In the head in a dream a strong explosion. What caused the feeling of "exploding head": causes, diagnosis, treatment

The "exploding head" syndrome is Parassian. Parassianms include various unwanted behavioral reactions occurring during sleep. With the syndrome of the "exploding head" in the patient immediately before the departure to bed, there is a feeling of loud noise in the head. This noise can be like a strong explosion, "coming out of the head". Such sensations may occur at the time of awakening overnight.

To describe these sensations, patients also used the following definitions:
- painless loud blow;
- sound cymbal (musical instrument);
- Detonation of bomb.

Sometimes this sound seems not so frightening. The episodes of this disorder can cause a large stress in a patient and a feeling of fear. Many people consider at the same time that they had a stroke. The number of attacks is different in different patients. Attacks may occur very rarely, and can and many times overnight. A large number of episodes during the night can essentially disrupt your sleep. Some people report on the emergence of a whole series of attacks for several nights. After that, a few weeks or months passes without the emergence of attacks.

Some patients report that along with a loud sound, they feel and flashes of bright color. Muscular cramps or twitching can also occur in the patient. All these sensations are usually painless. In some cases, patients also report on the occurrence of an acute attack of pain in the head.

The causes of the "exploding head" syndrome are unknown. These sensations occur more often if you are very tired or in a state of stress. Most people have episodes rarely arise for a number of years.

The "exploding head" syndrome can be confused with other syndromes for which the presence of headaches. However, usually the "exploding head" syndrome is not accompanied by painful sensations, in contrast to various headache syndromes.

Who does this disorder occur?

Currently there are no data on how many people suffer from the "exploding head" syndrome. More often this disorder occurs in women. Symptoms may occur at any age. There are descriptions of the occurrence of clinical manifestations of this syndrome in persons younger than 10 years. The average age of the appearance of the disorder is 58 years old.

How can I find out if I do not suffer from this sleep disorder?

1. Doesn't the feeling of the sudden appearance of a loud sound or an explosion in the head immediately before falling asleep or during the night awaken?
2. These sounds are usually not accompanied by painful sensations?
3. These sensations cause your sudden awakening with the feeling of fear?

If these questions you answered "yes", you probably suffer from the "exploding head" syndrome.

In addition, it is important to establish any other reasons that can cause you a sensation of loud sound in my head. In addition to the "exploding head" syndrome, the sensations may be a consequence of any of the reasons below, such as:
- other sleep disorder;
- disease internal organs and nervous system;
- the use of drugs;
- Mental disorder;
- Abuse of alcohol, drugs, etc.

Do I need to contact a specialist in the field of sleep disorders?

You should contact a specialist in the field of sleep medicine if the manifestations of this syndrome cause you a strong alarm or disturb the continuity of sleep.

What will you need to know the doctor?

The doctor will need to know when the feeling of loud sound appeared for the first time in the head. The doctor will need information on how often similar episodes arise and what their duration occurs. The doctor needs information about the suffering diseases and diseases that you currently have. Do not forget to tell the doctor about what medicines you take now and took earlier.

Also inform the doctor, did you ever suffer from some sleep disorder. Find out whether the members of your family did not suffer from problems. In addition, it may be useful to fill the sleep diary for 2 weeks. Sleep diary will allow the doctor to evaluate the routine (patterns) of your sleep. This data will give a doctor information about what causes your problems with sleep, and how to cope with them.

Will I need to pass any research?

Typically, patients with "exploding head" syndrome are not required for any instrumental research. If this problem leads to a serious violation of your sleep, the doctor may assign a testing of night sleep instrumental. This study is called polysomnography. A polysomnographic study includes the registration of brain waves, the work of the heart and breathing during sleep. In addition, foot and hands and hands are recorded during sleep. The study will allow you to establish whether the sensations of loud sounds are connected in the head with another sleep disorder.

How is it treated for a sleep disorder?

If you notice that the manifestations of the "exploding head" syndrome arise from you against the background of a lack (deprivation) of sleep, try to remove yourself more time for sleep. Most people are required from 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

If the symptoms appear on the background of stress, then it should be given to the possibility of using various relaxation techniques, which will help reduce the stress level and prevent symptoms of the "exploding head" syndrome. Events to reduce stress may include short walks, reading before going to bed, yoga classes and other techniques, effective for you. Alcohol is not an effective way to deal with stress; In addition, it causes a breakdown of sleep continuity.

In addition, currently there is evidence that the CLOMIPRAMIN drug may be effective in the treatment of the "exploding head" syndrome. If you think that you need to prescribe medicinal therapy, contact a specialist in the field of sleep medicine or attending a doctor.

Sleeping will bring to Lunatism

Experts of American Food and Drug Administration, Food and Drug Administration, FDA (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) found that sleeping pills can bring people to a special form of Lunatism. More precisely, that form of Lunatism, in which a person can lead a car, talk on the phone, cook and eat food and even having sex.

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Violation of behavior during the Sleep Rem Stage

Violation of behavior during the Sleep Rem Stage is Parassian. Paramyania is unwanted events (behavioral reactions) occurring during sleep.

Continued ...
Starts sleep

Sleep starts are also called muscle shudding or shuddering arising before bedtime. They are sudden, short-term strong reductions in almost all the muscles of the body or several of its segments. These abbreviations of the muscles appear at the time of waste.

The attacks of this syndrome may occur when falling asleep during sleep or when waking.

This condition is characterized by the emergence in the head of loud sounds, similar to the explosion, noise, shocks.

This parassony was first described in 1876 by Silas Wir Mitchell, an American neuropathologist. And only in 2005 was introduced into an international classification.

In search of true reason

The syndrome of the exploding head is not necessary, however, there are various hypotheses regarding the nature of its occurrence. Monitoring patients during sleep made it possible to formulate the theory that the syndrome is associated with violations in the work of the brain.

Disorder arises due to a violation of natural braking and excitation processes that occur in a network formation.

Before entering the state of sleep, various parts of the brain are disconnected gradually. At different stages of this process, auditory, motor, visual neurons are disconnected.

Also, explosions and outbreaks in the head can be caused by the fact that the auditory neurons are activated instead of shutdown. This process can lead to sharp and loud auditory hallucinations.

Also, patients with these syndrome are observed reaction delays in the reticular formation (the brain area that is responsible for activating the cerebral cortex and reflexes). In this case, the alpha waves produced by the brain produced, which are responsible for falling asleep.

Possible reasons for the occurrence of disorder include:

The most susceptible to the emergence of a woman's disorder.

It was previously thought that the syndrome is characteristic of the elderly, however, studies conducted in 2014 at the University of Washington, showed that the disorder is quite common among young people. So when a student survey, about 18% of them noted the presence of symptoms of syndrome.

Features of a clinical picture

During sleep or in the process of falling asleep, loud sounds, noises, flashes, the sounds of the explosion in the head area are suddenly arising. In some cases, these sensations arise during the wake.

Sound hallucinations are not accompanied by painful sensations. Awakening from loud sounds occurs with the feeling of fear and is often accompanied.

During the attack, there is a manifestation of such signs:

  • sounds of a loud explosion, which seems to break the head, the sound of the strings, the sound of a blasting balloon, sound sounds, screaming, knocking, shot;
  • convulsions, muscle twitching;
  • when attack;
  • the feeling of bright flashes.

The attack in the syndrome of the exploding head is quite configured, and lasts no more than a few seconds. It can occur once overnight, and may occur several attacks in one night. They can occur every night, once a week or a month, and maybe only one episode of the attack throughout life.

Feelings in the attack can make a person think what happened or.

Diagnosis and differentiation of other violations

To identify the explosion head syndrome, there is often no need for a detailed examination. The diagnosis can be a neurologist or a dynamologist (a specialist in the field of sleep violations) after the conversation and the collection of anamnesis.

With significant sleep disorders, such a study is possible as. With a polysomnographic study, the study of brain waves, respiratory function and heart rhythms during sleep is carried out. Also, during the procedure, various movements of the limbs in a dream are recorded.

Polysomnography allows you to identify the availability of communication between the feeling of sound hallucinations in the head and possible other sleep disorders.

In some cases, the explosion head syndrome may be accompanied. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis with other syndromes, for which the presence of headaches.

In case of difficulties in the formulation of accurate diagnosis, the differential diagnosis of C and is carried out. For this use such research methods:

  • providing blood supply to the brain.

Health care

The explosion head syndrome is quite a new phenomenon in medicine and there is no single adopted treatment regimen.

To treat syndrome, drug therapy can be applied. Often patients prescribe such drugs:

  • homeopathic and phytopreparations;
  • antihypoxants;
  • sleeping preparations;

In case the syndrome causes other sleep disturbances (for example - insomnia), then appoints calcium antagonists. In some cases, calcium channel blockers can lead to a complete cessation of the attacks of the syndrome, but the most likely to reduce the frequency of attacks.

In the therapy of this sleep disorder, it is possible to use physiotherapy methods: acupuncture, massage ,.

Prevention of relapses

The explosion head syndrome is a rarely encountered unusual sleep disorder, which is described in detail in detail in the medical literature. For the first time, the pathology was described by the American doctor Silas Wair Mitchell in 1876, when he explored two men who suffered from loud bells in a dream or gun shots, because of which they wake up.

In fact, this is not so rare as it may seem. Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology University of Washington Bill Charpless spent a survey of 211 college students and it turned out that about 18% of respondents were experiencing such a state.

SVG is manifested at the time of changing the stages of sleep. The explosive head syndrome is characterized by strong noise or loud sound, which man feels directly in the process of falling asleep in his head or during sleep. In some exploding attack occurred during awakening. People describe what is happening as a loud explosion in a dream, from which the head as if drove into pieces, as if the ball burst into the head, as if the strings were pinched in the head. It may be the sound of a shot, a knock door, a cry, a call. Many during noise arises a flash in the head, twitching muscles, panic attack. No pain does not occur. The feeling is very fast, lasts only a few seconds, completely disappears with full awakening.

The attacks can be repeated both once and a series for one and several in a row at night. Someone the explosion in the head occurs just once in his life (but it is remembered for life), and someone can explode something several times overnight. Usually after a series of seizures for a long time - until several months, they are no longer repeated.

Neurologists and psychiatrists include pathology to the variety of parassion (the name of sleep disorders). Parassianms include unwanted behavioral reactions that occur during sleep. Sometimes syndrome is manifested so much that a person is forced to seek medical help to the doctor, often with a suspicion of a vascular catastrophe (stroke, etc.).

Causes of appearance and risks

It is believed that this syndrome appears as a result of long fatigue, stress and voltage. That is, it is characteristic of the present. According to many specialists, the occurrence of syndrome has no relation to epilepsy or hallucinations.

Dr. Philipp King, working in Sydney in the neurological department of the Hospital Westmid, presented a report on this syndrome at a meeting of the Australian Sleep Association, which was held in Cairns back in 1992 in the report, he noted that the lack of a description of the syndrome in textbooks dedicated to sleep disorders The pathology is not particularly often found and information about it is simply not yet collected.

Statistical data on this pathology has not yet been collected. However, it can be argued that the disorder more often occurs in women in any age group. There are descriptions of clinical manifestations of syndrome in children under 10 years old.

In addition, the disease is more often evolving in people suffering:

  • other sleep disorder;
  • chronic diseases of the internal organs;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • abuse of alcohol or narcotic substances.

Syndrome mechanism

There are several hypotheses of the appearance of the syndrome, but all of them are sufficiently superficial, and the syndrome itself is poorly studied. The most convincing theory was developed as a result of observing patients suffering from this symptom overnight. Explorers of the phenomena suggest that the disorder is associated with a violation of the processes of excitation and braking in a network formation - in the aggregate of nervous structures that are located in the central departments of the brain stem.

During falling asleep, the brain is disconnected gradually, depending on the degree of excitation in which it was before bedtime. In the development of the explosive head syndrome, a rhythm is disrupted in recalcular or in the mesh brain formation controlling the wakefulness and sleep states, leading to a delay in the disconnection of some brain departments.

The delay suppresses the alpha wave of the brain responsible for the condition of the fall asleep, and in the stations of the brain responsible for the processing of sound signals there is a sudden surge of neural activity. At the same time, the shooting neurons lead to a feeling of an explosion in the head just at the time when a person is immersed in sleep.

Even possible reasons include sudden movements of the liquor in the middle ear or in the Eustachius pipe, possibly fast partial seizures of the temporal share. The syndrome may be associated with the abolition of benzodiazepines or selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure.

Do you need to contact a doctor

Usually, to determine for yourself whether there is a disease, it is enough to ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What time does the symptoms arise? If right before falling asleep or even during sleep, this indicates this syndrome.
  2. Are there pain? If not, it is also symptomatic.
  3. Does waking up with a feeling of anxiety and fear? If so and a person wakes up with a feeling of anxiety, then it is possible to say with a great share of confidence that this is a "exploding head" syndrome.

Usually, after a full-fledged long holiday or even leave symptoms disappears. It often happens that harsh sounds in a dream do not cause a person some inconvenience except fast wondering and further instant falling asleep, and if not to sharpen his attention on this problem, then a person may not remember that he has such phenomena.

However, if pathology worsens the quality of life, prevents a full-fledged night rest or causes stress, you should consult a doctor - first to the neuropathologist to identify possible concomitant diseases and checking the work of the brain vascular system, and then to a specialist in the field of sleep - a doubt.


The doctor for drawing an office will need to tell when these feelings appeared for the first time, as they often arise, what is their duration. Also tell the doctor about transferred and chronic diseases, which specialist is registered at the moment. You should prepare in advance and tell a doctor what kind of sleep disorders were before and if they are now (insomnia, for example). Ask in advance the relatives did not suffer from any close relatives with the problems with sleep to establish hereditary predisposition.

Depending on the degree of severity of symptoms, the doctor may appoint a night stay research procedure - polysomnography. A polysomnographic study is a brain wave registration, breathing, heart work during sleep. Also write the movements of the hands and legs during sleep. Thanks to the study, you can identify other sleep disorders and whether the syndrome is not connected with them.


The methods of therapy of this syndrome have not yet been developed. How to treat patients with this syndrome:

  1. Regulate the sleep time, which should continue at least 6-8 hours.
  2. Stress and voltage should be avoided. Create in order the mode of work and recreation. To learn relaxing relaxation techniques - to do yoga, autotraining. It is necessary to introduce light hiking or cycling rings in the routine of the day, swimming.
  3. An electrosone, massage and accumulation are assigned.
  4. Medicase therapy is carried out by sedative homeopathic preparations and phytopreparations, the means of normalizing falling off, antihypoxants (for example, cytooflavin).
  5. Be sure to revise the power scheme - there is no heavy food for the night. Also avoid acute, salted, sweet before bedtime, do not abuse coffee, tea, energy.
  6. If the syndrome causes insomnia, the calcium channel blockers are prescribed: nifedipine or fluunarizin, clomipramine, topiramate. These drugs are effective and reduced the frequency of attacks sometimes until the symptoms are completely disappeared.

Unpleasant consequences, expressed in nausea, headaches, influenza symptoms, dramatization and strange sensations of akin to the electric flash in the head, can occur already a day after a sharp end of the reception.

The process is agreed in what has a long duration: at least 2-3 weeks before the complete disappearance of symptoms. That is why the discharge of the drug should be approached with all caution.

First of all, and forever, give up the idea of \u200b\u200bcutting cancellation of antidepressants. In this case, unpleasant effects will be doubly pronounced.

It is recommended to smoothly and gradually reduce the dose every two days per 1-2 mg.

The best time to cancel the drug - protracted holidays (for example, New Year's holidays) or vacation. Many of the patients who give the reception of Paroksetina, in the first days and weeks are in such a state in which it is impossible to work simply: vomiting the urges are rapidly surrounding, drowsiness and fatigue have a pronounced character, and the pressure above the norm. No matter what work with similar symptoms, of course, cannot go and speech.

That is why it is extremely important to carefully plan the deadline for the cancellation of the drug.

If you, after the end of the reception or in the process of a gradual decline in the dose of the drug, experience the unpleasant sensations described above, reasonably revise your regime and your diet for the period of complete disappearance of side effects.

In particular, in the first days of the transfer of symptoms, it is recommended to limit the consumption of solid food to soups and liquids. It is recommended to use vegetables and fruits in the fresh form and how often drinking simple water or green tea to remove the remnants of the drug from the kidneys.

From enhanced sports in the first few days of this state, which, as a rule, stem is particularly hard, it is better to refuse.

Not so much unpleasant as a strange sensation, often appearing during the abolition of antidepressants, can be considered electrical outbreaks, which then appear in the head, especially when turning the eyes or head.

In order to minimize this symptom, the course of additional biological supplements should be made - in particular, fish oil.

In addition, Omega-3 fatty acids, which are part of fish fat, have a positive effect on leptin hormones, playing a significant role in metabolism.

Since one of the main side effects of some antidepressants (in particular Paroksetin) is a set of excess weight due to suppressing the leptin function, the additional reception of such additives will become an important factor on the way to complete cure.

In conclusion, it should be reminded: the most difficult time with the abolition of any antidepressants is the last few days.

In the future, well-being will definitely improve, and all side effects will continue to be easier or later.

Remember this, and if you intend time and forever end the reception of tablets - follow your solid desire and do not turn the path from your planned.

Strong shuddering with a blow (as if in the head) when soaked

This happens while falling asleep with full relaxation. An unexpected sound (when floating) also causes this reaction.

With strong with shuddering and feeling the flash in the head. The head does not hurt. Sometimes it repeats 5-6 times! Sometimes 1 is. But always at the time of falling asleep! If you fell asleep then before morning!

2.De, broken black white lines, and the movement speed is incredibly fast.

3. More observation, what is enhanced when I am in front of the computer, TV, or headphones. Two months could not look into the monitor and on the TV screen. Due to be a robot. It was scary. It's tired of it already

I have 2014 with an exploding head syndrome

There was a sharply in one of the nights appeared symptoms I was very frightened on the Internet found that this phenomenon exists

It became easier that I don't have one but I didn't get enough sleep only and the flash immediately wanted

Most of all I was helped by the corrector of the functional state of KFS №2 and №8 I use from February 2017

Not quite passed but, they became less likely and softer outbreaks and began to sleep much better

So I share my decision of this problem. These proofreaders made rings

Good luck to you in everything.

I do not live in Russia, so you have to be treated on the Internet.

it saves real only vodka 200 grams drink in the evening with food and sleep.

i tried everything, doctors, psychos, and all the other are useless. I think when the skull will open know what was

but everything is in that) what I like when it comes out)

Not only when falling asleep, but in general, everywhere and always.

Specifically, I have because of the passage of psycho brands (NBOME)

in no case do not use them.

Issonally planned how it would not sound "suicide"

But fate gave me a chance and presented a medicine!

Perhaps you will be surprised, but it helped me smoking the inflorescences of sactive cannabis, Indica I think also helps)

But only clean good varietal cannabis! Nothing else!

And if you smoke tobacco, then go right now and enjoy the last cigarette, and then throw!

Unless of course want to get rid of it!

For people, not in the subject I inform: hemp medicine and always it was! No one from her never died and did not suffer!

I just say that alcohol will not help at all, perhaps temporarily, and then give only complications!

And give up medicine, even anesthetic!

Appreciate health, for this hell.

If there is no wip, write them here!

And only half a year ago I could find the reason for this phenomenon personally for my case. As it turned out, this happens every time, when I am in the process of falling asleep, consciously or not very, visualizing something in detail (with closed eyes, of course). Usually I have very bad with it, I can not mentally imagine any subject just as it looks in reality or in a dream - rather it is just his image. But during falling asleep when the mind calms down, sometimes it takes place in itself and as a result - an explosion in my head. When I first noticed this connection, I immediately tried to imagine the items seen then (it was a brilliant brave door handle) - the result was not forced to wait. For non-visuals it is difficult, but quite real. And certainly not scary, unless certainly accompanied by any return on the physical body. I am now almost every night, "I play" and in my case it works well. For myself, I defined what is best when you try to present something quite complicated, such as the game of light from a moving light source on something brilliant or refractive (ruby star, crystal, mercury drop and TP). Maybe it will turn out to be interested.

There are thoughts why it happens. It is definitely due to what is happening in the process of falling asleep by switching attention from "external" (eyes) to internal ..

20 years old, first rarely manifested itself, scared, now stably times / two per month.

Previously, it was impulsed - as budget trains once every 2-3 seconds fly through the head.

Now they began to "linger" - the complete chaos in the brain for seconds

10 with a bunch of effects (noise of ch / b TV, discharge, etc.) and a strong sound effect. Sometimes 1.2 makeup "erupt" quietly and the brain calms down.

PSS alcohol do not use

In general, the reason for this phenomenon, as I understood, it is active reflections before the period of sleep and the disturbed irregularity by you. Treatment. From 19 o'clock in the afternoon, you must stop straining the brain at all, should start to blend / rest / shower / walk. No computers, discussions, televisions, thoughts. It comes 19-00, you begin to turn off the brain and occupy yourself with calm things. And exactly put to sleep. Only it helped me.

Already about a month, this nonsense did not disturb me when I followed the day of the day (thinking day). Yesterday, I accidentally hung on an interesting discussion again, and these currents and twists began again. Conclusion: Do you think before bedtime? - Will you twitch. At the same time, I clearly felt that the body is tired and wants to sleep, and the brain is drawn and wants to think, this unfairness is visible and causes something type of current. Create an alarm clock at 19, as a last resort, 20 and start to blend, really helps)

Exploding head syndrome - how dangerous night flashes in the head?

The explosion head syndrome is rare paramy, paroxysmal state. The attacks of this syndrome may occur when falling asleep during sleep or when waking.

This condition is characterized by the emergence in the head of loud sounds, similar to the explosion, noise, shocks.

This parassony was first described in 1876 by Silas Wir Mitchell, an American neuropathologist. And only in 2005 was introduced into the international classification of sleep disorders.

In search of true reason

The syndrome of the exploding head is not necessary, however, there are various hypotheses regarding the nature of its occurrence. Monitoring patients during sleep made it possible to formulate the theory that the syndrome is associated with violations in the work of the brain.

Disorder arises due to a violation of natural braking and excitation processes that occur in a network formation.

Before entering the state of sleep, various parts of the brain are disconnected gradually. At different stages of this process, auditory, motor, visual neurons are disconnected.

Also, explosions and outbreaks in the head can be caused by the fact that the auditory neurons are activated instead of shutdown. This process can lead to sharp and loud auditory hallucinations.

Also, patients with these syndrome are observed reaction delays in the reticular formation (the brain area that is responsible for activating the cerebral cortex and reflexes). In this case, the alpha waves produced by the brain produced, which are responsible for falling asleep.

Possible reasons for the occurrence of disorder include:

  • small cramps that affect the temporal share of the brain;
  • sharp disorders in the structure of the middle ear;
  • stress and increased anxiety;
  • sleep deprivation;
  • injury of hearing organs;
  • cancellation of antidepressants (selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure);
  • cancellation of benzodiazepines;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • other sleep disorders;
  • violations in the work of the nervous system;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol and narcotic drugs;
  • mental disorders;
  • chronic pathology of internal organs.

The most susceptible to the emergence of a woman's disorder.

Features of a clinical picture

During sleep or in the process of falling asleep, loud sounds, noises, flashes, the sounds of the explosion in the head area are suddenly arising. In some cases, these sensations arise during the wake.

Sound hallucinations are not accompanied by painful sensations. Awakening from loud sounds occurs with the feeling of fear and is often accompanied by a sleepy paralysis.

During the attack, there is a manifestation of such signs:

  • sounds of a loud explosion, which seems to break the head, the sound of the strings, the sound of a blasting balloon, sound sounds, screaming, knocking, shot;
  • convulsions, muscle twitching;
  • panic attack when attack;
  • the feeling of bright flashes.

The attack in the syndrome of the exploding head is quite configured, and lasts no more than a few seconds. It can occur once overnight, and may occur several attacks in one night. They can occur every night, once a week or a month, and maybe only one episode of the attack throughout life.

Feelings in the attack can make a person think that hemorrhage into the brain or stroke.

Diagnosis and differentiation of other violations

To identify the explosion head syndrome, there is often no need for a detailed examination. The diagnosis can be a neurologist or a dynamologist (a specialist in the field of sleep violations) after the conversation and the collection of anamnesis.

With significant sleep disorders, such a study is possible as polysomnography. With a polysomnographic study, the study of brain waves, respiratory function and heart rhythms during sleep is carried out. Also, during the procedure, various movements of the limbs in a dream are recorded.

Polysomnography allows you to identify the availability of communication between the feeling of sound hallucinations in the head and possible other sleep disorders.

In some cases, the explosion head syndrome may be accompanied by headaches. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnosis with other syndromes, for which the presence of headaches.

In the case of difficulties in the formulation of accurate diagnosis, differential diagnosis with epilepsy and organic pathologies of the brain are carried out. For this use such research methods:

Health care

The explosion head syndrome is quite a new phenomenon in medicine and there is no single adopted treatment regimen.

To treat syndrome, drug therapy can be applied. Often patients prescribe such drugs:

In case the syndrome causes other sleep disturbances (for example - insomnia), then appoints calcium antagonists. In some cases, calcium channel blockers can lead to a complete cessation of the attacks of the syndrome, but the most likely to reduce the frequency of attacks.

In the therapy of this sleep disorders, it is possible to use physiotherapy methods: acupuncture, massage, electrical stroke.

Prevention of relapses

  1. Normalize sleep mode. Normally, sleep duration should be at least 6-8 hours.
  2. Reduced voltage and stress. If it is impossible to exclude these factors from everyday life, it is necessary to master the techniques and methods of struggle with stress, relaxation. Such methods include autotransiga and yoga.
  3. Normalization of the diet. It is not recommended to eat heavy foods before going to bed. Also during this period, you should not drink strong tea, coffee, energy drinks, there is sweet, salty or sharp.
  4. Active lifestyle and sport. Normalize sleep will help you walk outdoor walks, cycling, fitness, swimming.
  5. To refuse from bad habits. The use of alcohol and tobacocurias negatively affect the quality of sleep.

This section is created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own life.

Syndrome of the exploding head ("boom!")

The explosion head syndrome is a rarely encountered unusual sleep disorder, which is described in detail in detail in the medical literature. For the first time, the pathology was described by the American doctor Silas Wair Mitchell in 1876, when he explored two men who suffered from loud bells in a dream or gun shots, because of which they wake up.

In fact, this is not so rare as it may seem. Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology University of Washington Bill Charpless spent a survey of 211 college students and it turned out that about 18% of respondents were experiencing such a state.

What is an exploding head syndrome or what can explode in the head

SVG is manifested at the time of changing the stages of sleep. The explosive head syndrome is characterized by strong noise or loud sound, which man feels directly in the process of falling asleep in his head or during sleep. In some exploding attack occurred during awakening. People describe what is happening as a loud explosion in a dream, from which the head as if drove into pieces, as if the ball burst into the head, as if the strings were pinched in the head. It may be the sound of a shot, a knock door, a cry, a call. Many during noise arises a flash in the head, twitching muscles, panic attack. No pain does not occur. The feeling is very fast, lasts only a few seconds, completely disappears with full awakening.

The attacks can be repeated both once and a series for one and several in a row at night. Someone the explosion in the head occurs just once in his life (but it is remembered for life), and someone can explode something several times overnight. Usually after a series of seizures for a long time - until several months, they are no longer repeated.

Neurologists and psychiatrists include pathology to the variety of parassion (the name of sleep disorders). Parassianms include unwanted behavioral reactions that occur during sleep. Sometimes syndrome is manifested so much that a person is forced to seek medical help to the doctor, often with a suspicion of a vascular catastrophe (stroke, etc.).

Causes of appearance and risks

It is believed that this syndrome appears as a result of long fatigue, stress and voltage. That is, it is characteristic of the present. According to many specialists, the occurrence of syndrome has no relation to epilepsy or hallucinations.

Dr. Philipp King, working in Sydney in the neurological department of the Hospital Westmid, presented a report on this syndrome at a meeting of the Australian Sleep Association, which was held in Cairns back in 1992 in the report, he noted that the lack of a description of the syndrome in textbooks dedicated to sleep disorders The pathology is not particularly often found and information about it is simply not yet collected.

Statistical data on this pathology has not yet been collected. However, it can be argued that the disorder more often occurs in women in any age group. There are descriptions of clinical manifestations of syndrome in children under 10 years old.

In addition, the disease is more often evolving in people suffering:

  • other sleep disorder;
  • chronic diseases of the internal organs;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • abuse of alcohol or narcotic substances.

Syndrome mechanism

There are several hypotheses of the appearance of the syndrome, but all of them are sufficiently superficial, and the syndrome itself is poorly studied. The most convincing theory was developed as a result of observing patients suffering from this symptom overnight. Explorers of the phenomena suggest that the disorder is associated with a violation of the processes of excitation and braking in a network formation - in the aggregate of nervous structures that are located in the central departments of the brain stem.

During falling asleep, the brain is disconnected gradually, depending on the degree of excitation in which it was before bedtime. In the development of the explosive head syndrome, a rhythm is disrupted in recalcular or in the mesh brain formation controlling the wakefulness and sleep states, leading to a delay in the disconnection of some brain departments.

The delay suppresses the alpha wave of the brain responsible for the condition of the fall asleep, and in the stations of the brain responsible for the processing of sound signals there is a sudden surge of neural activity. At the same time, the shooting neurons lead to a feeling of an explosion in the head just at the time when a person is immersed in sleep.

Even possible reasons include sudden movements of the liquor in the middle ear or in the Eustachius pipe, possibly fast partial seizures of the temporal share. The syndrome may be associated with the abolition of benzodiazepines or selective inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure.

Do you need to contact a doctor

Usually, to determine for yourself whether there is a disease, it is enough to ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. What time does the symptoms arise? If right before falling asleep or even during sleep, this indicates this syndrome.
  2. Are there pain? If not, it is also symptomatic.
  3. Does waking up with a feeling of anxiety and fear? If so and a person wakes up with a feeling of anxiety, then it is possible to say with a great share of confidence that this is a "exploding head" syndrome.

Usually, after a full-fledged long holiday or even leave symptoms disappears. It often happens that harsh sounds in a dream do not cause a person some inconvenience except fast wondering and further instant falling asleep, and if not to sharpen his attention on this problem, then a person may not remember that he has such phenomena.

However, if pathology worsens the quality of life, prevents a full-fledged night rest or causes stress, you should consult a doctor - first to the neuropathologist to identify possible concomitant diseases and checking the work of the brain vascular system, and then to a specialist in the field of sleep - a doubt.


The doctor for drawing an office will need to tell when these feelings appeared for the first time, as they often arise, what is their duration. Also tell the doctor about transferred and chronic diseases, which specialist is registered at the moment. You should prepare in advance and tell a doctor what kind of sleep disorders were before and if they are now (insomnia, for example). Ask in advance the relatives did not suffer from any close relatives with the problems with sleep to establish hereditary predisposition.

Depending on the degree of severity of symptoms, the doctor may appoint a night stay research procedure - polysomnography. A polysomnographic study is a brain wave registration, breathing, heart work during sleep. Also write the movements of the hands and legs during sleep. Thanks to the study, you can identify other sleep disorders and whether the syndrome is not connected with them.


The methods of therapy of this syndrome have not yet been developed. How to treat patients with this syndrome:

  1. Regulate the sleep time, which should continue at least 6-8 hours.
  2. Stress and voltage should be avoided. Create in order the mode of work and recreation. To learn relaxing relaxation techniques - to do yoga, autotraining. It is necessary to introduce light hiking or cycling rings in the routine of the day, swimming.
  3. An electrosone, massage and accumulation are assigned.
  4. Medicase therapy is carried out by sedative homeopathic preparations and phytopreparations, the means of normalizing falling off, antihypoxants (for example, cytooflavin).
  5. Be sure to revise the power scheme - there is no heavy food for the night. Also avoid acute, salted, sweet before bedtime, do not abuse coffee, tea, energy.
  6. If the syndrome causes insomnia, the calcium channel blockers are prescribed: nifedipine or fluunarizin, clomipramine, topiramate. These drugs are effective and reduced the frequency of attacks sometimes until the symptoms are completely disappeared.

"Syndrome of the exploding head" can explain some unusual cases with man

This is a strange, unpleasant and surprisingly ordinary phenomenon. The BBC Future correspondent spoke with a man whose head regularly "explodes", and found out how this state can explain some unusual cases - perhaps even the abductions of people aliens.

"Suddenly there is a noise that increases and becomes louder, then the heel unpleasant sound of the explosion is heard, then some electric hiss and a bright outbreak of light in front of the eyes, as if someone sent a bright beam of the lantern right to me in the face."

That is how Niels Nielsen talks about what is like a person who lives with the "syndrome of the exploding head", an unpleasant, and sometimes felt in horror.

Other people describe him as a bomb explosion next to their head, occurring when they fall asleep. Someone this happens once in his life, other "explosions" thunder in many times over one night.

The American doctor Silas Wair Mitchell first described this disease in 1876, when he investigated the symptoms that were manifested in two men who have suffered from what he called "sensual discharges".

The patients themselves said that they hear "loud bells" or "gun shots", which will be at night. Despite the provocative and intriguing name, the researchers paid relatively little attention to this disease.

However, now in the course of the theory, according to which the cultural phenomena, who have no obvious communication with it, can be explained in the course of a dream disorder - in particular where the history of the abductions of people by aliens, the theory of government conspiracies and stories about demons are taken from.

So, what do we know about this night experience? Let's start with the fact that it is not such a rare phenomenon as you might think.

In the course of the study, the results of which were published in March, 211 college students were asked if they had to ever experience this condition.

18% answered in the affirmative. Perhaps this example does not reflect the true extent of the dissemination of the disorder, since for students it is characteristic of lacking sleep.

This factor is known to increase the risk of exposing the syndrome described here.

"If you have any sleep disorders, for example, insomnia or violation of biorhythms in connection with the change of time zone during the far flight, you can completely experience this condition on yourself," says Bill Charpless, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology at Washington University, which Conducted this study. - Stress and emotional stress also affect the frequency of such cases. "

Hypotheses relating to the causes of the manifestation of the explosion head syndrome are quite speculative, says Sharpless.

A few explanations were offered, including diseases of ears and partial epileptic seizures.

The most convincing theory stems from a number of studies, during which people with this symptom were supervised overnight.

According to these studies, it can be assumed that there is a splash of neural activity in the brain, which coincides with the time with the described explosion.

Usually, when we fall asleep, our body is turned off, sleepy paralysis comes, in a dream we do not act. During this transition from wakefulness to sleep, our brain turns off gradually, says Sharpless.

However, in the manifestation of the explosion head syndrome, thereces a kind of "ICOT" in the recchool or mesh formation of the brain, which, in particular, controls the state of sleep and wakefulness, which leads to a delay in the disconnection of some departments.

The condition of the sleepy paralysis can explain some stories about alien aliens

This delay is associated with the suppression of alpha-waves of the brain, which are responsible for the condition of the semi-racm and relaxation, and with sudden splashes of neural activity in those areas of the brain, which are responsible for the sound processing.

"We believe that neurons suddenly" firm "all at once," says Sharpless. What leads to a feeling of an explosion in the head.

"This theory seems to me convincing," says Nielsen. "In this phenomenon, some electrical nature feels. The feeling of the explosion is accompanied by a loud sound in both ears, as if you were closed two wires in the electrical chain and felt the current."

According to Sharmples, some people experience something like the passage of the electric discharge from the bottom of the body to the head immediately after the "explosion".

"The feeling is the same as when shocking," says Nielsen. "You feel like a current runs through you."

Although the universal means does not exist for all, but the antidepressants reduce the frequency of the syndrome. Also help the exercises on relaxation and stress removal.

"A man can be very serious, just convincing him that no one considers him crazy, and that he has neither tumor, no other violations in the brain," says Sharpless.

But let me know that it has with the abductions of people by aliens and supernatural creatures?

The explosion head syndrome is often associated with sleepy paralysis. Those who experience the first often faces with the second.

Sleepy paralysis is another creepy feeling of sleep disorder, during which a person feels what awakes, but can not move. Charpless believes that these two phenomena could explain some as if supernatural events.

Both sleepy paralysis and explosion head syndrome seem to be associated with a common upset problem, which is concluded in the transition from the status of wakefulness to sleep.

With sleepy paralysis, part of the brain is in a state of fast sleep, i.e. In that phase, when we see the most dreams, while other parts of consciousness have already woke up.

"Therefore, your body is paralyzed, and is in the rapid sleep phase, but you are in consciousness," says Sharpless. "It's like a dream that you will have the worst thing that you hear and feel things as clearly as day. But everything is clearly as the day. But everything that happens. With you is hallucination. "

Consider the case of Haruko Matsuda (this is not a real name), Japanese, which often experiences the condition of sleepy paralysis.

Here's how she described Bill Chartlesu his typical night: "I felt something pushing me in the chest and opened my eyes. I heard someone began to scream. It seemed that the sound was heard somewhere near my ear, - She told. - I thought that this kind of ghost or something like that. It crushed: "I will kill you!" I could not move, and was very frightened ... "

In the Middle Ages, symptoms that manifest themselves at Matsuda could well tie with demons in a male or female case (incubations and sukkubami), which sit down to people on the chest and inclined them to coitia.

In later times, people frozen or blinded by bright light in the deaf night could associate their states with the abductions of the aliens.

Contact these stories about the supernatural or about the aliens, says Charpless, and you will find signs of both a sleepy paralysis and an exploding head syndrome.

"People who felt these strange explosions in the head, easily think that something was gone into the brain. And feeling the electric discharge, they are quite capable of thinking that they were shot from some new energy weapons. They can't move, But they hear and see astounding things, they think they think they were kidnapped. "

Niels Nielsen, who is currently working as a psychiatrist, says that he experienced an exploding head syndrome every few months since he was 10 years old.

Twice he felt the condition of the sleepy paralysis. However, the scientific warehouse of his mind did not allow him to be alarm in connection with these experiences.

"I always used to approach such things from a scientific point of view. Therefore, even as a teenager, I explained it myself like this: oh, something electric happened in my brain, and did not give it much importance," he says. " These things did not bother me at all, but if someone is inclined to believe in paranormal phenomena, I can easily imagine how such people explain such things from the standpoint of supernatural. "

The explosion head syndrome belongs to severe sleep disorders, found quite rarely. It manifests itself as a loud noise in the ears marked during sleep or in the period of falling asleep. If interested in history, the ailment was noticed only in the 19th century, while he was attributed to the type of sleep disorders only in 2005. Such a problem appears against the background of a number of non-interconnected factors, which is why diagnosis and treatment of such alert may be difficult.

Causes of disorder

Until now, the obvious causes of the illness are not identified. Specialists in the field of medicine only identify a number of factors that contribute to the emergence of a problem. These should include the following points:

  1. A person has epileptic activity.
  2. Cancellation of such drugs such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines.
  3. Serious violations of the device of the middle ear.
  4. State Depression, the Depression of the Emotional Plan. This should also include chronic stress, anxiety condition.
  5. Sleep disorders.
  6. The presence of mental diseases is also a factor that can serve as a soil for the occurrence of outbreaks in the head.
  7. Systematic reception of narcotic drugs, alcohol.
  8. Failures in the work of the nervous system.
  9. Such a disorder appears in the event that a person does not sleep for a long time. This refers to the lack of sleep or its absence at all.
  10. Diseases of internal organs in chronic form.

Such a disease can manifest itself against the background of any psychological problems that are related to work or personal life. Since the nature of the disease has not yet been fully studied, the reason for the appearance in each case may differ. That is why the specialist must fully examine the patient. The body's condition is carefully checked, the auxiliary methods can be applied.

How to understand whether there is a disorder?

The explosion head syndrome in a dream is difficult not to notice, it has clear manifestations. These are sharp loud sounds, a varied noise in the ears that appear in the process of sleep, and sometimes at the moment of falling asleep. At times, noise in the ears appears at the time of the wake. But at the same time there should be no pain. Sounds of sounds are overly high, therefore, a person with similar sensations is in the state of the so-called sleepy paralysis. In addition to the sensations of the roast, there may be fear, anxiety.


  • sounds that are most often noted, shots, knock, call noise, feeling of the explosion in the head;
  • panic attacks at the time of awakening, it is an optional symptom, but it is often found in patients;
  • nervous tick or shuddering individual muscles, these are peculiar convulsions;
  • the occurrence of bright outbreaks with closed eyes, such a symptom meets not all patients.

If you are noted above the specified symptoms, then this is a unambiguous reason to contact the doctor. It is worth saying that the explosions in the head when falling asleep can continue throughout the unequal time. It can be literally a few seconds. Also, attacks can be disposable, and they can appear several times during the night. If there are many attacks, then sleep quality decreases significantly, a person cannot sleep. Some attacks appear once a month, others every day.

Turning to the doctor, it is worth excluding other reasons that can be a source of such symptoms. The same symptoms are found in the following situations:

  • sleep disorders of another character;
  • disorders of the nervous system, internal organs;
  • excessive taking alcohol, narcotic drugs;
  • mental disorder;
  • reception of certain drugs.

What you need to know about the diagnosis?

A neurologist is able to identify this syndrome, a dynamologist can also be engaged in a similar problem. The latter specializes in sleep problems. In order to suspect the presence of such an agell, you need to conduct a patient's poll. The specialist must ask questions about how the patient's sleep flows.

There is such a procedure as polysnography, it is needed in order to explore the activity of the brain, breathing, the work of the heart overnight. Such a check makes it possible to detect problems in the excitation of certain areas of the nervous system, to study the deviations of the work of the heart, lungs. If organic ailments of the central nervous system are revealed, the diagnosis is made using neurovalization. Susurely organic brain damage, specialists resort to computer and magnetic resonance tomography. In lighter cases, the veins and arteries of the brain are carried out.

About treatment

Immediately need to say that there is no single scenario for the treatment of this ailment. The treatment of the explosion head syndrome is carried out individually, when solving which the patient's condition should be taken into account. Specialists in most cases resort to such groups of drugs as:

  1. Snowframes that are created on the basis of natural components.
  2. Tricyclic antidepressants.
  3. Antioxidants.
  4. Preparations that improve blood circulation in the brain. They contribute to the normalization of exchange processes in neurons.

Psychotherapy can be applied as treatment, it has a positive effect on the body's condition. This is due to the fact that the feeling that the head explodes may appear due to chronic stress. In any case, the problem requires an appeal to professionals. Neurologist and dynamologist can make a conclusion that psychotherapy needs a patient. The doctor will be able to identify the causes of the appearance of the ailment, choose the optimal methods of treatment. This can be drug and non-medical therapy.

It is not recommended to treat independently, the fact is that side effects may appear. In particular, these are the cases when drugs are used, or the disease begins to progress. This may happen that the disease will lead to other problems with sleep, in particular it may be. In this case, experts prescribe calcium analogues. It is often happening that calcium blockers help to completely get rid of attacks, or reduce their frequency. Also, with such a notem, it is allowed to use massage, electrosone and acupuncture.

What do you need to tell a doctor?

In order for the doctor to put a loyal diagnosis, prescribed the right treatment, you need to report the features of your sensations, state. To begin with, it is worth saying when the first symptoms of the disease appeared, namely the sensation of loud sound in the head. It is important to tell how often the attacks appear, which temporary duration they have. Also, the doctor will need the story of your diseases. Choose a doctor, which drugs are currently taking.

If any previously noted, it is worth reporting this at a specialist at a reception. You may know that your relatives had similar sleep disorders. The doctor may advise you to keep a dream diary for two weeks. This will help a specialist consider your mode in more detail, assess the situation.


Practice shows that with a similar problem you can cope if the diagnosis is set correctly, as well as using competent treatment. This state does not have difficult consequences, but worsens sleep. It is clear that the disease can deliver discomfort, but most often the attacks are replaced by instant falling asleep. Specialists who are engaged in treating such problems are advised to avoid severe physical exertion and stress, as often as possible to rest. In the event that no chance does not give up, leads to serious problems with sleep, causes panic attacks, it is necessary to contact the doctor, for help. It will correctly be to consult a neuropathologist for a full examination. So it will be possible to identify the cause and related pathologies.

It is necessary to follow the basic recommendations of specialists. In particular, compliance with a healthy sleep mode, because a man should sleep 7-8 hours. It is also necessary to avoid stressful situations, reconsider food, start moving more, get rid of bad habits. Medical treatment in no case should be an independent decision. With timely handling for help you can quickly heal the existing problem, get rid of it. Do not despair and scare this condition. Try together with the doctor to find the cause of such states and follow the recommendations of the specialist.

Elena Dorokhina

Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Syndrome of the exploding head - causes, symptoms and treatment

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