What did Vozutka in the brigade? Vasutka goes for nuts

1. Conversation in the text

The story is read, let's talk about what I had to survive the boy lost in the forest. We are already talking about what it happened with the writer himself, and he described this event in an essay. Then he gave him the name "alive". Which of these names do you like more? And how to explain the choice of each of these header options.

How many days did Robinsonada lasted Voztiki? Describe as much as possible one of these days so that in your retelling, events from the life of a boy who did not surrendered in the most difficult atmosphere in your retelling.

Why, as you think, Vatuka a little roblast before his father? Was it fear or respect before a big, strong and skillful person? Justify your answer.

What an old order when sending to the forest (and Taiga) did each person usually observed? In the story he sounds like aphorism. Find it and read it.

Find and read in the text from which event started Robinsonad Vastechi?

Describe the feelings and behavior of the boy after he realized that he was lost. Write out of the text the most characteristic words transmitting the state of Vatuki.

Guys, how would you behave in this situation?

Describe the first night in the woods, the second day, the second night ... What day is the lake before Vyutka?

What helped Vozutka did not disappear in the taiga?

Read how the boy has achieved his salvation. What was his merit in these last, the most painful hours.

How did you meet the missing grandfather, mother, father? Read these episodes.

We see that the whole family was worried about Vatuk, all the forces were thrown on his search. The author showed us a real, strong, loving family, where love and understanding reigns, where the elders give the lessons of life to the youngest, learn it to be strong, able to survive in the most difficult situations to remain a person.

Find a description of the Rabar's campaign to the lake, which was called Vatkin.

When did it happen?

Vatuke had to survive a lot of difficulties found to him on the way of wanderings. (Together with the hero worried and we). But this is just the beginning of life difficulties, and how many will be ahead.

But we can confidently say that our hero, hardened by Taiga, who knew well the nature of the harsh edge was not lost among the huge, immense our country, as the little lake was not lost, which hears his name.

After all, the hero of the story is a writer famous worldwide - V.P.Astafyev.

2. Wise work

This story gives a good opportunity for dictionary work.

You should pay attention to words and expressions characteristic of style

V. Astafieva: a mysterious rustle in the depths of the darkened forest; fell from vulgar; thoughtfully thought; garbage does not like; bunch of dry moss-bearded; monotonous itching; flaming heads; Duro. You should explain the meaning of some words and ask them to use them in your retelling.

You can perform with students the following tasks:

Carefully reading the text, determine the value of the selected words used by the writer.

Brilline from idleness


Autumn Putin

Get used to the boyfriend to flip

Put on mush<...> birds

Write the dialect words from the text.

The writer constantly emphasizes that expressed in the form of dialectisms speech, color, is close to conversational, strengthens the emotional perception. Figy-graders are easily focused in the text, not embarrassed by dialectisms, some sustainable turns are waited for a long time in children's memory (for example: "Bolotnaya fever", "attached as a bath sheet", "I didn't lose weight").

IV. Final conversation

At the end of the lesson, the final word of the teacher.

Did you like the story "Vastekino Lake"?

Did such stories in the forest happen to you?

Vi. Homework.

As a homework, we suggested the guys to write a story about the situation, similar to the one that happened to Vatuchka. To try to describe your thoughts, feelings, actions, and if they were not in such a situation, that is, the opportunity to fantasize.

You can offer to draw illustrations for the most memorable and enjoyed episodes and arrange the exhibition of work performed in the classroom.

The second lesson is devoted to the analysis of prosaic text.

Topic of the second lesson: V.P. Astafev "Vatukino Lake." Man and Nature in the story

Objectives of the lesson: training for prosaic text, developing oral verbal drawing skills and commented reading.

Lesson plan:

1. Working with the text (7 min).

2. Work in groups (15 min).

3. Commented Episode Reading (8 min).

4. Miniature Writing (10 min).

Wordwork: Landscape.

During the classes

I. Working with text

The lesson starts with the conversation.

Conversation. Discussion of the content of the story in the second lesson will reveal a conscious perception by the guys of the work.

What place did Vatutka occupied in the brigade? What did you do?

How did Vozutka treat adults? Why didn't you argue with my mother before going to Taiga?

What kindergarten act made a solid vet? How can it be explained?

What helped Vota to spend the first night?

Where did the boy spent the second night? Why was he very hard?

What differed the third night?

What do you think helped Vazutka to get to the shore of the Yenisei?

Why did the lake named the boy's name?

What can you learn from Vatutki?

II. Work in groups

CONTENTS OF LITERATURE WORLD IN 8 AND 9 CLASS. It is not too voltage and mainly aimed at an expanded course of literature on war in high school. But already out of this, some problems arise. To consider the problems of studying the literature of the Great Patriotic War, we now and turn. First of all, as already mentioned a little higher, we can highlight the problems associated directly with ...

Nests "," War and Peace "," Cherry Garden ". It is important that the main character of the novel, as it were, opens a whole gallery of" unnecessary people "in Russian literature: Pechorin, Rudin, Oblomov. Analyzing Roman" Eugene Onegin ", Belinsky pointed That at the beginning of the XIX century, the educated nobility was the estate, "in which the progress of Russian society almost exclusively expressed", and that in "Onegin" Pushkin "decided ...

Literature in the classroom of extracurricular reading in 5-7 grades of secondary school. The topic of our work has determined its goal - to develop a system of classes for extracurricular reading, effectively affecting the development of the creative abilities of students in grades 5-7. The purpose of the work determined the following tasks: After analyzing the psychological literature to identify the essence of the concepts of "ability", "creative ...

For Russian people, because no one will understand it: "... the story is unknown ..., and we are overhearding by the strength of the great Russian rivers." Thus, by analyzing the historical miniatures M. Osorgina, which constitutes the cycle of the story about a certain girl, we came to the following conclusion. The motive of the authorities acts by the unifying start of the entire cycle. Power is presented in various manifestations, whether ...



5 Class, general education

The program of literary education edited

Topic: Man and Nature in the story "Vastekino Lake"

(First-source analysis lesson)

The purpose of the lesson:

educational -analysis of the story "Vastekino Lake", deepening and expanding knowledge of students on creativity;

developing -development of the ability to analyze text through the inspection-drawing, the ability to work with the vocabulary, Internet resources;

educational -formation of respectful and careful attitude towards nature; Raising a thoughtful reader.

Equipment:exhibition of books, illustrations of students, presentation to the lesson, audio recording of birds votes.

Trofimova Irina

Man and Nature in the story

"Vastekino Lake"

From communication with nature, you will take so much light as you want, and so many courage and strength, how much you need.

Zeyima Johann Gotfrid

During the classes

I.. Emotional setting

Good afternoon, guys, dear guests, glad to see you in the lesson.

(Music "Seasons" - "Autumn")

Guys, no man who would not be interesting to the world of wildlife. We have admiration for the muchahar dance on the current, the fear of the Dark Forest catches us, the mirror reflection of the stroit of the lake fascinates, the fish floating at the shore, leads to delight. Man and Nature - the eternal theme of creativity, which writers and poets said and will speak. From communication with nature, you will take so much light as you want, and so many courage and strength, how much you need.

II.. Organizing time

The purpose of our lesson to prove: Man and Nature are united in this world. Only respect and understanding of nature will help a person find a way out of a difficult situation.

III. Questions conversation

1) So, who is the main hero of the story "Vastekino Lake"? This is this artist, and how do you imagine it outwardly?

2) What is the place did Vazutka in the brigade? What was his deal?

3) Vatuke liked to wander taiga... (write down the word taiga in the dictionary). Tell me, what time of year describes the author (even the month is indicated)?

4) So, once again, Vasteka is going for cones. Read

as it tells about it.

5) How does Vozutka relate to adults, why didn't it argue with his mother?

(It does not retreat from the law, which helps to live a person - listen to a senior, more experienced person).

Pay attention to the screen - the law of communication of man and nature.

6) What are they called trees on a tree, with which Vozutka hoped not to get lost in the forest?

H) why in the taiga forest need salafing?

Let's write this word in the notebook.

Other people will be treated. Here he guys, the law of mutual assistance: Having done on the tree, one person will help to find the road to another.

Mutual assistance.

Having funny, I walked our vet in a taiga, expecting about the road, about all sorts of dancing differences.

Who interrupted the argument of the hero?

Let's read about this meeting.

- How does Voztka treat these birds? And what benefits brings a cediculture forest?

(A cedry bird appeared on the screen). That's how it looks like.

If suddenly you bring to hear such singing, it is a cedrement (a recording of cedings singing).

We write this word into the dictionary.

Vozutka aimed and clung to the tongue, as if he pressed on the descent. Why didn't our traveler made a real shot?

What do you think, what law of nature did not violate Voztka?

The real hunter of useless shots does not produce.

It is this bird that the Vazutka must be grateful that cones in the forest apparently invisible.

Vasteka tears from the tree, assembled cones into the bag ...

Suddenly there was something in front ...

- What attracted the attention of our gathering cones?

(Flawing wings of the muchahar)

The Ceremaker is a beautiful, intelligent bird (it sounds the recording of the singing of the muchahar on the current).

Tell me how the meeting with dedication is over. What kind of way I knew Vozutka to outwit the bird and get out of the fight by the winner?

Vozutka mined game, or a trophy, as hunters say.

Let's write it in the dictionary: trophy.

Thinking about her luck, Vazutka, happy, walked through the forest, having mastered, sang, which came to mind. Suddenly she was unfortunate ... what did Vozutka unwound about?

Why did the boy got into trouble, what law of nature violated?

(Go through the laid path, not to retreat from the trees.)

What measures did the boy take, thinking that he would quickly choose from the current situation?

But there was no way out!

What a feeling embraced Vatuka?

Read, with what insect compares Viktor Petrovich Astafiev of our traveler to convey those feelings that he is experiencing, getting lost.

- Pay attention to the screen. Yes, indeed, hitting the Taiga Forest, feel yourself with sand in a huge universe, fly in a web. (Figure Solovyova Yulia).

Julia, how do you imagine the impassable Taiga?

"Be what happens," Voztka thought revealed. But what words grandfather and father made me remember everything that our hero knew to survive in the taiga?

How did Vatutka prepared for the night in the Tayzhny Forest? (Excerpt excerpt from the work.)

Who Vasteka asks for help, turning to the words ... (protein)

Why does the boy drawn with the words to this cute creature?

(Man and Nature are united. Finding into trouble, he is looking for protection from nature).

Taiga ... Taiga ... without end and without edge ...

Vasutka finds out his eyes yellow strip larch among the fixed sea. We write down the word in the dictionary.

What a boy was looking for a strip larch?

- Fought Vazutka with a reservoir - Yenisei? (No) what? (Lake.)

Attention on the screen, maybe on the shore of this lake and was Vatuka.

Before us drawing Catherine Kuznetsova. What is the mood, Katya, did you want to give this color scheme?

How does Voztutka preparing for the night of the lake, about whom and about whom were his thoughts? (Reading a passage).

But suddenly the mood is changing. Why did the hero have been delighted with the trophy found? (killed duck).

Water flowing - one step to salvation; Notifying the groove, the hero understood that he was on the right track. But it was not possible to break out of the paw of nature and had to spend the 3rd night outside the house.

What was this night?

- What (very important item) illuminates all nights of the hope of Vota, that he will find the road home? We write this word into the dictionary.

Bonfire. That's how the bonfire of Hope Irina. Guys, post-free, why the author of hope has chosen a campfire.

(Student Answers)

It was this fire of hope allowed Vozutka to find Yenisei.

(The teacher reads the excerpt from the work).

The motor ship did not help the grief of Vota.

The 4th night had to spend on the shore of the Yenisei. She was the most difficult. Why?

And nevertheless, luck smiled Vazutka, the Bot "Igaret" saved our hero, and his name was called the lake.

Why did the adventures of Vastechi proved not in vain? Was it only because he showed the Father's Father's Brigade. Why?

Helped to survive him (words from the dictionary.)

He learned to live with nature in unity, to be part of her; Observe and respect its laws, therefore found a lake, leaving the memory of himself forever.

I wish you that each of you find your right path in life and discovered, albeit a little, but your lake, so that in your heart never faded the hopes to be understood that the person and nature are united in this world. Only respect and understanding of nature will help a person find a way out of a difficult situation.

From communication with nature Vasutka made so much light as he wanted, and so many courage and strength, as he needed.

Of course, we convinced us about this.

IV. Homework

In writing to answer the question "Why did Vatuke manage to find the road home?"

In 1952 he wrote Astafev "Vatukino Lake." The summary of this story you will learn from this article. The work begins with the description of the lake. It was called in honor of one boy, Vazutki, who found him and showed people.

Bad news

Vazutka lived in a taiga with his father and mother. His father was the head of the local fishing brigade. Men have a bad thing. The river was obsessed with frequent autumn rains, and the fish stopped catching. Men walked gloomy, they were talked from forced idleness. The brigade decided to descend downstream Yenisei. However, the catch remained still scarce.

Fishermen go to Yenisei

Fishermen stopped in the lower reaches of the Yenisei in the hut, which the scientist expedition was built several years ago. The days similar to each other began. The boy missed. He was nowhere to go and not to play. He expects the beginning of the school year. The evenings were a little more fun. The fishermen gathered all together in the hut, smoked, dinner, told stories from life and non-residents, clicked nuts, which fishermen supplied Vozutka. The boy tied up all the cedar sites nearby, and every time she climbed farther. However, he was not in this work.

Vasutka goes for nuts

Vasutka, having breakfast, again gathered in the forest for nuts. Mother told him displeased, which should be prepared for their studies instead of wandering through the forest. Then she reminded Vozutka so that he did not go far, and asked if he took the bread with him. The boy said he had anything to him. However, the mother still thrust him to him, saying that he was so established by the "Spokon Age", and Vozutka was still too small to reenate "Taiga laws". The boy decided not to argue and disappeared into the forest. He walked, having fun and paying attention to the note on the trees. In the end, he looked at the appropriate cedar and decided to climb him. Then Vasteka began to bother on the branches of his legs. The bumps fell. Vasutka tears, gathered his prey in the bag, and then decided to defeat another cedar, which he chosen.

Meeting with depuhare

Suddenly something strongly shumbled before the main character, which was created by Astafev ("Vazutkin Lake"). From surprise, he shuddered and suddenly saw a muffuhar - a large black bird. I froze the heart of the boy. He never managed to repent Muhahar.

The bird flew through the Polyana and was on Sukhomakhin. It was difficult to get to her. Vasutka remembered how the hunters said that Gluhahar should be taken with a dog. The bird looks at her, floating her lamin, and the hunter in the meantime comes from the rear and shoots.

Vasutka Orurug himself for going to the forest without a friend. He fell on all fours and, imitating a dog, tightened, and then carefully began to move forward. The boy did not notice that she broke the tag and scratched his face. It was covered by Azart. The bird froze and wary with curiosity.

Pursuit of bird

The boy, choosing the moment, rose to one knee, deciding to catch a muffhahar. When shuddering in his hands was hurt, he shot. Flapped with wings, the bird fell down. However, without touching the earth, the deafer straightened and flew somewhere in the depths of the forest. The boy rushed at the wounded bird.

Mustral worst weakened. Soon he ran, because he could not take off. It was not far to the bird. A boy in a few jumps caught up with the muffuhar and the belly fell on him. Vasutka, smiling happily, stroked the bird, admiring his feathers, black with a bluish tide. The boy placed in his hand mining and realized that it was time to go home.

Vasutka got lost

He walked proud of his luck and happy. However, Soon Vozutka realized that he was lost. He inspected in search of a treason and turned back, looking at each tree carefully. However, there were no scubons on them.

In search of expensive

He squeezed the heart of the boy. In order to move off fear, he began to reason out loud, convince himself, which will certainly find the road. However, the fear approached him is still stronger. Vasteka again began to reflect out aloud that it was necessary to go south. He moved, but the trees were not visible. Several times the boy changed the direction. He poured the bumps from the bag and went ahead, until he realized with all the clarity, which was lost.

Many times the boy heard stories about how people wander in the forest. However, he imagined it somehow differently. Just just everything happened. Vaztutka was despair.

At night, he stopped, roasted the muchahar, but the bread decided to save in extreme. Waking up, he got on a high tree to understand where the Yenisei is, but did not find the river surrounding the yellow strip of larch. Having dialing full pockets of nuts, the boy drove into the path. I wonder how the story "Vastekino Lake" will end, is not it? Do not worry, the final of his prosperous. Quite soon, you will learn what ending the author of the work of the works "Vastekino Lake" prepared the readers. Feedback about him, as well as your opinion on the main characters you can leave in the comments.

Vazutka discovers the lake

Vasutka in the evening went to a large lake, full of non-PUB and fish. Here he shot the ducks and settled for the night. It was very scary and sad was a boy. Remembering the school, he repented that Hooliganil, smoked, did not listen in lessons. Looking at the fish in the morning, he realized that she was a river, which means that the river should flow out of the lake.

In the afternoon, the boy climbed onto the fir, ate the scarlet of bread and tried. He woke up at sunset. Still raining. Vasutka divorced a fire, and then he heard the beep of the steamer - somewhere near the Yenisei. He got to the river for another day. While he reflected, in which direction to go, passenger motor ship sailed past him. Vozutka shouted in vain and waved his hands - he was accepted for a local resident.

Salvation of the main character and deserved award

What then tells Astafev ("Vastekino Lake")? Go to the description of the final. The boy settled overnight. In the morning he heard the sound of a fish collector. The boy began screaming, spread a big bonfire, and he was noticed. A carriage, a familiar uncle, delivered him to his relatives who had already searched for him for the 5th day at a taiga.

A boy after 2 days took the fishing team to the place, which was called Vastekino Lake. Summary does not describe the details of the final. We only note that there were a lot of fish in the reservoir. On the district map soon appeared "Vastekino Oz.". Already without inscription, it moved to the edge, and on the map of the country, it could only find him a boy who found him. So the work ends, which created Astafyev (Vastekino Lake). Now let's talk about the main characters.

Nature in the story

Nature and man (Vozutka) are the main characters. "Vastekino Lake" is a story in which nature is not just a background or scenery. This is a separate world that lives in its own laws. He checks the essence of people and determines what a person is capable of. Nature causes the main character to pass tests, makes it possible to better assess the care and love of mother, loved ones, families. She threatens, confuses, scares, but also open the curtains, tells. It is only necessary to understand, see, notice, and for this you should be sensitive and tornish not only for rumor and eyes, but also in the heart.

Voztka's boy from the story "Vatukino Lake"

The short content that you just read does not allow you to describe in detail the character of this boy. However, you can make a general idea of \u200b\u200bit. The human essence, as you know, is best revealed in extreme situations. This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story that Viktor Astafiev wrote. Vozutka was in one of them. And he was able to show courage, resourcefulness, determination. Of course, the boy was very frightened, realizing what was burned in the forest. However, nature does not like cowardly and weak, and Vazutka greatly realized this. Of course, he was in the forest many times and knew from the stories of fishermen, as needed to act in such situations. At the same time, Vashutka understood how it was easy to kill forever in the expanses of the grave taiga. Therefore, he needed his whole will, courage and self-control in order not to be panic. Victor Astafyev notes that Vatutka, as an experienced adult, was thinking about every step, every action, having arranged for the night, choosing a direction, getting food. Thanks to the courage, he came out the winner of the forest. His victory was that he overcame the fear of fear and confusion, and it helped Vozutka to return home. He stood the test, and the reward became a lake, full of fish, which the boy told fishermen.

Is it not true, an interesting story told us Astafiev ("Vazutkin Lake")? The main characters are only one side of the analysis of this work. You can continue to reflect on it, what we call for the reader.

Study of the epic works of small form in 5-9 classes on the example of the stories V.P. Astafieva

Such little attention paid to the work of V.P. Astafieva in 5-9 classes, in our opinion, does not quite correspond to that educational, moral and psychological and artistic potential, which is laid in the works of this writer.

I would like to note that according to the work of this author, the methodical arsenal needs accumulation.

Although there are already a methodological type of teachers - verbelkers, but this is not yet enough, and therefore, when preparing for a lesson, you have to contact literary material. We believe that it is necessary to engage in the work of Astafieva on the middle of the link, because there is a basis of morality, the author tells about the heroes of the peers living with the difficulties, concerns and traditions of today and at the same time spiritually filled with the internal wealth of human feeling.

Hero of childhood V.P. Astafieva in the age is close to teenagers. His psychological brightness, a living image, the naturalness of the actions does not leave the young reader. Moral values \u200b\u200bare not veiled in the work of the plot, and are born from an understanding of the causes and significance of the actions of the hero, both in the eyes of His and other people around him. A teenager, competing the hero, plunging into his world, deeply sympathizing with him, unwittingly learns to distinguish good and evil in his actions and in the actions of people.

The stories of Astafyev are the children's impressions of the author (autobiographical stories). One of these stories ("Vastekino Lake") is studied in the fifth grade, the second - ("Horse with a pink mane") will be studied in the sixth grade, in the eighth grade - the head of the story "Last Bow" - "The photo on which I don't have "

The problem of moral attitude, between man and the world, man and man, is deepened from the work of the work. To some works, students will turn in high school. They are characteristic of a sharp sense of life value, a stormy protest against the forces opposing the entire living, whether it is a war or a human malice, element or cruelty to nature. The tragic sound of many works of Astafieva is not from the consciousness of powerlessness.

Astafyev - Writer Courageous. He explained his writer's credo as follows: "I wrote that for me it was personal, blood, but it turned out my alarming, many and many are separated by my pain."

To the approving, and not inhibiting strength of the tragic talent of the writer, the student will still turn, and in the fifth grade we have a memory of children's creativity, about the composition of the student V.Astafyev, who, becoming a writer, remembered his story "Alive!", Published in the school journal, And the memory has reproduced, awarding, the hero named Vasya and Lake - Vastekin.

In the story, the main thing is not the plot, and the boy, he and helps us consider the unusual situation, and which he got, persuasive to his actions. The fight against their own fear and an attempt to overcome circumstances, do not give fate to break itself - it can feel students with the so-called slow motion reading, where it is possible to trace all the stages of travel and all the nuances of thoughts and feelings of the hero.

The program offers the story of V. Astafieva "Vastekino Lake" for reading and studying in the fifth grade.

We allocate for the study of this work two hours. In the first lesson we get acquainted with the work.

Theme of the first lesson: "V.P. Astafev "Vatukino Lake."

Autobiographical work. The characteristics of the character of the hero and his behavior in the forest» .

Purpose: acquaintance with the work of V.P. Astafieva; learning to retell the artistic text; Commented text reading.

Continue the development of artistic speech students.

Equipment: Tutorial - Reader, map depicting the Taiga Siberian.

Lesson plan:

1. Word about the writer. Biographical basis of the story.

2. Working with the text.

3. Training Analytical retelling.

4. Final conversation.

Wordwork: autobiographical prose.

During the classes

The lesson is starting with an acquaintance with the personality of the writer and the history of the creation of a story.

I.. Word about writer

"... I was born near Krasnoyarsk, on the night for the second of May 1924, in the village of Ovseanka, the inhabitants of which are a murderous nickname - sobility ... The fairy tale about the sobility was the first artistic work recognized by me in life ...".

Not every writer will dare to start a story about himself. ".. I love and love my family sobility (I will call my own fellow countrymen - we are familiar somehow, although the ear is koreabets) - Gulevanov, Dusts, Dressers and Drakunov, who in the work behaved like in a fight , all with a bloom did, jerk, in a fuel, and still sang very cool, sang and cried ... But in the war, my countrymen were not in the tail. Many died, few returned with disabilities from the front ... ".

"... Summer rustic evenings are memorable, when the village, spoken by fervor, almost until midnight, all something is harsh, does not fall asleep, the stars of cow botals, the knocking of oars and poles, the breadth of the river in the river - the alloy forest in the firewood turn countrywood ! It smells like smoke, sedenting dust, chicken pen, carries the smell of boiled potatoes, coals at the outskirts under the cast iron, the yard on the hot season arranged. Mothers with rods in the hands are looking for the villages of the children who have lost in the morning from the courtyard, and most often find them on the shore, and drive, like prodigal calves, home, staring and swearing.

Well, how to forget the autumn days ... ".

Viktor Astafiev writes all his life about himself. He got an unbearable fate - how to all Russian people. He grew up the orphan, he was driven out of the end to the end of the country in the crowd of smoked, he walked ordinary and returned barely alive, his first child died of starvation ... How to make it? How not to scare, do not cry? No, Astafyev writes: "For what fate gave me the happiness of life? Did I preserve him, of this happiness? Did everyone do for the happiness of others? Didn't I have changed my life in the pyataks? Is it always honest in front of me? Was the bread from the mouth of loved ones? Did you rub the weak elbows from the road? "

With such a soul and born all its numerous books: a story about the hungry, unfair childhood "theft", a book about the war, called unexpectedly "shepherd and a shepherd", the rest of the confession "Last Bow" and others, others ...

The impressions of childhood are based on many of his stories.

With one of these stories "Vastekino Lake" today we will meet today. Viktor Petrovich wrote: The fate of the story "Vastekino Lake" is curious. "

In the city of Igarka, I once taught Russian language and literature Ignatius Dmitrievich Christmas, a famous Siberian poet. He taught, as I now understand; Its objects are good, forced us to "move the brains" and not to lick out of the textbooks of the presentation, but to write essays on free topics. That's how he once suggested writing to us, fifth graders, about how summer passed. And I got lost in the taiga in the summer, I spent one for many days, and here he wrote about all this. The essay was printed in the handwritten school journal "alive". Many years later I remembered him, I tried to restore in memory.

So here it turned out "Vastekino Lake" - my first story for children. "

II.. Work with text

At the next stage of the lesson, we read the story out loud, accompanying reading the necessary comments. Expressive reading of the teacher, which predicts the analysis of the work, is, according to the exact expression of M.A. Zhebnikova, the "key" to the development of its content.

III. Training analytical retelling

After reading the story, I offer students to answer questions on the content, in order to identify the impressions that appeared from the guys.

To work, take the episode on with. 126-127. Starting due to: "The discovery was so simple and stunning" to "live!"

1. Conversation in the text

The story is read, let's talk about what I had to survive the boy lost in the forest. We are already talking about what it happened with the writer himself, and he described this event in an essay. Then he gave him the name "alive". Which of these names do you like more? And how to explain the choice of each of these header options.

How many days did Robinsonada lasted Voztiki? Describe as much as possible one of these days so that in your retelling, events from the life of a boy who did not surrendered in the most difficult atmosphere in your retelling.

Why, as you think, Vatuka a little roblast before his father? Was it fear or respect before a big, strong and skillful person? Justify your answer.

What an old order when sending to the forest (and Taiga) did each person usually observed? In the story he sounds like aphorism. Find it and read it.

Find and read in the text from which event started Robinsonad Vastechi?

Describe the feelings and behavior of the boy after he realized that he was lost. Write out of the text the most characteristic words transmitting the state of Vatuki.

Guys, how would you behave in this situation?

Describe the first night in the woods, the second day, the second night ... What day is the lake before Vyutka?

What helped Vozutka did not disappear in the taiga?

Read how the boy has achieved his salvation. What was his merit in these last, the most painful hours.

How did you meet the missing grandfather, mother, father? Read these episodes.

We see that the whole family was worried about Vatuk, all the forces were thrown on his search. The author showed us a real, strong, loving family, where love and understanding reigns, where the elders give the lessons of life to the youngest, learn it to be strong, able to survive in the most difficult situations to remain a person.

Find a description of the Rabar's campaign to the lake, which was called Vatkin.

When did it happen?

Vatuke had to survive a lot of difficulties found to him on the way of wanderings. (Together with the hero worried and we). But this is just the beginning of life difficulties, and how many will be ahead.

But we can confidently say that our hero, hardened by Taiga, who knew well the nature of the harsh edge was not lost among the huge, immense our country, as the little lake was not lost, which hears his name.

After all, the hero of the story is a writer famous worldwide - V.P.Astafyev.

2. Wise work

This story gives a good opportunity for dictionary work.

You should pay attention to words and expressions characteristic of style

V. Astafieva: mysterious rustling in the depths of the darkened forest; fell from vulgar; thoughtfully thought; garbage does not like; bunch of dry moss-bearded; monotonous itching; flaming heads; Duro.You should explain the meaning of some words and ask them to use them in your retelling.

You can perform with students the following tasks:

Carefully reading the text, determine the value of the selected words used by the writer.

Brillidefrom idleness

No<…> fARTA

Autumnal Putin

Accustomed to the guinea disgust

Put on fly<...> birds

Write the dialect words from the text.

The writer constantly emphasizes that expressed in the form of dialectisms speech, color, is close to conversational, strengthens the emotional perception. Figy-graders are easily focused in the text, not embarrassed by dialectisms, some sustainable turns are waited for a long time in children's memory (for example: "Bolotnaya fever", "attached as a bath sheet", "I didn't lose weight").

IV. Final conversation

At the end of the lesson, the final word of the teacher.

Did you like the story "Vastekino Lake"?

Did such stories in the forest happen to you?

VI. Homework.

As a homework, we suggested the guys to write a story about the situation, similar to the one that happened to Vatuchka. To try to describe your thoughts, feelings, actions, and if they were not in such a situation, that is, the opportunity to fantasize.

You can offer to draw illustrations for the most memorable and enjoyed episodes and arrange the exhibition of work performed in the classroom.

The second lesson is devoted to the analysis of prosaic text.

Topic of the second lesson: V.P. Astafev "Vatukino Lake." Man and Nature in the story

Objectives lesson: training for testing prosaic text, development of oral verbal drawing skills and commented reading.

Lesson plan:

1. Working with the text (7 min).

2. Work in groups (15 min).

3. Commented Episode Reading (8 min).

4. Miniature Writing (10 min).

Wordwork : scenery.

During the classes

I.. Work with text

The lesson starts with the conversation.

Conversation. Discussion of the content of the story in the second lesson will reveal a conscious perception by the guys of the work.

What place did Vatutka occupied in the brigade? What did you do?

How did Vozutka treat adults? Why didn't you argue with my mother before going to Taiga?

What kindergarten act made a solid vet? How can it be explained?

What helped Vota to spend the first night?

Where did the boy spent the second night? Why was he very hard?

What differed the third night?

What do you think helped Vazutka to get to the shore of the Yenisei?

Why did the lake named the boy's name?

What can you learn from Vatutki?

II.. Work in groups

1. Meetings of Vatuki with the world of wildlife (birds, fish). Like I.

why did Vatuka treat the fauna surrounding it? Pupils will make observations that Vasutka killed to game as any hunter to feed, cared for feeding others, but at the same time he perceived animals as equal, he was angry with a cedar, spoke to the protein. This suggests that the boy knows the life of animals well, watches her, at the same time imitates adults, copies their habits.

2. The behavior of Vatuki in the forest.

The main in the observations of the guys will be what will serve as a response to the question: what I remembered Vozutka from that "what he was taught what he knew from the stories of fishermen and hunters." They will tell how to use him the skills obtained in communication with adults. The guys will be celebrated that an ammunition, skill and belief helped the boy not to be lost and survive in difficult conditions.

3. Thinks and feelings Vota, who helped him make the right conclusions and get to the river.

The guys will celebrate that the boy constantly reflects, he has a very educated mind, it turns out to be decisive in his journey.

III. Commented reading episode

The question of whether the classical literature is needed at school, the last 5-6 is being discussed very active. Moreover, since interest in reading everything falls and falls, to motivate a schoolchildren, a student to read is extremely difficult. In 2001, regional tests (OCD) were held in the Sverdlovsk region, where ten-graders were invited to the task of the "Circle of reading", the purpose of which is to identify the value guidelines of students in the field of literature. Based on these works in college, students are regularly conducted regarding literary preferences. Very short - conclusions.

  1. Judging by the title books, active independent reading is stopped in elementary school. The overwhelming majority call the software works, just read, and with a very large probability, it can be assumed that they did not read, but watched movies (the author is not named, the name is driven by a distortion ...)
  2. Among the works outside the program are called detectives, horrors, fiction ...; as arguments - a summary of the work; Own attitude is not expressed.
  3. There are practically no domestic libraries, "why are they needed"?
  4. Practically not represented by popular science literature and journalism.

The answer to the question "What to do" every teacher is looking for himself. I am close two approaches to solving the problem that I am implemented in your teaching activity.

An approach first associated with critical thinking technologies. I will not stop in detail for them, so a detailed description of the technologies themselves, the practice of their application on various subjects is comprehensively highlighted in the teacher's press. And here logic-structural tables (LST), The proposed by B. Deliovoye, Professor of Voronezh University, Dr. Philological Sciences, in my opinion, was not so actively discussed (if they were discussed at all), and they are very interesting. (See the first of September. Literature. N 22 - 2004). Absolutely agree with the statement that logics In no case cannot make it difficult to perceive the artistic text, on the contrary, the feeling only then is completely when it consistent with the mind, and the stronger than the deeper the understanding of the object.

According to the scientist, the main thing is in the lesson - "... organization of dialogue with the artistic text. And so that the dialogue takes place, it is necessary first to understand the valid (and not implied subjectively) the meaning of the components of his words " Wordwork It becomes a mandatory element of the entire process of analytic development of the text of the work. It allows you to "... enter into alien historical epochs, develops styled silent skills, strengthens the attention to verbal appeal content, helps to find that freedom in orientation in the details of the text, without which the problem analysis is impossible." Another important point in the author technology - heuristic (task) Method mastering the deep text content. The results of the heuristic search are summarized in the course of reflections in the LST.

In accordance with the approach described above, IT developed LVT for grade 5 students in accordance with various genres offered by the Program: tale, story, poem, bass.

K.G. The paustic "warm bread" is a tale of the 20th century.

The purpose of the lesson - to show the originality of the fairy tale of the paustic "Warm Bread"

  1. Verifying with a fairy tale of the paustic "warm bread" - a fairy tale about labor and mutual revenue. Consider the concepts of "folk" and "literary fairy tale."
  2. Continue to work on the development of the ability to expressly read prosaic artistic text. Develop a monologue speech of students.
  3. To bring up a sense of concerns to the whole living, a sense of responsibility for the word, a deed ...

During the classes

1. Wise work: cavalier, Ocean, Troron Horse, Surprised, Cartuz, Dam, Beet's Trees, Still, Cartridges, Mill Tray, Wicket, Christiad Articles, Shutters, Toulip, County, Turkish Batalia, Piliers, Piliers, Pull, Picky, Pepper.

1.1. What words (phrases) are incomprehensible to you? How to guess about the meaning of the word, if not under the hand of the dictionary? (By context)

1.2. Why horsesforn? There is some other suit. (Bulan, Gnooth, Green, Karakova, Canopy, Murugia, Mukhort, Pegii, Savras, Blue, Sollar, Chave, Chubarian).

1.3. Historical error (Turkish battle on the text was 100 years ago. The fairy tale was written in 1977. We subtract 100 - the Russian-Turkish battle could not be in 1877). And maybe it's not a mistake?

2. Retelling text in dictionary words.

3. Text Analysis and Filling Table (Option)

LST on the fairy tale K. Poyust "Warm Bread"

Characteristic character

Host (man)


Forty, mice ...

Soc. status

Poor peasant

Very elderly woman who has seen a lot in life

With whom the characters interact

Attitude to other characters

Sincerely grows over what happened, but does not despair: "Why remove? Hope you need. "

Melnik respects: "He is an old man cunning, scientist."

Acts that the hero makes

Tells the grandchild about the event that happened 100 years ago. Specifies the grandchildren on a person who will help improve the case - on Melnik Pankrat.

Role in the plot

Specifies the grand the right path, helps to make the right choice. Comments on the behavior of people, gives the author's assessment: "The frost shakes the Evil of Human; The man is angry, shrieking; I started in Berezhkov a bad man "...

How with this hero is associated with the name of the work

Communication mediated: (explain the meaning of the word "indirect") " warm bread "-" Heart cooling "

Speech of Hero

Snarlet, expressive, as if epic tells (you can give the concept of genre): "... frozen wells, broke the birds, dried to the root of the forest and gardens."Epitts lyuty, naked; metaphor desert; Inverse word order (inversion): naked was our land.

On the one hand, the character is inactive, crying, "grandmother"; On the other hand, it is she explains the reason for what happened, indicating the way out of the situation - it means that the author trusts its everyday experience, wisdom.

4. After filling in the table - the monological answer.The teacher can organize work or "horizontally" or "vertically". What does it mean? The student can tell either oh Hero. - All: Social status, age, speech, actions ....; either, for example, on the attitude of the author To all the characters of the work.

LST according to the story of V.Astafieva "Vatukino Lake"

Episodes for analysis

Wealth of animal and plant world

Signs, traditions, customs of residents of the Siberian Territory

Siberians (character, human behavior)

Vazutka (character, behavior, reflections ...)

Exposure (narration before the events)

Fish clouds went: sturgeon, sterling, taper ...; Nuts ...

Ancient order: go to the forest - take food, take a match ...

Fishermen have dinner, smoked, clicked nuts, they also told no

A completely boring life began at Vatuti ...


"End of wandering"

Wordwork (at the discretion of the teacher)

2. Questions for text analysis:

2.1. What place did Vatutka occupied in the brigade? What did you do?
2.2. How did Vozutka come to adults? Why didn't you argue with my mother before going to Taiga?
2.3. How does the author emphasizes that Vasutka admirated adult habits?
2.4. What kindergarten act made a solid vet? How can it be explained?
2.5. What helped Vota to spend the first night?
2.6. Where did the boy spent the second night, and why was he very hard?
2.7. What differed the third night?
2.8. What do you think helped Vazutka to get to the shore of the Yenisei?
2.9. Why did the lake named the boy's name?
2.10. What can you learn from Vatutki?

3. Fill the table.

4. Working with a table.

Lyrical work (poem)

LVT peculiarity of "fairy fairy tales" K. Balmont

1. Wordwork. (For example, some groups can be divided by these words: vasilek, Moth, opal, topaz, forget-me-not, chrysolite, bugs, chamomiles, mosquito, pearls, ripper, cornflower, bee, fly, spider, diamond).

Expressive reading of fragments of poems in which there are words mentioned above.

2. Analysis of the text of the poem. For example, how do you perceive events told in poems? Etc.

3. Fill the table.

4. Working with a table (at the discretion of the teacher).

LST on "Great Basinosisians and their Heroes"


Biography Basnopiisa

Basnya (by choosing a student)

Heroes Basny

Means of expressiveness of speech

Moral Basny

I. Krylov

Son of the military. Home education. I read a lot, early began to work (in the office). She mastered French, Italian, the game on the violin. The first work is Basnya. Published the magazine, wrote play. Wrote more than 200 bass

Elephant and Moskka

1. Winged expressions: out of either taking; Ai, Pump ...

3. Spoken speech: complete, in the wonder, know, get shattered ...

4. Uniform members (gradation)

1. I can get into big bubbles without a fight; 2. Ay, Pump ...

1. Wallable work.

2. Text Analysis and Table Fill.

3. Working with a table.