Quail weight in 1 month. Why is quail meat so helpful? Pharaoh Breed Overview

Feeding quails at home is possible with the use of balanced finished feed, as well as wet and dry mixes manufactured independently from components available in the household.

Quail - actively growing, productive bird, and for the most part, egg and meat output depends on the presence of nutrients in the feed. Most important for young and non-masculine - protein, minerals and biologically active substances, so the mixtures are enriched with protein components and vitamins, not forgetting to add chalk or tricalcium phosphate.

Most effective in feeding the birds special balanced feed. However, the standard quail feed feed is difficult to receive. In this case, you can use high-quality mixtures for indeeks, which are mainly sold in the form of a large crumb that is quite suitable for quails and minimizes the loss of expensive feed.

During the first six weeks, quails are required by a diet containing at 100 g of about 28% protein and 330 kcal of exchange energy, as well as 1.0% calcium. A good quality feed for feeding turkey contains about 25% - 27% protein, so that such mixes can be used for feeding quiet.

If this option is also unavailable, buy start-up feedbox for chickens (20-22% protein), but the growth rate will slow down, if they do not enhance the mixture with protein additives - soy meat, dry milk or meat-bone flour.

Requirements for the diet in adults are similar to the needs of young, except that calcium and phosphorus levels should be increased. Norms for feeding grown quails -
About 24% protein and 2.5-3.0% calcium. The contents of the main elements can be increased to 27% protein and 3.5% calcium in hot weather, when birds eat less food, but still require a lot of calcium and protein to maintain egg production.

Adults are consumed per day from 14 to 18 g of a feed, based on this data, you can approximately calculate the need for procurement. It is important to give fresh food stored in covered containers with tight adjacent lids, in a clean, dry, cool room where animals or a bird are not contained. The concentrated feed stored longer than 8 weeks is subject to oxidation, decomposition of vitamins and firing vitroles, especially in the summer months.

In the first week, when feeding with wizards, quail chicks are quoted often - at least 5-6 times a day, and starting from the eighth day, go to four-time meals. The remains of the mixtures are taken from the feeders 30 minutes after the cottage.

The mixture for daily quails consists of boiled eggs - quail is crushed directly with the shell, chicken - purified. The egg mass, which in the first day is at least two thirds of the mixtures, complement the steamed millet or pure wheat beam.

They love the greens, it attracts attention and awakens appetite, so from the first days there is a mixture with crushed disintegration - dandelions, yarrow, clover, nettle. Many greens do not give young quail.

Gradually, the egg content in the mixture is reduced, partially replacing and complementing an egg diet with boiled fish or fresh low-fat curd. By the fifth day, eggs from the diet are excluded, replacing them with cottage cheese, in the future, meat and fish flour are introduced into the food, soy concentrate, omitting the need for protein.

Approximate consumption of concentrated feed, r on the head per day

Young men under the age must receive feed with content in every 100 g:

  • 300 kcal exchange energy;
  • 28% of raw protein;
  • up to 3% crude fiber;
  • 1% calcium;
  • 0.8% phosphorus.

It is necessary to preserve small pure gravel or shells, starting from the fifth day of life quiet. The small sand does not give a bird.

Below is a table of approximate weight of young quails of different areas of productivity with balanced feeding.

Sufficient feeding frequency of adult quails - two or three times a day. Mandatory components of the stern mixture - concentrated feed and chalk. The eggsay bird should receive enough protein.

As the basis of feeding, crushed grain - wheat and corn, as well as soy and sunflower meal, greens, kitchen waste (unsalted).

Quail is useful to give greens - it stimulates appetite, serves as an excellent source of fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins. In the diet of adult quails include alfalfa, clover, cabbage leaves, swan, nettle, grated carrots and pumpkin.

During the day, an adult is fought at least 25 g of the endcords, of which 15 g falls on the grainseas and 10 g on a soy meal, which can be replaced by half of the volume with sunflower meal. The meal can be replaced with fresh cottage cheese, boiled fish, dry milk, fish or meat-like flour. At least 5 g of chalk or tricalcium phosphate are introduced per 100 g of the terminalism.

The nutritional composition of 100 g of a mixture for feeding adult individuals has such indicators:

  • 290 kcal exchange energy;
  • 21% of raw protein;
  • up to 5% crude fiber;
  • 2.8% calcium;
  • 0.8% phosphorus.

Claimed young bird, unsuitable for keeping on egg or tribal purposes, can be fattening. For this quail age for about a month, they are cleared into the cells quite tightly and placed in a darkened room.

The fattening lasts 30-40 days and ends with the achievement of the weight of meat breeds 170-220 g and eggs - 120-130 g. For slaughter, a bird is suitable for slaughter, in which Kiel does not fit on the chest and the presence of subcutaneous fat is noted.

Designed to slaughter quails are not fed for 4-5 hours, while water is not removed. Drafting carcasses are easiest to process with a wet method, for which they are lowered to half a hot water with a temperature of 55-60, after which they are removed and hanging.

Feeding and content of adult quail

Dear readers, write your feedback on the content of quails of the Japanese or other breed. Remember the possibility of sending a full-fledged story about the features of the content and breeding of poultry with the help of our contact form, and your article will be published in one of these sections. If you are a breeder and implement a young or egg - you can put this information, while do not forget to specify the area of \u200b\u200baccommodation and contact details.

Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 12 minutes


Quail not differ in large sizes. The length of the body of wild features reaches 12 cm. Weight 120 g. For season, the chicken lays 10 eggs. The breeders have improved the meat and egg characteristics of the bird. Homemade quail larger size. The length of the body can reach 20 cm.

From the bird you can get a lagging carcass. The mass of the body depends on the breed of quail. The least weighing individuals of egg productivity. Big weight gain broilers. The middle of the poultry of meat-egg productivity.

Carcasses Quail

It is necessary to know how much the quail must weigh in order to use them on meat at a certain period. The value represents young individuals. What productive weight should the birds be achieved, depending on the breed? When do they lead to slaughter?

To obtain a large number of quail eggs, birds are bred with appropriate productivity: Japanese and English white breed. In 3 weeks, youngs are divided into chickens and cocks. Males refuse meat. Duration of fattening up to 1.5 months.

Next, they ends with puberty, and they stop growing, gain weight. The chickens are used on meat after decline in egg production. The worst develops in females in 45 days. 9 months lasts. On slaughter they are sent in one year old. How many quail eggs weigh:

  • male weight 120 g;
  • mass of females - 150-180 g;
  • poultry body length 20-15 cm.

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Birds limit activity, by reducing the daylight. Light includes only during feeding period. For nonasts, the light day is maintained at 16 hours. Landing density 120 cm 2.

There are 310 eggs per year from the church. Masonry continues up to 10 days with a break in 2 days. During the migrant period, the eggs stop the eggs. All the resources of the body go to the formation of a new feathery.


Especially meat productivity have individuals of the egg breed. These include the following varieties: Manchurian, Estonian, tuxedo. Manchurian and tuxedin quails are also divorced as a decorative bird.

Paul ripening in individuals begins at a month old. After 2 weeks, their growth stops. Males use meat. If necessary, the chickens are left to produce eggs, but they are more in the size of the roosters, so they are also leading to slaughter.

Leave in the economy of the most effective individuals, without any pathologies and deviations from the breed. Of these, the parent flock is made. On 1 Cockerel accounts for 4-5 chiches. One farm may contain 2-3 bird families. The following weight categories are determining for slaughter:

  • female - 300 g;
  • males - 200-220 g;
  • length body 20 cm.

The quail appear on the light of 7 years. A week later, the mass of their body grows up to 35 g. At the same time, females are gaining 180 g, quail 150 g, cargo weight 120 g. They can be used on meat, but they still continue to grow, gain muscle mass . On the day, the meat-egg meat eaten eats 35-40 g of the feed.

Egg production of chickens is 200 pcs. in year. In the parental flock of males hold separately from females. The roosters are allowed into a cage by several 2-3 hours. Fertilization of individuals of meat-egg directions is approximate to 100%. The delay of chickens is high.

The most effective are Estonian birds and tuxedo quail. Manchuram has understated immunity. They are sensitive to changing the feed of the feed and change the temperature regime, but the birds are very beautiful. They have a golden plumage.


The largest productivity has quail broiler breeds. These include Pharaoh and Texas White. Birds are large. The meat goes and chicken, and cocks.

Update the herd by purchasing incubation eggs from a reliable manufacturer. You can create a parent flock in the farm, but only for the Pharaoh's species. They are more active than the birds of the Texas White Group.

Paul ripening in birds begins at 1.5 months. It lasts up to 2 months of age. Quail cease to grow at 2.5-3 months. They reach a big weight, up to 500 g; Pushya weight 440

Poultry farm prefer not to refill quail for a long time. The following weight is considered productive for broilers:

The high mass body is achieved at a month old. Broiler landing density is 200 cm 2. At the moment of fattening the density increases to reduce the activity of quails. Texan white individuals achieve high productivity only subject to all rules for care and content.

They need food, heat in the poultry house and clean air. The duration of the daylight is 8 hours. On day 1 quail eats 50 g of feed, drinks 60 g of water.

Texan white broilers easily confused with an english white bird. They have the same, white with dark spots. A distinctive feature is the size and weight of chicks. Broilers are more. A similar plumage I have "Pharaohs", Japanese and Estonian bird. They have different productivity. A distinctive feature of Japanese quails is the saturation of the color and a small size. Estonians weigh more, the shade of the population is natural. Broilers "Pharaoh" have a high body weight and washed shades of plumage. The differences are visible at the age of 3 weeks.

If you firmly intend to independently secure well-being and love to tinker with grains, then the breeding of quails as a business will be an excellent version of the fast "middle start": invested 60,000 - 80,000 rubles, you will return everything in half a year, will return to net income 25 000 - 30 000 rubles. in the month And you can develop your farm to increase yields.

The fact is that quail in the Russian Federation is not considered a large poultry, which is forbidden to keep in residential premises. The quail themselves are quite neat and no noisy, with a skillful care, the rewrother does not exude odor, but on the area of \u200b\u200b15 square meters. m With a ceiling height of 2.5 m, 12 cell batteries can be installed on a number of 1000 birds.

To care for such a mini-farm, there is enough 1-2 people and it can be equipped in the downtown room; Products can be quickly soldered on the market or familiar. Having accumulated some hoping on finance and experience, you can rent a heated room of a larger area, organize a quail farm for all the rules, order a state audit of the enterprise with product certification and start deliveries to serious customers.

Why the quail is beneficial

Quail breeding is a profitable business in a fine-average scale. All over the world, quail is bred on farms. Dilute quails in large farms tried in ancient Rome, but the increase in production over a certain amount makes it unprofitable.

Quail - Bird valuable (see below), but rather whimsical. One experienced worker is managed by no more than 1000 - 3000 birds. With an increase in the scale of production, overhead costs are rapidly growing, and the profitability falls. The Romans did not go quail because the slaves who were all the same, did not want to gain experience, and payments to hired free workers eaten the entire income.

But a family of 3 people, perhaps, with one hired low-paid subband at an incomplete working day (for example, a biologist on a part-time student), will be able to contain 12,000 - 15,000 birds, and with good skills and 20,000, in a small private House or renting Saraj, and it will be what is called like cheese in oil ride.

What bird quail

Quail - birds of chicken family of pheasanov. In nature, there are several types. For business, subspecies, varieties and breed of quail ordinary CoturniX Bonnaterr are suitable.

In nature, quail, like all chicken - graining brood birds. The broods means that the chicks appear on the light are quite ready for independent life: dressed in powder, vigorous, agile and shock, capable of feeding themselves.

All quail heat-loving, and therefore they are migratory birds. Unlike most chicken, quail - flying is not worse than pigeons. With flights, the Black Sea crosses the Black Sea. It is taken into account when arranging cells: the ceiling of the cell should be low, otherwise the birds can crash about it, trying to take off.

Quail, like all chicken, and all birds in general, the taste is poorly developed. Therefore, the feed for them should be benign: without silent, which is peeled, quail can be poisoned.

Ordinary quail - polygam, one male "serves" 3-5 females. Quail peaceful birds; In one cell 70x30 cm, two or three families get along. Egg stage of one female - 180-300 eggs per year. Chicks become adults in a month and a half; The females at this age are already rushing. The female rushes well until 2 years, and then it is still great for meat.

Severacy of quail carcass 180 - 300 g. Depending on the breed. The weight of one egg - 9-12

What are valuable quail

The main value of quail is his eggs. Quail eggs do not cause allergies; Moreover, people with allergies on chicken eggs quail can be eaten without restrictions. For price, quail eggs are available to the average consumer, and the taste and nutritional value is better than chicken.

It has long been rumors about the rejuvenating and healing properties of quail eggs. Japanese official medicine has long ago admitted their beneficial effect on human reproductive abilities, regardless of gender, on the condition of his skin and hair. The doctors of the rest of the world of facts do not deny, refer only to the absence of the results of their own complete clinical studies. In any case, quail eggs are unconditionally useful.

In the late 80s - early 90s, quail eggs caused a medical sensation, however, against the background of the rapid events of that time, the rumors came to the mass audience. In the sanatorium "Luch", in the Vitebsk region, irradiated with the Chernobyl catastrophe of children managed to go out, giving them 3 raw quail eggs in the morning and in the evening.

Quail meat is also a valuable lean dietary product. It is also rich in vitamins and helps with a number of severe diseases, even with tuberculosis and onco-scab. Especially valuable poultry meat, fed on slaughter feed with the addition of fine chopped carrots. It is easy to learn on an attractive reddish shade.

The quail feather is perfectly suitable for packing pillows. No matter how the miracles of modern synthetics were extrvised, on a linen pillow, packed by a quail feather, sleep much sweeter.

And finally, not the last element of quail farming products - litter. If you have a land plot, the quail farm will provide its valuable organic fertilizer. If not, the dried and crushed litter of quails willingly and at a good price will acquire any greenhouse or a greenhouse. In addition to brand, working from a foreign brand - it is forbidden to take fertilizers from.

In short, when you correct the quail farming, only legs and beaks go to the waste. Even the bones from birds eaten behind their own table, finely ground, will go like a calcium feeding the rest.

The breed of quail

To select the breed quail for breeding as a business need to be considered that not all of them are suitable for commodity production. Some types and breeds of quail - ornamental birds; There are even special laboratory breeds for scientific research. It is also necessary to know that all product rocks come from Japanese silent quail (which is currently considered to be a petition of ordinary) and its hybrids. Therefore, the birds of different breeds should be separate, otherwise it may be spoiled from the random crossing of the breed.

For commodity quail economy, you can recommend the following breeds:

  • Japanese. Closest to natural form. Basically - egg breed; Egg stage - up to 310 eggs per year from one female. But the "Japanese" from certified farms also go on meat into restaurants. The weight of his carcass - about 200 g - just good for one portion, while larger meat divide into two portions is inconvenient. The "Japanese" goes to the commodity indicators (egg production and the weight of the carcass) to one and a half months, very rarely sick, and the output of the young to the marketability is about 90%. Perfect breed for start.
  • Pharaoh. Meat breed; The weight of the carcass - up to 320 or more grams, egg production - up to 200 eggs per year on the female. A more timeful of the Japanese, but the sale of their carcasses impress. If, on the development of the economy, agree in advance with the super- and hypermarket, then the carcasses of the certified "pharaohs" will go with a bang.
  • French and Estonian are very similar to each other. Egg stage - up to 300 eggs per year; Carcass - up to 300 g, almost like pharaohs. But there are few powdered uterine copies and they are more expensive than others.

The rest of the breed, of course, and the eggs are carried, and the meat is given, but they are rather decorative. In addition to American broiler albinos, those even more pharaohs. But the meat to taste is inferior to others, so we have almost unknown.

Commercial perspectives

After the selection of the breed of quailing to breed the business plan of the quail farm can already be compiled with the knowledge of the case.

Marketing research, advertising at first not required. In the market will buy. Certification for market trading is the same as for home chickens: no need. Sufficient sanitary control in the market and the stamp of the market laboratory on the carcasses. It is necessary only to the agricultural producer to then not get bogged in problems with taxes.

Now we like the initial investments, the cost of maintenance and income.

  • 1000 young birds of the uterine livestock - 30,000 rubles. Chickens on the rise can be cheaper, but there will be more expenses for growing. And mature manufacturers will cost certainly not 30 rubles. for one.
  • Equipment: 12 factory cell batteries for quail - approx. 75 000 rub. If not hurry, then the cells can be made by the available descriptions, then it will be cheaper.
  • Household Compact Incubator - OK. 6000 rub. Also available for self-making; Information on the design is sufficient.
  • It will take about 6,000 rubles per feed / month. We take two months with a margin so that the nurses "entered the rhythm." It turns out 12,000 rubles.
  • Lighting and heating will cost approximately 2000 rubles / month by 10 square meters. M Square Perleptor: Quail - Bird demanding. For 15 square meters m leaves 3000 rubles / month or 6000 rubles. For 2 months.

So, expenses before receiving a commodity output: 30 000 + 75 000 + 12 000 + 6000 \u003d 123 000 rubles. A lot, but a working family, who wants to gain financial independence and strengthen their well-being, is estimated and without lending.

We turn to income.

  • Of the 1000 young half will be females. Excess males will go to meat. 500 females will give 40,000 - 65,000 eggs. 15 rubles. A dozen will be at least 30,000 rubles / month, minus 18 000 rubles / month. On the feed and climate - 12,000 remains for itself. It is not enough, but you can hold out. Yes, even unnecessary males will bring 5000 rubles somewhere in a month. For meat.
  • Do not forget to incubate large eggs and increase the livestock of females: 12 cells can accommodate 800 non-savings and 200 males.
  • For the fourth month, when the second generation of females begin to ride, we go to a stable income of 60,000 rubles / month. from eggs plus the same 5000 rubles / month. For meat from grown unnecessary males.
  • By the end of the fifth month, with the proper management of the economy, the initial investments pay off completely, and it is already necessary to think about renting additional areas to expand the farm, registration of the enterprise and certification of products. The start was successful, and then we work on yourself with good prospects.

As you can see, the business plan for breeding quails of the golden mountains immediately does not promise, it requires labor, patience and initial spending, like any real business plan. But the above calculation is the generalized experience of many and many succeeding fermented farmers who started in this way.

In the quail business there is another not a financial, but a very attractive moment: the breeding of quail business is essentially a family. The vast majority of successful rewakenits work families.

So, in fact, you can overlap each other for each other and everyone will have at least once a month for themselves. Let's say, for relaxing in the edges, where the quail is not found and where they did not hear the sort of sort of layer.

Quail - Bird is not out of simple in content. He is dedicated to special guidelines, even an overview of which requires a separate article. We indicate only some subtle moments.

  • Quails necessarily need swimming in the sand, small gravel for rubbing food in the stomach, calcium for the egg shell and animal protein for egg production. Therefore, before you start quail, find reliable sources of cheap meat (non-fat) or fish waste, as well as river (better sea shell). Shell must be chopped as it should be chopped.
  • In the stern for quail there should be no excess salt and rye. Here is a "folk" recipe for quail feed: 30% of wheat, 25% of corn, 15% fish flour, 15% of sunflower cake, 5% overlind and 5% of the shells. Greens, carrots, cabbage - all year round without restrictions, how much.
  • For lighting and heating, use the incandescent lamps specified in the power manual. They give just necessary for quails the ratio of light and heat. "Housekeys" for quails are not suitable: energy savings with interest will emit a decrease in commercial exit.

Note: For the initial acquaintance with the breeding of quail, it is desirable to explore a small but meaningful, and for the certification of a quail farm to work to work on large buyers - the management of the "Farm content of quail maintenance", All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry Education, Sergiev Posad, 2006 .

In Russia, the meat of quail was considered an exquisite delicacy worthy of the royal table. Vintage cookbooks contain many variations of recipes for the preparation of wild quails, the hunt for which was not only a way to get a delicious and incredibly nutritious product, but also a special type of entertainment.

Those times have long passed when the prey of quail was carried out exclusively on the hunt, and the ability to taste the gentle meat of this inconspicuous bird was determined by a social class belonging. Nowadays, many are breeding these birds for sale, and the price of quail meat allows you to try it with any true gourmet.

What is the benefit and damage to the meat of quail, and is it tasty and saturated with useful trace elements in fact, how are they talking about him?

First of all, it should be said that in the level of nutrient and taste qualities, quail meat significantly exceeds not only the meat of homemade chicken, but also rabbit. It is considered dietary, caloric content of quail compared to the rest of meat species is low - 230 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, it can be used without fear of everyone who adheres to the principles of dietary food or is seriously engaged in sports.

On this useful properties of quail meat, of course, do not end. Revotina is a valuable source of protein, the content of which in fillet, for example, reaches almost 22%. Because of this, the feed meat is indispensable in the diet of athletes who intensively gain muscle mass.

In terms of cholesterol content, quail meat is equal to turkey meat. Therefore, he is recommended to use elderly and people suffering from atherosclerosis.

The presence of a large number of vitamins in the meat of quails, especially the vitamins of the group B, has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system of man. Thanks to the balanced composition of amino acids and fats, it is recommended to use all age-related categories of the population, it is especially useful for children and pregnant women.

The increased content of vitamins D, in 1 and in 2, makes the use of quail meat with excellent prophylaxis of rickets. And Vitamin RR has a beneficial effect on blood microcirculation in vessels and is a major substance warning the development of gout.

The harm of quail meat is directly related to its useful properties and can only be manifested when the balance is non-compliance in the diet. Thus, low calorie content and a small content of polynaturated fatty acids make it a weak source of energy. Therefore, for optimal enrichment of the body by all the necessary microelements to limit its meat ration only with dishes from this bird. Individual intolerance to rewater can also occur, but it is rather an exception than the common phenomenon.

Features of breeding quails on meat

The cultivation of quails in our latitudes is gaining increasing popularity. It is very not surprising, because quail rather unpretentious to the conditions of detention and feed the bird, to care for which is completely simple.

Newbie, before getting a quail economy, should be decided for the purpose of growing this bird.

There are several dozen varieties of rewinds of meat, meat-egg, egg and decorative rocks.

It is worth noting that this is a fairly profitable and promising type of activity. After all, the largest quail meat breeds can reach more than 400 g in weight, and in terms of growth rates, this bird is a record holder among all poultry. So for 2 months of life, a carcass trigger increases in weight more than 20 times and almost reaches the weight of an adult individual. In order to begin to contain quails on meat, it is better to choose meat breeds of these feathery - Pharaoh, Texas, English.

In order to grow on the meat meat, the meat breed settle in the cells into a well-ventilated darkened room. It should be noted that quails are afraid of drafts and bright lighting, but at the same time, they simply need fresh air. The room temperature should not be descended below 16 degrees, the optimal indicator is 18-20 degrees. The first three weeks of the life of young people should be ensured round-the-clock lighting. Therefore, the cells must be overwhelmed over the cells, which will also become an additional heat source for chicks. Cells for chicks and adult individuals differ in size, for youngsters it is more convenient to use cylindrical cells.

Placing adult birds in the cells should be so that the area per adult part is approximately 100-120 square meters. See the cell height should not exceed 20-25 cm, otherwise the feathers will start flying and can be injured. To save space, the location of cells in several tiers is optimal. The lower tier is better to install at an altitude of 85-100 cm from the floor. This not only protects birds from drafts, but also facilitates care for them. At the age age of Petushkov should be separated and placed separately from the chicken.

Diet and drinking mode

If we talk about food, the diet for fattening quails on meat is no different from the diet of the eggs of quail. Is that the breeds contained on meat, the feed in the feeders should be present constantly. This contributes to their early growth. Egg breeds of food can be added as feeding feeds, it does not affect productivity.

Young (individuals up to 20-30 days) is better feeding with PC-5 feed, for adult birds you can use both the finished feed of PC-1 and PC-2 and feed, prepared by yourself. The main component of feed for these feathered is chopped wheat or corn. As additional ingredients, fish flour, shell, sunflower or soy meal and chalk are used.

When breeding quailing should not be forgotten about their drinking mode, since these birds drink a lot. Clean and fresh water in sufficient quantities should always be present in drilkers. In order to prevent its attenuation and with a large livestock it is advisable to build flowing drills. For young individuals, it is more convenient and safer to use vacuum drinkers. They have a view of cans or bottles with water in small peer. The height of the Court must be no more than 1-1.5 cm, it will not allow chicks to choke.

Those who are engaged in breeding quails for the first time, interests the question most of all: at what age they are clogged on meat, and what average carcass should be?

Its physiological maturity of quail reaches aged 2 months. Therefore, sampling should be produced, starting from one and a half-month bird age. First, you should take the largest individuals and to two months to score all birds from one party. The longer fattening of quail on meat will be meaningless and will only lead to the overflow of feed.

It should also be remembered that the weight of the quail carcass, ready for a caution depends on its breed. So, adult women's individuals of Pharaoh breed reach weights 190-310 g, the men's - 160-270 g. The Texas breed females grow to 420-470 g, males - up to 300-360. Therefore, for successful quailing, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the physical characteristics and the peculiarities of growing its breed.

Unlike meat, egg-eggs of quail reaches body weight on average from 170 (males) to 200 g (females). An indicator of the number of eggs per year varies from 200 to 280 pieces. Meat-egg direction is represented by the following rocks: Tuxedo, Pharaoh, NGO "Complex". Pharaoh breed quail and can be found to meat and to the meat-egg direction, thanks to the average weight indicators and the number of eggs for the year.

What bird is more profitable to grow?

Beginner poultry farm may pose a question: what is more profitable - chickens or quail and what is the difference between the breeding of these species of birds? Recently, more and more information appears that the cultivation of quail is more profitable, since the price of meat quail per kg is much higher. Can this occupation really profitable, and how much does the meat of quail in the market?

Immediately it should be said that the wholesale and retail price of quails can be somewhat different. Also, the price of quails may depend on the region - in areas where there are many raisers and, accordingly, there is a competition for the sales market, it will be slightly lower.

If we compare the chicken and quail, then it should be noted that the quail carcass is significantly less by weight of the chicken carcass. Chickens of the egg breed weigh an average of 1.5-1.8 kg, and the fogs of the quail of the egg breed - 130-140. The retail price of chicken on the market varies within 200 -220 rubles. per kg, and the cost of a carcass of quail depends on its weight. Thus, the price of a carcass of quail medium weight indicator (250 g) is approximately 150 rubles. a piece. '

Accordingly, the price of quail per kg will be several times higher than the price of chicken meat.

But the meat of chicken in all parameters is significantly inferior to quail. Quail meat contains significantly less cholesterol than chicken, and in terms of protein, it is much ahead of it. In the content of basic vitamins and mineral components, quail eggs are also significantly superior to chicken.

If we talk about the characteristic features of these species of birds, then you should not be consistent with the conditions and conditions of detention. So, on one adult, the quail will be needed 10 times less than the area than 1 chicken. The backpage of quail also gives it a big advantage.

Thus, the breeding of quails can be an excellent alternative to the cultivation of chickens and will not only provide an opportunity to provide its seven useful eggs and delicious meat, but will also become a small business with minimal financial investments.

The quail rocks of the meat direction do not have a wide variety. Therefore, it is not difficult for you to determine the need for you. The main representatives are the quail of the Pharaoh breed and Texas white.

Meat breeds are often used to obtain broiler hybrids. Although in whole birds do not differ in large sizes, the meat direction quail has the greatest weight and parameters among other species. The average mass of one individual is about 400 g, but can be found by half-kilogram representatives. When breeding birds for the sake of obtaining meat products, the main point is a special diet for fattening.

Quail meat refers to the category of dietary products. It is characterized by low calorie and extremely small cholesterol content, and also helps to strengthen the immune system.

Features of nutrition

What is important to take into account when fattening

The input table for quail feed depending on their age

Starting to refill the meat quails to slaughter, it is necessary to take into account the following conditions:

  1. For fattening, males and folded females are used to achieve monthly age. You can also take adult individuals after 8 months when decreasing egg production.
  2. After the monthly age of the female and the males are contained separately.
  3. Birds require a special lighting mode. The first 2,5-3 weeks of the birds live with a shortage of light (darkened cell), then the alternating mode of light and darkness is organized (the hour of light is an hour of darkness). Lighting should not be direct, it should be dispelled.
  4. The fattening period lasts about 21-28 days. At this time, the birds need to provide free movement in at least 3 times per day.

About the characteristics of the breed of Kur Wandot will tell.


When breeding quails in order to obtain meat products, the Pharaoh or Texas white breed is usually used. Representative of these species have a good predisposition to the mass set, which allows you to get enough meat after slaughter. Quail meat is appreciated for excellent taste, dietary properties and softness. It is believed that meat broth based on it contributes to restoration after long and severe diseases. Due to their hypoallergenicity, it is often used in the children's menu or to power people with allergies, since the meat contains a special substance capable of suppressing allergens. In addition, quail meat is famous for low calorie and nutritional properties.


Females require a greater amount of feed, since nutrients also go to the formation of eggs.

At what age to score

The main criterion of meat breeds is a slaughter output. Its value depends on the age, the floor and weight of the bird. The greatest way out can be obtained when riding quails at the age of 35-42 days.
With the middleweight of the female 280-300 g, the slaughter output is 72.8%. With the middleweight of the male 180 - 200 g, the slaughter output will be 72.4%. By the seventh week of life, this percentage begins to decline. It is possible to start a rope of quail at the achievement of one and a half years old, starting with large individuals, and after 2 months - everyone else. Further breeding does not make sense, since the birds reached their maximum weight.

Dark feathers can reduce the freight view of the carcass.


Texas quail differs in high meat productivity

This breed has received its name from the place of removal. White painting of plumage Representatives of the species received from the English white breed . They are giants among quails, since the weight of males can reach 360 g, and in females - 470 g. The birds are quite unpretentious and calm. However, this may be a disadvantage, as males become lazy. When breeding, this feature should be taken into account and start one male for 1-2 females. Egg production, as well as in quail, begins at the age of 2 months, but the fertilization of eggs has a low indicator. During the year, the female can bring up to 220 eggs weighing 12-18 g.

The young people of this breed have low endurance, so requires special attention.

Weight set speed

For rapid growth, development and recruitment of the required mass of birds, it is necessary to feed a balanced, full-fledged feed. The diet should have a large amount of protein and all necessary nutrients. Chicks at first require more animal feed, than vegetable. Since the breed is distinguished by calm and love for food, all the energy obtained goes to the growth of body weight. Approximately the age of 1.5-2 birds reach their maximum weight. The weight gain jumps between 20 and 40 days of life. The maximum increase for this breed can be achieved with the right approach to the ration of quail. At the same time, you can get birds weighing up to 500 g. Quail can be kept even in the apartment, which will tell.

At what age to score

The taste of meat broilers are formed by 7-8 week of life. The living weight of the Texas broiler females is 420-450. Experienced breeders can achieve weight more than 500 g. At the same time, the slaughter output is 50%. With standard poultry sizes, the carcass will be weighted within 250 g. In the fattening, in order to obtain the quail meat, it is desirable to score in 4-5 months old. By this time, broilers will acquire the necessary weight and gentle meat. Thanks to the bright plumage, the carcass will have a good transportation.


On the video, we learn advice on choosing a meat breed of quail for home breeding.


  1. Many can be breeding not only to produce eggs, but also for meat products.
  2. Quail meat is distinguished by low calorieness, dietary and therapeutic properties, hypoallergenia. Thanks to these characteristics, such meat can be given to children and people with allergies.
  3. Despite the meat orientation, birds are capable of bringing more than 200 large eggs for the year.
  4. During fattening, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of nutrition and conditions. Only when these conditions are met, you can get the maximum weight of the carcass.
  5. Quail breeds of meat orientation is a bit, so the choice of the necessary bird will not be difficult.