Walnut black can eat. Useful properties and contraindications of black walnut

The world has a huge number of different types of nuts. One of the most unusual and rare representatives is the Black Walnutwhich received its name due to the saturated color of the root system. Such cores possess a rich chemical composition and, accordingly, a variety of useful properties. Let's learn more about the benefits of this plant and the spheres of its use.

Description and history of origin

North America is considered to be the birthplace of black walnut, where he grows from Massachusetts to Texas, it is for this reason the second name of the black walnut is American. In Russia and Europe, he was delivered only in the 18th century and grows only in warm countries. In Russia, the black nut can be found by the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory.

The natural habitat area of \u200b\u200bthe black walnut begins and ends in North America, in other countries this plant was delivered and imprisoned by artificially.

In its appearance and taste black walnut very reminds WalnBut in the American representative the concentration of active substances is much higher, which makes it much more useful.

Black nut

In its appearance, the American walnut is also strongly reminded by walnut, but knowing a few features of them can easily distinguish:

  1. The tree can grow up to 40-50 meters;
  2. Dark brown trunk with deep furrows;
  3. Wood is very durable and strong, it has excellent appearance and that is why black walnut is very often used in the manufacture of furniture;
  4. Krone is very big and powerful, Usually, its diameter is not less than the height of the tree trunk, and it happens even more. Characteristic is the presence of tilt branches down;
  5. The roots are very powerful And germinate deep down. The main feature is a rich black color.

The leaves are arranged alternately and reach a length of 25 centimeters. Consist of several small leaflets of oval, oblong shape up to 10 centimeters with jazled edges and an equal width of 3rd centimeters. The leaves are dissolved in late April-early May.

The first bloom occurs in April or May for 7-10 years of tree life. Stitching flowers are earrings up to 15 centimeters long, but pestle are going into small inflorescences of 3-5 pieces.

Black Walnut - Spicy Tree, 40-50 m height

The diameter of the fruit is 3-5 centimetersThe form can be round, ovoid or inversely. The shell of such nuts is covered with small grooves and is characterized by special strength.

Chemical composition

The black walnut has a very high nutritional value, so it is not recommended to use people who wish to lose weight. The 100 grams of the product contains 618 kilocalories, and the chart of the percentage ratio of the components is as follows:

15% 83% 2%

The product includes a large number of useful substances, the use of which has a beneficial effect on the body's condition:

  • flavonids;
  • alkaloid Jugeradine;
  • yuglon;
  • carotene;
  • tanines;
  • phytocides;
  • glycosides;
  • organic iodine;
  • vitamins C, B1, B6, P, E, B, RR, A, F;
  • a huge number of trace elements (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, cobalt, manganese, selenium, silicon);
  • essential oils;
  • various acids;
  • hinons;
  • useful enzymes;
  • tannins;
  • sugar.

The concentration of all useful substances is at the highest level, American walnut is considered one of the most common components of traditional medicine.

Beneficial features

Fruits of black walnut

But in addition to the large number of useful properties in some cases american walnut can harm human health:

  • a day eaten no more handful of peeled nutsotherwise it can cause inflammation of the tonsils and spasm of vessels on the head;
  • black walnut refers to the list allergenic productstherefore it is necessary to use it with extreme caution;
  • in no case it is impossible to eat spoiled nuts, they can cause severe poisoning;
  • moldformed on nuts, provokes the formation of cancer cells;
  • it is also worth noting that during thermal processing A number of beneficial substances is lost, and strongly transmitted nuts may adversely affect the health of the liver;
  • black nut contraindica with dietic nutrition.

Spoiled black nuts are contraindicated to use

Also, in addition to harm, which can bring black walnut, experts identify specific contraindications, in the presence of which the use of such a product is prohibited:

  1. Individual intolerance to American walnut;
  2. Ulcer of the stomach or intestines;
  3. Cirrhosis of the liver;
  4. Thrombophlebitis;
  5. Gastritis;
  6. Pregnancy and lactation period.

All the harm from nuts is mostly the consequences of improper use, so the beneficial properties are far exceeded by their number of contraindications.

Application of black nut in medicine, instructions for its use

Thanks to the huge number of useful trace elements, American walnut can often be found in the recipes of traditional medicine or as part of various medicines.


Black walnut oil

The oil extracted from the cores of such a nut is used to achieve the following effect.:

  • prevention cold illness;
  • restoration of work immune system;
  • help in treatment skin disease, for example, dermatitis or warts;
  • also, such a means helps well in case of failures in the work of the thyroid gland;
  • contributes to the body filling with vitamins, and therefore applied to avitaminosis;
  • used with different inflammation of female genital organs;
  • helps with problems with bladder and kidneys;
  • also used with hemorrhoids;
  • used to solve various skin problems, for example, from psoriasis, depriving, burns, injections and boils helps oil wiping 2-3 times a day;
  • oil used for rinsing oral cavity in preventive purposes;
  • you can also do steam inhalation For the treatment of colds.

The course of treatment with nut butter lasts no more than 1 month, while adults are allowed to take half a teaspoon, and children from 3 years to 1/4 3 times a day 30 minutes before eating food.


The extract is made of both the skin and from the nuclei of the black walnut. Such a tool helps perfectly when:

Most often, the extract is used to eliminate worms from the body, for this, according to the instructions, 1 time per day take 80 drops of funds Together with 2 tablespoons of water, after which it is necessary to take medicines with the same effect effect. The duration of such therapy is 2-3 weeks.

American walnut extract can only be consumed by adults.

Also black nut can be found in the following forms:

Black Walnut Preparations

  1. The juice - helps to stop blood, and contribute to the speedy restoration of the skin;
  2. Pills - With their manufacture use black walnut leaves. The tool helps well with a cold.
  3. Biologically active additives helps strengthen the body;
  4. Mazi. - are used for various skin diseases;
  5. Candles - Applied in gynecology to restore microflora, are also effective in hemorrhoids and testers of the rear pass.
  6. Decoction Prepare from 5 grams of finely chopped dried sheet, which is poured with 200 milliliters of water until the liquid darkens. Such a means can be used as a compress during diathesis, rinse them throat with infectious diseases and rinse the hair to strengthen them.

Application in cooking

The core of the black walnut can be in raw form, or as an ingredient as part of various desserts. American walnut can be added to pastries, salads and ice cream. Also specially popular is oil from the cores of the black walnut.

Black walnie jam

Many people love jam from the core of a black walnut, the process of the preparation of which consists of the following steps:

  1. 100 pieces of green nuts are purified from peel and soaked for a month, while water must be changed daily;
  2. Then each nuts are pierced, fall asleep with 500 grams of haired lime and poured with water for 2 days;
  3. After this time, the nuts are thoroughly washed and poured with clean water for 4 days, while the liquid is replaced by 2-3 times per day;
  4. As soon as nuts are fully prepared, they are poured with hot water, add a tablespoon of alum and tomatins 20-30 minutes;
  5. Then you need to change the water and cook another 5-10 minutes;
  6. Then the nuts move on a colander and proceed to the preparation of syrup;
  7. 2 kilograms of sugar are mixed with water and bring to a boil;
  8. Nuts add to the mass and continue to keep on fire until they get black.

You can add cardamom, carnation or cinnamon to the finished jam.

The cores of the black walnut have a large number of useful substances. They are often used in cooking to create desserts, and the beneficial effect on the body is recognized as traditional medicine. The main rule is moderate consumption of black walnut.

Black walnut is a tree out of a row of a nuts orchards. In appearance and biological characteristics, he is very close to Walnut Walnut. In the wild, distributed in North American countries. In post-Soviet countries, it grows in botanical gardens, as well as in the farm from individual gardeners. Rarely found wild trees in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territory. The Russian name of the tree is the literal translation of Latin - Julgans Nigra.

This is one of the highest North American trees. In a good natural environment, a tree trunk can thump up to 2 meters in diameter, and grow up to 45 m. The color of the cortex is dark brown, it cracks at an early age. Leaves consisting of two dozen small-grained and pointed leaves of the oblong lanceal form. The leaflets are painted in dark green, has a slight downward below. Their length is 8-12 cm, width - 4 cm.

Male earring reaches 6-16 cm long. Female earrings are located 3-5 pieces in the brushes. Flowering and fruiting begins in trees aged 10-15 years.

Fruits surrounds coarse and thick endocamp. The nuts themselves do not make big size, and it is also very difficult to get from the peel. In part because of this, he is little in demand. Nuts can be brown, black, with the presence of longitudinal furrows and a pair of gear-wavy ribs.

Sort of black walnut

Adults of the species reaches a height of up to 50 meters. They are distinguished by a thick, spreading crown with a large foliage, practically lowering to the ground. To grow a tree, a large free space is necessary. As a result of the work of American breeders today, about two dozen black walnut varieties are known.

The most common black walnut varieties:

  • Vandersluta;
  • Thomas;
  • Emma-K;
  • Bisenthennial;
  • 108-H.

The selection of black nut is aimed at creating two types of varieties: for pharmaceuticals and woodworking. In the first case, the goal is to obtain fruits with a thin shell, for the splitting of which smaller production costs are needed. At the same time, as a large concentration of active ingredients is needed.

For the varieties of black walnut, of which they make valuable wood for the production of furniture and decor elements, the structure of fruits does not matter. Here breeders tend to obtain wood, which will be the most durable and durable, but will retain an attractive texture.

History of black walnut

The natural range of this representative of the kind of nut extends on the expanses of Canada and the United States. The first plant of the fetus to Europe dates back to 1629. In this part of the world, the plant immediately got along well and gained popularity. The tree grows well in wide forests, and its population is inclined to take a lot of space. In modern Russia, this plant is found in a wild form in the most southern regions of the country: Stavropol and Kuban. There, the black walnut is good fruit. It is found in many botanical gardens.

Among the North American Indians, it was the opinion that the Black Walnut is a elixir of life. It was based on the experience of using fruits in therapeutic and preventive purposes.

In the Russian society, the fruits of black walnut are most famous for those who are interested and uses recipes. About two decades ago, the Healer of H. Clark from the USA was often mentioned in newspapers and magazines on a healthy lifestyle. Clark from the USA, which proposes to use the black walnut tincture for the treatment of diseases oncological and other nature. Compared with the kerosene tincture of walnut, which before this was recommended to use M.P. Todium, this tool has a more pronounced effect. Researchers explain this with an elevated content of polyphenols and yuglons in the fruits of the American tree.

Official data on what volumes of the country produce the fruits of black walnut, no. The Agricultural and Food Organization of the UN does not lead such statistics, because this product does not apply to food. On the Internet resources where nuts are sold, the products of American production are most often found. It is logical to consider the United States, which is a natural range of black walnut, monopolists in this activity. The collection is carried out by local residents who surrender the harvest of a wild-growing tree into the procurement centers. According to rumors, they are common, about ten years ago, additional income per season was $ 10,000-15,000 per person.

Black nuts and harm to the body

Black nuts and harm to the body

Chemical composition

The black walnut is very complex (and from that unique and useful) composition. The nutritional value:

  • proteins - 24%;
  • fats - 59%;
  • carbohydrates - 3%;
  • starch - 0.2%;
  • solo substances 2.5%;
  • food fiber - 6.8%;
  • saturated fatty acids - 3.37%;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 1.1%;
  • calorie - 618 kcal per 100 g
The content of vitamins and minerals (100g)
Vitamins Macroelements Microelements
Bat-carotine 0.024 mg. Calcium 61 mg Iron 3,12 mg
Vitamin A 2 μg Magnesium 201 mg. Zinc 3.37 mg
Tiamine (B1) 0.057 mg Sodium 2 mg Copper 1360 μg
Riboflavin (B2) 0.13 mg Potassium 523 mg Manganese 3,896 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5) 1.66 mg Phosphorus 513 mg Selenium 17 μg
Pyridoxine (B6) 0.583 mg
Folic acid (B9) 31 μg
Ascorbic acid (C) 1.7 mg
Alpha Tokoporol (E) 1.8 mg
Phillahinone 2.7 μg
Vitamin PP. 0.47 mg
Choline 32.1 mg

Substances included in the fetus of black walnut:

These types of trees are included in one family, therefore are close relatives. General features are in the structure of trunks, crowns, leaves and fruits. Nuts are very similar. In both cases, leaves, spindles and immature fruits are used in medicine.

Black and walnuts have a very similar chemical composition, which is why they are sometimes presented as analogues in folk medicine. The actors are the same: polyphenols, yuglons and volatile aromatic substances. But in the black "brother" peel, their concentration is higher, which is necessary for a good effect in the treatment of some diseases.

Treatment with black walnut

The drug uniqueness of black walnut is known for a long time. The wellness effect on the reception of fruits in different forms and types is associated with natural mineral vitamin composition. The main help product exerts due to ascorbic acid, manganese, phosphorus, riboflavin, potassium, iron, magnesium, bioflavonoids, etc.

It is believed that the plant itself was opened by the North American peoples, so they were the first to experience the healing effect of the nut on themselves. There is evidence that the fruits were used them to get rid of influenza, diabetes, anemia, diseases of the throat and mouth, hepatitis, neuralgia, migraine, neurosis, tuberculosis, avitaminosis, hymorite. In other words, the product since ancient times was considered a panacea from all diseases.

Another XIX century healers knew that this product could be removed the symptoms of Rahita, as well as skin warts and a feed from dead cells. Later medical studies of the late XX century. It was shown that such properties of walnut were due to immunochargent and antioxidant influence. In other words, he awakens the natural protective forces of the body and suspends the processes of aging.

Black Walnut: Useful and Medical Properties

Returning to the fight against oncological diseases, it should be noted that for the first time treatment with alcohol tincture of walnut, wormwood and cloves was used in the United States by specialists in naturopathy. Subsequently, such a tool has become indispensable to get rid of adenoma, prostatitis, fibromes, misa, cysts.

The abundance of tannins in nut allows you to reassure the mucous membranes and skin cover by removing the inflammatory process. If a person has ulcers, wounds, fungal rashes, herpes or deprive, it is enough to buy or make an ointment with fruit hood, and the injured plot will quickly cover with a dense film that prevents the spread of infection in the deep layers.

Black Walnut Tincture: Medical Properties

The black walnut tincture is harvested in the autumn period, better in September. Only unreleased fruits are used that did not have time to fall on the soil. Nuts are not splitting so that all useful substances remain in green peel. Just rinse the fruits and place them in a glass bottle. In the classic recipe you need to pour the ingredient with 40% / 50% alcohol to the top so that the air does not lead to the oxidation of the drink. Under the dense lid put tincture into a dark and cold room. It insists the product, at least two weeks. The use of such a home medicine can be stretched at once for several years, but usually 250 ml means enough for three weeks, if you drink a dessert spoon for three times a day. Consider that 4 ml of liquid is recruited in a coffee spoon, and in 1 ml of the tincture contains 20 drops.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the pharmaceutical tincture of nuts on the cleaned kerosene. The latter, according to experts, accelerates the extraction of not only those substances that are in the octal divisions, but also of all minerals and vitamins in the nuts itself. In addition, kerosene is quickly absorbed into the tissue and spreads all the useful blood components. Such a means longer than the usual tincture. Apply the drug in different ways. In particular, in cosmetology tincture is used every two days for the head massage in case of hair loss. You can pack the tool into the nose twice a day with a cold and polyps. With a hyamorite it is useful to lubricate the tincture of cheeks and forehead 3-5 days in a row. Diseases of the joints and muscles are also affected by the means if they rub the problem areas.

Kerosene tincture on nuts usually use as gradually as the classic option. About 15 drops make up the maximum dose in gynecological and digestive diseases, hypertension, hemorrhoids. In case of improving joints from within and to eliminate non-hazardous neoplasms, 30 drops are enough. The teaspoon of such tinctures is recommended only with cancer, but it must be alternating with the taking of ordinary alcohol fluid on black nuts. Children give a dose in accordance with age. Please note that after taking a tincture with kerosene, it is almost always necessary to carry out the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in the next 3 months.

How to take a black nut?

In addition to the tincture, there are some more famous dosage forms based on black walnut. All of them are produced by pharmaceutical companies, and to make them at home almost impossible:

From the bark of black walnut also make therapeutic drugs. Basically, they mean means for intake, because this part of the tree helps to get rid of peptic diseases, tumors and venereal ailments.

Black walnut oil

The fruit squeeze in production volumes is extracting. In some cases, it is possible to meet ordinary vegetable deodorized oil, which is diluted with nut tincture. Ready goods are sold in different packaging cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. The main scope of application of this product is cosmetology. The tool is effectively caring for skin and body skin, strengthens hair.

Especially useful oil of this walnut will be for girls with problematic or dehydrated skin, dry curls. Both homemade and professional writing masks make it possible to soften strands, give the skin velvety radiance. Also, the means is effectively fighting with an inflammatory process, so if you have acne on your face or irritation of the scalp, then the oil can be used regularly. An additional pleasant bonus - the vitaminization of the skin and hair.

If you want to make home mask for a face with so oil, mix 10 ml of liquid with cosmetic clay and sprinkle 3 drops of lemon ether. Keep the skin on the skin is only 20 minutes. Also for any type of skin, a mixture is suitable from the infusion of chamomile, 10 ml of the squeeze and half of the dessert spoon of colorless henna. Just leave a mask for 10 minutes.

Dosage purposes, black fruit oil also use constantly. Outside use is recommended for eroland, furunculaes, warts, psoriasis, lisp, burns, eczema, dermatitis or neurodimite, conjunctivitis. In all these cases, it is necessary to simply wade a clip 2-3 times a day. Reception inside is prescribed in cases, for example, when a person is diagnosed with a sex infection, a venereal disease. In such a situation, they drink a large spoon of oil 60 minutes before meals for a couple of months.

Inside, it is also possible to use a means at a cold epidemic, at the time of remission of gastritis and ulcers. It is permissible treatment with its help of intestinal dysbiosis, diabetes, rickets, colitis, avitaminosis, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids. You should drink half a dessert spoon for a month. If you treat a child, then convince that it has already reached a 3-year-old age. Let him a quarter of a spoon for half an hour before eating three times a day.

You can also just rinse the mouth of the oil in the occurrence of injections and ulcers on the mucous membrane. Recommended steam inhalations based on funds in the case of influenza. In preventive purposes, the oil is worth drinking to strengthen the immunity, maintaining the work of the thyroid, kidneys, bladder.

Both for healing and for cosmetics purposes, it is better to take deodorized oil in a pharmacy. With the purchase of special culinary nut oil, the situation is a bit more complicated, but you can use a natural drug by adding it to food in a spoon.

Other segments of black walnut

As already mentioned, the fruits themselves are not used in cosmetology, and nut butter acts as the main form. Occasionally applies tinctures for the health of the scalp and water decolations to rinse the hair after different procedures. However, there are other areas in which the nuts and other parts of the plant are in demand:

  • In cooking, fruit can also be used raw, and processed. As a rule, the black walnut plays in confectionery masterpieces, ice cream or in salads. Oil can be added as a refueling into different dishes, but the cores themselves themselves love to postpone for jam. The product is similar to the Walnut, however, it is important for the use of fruit to purify, because their solid green skin can change the pressure in the vessels and lead to migraines. To make a black walnut jam, you need to soak 100 pieces of peeled nuclei for a whole month, changing water daily.

Then the fruits are calcined and falling asleep with a sheared lime. Top poured with water and leave for another two days. Then you need to rinse the nuts again, pour them with clean water and send to swell for 4 days, changing the liquid 2-3 times a day. After all the trouble, the fruits are already hot water and mixed with a large alum spoon. After half an hour, change the water and put for 5-10 minutes. Flip nuts on the colander. In a separate container, you mix 2 kg of sugar sand and water, boil the syrup, and fall asleep the kernels in the resulting sweet mass. Keep the jam on the stove until the nuts become warm. Add cinnamon, cardamom or carnation to the finished dessert to taste.

  • For landscaping of country sites, gardens and parks, black walnut is indispensable. This tree is not only strong, but also elegant, it looks spectacularly alone or in the format of a whole alley. True, a number of climatic conditions require a number of climatic conditions for the growth of the plant, so it does not happen everywhere.
  • Furniture, interior elements and designer things with threads of different complexity are created from the black walnut wood. A feature of this tree is incredible strength and density, noble chocolate tint and simplicity of processing. According to experts, wood of this type wins in terms of walnut, ash, oak, beech, etc.

Contraindications and side effects

  1. The tincture of black fruits contains an increased level of tannins. This means that the products have an antislabic effect and for the weak intestine the likelihood of constipation. To minimize intoxication, you need to consume parallel pumpkin oil or milk thistle.
  2. If you use the highest dose of drugs on the nut (i.e., on a teaspoon or more for one reception and so three times a day), the list of contraindications is quite wide. In particular, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholism, open gastric ulcer, activities requiring concentration of attention - all this is a ban on the reception of tincture, extract, etc. In large quantities. With medium doses there are no such restrictions.
  3. Any products with black nuclei can cause allergies, especially those who already suffer from the intolerance to some nuts. Therefore, the first 2-3 days of treatment should be focused on the minimum dose of the drug and follow the condition of their body. In the external use of funds with these nuts, the risk of allergies is much higher, and it is also manifested more clearly. Usually people with individual intolerance are covered with a rash and suffer from increased skin hyperemia after compresses or ointments.
  4. The biological activity of ingredients in the composition of drugs with black walnut also requires eliminating the consumption of drugs with young children, pregnant women, nursing mothers. Also, black walnut oil is not recommended for people with high iodine content in the body. Remember that the course of treatment never starts without communicating with the attending physician or at least a phytotherapist.
  5. An overdose of tincture and sharp increase in portions leads to discomfort in the stomach, spasm of the vascular system, dizziness. In such cases, it is necessary to switch to a minimum dose again. Also remember that long treatment can provoke dysbacteriosis, so you need to take medicines with vitamins B-Group and bifidobacteriums.
  6. Kerosene tincture, in addition to designated symptoms, can cause nausea and belching. Therefore, before and after reception, it is better not. Also, the product sometimes leads to migraines, heartburn, diarrhea, weakness, enhancing chronic pain. Experts note that this is a normal body's reaction to healing, but if there are no signs of discomfort for a long time, reduce the received dose twice.

Growing black walnut

Cultivation of this tree in Russia is conducted from about the late XVIII century. In the middle band of Russia, it grows only with careful care, reaching a height of up to 18 m and diameter up to 60 cm. Very old trees (more than 100 years) rise to a height of 25 m and expand in the barrel to 60 cm. In the southern regions can grow in The wild form, but the same sizes, as in North America does not reach. In the middle, black nuts live about 70 years.

Landing and care of black walnut

Where to plant a black walnut tree

So that the walnut tree grew long and fruit, it is necessary to pick up a plot for it, taking into account the following features:

  • Crohn is great, but it passes a lot of light, so spotted shade. This contributes to high-quality processing of foliage in the body, so the tree has a beneficial ameliorative effect on the soil.
  • Minimum air temperature for development and growth - + 10˚C. Therefore, successful examples of growing plants are found even in the Leningrad region. Tula gardeners note that some nuts transfer frost to -38˚C. But in the first years of life (before the crown formation), the village do not cope with frosts.
  • In terms of drought-resistant, black walnut is approximately between Manchurian and Walnut. Recommended for landing in river floors. Frames are calm.
  • Northeastern and northern winds badly affect the health of trees.

Soil characteristics:

  1. For cultivation, you need a slightly alkaline or neutral soil. In it, trees are prepared in a timely manner. To acidic soil nuts immune.
  2. In the non-sinnamine regions, the soil in landing pits should be made phosphorus-potash fertilizers and wood ashes. In the ground around the trunk - lime-containing mixtures to maintain pH 5-5-8.2.
  3. In the soil there should be no many nitrogen - it leads to the loss of frost resistance and the cessation of growth.

How and when to plant

  1. For landing, such a landing pit is needed, which will give enough space for the growth of the root system in any direction.
  2. To reinforce young plants, phosphorus-potash mixtures, wood ash and humus are added to the pit.
  3. So that the moisture remains well, the roots of seedlings are covered with 80% soil, and then very well water. Screwing water occurs in a few minutes.
  4. The rest of the soil is covered on top and the rolling circle is mounted.

For reproduction of black walnut, cuttings, seeds and risks are used.

Care rules

To stimulate the growth of the Earth into which the nut is planted, must be pre-well loose. Spearfield grades of culture are needed to climb the soil to the landing. Swimming should be stopped in the second half of summer so that the growth of walnut pains is not delayed.

How to water:

  • During the flowering and growth of young trees, a rich watering is needed, especially in the middle strip.
  • From the 3rd week of Julia, it is necessary to reduce watering so that the development of the tree has suspended in a timely manner, and preparations began for winter.
  • Fruit trees require maintaining moisturizing in the phase of pouring fruit falling into July and the first half of August.
  • It should be slightly increased intensity of watering into a dry season.

The genetic base provides black nuts with a good crown that does not need to form artificially. Branches that have been hawed or overwhelmed with the crown can be cut for better development. It is best to do this in the spring when a comfortable temperature is installed for growth. As a rule, the appropriate time for trimming occurs after the kidneys are blown. Procurement of the crown until the middle or end of the summer season can lead to re-awakening the kidneys. Early shoot on the winter, which later, most likely die.

How to fertilize and feed

  • Soil under the spring landing should be prepared since the autumn. Under the autumn - spring. Half a year it is necessary for the land for the accumulation of moisture and useful substances.
  • On 1 m2 is made 3-4 kg of compost or dull leveling.
  • 15 days before the disembarkation, the pit is digging by a depth and a diameter of 50 cm in 50 cm, into which the mixture of 2-3 buckets of humus (or 5-8 kg of manure), 150 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium salt and the top layer of the soil. This mass is distributed in the middle and top of the pit, and in the center of the resulting ace is placed. Saplings will be located near these pegs.
  • Before landing, seedlings need to play the roots well and sufficiently hold in the specialist for the roots.

A black walnut has a deep root rod root system, having anchor roots and powerful side branches. Due to the toxins that it highlights, the tree will adversely affect the following neighbors:

  • birch;
  • apple tree;
  • rowan;
  • pine;
  • black currant;
  • alfalfa;
  • tomatoes;
  • potatoes.

Nice neighborhood is possible with such cultures:

  • mellitis linden;
  • alycha;
  • forest apple tree;
  • hornbeam;
  • some maples.

Leschina, dogwood, red and black elder, Tatar honeysuckle, Calina, the ordinary and Japanese quilio grow calmly next to black nuts.

Preparation of raw materials

Sheet of black walnut, peel, bark and immature fruits are going to use for medical purposes. Fruit collection is carried out in the fall. The work is most often done by hand, because the amount of work is not high enough to use special equipment to use special equipment.

Ripe nuts fall apart. Due to the characteristics of the composition of the pests, they are not terrible, but it is better to collect them in a timely manner. To remove unshather nuts from the branches, you can use a stick, but the risk of damage to the leaves and branches.

The manual processing of nuts is recommended to be carried out in gloves, because their juice is very difficult to launder. The color of the fruit peel varies from yellowish green to dark green. It is removed with a knife or arms, after dismissing the nut. The peel also pops up when the crushed walnut is placed in water. Brown fruits are first dried, and after the kernels are extracted. High strength forces the use of tongs or vice with a hammer.

Where can one buy

Most of the volume occupy fats, they are given 83%. Another 2% is carbohydrates, 15% - protein.
Value is caused by the accumulation of other substances that are favorable effect on human health.

Among them are organic iodine, yuglon, flavonoids, carotene, alkaloid compounds, tannin, glycosides, phytoncides.

The following are considered to be the following: Pantothenic acid, ascorbic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine, retinol, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, tocopherol, vitamins F and P.

Black walnut is rich in esters, chinon, polyunsaturated acids, tanning compounds, saccharides. In the product there are many silicon, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, selenium, cobalt.

the benefits and harm of a nutmeg

Effect of black walnut

  • improves intestinal microflora, normalizes the entire digestive system;
  • struggles with helminty;
  • does not allow bacteria to develop, binds disputes of mold;
  • bactericidal properties completely kill microbes;
  • regenerates epidermis cells, improves skin condition;
  • slows down premature aging of the body;
  • strengthens the protective shell;
  • removes the ethnicity around the internal organs and in the limbs;
  • reduces the body's susceptibility with viral infections, pneumonia;
  • has a sedative action;
  • anesthetics;
  • he treats herpes and other ailments of such a plan;
  • struggles with fungus, dermatological problems;
  • prevents the development of oncology, already the existing cancer cells kill;
  • displays poisonous compounds, larvae, old waste from the body;
  • lubricates the mucous stomach, improving meals;
  • removes vomit urge and nausea;
  • stops bleeding dysen;
  • treats large abstracts and microcracks;
  • forms a film on the skin, which removes the harmful effect of ultraviolet;
  • soothes nerves, normalizes human mental background;
  • used in insomnia, irritability, stress;
  • satisfies the body with indispensable amino acids and vitamins.

the benefits and harm of the Brazilian

the benefits and harm of cedar nuts

The extensive list of the most valuable elements allows the use of black walnut and products based on it for the treatment of many diseases. Often, oil is used in cosmetology, perfumery and medicine. The kernels are used to eliminate diseases of the nervous system, heart and esophagus.

the benefits and harm of walnut

Video: Useful properties and application of black walnut

For a long time, the black walnut has been very popular. Useful properties and contraindications that are wide and diverse. The main sphere of its use is medicine

Black nut

The plant looks like a conventional walnut tree. At the same time there are several features that are inherent in this tree:

  1. The tree trunk is dark, with deep furrows. It can grow up to 40 -50 meters in height.
  2. Wide Crown, lowered downwards, has a vaulted form. Its size is equal to the height of the tree itself, but it can often be more.
  3. Roots go deep into the ground, covered with deep cracks. Well expressed main root having a shape of a rod.
  4. Light green leaves of large size, 25 - 50 centimeters long.
  5. Flowering and dissolved leaves fall on the same period
  6. The first fruits appear when the plant reaches 7 - 10 years of age.
  7. In the fruit of the shell is quite solid, it is not always possible to split it with a hammer.

This plant is from North America. Grows in large forests and covers a large area of \u200b\u200bgrowth. Quite well distributed in Europe. On the territory of Russia, the plant is little known. You can meet in botanical gardens or southern regions, where there are fittings for the production workpiece. And in Sochi, you can see adult copies that are regularly fruit.

With its appearance, the tree resembles an ordinary walnut. There is nothing surprising here, because they are close relatives. They are similar to both appearance and inner stuffing. In composition similar, the difference is only in the amount of substances contained in them. But in the black nut of active substances at times more than in walnut.

Black Walnut: Composition

Many scientists came to the conclusion that, by the complexity and integrity of the healing effects on the body, the analogue in nature does not have this nut. The composition is striking and impresses with its components, which, from a positive side, affect the state of human health. This unique plant contains a huge range of useful substances.

As part of the nut there are substances such as:

  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids Jugeradine;
  • polyphenolic substance;
  • tannin;
  • carotene;
  • phytocide and glycoside;
  • organic iodine;
  • vitamins (C, B1, B6, P, E, B, RR, Pritamin A and Vitamin F);
  • trace elements (magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, manganese silicon);
  • essential oils;
  • oleic acid, as well as palmotine, linolium, laurin, Miristinova, Arachnaya and Stearinovaya;
  • quinone;
  • enzymes and sugar;
  • tubil and many other substances.

In the peel of the non-fermented nut, vitamin C is contained 50 times more than one of the leaders in the content of this vitamin - orange. Useful not only fruits, but also the green mass of the plant, which contains calcium phosphate, cellulose, vegetable oil, Arabic gum, magnesium stearate and zose.

Black Walnut: Properties

This plant has a whole complex of useful and necessary properties for the body:

With the help of the plant, diseases are treated as:

  • Skin and venereal diseases;
  • Gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontalosis;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Migraine;
  • Dysbacteriosis, intestinal irritation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Rheumatism, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, arthrosis;
  • Lymphadenitis;
  • Diseases of the breast;
  • Multiple sclerosis;
  • Liver disease;
  • Cold and flu;
  • Gloves.

Black walnut extract is prescribed with rheumatoid arthritis, pain in muscles and joints. It significantly increases immunity and strengthens the overall condition of the human body.

Thanks to the huge number of useful properties, it was distributed in folk medicine.

Black Walnut: Use

An immature nuts, leaves, young shoots and spindles are used as raw materials for the manufacture of medicines. Of them prepare a variety of drugs. Preparations may differ in the form of release, dosage and the number of impurities.

Consider the most popular of them:

  1. Black Walnut Extract is a natural vegetable complex, which includes an extract of peel. It is better to use it for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and the subsequent consolidation of its beneficial action. It is more efficient to start with a small dose and gradually increase it within two weeks.
  2. Tablets and capsules. Move from natural sheet and auxiliary substances, such as calcium carbonate, stearin, cellulose and magnesium stearate. Help in combating colds, respiratory and skin diseases. The course of treatment lasts no more than a month.
  3. Butter. This form of the drug is obtained by extraction. Used in ulcers, dysbiosis, colitis and gastritis. It is also quite widely used in skin diseases, diabetes, hemorrhoids, thyroid diseases and female genital organs.
  4. Bad. Biological additives are manufactured from the extract of the octopulod, sheet and auxiliary substances. Used as an additive to food, the action is aimed at the overall strengthening of the body. The course of use usually lasts about a month.
  5. Healing ointments. Used for external use under skin diseases.
  6. Syrup. The syrup is made by boiling raw materials and sugar. As a medicinal, syrup is not positioned. The resulting substance is more like jam, since the temperature pasteurization passed.
  7. Balsams and tinctures. Such forms of the drug are produced on alcohol, often with the addition of other useful herbs and plants. The alcohol poses on the question of the hebinities of the substance, as it can adversely affect the main components.
  8. Candles. They have an extraordinary absorption capacity, absolutely hypoallergenic, not toxic and have no side effects. Widely used in gynecology, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, ulcers and cracks of the rear pass.
  9. Decoction. Make from dry crushed sheet and boiling water, in a proportion of 5 grams per cup. Such a liquid is insteaded until the fluid gets dark color. Cutting compresses help children get rid of diathesis. You can rinse your mouth and throat with infections. To strengthen hair, use as a hair rinse.

It is necessary in each particular case to study in detail how the black walnut can affect the body. Instructions for applying the above forms should always be at your hand.

Black Walnut: Contraindications

Due to the enormous biological activity of substances, drugs from this plant are contraindicated:

  • little children up to two years;
  • allergies;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • losing weight;
  • full people;
  • people with individual intolerance to the substances that are part of the drug.

Also harm the body can bring excessive use of nuts. To the spasm of the vessels of the brain and inflammation of the almonds, can lead the use of more than 10 pieces by a child. Abuse of them can lead to unpleasant consequences: dizziness, spasms in the stomach, nausea, vomiting and constipation.

It should be strictly observed the dosage of drug intake, which includes a black walnut. Benefit and harm may be equivalent.

See an interesting video about black nut - the most powerful product of a comprehensive health action!

Unique properties of black walnut. Treatment and results.

In our country, this plant is still little known, its landing is small and found in botanical gardens, as well as in the wild form in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory. Locals know him well and never confuse with walnut. Black walnut is a close relative of walnut, but at the same time this valuable drug product is significantly superior to the content of yuglon and polyphenolic substances in the leaves and immature fetal shells. Therefore, this plant is widely used to treat tumor diseases. Achieve a similar effect using a walnut tincture is impossible.

In its historic homeland - North America, the Black Walnut The Indians have long been considered a miraculous elixir of life, they treated them many diseases and even used it in the bite of poisonous snakes. In the XIX century, the Black Walnuts were treated with rickets in children and used externally to remove pasta, corrosis and warts. However, serious studies of this plant were carried out much later. This fact can be explained only by the fact that the powerful antioxidant and immunochargent properties of the black walnut become particularly popular only at the end of the 20th century, when the deterioration of the environmental situation in the world has reached a critical value and has become seriously threatened to threaten humanity.

At the end of the last century, the Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy conducted scientific studies of the healing properties of the black walnut, as a result of which it was found that, on the complexity and integrity of healing effects, it has no analogues in nature.

Unlike its nearest relatives - walnut, Zibold, gray nut, deceptive and Manchurian walnut, black walnut has a versatile health effect on the body, so fully deserves the right to refer to a unique plant. The immature fruits of black walnut contain vitamin C 8 times greater than black currant, and 50 times higher than the concentration of this powerful antioxidant citrus fruits. In addition, it contains a large number of useful elements, Vitamins B6 and B2, manganese, iron, potassium, magnesium, silicon, bioflavonoids and vegetable fats. There are in black nuts and such rare trace elements like selenium, cobalt and phosphorus. It is not used to eat black walnut because it has a very solid shell.

Binding substances - Tannes contained in this plant have a beneficial effect on the surface layers of mucous membranes and skin, reduce irritation and have anti-inflammatory effect. They form an impenetrable film that protects wounds from further infection, and contribute to their rapid healing. Mazi based on the hood of black nut fruit is effective with degrading, herpes, fungal lesions of the skin, rashes of various origins are indispensable with external tumors.

In oncology, the discovery of therapeutic properties of the black walnut occurred thanks to the works of the American Naturopathician Hilda Clark, who paid attention to the record high concentration in it of polyphenols and yuglons, increasing the body's resistance to the development of various neoplasms. She began treatment of cancer, applying a triple consisting of a water-alcohol tincture of black walnut, cloves and wormwood. From this point on, the black walnut has become used to treat oncological and a number of other systemic diseases that have not previously managed to be effectively treated with the help of drugs of official medicine. The healing "threesome", created by Hilda Clark, is successfully used for the treatment of Mioma, fibromes, adenoma, prostatitis, ovarian cysts and kidney polycystic.

Using in practice a black walnut tincture for receiving inside and ointment of a black walnut for outdoor use, excellent results were obtained in the fight against diseases such as mastopathy, polyarthritis, pleurisy, oncology of lungs, furuncools, giardiasis.

If you plan to prepare a black nut tincture yourself, then this can be done at the beginning of autumn, but it should be borne in mind that the drugs based on black walnut are obtained only from the unripe fruits removed from the tree, and not falling to the ground. For the preparation of black walnut tincture, 40% of alcohol and whole fruits of black walnut are used, collected in September. You don't need to split nuts, because The active ingredients are located in the upper green shell of the fetus. Nuts should be washed and tightly put into glass tanks under the neck, and then pour to the top to the top so that the air space is practically absent (the air contributes to the oxidation and damage of the drug). With the proper storage of the black walnut tincture in tightly closed banks and in the cool dark room, its healing properties will continue for several years.

How to use the tincture of a black nut for therapeutic purposes? It is very important to adhere to the strict dosage, as well as when handling any other medicine.

For the treatment of thyroid diseases and their prevention, as well as with the above chronic diseases, the reception should be started in a 1st day with 5 drops of the black walnut tincture of the water in 15-30 minutes before meals and daily add 5 drops of tincture to one reception. The dose increases to the maximum 30 drops on the reception, drip the tincture in a half-table of water or infusion of herbs (very good to take with the infusion of rosehip), drink 2-3 times a day. Drink a solution with small sips. The course lasts from 6 to 12 months, a 7-day break should be made every 3-4 weeks.

In the treatment of progressive malignant tumors and other serious diseases, "drums" are recommended, that is, several overestimated doses of tincture, and it is preliminarily desirable to check the tolerance of the drug to the allergic reaction to it. To do this, start on the first day with a half teaspoon of tincture, then you will double the other day and so on. Depending on the weight of the human weight, the greatest dose will be 2-3 teaspoons. For people with weight from 70 to 90 kg, the maximum dose is 2.5 spoons, and for weighing more than 90 kg - 3 teaspoons.

Children. With melted invasions and tumor diseases, the tincture should be taken from the calculation of 1 drop per 1 year of life (start not earlier than from 2 years). Dilute in 0.5-1 glasses of water and take 7-day courses with breaks in 7 days.

When used in the treatment of black nut tincture, it should be borne in mind that the high content of tannins in its composition almost completely compensates for the ability of the remaining substances and with a sluggishly working intestine can provoke constipation. Therefore, in parallel, it is recommended to take one of the vegetable oils (terminals, pumpkins or mixtures thereof in equal proportion) to avoid intoxicating the body. Oil should be drunk on a teaspoon immediately before applying for food throughout the course of treatment.

The impact doses of black walnut preparations cannot be used with heavy stages of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis, working behind the wheel, alcoholism, an open stomach ulcer. For medium doses that do not exceed 1-3 teaspoons of the alcohol tincture per day, there are no contraindications. During the period of radio and chemotherapy, the reception of the black walnut tincture weakens the negative consequences of these procedures. Before the start of the black walnut, it is necessary to check on the body's allergic reaction. For this, the tincture is taken within 2-3 days at half a teaspoon. In case of manifestation of unwanted reactions from receipt of the drug, it should be.

Due to the powerful biological activity of the components, the preparations based on black walnut are contraindicated to children under the age of two, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as in the individual intolerance to the individual components of this plant. Before the treatment of a tincture of a black walnut, you need to take advice from a phytotherapist or traumatic specialist.

Black walnut is a powerful tool from many heavy diseases, if it is used with the mind. Burn with any disease and never despair! Be healthy!

A close relative of walnut, a black walnut, grows in North America and is famous for its taste and healing properties. What is useful for black nut and what is the benefit of drugs prepared on the basis of this plant? In the article you will find recommendations and recipes from many ailments, for the health of the body and immunity.

What is a black nut and how it looks

The composition of the fruit of the plant allows you to use it as an ingredient for healing drugs:

  • Ascorbic acid, the amount of which in the black nut is significantly higher than the content in the rosehip, sorrel, citrus;
  • Vegetable fats;
  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Micro and macroelements: silicon, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, selenium, manganese;
  • Group vitamins in;
  • Tanina
  • Organic acids

The chemical composition defines the properties of drugs:

Biological active additives are used for treatment:

In addition, the dietary supplements were used for complex.

Black walnut

Showing women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere, with endometriosis, uterine, abundant and painful menstrual bleeding.

The black walnut tincture will strengthen the immune system, will help defeat the colds, tuberculosis, asthma, will improve the intestinal motorcycle.

The tincture has antimicrobial and properties, has a spasmolitic, vasodilator, toning effect. Lowering blood pressure, has an anti-inflammatory and astringent action.

How to take a black walnut in capsules

Capsules are convenient for reception, allow you to clearly observe the dosage, indispensable on travels.

The drug has immunomodulatory, bactericidal, invalid, anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is accepted within two weeks, a single course, 1-2 capsules during meals. Combined with proper nutrition and moderate physical exertion, the BAA has a noticeable effect on the body.

Aqueous extract

The aqueous extract is prepared from leaves and spindlers of nut fruits. He is taken inside the teaspoon, 2-3 times a day in the interruptions between food. Since the aqueous extract does not contain sugar, it can be used to treat diabetics.

Black walnut oil

The fruits of this plant serve as a source of healing oil. It is used not only in alternative medicine, but also in cosmetology, as well as when preparing culinary dishes.

In addition to the already mentioned diseases, the oil of black walnut lubricate rashes during stomatitis, treat the gums from periodontitis and periodontal, are used for hot inhalations.

Skin lesions, eczema, acne, acne rashes, purulent wounds, deprive, psoriasis is treated by rubbing oil into the skin.

How to cook tincture at home

To prepare tincture of black walnut, it is recommended to use the fruits collected in the 2nd half of August. At this time, the content of the useful substances in them is maximum.

The highest concentration of valuable elements can be obtained from an exhaust prepared using kerosene or alcohol.

How to prepare therapeutic agent yourself? Preparation of tinctures at home - the process is simple.

Clean young nuts need to be folded into the glass container, tightly tamper, pour 50% alcohol solution to the top. It is important for the preservation of the beneficial properties of the product and its coloring. Close the capacity with a lid.

The resulting composition insists a half months in a dry dark room.

The finished tincture is poured into small glass containers for further storage. In case of loss of characteristic green color, it is recommended to add vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Storage is carried out in a cool darkened place. When preparing a means strictly according to the recipe, the expiration date of the finished product is up to 5 years.

Features and schemes for receiving tincture

The tool is applied twice and three times a day for half an hour before meals according to the scheme:

  • 1st day - the drug is used in the form of a solution (5 drops of tincture per 100 ml of water).
  • 2nd day - 10 k. Per 100 ml of water or vegetable beam.
  • The 3rd day and further - the dosage gradually increases, adding on the day 5 to 5 to one reception. The maximum allowable amount of means for receiving - 30 k. On 200 ml of water.

Instead of water, it is possible to use horseradish brazing or onion husks. The duration of therapeutic course - from six months to a year (after each month it is necessary to make a weekly break).

In the presence of fungal, viral diseases, various helminthiasis The tincture is used in the morning and in the evening:

  • 1st day - ¼ h. L. On 200 ml of rage or water.
  • 2nd day - 0.5 h. L. drug.
  • The 3rd day and subsequent - daily add to ¼ h. L., The maximum allowable dosage for the reception is 2 l.

For a person weighing 70 kg and a more permitted one-time dose is 2.5 hours, with a mass of more than 90 kg - 3 h is allowed.

The duration of the healing course is from six months to a year. Every 3 weeks of reception means alternate with weekly interruptions.

When gelmintosis in children The medicine is taken according to the calculation: 1 to. for 1 year of life. The drug is diluted with water (half a compartment) and take twice a day 1 week, after a weekly break, the reception should be continued.

In the course of treatment, one should be observed. If necessary, the dose is reduced (1 tsp. Twice a day), not recommended to completely stop. Simultaneous treatment of all family members is required to prevent secondary invasion.

Tincture can be used as prevention measures: Mix a black walnut (2 h. l), a powder of wormwood (1 tsp, for children use cyanny wormwood) and cloves (1 tsp, linked before use), it is allowed to add honey or jam. The dosage also increases gradually. Treatment time - 2 months.

Treating tumor

  • 1st day - ½ tsp.
  • 2nd day - 1 tsp.
  • 3rd day - 2 h. And then, every day increasing 1 tsp. By the 8th day, the dose will be 8 h. For reception (16 hours or a day).

Drink fractional sips. It is allowed to distribute the total daily dose of use for 3 to 6 times.

Treatment of thyroids

With thyroid diseases:

  • 1st day - twice a day for 5 to. Means on ½ cup of water.
  • 2nd day - for 10 k. For taking, etc. Maximum dose - 30 k. 1 time. Drink small sips.

The course lasts up to a year, every 3 weeks make a weekly break.

Is there a side effect?

In some cases, side effects appear when admitting black walnut tincture:

Black walnut preparations have a small list of contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Breastfall period
  3. Individual intolerance to components

Aquatic preparations and oil are allowed to use in childhood.

One of the relatives of all famous walnut is a black nut. The benefits and harm of this product today are clearly established, which allows you to apply it as an effective drug. In medicinal purposes, not only the kernels of nuts can be used, but also cooked tinctures, vegetable and essential oils. Like any other product of increased efficiency, black walnut requires an attentive relationship and clear compliance with the rules of admission.

Useful substances in walnut kernels

If we consider the cores of the black walnut as a food product, it should be noted that they differ in significant calorie content (618 kcal per 100 g) and fat content. This is definitely minus for those who have to follow the figure, but these shortcomings are blurred against the background of the unique chemical composition of nuts.

  • Bioflavonoids. Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but at the same time they do not give them to harde it, while maintaining elasticity. They are responsible for the normalization of blood pressure, reduce the duration of bleeding.
  • Anthocyanids. Powerful natural antioxidants. Could remove from tissues of heavy metal salts, toxins, free radicals, decomposition products of substances involved in metabolism.
  • Vegetable fats. Restore the structure of cell membranes. They are responsible for the elimination of excess cholesterol. Take part in the synthesis of a number of hormones.
  • Organic acids. Catalysts of metabolic processes, acid-alkaline balance regulators.

Acting together listed substances are able to provide several types of useful influence on the human body. To achieve this, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the black walnut and adhere to the rules of its use.

Effect on the use of black walnut

Immediately it is necessary to take into account that getting to the core of the black nut is extremely difficult. The mechanical exposure to which the walnuts are subject to or in this case will not be enough. It is better to immediately buy kernels, ready to use. If you do not abuse the product and use it regularly, you can count on such results:

  • Chronic pain relief occurs, signs of inflammation are removed, the processes of healing of small wounds are accelerated.

The aggregate of the anesthetic and antispasmodic actions of the black walnut can be used to women in the period of PMS and menstruation. The condition improves pretty quickly, the main thing is not too carried away and do not make me.

To sense the therapeutic effect, it is enough to eat one incomplete handstone per day. However, in the presence of chronic states and this amount should be coordinated with the attending physician to avoid unnecessary side effects.


Black Walnuts, drugs or dishes based on it can give side effects and provoke quite serious pathological conditions. This happens only if you do not adhere to therapeutic doses or neglect the rules for conducting therapy.

Before entering a black nut into your diet, you need to remember:

  1. No one day to eat more than one handstone nuclei. This may negatively affect the state of even a healthy person.
  2. If a child is eating more than a dozen black nuts, high risk of inflammation of the almonds and spasm of the heads of the head and brain.
  3. Despite the fact that the black walnut reduces the manifestation of allergies, he himself is often poorly tolerated by allergies. Do not risk and continue to use the product if it causes allergies. Further "treatment" can provoke edema of the lungs.
  4. Non-excerpts of nucleoli, which have a fought flavor, can cause food poisoning or failures in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Nuts on which mold divorced to immediately disposal. It is not permissible to consider fungal colonies and then use nuts in food or cooking. It can provoke the development of oncology.
  6. It is impossible to push black nuts. In this form, they contribute to the destruction of liver cells, and the beneficial substances after such a treatment almost never remains in them.
  7. The high-calorie product should not be often used in the presence of overweight or during the diet.

Black nuts are recommended to bring out of the diet for a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. With exacerbation of gastritis and ulcerative disease, they should also be refused. According to doctors, nuclei and products based on them should not be used in thrombophlebitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Black Walnut Tincture: Cooking and Application

To independently prepare the healing tincture of the black walnut, you need to use only immature, green fruits of the tree. It is impossible to be split or damaged on the surface of the shell. We simply lay them out into the jar of suitable size and pour vodka so that the air space remains in the tank. The mass is insisted for 2 weeks and focusing, after which it can be applied by appointment.

Indications for the use of black nut tincture are the same as in the case of its kernels. The difference - the alcohol means is greater efficient, contains less aggressive substances, but it may cause alcohol dependence (as well as any alcohol-containing means). Alcohol tinctures are contraindicated to children up to three years old, pregnant and lactating women).

Usually the alcohol tincture of the black walnut is taken before eating, no more than 3 times a day. The volume of one-time dose depends on the type of problem and condition of the body. In any case, you need to start with five drops, gradually increasing the dose of half or a whole teaspoon.

The duration of the healing course can be 6-12 months. In order not to have addiction and negative consequences, it is necessary to take a break for 5-7 days each month.

Black walnut oil

Oil is another effective and relatively safe tool. It can be applied not only for therapeutic purposes. It is actively used in cooking and cosmetology. Deodorized product should be purchased in the pharmacy. Its use inside is shown in the following states:

  • Risk of infection with influenza, ORVI, ORZ.
  • Ulcer and gastritis of the stomach during the remission. Dysbacteriosis and other intestinal disorders.
  • Sugar diabetes, other diseases of the internal secretion glands.
  • Rahit and avitaminosis.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gynecological sphere.
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis) and mucousse (conjunctivitis).
  • Thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids, other consequences of violation of vessels.

There are some more options for using oil for medicinal purposes:

  1. Treatment of psoriasis, herpes, diathesis, eczema and other skin pathologies by outdoor application.
  2. Prevention of periodontal dishes by rinse the oral cavity. Especially effectively in the presence of ulcers and injections.
  3. Steam inhalations for colds.

Black walnut oil is forbidden to take people with high iodine content in the body, pregnant and nursing women.

In the case of any negative reaction to the reservoir of the black walnut in any form, you should consult a doctor. Do not deal with self-medication, it can only complicate the situation.

(BLACK WALNUT) is a tree from a walnut family, his nearest relative is walnut. W. black Out More useful properties than his fellow, although for medical purposes they are used both. Motherland this out North America is considered, from where in the XVII century it was brought to Europe, thanks to this grows in Russia.

Black Walnut: Tree

- This is a large tree, reaching a height of 40 meters. Its distinctive feature of the bark is very dark, almost black, which gave the name to the whole plant. The bark is covered with deep cracks. The leaves in the plant's plants are sufficiently long, most often 20 cm long. The flowering occurs simultaneously with the blooming colors. The fruits see the appearance of walnuts, they have the same shape and fat strong shell. Fruits are used in food. In therapeutic purposes used leaves, shoots and immature nuts black Out.

Black Walnut: Composition

Part black Out Enter useful vitamins, minerals and other organic substances:

  • iron,
  • phosphorus,
  • tannins,
  • flavonids
  • organic acids
  • yuglon - anti-grab substance giving the smell of iodine.

Black Walnut: Properties

It has a lot of useful properties, and traditional medicine uses it in the treatment of various diseases.

Black walnut For a person is undoubted. Medicinal products made by their parts of this plant are actively struggling with helminths, destroy the transactions from black Out leads to the activation of the immune system and the organism resistance to different diseases. A walnut is very useful for various cancer diseases, in the initial stages it is possible to reduce the growth of affected cells and the normalization of the general state of the person (about the same and also). It has a favorable soothing effect on the skin, relieves inflammation and is actively struggling with bacteria and fungi.

Black Walnut: Application

Mostly black nut It is used in medicine, from leaves and immature fruits prepare medicines. The greatest effect among them has alcohol tincture of black walnutuniversal for the treatment of many diseases. But not only for therapeutic purposes is a wonderful tree, from its bark, very valuable and durable, furniture, materials for finishing and various accessories (for example, candlesticks) are made.

Black Walnut: Treatment

Black Walvests

Black Walnut: Giardia

Giardiasis is an infectious disease that is caused by the simplest microorganisms that affect the delicate intestine and the liver. Externally manifests with pink spots on the skin. Children are subject to this infection, in time unbearable giardiasis can turn into a chronic shape and appear throughout life. Effectively struggles with giardia, killing these microorganisms and deriving them from the body. Herbal fees will help against Giardia, which include.

Black Walnut: Sheet

IN leaves of black walnut There is a colossal amount of useful substances that is responsible for the healing properties of the plant. The leaves are contained by Yurgon and tannins that kill bacteria, relieve inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of tissues. It is from the leaves that are amazingly useful and healing on thestand of black walnut.

Black Walnut: Juice

Black walnut juice also has therapeutic meaning. It is mined from spindlers. Juice is used as a hemostatic agent and catalyst for wound healing.

Black Walnut: Fruits

Fruits of black walnut You can eat in food, although to get the kernel from a strong ripe shell is quite problematic. In cooking, mostly green fruits are used, made salads, jams, add to confectionery.

In immature fruits black Out There is a lot of vitamin C, so they simply need to be used in colds. In therapeutic and preventive purposes, you can prepare a tincture of immature fruits: with young nuts to fill the jar and pour 50% alcohol, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. You can store such a medicine for a long time, mainly maintain it in a dark cool place.

Black Walnut: Peel

IN black walnut peel There are very many tannins, flavonoids, anthocyanids, so many bodic manufacturers use it as the main component. Decoction and black Sheer Tub You need to take when problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the medicine perfectly copes with constipation and normalizes the intestinal work.

Black Walnut: For the Child

By virtue of their age characteristics, children often have worms. You can use children from this attack. It is better to buy biologically active additives with black walnutBecause the accurate dosage is observed in them, and it will not work out to reconcile the child with this medicine. Preparations prepared independently (alcohol tinctures), it is better to give with caution and observe the minimum dosage of 1 drop per year of life 1 time per day. And of course, you must first consult with your doctor.

Black Walnut: Bad

It is part of popular dietary supplies that are used to strengthen the immunity, raising the general tone of the body and accelerating the metabolism. They are produced in several forms what to choose - to solve the buyer. When buying additives from black Out It is necessary to repel from the mass fraction of the active substance than it is more, the less the drug will need to take. It is important not to overdo the treatment.

Black Walnut: Ground

Ground Cores Black Walnut Sometimes added to food, again for therapeutic purposes.

Black Walnut: Tincture

Tincture of black walnut - Universal drug that can be used inward and externally. You can make a tincture yourself at home. For cooking you need to take a liter bank, fill it up to the edges by semi-fruit fruits with another green leather and pour 40-50% alcohol, insist for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. Take this healing "potion" it is necessary for courses, on the first day drink 5 drops dissolved in water, each subsequent addition of five, while the amount does not reach 30 (this is the maximum dose). After that, a break is made for 2-4 weeks, and you can start again. Externally tincture of black walnut It is used for skin diseases, it needs to wipe the affected areas.

Black Walnut: Oil

As a medicine black walnut oil It has a smaller healing effect than alcohol tincture. Oil recommend to use children and people to whom alcohol are contraindicated.

Black Walnut: Extract

Black walnut extract - This is a hood of the useful substances from the octoplodes of the plant. Black walnut extract Sold in the form of powder, tablets, capsules or as part of an alcohol tincture. The concentration of the active substance in such drugs is very high, so it is necessary to use these tools in accordance with the attached instructions.

Black Walnut: In Capsules

Black walnut extract can be obtained in the form of bad in capsules, for example "Black Walnut Hulls" from Now Foods. , in packing 100 capsules of 500 mg. An adult person can use the drug twice a day in one capsule. To drink this biologically active additive is recommended for increasing immunity and slimming.

Black Walnut: Tablets

Pills is a pressed plant leaves powder. Usually in packing 10 tablets, the mass fraction of the active substance is about 400 mg. An adult can use 2 pcs. Twice a day, but the duration of treatment should not exceed 3 weeks. Pills black Out It should be taken with influenza and colds, diseases of the nasopharynx, with gastritis, ulcers and dysbacteriosis, helminthium, giardiasis.

Black Walnut: Syrup

Black Walnut: Ointment

Black Walnut Ointment It is used to treat skin diseases, it reduces irritation, inflammation, absorbs tumors, neoplasms and copes with eczema, neurodermit, dermatitis. It is used in mastopathy and joint diseases (as auxiliary means).

Black Walnut: Candles

Candles with black walnut Used in different gynecological diseases. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal effect. In addition, the candles are eliminated from the painful symptoms of hemorrhoids and accelerate the healing of the cracks of the rectum. The preparation may enter black walnut extract and. A similar action is made of candles with propolis.

Black Walnut: Decoration

Decoration of black walnut leaves It is recommended for the treatment of lesions of the skin and diseases caused by the fungus Candida, including gynecological. The medicine is used inside, applied in the form of compresses or are evincible. For cooking, it will take 1 tbsp. crushed dry or fresh leaf of black nutThey need to pour the glass of boiling water and insist until a complete cooling. Children can drink up to 7 ppm a day, adults by half a compartment 2 times a day.

Black Walnut: Instruction

Bades with black walnut Used as an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antifungal agent. It is recommended to use with candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, when treating oncological diseases, leather lesions. It is impossible to take the drug for children up to 12 years old, adults can not be exceeded by the daily rate.

Black Walnut: how to take

Preparations based on black Out It is necessary in accordance with the instructions, usually the daily dose for an adult is 2000-2500 mg of active substance, it is 2 or 3 capsules or tablets. Alcohol and oil tin tincture Accepted drops, the maximum number is 30 per day. The duration of the reception must be 1-3 weeks, then you need to take a break for a month and a half.

Black Walnut: in pharmacies

Black Walnut: Contraindications

Contraindicated to the use of people suffering from allergies, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Alcohol tincture of black walnut It is impossible to use alcoholism and cirrhosis. Long taking medication can provoke chronic diseases whose symptoms quickly pass after the abolition of the drug.

Black Walnut: Buy Price

Here is such a large assortment of forms, dosages and manufacturers black Out:

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