How to apply lemon berries. Chinese lemongrass

The most useful and at the same time unpretentious plant is a Chinese lemongrass - surprises with its effectiveness: accumulate and give the benefit of not only its fruit, but also stem, roots, leaves. It is easy to grow on the plot and at the same time very beautiful decorative bushes Shizandra (another plant name) is easy. Scarlet lemon berries, its white flowers will not only decorate the plot, but also help strengthen health.

Chemical Composition and Medical Properties

The widespread use of lemongrass in pharmacology, traditional medicine, cosmetology is due to its special chemical composition - it includes:

  • tubils with antioxidant properties of anthocyanis, catechins. Contribute to the strengthening of immunity;
  • essential oils;
  • lignan - a group of substances called phyroestogens, or "natural hormones";
  • natural mix of acids - ascorbic, lemon and apple;
  • fatty acids - Laurinovaya, Linoleic;
  • a lot of macroelements (iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium);
  • wide group of trace elements - barium, nickel, iodine, selenium, copper and others;
  • tocopherol and riboflavin, group B vitamins, vitamins E, A, C, thiamine.

More Ancient Hunters used the fact of high - up to 1.5% of the content in the sour-sweet bodies of the sugar: during a long-term hunting, the fruits helped quickly get enough to restore forces.

Enterprise and schisandrol influence on the body, also included in the chemical composition of Liana, give special, energy-charged properties of tea from its stem and leaves.

Schisandra-based drugs are supported by immunity, outstand cholesterol from the body, intensify the work of the heart muscle, vessels, suppress infectious inflammation and even restore nerve cells. It has substances that reduce the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood. The effect of the lemongrass is noticeable even after one-time reception of its drugs.

Surprisingly, the useful properties are inherent not only to seeds and berries, but also to all components of the plant, including the roots of Liana, its stem, foliage.

In particular, the use of seeds of the chinese lemongrass plant is shown:

  • with different diseases of the respiratory system due to their anti-inflammatory property;
  • in the therapy of diseases of the digestive tract. Regular reception of a selected dosage dosage powder made of ground seeds schizandra gives a positive result in the treatment of chronic gastritis with increased secretion (and the juice of berries improves the condition when it decreases). Such treatment contributes to the rapid removal of painful syndrome associated with such diseases;
  • with increased fatigue, low hemoglobin - due to the rich content of iron. Treatment of asthenic syndrome may also include the use of drugs made on the basis of seeds of the lemongrass;
  • contributes to improving vision.

The use of a Chinese lemoney berry increases the body's tone, contributes to the correct "setting" of its nervous system, enhances protective functions. They are used as a natural "medicine" that increases blood pressure. They are especially shown to people of old age, because they have a property to slow down the aging processes. Useful properties of sails Chinese berries:

  • the most commonly used medicine of both species - and traditional, and folk - stimulating the workflows of the central nervous system, support for nervous exhaustion, the rise of working capacity. As a tonic, it is one of the best natural. The use of fruits helps to cope with stress;
  • effective in individual liver diseases, it is cleaned from slags, toxins;
  • promote the normalization of the hormonal background;
  • they contribute to a decrease in appetite, activating metabolic processes, weight loss.

For the treatment of dental diseases - inflammation of the mucous membrane, caries of teeth - use essential oils, the riches of the roots of the Chinese lemongrass. They also actively contribute to improved brain activity.

Flavonoids filled with chinese lemongrass leaves. These plant substances have a positive effect on the activity of many enzymes and improve the state of blood vessels. In the maximum volume, they are contained in only the plants blooming young leaves. Drinks made of shizandra leaves - decoctions, teas - softer affect the body, rather than fruits. They have anti-cutting, tonic, vitamin, effectively reduce menstrual pains in women.

The scope of application of lemongrass

The rich content of the useful elements causes a wide range of use of the raw case of a Chinese lemongrass with therapy of a variety of diseases. The effectiveness of the use of its cosmetic medical properties is proved: drug-based preparations contribute to the preservation of the skin's youth, strengthen their hair, retain their healthy appearance. Not in vain in China, shizandra berries are called the elixir of youth.

From cold

Chinese lemongrass, possessing antifungal and antibacterial properties, will help to quickly overcome a cold and influenza state. In addition, they are saturated important for the immune system with vitamin C.

However, it is even better to use berries prophylactically: a cup of tea with a lemongrass in the cold season to strengthen the immunity and will not be afraid of colds. Instead of sugar in a drink it is better to add honey. Important moment: such tea should not be drunk before bedtime - the "ability" of the lemongrass toning the body can interfere with sleep.

For kidney

The property of the Chinese lemongrass fruit suppressing the reproduction of bacteria is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the urinary system, but only in the composition of complex therapy, including the methods of treatment of traditional medicine, or as a prophylactic agent during periods of remission of chronic diseases.

The plant also has a non-silver diuretic effect. In autoimumin renal diseases or renal failure, its use does not bring use.

From pressure

Actively enhancing the body's tone, the Chinese lemongrass simultaneously contributes to the rise of blood pressure. This improves the overall quality of life, eliminates the feeling of constant fatigue, powerlessness. However, we are talking only about hypotonics - lifting pressure, plants berries bring it to normal numbers.

The same who suffers from hypertension or arterial jumps, it is impossible to take any drugs with Shizandra.

In cometology

Raw materials from different parts of Shizandra are used in home care products and hair and in professional cosmetic preparations.

In particular, alcohol lotions are good for extended and inflamed pores on the face with a violation of the sebaceous glands. 15 g of fresh berries are crushed, kashitsa is added to half the liter of vodka, closed and leave for insteading for a week. Then, 5 ml of glycerin is diluted in the tablespoon of water and, pouring this mixture into the tincture, wipe the face two or three times a day.

Improve the condition of dry skin, fit and moisturizes its mask from 20 g of the mass of crushed dried berries, well mixed with 40 ml of cream or fatty sour cream. For 15 minutes, the mass is applied to the skin of the face, the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline, after which we wash off with green tea.

Excellent universal and simple means, strengthening hair, improving the blood circulation of the scalp - infusion of 20 raw materials from any part of the plant on the half-liter boiling water. It is convenient to brew such tea in the thermos and then use after each head washing as a rinser.

With the "participation" of oil seed oil, the cosmetology industry manufactures tonic cream for tender skin around the eyes, balsams of strengthening and health for hair, masks for different types of skin skin, other drugs. It is very difficult to harvest the oil from the plant seed independently, but you can buy it in the pharmacy. The scope of its application is wide:

  • helps in the treatment of fungal skin diseases, pediculosis, licray;
  • removes swelling, annoying itching from insect bites;
  • when used in aroma lamps, it helps to reassure, improve performance, helps to concentrate attention.

Recipes from chinese lemongrass

Options for using a unique nature of nature for the benefit of health are diverse. The list of recipes from the Chinese lemongrass contains teas, jams and juices, a blank in sugar, as well as tincture using alcohol.

Tincture for improving performance

The drink improves the general physical condition, contributes to the rapid restoration of forces, activates the energy of the body.

For tinctures, a 60-70% fortress usually use alcohol. One part of finely crushed berries (can be dried) - five parts of alcohol. Insist for crescent, preferably in darkening. Accepted in the morning and during the day of 20-30 drops. Evening reception will not allow to fall asleep due to the rise of energy.

Tea from Lemongrics

This delicious and fragrant drink is popular with Far Eastern hunters, because it is easily prepared and well supports forces: leaves (any - dry or fresh), and stalks are crushed. A teaspoon of raw materials is brewed with a glass of boiling water, add honey to taste.

Such tea is an excellent preventive medium preventive tool, strengthening immunity during viral epidemics.

Ruhar for weight loss

Since Shizandra Chinese activates metabolic processes in the body, heralds for weight loss from it effectively apply to those who want to lose weight. Preparations with chinese lemongrass:

  • toned the body;
  • increase energy consumption;
  • stabilize metabolic processes;
  • improve the work of digestive, hormonal systems;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • remove toxins from the body, slags.

By this, they increase the effectiveness of diets and sports training.

Recipe for losslessness: crushed berries (about 10 g) poured 200-250 ml of boiling water, hold 15-20 minutes in a water bath. Drink 40 ml 3-4 times a day.

Juice of chinese lemongrass

In China - on the homeland of the plant - it is believed that this use of this drink enhances the potency, softens the manifestation of severe climacteric syndrome. To prepare, ripe berries are cleaned of flowers and other impurities, washed and in proportion 1: 3 in the enameled container mixed with sugar. After 3-5 days, the resulting liquid is drained into pure (better - sterilized) cans are covered with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator.

It is possible for better preservation to expose the juice of 15-minute pasteurization.

Use a day no more than a teaspoon, adding to other drinks.

Fresh Berries in Sahara

This useful product is used as medicinal delicacy. The berries separated from the fruits, wash, and after drying, fall asleep with sugar (part of the berries - 2 parts of the sugar). Stirred and immediately folded into the cans, are covered with plastic covers or tied with parchment paper.

Store the berries of the lemongrass in the refrigerator or in the cool storage room.

Alcohol tincture

It can be prepared on alcohol with a fortress of 95%. On 200 g of alcohol take 40 g of dry berries, for better extraction of crushed. Two weeks of insisting without entering the sun rays, they take 15-20 drops throughout the day.

Tincture for potency

Many men refer to traditional medicine in search of a recipe for a delicate problem - enhance the sexual function. Impotence can be a result and a sign of other serious diseases and not always natural medicines can help in solving them. Yes, and the use of one tincture will not save from the problem, but in combination with a full-fledged rest and balanced nutrition, a refusal of bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages or drugs - you can try to achieve a positive result.

The "tincture for men" recipe is similar to the above prescription tincture to increase performance. Depending on the well-being of 20-25 drops twice or three times a day.

Contraindications and side effects

Any preparations from Sizhisandra should be taken only after consulting a specialized physician, since the list of contraindications and states in which the drug can turn into a worsening of health is quite large. Overdose of the Chinese lemongrass can cause:

  • threatening health (sometimes life) increase blood pressure;
  • depressive condition, insomnia;
  • tachycardia and any other heart rate disorders;
  • stomach upset.

Contraindicated drugs containing Chinese lemongrass:

  • pregnant, nursing;
  • children under 12 years old;
  • suffering from hypertension - a tonic, simultaneously increasing blood pressure, can provoke a state-threatening state;
  • having a history of liver disease;
  • people with any neurological problems, including epilepsy, encephalitis, encephalopathy, increased intracranial pressure;
  • infectious diseases, exacerbations of allergies.

It should be seriously taken to the proposed list of contraindications, and in the phenomena of overdose of drugs of Chinese lemongrass or their side effects - to consult a doctor.

Billet and storage

Ripe plant berries cut off, trying not to damage the brush and stem. You can collect in enameled buckets, wicker baskets, plastic containers. Do not use galvanized container due to their possible oxidation.

Berries are scattered in one or two layers on a flat surface and dry 2-3 days, periodically Vorosha. Then they move to the separation of the color and small impurities. Peace in the oven at temperatures up to 65 ° C. Fruits treated in a similar way, for two years save their beneficial properties.

You can cook the jam in any familiar way or prepare the juice, as described above.

Leaves, stalk of Liana as a billet for tea are dry, crushed and stored in any suitable capacity.

Chinese lemongrass - a plant that is surprisingly rich in the human body substances. But he benefits only with its proper and dosed application. Consultation with the attending physician before the start of the treatment of the plant will increase the chances of obtaining an effective result.

The article discusses the chinese lemongrass - its varieties: garden and firstborn, description, where it grows, the chemical composition. We tell about the beneficial properties of the Chinese lemongrass. You will learn how to use decoction for potency, weight loss, and what attracts landscape designers is a plant.

Chinese Lemongrass (Lat. Schisándra chinénsis) - view of the flowering plants of the family of Lemongrass (Schisandracea). The flowering period falls at the beginning of the summer and lasts 10-14 days. Purpose insects who collect nectar and pollen.

The synonyms of the lemongrass are wild of his varieties of Far Eastern, Manchurian. In China, the plant is called "uwe-zi", which means the "berry of five tastes". Look at how beautiful the plant looks like - a chinese photo lemongrass.

What looks like

Appearance (PHOTO) of the chinese lemongrass of the Chinese is a leaf falling liana, which in the southern regions reaches a length of 15 meters, in the northern regions no more than 4 meters. The stem in diameter 2 cm, curls on the support, covered with a peeling bark of a dark brown shade. Saving smooth with yellowish bark.

Leaves with a wedge-shaped base, elliptical form. In length of up to 10 cm, in width up to 5 cm. Leaves are dark green, the top is pointed. On the leaf veins there is a omission. Parts of a plant with a pleasant lemon aroma.

The plant is a chinese lemongrass - one-bedroom, separation flowers, but sometimes it happens that only men's flowers on Liana. Flowers diameter up to 1.5 cm. White flowers with a distinct aroma, by the end of the flowering period pose. After blowing the color grows, brushes are formed, and on them the berries of the Chinese lemongrass.

The core of the seed has a shape of a horseshoe, yellow with one pointed and one round end. In the bulk of the seed consists of endosperm. Under the magnifying glass in endosperm you can notice the embryo. If you lose it, you will feel bitter-burning, spicy fragrance.

Where it grows

The plant grows in Primorsky, Khabarovsk Territory, on Kurilla, Sakhalin and the coast of the Tatar Strait. It is mostly growing in the forests of mixed type. Wild and alignment varieties of lemongrass are found in Korea, Japan and China.

Chinese lemongrass growth sites:

  • cedar, broad-sized forests;
  • edges, meadows, hill;
  • wet valleys of streams and rivers;
  • old cutting.

Growing groups, forms thickets. In the mountains, the plant can be found to a height of 600 meters above sea level. Prefers illuminated places, but at an early age can grow on shaded spaces.

The plant chooses territories with a subline or sandy soil. Drained valleys of small rivers are considered optimal for growth. In the northern regions almost does not be fruit.

Fruits of chinese lemongrass

The Chinese lemongrass berries are dried and harvested for several years a plant is considered medicinal and vegetable raw materials. It is used in folk medicine, cooking, perfumery and cosmetic industry to create perfumes with spicy lemon flavors. Designers plant a lemongrass into summer cottages as landscape design.

In the last century, the fruits of the Chinese lemongrass were used by hunters as food during the hunt. In the juice of berries, the content of sugar -1, -1.5%, which allows you to satisfy and restore forces.

In cooking from berries prepare a filling for sweets, kislets, jams and soft drinks. The juice from fruits is used to add bouquet of wines, make tea, which has a delicate, lemon aroma.

Chemical composition

In the lemimple of Chinese therapeutic properties and contraindications are due to a unique chemical composition:

  • lignan;
  • catechins;
  • anthocian;
  • essential oils;
  • acids (apple, lemon, ascorbic);
  • calcium;
  • vitamins C, E.

Berries contain an abundance of organic acids. The fruit includes sugar and pectin. Cover substances - anthocyans, catechins that have antioxidant properties, help strengthen immunity and cope with viruses. Essential oil is available in all parts of the plant. Many people add lemongrass oil to aromatize in a bath or deodorant.

Medical properties

In the lemimonon of Chinese properties have a useful pharmacological effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antioxidant;
  • conjunctive;
  • controversial;
  • anti-core;
  • wound-healing.

The plant activates potency, stimulates the work of the central nervous system and normalizes blood pressure. Preparations based on it are shown when driving, decay forces, toxicosis during pregnancy.

It helps in the treatment of skin diseases, bronchitis, diseases of the digestive tract and liver. The Chinese lemongrass for men and women is used as a toning and exciting agent.

Lignans activate the central nervous system, they are called adaptogens. Adaptogens are natural substances that improve the work of all organism systems during stressful situations.

Plant-based preparations are prescribed when physical or mental activity is planned, a change in the diet, climate. Lemongrass is popular with people who go to the mountains. In extreme conditions of oxygen starvation, the body requires feeding, energy and constant restoration of forces.

How to Collect

In the recipes of drugs based on the chinese instruction instruction, includes processed and dried raw materials. To properly harvest parts of the plant, you need to know when to collect, how to dry and store the plant.

Cora is collected in the spring, stems - in the fruiting season. The leaves can be collected in August during the dissolution, which will ensure the maximum availability of useful components in them.

Berries collect from August to September. Fully matured berries bitterly sour taste and juicy flesh. From one bush, you can get 3-4 kg of ripe berries.

Cut the fruits gently so as not to damage the plant. If during the assembly, the barrel of the Lian is damaged, then the plant will not be fruit.

Do not collect fruits into metal dishes, as the process of oxidation occurs, and harmful connections are formed in the juice. Recycle berries within 24 hours after collecting.

Dry the fruits under a canopy for several days, and then beat suitable and unsuitable. Be sure to mix parts of the plant for uniform drying. Next, dry the berries in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Fruits treated in this way will retain useful properties for several years. Competently dried fruits should be solid, have an irregular shape, possess a spicy taste.

How to apply

From the berries of the Chinese lemongrass, decoctions and tinctures are made, and the jam in the Chinese lemongrass is applied according to the testimony and as prevention. Regularly taking a lemongrass, you improve the emotional state, restore the erection, normalize sleep and maintain activity throughout the day.

The effective combination of nutrient components and the healing properties of the lemongrass has a beneficial effect on adrenal glands.

Chinese researchers believe that sexual energy accumulates in them.

Tincture for potency

Chinese Lemongrass Tinnik for potency effectively helps in the absence of libido. Prepare tincture is not difficult. Store the cooked alcohol tincture in a dark place.


  1. Fruits Plants - 10 gr.
  2. Vodka - 50 ml.

How to cook: Plant berries Fill with vodka and insist 10 days in a darkened place. Shake the tincture daily. After 10 days, strain.

How to use: Use tincture 1 time per day for 1 t. L in the morning.

Result: The Chinese lemongrass for potency activates the sexual attraction, gives the strength and improves the mood.

Ruhar for weight loss

In traditional medicine, all parts of the plant are used, they prepare the oil of the lemongrass of Chinese, cool tea, infusion, decoction or harvest juice for the winter. The most simple and effective is the decoction of the plant.

Fruits, roots and shoots are suitable for brewing. The decoction is used for weight loss - it increases energy spending, acts as an additional component with diets, normalizes cholesterol levels, slags and toxins. Chinese lemongrass for weight loss is an effective way to combat overweight.


  1. Saving, fruits or roots - 15 gr.
  2. Boiled water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Grind the raw materials and pour boiling water. Leave it to the closed dishes for 5 minutes.

How to use: Take no more frequently 1 time per day 1-2 tbsp. If necessary, divert the decoction with simple water.

Result: With regular reception, you reset up to 10 kg.

Lemongrass Chinese during pregnancy

Even healthy people should use drug-based preparations with caution. Limondon Chinese during pregnancy apply only for the appointment of a doctor. The best lemongrass is absorbed in the morning.

In some cases, pregnant girls prescribe decoctions from the plant to cope with nausea and ailment. The dried grass is poured with boiling water and insist. The decoction is prepared from leaves and fruits. After three hours of insteading the decoction or, in the people, the tea of \u200b\u200bthe Chinese lemongrass Drive on the ¼ glass 1-3 times a day.

Also, often pregnant is prescribed to accept the fees of healing herbs, where there is a lemongrass in the composition with other plants. In this case, the dosage of the lemongrass is small, and it is absorbed easily. Toning drinks give pregnant influx of strength, energy, activate appetite.


In the Limonon, Chinese contraindications are as follows:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • epilepsy;
  • infectious diseases in the acute phase;
  • age up to 12 years.


The chinese lemongrass (Schisandra Chinensis) belongs to the family of lemongrass, the order of Austrobaillee-delete, the class Dwallery, the flowering department. It also happens Japanese and Crimean lemongrass.


In total, there are about 20 species. In Russia, only 2 species are grown.

Grade Garden is a liana to 2 meters high with the fruits of a bright red shade. The weight of the fruit brush of a garden lemongrass reaches 12.5 grams. Soft leaves, shiny, egg-shaped. In each brush, 20-25 fruits. From each plant you can collect up to 2 kg of useful berries.

Grade First Head - for the first time brought in Russia. The firstborn ripens at the end of August. Fruit brush with obvious lemon smell. The weight of fruits is 15 grams. Cylindrical brush shape with 35-40 fruits on each. Berries rounded, red, with sourness.

Leaves in the form of an ellipse, pointed at the end, with rare gears. Flowers with snow-white or pink flowers. Fruits ripen in August and September. The grade of the firstborn is relatively unpretentious in cultivation. It grows well in any area of \u200b\u200bRussia.

Read more about landing Limondnik, see the video:

Lemongrass Chinese infographics

Photo of chinese lemongrass, its useful properties and application
Limmbonate Chinese infographics

What to remember

  1. The plant has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, strengthening and wound-healing properties.
  2. Outwardly apply a chinese lemongrass for the face and body as a disinfecting and soothing agent.
  3. Men and women consume lemongrass to improve libido, immunity and mood.
  4. The fruits are assembled before the appearance of the first frosts.
  5. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, plant-based preparations should only be prescribed by a doctor.

The chinese lemongrass is a deciduous plant from the Far East. In the spring it pleases with fragrant bloom, and by autumn - harvest with a rich set of useful properties. The culture was adapted for cultivation in the conditions of the middle strip of the Russian Federation. The lemon berries are actively used in folk and official medicine.

  • lower the fruit with one layer on burlap, tarpaulin or other waterproof material;
  • bring, throwing vegetable litter and sampled samples;
  • for drying, placing berries under the canopy;
  • leave the lemongrass in this state for 2-3 days;
  • separate the fruits from the brushes and tear off each color;
  • the drying of the crop of the lemongrass is performed in the caloric dryers for 6-8 hours at a temperature center in the range of 40-55 ° C.

Berries of this plant are extremely helpful. The main effect they have on the performance and tone of the nervous system. Active substances in the composition of the fruits are not postponed in the body. However, doctors still do not advise to relocate with the dosage of lemongrass. An adult person is enough for a day 3-5 pieces (1.5 g), a child - no more than 2-3 pcs. (0.5 g).

Chinese lemongrass: video

The fruits of the lemongrass, both in fresh and dried, have valuable properties for our body.

For drying, mature lemon fruits are harvested in a basket in a fresh form. The fruits are then scattered with a thin layer and weiss them first in the sun or in the shade in the wind, and then dry in the dryer or the oven at a temperature of 40-55 ° C (you can dry the lemongrass fruit in caloric dryers at a temperature of 40 - 55 ° C for 6 - 8 ocloc'k).

The dried lemon berries retain up to 0.6% ascorbic acid and schizandrin, they have a spicy smell and bitter-sweet taste. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

From fresh and dry fruits of lemongrass at home, you can cook vitaminized juice. Freshly planes are washed, pressed in the juicer and immediately sterilized in small bottles. The dried fruits are boiled for 10 minutes in a closed enamelled dishes, after which they insist in the thermos (for several hours), flickering through the gauze and add sugar to taste. On 1 tbsp. A spoonful of dry berries take 1 cup of water. One teaspoon of such a juice is enough to give tea a pleasant taste.

The dried fruits of lemongrass are used in the confectionery industry in the production of sweets, kissels, jams, syrups, taste extracts (in winemaking) and seasonings to tea. With therapeutic purposes, the decoction of dry lemon fruits are prepared in the ratio of 20: 200 and drink 1 tbsp. Spoon 2 - 3 times a day in warm form.

The powder made of dry fruits or lemongrass seeds take 0.5 g in the morning and in the evening (see also the article "Seeds of the Celestial Chinese").


1. In the dried fruit of the Chinese lemongrass contain: ash - 1.6%, water-soluble substances - 8.7% weight, starch - about 1%, fiber - 2.65%. The content of sugars reaches 9.5%.

2. Dry lemon berries retain to 0.6% ascorbic acid and schizandrin.

3. Dry raster fruit fruit doctors recommend sick people with reduced blood pressure, as well as those who have suffered severe diseases.

Read more about the healing properties of lemongrass fruit in the article "Chinese Lemongrass" (section "Use").


1. The use of lemongrass as a strong toning, exciting means should be carried out only with preliminary medical examination and medical control.

2. As side effects, when using lemongrass, it is mentioned: allergic reactions (even an overdendment is possible by Pokinka); tachycardia; sleep disorders; increased gastric secretion; headache; Enhance arterial pressure.

3. In connection with this, drugs containing lemongrass are contraindicated under the following factors: cardiac impairment; arterial hypertension; organic diseases of the cardiovascular system; increased excitability; epilepsy; increased intracranial pressure; sleep disorders (insomnia); exception; acute infectious diseases; chronic liver diseases; hypersensitivity to drug components; during pregnancy (stimulates generic activity!); during lactation; with vegue-vascular dystonia by hypertensive type; arachnoid; With arachnoencephalitis.

4. Attention! Children up to 12 years old, lemongrass drugs are contraindicated!

Interesting fact

Far Eastern Hunters-to-Nanikes Handful of dried lemongrass fruits instantly helped relieve fatigue and, exacerbating his eyesight, allowed the beast with a scant food for several days. During the Great Patriotic War, dried lemongrass was successfully applied by Soviet pilots during night departures.