The work of the junk pomegranate bracelet. Alexander Kurlingranaya Bracelet.

Alexander Kuprin, the author of the story of the pomegranate bracelet, is considered a recognized master of love prose. "Love is a disinterested, selfless, not waiting for the award, the one that is said" strong, like death. " The love for which to make any feat, give life, go to the torment - is not difficult at all, but one joy, "this love touched the usual Officient of the Middle Hand Yellowkova.

He once fell in love with faith. And not ordinary love, but the one that happens in life, Divine. Faith does not attach importance to the feelings of his adorable, lives full of life. It turns out married a quiet, calm, good from all sides of the man of Prince Shein. And her quiet, calm life begins, not overshadowed by anything, nor sadness, no joy.

A special role is assigned to the Uncle of Faith - General Anosov. In his mouth, the KUPER invests the words that are the topic of the story: "... maybe your life path, Veroch, crossed just such a love that women cut and on which men are no longer capable." Thus, the Kubrin wants to show Estriad of love in his story, albeit unrequited, but nevertheless, from this unrequency, which has not become less strong and not switched to hatred. About such love, according to General Anosov, every person dreams, but not everyone gets. And in faith, in her family life, there is no such love. There is another - respect, mutual, to each other. The Kubrin in his story was sought to show readers that such sublime love is already going into the past, only a few people, such as the head of yolks, which are capable of it are left. But many, the author emphasizes, is not able to understand the deep meaning of love.

Yes, and faith itself does not understand that her fate is given to be beloved. Of course, she is a lady who occupies a certain position in society, the Countess. Probably a prosperous outcome in such love and could not. The Kuprin probably understands that faith is not worth to associate his life with the "small" man yolkovoy. Although still leaves her one chance to live in love the remaining life. Faith your chance to be happy missed.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Pomegranate Bracelet" becomes faith due to the true, all-incorrect feelings, to which death itself is not terrible. When Zhatykova is trying to take away the only thing - his love when he wants to deprive the opportunity to see the beloved, then he decides to voluntarily die. Thus, Kubrin is trying to say that life without love is meaningless. This is a feeling that does not know temporary, social and other obstacles. No wonder the name at the main thing - faith. Believes the Kuprin that his readers will wake up and realize that not only the material values \u200b\u200bis rich in man, but is rich in the inner world, soul. A red thread through the entire story is tested by the words of Yolkolkov "Yes, your name is hired," here is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Every woman dreams to hear such words, but great love is given only by the Lord and not everyone.

One of the most famous works of Alexander Kurin - "Pomegranate Bracelet". What genre is the story about unrequited love of a modest official Yolkolkov? More often this work is called the story. But there are also features characteristic of a story. Determine the genre of the "pomegranate bracelet", it turns out not easy.

In order to do this, you should remember the content of the works of Kupper, as well as consider the features and stories, and a story.

What is a story?

Under this literary term understands the composition of small prose. Synonym for this word - "Novella". Russian writers usually called their stories. Novel - the concept inherent in more foreign literature. There is no significant difference between them. And in the first, and in the second case we are talking about the product of a small volume in which only a few heroes are found. An important feature is the presence of only one storyline.

The structure of such a work is quite simple: the tie, culmination, junction. In the Russian literature of the XIX century, the story was often called that today it is customary to refer to the story. A bright example is the well-known works of Pushkin. The writer created several stories, the plot of which he allegedly told a certain Belkin, and called them by the audience. In each of these works, characters are a bit and just one storyline. So why didn't Pushkin call his collection of "Belkin's stories"? The fact is that the literary terminology of the XIX century is somewhat different from the modern.

But the genigious affiliation of the works of Chekhov doubt does not cause. Events in the stories of this writer are rotating around any, at first glance, small incidents that allow the heroes to look at their lives otherwise. There are no unnecessary characters in the works of Chekhov. Stories of his rosary, concise. The same can be said about the prose of later authors - Leonid Andreeva, Ivan Bunin.

What is the story?

The work of this genre occupies an intermediate position between the story and the novel. In foreign literature, the concept of "story" is absent. British and French authors created either novels or novels.

In ancient Russia, the story called any prosaic work. Over time, the term has acquired a narrower value. Until the middle of the XIX century, it understood the composition of a small size, but more than the story. Heroes in the story are usually significantly less than in the epic "War and Peace", but more than in the Chekhovsky "wallet". Yet modern literary criticism sometimes make it difficult to determine the genre of a particular work written more than 200 years ago.

In the story of events rotate around the main character. Actions occur in a short period of time. That is, if in the work it is told about how the hero was born, he graduated from school, university, made a successful career, and then closer to the seventieth anniversary, safely died in his bed, then this is a novel, but not the story.

If only one day is shown from the life of the character, and there are two or three actors in the plot, this is a story. Perhaps the most clear definition of the story will be the following: "The work that can not be called novel nor the story." What is the genre of "pomegranate bracelet"? Before answering this question, remember the content.

"Garnet bracelet"

The work to the genre of a story with confidence can be attributed if there is a speech about two or three characters. Here are the heroes more.

Vera Shein is married to a kind and well-attainant person. She has no business to the telegraphist who regularly writes to her love letters. Moreover, she never seen him. The indifference of faith is replaced by a feeling of anxiety, and then pity and regret after she receives a grenade bracelet as a gift from the telegraphist.

The genre of this work could be determined with ease if Kubrin eliminated from the narration of such characters as General Anosov, Brother and Sister of Faith. But these heroes are not just present in the plot. They, and especially the general, play a role.

Recall several stories included with the chip in the "pomegranate bracelet". The product genre can be determined in the process of its artistic analysis. And for this you should refer to the content.

Crazy Love

The officer fell in love with the head of the regimental commander. This woman did not differ in attractiveness, besides, was a morphine. But the love of evil ... Roman lasted long. An experienced woman is a young beloved soon tired.

The garrison life is boring and monotony. The military wife, apparently, wanted to brighten the everyday life, and she demanded from the former beloved of the evidence of love. Namely to rush under the train. He did not die, but remained for life with disabilities.

Love triangle

Even one case from garrison life narrate another story included in the "garnet bracelet". It could be easily determined by her genre if it would be a separate work. It would be a classic story.

The wife of a brave officer, quite respected by soldiers, fell in love with Lieutenant. Strong passionate novel. The progress did not hide his feelings. Moreover, the husband was well aware of her relationship with her lover. When the regiment was sent to the war, she threatened to him in the event that something happens to the lieutenant. A man walked on sapper work instead of his wife's lover. Checked watchdog posts for him at night. I did everything to preserve the health and life to your opponent.


These stories are no coincidence. They told the faith General Anosov - one of the most vivid characters of the "pomegranate bracelet". The genre of this work would not cause doubt if there was no this colorful hero in it. In this case, it would be a story. But the general distracts the reader from the main storyline. In addition to the above stories, he also talks about some facts from his biography. In addition, Kubrin paid attention to other secondary heroes (for example, the sister of Faith Shiny). The structure of the work from this has become more complex, the plot is deep and interesting.

The stories told by Anosovo are impressed by the main heroine. And his arguments about love makes the princess otherwise on the feelings of a faceless telegraphist.

What genre is the "garnet bracelet"?

Above it was said that in the literature there was no clear separation between such concepts as a story and a story. But it was just at the beginning of the XIX century. The work, which is speaking in this article, Kubrin wrote in 1910. By that time, the concepts enjoyed by modern literary critics were already formed.

The writer identified his work as a story. Calling a "pomegranate bracelet" is wrong with the story. However, the error is this prosperous. As one famous literary critic said not without a share of irony, it is not able to distinguish the story from the lead, no one knows how to argue, philologists like this topic.

The story of the Great Genius of Love Prose A. I. Kurin "Pomegranate Bracelet" can be interpreted in different ways, arguing on the topic, who here is a real hero. The view of critics is divided into this matter, some consider the hero of Yolterkov, any ways of trying to prove their love, but also to declare their existence, others give preference to her husband's her husband, who simply wishes his spouse to be happy. Analysis of the work according to plan will help to understand this. This material can be used when preparing for the EEE in literature in grade 11.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1910

History of creation - As the basis of the plot, the writer took a real story tolded by him by one of his friends.

The topic is the main topic of this story - love, unrequited and real.

The composition - in the exposition begins the action, acquainted with the heroes of the story, follows the tie, when Vera Nikolaevna receives a grenade bracelet as a gift. Features of the composition in the use of symbols, secret meanings. Here and the garden, which is described at the time of wilting, and the novels, the bracelet itself, the main symbol is the Beethoven Sonata, which passes the leitmotif of the story. The development of the action, dying yolks, and the climax of Beethoven sonata sounds, and the isolation.

The genre is difficult to determine the genre essence of the "pomegranate bracelet" in its composition consisting of the thirteen chapters, it can be attributed to the genre of the story, and the writer himself believed that the "garnet bracelet" is a story.

The direction - in the story, everything is subordinated to the direction of realism, where it feels an easy ridge of romanticism.

History of creation

The story of creating a story has a real basis. When the writer was visiting his friend, where they considered family photos. A friend told the story that happened in his family. Some kind of official fell in love with his mother, he wrote her letters. Once this small official sent a loved woman as a gift for a gift. Finding out who this official, he made a suggestion, and he disappeared from the horizon. Cook in the head came the idea of \u200b\u200bembelling this story, entertaining a love topic in more detail. He added romantic notes, elevated the ending and created his "garnet bracelet", leaving the essence of the story. The year of writing a story - 1910, and in 1911 the story was published in the press.


BUT lexander Kuprin is considered an unsurpassed Russian genius of love prose, they created a lot of works that infect love in any manifestations.

In the "pomegranate bracelet", the analysis is subordinated to this beloved by the topic, the topic of love.

In essence, in this work, the moral problematics of relations related to the love relations of the heroes of the story is considered. In this work, all events are associated with love, even the meaning of the name of this story, since the grenade is a symbol of love, a symbol of passion, blood and anger.

The writer, giving such a name to his name, immediately makes it clear what the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is dedicated.

He considers various forms of love, different manifestations. Each person described by the writer is different about this feeling. For someone, it is just a habit, social status, superficial well-being. For another, this is the only one, real feeling, swept throughout the whole life, for which it was worth living.

For the chief hero of Zhalatkov, love is a sacred feeling, for which he lives, realizing that his love is doomed to unrequency. The adoration of his beloved woman helps him to endure all the vital adversity, believe in the sincerity of their feelings. Vera Nikolaevna for him is the meaning of his life. When Yolkov said that he compromises his favorite woman with his behavior, the official concluded that the problems of social inequality would stand on his way to happiness always, and committed suicide.


The composition of the story contains many secret meanings and symbols. The grenade bracelet gives a vivid definition of the all-consuming theme of passionate love, the definition of it as blood makes it clear that this love can be destructive and unhappy, anger - led to the suicide of Yolkopkov.

The fading garden reminds of fading love of faith Nikolaevna to her husband. Pictures and poems in family notes of her husband - the story of his love, sincere and clean, not undergoing any changes for all the time of their livelihood. Despite her fooling passion and a cool attitude towards him, he continues to love his wife in real.

General Amos prefers to share with the interlocutors of the stories about love, which is also symbolic. This is the only person in the work, correctly understanding the true essence of love. He is a big psychologist, an expert of human souls, clearly seeing all their secret and obvious thoughts.

Through all the work, the red thread passes the second Sonata Beethoven, the main symbol of the whole story. Action develops on the background of music. The final sound of the Sonata is a strong climax. The work of Beethoven reveals all inexpensively, all the innermost thoughts and feelings of heroes.

Tie action - Vera Nikolaevna receives a gift. Development of action - brother and husband go to find out the relationship with yellowing. The main character of the work remaining aside throughout the narration ends the life of suicide. The climax - Sonata Beethoven sounds, and the realization of his life comes to faith Nikolaevna.

Kuprin masterfully finishes its story, bringing all actions to the junction, where the true power of love is revealed.

Under the influence of music, sleeping soul faith Nikolaevna wakes up. She begins to understand that he lived, in essence, aimless and useless life, all the time creating a visible well-being of a happy family, and the real love accompanying her all his life passed by.
What a writer's creation teaches, everyone decides to - its own, everything depends on the reader. Only he decides, in whose favor to make a choice.


The work of the Great Writer consists of thirteen chapters, refers to the genre of the story. The writer believed that this is a story. The period of occurring events lasts for a long time, it involves a large number of characters, and it fully corresponds to the adopted genre.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin is a Russian writer, whom, no doubt, can be attributed to the classics. His books are still recognizable and loved by the reader, and not only for the coercion of the school teacher, but in conscious age. A distinctive feature of his work is documentality, his history relied on the events that occurred or the real events became a push for their creation - among them the story "pomegranate bracelet".

"Pomegranate bracelet" is a real story, who heard chip from acquaintances when watching family albums. The governor's wife made sketches for letters that a certain telegraph official sent to her, unrequited in love with her. Once she received a gift from him: a gilded chain with a pendant in the form of an Easter egg. Alexander Ivanovich took this story as a base for his work, turning these scanty, uninteresting data into a touching story. A chain with a pendant writer replaced a bracelet with five grenades, which, according to the tsar Solomon, in one story, mean anger, passion and love.


"Pomegranate bracelet" begins cookings for the festival, when Vera Nikolaevna Shein suddenly receives from an unknown gift: a bracelet in which five pomegranates were blocked by green splashes. On a paper note, which was attached to the gift, it is indicated that the gemstone is able to give the owner to the foresee. Princess is divided with her husband news and shows a bracelet from an unknown person. In the course of the action it turns out that this person is a small official by the name of the yolks. For the first time, I saw the faith of Nikolaevna in the circus many years ago, and since then a suddenly broken feelings did not utterly: even the threats of her brother do not stop him. Nevertheless, Yolkov does not want to torment the beloved, and he decides to end the life of suicide in order not to get a shame on it.

The story ending with the awareness of the power of sincere feelings of a stranger, which comes to faith Nikolaevna.

Theme of love

The main theme of the product "Pomegranate bracelet" is undoubtedly the topic of unrequited love. Moreover, yolks are a vivid example of disinterested, sincere, sacrificial feelings that he does not betray, even when his loyalty was worth his life. Princess Sheine also feels the power of these emotions: more years aware that he wants to be beloved again and love - and the decoration, donated with yolkov, marks the emergence of passion. Indeed, soon it falls in love and feels it in a new way. You can read on our website.

The topic of love in the story is frontal and permeates the entire text: this love is high and clean, manifestation of God. Vera Nikolaevna feels internal changes even after the suicide of Zheltikov - she has known the sincerity of a noble feeling and willingness to sacrifice themselves to the one who will not give anything in return. Love changes the nature of the whole story: the feelings of the princess die, faded, fall asleep, being sometime passionate and hot, and turned into a solid friendly connection with her husband. But Vera Nikolaevna in the shower still continues to strive for love, let it and stumbled over time: she took time to give passion and sensuality to outward, but before that, her calm could seem indifferent and cold - it puts a high wall for Yolkopkova.

Main characters (characteristics)

  1. Yolkov worked as a small official in the checksum chamber (the author placed it there to emphasize the fact that the main character was a little man). Kuprin does not even indicate his name in the work: only letters are signed by the initials. Yealous precisely, what the reader and imagines a person of a low position: a thin, pale-on, nerve fingers correlacing jacket. He has tender features, blue eyes. According to the narrative, yolk about thirty years, he is not well, modest, deceitfully and noble - it even marks the husband of faith Nikolaevna. The elderly mistress of his room says that for all the eight years, that he lived from her, he became like his own, and he was very native to the interlocutor. "... Eight years ago, I saw you in a circus in the bed, and at the same time I said myself at first: I love her because there is nothing like her in the world, there is nothing better ...", "the modern fairy tale begins Yellowkov's feelings for faith Nikolaevna, although he never cherished hopes that they would mutid: "... seven years of hopeless and polite love ...". He knows the address of the beloved than she does, where she spends the time that she puts on - he confesses that he is nothing but it is not interesting and not joyful. You can also find on our website.
  2. Faith Nikolaevna Shein inherited the mother's appearance: a high, state aristocrat with pride face. She has a strict, simple, calm, she is polite and a high-tender, courtesy with everyone. She is married to Prince Vasily Sheene for more than six years, together they are full-fledged members of the highest society, suite balls and receptions, despite financial difficulties.
  3. Faith Nikolaevna has a native sister, the younger, Anna Nikolaevna Fresses, inherited, unlike her, the features of the father and his Mongolian blood: a narrow eye cut, femininity Damn, flirting facial expressions. She has a frivolous, prime, cheerful, but contradictory. Her husband, Gustav Ivanovich, rich and straight, but the worst of her and constantly located nearby: His feelings seem to have changed from the first day, he cared for her and everything was hardly adored. Anna Nikolaevna does not endure her husband, but they have a son and daughter, she is true to him, although it belongs quite contemptuously.
  4. General Anosov - the godfather Anna, his full name - Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov. He is fat and tall, good-natured, patient, hears badly, he has a big, red face with clear eyes, he is very respecting for the years of his service, fair and leaning, conscience is clean, it is constantly a shutup and a cap, wears an auditory horror and stick.
  5. Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein - husband of faith Nikolaevna. About his appearance is said a little, only the fact that he has blond hair, and the head is big. He is very soft, puzzled, a bit - with understanding refers to the feelings of Yolkopkov, unshakably calm. He has a sister, the widow he invites to the celebration.
  6. Features of Creativity Kukrin

    Kupruina was close to the topic of awareness of the character of life truth. He actively seen the world around him and sought to learn something new, his works are characterized by dramatic, some anxiety, excitement. "Cognitive Paphos" is called the business card of his work.

    In many respects, the Cardica was influenced by Dostoevsky, especially in the early stages, when he writes about the fatal and significant moments, the role of accidents, the psychology of the passion of characters is often a writer makes it clear that not everything is amenable to understanding.

    It can be said that one of the features of Cookic's creativity is a dialogue with readers, which traces the plot and shows reality - this is especially noticeable of his essays, which in turn influenced G. Wenzensky.

    Some of his works are famous for the easiest and immediacy, the poetry of reality, naturalness and naturalness. Others - the theme of inhumanity and protest, the struggle for feelings. At some point he is beginning to be interested in history, antiquity, legends, and fantastic plots are born with the motives of the inevitability of the case and fate.

    Genre and composition

    For Kupper, love for plots inside the plots is characterized. "Pomegranate bracelet" is unnecessary proof: Zheltikova's note about the qualities of the decoration and there is a plot in the plot.

    The author shows love from different points of view - love for general concepts and unrequited feelings of yellow. There are no future in these feelings: the marital status of the faith of Nikolaevna, the difference in social status, circumstances are all against them. In this doomedness, subtle romanticism is shown, invested by a writer in the text of the story.

    All the work is surrounding the mention of the same musical work - Beethoven Sonata. So music, "sounding" throughout the story, shows the power of love and is the key to understanding the text, distributing in the final lines. Music reports underwent. Moreover, it is the Sonata of Beethoven in climax that symbolizes the awakening of the soul of faith Nikolaevna and awareness coming to her. Such attention to the melody is also a manifestation of romanticism.

    Composition Tale implies symbols and hidden meanings. So the fading garden implies the fascinating passion of faith Nikolaevna. General Anosov tells the novels about love - these are also small scenes inside the main story.

    It is difficult to determine the genre affiliation of the "pomegranate bracelet". In fact, the work is called the story, largely due to the composition: it consists of thirteen short chapters. However, the writer himself called the "pomegranate bracelet" by the story.

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The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kurin "Pomegranate Bracelet" is one of the most reading works in the creative heritage of the famous Russian prose. Written in 1910, "Pomegranate Bracelet" and today does not leave indifferent readers, because it speaks of eternal - about love.

It is interesting to know that the story story was inspired by the author of the real life case, which occurred with the mother of Lion's writer Lyudmila Lyudmila Ivanovna Tugan-Baranovskaya (prototype of Faith Sheina). In her fanatically, a certain telegraphist on the surname of Zhaltikov (Kuprin - Yolkov) was in love. Zheltikov piled Ludmila Ivanovna letters with confessions in love. Such a persistent courtship could not not disturb the groom Lyudmila Ivanovna Dmitry Nikolayevich Lyubimov (prototype Prince Vasily Lvovich Shein).

Once he, together with his bride, Nikolai Ivanovich (Kuprin - Nikolai Nikolayevich) went to Zholikov. Men caught a mountain-in love with writing another fiery message. After a detailed conversation of yellowers, he promised no longer baryshne, and Dmitry Nikolayevich had a strange feeling - for some reason he was not angry with the telegraphist, it seems that he was actually in love with Lyudmila. More about yellowing and his further fate, the family of loved one did not hear.

Kupper very much touched this story. In the artistic processing workshop, the story of the Zheltikov's telegraphist, which turned into Yolkolkov's official, sounded in a special way and became a hymn of great love, the one about which everyone dreams about, but not always can see her.

On this day, on September 17, the names of Princess faith Nikolaevna Shiny. Together with her husband, Vasily Lvivich spent time in the Black Sea Dacha, and because he was extremely glad. Warm autumn days stood, everything around Green and bolubery. There was no need for a magnificent ball, so Shein decided to restrict himself with a modest reception in a circle of close friends.

In the morning, when Faith Nikolaevna cut flowers in the garden, her sister Anna Nikolaevna Fresses arrived. The house was immediately filled with her cheerful ringing voice. Vera and Anna were two opposites. The younger Anna absorbed the Mongolian Father's roots - low growth, some kind of chores, outstanding cheekbones and narrow slightly diagonal eyes. Vera, on the contrary, went to Mama and resembled a cold graceful Englishman.

Anna was a cheerful, perky, flirty, she really fondanied her life, and her charming urgency much more often attracted the attention of the opposite sex than the aristocratic beauty of her sister.

Frank Flirt

Meanwhile, Anna was married and had two children. His husband is a stupid and uncompatible rich - she despised and constantly raised his eyes. She wore the deepest neckline, openly flirted with cavaliers, but never changed the legal spouse.

The seven-year marriage of Vera Nikolaevna and Vasily Lvovich could be called happy. The first passions have already been dirty and gave way to mutual respect, devotion, thanks. There were no children from the neck, although faith dreamed of them passionately.

Little in the country's cottage house began to finish the guests. The invited was a bit: widowed Ludmila Lvovna (sister Vasily Lvovich), Kutil and a local celebrity, famous for the familiar nickname Vashukchuk, Talented Pianist Female Reuters, Brother Vera Nikolai Nikolaevich, Husband Anna Gustavovich Fresses with the city governor and professor, as well as a family friend, Cross Anna and Faith General Yakov Mikhailovich Anosov.

At the table of all the prince Vasily Lvovich was fun - the teacher's workshop and the fifteentist. When the assembled passed on the poker table, the servant handed over the faith of Nikolaevna a bundle with a note - someone's gift - the courier disappeared so quickly that the girl did not have time to ask him.

Packaging paper, the birthday girl discovered a case with an ornament. It was a gold-base bracelet with five grenades with a pea size, in the center of the jewelry composition was a large green stone. When light in the depths of the stones began to play red lights. "Exactly blood!" - Vera Nikolaevna, superstitly thought, hastily postponed the bracelet and began his note.

She was from him. This half-handed waters began to pour faith with letters when she was still a lady. After marriage, Vera Nikolaevna answered him one-only time, asking him no longer send letters. Since then, the notes began to come only on holidays. Faith never saw her rear thing, did not know who he was and what he lives. She did not even know how his name is, because all the letters were anonymous, signed by the initials. S. Zh.

This time the grief-in love dared to present a gift. In the note it was said that the names of the Cabochons were inlated in the bracelet, the largest of them is able to protect a man from violent death, and a woman to endorse the gift of foresight.

Conversation with General Anosovo: "Love should be tragedy!"

Festive evening comes to an end. Conducting guests, faith talks with General Anosov. Not the first time for the evening, the conversation comes to love.

The old general rises that never met real love of life. He does not put his matrimonial life as an example - she failed - the wife turned out to be a false vertical vertical and ran away with a lubricant actor, then rushed, but was not accepted by Yakov Lvovich. But what to talk about seemingly happy marriages? They still have a calculation to some extent. Women get married, because long to stay in the ladies are indecent and inconvenient, because they want to become hostess, mothers. Men get married when they get tired of bachelor's life when the position obliges to make a family when the thought of the offspring relates to the illusion of immortality.

Only selfless, disinterested love does not wait for the award. She is stronger as death. For her to make a feat, go to torment, give life - true joy. "Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No life facilities, calculations and compromises should not touch it. "

The words of the grandfather of General have sounded in the head of faith, and meanwhile Prince Vasily Lvovich and his Shurin Nikolai Nikolayevich discovered a bracelet with a note and broke his head, how to deal with an uncomfortable gift from the annoying ripper faith Nikolaevna.

The next day it was decided to visit G. S. J., to establish the identity of which Nikolai Nikolayevich took himself, and return the bracelet without attracting unauthorized persons (Governor, gendarmes, etc.)

Already in the morning, the prince and his shurin knew that an anonymous fan is called George Stepanovich Yolkovoy. He serves as an official of the checksum chamber and poorly lives in one of those disgusting furnished rooms, which are replete with the cities of our glorious Fatherland.

Yolkov turned out to be a slightly thin man with long blond fluffy hair. If you lead that, on the threshold of his room, Prince Shein, the spouse of Vera Nikolaevna, Georgy Stepanovich noticeably nervous, but did not become fondly and admitted that he was sincerely and hopelessly in love with Nikolaevna for seven years. It is impossible to destroy this feeling, it is so strong that it can be eradicated only with him. However, he is ready to voluntarily leave the city, so as not to compromise faith Nikolaevna and do not dispel the good name of the neck.

Having come home, Vasily Lvovich told about his wife and added - this man is not crazy, he is really in love and is aware of it. "It seemed to me that I was present at some huge tragedy of the soul."

The next morning, the newspapers wrote that the employee of the checkpoint of Georgy Stepanovich Zholkov was found in their room. In the suicide note it is said that the cause of his suicide was the wretches, to compensate which he did not have the opportunity.

Without making a word about the faith of Nikolaevna, he sent her a farewell note. "I am infinitely grateful to you," the lines of messages sincerely said, "just for what you exist." Yolkov assured that his feeling - there is no result of a physical or mental disorder, this is the love that a merciful God for something has been awarded.

He asks Faith Nikolaevna to burn this letter, as he burns the cute heart of his thing - a handkerchief, which she inadvertently forgotten on the bench, a note in which he demanded no longer than faster letters, and the theater program that she squeezed the whole performance, and then left in bed.

Asking the resolution of her husband, Vera visited Zholkova in his wretched room. His face was not an disfigured grimace of the dead man, he smiled, as if he had learned something important before his death.

Here you can read the summary of the story that caused the rapid reaction of the critics of the time that did not separate the views of the author on a delicate theme, revealed in the book.

We offer you a brief content of mysterious, or even a little mystical story, works, which is beloved for many admirers of the author's creativity.

On that day, the Reuters played "Appassionates" from the Sonata of Beethoven No. 2 - the favorite musical work of the late Yolkolkov. And the princess Vera Nikolaevna Shein Gorky cried. She knew that she was the real, selfless, modest and all-friendly love, which every woman dreams of.