Tömer is an international exam in Turkish language. Levels of Turkish

Tömer exam - This is a logical completion of the study courses of the Turkish language, which can be passed in 10 training centers in Turkey. However, the passage of such courses directly in Tömer training centers is not at all. You can learn Turkish at home yourself, in the courses of the Turkish language in your hometown or engage in the tutor of the Turkish language on Skype, in the end, is your personal matter. But Tömer will still have to go to Turkey.

In order to pass the exam, you will need to pass a preliminary test, during which the Tömer teacher will determine your level and the level of that exam to which you will be allowed. This at first glance is difficult with attentive and relaxed review (even with a cup of Turkish coffee or hookah) turns out to be an excellent advantage of organizing the exam in Turkish tongue from other exams. Judge for yourself, often our ambitions are above our possibilities and we can declare that they are ready to pass an exam on the level C1, although they are barely reach to B2. As a result, we have extra unjustified and not crowned with a diploma spending, a sharp drop in self-esteem and the collapse of goals related to the successful passing of TOEFL, IELTS, DELE, or any other linguistic exam. Before Tömer, a qualified specialist soberly will appreciate your capabilities. After that, the head of the appropriate Tömer compartment defines the date of your exam. Due to the fact that the exams on the Turkish language are held on certain days, it may be necessary to expect an event a couple of days. During this time, you can pay the exam. If you apply for a certificate (basic and average levels), then you will have to post 200 Turkish lyri, if on the diploma (highest level) - 350 of the same Turkish lira.

As for the levels of ownership of the Turkish language, they are 3, namely: Temel, or in our basic, Orta - Middle and Yüksek - the highest.

The exam itself is traditionally divided into 5 parts:

  • Reading. You get some text in Turkish and 25 test questions to it. Responding to questions, you must demonstrate the understanding read. In order for such a demonstration to be successful, you must "guess" the answers at least 15 questions.
  • Sözlü Anlatım.. In this task, the examiner receives the text and written options for issues that the examiner will voiced by reading the text. You will have orally not only to answer the questions set, but also to express your opinion on this or that question raised in the text. The purpose of this part for you will be the next 15 points out of 25 possible.
  • Karşılıklı Konuşma. - Another oral part of the exam, but if your argument skills and the construction of a monologue were checked in the previous part, then here you are together with a partner (the same sealing exam) will be asked to play a certain dialogue on household topics. In this task, 15 points are a maximum, and your task is at least 9 points.
  • DinleMe., or listening. You will be offered to listen to the record and 25 test questions about the listened, if you manage to answer at least 15 of them, it means that this part of the exam succumbed to you.
  • Yazılı Anlatım. - This is a crown exam. You will be offered to write a small essay-essay (about 100 words), where it is important not only to be grammatically and lexically correct, but also to comply with the rules for building text. The proportion of this task is not so large, a maximum of 10 points, of which 6 are credited minimum.

Thus, your task is to recruit at least 60% of points, but it will not be possible to compensate for a novel written speech of good grammar. The developers of Tömera from the metropolitan university in Ankara made themselves as much as possible that your knowledge of the Turkish language was assessed as comprehensively as possible.

That favorably distinguishes the exam in Turkish language from all other language exams, so this is the fact that the test results are checked directly during it, and you can find out your result immediately after checking the essay.

And if you all happen, then leave two of your photos in the examination center the necessary for the examination of the exam and go to wait.

The certificate has to wait for 2 weeks (it signed by the head of the Tömera department, in which the exam was given). But the diploma will have to wait a little longer - 2 months, although it can actually be twicear longer. This is due to the fact that the rector of the university in Ankara is signed personally. Obtaining a document also conjugate with some inconveniences. Tömer sends such documents only within Turkey, but it will not work by mail abroad. However, if you have friends, familiar or relatives in Turkey, they may well receive your document on your home address (if you specify it) or pick up in person in the center, no official documents are required for this. For a while, the documents are drawn up, you get a kind of certificate that they have passed such an exam.

More information about the exam, materials for training and other useful information can be learned on the Tömer special page on the University of Ankara website.

The learning process of the Turkish language is divided into 3 levels:

  • Basic (Temel)
  • Middle (ORTA)
  • Higher (Yüksek)

Each course contains 12 sections (Ünite) including 1-2 lexical and 5-6 grammatical topics. For each level, a special complex of educational materials developed by teachers and methodologists is offered:

  • tutorial (Yenİ HİTİT Ders Kitabı),
  • workbook (Yenİ HİTİT çalışma Kitabı),
  • audio materials in Turkish, as well as additional materials.

Approximate number of academic hours for each level:

  • Temel 1 A0 - A1 90 AK. h.
  • Temel 2 A2 90 AK. h.
  • ORTA B1 160 AK. h.
  • Yüksek 1 B2 90 AK.CH
  • Yüksek 2 C1 90 AK.CH

If you have already studied the Turkish language earlier, you can come and pass a free test to determine the level of language proficiency.

The task of each course is the development of the following active skills:

DIİKTE: playback skills in writing Oral speech.

Okuma-Anlama: Skills of reading and understanding writing speech.

DİNLEME-ANLAMA: Skills of understanding the oral dialogic and monologue speech in Turkish.

Konuşma: dialogic skills (conversations in a certain situation) and monologic (communication, reports) of oral speech in Turkish.

Yazili Anlatim: Skills for presenting your own thoughts and ideas in writing to a specific one specified, or a free topic in Turkish.

These courses are also aimed at the development of grammar (DİLBİLGİSİ) and the formation of active vocabulary (Sözlü Anlatim) student.

For example: at the end of the Temel1 A0-A1 course, you can own the Turkish language in a sufficient amount to understand modern Turkish speech, reading non-adaptive texts and communication in all sorts of situations. Your lexical stock at the end of this course will be about a thousand lexical units.

During the course you will learn: to compare people and items in Turkish, arguing in Turkish different types activities; conduct a conversation in the Turkish language about the events that occurred; To discuss plans for the future, to apply a subjunctive ignition in speech, it is enough to perceive authentic Turkish speech, read uncomplicated non-adaptation texts. And also: Talking in Turkish about yourself, your home and family, look for work, go through interview, make a resume, order food, bargain in the market, orient in the city, describe the places where you visited. Turkish culture: you will know what the Turks eat, what places of rest they prefer, how they spend a vacation, what and where they buy, how do they like to do in free timeWhat films are watching. Get acquainted with the famous singers and their creations, customs and traditions of Turkey. The subject of discussion at each occupation is the various aspects of modern Turkish culture: literature, cinema, society, lifestyle, family, etc.

Turkish is not very popular among languages \u200b\u200bthat choose to explore. Basically, it is preferred to learn English, German, French or Italian. The difficulty in studying the Turkish language is that it is highly difficult to find the necessary educational material. Therefore, it is resorted to private rehearsals that conduct their classes in groups or individually with each student.

Today is very popular online training. Online courses are designed for those who are just starting to know the basics of languages, as well as for those who have long studied the language, but forgot him over time. Turkish online tutor holds his lessons using the Skype program, while each listener is selected individual program learning. The training program depends on the wishes and necessity of students. The lessons of Turkish Skype covers three main stages. At the first stage there is a study of grammar and language vocabulary with the use of knowledge in practical classes. In the second stage, practical classes are held on which the conversation and vocabulary is improved. At the third stage there are classes on the perception of a language for a rumor. Studying Turkish online will not take long time. After graduation, you can freely talk to different topics: tell about yourself, your hobbies, kind of classes.

If you want not only to talk, but also watch movies, read newspapers and magazines, then in this case it will be rational to learn the language more thoroughly.

For those who want to do this, there are five levels of in-depth study with the Turkish tutor online.

First level. Here they are trained in the most Azam communicative skills. In grammar pay attention to the verbs, their decisions, as well as the construction of simple proposals and the coordination of different forms of nouns.

Second level. Assumes more in-depth study Materials, with thematic studies begins. For example, the themes and movies are affected. The grammar appears the future time, and conditional inclination.

Third level. The main task of this level is to understand the fluent speech. There are complicated topics for discussion. These may be topics that are associated with a visit to a doctor or a conversation with a representative of power. It also passes the study of modern literature, culture and traditions of the Turkish people.

Fourth level. At this stage of training, the knowledge of the lexical and grammatical foundations of the language is deepened. And the preparation of listeners for passing exams begins.

Fifth level. It is the most advanced and high-class level of training. At this level, nothing is taught, there is a consolidation of the knowledge gained. The topics that concern all aspects are discussed. modern life Turkey. Listeners can already free speech and have enough information for free conversation, as well as to read scientific and specific literature.

To date, the most demanded online courses are courses that are prepared for travel. Turkish tutor online will be able to quickly prepare everyone.

Material prepared:
Elena careful.