Prayer Father Our living in heaven. The text of the prayer will be ours in Russian and its meaning

In the literal translation of the prayer of ours from the Aramaic

The literal translation of the prayer of Our Father from the Aramaic language, read and feel the difference:

Oh, breathing life,

Your name shines everywhere!

Free space

To plant your presence!

Imagine your imagination

Your "I can" now!

Look at your desire in every light and shape!

Exist through us bread and

Arrangement for every moment!

Delete knots of failures that bind us

Like we release cable ropes,

which we keep the misdemeanor of others!

Help us do not forget our source.

But I will free us from immaturity not to stay in the present!

From you there is any

Vision, strength and song

From the meeting to the meeting!


When and why in the prayer "Father our" mention appeared by the Mention of the Flying (Satan)?

In the ancient Church Slavonic, there is no shuffling: "... and not induced us to the attack, ny to save away from dislike." Who added "onion" to the main prayer of Jesus Christ?

Prayer "Our Father", known to every Christian since childhood, is a concentrated presentation of the entire Christian doctrine. At the same time, it is one of the most advanced literary works recorded ever writing.

Such a generally accepted look at the short prayer of the Lord, whom Jesus taught his students.

How is it possible? After all, for the complete presentation of religious teachings in other religions, many Toms needed. And Jesus did not even ask his disciples to record every word.

Just during the Nagorno Protection, he said (Matt. 6.9: 13):

"Pray like this:

Our father, izh, at Heaven!

And we leave our debts,

jacan and we leave our debtor.

And do not enter us in temptation,

but get rid of us from the evil. "

But this is not the only option to transfer the prayer of the Lord into Russian. In the author's existing publication of the Gospel of 1892 there are several other options:

"Our Father, Sustains in Heaven!

yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom is yours;

may will be the will of yours and on Earth, like in the sky;

chlub Our pressing give us to this day;

and forgive us our debts;

debtors to our;

and do not enter into temptation,

but getting rid of us from the dear; "

In the modern, canonical edition of the Bible (with parallel places) we find almost the same option to transfer prayers:


yes, your name is holy; Yes, your kingdom will come;

may will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;

our urgent bread give us to this day;

and forgive us our debts;

as we forgive our debtors to our;

And do not enter us in temptation,

but get rid of us from the evil; "

In the old Slavonic translation of prayer (if it is written with a modern alphabet), it sounds closer to the first version:


Yes, it will hire your name! Yes, your kingdom will come;

yes, there will be the will of your yako in the sky and on the earth.

Bread our urgent gone to us.

And we leave our debts,

yako and we leave our debtor.

And do not enter us in attack,

but get rid of us from the evil. "

These translations use different words to indicate the same concepts. "Sorry to us" and "leave us", "attack" and "temptation", "izhi on Heaven" and "Jewish in Heaven" denote the same thing.

There is no distortion of the meaning and spirit of words, these Christ's disciples, none of these options. But comparing them, you can come to an important conclusion that the literal transfer of words of Jesus is not only impossible, but is not mandatory.

In the English translations of the Gospels, you can find several different options, but all of them can be considered authentic, for in them the meaning of the prayer and spirit of it adequately.

The prayer of the Lord was widespread immediately after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. It can be seen at least from the fact that it was found in such remote points as the city of Pompeii (that is, it turned out to be there before Pompeii were destroyed by the eruption of Vesuviya volcano in 79. from R.Kh.).

At the same time, the authentic text of the prayer of the Lord did not reach us in primeval form.

In translations into Russian, the Lord's prayer sounds equally in the Gospels from Matthew (6: 9-13) and from Luke (11: 2-4). We find the same text in the Gospels of KJV (King James Version) in English.

If we take the Greek source, then with surprise you will find that they know the words "judge to Heavenly", "" Let the will of your Yako in the sky, and on the earth "and" save us from the evange "in the gospel of Luke.

There are many versions that explain the reasons for the disappearance of these words in the Gospel of Luke and the emergence of them in translations, and later in modern Greek editions of the Gospel. We will not dwell on it, because it is not important for us, but the Spirit of the Great Prayer.

Jesus did not prescribe us to pray, seeking his words literally. He just said "pray like this:", that is, "pray in this way."

Konstantin Glinka

Our "Father" translated from Aramaic

Today, in the morning I dreamed that I was going with someone unfamiliar on the rocky desert and look into the sky poured by the sun. Suddenly I noticed that whether the gilded casket was rapidly approaching us, or the book in the same binding.

I did not have time to tell the buddler that it was easily in the desert from the sky, objects are falling and well, that not on the head, as I realized that the subject flies right on me. After a second, he crashed to the right of me, where my buddy had to be. I was so stunned that I woke up before I looked towards the unfortunate comrade.

The morning began unusual: I got on the Internet "ours" in the language of Jesus. Translation from Aramaic shook me so much that I was late for work, checking whether it was not fake. I found that about 15 years ago the theologians had an expression "Primates of Arama".

That is, as far as I understand, the Greek source was the Greek source in theological disputes before, but they were noticed in it, which could arise when translating from the original language. In other words, Greek option is not primary.

The Aramaic version of the Gospel ("Peshitt", on the Edessa Dialect of Aramaic Language) exists, but he is a translation from Greek.

True, as it turned out, not complete. And not only in the sense of the absence of some parts: it has places that have survived in ancient times, since they were already recorded on the Aramaic.


And if we translate literally:

Abwoon D "Bwashmaya

Nethqadash Shmakh.

Teytey Malkuthakh.


Hawvlah Lachma D "Sunqanan Yaomana

Washboqlan Khuabayn Aykana Daph Khan Shbwoqan L "Khaayyabayn.



ABWOON D "BWASHMAYA (Official Translation: Our Father!)

Literal: Abwoon is translated as a divine parent (fruitful emanation of light). D "Bwashmaya - Heaven; SHM root - light, flame, divine word arising in space, ending aya - says that this shine is happening everywhere, at any point of space

NETHQADASH SHMAKH (Official translation: Yes, your name is holy)

Literal: Nethqadash is translated as a cleansing or object to sweep the Sora (Clean the place for something). SHMAKH - Distribution (SHM - fire) and release of inner fuss, finding silence. Literal translation - cleansing space for the name.

TeyTey Malkuthakh (official translation: yes your kingdom will come)

Literal: Tey is translated as come, but double repetition means mutual desire (sometimes marriage bed). Malkuthakh traditionally translates as a kingdom, symbolically - fruitful hand, land gardens; wisdom, cleansing of the ideal, doing his personal for himself; come home; Yinskaya (creative) Ipoity of fire.

NEHWEY TZEVYANACH AYKANNA D "BWASHMAY APH B" ARHA. (Official translation: Will will be your will and on Earth, as in heaven)

Literal: TzevyanaCH is translated as a will, but not power, but the desire of the heart. One of the translations is natural, birth, giving life. Aykanna means constancy, incarnation in life. APH - Personal orientation. Arha - Earth, B "- means live; b" ARHA - a compound of shape and energy, spiritualized matter.

Hawvlah Lachma D "Sunqanan Yaomana (Official Translation: Our Great Bread Give us to this day)

Literal: Hawvlah is translated as giving (soul gifts and material gifts). Lachma - Bread, necessary, urgent to maintain life, understanding life (CHMA - increasing passion, increasing, increase). D "Sunqanan - needs, what I can own, how much I could carry; Yaomana is necessary to maintain the spirit, life force.

Washboqlan Khuabayn Aykana Daph Khan Shbwoqan L "Khaayyabayn.

(Official translation: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our)

Literal: Khuabayn is translated as debts, internal accumulated energies that destroy us; In some texts, instead of Khuabayn it is worthwakhtahayn, which is translated as failed hopes. Aykana - Release (passive voluntary action).

Wela Tahlan L "Nesyuna (official translation: and do not enter us in temptation)

Literal: Wela Tahlan is translated as "Don't let us fit"; L "Nesyuna is an illusion, anxiety of oscillations, coarse matter; symbolic translation - a wandering mind.

ela Patzan Min Bisha. (Official translation: But get rid of us from the evil)

Literal: ELA - immaturity; Symbolic translation - inappropriate actions. Patzan - untie, give freedom; MIN BISHA - from evil

Metol Dilakhie Malkutha Wahyla Wateshbukhta L "Ahlam Almin. (Official translation: for yours is a kingdom and power and glory forever.)

Literal: Metol Dilakhie is translated as the idea of \u200b\u200bownership of anything bringing fruit (plowed land); Malkutha - kingdom, kingdom, symbolic translation - "I can"; Wahyla is the concept of vitality, energy, setting up in unison, supporting life; Wateshbukhta - Glory, Harmony, Divine Strength, Symbolic translation - generating fire; L "Ahlam Almin - from century to century.

Ameyn. (Official translation: Amen.)

AmeyN - Will manifestation, approval, omissions. Instills the power and spirit in everything created

The Lord "S Prayer in Aramaic. The Native Language of Jesus Christ As Spoken and Translated by Neil Douglas-Klotz - Music by Ashana.

I WAS SO INSPIRED TO Combined Both Song and Prayer Into One. I DON "T Own The Copyright. Thanks to Ashana and Neil Douglas-Klotz. Lyrics Below:

Abwoon D "Bwashmaya (The Lord" s Prayer in the Original Aramaic)

"In Researching Translations of the Original Aramaic, I Found Discovered A Teaching by Dr. Rocco Errico (, An Aramaic Scholar, Who Explains That The Word" Abwoon "Is Actually A Term of Endearment Used by Both Men and Woman, and That Rather Than the Word "Father" A more Accurate Translation Would be "Beloved." - Ashana

The Following Translation / Poetic Rendering of the Lord "S Prayer Is By Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz, and Is One of My Favorites.

Abwoon D "Bwashmaya
Nethqadash Shmakh.
Teytey Malkuthakh.
Habwlan Lachma D "Sunqanan Yaomana.
Washboqlan Khaubayn (Wakhtahayn) Aykana Daph Khnan Shbwoqan L "Khaayyabayn.
Wela Tahlan L "Nesyuna
Ela Patzan Min Bisha.
Metol Dilakhie Malkutha Wahyla Wateshbukhta L "Ahlam Almin.

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos / You Create All That Moves in Light.
Focus Your Light Within US - Make It Useful: As The Rays of a Beacon Show The Way.
Create Your Reign of Unity Now - Through Oour Fiery Hearts and Willing Hands.
Your One Desire Then Acts With Ours, AS in All Light, SO in All Forms.
Grant What Weed Each Day in Bread and Insight: Subsistence For the Call of Growing Life.
Loose The Cords of Mistakes Binding US, AS We Release The Strands We Hold of Others "Guilt.
Don "T Let US Enter ForgetfulFulness
But Free US From Unripeness
From You are Born All Ruling Will, The Song That Beautifies All, From Age to Age It Renews.
Truly - Power To These States - May The Source From Which All My Actions Grow.
Sealed in Trust & Faith. AMEN.

Transliteration and Original Translation of the Aramaic Lord "S Prayer by Dr. Neil Douglas-Klotz from the Peshitta (Syriac-Aramaic) Version of Matthew 6: 9-13 & Luke 11: 2-4 Reprinted from the Cosmos: meditations on The Aramaic Words of Jesus (Harper Collins, 1990), 1990, USED with PERMISSION.

Text of the prayer of the Lord

Church Slavonic:

Our father, izh,In heaven x!
Yes saint your name is
yes ads children your focus,
May will be your will
Ko in the sky and on the earth .
Bread our us
́ lucky give us a day;
and Ost
We are us to LHI,
i skin and we leaveEat duty m Our;
And do not enter
́ our temptation
But Izba
We us from Luka Vago

In Russian:

Our father, in heaven!
Yes, your name is holy;
Yes, your kingdom will come;
Our urgent bread give us to this day;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our;
And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.
For yours is the kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen. (MF., 6: 9-13)

Our father, in heaven!
Yes, your name is holy;
yes, your kingdom will come;
may will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;
our urgent bread give us every day;
and forgive us our sins, for and we forgive our debtor to our;
and do not enter us in temptation,
but get rid of us from the evil.
(LK., 11: 2-4)


Πάτερ ἡ μ ῶ ν, ὁ ἐ ν το ῖ ς ο ὐ ρανο ῖ ς.
ἁ γιασθήτω τ ὸ ὄ νομά σου,
ἐ λθέτω ἡ βασιλεία σου,
γενηθήτω τ
ὸ θέλημά σου, ὡ ς ἐ ν ο ὐ ραν ῷ κα ὶ ἐ π ὶ γής.
Τ ὸ ν ἄ ρτον ἡ μ ῶ ν τ ὸ ν ἐ πιούσιον δ ὸ ς ἡ μ ῖ ν σήμερον.
Κα ὶ ἄ φες ἡ μ ῖ ν τ ὰ ὀ φειλήματα ἡ μ ῶ ν,
ὡ ς κα ὶ ἡ με ῖ ς ἀ φίεμεν το ῖ ς ὀ φειλέταις ἡ μ ῶ ν.
Κα ὶ μ ὴ ε ἰ σενέγκ ῃ ς ἡ μ ᾶ ς ε ἰ ς πειρασμόν,
ἀ λλ ὰ ρυσαι ἡ μ ᾶ ς ἀ π ὸ του πονηρου.

By- latin:

sanctificetur Nomen Tuum.
Adventiat Regnum Tuum.
Fiat Voluntas Tua, Sicut in Caelo et in Terra.
Panem Nostrum Quotidianum Da Nobis Hodie.
sicut et Nos Dimittimus Debitoribus Nostris.
sed Libera Nos A Malo.

In English (Catholic liturgical version)

Our Father WHO ART in Heaven
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come.
Give us this day Our Daily Bread
But Deliver US From Evil.

Why did God himself give a special prayer?

"Allow God can give God to God, only God himself can. He gave this right to people by making them the sons of God. And despite the fact that they were removed from him and were in extreme angry against him, he gave the oblivion of insults and the communion of grace. "

(SVT. Kirill Jerusalem)

As Christ taught the apostles to pray

The prayer of the Lord is given in the Gospels in two versions, most extensive in the Gospel of Matthew and Brief - in the Gospel of Luke. Different and circumstances in which Christ pronounces the text of prayer. In the Gospel of Matthew "Our Father" is part of the Nagorno sermon. Evangelist Luka writes that the apostles appealed to the Savior: "Lord! Teach us to pray, as John taught our students' students "(LC. 11, 1).

"Our Father" in the home prayer rule

The prayer of the Lord is part of the daily prayer rule and reads both during the morning prayers and prayers to sleep to the coming. The full text of the prayers is given in prayerful, canonnics and other collections of prayers.

Those who are especially busy and cannot pay a lot of time prayer, PRP. Seraphim Sarovsky gave a special rule. "Our Father" in it also enters. In the morning, in the afternoon, you need to read the "Our Father", three times the "Virgin Devo" and once "believe." Those, for some circumstances it is impossible to perform this small rule, prep. Seraphim advised him to read it in any position: and during classes, and on walking, and even in bed, representing the basis for the word Scripture: "Everyone who calls the name of the Lord will be saved."

There is a custom to read ours before eating along with other prayers (for example, "the eyes of all on the way, the Lord, and you are giving them to eat in parlegation, you slow down your generous hand and playing any animal of favor.").

"OUR FEW, иже и и и на ухсенчение, yes your name will hurt, and your kingdom will come, and there will be the will of yours, Yako in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago. "

Interpretation of Prayer Father Our

The most important prayer, it is called the Lord, because Her Lord himself gave Jesus Christ to his disciples when they asked him to teach him how to pray (see MF. 6: 9-13; Lux 11: 2-4).

Our father, izh, at Heaven! With these words, we appeal to God and, calling him Heavenly, call on our requests, or petitions. When we say that he is in heaven, then there should be a spiritual, invisible sky, and not the apparent blue arch, which will be spread over us and which we call the sky.

Yes your name is yours - That is, help us to live righteously, holy and their holy things to glorify your name.

May your kingdom - that is, we will ask us here, on earth, the kingdom of your heaven, which is true, love and peace; We reign in us and manage us.

Will be your will, yako in the sky and on the earth - That is, let it be all wrong, as we want, but as you please, and help us to obey this your will and fulfill her on Earth as unquestionlessly and without Ropot, how they are performed, with love and joy, holy angels in the sky . Because only you know that it is useful for us and you need, and you wish you more good than we ourselves.

Our urgent bread give us a day - That is, give us this day, today, our ugly bread. Under the bread here, there is something necessary for our life on Earth: food, clothing, dwelling, but the most important is the most accurate body and honest blood in the sacrament of the Holy Communion, without which there is no salvation in eternal life. The Lord commanded us to ask for no wealth, not luxury, but only the most necessary, and in all hope for God, remembering that he, as a father, always sneaks - cares about us.

And leave us our debts, I am, and we leave our debtor our ("DRAGI"sins;"Our debtor" - the people who sinned against us) - That is, forgive us our sins as we also forgive those who were insulted or offended. In this past, our sins are called our debts, because the Lord gave us strength, the ability and everything else in order to create good deeds, and we often pay all this to sin and evil and become debtors before God. And if we ourselves do not sincerely forgive our debtors, that is, people who have sins against us, then God will not forgive us. The Lord my Jesus Christ himself told us about this.

And do not enter us in temptation - The temptations are called such a fortune when something or someone pulls us on sin, seduces to make something fair-friendly or bad. We ask - no accept to the temptation, which we do not know how to transfer, help us overcome the temptations when they are.

But save us from Lucavago "That is, to save us from any evil in this world and from the culprit (chief) evil - from the devil (evil spirit), which is always ready to destroy us. Getting rid of us from this cunning, Lukowa and her deceptions, which is nothing before you.

Our father - answers to questions

The prayer "Father Our" is also called the Prayer of the Lord, because Christ himself gave her apostles in response to their request: "Teach us to pray" (LC 11: 1). Today, this prayer of Christians pronounce every day in the morning and evening rules, in the temples during the liturgy, all the parishioners sing it out loud. But, unfortunately, often repeating the prayer, we are not always comprehended, but what exactly is it for her words?

"OUR FEW, иже и и и вехеска"

1. We call God - Father, because he created all of us?
No, for this reason we can call it - Creator, or - Creator. Appeal Father It implies well-defined personal relations between children and the father, which should be expressed primarily in the likeness of the Father. God is love, therefore, our whole life should also be an expression of love for God and to the people around us. If this does not happen, then we risk more about whom Jesus Christ said: Your father is devil; And you want to execute the father of your father(Ying 8:44). Old Testament Jews lost the right to call God the Father. The prophet Jeremiah says with bitterness: And I said: ... You will call me your father and you will not retreat from me. But truly, as the wife cheeroshly changes to his friend, so treacherously entered me, you, the house of Israel, says the Lord. ... Return, rebellious children: I will heaile your inconsistency(Ier 3: 20-22). However, the return of rebellious children took place only with the arrival of Christ. Through him, God again adopted everyone who is ready to live on the commandments of the Gospel.

St. Cyril Alexandria: "Allow God can give God to God, only God himself can. He gave this right to people by making them the sons of God. And despite the fact that they retired from him and were in extreme angry against him, he gave the oblivion of insults and the communion of grace. "

2. Why is ours "Father", not "mine"? After all, it would seem that it could be for a person a more personal matter than appealing to God?

The most important thing is the most personal case for a Christian - love for other people. Therefore, we are designed to ask the God of grace not for yourself only, but also for all people living on Earth.

St. John Zlatoust: "... he does not say: I'm ready for mine, izhi for Heaven," but our father, and thereby commanding the prayer for the entire human genus and never keep in mind their own benefits, but always try on the benefits of the neighbor. And thus, the enmity destroys, and pride denses, and the envy exterks, and Love introduces the mother of all the best; Destroys the inequality of human affairs and shows full equally between the king and the poor, since in the cases of the highest and necessary we all have an equal participation ".

3. Why "in heaven" if the church teaches that God is omnipresent?

God is really omnipresent. But the person is always in a certain place, not only by the body. Our thoughts also always have a certain direction. Mention of heaven in prayer helps to distract our mind from the earth and send it to heavenly.

"And leave us our debts, I am and we leave our debtor"

8. God lets sins only those who forgave his offenders? Why would he not forgive everyone at all?

God is not inherent in the offense and revenge. For any moment, he is ready to accept and forgive everyone who turns to him. But the vacation of sins is possible only where a person refused to sin, he saw all his destructive abrasions and hated him for those troubles that sin brought into his life and into the lives of other people. And the forgiveness of offenders is the direct commandment of Christ! And if we, knowing this commandment, still do not fulfill it, then we are sin, and this sin is so pleasant for us and it is important that we do not want to give up him even for the sake of Christ. With such a cargo in the soul, it is impossible to enter the kingdom of God. Only God is not guilt, but we ourselves.

St. John Zlatoust: "This vacation initially depends on us, and the court consists in our authority, about us pronounced. So that none of the unreasonable, being condemning for a great or small crime, did not have reason to complain about the court, the Savior of You, the most guilty, makes the judge over himself and how would it say that: what kind of court you yourself do about yourself, the same court and I Trying about you; If forgive your fellow, then you will get the same advantage ".

"And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from the evil"

9. Did God tempt someone or in temptation?

God, of course, does not tempt anyone. But we are not able to overcome temptations without his help. If we, getting this graceful help, suddenly decide that we can live virtuously without him, then God takes his grace from us. But he does it not for the sake of revenge, and so that we are on bitter experience to make sure in our own impotence before sin, and again turned to him for help.

Saint Tikhon Zadonsky: "This word:" Do not enter us in temptation, "the molim of God, so that he retains us with his grace from the temptation of peace, flesh and devil. And although they are in temptations, we ask that they do not paint we be defeated, but would help them beat and defeat them. From this it can be seen that without God's help we are powerless and weak. If we ourselves could resist temptation, would not have been commanded to ask for help in this. This is learned as soon as you feel the temptation that finds us, immediately pray and ask for help. We learn from this on yourself and your power is not to hope, but on God. ".

10. Who is this - crazy? Or - dying? How to understand this word in the context of prayer?

Word sly - opposite about the meaning of the word straight . Onion (as a weapon), from ray ina River, famous Pushkin onion omoria - all these words, relatives onion aVA in the sense that they denote some curvature, something indirect, curved. In the prayer of the Lord, the devil was named, who was originally created by a bright angel, but his disappearance of God distorted his own nature, hershed her natural movements. Any of his action also became distorted, that is, the flawed, indirect, wrong.

St. John Zlatoust: "The deeller Christ calls the Devil here, who told us to lead against him an irreconcilable brand, and showing that he was not in nature. Evil does not depend on nature, but from freedom. And what predominantly the devil is called a deer, then this is an extraordinary set of evil, in it, and because he, not being offended from us, leads to us implacable brand. Because the Savior, and did not say: Gizbavi us "from the evil, but: from deaf", and thus teaches us to never be angry with the closests for those insults, what we sometimes tolerate from them, but all the events will turn their devil against the devil, as the culprit of everyone evil.

Our Father,

When heaven rummage, and the oceans are roar, they call you: Lord Savaof ours, Lord of Heavenly!

When the stars fall, and fire escapes from the ground, they tell you: Our creator!

When in the spring, the flowers open the buds, and the larks collect dry blades to press the nest for their chicks, they sing to you: Our lord!

And when I raise my eyes to the throne, then I whispering you: Our Father!

There was a time, a long and terrible time, when people called you the Lord Savaof, or the Creator, or Mr.! Yes, then the man felt that he was only a creature among the creatures. But now, thanks to your uniform and greatest son, we learned your real name. Therefore, I, along with Jesus Christ, I decide to call you: Forward!

If I call you: Vladyko, I fall in fear of NIC before you, as a slave in the crowd of slaves.

If I call you: Creator, I am moving away from you, how the night is separated from the day or how the leaf is removed from the tree of his.

If I look at you and tell you: Mr.I am like a stone among the stones or camel between the camels.

But if I reveal the mouth and sip: Father, the place of fear will take love, the earth will be closer to the sky, and I will go to walk with you, as with a friend, in the garden of this world and divide your glory, your strength, your suffering.

Our Father! You're a father for us all, and I would humiliate you, and myself, if I called you: My father!

Our Father! You take care of not only about me, one and only epic, but about all about everything in the world. Your goal is your kingdom, and not one person. Selfish in me calls you: my father, but love calls: Our Father!

In the name of all people, my brothers, I pray: Our Father!

In the name of all the creatures, which surround me and with whom you splash my life, I pray for you: Our Father!

I pray you, the Father of the Universe, only about one thing I pray you: Let the dawn of that day comes, when all people, live and dead, along with the angels and stars, beasts and stones, will call your true name: Our Father!


We raise your eyes to the sky whenever we appeal to you, and I lower the eyes of a share when I remember our sins. We are always downstairs at the bottom because of our weakness and our sins. You are always at the height, as matches your grandeur and your holiness.

You stay in heaven when we are unworthy to perceive you. But you gladly descend to us, in our earthly dwelling, when we greedily strive for you and answer you the doors.

Although you are losing to us, you still stay in the sky. In heaven, you live, you walk in heaven, and with heaven we go down in our valleys together.

Heaven is far away, too far from man, spirit and heart rejecting you, or laughing when you mention your name. However, heaven is close, very close to a person who has discontinued the gates of his soul and waiting for you that you will come, our most expensive guest.

If you compare with you the most righteous person, then you rummage over him as heaven over the valley of earthly, as eternal life over the kingdom of death.

We are of a half, mortal material - how could we stand on one vertex with you, Immortal youth and power!

Our FatherWhich is always over us, slope to us and raise us to yourself. What we are, as not languages \u200b\u200bcreated from the dust of your glory for the sake! The dust would be forever and could not pronounce your name without us, Lord. How could you know how to know how not through us? How could you work wonders if not through us?

Oh, our father!

yes, your name is holy;

You do not become holy from our Slavora, however, glorifying you, we make holy yourself. Your name is wonderful! People repense about names - Whose name is better? It's good that your name is sometimes remembering in these disputes, for in the same moment, the verbing languages \u200b\u200bcalm down in indecision because all the great human names woven in a wonderful wreath can not compare with your name, Holy God, Most!

When people want to glorify your name, they ask for nature to help them. They take a stone and tree and build temples. People decorate altari pearls and flowers and lay fire by plants, their sisters; and take incense from cedars, their brothers; and give the power to their voices with the ringing of bells; And call animals to glorify your name. Nature is chista, like your stars, and innocent, as your angels, Lord! Smoen over us for the sake of clean and innocent nature, who shakes your sacred name with us, Holy God, Most!

How do we relate your name?

Maybe innocent joy? - Then have mercy for our innocent children.

Maybe suffer? - Then look at our graves.

Or self-sacrifice? - Then remember the torment of the mother, Lord!

Your name is harder than steel and brighter light. Fortunately, man who imposes hopes for you and becomes wiser with your name.

Fools say: "We are armed with steel, so who can give us a rebuff?" And you destroy the kingdom of tiny insects!

Scary your name, Lord! It illuminates and burns like a huge fiery cloud. There is nothing holy in the world or terrible, which would not be connected with your name. Oh, Holy God, give me a friend of those who have crashed into your heart, and in the enemies of those who do not want and know about you. For such friends will remain my friends to death, and such enemies will fall before me on your knees and conjugate as soon as their swords turn out.

Holy and terribly your name is Holy God, Most! Let us remember your name in every moment of our life, and in moments of joy and in moments of weakness, and remember it in our death hour, our Heavenly Father, Holy god!

yes, your kingdom will come;

May your kingdom, oh, the great king!

We were afraid of the kings, only imaginary themselves more great than other people, and now lying in the graves next to the beggars and slaves.

We were afraid of the kings who announced yesterday about their power over countries and peoples, and today we are crying from dental pain!

They cause disgust, like clouds bringing ash instead of rain.

"See, here's a wise man. Give him a crown! " - Screams the crowd. The crown still, whose head she is. But you, Lord, know the price of wisdom wise and the power of mortals. Do I need to repeat what you know? Do I need to say that the most wise among us ruled on us insanely?

"See, here is a strong person. Give him a crown! " - again screams the crowd; This is another time, another generation. The crown moves silently from the head on the head, but you Omnipotent, you know the price of the spiritual power of the sublime and powerful power. You know about the weakness of the strong and power of the pre-war.

We finally understood, underpiring suffering that there is no other king, besides you. Our soul will passionately want Your kingdom and your power. Walking around everywhere, isn't enough offense and wounds we got the living descendants on the graves of the small kings and the ruins of kingdoms? Now we pray for you about help.

Let it appear on the horizon Your kingdom! Your kingdom of wisdom, fatherland and power! Let this land that was a battlefield of thousands of years, will become a house where you are the owner, and we are guests. Come, king, waiting for you an empty throne! Harmony will come with you, and with harmony - beauty. All other kingdoms are disgusting to us, so we are waiting now You, the great king, you and your kingdom!

may will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;

Sky and Earth are your Niva, Father. At one Niva, you will have stars and angels, on another thorny and people. Stars are moving in your will. Angels play on the stars, as on the harp, in your will. However, a person meets a person and asks: "What is will of God

How does a person do not want to know your will? Does he humiliate before the thorns under his legs? You made a person so that he is equal to the angels and the stars, but look - he and thorns are superior.

But you see, Father, a person, if he wants, can praise your name better than thorns, just like angels and stars. Oh, you, Daughter and excitement, give a man your will.

Wheel Two Mudra, clear and holy. Your will shifts heaven, so why would the same will be shifted by the land, which in comparison with heaven is like a drop in front of the ocean?

You never get tired, doing with wisdom, our father. No nonsense has no place in your plan. Now you are also fresh in wisdom and good now, as well as on the first day of creation, and tomorrow you will be the same as today.

Your will Holy, for wise and fresh. Holiness is inseparable from you, as air from us.

Anyone might be climbing to heaven, but nothing fouls will never go down from the sky, with your throne, Father.

We pray for you, our Holy Father: Make sure that the day it is day, when the will of all people will be wise, fresh and holy, as your will, and when all creations on Earth will move in harmony with the stars in the sky; And when our planet will sing in the choir with all your amazing stars:

Lord, teach us!

God, lead us!

Forward, save us!

our urgent bread give us to this day;

The one who gives the body gives the soul; And who gives air, he gives bread. Your children, gracious Dolava, are expecting everything demand from you.

Who will enlighten their faces in the morning, if you are not your light?

Who will be at night above their breath, when they sleep, if not you, the most tireless from all the watchmen?

Where would we sow our daily bread, if not on your Niva? What would we be able to refresh yourself if not your morning dew? How would we live without your light and your air? How could we eat, if not the mouths that you gave us?

How can we rejoice and thank you that they are full, if not the spirit that you breathed in lifeless dust and made a miracle from him, you, the most pressing creator?

I pray you not about my bread, but about our bread. What is the sense, if I had bread, and my brothers would be hungry with me? It would be better and fair if you took away my bitter bread of myself, because the slaughtered hunger is sweeter if it is divided with his brother. You can't be your will that one person thanks you, and hundreds of curse.

Our father, give us our breadSo that we glorify you with a coherent chorus and that we joyfully remembered our Heavenly Father. Today we pray for today.

This day is great, today there were many new creatures. Thousands of new creations, which were not even yesterday and whom will not be tomorrow, are born today under the same sunlight, they fly together with us on one of your stars and tell you together: our bread.

Oh, the great owner! We are your guests in the morning and until the evening, we are invited to your meal and waiting for your bread. No one except you have the right to say: my bread. He is yours.

No one except you have the right to tomorrow and tomorrow bread, only you and those of today's guests you will call.

If, in your will, the end of today will be a dividing line between my life and death, I bow to your holy will.

If your will be your will, I'll again be tomorrow, the satellite of the Great Sun and the guest on your meal, and I will repeat my gratitude to you, as I repeat constantly every day.

And I will bow before your will again and again, how the angels do in heaven, the gift of all gifts, bodily and spiritual!

and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our;

It is easier for a person to sin and violate your laws, where to understand them. However, you are not easy for you to forgive our sins, if we do not forgive those who sin against us. For you founded the world to the point and order. How can there be equilibrium in the world if you have one measure for us, and we are for our neighbor - another? Or if you give us bread, and we give our neighbors? Or if you forgive us our sins, and we execute our neighbors for their sins? How would measure and order in the world, o, legislator be preserved then?

And yet you forgive us more than we can forgive our brothers. We defrost the land every day and every night with our crimes, and you welcome us every morning with the clear eye of your sun and go every night with our gracious forgiveness through the stars that the holy guards are on the gates of your kingdom, our father!

You shame us every day, the highest advantage, for when we are waiting for punishment, you send us mercy. When we are waiting for your thunder, you send us a peaceful evening, and when we expect darkness, you give us sunlight.

You are always elevated over our sins and is always great in our silent patience.

Trying a fool who thinks that he is alaring you with insane speeches! He is like a child who angrily throws pebbles in the waves to drive off the sea from the coast. But the sea only wipes the surface of the waters and will continue to annoy his imminent force.

Look, our sins are common sins, we are all responsible for the sins of all. Therefore, no on earth of pure righteous, because all the righteous should take on some sins of sinners. Trying to be a defiantly righteous man, for there is not a single righteous man who does not carry the burden at least one sinner on his shoulders. However, the more than the righteous is sins of sinners, the righteous.

Our Heavenly Father, you who boil bread from morning to the evening to your children and accept the sins of them, as a fee, facilitate the burden of righteous and sinners!

Earth is full of sins, but full and prayers; She is full of prayers of the righteous and despair of sinners. But is despair not the beginning of prayer?

And at the end you will become the winner. Your kingdom will stand on the prayers of the righteous. Your will will be a law for people in the same way as the will of yours is a law for angels.

Otherwise, why would you, our father, slowed to forgive the sins of mortals, then, thus, do you give us an example of forgiveness and mercy?

and do not enter us in temptation,

Oh, how little you need a person to turn away from you and turn to idols!

It is surrounded by temptations, like storms, and it is weak, like foam on the crest of a rapid mountain stream.

If he is rich, he immediately begins to think that is equal to you, or puts you after myself, or even adorns your home your faces as luxury objects.

When evil knocks on his gate, he flows into the temptation to bargain with you or to discard you at all.

If you encourage him to sacrifice yourself, he is indignant. If you send it to death, he trembles.

If you offer him all the earthly pleasures, in temptation he poisoned and kills his own soul.

If you open it with the laws of your care, he grieves: "The world is wonderful by itself, and without the Creator."

We are confused by your holiness, Oh, our holy God. When you call us to the light, we, like night moths, rushing in darkness, but, reinforcing in darkness, we are looking for light.

We have spread a network of many roads, but we are afraid to reach the end at least some of them, for us on any edge waiting for the temptation.

And the path that leads to you, blocking many temptations and many-many dips. Before the temptation finds, it seems to us that you accompany us like a bright cloud. However, when the temptation begins, you disappear. We turn around in anxiety and silently ask ourselves: what is our mistake, where are you, you are or not?

In all our temptations, we ask ourselves: "Are you really our father?" All our temptations throw the same questions into our minds that the whole world asked us as a day and from the night in the night:

"What do you think about the Lord?"

"Where is he and who is he?"

"Are you or without him?"

Give me strength Father and Creator My so that I could correctly answer any possible temptation at any moment.

The Lord has the Lord. He is where I am and where I do not.

I give him my passionate heart and stretch to his holy clothes hands, I draw to him, like a child to your beloved father.

How could I live without him? This means that I myself could live without myself.

How can I be against him? This means that I myself will be against myself.

The righteous son follows his father with reverence, peace and joy.

Duff your inspiration into our souls, our father, so that we become your righteous sons.

but get rid of us from the evil.

Who will free us from evil, if not you, our father?

Who will extend hands to sustaining children, if not their father?

Who cares more purity and beauty at home, if not his host?

You created us from nothing and did something of us, but we will last to evil and again turn into nothing.

We warm the snake from your heart, which is afraid of the most in the world.

All over your own we rebel against the darkness, but still darkness lives in our souls, singing microbes death.

We are all unanimously against evil, but evil slowly makes his way into our house and, as long as we scream and protest against evil, takes one position after another, getting closer to our heart.

Oh, the Most High Father, stand between us and evil, and we will raise our hearts, and evil will dry, like a puddle on the road under the hot sun.

You are high above us and do not know how evil grows, but we suffocate under it. Looking, evil grows in us day after day, everywhere I extend your abundant fruits.

The sun welcomes us every day "good in the morning!" And asks what can we show our great king? And we demonstrate only old broken fruits evil. Oh, God, truly ash, stationary and inanimate, cleaner, who is in the service of evil!

Looking, we built our dwellings in the valleys and hid in the caves. You absolutely to command your rivers to flood all our valleys and caves and erase humanity from the face of the earth, laundering it from our dirty affairs.

But you are higher than our wrath and our tips. If you listened to the Councils of Human, you would have destroyed the world to the foundation and would die under the ruins.

Oh, the wisest among fathers! You always smile in our divine greek and immortality. Look, from your smile grow stars! With a smile, you turn our evil in good, and instill a tree of good on the tree of evil, and with infinite patience to find our unfortunate paradise garden. You are patiently treating and creating patiently. You patiently create your kingdom of good, our king and our father. We pray to you: I will free us from evil and fill us with good, for you abolish evil and fill out good.

For yours is kingdom,

Stars and sun - citizens of your kingdom, our father. Write and us in your shining person.

Our planet is small and gloom, but it's your business, your creation and your inspiration. What can I get out of your hands, how not great? But still we make our habitat with small and dark. Yes, the earth is small and gloomy whenever we call it our kingdom and when we are talking in madness that we are her kings.

See how many among us those who were kings on earth and which now, standing on the ruins of their thrones, are surprised and asked: "Where are all our kingdoms?" There are many kingdoms that do not know what happened to their kings. Blessed and happy that man that looks to the transcendental darkens and whispers words that I hear: Your kingdom is!

What we call our earth kingdom, full of worms and fleetingly, as bubbles on deep water, like clouds of dust on the wings of the wind! Only you have a true kingdom, and only your kingdom has a king. We take us off from the wings of the wind and take to yourself, the gracious king! Save us from the wind! And make us citizens of your eternal kingdom near your stars and the sun, among your angels and archangels, let me be near you, Our Father!

and power

Your own power, for yours is a kingdom. False kings are weak. Their royal force lies only in their royal titles that are truly your titles. They are wandering ashes, and the dust flies there, where the wind is wearing. We are only a wicker, shadow and flying dust. But even when we wander and wander, we are moving your strength. We are created by your strength and will live your power. If a person does good, he makes his strength through you, however, if a person makes evil, he makes it your strength, but through himself. All that is being done is done by your power used for good or abused. If a person, comes, consumes your power on your will, then your power will be yours, but if a person uses your power in his will, then your power is called his force and will be angry.

I think, Lord, that when you have your own strength, then she is good, but when the beggars, that they lend strength with you, they are proudly managed by her, as their own, it becomes evil. Therefore, there is one owner, but there are many evil managers and your strength supplementers that you are graciously distribute on your rich meal with this miserable mortal on Earth.

Look at us, Almighty Father, look at us and do not rush to bestow our strength to earthly dust, while there are no palaces there for her: goodwill and humility. Good will - to consume to good deeds received the divine gift, and humility - to remember forever, that all the power in the universe belongs to you, the great power supply.

Your power of holy and wise. But in our hands your power is in danger of desecration and can become sinful and crazy.

Our father, which is in heaven, help us know and execute only one thing: to know that all the power is yours, and to use your strength on your will. Look, we are unhappy, because they shared what you are inseparable. We separated power from holiness, and separated power from love, and separated power from faith, and finally (and this is the first reason for our fall) separated from humility. Father, molim you, connect all that your children were divided by an infringeance.

Molims you, upward and protect the honor of your strength, which was thrown and guided. Forgive us, for although we are, but we are your children.

and glory forever.

Your glory is eternal as you, our king, our father. It exists in you and does not depend on us. This glory is not from words as the glory of mortals, but from the true incredit essence, such as you. Yes, it is inseparable from you, as the light inseparable from the roast sun. Who saw the center and the halo of your glory? Who became famous without touching your glory?

Your brilliant glory surrounds us from all sides and looks at us silently, slightly smiling and slightly surprised by our human concerns and grinding. When we silence, someone is secretly whispering: you are the children of a glorious father.

Oh, how sweet this secret whisper!

What do we want to desire more than being children of your glory? Isn't it enough? Without a doubt, this is enough for righteous life. However, people want to be fathers of fame. And this is the beginning and apogee of their misfortunes. They are unhappy that they will be children and participants of your glory, but they want to be fathers and carriers of your glory. And yet only you are the only carrier of your glory. There are many such that they abuse your glory, a lot and those who fell into self-deception. There is nothing more dangerous in the hands of mortals than glory.

You are our fame, and people argue about their. Your fame is a fact, and human fame is only a word.

Your glory is always smiling and comforting, and human glory, separated from you, scares and kills.

Your glory nourishes unhappy and leads meek, and human glory is separated from you. She is the worst weapon of Satan.

How funny people when trying to create their own glory, outside you and separately from you. They are like a certain fool who could not tolerate the sun and tried to find a place where there is no sunlight. He built a shackle without windows and, going to her, stood in the darkness and rejoiced that he was saved from the light source. Such is a fool and the inhabitant of the darkness, one that tries to create his fame is out of you and separately from you, Immortal source of glory!

There is no human glory, as there is no human force. Your own and power, and fame, Our Father. If we do not get them from you, we will not have them, and we will be raised and will take the eye of the wind, like dry leaves, fallen from a tree.

We are pleased with what are called your children. There is no greater hurry on earth and in heaven than this honor.

Take our kingdoms from us, our strength and our glory. All that we once called our own, lies in the ruins. Take here that from the very beginning belonged to you. Our whole story was a stupid attempt to create our kingdom, our strength and our glory. Mostly end our old history, where we fought to become owners in your home, and start a new story, where we will try to become servants in the house that belongs to you. Truly better and norrigious to be a servant in your kingdom than the most important king in our kingdom.

Therefore, make us, the second, servants of your kingdom, your strength and your glory in all generations and forever and ever. Amen!

In Orthodox culture, there are many different canons and customs, which for many unresolved people may seem very unusual. However, the prayer "Father Our" is the very religious appeal, the words in which are familiar with everyone and everyone does not first.

"Our Father" in Church Slavonic language with stress

Our father, izh, at Heaven!

Yes, it will hire your name,

yes, your kingdom will come

may will be your will

yako in the sky and on the earth.

Bread our urgent grandfather to us;

and we leave our debts,

jacques and we leave our debtor;

and do not enter us in temptation,

but you save us from Lucavago.

Prayer "Our Father" in Russian fully

Our father, in heaven!

Yes, your name is holy;

Yes, your kingdom will come;

may will be the will of yours and on earth, as in the sky;

Our urgent bread give us to this day;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors to our;

And do not enter us in temptation, but get rid of us from the evil.

For yours is the kingdom and strength and glory forever. Amen.

Interpretation of Prayer "Our Father"

The origin of "izh, at Heaven" has a long-standing history. In the Bible, it is mentioned that the author of the Prayer of the Lord is Jesus Christ himself. She was given to them when he was still in life.

During the existence of our father, many clergymen expressed and continue to express their opinion on the main sense, which is set out in this prayer. Their interpretations are relatively different from each other. And first of all, this is due to the fact that in the content of this sacred and deep text there is very thin, but at the same time an important philosophical promise, which can be perceived by every person absolutely differently. At the same time, the prayer itself compared to others is short enough. Therefore, everyone can learn it!

The prayer "Our Father" is designed in such a way that its entire text has a special structure in which the proposals are divided into several semantic parts.

  1. The first part speaks of the glorification of God. During her pronunciation, people turn to Most High with all recognition and respect, thinking that this is the main Savior of the entire human race.
  2. The second part involves individual requests and wishes of people directed to God.
  3. Conclusion that completes the prayer and the appeal of believers.

After analyzing the entire text of the prayer, an interesting feature will be the fact that during the pronouncement of all its parts, people have to seek their requests and wishes to God seven times.

And in order for God to hear requests for help and was able to help, each person would not hurt to explore detailed information with a detailed analysis of all three pieces of prayer.

"Our Father"

This phrase makes it clear to Orthodox that God, this is the chief ruler of the kingdom of heaven, to which the soul should be treated in exactly as well as to his native father. That is, with all the warmth and love.

Jesus Christ, when she taught his disciples to pray properly, said that she would like to love the father of God.

"Jewish in heaven"

In the interpretation of many clergymen, the phrase "Jewish in heaven" is understood in a figurative sense. So, for example, John Zlatoust in his reflections it was presented as a comparative turnover.

In other interpretations, it is said that "in heaven" has a figurative expression, where the sky is the personification of any human soul. In other words, God's force is present in each, who sincerely believes in her. And since the soul is customary to call a human consciousness that does not have a material form, but at the same time it is (consciousness), then, accordingly, the entire inner world of the believer in this interpretation appears as heavenly, where God's grace exists.

"Yes, it will hire your name"

It means that people should prank the name of the Lord God by committing good and noble deeds without disturbing all the commandments of the Old Testament. The phrase "yes will hurt your name" is original and when transferring prayers was not replaced.

"Yes, your kingdom will come"

In the biblical legends it is said that during the life of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God helped people overcome suffering, to escape the unclean power, in the power of demons, heal the sick organism from all sorts of diseases, creating conditions for beautiful and happy life on Earth.

But over time, a huge number of people still turned out to be not able to protect themselves from dirty temptations, flaying and degrading their weak soul artificial temptations. Ultimately, the lack of humility and impeccable adherence to its own natural instinct turned most of society in wild animals. It must be said that these words up to date have not lost their originality.

"May will be your will"

It is about the fact that you do not need to be afraid of the authorities of God, because he knows how much the fate of every person should be formed: through labor or pain, joy or sadness. Whatever unpleasant circumstances are filled with our path, it is important that with God's help he always makes sense. This is perhaps the strongest words.

"Our bread"

These words are full of mystery and complexity. The opinions of many clergymen agreed that the meaning of this phrase was due to the constancy of God. That is, he must protect people not only in the most difficult moments, but also in other cases, remaining with them always. It is very important to learn these words by heart.

"And leave us debts"

You need to learn to forgot the sins of loved ones and foreign people. Because only then all your own vices will be forgiven.

"And do not lead us to temptation"

This means that people ask God to create on the life of those difficulties and obstacles that we can pass. For everything is not able to break the human soul and lose his faith by exposing every person to temptation.

"But get rid of us from the evil"

Everything is clear here. We ask God to help in the fight against evil.

Our prayer will be printed on paper before going to church.

It is important to note that all of the words presented above are set out in modern Russian, which are translated from the tree.

The house of the prayer "Father Our" is read in the morning and at night before bedtime. And in the temple you can contact God at any time.