Paired voiced - voiceless consonants D-T; V-F. Album of graphic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical exercises

Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

Pages: 32

The year of publishing: 2016

Tongue: Russian

The manual is of a purely practical nature (it is based on the experience of working on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia with children 6-9 years old) and consists of graphic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical exercises to distinguish the sounds V - F by ear and in pronunciation and the letters V - F on the letter. The manual is aimed at solving the following tasks: development of phonemic perception, quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the vocabulary, consolidation different ways inflection and word formation, practical mastering of the spelling of words with paired consonants B - F. Designed mainly for individual work with a child or a small group of children (2-3 people) and can be used by both teachers (speech therapists, teachers, tutors) and parents.


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To find the right book the web is not so easy these days. Free download is a godsend! Sending SMS did not take much time, but the result met all expectations - I finally downloaded "Paired voiced - voiceless consonants B - F. Album of graphic, phonemic and lexico-grammatical exercises for children 6-9 years old." Very user-friendly site. Thanks to the developers who have saved a lot of time on finding the necessary information for a lot of users.

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The problem of violations of written language, low literacy and academic failure in the Russian language has not lost its relevance, despite serious achievements both in its theoretical coverage and in practical correction and speech therapy work.

For a number of objective reasons, it is becoming more and more acute, presenting significant difficulties in mastering literacy, preventing children from successfully mastering the Russian language in general, Russian grammar in particular, and requiring enormous efforts from teachers and children to resolve it.

A number of leading specialists of our country in the field of psychology and speech therapy have devoted their works to the coverage in theory and practice of problems associated with violations of written speech, ways and means of overcoming them: A.F. Luria, L.N. Efimenkova, G.A. Kashe, R.I. Lalaeva, N.A. Nikashina, L.G. Paramonova, I.N. Sadovnikova, L.F. Spirova and others.

This manual is purely practical and is a set didactic material mainly for individual exercises aimed at the development of phonemic perception, sound analysis, distinguishing between paired voiced and voiceless consonants in pronunciation and writing, for mastering the spelling of words with dubious voiced - voiceless consonants in practice, for practical mastering of various ways of checking the correct spelling of these words children aged 6-9 years.

The proposed exercises combine the interaction of speech, speech-motor, auditory, visual, motor analyzers: clapping, clenching fists, bending and bending the palms, stomping, drawing outlines of letters in the air, on the table with fingers, palms, tracing the contours of letters, shading with pencils, etc. etc., contribute to the discrimination of paired voiced - voiceless consonants Б - П by ear and in pronunciation and letters Б - П in writing.

A significant place in the manual is occupied by exercises that directly develop visual and auditory attention and memory, training the pace of performing mental operations, consolidating various ways of word formation, enriching the active vocabulary, thereby contributing to the successful mastering of the Russian language in general and Russian grammar in particular.

All this serves not only to prevent violations of writing and academic failureby russian, but can be used to eliminate them both in individual and in group work with dysgraphs (mainly acoustic and agrammatic dysgraphia) of different ages.

The duration of the classes is determined by the teacher depending onfrom age children and their level of development (15 to 30 minutes).

1. Acquaintance with the sounds and letters B, P

(1) Place your hand on your throat. Say the sounds B - P several times in turn. What sound does your throat tremble at?(B.) What sound doesn't your throat tremble at?(P.)

(2) Trace the outlines of the letters. Paint over B with blue pencil and P with blue.

  1. "Write" palms in the air, first the letter B, then the letter P.
  2. Circle the contours of the letters B and P with each finger of the leading hand.Execute shading the letter B with a blue pencil, and the letter P -blue according to the sample.

(5) Circle all the letters in the cells in dots: B - in blue pencil, and P - in blue.

(6) "Draw" letters B and P on the table with each finger of your dominant hand. Hatch the letter B with a blue pencil, and the letter P with a blue one.

(7) Look at and name the pictures. If the word contains the sound B - clap, if the sound P - clench your fists.

(8) Name the pictures again. Determine the place of the sound B or P in the house of the word.

(9) Close the page and call from memory first the pictures for the sound P, then forsound B.

(11) Remember and name the pictures from the exercise7 (p. 3). What changed? What pictures have disappeared? Which ones appeared?

(12) Count from 1 to 10 and back with wordsbalalaika, panama.

(13) Look at the pictures. Name the pictures first for sound B, then for sound P. Remember and name the pictures from exercise 10 (p. 4). Which pictures have disappeared, which have remained, and which have appeared?


(15) Look at the pictures again. Close the page. Call the sound B pictures from memory.

(16) Determine the place of sound B in wordsdrum, butterfly, bagel.

(17) Look at and name the pictures. Remember and name the pictures from exercise 13 (p. 5). Which pictures have disappeared, which have remained, and which have appeared?

(18) Determine which picture is "extra" here. Underline it and explain why it doesn't fit the other eight?

(19) Look at the pictures again. Close the page. Name the pictures on the sound P.

2. BA, PA at the beginning and middle of a word

(1) Game "Clap-top". Listen to the words. Clap your hands on BA, stomp on PA.

Memory pool passenger soldering iron

ballet longboat password shepherd

badminton parquetsail beam

bazaar shoe barometer plowman

apiary shell kayak parachute

front garden eggplant balladfringe

park spider parade tower

luggage fable velvet partisan

desk battery barge panther

(2) Insert the missing BA or PA. Read the words.

(3) Listen to the words from exercise 1 (p. 7) again. Compare them with the word
from exercise 2 (p. 7). Find and name the changed words
wah. Sample:
memory is a monument.

Adult tip:memory is a monument, ballet is a ballerina, a shepherd is a shepherd, a sail is a sailboat, a beam is a balcony, a shoe is a slipper, a spider is a web, a tower is a turret.

(4) parachute, parachutist,
Why are these words called related?

(5) Listen to the words. On BA, raise your hands up, on PA, lower them down.

Nabat bathing suit packing swimsuit

wild boar harvester chimpanzee sausage

fisherman trumpeter leopard starfall

lampshade hostel bather smell

shirt attack apparatus west

danger double bass bather fun

additive snowfall dog herbarium

troubadour shovel stocks slippers

blockhead acrobat late decline

scoop plane albatross tobacco

zoo allowance compass cypress

shepherd falling leaves tentacles flounder

trap waterfall swimming zucchini

(6) Listen to the words from Exercise 5 again. Remember and repeat related words to the wordbathe.

(7) Count from 1 to 10 and back again with wordstrumpeter, bathhouse.

buy a swimsuit


i buy a swimsuitwe buy a swimsuit

you buy a swimsuityou buy a swimsuit

he (she) buys a swimsuitthey buy a swimsuit

3. BO, PO at the beginning and middle of a word

(1) Insert the missing BO or PO into the words. Read the words and memorize their spelling with BO or PO.

illness, sick, hospital.

(h) From exercise 1 (p. 9) pain. Close the page. Remember and repeat a group of related words.

(4) Insert the missing BO or PO into the words. Read the words. Remember their spelling.

(5) Read the words from exercise 4(p. 10) again. Find related words to wordsboot, freedom, work.Make sentences with selected related words.

4. WOULD BE at the beginning and middle of a word

(1) Insert in the words the missing WB or PY. Read the words. Related words to the worddust underline with a blue pencil, by the wayfast - blue.

  1. Remember and name, without peeping, both groups of related words.
  2. Count from 1 to 10 and back again with wordsfiction, stalwart, event.

14. BU, PU at the beginning and middle of a word

  1. Find related words to the wordempty. Remember them and repeat from memory. Make sentences with each of these words.
  2. Insert the missing BU or PU in the words. Read the words.

(5) Conjugate in the future tense

wake up Cheburashka


i will wake up Cheburashkawe will wake up Cheburashka

you wake up Cheburashkayou wake up Cheburashka

he (she) will wake up Cheburashkathey will wake up Cheburashka

(6) Look at the pictures. Namefirst pictures for sound B, then for sound P

6. BRA, BRO, BRU, BRY - PRA, PRO, PRU, PRA at the beginning, middle and end of a word

  1. Remember and name without peeping, related words to the wordjump. Make up with everyoneof them offer.
  2. Conjugate in the future tense

jump over a block


i will jump over the barwe will jump over the bar

you will jump over the baryou will jump over the bar

he (she) will jump over the bar they will jump over the bar

7. BLA, BLO, BLU, BLU - PLA, PLO, PLU, PLA at the beginning, middle and end of a word

  1. Find related words to the wordto swim.
  2. Conjugate in the present tense



i am breaststrokewe swim breaststroke

you swim breaststrokeyou breaststroke

he (she) swims breaststrokethey breaststroke

(4) Count from 1 to 10 and back again with wordsswimmer, swimmer, cloud, shawl.

8. Words with several missing consonants B, P

(1) Insert the missing letters B, P into the words and read the words.

(2) Count from 1 to 10 and back again with wordsdrummer, drummer, drummer.Why are they called related?

9. Word formation of various parts of speech

(1) Form nouns from these words, denoting people according to their occupation. Sample:piano - pianist.

Piano mail double bass trumpet

machine gun button accordion violin fire

boots drum parenting help

sport volleyball basketball fight

running riot water pipe rescue

boxing fight journey bath

release parachute car football

parquet buffet magic infantry

chat buy test write

hurt command teach jump

sing intertwine translate rob

graze invent sell win

work observe deceive clean up

  1. Make sentences with formed words (optional).
  2. Form adjectives (signs) from these words. Choose nouns (objects) that are suitable for them. Sample:field is a wildflower.

Field lips trolleybus passenger

stock victory bus bread

teeth sideboard couple danger

park kapron hospital luggage

infantry volleyball spring barrier

linden mail security dispute

bath bronze parquet tower

desert football fun freedom

bamboo parachute drum ability

parade caring velvet paper

poplar ballet fisherman ship

ram boulevard banana benefit

bathing brother sports cotton

sail boots tryout true

(4) Make sentences with the resulting phrases. Sample:wildflower - There is a bouquet of wildflowers in a vase.

(5) Form nouns from these verbs according to the pattern. Sample:to conquer is conquest.

Conquer recall obey

manage wander celebrate

bring near misguided observe

ponder attempt to test

jump over appear educate

save swim throw up

observe mumble splatter

wake up to scent resist

resume form attack

thank connect stay awake

introduce teach chant

butt transform scatter

strum conjugate paint

dispose acquire memorize

  1. Count from 1 to 10 and back again with wordstrial, attack, delusion.
  2. Conjugate in the present tense

follow spelling rules jump over barriers


i follow the rules ...we follow the rules ...

you follow the rules follow the rules ...

he (she) follows the rules ...they follow the rules ...

10. Pairs of words in B - P

11. Doubtful consonants B, P at the end

and in the middle of the word


Sound B at the end words are deafened and sounds like the sound P. In order not tomake a mistake in spelling, you need to choose a test word. INtest word after questionable consonantsound B or P should be a vowel sound.

  1. Change every a word patterned for checking a dubious consonant inend of the word. Sample: gris ... - mushrooms mushroom.

(h) Choose related words for each word to check the dubious consonant. Sample:fish ... ka - fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish, fish ... - ›fish. After checking, insert the missing letters B or P.

12. Recovering deformed words

(1) Guess the words by putting the syllables in the right order (based on pictures). Sample:la, oh, ka - clouds.Match each word with a matching picture.

La, oh, ka bak, ry boo, ka, lav

ba, ka, chok pa, lam a, kos, brie

(2) Guess the words by putting the syllables in the right order. Sample:ket, boo - bouquet.

Ket, boo ka, bul la, po, na, bro, do

ba, tru ta, steam ma, boo, ga kam, pad, not

rus, pa ba, zha those, pan, ra li, pad, hundred

bra, ko wlin, pa ra, ba, ban poo, ka, shin

ha, pur beech, bam su, po, yes pru, na, zhi

pa, tro con, bal pa, lo, ta shka, boo, ka

tone, ba vi, bro ba, so, ka move, ro, pa

uk, pa ka, shap dor, mi, po bo, yes, ro

long time, then run, boom, na, pa le, by, but

ba, shu wa, buk ka, rear, boo bli, ki, boo

13. Anagrams * with letters B, P

Words for reference:start-up, bug, cook, linden, bale, crowds, sickle; ax, slaves, park, trails, wild boar, bras, bar (slave); file, set, stick, camp, fisherman, break, boat; button accordion, furnace, crab, barrel, fingers, noodles, booths.

* Anagram - a word or phrase formed by permutation of letters or syllables.

(2) Read the sentences. Correct semantic errors by replacing the data in parentheses with anagrams. Sample:A mirror (park) floats in the pond. - A mirror carp is swimming in the pond.Write down appropriate words next to the anagrams.

A mirror (park) floats in the pond.

(Marriage) sits in the sea under a stone.

At Baba Yaga, instead of an airplane (graze).

(Rybka) threw a seine into the sea.

The kitchen has a table, wardrobe, chair and (pay).

A cat (drops) with scratching claws.

A gypsy (torba) roams the steppe.

He cooks borsch and porridge in the kitchen (right).

The command is distributed ("stingy") -

and the rocket takes off into the sky.

Shepherds (stupa) herds in the pastures.

There are many lindens in the park and one (cube).

In the refrigerator (wild boar) with jam.

Dad put on a raincoat, boots and (I dance).

14. Drawing up sentences for key words

(1) Read the verbs. Pick up nouns that match them. Put the number of the required verb in the empty box in front of the chosen noun.

(2) Read the word pairs from Exercise 1 again. Compose and write sentences with them. Sample:congratulations, victory - Childrencongratulated veterans happyVictory.

15. Crosswords on B, P

(1) Guess by the supporting consonants and write the names of vegetables horizontally in the cells of the crossword puzzle and read the name of the vegetable in the selected column vertically.


  1. Efimenkova, L.N.Formation of speech among preschoolers / L.N. Efimenkov. - M.: Education, 1985.
  2. Kashe, GA.Preparation for school for children with speech impairments / GA Kashe. - M .: Education, 1985.
  3. Konovalenko, SV.How to learn to think faster and remember better / Svetlana Konovalenko. - M .: Eksmo, 2002.
  4. Konovalenko, SV.How to prepare a child for school / Svetlana Konovalenko. - M.: Eksmo, 2004.
  5. Konovalenko, V.V.Related words: release 1,2 / V.V. Konovalenko. - M.: GNOM and D, 2005.
  6. Lalaeva, R.I.Diagnostics and correction of reading and writing disorders in primary school students / RI Lalaeva, L.V. Benediktov. - SPb. : Union, 2003.
  7. Levin, R.E.Fundamentals of the theory and practice of speech therapy / R.E. Levin. -(M.: Education, 1968.
  8. Ozhegov, SI.Dictionary of the Russian language / SI. Ozhegov; edited by N.Yu. Shvedova. - M.: Russian language, 1986.
  9. Paramonova, L.G.Spelling step by step / L.G. Paramonova. - SPb. : Union, 2004.
  10. Paramonova, L.G.Prevention and elimination of dysgraphia / L.G. Paramonova. - SPb. : Union, 2004.
  11. Pay, E.F.Correction of deficiencies in pronunciation in schoolchildren / E.F. Pay, V.I. Christmas. - M .: Education, 1969.
  12. Sadovnikova, I.N.Written Speech Disorders and Their Overcoming in Primary School Students / I.N. Sadovnikov. - M.: Vlados, 1995.
  13. Dictionarycollocation of words of the Russian language. Nouns. Adjectives. Verbs / State Institute of the Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin. - M.: Astrel, 2002.
  14. Explanatorydictionary of the Russian language / edited by D.N. Ushakova: in 4 volumes - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia,1947.
  15. Edigey, V.B.Learn to read, kid! / V. Edigei. - Kiev: Grand, 1994.
  16. Edigey V.B.Passion for reading. Lessons in the development of thinking and reading techniques / V.B. Edigue. - M.: Education, 1997.
  17. Encyclopedicdictionary: in 3 volumes - M.: Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 1953.

UDC 376.1-053.264 BBK 74.3 K64

Series "Prevention and Correction of Written Speech Disorders in Children" Edition of Developmental Education

Konovalenko, V.V.

К64 Paired voiced - voiceless consonants B - P. Album of graphic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical exercises for children 6-9 years old / V.V. Konovalenko, SV. Konovalenko. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2009. - 32 p. - (Prevention and correction of violations of written language in children).

ISBN 978-5-296-01062-9

The manual is of a purely practical nature (it is based on the experience of working on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia with children 6-9 years old) and consists of graphic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical exercises to distinguish between sounds B - P by ear and in pronunciation and letters B - P on the letter.

The manual is aimed at solving the following tasks: the development of phonemic perception, the quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the dictionary, the consolidation of various methods of inflection and word formation, the practical mastering of the spelling of words with paired consonants B - P.

It is intended mainly for individual work with a child or a small group of children (2-3 people) and can be used by both teachers (speech therapists, teachers, tutors) and parents.

UDC 376.1-053.264 BBK 74.3

Publisher -A.P. KazakovEditor -N.E. ArbekovaIllustrations and cover -D.R. KudryakovOriginal layout -N.M. Kudryakova

LLC "Publishing house GNOMandD "Tel .:8-926-215-10-05, 8-926-046-44-46. Email post office:[email protected]

Sanitary and Epidemiological Conclusion N ° 006471.06.08 from 25.06.2008

Signed for printing 10.06.2009. Offset printing. Volume - 2 pp. Format 70x100 / 16. Circulation 2000 copies. Order№464,6

Printed in accordance with the quality of the transparencies provided

inJSC "Moscow Printing House No. 2" 129085, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 105. Tel .: 682-24-91.

© Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S., 2009
ISBN 978-5-296-01062-9
© Design. LLC "Publishing house GNOM and D", 2009

What are the development tasks sound culture speech of children 5-7 years old? “To develop phonemic perception, pronunciation and intonation aspects of speech. Learn to differentiate by ear and correctly pronounce sounds that are close in articulation and acoustics (hard and soft, dull and voiced, whistling and hissing, sonorous). Exercise in the correct pronunciation of sounds in words and pure phrases, short poems. Learn to arbitrarily adjust the intonation, tempo and volume of pronunciation. " (From the basic program for the development of a preschool child "Origins".)
In this book, verses, phrases, exercises, tasks are selected so as to encourage the child to select and pronounce words with a certain sound, find the place of this sound in a word (at the beginning, middle, end), activate thinking and enrich coherent speech. Tasks can be diversified by inviting the child to ask questions on the pictures himself, come up with one short sentence of 3-5 words or a short story for each illustration, pronounce a catchphrase or rhymed lines at a slow and fast pace, with increasing or decreasing voice strength.

This album is intended for speech therapy examination of the state of the phonemic system in children with oral and written speech disorders. Visual material makes it possible to determine the ability to differentiate phonemes by ear according to various phonemic characteristics and to reveal the child's ability to pronounce words with different sound-syllable structures.
The album contains: a card index of subject pictures, the names of which are quasi-homonymous words. With the help of such pictures, the ability of auditory differentiation of phonemes is checked according to the characteristics: voiced - deaf (Fig. 1-2), oral - nasal (Fig. 3-4), hard - soft (Fig. 5-6), front-lingual - back-lingual (Fig. .7-8), front lingual - middle lingual (Fig. 9), middle lingual - back lingual (Fig. 10), labial - front lingual (Fig. 11), labial - labial - dental (Fig. 12), front lingual occlusives - front lingual slotted (Fig. 13-14), sibilant - sibilant (Fig. 15-18), sibilant affricates - sibilant slotted (Fig. 19-20), sibilant affricates - occlusive anterior lingual (Fig. 21), sibilant affricates - sibilant slotted ( fig. 22), vibrants - occlusive - through mouth (fig. 23-25).
A set of subject and plot pictures for checking the state of the sound-syllable structure of words: monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants (Fig. 26-29), two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (Fig. 30-33), polysyllabic words without a confluence of consonants (Fig. 34-39) , polysyllabic words with a confluence of consonants (Fig. 40-45), plot pictures, when naming them, the use of words of a complex syllable structure is required (Fig. 46-48).

The use of visual symbols (signs) by a preschooler:
- improves the perception of speech sounds;
- contributes to the normalization of pronunciation;
- provides enduring skills in sound analysis and synthesis;
- improves attention and memory;
- increases readiness for reading and writing.

Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko SV.
Express examination of sound pronunciation in children
preschool and primary school age.
A guide for speech therapists. - M .: "Gnom-Press", 2000., color insert.
The manual is intended for operational mass examination of sound pronunciation in children of preschool and primary school age in order to identify those in need of speech therapy assistance.
The manual presents: a survey plan for sound pronunciation, practical verbal and picture material for its implementation.
The manual has been published compactly for convenient use in out-of-hospital conditions. It presents sufficient verbal and picture material for preliminary examination and analysis: the general picture of sound pronunciation, the state of phonemic hearing, readiness for sound analysis, the level of the child's mastery of the sound-syllable structure of the language, the degree of formation of phrase speech.
Recommended for preschool and school speech therapists.

Available in formats: EPUB | PDF | FB2

Pages: 32

The year of publishing: 2016

Tongue: Russian

The manual is of a purely practical nature (it is based on the experience of working on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia with children 6-9 years old) and consists of graphic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical exercises to distinguish sounds D - T by ear and in pronunciation and letters D - T on the letter. The manual is aimed at solving the following tasks: the development of phonemic perception, the quantitative and qualitative enrichment of the vocabulary, the consolidation of various methods of inflection and word formation, the practical mastering of the spelling of words with paired consonants D - t. It is intended mainly for individual work with a child or a small group of children (2-3 person) and can be used by both teachers (speech therapists, teachers, tutors) and parents.


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