development of the program and technical complex of the Sovfied website. The fulfillment of comparable works by the Federation Council cost a budget of 5 million rubles. Senator applied to the Minister of Health of Veronica Skvortsov to cancel the contest or reduce the initial price of the contract to adequate. In the Ministry of Health, in response to the letter, the criticism is unreasonable, and the comparison of technical tasks for the development of the sites of the Ministry of Health and the Council of the Federation is incorrect. The competition was carried out on time and without changing the elementary price. However, according to the results of the competition, a contract was concluded for the creation of a new site of the Ministry of Health for only 6 million rubles, which corresponds to the value in which the work of Gattars and experts of the Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society.

PhD thesis

On February 27, 2013, the correspondent of Novaya Gazeta Nikita Girin published an article in which attention was paid to the fact that some excerpts of the text of the thesis Gattarov almost literally coincide with a defended year earlier at the same scientific leader of the candidate dissertation Arthur Sabiryanova. At the same time, these passages were not executed as quotes, and there are no data on the literature of the work of this author.

On the same day, Ruslan Gattarov sent the chief editor of the publication official letter, which completely denied the presence of plagiarism in his work. Gattarov explained that most of the "coinciding" fragments belonged to the appointment of the thesis - the Gymnastics Program Tai Ji Zuan, which was proposed for use in research activities by graduate students A. P. Isaev. The similarity of the part of experiments and their data Gattarov explained by the fact that he, and Sabiryanians, studied a group of students, but if Gattarov took volunteers aged 17-18 years, then Sabiryanov - 18-22 years. According to the results of the work of the Antiplagiat program, the coincidence of the text of the dissertation with previously published sources is no more than 1.5% of the total volume. In this regard, the senator demanded a refutation during a two-day period.

In response, the author of the publication doubted the effectiveness of checking with the help of antiplagiat in the absence of Sabiryanova in the database. In addition, according to him, there are unformed borrowings from the texts of A. P. Isaeva and A. M. Vaine.

Arthur Sabiryanov and the scientific director A. P. Isaev did not recognize the presence of a plagiarism in Gattarov.

On April 3, 2013, Journalist Sergey Parkhomenko urged to check the scientific novelty and the meaningful value of this dissertation. He described this work as "helpless essay on physical education classes, which are beneficial to the health of students."

  • The medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree (January 14, 2014) - for a great contribution to the improvement of Russian legislation, the provision of legislative activities
Science articles
  1. Aminov A.S., Naughzhen A. V., Gattarov R. U. Metabolic condition of students of grades 5-9 engaged in physical education and health complexes (FOC) // . - 2004. - № 5. - P. 99.
  2. Gattarov R. U., Lichagin S. A. Study of the metabolic state of students-athletes in the conditions of a physical culture and recreation complex // Modern high-tech technologies. - 2004. - № 5. - P. 99-100.
  3. Lichagin S. A., Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U. Structural and functional indicators of myocardium in persons with different motor activity // Modern high-tech technologies. - 2004. - № 5. - P. 105-106.
  4. Isaev A. P., Shevtsov A. V., Likhagin S. A., Gattarov R. U., Ershova O. V. Theory of functional systems and states. modern problems adaptation and stress // / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 1, vol. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 6-13.
  5. Gattarov R. U., Shevtsov A. B., Kabanov S. A., Cherepov E. A., Zadorina L. H. Features of the functional system of external respiration and the level of health of the student students of the South Ural State University and the way of correction // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 1, vol. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 39-46.
  6. Kabanov S. A., Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Lichagin S. A., Gorazhey E. Yu. Features of adaptation of the external respiratory system, blood circulation and morphofunctional indicators and student health levels // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 1, vol. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 71-76.
  7. Gattarov R. U., Isaev A. P., Gustomyasov A. A., Zubkov S. M. Discriminant analysis of the polyfunctional state and student health levels // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 1, vol. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 297-300.
  8. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Aminov A. C., Zubkov S. M. Seasonal changes in the function of the external breathing of students analyzed by dispersion analysis of repeated measurements // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 1, vol. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 304-307.
  9. Gattarov R. U., Zubkov S. M., Erlich V. V. System of external respiration and morphometric indicators of students of the South Ural State University during the implementation of the target program "Education and Learning" // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 2, Issue. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 21-29.
  10. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Cherepov E. A., Nesasheva A. V., Lichagin S. A., Aminov A.S., Kabanov S. A. Organized local system Prevention and recovery of physical education complexes (FOK) for persons motivated on healthy image life // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 2, Issue. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 84-90.
  11. Gattarov R. U., Isaev A. P., Kabanov S. A., Goryacheva E. Yu Dynamics of key morphometric characteristics, physical fitness and resistance to hypoxia students of South Ural State University // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2005. - T. 2, Issue. 5. - № 4 (44). - P. 166-169.
  12. Kabanov S. A., Potapova T. V., Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Lichagin S. A. Features of adaptation of the external respiratory system, blood circulation, morphofunctional indicators and student health levels // . - 2005. - № 8. - P. 45-48.
  13. Isaev A. P., Lichagin S. A., Gattarov R. U., Kabanov S. A., Romanov Yu. N. Features of the contractile and relaxation characteristics of the muscles in high qualifications athletes different species Sports // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. - 2006. - No. 1. - P. 28-33.
  14. Gattarov R. U., Isaev A. P., Gorazhey E. Yu. Structure and function of the medical circulation variability in the integration of regulatory processes of cardiogehydamics of students during summer recreation // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2006. - T. 1, vol. 7. - № 3 (58). - P. 11-14.
  15. Isaev A. P., Kabanov S. A., Gattarov R. U., Lichagin S. A. Information unification of integrative assessments in physical education and sports // Theory and Practice of Physical Culture. - 2006. - № 8. - P. 6-9.
  16. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Gustomyasov A. A., Lichagin S. A. Structural and functional regulation and asymmetry of the leading muscles of athletes in the period of relaxation and voltage // Vestnik Kurgan State University. Series: Natural Sciences. - 2006. - № 8. - P. 95-98.
  17. Gattarov R. U. Electromiographic characteristics of the wave activity of a neuromuscular system of students of 1-3th health groups in a state of arbitrary relaxation and muscle tension // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 10. - № 2 (74). - P. 20-31.
  18. Gattarov R. U. condition of cardio-vascular system students of surveys and comparisons // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 10. - № 2 (74). - P. 82-85.
  19. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Nesasheva A. V., Aminov A. S., Lyaklina V. I., Yumaguen V. R., Zadorina L. N. Systemic physiology in the integration of health semantics, adaptation, stress, dominants of the human functional state // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 10. - № 2 (74). - P. 125-142.
  20. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Mkrtuman A. M. New directions in managing the health problem of students of South Ural State University // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 12. - № 16 (88). - P. 22-25.
  21. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Aminov A. S., Mkrtuman A. M. Background non-parametric criteria for ENMG and key morphofunctional characteristics of students of 1,3rd health groups // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 12. - № 16 (88). - P. 26-38.
  22. Gattarov R. U. Electronioseographic changes of muscles in groups of surveys and comparisons in students in a state of arbitrary relaxation and voltage // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 12. - № 16 (88). - P. 43-48.
  23. Gattarov R. U., Isaev A. P., Lyakina V. I., Mkrtuman A. M., Cherepov E. A. Morphofunctional indicators of students of various groups of health // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 12. - № 16 (88). - P. 54-63.
  24. Gattarov R. U., Zubkov S. M., Potapova T. V., Mkrtuman A. M. Study of indicators of the functional state of students of three health groups // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 12. - № 16 (88). - P. 69-74.
  25. Gattarov R. U. Nervous muscular and cardiorespiratory system of students of 3 medical groups of health with ordinary and increased motor activity // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2007. - V. 12. - № 16 (88). - P. 108-115.
  26. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Potapova T. V., Kabanov S. A. Human factor in higher education harmonization system // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2008. - № 4 (104). - P. 8-10.
  27. Gattarov R. U., Mkrtuman A. M. Synergetic approach to the analysis of the vital learning of students of South Ural State University // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2008. - № 4 (104). - P. 15-20.
  28. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Motorin V. B. Biological rhythms of seasonal mechanisms of adaptation and compensatory changes of the functional state of students // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2009. - V. 21. - № 39 (172). - P. 48-52.
  29. Isaev A. P., Gattarov R. U., Korolkov V. V., Romanov Yu. N., Erlich V. V. The role of physical culture and sports in the recovery of society and national security of the country // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2010. - B. 24. - № 24 (200). - P. 10-14.
  30. Motorin V. B., Gattarov R. U. Electronomiographic characteristics of students of the 1st and 3rd health groups in arbitrary relaxation and voltage of key muscles // Herald of South Ural State University. Series: Education, Health, Physical Culture / answer ed. A. P. Isaev. - 2011. - B. 28. - № 26 (243). - P. 17-25.
A family

Texler registered as a self-confedeent candidate

This week, Virio Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, Alexey Texler, made one of the main steps towards deliverance from the boning console "VRIO" - was registered as a candidate for the governors of the region.

"Texler registered as a candidate for governors. The first and in fact immediately began to receive documents. We have just been a demonstration of confidence and openness: all originally it was clear that he would go to the polls and go for the victory - so he went, without any guidance and escape from restrictions imposed by the status candidate. " - Names in his facebook political scientist Alexander Melnikov.

However, there are still a number of additional "purely technical" details. For example, according to the Law on the elections of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, the self-configuration must be collected by the collection of signatures in its support. Signatures must be at least 0.5% of the number of voters. In our region - it is 13168 signatures.

"In the sidelines do not exclude that in support of the texler will be collected by the signatures almost to the maximum - up to 10.5% of the number of voters. And this is already impressive for plank collectors in 263 thousand 360 signatures, "adds Alexander Melnikov.

Competitors point your teeth

His opponents do not sleep, and after the Textler, another candidate was registered for the election, it can be said, "People's Governor" - ambitious general director of the Promkontstrukti-O LLC, Andrei Ayupov, who was accomplished by the avatar in Vkontakte with a book forbidden to Russia of the Organization "Spiritual and Generic Power Rus", better known as the "Sect of the Letter E".

"In the Chelyabinsk region of the FSB, she covered it a few years ago. For understanding: This is a legally informed neo-language extremist organization. She knows the announcement of the sovereignty from the Russian Federation and the decision of the death sentences a number of government officials of Russia. Interesting can get the governor. " - writes the Telegram channel "E-region".

Do not sleep in LDPR, where some castling of candidates outlined for rumors.

"Apparently, Alexey Texler managed to find mutual understanding with the main sponsor of the regional branch of the LDPR Sergey Weinstein. According to the media, LDPR changes the candidate from the party to the post of governor. Instead of the deputy of DG Vitaly Pashin, they will be a deputy of the regional parliament Sergey Buyakov. Pashin would never have won, but he took over the serious and financially secured voters in Chelyabinsk, which could later be a problem. " - writes the Telegram Cuticle channel.

However, the Buyakov himself assures that there is neither a dream about this information for this information, but he placed a fun photo from the SSO, where he is in the center of a respected company, it is his favorite, and Virio Governor is applied to the side.

"The photo is that it is even not clear who is there who is there vrio," the Telegram-channel "Russian press" is ironic.

Communists were activated. The main candidate for governors from the Communist Party of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is Konstantin National. Today, June 7, a landing of his party comrades from the capital landed in Chelyabinsk.

"On June 7, the Federal Swell Seminar of the Communist Party will take place in Chelyabinsk. In Chelyabinsk, five deputies of the State Duma from the Communist Party will arrive at once, including such heavyweights as Sergey Obukhov and Valery Rashkin, who are considered the main applicants for Gennady Zyuganov, a permanent head of the Communist Party since the early 1990s. The leaders of the Communists are planning not only to conduct internal training activities with the party asset of the Ural Siberian region, but also several public events - meetings with students of the branch of Ranjigs and Pedagogical University, employees of industrial and agricultural enterprises, communication with city media. ", - writes Telegram-channel E-region.

By the way about the Communists - a curious note on the fields left the Telegram channel KarlMarks (well, and who else).

"Do you know what will check the CPS auditors? How did the funds of the regional budget, which were allocated to the repair of the monument to Lenin on the Revolution Square in Chelyabinsk. 18 million rubles! " - writes a Telegram channel.

What will happen to the Ministry of Economic Development?

Let's start with humor. Telegram Channel Closet writes that:"Ruslan Gattarov changed the surname and found his new job. Now he is Ampelonian Vadim. "

Well, then - seriously: as astrologers predicted and political technologists predicted, Ruslan Gattarov was dismissed. It did not surprise anyone.

"Few who focused on the fact that the Ministry of Economic Development of the region, who oversaw the Ruslan Gatarov from May 31 from May 31 from May 31, goes into direct submission of Virio Governor Alexei Texler. It is unlikely that the head of the region would take a failed project in their hands. It can be related to Gattarov negatively, throw stones into it and spit in the back, but with it, a fund for the development of the entrepreneurship "Territory of Business", which Texler chose a platform to meet with entrepreneurs, with it in the region of almost a dozen cities acquired Toser status, which allowed local Commercials get benefits for taxes. " - writes Telegram-channel "Neyrevich".

If in fact the Ministry of Economic Development goes under the direct control of the head of the region, then his deputy, who came to replace Ruslan Usmanovich - Egor Kovalchuk - will be supervised primarily a new department - the Ministry of Industry. And besides, he will have a number of other powers.

"The terms of reference of the new Vice-Governor of Egor Kovalchuk is characteristic of the experience already available. It will oversee the work of the newly created Ministry of Industry - this is why Kovalchuk was one of the last ministers of the region to the abolition of this ministry. Under its own control, ecology will be departed - the Regional Ministry of Ecology and natural resources Kovalchuk also headed. ", - Notes Telegram-channel" Chelyabinsk region ".

By the way, pro economic development. The other day, Alexey Texler went to the Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, where he took advantage of the moment and established business contact with comrades from the Middle Kingdom.

"At the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, the representative of the Chinese delegation He was speaking with a speech that they consider Russia a very promising market, where it is worth going, it is worth investing. The delegate also noted that China today, like Russia, was under US sanctions. And today, his country has problems with food procurement, especially in part of legume crops.
Alexey Texler's reaction was a lightning room - the Chelyabinsk region, being a region with a very developed agricultural sector, is ready to establish the supply of agricultural products. For us, this is a new very capacious sales market, for the Southern Urals - additional income, new jobs, new production. The sides hit the hands right at the meeting and exchanged business cards. Texler effect. " - writes Telegram Channel Karlmarks.

Sudden Teftelev and Local Elections

This week, the former mayor of Chelyabinsk and one of the closest people of Boris Dubrovsky - Evgeny Teftelev, who spoke with an interview on the pages of the website Znak.com, suddenly declared itself. He spoke among the coming elections to district council.

"I try to follow the news, I communicate. I must say, then we were determined by all this collegially: with the governor, the ball, Burmatov, Mosharov. After all, together with you, journalists, assumed that the competitive process would be in the Kurchatov district. Something managed Ilya Mithoreman, something Baryshev managed to defend. I am glad that now there is a compromise. In the Leninsky district, with all the sharpness of what happened, I think everything went fine. In the rest of the regions well worked. This is a job not one day, it started over a year ago. I fully agree with the position of Virio Governor. He for the development of Chelyabinsk, in order to come to normal people who love Chelyabinsk. " - declared Evgeny Teftelians in an interview with the publication.

By the word about the election. Some experts believe that elections in City Duma They can put a pig of elections to the governor.

"Chelyabinsk Mina City Duma under the Governor Campania is already becoming anti-tank and discontinuous. "Independent" local self-government, "owning" lands, communications, transport, and many more than those who manage the local "elites", has intentions, and the chances of sprinkling forgive the Lord the capital of the Southern Urals into several Tumiks. And if in the electorate in the process of these great battles for water guide and sewer in their small houses to sow the idea that they are only vassals of the owners of krants and valves, then, first, with the governor sent to Moscow, secondly, why The people of his beautiful reversals. Well, and how the historical science tells us, "the vassal vassal - not my vassal", "the author of the Chelyabinsky context" is worried about.

Meanwhile, Telegram Channel Closet gives advice to potential candidates for municipal deputies. For example, do not know how to choose a district? About this popularly tells closet.

"Existing deputies with a real rating, resources (including administrative) units. It's not worth going to them, a waste of time. But who should go for sure:
- Candidates from V. Vurmatov. There are no resources, there is no administrative resource. And they themselves do nothing. Multi enemies have a lot, so it is necessary to enter into unions and coalitions.
- Candidates from E.Tefteleva. There are such. They can also boldly stall.
District are different. There are districts where 5 thousand voters, and there is where more than 10,000. Therefore, budgets will be different. It is necessary to choose the county smaller. It is easier to work and mobilize your electorate. "

Urbanist urbanist eye does not turn off

This week, the entire progressive community of Chelyabinsk gathered at Freedom, 2 to meet with famous bloggers Ilya Varlamov and Maxim Kats. Varlamov, as usual, was held from the soul through the sick Yabs of Chelyabinsk, which caused the real delight from the part of the crowd. However, there were those who did not appreciate the tour of Varlamov with Katz.

"A new week - new tour of the metropolitan stand-up comedians. "According to my feelings, Chelyabinsk is the most terrible city due to roads. The new revolution will turn for him even greater road catastrophe. " We are glad that the "expert" can feel. But his feelings about Chelyabinsk, the touring tour can shove into the livnevka. You can all know everything, especially what the "revolution" will turn. By the way, in sensations, the old revolution is generally nothing (the grazing of poor quality of the roads) did not turn. After that: "And commenting on the appearance of fences, he suggested disbanding the traffic police due to the incompetence of its employees." That's right. Ments dissolve, remove fences, leave swings, shrubs and art objects. " - Notes the Telegram channel "Evening Worker".

In fairness, we note that Varlamov did not call on everything to break, but rather - insisted on the need to attract European specialists, sit down and think what to do next.

"I explain to you how endaged those ideas that you try to fall," Varlamov explained his task. - The main problem of Chelyabinsk - vector development. It would be interesting to invite independent experts, and even better - good European specialists to conduct an audit of those projects, which is already there, "Varlamov said on a speech.

However, for the vector of development, you can not worry, because where - where, and Varlamov has bright supporters and conductors of the "necessary vectors" in Chelyabinsk. But at least Urbanist Lev Vladov, who also came to a meeting with the capital guest and spoke about his projects. So, for example, quite recently, the Urbanist declared the war on the administration and deputies of the Soviet district of Chelyabinsk, opposed to the construction of the junction on the street. Blucher Darwin. According to the construction workers, the junction should unload traffic and eliminates traffic jams during peak hours. But Vladova at this expense is another opinion. A stumbling block, as often happens in lately, Steel trees that have cut down due to construction. Despite the fact that, in return, they promised to plant new ones, the urbanist fell asleep with criticism: the junction is bad, the trees thoroughly, instead of "spreading poplars" people will be forced to look at noise protection screens.

By the way, the Soviet district no longer became the object of the close attention of the Urbanist, because, according to rumors, it is in the area of \u200b\u200bits like-minded people intend to be elected to municipal deputies.

Gattarov Ruslan Usmanovich


Gattarov Ruslan Usmanovich Born on January 9, 1977 in the village of Biajash Kunashak district of the Chelyabinsk region.

In 1999 he received a diploma of the South Ural State University (SUURGU), the Faculty of Auto Tractor, specialty "Cars and tractor buildings". Silver Prize winner of the Russian Championship, Master of Sports by weightlifting.

Since 1996 - Deputy Chairman of the Farmer Student and graduate students of SUURSU (until 2003). After graduating from the university entered the graduate school, which he graduated in 2002.

From 2002 to 2006 He worked as an associate professor of the Department of "Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports" in SUURSU. Candidate of Biological Sciences (topic of thesis: "Changes in hemodynamics and metabolic indicators of the system of students under the influence of exercise with physical exercises with improving orientation").

In 2002 he became the director of the physical cultural and sports club at the Institute (until 2008).

Since 2005 he worked the head. Department of Sports Improvement at the University, which graduated. He was an assistant rector of South Ural State University.

In 2005-2008 He became the head of the Chelyabinsk Regional Staff of the All-Russian Public Organization "Young Guard of United Russia". He consisted in the Coordination Council of the Organization, was the coordinator for the Ural Federal District. He was Deputy Head of the Interregional Coordination Council of the Ural Federal District of WFP "United Russia" on youth policy.

From November 2005 to June 2008, he was the chairman of the Coordination Council of the Young Guard. On December 25, 2005, after the victory of United Russia in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk Region, IV convocation became a deputy. In Parliament, he was appointed Chairman of the Committee on Youth, Culture and Sports, as well as supervised projects on the development of youth parliamentarism and the formation of the public youth space of the region.

In 2007, became the coordinator of the Youth Federal Assembly.

In June 2008, the decision of the Political Council MERG was elected his chairman (III federal congress).

In April 2010 he became a member of the Central Election Staff at the Presidium of the General Council of the United Russia (Vyacheslav Volodin headed).

After election in March 2010, the new governor became the most likely candidate for the post of senator and on May 26, his powers in the quality of a member of the Federation Council, the representative of the Chelyabinsk Region administration were approved. The Council of Federation entered the Committee on Education and Science, was a member of the Information Policy Commission. Term of the authority: April 2015

June 23, 2010 became Chairman of the Public Council for Working with the Blogosphere "created by" United Russia ".

In the summer of 2010, he became the main defendant of the Parachik "Fire Scandal", when he was accused of making extinguishing with young guards of a forest fire. He also tried to blame him in arson of this forest.

Since September 2011, the Chairman of the Commission for the Council's cooperation of the Federation Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation with legislative (representative) authorities of the subjects of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (Council of Laws) to develop the information society.

2014: Chelyabinsk Region Zimgner

On January 30, 2014, it became known that the Senator from the Chelyabinsk Region Ruslan Gattarov leaves the Council of the Federation due to the transition to the post of Deputy Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Boris Dubrovsky. In the new place Gattarov, the issues of interaction with federal state bodies, the sale of high-tech, high-tech and investment projects, federal target programs in the territory of the region, as well as a number of strategic directions