How the word twelve is translated. English figures with transcription and Russian pronunciation, education, examples

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  1. twelve
  2. twelve Apostles
  3. twelve people
  4. twelfth

Pl. number: twelves..


twelve. Apostles.
twelve Apostles


Their twelve. Signs of the Zodiac Are: ARIES, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Twelve signs of the zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lev, Virgin, Scales, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Fish.

Even after the year, Tom cannot accept the fact that Between him and Mary are all over.

I WAS IN THE TRAIN FOR twelve. Hours.

I Was On The Train For twelve. Hours.
I was on the train twelve hours.

"How old is she?" "She is twelve. YEARS OLD. "
"How old is she?" - "She is twelve years old".

THEY HAVE. twelve. Children.
They have twelve children.

Tom Opened a New Restaurant, But It Didn "T Turn A Profit in the First twelve. Months.
Tom has opened a new restaurant, but in the first twelve months he did not bring profits.

Twelve years is the age of dog.

This committee consists of twelve members.

Twelve. IS An Even Number.
Twelve is a different number.

A Ruler Can Measure Something Up To twelve. Inches in Length.
A ruler can be measured something up to twelve inch.

Laura and Sarah Are Sisters of twelve. AND EIGHT YEARS RESPECTIVELY.
Laura and Sarah are the sisters of twelve and eight years, respectively.

IT WAS ALREADY. twelve. When He Reached Home.
It was already twelve when he reached home.

HE WON RE-ELECTION twelve. Times.
He was re-elected twelve times.

The Writer George Orwell Was Watched For About twelve. Years by The British Police.
The writer George Orwell is about 12 years old under the supervision of the British police.

There Was Once Upon a Time A King Who Had twelve. Daughters.
He lived, was the king, and he had twelve daughters.

I Slept. twelve. Hours Yesterday.
Yesterday I slept twelve hours.

A Study Has Shown That Dairy Cattle Can Increase Their Milk Production by Up to Three Percent After Having Soothing Music Played To Them for twelve. Hours Per Day Over A Nine-Week Period.
The study showed that milk cattle could increase the return of milk to three percent after listening to calm music at twelve hours a day for more than nine weeks.

WHEN CRIMINAL CASES COME TO TRIAL, IT IS COMMON FOR twelve. Jurors to Serve on the Jury.
When criminal cases reach the court, it is generally accepted that there were twelve people as part of the jury.

I SPENT. twelve. Hours on The Train.
I spent twelve hours on the train.

THE BROTHERS WERE BORN twelve. Years Apart.
There is a difference between the brothers at twelve years.

I WAS BORN WITH twelve. fingers.
I was born with twelve fingers.

It can run a row for twelve seconds.

Tom ran a hundred meters for twelve seconds.

Oour Plane Took Off AT Exactly twelve. o "clock.
Our plane took off exactly at twelve hours.

I Have Lived in Kamakura for twelve. Years.
I lived in Kamakur twelve years.

I "M. twelve. Years Old.
I am twelve years old.

January, FEBruary, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, November and December Are twelve. MONTHS OF THE YEAR.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December make up twelve months a year.

He began to learn English when he was twelve, in other words, when he entered the secondary school.

The Walls of Rome Have twelve. Gates.
The wall of Rome has twelve gates.

English-Russian translation TWELVE

transcription, Transcription: [twelv]

1. Numbers Colich. twelve

1) twelve (number)

2) twelve people; twelve objects; Twelve team players

3) Twelfth Room (Clothing, Shoes, etc.)

4) Weight weighing twelve (grams, kilogram, etc.); The object with a diameter of twelve (millimeters, etc.)

5) (The Twelve) church. 12 Apostles

6) MN. Books format on the twelfth share of sheet

twelve objects or person team from twelve players twelfth size - to wear a * wear twelve size twelve years (about age) twelve hours of books format on the twelfth share of sheet or pages of such books\u003e The T. (Religion) Twelve Apostles\u003e To Strike * The First Time Immediately detect your abilities (number) Twelve - * O "Clock Twelve hours (time of day) - * Hours Twelve hours (duration) (number) Twelve, (number) Twelfth

twelve (The T.) church. 12 apostles ~ twelve ~ Pl books format on the twelfth stake

Big English-Russian Dictionary. Large English-Russian dictionary. 2012

  • Anglo-Russian Dictionaries
  • Big English-Russian dictionary

Another meaning of the word and the translation of Twelve from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More Meanings of this Word and English-Russian, Russian-English Translations for the Word "Twelve" in dictionary.

  • Twelve - The Name of Ahl Al Bayt Are Not Limited to Imam` Ali, Bibi Faatima, IMAM AL HASAN AND IMAM AL ...
    Advanced Islamic English Dictionary
  • Twelve - I. TWELV, -EUA, Chiefly South -e (ə) v Adjective Etymology: Middle English Twelf, Twelve, Adjective & Pron., From Old English Twelf; Akin ...
  • Twelve.
    English WEBSTER dictionary
  • Twelve - (n.) The Number Next Following Eleven; The Sum Of Ten and Two, Or Of Twice Six; Twelve Units or Objects; ...
    English WEBSTER dictionary
  • Twelve - (n.) The Number Next Following Eleven; The Sum Of Ten and Two, Or Of Twice Six; Twelve Units ...
  • Twelve - (n.) A Symbol Representing Twelve Units, AS 12, OH XII.
    Webster "S Revised Unabidged English Dictionary
  • Twelve - / twelv /, n. 1. A Cardinal Number, 10 Plus 2. 2. A SYMBOL FOR THIS NUMBER, AS 12 O XII. ...
    Random House Webster "S Unabidged English Dictionary
  • Twelve - ADJ. Being 12 in Number, Amounting To Twelve
  • Twelve - n. Number 12; GROUP OF TWELVE PERSONS OR THINGS
    Explanatory English Dictionary - Editorial Bed
  • Twelve - Noun Etymology: Middle English, from old english twelf; Akin to Old High German Zwelif Two Two, -leofan ...
    Merriam-Webster "S Collegiate English Vocabulary
  • Twelve - Noun A Symbol Representing Twelve Units, As 12, O XII. 2. Twelve · ADJ One More That Eleven; Two and Ten; ...
    Webster English Vocab.
  • Twelve - ■ Cardinal Number 1 "Equivalent to The Product of Three and Four; Two More Than Ten; 12. (Roman Numeral: XII ...
    Concise Oxford English Vocab
  • Twelve - N The Number 12 ⇨ Dozen: He ...
    Longman Dictionary of CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH
  • Twelve - n. & adj. --n. 1 One More Than Eleven; The Product of Two Units and Six Units. 2 a Symbol ...
    English main spoke dictionary
  • Twelve - n. & adj. n. 1 One More Than Eleven; The Product of Two Units and Six Units. 2 a Symbol ...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • Twelve - n. & adj. --n. 1. One More Than Eleven; The Product of Two Units and Six Units. 2 a Symbol ...
    Oxford English Vocab.
  • Twelve - (Twelves) Frequency: The Word Is One of the 700 Most Common Words in English. Twelve Is The Number 12. ...
  • Twelve - (~ s) Frequency: The Word Is One of the 700 Most Common Words in English. Twelve Is The Number 12. Num
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  • Twelve - Number Collocations from Other Entries Two Months Pregnant Etc ▪ The Doctor Said That She Was Eight Weeks ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English Vocabulary
  • Twelve -, - (The Number) 12Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteena Twelve-Seater Minibus "How Many Seats Are Left?" "Twelve (Seats)." Jones is in ...
    Cambridge English Vocab.
  • Twelve - Twelve.ogg 1. Twelv N 1\u003e Twelve items or man in / by / twelves - on twelve 2\u003e Team from twelve players ...
    Anglo-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - a collection of the best dictionaries
  • Twelve - 1. N 1) Twelve items or man in / by / ~ s - on twelve 2) team from twelve players 3) ...
    New Big English-Russian Dictionary - Apresan, Mednikova
  • Twelve - 1. Twelv N 1) Twelve items or man in / by / twelves - on twelve 2\u003e Team from twelve players 3\u003e ...
    Big new English-Russian dictionary
  • Twelve - 1. Numbers. Colich. Twelve Twelve Parts - Twelve Parts Twelve Men - Twelve AT TWELVE O "CLOCK - Twelve ...
    English-Russian dictionary on general vocabulary
  • Twelve - 1. Numbers. Colich. Twelve Twelve Parts - Twelve Parts Twelve Men - Twelve AT TWELVE O "CLOCK - at twelve hours 2. SUB. 1) a) Twelve hours AT ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • Twelve - 1. _N-Card. Twelve 2. _n. 1\u003e Twelve (units, pieces) 2\u003e (The Twelve) _cerk. 12 Apostles 3\u003e _PL. Books format in ...
    English-Russian Dictionary Muller - 24 Editors
  • Twelve - 1. N-Card. Twelve 2.n. 1. Twelve (units, pieces) 2. (The Twelve) church. 12 Apostles 3. PL. Books format in ...
    Anglo-Russian Dictionary Muller - Editorial Bed
  • Twelve - 1. Numbers. Colich. Twelve 2. SUMSH. 1) twelve (number) 2) twelve person; twelve objects; Twelve team players 3) Twelfth room ...
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  • Twelve - Decidu (-SIM)
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  • Twelve - DOCE (Noun) Dose; Napulo "G Duha
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  • TwoDe - Noun See: Two Date: Before 12th Century See: Number 2. Capitalized the ~ Original Disciples of Jesus, The Books of ...
    Explanatory English Dictionary - Merriam Webster
  • Twelve.
    English WEBSTER dictionary
  • Twelve - (a.) One more Than Eleven; Two and Ten; Twice Six; a dozen.
    Webster "S Revised Unabidged English Dictionary
  • Twelve - n. Twelve Tone Twelve Tone Row Twelfth Day Twelfth Night
  • Twelve - n. PRONUNCIATION: "TWELV FUNCTION: NOUN ETYMOLOGY: MIDDLE English, from old english twelf; Akin to Old High German Zwelif Twelve, ...
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary

The theme of English numbers is quite complicated, since the education of English numerals differs from the formation of Russians. There are rules, but there are exceptions, and in those and those there are features. Consider English figures with transcription and Russian pronunciation, bring bright examples and make an emphasis on exception. Forward for new knowledge!

Figures in English are formed differently. Nutritives from 1 to 10 have some formulations, from 13 to 20 - others. Tens, hundreds and thousands also have features of education.

Features of the formation of numerals from 1 to 12

The table below shows numerals from 1 to 12 with transcription, Russian pronunciation and examples:

1 one. uAN
2 two [TUː] t.
3 three. [θriː] sri.
4 four. fore
5 five. file
6 six. sick
7 seven. [SEVN̩] s'wean
8 eight eIT
9 nine nain
10 tEN. tEN
11 eleven. [ɪlevn̩] il'wean
12 twelve. tu'elv
  • We Wanted One Cake, Two Bananas Ang Eight Apples \u003d\u003e We wanted one cupcake, two bananas and eight apples.
  • We Need to Buy Avocado Fot This Recipe. Or Better Two Ones \u003d\u003e For this recipes we need to buy avocado. Or better two.
  • Three Kilos of Meat, Four Big Tomatoes, Five Eggplants and Garlic Will Made This Evening Much More Better. I Will Prepare Very Delicious Dish by My Own Recipe! \u003d\u003e Three kilograms of meat, four large tomatoes, five eggplants and garlic will make the evening much better. I will prepare a very tasty dish in my own recipe!
  • Eleven Foxes and Twelve Wolves Were Seen On This Week at this place \u003d\u003e Eleven foxes and twelve wolves were noticed for this week in this place.

Features of the formation of numerals from 13 to 20

13 thirteen. [θɜːtiːn] soot'in
14 fourteen. [ˌFɔː'tiːn] fort'in
15 fifteen. [ˌFɪf'tiːn] fift'in
16 sixteen. [ˌSɪk'stiːn] sykst'in
17 seventeen. [ˌSev (ə) n'tiːn] savent'in
18 eIGHTEEN [ˌEɪ'tiːn] eit'in
19 nineteen. [ˌNaɪn'tiːn] naint'in

From the table, it can be seen that numerals from 13 to 19 (inclusive) are written according to the same rules, a particle is added to the quantitative numerical (one, two, three) -Teen. And do not confuse quantitative numerals with ordinal! In English, they are formed in a completely different way!

On a note! It must be remembered that each rule has exceptions. In this case, exceptions will be numeral 13 and 15. They have the root of Three and Five will have a modified form:

  • Three \u003d\u003e Thirteen
  • Five \u003d\u003e Fifteen.

And not Threeteen / Fiveteen !!!

Some examples:

  • Seventeen Girls Were Seen at this Paty While Only Eight Boys Came. - At the party, seventeen girls were noticed, while only eight guys came.
  • Seventeen Pieces of Cake Were Given to All Those Children. - All these children were given seventeen pieces of the cake.
  • There IS A Lot of Fish In This River. Nineteen Kinds Were Known 5 Years Ago. - In this river a lot of fish. Five years ago, nineteen species were known.

Dozens of english numbers

20 twenty [Twenti] t'anti.
30 thirty [Θɜːti] S'Rty.
40 forty [FɔːTI] f'tle
50 fifty. [Fɪfti] f'Ifty
60 sixty. [SɪKSTI] s'Yeksti
70 seventy [Sevnti] c'wenti.
80 eIGHTY. [Eɪti] 'Eiti.
90 ninety. [Naɪnti] n'Anti.

The table clearly shows that dozens of numbers are formed using a particle (suffix) -Ty. These numerals are derivatives from quantitative, just need to add suffix -ty.

Important! Remember that in the formation of numbers 20.30, 40 and 50, the root of quantitative digits that serve as the basis for the formation of dozens will be modified:

  • two - 20 Twenty [Twenti]
  • three - 30 Thirty [θɜːti]
  • four - 40 Forty [FɔːTI]
  • five - 50 Fifty [Fɪfti]

And one more nuance: digit 80 [Eɪti] is characterized by the lack of reversal of the letter T: EIGHT (eight) \u003d eIGHTY. (EIGHT + TY \u003d EIGHTTY).


  • Thirty Exotic Animals Were Needed to Make The Idea of \u200b\u200bthe Movie Complete \u003d\u003e It was necessary for thirty exotic animals to make the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film finished (perfect).
  • Sixty Soldiers Will Come on Parade in Front of the Palace \u003d\u003e At the parade, which will be in front of the palace, will come sixty soldiers.
  • Fifty of Them Knew The Road But Only Thirty Agreed to Follow US \u003d\u003e Fifty of them knew the road, but only thirty agreed to follow us.

As for the thrust of the numeral, which are formed with the help of -Ty, then everything is simple - the emphasis always It will be on the first syllable.

Reference: It happens that novice students are difficult to divide in the conversational speech numeral with -Ty and -Teen. And then an emphasis will come to the rescue - if it is on the first syllable, then 100% we are dealing with dozens of numeral.

Basis base: How figures are formed in English

Studying the education of English figures is important to remember that the numbers from 1 to 12 are simple quantitative numbers. Their task is to denote the number of items. There are such numerals from one word. It is very important to remember writing the first twelve digits, as they are hiking to form all other numbers - from thirteen to a billion.

How are the numerics pronounced, which are formed by adding a particle -Teen? Here you need to be very attentive \u003d\u003e The pronunciation of numeral (English digits) will have two stresses: on the first and second syllable. At the same time, we immediately note that the emphasis will not be equal in strength. One of them will be secondary, and the other is the main one.

For example, how to pronounce Thirteen? From transcription [ˌθɜːtiːn] it can be seen that in the word two stresses. The bottom abnity denotes the secondary stress, the top is the main one. The same applies to Fourteen [ˌfɔːtiːn] and fifteen [ˌfɪftiːn]. Here, too, two stress - the main and extra.

What to do to not make a mistake with pronunciation? To do this, always look at the transcription. Each numerical, like any other word, should be studied according to the following scheme: Transcription - translation - the presence of several values.

Note! In some dictionaries, the emphasis is determined by the presence (absence) after it noun. For example, if the numeral stands next to the noun, the emphasis falls on the first syllable \u003d\u003e

  • fifteen Rivers [Fɪftiːn Rɪvər z]
  • sixteen Cats [Sɪkstiːn Kæts]

But! If the numeral stands in the proposal separately, without a noun, then the emphasis falls on the second syllable (on the suffix -teen):

  • fifteen.
  • sixteen.


  • Fifteen Cats Were Sold This Week (stressing on the first syllable) \u003d\u003e This week was sold fifteen cats
  • How many CATS WERE SOLD THIS WEEK? - Fifteen (stress on suffix -teen) \u003d\u003e How many cats were sold this week? - Fifteen.