What dishes can be cooked in the year of the dog. New Year's menu: what to cook for the new year of the dog

Somehow imperceptibly flew by 11 months, and December came. The hostess began to think about how to prepare the new year 2018 dogs than even new and tasty can be pleased with guests. Of course, on the table, at a minimum, there must be salads, hot and dessert. Recipes of some of these dishes on a festive table with their detailed description, photos and video We share with you.

What to cook for the new year 2018: Recipes with description and photo

If you do not expect on the guests on December 31st vegetarians, be sure to recycle their meat main dish. In the case when you have to feed more than five hundred people, you need to choose something satisfying and simple, but tasty, for example, lamb. What else to cook for the new year 2018, find out from video with recipes, and how to cook ribs, find in description from the photo below.

Baranje ribs fried in the oven

In the case when you have not yet invented that you cook for the new year 2018, recipes with a description and photos published on this page will help you make a sure choice.

So, for the preparation of lame ribs, use the following products:

  • 3.5-4 kg of fleshy breads;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper;
  • Sauce with horseradish and mustard.

For sauce you will need:

  • A half cups of home mayonnaise;
  • 3 tbsp. Dijon mustard;
  • 1 tbsp. finished horseradish;
  • A third of a glass of sour cream;
  • Salt to taste.
  1. Two hours before frying the ribs, remove the meat from the refrigerator.
  2. Preheat oven to 200 ° C.
  3. Place the meat in the pan of the dice down and dense the ribs with salt and pepper. Prepare lamb 45 minutes.
  4. Without removing meat, reduce the temperature of the oven to 150 degrees and fry the still 30 minutes. Finally, increase the temperature to 220 ° C and fry the ribs for another 15-30 minutes.
  5. During the cooking of lamb, make a sauce: get together mayonnaise, mustard, horseradish, sour cream and salt in a small bowl.
  6. Remove the ribs out of the oven and transfer them to a cutting board. Cover the meat of aluminum foil and let him relax for 20 minutes. Serve a dish with sauce.

What can be prepared for the new year 2018: recipes dishes for a festive table

Amateur chefs wishing to find out what you can quickly prepare for the new year 2018 for a snack, you can familiarize yourself with the recipes of dishes on the festive table presented by just below.

Appetizing snack: Tuna salad with greens

Simple and tasty always get nasty salads from canned fish. Browse our selection of video - on them the masters of cook arts explain that you can cook for the new year 2018 and recipes for a festive table. Well, for tuna salad, prepare the following:

  • Two canned fish banks;
  • 2 tbsp. Celery, griming in a blender;
  • 2 tbsp. crushed red bows;
  • 1 tsp. crushed parsley;
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. Mustard with grains;
  • Black pepper
  • Juice of one lemon (optional).
  1. In a small bowl, the fork, break the tuna meat.
  2. Add to the fish celery, bow and parsley. Mix everything with mayonnaise, mustard and pepper to taste.
  3. Add lemon juice.

Serve the finished dish on large salad leaves.

What should be on the table for the new year of the dog 2018 - what dishes to cook

Well, what should be on the table for the new year of the dog 2018? What dishes to cook the hostess to please each guest? First of all, you need to please domestic and friends with a variety of salads and desserts. For hot, you can choose two dishes - with meat and fish or something easy, vegetarian. Be sure to put in the center of the table with a fruit vase - New Year's tangerines, apples chopped into pineapple slices.

Video and photo of the festive New Year's menu

Browse our selection of video with festive recipes and photos of finished dishes by December 31, and you will decide that from what you saw should be on your desk for the new year of the dog 2018, and what you want to cook.

What is delicious to cook for the new 2018: photos and video recipes

If there is a gastronome or a supermarket next to you, where fresh chicken meat is constantly delivered, the question is that you can cook for the new year 2018, it simply disappears itself - the Internet is full of full photos and video recipes of delicious chicken dishes.

Chicken Picata - Fast Tasty New Year's dish

Looking for a delicious cook for the new 2018? Photo and video recipes of excellent dishes available on the Internet too much to quickly choose the most optimal option. We suggest you make chicken pickups - they are preparing less than half an hour.

So, at 2 servings take:

  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • 1/2 cup flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tsp water;
  • 3/4 cups of crackers;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp. softened cream oil;
  • 1/3 cups of lemon juice;
  • 1/2 cup of dry white wine;
  • Sliced \u200b\u200blemon and parsley leaves, for feeding.
  1. Chicken breasts spray and pepper.
  2. Mix flour, salt and pepper in a flat plate. In the second plate, take the egg and 1/2 tbsp. water. Put a cracker in the third plate. Pulk each chicken breast first in flour, and then - in the mixture of eggs and then - in a crush.
  3. Pour oil in a large pan and wait for it to heal. Place the breast in the pan and fry on each side for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Prepare sauce: melt 1 tbsp. l. Oils, add lemon juice, wine, salt and 1 pepper. Boil the sauce on a small heat until the content decreases half. Add the remaining butter to the sauce everything is scattered
  5. Pour each chicken pickup sauce and serve a dish on the table (sauce can be served separately).

What to cook for new year 2018 dogs: new recipes with photos

Despite the fact that you may already know what to cook for the new year 2018 dogs, an animal that is a period symbol, having studied all new recipes and reviewing photos of finished dishes, you are unlikely to remain indifferent when you see what cute can you Get dessert in the form of puppies.

New Year's cookie "Merry puppies"

Want to know what to cook for the new year 2018 dogs? New recipes with photos posted on this page will definitely help you choose festive dishes. Well, and for dessert, bake the cookie "Merry puppies". To do this, you will need:

  • 100 g of oil;
  • 190 g of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • Package of vanilla sugar or pinch of vanillina;
  • 260 g of flour;
  • Baking package;
  • 1 tbsp. cocoa powder;
  • Chocolate crumbs (you can graze chocolate tiles).

For the filling take:

  • 150 ml of condensed milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 1 tbsp. Cocoa powder.
  1. Watch together oil, egg and sugar. Add Vanilla and beat a little again, enter flour with a bundle. Separate about 3 tbsp. Test and mix with cocoa. Put the dough into the fridge for 15 minutes.
  2. Filling:
  3. Wear a condensed milk, butter and cocoa. Prepare on slow heat until the mixture becomes thick. Skate the cooled filling in small balls and place them in the freezer.
  4. Completion:
  5. Shot from white dough balls, filling each of them stuffing. Puppy's ears are obtained from dough from cocoa, and eyes and spout are made of chocolate crumbs.
  6. Bake the cookies in the oven pre-220-250 ° C in advance until golden color.

What a new dish to cook for the new year of the dog 2018 - Photo and video

Deciding to surprise the guests with something special, find out with us, what a new dish to cook for the new year of the dog 2018 - photos and video will help you deal with the sequence of cooking snacks, hot or dessert.

Examples of New Year's dishes 2018 in the photo and video

Reflecting on how new dish you would like to cook for the new year of the dog 2018, view the photos and videos presented on this page. Choose the salad you like, hot and dessert and go to the supermarket for the products!

Each hostess has its favorite list of dishes that she prefers to cook for holidays. But New Year's Eve dictate their rules to prepare treats. After all, you need to please not only those who are going to home dinner or a friendly banquet, but also to the year. In 2018, we will try to feed the yellow earthen dog. Therefore, when choosing dishes, it is better to consider the culinary preferences of this friendly animal. They say that dogs are omnivorous. But is it? Does this myth spread to the Chinese symbol? We will try to find out what to cook for the new year - the year of the dog to please the animal and attract good luck.

What to cook on the table in the year of the dog - culinary addictions of a yellow earthy symbol

When making a menu and choosing a dish that prepare for the new year 2018, it is advisable to consider not so much the nature of the animal as its culinary preferences. A man like to eat each other. The full dog is a security deposit and well-being in a guarded house.

Therefore, asceticism is incorrect choice for the New Year 2018. There should be enough treats on the table so that no one is hungry.

At the same time, the dog does not tolerate showers and unjustified transit.

The mistress of the year simply will not understand you when it sees the table burning from snacks, meat and sweets.

There should be no more treats than you can eat guests for the evening. Look for the golden middle. Option with letters of salads, 10 meat and fish dishes, so as not to cook after the new year, this time will not pass.

Consider how the dog does not apply to food? She will not eat yesterday, suspicious and incomprehensible. With caution, it will react to new, unknown treats.

Therefore, when choosing, what to prepare in the year of the dog 2018, give preference to simple and familiar dishes.

No need to hit the imagination of the guests and wander the psyche of the mistress of the year by overseas delicacies and new salads with unimaginable ingredients.

And the dog is incredibly friendly, which should be reflected on the character of the menu, on what you decide to prepare for the year of the yellow dog. It is necessary to take into account the wishes of everyone who will celebrate the New Year at the same table.

We will not be able to ask what dishes are loved ones, or make a new year menu with the whole family.

And in order not to miss a single nuance when preparing the menu, we recommend to get acquainted that you can and need to be prepared for the year of the dog.

What to serve on the table in the year of the dog as a chief dish

The dog is the hunter in nature, the means of feeding the meat. And even those individuals who have long become not just domesticated, but also exotic, will not give up a meat piece, although they are accustomed to balanced dry foods.

Therefore, the center of the table and attention should take. And it doesn't matter whether it will be a beef steak or a well-roasted lamb kebab, homemade buckhenin of pork or favorite roast.

The main thing is that the dish is delicious, fragrant and attractive. And one more nuance, preferably pieces of meat on the bone.

After all, a sugar bone is a favorite dog delicacy and entertainment.

You can cook a steak on the bones, bake or make up meat ribs. And how much appetizer a piece of meat with ribs baked entirely in the oven, chops from pork to the bone.

Want to surprise guests - prepare OsSobuko from the beef naked. It is incredibly tasty and the dog will have to do.

An incredibly fragrant dish is a pork leg, cooked in beer, will decorate the most refined table and is ideal for meeting the new year of the dog.

But from the bird, game Dog will not refuse. Chicken, which last year was banned, is quite appropriate to cook on the table in the year of the dog.

Bake the whole bird, cook wings on a bonfire or grill, roasting a ham or hips and serve with sharp sauce.

Chicken legs will look original, baked in a puff pastry. The combination of meat and bread will love the dog.

If we decided to cook on the table in the year of the dog will be a goose or duck, do not refuse such a magnificent idea.

Bird cooked entirely with apples, dried fruits or cabbage will decorate the New Year's table and will be a suitable dog treat.

And even when lovers and meat dishes must be gathered in the same company, and treats from birds, do not break the head that they cook on the table in the year of the dog, and make two main hot dishes.

Let the hostess of the year there will be a choice. The main thing is that the table is familiar to all present.

But if you like fish, it is worth changing your preferences. The dog loyally refers to fish dishes.

But it is worth remembering that the dog can not give fish with small bones. Therefore, from carp, pike, other river fish is better abandoned.

Yes, and the usual herring under the fur coat is not the best choice.

Year of dog 2018: What to put on the table as snacks

Since the dog loves meat and fish in any form, then when choosing snacks, salads are desirable to move in this direction. Meat and mixed slicing, Canapse with sausage, tartlets with a liver, - all this will find a place at the holidays of the New Year's table.

And you can prepare both hot and. Delicious cutting from homemade buckling, appetizing meat rolls with mushrooms or prunes, fragrant cutlets and, of course, a keeper with a mustard.

Here is such a truly home table, which will make notes of nostalgia and will love the peel.

As for chicken, offal, then do not limit their fantasy - remember simple, but delicious recipes. Flashing with tongue, liver pate, bubbles with onions, liver cake perfectly complement your meat table.

And do not forget about the salting - we exhibit assorted sauerkrauts with salty cucumbers and pickled mushrooms.

Year of the dog: what will we prepare salads for the new year

Try not to change the traditions. And if you fully suit your home, do not waste time looking for new products. In the spirit of the dog, there will be a favorite Olivier and original male salads.

Want to add to traditional raisin salads, prepare them with unusual ingredients or give an unusual form, play with the design.

Or prepare for the new year the dog salads with winter or New Year's notes. Meet the recipes of salads:

  • "Winter";
  • "Snowball";
  • "New Year's extravagania";
  • "New Year's light";
  • "New year's night";
  • "Christmas story";
  • "Delight";
  • "New Year's Elf";
  • "Good New Year spirit".

Recipes of the New Year Salads can be found in the article

And we have prepared for you a selection of meat New Year's salads - such a gift for the hostess of the year and, of course, for men. But lovers of mixed salads will not be offended in this new year - they are waiting for the Top 10 New Year's original salads, which can be safely prepared for a festive table.

For those who are accustomed to cooking enchanting salads, we suggest to get acquainted with, among which you can choose the recipes of original vegetable and mixed treats:

  • "Goat in the garden";
  • "The chicken with a highlight";
  • "Drunk ship";
  • "Princess";
  • "Watermelon";
  • "Orange paradise";
  • "New Year's toys";
  • "Ease".

Tip! Since the Chinese dog has a yellow color, decorating salads better crumbled egg yolks, pieces of boiled carrots.

As you can see a dog to taste salads with meat and fish, with vegetables and mixed cocktails with familiar ingredients. Therefore, choose any salad you like, but also eliminate recipes with exotic components and unusual tastes, unimaginable combinations of products.

What can be prepared for a year of dogs on a sweet table

It turns out that dogs are still those sweet tooths. They will be happy to be treated and cake, and sweets. But apples and oranges will be beloved for them. Therefore, we select baking recipes and desserts precisely with these fruits.

It can be baked apples. Do you think it's trite? Start them raisins, with cottage cheese and add a little honey. Serve with ice cream and blackberry, sprinkled on top of pushed nuts.

And you can also cook fragrant apple pie or bake envelopes from puff pastry with apple filling. More experienced hostesses can experiment with apple strit or homemade bread.

Citrus must be on the festive table for the new year of the dog. After all, the talisman has a yellow color. Therefore, oranges, tangerines, lemons can be served in the form of fruit cutting, and prepare various desserts from them.

Try citrus mousse, enchanting refreshing acid. The citrus terrine with caramelized grapefruit sister will look original, as well as citrus jelly with pieces of tangerines and nuts.

Prefer? Prepare for a year dog cupcakes New Year with walnuts and tangerines or sweet pie with oranges.

And surprise guests and relatives will get an unusual wine jelly with pieces of citrus.

Nothing limits the culinary fantasy this year with respect to the baking displacement.

The dog loves bread and bread, pies and pies. Bake home rye and white bread, with additives, greens, nuts.

Experiment with cakes with fillings. Moreover, you can start them with meat, bean, chicken, cabbage, mushrooms.

As you can see, a rich and diverse New Year's table can be covered out of the usual and traditional dishes, which not only cares the dog, but also in the guests.

Year of Dogs: From what food on the New Year's table is better to refuse

Still, dogs are not omnivorous, as it seems at first glance. From part even the usual dishes will have to refuse.

Immediately strike out all the fish dishes from the New Year. Even red fish, herring, caviar is contraindicated this year. Do not risk and tease the hostess of the year.

Such treatments will be there, but they will not add health. Fashionable sushi, Rolls got into the ignore list. Set aside such dishes until next new year.

Choosing meat products for cutting, pay attention to their composition.

In any case, there should be no conine. Such a treat is not like a free-free animal.

Korean dishes will be inappropriate. Indeed, in exotic options, the dog meat is often present in prior odds.

And do not think to serve fast food on the table, especially with the prefix "Dog". Do not treat guests of hot dogs, dogs.

A special restriction applies to alcoholic beverages. Dogs in the Spirit do not tolerate the fuel jaws.

Therefore, from strong alcohol will also have to abandon. It is better to stay on champagne, fault, light cocktails.

But here you need to feel the face between a slight pad, a good mood and a black fog. But different compats, frost, lemonade and even kvass and homemade beer will be appropriate at the New Year's table.

And remember that the dog is waiting for you on New Year's Eve with vigorous and in good mood. Therefore, you should not dedicate the entire New Year's Day cooking.

Try to finish all the preparations in advance to be at the holiday to be cheerful and fresh.

What to cook for the new 2018 the year of the dog? Recipes with photos will help you decide on the choice. It is very desirable that New Year's dishes in the year of the dog 2018 had some shades of yellow color, because it is a year of yellow dog. Salads for the New Year 2018, the year of the dog, so you can prepare from yellow vegetables and fruits, or just decorate with them dishes. This is lemon, pineapple, yellow sweet pepper, melon, etc. Salads can be the most different, and vegetable, and fruit. And be sure to prepare a meat salad, the same year of the dog is still. How to decorate puff new year salads? 2018 - the year of the dog, so such salads are decorated, depicting with the help of yellow vegetables and fruits of dog face, prints of dog paws or bone. They can be cut from sausages, draw or designate mayonnaise, ketchup, Korean carrot, horseradish or mustard. New Year's table 2018, a year of dog, recipes with photos recommended to diversify, prepare bright canapes. Well, what to cook for hot for the new 2018 year of the dog? Recipes with photos will help with the choice and in this case. Meat dishes for the new year 2018, the year of the dog, must be prepared with the main dog joy - bone. It can be rubber, chicken legs or ham. In general, meat on the bone. And what kind of dog does not like sausage? So cutting will be very by the way. A sausage for yellow dog can also be added to the salad. And in order to make the New Year's table even more thematic, put on it your favorite sausages in the bun, in other words, it is "hot dog" or "hot dog". Here you can show your creative abilities, prepare and file this traditional snack somehow extraordinary.

New Year's menu 2018 (Year of the dog) Recipes with photos can be supplemented with traditional Chinese dishes. China and dumplings are preparing for the New Year in China, so you should apply them to your culinary arsenal for the new year. And, of course, there should be sweet dishes for the new year of the dog, 2018. Recipes with photos will tell how to make some original, and most importantly delicious yellow-colored cake. And we will give you a very interesting idea for a cake for the year of the dog. It is very beloved in Germany and Italy Pie or Cold Dog Cake, from cookies and chocolate cream. And do not forget about drinks in the year of the dog! Surprise guests and create a merry atmosphere you will help you a cocktail "Salt dog", a cocktail "Stray dog", a cocktail "Black Dog".

If you still have questions about how to cook for the new year 2018, the year of the dog, the recipes with the photo will necessarily break you down, providing a large selection of dishes and detailed instructions for their preparation. And your New Year's table in the year of Yellow Dog 2018 will be inimbate!

Very soon, the chimes are once again, and the new 2018 will enter their rights - the year of the yellow earthen dog! Of course, we all want to please the hostess of the year, which is why online search engines are already moving inquiries like: "What to meet the year of dogs", "what to prepare for the year of the dog", "what can be prepared for 2018 a dog" and so on. Do not tire and without that busy hosts endlessly searching for the necessary information, cooks decided to collect answers to all these questions together, especially since cooking is in his part!

What to cook in the new year 2018 a dog?

It's no secret that the dog is very not indifferent to meat, which means that at the New Year's table must be attended by all sorts of. The meat on the bone will be an excellent option, because the dog simply adores bone to bone! And so that such a dish it looks elegant, you will have to work hard and over its design, for example, cook - it is unlikely that someone gets to resist such a yummy!

Meat on the New Year's table should be present in a wide variety of variations: in the form of meat cuts, salads and pate, as well as in the form of fuel, game, cooked on the open fire of meat or even sausages. And in the very center of the festive table, you can place a stunningly delicious emperor meat in spicy sweet sauce!

You can safely put on the New Year's table 2018 and all sorts of chicken, ducks, goose or turkey. Just look at how good the New Year's goose in the oven! Does anyone refuse to try at least a piece?

Do not refuse to the new year 2018 and from salads, in which ideally, too, will not prevent add meat either a bird. It is especially good for the New Year's feast with chicken and shrimps - a little fantasy, and the usual salad turns into an amazing delicacy version!

A dog will be delighted and themed design, after all, it is completely easy to issue festive salads in the form of funny dog \u200b\u200bface, which can be sprinkled with canned corn or grinding yolk, because still on the threshold of a yellow dog year!
As for the side dish, its role can be performed not only potatoes, but also fig. No less suitable will be all sorts of vegetable sides: from the Bulgarian pepper, stewed eggplants, cabbage, etc. And the bread ideally should be home cooking.
Fresh vegetables and fruits will also be on the table very by the way. Yellow fruits are especially welcome: apples, pears, bananas, tangerines, oranges, Bulgarian peppers, etc.
From sweets, of course, it is not necessary to completely refuse, but also you don't need to remake with them, since the sweet dogs are not recommended. The best solution in this situation will be cooked on the basis of milk, cottage cheese or cottage cheese desserts, decorated with nuts, bright zucats, fresh berries or dried fruits. For example, you can cook a wonderful New Year dessert based on curd cheese with cranberries!
And from beverages should be preferred juices, frost, delicious compotes or light wine.

What can not be prepared for the year of the dog?

The mistress of the future 2018 does not like fish, especially the one that contains too large bones, so that the most inappropriate option for the New Year's table will be any river fish. You can not prepare this time and a popular herring under the fur coat, as well as any other fish salads or the Rolls and Sushi discouraged the popular popularity.
Fans of Korean cuisine should be filled with dog meat dishes, and everyone should not be purchased to cook meat dishes.
Now about the forbidden drinks - it is extremely undesirable to put on the New Year's table 2018 lemonade, beer or kvass. It makes sense to refuse from strong alcohol - for sure, many more than once saw how dogs react to alcohol lovers.

What to meet the year of the dog?

New Year's outfits must be fulfilled in the favorite mistress of the year, the best-awaited holidays are best for meeting the long-awaited holiday, outfits of yellow, beige, golden, brown and orange tones. Welcomes dog and natural colors such as green or blue. Especially good if the New Year outfits will be made of light flowing tissues. And the styers are desirable to choose free so that they do not interfere with the videos to have fun, because the hostess of the year - the animal is quite movable.
As for jewelry, it is safe to acquire all sorts of jewelry of orange or yellow. And the dog will definitely appreciate the jewelry from amber, as well as necklaces or beads from natural stones or with spectacular wooden elements.
As you can see, please causing a yellow earthen dog as difficult, more about that
How to do it right, read in our article "

On the change of the year of the rooster comes new - the year of the yellow earthen dog. Each hostess is asked: what to prepare for the New Year 2018 to please the symbol of the year. Our article will answer this question and give you some simple advice: what new Year's menu 2018.It is best to prefer to this holiday, how to decorate the table and please all guests and households.

What to cook dishes for the new year 2018

1. From meat in any manifestations, whether pork (including pork fat), veal (beef), lamb, rabbit, or horse. Meat should be taken into account when drawing up dishes for the New Year's feast. It is preferable to fry nothing - this will facilitate the digestion of the whole meat diversity, which is why everyone will feel easier and more active, but of course you decide.

2. From the poultry meat - it can be like chicken (ham, breast, etc.), goose, indyuatin, duck and other birds.

3. To dilute meat new Year's dishes Something diverse, you can draw your attention to fish, any seafood and mushrooms.

4. Since the coming year will be, it is desirable that in the New Year's menu, there were dishes that would include vegetables, fruits and grain crops - brown or yellow, for example, it can be potatoes, pepper, pumpkin, yellow Tomatoes, corn, "golden" beets, pineapple, yellow figs, etc.

What must be at the New Year's Table 2018

As you already understood, for the year of the dog, the main New Year's dishes on the festive table should be meat dishes that can be anyhow and are served in any form: bay, buckhenin, pork steering wheel, grilled steaks, chops, kebab, kelid, duck or chicken, various meat pies, etc. In addition, at the New Year's Table 2018, you will definitely be in honor of any cuts from sausage or ham, as well as various meat snacks and salads. It will be very appropriate to prepare this new year - traditional sandwiches with red caviar or with salmon, and of course marinated mushrooms, where without them.

Perhaps this new year will be remembered primarily men - the main fans of this kind of dishes. But for the excellent half of humanity there are several recipes that will not damage the figure.

New Year's menu 2018 for the year of the yellow dog

Of course, the options for the New Year's menu can be as much as you like, but at the same time, any New Year's menu must include the following New Year's holiday dishes: basic dishes, side dishes and sauces, salads, cold and hot snacks, and of course not forget about desserts and beverages. Below we give a few examples of New Year's dishes that you you can cook for New Year's table 2018. At the same time, the recipes themselves of meat or fish dishes, you are without difficulty, by the name of the dish, you can find on specialized culinary sites.

Cold snacks : Snack "Christmas balls", canapes with buoyhenine and cucumbers, New Year tartlets, ham rolls with cheese, stuffed eggs with red caviar, roll of "peacock eyes", profitrol with crab filling, canape "Festive assorted", mushrooms in wine sauce, Bujenin from turkey, etc.

Hot appetizers : french meat, pork ruses with pineapples, juliented with chicken and mushrooms, snack "meat lumps", "New Year's Day", in Chinese, lamb of olive, baked rabbit with olives, lamb in Moroccan, veal " Orlof ", pork with a ramberry sauce, chicken breast in tomato marinade, etc.

Main dishes : Baked duck, frrqes of chicken, roast pork, rabbit in Iskitanski in tomato sauce, beef in pots, baked trout, pike perch with sesame oil, squid baked with tomatoes, stewed lamb with vegetables, beef beef, chkmeruli chicken or tobacco (in Georgian style), chicken with vegetables in the oven, etc.

As for desserts and beverages, there are no restrictions here, because the dog does not impose any special limitations, unlike the symbol of the outgoing year - a rooster. Therefore, choose any desserts and drinks By the New Year 2018 to his taste.

New Year's salads: Salad Recipes

To the coming new year, you can prepare the following meat salads: Salad "Swiss", "New Year's Eve", "Caesar" with chicken, Calat with chicken "in English", "tenderness" (see Recipe below), " Male Caprice, "Borodinsky", "Inspiration", "French Kiss", "My General", "Hunting", "Gluhahar nest", "Mushroom Polyana", "Otpaad", "Sea Element", "New Year's candles", "Baltic Hi", "merchant", "Snow Sugro", "Naples", "Mondhnik", "Peterhof", "Carnival", "Golden Fish", etc.

Liver Salad "Tenderness"

Potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
Meat liver - 300 g;
Eggs - 3 pcs.;
Cheese - 150 g;
Carrot - 1 large;

Boiled vegetables, liver and eggs finely chop and put on a plate with layers. The top layer must be cheese. It is best to serve a dish decorated in the New Year's topics.

Salad of seafood "Bim"

Canned peas - 1 bank;
Squid - 400 g;
Crab sticks - 1 package;
Potatoes - 8 pcs. (boil in uniform);
Eggs - 6 pcs.;
Salted cucumbers - 400 g;
Imitted sturgeon caviar - 3 packs;

Boil until squid, cut them out and mix with green peas. Add boiled potatoes to the resulting mixture. To them, the cut eggs (both on Olivier) and cucumbers (better than a small straw). Mix it all with mayonnaise, form a dog shape on a plate and decorate caviar.

How to Serve New Year's table 2018

Yellow Earthen Dog loves its color, therefore choose the main color of the interior and the New Year's table follows from the shades of yellow. The most prominent option is gold. Of course, it should not be thought that all devices must be made of precious metal. Gold is perfectly combined with white, because use both colors together. But the gold to interfere with silver (gray) is not recommended - the effect of solemnity will immediately determine.
Snow-white tablecloth with a golden unobtrusive ornament can serve as a symbol of your taste and restraint.

The dishes can be used almost any: from bright yellow shades to muted and noble brown. The option of white plates with gold crossing will be appropriate. Napkins should choose either under the color of the tablecloth (well, if they come in the kit and harmonize), or under the color of the service, although the last option is quite difficult. Golden candlesticks will complement the beauty of the decoration of the New Year's table.

Vegetarian New Year's dishes

If you or someone from your guests for some considerations at the moment does not use meat, it will not be superfluous to come up with one or two dishes and to satisfy such tastes.

Vegetarian vegetable lasagna

Puff pastry - 1 package (you can use thin pita);
Carrots - 1 pc.;
Bulgarian pepper - 2 large pieces;
Olives (cannona) - half of the jar;
Water - 150 ml;
Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
Beshamel sauce - 200 ml;
Salt - 1 tsp;
Sugar - 2 h.;
Spices: coriander, pepper, turmeric, olive herbs.

To prepare this New Year's dish, you should fry spices in oil on medium heat. Add the chopped finely carrot and the enclosed pepper into them. After a few minutes, add tomato paste to the mixture and extinguish until all the ingredients are easy to hide the fork. At the end of the extinguishing, the mixture should be sprinkled with ground pepper, add olive herbs and leave under the lid to appease. At this time, prepare the dough / pitaash. The form for the baking is abundantly soda in oil and distribute the sauce on the surface, place the test sheet on top and already lay out about a third of the extinguished vegetables on it. Top again, pour the sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Repeat so each layer until the filling end. Last layer decorate olives and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 45 minutes at 180 degrees.