Meringue at home - air kisses. How to cook vanilla, chocolate, walnut, berry meringue at home

Very simple and tasty dessert, usually like everyone without exception and it turns out from everyone who can oven ordinary white strawshes. Its main secret - in combination of sweet meringues and bitter chocolate. With milk chocolate, it does not make sense. Choose dark chocolate with cocoa content from 70%.

2 protein
100g Sahara
75g Dark Chocolate

baking paper baking sheet

oven 130s.

Ship the baking sheet for baking and warm the oven. It is important to do in advance.

Melt chocolate. How to do it, you can read.

Put two proteins in a bowl, whip at the maximum speed of the mixer to a dense white foam. It should be kept on the wrenches and not to be fluid.
Pass sugar and beat for a few more minutes, the weight should become snow-white, dense and shiny.

Pour chocolate (it can be a temperature of about 40s or lower, it does not matter) on the proteins, trying to distribute it evenly.

Mix the proteins with chocolate for a fork or spoon with two-three movements.

Immediately lay out the mass on the prepared baking sheet.

Bake at 130s 1 hour (rather large meringue with half palm).

You can eat. Both advice - drink a double portion at once!

Which of us in childhood did not like fabulous airbags called "mering"? It seems that absolutely every mother prepared this sweetness to her child, because the preparation of such a cookie is very simple, even rather, elementary, and the set of products for it is actually funny. But, did you ever prepassed without Cocoa? Have chocolate taste added to air sweets? Let's try to figure out how to make it easier to cook with cocoa. How to cook meringue from cocoa we will tell in this article.

In order to prepare a meringue, you will need the following products:

  • egg whites;
  • sugar;
  • cocoa.

Please note that, probably, you have every day every day. So why not please your loved ones and yourself very tasty, which, besides, is preparing in a matter of minutes?

Cooking from cocoa

So, we take our proteins and good, to a strong foam, whip them. Care of desire: You can beat the proteins using a whisk, you can use a mixer - how you yourself will be comfortable. After the protein foam was formed, it is necessary to gradually add sugar into it, without stopping to beat. It is important to remember: in order not to break the cooking technology, you can not mix the ingredients at once or pour out all the sugar in one fell. Cocoa is added at the very end.

When you get a homogeneous air mass, take a baking sheet, put the parchment on it and fall out your meringue. After that, send a dessert into the oven - it must be preheated. Beam, meringue from cocoa will be about 45 minutes at a temperature of 140 degrees.

For piquancy, meringue can be decorate with cream, which is preparing very quickly. Melt white chocolate on the water bath and add it to it when it cools out, slightly sour cream. Mix this cream thoroughly and send it to the fridge so that it is frozen.

When you get ready-made meringue, cool it out and connect half with the finished cream. After that, give the liver a little lazy so that the cream was absorbed into meringue, and the halves firmly brought together.

Such a dessert will have to taste all guests, and it will look very original. The chocolate aftertaste will surely delight your relatives and relatives, and the combination with white chocolate will be very appropriate.

If you do not want to break your head, you can eat without a cream without a cocoa - its tasteings will not disappear from this.

Easy and easy, but as delicious ... Try it and you will definitely work out!

The meringue is only a flaw - it is too sweet. Therefore, combine bitter chocolate and sweet meringue in one cupcake - a gorgeous solution. It turns out a balanced and unusual taste. Offer chocolate meringue to those who disliked these cakes because of the illness, see how this person's opinion will change in the opposite direction!

I bring ingredients to a minimum portion (it turns out 4 large meringues with a half of the palm:

  • Two Egg proteins (I use medium sized eggs, C1, total weight 130-140 g)
  • Sugar (take the smallest, which is) - 100 g
  • Dark chocolate (with a cocoa content of at least 70%) - 75 g

Use for these cakes only dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%, with milk chocolate without milk.

How to cook:

First, grow chocolate with the usual way. I told about my version many times, but I repeat in detail on the steps.

We smoke chocolate on pieces and lay out in a bowl with a refractory bottom.

We bring to boil water in the scenery (pour you need to be 2-3 finger thick). Remove from the fire and put on top of a saucepan or a saucepan bowl with chocolate.

Cover the lid to create the desired temperature for melting chocolate.

We assume aside for 5-7 minutes. We will only remain stirring the finished product with a blade.

There is one more "lazy" way to melt chocolate: crush the tile on small pieces with a knife (the smaller, the better), shift to a plastic bag or a pastry bag. Tie the edge and lower in hot water for 5-7 minutes. Then he will only cut off the lower edge of the bag and squeeze chocolate in the meringue.

Whip proteins with sugar

To prepare meringue, we will need two proteins from medium in size of eggs (C1) and 100 g of sugar.

Gently separate the proteins from yolks so that neither the yolk droplets fall into the protein mass (otherwise they will be more difficult to beat). It is also necessary to trace that the bowl for whipping proteins was perfectly clean, without a drop of oil or fat (for the suspension it is recommended to wipe the pure bowl of the lemon crust, so that the acid split the possible fat).

Yolks can be used in or in the recipe of biscuits on yolks.

We begin to beat the proteins at slow speed, gradually increasing it. The protein mass of transparent should turn into foam.

After the proteins were rid of the thin flower (or portion on the tablespoon), begin to add sugar sand. So that the sugar was easier to dissolve, whip the squirrels of room temperature.

With each minute, the protein mass will become all thicker, the whiskers will start to leave the trail on the surface, the tanks of sugar will visually disappear.

The power of my manual mixer is 350 W, for perfectly whipped proteins with sugar, I need 7-10 minutes (depending on whether protein warrets or not). If you have a stationary mixer, it will take much less (3-5 minutes), if you have a manual mixer with less power, it can go more time. Focus on the protein consistency: when the bowl is turned over the morning, the mass should be immovable (if you crawl down, it means you need to beat further). Another signal to the fact that it is enough to beat are peaks on the wedge and the surface of the protein mass (if you build a "snowdrift", it does not settle and does not collapse).

In finished proteins, we pour a melted chocolate melted jet, trying to evenly get on the entire surface.

With a fork or spoon (no mixer), we stir this mass (only 2-3 movements, not more). Our task is to make neat marble divorces on a white background, and not a homogeneous chocolate mass. Optionally, this can be done with a confectionery bag and nozzles.

We lay out a spoonless meringue on a baking sheet with a parchment (or silicone rug).

We put chocolate meringues in a pre-warmed oven to 130 ºС with convection. Immediately we reduce up to 100 ºС and westing within 1.5-2 hours. Beam cooking time will be directly dependent on the size of the cakes, from the power and features of your oven. The finished meringues are easily separated from the battle, look dry, without shine, when tapping on the surface, a deaf sound is heard. After 2 hours, I leave meringues in the oven to full cooling.

Ready cupcakes are very good to tea, coffee or as an original decor for cakes!

Bon Appetit!

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  • proteins - 2 pcs. from medium eggs with a total weight of about 133-135 g
  • small Sugar Sand - 100 g
  • bitter chocolate - 60 g
  • lemon juice - 5 drops or pinch of salt

Step-by-step cooking recipe

Turn the oven and heat it to the figure 1.1 (110 ° C) or 1.5 (130 ° C), depending on what mood you want to get: at a lower temperature, but a longer bake without dry and brittle, And at a higher temperature, but less long thermal processing will be with crispy breakdown with a crust, but a tight and viscous hearter (at the same time, their bottom can be pushing).

Stop a large baking tray for baking rolls (28 × 38 cm in size) with antitrigar paper (should be done optional).

Squeeze the number of chocolate amounts of chocolate (d. Room temperature), fold it into the saucepan and melt on the water bath, then remove from the fire and retain to the side to use (overbeats the bottom of the shill from droplets of water).

Measure the amount of sugar required by the recipe. In a clean capacity, take a mixer with conventional whites in a magnificent foam, after adding about 5 drops of lemon juice or pinch salt, first at low speed, and then zooming it. Then gradually (portions) Pour all sugar sand to them, interventusing it every time.

Whip proteins with high speed sugar, rotating a mixer in one direction, before the formation of a steep snow-white mass (it may take about 5 minutes). Squelts whipped correctly, if the mass is embossed, and, having swaying from it, the whites remain persistent, well-keeping the form "Peaks" (see photo). Another test - a qualitatively whipped protein does not fall out of an inverted bowl. But here, be careful - a bowl for checking is enough only to tilt, and not to turn over to light up, because if the protein is not enough, it will slip out of the bowl very quickly.

Pour into the bowl over the proteins previously melted and cooled to the warm state of chocolate and very gently mix it with a protein mass of the circular movements of a spoon or a plug before receiving a marble pattern. Do not dilute hard: beautiful, contrasting colored "divorces" are formed only for several round or zigzag movements; If you interfere longer - the final color of the meringue will be more uniform (but in this case the crust of finished products will turn out to be more crispy).

Pretend the mass of 1 tbsp. l. with a medium or big slide on a previously prepared baking tray at a distance from each other, then put a baking sheet into the oven and bake a meringue for 2 hours on a number 1.1 (110 ° C) or for 1 hour on a number 1.5 (130 ° FROM).

Retail with ready-made mood remove from the oven and fully cool at room temperature. Then gently shift the meringue to the serving plate with the blades and can serve them to the table. Bon Appetit!