Modern authors about the Russian Japanese war. Books about the Russian Japanese war

Federal Agency for Education

St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University

Department of Story

Discipline: Domestic Story

Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905.

Student Group 4-A-1

M.A. Gappoev


A.V Kutuzov

St. Petersburg

Introduction ..................................................................... ... 3

1. Conditioners of the war ...................................................... .4

2. Home battles ...................................................... ..7

3. Camels of war ..............................................................................17

Conclusion .................................................................. ..19.

List of sources used and literature ..................... 20


There are many literature dedicated to the Russian-Japanese war, in which different points of view of the events occurred are considered, so I decided to find out what was the true causes of Russia's defeat in this war.

In this paper, events occurring during the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905 are briefly described, the prerequisites for war, the analysis of the causes of the loss of the war as a whole. Many provisions are confirmed by official documents.

The experience of the Russian-Japanese war is 1904-1905. Carefully studied and overseas historiography. Interest in this topic was explained primarily to the fact that Western countries who took part in the exacerbation of contradictions between Russia and Japan were forced to follow the course of war and its consequences. The fact is that since the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871. and the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. Until the beginning of the 20th century, a large scale wars were conducted, which would require the participation of the considerable forces of armies and fleets. Hence the study and summary of the experience of the first wars of the Epoch of Imperialism, including Russian-Japanese, should know to a certain extent contribute to the development of the military circles of the countries of Western Europe of those new phenomena and trends in the development of methods and forms of armed struggle that manifested themselves during these conflicts.

Soviet historians showed the complex nature of the international relations of the time: the acute struggle of the great powers for domination in the Far East, which led to the military clash of two imperialist rivals: Japan and Tsarist Russia.

Backgrounds of war

Having victory over China in 1895, the ruling circles of Japan sought to strengthen their presence in Korea. Therefore, the end of the Japanese-Chinese war smoothly turned into preparation for the new war this time with Russia. The Japanese expected to displace Russia from Korea and Manchuria to finally consolidate the Liaodian peninsula for themselves and if lucky, seize Russian territories in the Far East and return to himself, escaping literally from under the nose, Sakhalin.

Russia continued its territorial acquisitions. North China and Korea were part of the zone of Russian interests. In 1895, using China that China required the payment of the Contribution of Japan, Russian diplomats and the Minister of Finance S.u Witte agreed on a French loan for China and the creation of the Russian-Chinese Bank, the Russian Ministry of Finance played a decisive role. At the same time, it was decided to begin the construction in the Chinese territory of the section of the Siberian Railway.

Huge diplomatic work has been done. The first step was the creation of a special Fund of the Russian-Chinese Bank serving the bribery of the highest Chinese officials. The second step was the signing in Moscow in June 1896 of the agreement on the defensive union against Japan. In 1896, Russia has achieved the right to construction in Northern China - Manchuria - the Chinese-Eastern Railway KJ. Under the insistence of the Chinese side, the concession is formally transmitted not to the Russian government, and the Russian-Chinese bank, which in order to implement it created the "Society of the Sino-Eastern Railway". This agreement made it possible to prevent foreign presence in Manchuria and to bind the economy of Eastern China to the Siberian Highway .

Simultaneously with Promotion in Manchuria, Russia has achieved success and in Korea. On May 14, 1896, by agreement, signed in Seoul, Japan and Russia received the right to keep their troops to Korea, and the agreement signed in Moscow on June 9 of the same year, recognized for both powers mutually equal rights in this country. Based on the Russian-Korean Bank and sending military instructors and financial advisor to Seoul, the Russian government at first actually acquired more political importance in Korea. However, Japan, having received the support of England, began to oust Russia. The Russian government was forced to recognize the preemptive economic interests of Japan in Korea, close the Russian-Korean bank and withdraw its financial advisor in the Korean king. It was the first serious concession of Japan from Russia.

"We obviously gave the Korea to the dominant influence of Japan," so appreciated Witte the situation created. "

I use the complete inability of the Chinese government to protect your territories, on November 14, 1897, the Germans captured Jiaozhou (Qingdao). Russia enjoyed in Jiangzhou the advantage of anchor parking. And Kaiser Wilhelm II proposed a compromise to Russia. Germany will not object to the capture of Russia Port Arthur, if Russia does not mind the capture of Jiaozhou .

Soon (in December 1897), Russian ships were anchored in Port Arthur, and in March 1898 Russia was leased Southern part Liaodoan Peninsula with Unimunimizing Naval Base Port Arthur. In turn, the ruling circles of Japan have forced the preparation for a new, broader, expansion, calculating this preparation earlier than Russia will complete the construction of the Sino-Eastern Railway. "The war has become inevitable," said General Kuropatkin, afterwards, we did not realize this, did not prepare for it. "

By 1904, Japan was ready for action. Without having to dominate the sea, the Japanese could not successfully strengthen the mainland, so first of all it needed to destroy the Russian Pacific Fleet and seize his port-Arthur base, located on the tip of the Liaodong Peninsula in Manchuria. The first part of the Japanese war plan was the blockade of Port Arthur from Sushi and from the sea, the capture of his and the destruction of the Port Arthur squadron. The second part of the Japanese plan was to destroy Russian land forces in Manchuria, thereby force Russia to abandon the further continuation of hostilities. The Japanese knew well that the Russians had the only line of supply-Trans-Siberian railway, which was a single-core highway, with a length of 8 thousand 850 km, connecting Moscow with Port Arthur, and a 160-kilometer break of this route in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal. Crossing wagons were made by two icebreakers. Despite the enormous number of people (the world's largest Russian army, along with 3 million trained reserves, consisted of 4.5 million people), in the east of Lake Baikal, Russians could simultaneously place only two buildings with a total number of 98 thousand people, and these forces were scattered by The huge territory of Manchuria, Primorye and Transbaikalia. The number of security guards of the Trans-Siberian Highway reached 24 thousand people. Having gained superiority to the sea, the Japanese got the opportunity to quickly land on the mainland and oppose these forces to all their army, consisting of 283 thousand people.). In general, the Japanese army and the fleet, without having a large material advantage, noticeably exceeded the forces of Russians in tactics and preparation, and also had the best command.

Main battles

Russian slowness with the answer to the ultimatum was called the Japanese to the Japanese with a postponement of response to the easiest questions, vital for the welfare and existence of Japan. " And not finding a better reason the Japanese began the war.

On February 6, 1904, the combined Japanese squadron under the team of Vice Admiral Togo left Sazebo and advanced to Korean waters. On the way, the Russian trade ship was captured under the promising name "Russia" (an amazing omen). 7 The number of the squadron was divided. The main part under the command that went to Port Arthur. The other part, under the command of the counter-admiral Uriu, headed in Chetlpo for the blockade of "Varyag" and "Korean" and landing the landing in this port.

February 8, 1904 Attack on Port Arthur. At night, the Japanese destroyers took an attack on the Port Arthur squadron without prior announcement of war. The sudden attack of the squadrock destroyers was the most important link of the entire Japanese strategic plan. The essence of the idea of \u200b\u200ba sudden attack was to disable as much as many Russian ships as possible and, tied by the Squadron "Tail" from the mutated ships, to force him to stay in Port Arthur for a long time. Geographical features This base is a long winding output available only in large water, the presence of nearby opportunities to create observation posts and advanced provisions, contributed to the implementation of blockade actions.

Thanks to the mistakes of the Russian Naval Command (Vice-Admiral O. Stark), the Japanese managed to fully use the surprise effect. The Russian fleet suffered significant losses. The best Russian cornights "Retvosan" and "Cesarevich" were damaged and for a long time, as well as the pallad cruiser. "Poltava", "Diana", "Askold" and "Novik" received holes below the Waterline, but remain afloat. Delivered and the flagship ship Petropavlovsk .

The next morning, the Japanese fleet under the command of Vice-Admiral Heihatiro, appearing in the Port Arthur area, began the shelling of the Russian squadron and coastal fortifications. With these actions, the admiral of Togo assessed the results of the attack and demonstrated confidence in his abilities. Since the Russian fleet did not dare to go out into the open sea and acted only in the coverage zone of his coastal batteries, it became clear that he was tied to the fortress. From this point on, Japan captured the domination of the sea and got the opportunity to start landing operations.

Then, the admiral of Togo put efforts to create a temporary advanced database of the fleet on the islands of Eliot and the organization of the close blockade of Port Arthur.

The port of Chelpo on February 8, 1904 was blocked by the Japanese squadron under the command of the counter-admiral Uriu as part of 2 armor and 5 armored cruisers and 8 destroyers. On February 9, Admiral Uriu presented Captain Rudnev ultimatum, in which, threatening with the use of force, demanded that Russian ships left the nervos. Without the opportunity to maneuver on Farvater, Captain Rudnev nevertheless brought the ships from Chelpo and took the battle, trying to break through in Port Arthur. Within 45 minutes, 1 thousand 105 shells were released on the enemy, which caused a Japanese squadron of significant damage. However, "Varyag" received severe damage. Almost all artillery was disabled, water was received through underwater sores, the commander was wounded in battle, and from wounds, after a combat, 33 people died, about 120 people were injured (due to the lack of armor shields, the gun servant was most affected). Russian ships came out of the battle and returned to Chetlpo, where "Korean" was then blown up at the external raid, and Varyag was flooded in the inner harbor (in order for a powerful explosion to damage foreign ships nearby). Crews were taken aboard neutral powers: 28 people rose to the French cruiser Pascal, 30 to the British warship "Telebrot", the rest of the Italian "Elba" took the rest. Required Russian sailors returned to their homeland (the requirement of the Japanese The prisoners of war were decisively rejected) Monuments in Vladivostok at the Marine Cemetery were established in memory of the Cemetery (where in 1911 were transported from Korea the remains of the dead) and at the Motherland Captain Rudneva-in Tula (1956) .

February 13-14, 1904, the second attack Port Arthur. On the night of February 14, the Japanese flotilla again approached Port Artur. By bad weather and the starting storm prevented active combat actions. On the attack in such difficult conditions, only two Missayts "Haiatori" and "Asagiri" were solved. Torpedoes, released from these ships caused damage to the ill-fated "Petropavlovsk" and the supar armal "Sevastopol".

February 24, 1904 attempt to block Port Arthur. Feeling that the sudden attacks on Port Arthur had no expected, stunning success and the Russian squadron was still a fighting force, the Japanese had an unsuccessful attempt to block the entrance to the Port Arthur Harbor. For this, old transport steamers "Teanima-Maru" were selected (with displacement of 2.943 tons), "Hococu-Maru" (2.766 tons), "Esen-Maru" (2.331 tons), "buoy-maru" (1,163 tons), and " Bush-Maru "(1.249 tons) to flood them at the entrance to the harbor. The team for these vessels was chosen from among volunteers. The operation was headed by Captain Arim with Mikasa. Under the cover of the Fleotilla of the Mortar Rights at 2 hours and 30 minutes, transports approached the external raid of the Port Arthur Harbor. Coastal batteries opened a strong fire. Because of this, the flooding of the transport passed not quite successfully. Of the five vessels, only one thing - "Hockey-Maru" sank in the neck of the entrance, one was bent on the coastal artillery, and the "Tea Maru", devastating from the course of the village. Transport teams managed to escape .

In the following days, small shootouts took place between Russian and Japanese squadron, which did not cause any particular harm to the other side. The Russian fleet still did not dare to go out into the open sea, and the Japanese did not go closer, fearing the fire of coastal batteries and mine barrage.

March 8 - April 13, 1904 Naval Actions in the Port Arthur area. To accept the command of the fleet to the Far East, an energetic and capable Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov (March 8) arrived. He began to persistently prepare a squadron to the general battle to "try to take the sea into his hands." On March 24, the next Japanese attempt to block the entrance to the Port Arthur Harbor was blocked. This time the Japanese shrugged four transports, under the maintenance of two flotillas from the 17th Mortgies. At the entrance to the harbor, the Japanese met the Russian police officers, the battle was started during which one of the transports was torpedoed, others deviated from the course and sank in unsuccessful places. The blockade has not succeeded again.

April 26 - May 7, 1904, the battle on the Yalu River. Going to the Yalu River in the Treurenen region, the 34-thousand Japanese 1st Army under the command of Field Marshal Tamiada Kurski was greeted by the eastern detachment of the Russian army under the command of General M.I. Zazulich (about 19 thousand people) On May 1, a hot fog of Treurenen was broken. Russian artillery was suppressed. The Japanese bypassed the Russian troops on the left flank. According to the fault of Zasulich, the detachment did not retreat. This first failure of Russian troops on land opened the opponent's road to Manchuria. The strategic consequences of the battle, as the first battle of the war, were very significant: the moral state of the Russian troops was undermined, the shore of the Läodo Peninsula was opened for the unimpeded landing of Japanese armies.

The defeat on Yala made a serious impression on the Russian army, Kuropatkin again demands from the troops "all measures to avoid decisive battle" before the departure "on the main forces of our army". The king of Kuropkatkin reported that "the fight in Yalu was random, both for chiefs and for troops." With the defeat of the stuff of stuffing the situation at the war theater improves for the enemy. In fact, the Japanese seized a strategic initiative.

February 21 - March 10, 1905 Musden battle. Both military groups, about 310 thousand people, each, swallowed, met with each other on the line, 65 km long. Trying to surround the Russians, Marshal Oyama ordered the 3rd army of General Maresuke's legs to try to bypass them on the right. By the end of the first day of battles, the right flank of the Russians - Army A.V. Kaulbars - was thrown back and moved to the West from the south. Attacks and counterattacks quickly replaced one another; Adjutant General A.N. Kuropatkin tied reserves to patch the rolling right flank. And although in two weeks of fierce battles, Japanese soldiers entered Mukden, the attempt of Marquise IVAO Oyama surrounded Russian success. Having tightening the reserves, the Japanese Feldmarshal strengthened the 3rd army of the general leg, giving him the opportunity to once again try to surround the army of General A.V. Caulbars. After 3 days of fighting, the right flank of the Russians was dropped back so far that General Kuropatkin began to be afraid of his communications lines. He skillfully left the battle and moved to Telin (175 km north of Mukden) and Harbin, defeated, but not faithful. During the battle, almost 100 thousand Russians have been thrown and a lot of equipment was thrown. The Japanese lost 70 thousand (or more) man. After the Mukden battle of active actions on land, no longer undertaken.

May 27, 1905 Tsushimsky battle. The fleet of Vice Admiral Zinovia Petrovich Rozvenensky entered the shed by the expanded system. From the North-West, a Japanese fleet under the command of Vice-Admiral Heihatiro approached. Both Admirals headed the cores of their forces - Rodrali on the squadron of the Prince Suvorov, and on the squadron of the Magaza's squadron.

Movance - Lowned for water in November 1900, this squadron armored room was the last built in the framework of the Japanese shipbuilding program of 1896. Being the flagship ship of Admiral Togo, participated in all major sea battles of the Russian-Japanese war, but at the end of 1905 because of the explosion of ammunition in the cellar sank in Harbor Sazebo. Raised and renovated in 1907, he returned to the system, and in 1921 he was reacted into the coastal defense battleship, in which quality was heard until 1923, when it was stranded and due to damage gained from the Navy

Hoping to take advantage of superiority in speed and dissect the T-shaped system of Russians, the Japanese turned to the northeast. In order not to get under the shelling by longitudinal fire, Admiral Rodially replaced the course to the northeast, and then to the eastern one. The battle began shortly after noon, when the fleets defended apart 6 km from each other. At the speed of 15 nodes of the fleet of the admiral of Togo, overtaken on 9 nodes of Russians and less than 2 hours disabled the cruiser and two armadors. He brilliantly maneuvered his significantly more high-speed forces around the unfortunate Russians, whose losses were rapidly grew. To the onset of the night, Admiral Rodistrensky was wounded, 3 armadors (including his flagship) were swaming, and the surviving Russian ships - now, led by Admiral Nekhivaty, fled in confusion. In the night chase for the depleted Russian forces, Admiral was sent to the armor cruisers Admiral Kamimura, as well as a detachment of the Distancestorms. The next day the defeat ended. One cruiser and two destroyers managed to break through and reach Vladivostok; 3 destroyers got to Manila and were interned. The remaining part of the Russian fleet came pronounced or was sweeping. The Japanese lost 3 destroyers. The victims of the Russians reached 10 thousand people (cumulatively killed and wounded); Japanese losses have not reached 1 thousand people .

Since by this time the 1st Pacific squadron, blocked by the Japanese in Port Arthur, has already ceased to exist. Therefore, before the vice-admiral Z.P. Rodially rose one task - to break into Vladivostok. For breakthrough, the shortest path was chosen through the Korean Strait, i.e. In the immediate vicinity of the main base of the enemy. In 120 (222 km) miles south of the Korean port, Mozampo, a chain of Japanese sentigious cruisers was deployed. The Vice-Admiral Vice-Admiral Distribution Fleet on May 14 at 4 h. 25 min. It was first discovered by the Japanese auxiliary cruiser "Sinano Maru". At 6 h. 30 min. The Japanese cruiser "Idzumo" took a place to observe 40-50 cable on the right traverse of the Russian fleet. At 7 pm. 00 min. Vice-Admiral Rodistrensky rebuilt his main forces into one kilvater column.

At the beginning of the 9th hour, Nahbates turned on the fatal course NO 23 (on Vladivostok) and for not quite clear reasons rebuilt the Russian fleet in two columns. The main forces of the Japanese who kept the north of the island by Okinosimi, approached at 13 h. 30 min. from the southwest. Russian ships rebuilt into one column. Applying still during the war with China, the head of the head of the head of the opponent's head and focusing the entire fire on his head ship, the main forces of the Japanese fleet crossed the course of the Russians and went to the left side of them, Look at the ones of the Russian fleet first, and then left to the left Right rate. The vice-admiral of that raised the signal: "The fate of the empire depends on this fight." Japanese cruising detachments went either south with the aim of attacking Russian cruisers and transports. Squaded battleship "Prince Suvorov" (commander-captain I rank V.V. Izvitius) at 13 h. 49 min. From the distance to 38 cable opened fire on Mikaze. Reducing a distance of up to 35 cable, at 13 h. 52 min. Movance, and then the rest of the Japanese ships began to respond, focusing on the fire at the "Prince Suvorov" and "Oslay" (commander-captain I rank V.I. BER). At 14 h. 30 min. "Prince Suvorov" with a cracking wheel under strong fire opponents failed, and at 14 h 50 minutes. "Oslaya" sank, having received several slots in the nose near Waterlinia in an unlarited board. The line led the squadron armor "Emperor Alexander III"(Commander-captain I rank N.M. Bukvostov), \u200b\u200bleaning towards the east. In fact, losing the first phase of the battle, the Russian fleet completely lost the initiative and, driven alternately by the Emperor Alexander III and the squadron Borodino's squadron (commander-captain I rank P.I. Serbrennikov), maneuvered, trying to get out of the scope of the fire of Japanese artillery . The Russian fleet actually remained without command: wounded by the vice-admiral of the villagers together with the headquarters was removed from the blazing "Prince Suvorov" at 17 h. 30 min. Municipal Mission "Buyny" (commander-captain II rank N.N. Kolomomites). Counter Admiral N.I. Not really could carry out the commands with the fragmented parts of the fleet. At 18 h. 50 min. The emperor Alexander III was killed, at 1900 minutes. - "Prince Suvorov", at 19 h. 10 min. - Borodino, from which only one sailor escaped. With the onset of darkness, Vice Admiral Hayihatiro, the major forces to the island helps and threw the Ministry of Allow. In the night battle, the Russian fleet lost the squader battleship "Navarin" (Commander-captain I rank B.A. Fitingoof): In turn, the Russian ships were drowned 2 and damaged 12 Japanese destroyers .

On the morning of May 15, the teams were flooded with their ships: a seriously damaged squadron armadiole "Sisa Great" (commander-captain I rank M.V. Ozers), Creisers "Vladimir Monomakh" (commander-captain I rank V.A. Popov) and "Admiral Nakhimov "(Commander-captain I rank A.A. Rodionov). In 8 h. 00 min. Heroically killed the cruiser Dmitry Donskoy (commander-captain I rank I.N. Lebedev). At 11. 06 min. - Cruiser "Svetlana" (commander-captain I rank S. P. Shein), at 17 h. 00 min. - Battleship of the coastal defense "Admiral Ushakov" (commander-captain I rank V.N. Miklukha). Oleg cruisers (commander-captain I rank L.F. Dobrovolsky, flag of counter-admiral O.A. Enkvista), "Aurora" (commander-captain I rank E.R. Egoriev, fell in battle), "Pearls" (Commander-Captain II rank P.P. Levitsky) broke through in Manila. The Ministry of Education "Cheerful" (commander-captain II rank P.V. Ivanov) went to Shanghai. Only the Diamond cruiser (commander-captain II rank I.I. Chagin), the Municipality "Brave" (commander-lieutenant P.P. Durovovo) and "Grozny" (commander-captain II rank K.K. Andrhevsky ). At 10 h 15 min. On May 15, the remains of the Russian fleet under the command of the counter-admiral N.I. Naugatova (Esel's Squadors, "Emperor Nicholas I", ADMIRAL SENVINA ADMIRAL DRAWER, "EMPRIRAL APRIRIRAL", CRESER "Emerald") were surrounded by superior enemy forces. Despite the readiness of Russian ships to resistance, Admiral of Nekhovatov gave an order of delivery. The order was not obeyed only by the cruiser "Emerald" (commander-captain II rank V.N. Ferzen), who broke through the system of Japanese ships and left, but on May 17 he died on the stones in Vladimir Bay. Missionary "Zavtov" (commander-captain II rank N.V. Baranov), where the wounded vice-admiral Z.P. Horn Shatteri with the headquarters, was captured by the Japanese at 16 hours. 00 min. May 15 in the Islands area. This tragic defeat of the Russian fleet had a decisive effect on the outcome of war. Subsequently, Admirals Z.P. Rodial and N.I. Relatives appeared in front of the naval court. Rodialistansky, who was imposed in the guilt only the passing of the opponent of the Municipal Entrepreneur "Zavtny", was justified due to heroic behavior in battle, personal courage and severe injury. The universities that were incriminated to the passage of the remains of both squaders were convicted and sentenced to the death penalty replaced by ten years of imprisonment in the fortress. In 1909, Lieutenant General Lieutenant A.M. Stesell, counter-admiral N.I. Nahbates was released.

Results of war

September 6, 1905 Portsmouth World (New Hampshire State). Both sides were ready for the conclusion of the world. Japan's military claims were satisfied, while Russia, boiling discontent from the inside, was not able to continue the war. Thanks to the efforts of the US President Theodore Roosevelt as a result of peace negotiations, a peaceful agreement was reached, according to the terms of which Russia lost Port Arthur, half of Sakhalin Island and left Manchuria. Korea was attributed to the sphere of influence of Japan. Roosevelt stood at the position not recognizing the right of Japan to contribute, as a result of which the war was ruining for the Japanese economy. Japan received "without remuneration" railway Between Kuan-Chen Tzu and Port Arthur with all the property and coal cop. The Sino-Eastern Railway Railway has pledged to operate exclusively in commercial and industrial purposes. The Russian Pacific Fleet was eliminated.

Russia could not lose half of Sakhalin. At the beginning of the position of the Russian representative office, headed by Witte was adamant: the contribution is not to pay, the Russian lands do not give. Japan, in turn, wanted to obtain and contributes and all Sakhalin. Gradually, negotiations came to a dead end. Further wire was not primarily not profitable for Japan, who wanted to take the restoration of the undervalued war in the shortest possible time. The Japanese emperor has already inclined to thoughts on the refusal of claims to Sakhalin. But here at one of the secular techniques, the emperor Nicholas II on the question about the position of Russia in the negotiations with Japan dropped the unexpected phrase: "Notify Witte that you can give half of Sakhalin." This phrase became known to the Japanese spy at the Russian yard and was reported to the emperor Mudvito. At the same time, the Japanese official reported to the emperor risked strongly, since in case of disinformation, he had to endorse the life of suicide. The next day, the Japanese side put forward a demand for the transfer of halves of Sakhalin. Witte agreed with this requirement. Upon arrival in the capital, Witte was granted to the royal honors and a folk nickname "Semi-Sakhalin".


It can be seen that one of the most important supports of defense - the fleet died from disorganization and the main maritime headquarters, led by the on the eve and in the first months of her Admiral Christmas, was fully guilty. The main reasons and facts can be formulated as follows:

1) The headquarters in his work did not associate a policy strategy, as a result of the fleet turned out to be unprepared for war; Possible attack of the Japanese destroyers of the Port-Atuksky squadron;

2) the ill-conceived combat deployment of the fleet and the concentration of its main forces in Port Arthur created the most favorable conditions for the squadron blockade;

3) also played that soldiers, and many officers did not understand the causes of the war, they did not know that they shed their blood that in connection with this often in the troops there were no inspired to achieve victory and glowing to decisive actions.

The defense of Port Arthur confirmed that the Primorsk fortress should be equally protected from an opponent's attack from both sushi and the sea. The strategic errors in the plan of war, the materialism and betrayal of the command, were essential for the fall of the fortress.

Between the army and the fleet did not have enough close interaction. In the relationship between the sea and land commandment reigned complete confusion. The Primorskaya fortress, instead of submitting to the commander of the Pacific Fleet, was subordinated to the commander of the Manchurian army, although there was no direct connection with her and only indirectly assisted it, distracted part of the enemy land forces.

List of sources used

And literature

1 Captane I. M. Military secrets of the XX century fleet in the Russian-Japanese war. M.: Veva, 2004. 421c.

Military secrets of the 20th century fleet in the Russian-Japanese war and modernity .m., 2004.s.74.

Abstract Publishers: Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905) For domination in Northeast China and Korea is not bypass by the attention of researchers. She is devoted to hundreds of scientific papers and books. In this sea of \u200b\u200bmilitary historical literature, original notes of the British military agent were lost at the first Japanese army of Major General Sir Jan Hamilton. He managed to draw generalizing portraits of both the Japanese and Russian soldier, describe their moral and combat qualities arising from a national character. In this unfair value of memoirs ...

Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 Alexey Tsarkov

In this book, we decided to remember and talk about the shortage of the Russian-Japanese war on the sea: about the heroism of Russian sailors, about the exploits of many warships, about the successful actions of the detachment of Vladivostok cruisers, about the unparalleled campaign of the 2nd Pacific squadron and about her tragic, but also Heroic death in the Tsushimsky battle.

Russian-Japanese War, 1904-1905: Results of the war. Alexander Kuropatkin

Abstract Publisher: In the Book of Commander-in-Chief of Russia Armed Forces in the Far East from July 1904 to February 1905, Adjutant General A.N. Kuropatkin is generalized a huge actual material about the Russian-Japanese war, mostly confirmed by documents, which is of interest not only for historians, but also for a wide range of readers.

Unknown Pages of the Russian-Japanese War. ... Alexey Shishov

Almost a century passed since the end of the Russian-Japanese war 1904 - 1905. However, to this day, before historians and researchers of those events, a rhetorical question is: Was Russia defeated by Japan? Famous historian and writer A.V. Shishov believes that a peace treaty was signed between two equal parties, and not a shameful capitulation with the inevitable military contribution. In the book, it was convinmed that military resources and opportunities in Russia remained much more than Japan, although the Japanese got almost complete domination ...

On "Orel" in Tsushim: Member's Memories ... Vladimir Kostenko

The book is assembled on the basis of "Military Literature": Book Online: OCR, Edit: Andrei Mintshkin ( [Email Protected]) Additional processing: Hoaxer ( [Email Protected])

On the Japanese war Vineniy Veresaev

The story shows Paphos of revolutionary sentiments, the source of which served the social movement in Russia on the eve of 1905 and the first Russian revolution itself. In the notes "In the Japanese War" are very strong, in addition, anti-war, anti-imperialist motifs.

Russian-Ukrainian wars Alexander North

Capturing power in Ukraine, "Orange" is carried out frankly Russophobic, provocative politics hostile to Russia. The official Kiev propaganda actually raishes Ukrainians into Russians, godlessly releasing the story, representing the past of our peoples as a continuous series of Russian-Ukrainian wars. It came to the point that the anniversary of the infamous Konotop Battle of 1659, in which the United Polish-Tatar-Ukrainian forces smashed the Moscow army, declared on the "orange" Ukraine with a public holiday! ...

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In the XXII century, the Earth empire reached the farthest stars of the galaxy. The power on the native planet of humanity is concentrated in the hands of the Japanese, who are subject to the interstellar armed forces. And when on the planet, populated by the descendants of the boots - immigrants from South Africa, rose a riot, the detachment of imperial forces rushes to his suppression. However, the stupidity of the command leads to the death of almost the entire detachment - with the exception of Anton Vereshchagin's battalion. And now the whole planet is opposed by one-only Russian battalion ...

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Military apparatus of Russia during the war with Japan ... Ilya Derevko

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year 2012. The ancient Chinese curse came true: "So that you live in the era of change!" - And, at the end of the "Era Putin", after a brief period of stabilization, the world is again on the threshold of a big war. year 2012. As at the beginning of the last century, the Far East is destined to become a "hot spot". And again, like a hundred more years ago, Russia does not avoid clashes with Japan, who dreams of revenge. "Historical stories have a property to repeat, and the Russian-Japanese war is not an exception ..." 2012. Despite all the warnings, Russia again misses the first blow. "Muscovites ...

Nicholas II Henri Troyia

The last Russian emperor Nicholas is the second is one of the most tragic and contradictory figures of the XX century. Nicknamed "bloody" for the most severe acceleration of a peaceful demonstration - a bloody Sunday, a weak king, losing the Russian-Japanese war and having retarded Russia to the first world, almost without a struggle who gave the power to revolutionaries - and at the same time Orthodox Great Martyr, Barbarian killed by the Bolsheviks together with the family , gentle husband and father, enlightened and progressive monarch, who has suffered from the fact that an inexorable will of the circumstances ...

On the question, can the list of works on the topic of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 ??? Posted by the author Eurovision The best answer is At the end of the war, a mass of memoirs of participants in combat operations appeared in the press 1904-1905, but very few of them have independent artistic importance. First of all, these are notes "in the Japanese War" and complementing their cycle "Stories about the Japanese War" V. V. Vesheev (published in 1906-1908). The author, a well-known writer and a publicist, during the war, worked as a doctor of a field hospital and had the opportunity to observe and record in his works all the ugly offend of hostilities, in order to propaganda excessive romanticized domestic (official) journalism. Despite the political situation of the attack on the writer, accusations of antipatriotism and even literary media, in the subsequent essay of V. V. Veresaev, were repeatedly reprinted and still enjoy well-deserved popularity.
Of the generally accepted classic writers, A. I. Kuprin was responded to the events of the war by A. I. Kubrin's story and L. N. Andreev who had a solid anti-war story "Red Laughter". Neither L. N. Tolstoy, who published abroad in 1904, a scandalous patibist article "Take!" nor I. A. Bunin, a glimpse of the war in some of the ones and stories mentioned, nor other great Russian writers of the beginning of the twentieth century of artistic works on threads Rf Wars did not create.
Tsushima A. S. Novikova-Surbowa.
Port Arthur A. N. Stepanova and the continuation of the "family of stares".
P. L. Dalotsky "On the hits of Manchuria."
The three largest novels about the war of 1904-1905 can be supplemented near other, less significant and not so historically reliable works. If a very solid novel "Day of Mary" S. A. Cooper (L., 1940) created in the 1930s (L., 1940) narrates on the background of the war, the story F. Selivanova "Port Arthur inventor" (M., 1952), The novels "Unregular" by A. S. Sergeeva (M., 1957) and "Portarpets" T. M. Borisov (Vladivostok, 1959) develop the topic of Port Arthur Defense. However, compared with the wonderful work of A. N. Stepanov, they are practically not familiar with the modern reader
On the captain "Varyag" V. F. Rudnev tells the biographical essay of his older son, N. V. Rudneva, - "Commander of the legendary cruiser" (Tula, 1960), more reminiscent of the essay, but a documentary and historical novel. Given the feat that A. N. Stepanova "Tragedy in Chelpo" (Krasnodar, 1954) is devoted to the feat of "Varyag" (Krasnodar, 1954), later introduced into the next edition of "Port Arthur" as one of the chapters of the first part, describing the famous Celpin combat (January 27 / February 9, 1904) in the Soviet historical literature a very significant place is allocated. It should also be noted here that the first dedicated to the feat of the "Varyag" stories were published in a pre-revolutionary time. There were no written attention and those fragments of the Tsushim combat, which did not receive proper coverage in the Roman A. S. Novikov-Surbowa.
But the most original and amazing literary work About the Russian-Japanese war, of course, should be called ... a fairy tale. Yes, it is a satirical fairy tale with by no means a fabulous name "Mobilization", composed by the famous Northern writer-storyteller S. G. Pisakhov.
The trilogy of V. S. Pikule "Creiser", "Katorga" and "wealth", where the author reveals the unmarried episodes of the Russian-Japanese war, due to its less importance and convergence from the epochal events of the 1904-1905 years, which have fallen out of the scope of attention of previous novelists. As well as the novels of a similar topic "Damned Dogger Bank", "decisive with" decisive "and the novel" Three age Okini-San ", the second part of which in another perspective covers the events described in Tsuisim A. S. Novikov Suit.
A. A. Kharitanovsky "Lord officers"
The indirect reference to the Russian-Japanese war is contained in poetry A. A. Blok ("Retribution") and S. A. Yesenin (Anna Snegina).

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