The structure of the kidneys and their work. Facts about the kidneys and their diseases Facts about the distinguishing system of man

The separation system organs purify blood, and there are many other useful functions in the body, so it is so important to know some interesting facts about human kidney.

  1. Normally, a person must have two kidneys. They are paired bodies that are in the urinary system, and are located in the lumbar spine. By their form, the kidney resemble gigantic beans. The right is below the left.
  2. Kidneys perform blood purification function. When exchanging substances in the body, waste appears from which it is getting rid of. Blood first flows through the veins, then falls into the nephron - tiny filters. There is her cleansing. Toxic substances come out with urine, and pure blood fills the arteries again.
  3. Thanks to the kidneys, a constant volume of fluid in the human body is preserved. Adult people in the body contains 5-6 liters of blood, which is continuously filtered. If in this process it will suddenly fail, then the unfilled toxic substances will bring harm to human.
  4. Kidneys produce a special hormone - renin. It is responsible for purifying blood from waste and blood pressure. Increased level of renin content in the body is a danger to a person. From this still suffers from the cardiovascular system.
  5. The worst kidney disease - renal disease. It fell hard and causes complications that can show themselves in the form of colic. Some people develop pyelonephritis - a disease characterized by strong inflammation with sharp pain.
  6. The causes of the formation of kidney stones may be heredity (the disease is often transmitted from parents), ecology, as well as hypervitaminosis. These factors do not depend on the person himself, he only needs to follow his health status all the time.
  7. Kidney stones are most often formed due to improper nutrition. In order not to suffer then from the severe effects of the disease, a person needs to limit the use of any meat, spinach and sorrel. Sweet carbonated water also causes harm to organs.
  8. Urolithiasis can be prevented if regularly drinking the amount of water (about 2 liters per day). However, during problems with pressure or heart, the use of liquid is better limited. So there will be no risk for health.
  9. During pregnancy, women increase the burdens. These organs spend in this case a lot of energy. During the battery, chronic diseases often exacerbate. Before conception, you need to visit the doctor and examine organs.
  10. Smoking and alcoholic beverages are negatively reflected at the work of the kidneys.. They begin to function worse and slower filter blood, so toxic substances are delayed longer in the body. So gradually the organs are destroyed.
  11. About violations of this body often says the appearance of a person. Dark circles and swelling under the eyes, as well as weakness in the legs may mean that there are problems associated with the kidneys. When an unpleasant smell comes from the body, it also sometimes indicates problems with organs.
  12. Diseases of the kidneys in childhood often arise due to nervous shocks. Parents must be quiet to communicate with their children. Do not shout on them for anyone and load schoolchildren in different circles. Remember that the child's health is more important.
  13. The kidneys are responsible for the production of vitamin D in the body. There, many substances turn into a more active form (D2 is replaced by D3). The latter vitamin has a huge impact on individual organism systems: immune, nervous, bone, etc.
  14. Kidney transplant operation - one of the most popular in the world. Timely transplantation often saves human life. So, on the Internet on special sites, ads of the sale of this body often appear, which is worth a lot of money.
  15. Regular kidney survey will help prevent operation. To do this, it is still necessary to eat right. If the back unexpectedly got sick in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back, you need to visit the urologist. He will say what medicines to receive or will give advice to contact the surgeon.

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The kidney is an organ (pair) urine of the system of human system. In the human body, the kidneys are located on both sides of the spine in the abdominal cavity, on the back of it. Mostly one of the kidneys (right) is slightly lower and has a length and weight of less than the left kidney.

How does the kidney of a person

Human kidney (adult) weighs from 100 to 200 grams and has a bean shape with rounded upper and lower poles. On concave in the center of the part there is a deepening, which is called renal goal. These gates are conducted in the sinus (renal) where the nerves and blood vessels are located. A ureter comes from the gate, which is located towards down and connects the kidney and the bladder.

The kidney consists of a cortical (outer) and brain (internal) layers. The main element is from which it consists - nephron. Nephron consists of channel system and renal body. Each kidney is almost a million nephrons that are associated with blood vessels.

Kidney has the following structure

The capsule, which creates a form, then the cortical substance comes, and after it a little deeper a brainstant. On top of the capsule is a fatty fiber fixing the kidney. In the center there is a ureter, which is part of a locher, in which there is a large cup, a small cup and a sinus. The entire cavity and body of the kidney permeate the veins and artery.

What is the work of the kidney person

The kidney is a very complex organ. Throughout them passes (pumping out) all our blood passes, while they purify it from toxins, decay products, slags and microbes. All dirt, which is filtered out of the blood, then falls into the bladder, from where it comes out of the body with urine. After the waste falls into the ureter they will not be able to return back due to the valve opening only in the first side. At the same time, the role of the filter is performed by the renal cloth, and the locher is a part that is responsible for collecting the accumulation and removal of urine.

The kidneys are interchangeable organ, with a different violation of the work of one kidney, the second is able to fully cope with the task itself and assumes the execution of all functions. On the upper poles of both kidneys are endocrine glands (adrenal glands). The adrenal glands allocate a special hormonal substance that falling into the blood, regulates the operation of many metabolic processes and systems.

The kidneys is important to maintain the normal life of a person organ, therefore, it is necessary to treat him with great care and very carefully.

The site provides reference information solely to familiarize yourself. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is obligatory!

Kidney are among the vital organs of man. These small paired organs tirelessly purify our body from both the toxic metabolic metabolic processes and from incoming medical drugs, industrial toxic substances. At the same time, the result of the operation of these organs is apparent with each urination - detoxification occurs with the removal of urine with the harmful substances dissolved in it. In this article, we will consider the filtering function of the kidneys, although in fact these organs carry out much more tasks in our body: hormonal, maintenance of a normal acid-base balance ( maintaining a pH of blood in the range of 7.35- 7.47), the regulation of blood electrolyte composition, blood stimulation, blood pressure regulation.

Several interesting facts about the work of the kidneys

During the day through the kidneys, a quarter passes the entire volume of circulating blood, and this is 1,500 liters.
In the kidneys, 180 liters of primary urine are formed during filtering.
The kidneys contain at least 2 million functional units - nephron.
The total filter surface of the nephron tubes is 1.5 square meters.

Anatomy of kidneys

The kidneys are paired organs located in the lumbar region behind the abdominal cavity. Mass of one kidney is about 150 grams. It has a form, externally resembling the form of Bob. Outside the kidney is covered with a dense capsule, under which there is a functional layer of renal tissue.

Conventionally, the kidney can be divided into 2 function parts:
1. Directly renal fabric - carrying out the main function - blood filtering to the formation of urine.

2. Chescho-laughter - That part of the kidney, which carries out the accumulation and removal of the resulting urine.
The renal tissue is distinguished by a cortical and brainstant. The cortical substance is located closer to the surface of the kidney, brainstorm - closer to the cup-making system. In the cortical substance, those parts of the nephron prevail, which carry out the formation of primary urine, the main part of the kidney circulatory system is in the cortical matter. In the cerebral substance, the pumps of nephrone predominate and collecting tubes prevailing finite urine.

Chescho-laughter - It can be represented as a capacitance of the wrong shape, covered by the mucous membrane, in which the constant accumulation of the newly formed urine occurs before it is departing on the ureters in the bladder.

What does the renal fabric look like under a microscope?

In this article, we will first of all be interested in the filtering function of the kidneys. In this regard, a detailed description will be subjected to the main functional unit of the kidneys - nephron.

Conditionally nephron can be divided into 3 parts:
1. Circulatory system (renal Glasses with bringing and enduring arteriole)
2. Bowman Capsule (in which the primary urine is formed)
3. Canalian system (cross tubes, collecting tubes)

Circulatory system The kidneys originates from the downward arc of the aorta, from which two renal arteries are departed at an angle of 90 degrees. Upon reaching the renal tissue, these arteries are branched, become more numerous, their diameter decreases. At the level of arteriol ( vessels having a small diameter) The formation of kidney glomers occurs. This vascular formation actually resembles the bizarrely twisted Capillary tangle, in which the opposing arteriol flows and from which the endowing arteriol originates. The walls of the Capillars of the Vascular Cluster are lined with a single-cell layer and have the ended formations through which some large organic substances take place ( amino acids, some squirrel macromolecules).

Bowman Capsule - A cupid structure that envelops the kidney ball. Presented by a double-capsule of the glider, in the lumen of this capsule, the liquid part of the blood penetrates together with some substances dissolved in it - primary urine is formed. The glorula capsule is formed by the epithelium - a single-layer cell cloth. For blood cell elements ( erythrocytes, leukocytes) Bowman has a capsule in the norm of impenetrable.

Canalian system - represented by convulsions, which originate in the bowman capsule and ends with an outlet opening of a collecting tubule, which displays the final urine into a cup-glass system. These channels are lined up as a unicellular more dense epithelium.

What processes occur in nephron?

First of all, urine formation occurs in nephron. Let us consider in more detail the blood filtering mechanism as a result that is derived from the body of toxic substances and exchange products. For this, it is necessary to give general concepts by some physical phenomena occurring in the functional part of the kidneys.

The processes occurring at the nephron level can be characterized by three phenomena: ultrafiltration, secretion and reabsorption.

Read more about each of these phenomena:

Ultrafiltration - The process of transition of blood plasma from the glorifying capillaries enlightenment into the lumen of the Bowman Capsule. This physical phenomenon occurs passively - that is, without energy costs. The cause of the process of ultrafiltration in nephron can be considered a pressure difference in the lumen of the Capillars of the Vascular Cluster and in the cavity of the Bowman capsule.

Secretion - represents the process of active translation of some substances from the blood, washing the tubules, in the lumen of the tubules. It is carried out by cells forming the inner layer of kidney channels.

Reabsorption - The process of active reverse capture of some substances that our body considers useful for themselves. It is carried out by cells forming the inner layer of kidney channels.

Active transport - This is a process occurring at the cellular level and representing the transfer of substances between biological fluids against a concentration gradient using energy.

Passive transportation - The transition of substances and minerals from one biological fluid to another under the influence of the concentration gradient without energy costs.

So, according to the opposing arteriol, the blood reaches the vascular glider. The blood flow in the vascular glomerulum slows sharply due to a sharp increase in the capacity of the vascular channel and the difference in the diameter of the cross section of bringing and the ending arteriole. Slowing blood flow is necessary for more thorough blood ultrafiltration. The cavity of the glorula and the cavity of the bowman capsule is divided into a so-called hematonephritic barrier, which consists of the wall of the capillary and the walls of the bowman capsule. Through this barrier passes the blood plasma with a certain set of minerals dissolved in it and organic substances. Normally, the cellular elements of the blood is not able to overcome the hematonephrotic barrier and be in the lumen of the bowman capsule. An important circumstance is that through the Hamatonefriche Barrier cannot penetrate the molecules in size over 65 kDa.

Why is the liquid part of the blood rushes into the lumen of the Bowman Capsule?
The answer is simple - the diameter of the brought arteriole is 20 - 30% wider than the diameter of the ending. For this reason, an increased pressure is created in the glomerulum, which contributes to the partial penetration of the fluid into the lumen of the Bowman capsule, where the pressure is below. The electoral penetration of blood plasma with a certain set of organic and mineral substances dissolved in it is determined by the properties of a halamadhephriciac barrier.

Overgoing as a result of the process of ultrafiltration into the lumen of the Bowmen capsule of the blood plasma, together with substances dissolved in it, is called primary urine. Recall - in the kidneys, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys, and the volume of our daily urination varies within 0.5 - 2.0 liters.
Why such difference?
The thing is that partially primary urine, passing through the renal channel loops is reabsorbing ( returns to the bloodstream).

When the channel system passes passes, reverse absorption from the primary urine of those substances that our body considers useful. Moreover, through the wall of the tubules, both active and passive transport of substances are carried out. As a result of reabats, some organic substances return occur ( amino acids, proteins, fats, vitamins), Also, special structures of the cells of the tubules are carried out by the transfer of electrolytes - sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium. Passively, that is, without energy costs, the water is mainly returning to the body - the organic and mineral substances returned from the primary urine.

Along the way, there are active removal of some toxic substances, which are like by-product of metabolic processes: creatinine, urinary acid, hydrogen ions, potassium; So and toxic substances coming from the outside: industrial toxic substances, drugs.

The results of the active work of nephron at the level of collecting tubes occurs, the urine outflows with concentrated substances separated from the body. It is important that the fact of reverse absorption of the substances necessary for the body penetrated in the primary urine into the Netron Canal. For example, with diabetes mellitus in the primary urine, the glucose content can be repeatedly interrupted, because the nephron tubules are not able to reabsorb all glucose from the primary urine and therefore it is derived from the body as part of the urine. Along the way, the high concentration of glucose in the final urine pulls water. This circumstance is the cause of an important complex of symptoms of diabetes: an increase in the volume of daily urination ( polyuria), raising the daily water consumed ( polydipsy).

How is the regulation of the kidneys?

Basically, the regulation of the operation of nephrons occurs under the influence of hormones. The most actively participating in this process of hormones, the following: Vasopressin ( antidiuretic hormone), a bunch of renin-aldosterone.

Read more about the mechanism of their impact:
Antidiuretic hormone - This hormone is a protein molecule. It is synthesized and is displayed in the blood with a hypothalamic-pituitary system. This part of the brain reacts to the saline composition of the blood - in case of an increase in sodium concentration, active secretion of the hormone occurs. Together with blood, this hormone reaches renal tissue. Upon reaching the renal tubules, the hormone is attached to the specific areas on the surface of the kidney channels by the type "key to the castle". As a result, under the influence of this hormone, the process of water reabsorption occurs.

Renin-angiotensin system - ensures the regulation of the tone of blood vessels, increasing blood pressure and blood flow to the kidneys. Renin is produced by renal cloth in response to a decrease in the blood supply to the renal tissue. Simultaneously with the increase in blood pressure, these hormones lead to an increase in sodium reabsorption, which contributes to the fluid delay in the body.

The work of the kidneys is quite complex and depends on many factors. The kidneys are embedded in the system of organs providing the constancy of the inner environment of the body. It is thanks to the kidneys, our body is getting rid of toxic substances, the normal acidicity of blood is maintained, an electrolyte balance is provided, the blood hemoglobin level is regulated, the normal level of blood pressure is maintained.

27 interesting facts about the kidneys 1. The main function of the kidneys is the purification of blood from toxins, which accumulate in the body due to metabolism. 2. Find out where the kidneys are located, very easy. Put your hands on the belt and remove thumbs up. The kidneys are located on the line between the tips of the fingers. 3. Blood in the kidneys enters the veins and passes through special filters - nephrons that purify it from toxins and harmful substances. 4. In addition, a hormone of renin is produced in the kidneys responsible for blood pressure. 5. Urolithiasis is the most common and severe kidney disease. 6. In the formation of kidney stones, factors such as improper nutrition, heredity, hypervitaminosis play the largest role. 7. The best treatment is prevention. Consumption of at least 2 liters of water per day can reduce the risk of urolithic disease. 8. On bad work of the kidneys can evidence burgundy or dark circles under the eyes, an unpleasant smell of the body, weakness in the legs. 9. The aggravation of the renal diseases is most often happening in winter. 10. Another risk factor of the exacerbation of diseases is pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, the burdens load increases ten times. 11. The most severe form of nephrolithiasis is the formation of coral stones. They can grow to the size of the renal pelvis and look at its cast. 12. A 180 liters of primary urine are formed daily in the kidneys. And allocates a healthy organism on average 1.5 liters. 13. Are you tormented by nightmares? Check the kidney health, sometimes diseases of these organs can lead to sleep disorders. 14. During the day, the kidneys filter up to 2,000 liters of blood. 15. Full blood volume passes through the kidneys 35 times a day. 16. The total length of capillaries in the kidney is 25 kilometers. 17. Low-moving people more than others are subject to nephrolity. 18. One kidney consists of 1 million filtering elements. 19. Men, often taking sunbathing, have a smaller risk of kidney cancer. There were no such dependencies in women. 20. The Indian Surgeon Ashish Patil got into the Guinness Book of Records, removing 170 thousand stones from the kidneys. The operation occupied 4 hours. The patient survived and returned to a healthy lifestyle. 21. The kidneys weigh from 120 to 200 grams, and the right weighs somewhat more than the left. 22. The first artificial kidney - the device for hemodialysis - was applied in 1944. In 2013, American scientists have developed an implanted artificial kidney created by a bio-engineering method. 23. Surgeons removing stones from the kidneys were still at the time of the hypocratic - in 6-5 centuries BC. These people were called "Kinekami". 24. The first outstanding "Knenesca" of Russia called I.P. Venediktov, who lived in the second half of the 18th century. For his life, he fulfilled more than 3,000 renal stones removal operations. 25. The day of the urologist is a holiday, celebrating around the world on October 2. 26. Since 2006, the day of the kidney is celebrated - the second Thursday of March. 27. In arterial hypertension and heart disease, kidney suffer. Renal failure increases the risk of heart attack and stroke 25 times.