Politician died with a special attitude towards Russia. Lech Alexander Kachinsky: Biography When Lech Kaczynsky died

Place of birth, education. Born in Warsaw (Poland). In childhood, the twin brother starred in a children's fairy tale "Two, who stole the moon". In 1971 he graduated from Warsaw University - Faculty of Law and Administration. In 1980, he defended his doctoral dissertation for labor law.

Democratic opposition. Since 1976, in the underground committee of the protection of employees. In August 1980, he took an active part in the strike movement in Gdansk.

In 1981, supported the idea of \u200b\u200bunion union in Solidarity and became a delegate of the organization's congress. For participation in "solidarity" after the introduction of Military situation was an internized, was in the camp in Stristbelink from December 1981 to October 1982. After liberation, returned to trade union activities.

1983-1984 - Head of the Commissions "Solidarity" on relations with the Polish United Worked Party, a member of the regional department of "Solidarity" in Gdansk.

In 1985, he entered the regional council assistance to political prisoners.

Since 1988, he was a member of the Civil Committee, who led Lech Valens, the future president of Poland.

1988-1990 - Member of the Secretariat, Member of the Presidium of the National Executive Committee of Solidarity, First Deputy Chairman of Solidarity. Participated in negotiations with the government. In fact, ruled the organization during the Presidential Campaign Lech Valenses and after he was elected head of state.

Political activity.1989 - elected to the Senate, in 1999 - to the Seimas.

In 1991, he headed the National Security Bureau in the office of President Poland. Resigned after the conflict with the president and chapter of the office.

Since 1991 - Chairman of the Administration and the Committee of the Interior.

1992-1995 - Head of the Supreme Control Chamber.

He was a member of the Council of Administration of the International Labor Organization in the UN, a member of the Presidium of the European Organization of Supreme Controls EUROSAI.

1995-1997 - Deputy Chairman of the Program Department of the Institute of Public Affairs.

In the 1990s there was a gap between the Kakachinsky and Lech Valence brothers associated with the president's reluctance to remove the communist countries from the leadership. After election in 1995, Ex-Communist head of state, Lech Kaczynsky returned to scientific activities. In particular, in 1996-1997. - Professor of the University of Gdan, since 1999 - Professor University named after Cardinal Stephen Vyshinsky in Warsaw.

1999-2000 - Member of the codification committee in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

2000-2001 - Minister of Justice in the Government of Jersey Buzek.

In 2001, together with Brother Yaroslav, he created the right political party "Right and Justice", which in the same year, 9.5% of votes received at the parliamentary elections. In 2003, he gave way to the head of the party of his brother.

2002-2005 - Mayor Warsaw.

2005-2010 - President of the Republic of Poland.

Views and evaluation.C began political activities in free Poland called for democratization of public life. At the same time, he spoke against same-sex marriages, abortions and euthanasia. While being the mayor of Warsaw, forbade Gay Parada. Supported the death penalty.

He considered his theses "return to traditional values." Lech Kaczynski was convinced that the Catholic Church should play the most significant role in the life of Polish society.

After the presidential election of 2005, critics were noted that Poland was under the leadership of Kaczynski brothers: the younger was headed by the state, and the senior headed the party dominant in the Sejam, and later the prime minister was appointed at all.

In Europe, Lech Kaczynski was considered an ambiguous figure. In particular, he was often accused of anti-Russian politics. According to the Polish president, there were three stumbling blocks in Polish-Russian relations: Katyn, an assessment of the results of the Second World War and the construction of the Baltic gas pipeline.

In addition, Lech Kaczynski condemned Russia's actions during the conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008 and expressed support for Georgia.

In August 2008, Lech Kaczynski and President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus signed a joint declaration with a request to adopt Ukraine and Georgia to NATO. Poland also signed an agreement with the United States on the placement of the elements of the American system of the American system, in response, the President of the Russian Federation promised to accommodate in the Kaliningrad region "Iskander". Later, the United States refused plans related to the placement of the Pro System in Eastern Europe. Then, as an explanation of this decision of the American side, Lech Kaczynsky called mistakes made in the US Negotiations with the US Prime Minister, while many Polish politicians laid guilt on the president himself and its anti-Russian policies.

Tragic finale.Poland Lech Kaczynsky President died in avicatastro under Smolensk (Russian Federation). Polish government Tu-154 crashed during landing in conditions of poor visibility. On board were high-ranking officials, including deputies of the Senate and the Sejm, Vice-Speakers, the Higher Military Guide of the country. Nobody survived. Including the first ladies of Poland Maria Kaczynskaya died. The delegation was heading for mourning events in Katyn.

Regalia.He was awarded the orders of different countries, including the Georgian Order of the Victory named after St. George, the Ukrainian Order of Yaroslav Wise I degree, the Order of Heydar Aliyev.

A family. The twin brother is a famous politician. Mary's wife was an economist. The spouses remained the daughter of March and two granddaughters: Eva and Martin.

One of the politicians of the modern European society, a wrestler for democracy and justice was all the favorite President of Poland - Lech Kaczynski. Unfortunately, his life path as a policy was not easy, and premature and tragic death became a real shock not only for the native country, but also for the general public. Let's try to analyze how the plane crash under Smolensky occurred. The death of Lech Kaczynski became for all a great blow.

Biographical data

Lech Kaczynski was born in (Warsaw) on June 18, 1949 in the family of progressive figures and activists. Father was an engineer and participated in World War II, and Mom, Philologist, was an active participant in the 1944 uprising in Warsaw. Lech was not the only child in the family, moreover, he had a twin brother Yaroslav.


Lech Kaczynski has always been diligent and hardworking, graduated with honors from the mid-educational school and in 1966 he entered the Faculty of Administration and the right in five years he successfully graduated from him, and after another a year he received a master's degree. The active young man never sat on the spot, always participated in the life of the university and the city, set the goals and sought them. So, after only a few years, he defended his doctoral thesis and soon received the title of professor.

Political career

The political career of the future began in the walls of the University of Gdan, in the Workers' Protection Committee. At that time (1977-1978), it was the so-called underground anti-communist opposition. Lech Kaczynski has always defended his interests and helped it to do others, so it is not surprising that he was appointed Advisor to the Committee of "Gdansk strikes".

In the early 80s, when a state of emergency was introduced throughout the country, he was imprisoned for almost a whole year. But it did not break a fighter for justice, but, on the contrary, it would seem, the beliefs gave that in his power to change the country for the better. Probably, it was then that a plan was ripe on building his political career and climbing the country's majesty, because it is possible to become a useful society and to achieve justice.

He was Minister of Justice for a long time, was headed by the National Security Bureau (under the President of Poland). In 2001, together with his brother, he created and headed the batch called "right and justice" in fact, these two words became the slogan and the main vector of the movement of this political force, which after just a year led lech first to the position of the mayor of Warsaw, and also through 4 years - to the presidency of the country. In 2005, the whole world found out: "Lech Kaczynsky - President of Poland."

Basic views and values

The new president of Poland urged to democracy and defended her in every way, but at the same time tried to return the Christian beginnings and the ancient morality of his ancestors into public life. So, being another mayor, he not only was openly against same-sex marriages and sexual minorities, but also repeatedly banned the holding of such parades in Warsaw. President Kaczynski also opposed abortion and euthanasia, but at the same time supported the death penalty as a measure of preventive for especially dangerous criminals.

Many believed that after the victory in the elections, the state began to lead not one person, but a whole Chet Kaczynski. And this is not surprising, because there was always a brother, who not only headed the numerical political party in the Senate, but in the future it became even prime minister.

In modern European society, the figure of Kaczynsky, many consider rather ambiguous. And this is primarily due to the tensions of relations with the Russian Federation due to the tragedy in Katyn and the construction of the Baltic gas pipeline. In addition, a significant factor in assessing the ambiguity of Kaczynski's policy was likely to assess the action of the Russian Federation during events in South Ossetia, as well as an expression of deep support to the Government of Georgia.

It is possible that a certain role in Kaczynski played the moment of signing in 2008 the Declaration on the adoption of Ukraine and Georgia in NATO. In addition, Lev Kaczynsky approved the placement on the territory of Poland the US missile defense systems than caused misunderstanding from the Russian Federation. At that time, Dmitry Medvedev unequivocally promised that the RF campaign was in the Kaliningrad region. And who knew how Lech Kaczynski will die a few years later. The crash of the airliner, which will present the entire control elite of the country, was a complete surprise.

Mysterious death

On the morning of April 10, 2010 there was a terrible aircraft crash near Smolensky. The death of Lech Kaczynski became a real tragedy. On board, in addition to the President of Poland, there were another 95 people, including his spouse and the "top" of the state (deputies and senators). Unfortunately, no man failed to survive.

According to official data, the plane fell only 300 meters from the runway of one of the military airfields of the Russian Federation - North. As expected, for unknown reasons, in conditions of very poor visibility, due to the nebula, the aircraft was aimed at landing and at the occasion was hitting a tree, which was the reason for its fall. Almost immediately by the President of the Russian Federation was given a disposal to create a group-investigation of the causes of Kaczynsky's wreck.

According to eyewitnesses, a fire or any other ignition on board was not. But the force of impact of the aircraft during the fall was so great that at one moment the tail part of the aircraft was broken, not leaving the slightest chance for saving passengers.

A plane crash near Smolensky

Pretty mysteriously looks like the aircraft crash at the airport of the North. Perhaps it was for this reason that the death of Lech Kaczynski became the most discussed incident. This catastrophe had more questions than answers. The public was in bewilderment, as it could have happened at all and what or who actually stood for this catastrophe: the tragic confluence of circumstances or carefully planned actions?

According to official data, the plane, on board which was the President of Poland, did not receive permission to land. That day the airport is Southern was even closed. The crew has repeatedly recommended landing in Minsk or Moscow, but despite this, the board fulfilled several landing sites in the area of \u200b\u200bSmolensk airport. Cathedral occurred.

In view of the established disadvantageous situation, landing the airliner, on board the first persons of the state, was planned to be carried out on the runway of the airport of Smolensk "North" on the runway. According to residents of the city, this airport is a rather old strategic military facility, which has not been functioning a long time ago. However, it was here that after the failure to follow the proposed course, an attempt was made to plant a liner of the president.

According to the "defined" persons, this airport was really in the "suspended" state. Among the staff who participated in the airport maintenance, there were only a few employees who were engaged in maintaining the runway in proper technical condition. According to them, despite the fact that the airport is located in close proximity to the city, planes very rarely on this strip. And the authorized representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in their official statement indicated that the airport is in working condition and function properly. And it was at this airport that Lech Kaczynsky arrived in 2007 for visiting the Katyn Memorial.

The funeral

Thus died Lech Kaczynsky (photo of the body, for known reasons, we cannot publish). But in the media, the burial procedure was highlighted comprehensively. And what is interesting. When looking at the photographs of the funeral procession, it definitely arises a feeling of deja vu. How does it turn out that Kaczynski seems to be killed, and it seems to be it, goes among the funeral procession? This is his twin brother.

Historical data: Operation analysis Tu-154

Let's look at why Lech Kaczynsky died? A plane crash, which occurred above Smolensk - regularity or coincidence? Part of the readers may have a subjective opinion as to which reason the airliner crashes. However, it is not necessary to rely on the absolute reliability of these machines. Since 2001, these aircraft accompanies a series of accidents. An example is 2001, when the board, the next from Tehran in the city of Yerevan, crashed. According to the final data of the investigation, all 153 people died, and at the conclusion of experts the cause of the aircraft was the error of pilots.

Three more air crashes occurred in 2001. According to the investigation, 145, 136 and 78 people were killed, including crew members. At the same time, according to the news feed, the cause of the fall of airliners in two cases was the crew error and pilots, and only in one case the drop in the aircraft occurred due to the fact that the latter was allegedly hit by a rocket during the teachings of troops.

In 2002, there were two first of them occurred, as the expert opinion says, due to the technical malfunction. But the second collapse occurred, apparently because of the error of dispatchers or automation of aircraft, since there was a collision with "Boeing" at an altitude of 12 thousand meters.

On this, it can be said, the catastrophe of the 154th ended, except for the situation that occurred during flights on August 24, 2004. At that moment, on board the aircraft in the air from Siberia and Volga-Aviaxpress, almost simultaneously worked two explosive devices, which joined suicide passengers on board. As a result of the catastrophe, all passengers died (respectively, 46 and 44 people).

In 2006, due to entering the thunderstorm Front, the Tu-154 board fell, which carried out the flight Anapa - St. Petersburg. After the plane lost control, he went to a flat corkscrew and crashed. All flight passengers died (169 people, of which 49 children and 10 crew members).

Of course, the query of the flight over Smolensk remains open, as well as Lech Kaczynsky died. A catastrophe based on the results of the first information obtained seemed to occur due to the fault of the pilots. It seems that the Tu-154 pilots have insufficient qualifications and simply "do not know how to fly on these machines, since all the catastrophes occurred precisely by the fault of the crew. And perhaps, the management of these aircraft is quite difficult, so that a simple pilot of civil aviation could fly on them? The third moment that can be voiced - it is possible that the automation of the aircraft does not sufficiently work out the control algorithms embodied in it, or they are ineffective in critical situations.

Memory of the people

Do not think that the people, even another state, immediately forgot the political figure and the leader of Poland. Four days after the aircraft crash in Ukraine, the street named after Lech Kaczynski appeared in Ukraine. Odessa thus expressed their condolences to the catastrophe occurrence and honored the memory of the Polish leader. It must be said that it was not a showing action, but a virtually unanimous decision of the deputies of the Odessa City Council, which has found support in the voices of ordinary citizens of the city.

Lech Alexander Kaczynsky (Polish. Lech Aleksander Kaczyński; June 18, 1949, Warsaw, Poland - April 10, 2010, Smolensk region, Russia) - Polish lawyer and politician, mayor of Warsaw (2002-2005), one of the leaders of the party "Law and Justice". In October 2005, he was elected president of Poland, on December 23, he joined the position of President of the Republic. He died in a plane crash on April 10, 2010 near the Russian city of Smolensk.

He first hit the pages of the Russian press after the mayor of Warsaw supported the initiative to assign one of the metropolitan areas named after Johahar Dudayev.

According to the deceased Polish leader, Russia sees in Poland not an equal partner, but only a zone of influence. Moscow, considered Kaczynski, tries to humiliate Poland in every way.

For all the years of his presidency, he was in Russia only once, in 2007, when he visited the cemetery in Katyn, but did not go to Moscow and did not meet with Russian leaders.

In 2006, Kaczynski offered the EU to introduce sanctions against Russia if Moscow refuses to remove the ban on the import of Polish meat and agricultural products. In addition, Poland left the veto at the beginning of the negotiations on cooperation between the European Union and Russia, which should have started at the Russia-EU summit on November 24. As a result, negotiations were never launched.

Lech Kaczynski always insisted that in bilateral relations of Poland and Russia to be shifted from the spot three main stumbling blocks: Katynskaya theme, an assessment of the results of the Second World War and the problem of the construction of the Baltic gas pipeline.

Polish president also repeatedly accused Moscow that she resorts to the energy chamber, using the dependence of Europe from oil and gas supplies from Russia. He very critically referred to Vladimir Putin and his politics. Having barely come to power, he said: "We are always happy to see Putin's president in ourselves," hinting for not going to Russia, as Russian leaders are less likely to visit Poland than Polish leaders - Russia.

And in August 2008, he stated that the purpose of the invasion of the Russian troops to Georgia was to prevent Europe to end the dependence on Russian energy carriers and diversify sources of supply.

In 2009, in his speech on the Vesterplatte Peninsula near Gdansk, Lech Kaczynski recalled that Polish soldiers were still resisted to Nazi aggressors, when the Soviet army invaded the eastern part of the country. "On this day, Poland received a knife in the back, and this blow was inflicted by Bolshevik Russia," explained the Polish president.

Lech Kaczynski also compared the massive execution of Polish officers in the Katyn Forest with the Holocaust and for the fact that Poland was able to reflect its aggression in 1920. During that war, tens of thousands of Soviet soldiers were captured by the Poles, most of which died due to unbearable conditions or were shot.

This year, the need for an organization in Katyn's separate memory ceremony shot there, Polish officers arose from President Kaczynski after he found out that Prime Minister Donald Tusk responded to the invitation of Vladimir Putin to visit Katyn. "I'm glad that the Prime Minister will be in Katyn. But the most important representative of the Commonwealth is the presicor, and I will be there too - I hope I will get a visa," Kaczynsky said unexpectedly.

After that, the protocol services had to work pretty to find a way out of an awkward situation. As a result, Warsaw decided to organize the trips to the premiere and president in different days.

Together with Lech Kaczynski in Katyn, about three hundred children and grandchildren of shot Polish officers were headed. Most of them drove there with a special train.

Lech Alexander Kaczynski was born on June 18, 1949. in Warsaw. He graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of Warsaw and Gdan University.
In 1971-1997 - Researcher of the University of Gdan.

In 1977, he began a political career in the Protection Committee of the Workers (the predecessor of the trade union "Solidarity"), the associate of Lech Valenses.

In 1980, the delegate of the 1st Congress of Solidarity.

In August 1980, he took an active part in the strike movement in Gdansk.

In 1983-1984, Kukovodil one of the commissions of Solidarity, then was the representative of this union in Gdansk.

In 1988 he became the secretary of the Universion Commission "Solidarity", in 1989 - a member of the Presidium of this Commission, in 1990 - the First Deputy Chairman.

In 1989, Lech Kaczynsky was elected to the Senate, and in 1991 in the Sejm.

In 1991, he headed the National Security Bureau in the Office of the President of Poland.

In 1992 he headed the Central Audit Commission (until 1995).

In the 1990s. - One of the leaders of the Party Agreement of the Centrist Force.

In 2000-2001 He served as Minister of Justice in the Government of Jerzy Buzek.

In the spring of 2001, together with Brother Yaroslav, he created the political party "Law and Justice" (ZIS), which in the same year received 9.5% of votes in the parliamentary elections.

In 2001 he was elected chairman of this party, however, in 2003, Yaroslav Kakachinsky changed him in this post.

Since 2002, Warsaw is president (mayor).

In March 2005, Lech Kaczynski officially announced his intention to run for the presidency of Poland. It was assumed that in the case of the Victory ZIS in the parliamentary elections, Yaroslav will be the prime minister. Later, Yaroslav declared that he would take the post of head of the Polish government only if Lech was not elected president.

After the presidential election of 2005, Critics noted that Poland was actually under the leadership of Kaczynski twins: Lech was headed by the state, and Yaroslav as the leader of the dominant party could control the legislative power and government. Later, on July 14, 2006, the president appointed Yaroslav Kaczynski Prime Minister. By this time, observers noted significant tensions in Poland's relations with Western EU partners. At the same time, Poland advised as a devoted ally of the United States and was considered the most likely placement of the American base of missile defense. Forecasts were justified and forecasts for the deterioration of Polish-Russian relations. On November 15, 2006, Kaczynski offered the EU to introduce sanctions against Russia if Moscow refuses to remove the ban on the import of Polish meat and agricultural products. In addition, Poland left the veto at the beginning of the negotiations on cooperation between the European Union and Russia, which should have started at the Russia-EU summit on November 24. As a result, negotiations were never launched.

In July 2007, Poland faced a political crisis. At the insistence of Brother Yaroslav Lech Kaczynski, he retired Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Agriculture, Andrzej Lepper, who was allegedly involved in a corruption scandal. Lepper has been categorically denied his guilt. Although he promised to leave the SAMOOROPRONA party headed by him as part of the government coalition, the scandal was further developed when the media published reports that the resignation of the Deputy Prime Minister became the result of provocations from Yaroslav Kaczynski.

In October 2007, early parliamentary elections were held in Poland, in which Pis scored 32.11 percent of votes and gave way to the "civil platform" of Tska. According to experts, Tusk had to change Yaroslav Kaczynski as head of government. On November 5, 2007, Yaroslav resigned, and Leheh had the remaining three years of the presidential period to lead the country without supporting the brother premiere.

On April 10, 2010, the message was received that the plane on which Kaczynsky was located was crashed. According to preliminary data, the aircraft owned by the Polish Air Force, crashed during the landing at Smolensky. According to the head of the information management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Irina Andrianova, the catastrophe occurred at 10:56 Moscow time. Presumably, the plane grows a tree, performing a decline.

Place of birth, education. Born in Warsaw (Poland). In childhood, the twin brother starred in a children's fairy tale "Two, who stole the moon". In 1971 he graduated from Warsaw University - Faculty of Law and Administration. In 1980, he defended his doctoral dissertation for labor law.

Democratic opposition. Since 1976, in the underground committee of the protection of employees. In August 1980, he took an active part in the strike movement in Gdansk.

In 1981, supported the idea of \u200b\u200bunion union in Solidarity and became a delegate of the organization's congress. For participation in "solidarity" after the introduction of Military situation was an internized, was in the camp in Stristbelink from December 1981 to October 1982. After liberation, returned to trade union activities.

1983-1984 - Head of the Commissions "Solidarity" on relations with the Polish United Worked Party, a member of the regional department of "Solidarity" in Gdansk.

In 1985, he entered the regional council assistance to political prisoners.

Since 1988, he was a member of the Civil Committee, who led Lech Valens, the future president of Poland.

1988-1990 - Member of the Secretariat, Member of the Presidium of the National Executive Committee of Solidarity, First Deputy Chairman of Solidarity. Participated in negotiations with the government. In fact, ruled the organization during the Presidential Campaign Lech Valenses and after he was elected head of state.

Political activity.1989 - elected to the Senate, in 1999 - to the Seimas.

In 1991, he headed the National Security Bureau in the office of President Poland. Resigned after the conflict with the president and chapter of the office.

Since 1991 - Chairman of the Administration and the Committee of the Interior.

1992-1995 - Head of the Supreme Control Chamber.

He was a member of the Council of Administration of the International Labor Organization in the UN, a member of the Presidium of the European Organization of Supreme Controls EUROSAI.

1995-1997 - Deputy Chairman of the Program Department of the Institute of Public Affairs.

In the 1990s there was a gap between the Kakachinsky and Lech Valence brothers associated with the president's reluctance to remove the communist countries from the leadership. After election in 1995, Ex-Communist head of state, Lech Kaczynsky returned to scientific activities. In particular, in 1996-1997. - Professor of the University of Gdan, since 1999 - Professor University named after Cardinal Stephen Vyshinsky in Warsaw.

1999-2000 - Member of the codification committee in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

2000-2001 - Minister of Justice in the Government of Jersey Buzek.

In 2001, together with Brother Yaroslav, he created the right political party "Right and Justice", which in the same year, 9.5% of votes received at the parliamentary elections. In 2003, he gave way to the head of the party of his brother.

2002-2005 - Mayor Warsaw.

2005-2010 - President of the Republic of Poland.

Views and evaluation.C began political activities in free Poland called for democratization of public life. At the same time, he spoke against same-sex marriages, abortions and euthanasia. While being the mayor of Warsaw, forbade Gay Parada. Supported the death penalty.

He considered his theses "return to traditional values." Lech Kaczynski was convinced that the Catholic Church should play the most significant role in the life of Polish society.

After the presidential election of 2005, critics were noted that Poland was under the leadership of Kaczynski brothers: the younger was headed by the state, and the senior headed the party dominant in the Sejam, and later the prime minister was appointed at all.

In Europe, Lech Kaczynski was considered an ambiguous figure. In particular, he was often accused of anti-Russian politics. According to the Polish president, there were three stumbling blocks in Polish-Russian relations: Katyn, an assessment of the results of the Second World War and the construction of the Baltic gas pipeline.

In addition, Lech Kaczynski condemned Russia's actions during the conflict in South Ossetia in August 2008 and expressed support for Georgia.

In August 2008, Lech Kaczynski and President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus signed a joint declaration with a request to adopt Ukraine and Georgia to NATO. Poland also signed an agreement with the United States on the placement of the elements of the American system of the American system, in response, the President of the Russian Federation promised to accommodate in the Kaliningrad region "Iskander". Later, the United States refused plans related to the placement of the Pro System in Eastern Europe. Then, as an explanation of this decision of the American side, Lech Kaczynsky called mistakes made in the US Negotiations with the US Prime Minister, while many Polish politicians laid guilt on the president himself and its anti-Russian policies.

Tragic finale.Poland Lech Kaczynsky President died in avicatastro under Smolensk (Russian Federation). Polish government Tu-154 crashed during landing in conditions of poor visibility. On board were high-ranking officials, including deputies of the Senate and the Sejm, Vice-Speakers, the Higher Military Guide of the country. Nobody survived. Including the first ladies of Poland Maria Kaczynskaya died. The delegation was heading for mourning events in Katyn.

Regalia.He was awarded the orders of different countries, including the Georgian Order of the Victory named after St. George, the Ukrainian Order of Yaroslav Wise I degree, the Order of Heydar Aliyev.

A family. The twin brother is a famous politician. Mary's wife was an economist. The spouses remained the daughter of March and two granddaughters: Eva and Martin.