Iolanda Hadid: a difficult story of a strong woman's life. Brutal truth about the divorce of Ioland and David Foster

In 2015, Mom models (20) and (22), actress (53), broke up with a spouse, composer and producer David Foster (67). "Unfortunately, we decided to go different roads. We spent nine beautiful and joyful years together. During this time, we survived love, friendship and inevitable problems that cause marriage, career, mixed families and health problems. We are grateful to each other and will remain friends forever, "the official statement made by the US Weekly portal.

Bella, Ioland, David and Jiji

They spoke, the marriage of the stars gave a crack back in 2012, when Iolande was diagnosed with Lyme disease (infectious disease, characterized by lesion of the skin, nervous system, musculoskeletal system and heart). Then, according to Insiders, Ioanda did not receive due support from her husband.

And recently David finally told that he gave impetus to the divorce. He did not hide the involvement of Lyme's disease to what happened, but noted that it was not all. "We always tried to do everything," said Foster in an interview with the ET portal. - We had other problems. But now everyone is happy. The main thing is that she has remission and she is healthy. She worked hard and stubbornly over this, and this is her award. "

Today, when the surname of Hadid has everyone for hearing, few people think about what efforts once it was worth a young lonely woman to find his place in the fashion industry, and then through the years of searching for love and harmony, passing through the tests and severe illness, make this surname Mennaya. I am talking about a woman who was not just able to self-realize in life, but also managed to make his children the most sought-after models of modernity. All this is about the gorgeous Iolande Hadid.

You may have already heard this name earlier, because two her daughters 20-year-old Bella and 22-year-old Jiji constantly flash on the covers of the most top fashion magazines and boldly defiliate on all sorts of shows, not so long ago, both officially became an angelsVictoria's Secret. . Is it worth saying that it was Iolanda who did everything so that the girls became real stars.

Yolanda Van der Heric (Maiden Last Name) was born on January 11, 1964 in the Netherlands. Blond girl has always attracted people's attention- From the very early age it was obvious that Yolanda would drive men crazy with her beauty. But then no one even assumed that she would be famous for the whole world model. They grew up with a brother in a fairly prosperous family, and the girl seemed that it would always be so. Happy childhood of Iolanda ended very earlywhen the girl was only 7 years old,her father died in a car accident. For many years, after that, she will unsuccessfully look for a man who can become a stone wall for her, as he was once a father, but instead herself will be strong and volitional.

The happy case led her to the fashionable industry, and all the same happy incident made famous. At the show of one Dutch designer (where, by the way, Iolanda also got absolutely unfinished) She noticed the owner of one of the largest and most successful model agencies of the Ford Models Eilel Ford. Young Iolanda concluded her first contract with the agency and after that her life had changed forever: more than 15 years she worked in a model business, participating in promotional photo shoots and showing best fashion housesParis, Milan and New York.

At 31, Iolanda first finds a man who can make her happy and make a career for the sake of family happiness- Businessman of Palestinian origin Mohamed Hadid cared persistently and beautiful. She again acquires the house and everything that secretly dreamed of all these years. After the wedding, the couple moves the marital nest to Los Angeles. In 1995, they appear the baby Jilene Nura (known now as Jiji Hadid), another year later- Bella, and in 1999 the long-awaited son Anvar, whose appearance was overshadowed by a serious generic injury. A long recovery period was required by Iolande, so that she could completely move to fully. In those difficult days, she often visited the thought that she would no longer be able to walk, but Iolanda did not know how to give up, and after some time the rehabilitation rate began to give results.

Iolanda with kids: Bella, Jiji and Anvar

Raising children, like their further career, completely lay on the shoulders of Iolands, but she was only" per " This does not mean that Mohamed Hadid was a bad father, no, but the work absorbed almost all of his time. Lack of attention from the husband, in which Yolanda needed so desperately, she completely compensated for classes with children. However, their marriage with Mohamed eventually collapsed, and in 2000 the couple officially divorced.

Iolanda, Bella and Mohamed Hadid

After the divorce of Yoland, decides to start a new life in a new place and moves to Montstito along with children. Here, thanks to the relationship and acquaintances that appeared for many years of work, a model and marriage with a multimillioner, she was able to establish her business. Iolanda becomes an interior designer and again proves to fate that it is not so easy to break. A few years later, Iolanda falls in love again - This time the musician and producer David Foster becomes its chosen one, for which she will soon marry. Their marriage lasted for a short time, only four years. After the divorce of Iolanda, he returned her surname of the first husband. They were family: she, Jiji, Bella and Anwar. That is why the woman decided that she had a common last name with her children. In 2012, Iolande found Lyme's disease in a hard form with which she struggles even more fiercely than with all the troubles that were walking on life, because she has a goal - to put their children on the feet, to teach them to be the same strong as she , transfer your experience and knowledge that she was not so difficult. Apparently, Iolande was fully achieved to achieve the goal - all her family stays at the peak of popularity. But it is not going to stop there. In 51, Iolanda became a star of a popular reality show« Real housewives Beverly Hils» (Shaw about the influential secular lanes of America). Of all the participants of the TV show, it is she who is the main favorite of the audience and, it seems, enjoys the attention of the public even more than in youth.

Ioland and her second husband David Foster

Iolande with children: Jiji, Bella and Anvar

Older daughter Jiji Tabloids are often compared with Iolanda in youth

Now Yolanda is the maina critic and adviser Jiji, Bella and Anvar, who makes the first steps in the model business. It is present on all major shows in which her children participate, while not forgetting to develop herself.This year, it is planned to enter the book of Iolande "Believe Me: My Battle With the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease"in which she tells how the strength to overcome the disease and not to lose their strength and faith in life. The book she devotes to all women who faced heavy trials on their way, and of course, their beloved children who became the main sense of her life.

Surprisingly, in 54, Iolanda Hadid looks like 30 years, almost like her daughter - famous Bella and Jiji models.
Every woman wants to look young at any age, we will try to figure out that Iolande helps to stay young. In addition, she does not hide the secrets of his beauty at all. Let me remind you that in the past she herself was a successful model.


Iolanda is a commitment to a healthy lifestyle and compliance with a strict diet. She herself admits that she sometimes wants to eat something sweet, greasy or flour, but tries to keep himself in his hands.

In its 54 years, it feeds mainly crude vegetable foods - salads, vegetables and fruits. Ioland is drinking not coffee and tea, but mostly fresh juices. That is, the basis of the diet is natural natural products.

The former model began to eat on such a system after a disappointing diagnosis was raised - "Lyme Disease". It was after the start of the diet, the woman stopped sowing joints.


On the photo it is the same woman in 54, what does it look like and what way of life does it lead?
A young woman in 54 years old Iolanda Hadeid confesses that consumes a lot of water, and sometimes even makes himself drinking simple water. She believes that it contributes to the removal of decay products from the body. In addition, it saves the water balance of the skin at an acceptable level.

Accurate following the routine of the day, sleep and wakefulness is also the key to the preservation of youth. It does not consider it necessary to use cosmetics. All cosmetics spoils and dries the skin, creates wrinkles. Correct skin care and the complete absence of cosmetics allows you to remain the skin of Iolanda as it was 20 years ago.

Migrating form

What Iolanda Hadid looks like, the photo of which is at the bottom of the article, you will see now. Exercise helps in good shape and excellent mood. Swimming equipment and walks - the best to preserve youth, the woman believes. Salt baths and special breathing exercises from yoga, not too extra.

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Yolanda and David's divorce on rumors since 2013, when they put their homes in Malibu on sale, reports diverse. Even more eloquently: a few months after the filing for divorce at the end of 2015, Iolanda threw "Foster" from her name and returned Hadid. She claimed it was, because she wants the same name like her children, but it seems she could not wait for the fall of the receptions in more than one way.

Iolanda Quest for Fame

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Like most stars, the real housewives from Beverly Hills, Iolanda was known for the days of her youth. In her case, she had a model career that took it all over the world. Yolanda her celebritydom Becoming a star was resurrected a reality show, and according to the magazine, people, her hunger, to return the spotlight beam was more predatory than the desire of her husband, although the famous musical producer is still trying to keep up.

David hates a reality show

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David Iolande wanted to be happy, it is reported that he appeared on real housewives with her, maybe against his best judgment. A source close to Iolande, told the magazine a musical producer who loved to be on the show, because it brought him a new group of fans, and another source claimed, David Series All, which is quite explained, considering the number of drama he depicts. It is quite difficult to look at wives to be accepted on television. Just imagine how on the set with them.

David may have felt shadows

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According to one of his friends, David does not like to play the second violin of Ioland. At first glance, it seems that the reason may be that he is the 16-fold owner of Grammy, which is now known primarily as a "candy" to the ex-model, which has become a reality-TV star. While the program began to influence his musical career as Chairman, an universal inspiration of the music group, it also influenced his charity as the General Director of the David Foster Fund. Daily Male reports that the show began to give a negative sense in the name of David, and suffered by their charitable activities. If potential donors see one of the husbands of housewives, collecting money for charity, maybe they fear that it can finance someone's plastic surgery, eh?

Split shook her colleagues

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The most awesome element of David and Yolanda divorce is that her colleagues were allegedly shocked split, as if the problem of relationships is an alien concept for real housewives. According to the American Weekly, other housewives thought everything was good between two. Apparently, they are too immersed in themselves to know that the weather is like outside, let them know how to someone else's marriage.

David allegedly was not for her

When the wife is diagnosed with a serious illness and her husband is missing that marriage is probably not the last. Reportedly, David travels a lot in connection with the work in the music business, and because of his exhaust schedule, he may not be much as Joland would like, as she fought with Lyme's disease. Although there is not so much he can do physically to help her fight with the disease, his emotional support could make a huge difference.

"In the end, David has not changed, I changed," said Yolanda show Dr. Oza (through a newspaper). "... my goal, my energy goes to get well, trying to change something, trying to find a medicine for your children ... Life and David really travel, walk to concerts, loud music. And I mean, I could not, I could hardly listen to the radio. "

David, the question of her illness?

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Although he does not doubt that his wife suffers from Lyme disease, David, perhaps doubted how bad she feels. According to the American Weekly, a friend of the composer claimed: "David and his family think that Yolanda just loves to be sick. They believe that it exaggerates her condition. They indicate that it never received a legal diagnosis or second or third opinion. "

David later published a statement, to us weekly calling the aforementioned rumors "unreasonable" and "not correspond to reality". David argued: "I always had and continue to have great respect and love for Iolande, which is why it upsets it so to see the headlines to ask her chronic exhausting disease." He added, "I was on the side of Iolandes over the past four years to the best of my ability, as she fought with the difficulties of her diagnosis of Lime."

David switched to quickly

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A couple of months after Joland, David was submitted on a date with the actress of Selm Blair (which Keitlin Jenner crashed, oddly enough). Two months does not seem, too much time to heal a broken heart. Then again, perhaps his heart is not all that is broken from the very beginning. In this case, Yolanda launches him was the right to choose in the end.

Family merger

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According to Perez Hilton, Joland and David's family were not too laid. Joland has three children from her previous marriage to Mohammed Hadid. David also has three daughters from previous marriages. But the trouble came not with children fight with each other. Apparently, Joland approached the daughter of David, but some secret event happened and changed.

Okay they after their separation

Despite the fact that the drama may be the cause of their divorce, David and Yolanda "really good", according to "Tonight". The former couple of sincerity will not arise, considering that atalso quotes Iolanda, as they say, "this is a difficult time, and I'm in despair." Hey, for a second, it seemed that there was going to be a happy end of all this, but where are the ratings in this?